Newspaper Page Text
I BOoooooooooeocoo o c OflAHC MHItOllANTS J)() e aooooooo oooosoooooeoa o o s SOME 2 OUmt NOT AIIV kutish. 2 :nt insi o.i: 2 X soan: Do, IX TIIK O "WATOIlMA,"-ASD SKI.L O TlllMK (lOODS o o o coaoooeoooeoeoeoeoeoe "WATG'IIMAN" 1IOI5H NOT J UATISIl TO TIIAT Or.ASS. o O ooooooeoooeoooeoooooo vol. 9i ms. MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNESDAY, SKPTEMBEll JL'i, 1S96. NUMBER 38. DRESS NOVELTIES First Display of thif season's new and beautiful pattcrns. Moderate prices no duplicates correct trimmings. L. P. & H. C. GLEASON t Furnacs, Steam and Hot Water fHKATITXTGr. Don't wait for extrome cold weatlier bofore or a dering l'epairs or changes. It can bo done better W and cheapor now. W All shop and job work tinder personal super m vision of Mr. JOHN W. PECK. We liave COAL and WOOD HEATING STOVES in groat varioty; also RANGES of establishod repu tation, all of wliich wo can guarantee in every partioular. Plumbing and Heating our Spocialty. PEGK BROTHERS, - - - 60 Main Street, YOU Are Yon ITsiiaa Tlie Best? E. D. HYDE, Local To Tliose Tliat Were Bora Barefootad ? YOU MUST NEED SHOES. YOUR CHILDREN MUST HAVE SHOES. WE ARE SELLINC SHOES. Tliis is tlio tlmo wo talk about Sclioo! Shocs for tlio Hoys anil Oiiis. Look at tlicso prlccs: l!oys' Graln T.uco Shocs, wntorproof, sles 13 to !J . . . Prlco S 1,(10 Tlio snnio slioe, elzes 3 to 5 l-'-J lrlco 81.35 Mlsscs' "Vls.col" KI1, a ivntoriiroof lIcl, lionvy solcs, liutton ))oot, Prlco 81.00 MIbbcs' " I'cnnniit" Scliool Slioes l'rlco 881.3C Vo cnn sliow tlio best llno of rnrmors' llnots thls full tlint wo ovor luul. l'ricos much lowor tlinn Inst year. Blcn's Suliil Ornlu Itoots, not lioiivy , Prlco 82.00 Soo our now stylos In Muii'r Shocs. W"H puys to trailo wlth u." B. M. SHEPARD COMPANY, t f Montpelier Daily Journal AND Vermont Watchman, Tuesday evenlng, Octobor fl, tlio firBt nuin ber ol tho Daily Jouunal for tlio BeBsion of 1800 will be isaued. Thls Issue will contaln tlie Blographlcal Bketches of tlie chief ollicorH of tlio now Btato Government nnil of tlie members of the new Ijeglslature, wlth inueh other In terestlng uiatter pertaining to tlie meeting of tlio Genoral Asaembly. Tlie Daily Jouunal contalns tbe ofjteial report of Legislatlve Prococdlngs. It con talns, also, full reports of hearlngs bofore comtnittees, iuul all other uiatters of in terest about tlie Ijeglslature. It Is pub llshed at the close of oacli rtay's soaalon, and bas, conacciuontly, Uih earltest, as It haa al ways tbeu(est and tnost accurale, roportH of ovotytblng connected wlth tbe Gonural Assombly, The Daily Jouunal Is, theroforo, tbu flrst choice of MembaiH of tlie Leglalature, aud ls lndlspensablo to all Vermont peoplo wlio deslre to liave THE NEWS from the Capltal. Tho Jouunal will also be a comphte ren eral newspaptr, glvlng tlie local, state, na tlonal aud forelgn ubwb, and dovotlng par tioular attentlon to tlie events and progress of tlio Natlonal Canvass. Hltinlo copy $1 f0 Cluba ol flvo coplet cnch 100 Cluba ot ton coplDi ur inore, cnch 9(1 All subtiBrlptlons at tbe above ratou aro taken for a sosslon of tliij usual longtb. THE WATCHMAN. Tiik Vriimont Watchman (woukly) for the sesslou, twenty-flvecentH. Tlio Watch man will contaln tho roportH of lcglslatlvo dotngs, oondensod from the Daily Jouunal. Speclal ratos to members ordering quau tltiesof the Watchman for tho sosslon, or of any singlo issue. Watchman I'udlishinq Company, Montpelier, Vt. MONTPELIER SATISFIED With your Bread? If not, uso 6 6flWa "& F O "S" Bk 5 9 "CERESOTA" Mour makes the right kind of BREAD. 1RTHEKM SUPPLY COMPANY, ir.Ul'.LINOTON, VT., MILLERS' AGENTS. Agent, Montpelier, Vt. f Itiislncss Mcrc Mcntlnii, Usb less soap by using narmleas, 0. E. Shbpakd, auetioneer, MarsbfleUl.Vt. A. D. Kakwkll advertisos the Guyer hat on tbis page. I'akis voils and fall " Tams " just opened at the Mlsses Kisks', 27 Stato street. E. D. Hyde is the local agent for " Cero sota" flour, advortlsed ou tbis page. To IIknt. Tonement for a sinall family. Iuqulre of Mro. 8. F. Cummlngs, 05 East State street. Thk books just received at Elile's book Htore comprise the latest works of the most popular authors. D, A. Guptil can furnlsh safes of all sizes for farmers, merchants and bauk vaults at tho very lowest prlces. AuiUMNdress uovolties, in new and beau tiful doBigns, aro advertised on tliis page by lj. P. & II. 0. Gleason. On page fivo tho Barnard, Sumnor & Put uam Company ndvertiaes very dosirahlo goods for (all aud winter wear. Fou Salk, Mra. Julla M Durant's houso on Main stroot. Kor further particulars In. qulre of T. J. Doavltt, Montpelier, Vt. If your boy or girl needs new Bboes, you will be interoatod in tlio advortlsemont, on tlns pago, of tho B. M. Sbepard Company. Adams thk Olothiku calla attontiou, on thU pago, to tho fall styles of bats and gontlBmen's furnishings ho is now sbowing. Iv you aro in need of anythiiig in stoam or hot-water heatlui' annaratiiH. rHiul il advortlsement of I'eck Ilrothers ou tbis page. Thk Capital Clotbing Store will bo closed from ton o'clock tbla morniug until Friday mornlng, thls belug a Hebrow boliday, whloh tbey obsorvo. Notick. Will tliose havlng rooms to lot wlthiu a short diatanco of Huntington's tesiuuruui inrunn ii-avo 11SI ol tlio same, wlth prlces, wlth uh? Gillky & Aiiuott advortlao on pago (ivo a splendld llno of drcss goods, new gar. ments, capcs, reefors, eto. Noto tho Bpecial iiiirguiiis uioy miBr lor noxi csaiurilay. To Hknt. Largo and ploasant front rooms to inuiiibnrs of the legislature, noar the Statu Houso aud all hotols, Apply to. or addroMS, No. 8 Eliu Street, Montpelier, Vt, Skvkual hundred books bavo beon r. celved at Ehlu's book-stoni, in new aud at tractlvo bindings, at pricos where overy ono can al'ford toowu tho works of their favorlte authors. " Skvkual yoars ago I was taken wlth a severe attack of llnx. I was Hlclc in bod about tou days, and could get uotliing to reiievo mo untll l useil uiiamborlaln's Uollo, Cholera and Dlarrhoia Hemudv, whlch ourod mo, and has been a houaehold remedy wlth ua over slnco." J. 0. Matlow, Decaturvllle, iuu, jur Baie uy u. uiatceiy, uruggist. It don't rot clothes Harmless Soan. Heard from Maine? IT'S A CLEAN SWEEP With Fifty Thouaand Plurnllty for Qovornor The Republlcans of tho Fino Troo Btato Koep tho Paco Sot Thom by Vermont The Demooratio Candidato for Vlce-Proaldont Cut No loo Anothor Victory for Houost Monoy and Protootlon. Leaden skies and thrcatenlng weathor kept few voters at homo lu Malno, last Mouday, and tho reault can bo told in n fow words. A dlspatch received Tuesday after noon from tho lioaton Jouunal says: "Fifty thousaud republlcau plurallty. Cleau sweep In everythlug govemor, congresa men and leglslaturo," Tbis Is uioro tban 13,000 in oxcess of any voto ever before re- corded in the Pino Troo Stato. All the re- publican congressmon iro electcd by In creased plurallties and tbe legiBlature is overwholmlngly repuhlican. In 1894 It was tboufiht tbat tho plurallty of 8,000 for Thoiuas 13. Ileed had reached hlgb-wator mark, but thls year it is 3,000 larger than it was two years ago. Thousands of demo- crats votod tho stralght repuhlican ticket, hundreds of thom in Sewall's own clty. Completo roturns from tho 409 towns will not bo In for soveral dajs, but thoao yet to be heard from will undoubtodly lucreaso in- stead of dimlnish tho preaent sweepiug plu rallty. Uusiiicss Jlcre Mcntiou. Wantkd. A nosition in a mllllnery shon by an experieucod trimmer. Address tho WATCHMAN OtUCO. Wanted A woman for ceneral house- work. Call at W. E. Adams, G2 Stato street, Montpelier. Lost. On Monday, September 14, souie- wbere on tlio Worcestor or Sbady Hlll road, a mink fur boa. Any ono findlng the samo will oe suitaniy rewaruou by leavlug it at Heatou Hospital. Fou Salk, A flrst class doublo harneas. in good conditlon, will bo sold at a Iow price. A splendld opportunlty for any one desiring such a harneas. For particulars call at Ehlo's book-storo. Tiik whole system ls drained and under mlned by indolout ulcors aud open sores. DoWitt's Wltch Hazel Salvo speedlly heals tbem. It is tho beat pilo cure known. W. E. Torrill & Co., Montpelier, Vt. Thky Havb Stood the Tkst fou Yeaus. Scliool, county aud towu bonds, from Uve to slx per cout intereat, in suuis ol S100 to 81,000. Tbe samo claBS of bonds bought by savings bankB, Iuqulre of E. E. Dlakely, troasurer. Puouably lovors of books will not havo an equal opportunity to solect good booka at reaaonable pricea wlth tbat offored by Ehlo's book storo for tho new sories just received. It is a splendld chanco. "The wkkdinq out" of tho laat threo years bas loft the South Dakota graln and stock-growing countles the most Invlting fiold for safo lnvcstmonts to bo found in tho Northwest. Her agrlcultural products thls year will averago ono milllon dollars to tbe county. MlSS ClIAULOTTK J. WlLLS. frOIU tllO Iioston Cookiug School, will glve a courso of throe lecturos in tbe Unltarian vestry on Tuesday, September 22, Thursday, Soptem. ber 24, and Saturday, S-iptember 20, com mencing at two o'clock r. m. Admlssion to tho courBo, S1.25; singlo tickets, llfty ceuts, Its Valuk Kkcoonizbd by Physicians. "As a rulo, I am opposed to proprlotary niodicines, Stlll I value a good one, espe cially when such ls the sourco of rellef from pain. As a topical (exterual) appllca-iou I liave found Chairberlalu's Paln llalm the boat remedy I liave ovor used for uouralgia of any klnd. I havo conaclentiously rocom meuded it to many persons." William llome, M. D., ZanosvillH, Wls, For salo by 0. Blakoly, drugglst. G. II. Guimm & Co. of Rutland, Vt., mauu facturers of tho Champion Evaporator, Bbould feol proud of thelr record, as all of tho premiums ou maplo sugar aud syrup were awarded to users of Champion Evap orators at tho Vermont Stato Fair, White Hlver Junctlon, September 9, 1890. Tho Champion Evaporator captured tho llrst premlum at same dato, aud for the past teu years bas met with the samo succesi Tho highest awards of tho Vermont Maplo Sugar Makers' AsBOclatlon wore won bv thls company and patrous. llonce sugar mauers in noeu oi a ursi-ciass apparatus will not make a mlstako iu buying a Cham pion Evaporator. Steam vs. Watku. In thls caso tho jury flnd tbat tho dofendant wins. Thov llml farther that for "ecouoiny, durability, con- venience anu pront, wnen au eievation of water sufllcient to drlvo a motor can be had. tho water power Is very much tbe moroilesir. ablo." They llnd farther tbat "a groat many inotors aro slmply water xoastcn; that, lu. stead of utllizing eighty to nlnety por cent of tho tlowlug current, thoy givo ouly from forty to slxty per cent." To thoso who are dellclent in power from any cause, tho sub fcriber ollors exporlonce of thlrty years among water motors iu way of stiggestioim to remedy the sbortage. Corrcspondonue soiiciten. Aiiuross u. i1. uamsay, rvalts flehl, Vt. Tiik Illanobard Opera Hoise will presont Hoyt's famous farco comedy, " A Trlp to Obfnatown." next Tuosday ovenlnc. Sen- tember 22, The Lewlston harnat of Sep- leiuuor i says: " xes, n is oeiier tiian ever. Mr. Haverly and Mlas Illggar, wlio havo bnen Ideiitltlod wlth tho pla from tho flrst, aro carrying tho burden of tho speclal hual uesa aud aro tntroducing a repllea of Albert Clievaller In his Coster songa tholr ' W'at Cheorl ICuockod 'iin ln tho Old Kent Koad,' belng as clever u thlng in its way ns we ever Baw, Mlss Hlggar and Mr, Ilavorly iMiuuinii mo iiouho iu ns leoi wuu appiauso Thosongs of thls soaaon's ' Trip to Ohlna. tows ' are now aud olovnr. tlio mn luml, nuss Is brluht aud catchv. tho cnml old Jokea are fresboned by a season at the sea- aliore anu liave como liuck to town wlth brlght and sralllng faces. The dancing is exoepuonauy cievor," MONTPELIER AND YICINITY. AXOTlllSIl 1V12JCK, W1T11 1XS JOXt, Asi) sojtJtuirs. Eldriit II. Dwinkll has ontored Harvard Law Scliool. Miss Elkna GKonaK Is vlsltlng at her homo ln Bradford. Miss Chriiuy Stoddaud is vlsltlng at her homo ln Waitsfield. Mu. and Mns. 0. II, Baldwin woro ln Iiut land ovor last Suuday. A son was born laat Sunday to Mr. and Mra. Edward S. Sawyer. D. a. uuniL ls contlnod to tho housiyl wllli tnltunnln i rlmn mnt lum . Mias Maud PniLLirs was wlth frlouda at Itandolph ovor last Sunday. Mns. Emily Dibtku aud Fred J. Dleter of Now York aro at the Pavlllou. W. E. Adams has beou In the Now York and Iioston markets for a week past. II. A. IIusk lcft for Wlaconalu laat Wedueaday ovoning ou a buslncss trlp. Hon. and Mus. F. A. Dwinkll left for Sloux City, Iowa, last Saturday oveulug. II. E. Slayton and A. E. Niles wero In tho Boaton and Now York markets last week. ItEV. A. It. Wisnn will proach at East Montpelier Contor next Sunday aftornoon. Mn. and Mns. F. Ij. Eaton returnod to Sioux City, Iowa, last Weduosday eveuliig. 0. A. G. Jackson, of tho Arrnu. waa ln Malno laat week, stumplng for froe sllver. W. L. DuArEii weut last Mondav to Itut- land, to work ln a condensed mllk factory. Mus. Fukd L. Clauk of Dodham. Mass.. 1b vlsltlng Mrs. Georgo W. Wing, her Blstor. Spkcial Ember Day servlcos will bo beld at Chrlst church to-day. Frldav aud Satur day. An infant chlld of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Backus died last Saturday and was buriod Monday. Mns. Fuank W. Cauvkh left last Mondav morning for tho Boaton and Now York marketa. F. A. Howland, Esq., waa conflned to the houso soveral dava last weok wlth a se vere cold. Bknjamin Gatks of Hartford. Conn,. vis- ited his mother in Montpelier during tho pasi weoic. Miss Mauia White started for Mlchlgan last Wednesday evenlng for a vlsit of a few weeks. 0. DeF. Bancuopt and son Fred liave boeu vlsltlng in New Hampshiro for the past week, About two hundred tickets for Montroal woro sold at tho Coutral Vermont statlon last Monday. Hon. 0. W. BnowNKLL, secretary of state, and J. B. Hendorsou of Burlington were in town on Tueaday. E. B. Bailey, Bpccial agent of the Horae Insuranco Company of New York, was ln towu on Tueaday. Jamks A. JoNKa of Winchendon, Maaa., was tho guest, laat woek, of Hon. and Mrs. Goorgo W. Wiug. Thk young daughtor of Eben K, Butler broko ber right arm laat Saturday by fall ing from a wagon. Mns, Mounis Coi.lins returnod Monday from Higbgato Spriuga, wliero sbo has been for soveral montha. Jamks Lyons takoj the placo of Arthur Coulln as messengor for tho Western Uuion Telegrapli Company. Lkvi H. Bixby and J. EHGoolenoughac companled tho Vermont pilgrimago to Cau ton, Ohio, laat week. Rbv. Ciiaklbs W. TnoMrsoN of West mlnator waa the gueat of Judgo Hiram Carloton laat Monday. Mn. and Mns. Geouqe P. Baiibeu wero at tho old homo of Mrs. Barber in Hlnos burgb over last Sunday. Chaulks W. Clauk had a partial shock of paralysia laat Frlday morniug aud has sluco been aeriously 111. Announcbment is mado of tho marrlago, In Outober, of Jesse Ktug of Barre aud Miss Eva Terrlault of this clty. Timothy M. Lynck had his right knee badly jatumed laat week by gottlng it be tween two blocks of granlto. Miss Lucy Hutciiins has returnod from Hydeville, wliero Bhe has been vlsltlng her grandmother for two months. Eaule F. Gkben wont to Boaton last Monday, where ho has a fiue posltlon in tho drug Btoro of Lewla & Co. Thk Odd Fellows had a whlst-party in their hall last Thursday evenlug. Thero wore (ifteen tables ln tho drive. W. 8. Smith, clerk iu tho Montpelier Sav ings Bank and Trust Company, is in Boa ton for a vacatiou of two woeka. A. O. Cummins wont to Hardwick on Tuesday, and will tako in tho fair at St. Johnsbury to-day and to-rhorrow. Fuank E. IIowb is gnldlng tho destinies of the Waterbury Record wbilo its odltor ls taking a vacatlon In Boston and Now York. A. Ij. Knioht returned last Monday to his homo in Worcester, Masa., after a vislt of several woeka wlth rolatlves in thls clty. The Woman'B Belief Corps will hold a whlst party in Grand Army hall next Frl day ovoning, to whlch tho publlc Is lnvlted. Du. G, J. Helmeh arrlved from Cbelaea last Monday aud bas opened his sanatarlum iu tho Goorge H. Whituey houao, East Stato street. Mna. Joskphink Poland and daughtor Mary and Mias Ella Ballwy Bail from New York next Saturday for an extenatvo trlp abroad. Micn abl Malonk has had a hemorrhago of the lungs several times during tho paat week and his con itlon ia cousldored ve:y crltlcal. The Woman's Homo Misslonary Socloty conuectod wlth Trlnlty churoh will meot next Frlday afternoon wlth Mra. Calvln Bnllock. Mus. Dauwin E. Wahb of Boston, wlfe of tho well-known Suffolk county attorney, was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Natt last woak. Hkniiy Eldouus COKriiiN of WUllams town waa lodgod In jall yostorday for ap pearing in court as a wltness lu au lntoxl cated cotidltiou. Mus. J. D. Dknison and daughtor of Itan dolph are at tho Pavlllou while contiuuing a courso of troatmeut begun at Chelsea, uu der Dr. Helmer. Willaui) Emkuy went laat Mouday to Newport, wliero ho has a poaition in a drug store . Mrs. Kinory ia vlsltlng at her former home iu Itiuland. Danibl O'Kbbi'e wont to Windsor, P, Q., laat Saturday, where ho ollleiated aa best man at tho weddiug of lils brother Edwanl ou Mouday uvunlng. Mn. and Mus. Chaulks DeF. Bancuoft quletly obanrved tho twouty-flfih anni versary of their uiarrlage last Friday wlth frleuds ln Northlleld. Mu, and Mus. F, W. Mousk aud MIps Kato Kempton left laat Mouday luoruiug for Atlantlo Clty, N. J., whoro thoy nro to remalu a weok or tou days. Miss Lillia Thuall of Uutlaiid has opened a kindergarteu at tho residence of S. C. Woolson on Winter street, with a gratlfylngly lurge attondauco. Tiib moiithly busineas meeting of tho Woman's Auxlltarv to tho Younc Men'g Chrlstlau Assoclatlon will bo held on Tues day next, at throe o'clock, Every tnember ls oxpoctod to bo presont at Ihoso ineotlngs and n full uttondancols ospeclally rcquested n- 'IiIh tlmo. V. U I'hlknap, edltor of tho Bollows P'm-, mado thls ofllco a pleaaant call mornlng. Ho Bpont last Suu day wlth a ' siator " ln Barre. Thk many frlends in thls clty of Dr. Mary E. Emury uro pleaaod to know that she has rocently recolvod an appointmout lu tho Health Dopartmont of Now Yotk clty. Montpkliku was woll roproaonted at tho prosontatlon of "El Capltan " by the Do Wolf Hopper Company nt Howard Opera Houso, Burlington, last Monday evenlug. Snkak-thikvks entered tho rosldonco ot Mrs. W. E. Hubbard ono tilght laat wook and stolo a heavy wintor ovorcoat. En trance was gained tlirough a pantry win dow. Miss Hkiitjia Wiiitk, tho teachor of Eug lishbranohes at the Montpelier Seminary, la a daughtor of Profosaor White, who, about twonty years ago, was at tho head of that lustitution. A Skuvice of Sacrod Song will be held ln tho Church of tho Messlah noxt Sunday ovoning, at sovou o'clock, tho laat of such sorvlcos beforo Mr. Bancroft goes to Bostou for tho winter. Thk town authorltlos of Berlin havo snc ceoiled in drlvlng out of town ono Flalior, who was accuaed of keepiug a dlaorderly houso on the Northfield road, noar tho resi dence of Leliind Brothors. Albkht Woiithkn died last Thursday at tho insano asylutn at Waterbury, wliero bo was taken for troatment several woeks ago. The body was taken to Morrisville, Mr, Worthen's old homo, for burial. Kkv. A. C. IIusaKY of Wtst Boylatou of flalatod at tho Baptlst church last Sunday and conducted tho meeting for young men at tho rooma of tho Young Mon's Christlan Association on Sunday aftoruoon, H. A. Bowebs sills from Now York for Glaagow next Frlday on tho steamor Ne hraaka. Uo will havo charge of tho Abor doen ofllce of tho It, C. Bowora Granlte Company during the coming winter. Thk Young Mon's Kopubllcan Club of Montpelier, through E, A. Nutt, Its secre tary, sent laat evenlng to Hon.Thomas B. Keed a long tolegram congratulatlng hlm upon tho splendld victory won ln Malno. Tiik White Mountaln express between Burlington and Fibyan's will ho taken off on Saturday, September 19. Thls train will run as a local train on the Montpelier & Wells Hlver rallroad until Mouday, Octo bor 0. Mns. W. C. Evans of St. Paul, who haa been wlth Mrs. J. 0. Eoiery, her mother, for sovoral montli!, left last week for Now York, to vlsit Dr. Mary E. Emery, her slater, and will go from thero to her home in St. Paul. Mns Ejima Cumminos Pauic. a returned misalonary from ludla, spoko at the Baptlst church last Sunday evenlng. Kev. A. 0. Husaoy of West Boylston, Mass., occupled tho pulplt of that church at the mornlng sorvlco. Mns. Jamks Conlin, llving in Bacon block, waa badly banied about tho face and arms last Sunday. By mlstake, sho threw a packago of gunpowder ln tho stove, and received tho full fotce of tho oxplosion in her face. J. V. Monnow camo down town laat even lng ln a blood besmeared conditlon and on tered complalut against his wlfe for as saulting him with a knifo. Mrs. Morrow waa placed under nrreat and will be glvon a liearlug tbis morning. Hoyt's "A Trip to Chlnatown" will open tho theatrlcal Beason at Blanchard Opera Houao next Tuesday evenlng. Several speclal new features havo beon added for thls season's tour, and thls standard play is said to be botlor tban ever. A badly used-up indlvidual, who gave lils name as Honry Talbot, was bofore Judge Smilie last Saturday, charged with intoxlcatlon. Ho pleaded gullty, but lils disclosuro was unaatisfaotory mul ha was remanded to jail, whero he yet remalns. Tiikhe will bo a collego slng at tho rooms of tho Young Mon's Christlan Association thls ovoning at balf-past elght, to whlch all members of tbe association aro invited. Miss Eva Clark will play tbe vlollu. Thls sing will take the place of tho ono recently anuounced for Friday evenlng. The Watchman last wook statod that W. Nelson Peck had voted ln Montpelier for Blxty-four Bticcessive years, and expressed tbe beliof that Mr. Peck's record was un surpassed. Howover, Georgo W. Scott goos him two years botter, ho havlng voted cou tlnuously for slxty-six years. The frlends of Mr. and Mrs. Gllbert Po reau gatbored last Monday ovoning at their home on Harrlaon Aveuuo to celebrato the flfteenlh nnnlveraary of tlioir marrlago. Cards and music helped make tlie hours lly swlftly, and several valuablo presouts woro left as souvenirs of the occaalou. Houskkhrpkus aro roferrod to tbe notlco, iu auotber column, of a series of lecturos on cooklng, by Miss Wllls, who will be pleaaantly remorabered in connection witli a slmilar courso a year ago. Mlss Wills' lectures are interesting and profitable. Econouiy and good llving como of ber pre cepts and oxauiples. Judok IIoitTON of Cbicago, who has been spendlng tho summer at tba Pavllion with his family, was lnvlted to a seat besido Judgo Taft ln county court laat Thursday mornlng. no waa an lutorestod listener to tho ploa of 3, C. ShurtlefT and the charge of Judgo Taft in tho Woodbury caso of An drew J. Morso against tho Estato of Edwln Bruce. Ovku sixty children conuectod with tho Junior Epworth League and primary Sun-daj'-school claas of Trlnlty church will glve an ontortalniuont ln the vestry next Friday ovoning. Among tho attraotlona will bo hoop and parasol drills, by tho glrls, a bur losquo drill, by tho boys, and a llllputiau weddlng. Much tlme and labor havo been put Into thls ontertalninent and lt deservos a full houso. Thk followlug programmo will bo reudored at tbe veaper sorvlco to bo held at tho Church of tho Messlah noxt Sunday evenlng under tho dlrectlon of F. W. Bancroft: Organ preludo, Haydeuj " Bo Glad, O Yo Rlsht eons," Smartj "Gloria," Havens; "Sun of My Soul," arranged from Waguorj " Tho Lullaby Dlviue," MarBtou, tenorsolo; trio, " Break, break, break," Andertou, soprauo, nlto and tonor j Banotus from " 8t. Oecllia Masa," Gounod; iiostludo, Barnby, David L. Sandkus loft for Boston on TueMlay evenlng, onroute forDallaa, Texas, whoro tio noes as ono of the grand repreneu tatlves from Vermont to tho Sovoroign Grand liOilgo ot Oild Followa, whlch con veui'B at D.illaa next Mouday. Tho Now Englaud delegatos leave Boaton thls evenlug aud will go from Cbicago to Dallas by spo plal fraln. Tho other reprosontatives from Vormont, aro Dr. 0. A. Perry of Readsboro, Ij. V. Oreen of Rutland nml J. W. Goodell of Burlington, Mklissa, wifo of John Joralds, died last Frlday from tho effects of n cancor, aged An up-to-date cleaner that won't scratch. on Ami- THE MODBRN CLEANER forty-olght yoars, Sho had beon at Heaton Hospital for troatment for somo tlmo, but died at hor home on Court streot. Sho loavos a husband and ono daughtor, Mrs. Joseph Cadotte, of Winooski. Mrs. Ilarvey Burnhatn of Montpelier was a siator and Wullace Proctor of Montpelier a brothor. Hor funoral was hold from her latn houio last Sunday aftornoon, Rev. J, Edward Wrlght ofllclatlng, and the burial was lu Groon Mount Comotery. A. G. Stonb has wrltton to throe manu facturers of lanterns and transparencios for a satnplo of a " Llttlo Red Bchool llouse," falsoly roportod to havo beon carrjcd In the recont ropublican parade, and has beon ln formed by oauh of thoso llrms that thoy do not rnanufacturo suoh a transparoncy, aud never heard of ono. Thls ought to forovor nall tho outrageous lle publiahed lna local nowBpaper tbat such a deslgn was carrlod lu tho repuhlican parado. Tho attomnt to niako polltical capltal out of bucIi a falso hood has provod a very ltvoly boomorang. Fou tho twouty-fourtb annual fair of tho Dog Klver Valley Association, held at Northlleld on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of thls week, tho Central Vor mont rallroad sells round-trip tickota at low ratos aud runa frequont tralna from Northfield to tlio falr-ground. Faro for tho round trlp from Waterbury, eigbty-flve conts; from Middlpsex, slxty-tlve ceuts; from Barre, seventj -flvo cents; from Mont pelier, flfty conts. Tho mail train nortli will stop at tho falr-ground each dny, aud tho oxpresa north in tho evouiug will stop nt Mlddleaox to-day and to morrow. Thk Putnam Phalanx of Hartford, Conn,. one hundred and nlnetvflvo strong, arrlved by speclal train from Montroal last Thurs day noon and dlnod at the Pavlllou. Many of the momborB of this crack mllltary or panlzatiou were accompanlod by ladiea. Thoy had been on a ton days' pllgrimage, whloh included a trip through tho White Mountalns, and left for Hartford at two o'clock. The unlform worn by tho mem bers of this organizatlon is slmilar to that worn by Continental troops. A drum corpa of thirteen members nccompanied tlie party. Tho speclal train was mado up of flvo Wag nor parlor-cars and a baggage-car. The Clty Councll met ln Besslon last Wednesday evenlng. Permission was given tho Young Men's Chris,tian Associa tion to bulld an addltion to their lieadquar ters on Stato street. The followlng bllls wero ordefod pald: Joel Foster, Buporlu toudent of wator-works, 5233.98, and for salary, 8153.32; Now Englacd Gamewell Fire Alarm Company, work and supplles for ilro alarm system, S4S0.40; Montpelier & Wells Rlver Rallroad Company, freight, 839; E. E. Dodge, trucking, soontyflvo ceuts: Vermont Mutual Firo Insuranca Company, 827.91: Unlou Mutual Firo In suranco (Jompauy, gu; Uoorge It. Elilo, sup plles, 87 53; Watchman Publlshlng Com pany, prlnting ballots and check-liats, S131; A. D. Farwell, supplies for pollco, 824 13 Adjourned. Thk concert and dance glvon ln Arinory Hall last evenlng by tho members of Com pany H, N. G. V., proved not only a flnau clal suceess but also n brilllant mualcal and social event. Tho hall was tastefullv dec orated wlth ilac.s. buntinc. etc . and tho nt. toudance, both at the concort and dance that followed, wasgratifyingly large. The Profilo Houso orchestra, under tho management of Georgo II. Wilder, with Slgnor Placido uinmara as leaoer, gavea dellglitiul concort irotn oigut to liait paat nlne, alter which dauco programme of twelvo numbors and several extras engagod tho attention of a company of young peoplo tlll two o'clock uns mornlng. p. u. Ryan was floor di rector. wlth W. A. Pattee. J. Edward Balley, J. E. Dewoy, A. J. Allard and George B. Peck aids. A. G. Eaton, M. L. Wood, N. A. Alexander, R. H. Wvlio and w. is. xerrto acted as committeoot Introduc tion. nAUVEY S. Wilky died last Frlday after noon at tue uome oi uriu u. wtley, ms son, on East Stato Btreet. atred eiphtv-four yoars. His death was duo to n shock of apoplexy received that morning. For aoout tliirty-nvo years, Mr. Wlley was a re- specteu anu esteemeu citizen or iNortlitleul, coming to Montpelier about a year ago, after tho death of his wifo, to rosldo with lils son. lle also leaves ono dauchter. Mrs Dudley C. Nlchols of this citv. His funfiral was held last Sunday mornlng from the residence of his son, Rev. Dr. Norman Soavor ofllclatlng, and tho body was taken to Northfield for iutermont bealdo tho ro. malnB of his wifo. The atteudance of nelghbors and frleuds at the funeral was largo, and the floral offorimra were manv and beautiful. Deceaaed had been a llfe- fong republlcan, and to the day of his ueain iook au activo anu lntoiugent lnter est in tho suceess of tho ronublican cauao. Ho deslred to Uve to east one moro voto for a ropublican president, but, to him, sudden uentu waa nistant anu etornal gain. RAnr. indeed ls It ln any clty orcommu nlty, exoept In casos of maliiruant couta- mother and daughtor withln tho space of four months, as has been the case iu tho family of tbe lato Dr. J. E. Maconlber. The frlends of Mrs. Macomber wero not surpriaod, laat Friday morniug, to hear tbat she was cone. aa no hones of her rocoverv havo boen entertalnod for weeks. At the tlmo of ber husband's death, ten days pre vloua to hors, her conditlon was so crltical that the kuowlodgo of his deceaae was kept from her, Mrs, Macomher's malden uamo was Marcella Ij. Ladd of Worcester. Stio was married to Dr. Macomber In 1858 Bince 1803, when thoy came to Montpelier to reslde, Bhe has gathered about her a large clrclo of frleuds. Several months ago sba had a severe attack of rheutnatic fever. from whlch sho never recoveroo. The sym- patny oi uio entiro city goes out lu very large measuro to tho survlvlng daughtor, Mlsa Mary, and to tho son, George, whoao homo has been so relentloasly broken up. Mrs. Macomher's funeral was held last Sunday afternoon from ber iate homo. Rov Dr. Norman Seaver ofllclatlng, and tho burial was ln tho family lot ln Greon Mount uometory. A irouu-WKBKs'.OLDglrl baby was found last weunoBuay ovemng in tuo yanl ot Andrew Hodgdon on Codar atreet, whero it liad evl dently been puslied under tho wlro fence. oloso to thosldewalk. Tho cries of tho lu- fant attracteu the attention of tho nelgh bors about ulne o'clock ln tho eviiLiinr. Besido tho waif was a vallse coutnining clothlug aud a bottle of mllk. George W. Paruieuter, ovorseor of tlm poor, was summoned aud ho had the chlld placed where lt would recelve good caro. Actlng on Informatlin bo had recelvod, Speclal Ofllcer 0. S. Whlttler had Mlss Lucy Bo- iiuiiuu arrosieu as accessory to tuo crlme. On being taken into court, tho girl broko dowu aud coufesaed that ahu placed tho iu faut thero. 8ha said slio wout to Boston aud got tho chlld iu response o an adver tiaement lu tho Boston Sunday Qlobe, of iiugusi ou, oi a person wuo wlslied to uta poso of tho chlld. Sho had lu her posses. slon lottors substautiatlng ber atatonient lliu hearlng was uiljourued untll Frlday. Ou that day, T. J, Deavltt, counsel for Mias Buhonon, naked that tho mattor mlcht bo OONTINnnn ON VOUKTH PAOK.l "The Richardson." Tho Largcst and Handsomcst Storo in tho Stato. Hundreds of dolighted pooplo havo scoq our new lino of Fall and Wintor Novoltios in tho Drcss Goods Dopartmont. Thoy are vory beautiful and fully war rant tho claims wo mako. No finer stylos can be shown this year. We rospootfully invito you to sco thom. We are oJToring a lino of Fabric Oloves at greatly reduced pricos that are just tho thing for this cool weathor. They aro on salo at prices thut commend them to you. Mothers fitting their daugh tors out for school can find many artioles at our Muslin Under wear Counter that may be needed to completo the wardrobe. We save you lots of worry and hard work. Stylish gar ments at rea sonablo prices. Wo buy and soll for cash. McKILLIP & SMITH CO. THE niOnARDSOSf DKPAnTMKNT STORRS. Head of Churcli Street, . . Burlington, Yf. Lamson & Hubbard Fall Style, 1896. The new Lamson and Hub bard StifT Hat is essentially a gentleman's hat. Tl e hats have always been noted for their durability, comfort and attractiveness, and the latest production goes ahead of all iormer specimens. We have received the new styles of the celebrated JOHN B. STETSON Soft Hats. Stet son Hats are known through out the civilized world, and are acknowledged to be the finest specimens of the art of hat making. Fifty dozens of the very newest things in Gentlemen's Neckwear have just been re ceived. ADAM THE CLOTHIER 6O State Street. A. D, FARWELL THE BEST WEARING $3.00 HAT MADE. No, 75 Main Street tyiiniioraSJarsliall,M,D, 18 I3a.irc Streot. Honrs: 10-12 A. E; 24 F. M. TKLKI'IIONK CONNECTION.