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QflME VKOVt'K I'l'cm a
g uUIYlC PATKNT in.siih: g
O i NKWHl'AI'Klt. Tho O
SOMK IH), 1N T1I13 O
VOL. 914719.
TlfUY Altl! NOW
L. P. & H. C. CE.EASON
Miff mmmmmm mmm mmmm mmmmmmm
Furnace, Sfeam and Hof Wafer
Don't wait for oxtromo cold woather boforo or- JS
doring repairs or changes. It can bo dono bottor X
and choaper now. W
All sliop and job work under personal super- 9
vision of Mr. JOHN W. PECK. $
in great variety; also RANGrES of ostablisliod repu- X
tation, all of whioh wo can guarantee in every W
particular. Plumbing and Heating our Specialty. W
PECK BROTHERS, - - - 60 Main Street. 1
To Tiiose Tlial Were Born Baref ooted !
This is tlic tlinc wo talk nfoout Scliool Shoes Tor the lloys nnd
Girls. Look nt tlicso pricus :
Jloys' Ornln T.iico SIiooh, wntcrproof, slzos 13 to S . I'rlcc Sl.OI)
Tho samo slme, sIfcs 3 o C 1-3 I'rlcii tl.S5
JHlsses' "VIscol" Kltl, n wntiTiiroof ltld, lieavy eolcs, buttou boot, I'rlco 81.00
MUscs " l'ciiiiunt" School Shocs lrlc 1S1.K5
Wo can slitiw tlio 1)C8t llnu of l'iirintrf' llonts tlils foll tliat n over liatl.
Prlces niiicli lowcr than last ycnr.
IMen's Soliil Oraln lloots, not lienvy , l'rlco SS.00
Sco our noiv styles In JIcii'r Slioes. W"It payn ln trncle wlth im."
THERE is sometliing dis
tinctive in the Stein Bloch
Olotliing that will enable the
goocl judge of apparel to see
that they are above the or
dinary. We are now show
ing Suits and Overcoats of
this niake, and ask
Stewart Sioves, Ranges and Fumaces
Opens this fall. The continuous sale of these Famous
Goods in onc placo for this
emphatic proof of fcheir sterling merit.
64 Main
"Oeresota" tlne Iiirlit XCind
E. D. HYDE, Looal
number of years is most
makos tho riglit kind of BREAD.
HUltl.lNfiTON, VT.,
Agent, Montpolier, Vt.
The Watchman Pabllshing Company
At Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier Daily Journal
Vermont Watchman.
Tuesday ovonlng, Ootobor 0, tho first num
bor of tho Daily Jouunal for tho seaslon
of 1890 wlll bo lssuod.
This lssuo wlll contaln tho Blographlcal
Skotches of tho chlef ofllcors of the new
Stato Govomment and of tho members of
tho now Leslslaturo, wlth luuoh other tn
terestlnt? ranttor pertatnlnR to tho mootlnR
of tho Geueral Assembly.
Tho Daily Jouunal contatns tho offlclal
report of LeRlslatlvo I'rocoeilliiRS, It con
talns, also, fnll reports of hoarlnRB boforo
commlttocs, anil all other matters of In-
terest about tho IiCRlslaturo. It ls pub
llsheil at the close of each day's sosslon, and
haa, consciiuontly, tho earltest, as It has al
ways the fulleft and most accurate, roportB of
evorythltiR connooted wlth tho Goneral
Tho Daily Jouunal Is, therofore, the
first choice ol Mnmbotn of tho LeRlslature,
and ls lndlspensablo to all Vermont peoplo
who dealro to havo THE NEWS from tho
Tho Journal wlll also be a compkte ien-
eral nexoipaper, glvliiR tho local, stato, na
tlonal aud foreiRn news, and devotlnR par
ticular attontlon to tho ovents and progrosa
of tho Natlonal Canvasa.
r u n 3t s i
SiiiRlocopy gl CO
Ciubs o( Ilvo coile eacli 100
Clubs o( tDii copies or lnoto, eacli 90
All Bub'icrlptlons at tho above rates
takeu for a seaslon of tha uaua. lenRth.
Tiie Vkhhont Watchman (woekly) for
the seaslon, twonty-five cents. Tho Watch
man wlll contaln the roports of legislativo
doluRs, condensedfrom tho Daily Jouunal.
Sppcial rates to membeta ordering quau-
tltles of the Watchman for tho seBsion, or
of any sinRlo lasue.
Watchman Puiilishino Company,
Montpelier, Vt.
Tho Vermont Wntclimnn.
Ona year S2.00
Gash in advance 1.60
"In advance" niust he taken to moau pre-
cisely what the words slgnlfy. Subscribera
wno ronow ono montu, two monins, etc,
after tho dato to whlch thoy havo pald ex
plres, wlll be charRod at tho S2.00 rate for
tho tlmo thoy are in arreara. Thus:
A subscribcr wno rcneios one montn arter
expiration of his patd subscrintton toill pay
for the year, S1.B5; two months, S1.G0; thrce
vionthn, 81C3j our montht, 81.07; and ao ou.
To this rulo tho publlahera muat adhero
Tlio clmorence ls sinall anil untmportant
to tho lndlvldual subacriber, btit totho pub
llahers it ia important, and vory largo In tho
nie reu lauei on every paner suows uate
of exniratlon of subscriptlou, whleh ls the
first day of tho tnonth.
JI a aut3crlber uesiresto dlscontinue when
pald subscrlptlon has oxplred, tlmely notlce
shonld be glven. Withoutsuch notlce, sub
acrlptlon wlll bo constdered as contiuuing.
Tlio great nialorlty oi aubscflberB obteet
to having thelr subicrlptlou luterrupted
arbltrarily when the poriod for whlch they
havo pald has oxplred. Tho foregotng plan
haa benn adopted as a fair couipromiso bo
tween tho advance payinent anil tho credlt
rtitslness Mcrc Mcntion.
Small touement to rent. J. Poland.
You'll ubo less of lt Harmlpss Soap.
O. E. SiiKPAitn, auctlouoer, Marshflold.Vt
Tenkmknt to IlENT. F ine rooms. un-
stairs. u. u. uowning.
Paius vells aud fall " Tams " iust opened
at the Mlsnes iisUm', otato Btreet.
E. D. Hydr is the local agont for " Cere
sota " llour, advortlsed on this pago.
Wintku snlts at low prlces are advortlsed
ou this paj;e by Adams tho Clothier.
Stkwaut f tovcs, ranges and furnaces aro
advertlsod on this page by Uurows & Pt ck
Nkw and beautiful dress noveltles are ad
vertlsed on this papo by L. P. & n. O.
ulkoant and beautmu dress roous aro
advertlflod on thia pago by Tho Kichardson,
Ip your chlldren nocd shoes, rnad tho ad
vertlsemout of the 1). M. Shepard Company
on tius page.
To Hknt. Tenement of flvo rooms. For
partlciilars lnquire of Miss Lucy LootnU, 10
Terrace street.
Wantkd. A capable glrl for goneral
housework. Apply at Mra. J. F. Datton's,
ia vino Birooi.
Thr books Iust recelved at Ehle's book-
Btore comprlso the latest works of the most
popular autuors.
D. A. Guftil can furnish safos of all hIzos
for farmors, inerchants and bank vaulta at
tho very Ioweat prlces.
Notk tho apecial bargalna offered on paco
(ive for next Saturday and every day by
Ulliey K Aoooii, imrro.
Dksikaulk fall and wlnter goods aro ad
vertisrtd on page Ilvo by tho Barnard, Simr
nor rutuam uompany.
A. D Fakwkll 1h showing sults and over
cnats innde of tbe Stoln Illocli goods. Ree
his advertlsoment ou this pago.
T. S. IlnoriiY & Co, annonnco that thel
fall openinR of dress goods, sllka, velvets
trluimlngs, otu., wlll ocuur next week.
Fou Salk. Mrs. Julta M Duraut's Iioubo
on Malu street. For furthor particulars lu.
quiro of T, J. Deavltt, Montpolier, Vt.
If you aro In need of auythlng in Btoain
or uoi-wattir lioatlnR apparatus, read tho
advortlBoment of Peck llrothers on this
Nonk but hlRh-grade, attlotly flrat-olasj,
falr-rato-nMnterest Becuritles offered by tho
I'lerro, S. D., Savlngs Ilunk. Full partlou.
lars of A, O, Ouiniiiins, vice-president, 00
Malu Btreet, Montpelier, Vt.
Skvrkal huudrod books havo beon ro
oelved at Ehle's book-Btoro, ln now and at
traotlvo blndings, at pilcos where every ono
can afford to own tho worksof tholr favorlto
"Fuom allaccounts Chamborlaln'sCnntrli
Homody ls a Godsoud to tho aflllcted.
Is no advortisotnont abont, this; wo feel Juui
llko saylng lt." Tho Vcmocrat, Carrollton,
Ky. For salo by C. Dlakoly, drugglst.
Fall Opknino of ladloa' and mlBsea'
JickotH, capes, sklrts, eto., at T. S. Ilrophy
Co.'h on Frlday and Baturday, Septotnber
25 and 20. Boavor Jackots, llued throuch.
out, good valtto at S9. For this Balo, only
You'll uae less of lt Harmless Soap.
Thky IIavk Stood thr Tkst kob Ykahs.
Scliool, county nnd town bonds, from Ilvo
to slx per cent lntoreat, in Buma ol 8100 to
81,000. Tho aamo claBa of bonds bouRht by
savlnga banks. Inquiro of E. E. Iilakoly,
PnoiiAiiLY lovers of books wlll not havo
an equal opportunlty to solect good books
at reasonablo prlcna wlth that offered by
Ehle'a book-atore for tho now serlos jnat
rocolved. It la a splendld chance.
John L. Stanyan, mattreas-inakor, Uow
maii's Dlock, Stute street, Montpolier, wlll
do suporlor work at lowest prlces. Satlsfac
tlon guarantoed. Ilalr tnattreaaes renovated
and inado over for 82.00. Orders ln person
or by inall promptly attended to.
I'ayVouh Taxks. Next Tnesday in Mont-
fieller and Wednesday ln Ilorlln are the
nst days that taxes ean bo pald to tho treas
uror and tho discount savod. After that
dato thoextra coat to tho tax-payer wlll be
froui flfteen to forty per cent, accordlng to
the slze of hls llst.
E. E. Knott, Stock Hroker, Woodbury
& Walkor Hulldlng, UurllnRton, Vt., be
lieyes that " land la iu slRht" for tho invcs
tor, and hls advertlsemout in this issuo wlll
be read wlth mueh interoBt, The most con
Bervatlvo people are buylng both atocka and
provlaions at proaent prlces.
Announcembnt Frederlck W. Bancroft,
Montpelier, by tho rcquost of tnany cltlzens.
wlll glvo a farewell tnusical lecturo. ontltled
"Songs of Home and Country," in tho
niauchard Opera Houso, Wednesday even
ing, Septotnber 30. Heserved soats wlll bo
on sale at Ehlo's book-atore Frlday mornlng
next at ton a.m. Tlckots llfty and thlrty
ilvo centa.
Duiuno the months of October and No
vember we wlll oxhibtt a now evaporator
throuRhout the stato of Vermont, ono that
haa Rreator bolllng capaclty than any other
evaporator, wlthout objectlonable features.
Woluvlte competltors to cotnpeto, as wo wlll
niake a test in actual oporatlon. Dates and
aud nlaces wlll be announced in this paner.
Thoso who havoChatuplon Evaporators can
also lncroase capaclty. u. u. urimtn et uo.,
uutiand, vt.
TothkNkw South. The roeular inonthlv
oxcurslon to Fruithurst, Ala., wlll leavo
Now England polnts on the seventh of Oo
tober, Roing vla SprinRfleld, Mass., New
York Clty, Waahliigton and Atlanta, Ga.
Tlckets good for thlrty days. Partles takluR
ad vantapo of this tlmo to visit the New South
will on the roturn uavo an opportunlty to
stop at polnts aloug tho route. E. IS, Ilam-
mitt, jnow l'jnRianii repreaontativo ot tne
Alabauiu Frnit Growlng and Wlnory Asso
clatton, wlll accoiupany the party. For
furtnor iuformatlon callupon lilm or address
htni at tho Klalto Block, 38 State streot,
Montpelier, Vt.
Stkam vs. Watkk. In this case tho jury
fltid that tho dofendant wins. They lliul
farther that for " economy, durabillty, con-
veulencH and protlt, when au olevatlon ot
wator Hiifllclent to drive a motor can be had,
tho water power ia very iimch tho morodesir-
able." They (lnd fartherthat "a Rreat many
uiotors aro simply water wasters: that. in
stead of utillzlDg olghty to nlnety per cont
of the fluwlng current, thoy glvo only from
lorty to slxty per cent." To tnose wno are
dcllclent in power from any cause, the suh
scrlher offers exporiouce of thlrty years
among water motors ln way of sugRestlons
to remody tho shortago. Corresnondonco
Bolicited. Address C. F. Ilamsay, Wnltn-
flehl, Vt.
In a recent letter to tho manufacturora,
Mr. W. T. Benjamln, edltor of the Spectator,
Uushford, N. saya: " It raay bo a pleas
ure to you to know tlio hlgh esteem ln whlch
Chambeilaln'M medlclnea are held by tho
peoplo of your own state, where thoy must
be best known. Au aunt of mine, who ro
sides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to vlsltmo
a few years slnce, and before leaviiig home
wroto nie, asklng lf they wero sold here,
stating if they wore not sho would bring a
quautlty with her, as she did not like to be
wlthout thein." Tho medlclnes referred to
are Chamberlaln's Cough Remedy, famous
for Its curos of colds and croup; Chamber
laln's Pain Balm, for rbeumatlsm, larao
back, palns in tho sldo and cheat, and
unamDeriain's uonc, unoiora ana uiar
rluua Uemedy f ir bowel complainta. Thoso
medlclnes have been ln constant uso in
Iowa foraltnost a nuattor of acentury. Tbe
people have learned that they are articles of
great worth and merit, and unequaled by
any otner. Tliey are tor sale uero by u
UlaKeiy, uruggiat.
Washington County Court.
Statr v. Dennis Donahub. ReBpondent
llvos ln llerlln. Heinng lntoxicatlng uquor.
Iiail, 8100, Ann ICelloy becauie surety.
John McKbnzik, Apt., v. Ron Roy Couht
of r orbstrus uenorat assumpait ue.
fendant lodge is In East Barre, Thia case
ls said to have been for a liouelU clalni of
about 8100, aud that plalntlff wlthdrew hls
cUim. Announcement was inade Tuesday
foronoon by defendant's attorney, J. W.
Gordon, that the case had beon settled aud
disconttnuod. R. A. Iloar for plalntlff.
Tuow & noLPKN v. Foubytii & In-
oiiam. Qeneral asaumpslt. Tho partles re
sldo ln Barre, plaintiffs boiuR mauufactur
ers of cranlte tools. and dofendants mauu.
lacturers oi granite, riaiutius, oy meir
speclflcatlona, clalmed to recover 8524.10,
maiuiv ior nower iurmaneu uoienuanis to
run an extra derrlck lu tho vlclnity of four
years rrevious to March 1, 18fW. Plaiutiffs
wero bound, undor defeudauts' loase, to
furnish powor for a derrlck, two nrlud
stones and shaf lnc. DefendantB built an
additlonal derrlck, anil clalmed that, as tho
power for runutng lt was outaineu turougl:
tho old ilerrlclt, tuoy wuro not bound to pay
for tho oxtra powor. Thoy alao put in a
few Binall matlers In offset. Tho jury re.
turned a vordlct for plaintiffs for 84.88
dauiaees and costs, J, W, Gordon for
plaintiffs; E. W. Blsbeo and W. A. Lord
for defondauts.
Lkwis. J. W. JlnocK. Administuatoh. Apt.
Appeal from comuiissiouers, I'lalutiff
olalms to recover on a note whlch reads
as follows: " 8500. Montpelier, Vt., May
14th, 1831 For valuo recd I promlso to pay
to Dr. Ira n. Flsko or order ou domand
Flvo Huudrod Dollars wlth aunual Intorest
this note belng glven for mouoy loaued me
by l)r. and aira l. 11, iriHko. w. u. liowis.
Thero Is this Indorspnient on tho note
" May 15, 180.1. Recd ou withln uoto (820)
twoiuy douars. ' Tiie body ol noie and iu
dorsoiuent aro dlfferout from sieuature
Tho malu questlon In tho case was as to tho
Bicnaturo ol l.owis to notu. l'laintnt mail
out a stroug case on this polnt by the lutro
iluotlon ot the opinlous of the husiness ao.
(itialutances ol dcceased, lieremiant pro
duced as a wuuuhs Alarv Ifow, wno hn
long reslded lu the Lewis house, and who
testllled as to uer dlsbellef in tho ceuuine
ness of the slgnaturo, uud that, from her
knowledgo or tho tlnauclal transactlous o
deceased, sho had not known as to hls hav
lug borrowed tho mouey, II, W. Keiup
aud J. II. Sentor for plalntlff: II, A. Iluao
for defondant.
Rubbbh Stamts inade to order by the
watcnman l'ubllslilng Uompany.
1.VH vAaar.D nr " lrATOirnrAX"
Mns. D, F. Claiik ls tn Boston.
T. S. BnopiiY went to New York
0. II. Mohr la In Now York this week on
Miss Nbllir Whklan ls vlsitliiL' in
Miss Maiiy Lkwis is nulto scrlouslv 111
with bronchltis,
Mns. C. A. Smitii. Ibt. la conflnod to tho
houso by lllneas.
Majok J. II. Watson of Bradford waa ln
town on Tuoaday.
Thomas F, Lyncii was in Fair Ilavon on
buslnoss laat week.
Mit. and Mits. Jokl Ainswortii of Ilard
Ick vlaltod last week at J. F. Dutton'a.
Mn. and Mrs. IIeniiy Faiiwell arrlved
laat Frlday from Omaha, Nob.
Mns. C. N. Mkad of Burllncton vlslted
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Temple last weok.
Thr wlfe of Captaln Thoodoro Dowev Is
tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dewoy.
Adauqutbu waa born last Mondav to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Lamarlo, on the Berlin
Mrs. Cblia Cox of Boston waa the Eiiest
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lord over last Sun
day. Mns, M. A. Leland haa beon ln tho Bos-
on and Now York markots durinc tho paat
Thr Eoworth Leacuo roadlnir circle wllt
meet next Frlday evenlng wlth Mrs. A. II.
Thr Ladles' Gulld of Chrlst Church met
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. F. A.
Mias Nrllie IIopkins of Kocsovlllo, N.
. ia vlaitius at the home of Ilourv D.
F. W. Bancroft lectured laat Frldav
ovenlng boforo the pupila of Peacham
Rev. P. B. Fisk and dauchter Graco of
Lyndon wero gueata, thia weok, of tho
Mlssos Fisk.
Miss Haurikt Littlr of Bradford was
tho guest last woek of Misses Ellza and
Elena Qeorge.
J. V. Morhow dld not press the caao of
assault agalnst hla wlfe, and tho mattor has
been dropped.
Mns. W. A, Baurett and dauchtor of
Melrose, Mass., aro guests of Mr. and Mrs,
. 11. ureene.
IIbnry Bowkrs and Alfrod F. Forten re-
turned last week from the houso of correo.
tlon at Rutland.
Frank B Ruthrrrord went last week to
Syracuse, N, Y., where ho has entered Syr
acuse Dnlverslty.
Misses Etta Clark. Nettlo Wado and
Mollie Dewoy wero at home from Worces
ter over last Sunday.
Mrs. Gkorqb II. Gubknsby and Mrs. G.
M. Gosi are attendlug the State Baptist
Couvention at Bristol.
Sunday evoninc services havo beon rc-
sumed iu the Church of the Measlah. They
begln at seven o clock.
Miss Daisy Lanb returnod last Saturday
from the Fabyan Houso, whero aho has
been for three months.
Georor C. Pratt is soon to move to the
house, ln East Llberty Btreet, receutly va
cated by Jus'us L. Batchelder.
Officer3 raldod tho nlace on Elm street
kept by James Hyu on Tuesday ovenlng.
A quantity of liquor was secured.
Rev. R. Sherman of Cllnton, Conn,,
preached for the Baptinta lant fliiniluj. aul
wlll aupply that pulplt next Sunday.
Roy Morse Is at home from Waltham,
Mass., whero he haa comploted a course ln
tho HoroloRical Instituto in that clty.
Georor M, Powriis. Eso... of Morrisville
was in'town on Tuesday aecurlng quarters
for tho comlng seaaion ot tlio leglslature.
John E. Flanniqan, clork in tho genoral
ofllco of the Montpelier and Wells Rlver
railroad, ls taking a vacatlon In Boston.
Mrs. Charles E. Paink and chlldren of
Lowell, Mass., have been guests of Mr, and
Mra. Paul Torrlault durlng the past week.
Rrv. Dr. W. S. Hazen of Northfield
preached at Bothany church last Sunday,
n exchango with Rev. Dr. Norinan aeaver.
Eiohty tons of coal and ton cords of
hard wood have boen put Into tho basement
of the federal bulldlng durlngthe past woek.
Charles L. Con verse, the accommodatlnR
olerk at the general dolivery wludow at tho
post-ollice, la spendlng his vacatlon ln New
Hbnry 0. Whitson of Chlcago and Ltzzlo
M. Mlllor of Mootpeller wero marrled last
Frlday tn Now York by Alderman Charles
Mns. Calvin L. Bullock entortalned the
Methodlst Ilomo Mlsslonary Soclety last
Frlday aftornoon at her homo on Wlnter
PRnLEY W. IIoldrn, teller ln the Canltal
Savlnga Bank, returnod last Monday from
Hartford, Uonn., whero ne nas been vialt-
Ing hls slster.
C. M. Gillette, speclal ponsion exam
Inor. left last Monday for Washington. D
0., on a buslness trlp, expectlng to be ab-
sent ton days.
J. H. Sentbr. F. W. Frink, J. G. Browu
and Wlllard Whttcomb leave this week for
the Dead Rlver country ln Matne on a
hunting expedltlon.
Miles Standisii roturned last Saturday
I 1 .- .11 1, t l,n 1 1 1 . .. 1 .
ing for the Fall Klver base-ball clnb ln tho
Uow lingianu leaRuo.
Wf.slry C. Taplin of Southorn Plnoa, N
O.. made a flyinc trlp to Montpelier on
TueHday, accompanted by Rev. 0. P. Tap.
lin, hls father, ol ishsox.
James McGowan of Saratoga, N. Y.,
takes tho place of John Gauthlor in the
clcar manufactory of Arthur Alleu, Tho
lattor haa gone to Barre.
Rbv. J. Edwaud Wuiqiit has an annolnt
niout at the Morse aohool-house noxt Hiai-
day, at 2: 15 r. m, Subject of sormon
" ltellglon ior xius l.ue."
Rrv. R, Siirrman of Cllnton. Conn,, con
ducted tbe meetlng for nien held last Sun
day afternoon at tho rooms of tho Youur
Men h uiirisiian Associatlon,
D. M. Spknck roos this woek to Manches
ter, N. II., to attend tho Inter state Young
Meu's Chris'tan Assoclutlou cotiveutlou for
Vormout and New Hauipshlre.
Tiie klndergartners. Miss Wheolock of
Barro aud MIhs Fisk of Montpelier, wlth
thelr puplls lu trainlug, rcsumo thelt'studles
oi I' rueboi s writings this weoK.
Mits. II. W. OnKT.r. and MIhs Lunv ITiitnh
lns are delegateH from Bethany Ohrlstlau
Endenvor Soclety to the Btato convontlon
to ho hdld next woek in Rutland.
Tiik onllego slng at tho rooms ot tho
Ymnitf Meu's Chrlitlau Associatlon, last
Wednesday ovenlng, was largely attonded.
Miss Eva Clark asslstod wlth vloltn.
James Hanuahan was arrosted last Stiii
day by OHloer Keegan for lntoxtcation hml
disturhlng tho peace. Hla tino and costs
amouutcd to 820.23 tho next mornlng,
Mr. and Mrs. Alukrt II. Brown loft last
'fThursday for u currhigo drlve that wlll ex
lleud as far as SprlnRllehl, Mass Thoy ox
Jpoct to bo ahsout untll about October 10,
W. T. Dbwby, treasurer of the Vermont
Mutual Ftro Insurance Company, roturned
rom hls vacatlon last Frlday, durlng whlch
ho vlsltod Old Polnt Comfort and Washlne-
HON, AND MltS. ClIARr.ttsnitwitv- rnlnmnil
last Saturday from an oxtonded western
trlp, whero Mr. Dewoy has boen ln tho In
terosta of tho Natlonal Lifo Inauranco Com
pany. The Dauchtors of Llbortv havo chanired
thelr tlmo of mootlng from Saturday to
Wednesday ovonlng. Tho noxt meetlng
wlllbohold Wednesday ovonlng, Septotn
ber 39.
Miss Stolry. an evancollst who Is labor
iiiR unilor tho ansplcns of tho Woman'a
Chrlstlan Tomperance Unton, wlll npoak at
tho Thursday ovonlng prayor-meeting this
week at Trlnlty church.
For tho conventonco of natrons of tho
tolephono who do not deslro to cllmb the
atalrs to tho central ofllco, Colonel A. 0,
Brown has establlshed a pay statlon In tho
ewoiry atoro ol A. u. btono.
Thr Chautaiioua class wlll moot noxt Frl
day afternoon, at tho usual hour, wlth Mrs.
W. E. Lalrd, 31 East Llberty street. A full
attondanco Is dosired, as buslness of lmport
ance ls to como boforo tho class.
IIbniiy Eldorus Coffrin ploadod gutlty
to intoxicatlon ln Judgo Smllie'a court laat
Wednesday mornlng and was flned 811.01.
Ho had no monoy and took tho altornatlvo
sentenco of tcn doys tn tho county jall.
Misses Carrir L. Perkinb aud Bossle
Knccland ot Boston wlll bo at tho homo ot
W. A. Lord durlng tho fall and comlnc
wlnter. Tho formor is a coualn of Mra.
Lord, and tho lattor a nlece of Mr. Lord.
Miss Juliet Day returnod last Frlday to
Nowton Conter, Mass., after a Btay tn
Montpelier o' ten wceks, durlng whlch
tlmo she formod many ploasant acquatn
tancos, and galned a largo clrclo of frlenda.
The Columblan Granlto Comnanv ts cut-
tlng tho dlo for tho Catamount monument,
to be erected in Bennington by tho cltlzens
of that town. This dlo is of polished Wind
sor granite nnd has on It slxty ralsed letters.
Brcausr of tho sudden Illness of Juilco
Taft, the county court took a recess last
week from wednesday mornlng tlll Thurs-
lay afternoon. Tho grand Jury took a re
cess Wednesday attornoon to attend the
Northfield fair.
A laroe number of ladle aro attendlne
tho cooklng school, taught by Miss Wllls,
tho flrat sesston of whlch was held on Tnes-
ilav afternoon in tho vestry of the Church
of tho Messiah. An oxtra lesson will he
glveu Frlday afternoon.
A statrd conclavo of Mount Zlon Com-
manderv, Knlghts Templar, wlll be held at
Montpetlor noxt Frlday evenlng. Tho order
of the Templo and Malta will bo worked,
aftor whlch a banquot wlll bo aerved at
Iluntlugton's restaurant.
Major J. n. Mimms of St. Albans was In
town last Saturday to socuro quarters for
tho comlnc seaslon. Thero is little doubt
but that ho will bo re-appointod offictal re
porter ot tho houso, a posltton ho has elfi-
clently fllled for Bevoral aeislons.
Thr Bethany Chrlstlan Endoavor Soclety
hold a soclal ln tln vestry Ust Monday
ovenlng. Tho soclal commltteo, of whlch
Miss Manil Shurtleff ls chalrman, had
charge. Refroshtnonts wero aorvud, and
Miss Ethel Blanpled read aeveralselectlons.
Lucy Bohonon, who was commltted to
jall because of her alleged connectlon wlth
the ntiandnned lnrant case, was reieased on
ball last Wednesday, John T. Uook of Ber
lin entoring as surety for her appearance.
It Is probablo that the case agalnst hor will
not bo pressed.
T. II. Mrrrill. clty clerk and treasurer.
wlll be at hls oftlce evory evenlng, untll
Soptember 29, to accomtnodate those who
cannot conveniently pay thelr taxea In day
tlme. Aftor October 1, tho unpaid tax-billa
wlll be placed ln tho hands of tho clty sher-
iff for collectlon.
Thr annual husiness raeotlne of tho
Ladles' Ald Soclety. connectod with Trlnlfv
olmrcli, wlll bo liobl tliln orenlnp wltli Mrs.
A. H. Webb at tho parsonage on nuhbard
street. All ladles Interested ln organiziug
a church roadlng-club are also requested to
meot at tho sauie tlmo and place.
Cards have been recelved announclns tho
marriage, at Everott, Mass., Septotnber 14,
of Eldon H. Ladd, fonnerly of Plainfield,
Montpelier and Burlington, to Miss Helen
F. Armlngton ot isverett. Mr. and Mrs.
Ladd wlll bo at homo after November 1. at
No. 15 Hamp'hlro street, Everett.
Amonq thoso who took tn tho New York
excurslon from Burlington on Tuesday
wete Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Blanchard and
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shay. Phillp
Hornhrook, W. A. EUIs, E. E. Towner,
Mra. C. S. Whlttler, Mra. L. D. Taft, Mrs.
Polly Scrlbner and Miss Hattie Fisk.
Tiie inanatrera of the Ladles' Ald Aaaocia-
tlon of tho ifeaton Ilospltal have arranged
for a very uovel and luterentlng ontortaln
mont, tn bo glven oarly lu October, conslst
Ing of Llving Plctures of tho Clvll War.
Tho descrlptlvo lecturo ls to bo glven by
Mls Ida K. ninds of New York, forraorly
of Vermont.
Daniel Conlky and Mrs. Martha Drown
woro beforo Judge Smlllo last Wednesday
ovenlng, cbarged with adultery. Through
J. G. Winc. thelr counsel. they walved x.
amlnation. Conley furnished 8300 for his
annearanco ln county court. Mrs. Drown
was unablo to furnish surety aud was re-
mauded to jall.
Frank n. Woodrury was arrested on
the falr-ground at Northfield last week,
cbarged wlth Intoxicatlon. Ho was tined
ln lustlco court in Northfield, wlth costs.
810.01. whlch ho pald. Ou tho dlsolosure
of Timothy Hornhrook, who was arrested
tho samo day at Northfield, Woodbury was
taken thoro tho dav followlng and was
inulcted an additlonal 810 for furnlshing.
Miss Elizaubtii Toiiy, former president
of the Massachusotts womau's Chrlstlan
Temperance Unlon, will address tho Mont
nolier Unlon on Thursday afternoon at
half nast two o'clock. at tho homo of Mra
L. L. Beeman, 20 Collego streot. Miss Toby
Is nn nmiau i lv n i e Bneakor, and lfl power
ful ln lier cospel temporauce work. All nro
vory cordlall? Invitcd, partlcularly the
membors of other temperance organlzatlons.
A. O. Cumminh has shown us a copy ot
Plerro. S. I).. Jotirnaf. whlch lllustrates
what tho farmors in that sectlou can do
with a little nersovoranco. Carl Pietan, a
Gnrman. movod to that country six years
ago with twenty head of cattle and two
horsos. Ho recently sold S4.200 worth of
fat cattle and has left 180 head of cattlo and
flfty horsps wlth hls laud all foncell and a
cnmfortablo houso. He has recently sailed
for Gorniauy wlth hls famlly for a vtslt to
hls old homo.
Tkb ourreut unmber of Shoe and Leather
Factt has a two colutnn artlclo descrlptlvo
of tho old tlme methods of two early tannira
ol Jlontpi-ller reter .Jouonnott, grauu
fatherof Alhort Johonnott, and W. N. lVck
wltliout slops or muss.
kvlVliouse and
Psfdl that's in it
"The Richardson."
Tho Iiiirgcst and Handsomost Storo
in tho Stato.
Dress Coods.
A display of Tcxtile Ele
gance and Beauty more com
prehensive than you have seen
in the past. The display is
for your pleasure, study and
profit. Come and see.
Jackets and Wraps
Have a store to themselves.
We are receiving new goods
every day. Some lovely Jack
ets at a very low figure. We
shall carry a most select line,
and every Garment will be
new and right from the manu-
facturer this season. We ask
you to call and see tnem.
New arrivals this morning.
Head of Cburch Street, . . Burlington, Yt.
Are You
Thinkhig of buying a wintcr
Bii t? If you aro, don't for
get to look at our ten-dollar
Ten-thllar suits nrc a Bpc
cialty with us, and we are
able to give bettor valuea for
that raoney than can be had
Hlackfast Worstcds and
Standard Hlack Cheviot suits
for S10, are worth every
cent of that nrico.
But wo havo several lines
of rogular S12.50 suita that
wo sell nt $10.
In tho $10 Huo3 are sev
eral different styles of suits
made from the Sawyer Cele
brated Woolens.
i The Clothier;
60 State Street.
Cambridge, at Hotel, tliis
week, and in Underhill and
Jericho soon.
Examination fee alsvays
$2, exoept whero work is
dono, then examination is
Havana in Ashes!
Multitudea of peoplo nre roduclng
our Havana Cigaro to aahoB every
Tliousaiuls Are Dead!
Bure they are the best for the
Hundreda are dylng for want of
monoy to buy ono.
voa salk y
C, H. POWERS, Burlington, Yt.
Eye S