Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATB JOURNAL: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBE H 23, 1896. 2 THE NORTHFIELD FAIR, AXOTltJHl HVGOHSS SOOlimt Ur tho I)R Itlvcr Valluy ilssocliiMnn l'lno Dlattlny f Cattlv, Sliccp, l'uultry niiil Ilnraci-l'iiat Trottlni; aiid I.nrco Uromls tu WltllCBX tliu ItllCCS. Unliku somo falrs held ln otlior parts of tlio stato, tho Dor Hlvor Valloy Fair al ways comes noarer tlio ldeal of aii old fashlonetl county fair ln tlio varloty aud excollmico of Its Rotioral oxhlblts ot llvo stock nml tho products of Ueld aud Rardou. Tho twonty-fourth numtal fair ot thls asso clatlon, hold last week Tuesday, Wcdnes Uny and Tlmrsday nt Northllold, was ono of tho most snccossfnl ovor hold 011 HiIh ground. Tho Iltst two days tho woathor was llno, auil on Wodnosday ot least 0,000 pooplo woro ln attondanco. Tho llrHt day was dovoted to maltlng oti trlos, aud asslgulng Htock, articlcs aud pro ducts to thelr propor places. Wodnosday mornluR thoro was an ojcnmiiiatlou of brood niares and colts and nu oxlilbitlon of worlc liiR oxou on tho track, wlth throo lntorost liig racos. " Joo Wllkoj " wou tho raoo ln the two-forty olass ln threo stralfiht heats. " Ida J." won second, "Oroonhorn" thlrd and"Ellen" foutth moaoy. Tlmo-2;31, 2:31,2:31. It took slx heats to docldo tho two-twcnty.slx class raco, as tho flfth was a tlo hotwoou " Patchoy " aud "MaRglo II." Flrst monoy wont to "Patchoy," second to " Jeddoo'" thlrd to " MagRlo II." aud fourth to " Lizzle l'holps." In tho four-ycar-old class " I'astoral " took flrst monoy, " l'ou Barron " second, nnd thlrd aud fourth was dlvldcd hutwoon " Callco J.," "Spottod" and " Jlm I'aRe." Tlnie-2:-18t, 2;51J, 2: 00, 2:B0i. Tho runnltiR raco was won by " Qtioen Aun " ln two half-uillo heats. Tlme 1:00 and 1:15. Floral Hall was crowdod wlth tnterestlnR oxhlhlts that lt would ho a pleasuro to ruoutlou ln dotall dld space poruiit. A stroll auiouR tho llvo stock pons dlsclosed tho foIlowlnR: RIIKKl'. E. E. Bowman of Hoxbury showed two-year-old erados; l'cck & Ilornor, Itoxhury, owo lambsj Lewis N. StovenB, Uoxbury, Shropshlro owesj V. E. Deusiuoro, North field, Cotswold owes and larnbs; Ilenry Wobster, Uoxbury, Shropshlres, aud W. V. Dlbbell, Brookfield, ewo latnbs. CATTLK. D. II. Sklnntr, Waitsfield, Jersoy cows and holfers, aud also Guernsoys, wlth a fluo two-year-old bull of the latter brood j N. W. Peck, Roxbury, luatched steer calvesj A. W. I'arsons, Northfield, Durham cows aud calf; E. T. McCarthy, Waitsfield, Durham cows, calves and two-year-old heifers; Letnnel Ghandler, Berlin, and E. E. Bow man, Roxbury, two-year.old Jersoy bullsi W. II. Donsiuoro, Northflold, Rrade Jersoy cows and calvosj h. W. Avery, Northfield, Jersey calves; O. S. Willlams, Brookfield, yearllUR heifors; 0. M. Fleld, Northfield, Jersey bull; Ilenry Averill, Northflold, two-year-old Jersey bull; Winslow Broth ers, Berlin, yearllnc Ayrshlre bull and crade Jersey helforsj M, L. Thomas, North lield, cows, threo aud two yoars old; Ira Ilolden, Northfield, Stlllman Stevens, Northfield, and Charles Kathan, North field, steers; Lewis N. Stevens, Hoxbury, Ira Holden, Northfield, John MudRett, Brookfield, and F. J. Houston, Northfield, worklnR oxen: W. W. Iloldeu, Northllold, a splendid exhlblt of Rrado Jersoys, yearllnR and two-year-old helfers and Rrade Jersey cal ves. BWINE. E. E. Bowman, Roxbury, Jones & Glld den, Northfield, aud Honry Webster, Rox bury, had full oxhlblts of soveral breeds of swlue. POBLTIIY. B. E. Davls of Bethel and 0. O. Palne of Randolph each had about ono hundred crates of ducks, plgeons, turkeys, goeso and hens. Other oxhlbltors woro Ilolton DilllnRhauj, and L. W. Averill of North field. Raln Intorfered somowhat wlth the at tendance the last day, but three races wcro trotted. Tho flrst, in tho two-thlrty-throe class, for a purso of 885, was won by " Suslo Starr" in threo straifiht hoats. Timc 2:33V, 2:32t, 2:31$. 1 " Joo Wllkes " wou tho raco in the twc flfty class for a purso of SOOiu threo straiRht heats. Tlme-2:37i, 2:3li, 2:39. Qreat Intorest contered in tho free-for-all, for a purso of 8200. It was won by " Itob ert B.," drlven by Charlos Taylor, who is in his nlnetieth year. Tho last hoat was trotted ln a heavy showor. Tlmo 2:20V, 2:23, 2:231, 2: 23'j. Washington County Court. Tj. J. BOLSTKlt V. O. II. HUNTON GltAMTlt Comi'Any, Ai-T. Qoneral assumpslt. The justlco judRment was afllrmed. Tho ludg ment and costs aro sald to amount to about 839. Moses P. WitKELKn, Arr., v. Estate op Hokatio TKMrLETON. Appeal froui com missiouers. Temploton, about flvo years bro, as au ofllcer, attached wood worth about S75 for ono Emorson, aud sold the samo at auotlon. Tho wood was on tho premisos of 0. 0. Putnam & Son in Worces ter. Plalntiff clalmed to havo purchased the same of Emorson, but as his caso lacked proof that notlco of tho chanRo of owner sliip of the wood was Rlven Putnam & Son, a verdlct was ordorod for dofendant. W. A. Lord for plalutifT; S. 0. Shurtleff for defondant. Hahry J. Bertoli V. E. Ij. Smith & Co , Apts. Gonoral assumpslt. The plaiutlff clalmed to recovor for two tablets sold iu Juno, 1895, to defondants, who aro Rranito manufacturors in Barre. Tho salo was mado by W. A. IUce, whom, plaintlfl clalmed, acted as his afient. Defendants took tho positlon that thoy dealt wlth Illco as a princlpal, and introduced a doposltlon from Rice to tho elfect that ho purchased tho tablets from plalntiff, with whom he had deallnRs iu insuranco mattors. Plalntiff introduced testimony tendlng to impeach Rice's reputation for truth and veraclty. Verdlct for plalntiff for 8125 and costs, and lnterest from August 18, 1893. F. L. Laird for plaintiiT; J. W. Qordou and W. W. La polnt for defendants. J. W. BnocK, Adm'u., v. Loomis & Glea son. Plalntiff clalmed to recover for rent duo on a loaso of a storo on Stato stroet, Montpelier, ownod by tho lato E. M. Irish. Tho otlRlnal leaso was a wrltten ono for four yearH Ifrom March ai, 1893, at 8325 per year, rent duo tho last of each month, and was Rlven to Ohapman & McGlll. Tho defondants, aftor other chanRes, camo into possession and paid tho rent accordiuR to torms of orlRlnal leaso, but had no asslRii mont, aud tho caso dld uot dlscloso any oral contract. Dofendants had possession about flfteen months aud paid rent to August 31, 1895, RlvinR up tho koy in tho early days of Septeuiber. Tho writ was datod Uecembor 1, 1893. Tho court ordored a vordlot for plalntllt for threo months' ront, on tho Rrotind that it had becomo n tonancy from year to year. F. A. Ilowland for plalutifT; S. 0. ShurtleiT for defendants. Tiieoiues of cure may bo dlscussed at lenRth by physiclanB, but tho sufferors wantqulck roliof, and Ono Mlnuto Couph Curo wlll glvo it to them, A safo cure for cblldreu. It ls " tho only harmless rotuedy that nroduccs lmmodiato resultB." W. E. Terrlll & Co., Montpolior, Vt. Do you want anything in tho llno of druRS und medicluos no matter what? If so call on Frod A. Ainsworth, proprlotor of the now Williamstown driiR-storo, on Dopot str jet, ono iloor east of J. 1C. Lyndo's storo. If, perchance, ho may not havo nactly what you deslro, ho wlll alm to supply it in tho shortest possiblo tlmo. If Rood goods and honest prices aud squaro doallng will do it, ho is bound to seouro a fair sharo of publlo patronage. Sowing machino Buppllos and a popuiar lino of statlonory aro specialtlos. Glvo Iilm a call. TOWN CORRESPONDENCE. AA'ft aiiKliJlATj. WlllhiiiiBtowii. Charlos Rrockway has beon In Now York Clty of lato. A son was born lastTlmrsday to Rov. aud Mrs. J. N. Porrln. It Is undorstood that Mrs. Jaiuos M. Beckett Is n trlile bottor. A fow moro thnn thlrty attonded tho I'rovlncial Exposltlon at Montroal last weuk. Aftor a rost of two and a half months, K. O. lllauohard wlil open his houso thls wook to boardors. Frank Ilruco has taken to hlmsolf a wlfp, a St. Albans lady, IIo hus openod n har ber's shop In Granttovlllo. A. II. Llttlo aud wifo (nco Mlss Mary Ed Bon), for years past residonts of Iloston, aro vlsltlnR rolatlvos horoabouts. Jullus E. Martln, a Rranlto-pollsher, has roiio to East Ilarro to work, whoro mauy llnd work whon lt fails thom hero. Ilonry Gainblo, foreiuan of thoGroarsoo & Ileckott Rranito shops, rccently recolved a sovero injury to his haud. IIo was com pelled to Rlvo up work for a tlmo. Rotum S. Davls, haviiiR roached his now honio in Roslyn, LonR Island, about olRhtoeu mllos from Now York Clty, wrltos of his ploasant flrst improssious of his uurrouml lugs. Mrs. Ellsha B. Galo has beon dlsposlnR of many of hor housohold Roods at uuction, and tho liidlcatlons aro that wo may loso hor as a resldent for yoars to coine, it not all tlmo. Mrs. Charlos Martln Is now ablotosltup a Rood doal. If lt shall provo that no se rlous Injury was dono to hor kneo by hor fall, sho wlll "bo, horsolf agalu" boforo mauy months. It has beon loarnod that Charles White, a formor townsinan, son of tho lato Cornollus White, is a resldent of Nobraska, whoro ho has two farms. For some yoars ho has fol lowod tho buildiuR trado iu Oinaha. Traoy Ij. Jeffords, rosldlng in WashluR ton, D. 0.. has latoly takeu a month's vaca tlou, iu which ho vlsltod tho Paclflo coast and wont as far south as Moxlco. Almost ovorywhoro ho fouud politics tho absorbinR thome. Depot stroot Is belnp wldened and Rreatly Improvod by Mr. Blanchard, road commis sioner. Whon thls work is ilnlshed ho will onter upon tho constructlon of the new road in tho quarry dlstrlct, so greatly noeded for our Rranito fndustry. Last wook a lettor was recelved from au oxcollent frlond, a natlvo of Indiana, but for somo years a resident of Kentucky. IIo was a loyal soldior in the War of tho Re bolllon aud has over beon a staunch repub llcan. IIo sonds a "Ilurrah for the Groen Mountaln Boys " for what they havo latoly done at tho polls, addlng that thoy havo al ways "Rlven a good account of themsolves. They dld that In the war for our indopend euco and also through tho lato War of tho UebellloH. aud they aro still on the rlght sldo." Llvlng in the mldst of thoso who, not Iour ago, wero larcely popultsts, ho writep: "Thoy a:e gettlng thelr eyes openod and aro couilng back luto tho republlcan fold," and ho bellevesMoKinloy is bound to win in the presldontial raco. It doesn't matter much whether slck headacho, blllousness, lndlgestion and con stlpatlon aro caused by neglect or by un avohlablo circumstances, DoWltt's Littlo Early Risers wlll speedlly curo thom all. W. E. Torrlll & Co., Montpelier, Vt. Last week wo had the ploasure of a chat with Mr. and Mrs. Abel II. Dufur, natlves of thls plaoj but for flfty yoars past reti dents of tho West. Mrs. Dufur was a daiiRhtor of tho late Perloy DTowe, who ditd yoars ago, and who was, perhaps, tho flrst snxton of the CoiiRregatlonal church in this placo that cau ho recalled by most Wil llainstownians now Hving. Mr. Dufur went flrst to ChicaRo, as a carpeater. Whilo thero ho boiiRht a cortaln lot ot laud in tho clty for S4C0, and sold it for SSOO. To-day tlio land Is worth 550,000. IIo afterwards took up tho millwrlRht trado, and lator wont to Oregon, whoro hU brothor, A. Jackson Dufur, was Hving, and orected a ilourinR mlll, whlch was couducted by a son uutil his death a year or two ago. For somo slx years pait .Mr. Dufur liai Iiboii n resldent of the tlirlvlng city of Ashland, Wis,, wherohis ouly livlug son la a lawjer. IIo scoms to havo been Rreatly prospered in llnanclal mattors, aud now, at tho ago of Boveuty.flvo years, ho aud his ploasant wifo aro taklnR llfo easy. IIo says his recent stay of soveral wcoks ln Vermont has beon clellghtful, aud, whllo our stato ls a slow ono compared wlth somo In tho West, ho would advlso auybody hero who is .voll off to roniHiu. Ile predluts a Rood majorlty for McICinlny in Wlcconsin. Nerves drt the ilesscngers of Sense, tlio Telcgrapb Systein of tho human boily. Norvcs cxtend from tho braln to ovcry part of tho body and rcach every organ. Norvos aro llko flro good servants but hard masters. Norvos aro fed by tho blood and aro tkerefore llko It ln charactcr. Norvos wlll bo weak and exhausted If tho blood is thln, palo and impuro. Norvos wlll stircly ho strong and steady If tho blood Is rlch, red and vlgorous. Norvos flnd a truo frlend Iu llood's Sarsapa- rllla becauso lt makcs rlch, rcd blood. Norvos do tholr work naturally and well, tho braln h uucloudcd, thero aro no neuralglo palns, appetlto and dlgcs- tlon aro good, when you tako Hood's Sarsaparilla The Ono Truo Wood Purlfler. All drugglsts. Sl. Prcpared onljr by 0. I. IIooil .t Co., Lowell, ftnss. u ii n'n tho hoat fainllycathartlo nOOCi S FnlS and livev stiuiulaut. 250. BANCROFT'S Instant Relief WAKItAXIiM). Uio liair n bottto, and lt not MtUfactory roturn tlio lml.tnea nncl et tlio pnrclmio moneyi wo autlior Izonny mercliant lodothls. CUUKS DVSUNTKUV, OIIOt.KIU JIOHHUH, NKUHAI UIA, TOO J1U01I I'HUIT TOOTItAOIIK, hUDDKN COI.DH, Kto, Solil nt Kll tlio atoroa. l'rlce 25c, JOo aiul $I,W. Freil'k Dutclier Drug Go, ritoi'itiirroits, ST, ALBANS, - VERMONT SUMMARY OF NEWS, Vcrinont. Bknninqton wlll apply to tho lcglslaturo okct for a clty charter. Tiik thlrd annual convontlon of tho VounR Mon's Chrlstlan Assoclatlons of Vermont aud Now Hatupshlro Is to bo hold at Manchester, N. II , Septenibor 21, 25,20 and 27. You'tL uso loss of lt Harmloss Soap, A. P. Ohilds of Bennington hus glvon to tho town of WllmluRton, whoro ho was born, tho sum of 8500 for n soldlors' mou umont. A lueotluR of the cltlzeus of that town has boon hold to mako arratiRomontB for carryluR tho offor Into effect. Pknsions recontly Rrantod to Vormont ors: Restoratlon and additlonnl, Itodolnhus W. w ooiIh (iiecoasoii) oi wost liartiorct; lucrease, Rlcbard T. Uoyco of Wost llurko; rolssuo, James II, Roblusou of Brandon: orlRlnal, widows, otc, Oynthla Wood of West Hartford. You'll uso less of it narmloss Soap. Eveiiy souator-olect for tho comliiR bos slon Is a now man. Ton mombors-oloct ot tho houso woro mombors of that body ln 1891, namoly: A. P. Brown of Belvidere, J. II. lleald of Andover, T. A, Chaso of Bradford, 0. P. Smith of BurlttiRtou, F. B. Stockor of Danville, W. A. Lord of Mont pelier. 0. N. Ilood ot Reading, M. L. Whit noy of Stamford, Edward Wlldor of Wes ton aud II. P. McCloary of Windsor. Amono tho promlnont speakora from out sido tho stato who wlll address the State Chrlstlan Endeavor Convontlon, to bo hold in Rutland on Tuesday and Wodnosday, Saptombor 29 aud 30, are Miss Marparot W. Loltch of Jaffna, Coylnu, Mlss Robccca Klrkorlam of Aintab, Turkey, Hov. John Bnratow of Modford, Mass., and Amos R. Wells of tho Ooldcn little, Boston. Bix hun dred dolegates wlll ho in attendance. Mork than 81,000,000 of money from Vor mont has beon loaned through A. F, & L. E. Kelloy, tho real ostato and mortRaRO loan brokora who asslfined last veok. Over 8500,000 was loaned throuRh tho llrrri by Windham county lnvestorB in sums ranglug from 81,000 to 810,000. The loans aro sald to bo well securod by mortgagoand aro con sldored as good to-day as boforo the assign mont. It was oxpected a yoar ago that an aHslgnment would come soonor or lator, and tho savlnRS banks of Brattleboro, Jamaica, Nowfano and Wilmington ROt entlrely cloar olght months ago. Don't trllle away timo when you havo cholern inorbus or diarrbooa. 1'lght thom in tho beginnluR with DoWltt's Collo and Cholera Curo. You don't havo to wait for results, they aro iustautaneous, and lt leaves tho bowels in healthy condltion. W. E. Terrlll & Co., Montpelier, Vt. Domcsllc. Complete roturns from the 409 towns, clties and plantatlons ln Maiue glvo Gov-ornor-eloct Powers a plurallty of 48,401, wlth a majorlty over all of about 4,000 less than that figuro. Rbv. Dk. Ciiauncey J. BnEWSTEn, rector ot Grace church, Brooklyn, will, ln all probabllity, be ohosen to tho blshoprio of tho Dioceso of Western Now lYork at tho Dlocesan Conventlon to bo hold iu Ituffalo In about two wooks. This ls to flll tho va cancy recontly caused by tho death of IU. Rev. Arthur Clovelaud Coxo. In only two moro states will Rubernato rial olectlons bo hold boforo tho Roneral election ln November. Florida has an oleotlon on Tuosday, October 0, and Geor pla on Wodnosday, October 7. Somo lnter est will attach to tho latter, iuasinuch as Goorgla is tho home of Tom Watsou, tho popullst candidato for vicc-president. In writlug to Prosidont Carter of Wil llams ColleRO rolativo to tho campalRU in Ohlo, James A. Garfleld, oldest son of tho lauiented president, says: " Evorjwhero I havo spokon I rlnd meu thoroughly aroused. Thoy domauded iuformation on tho mouoy issuo. Tho sllver tide has reaohed its hlgh ost polnt in this state. Facts have over thrown Mr. Bryan's statements and prom ises. nis recent speoches ln Ohlo aro lutrt Iur him. The pooplo of the Western Ro. sorve, although admirlng attractivo ora tlons, aro Btudents of polittcal history, aud inslst that eloquouco be fouuded on truth. Tho victory in Vermont wlll help us in all acrlcultural communities." If you havo ovor soen a littlo chlld in tho agouy of summer complalnt, you can rc alizo tho dangor ot tho troublo and appre clato tho valuo of instantaueous relief al ways allorded by DoWltt's Collo and Cholera Curo. For dysentery and dlarrboja lt ls a rollablo romedy. Wo could not af ford to recommoud this as a curo uuh hs lt woro a curo. W. E. Terrlll & Co., Mont pelier, Vt. Forclgn. The ombassles at Constantinoplo havo deputized tho forelgn consuls to authorlze tho pollco to enter forelgn houses, when necessary, and arrest Armeuians throwlng bombs or shooting therofrom. Thk roturu to Honolulu of tho Prlncess Kalluni, aftor au absenco of eight years In England, ls oxpected this month. Sho wlll proliably recelvo an ovatlon on landing from nativos and half whltos, although many thlnk that hor friends will dlscouraga such mauifestatlons for fear that sho mlght theroby imperil hor penslon of 82,000. It is not probable that thoROvornmont would fco much coucern about any such demonstra tlon, or lutorfero wlth any oxprossions of sympathy the natives miRht bo dlsposod to siiow. The Turkish ofllcials havo lssued a state ment iu which they say they cannot undor stand elther tho bllnd rage of tho Eugllsh pross agalnst tho Turkish govornmont or tho sympathy oxpressed for the Armeuian anarcntsts, whose plans are morely a repeti tlon of the bomb-throwlng of the Irish Fonians and thelr monacing of Eugllsh buildlnRS for tho purposo of compelling tho Brltlsh goverumont to como to torms. Tho Armeuian rovolutlouists, the Btatomont ile clares, havo formed an infamous coalltion wlth nlhllistB, anarchists and all demolish ors of society. PhksidentCleveland is detormlned that tho Unlted States cruisor " Bancroft," now on hor way to Turkish waters, Bhall eutor tho Bosphorus. The Rovemmont at Waeh InRton ls fully informed of tho plans of Lord Salisbury, and if tho ships of tho Brlt IbIi flnot forco the Dardanelles, tho Amor icau warships will follow and presorve or dor wlthout onRaglng tho Turkish forta. Sovoral of tho loadiug provincial napers of England, Includlng tho Lccds Mercury (liboral), and tho Yorkshtre Post (conserva tlve), coluclilo in tho viow that tho lolnt ac tlon of tho Brltlsh and Atuerican warships at Constantinoplo would' bo a most offeotivo co.oporatlvo. Pakties of youtiR Turks havo placarded Constautinoplo with postors iucltitiK tho populatlou to dethrono the sultan. Serlous troublo Is antlclpated. Old Turkish trcop shlps are ulRhtly deportliiR ArmenlauB to tho Black bea, where, it is hollevod, thoy aro throwu in. Tlio Ilrltish residonts, at tho iustanco of tho Brltlsh ombassy, havo toleRraphed toLord Ballsbury, statiug that thelr llvos aud proporty uro in danRor. Tho Frouoh residonts havo takon slmllar actlou. Brltlsh and Fronoh lleots aro now nciu tlio mouth of tho Dardanelles, Fuad Pasha, ono of tho sultau's aidos-do-camp, wai iues tlonod as to how loug tho forts along the Dardanollos could check tho passaRo of the warships, and ho replled that thoy could htop them for almost half au liour. Thb stato department at Washington ls mnultestlug an actlvo Intorest iu tlie re ported hacklng to pleces In Cuba of Charles Govln, an Amorlcan nowapaporcorrespoud ont, aud Cousul-General Leo has demumled a full roport on tho ailalr from Captalu General Woylor. If tho Spanlards aro un ablo to refute tho stroug ailldavlts already ln possession of this govornmont, au npol ogy and Indemnity will bo peromptorily callod for. Tho stato dopartmont is In formed thnt Govin, who had his Amorlcan passport andcarrlod no arms, had lost his way, and was capturod July 0 last by tho Spanlsh Colonol Ochoa, who had hlra bound to a troo and hacked to ploces wlth maohots. Consul-Gonoral Leo wlll pross tlio mattor to au ultlmatutn as promptly as possiblo, Thk ambassadors ot tho PoworH hold a mootlng last wook at Constantinoplo to plan moasures for tho protoctlon of tho dlfferont cmbassios and tho forelgn population gon orally ln tho ovout of a rouowal of tho dls turbaucos thoro. Tho plan ls undorstood to lncludo tho unlted actlon of tho guardshlps of all tho Powors, each slilp to laud mou at a glvon slRnal to protect cortaln polnts. The oillues of tho ombassy wlll also, lt ls ru mored, bo considorably streuRthonod by an iucreasod numbor of men now guardlug thom, aud by othor precautlons whlch wlll tond to mako thom capahlo of roslstlug at taolc for a consldorablo tlmo. It ls also ro portod that undor cortaln circumstances a numbor ot addltlonal warships of tho Powors wlll relutorco tho Ruardships uow dolng duty in theso wators. Li Huno Chako sallcd from Vancouvor. 11, C, last Wodnosday, ou tho "Empross of Chlua." Tho wharves woro crowdod with Chinoso, not only rosldouts of Vancouvor, but from all parts of tho Paclflo Proviuco nnd Statos. About half-past ono tho Chluoso Joss was set ln full oporatlon, wlth tho objcct of frlghtoniug from tho blg stoamor all ovll splrlts that miRht ho lurk ing iu tho viclnlty and thus assurlnR for tho groat Vlcoroy a safo and ploasant journoy. DuriuR tho noxt half hour thero was a con stant clattor and roar, nover ceasing for au instant. Mlllious of llro-crackors and bombs woro exploilod. Tho stoamer backod out of hor dock oxactly at two o'clock, tho band strlklng up "Ilome, Sweet Homo." Just prior to tho doparturo of tho hoat Ll Ilung ChauR sald that ho had beon most kiudly troated whilo ln Amorlca. "GREATEST ON EARTH." I)r. ITIllcs' IXcHtorattvo Ncrvliio. Mr. 11. T. Cnldwoll, ls book-kccpor in tho I'lrst Natlonal Bank of Fulton, Ky. "I va3 complrtoly run down, My norvcs hccaino fo unstrunjj through loas of slcop nnd worry that I felt suro I would bo com pollcd to glvo up my positlon. I would llo awako all nlght long, nnd lt took but littlo II. T. Oaldwell. toshako mo npso that I could not posslbly attond lo my buslncss as I sliould. ln counoctlon . wlth thls I had Nrcr troublc, hoavlness about tho storaach, and palns ln cJltTcrentpartsof my body. 1 wasnlsomuch rcduccd ln llcsh. I was persuadod to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Ncrvine. I flrst procnred a trlal bottlo from a local druggist and good resultsqulckly followcd. I tlion nrocurcil adollar bottlo, n nd by tho tlmo I had used thls up I was a dlfferont man. I am now on my thlrd bottlo and am ahlo to slcepsoundly and eat rcgularly, somotlilng I could iict posslbly do boforo taklng your Ncrvine, l arn uowfuUu rccnvcrcd, and do not hosltato to pronounco Dr. Mllcs' ltostoratlvo Norvluo tho grcaltst ncn'fns on carth." Fulton, Ky. R. T. CALDWELL. Dr. Mllcs' Norvlno Is sold on a posltlvo cuarantco that tho llrst bottlo wlll ocnellt. AHdruEglstssoUitntlSl.O bottlos forjo, or ltwlll bosent, prepald, on rocelpt of prlco by tho Dr. Milcs McdUcal Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine .V.iicaiu, SCavcats, and Trado-Marks obtaincd and all Pat Scntbusincsaconducted for MODERATC FEES. Oun orncc is opposiTr, U, Q. PatentOfficeJ and wc cansccure patcntin less timc than thoscj frftmntn from Wnshineton. . i Send modcl, drawing or plioto., with dcscrlp-j f tlon. Wc advisc, U patentablo or not, frco of! Jcnargc. uur tcc noi uuc tm patent issccurcu.t , S a pimpui pt- " How to Obtain Patcnts." w!th icost of Eamo in the U. S. and forciga countricsj C.A.SNOW&CO.: MINUTE COUCH CURE curcs qulckly. That ls what lt was mado for. Prompt, safe, Burc, qulck relief, qulck cure. Pleasant to take. Ohlldren llko lt antl adults llko lt. Mothora buy lt for thelr chlldren. ProprDd by E. O. DoWltt A Oo., makf rsof UeWltfs Littlo Early RlaorB, tho famona WloptlU- And youiiR womnn desltlni; bualness auccesa, ahould kuow ot tho advautaKea of the BURLINGTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Kour couriea. Klgbteenth venr. Writo to ua (or now piospectiu. 15. (J, KVAN8, Vrineipal. Tlie nnnual meotlnj? ot tho luemboM of ttio Vor mont Jlutnal Klro Inaurnnco Coinimny, (or tlio eloctlon of dlrectora nml tlio trausnctloii of any othor loKat bnalneai, wlll bo helil nt 'lta olllco Iu Monlruller, Vt., on Wedneaday, October II, It'JO.ut two o clock p. M. lly order of tlio Ulrectora. JAMES T. SAIII.n, Stcritary. Montiieller, Vt., Soptembor 3, m. Tlio lilncolu Foiintnin I'cn. Tho "Lincoln Pkn" has beon In use In thls olllce, on all kinds of work, for nearly two years, Hcoresaro in uso ln tho banks, Insuranco ot tlccs, and huslueHS liousos of Montpelier. Ilundrods havo boen Bold by thls of tlco ln all parts of tho i stato aud couutry. It Is ' durable, good for years of Jl1l3ZfSt ..urv.'. . ' "lwuyB rcauy to ro, uiu novor unps, tlio Ink llowlni; unlformlv nnd ln tho rlght moasuro. It rIvob perfeot satls factlou. Buy ono. Tho prlco ls tho only thlng chcap about tho " Lincoln," By mafl ou recoipt ot prlco. Watciiman Pijbushinci Co. JPIlTHIIITOrjW JL'.f) f ) THE HOUSEHOLD. Kcpciitnnco. A curio waa liurled Into tho alr That Ooil a brothor'a eoul mlKlit btaat. Tho hot toara foll. Tlion roao a prnyer That Ood mlght gimtd nnd keop It fait. Hwlft apcdtho curso, but awlftor far Tlio whltc-wlnned prayor on Motoy'a broath Whlto angcU o'or Heaven'a cryatal bar lloliold tlio raco of llfo nnd doalh, Tlio bat-llko curao Iu dazzltiiR llght Uncortatn now Its Journoy kocpe, White up tlitough hoavonly rndlanco brlght Tho vlotor prayor ln trlumpli aweeps, Tho cryatal bar wldo opon llloa, Tho prayor la eafo In l'arndlsei tt cloaos at tlio angot' word, Tho curao no'or roachod tho throno of (lod. -Cloyerand Hoathor. I n tlio IIoiiio t'ii-clc. Tho flro upon tho hoarth la low, And thoro la atlllncaa overywhorei And, llko wlngod apltlta, lieru nnd thoro Tho lltcllght ahadowa lliitterlng go. And aa tho ahadowa round mo creop, A chlldlah troblo broaka thogloom, And aoniy from n fartlier room Comoa "Now I lay mo down to alocp." And aomohow wlth that littlo prayor And that awoet troblo Iu my oara, My thonghta go back to dlatant yeara, And llngerwltli n dear ono thoro; And aa l hoar my chlld'a " Amon," My mothor'a falth comoa back to mo Crouchcd at hor ahlo I aoem to be, And motlicr holda my handa ngaln. Oh, for an hour ln that dcar placol Oh, (or tho peaco of that dear tlmo! Oh, for that chlldlah truat aubllmel Oh, for a gllmpae of inother'a facdl Yet na the ahadowa round mo creop, I do not aecm to bo alono Swcet maglc of that troble tono Aud " How I lay me down to aleep." ' Kugene Fleld. Conlldciicos of L'lilldren. Nover bo too lmsy, too tlrcd or toolmpa tlont to onter Into tlio confldonccs of your smiillost chlld. Whon your littlo 5-ycnr-old lrl runs to you, hor wlnsoino fnco all uglow with oxcltoniont, nnd saysraptur ously, "Oh, inaininu, I do fo llko Hobblo Smith; I thlnk heV m nico, nnd ho llkcs mo, too!" do not rldloulo tho chlld and do not ttirn to your frlond wlth tho romark tlmf'it ls hoau ugo nlrcady," but tako your darllii( on your kneo, lot hor pour out nll hcr swcct tlioughts, show hor your undls!uis('d intorest in hcr littlo compan lons nnd friondships. Flnd out why this partlculur Dobbio ls"so nlco," why sho llkcs him nnd if tho ulTectlon ls rocipro cntctl, nnd latcr, sliould you consldcr lt bcst that tho friondshlp bo dtscoutiuucd, tako n tcndor way of dolnj it; but, nbovo nll, do not put your chlld itwuy wlth a lnueh. Sho ls only a chlld, but hor licnrt wlll bo dceply hurt, nnd sho wlll think, with tlio tcnrs swiminlnp; ln tho bonny oyes, that you uro not lntorostcd in hor lit tlo nffairs, nnd tho noxt tlmo sho fcols dls poscd to bo confldontial sho will rcmombcr tho laugh uud wlll lock up hcr littlo sccrot wlthin hor own brcast, nnd ns tlinooos on "motlicr" wlll bo tho last rnthcr thnn tho flrst ono to whom sho wlll ro. Homoinbcr this lf you wlsh to wln uiitl kcop your chll drcn's coufldonco. Phihidolphla Timcs. IiKlcbtcd to His Wifo, WrltiiiK of tho groatncss of Dwight L. Moody, in McCluvo's Mngiizlno, l'rofossor Drummond says: "If you wcro to usk Mr. Moody whlch it would ncvcr ocour to you to do whnt, npart from thu lnsplrations of his pcrsonal falth, was tho sccrot of his rucccss, of UU Imppliu'M und usofulncss ln Ufc, ho would nssurcdly nnswcr, 'Mrs. Moody.' " Tho profossor incniH moro than incroly to stato tho fnet that Mrs. Moody has Rroatly nldod hcr liusband ln his succoss lul und usotul llfo. Ho intcnds to show that Mr. 31m dy knows sho has powerfully holpcd him toiittnin his ouninmudltiu; po sitlon nnd is willinRthat tho worltl sliould ulso kuow his lndoiitci.nos.s to hcr. Thls iickniiwlcdgcnmt, I'mfcssor Drum mond thinks, ls ono cvldnnco of Mr. Moody's grontuiNs. Tho profi'ssor ls rlght. Thero aro too iiiniiy sutroscful mon who trado upon thelr wivus' capltnl and novor ncknowllKf, that, tluniKh sllont, they aro ellcctlvo parttiors. Daudct, tho famous Fronch wrltur, ro ECinbles tho Amnrlcan cvanjicllst in con fossliii? his lnduljtudness to his wifo. "I must pny," ho roninrkcd to ti frlond, "that in my llUTary work I owo nearly nll to my wito. Sho roivuds nll my books, nnd ud Hi's mo on ovory polnt. Sho ls nll that ls mont rhir'iH", and has a woudcr ful mind und u Kyn'.u-ilr fpirlt." Womcn Over Thlrty. Tho Rov. Mudlson C. Pctcrs says ln tho New York Journnl: IlA wonum is novor an old mnld untll sho bcconics old mald lsh. I knowinany chai'iuluu; youiiR womou of 80 who uro not ono-half so old ninldlsh ns (rirls of 21. womcn hero in Now Vork do not becomo old mnlds uulosn thoy aro born so. I boliovo that tho ro proach ln whlch tho word was onco used has gono out wlth a groat many othor fool Ish suporstltlons. Womcn nro not brought tip nowndays to licllovo thnt tholr alm ln llfo ls nmrrlago. They nro broador mindcd und do not gosslp ubout unmnrrlcd men or womon. Thoy know that innny romnln slnglo through choico. No, I do not thlnk that old maidislinoss Is a qucstlon of ngo as much ns lt ls of dlsposltlon." Murnt llnlstcad was cmphatio ln his do fonso of tho itnninrried womnn over 80. "It ls my iinpresslon," ho sald, "that wonion boconio much moro attractivo aftor that ago, bo they niarrlod or unmnrrlcd. Thoy understnnd llfo and Its rcsponslhill tles bottor than whon youngor, nnd thoy aro truor nnd moro symp.ithctlo comradcs nnd conipanlons. Tho most charinlng womcn tlo iv.t nlways marry, nnd tho old mnlds of today nro MUight aftor moro than tho dobutaiitcH, ln my oplnlon. I thlnk that Halzao's womnn of 1)0 ls n pcrfcctdo Hcrltitiou of nn ldoal old mnld. I am suro that thls is tho ouly klnd tltut oxlsts uow ndaya." All Fuee. Thoso who linvo usod Dr. King's Now Discovory know Its vnluo, niid thoso who havo not havo now tho opportuuity to try lt froo. Call ou tho nilvortiacd druggfst nnd got u trlal bottlo frco. Soud your namo and addross to II. E. Iliicklon & Co., Clil cago, aud got a eamplo box of Dr. Kiug's Now Llfo Fllls froo, as woll as a cojiy of Guido to lloalth nnd Houso hold lnstructor froo. All of whlch ls gunrautcod to do j'ou good nnd coat you nothlng. Go to 0. Ulakoly's drug storo. Skk what thy soul doth woar; dnro to look Into thy choat, for 'tls thltio own, and tuiublo up nnd down what thou flndat thoro. Wordsworth. Qticcn Hygcla. In thodnytl, itwillnw plonty of alr, llght nnd suiishliiii Into your rooms, for ovou lf lt duoi IiijiiK' tlio furnlturo nnd cnrpets lt ls not M cx(:n-lvo in tho long run ns n doctor'n blll. liioro mo mnro colds caught by kecping frosh alr out, ln that lt mukcs pooplo moro BiiscoptlMo to chungos of tciu pcraluro, than nro ovor cnusod by lottlng frosh nlr ln, Vcntllatlou by good man ngomont licctt not mcan n drnft. As wator collccts antl gonoratos lnipurl tlos, lt ls u good tlilng to ompty tho wash basin nnd jtig yoursolf ovory mornlng, so ns to instiro tlio rclllllng of thom wlth frosh, Drlnklng wator sliould bo bollcd, nnnlysls hnvlnjt provod that Illtors uro not to bo trustod, for, nftcr havlng beon ln uso for fiomo tlmo, thoy udd to tho wntcr tho dangcrous ncoumulatlons thoy havo tnkcu up ln provlotis uso. To romovo tlio lnslpld tasto of bollcd wntcr pour lt back wnrdnnd fonvnrd from ono jugtonnothcr. If, prlmarlly, your houso Is In ltsolt healthy as regnrds dralnago, ctc. , koop lb nnd yoursolf bo by lottlng ln plonty of frosh nlr, llght and stinshlnc tho threo gracos who uro ln uttondanco on hcr mnj osty, Qucon Hygela. Plttsburg Dlspatcli. Yarlous Itcms. Favorcd CyclltiB. It ls rcportcd thnt nt n mcctlng of prom incnt spcclallsts hold nt tho Now York Acadcmy of Mcdlcino ovcry spcnkcr who spoko of cycling for womon conimonded tho oxcrciso, but wnrncd womon agalnst rldlng Ip corscts or tlght clothlng. When womcn nro unwllllng to nbandon tholr cor Bcts ln rldlng, somo ono of tho various comfortablo licalth walsts or very short, looso und very Uoxiblo corscts may bo worn wlth less Injury than thoso that nro long and tlght. A Good Idcn. To protoct tho pnrlors on swccplng day, whon only portleros hang nttho dooropon lngs, carofiil housekeepors havo wldo Bhadcs of uiiobtruslvo color flttcd In tho spat'o on tho Imll sido. Thoso nro drawn to tho Uoor whon tho Imll nnd stnlrs nro cloancd, nlTording pcrfcct protoctlon from tho dust. At othor tlmcs tho shndo ls rollcd snug ut tho top, whcro its positlon bohlnd tho curtaln polo cffcctually con ccnls it from any lmt tho most scoarchlug cyo. A I)ay For tho Chllilrcn. Mako Snnday n dollght to tho chlldren. Do chcorful. Vcar your brlghtost smllo aud your prettlost gown. IJoautlfy tho slttlng room with ilowcrs or somcthing not ln uso ovory day. Thon bo suro to havo somo favorlto dish for dlnncr nnd nrrango tho tnblo as lf for a hollday, so that in aft or years thoy wlll nll look back to tho old timo Sundnys with pleasuro. Homciimdo Lnrd Homo trled lard ls bottcr nnd flnner than thnt whlch can bo bought nnd docs not reciuiro u groat deal of tlmo. To pro vont Inrd from becoming rancld ndd somo tnblo salt to tho lard whon lt ls hot, in tho proportion of u toaspoonful of salt to each quart of llqnid lard, nnd cook n fow mo mcnts uftor tho Kilt ls nddcd. A SuRceatlnn. If you havo nn ortlhinry writing tnblo, you wlll llnd it u good plan to covcr tho top wlth black vclvct. Ink spots do not show, und papcrs, lcttors, etc, do show up woll upon its surfiico. Ulack volvct is ns becoming to n brlghtly furnlshed slttlng room us u patch upon my lady's chcok. Old Wnll I'apcr. Ono of tho bostwnys ln whlch to romovo old wnll paper is to illp a largo und clcan whltowash brush ln wurni wator and to apply it ovcnly to tho wall boforo scraping with ti kitchon hnifo. Iloles in tho plastcr sliould bo flllyd with plastcr of parls mlx cd with movtar. Illcyclo dross has brought about n rcfor matlon for somo womon in skirts for ralny days. Thoy aro worn short onough to clcar tho grouiul by four or llvo lnchos. For womon who cnnnot hold up tholr skirts ucatly tind ut tho samo timo effectunlly thls fashlon is a blosslng. To cloau sllvor backcd hnlrbrushos flour is recommondcd, it bolngobvlous that dlp plng tho brlstlos ln amnumia wntcr ls not practleablo. Whrn tho sllvor backs nccd pollshlng, tho brlstlos sliould bo protoctcd with it Btrlp of papor. Tho uso of bolladonna to bcautlfy tho oycs ls sald to bo a growlng ovll among womon whoso vanlty ovorstops tho bounds of good soiiio, but lf thoy porslst ln its uso bliuducss is protty suro to bo tho rcsult. Dluo is a prctty color for a bcdroom, but a bad ono to mako tho provallliu? tono In a slttlng room or parlor, as lt nccossitntes tho oxclusion of so mauy othor shadcs. Hoavy hats aro condomned by tho doc tors ns n sorlous moans of produclng hoad achcs, wrlnkled foroheads aiul gray halr. He hath riches sufllciont who hath cnough to bo charltablo. Sir Tlioruas Browno. Soap that's Soap is what we sell. That's why it's welcome wherever known. Clothes never rot or hands get sore; for, as an honest soap, it contalns no injurious alkali. True economy is in honest goods ; buying shoclcly isn't a saving. Welcome stands alone, with many imitators, but no equals. Its prize is its vir tue, and gives what soap is made for. Use It costs the grocer more than any other soap be cause it costs us more to make the best soap than it costs others to make a cheaper brand. OUR BOYS AND GIRLS, Mnklng Panslcs. " Threo facea In a hood," Folk called tho panay to Threo hundred yeara ngo. Of courtoahe uuderatood. Thon perchlng on my kneo, Sliodrowhor mother'a hoad To hor own nnd mlrio and aald, " That'a motlior, you and inel" And so It comca nljout Wo three, for gladneea' aake, Hoinetlmea a panay mako Hcforo the gaa goea out. Willlam Canton, Iu Hunday Magazlne. How Quiipowilcr Ih Mado. In an Intcresting und Instructivo ar ticlo in July St. JVicholas on punpow dcr, wo lenrn from Lleutouant John M. Ellicott that gunpowdor stoadlly do veloped as rneclmnlcalsklll constructed bottcr and bettor wonpons ln whlch to uao lt, untll lo-day it has reached a por fectlon of manufacture for various pur poscs which oliows its cffccts to bo fore told in any woapon, oven to tho timo it takcs a grain to burn, and to tho dis tanco it will drivo a shot. Itogor Bacon's gunpowdor was mado of saltpetcr, sulphur and charcoal. Saltpotor is chemically callcd nitro, and is a natural product, found bedded in tho oarth iu dlfferont parts of tho world, chiefly in India and China. Sulphur, too, ls found in a natural stato In many volcanlc countries, liko Sicily, whilo, as is woll known, charcoal is mado from wood or woody substanccs by heating thcm almost to a burnlng hoat in an air-tight vossel, thus driving off overything in thcm but carbon. Saltpoter, sulphur and charcoal aro still tho only ingredionts of tho gun powder in common uso, although a now gunpowder, mado of difforent materials, is undergoiug succeesful oxporimont. A mixturo of saltpoter and charcoal alono would form an explosivo, and sulphur is added chiefly to mako it plastic, or capablo of being preeBed into cakcs and shapes. All throo ingredients havo to be purifled by tho most careful chomical skill before they are combined. Then an exact proportion of oach has to bo measured out, occording to tho kind of powder to bo mado. For tho gunpowder gcnerally uaed, you would Dnd in overy hundred pounds, if you could separato the -ingredionts, soventy-flvo pounds of salt poter, flfteen pounds of charcoal, and ton pounds of sulphur; but it would bo almost impossible to separato tho in gredients, for thoy aro not merely mixed togethor as you might mix pep per and salt, but they aro ground, and rolled, and stirrcd, and pressed to gether by special machlnes, until they aro almost sufllciently unitetl to form a singlo newsubstance. This mixing process is called "trit uration," aud the powdor is thus mado into tho form of big, flat cakes, called press-cake, and then brokon up, and screened into grains of special stees, or ground to tho Ono powder used for shot-guns and rovolvers. Tho large-groined powders are still further stirrcd togethor, until tho grains becorae highly glazed, and theso are called cnnnon powders. A lightcd match may bo held to a grain of can non powder and it will be found almost impossible to sst it on flro, but onco ig nited, lt llashes off very suddenly and violently. Exchange. Killcd by aKIfrht Moth. Ono of tho most mysterious murdor cases on record was lliat of tbc Prin cess Naravella, a lovely woman who mot with a violont death in Naples. Sho was found in her own room, ono ovcniug, lying dead on her bed, with the mark of a tiny bullet holo iu tho region of tho heart. It wns clear that no strangcr had flred tho shot, sinco tho bcdroom was siluated on tho third lloor, and no one had recontly entered tho gates of tho pnlaco; therefore, in accordauco with tho policy uauully observed in such cases, the husband of tho dead woman was arrested, on a chargo of havlng murdered his wifo with tho littlo pistol which lay by her sido on a tablo, and ono cbamber of which was empty, color being lent to tho accusation by tho fact that ho was uotoriously jealous. His trial rcsulted in acquittal, partly in consequonce of on oxtraordlnary pieco of testimony which was produced in court by ono of tho polico ofllcials. Tho etory ho related was this. Two days aftor tho murdcr, on the removal of tho seals from tho doors of tho bedroom, ho bad made a careful in vestigation of tho opartmont, and had found on tho lloor, by the bcdsldo, ono of thoso enormous night moths, tho bodies of which aro almost as thick as a mau's thumb, and wbich abound 5n Italy. Tho moth was badly singed, and somo of tho powdor of its wings was apparontly on tho ebooy antf gold stock and trigger of tho littlo rovolver which had beon found on tbo tablo, and wlth which tho shooting had beon dono, Tho ofllcial called tho attontion of tho judgcs and jur.y to tho phcnomcnal facility with which tho trigger yiolded, and advauced tho oxtraordlnary argu ment that tho princess had been killcd through tho ageucy of tho night moth, which, ho allugnd, must havo flown into tho room, attracted by tho candlo light, and, falliug with singed wings on to tho tablo, had diacharged tho rovol ver in tho violonco of his contorlions. Solected. BUOKXEN'S AltNICA SALVE. Tho boat snlvn in thn wnrhl fnrnuls. bruises. sores, ulcora, salt rhoum, fovcr sorcs, 1 1 1 J 1 ' 1 i ..1. ! 1 1.1 J tuuur, uuuppcu lUiuuD, ciuiuiaiua, tuiuo aud all skin oruptlons, and positivcly curos pilea, or no pay requircd, lt ls fimrnntood to uivo neifect snHHfnc.linn or monoy refundcd. l'rico twonty-flv 4 cnit- por box. For salo bv C. U'nkt.h , Montpolior, vt. I AniEQ Who Have Used Them LHUlLO Recommend as the DtST llt. KINK'M Star Crown llraad PENNYROYAL PILLS, Inimedl&ta relief. nn ilansrr. tutln. iJlcu for vcari iiv ltail ne ineclatlili. Ilunurrdt ut tviumon Uli. A trial w ill convince you ot thelr jntrlmlc vnlue Iu cel au iiruKgiiu or uy niau f i oox. KINQ MEOICINE CO,, Uox 1930, BOSTON, MASS.