Newspaper Page Text
D VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL: WEDNESDAX SEPTEMB Slt 2 P0L1TIGAL Ycnnont's Volco. nr Mns. c. bamn, south wooDiumv. Tbo rltiRlnpt volou of old Vermont Is honrd froiu fnr nnd noar; 'Tln horaldod nround tlio world, All liall It wltli n clioor. It cotnas from inun of bonest toll, From tboso who woro tlio bluoj Thoy'vo mot tlio onomy bofore, Thoy fought tho llRht, aud won It too. Though doraagogneH havo sought to luro, By art of cunnltig nml docolt, Slio stands wboro sho bns alwajs stood, Aml suffors uo dofoat. And wliou tbo grand assault ls mado, "Vermont, tbo novor-settlng star," Will bolp to mnko tbo victory ours. Ilurrahl Ilurrahl Ilurrahl Tlio Story of n Jloy Orator. Peroratlon, Jtibllatlou, Nomiuatlon, Proparatlon, Notlllcatloii, l'orlcrlnatlon, ArgumontAtlon, Treplilatlon, Coudouiuation, Constornatlou, Jjamontation, Extorinlnation? Huffalo Nows. Silver Dollnrs. Tho following lettor, sctting forth tbo rcal meauing nnd tho fncta about froo coinngo of silvor, has beon writton by Secrctary Carlislo from his sumruor rc trent iu Bar Ilarbor, Maino, and nd drosBcd to Jamcs P. Helm, Louisville, Kontucky: My Dear Sir: Your lettor nsklng how tho oilvcr dollnrs, which contaiu n quautity of bullion commerclally worlh only nbout flfty-threo cents each, aro maiutaincd at a parily with gold, notwithstanding tho fact that tho gov ornmenl doos not dircctlyredeenitheni, or tho ccrtillcatcs issued upon thoni, iu gold, is rccoivcd, and, ns n grcat many inquiries upon tho satuo subjcct aro addressed to mo daily from dillor out parts of tho country, which it is im practicablo to answcr iu dctail, I will tako advautnge of your fovor to nnswcr thcm all at onco: All tho standard silver dollnrs iBsucd from tho miuts sinco thc paesago of tho aot of 1878, now amountiug to moro than 488,000,000, havo been coined on Eublic accouut, from bullion purchasod y tho governmont, and aro legal tcn dor in paymont of all dobts, public aud private, without regard to tho amount, oxcept whon otherwiso oxpressly stipu latcd in tho contract betweeu tho pnr ties. Thoy belong to tho govornmeut whon coincd, and thcy aro paid out by the governmont at a parity with gold for property and services of all kinds, aud received from tho peoplo at a parity with gold, in the paymont of all public ducs aud dcinanda. Tho govornmeut has mado no dis crimination whatovor botween tho coius of tho two metals, gold having beon paid ou its coin obligalions when gold was dcmandod, and Bilver having beeu paid when silvor was demandcd. Under this policy tho coinago has been bo limited by law and tho policy of tho trcasury department that the amount coincd has uot become so great as to drivo tbo moro valuable coin, gold, out of ubc, and thus dcstroy tho baais of our monetary system; aud so long as tho two metals aro of unequal cotu mercial valuo, at tho ratio cstablishcd by law, this limitation upon the coinago is, iu my opinion, absolutely OBsential to the maintonanco of thoir parity in effoctingexchangoB. It constitutcs tho principal safcguard for the protection of our currency against the deprecia tion which tho experionco of all coun tries haB showu would othorwiso rcoult from tho attempt to use two legal ton dor coins of the samo denomination but of unequal valuo. If tho limitation wero rcmoved confl denco in tho ability of the govornmeut to presorve equallty in the exchango- nble valuo of tho coins would bo de stroyed, aud tho parity would bo lost long before ' tho amount of silvor coin ago had becomo rcally excessive. With freo and uulimited coinago of silvor on account of privato individuals and corporations tno governmont would bo under no moral obligation to main tain tho parity, and, morover, it would bo unablo to uo so, becauso tbo volumo of ovorvalued silvor forced intocircu lation by a iogal touderproviaion would soou oxpel gold from tho country, or put Buch a premium upon it that it would bo impossible to procuro and hold in tho treaBurv a Bufllcient amount to provido for tho redomption of silvor on prescntation, In ordorto maintain tho parity uuder such conditions tho gov ernmont would bo compolled frora tho bCL'inniu" to oxehanL'n L'old for silver doUars, or their paper reprcsoutntivcs, wnonevor uomnmied, just as it now ex changcB gold for ils own uotes whon de inandcd: and as tho coinago of silvor dollars would ba uulimited, and, thoro foro, conBtantly lucreasing, a poiut would Boon bo reached whero it would bo imposBiblo to continuo tho proccBa of redemption. Tho implied obligation of tho gov crnment to prcservo tho valuo of tho money which it coins from its own bul lion, and for its own uso, aud which it forcoa lts citizens to recoivo in ex chango for thoir proporty aud servicos, has boon Bupplemunted by two Btatutory declarntlons, which substantially plodgo the public faith to tho mainteuanco of that policy. Thoactof July 14,1800, oftor providing that tho Becrotary of tho trcaeury should, under Buch regula tions as ho might preBcrlbo, rcdoom tho troasury uotes Issued in tho pur chaso of Bilver bullion, iu gold or silvor coin, at his diBcrotion, declarcs thatit is " tho establlshed policy of tho Unltod Statos to maintain tho two motals on a pnrty with cnch othcr upon tho prosont lagal ratio, or such ratio as may bo pro vidod by law," aud tho act of Novom bor 1, 1893, again declarcs it to bo " tho policy of tho Unltod Statcs to con tinuo tho ubo of both gold aud Bilver as atnndnrd inonoy, and to coin botli gold and silvor into monoy of rqual lntrlnslc and exchaugoablo valuo, such cquality to bo Becurod through iu tornatlonal agroemont or by such eafo guards of lcglBlation as will iusuro tho maintonanco of tho parity of valuo of tho coins of tho two motals and tho cqual powor of ovory dollar, at all timcs, in tho tnarkot aud iu tho pay mont of dobts." With knowledgo of thoBO nsauranccs, tho peoplo havo rccoivcd thcso coins, and havo rollcd confldonlly upon tho good faith of thoir governmont; and tho confldenco thus luspircd has be como a most importaut factor in tho maintonanco of tho pnrlty. Tho public has boon eatlsflcd that, so long as our prcsent raonetiry systom is prcservod, tho govornmeut will do whatovor its moral obllgationa and cxpress dcclara tions requlro it to do, and vory largely, as a conscquonco of this confldenco in tho good faith of tho oxecutlvo author tios, tho silvor coins havo not depro cinted iu valuo. It is not doubtcd that whatovor can bo lawfully dono to main tain cquality in tho exchangeablo valuo of tho two motals will bo dono whenevor it becomcst nccessary, and, although silvor dollars and silver corti flcatC8 havo not, up to tho prosont timo, bccn received in oxcbango for gold, yot, if tho timo Bhall ovor como whou tho parity cannot bo othorwiso raain tained, such cxchangcs will bo mado. It is tho duty of tho aecrolary of tho trcasury and of all other public ofllcials, to exccuto iu good faith tho policy dc clarcd by cougrcss, aud whonovor ho shall bo Batisfled that tho silvor dollar cannot bo kept cqual in purchasiug powor with tho gold dollar, oxcept by receiving it iu exchango for the gold dollar, whon such exchango bo de mandod, it will bo his duty to adopt that course. But, if our prcsent policy is adhcrcd to, and tho coinago is kopt within rcasonablo lirails, tho mcans horetoforo employcd for tho mainto nauce of tho parity will doubtlpss bo found sufllcient in tho futuro, and our Bilver dollars and silvor ccrtiflcalcB will continuo to circulato at par with gold, thus cnabling tho peoplo to ubo both motals, instcad of ono only, as would be tho cbbo if tho parity woro doBtroyed by froo coinago. J. G. Cahlyle. Tho rrcsidcnlial Elcctors. Somctimcs wo forget that, whon a voter of any ono of the forty-fivo states shall dcpoait his votc on Novcmbe'r 3 noxt, for prcsident of tho United Statcs, ho doos not voto directly for his cnndi datc, but forn cortain number of tnen cnllcd flectors, who, if they ehall re- ceivo a majority nf votes, will raeet at some plnco in thc slatc, and east their vote for the prefridptiti 1 candidnto for whotn tln y wero elected to voto. That our rcaders mny know how mauy clectors to which each stnte is entilled wo iivo tho following list: Alabama.... ArkatiHas.... ('nlifornia... n 8 0 4 0 3 4 Oolorailo.... Connecticut. Delawaro.... Florida Georgia 1.1 Iilabo 3 Illlnois J4 Indlma 15 Iowa 13 Kiuihhs 10 Kontucky 13 Loulaiana 8 Muinti 0 Marylaml 8 MassacbuaettB 15 MlchiRiui 14 Mlnnosota 1) Mlsslsslipl !) MlHHOiirt 17 JlontauA 3 Nobraska 8 Kuvailn 3 New!re 4 Now Jwraoy 10 New York 30 North Carolina 11 North Dakotu 3 Obio 2J OroRon '. 4 I'onnsvlvunla 32 Rbodo Itland 4 South Carolina ' 0 South Dakota 4 Tennesaee 12 Txai 15 Utab 3 Vermont 4 Virglnla 12 WaHkinRton 4 West VirRlnla 6 WlsconHln 12 Wyomlnc 3 Wbole nurabor of eloctors 447 Necesnary to a cbolco 224 While tho terrltories took part in tho nomination of candidatcs, thoy cannot voto for elcctors, nnd Ihereforo havo no voico in electing tho presidont. Stinrlso iu Mnlno. To assumo that tho result in Maino is not Bigniflcant aa to thc geueral result iu Kovcmber is to assumo that human naturo diffors in different parts of the country. It is to asBume that tho standards of American citizonshlp nnd tho pcrsonnl honcsty of the individual citizon aro ono thing in tho Down East statn and anothcr thlng in the grcat Aiiasissippi baBin. Wo know by ulorl oub oxporieuco that such is not tho caao. roliUcal intorcsta may vary ac- corumg to locallty, but whon tno nouor of our llag is threatencd ono touch of patriotic sontiraent makes tho wholo nation kin. No hardor flght can bo mado for Bilver and repudiation in In diana, Mtchigan or Iowa than that which has been wtigod nnd lost iu Mniuo, around tho vory homo of tho anarchist candidato for vico-presidont. Tho vordict is conclusivo. Tho honest American, whother ho bo raorchant or farmor or nrtlaan, is for the honost dol lar; and ho is going to sco to it that tho American dolhr ehall not bo dobased. New York Sun. lirynn nnd tlio Humblo Cltizen. At Leavonworlh Mr. llryan mado a apooch lull ol wnat ho meanttobo com pllments, but which havo an nir of un coubcIous iusults to tho pcople. " Tho neonlo," lio aaid,"aro takiug tho in torost in tho elcction that tho pcople ouKiit aiways to taKo. xnoy aro uoinn uiug to undorstnnd tho valuo of tho bullot aa tho moaus by which thoy can rodroBB thoir wroucB." JJoubtlcss iur Ikyan imagiuos that tho pooplo took uo iuterost in electionB nnd did not apprcclato tho bullot until ho bocamo a candidato ror presidont. Mr. liryan thon procoodod to ask liimself whal "I' soti'owhal Into dcvolopcd populnr Intorctt In elccliiins tncnne. " It mi.utia," h re licd to himaolf, "that .vrnniont is uoiug to bo mado moro ncaily wlial governnent ouw'hl to bo, aud that is n tjovcrnmont which will protcct tho humblest cltizen In tho lnnd In his righl to work, to on joy tho fruits of his toll." Pino words, which it soomB n plty to havo to trauslato from tho mclodra mntlc Dtynucso dinlect inlo ordlnary English. Mr. llryan nnd his friends proposo thnt tho hutnblo cltizen shall onj y only about flfty-throo pcr cont of tho fruitB nf hla toll. Aud thcy prn poso that cmployes on Inleratnto rall ronds shall not bb protected by tho fcderal govornmeut in thoir righl to work. Cltizous, " humblo " or othorwiso, will flnd it tnoney in thoir pockcts, as woll as a possiblo itisurauco agninst a brokon hcnd, iu cnso annw Dcbi should ariBO, to ttecr clcar of thc couusoIb of this chainpion of froo silvor and froo riots. Now York Sun. Flfty Years Ago. This Is thc crntlle In wlikh tlicre grcw That thought of n phllanthroplc bralnj A remcdy that would makc Hfe new For thc niulthudcs that werc racked with paiu. 'Twas sarsaparllla, as tnadc, you know Dy Ayer, some 50 years ogo. Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in its infancy hnlf a con tury ago. To-day it doth "bo strido tho narrow world liko a colossus." What is tho secrot of its power? Its cures! Tho number of them I The wonder of theml Imitators havo fol lowed itr from tho beginning of its success. They aro still be hind it. Wearing tho only medal granted to sarsaparilla in tho World's Fair of 1893, it points proudly to its rocord. Others imitato the remedy; they can't imitate tho rocord: So Years of Cures. HUMPHRBYS' Nothing has ever been produccd to cqual or cotnpare witli Humpbrova' 727x1011 Hazol Oilas a cukativk and healing APrLicATiON. It has been used 40 years and ahvays aflbrds rclief and aiways gives satisfaction, It Cures Pilks or Ilr.MORRiioins, External or Intcrnal, lilind or nieeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissurcs and Fistulas. Kclief nnmcdiatc cure ccrtain. It Cures 15URNS, Scalds and Ulccrationand Contraction from 13urns. Kclicf instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Laceratcd Wounds and ISruiscs. It Cures I5oils, Ilot Tumors, Ulccrs, Old Sores, ItchinR Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures iNFLAMr.n or CAKr.n Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluablc. It Cures Sai.t Riicum, Tctters, Scurfy Eruptions, Cbapped Ilands, Fever niistcrs, Sore Lip3 or Isostrils, Corns and Iiunions, Sore and Chafcd Feet, Stings of Insccts. Tbrce Sizcs, 25c., Sc. and $1.00. Sold brDrugei3ts,Dr sent poBt-pald on rocelptof prlce. Ill'lII'llllKtS'IlEU. CO., lll & liallmSt.,Klw York. WITCH HAZEL 0IL HENRY & JOHNSON'S ARNICA & OIL LINIMENT. ITS EFFECTS ARE DEL1GHTFUL. IsnhoiiseholdrometlyinthotiB-1 nnds of familics. lts raerits havo mado it a creat favorito. I n 1 . . .1 I HiVcry ono wuo uses id is uc- ' lighted. Try it yonrself for sprams, bruiscs, BtraniB, hurns, ctits and all external npplica tions and sco how qniclc it will curo. Prico 25c. and 50c. ior" UOttlC. At Druflglets. llenry, Johnson & lord, Propj., Burlington, Vt. USE THE BEST BUTTJER COLOR! -IT IS- CARROTTINE Put iip In 2Gc 1'nckagcs nnd Mndo ly N. S. CAPEN & S0N., JUtAXDOX, VT. To try H onco is to ubq It aiways, Samplos inailod froo to any uddress. It Is put up iu tbo bOHt ot salt, nnd uasy to uhb, W1UTU FOK CIUOULAKS. Druggists and Grocers Sell Iti Kuiiukh Stamp mndo to ordorj by Watcbman I'ubltsblni! Uompany. the SOLDIERS' BUD6ET, A'ow York in tho Horoliitton. Thopopnlntion of tliostntoof Now Yorknfc tho bronuingontiof tliollov olutionnry wnr wiim loss tlinn 900, 000, nnd Now York wnsi Hixth on tbo list of sttitoH in rofliiool. of populn tion, Virtjlnin boiiif,' llrnt with moro thnn 700,000 inlmbiUintH, Ponnsyl vnnin socontl, North Cnrcjinn thii'd, Mnssaohiisotts fourth nna Marylnnd flfth. Aftor Now York catno South Cnrolinn, thon Connootiout, with Now Jorsoy not vory fnr boliind. Not only wna Now York prooludod by tho sparsonoss of ita populntion from pnrtolpatiiif; vory notivoly in tho i)!ttriotiou)risinK, but othoroon tlitions woro nlso ndvorao to Htioh ti oourso. Tho oity of Now York, tho ninin oity of tho Now York colony, wns Tory in Hh Hynipathios, nnd tho popultition of tho colony wnsdistrib utcd nlontf thu Iludson rivor, tho wostorn part of tho slnto, romoto from tho iutorfcronoo of tho British shipn, boinj? n Ihiko forost. Novortho loss nnd denpito thcso disntlvnntttyos 2,075 Anioricun patriot poldiors woro onlistod in Now York for sorvico in tho wnr, VirRinia's quota nt tlio bo ginning of hostilitics in 1775 ho'm 3,100, North Cnrolinn's 2,000 nnd aoorgin's 1,000. Tho two stntos which cnmo forwnrd niost notivoly witli volnntcor soldiors nftor tho flr ingof tho sliotntLoxiiigton "which wtts hcfird all nround tho world" woro Mnssaolmsotta with 10,000 troops nnd South Carolina with 1,000. PtHmsylvnnia nt tho bogin ning of tho wnr wns vory tnrdy in coining forwnrd. It lnggod boliind tbo othor oolonios with loss thnn 500 rooruits. A short timo ngo n rcquostfor thu loan of tho llovolutionnry mustor of Now York stato was mado by tbo Washington wnr dopartniont tlirough Oovornor Morton to tho stato board of rogonts nnd wns re fusod. Tho roqnost wns mado by Lioutonant Colonol Ainswortb, who bns cbnrgo of collocting Rovolution ary dnta l'or tho nationnl govorn mont, nnd wns roforrcd to tho ro gonts, bocauso thoy nro oustodinns of tho stato's liovolntionttry rooords. Tho roonts ngrcod tonllow Liouton ant Colonul Ainsworth accoss to thcso niustor rolls if bo would sond a corps of porsons to Albnny to copy thoni. Tho rogonts of tho Now York univorsity aro, by a law passod in 18J1, uofc only tho oustodinns of tho stato library, but of tho stato mu soum as woll, nnd nj)on thurn do pcnds tho protootion of tho stato's nrchives. In tho Kocond ycnr of tho Rovolu tionary wnr Now York's nddition to tbo quota of trooi)s was 8,000, and in all thoro woro 35,000 onlistmonts in Now York. Ono of tho niost im portant batllos of tho war of tho Rovolution, tho bnttlu of Snrntoga, in Ontobor, 1777, was fought within tbo bonndnrios of Now York, nnd ton days lr.tor Bnrgoyno'a surrondor took jilnco at Saratoga. From that timo on niuoh of tbo flghting was dono in Now York, and tlio Now York soldiors took n vory notivo part. Tlio oulmmating sconos of tho war, bowovcr, woroin Virginia rath or than in Now York, and in tho subsoquont logislativo iirooeodings takon to found tho ropublio on n flrm basis and rovido for tho prcsi dontial succossion Now York took a niuch loss aotivo jiart than oithor Virginia, Mnssaohiisotts or Ponn sylvania. Sovoral Now York inon, howovor, (listinguishod thomsolvos nscoinmaudors in tho Rovolutionary nrmy, nnd boforo tho noxt succcod ing foroign wnr, that of 1812, Now York, withn populntion of 1,000,000, stood first among tho statcs, a posi tion of suiiromnoy it has novor lost sinco. Now York Sun. Early lVnr Timcs. Somo of tho earliest flghting of tho war was dono in Missouri. Ono of tho severest battlcs fought was that' of Springflold, or, as it is moro populnrly known, " Wilson'a Crook." It was in thlB engagomont that Gcuoral John M. Schoflold first displaycd that admirablo courage nnd genloua for command which led to his becoming ono of tho prcat commanders of tho FedornU, and flnally roaching tho oxaltod honor of Gonoral-iu-Ohlof of tho Unitod StntoB Army. Ilo wns thon n major, aud though his aorvico at lator poriods of tho war was of a most distinguiahod character, it was his galhntry on this occaaiou which was selectcd ns most desorvlng to givo him rank among tho natiou'd hcroos. Ou tho ovonlng of August 8, Goucral Lyon, who was in command of the Union Army, discovorlug that ho was in n dangorous poaltlon, cnllod n couu cil of warfor tho nurnoi'o of dotermiu- Ing pltuiB of oxtricatiug his llttlo army 01 4,iiw lrom its uaugor. Attor tuo sltuatlon had boon glvou most serious cousidorntiou, tho vioab of all haviug been oxprosBod, Genoral Lyon nroso and said: " Goutlonien, thoro is uo prospect of our boing ro-ouforced nt this polnt; our supply of provisious is running short; thoro ia n Btiporior forco in our front, nnd it is roported that Ilardoo is mnrching with good nion to cut off our connnunicntiou. It is ovidont that wo must rotreat. Tho quostlon nrises, What ia tho bost uiothod of doing it? Shall wo rotreat without givlng tho onomy battlo be forehand nnd ruu tho riek of haviug to flght ovory Inch of our rotreat, or Bhall wo nttack hlm in hla posltion nnd on deavor to hurt hlm bo that ho caunot follow usV I ntn dtcidcdly iu favor ol (he latler iilm." Tho Gonornrs opinion of what wn bust was heartily concurrid in by all his oillcors. Tho atlack was mado on tho following day, with varylug condi tions, which for somo llmo left tho ro eult In doubt. Tho onoiny's great aupcriorlty in numbors had much to do with chccklng tho onlhuslasm of tho Uniou troops. At a timo whon tho moat slgnnl Isbuo of tho bntllo sccmod Involvod, Gonornl Lyou wns hlmself wntMidcd, his horao being nt tho samo un i-hol tindor him. Aa somo of hla 1'h rui-("l hlm up, tho Goucral per ixiid v t.ibposition of tho Confcdor alos to ioliow up thoir advantago. " I foar tho day 1b lost," ho said, eorrow fully. It waa at Ihia momentthat tho.cculus nnd valor of Schollcld, who was Lyon's chlcf of Btnff , naBcrtcd Usolf. Ilo saw a chanco to rally tho dishcartcncd troops, aud spoko words of eucour nctnent to tho wouudcd commatidor. Tho conndoncc of Schoflcld gavo Gon ornl Lyon now hopo, nnd ho decidcd ou anothcr atlack. Mjuutlng anothcr horso, woutidod na hc was, ho paa'-ed over to tho right of tho cculcr, where tbo Fcdoral lincs wuro most badly brokon, aud lod forward tho troopa who rallicd around hlm. That chargc was his last, n Coufodernlo bullet striking hlm iu tho chcst aud killinghim nlmoat instantly. Major Schoflold had bccn told by Geucrol Lyon to tako cbnrgo of the left. As ho wasloadiDg his troops for ward to tlio atlack his horso waa ahol undor him. He Bprnng to his feet In stantly and, shouling to thc disordered rnuka to follow him, rushcd townrd tho cncmy, nnd was soon oncngcd ln tho thickcst of tho flght. Tho rebcls, as tho glcaming bayonets of thc Federals camo nenr to thcm, dellvored a deadly volley. Tho Union aoldiora roturned tho nro nsthoy ndvanced. Major Scho flcld was in danger of being riddlcd by tho cros?-flro, but ho prc6sed ou un dauntcd, his splendid courago being a vorltablo inspirntion to his followeru. Tho rebols woro forced to givo way. This was tho tributo Major Scho field'a gallaulry won from Genernl Sturgia, who sticceedod to commaud nftor ljyon toll: " wnorover tno Dai tlo most flercely waged, thero wns Gcneral Lvon, aud there, too, was Major Schbfleld. Tho cooluess aud equanimily with which he moved from point to poiut was tho themo of uni vorsal admiralion. I cannot spcak too highly of tho invaluublo Bervices of Major Schofleld and tho confldenco his exaniplc inapircd." Soclnl Effccl of Blcycling. Tho Bklllcrt cycllstwho baa dovolopcd tho proper limsclo and lins got rld of tho Bonso of fatlfruo wbloh baunts tbo bogln nor, Just as it bnunts and daunts tbo man vho is loarniiiji t Hwiin, can 1'yoop on hli blcyclo all dny, audif blsframo is notsbak en hy a fnll or hla tempcr trlod by tbo f rlcking of tboso infcrnnl tlres bo will vo urn ln tbo ovonlng with lila nervosln ior fcct order and his limbs ns llttlo tired ns if ho had boen strolllng for tbo samo timo up and down a tcrrnco ora lnwn. This moaus that lio can cbooso friends or do buslness within linlf a county instcad of within two vlllngcs, and that lils powcrs of loco motion nt will nro lnultipllcd at lonst flvo fold, or ln tbo cuso nf tbo rcally skillcd nnd lu-althy olgbt or ton fold. Thnt is a now frccdom, n groat iiiiiltlpllcatlon of powcr for lncn, mul ofpooially for womon, who, wo notlcc, cnj iy it luiR'h moro than inun lo, nml iuiitrHu Fmueliow to avold tbo look of caro wblcb is U10 speoial mark of tbo bleycllst, nnd wo fdiall bo curious to noto, wbon timo has bccn for tbo cbango to oporato fully, what Ita preciM) effects nro. Tl.oy will not all bo good. Thcy will probably iucronso tbo gcneral bappincss, for, let tbo cynica say what thcy liko, fricnd-iblp is n great sweetcncr of llfo and plcasaut convrrsaHoii ono of tbo fow rcally onjoynblo oceupatlons, but they will impair iicigbl)orllnc-.s, which rcsts in n dogreo wo 110110 of ns liko to formulato up on tbo ficnso that wo jmtst not quarrol wltb or avold or ovcn sharply crltlcibo tboso among wbom it Is our lot to llvo. Tbo constant hahlt of tbo blcyclo dlwi pntcs tbo mlnd jut as a constant lmmcr sion in Bocicty does nnd for tbo tumo rca Bon lt rcnders lollcctlon lcss frcquont nnd lcss onjoynblo. Wby tbink wben you can rcach ,n pleasant clrclo llvo mllus oll ln half un lumr atnl with 110 pen-ciitlbla fatlgucf I.ct tboso wbo doubt thnt this ef foct will bo produccd ln tbo country noto tbo curious Inereaso tbo oyclo is causing iu tbo hahlt of incctlng at itinch, and iiulced in tbo Hubstitutiou of luncb for dinncr. You cannot cyclo back on a dnrk nigbt wltb your wlfo or sister ln full dres.3, but you can luncb nt S o'clock nnd cyclo back ln tbo cool of tbo ovonlng with grcat unjoyment nnd 110 danger. Cycling, in fact, will inereaso tbo scnt tcrlng and movablllty of country soclcty, to tbo lncri'asoof itH plcasures uikI tbo los.-) of inucbof ltshtoadfastncssnnd quict. Tho anclcnt "rootcdno-,s" of tbo couutrysldc will bo grcatly (Umlnislicd, and wo aro old fnsbloned enougb to bellovo that ln that quality was much not only of oharin, but of utllltv, London Spectntor. UiUCKS wltb mortlses and tenonB aro now made, with a view to preventing tlio cracklng nnd anrincing ol bricic wall8 a difllculty thnt hna long both orcd both archilccta and bulldors. To Inherit j Disease is not absolutely necessary. Chil drcn of sickly parcnts are not ahvays bom with disease crerms in their systems. They are simply fit sub jects, in whom such niicrobes will best thrive when cncountered later in life. ovinme not only kecps the body toned up so that disease is kept at bay, but, being itself a gcrmicide; dispels it where it alrcady exists. nuOD'S PiLLS curo Llvor llls, Bll louonosB, Indlgostlon, Hoadnoho. Ensy to tako, oaoy to oporato. 25c. O Boat Rowers Bicycle Riders Baseball Runners Tho Rront trnnolo norvlno producei nn Increnonf tltal nrtlvlty ln tlio iirt,nii.l 1iyltoloM?"cnorgr Klvcs thcm tl.o poivtT to tlirow olt all sorciiofs. JqIiiisqh's Anoflyns Liniment I Imvo iiicil your Anoilyno I.lnlmcnt with mudi Mtlsfnrtloii. lWluiM il.iypMliouliliilluoit. ln fnct, nfter nny llvply ,prt n prpvont eoro inu. cloninlllirjoili. WM, i:vino, MntmKcr uinl C.iptnln Now York Ilall Club. P "Bost Livor Eill Mado." 9 roslllvrlyciiro IiltlmiHiionn nml slclc brailarlip, llvcrnnilbnwelcuinnlaliil'i, Tlit) ekpilallliiipiirltlcg from tlio lilooil. Ikllrale woiiicn ilnil rollcf from uslntttlirm. I'rlooS.'ict".: (lvcJI.O. I'nniplitc t frie. 1. S. JOHNSON CO..WCustom HousobUllostoQ. MISGELLANY. Wo Onrselvcs. Tbo poom from tbo pon of Kov A. J. IIouRb, cnlllbd"Wbo Oarrles tb Duvll's llusluoss On?" publlxbed n fow wt okn bro In tbo Watciiman, bas bro'igbt tb i follow ing rBsponsc, cHpped from tbo Iloslon Trail tcrlpl: Wliy don't wo bollovo lutliodevll now, a our fatliers uiod to do? 'Tls Karinn lins forced tlio lirondeit crccd to let hla nmjosty tlirouKli. ltonctlon de)Ucs tliat ctoven foot and that flory dnrt from hl brow. Wo chllilrcn ncvcr aw hlm tlien and wo've iilniply outKrown hlm now. l'or wo know who mlxes tho fatal (Irauglit that pal- lca hcart nnd braln- Not nn unknonn devll who loads tho carth with n hundred thous.nd slaln; llnt rlKht ainoiiK us all to-day, with thoir flery breath of hcll, Walk ooplo of whoso wlckcd dceds and tlionnliU Karma nlono can tell. DokkIhk the ttops of aalnt to-day nnd dlggtng plts for lil n feet, Sowlng tho tares ln the fleld of timo whenever Uod sows hU whoat, Aro tho liictunatlous of enrth's devPs of old,(and wo know the thlnRtstrut), Thoge mon whoso dceds woro the dovll's own-tho thlnga he lovea to do. The devll's Just hero as he used tobo, the samo roar lng Uon now, Uut he's wo oursolves our thoughts, our deods, which mako tho nwful row, To ho hoard In homo, ln church, ln state, to tho carth's rcinotest bound And In the mon nnd womon on carth to-day will tho devll still he found. And "twas nlways sol For mllllous of years (lod has been trylng to show That the frauds aud crlines of tho earth alway havo been causod by the pcoule wo know, Who mako ln tho alr by their vlclous tliouRhts a devll who has nover gono. Only Karma aud Itclncarnatlon oxplaln who carrles hls biistness on. Tho .Melaucholy Cuckoa. Tbo AnicrU'.iii cmcIcuo bclongs to tbo WOod)C'ckcr iri!.o nnd is only 11 summcr visltor, coinltig ub'itit tbo 1st of Jtino and lcavlng cju ly i 1 tiu- t.dl for Florida. Un liko tbo Kn,;I.sii cuckoo, ours builds its own nest and lubes its yonng, to wbom it isa most dovotod turcnt. Wo havo two spc cics in tliis c mntry, the ycllow blll and tbo black blll, tho lattcr beiug bet known ln Pcnns.vhitnia. Both nro smullor than tbo old world spo clos nnd dilfor from it in eolor, being greenish ollvo nbovo nnd blttish wlilto bo niKitb, wbllo tlio Kuropuau bird ls black wlngcd. Tbo American cuckoo has a tall longcr than its body, which glvos it a hawkllko appcarauco, aud tho plumngo 19 soft nnd sllky, Uko that of tbo owl, wlilob onnblcs it to lly without making any noiso, so that wo oftou hear lts call with out being ablo to boo tho blrd. llurroughs says, "Tblscall of tho ouokoo has n solitary bcrmltllko sound, ns if , tbo blrd wns alouo ln tbo world and cnllod on tbo fatoa to wltness hls dosolatlon." Ilo lias nover heard tho call nnswered, nor has lio ovor soon two blrds togothor. Tho call ls bcard mostin cloudy woathcr and boforo a rnln, from wblcb tbo bird gcts tho luune of rnln crow. Plttsburg Dlspatcb. Kiillng Unlaiiiod Cnnicls. A coinmiinlcntionfrom ProfcssorElllott of tbo Ficld lmiscum cxi-i'dltiuii in Afrlca contalncd a humnrous ucrimnt of tho pro fes-iir's mon breaking cnmcls. "You can lnuiKl! e. it rcads. "thnt tbnro's u c'lrcus nround niro whilo tho in rtructlon is on. Wben tbo uutamcd cainits nrriMil, 1 heard n tremendous gi-owling ln U nt i f tlio door, undougolng out l saw tu.i i-t tl.e o anitable bcasts bo ing led by ki.i-er, but wnlklng nlong wltb overy c.; tvlon of disgiibt, lH)tb in hls couiitenaiuc uiid volco. Tbo man stop pcd (ditto caiucl) und nttemptcd to tio tbo benst's foro lcgs togetbcr, wben lt rcarcd, and Mrlklng out with its foro fcct lnndcd on the- ki-cpcr's ctninnch nml head, sonding lilm llying through spaco ns if shot out of a cannon. Tbo man picked bimself out of n dltch with a hund on cacb brulscd part. nnd tbo camcl, which bad nover censed roaring, wns takon in cbnrgo by two othcr nnd jnoro robtist nntlves and led to tho tcnts, or rathcr Inducvd to go by onorgetlo nsslstanco of a very sbarp iron rod nppllcd ln n most vlgnrons and mibcellanoous innn nor, Hlmllar Abibltloua aro being con ductcd dally, nnd wo nro now rendy to lcad tho rcccntly brokon cnn.ols. Within thrco orfour days thoy aro said ic becomo tracta blo. 1 my opinlons of a caiucl 10 years ngo wben I rodo ncross tho Arablan descrts, und I sco no rcason to ulter lt ln any way. Tho creaturo has so many tab ont.-. ud somnny waysof oxblbitlug tliem. Awl. to bogtn wltb, it can klck havder, lilgber, swlfter nnd oftcner than a Virginia lutilo nnd can uso all four foet nt ono timo ln a klcking inatcb. Thon it can blto worso thnn a vlclous horso and buck ln a way to mako a broncbo blusb with nbso lnto hamo. Xo cowboy ovcr llvtnl who can M..y on that pcrch soven fivt from tho grouud dtiring a caincl'H oxblbltlon of gymnastlcs. Thon, ho cun run nway when ovcr bo fcels llkc lt, and ho ls ofton selml with n doiro to slopo. Upon un occasion of thla kind hls rlder exicrlenccs n sensa tion hctwcon being lilown up with dyna inltoorstnigglliig against tbo tbroos of an onrthnuuko untll all his Jolnts aro dlslo cated, and ho drops, a llmp, lnort niabs, to tbo grouud. "Thon, this swcet creaturo has a way of uvlnciug hls dlbploasuro thnt ls at lcvist of fectlvo nnd convlnclng, lio twltts hls snakellko ncck Into a clrclo, and poking hls ugly noso in tbo faco of tbo rldcr opena lils cacrnous juouth and lcts out a roar of di- n-t ln such n fetld lnwitb that tho rlc vi. ' -1111111 vlctlm is falrly blown into tho i ' f tbo coir.iug inoutb, a wcvk being l ' a dlstanco. And yct, with nll thcbo i rccomnicndutions, which somo ptxiplo i t considor objcctlonablo, thcso aro tho ucir animaln I am yuirnlng for." FACT AND FANCY. Tho Kcnsou WJiy. " What makes you buy that brand of soap?" I aked n woman shrewd) " Some others havo far larger scope." Tliclr names 1 hero revtewed, " What makes you buy that certaln brand?" The vromau lookcd surprlied, And thus sho answercd my demand " Ilocauso It's advortlaedl" " Why rild you chooao that rlbbon fair?" lnakcdn little mlasj " Tfco storokcepor had others there -Why dld you nsk for this?" Sho Ked at me with pltjlng eye, My faco ahe crltlclied. Thon nnawoied very aimply, " Why, Ilecauae It's ndverllaodl" " What makes you ulwaj, buy that wlne?" I nsked a hualneaa frlonrl; " It's qulte a fnvorlte ot mlne, llut why sclect this rand?" Ho looked HStonlahcd, and iny altn lle had not rccognls,ed. Ilutstlll hu nnswered just tho same " llecause It's advertlsed." And so you'II flnd where'or you bo, Whorevcr peoplo buy, Tlie goods that havo tho greatest show, And ou which folks rely, Aro thoso mado known through prlnters'lnk, And It may be surmlsed Ono merlt la, tho peoplo thlnk, " llccauso It's advertlsed I" l'rlnters' Ink. Eddlc's Llltlo I'rnycr. The Rev. E. A. Meury, paetor of tho Secoud Iteformcd church Jersey City, hns n 8on,Eddie,twonndone-halfyenra old. Eddio is a bright boy nnd playa with boya older thnn hirmelf. Whllo his father and mothcr proudly listenod Eddio said his prayors laat cvcning, thus concluding: " And blesa luarcmn and papa and make me a good boy nltl" " What's thatl" cxclaimed tho clergy man. " Why, Eddiel" nlmoat shrieked tho horrifled Mrs. Meury. "Nit," re pcated Eddie, with precision. " Nit. Tho big boya aiways say it at the end of overythiug they Bay." With Bomo flrmncss Eddie'a father explained that " nit " ia not to be used iu euppllca tion, and Eddio fell usleop after re peating his childish prayor: " And mako mo a good boy. Amon." Now York World. Pills Do Not Cuiie. Pills do not cure constipation. They only nggra valo. Karl's Clover lloot Tea givea perfect rcgularity of the bowels. For eaio by W. E. Tcrrill & Co., Mont pelier, Vt. - ... i - Thoroughly Inrormcd. Cigar Dealer: "Yes, I want a boy hore. Ilave you had uny experienco?'' Youthful Applicant: "Lotj." "Sup po8e I should mis up tho prlce markB in these boxes, could you tell the good cigars from tho bad onesV" " Easy 'nough." " How?" " Tho wust cigars is In'tho boxea wot's aot the purtiest picturca." Now York Weokly. A GltEAT GKUMAN'S I'ltESCltirTION. Discascd blood, conatipatiou, and kidney, liver and bowel tronblos aro cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For salo by W. E. Terrill & Co., Mont pelier. Vt. (Jllppings from Exchaiiges, It is to be noted that a man may bo " awfully 8orry " over tho misfortunos of nuother without loaing muchflesh or gaining many wrinkles. The Best Corjan Cure is Shiloh's Curt .. A ncglected cough is dangerous. Btop 11 nt once with Shiloh's Cure. For enle by W. E. Terrill & Uo., Montpelier. Vt. " Why do you punch thnt holo in my tickel?" asked a little man of tho railway oillcial. "So that you can paas through," was tha reply. A Laby's Life Saved. " My baby had croup, and was saved by Shiloh's Curo," writes Mrs. J. H. Martiu of HuntBville, Ala. For salo by W. E. Terrill & Co., Montpelier, Vt. "Uncle Simon, what's the difTer encc betvveen a statesman aud a poli tician?" "The polittcian pulls tho wagon, and tho statesman gets the ride." CoNSUiirTioN Can Be Cuked by tho uao of Shiloh's Curo. This great cure is tho only knowu remedy for that terriblo discnse. For salo by W. E. Tcrrill & Co., Montpelier, Vt. " Uncle TnEoriiiLus, what is an cgotist?" "Ho ia a fellow thut liateus intontly when he is talking to you and nover listens at all when you aro talk ing to him." Neuves on Edqe, " I waa norvous, tired, irritable aud crosa. Karl's Clover lloot Tca has made me well nnd happy." Mrs. E B. Wordeu. For salo by VY. 15. Terrill & Co., Montpelier, Vt. It is said that tho hrgest-sized bug in tho world is tho elephant bootlo of Voutzuela; but wo suspect that it does not nuito como up to tho gold bug, which is making nuito a flguro in tho Uuited States just at presont. As cold woalhor drawa on apaco, it is comforting to thiuk of that poraiatent fly on that particularly hot aftornoon, or that tuncful moequito on thnt torrld night, Hoiv truo it is thnt blesainga brighton na they tako thoir flight! It ia satd that this couutry uaes up 30,000 ncrcs of tlmbcr a dny iu ouo way and anothcr. Consideriug tho numbor of plntforms that havo beon built this year by tho various political pnrties, wo should supposo that lt would take much moro than that. Synnex: " Ono would thlnk to hear you talk that you conquored tho ltebel liou." Modestua: "Conquored tho Itobollioul I did moro than thnt; I con quored an nlmoat Irrcslstiblo loug ing to go to tho Iront, and paid auothor man to go in my placo." AitE You Tihed nll tho tlme? ThlB condition ls a Btiro indlcation thnt your blood ia not rich nnd nourishlug ns lt ought to bo nnd ae it may bo if you will tako a few bottles of tho great blood purlflcr, Ilood's Sarsnpnrilln. Thou Bnnds write that Ilood's Sarsaparilla hns curcd them of that tired feoliug by giv lng them rich, red blood. Hood's Pills act oasily and promptly on tho llvor and bowola. Curo sick hendacho.