Newspaper Page Text
08000000(IO0OiOB ooo0O0Oooooaooc O .. . C 5S0MES ATHNT INSIDi: 2 O NKWSI'AFKlt. Tho O 5 "WATUHMAN" DOliS NOT O OATKH TO O TIIAT CI-ASS. O MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNESDA.Y, SEPTEMBElt 30, 1S96. VOL. 914720. NUMBER 40. 01IANTS DO "VVfd I AnvnitTiHi:. g U nfm ! 1, in tiii: O (A 9 1 f BOooooao Jr READING STYIES .... AND .... GREAT VARIETY .... OF ... . Dress Novelties, Silks and Trimmings! FIRST DISPLAY OF FALL m WINTER GARMENTS FOR IiADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Many now featuros that do not appear in garrnents purchasod provious to this montli. JLj. 3P. I-I. O. GLEASON Montpelier, Vt,, Soptember 20, 1096, mmm mmmmmm mmm mmmm mmmmmmm Furnace, Sfeam and Hof Wafer Don't wait for oxtromo cold woather boforo or dering repairs or changes. It can bo dono bettor and choaper now. All shop and job work under porsonal supor vision of Mr. JOHN W. PECK. We have COAL and WOOD HE ATING . STOVES in great varioty; also HANGES of established repu tation, all of which we can guarantee in overy particular. Plumbing and Heating our Specialty. PECK BROTHERS, - - - 60 Main Street, THERE is sometliing clis tinctive in tlie Stein Blocli Clotliing that will enable tlie good judge of apparel to see that they are above the or dinary. We are now show ing Snits and Overcoats of this niake, and ask for an inspection. A. D. FARWELL. THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE IONE IN CASTILE SOAP. The flnest display of soap ever shown in this city. It is a grand work of nrt, and will rcpay any troublo takcu to sco it. By speeial arraugeuient with tho inanufacturcrs, we are ablo to ofler this Fine White Gastile Soap at Half Price! TWO CAKES FOR FIVE CENTS. The eale of this soap will begin on SATURDAY, OCTOBER .3, 180C, AT NINE O'CLOCK. IgjF" This Grand Display is now on exhibilion in our SUow Window. In addition to tho above Soap Sale, wc shall offer for Saturday, Oetober 3, 189C, 500 YARDS GOOD AMERICAN GINGHAMS REGULAR PRICE G CENTS, FOR 3 3-4 CENTS. No. 24 STATIS MOKTTPELIEH., THE FORTIETH YEAR OF THE SALE OP Stewart Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces IN MONTPELIER Opens this fall. Tho continuous sale of these Famous Goods in one place for this emphatic proof of their sterling merit. BARROWS 64 Main FISTULA treatecl witliout theutoof klilfo or detentlon from liualneait nlio all otlicr (Uiomet o( Itectum. Uureguarantecd tHarYatil,187.j ROBERT M. READ, M,D 176 Tromnnt Strent, Ilnnton. Contultatloc rrea. wiinn I'iiii rAoii-iiiinxi OBlce houra, olovon A. M. to four 1', M, CSundaji amlliolldaya exccpted. PILES STRKIST, - "TrjEllZLlMLOJSrrF 88888 number of years is most & PECK Sfreet. R. G.BBOCK WELLS RIVER, VT. Water Tahs and Tanka of all kirida for Wlndmllla, Cldor Mllls, Oroamerlea and Farm Yardu. Writo for Prioo Llat. Montpelier Daily Journal AND Vermont Watclimaii, Tuosday OYonlnc, Octobor (i, tlio flrflt iiura- bor nf the IAit,Y Jouiinai, or tho seaalon ( 1800 will lio lHHiiud. This Ijsho will contalu tho IHographlcal SkutchoB of tho chief ofllcors of tho now Stato Govorniuent and of tho moinhorn of the now LeglMature, wlth tuuch othor in terestlng matter pottattiluK to tho tneotlug of tho Gonoral Assotnbly. TllO DAILY dOURNAt, COHtntllH 1110 OJfCJdf report of Lpglslatlvo Procecduigs. It con- tams. also. ntii roports oi neaniiKs ueioro comndttecs, and all othcr mattorH of Jn tnroBt. ahotit tho Lpglslaturo. lt ia pub liahod at tie close of oaoh day's Boaslon, and has, consequontly, tho carllest, as tt has al- ways uie ittucst ami mon accuraic, ropona oi ovcrythlng connoctcd wlth tho Uoneral Aasombly. Tho Daily Jouiinal Is, theroforo, the choicc of Mmnbom of tho Lpglalature, and is indlspotisable to all Vermont pooplo who doslro to havo THE NEWS from tho Cnpltnl. Tlie jouunal win aiao ue a comiuetc ncn- eral ncwipaper. plvltiK tho local, statf, na lional and fnrnlRii nows, and dovotliiR par ticular aUention to tho ovetits and progroas of tho Natlonal Canvasn, T K 11 'M S ! SliiRlo copy 6J J O ulis of IIto cople cacli 1 00 Cluljs of ten coples or motc, cacli W All HubscrlntloiiH at tho abovo rates aro takon for a se.iaion of tha tisua lenRth. THE WATCHN1AN. Thk Vkiimont Watchman (wookly) for tho BeHsion, twonly-flvecentH. Tho Watch man will contaln tho rcports of legislativo doiiiRs, oondBiised from tho Daily .Iouhnal, Speclal ratoH to inomhets ordorlug quan tltles of tho Watchman for the HoaHlon, or of any uinglo Ibhuo. WATCHMAN I'UnLISIIINQ UOMPANY, Montpelier, Vt. ltnsliicss 3Iorc Mcntinn. Thb onenluir daya at Mrs. Uiekey'a will bo announced in our noxt Ibsuo. I'auis vells and fall " Tama " iust opened at tho MiHses Fiaka', 27 Stato atreet. Tnic fall oDunlnir at tho dry cooda Btoro of T. S. Brophy & Co. ia advertlaed on page ight. Reao the douhlo-column advertiBemcnt of Kllua & I'ratt on thia pjge. Cantllo Hoap at half prioe. Thb hooks iust received at Ehlo'H book- Btort coinpriae tho latoat worka of tho moat popular autliors. Fall and wlnter uariuenta and triui- niinga aro advertlBod on thia page hy L. 1'. & II. C. Glcasou. IIandsomb autntnu and winter cooda aro advertlaed on thia page by " Tho Hlobard Bon," llurllugton. Miss H. Julia Cnoss will reeoivo nunlls in tilano iustructlon after Octobor 1. Ap- ply at BG East btato atreet. A full line of antumn and winter hata and millinery noveltiea at Mra. Dlckey'a. Holmea Illock, Montpolier. Thk BlackfaatOlay worated stiita adver tlaed on thia page hy Adaina tho Olothier are aa good aa any cuatou-made auit. Bkst S4 table-boaid in the city at Hunt- ington'a Itestaurant. Micely - furniahod rooms, uy, lrom tJ to eo per weeK. Wantkd A man, wlth famlly, to occupy teuemeut man to work on farm and boaru himaelf. Addreaa II., Watcuman oflico. Fox Hound3 for sale cheap. Four weeka old. Full hlood. The motlier iiuported. Addresa A. II. Emeraon, 110 Main Btreet, Montpelier. Millinkhy opening at Mrs. M. L. wells', Waterbury, on Wednesday and ThurBday of uext week, Oetober 7 and 8, to which all are iurited. Gillky & AnnoTT. Barre, have a new and attractlvo advertiaenieut thia week, on pago ilve, that ia sure to bo read wherovor tlie Watchman clrculates. Sevbual hundred hooks havo been re ceived at Ehlo'a hook-atore, in now and at tractive bludinEB, at pricea whero overy ono can afford to owu the worka of their favorlte authora. Miss Mkinkckb ia In New York thia week purchasing millinery goods, and on her ro- turn will open inuuuery rooma in inia cny. A further announceinent will be made at the proper tluio. Foit Salk. A Urat-claaa double harneaa, in aooil conditiou. will be aold at a low price. A Bplendid opportunity for any ono deairiug Hiich a harneaa. For particulara call at Elde's book-atore. TlIKY HAVK STOOIl THK TltST FOH YKAnS School, county and town bonda, from 11 vo to slx per cent intereHt, in sums ol 100 to fcl.UOU. Tho Hatue claas oi honilH bouglit liy Bavinga bauka. Incjulro of E. E. Blakely, treaaurer. John L. Stanyan. mattresa-inaker. Bow- man'a Block. Stata atreet. Montpelier, will do auporior work at loweat pricea. Satlafao tlonguarantoed. Uair inattreBaea renovated and made over for 82.00 Ordera in person or by mail protnptly attendeu to. 1'iioiiAiiLY lovers of books will not have an cqual opportunity to Belect good books at reaaonahlo pricea with that offered bv Elilo's book-atoro for tlio new serioa just re- celvou. it is a apienuiu cuance. A FiitsT MoitTQAaic on a bonatldo farm or cltv nronertv auvwhere hetweon the Miss lsslppl and MiBBourl rlvers at leas tliau half of itB Belllng valuo ia a firaUclaas invest- ment. Such are oiTered. at all timefl, by A. O. CummiiiB, Montpelier, Eaatern manager oi tlie rierro Bavinga uamc. Ladikh. I mako blg wages at home, and wautall to havo tho aauio opportunity. The work la very pleaBant and will eaally pay 818 weekly. Thia ia no deceptlou. I waut no money, anu will giainy aona itiu partlc. ulars to all Bondlng atatnp. Miaa M. A. StehblnB, Iiawrenco, Mlch. Mu. Frkdbuick W. Banouoft, in "Songa of Ilome and Oountry," Blanchard Opera Ilouae, to-nlght, Wedneaday ovening, at eight o'clock. fteaorved aeats flfty and thirty-flvo ceuta, Elilo's uook-atoro. IjEGTURBS on ENansn LlTBUATURB. TUe uuderaigned propoaes to dellver u course of lccturea (not to oxceed twonty), for ladles and gentlemen, If a sulTicient uuinhor of BiibscriberB oan he obtaluod, at two dollars euch, A. N. LowiH, M. A. Wantkd. Awoman orgirl of rellnoment, who Ioves childreu aud has a eheerful ills poiition, aa cotupauion to a young married lady and to asalst in tho c.iro of a uine-monthi-old haby glrl, well aud of good dla poaltion. May travel bowo. Will spsnd moat of tho time In the cotintrv. Balary 812 per immth. Addreaa, wlth full particulara. Mra. E. It, Plke, l'lke Statiou, N. II. Tothb Nkw South, Tlio rogular monthly oxcuralon to Frulthurst, Ala., will leavo New Englaud polnts on the Beveuth of Oc tober, going vla Springtlehl, Maaa., Now York Olty, WaBhlngtou and Atlanta, Ga. Tickots good forthlrty days. I'artlea takiug ad vantago of this tlme to vial t the New South will on the roturn have an opportunity to stop at nolnta along the rotite, E, B, Ilaui mttt, New England ropreaentative of tho Alabama Frult Growing and Winory Aaao clation, will accouipany tha party. For further lnfonnation call upon hlm or addresa hlra at tbe Illalto Block, 38 Stato stroet, Montpolier, Vt. MONTPELIER AND YICINITY. llU'PTtltS ON TJli; SUJIPAOIS Oi'' I.OOA1, WAVliHH. Koscok Giiant is 111 with typiioid fovor. F. 1. Caklbton was in Boston laat week. II. O. Glrabon is in tho Boston marketa thia weok. II A. DkwbyIb rlsltlng at hls old hotno in 1'oultnoy. Miss Fannib I'ahmkntkii ia vialting lti Sprlngllold, Maaa. Brnjamin Gatks of Hartford, Conn,, is visitiiig hla tnotlier. Louh Douolabs ia viBlting at hia fonnor homo in Uraftabury. UlIAHLKS JONRS Is Vlsitltlg at llis Old llOUlO in Winchendon, Maaa. Edwin Lanr la putting up two tononiont liouaos on Berlin stroot. Mhs, 15. It Skinnek has hoon sorioualy itl for the paat fow daya. Nyb L. SMmiia bullding an addition to hla houso on Barro atreet. Miss ElizA Kudlbic vlaitod laat weok ln Burlington and Morrisville. 15. E. Blakbly was in Rutland and Bur lington on business last wook. Ubv. Fatiieu BAiiNAnns of Now York waa at tho Favilion laat wook. Miss Inbz Uayfoud is working in Mrs. UaU's mllliuor.v storo ln Barre, Miss Aa.vKS MoMastkii of Montroal, P. Q., 1b tho gucst of Arthur O. Felt. II. M. IIauvby haa heon conflnod to tho houso thia week wlth a aovoro cold. Mu. and Mrs. Fiikd II. Adams aro paronts of a sou, boru laat Thuraday. FrankE. IIowk went to Brattleboro on Tueaday for a briof visit to hls old homo. Mrs. W. A. Shay was callod to Chelsea laat Monday by the lllnoss of her inothor. Mns J. Q. Adams was called to Brandon laat weok to attend tho fnneral of a slstor. Thk boy choir at Ohrlat church will woar their caasocks for tho flrst tlme noxt Sunday. Mautin Luther loft for Baltlmoro, Md , laat Saturday, whero ho ia to study rnedlcine. Mns Dr. Miner and daughtor May of Now York aro guests of Mrs. N. A. Alex anilor. Attbntion is called to the announcement made hy MIbb II. Julla Croas ln tho busineaa coluinu. F. W. Bancuoft loaves for Boston next Frlday, whero bo will realdo for tho proaent. Miss Eva Glark gavo an "Initlal " party to a large number of her frlends last Frlday evoning. Tiieuon F. Colton cave a whiat narty last Thuraday ovening at hia homo on Flrst Avonue. Mu. and Mns. Luther Dow of East Hardwick aro gueats of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Cnmmlns. Mrs. Fkank W. Oarveu returnod last Saturday from a busiueas tripto Boston and Now York. Miss Mary Macomdbu is named as sole exocutrlx of the will of the lato Dr. J. E. Macomber. Mohuibon's "Faust" will he tho attrac- tion at Blanchard Opera Houso next Satur day ovening. Mns. Dominico Tomassi roturnod laat week from Italy, whero she haa been for a year or more. William Rentsfoud of Berlin has been granted an increase of pension from 88 to $12 per montli. Frank Fklt hail hla black naclnc mare at tho races at Washington and Tunbridge fairs last weelc. Thb rooms of tho Apollo Club were cloaed two days laat weok for tho seml-annual houae-cleaning. Thb claasea for ndmiaalon to tho har will ineot in Montpelier fur examlnatlon on Tuea day, Oetober 13. Mns, AnaosTUS Garter of Lnbanon, N. II., waa the gueat oi Jlr. and Mrs. W. u. Weston last week. Thk renort of the caaes trlod in Washing ton couuty court, up to last Friday, will be found on pago two. Mns. Minnib Marsh is in New York whero she is maklng a special study of school and choir work. A new and rovlsod telephone 11st ls in tho liantls oi the prtnter. it will bo reauy lor (Uatriuution uetooor l. Rufus Fountain bas purchased an inter est In a llvory stablo at Tupper Lake, N. Y., and goas tliore tma weeK. Mrs. J. A. ICelton of Worcester comes to Montpjlior this week to reside with Mrs II. M. Odell, her daughter. J. O. IIouauTON has completed an oxton alve Job of concroting the walks and drive- ways arounit hls resiuence. The Board of Clvil Authorlty met laat Thuraday ovening to correct somo minor orrora In the city tax books. Only thirty-sovon tickots for tho New York excursion woro aold at the Central Vermont statlon on Tueaday. Mrs. Frank O. Kkitii and Mra. O. G Blngham of Gloveland, Ohlo, were regla- tered at tho ravlllou last weeK. Georob O. Aldkr has cono to Fittaburg, I'a,, and other clties, in tbe Interest of tho Ii. G. Bowers Granito Company. The annual meetlng of the Vermont Pharmaceutlcal Aasociatlon will be held ln Montpelier somo tlme in Octobor. l'ROFESSOR AND MllS. J. W. BURQESS will closo " Redstone" this week and roturn to tholr winter residoucoin New York. The mombers of Bethany Reading will ineet wlth Mra, Hiram Carleton on Tueaday alternoon, Uctober u, at two o'clock. The Daughtors of Rebokah will hold a fair in the veatry of tho Ohurch of the Meaalah thia afternoon and ovening. Thk reading club connected wlth Trlnity churcli will meot noxt Monday ovening wlth Mra. a. u. webb, at tlio paraonage. A. G. Bootk aud E. S. Melcs actod uahers at the Andorson-Dorman weddlng at Swanton laat Wednesday eveulng. Thb granito firm of Lynch & McMahou has been diasolved. It ia underatood tbat Mr. Ijynch is to contiuuethe huBiuoas. W. W. Stickney of Ludlow, Geuoral W. II. Gllinoro of Fairlee, and Mnj:r J. II. Wataon of Bradford wero In town on Tues day. Mrs. NelsonLaFokcb roturnod last weok to her home ln Peru, N. Y., aftor spondlng the sumnier with Mrs. Gharles Sogutn, her slater. A half dozrn membors of the Mont pelier Gun Glub weut to Cambridge on Tuesday to tako part In a tournament there, The Garnet Sal OlaBs will moet noxt Frlday aftoruoon at (juarter past two wlth Mra. Juatus L, Batchelder at No. 28 School street. Fhed A. Field of Rutland, grand chan cellor, made an ofllital vlstt to Montpelier lodgo, Knlghta of Pythlaa, laat Tbursday ovening. Frank Lanieu aud Miss Einma Shuttle were married at St. Auguatiue'a churoU last Monday ovening hy Rev. Father W. J. O'Sulllvan. Thb work of roinovlug tho stock of the Montpelier Hardware Company to the four Btory bullding on Berlin aldo, rocontly orectoii py iue company, was compiotea last weok. Tlio retall storo will Btill contlnuod at tho old stand, at tho hoad of Stato stroot. T'uitKB H. Smith and Miss Man Smlth, ti Hnd dnnchtor of ProfoBSor E. M. Smlth, ia o i-nteri'd Wesloyan Uulvoralty, Mlddlo- ton n, ('otin. Dn. G. J. IIrlmrr was Bllnktlv lniurod last Frlday ovening by taklng a heador from hls hlcyclo noar tho court houao on Stato stroot. Edward Neilson roturned this wnok to Harvard ' Medical Uollego, aftor a vlalt of sevoral wooka wlth Goorgo W. Reod, hls foater-fathor. Mrs. Jorl Worthino; accompantod E. E. Towner on hla roturn from New York. Mrs. Worthlng will romain wlth her sou for tho preaont. E. IS RtilNF.itAHT. who haa been spendlng the sumuior wlth hls tuothor, roturns thia wook to Ghlcago, to ro-ontor tho Chlcago Dontal Collego. Miss Lotta Farnswortii loft laat Thurs- day ovening for her homo In San Franciaco, aftor a vlslt of aoveral weeks at the homo of W. A. Stowell. Tiir Enworth Leaauo reading clrclo will meot wlth Mra. A. H. Wohb at tho parBon ago on Hubbard stroot noxt Frlday ovening at half past sovon. E. E. Towner and Harvoy Burnham aro delegates from the Baptlst Ohriatlan En deavor Socinty to tho stato convontlon at Rutland this week. A. 0. Harlow, a formor photographor in Moutnollor. and later a hotel proprlotor in and arouud Boston, Is soon to open a real- ostato olllco In Boaton. G. W. Niohols of Brookfield hrought to tho Watchman laat Saturday au "Amerl lcan Wondor " potato that welghed four and ouo-qnarter pounds. Martin Keatino, head walter at tho Pa vlllon, cut one hand badly last week whllo opening a bottlo of Apolllnaris water. The uottlo hurst m hls iiantt. A new Bide-track has been lald ln the Central Vermont yard for the uso of Colonel W. Beward Wobb'a speclal tram uuring tuo sesslon of the loglslature. The huce tank that has for soveral wooks hoon ln ptocess of conatructlon by tho Stantlard 011 Coinpmy, near tho olectrlc light Btatlon, ia completed. Miss Maudk Barron of Fabyan's, N. II., Is vlslting hor grandmothor, Mrs. Dennis Lane, beforo onterlng Mlas Brldgoa' school on Newbury stroot, Boston. The flrst regular meetlng of tho Chautau- qua Ulaaa will bo Hold wltn Mra. W. 15. Liairu, lsistiauortyatreec, nexii'rniay auor noon at a quarter past two. Mns Rev. A. II. Wedd. Mrs. E. M. Smlth and Mrs. E. A. Nutt have been appoluted a commlttee to see about organlzlng a Trlnity cburch ladles' reading club. Mrs. J Warrrn Bailey returnod last weok from New York, whero she accouipa- nied Miss Ella, bor daughter, who aalled laat saturday week lor Uermany. Tiir marriage of Tlmothy E. Callahan aud Mlas Nellie Kolloher will occur next Tueaday mornlng ln St. Auguatiue'a church, Rev. W. J. O'Sulllvan olllclatlng. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Pitkin entortained the former members of the choir at tho Church of the Meaaiah at their homo on Main street laat Saturday evenlng. Mu. and Mrs. Dexter Moody havo re- turned from an oxtondod western trip, which extonded as far west as Mlnneapolls, Mlnn., wnere tuoy ylaltetl reiatives. H. M. Odell falnted white attending tho meetlng at tho rooms of the Young Men's Ubrtstlan Aasociauon laat aunciay aiter noon. Ho waa takon to hia home in a hack The annual meetlng of the Montpelier Educatlonal and llenevolent Aaaociatlon will be held at tho roaldence of Mrs. Anna Dlllou on Barre street next Frlday at 7:30 r. m. The membors of Mount Sinai Temnlo, Nobles of the Mystlo Shrlne, go to-day on a nilcrlmace to White uiver Juuctlon, wnere the order will be conferrod on Bevoral can- dtdates. Mus. D. F. Clark has been electod presl- dent of tlio Methodlst liadlea' Ald bocioty ln place of Mra. E. F. Rand, reaigned. Mra. Henry Holt haa also been elected vice preaident. The St. Jean do Bantiato Soclety attonded ln a body the funeral of Alexander Hamel laat Suuday mornlng. Deceasod waa for many years au honored member of this or ganlzation. The nonular aatlro on polltlcs entltled " A Toxaa Steer " will be seen at Blanchard Onora House Thuradav evenlng. Oetober 15 This is conslderod by many to be Hoyt's mastorpiece. Mrs. T. S. BitoriiY has returned from tho Fabvan Ilouae. whore sho haa been 8P3nd ing tho Biimmer. Mrs. Brophy has Mlaa Carlotta Whltmoro of Boaton aa hor gueat for a few daya, Bicycle-riders have recantly annoyed C P. Haydeu by ridlng on tbe sidewalk near hls reaidence on lower State street. He has posted placards lu that vlclnlty warnlng tuom to deslst. Miss Qertrude Lbland went to Rutland, Monday, as a delugate from Uotliany (Jhrls tian Endeavor Soclety. in place of Mrs H. M. O.lell, who waa detained at home by tbe lllnoss ot Mr. Udell. Thb plcture.framlng departmont of the Montpelier Book Storo haa been purchaaed by Edward Sawyer. It will be moved to the rooma of tbe Capital Electrto Com pany, acroas the Btroot. Fred Oarr was knoekod insonBible last Thuraday evenlag, whlle ridlng a wheol, by crntt nc in co llslon with ii. r. lounc Crr was taken to hls homo ln a hack. Hls luiuriea wero not serlous. Morris H. Collins, the long-tlme shlp plng clerk for the Colton Manufacturiug ilmnnimv. bas reaicned and is to co on tho road aa a postal clork. Hls ruu will be from St. Albans to Boaton. Tiir annual meetlng of the Vormont Bar Aasociatlon ia to bo hold ln Montpelier on Tuosday, Oetober 13. tbe opening day of supreme court. A hauquet will bo served at the Pavlllon in the evenlng. Jed Holt of Woodbury fell, laat Satur day, from a bullding on Berlin aldo, and brouo ono shouldor. Uo was takon to hls home ln Woodbury aftor hls lnjuries had boen attonuou to uy a pu;sician. Rbv. O. F. Davis of Plymouth. Maaa nroached at Trlulty church laat Sunday mornlng, and conducted tho servlce for young men at the rooms of tho Young Meu'a Uliriaiian absociiuioii ounuay aitoruoon. GitoiiOK Tosnky, tho alleged proprletor of tho saloon on Elm stroet tbat waa ralded last week by Sherlff Collins and Deputles Uraves antt unaae, uas ueeu roleaaed on ball of 8S00. Fred A. Standisb entored as suroty for hlm. Chester E. Carey of nanover. N. H who was employod in the Arnui oflico vears aco. commlttod suleide at Hau over last Friday by ahootlug hliuself tbrough the bead. Deaponilouoy, cauaod uy poor bealtu, waa the cauao. Amono thoae from Montp3ller who weut on tho oxourslon to New York ou Tueaday wero Georce lt. Ehle, W. W. Brook, J. Q. Ailauia. II. G. Alexander. Miss Gertrude MHlnecke, Mrs. Mlnule Marab, Mlsa Ltzzle UtluiBou anu Miss Martiu. .Toskvii Lonoway. wbo was ilotentod sov oral weeks ago lu Btoallng money from the oaah drawer lu tha moat niarkot of II. C, Holmes, was taken to the Stato Iudustrlal BchOOl at vergennes iust oiuuuuy uy opu' cial Oliicer u. b. wuituor. A. J. ltowK had chargo of tho rooms ot tho Younc Men's uumtian Association dur inf tho abaenco of Secretarv D. M. Snonce. who attended the Intorstato conveutlon for Vormont and Now llntnnslilm l,nl,l lu.t weok at Manchostor, N. II. REV. L. P. TocKRR of Nortbilnlil l.mtnrn.1 laat Thuraday ovonlng boforo tho students of tho Montpelier Somlnary on " Tho Sym motrlcal Devoloptnotit of Manklnd." Sev oral from down town attended, and tho loc turo was thoroughly oujoyed, Tiir city treasuror'a oflico has boen a busv place, day and ovonlng, durlng tho paat week. Last ovening the tlmo oxplrod for obtalnlng the four per cent diacount, and tho tinpald tax bllls will now be placed in tbo liands of Shorlff Bancroft for collectlon. Tiir fnnoral of Patrlck Honrv of Berlin was hold last Sunday afternoon from St. AugtiBtlno'a churcli, Rov. V. J. O'Sulbvan olllclatlng. Mr. Henry was a stono-cutter, lormeriy ln tuo eiupioy ot i.yuoh & wc Mahon, and was a qulot, lnduBtrlous cltl zen. Rrv. L. L. Breman nroached and con ducted qiiartorly meetlng at Wilmington laat Suuday. Hoaud Mrs. Beeman left last Monuay lor iTovidonce, k. i , to attenu ino flrst goneral conftirenco dlBtrlct Epworth Loague conveutlon, now in sosaion in that city. Lrvi A. PnnaoNs has a rocord on oats this yoar that ia hard to beat. From flvo acrea lio ralsed 450 buahola of prlmo graln. So well headod were they that tho threshlng machlne ot L. E. Doton throshed 230 bu.ah- els of tliom in flvo houra ono day last woek. Several inombors of tho Barro Hlcyclo Club and the Montpelier Club are plauning for a "contury"run next Tueaday lf tho weather is favorablo. Tho courso will bo betwoon Barre ainl Montpelier and over many of the prlncipal stroets of thoae two cities. Mns. F. I. Pitkin and Mrs. Hattlo WU lard havo followed the example aet thom by F. V. Bancroft and B. M. Shepard, and have rostgned as membora of tho Church ol tho MosHlah cbolr. The alnclnc for the preseut at that church will be In chargo of tho Ladles bocioty. Tiir advauce salo of soats ia very largo for tho furewtll bonoflt to F. W. Bancrolt, to be clvon lu Blanchard Opera Houso this evoning. Mr. Bancroft will glvo hls song lecture entltled "Songs of Home and Couu try," and the occaslon la lookod forward to wltn great lutoroat. At the renuoat of O. F. Dudlev. the dt rcctor. the members of tho Choral Unlon will meet. noxt Frlday evoning at Whltcomb iiaii lor tho oi (iiscassinc tne pro- lect of startluc another sorlei of rebearaals. All the oiu memuers, anu au muaiciaus, aro cordlally lnvited to ua preaont. Gharles, son of W. C. Patton, received a paluiul Injury last week by stepplng on a wlre nail. Tho nail went entiroly tbrough tbo foot, and tbrough tbo ahoe near the in- sten. It was romoved by a nbyslclan. and, unless lockjaw intervones, tho lad'a Injuriea wiu not ue ot a msting cnaracter. A new time-tahle coos into ollect on the Montpolier and Wells Rlver railroad noxt aionuay iue iratn tnat now arrivos at Montpelier from Wells Rlver at3:G0r. m. ia taken off and tho mall train will arrlve at G:0." P. M The auburban train that now leavea for Barro at l:10r. m will leave at 1: 03 r. m. A horse owned by an Itallan who llves on tho Sahlu farm waudered into the Cen tral Vermont railroad brldge, just west of tho elec'.rio llcht statlon, laat Frlday nlght The animal walked the tlea for about half the longth of the bridgo aud thon fell, wedging itself betwoon the timbers in such a way that neceasltated kllllng it. Thr foaat of St. Michael, patron saint ot tho narochlal school in this city. was ob- served Tuoaday mornlng by a servlce for tbe chlldren at Bt. Angustlno's church, con ducted by Rev. Father W. J. O'Sulllvan, the nastor. At the conclualon ot tbe aar- vlce. the puplls ot tbe Bchool were clvon a miiiuay lor cua remainiior ot tuo uay. Mrs. Hrnry B. Dalry was nuite bo rlously iujured last Wednesday ovening by being thrown from a buggy on State streot oppoalto the reaidence ot Edward Dowoy. A holo nau ueon aug ln tuo iom anu Mr Daley drovo Into lt lu the darkness Ho os caped wllh a sovere shaklng up. The exca vation was not made by Road Couimis alonor Roberta, but was dono by a private lndlvldual. VV. E. Laihd, aaslcnoo of tbo Insolvent Perry Mannfacturlng Company, Btates that tho partners in the concern havo turned over to hlm real oatato valnod at 810,000, and tbat about SO.OOO Is duo the flrm on book account. Thus far the clatms flled accrogato 814.000. The schedule of liabll- itiea aud assets has not yet been flled, but the prospects are tbat the loaa to credltors will not hoheavy. It la oxpected that the Wood Art Gal lery will receive several additional palnt ings whon it is moved to its pormanent quartera in tbe now bnildlug at tho roar of tbo Young Men'a Chriatlan Association, now in procees of conatructlon. T. w, Wood has been In St Peteraburg for sov. oral inontli8, copylng somo of tbe rare worka ot the old mastera, and somo ot these at least will adorn the Wood Gal lery. In Washington couuty court. since Frl day, tho case of Lvman W. Whltcomb et ux. v. Wllllaui D. and Henry J. Smltb haa been trled. Thia was a case of trpaaa nuaro olauaum Tho ownerahln of a narrow atrip of land, about two feet ln width, at right angles with Main street lu tho city of Barre, waa in iusputo. iue lauti ia eati mated by ono of the attorneya to ho worth about S50. w. A. lioyco lor piaintlita; J W. Gordon for defendants. Mount Zion Commandery. Knlchta Tom- plar, tbrough C. H. Heaton, lts recorder, haa sent to tho ominont graud recorder a do tallod descriptlon of Slr Knlght E. D. Black wnl . wlio has heen mlasinc Bince aoiuoui her !), wlth a renuest that It he sent to all CONTINUKD OK rOORTH PAQU.J She uses tlie pan for a mirror after cleauiug it witli Bon Ami The Modern Cleaner. RunnBii Stamts made to order by tha Watchman l'ubllahlng company. "The Richardson." Tho LargCBt and Hnndsomcst Storo ln tho Stato. UNDERWEAR. Wo placo on snle thia mornlng tho moat cotnpleto lino of Fall and Winter Underwcar cvor shown in this cltv. We carty tho YpBllnntl, Bennington, Cartwrlght & Warner'iJ, nnd othor woll- known brantls. Unlon Sulta in all sizes. See our window and got some idcn of what you can Dnd ln this departmont. JACKETS AND CAPES. New, chlc aud atyltBh, overy ono of them. Now onea coming overy day. Wo will show you with pleasurc somo of tho handsoinest ond mo3t Btylish Rarmenta you bnvo over seon. The prices nro reasonnble thia yeor, and a littlo monoy pcrmita you to bo well dressed. AUTUMN DRESS STUFFS Are prettier than evor, ao rich nnd handaome. Wo aro showing to-day somo particularly flne palterns. THE HANDSOMEST YET Are our Ladles' Silk Wnists, prottlness, nownesa andeconomycorabined. Look era as wolcome aa purchasers. McKILLIP & SMITH CO. THB rtlOIIAHDSON DEPARTMENT BTOaEB, Head of Church Street, . . Burlington, t. IT IS A FACT that thero ia nothing so cconomlcal or suitablc at all tinica and on any occa- aion for men's wenr a3 a Black Clay Worsted Suit. If it is for ovening, Sunday, or holi- day wear, nothing is ao becoming to any man or more appropriato than a full suit of the above-nnmed fabric, aud the same goods in a coat and vest with a neat fancy worstod pant is a most proper and digniQed dress. Tho Blackfast Clay Worsted Suits are considored by the loading fashion able clothiora overywhere to be supo rior in quality, make and flt to anything in that line. They are cut on tho latest custom pattorns, in all ahapes and styles, and guarantced to rotain the ahapo until worn out. TRAOK MJI H ADAMS THE CLOTHIER 60 State Street. NEW STOCK -OF J" ix st Roceived., Write ua for list and prices. Miil orders promptly Olled. COYE & TAYLOR 80 Churoli Street, BURLINGTON, VERMONT. -tiii:- WIU. 1IK IX- Cambridge, at Hotel, tliis weok, and in Undoi'liill and Jericho soon. Bxamination feo always $2, oxoept where work is done, tlion oxamination is freo. STATE Eye Specialist!