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wfmimt 00000900000 oowoooOBOooao 2 bpnpi C M ANT A UVh O TKIIM8, 1'AII) IN ADVANCH, Ono Tenr S1.60 2 KlichtMontln 1.00 5 Blx Montlis 78 If not 1'nld ln Adrnnce, O 82.00 n Ycnr. il'APKK TIIK e "vAruiiniA"iH nrnni r o I'oiibtsiiKi poic ptlJHI r o o T1IK S oooaosoooooooo OO0OOOOOOOO VOL. 91-4854. MONTPELIER, VT. WEDNESDAY APltlL 2G, 1S99. NUMBER 17. Gleason's Busy Wherever tJiere are Children there is a constant clemand for JECose. TRY THE ONYX L, P. & H. C, CLEASON, Montpelier. BLUE SERGE SUITS in all sizes and prices. GOLF AND BIOYOLE SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS, TOP COATS FOR BOYS, SPRING OVERCOATS, SOET SHIRTS IN MADRAS AND PERCALE, FANCY VESTS, SWEATERS, COMPLETE STOCK, PRICES LOWER k. AN EVER. A. D. FARWELL LADIES' SUITS SPECIAL VALUES. ALL COLORS. Prices from S5.00 to 812,50. BE SURE AND SEE OUR LEADER AT $5,00, A. E. NILES & CC, 24 State Street. Ib tho lateat and grcatest triuraph of eciouce. It ia to rnedicino what now metbods aro to old racthods au improvcment. It takcB tho placo tnedi cinc does without mcdicine all that cau possibly bo dono with it, nnd wilhout the deploting after effects of poiaonous drugs. It does raore. It curea many forms of diseaso concodcd to bo incurable by tbo old systoms of tncdical practico. The Oures of Osteopathy are Permanent Because they are Natural. E. E. BEEMAN, D. O., Craduato of the American School of Osteopathv and A. T. Still Infirmatory at Kirksvlllo, Mo. OPFICE, 64 Statc Streot, Montpelier, Vt. OFFICE HOURS. Mouday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 to 4; Saturday 0:30 to 12. Wednesday and Saturday r. m. oxcopted. MTERATUItE 8ENT ON A PriilCATION. Telephone Call, 178-4. When You Paint, Use MONARCH PAINT. It will Cost You No More. It fs More Durable than Lead and Oil. It is guaranteed entirely free from Water, Benzine, Barytis, Whiting or other adulturation. It Is the Best Palnt Sold. We stand by the above. F. BLANCHARD & CO. IN THE JniSCO, Invcstcd in Cotton in Sopt., 1894, brought back $2,000 profit by Octobor, 1895. AT THE PRESENT ifjSC30 invcsted now will do tho samo or inoro in less timo. Answera to 0,000 inquiries througliout tho ton Cotton Stntca sent tut y uo, 80 per cont. any: ' Plnnting a month lato; acroago will be reductd 2C per cont; no Coitcn to rnarket." Writc for full infornmtion. i:sTAiii,isin:i, irbo. iiank iti:i icnuNOi:s OPFIUK TJOI.. CAI.I,. 101-2, 137 St. Comer. ONYX. PAST KNOTT & CLOSSON. Bnnkors and Brokors, I'linl Htret, 1IUICI.INGTON, VT. rUBLlBHKD IVBET WIDltlBDAT BY The Vermont Watchman Gompany, At Montpelier, Vt. lluslness Mcro Mcntlon. O. E. BnBFARD, auctloneor, MarBhfleld.Vt A. D. Farwoll has a fow aecond hand f ur coata for sale, very cheap. HousEiCREPBn Wantkd.A neat, rcflned and capablo lady uot over forty yeara of age, by Btuall famlly at country bomo for Bunimor. Addross Box 29, SoutU Cabot, Vt. MiLUNBiiv. Will bo at Nortb Montpol lor Mornlay, Tnoaday aud Wodneaday; Nortb Calais Friday aud Saturday of oacb wook tbrough tbo season boginning May 1. Sadte E. Ingalla. Wantkd. To ront Btoro bulldlng, locat ed on or near rallroad, one Hultablo for gon oral stock preferred. Would also purchase Bmall stook at tbo rlght price. Addreaa, 8, Watcbman oflloo. Noticb. I aui a wldowor with sotno Bmall childron. I would llko to blro a good wornan for a housekoopor. Any one wlsh Ing Buob a posltlon ploase correBpond with Box 10, Soutb Cabot, Vt. A Oard oif Thanks. Wo extond to our nelghbors ond frienda our beartfolt tbaukB for tbolr aBstatanco and cotnfortlng worils at tbls our tlmo of aorrow: and also to tlioaowlio woro unablo to be wltb ub but whoso meaaagea ot lovo and sympathy belp us to boar tbo Iosb o( "Our Marian." Mit, and Mns. O. It. Dwinbll. EastCalaiB. Aprll 18, 1899 To thk Pobmc Wo aro autborlzed to guaranteo every bottlo of Cbamberlaln'a Cougb Remody to be bb repreaentod and lf not satlsfactory after two-tblrda of the con. tents bavo boen uaod, will refund tbo mouoy to tbe purcbaaer. Thero Is no bet ter medlclno rnado for la grlppe, colda and whooplng cougb. Price, 20 and 00c per bot tlo. Try lt. C. Blakely, W. E. Terrlll & Co. Pbkpaub Fon Sprwo. Don't let tbla Beaaon overtako you before you bave at tonded to tbo lmportant duty of purlfying yourblood wltb Hood's Sarsaparllla. By taking tbls medlclne now you jiay save Bickneaa tbat will mean tlmo and money as well as aufferlne later on. Hood'a Saraapa rllla will glvo you rlcb, red blood, good ap petlte, geod dlgestion and a aound, bealtby body. It la tho greatest and best Bprlng medlclno becauae lt la tbe Ono True Blood Purlfier. Ita unequallod record of marvel ous curea has won for it tbo confidenco of tbe wbolo people. Does Coffbe Aohbe With You? If not, drlnk Grain-O made from pure gralna. A lady writea: "Tbe firat tlme I made Graln-0 I dld not llko it but after uaing it for one week nothlnc would induce me to go back to coffee." It nourlshos and feeda tho ByHem. The children can drink lt freely wltb groat benefit. It la thostrength enlng aubstance of pure eralns. Get a package to-day from your grocor, follow the dlrectlona ln mnklng lt and you will bave a delicloua and healtbf ul table bever age for old and young. Flfteen centa and twentyflve centa. Do you want anythlng ln tbe lino ot druga and medlcinea no matter what? If go call on Frod A. Alnawortb, proprletor of the now Williamatow drug-atore, on Depot jtrjot, one door eaat ot J. K. Lynde'a atore If, percbanco, bo may not bavo exadly what you desire, be will aim to aupply lt in the jbortest poaalblo tlme. If good goods and honent pricea and Bquaro doallng will do lt, bo la bound to aecure a fair almre of publio pdtronago. Sewlng.macblne auppllea and a popular llne of atatlonory are Bpeclaltles. Qlve hlm a call. Tcmple-Dcwey Knptluls. A quiet but pretty bomo weddlng oc curred at eleven o'clock Tuoaday morning at tbe bome of Mrs. WiHlam Dewev, mother ot the brido, wbo resldea at 76 Eaat State atreet, whon Alfrod Iloratlo Temple and Mija Nollio May Dowey were unlted ln marrlago. ltev. J. Kuwaru wriRUt por formed tho coremony aud ouly the imme diate rolatlves of tbe contracting partiea were proaent. Tho parlora ln wlilcli tbe weddlng occurred were beautlfully aud taftefully decorated wltb llowera. Xtie wemung preauniB worn many ana woro both uaefnl aud beautlful. Mr. and Mrs. Templo left on tbe uoon train for a ten daya' hrldal trip ln Boaton and New York. Upon thelr return they will inako their bome at 27 Eaat Llborty atreet. Mr. and Mth. Temple are amoug Moutpelier'a moat esteemed young people. Tho grooin ls tho only aon of D. W. Temple of the well-kuown dry goods bouao of tho Temple McCuen Company of thla clty. Tho brldo baa won for heraelf an enviable posillou amoug tho vocaliata of tbe atate, and ia possesaed of a cbarmlug perBonallty. Both will rtcelvo tho congrHtuiatloiiB and neat wlsbeB of a wido clrcleof frienda. Philliarinonlc t'oncei t and Itancc. Tho Montpelier Milltary Band will elre no promenade coucertaud dauco ln Arinory liall tuia weeK, uocauae oi tue concert anu dance Friday evenlng in that placo to be givon by tho Philbarmonio aociety. Ite sorved Beats for tbo concert will go on aale at Ehlo'a bookatore Wedneaday morning at nine o'clock. Tbe price of tickets, flfty centa eacb, admits to botb concert and dance. Tbe Pbllharmonio aociety has been preparlug lor tue eveut unaer tno dlrecuon of Prof. A. J. Phlllipa, ever stnce tbo boli days, and tho meanure of Kh Bticceaa will lndlcate the Interettt the citlzens of Mont pellor tako ln an organlza'lon of tlilt klud. Tbe program, aa publlsbed In the Recokd on Mouday, ia varlod to ault tbe tajtes of all, and tbo affalr ia antlclpatrd wltb mucb ploaaure. The chorua Ia cotnpoaed of hov enty voIcbb. Dcnth of Hciijnmin I. Whccler. Benjamln I. Wbeeler died Mouday after noon at bia bome ln Eaat MontpouVr vll lage, after an HIiipbs of ono week with pneu monia. Mr. Wbeeler ai born Soptomber 12, 1828 Ile ia tbe laat of a famlly, proml nont ln tho blstory of the old town of Mont pelier durlug tbo farly yoara of tlie ceulury juat cloalng. flo waa a aon of Koyal and l.ucy (I)avia) Wbeeler. Illa mother was a daugbter of Genoral Parley Oavla, ono of tbe oarlleat aettlera of tbe "Centor" of tbo towu. Dcceaaed was actlve ln promotlug the educatlonal and rHligious intereata of tbe town In wbtoh be alwaya Hvoil. By m horltance and accnmulatlon behad amassed a bandaome oatate. Xle alwaya gavo libor ally to all wortby enterprlaea, and has ever been held in tbe bigbeat es'eem by all wbo know hlm. Ifti uevor marrlod, aud in bla doatb tbe Iloyal Wbeeler famlly beoomes extinct. nia funeral will bo held from bls lato bome at two o'clock Wednesday after noon. The bnrlal will bo In tlie famlly lot in tbe cemetery at Eaat Moutpellor vlllago. ItKI.IUK IN H1X HOtlllS. DistreHsing Kidney and Bladder Diseaao ro llevcd ln bdc hours by "New Ghkat Soi'th Amishican Kiiinev Cuiiu." It ia a great aur iiriso on nccount of its excoeding promptnea'j in relioving pnln iu bbublor. kidneys aud baok, ln nmle or fenmle. Itolieves rotentlon of water nlmost iinmediatolv. If vmi wnnt. nnl.ik . li'liof and cmo tbla is the remedy. Sold by Harry A. Slade, driiBuist, 10 Stato stroot, I Montpelier, Vt. MONTPELIER AND YICINITY. ZUOAT, UAPl'JSNlNaS. Storra T. Noyes Ia aorloualy 111 from porl tonla. Tboron F. Colton of Chicago ia visltlng at tbo bomo of II. O. Colton, lils fatber. John McGulro of Keoavlllo. N, Y., ia tbo gueat of Dr. M. F. McGulro, bls brotbor. Mra. Norman Goodwln of Ottawa, P. Q , ls visltlng relatlves ln tbo clty for a few daya, W. P. Ullllngbam loft Monday aftornoon for an extouded trip throuxb tbo wustern states. Mrs. Thomas Stafford baa returned from an oxtonded vlait wltb relatlves In Sprlug fleld, MaBa. Tho BnptlBt ladios MUalonary socloty ia to meet Thuraday aftor noon at tbo bomo of Mra. A. P. Illbbard.l Artbur Allen Ia mnklng aeveral dealrablo lmprovementa on tbo lnterlor of bia clgar storo in Itlalto block. J. F. Sblnman and wife of Waterbury wero tbo guosts of C. II. Shlpman, bls brotbor over Sunday. Tbo Canital Electrio Comnanv baa hecun wtring tbe new bouao of D. H. Dodgoin ward alx for electrio ligbta. Tho Garuet Seal Olrclo will inoot noxt Friday aftornoon at 2:30 o'clock wltb Mra. Qeorgo Brainerd, No. 7 Llberty Btroet. Georse Nowton of East Moutnelior ls to tako tbo posltlon of candy-makor for C. II. Croaa & Sou vacated by Napoleon Lefobvre. M. S. Stono. state aunorlntendont of edu- catton, apoke at Randolph, Saturday even lng, undor tbo auaplcoa of tbo local Orange. Gllt edgod maplo augar In palla Ia aelling at fourteen centa a pound in Montpelier, and la a very acarce artlclo, even at that price. Tbo Iiadles' Reading clubot Chrlatcburch will entertain guests at tho pariah bouao next Thursday at three o'clock lnatoad of Tueaday. Georce W. Colbv is aufforlne from lniu- rios received from a nall plerclng one of bia leet wntcn went ciear turougn lt, leaving a palntul wouud. Tbe Canitol Creamory Comnanv baa sold to Alox Duquette for S000, tho pigeery and threo acroa of land aituated north of tbe creamery bulldtng, acroaa tbe rlver. The Young Mun'a Christlan Asaociatlon Auxlllary will bold ita montbly buaineaa meeting WedneBday afternoon at three o'clock. Afull attendance la requeated. Jamea T. Sabln la ranldlv recovertne from bia recent llhieae, and liopca soon to be able to rosumo bls duttoa at tho outco ot the Vermont Mutual Firo Insurance com pany. The 1ury in the caao ot State againat Ad- ama returned a verdict of guilty on Satur day. Reapondent llvea In Northfield and waa cuargeu wltu lntoxicatlon. Bentenco auapended. i- Harry Oacood, infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlng died Sunday, after a brlef 111 ness. Funeral eorvices woro bold from tbe bome of Mr. Wlng Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. John II. Plne. wltb bls wlfe aud little son. left tho clty on Monday for Clintonvllle, N. Y., wbere Mr. Pino ia to ongago ln buai neaa be bavlng recently purchased a gen eral atore there. James Ewlng baa juat coinpleted bulld tng foundatioua for a barn for C. II. Ferrln aud for a bouso for D. L. Sandera. Ho be gan work to-day on tho foundatlon for Pat- rlck Blattery's now bouao. Jallor F. II. Tracv oacorted Alnbonao Demarco, wbo waa recently convlcted in county court ot making a murderous as aault upon bia brother, to the bouse of corructlon Monday morning. Rev. Elllo K. M. Jones of Barre Ia exnect- ed to preach in the Brick cburch in Mlddle eox at two r. m. noxt Sunday, and in tbo Churcb of tbe Messiab, ln Moutpellor, at seven o'clock in tho evoning. h Bit Conductor Wllliam Hoyo of tbo Mont pelier and Williamstown branch of the uentral vermont raltroau la away on a va- catlou of two weekB. HIb placo Ib takeu by Conductor Auatiu A. Emery. F. A, Sherburne ia movlng into tbo H. A. Spencer bouse at 38 College street. Dayton Jonoa, wbo has purchased Mr. Sherburne's realdence, will occupy tbe aatne as soon as somo lnterlor changes are completed. Harlan W. Kemn hasclven un tbe idea of bulldiug a teuemont housa on tho vacant lot couuected wltb bis rosldence on School atreet and will, lnatead, mako appreclablo lmprovementa to the lot by beautlfylng It by aetting out treea aud ahrubs tho preaent KOIISOII. County court will resumo ita aoaalona Wedneaday morning at uino o'clock. It ia ospected tbe buaineaa of tbo teriu will bo concludod wltblu tbe next two woeka, be fore Judgo Thompsou baatogoon tbo Su preme bencb, Jallor F. H. Tr oy went to Waterbury thla morning to bring Israel Bliss to tbla clty for trial. Bliss is held on tbe cbargo of atdlng and abettlng Frank Morrow ln es caplng from the Waterbury lockup about two yeara ago. All tbo judgea of the Suprome court met at tbo Pavlllon Monday evoning, to con BUlt on caeea ln wblch declstona aro to bo rendered at the rlrst day of the May term of Supreme court, whlch convonea at Montpe lior, Tueaday, May 9. Edward McGIlI, wbo recently lost the sigtit oi one eye irom naving it woumlea by alljlng pieco oi ateei, is now auuerlng no Catn from bls lnjuriea. Tbo atitchea will e drawn from tbe wound to-morrow and it la now boped lt will not bo neceasary to ro movo tbo eyo. George II. Wilder played tho piauo for MlaaeB Bertha Dewing and Rutb Roleau to danco at an entertainment glven Friday evenlng at Nortlfleld. Tbo dancing ot theae young misses was a rovelatlon to tbe people of tbat vlllagp, and they wore tho "stara" of the perforinance, Tbe Junlor oxhibttlon, givon Friday evenlng in lllgb School liall, waa largely atteudod by frienda of tbe nchool and rela tivea of tho partlclpauts. Tbo programme puuiisueu i'nuny ovemn irenlng was carrled oul In a plonBtng manner, r, and tbo lntorest dld uot lug untll the laat uuuiber waa com pioted. The Malden illrror of a recent date Bpeaka ln very compltmentary torms of the flfth aunual rocltal glven ln that clty by Mra. Maud Huntington BeuUmln, daughter of Ira A. Beukruln. of ibla ritv. Mrs Iioutamlu haa mauy friends In tbls clty wbo are iutereated ln bor repeated trlumpbs as a reauer anu uiocinionisr FIbIi Commlslouor Horaco W. Railey of Newbury pasaed tbrough tlie clty Saturday with 40 000 lake trout fry wblcb be is to nlace ln CryBtal Lake ln Groton. Mr. Balley informed tbe wrlter ln a atago whla. per that tbo fry bavo, on nccount of tbo ao. tlon of LeKlalaturo laat fall, boen obliged to In compllance wltb tbolaw.W B. Vlall of uaruioipu, D'aie iiigtiway commlsalonor, will meet tbe road ooiumiHHlouRrs nt U'mb. Ington county at tho Pavlllon botol In tb'a clty Haturaay, May 13, whon mattora per talniug to road buildliiu will hn ,1Ihhiihiic1 Tho attendance of ovory road commlaHlotier iu tno county is uosired. Mlssos Ollve Stout, Jounlo Phlnuey, Atlce Taft, Mary Tromblee, Imoy Jacobi aud Mary Jacobs iaaued lnvltatlona on Fri day, for a dauoo to bo glven by tbem to the Thomas Clnb, In Elmore'a ball Thuraday ovonlng, May 4. Tbo ovont will bo awaited wltb ploaaurable antlclpatlon by tbo for. tunato holdotfl of lnvltatlona. Tho follow wbo broko Jall In Barro Friday afternoon, waa captured tho same ovonlng In tbla clty by Ofllcer Demorttt, wbo notl flod tbo Barro oillcora. Wlillo nwnlllncr tbelr arrival tho ofllcer took bia man to tbo nollco Bln'Ion wbero bo guardod againat tbe follow making a aecond oacano by placlng I1I9 burly form botweou tho prlaonor and the door. There aro alwaya peoplo ln ovory com munlty wbo do not know what belongs to common decency and wbo If granted prlvl legea accorded to more intelllgent citlzens never fall to abuae tbem. In tbls class woubl bo placed tboao wbo obtalned beer at tho clty llquor agency and left tbo orapty bottles ecattored on the Baptlst churcb lawn Sunday nlgbt. Wlllard Fnrrlngton, counsel for "Jack" Powors. haa 111ml oxceptions ln the caao trled tbis week in Franklin connty court, in wbtcb Powers waa couvlnted of com nllcltylntho r jbbery of tbo Richford Sav Ings bank last Novembar. Powors ad drosaed tho court in bta own behalf, declar Ing bis luuocence. Tbo caae will probably not como botoro Supremo court untll the October term. Snloot reserved aeatH fortlio musical festl val at Wbito Rlvor Junctlon commencea tbero on Thursday. Partiea -expectlng to attend from tbls vlclnlty should ordor at once, as tbere will bo a largo aalo tbo flrst day for tho "Mesalab" nlght Friday, May 0. Ordera can be left at Ehlo's book atoro or aout to A. M. Ilall, Whlto Rlver Junctlon. l'rogramme clrctllar clvlnc full nart cularn can bo had at Ehlo's baok Btoro. Stepben Doten, a well known cbaracter ln and around Montpelier for manv vears. died Monday evoning at the bomo of Eri S. uunniaon in uernu, ageu aeventy yeara. Mr. Doten cover marrlod. and for manv yeara baa workod aa a farm band ln tbla vlcinity. Ho was a kindly, good natured soul, wbo nover made "an enemy, and hla quaint way ot expressing ma opmion of men and thinga will not soon bo forgotton, A toam from Vermont Iodgo of Odd Fel lowa will work tbo aecond degree at tbo Inatitution of tbo new lodco at Williams town Thuraday evenlng. Hlawatbalodgo of Barre will work tho flrst and St. Albans lodge of St. Albans tbo tblrd degreo. A special traln will leavo Montpelier for Wil liamstown over tbe Central Vermont rall road at G 30 in tho evenlng, returning ln tlme to take the nlght expresa north at 2.00 A. U. The Montpelier association of Concreca tlonal miulstera Is in sesslon today at tho rooma of tho Young Men's Christlan As aociatlon. Tho programme for dlacuaalon lncludes the followlng tbemea: "now far Ia lt true that our cburches aro ovorlooklng tno poorer ciasaesv" ltev. Jt r. womer, Williamstown; "Is our denomlnatlon bold Ing Ita own In Vermont?" Rev. J. J. Good- acre, Berlin; "What ahould be tbo attitude ot tbe pulplt toward the popular amuae- menta oi tno uajv" Kev. ur. n. aeaver, Montpelier: "Can a bualneas man apply tbe Golden Rule?" Rev. E. S. Fiake, Montpe lier; "The blgher llfe; ita meaning, method and reatilta," Rev. H. L. Hartwell, Cabot; "The problem of cburch nnlty," Rev. Wll liam Ganloy of Woodbury. Rev. W. R. Davenport, presldlng eldor of the Montpelier dlatrlct, asked the Ver mont Conference, at lts aossion at New port, to releaao blm from that noaltlon. be cauae of tbe ill hoalth ot bls wife. The pastora on tbls dlatrlct held a meeting Fri day evenlng and voted unanimoualy to re- queit BlBbop Mallalleu to appoint Mr. uavenpori preaiuing eiaer lor anotner year, with the understanding tbat bo ia to bave all nooded asslatance ln tbe work and a va catlon of two montbs, to be taken wbonever bo dealrea. Tbe rcault of tbla meeting, an nounced in opon conferenco, waa received with applause. In further appreciatlon of Mr. Davenport'B falthful labora a subatan tlal aum of money waa raiaed in leas than flve mlnutes aud preaented to bim. Mlsa Mary A. Danforth, a returned mis alonary from Japan, apoke ln Somlnary chapol Sunday ovenlng, under the auapicea of tho Woman's Foroign Mlsalonary So cloty. Her theme was "What a Mlaslon ary Doea." Mlaa Danforth was In tho clty of Nagoya, Japan, durlug tho terrlble earth quako of 1891, ln wblcb 10,000 peoplo wero luslnutly kllled, 100,000 otbors lujured, 90,000 bouseB dostroyed and 000,000 peoplo rendered homeleaa. Her atory of tho thrlll ing exporlences tbrough wblcb sbe paaaed at tbat tlme profoundlv impreeBed her hear ers. Mlsa Danforth baa rare powers of de llneatlon aud her addreaa throughout waa oloquent, patbetlc and at tlmea huinoroua. Tho naaertlon of one of the blsbops of the Motbodlst cburch tbat tbe mantle of tbo Inmonted Frances E. Wlllard has falleu upon MIss Danforth la ovldently well fouud ed. The biatorlo Langdon bouso, known in later years as "Nicholaa Manor," was burn ed to the ground Monday noou. CentralVer mont aectton men were burning old tiea bealdo tbe track Monday morning, tbe graaa caugbt llre and tbo flaniea soon reacbed tho old and deaerted bouse. Tbe loas is.noml ual, aa tbe work of toarlng down the' atruc turo waa ln progreaa. Tho flro departmont waa callod out at one o'clock to protect ad jolnlug property, and extlugulab the graaa llre, wblcb had spread to nearby hay utacks. Tbo burnod bulldlng was once conaldored a palatlal realdence. It waa built in 1812 by James H. Langdon, fatber of James H. Langdon, and was occupted by hlm at tho tlmo of bls doath In 1831. Later lt was occupied by AnaatasluB Nicholaa. One; of the two ibaystacka contalnlug about tbirteen tons of hay was all ablaze wben tbe (lrcinen roajhed tho ucono. They attacbod the hose to a hydrant ln front ot tho Pavlllon, runniug about 1,000 toet of hoae to the flre tbrough tbo Central Vermont railroad bridge. Thelr cfforts wero dlrect ed to cbecklng tho flames, wblcb bad al ready covored about llvo acrea ot graaa ground, from apreadlng to tho adjolnlng Langdon farm bulldlngs, rallroad bridge and engluo bouao. In thla thoy were auc coaaful. In June, 1890, a man namod F. E. En algn, repreBontlng a clgar concern ln 8prlngfleld, Masa , obtalned tnlloagea of U. A. Rowman of tbis clty to tbe amouut of 81101. Mr. Bowman baa slucehad an ex tenalvo correapondenco with Enalgn, but baa been unablo to obtain any remunera tlon. Mr. Bowman, althougb bavlng long aiuco givon up bopea ot ever gettlug any pjy for the mlloagea, baa in the meantime kept bls woathor eyo opeu ln tbo event that Euslgn should ngaln vlait tho clty. IIo waa rowardod on Saturday, as Ibe allppery gentleraau drifted into tbe clty tbat evenlng, on tbla occaalon aa the reprosentativo ot a clotbing bouso In Chi cago. Enalgn, however, dld not manifeat any yearnlug to call upon the tlekot broker whom hohad buncoodln tho by-gono dajs Mr. Bowman sot out ln quest of tbe delln quent on Monday but was unablo to locate bimon that day. Tbla morulng Chief-of-Polico Tuttlo had bettor luck and uabbed bis man, wbo aftor feellng tho grlp of the law squozing bia llborty away from hlm, duaired toautilotho mattor, whicb ho dld by turulshlng auroty for tho amount abovo namod and addltlonal coataofS2 21. After the aettloment bad been madp, Uualgn aald to Mr. Bowman be boped thero would be no hard feollnga botweon tbem now. and that it waa moro than probablo bo Miouh) want to get more mileagea of tho brokor ln the future. Mr. Bowman waa atruck Unmb for the tlme by tbla dlaplay of nerve, but when ho reoovered bo aald to bimaelf, "I gueaa nlt." Altornpy Dlsbarrrd. Tho newapapors publlabed on Saturday a dlspatch from Waahlngton statlne that T. J. Doavltt, Esq., of Montpollor, Vt., had boen dlBbarrod from pracllclng botoro tbo lnterlor department. Respeotlng tbla matter Mr. Doavltt saya all tbo knowledgo be haa of bis dlsbarmout, ia from newspaper rcports, nlthough lt Is not entirely unexpected alnco receivlng re cently a lotter from tho commlaaioner of penalonsBuggestingdisbarracnt. "Such ac tlon," Mr. Deavitt saya, "Ia In'nrlona and unwarrantod." IIo saya ho haa oeen a pen slon clalm attornoy contlnously bIuco 1800 and haa endoavored to follow tho rule in tbo oatb of hla admiaalon to the bar, "Tbat ho would do no falaebood, nor conaout that any be done ln court, but would act In tbe ofllce of attorney wlthlh tbo court with all good lldohty aa well to the court na to bia client." Hls penaion practico baa been pleatant and profltablo. "Penslona," ho continued, "are tokona of tho natioa's us tlce, bumanlty and gratitude to thoae, wbo ln a timo of war took up arma agalnst lts onemles. Wben thoy aro tho 'old folka it glves tbora blankota whon cold, food whon hungry, medlclno wben slck, far nobler than bulldlng costly tombatonea for.tho dead that tonds to mako tho survlvlng veteran wbo has been refuaed a ponalou, foel tbat tbo ouly good soldlor la tbo dead aoldlor. To seouro bucIi oaalatanco, glven by law, to neody and wortby Boldlers and tbolr wid owa is apleaauro indeed." l'rompted by waitlng cllonta and rejected clalmanta, and a dropplng off In hla own in come from hla ponalon praotlco from 80,000 to 8400 a year, (attorneya recelvo no feo ln rej-;cted penaion claims), Mr. Doavltt wrote an open letter laat winter that bo aont to a nurabor of CongreBamen, prepared largoly from the annual report of dlfferent commls alonora of nenalons. hIiowIdl' tho t.rnatmn!it. of the ponalon cases of .tho old soldlers by uiu preaeni auministranon ln an uniavor ablo ligbt. Several Congressmen wrote Mr. Deavitt, eudorBing hla atatemontB and ao llciting moro copiea of hla letter than be wa8 ablo to Biipply. It waa prlnted In the Congreaalonal Record and glven greater publlclty than ho antlclpated. Thla letter la the causo of all tho troublo wltb Mr. Deavitt. Instead of answerlng bis chargee, lf they oould bo anawered, Mr, Doavltt saya tbo department of the interior has dlabarred hlm from furthor practico without any in veatigation or hoaring. Mr. Deavitt flnvs tlm nnmmtanlnnAr nf npn- alona wroto bim some tlmo sinco, calling uia aviemion ro uis open letter and alleging tbat lt contained falso statementa whlch Mr. Deavitt answered in purt as follows; "I bavo not tho sllghtest mallce, lf I know myaelf, toward any ofllclal of the depart ment of the lnterlor or tbo bureau of pen fliona wbere I bavo bad a long and glad soma practico. You would bardly expect me to provo all tho statementa in my oron letter by a chare lt contained falao atate monta without namlng tho Btatementa you bolievo to be falae. If you will select the Btatements In my open letter you clalm are falae, I will try and convlnce you of thelr truthfulneaa." Tbe commlaaioner of pen aiona dld not polnt out any partlcular atate ment of Mr. Doavltt that be clalmed waa falae, aud made no reply to Mr. Deavltt's letter. Mr. Doavltt expecta soon to be of Qcially notlQed ot hla diabarmont from tbe secrotary ot tbo Interior. Condltion of Barro Strcct. Tbe traveler along Barre atreet would never suspec. tbat good hard dollars bad been expended ln permanent road bulldlng there. Tbe street Ia in a wretched, and, in many placea, a dangeroua conditlon. For a conaiderable dlatance, at Intorvala, tho road bed of the trolley llne bas heaved and erupted to auch an extent that the thlck hoavy mud la even with, and ln aeveral in ataucea covera, tho topa of the raila. In deed, it la dangeroua to pablic aafety to run tbe cara over a track ln such a conditlon. A atoue lodged on tbo rall wbero tbla mud Ia the deepest would not be aeen and there exlata tbe poBslblllty that a car and Ita paa Bengera uilght be thrown from the track againat the treea or poles whlch so thlckly bordor tbo atreet-alde. Sunday evenlng the Seminary Hlll car waa atalled in front of Mrs. M. M. Cutler's realdence on thla street becauae of tbe mud. Snporlntondeut Smith ia quoted as Bayiog that lt would be tlme waated to adjuet the track to the preaent condltion of the street for the reason that wben the clay drles and settlea back Into place the work would all bavo to be done over again. A large blll for road repalra or road bulld iug muat pccrue to the clty from Barro street. And yot thla street was oxte atvely and It was aupposed "permaneutly" re conatructed somo tbree yoara ago. A Cakd, We, tho underalgned, do here by agree to refund tho monoy on a 00 cent bottle ol Qreene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it faila to cure your cougb or oaid. Wo al bo guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove aatie factory or money refunded. W. E. Terrill & Co., City. Colltna Blakely, City. II. A. Slade, Clty. Leater H.Greene, Clty. LADIES' SUITS AND JACKETS At Low Prices. Just closed out a large lot of Manufacturer's Samplc Suits and Jackots at 25 per cent dis eount from cost price. They are all new goods, made a i'aw weeksago. We placed the ni on sale Tuesday Morning, April 25th. Don't miss this chance, if you need a suit or jacket. Prices on Suits from $4.98 up. Prices on Jackets from $1.98 up. iam W. Brock, rs. L. K. Rozelle, OSTEOPATHS 134 STATE ST. MONTPELIER VERMONT. OFFICE HOURS! 9 TO 1 1 A. M. ALL CXAMINATIONS AND TRCATMtNT BV APPOINTM CNT. TcI'li)iie;Cnll PLUMBING, TINNING, HEATING, Steam and Water Fitting, Eave Spouting, Steel, Felt, Slate and Tin Roofing. THE BEST OFMATERIAL, Sl. illed workmen and per sonal attentton for all work or repairs. Prices Right and Results Guaranteed Satisfactory. PEGK BROS., 60 Main St. Same Old Model. The wheolmen of '08 wero so well pleased with our " model," that vo shall continuo it for the season of '09, and so offer Henry & Jolmson'a Arnica and Oil Liniinent to every rider of a whecl as the very best remedy for bumps, bruises, scratches, galls, cuts, strains, blistors, sorc muscles, cramps, sunburn, pimples, freckles, chapped hands or faco, rhcutuatisni, nouralgia, or any ailment rcquiriug an external application. Lady ridcrs aro cspo cially pleased with tho Arnica and Oil liniinent, it is so clean and delightful to uso. Sold by all druggists at 25 ccnts per bottle, or one tluce titnes as Larere for 50 cents. Scientific Horseshoeing. Knee Cutting, Interfering nnd Clickiiig posi tively cured. Diseased feet trcated with suecess. Trotters, Pacers nnd Gentlenien'a Itoailstera n specialty. J. A. McLEOD, REGISTERED SHOEING SMITH, Seminary Street, Barre, Vermont TEMPLE-McCUEN CO. 88888888888888881