Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JODUNaL WED1NESDAY AP1UL 26, 1899. 7 WAR IS EXPENSIVE. WHAT ITC03TS TO FlftS THE B GGUNS OF WAR VESSELS. Tlilrteen Incli Gitin im tlieOrngon Itiqillre Over n Tdii of l'mTilrr foro .SIiirIo Clmrga Somo AMnhlslimp; rictires nnil Colnpar Uon. It Is only by golng Into dctalls of whiit tho slnews of war nctunlly cost tlint oiio undcrstunds how thls gov erniiiont lins beon spoiidlng $1,000,000 11 day, or tliot'oiiboiitH, (Iiiriiiir nll the wecl.s of llghting ti propuratlon for flglllillg. TllOIIMIIlldS of tons of gun powder, for iiislancc, liavo been botight t prlces rnngiiig from $1 a potind dowuwnrd. A lon of gunpowder soems u goodly citiuiitity tuitll ono lenrns lluit lt would not ovcn sulllee for a slngle dlschurge of thc four thlitoen-Iiieh guns ou tho Orogou Those four guns cut up powder at tho rate of twenty-two tons nn liour fH.000 nn hour. lf tho powder cost $1 it pound-uud Hoino of tho boin- bnrdincnts luivo lusted lnany hotirs. I aiu nssuinlng tliat these four guns keep up a stoady nriiig at tlulr niax Imum rate of ono shot ln three niin utes, aud, tlmt bclng tho east-, tho hcnrlcst Itom ln tho expensos Is stlll to bo counk'd, for ench ono of thoso 1,100-pound projoetlles costs $000, whlch glvos ?3,G00 every tlino tho four guns go off, or $7L,000 for nn hour's (irltig. llut thcro nro othor guns on tho Orcgon, many othor guns, and to llnd out what nn hour's iirlng of a blg bat tleshlp wlll cost, wo niust tnUo nll theso Into couslderntlon. A slngle shot from one of tho elght-ineh guns costs J-'OO, and thore nro clglit of theso, so thnt a slnglo round from thoin costs $1,000. But thelr ilro Is lnuch nioro rapld thnt that of the thlrteon-itich guiis; ench onc can bo dlschnrged onco ln a nilnute, or slxty tlmos ln nn hour, whlch would glvc ?!)0,000 for nn hour's flrlug by them nll, nssunilng it be kopt up contlnuously. Theu thcre nro flve llvo-lnch guns, aud n round from tho live costs about $00. But ngaln tho tire inercases vcry much ln rnpldlty, so that ve may count 240 rotiuds nn liour, or n cost of $4S,000. Thus, for thoso three clusses of guns nlone, we have an oxponso pcr hour durlng contlnuous llring'of !?210,- uw, or nioro tlinn tho I'resideiit's snlnry for hls whole four yoars. It may bo that such contlnuous flring of nll tho guns would never tako plnco ln nctunl prnctlco, but the llgurcs may stand for purposos of lllustrntlon, And, of course, nothlng has yct bocn sald of tho niany guns of' .snmllor "flllber whlch nro on tho Orcgon; thcro arc tho slx-pounders, whlch throw out a shot eacb flve seeonds; thcro nro the threo-pounders, the oiie-pouiidors, the flfty-sevcn lnllllmotor ritlcs, tho thlrty sevcn inllllmctor rcvolvlng caniion, and the woudcrful ninchlno guns, whlch dlschnrge eiglity oiie-inch pro Jcctlles a mlnute, or l.SOO projectiles nn hour, Just how niauy thousiimls of dollnrs pcr hour must bo nddcd to our estl nmte for tho consuinptlon of thoso guns is a matter of e.vpert culoulatlon, but It ls ovidenlly wcll wlthin the rulh to nssunie that the Orcgon could irc away ?1,000,000 woith of powder and projoctllos ln n singlc dny s light ng iislng only the hotirs of dnvllght. i d cach ouc of tho othor blg battlc shlps could do the saint-. And stlll we have uot tnkon into nccount nll ho cruiscrs and othor llghting craft, at-h onc of whlch would bo blazlng JVny, we mny uo suro, and tislng up noiiey accordlng to hcr bcst ca),'icliy. l.ct us now consldcr tno cost of nin- i Itlon nsed by a rcgiinciit of In .n. r. in au hour's llghting. This Is (i mattcr of casy calculatlon, slnee lt s 'viiown that the Krng-.Torgensen ar'ridgcs cost ?1S a thousaud. lt is ncroly necessary to estiinate how niany cartridges would be used. As suiulug a full rcgiincnt, of 1,000 nicn, nd nllowing each ninn to shoot onco m livo seconds, which is slower tliau they oftcn shoot, wo wlll havo twclve Ihousand shots Urcd every niiiiuto, or mo.OOO shots ln an hour, whlch nuui bcr of cartridges, at the rate just moutioned, wlll cost $12,000. And thnt Is an estiinate for a slnglo regi Qicnt, flring for n slngle liour. What It would cost for a whole army to tire for a whole day and then go on tlriug for many days, is ngaiu a niattor for sxpcrt calculntlon. But it is oasy to 5oo how tliis would eat iiito the mll ions of dolhirs. DO YOU PEEL THIS WAY. Do you fecl all lired out? Do you sorae tlraes tliiuk you just can't work away at your proftssiou or trade auylonger? Do you have a poor appetite, aud lay awake at nifflits uuable to sleep? Are your nerves all gone, and your stomach too? Has ambition to forge ahcail ln the &cr worm If so. vou luicrht ai well out Khw r-y ' ni i WwWi'-i'k !"'ry Yo"i SPj55 i il if ou wl1 B:5:5iS f. I'iercc's ( KSii'?. ! VS Medical Dis a stop to your vou can qo vill. Dr. Golden in will make you a dif- ft-rcnt individual. It r. ..;il kt.t vnnr Rlltfv. ffi! ! fr VA f'-rent indivic mmi i auish Hvcr t. g ki-.1i livcr to work, &3 It will Rct into every ' veiu lu vour body t I aud purify your L1A T,.r!11 uf.t Illit1fr4 riirhl 111 VOUT RtOUl ncl, anii vour aiioetitc wlll come back. If there is auy temleiicy m your faunly toward conaumption, il wlll kerp tliat dread de stroyer away. livcn after coii.uiiiption has almost gaiiied a foothold in the foriu of a lingerinjf couch. lironcliiti1. or bleedinif at tue 1uuk, it will briiiK about speedy cure iu q8 per cent. of all c.ies It it a remedy pre pared by Dr. K. V 1'k-rce. of Ilurfalo, N. Y., whoie advice tsgivrn free to all who wish to write him. His fjrfat siil-ccrs has come from liis wide experience and varietl practice. O. S. Copeuhnver, l'.s r Mount Unloii, Hiinttuudoii Co,. l'a (Hox m wriu-x ' About twelve year rift" ' wu sinlili nlv takcu with a paln lu the plt of the htonuHi which was so vlo. lent I could not walk straiKht It would Krow moresevere until itcaused wateihrash and vom Itinff of a slimy yellow water A plivsician told me I had a form of dvipepsia and treatcd mc for about sir montln with 1ml little lienefit An other physiciau told ine uiy llvc-r w. out of or der aud that I had indiueitloii. IU- uave mea treatment aud I got homt betu-r hut only for a short time, I theu trif d annther one wtio sald I had chronic lndlKestlon. ulcernllou of the liuinK ofthestomach, torpid llvcraud kidmy anectlon. Ile treated me for inore than a aiul I felt much better, but lt did not last 1 then took to uslug neveral wldcly advertised p.tteut niedi ciues, but receivcd no inore than temnorary re lief, I then tried l)r l'ierce's uiedU-ines, iniug hls 'Golden Medical Dlscovery.' and the ' I'leai ant Pellets," and ln two monthi'' liiue I was feel Ing better than I had for years beforc " Don't be wheedled by a pemiy-grabbinr dealer Into takinu inferior substitiites for Dr. I'ierce's medicines, recommetided to b "Just a good." J"ALl - 1 V TIRED OIT If thls ls jnuroxporlcnco, thonyour litood Is poor and thln and flllcd with lmpurltlos. ThPro ls but ono curc. lou mui Roi ira oi an iucho poisons luthblood. Tliero U butouorcmcdy Ayers I It mnkrs the blood pure and glres It I new luo anu power. ino siarvea nerves aro better nourlshcd. Your head ceases to aclio. Your braln keeps clear. You are not obllged to begln tho day's work "all tlreu out." Ci.uu a uome. ivn uruggisis. ,T. C. AYEK CO., Lowell, Mass. ItOUtJH IIIDEKS AS ACTOKS. Ju9t belilnd tho bic curtaln thnt eliuts off tho east cnd of Mndison Squnro Gardcn is tho rnost intcresting spaco irom wincn to wnicn uuiituo BlH'a Wild West show. Tho fnvorito 8ot tor the rough ridnrs is n littlo nook just to tho south of tho curtnin, wliero tliov can bco all thal's ko'iiik on. Thore llicv louncc aud discuss tlicir own nUilrs and iuose oi tno suotv. iu all thero arc ncnrly a score of thom, choacn at random from difforont troops of the regiment. Somo of tho number didn't know each other whon thoy flret joincd tho show, but they nro all chums uow and cnu cocu oiner "uuu" witn nn the freodom of camp lifo. Not yet has tho old instlnct of tho organization quite gono out of thcm. Porbaps it ia tho constant re-enactmont of war eceucs and tho smell of powdcr that kcops lt alive. A Stm roporter who etood bo hiud the curtain beforo tho cuo for tho rough riders' entrance, ono nfternoon Inat week, bcard somo of thcm talktug about the mimic cnargo. "Thore's Bomething in tho flring," said a henvy built aix-footer, "that jog gles a man'a brains. I haven't got over gotting kind of stirrcd up after tho guns nct fairly popping, and wish ing I had ball cartridgo in." "It don't catch me that way," drawl ed auother. "Along with tho etnell o' the powder I catch tho stink of the Cu bau junglo aud fccl tho long grasa clutchin' at my lega. Then I get thiukin' what I thought down there, nn' I don't likc it." ' What's that, Buddy?" aaked ono of hia companiouB. 'Didn't know you ovcr thought of anything down thero excopt grub," "Well, 1 did, then," roturncd tho other. "I uaod to have a chill every titne I thought of getliug in that long grttsa aud having tho land craba como for me." To "got it" is the rough riders' cu- phemism for pcrforation by a Mau&cr bullot. "If they did this thiog righ up to tho mark," suggestcd a fair-haired vouug fellow, ' thcy'd briug up somu land craba and acatter 'em in the arena juet to go nloug with us. I swear, thero wbb a whole outflt of 'om trailed my troop all tho time we waain Cuba." 'Throw iu a few scorpious for good mcaaure," suggeated tho little bow legged fellow whose heols cliug ao tight uuder a hor8B that uothitig can shake him off. "I've got the mark of ono on me now." "What catchea mo wheu wo begin Bhooting," said a rough rider who was uothitig moro than a boy, "ia that 1 alwaya bear my Lieutcuaut's voice 1 ke I heard it down there." "Did he holler when ho got it?" asked somebody rathor contemntu ouslv. "No, air," was the quick reBpouee. "He juet gave one kind of a gaap and rolled over, and when 1 stopped to help him ho awore ul me and told me to go ahead aud got a Spaniard to make it ovcn." "What a cinch the wholo ahow would have been," said a wiry littlo fellow with a awarthy akin, "if we'd had nice clear grouud to travel over liko wo havo here. Dum'd if I don't sweat liko a horao every time wo come on, just romemberiu' how I Bweated in that blaated tnnglin' graaa." "Hdrc'a Decker with the mail," ou nounced tho boyish-looking veteran, and immediatoly there waa a rush for ward for lettera, and a chorus of eagor volce8 calling outtheir own naraea in tho hope of hearing tho rcply, 'Here'a ono for you." "Thia ia liko camp, too," remarked one of tho men, "only thore we didn't get a daily mail." "We got n mail iust nbout as often as wo fought, didn't wo?" aaid anoth er jocularly. "And that's what wo do hero." Thero tan't much time, however, uftcr tho mail comea, beforo tho scono of tho Battlo of San Juan. Out go the rough rldera along with a number of other employecs iu tho samo unilorm, and also a aquad of tho colored cavalry men, all Biuglug "A Uot Time in tho Old Town" aud marchlng to tho rythm. ShoutB of wolcotno from tho audienco greot them, for thia is tho favorite uum bor of tho progtamme, partlcularly with tho childicn, who rnakc up tho greater parl, aud far the tuoat enthusi astic, of tho audienco. Thoro is somo akylarking, and then the camp goea to rcst, but after all the lights ure low ono voico down in tho arena rlaes in tho melody: "My couutry, 'tia of thee," Then, Buddenly, tho wholo camp brenka into harmonv in tho Becond ltno of tho national hymn and Binga lt through. 0' course, ono knowa tlmt nothlng of tho Bort hrtppcnud at San Juan; that the mon woro too worn out When it camo timo to roat to think oi anything but Bloop; yot, somchow, that hymn, brouklng tho ailonco and riaiug lioin the dnrKticsa oi tno mimic citnp is the vital toucu oi roaitam that goca right to tho hcart. Tho roat is pandc- monlum the qutck etirrtng oi tho 99 h camp, tho crnckllng of tho rlflca and tho bellowlng thundor of tho Hotch kisa gun. Then comos tho Qial ruah forwitrd ntid up the rocky blll at the far cud, ntid it is all ovor. All but ono thlng. IVo forms nro loft ln tho arena. Men with Btrctchors como and carry thcm off, a subdulng end lo tho alir ring Bpcctaclo. As Boon aa tho acl ia ovcr tho rough ridors gather ngaln iu tlicir old placo and diecuss the audionco with tho rol ish of new hands in tho thcatrical bnBincBa. They havo n kcou ear for tho appliuso, and ono of thcm spoko lo tho Sun rcporlcr of what ho considercd u curious manifcstalion ou tho part of tho malinoe audicnccs iu tho mattcr of tilcltiron tbrnwn nn n prtrp.nn nhnvn tbn sleepiug camp. Tho plcturos aro the tacea oi varioua nfliionni anti nisioricai pcreonacop. "You Now Yorkcra aro a qucer bt," sald tho rough ridor, "partlcularly tho kids. uut tn my countiv. vou nut un n picturo of Dewcy or Itooeevclt or McKinley, and cvory kld in sight will ict iiis voico ioobu tno uest uo kiiowb." "So thoy do horo, don't they?" sald tho reportor. "Ycb, but thoso fellows don't gcl tho bost of it, and thal'a tho auccr nut. They don't nut Djwoy up, bo I don't know howbo'd go, but McKinlty gets a good hand and they whoop lt up for IlooBevelt, but thcre's another of tho buuch that gcla as good a show aa Dotb of 'em loothcr, and that's Gcorgo Washington. When his picturo comes out, cvciy kid in thc houBo gelB up aud yeila." bubacnuontly tho reportor had au op- portunity of vcrlfying thia statemcnt. With young Americn, as roprcsented at tho ahow, tho Father of hia Countiy scenia to bo tho moat popular character on ita roll of houor. MAKING PEARLS TO ORDER. Muitel and Oylter lllnfi;l)oinetlcated and Tuut'lit lh Janrelry Ilmluesi. Dlnmonds, rubtos, cmcralds and san pliircs have all been produced In tha laboratory nnd It is now tho turu ol thc poarl. Tho chenilst, however, ia not hlmsclf the makcr of thc uow nrti flclnl penrls; he is only tho collaborator. it is truc that fulse pcarl nre made from mothcr-of-pearl, but tbeir lustre ls not up to tho mark. Tho Ohlncso havo long introdticed gralns of sand nnd little Unots of wire into tho shell of the pearl oyster In ordcr thnt the animal, to rcliovc itself from the Irri- tatlon so caused, may cont thc forclgn substnuce with poarl. If thls mattcr be lnscrted bctween tho shell nnd the mantle the oyster can oject It by con- trnctlons of his body. To prevcnt thls M. Boutan, n Freucli expcrltnontor, hna trepanncd tho shell and Introdticed a small bead of nacrc, which mlght, how ever, bo a truc poarl of a small slze, through tho holc, nnd flxcd it by means of cenient to tho shell. Thls benn wns ln course of time covered with nacre by tho oyster, and a flne largo pcarl was tho rosult. Doalcrs caunot dlstln guisli it from nn Orlcntal poarl. The qucstlon of niaUlng pcurls In this way wns rcccntiy (liscusscd at a nicctiiiff of tho Accdninlcs dos Sclcnccs. I'arls, and M. Bcrtbclot, tho famous ob- scrvod thnt such a penrl could only be considercd a truc pcarl II" It biid nt lcast n hundrcd laycrs of tho ln-arl nacre; otlicrwlsc lt would only bo n foroign substnncp covcrcd wilh nacrc. Of course, if tho foroign mnttcr Is n pcarl itsolf thls ob.icctlon disuipcars, and we have thc nicaiis of producliig penrls nt will. Accordlng to M. I.a cazo PtiihUw, sonic two yoars would be rciulicd for a ballotldc tn produco n blg penrl. Tho nrtllicial pcarl or tho Inidc, fabrleatcd from nacrc, could nlso bo coatcd iu tho snmc way. IOvi dcntly thc penrl nmsscl nnd oyster nn about to bo (loincsticatcd for tho prod nctlon of poarls, as thc spldor for siiu. IVarl dlvcrs may bcconio a logcuil of tho nast. A HOKSK'EXI'KIIT. Allon Lowe, tho Well-Known Autlinr. ity, Joins tho lioston Journnl Slnff. O.vnors of lioiHbs. Iuvoih of horHo raclnir. and tlioBo lnterested in matters that lmvo to do with liorses, will be luterested in tho no ivn tliat Alleu Lowe, the -ell-known au thorlty aud wrtter on thoso Hiiliiucta. haa jolned tho Boaton Journal staff, and wlll contrlbuto regularly and excluBlvely (or tlia jiosion jvurnai. Mr. Iiowo'a hlch renutation an a news- gatberor and ae an ncourate, thorough and entertalnlng writor ls vrldeiy known. For many years tie has stood ln tho front rank m a liorfo oiport, and Now England poople will llnd his coltimn in tho Journal both o( value and lnterost. Tho Snortinc Denartment ot the Journal. ineacb brRnch, ls conducted by oxpertwrlt or, and Mr. Lowe'a nccenBion lllustratoa the continued plan of the Journal to glre lta reauers uie uesi. A iMw nectlon bas beon added to the Siin- day Journal. lla titlo, "Home Toplca," wott descrlbcH tlio spoclal uopurtmentH con talned ln it. It ia meant for ttiu pleaaura and Informatton ot the home clrclc, men, wouien and children, and lt well fulfllU Iih niirnoBo. The mtislu whlch tho Sundav Journal glves each woek ls Included In thls Beotion. Lily White FLOUR is madc of Michb gan's Choiccst Whcat and ls a winter whcat patcnt of grcat strength and nutrltivc valuc, It is used by thou sands of pcoplc in thc North, South and East and has won thc approval of so many promincnt cooks that wc call it "thc flour thc best cooks usc." It is for salc by gro' ccrs in your town but if YOUR groccr docsn't have it, kindly notify us and we'll tell you whcre to get it. Bc sure our name is on the package, Vnlley City Milllng Co. Grand Rnpld.s, Mlch. This Range outshincs, outcooks and will outwcar all otlicrs - the Glcnwood Ilomc (irand. CINW00D ; Peck Bros., Montpelier, Vt. fiOOD COOKERY (CopyrlBbted.) I..AT13 Al'Jllh MHNO, BnKAKKAST Bannnas and Oranges. Broitkfast Food. Crea'n and Sugar. BaVed ISggs. llnm Ualls. Qraliam Bread. Coffeo. DINNKH Clear Soup. Bakcd Fisb. Stuffed Potatoj. Crab Apple Jelly. Cnbbnge Salnd, Mock Cbcrry Ple. Cof feo. SUPI'KH Fish Ilash. Qrahani Toast. Banana Sauce. Tea Rolls. Assortcd Cake. BAKED EGGS. Melt a good-slzed plece of butter ln a deep plute. Bieak Into thls molled but ter ns many fresh oggs as the plate wlll hold, and bake In a hot oven 1 111 the wbltes are set. Take to the table ln the plate ln whlch they nre baked. IIAM BALLS. Mlx chopped ham with beaten egg, us ing more or less egg as llked, and fry as grlddle cakes. BAKED FISH. Blueflsh, cod, or haddock nre thc best fisb to bake. Clean the flsh nnd make a stuillng ns follows. Soak stale bread in cold wnter for 20 nilnutes. Press dry, and senson with ono ckb, one tablespoonful mcltcd butter and a small quantlty of sage, or the prepared poultry dresslng, or n little onlon Julce, ns preferred. When tho stufllnK has beon thorougbly mlxod, flll the (lsh nnd sew up with needle and thread. Flour the (lsh well and salt It. Lay a few thln sllces of salt pork Into the bottom of tlio baklngdlsli, nlso a few sllces on top of tho (lsh. Baste lt often with the llquor whlch cooks out of It, ad dlng a little water lf there ls not enough. Allow l.r minutes to the pound for baklng flsh. Have a modornte oven, ns, lt very hot, lt wlll not cook well ln the mlddle. CABBAGE SALAD. Use only the lmrd, white middle of the cnbbage, nnd cbop very (Ine. Let It stand In cold salted water for nn hour. Then draln and mlx with n bolled salad dresslng, as follows: Bent two eggs well. Mlx togcther one teaspoonful sugnr, one-fourth teaspoon ful of salt, and one-fourth teaspoon of mustard, and ndd to the egg. Then add three tablespoonfuls vlneKar nnd one of eream. Place the disb ln Itollltier water, and cook untll the thlckness of oieam. MOCK CHEimY PIE. One large cupful of oranberrles cut In halvcs, one teacup of Kranulnted sugar, Into whlch Is thoroughly stlrred one heaplng tablespoonful Hour nnd one fourth teaspoon of cinnamon, Add a scnnt half-cup of water, and stlr nll to gether. Bake with two crusts. Thls mnkes a large ple. FISII HASH. Use the (lsh rFinnlning from dlnner, and cliop with nn equnl tiuantlty of cold potntoes, Molslen with mllk, or any gravy thnt may bo left. Season with salt and butter, and bake for one-lmlf hour In white nappy, GPvAHAM TOAST. Toast graham sllces very Blowly, so that they wlll be drled and brown, plle ln a dlsh. nnd pour over a cream dlp made from one cup of cream thlekened Bllght ly, and seasoned with salt nnd butter. BANANA SAUCE. Sllce bananas, add sugar nnd lemon Julce, and a little cold water. Let stand one-half hour before using, STUFFED POTATOES. Select smooth, large potatoes and bako brown. When done, remove from the oven and sllce off a plece from the end of each, nnd scoop out the Inslde, savlng the sliells. Mnsh the hot potntoes and season with butter, cream and salt, and return to the sliells, Have the stlllly beaten white of au egg and place a tea spoonful of thls on the opeu end of each potato. Place them ln a servlng dlsh with the eggends uppermost, und return to the oven and brown llghtly. . EMMA G. JKFFEBSON. HOUSEIIOLD HELPS. Cholce Beelpes From Many Sources and of Acknowledged Wortli. STEWED BEEFSTEAK. Ohoose a good cup of upper round of beef, aud have lt cut fully one lnch and a half ln thlckness; thls wlll probably welgh about three pounds. Sprinkle It all on both sldes with salt aud peppe-r, lay lt ln a deep frylng pan In whlch two tablespoonfuls of butter has been heat ed, and brown qulckly ou both sldes. Pour In sulllclent good beef stock to cover, add two tablespoonfuls of chopped onlon, one teaBpoontul of sweot herbs, or any deslred semonlng, nnd four large, ripe toinntous whlch have been cut Iu balves, Cover closoly, nnd slmmer for an hour and a half. Put the steak on u heated platter and sllghtly thlcken thc gravy with btirncd flour; pour It over the meat and sprinkle oversome flnely chopped parsley. EGG TIMBALLH. Beat sllghtly together fo'ur eggs, add Ine scunt teaspoonful of salt, ten dropa of onlon julce, a dash of cayenne, the same of paprlka and one teaspoonful chopped parsley. Mlx and add gradually one cupful of mllk. Dlvlde thls among half a dozen well-buttered tlmbale molds, and set them ln a baklng dlsh. Pour ln sulllclent water to cover half way up the sldes of the little molds, place ln a tnoderate oven, cover with greased pa per and bako untll they are ilrm ln the center. If they are cooked too qulckly they wlll be lllled with bubbles lnstead of belng perfectly llrm and smooth. Turn out carefully on a heated platter and lour arotind them a tomato sauce. Into a sauce pan put one-quarter of a tea spoonful of Hour, one-half ofa teaspoon ful of salt and one-quarter of a tea spoonful of pepper. When mlxed add one cupful of stralned tomato, und stlr untll thlck and smooth. Add one-half of a teaspoonful of sugar and one drop of extract of clove (or one clove may be cooked with the tomato before stralnlag), and slmmer flve nilnutes. FBUIT TAPIOCA. Two tablespoonfuls taploca soaked over nlght ln n little water. In the morn lng ndd one-half cup of sugar, one plnt of mllk and one egg. Heat the mllk, add taploca.and boll 20 inlnutes;beat the yolk of tho egg, sugar, two teaspoonfuls of flour, and a little salt, stlr Into the mllk, nnd boll tlvo nilnutes. Pour Into a dlsh, beat the white of the egg with ono and one-half tablespoonfuls of sugar, spread over the top, and set ln the oven a few minutes. Pare and sllce bananas, peach es or ornnges, lay ln tho bottom of a glass dlsh, and sprlnklo with sugar. Wct a knlfe, sllp around the cdges of tlio puddlng to loosen, and sllp out over the frult. ORANGE CAKE. Two cups of white sugar, two cups of flour, one-half cup of water, yolks ot flve eggs, and whltcs of four, beaten sep arately, a little salt, two teaspoonfuls baktng powder, the Julce and grated rlnd of two oranges. Bake In layers. Orange Jelly The Julce and rlnd of two oranges, ono-hnlf cup ot sugar, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of gelatlne, enough water to dlssolve. Set on the stove nnd let all boll ten minutes, and spread betweon the layers, and, lf de slred, frostlng may crown the whole. Thls ls a nlce dlsh for dessert. Half the quantlty ls enough for n small cake. ROYAL PUDDING. One cupful of bread-crumbs well crumbed, one plnt ot mllk, one-half cup sugar, the yolks of two eggs well beaten, grated rlnd of one lemon, one tablespoon ful butter. Bake untll done. Spread on the puddlng a layer of JelJy or Jam. Then whlp the wbltes ot the eggs stlff, beat ln one-half cupful of sugar and the Julce ot the lemon. Pour over the puddlng; bako ln the ovcn untll sllghtly browncd. TUTTI FTtUTTI JELLY. Soak one-half box of gelatlne In one half plnt ot cold water. Dlssolve with one plnt bolllng water, add tho Julce of three lemons, nnd one and one-half cups of sugar. Straln. When beglnnlng to stlf fen, put a layer of Jelly in a dlsh, then a layer of sllced bunanas, nnothor layer of Jelly, one of sllced oranges, one of Jelly, and one of grated cocoanut.and fln Ish with Jelly. POTATO SALAD W1THOUT ONION. Pare half a dozen good-slzcd potatoes nnd boll ln salted water; when dono draln and niash them. Chop up very flne half a small, drm head of cabbage, also four medlum slzed gherklns. Mlx these with the potato, addlng the yolks of four hard bolled eggs rubbed through a sleve. Pour over thls a French dress lng, to whlch ls added a tablespoonful of mushroom catsup, and serve nt once. POTATO SALAD. Dlce cold potatoeis, chop one plckle nne one onlon llne, lay layer of potato, then layer of onlon, and so on untll nll are used; sllce two hard-bolled eggs, lay on as a garnlsh, and pour Milnd dresslng over all. lf a good deal of dresslng ls llked pour It over euch layer tus you make the salad. SMOTHEHED CIIICKEN. Cut up chlcken ns for filcnssee, wash and let stand In cold water for a lltt'i while. Draln, season. dredge with liour, and put In a dilpplng pan not qulte cuv ertd with water. Dot with blts of but ter, cover closidy ntid bake untll tendcr. When done take from the pan nnd make a giavy. MUFFINS. Three eggs, wbltes and yolks beaten separatuly, one plnt sweet mllk, ont tablespoonful melted butter, two tea spoonfuls balilng- powdar, and floui enough to stlffen. OLD OCEAFS POWER. TO BE COLLECTED AND UTILIZED FOft SERVICE ON 8HOftE. Incrlitloii or llie Derlee Whlch It l'.x pectril to Acrninpllali Tlils llnd Wlll htipmandn All Ollmr Known Houroti of l'oivor No l.lmlt to tho Supply. Old occun Is at last to bo harncssed und hls lulliillc mlght ls to be placed nt thc servicc of mau for trnnstorma tloti Into tho various forms of "powor" tliat liutkcH nll tho wlieels of tho world go rotitid. That, nt lonst, ls thc prodic tlon of it New Vork lnventor, who lirmly bellows thnt bo bas nt last solved ono of tho great problems of tho ngos. Tlio prescnt dovlce dlffers rndlcnlly from ovcrythlng that lias hlthcrto been stiggcsted, nnd nt leust litts the nppenr anco of nn attompt to solvo tho prob leui on loglcal and sclontlflc lines. Tno prlninry ideti ln thc mlnd of tho lnventor, tlotibtlcss suggestcd by the enso with which any buoyant bodles froinordluary lloats to 15,000 tou battlo shlpj arc tosscd by thc actlon of tho sea, has beon to devisc a means for utlllzlng tlio llftlng power of wavcs. for hls collector of tho power ox erted he has takcu for it niodcl tho fnmlllar bttoy of shcct Iron, whlch, se curoly anchored to the boltoni, bobs merrlly up aud down as llghtly as a cork, for all that, if It Is a buoy of tlio llrst class, It may be ns blg nnd henvy as tlio largcst stcain bollor. Take such a great buoy nnd nt tach to lt n cyllndcr nnd plston ln sucli n mnnucr thnt tho llftlng of tlio buoy wlll forco up thc piston nnd comprcss the alr wlthin tlio cyllndor, nnd you havo tho prlnclplc of tlic dovlce whlch Its lnventor bellows wlll stipersodo nll other known sources of power. Tho posslbllity of using alr thus com pressed wns suggestcd by tho rccont wondcrful ndvauccs ln tlio appllcation of olectticlty, the success of whlch has creatcd a new dcmutid for a choap In itlnl power for tho productlon of the electric curront. Iu studylng the lils tory of prevlous attempts to utlllzo wavopowertlie lnventor was struck by tholdcathnt lu all devlces the cnrdlnal principlo of Indestructlblllty hnd nover beon take Into accouut, nnd that niach lue nftor ninchlno had fallen n vlctlm to tho ftiry of the very power which lt wns doslgnod to control. Tnls stlll further convlnced blm tlmt sonietlilug in the nattirc of a buoy whlch shotild be proof agalnst any ani otint of buffetlng prcscnted tho best solution of the problotn. The result of hls studlcs und of niany oxperimonts has bccn tlic productlon of au nlr coiu presslng buoy, or wbut hc torms n "col lector" of comprcsscd nlr. Four of thcse collcctors, stnndlug thlrty of forty feot hlgh nnd bullt of steol platcs and framlug, havo just beon complcted for the coinpuny ln (Jrecnpolut and lt Is lntcndcd that thoy soon shall bc placed ln opcratlon. Pro vlloti is niado to socurel.v anchor the collcctors nt n short distanco from shore, whcro wnter ls stlll deep enough lo glve the waves full swcop. Tho con structlon of the ancliors ls Ingcnlous and irakcs lt nbsolutcly Impossiblo for ono of tlio colioctors to bc carried away evcn in tho b'oaviest storin. Encli col lector Is kcpt nlloat by four largo cvl- indrlcal tanks, formlng a part of the general structurc, nnd tlie rislng nnd "OU) OCKAN TO I1K HAltNSUD. fnlllng of tho wholo mass oporntes the plston aud comprcsscs the nlr iu tlio cylinder whlch stnnds ou the top of the buoy. lt ls lntcndcd that n large number shall bc anchored in a group uud nperated ln unisou. From ench cylinder n strong but tlcx Iblo tubc runs jiai'nllcl with the anchor chaln to tho unchor, and tlience along the sea bottom to a powor statlon on the shore, whcrc tho comprcsscd alr from each collector ls recclved in a se paratc tank. As the pressure of the alr from tho various collcctors may dlffer materlally, tho alr is llnally drawn in to a general tank, whcrc thc pressure Isgraduatedto tlic dcslrcd nuiount and It is then rcndy to do its work in oper Btlng a blg comprcsscd alr engliic whlch rcvolvcs tho dynamos by whlch slcctrlclty is gcnoralcd. ln the form of 5lcctriclty tho power orlglnally drawn from the sea ls flually rcady for any onc of tho tboiisaud scrvlccs dcninn ded of lt. If thc prlnclplc proves to be succcssfull it ls thc intcntlon of the toinpnny to go Into tlic buslnoss of producing nnd selllng clcctrlcal power on a gjgjantlc scalc, thcro apparcntly belng no'limlt to thc energy they will hnve at thelr commniid. AllinnntHi'.r Valiif of Flh. Tho ftllnientnry vnluo ot flsh Is In Slsputable; It Is wholcsomc nnd nutrl tlous, aud ln Its wldo rango of quallty and llnvor affordB gratllicatlon to tlio conrscst as woll as tho niost rellned pnlnto. Morcovor, ln lirimary cost lt Is llio clioapest of flesh foods, nnd should therofore be tho uiiivcrsal nllment. everywhero a staplo dlsli upon tho famlly board. To most, is Mibstuntlally n lttxury; In many locall tles it Is not obtaluablo frcsh, nnd so fnlls Into publlc dlsfuvor; but oven whcro presented iu acceptablo condl llon, tlic ncconunodatlon Is usually cf fectcd with ditliculty and cxpcnsc, in volvlng n corrcsponding llmltatlon of salo. Thus lt Is that thc cousumcr Is dlssiatlsflpd, the denlcr Is not contcnt, ind thc prodticer. the poor llsherninn, flghtly bownlls hls lot, for he proflts Uast. It cau bc truthfully sald thnt thero Is no branch of clvlllzcd cffort ivhorcln the proilucor rcccivcs so small a proportlon of thc tiltimntc or con iitmor's prlco ns docs thc tollcr of tho ea for tho unchangcd product of hls labor. Monarch over pa'n. Burna, cutp, spralnp, Bllngs, Instaut relief. Dr. Thomas' Ecloc trlo 011. At any drug Btore. Everybody Knows About A Household Medicine I'h1 Jij- ihIIHoiih ln nll pnrtnof (lio wirhl S A HAVK ntut SUlti: lti:MinV for J Crnmps Coughs Brulsos ? Dlarrhoon Colds Cuts m Dysontory Croup Burns Spralns nnd Stralns. Glres Insianl relief. Cures qulokl. Two nles. 23c. antl Bflc. ) Thcre Is only one I'nln-KIHer, I'crry Davls'I J ampIo hottlo nmlleil (Jlcntlon tlils papcr.) W LEGAL NOTIGES, OOMMlflatONEtlJl' Nnrmr KSTATK OF CaitlSTOIMIintC. I'UTNAM. Honorable I'robate Court or tlio Dlstrlct of WMb. inKton. comrallonerB to rcceWe, eiAmliio, and ad. Jut au clalmaand domandiof all pernona airalait the eitate or Clirlatoplier 0. I'utnara, iato of SIMdl- exlilb tect In oftet tlicreto, hereby gtve notlce that we wlll meot for the purpoiea aforetald, ai tlfa ex, In aald d Utrlct, ou tlie 11th day of May and 22d dar of September ueit, from 1 o'clock r. M., untll ( o'clock r. m each ot ald day, and that 18S9, ls the time lltnlted br iald Courtor sal'd credl-' tor topresent Ihelr clalms tous for examlnatloa and allowance, AI'a'Mat Middlesex, thls lltb day ot Aprlt OUA8 It. CUt.VKH.) , , m joitNr, Ki.iNr, ;Comral,,loneM- OOMMISBIONKRS' HOT10B. KSTATK OF CLAIIK 1). I'EIIKIV. The underslpned, liavlnpr been appolnted by th IIonorAhlfl I'rnhatA f7nn,t fnr hn nr., r ilrn.k iDKtou, rccelre.examlue andad Just all clalms and demands of all personi airalDat the estate of Olnrk II- I'Artln l.ia nr n a.. nistrlct, deceaseJ, and all clalms eri iiiuitoaiu oirset thereto, hercbyRlve notlce tbatwa nm,iiDoiiur mo iiurposes ine aweillaz house of OeorRe K. l'errln, In the town of llorllu. ln sald.IHstrlct, on the 10th day of May, and ith dar pf Octpber next, from one o'clock, p. M. untll four o'clock p. m. each of sald days, and that slx months from the Stli day oi Aprll, A. D. m, ls thotlmo llmlted by sald Court for sald credltors to rresent thelr clalms to us for examlnatlon and al lowance. D. 1!!M. uaxen at nerlln, thls !th day of Aprll. A. 53 M OEO. K. I'KKKlA, Co"iillonor KSTATK OF IMIIMP ItOItKKTS. State or Vbrmomt, DlBTRIOT Of WABHINOTON, SB. In l'robato Court, held at Montpelier, lu and for sald Dlstrlct. on the lTtli day of Aprll, A. I). 1S99. Colln C. ltoberts. Kxecntor rf the last wlll ard testameut of ROIlKltTS, late of ot Monttdlor, ln iald Dlstrlct, deceased, presenu hls admlnlstratlon account for examlnatlou aud alluwance, and makn appllcation for a decre ol dlstrlbutlon nnd partltloo of the estate of tald deceased. Whereupon, It Is ordered by sald l ourt, that sald accouut and sald ap pllcatlon be rorerred to a sesslon thereor, to be held at the I'robate Ofllce. In sald Montpelier, on the 5th day of May, A. n. IVH. lor hearfna; and declslcu Jhereoii: And, lt ls further ordered, that nntlce hereof bo Klven to all persous lnterosted, by pnbllca cation of tlio samo thrie weeks snccesslrely In tlie lermonl Watchman .C- Statt Journal. a newspaper publlsliodat Montpelier, lu thls htato, prevlom to sald time appolnted for hcarlng, that thoy mayap pear at salc time aud place and show cause, If anr they maj have, w hy sald account sbould uot be allowed. anc such decree inade. "js'h t-'ourt.-Attest, IIIKAM CAHLET0f,Judi8. i: KsTATK OF CI.AItK I). 1'KItISIN. State of Vkrmont, UiBTitioT or Washington, bp. In I'robate Court, held at Montpelier in aud for sald Dlstrlct. on the 18th day of Aprll, A.D. livt r.,U; ,9l'SP.-..f dmlulstrator of tho estate of CLAKK I). 1'KKItIN, late of town of llarre, In sald Dlstrlct. deceased, makes appllcation to sald Court, with the conseut and apprcbatlon In wrltiuir of the wldow and helrs of sald deceased resldlne lu the State of Vermont, for llceiue to sell ull ofthe'real estate of salu deceased, sltu.Ved ln the town of Barre, lu sald Dls rlct. to wlt: Home fariu, Includlnp the ilnteiost of the wlilow of sald deceased thereln, and the lnmestead ilRht, rep resentliij; that tho sale tbereot would be beu. ellclal to tho wldow and helrs of sald de ceased and those lnterested In hls estate. ln order toconvert sald real estate Into money. Whereupon, It ls ordered by sald Court that sald appllcation be referred to a sesslon thereol to be held at the I'ro bate Offlce, In sald Montpelier, on tho 5th dar of May. A.D. 1899, for llioarlHR and declslon theroou: andltis further ordered, tlistall rersons lnterested be notlfled hereof, by publlcatfon of notlce of sald Rppllcatlou aud order thereon three weeks uccesslrel; ln the Vermot.. Watchman .f- Statt Journal, n newspaper publlshcd at Montpelier, ln thls state, and whlch clrculates In the neUhborbood of those lnterested, before sald time of lieartnu, that they may appear at sald ttnie and place, and, if they see cause, oblect thereto. 'Jy the Court. Attest. MM IIIKAM CAKLETON', Jode. KSTATE OF KATK II. AVILSON. Statb or Vbkmont, DlBTIlIOTOr Wasuinoton, bb. Iu Probato Court, held at Montpelier, ln aud lor sald Dlstrlct. on the 17th:dayof Aprll. A.U. lin Ilarry M. Cutler, Admlnlstrator ol the estute ot KATK II. WII.SON. late of Montpelier, In sald DUtrlct, deceased, makes appllcation to sald Court. with the consent and appiobatlon in wrttlnu ot the helrs of sald deceased irealdlng In the State Of. Vermont, fnrllpenftn tn anll sll nf,h.,nl amtata ot sald deceased, sltuatedtn Montpelier, ln sald Dls irici, to wn: ityue niock, so called, representlni; tliat the sale thernnf wcntil lta linnAn,-Ul tn th lilra otsalddecoased and those lnterested tn hor eitate, ln order to convert sald real estate Into money. Whereupon, ltls ordered by sald Court that aiu aipui:uiiuu ue reierreu to a session tnereoi, to be held at the I'robate Ofllce, ln sald Montpelier, on the 6th da; of Maj, A, 1). for heartng and declslou thereon; aud, It ls further ordered, that all persons lnterested be uotlfied hereof, by publlcatlon of uotlce ot sald appllcation and order thereon three weeks successlvely ln the IVrrnoni Watchman J: State Journal, a newspaper publlsheii at Montpelier, lu this state, aud whlch clrculates ln the nelghborhood of those luterested, before sald time of hearing, that they may appear at sald tlm and place, and, If they see cause, oblect thereto. By the Court. Attest, M4i IIIKAM CAKLETON, Judge. COUUIB810NXEB' NOTIOB. KSTATK OF 7.EHA SS1ITII. The uuderslened, haTlng been appolnted by the Honorable I'robate Court for the Dlstrlct of Wash luRton coinmtssloners,to recolve, examlne and adjnst all clalms and demands of all persons agaJnst the estate ot 7.K1IA SMIT11 late ot Middlesex, Insal t Dlstrlct, deceased; and all clalms exhiblted Ir otTiel thereto, hereby efive notlce that we wlll nieet f Jr thepurposes aforesald at the dwellluK house of (). S, llerrlck, ln the towuof Middlesex, In sald DUtrlct. on IheSddayot Mar and JSth day of September next, Irom two o'clock P. M.unUl four o'clock r. u,. each of sald days and that slx months frora the Ist day of Aprll, A. I). im. Is the time llmlted by sald Court for sald credltors to orrsent thelr clalms to us for examlnatlon andallovance. Dated at Middlesex, thls 6th dar of Aprll, A. D. I8W. H.8. IIKltltllJK, 52-61 U. M. CIIAMBEKLAIN, t Com' KSTATK OF I.KV1 . 1'ITKIN, STATB Or VZBUONT. IMBTniCT or WABHINOTON, . In I'robate Court, held at Montpelier, lu and 'ol sald Dlstrlct, on the 10th darof Aprll. A.D. 1999 llarrey 1.. Ilurnap, Admlnlstrator ot the estate ot LKV1 V. 1'lTKl.N, late of Marshfield, lu sald Dlstrlct, deceased, vresents hls admlnlstratlon account for examlnatlon and allowance, and makes appllcattou for a decree of dlstrlbutlon and partltlou ot tho estato ot sald deceasod. Where upon, It ls otdered by sald Court, tht sald account aud sald appllcation ue referred to asesslou there f tobe held BV? I'robate Ofllce, In said Montpelier, on the tetli il, . Aprll. A.D. 1&9, for hearing and declslon AJk.,)' ui; aud, It ls further ordered, that nouce nor joiiv-ijiTeii 10 au persous interestua, dj rubllcallou otTs- same three weeks successlvely lu he Kfrmonf PikAian Jt Statt Journal, a newspaper publlshed at lPeller. lu thls State.prevlous to sald time aDLoivS for hearluK.that ther inar ap pear at salo tlt) e place, and, show cause, lf auy they m have, JIiald account should uot u allowed, and such ,S'e made. IlytheC X-Attest . . , 5MI M OAiaETON,Jude.