Newspaper Page Text
oooooooqo PFflPI F WAHT A MVl. O I LUrLC WBKKL1 MKItv J i' " " IUE , e "watohman"is nrnni p o ruiiMSHKni'oitUf Lh o T,U o ooooocoooooo n ooeoooosoooo TEltMH.rAIDINiADVANUI!,' Ono Tear S1.B0 O 2 KlElitMnntlm 1.00 g Hlz Montlis T5 e O If not l'nlil ln Ailvuncc, o O W3.00 n Yrnr. ' ooooeoaooooce MONTPELIER, VT. WEDNESDAI MAY 24, 1S99.. NUMBER 20. VOL. 944858. BULLETIN, MAY 23d, AT Gleason's Busy Corner. Wo do not Quoto Pricos on Inforior Goods. Everything wg desoribo in tlioso columns will give entiro satisfaotion to tho purohaser. No; 1. CHILDREN'S REEFERS The prettiest sljlcs thst can be procurod. All sizcs. Speclal good armouts at 98 cts. to $2.50 cach No. 2. PQINTED DENIM For Draperiea, Upholstr.rlnt; and Pillow Covcrs. Choico dosigns. 34 iuclics wide, 18 cts. pcr yd No. 3. BUSTLES "The Elite." 25 and 50 cts. cach U P. & H. C GLEASOSM, Montpelier A New Lot of those Cross Stripe Fanc y Shirts, also a fresh supply of Nobby Ties, just received at A. D, Favivell's Copper In purchastng Copper Stoek care uhould be a present intriuslc anil great prospectlve valuo, ln wlilch the actlve mauaRemont of the Company is entrusted to corapetent buslness uien of known llnancial standinR anil lntegrity. Tbere is MONEY in Copper and none know better wheio tt is tbau the owuers of tlio present big mines, inany of whom are even now dlsposiuR of their preat propertiea and cjuletly securing and openlnR up undeveloped or partlally developed new proportles wlth vrhich they will dupllcate enorraoua prouts ou We belleve in the United Verde Junlor Copper Mlning Co., we bave a proposition of MEIUT anil ono of the FAIREST DEALS over oftored to investora iu tbis section. Kull particulara on application. KWOTT & GLOSSON, Stock, Bond anil Coinuilssion Brokers, 137 St. Patil St., Burlington, Vt. Mid-S eason Mark-Down Sale ONISUITS.IGAPES FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN. In order to mnke rootn for Sunitncr Garments und Waists, we have aecidcd to close out at once our lnrge and varied line of garments at n great saerifice. Suits in 3 Lots. let lot 25 Su'.ts, Bizes 32 to 40, tailor-madc, sold all aeaBon at ?10.98. Thia aale S5.9S. 2d lot conaists of 43 Suita, at from S12.50 to S1G.50. Sizes are aome- what broken, but good quality gooda, silk-llned jackets at S7.98. 3d lot. 50 Suita in Cheviot, Vonetian and Hioadcloth. Sold from S1:.00 to S25.00 all Bcason. Some of thetn Bilk-lined. Thia sale S12.9S. Jackets in 2 Lots. lat lot. Ladies' Jackets colors, aold all season at 2d lot. 25 Jackets, sold lined. ThiB Bale 84.98. Misses' and Children's Jackets and Capes. About 85 left, all sizes. Our leader is 79 cts. Sizea 2 to 12 yeara. Capes Marktd down aa low as 98 ct?. eueh. A large Hue to stkcl from. Mackintoshes. 84 ln number, donlili- tt for 85.00. Thls week 82.0S. I'laiu or double capes. Infant's White and Colored Cashmere Cloaks Nicely trlmmed, at 98 ceiits. TEMPLE-McOUEN C0 Montpelier, Vt. BARGAINS IN. COMMERC1AL STATIONERY. fyctxX for SamTDlos and. Pricos. No. 4, GORDED DIMITIES 32 nichos wide, boautiful pntterna. very clioicc, IO cts. pcr vd No.5. CHILDREN'S PIQUE SKIRTS Assorted colors and slzes. All prices, bcginning nt 50c. cach No. 6, The "Sigsbee" Underwaist For Childrcn. All sizcs. 25 cts. cach Stock. exerclaed in selectlng only those having tho old ones. ANDJJACKETS from all-wool gooda, ailk lined, all 85 00 to SO.GO, thia sale $2.08. all Beason from S7 50 to 812.60, all silk xturc, vulvet co'lar, all colors, usuully so'.d vermont Watchman Co. (SEatcIjntim $0ttrnal. rDBLIBHKD BVKIir WBDHEBDAY BY The Vermont Watchman .Company, At Montpelier. Vt. Uusliicss Mcro Mentlon. To acoommodato Uiobo wlahlne to atlond tho Knlghts o( Ccluinhua colebration, and the Quoen's blrthday featlvltles ln Moutroal on Wcdnosday, May 21, tho Uentral Ver mont railroad will run a spoclal Irain from St. Albana to Montreal, loavlng St, Albaus irnmedlatoly after tbe arrlval of tho traln that leavoa Montpelier at 10:16 a.m. Tlio faro for tho round trlp from Montpelier will bo 53, tlokets goou rotuminR mursuny, May 20. Thia Ib a raro opportunlty to vislt the Domlnlou capltal at suml oxpeuae. Moutroal haB arranRed an elaborato pro gratnmo ln honor of (Jueen Victorla'a blrth day, and tho Koighta of Colnmbus have a grand celebratlon tl.oro that day. HfRniAi, Baroains ln doinchtlo wrappors. Seo advertiaenient of lloiner Fitta pago tive. An KrmKMic ok Wiiooriha Couan. T.Mt wlnter ilnrlim an onidcuiio of whoon. Ihr courIi my ohlldrou contraoted tbe dla eaae, havlnR sevfro couRhlrg spells. We had used Ohainbtrlaiu'B CourIi Itouiedy very Buecessfnlly for croup anil naturaiiy tnrncd to lt at that tiuie and found lt ro llevod tho courIi and effected a coiuplete curo. .Tohu E. Clltlord, l'roprietor Nor wood Ilouse, Norwooil, N. V. Thla reinedy ia for sale by 0. Hlakely and W. E. Torrill, DrtiRRlata. Piibfahk ron Spiiixa. Dou't let thls aoaton overtake you Deioro you uave ac- tended to tho iinportant duty ol purllylUR yourblood wlth Hood's Satsaparllla. By taklng thU liiedlclne now you aiay Bavo Bicknesa that will uiean tlruo and uiouey aa woll aa aulterlnR later ou. liood's SarBapa 11 plvn vou rleh. red blood. cood ap- petlte, Kooii Ulceslion anu a sounu, ueauuy body. It ia the Rreatest and beat BprinR modiclne beoauao lt ia the Ono Truo Blood Ptirliior. Its uuequalled rocord of marvel oua curea baa won for it tho confldence of tho wholo poople. D0K8 COFKBB AUIIEK WlTU YoU? If not, ilrink Grain-O made frorn puro Rralns. A ladv writea: "The firat tltne I mado Graln-0 I did not llko lt but after uainR it for ouo week nothiui: would induco rno to go back to coffee." It nourlahea and feods tlio ayjtem. xuo cunuren cau unun. 11, freely witb great benellt. It is thoBtrenRth enlnR aubstanoo of puro gruina. Get a package to-day frorn your grocer, follow tbe dlrectiona ln rnaking lt and you will have a delloioua and healthful table bevei BRe for old and young. Kiftoen centa and twentynve cents. Do you want anythlng in tho Huo of dnifH and inedlclnea no mattor what? If ao call on Fred A. Alnaworth, proprietor of tho new Willlarnatow drug-atore, on Depot strjet, one door east of J. K. Lyndo'a store II, percnance, no may notmivo ezacny wu you desiro, bo will aitn to Bupnly it ln tbe jhortest posaiblo tlme. If good goods and honeBt pricea and square deallng will do lt, he is bound to securo u fair Bhare of publio patronago. Sewing-machlno suppliea and a popular line of Btatlonory are specialties. Qlvo blni a call. I consider lt not only a ploaauro but a duty I owe to uiy .nelghbors to tell about tho wouderful curo effected in niy oaae by tbe tirnely ubo of Chamborlaln's Collc, Cbolera and Diarrhcea Keuiedy. I was taken very badly wlth llux and procuiod a bottlo of thia lomedy. A fow doaea of it ef fected a permanent cure. I take pleaauio ln recoinmeuding lt to othera suffering froui that dreadful diaease. J. W. Lyuch, Dorr, V. Va Thls remedy is sold by 0. Blakley and W. E. Terrlll, DriiBRista. At a ineeting of the chopter held yester day iu tho roouia of Mra. F. A. Adauia tho following resolutloua were adopted: Whkukab God baa been pleasod to call BUddunly away frorn thla life our frlend and fellow worker, Mra. Ada B. Sherburne, l.B it. Jtesolved, Tbat in thia bereavement it ia witb comfort wo call to our ininda those vlrtues and that generonscbaracter tbrougb wbich she liaa endeareu neraell to ua. Iiesolved, That a lettor of sympathy on be. half of thls chapter be aeut to ber fauilly. Iiesolved, That tbeso resoluliona bo enter ed upon tbe recorda and also be Dubllshed U. E. II. Dbavitt, E. 1. Smilik. Whkukas God in Hla iulluito wisdom has been ploased to removn froui thia life our friend and asaociatc, Mias M. Annetto U) haui be it: Jictolved, Tbat thia Chapter baa lost a most faitbful and honored inember whoae inany virtuoa will bo ever reineinbered by ua: . . Itetolved. Tbat we extenu to her relativeB our heart.folt syuipathy. Iiesolved. That tuese reaolutionB ue enter ed on tho recorda and a copy be seut to ber famlly and also bo publlahed. Commlttee on rcsointions, juaiquia uo Lafayette Chapter, 1). A. R. U. fi. 11, JJKAVIIT E. 1'. Smilie. Tlie Congref?atIonnl Convcntlou or Vermont. The one hundrod and fourtb annual moet ing of tbo Congregatldnal Convention of vermont jiormeny me uenerai uonvention of Congregational Mlniaters and Uhurches of Vermont) will be held ln tho Congioga- tional cliurcn, Jiarre, vt., june m, n anu IS. heeinulng lta llrat hss1ou at two o'clock TuvBduy uftetnoon. The oidlnary businoas ol tne uonveuuon wui ou trauaacieu anu other matterH of iutereat to tho churchea will be cousidered, Mlnlslers and dtlo gates ezpectlng to be present are rttjuested to send tbeir iiumoi to Mr. Krank MuVVhor ter at as early a date ua nosalble tbat enter talnmeut may be provlded for them. For full lnformatlou see the programa sent to oach chnrcb. H. h. Batbb. Burlington, Vt., May 15, 189'J. Centrnl Yeriuout Unlhvay. The managoment of the Central Vermont railway auuouuces that for couvHulence iu operattng lta Itues they are dlvided iuto two dlvislouu, the uorthern and the aoutburn, Tbe noriliHrn divibiou wlU lucludo tho Huo froui Wiudanr to St. Jobua, Burling ton to Eaaex Juuction, Moutpeder Juuctlou tlon to Barre. Barre Juuctlou to Williams town, Essex Juncllon to Cauihridgo Jtinction, Swanton Juuctlou to Uoust-s l'olnt, ut, Aiuaiis to uictiiord, a. a. & C. Junction to Watrloo, Frtrnlium to St, I.atiilmtt, and the St. UtH.ilto bruucb. The southHru ilivislou will comprlse tlio lluos from New houdou to Brattleboro and llrat- tleboio to South Londonderry und tho New YorK oitv lurniitiHiN. The ofllce of geuerul nujiftlnteudent lt nbolished and heada of depnrtuinntH aro lii' .structeil to rnport heruufter lo E. II. Fllz lmcli. vlce.presldeut and ueueral tuanacHr. The following changHs aud apnointtnenls were mude publio Filday: F, V, Jlnlilwlu. sttpertntnndent of the Northern divlslou, with otllce ln St. Albans, D, McKenzit, suporlntondent of tho soutbern dtvUlou, wltholllco at New Londou, Coun, II. H. Sloughton uaalgned to other dutiea. Mr. Baldwin was fomierly conerul sunerinten deut, Mr McICenzio waa Buperluteudeut of tlie isew ijouunn utviatou und Mr. Utoiigh tnn held tho ofllce of Bttperlnteudent of the Montpelier aud White Itlver divlslou witb beaduuartertt at Barre. MONTPELIER AND VICINITY. LOOArj llAl'l'KNMaS. Tho KolloRR'Uubbard Hbrary will bo .ro opened thls aftornoon. Mrs. II. D, IClngabuty of Now York is tho guoat of Mlss Mary Dewey for a fow daya. Mra. Josoph I'oland returnod Monday evonlng from Now Vork accompanied by Mra. I'age, her coubIu. Vt. N. W. Gllbort ia Btlll dangoroUBly 111 nt his home on East Stato sttoet. A traiued nurso from Boaton Is caring for him. T. J. Deavltt Esq , and A. J. IIowo havo beon appolnted appraiBora and commls slonorH of tbe estatu of tho lato Mlaa An netto Upbaiu, Mrs. Fred Corlisa, who was tbrown from her carrlaRO in Shady Ulll ou Suuday, stlll remainB unconsclous and it is fearod that she wlU uotrecover. Altbougb tho llsters havo not yot com plotod makloR up tho grand list book, lt ls ostluiated that tho grand list of tho clty thia year wlU bo ubout 818,000. 0. S. Whlttior has on oxbibltiou at hls market ulno llno spccimens of llvo brook trout, caught ln mud poud lu Sodom. They will avoragB a half pound oach. T MrsT Florence Balley l'orlor 1b having her residetico at 4 Westeru Aveuuo wlred for olectrio llgbts. Tbomas Glsborno is also ongaged thero in making extenslvo interior chatjges. Arthur Alleu has puichased of 0. W. So llnaa and wife two acroa of land fronttng ou Clltl street. Mr. Alleu and S. W. Corao now control all tho vacaut buildlng lots up ou thia atrect. Depaty Oollector Weoka has been ordered by the luternal rovenue departmeut to re turu tho "Culau Belle" oigars ho selzed receutly if the owuers pay tbo legitimato tax upon them. Secrotary Merrlll conducted tho servico for men held Sunday afternoon at tho Young Meu's Obrlatlau ABSOolatlou. Tho subject ol hla icmatks waa "Uoaven tho llomo ol tne ueueeuieu. In acaordance wlth tbo deaicnatlou of tho maater of tbo Natlonal Orange, Uou. C. J. Bell. maater of tho vermont Btato uranpe, directa tho ohservance of Saturday, Juuo 10, as Chlldren's Day lu tho Grango. KIhIi Coinnilsalouer Iloraco W. Balley of Newbury was iu the city Mouday evonlng ou bis way to tbe llah hatchery at Roxbury. Mr. Ballev lutenda to Bbip thls week from U0.000 to 70,000 trout fry to the atreams lu Wludhum couuiy. Tho metal oelllug whlcb is to bo placed iu I'hilllps & Lucae, storo by Tbomas Gls borno baa arrived and wlU lo put lu placo ln a fow davs. Thia ia tho thlrd storo own ed by Col. Fred E. Smlth on Stato strtot lu whlcb he has placed this metal work. Mll nollL-ctor T. E. Callahan epjrts a fino tumout wlth whlch ho colleota the mall about towu. Ho now uses u buck-board wagou resplendeut in a fresh coat of yel low paiut and varnlsh, ou the sidea of whtcb appear in red and gold letters, "U. S.Mall." a teani owned by JameB Flnn and driven bv John. hls son, indulged iu a runaway on Sunday mornliiR. Tho horso bfcame un easy whilo staudlug iu Ilenrv Keltou's yard ou Maiu atreet, and ran to l'leasant street where It waa secured ailer tipoing over anu badly wiecking tho wagou. No one waa iDjured. Theatro coora of tbis clty remembor wlth iutereat tho occaaional appearance of Iihea ln Josephinoud other dramas at tbe opera houae here. XLoy wm reau wuu rtgret iuo ainiouneeinent of tbe deatb of thia accom- nliabed actres, wbich occurred receutly lu Montmorency, France. Allim Wilson of Wasbluatou bas iust been granted, through tho agency of T. J, Deavltt, a penaiou of SG per mouth, witb nrnr tr,nn back iiav. John 0. Bettla of Wor cester was in tbo city Saturday and drow Sl237 tho amount of hls penalou unu uack pay iust granteu turougu iuo samo aguucy. AmonR tho organizationa tbat will tako part iu the aiemoriai uuy paruuo aro tuo uniformed rank, Kulghta of l'ytblas, tho Iligh Scbool Battallon. St. Jeau do Bap- tlsia soclHtv. iiount z.iou uommauuery, Knighls Templar, Court Ethau Allen For esters of Auierica, tbo Juuior Order Uulted Americau MechuHics, Veimout lodgo of Odd FellowB. Brooks Post, G. A. K. and Gen. Stephen Thomas Uamp, Hons ol Vet- orans. Eightythreo lCnigbia of Columbua from tbo Barre and Mouipelier Councila went on Sunday mornlug by special tralu to St. .tnliiiHlmrv. wbere they lustituted a new council of forty-tlvo luembura, returning tbis mornlnc. Tho Kr,lihta highly eujoyed thelr pilgrimage. Sunday eveuiug they sat down to a pleutuul uancjuet at tue Avenuo IIoubo, at whlch ono huudred and tifty plates woro lald. Hmi. and Mra. Charlos Dewey returned Saturday oveninc from New York. Whllo in tbat city Mr. Dewey had au opportuuity to seo aoniething of the onthuslaam that ia dnllv irrowlncr atroiiEer over tlio exnected nrrlval of Admiral Dewoy. Tho Iutereat in tho affair la coutlned to no claaa or cotidl- tlon but la unlveraal tnrougnout greater New York, anu beyoml lta uoruers. Aciuiet but nretty hoine weddlng occur red atthree o'clock Monday aftornoon at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Ueorgo W. rar mBiitor. in tho marriaco of Mlaa Fauuy Maud, thelr daughtnr, to J. Frod Sheldon of SprlnRlleld, juaaa. nov. u. u. ,nuiKiua por formed tho ceremouy, uttended by the iniine ediate friendauud lelatlvea uf the partles. A ntoHHiiiit and lnformal receptlon lu tho nar lors followed, Mrs. C. A. Laug'a mandoliu club furuishlug muslo for the occasiou, Pienaratlona for the Mal Fete, to lio held Mav 31 aud Juue 1 aud 1 ut the Young Mou'a Cbrlatian Asaocla'lou aro progroaa- iiic favorablv. The cutloa liall, lce nalace. Mra. Jarley'a wax worka, and other attrac- tions wlU be luteresttug utnl atuusiug. Secretarv Merrlll aud hls corpa ol asalsi antsaro puttiug much time and labor iuto preparatlonB for the evont, whlch nlll be wortny a geuerouB patrouago. Rev. C. O. Judklns, tbe new Methodist uastor. preacbed Suuday mornlug aud even ing at Triuity church. Hla theme iu the inomluR was ' Tho I'hllosopby of Itenent' ance," and iu tbe oveniug he Hpoko on "A Work-a-dav Faitb." Mr. Judk u's brother la verv low at bis home lu Bristol, N. II uud he expecta, any time, to bo aummuned thero. The new paator baa moved bla gooda to Montpelier aud aa souu ua Mrs Judklns la uble to come here tho paraouage will be opeuou. Iu tho matter of the olectrio railway cuancery caaes iu wjitcu uio temporury lu Junctlous were ri'coutly dissolvod, th sov eral uttorueys have ugreed upon and Judge Thumpsou baa appolnted 0. S. Emery of Chelsea as master to flud the lacts In tbe blll uud uuawera uud rupert to tho Court Bv thls procedure It will he dolded wheth er or not tho rullwuy coiiuuiny'u fraucbiae provldea for u Uve ceut faro butween thla clty und Barre. Mrs. Fred Corlisa of Hludy 1(111 waa throwu from ber bui'cy ou Sunduy ufter noou aud dangerotiNlv luiured. Tbe borse Mra. CorlisB was drlvlnu waa frichteued aud becumu unuiauagHable, Wbeu uear tbo Goodell mill Mrs, Corlisa waa throwu from tbe huuuy Bttiklng ou ber head, Her skull was fractured. her richt urm waa broken aud luternal lulurlea are feared. Sbe hus slnco been lu an unconsclous coudltiou, Dr. Lnwrenco of Worcester is attendiug her. The dlrectora of the Mechanlcs Buildlng anu ConBtruction company have just lu spocted thelr tonement houaos nt tbo I'loti oer aud aro to repalr und ropnlnt them. Hlnco tbo oponltig of tho electrio railway thelr tenemeuta havo all been taken and they oxpcct noxtyoarto declaro a alx por cont dlvideud lnatoad of threo por ceut as at the oloae of tho preaeut year. Many of thelr tonants aro employed in Barro but prefer to resido In thia city aa they get a whole house for seven dollara per montb for whlcb they would havo to pay twelvo dollara lu Barro. Thoto appoara now to bo n prospect of a bearlng In tho cases of E, M, Ilarvoy ot al , airalnat tbo oleotrio railway company as Judgo Smlllo on Monday sot tbo hearluR in tbo Ilarvoy caso for next Monday. An attempt waa mado by F. I. Carloton to have tho beariug held the last ot thla woek but tho excuaes ot It. A, Iloar agatn pre valled wlth tbo court and Mr. Carlotuu'a objectlous were overrulcd. It la expectod tuo jury wuicn waa urawu ior ima caso wbeu au atiempt was made several luontlis ago to bave a hearlng wlU serve at tho comlng hearlng lu clty court. Tho basket ball gatno plnyedntthoYouoR Men'B Christiau Aasoclatlon gymnaaium Frlday evening between scrub teams cap tnlned by E. T, Segulu ani Donuls Camp bell waa qutto largely uttended. Tho game waa ouo slded and unintereatlng, the Se- guln team defeating tho Catupbell team by a sccro of 20 to 10 Tho teams were mado up as followd: Quardi', Segulu, Fitzgerald, Doog, Campbell, Oviatt, Campbell; veutors, Merrlll, I'hillipa; forwarda, Seaulu, Ord way, Darllug J, McDouald; referee, Churlea Wlngj umpire, Arthur l'arady Clty Attoruey Carletou has tendered to T. H. Gordon tho $70 wbich tho city coun cil voted to pay for tlro laud to bo used as u roadway to tho house of George Willette. Mr. Gordon refused to uccept tLo money and Mr. Carloton placed lt ou denoslt Bilb- ject to Mr. Gordon's order ln tbo Cupltal Havinga tmnu. xuo roau, oi wiucu a sur voy has been placed on rccord lu tho clty clerk b ofllce, baa been ordered to bo work- ed and opened to tho puollc. air. uoniou, lt la aald, wlU take an uppeal aud endeavor to have tho clty enjolned from openiug tbo road. Tho clty council to-day took a deed from A. Galaiae for the triangular plece of land iu front of hia house on Jay atreet and in return gavo him a deed for'u aimllar plece at tho corner of Maln and Jay atroets aa tho latter will bo whon worked and atraight ened. Tho clty will also movo hia house off tbo Jav street llno as proposed. The work of movlng tho buildlng was begun to-day oy ueorgo uayuuo, wuo auer compieiiug thls work, wlU movo tho Greoue Syrup uf Tar buildlng to tbo Grahain lot on tho aame street recently purchased by the laugdon estate. The stuto nrcsa ia having no end of fun tbeae daya at tbe expense of the clty Hnuor agency at Montpelisr. Tho ruabing buBl- nesa tne agency ia now uoing, anu iuo va riouB branda and quality of tho llquor sohl are dlscusaed with moro or leaa generally less knowltdgo of auch tblnga. The new cash reglster comea ln for lta aharo of atteu tlou. Ono puper atates that thia register rccordH tho amount and uualliv of tho llu- uor sold, whether for mediciual or aiechau cal purpoaes, tho price pald, purchaser's age, color of oyea aud hair, religloua pref- ereuce und ponticai amuatiou." Clarence Eddv of Chlcago, formorly or- ganist ut Bethany churcb, Montpelier, bas tjocu destguaieu as uationai orgamst ior iuo Parla expoiltiou iu l'JOO. Mr. Eddy la now ut work unou n scheine to ahow tho ad vancemeut tba United States baa mado ln muslc. It is hla purposo to tako the lead- ing vocal and instrumental artlata of tbia country to Paris uud to givo a series of con certH and recltuls at tho axnoaltion. Mr. Eddy lutenda to tako wlth blm the Chlcago orchestra with Theodoro Thoinaa aa leader, and will doubtlesa havo the United Statea wortblly repreaented iu tho inuslcal con- gresses. Wednesdar. Juno 14. ia to bo Alumul day at tbo Montpelier Semlnary. At 10 A. M. tbe buaiueea ineeting of tbe Alumni Assoclatlou will bo held lu tuo lecture room of the Semlnary. Tbe tpeciul buainess will be tho electlou ot ollicera, tho electiou of au Alumnltruateeto 1111 tbo vacancy caused bv tbu uxniration of tbo term of Uou. w. r DUllnguam, anu tne cousuieraiiou ui pmus for thu nromotlou of tho iuteresta of tho Stmluarv by tbo Alumni, At 11 A. M , tho annual uddreM belore tbo Alumul wlU ho lollvered by Itev. A. J. Uuugh of White Itlver Juuction. At the closo of the addrets a cnllutlou will bo served in tbe dining room, to wbich tho Alumni aud truatees' tbe confereuco visltors, tbo faculty and tho graduatlng class wlU bo Invlted. Thu success of tho miustrel entertaiu meutH tn bo giveu lu Korthtlelu, luesuay and Wedaesday evenings, June G and 7, un der tbo dlrection of G. 11. Wilder of thia nltv. la assured. Tho club uuder wbose au splcea tho entertalnmenta aro to bo given 1... ....!.,.. I 1... Mml l llattt)iu tii TYnt- laud, the clever uud tulouled end mau who recently tcorod a great success lu u simllar eutertalnment given ln Itutland, Clarence Van Dauseu of westneiu, aiasa., a atar iu the mlnstrelsy Hue, Burt A. Watormau of Burlington. Jobu u. atanyau oi i-atox Juuctlou aud C. F. Lowo aud L. Freemau Butteifly of thls city, all ol whom are too well knowu to nqulre Bpeclal mention Vext Moudav at 9:30 a. m ut Ehle'a book Btoro lifty reserved seat tickets for each evonlng wlU be piacea on aaie to accommo- date the many wuo uave signiueu tueir iu tentlon of attendlng. Thu members of Brooks Poat. Brooka Ke llef Corps and Geu. Stepbeu Thomas Camp, HnnH of Voteraus. will uttend diviuo ser vicu In a body at tbo Churcu ol the Messtau nnxtHundav mornlng wben the memorial sermon will be preacbed by Kov. J.Edwatd Wrloht. lu the lorenoon oi Aiomoriai uay ilotultH from the Post will decorato tho craves of comradea ln tho several ceine- trlea. At uail puai ouo me paruuo wni form under tho directtou of L. W. Shedd marshal, and aida. The routo of tho tuo .HHfilfm will bo un Maiu street to Snrine Rnrlni7 to Elm. liliu to uourt unu l'.iisiuru Avenue to Stato, Htate to opeiu houso wbero the exerclses will coubist oi singing hv tho Cncllia tluar ette and cmiuren, mu- ai,. iiv haud. memorial servlces bv meiu bers ol Brooks I'ost, recnunous uy iuuuiiu Decker, hottie uillon anu Florence amuii, uud au addresB by Seuator Jouathau Koss nf Rt. .TobuHburv. Tbe commlttee of ar raugomenta from lirooks roat ia mauo up oi Juhn lSlrtel. U- v. LiOioy, . r. truioi mau. Edward Baker aud W. E. I.awsou f,,... itr.wiVj 1(hIIh( Corns. MrK. Kalo Illll. Mra Lavlua Peck. Mrs. Flora Stod daid, Mra, Emma Smith aud Mrs. Mary Jaue Gulltson. wtiiiu RjTiiiml Keves. a resldout of tl Jones Brook district, aud sixty jears old waa drivlug on Htuto atreet wuu u youu Hiitriiod borse, on Saturduy, tho uut. friobtened ut tt trolley car un. bneked tbe carrlaso up ou lu the platform of l). S. Wbeatley's atore. Mr. ii.eyea cou trollml thu borse. however. uuil cuutlnuei dowu the aireet. Wbeu In front of tbo Pa vllloti, Mr. Keyos atopped lo get out of the wagou aud becamo entuugled lu thu reliia, wben tho horae begau to rear aud pluuge aud tlnally fell on Mr, Keyes. The auitual tliau rau up thu street, colllded wlth au Iron iost lu front of J. G. Farwoll'a, break Ing thu post off elos to thu grouud and Biuaahlng tho wagou, II waa seuured by by standers, J. D. Clogston was ln thu wagou but eseapml uuhurt. Mr. Keyes was con vejed iu an ut.couao.ous atalo iuto thu Pa vlhou whero ibruu phvMloUus atteudedblm. lio mxiu rugalned cjuijuauesa uud un ex amiimtlou lalltd to rovoal uuy brokuu bouta but Uh rHcelved severo brulaea ou tho rlgbt slde of hla head. It ia also feared that he is lujurtd luterually us bo baa d.lllculty lu Metri- uora oi hia lamuy woro summoned. Tho roturn dance, given ln Elmore's hall Frlday ovenlng by tbo young men to tbo Themaa club waa a dellghtful affair, and proved a (lttlng cllmax to tho Boason's fos tlvitles. Tho hall was decoratod wlth red white uud bluo btlntlng, palms, forns and potted plants. About thlrty cotiples wero ln attondance. F, W. Morse, II. M. Cutler aud W. 0. Berry acted as a receptlon cotn mlttee, wlth Lt. I!. Donny and S. A. Mosb aa usliorB. Tho lloor mauagera wero O. D. Olarb, C. F. Lowo and P. F. Blodfiett. Tho dalnty danco orders woro drawn by the ladlea. Ou thesu was tho name of tholr partnerM for tho march and Slclllau circle. Each gentleman waa provldod wlth two filnka, ouo of whlch ho preaented to hia ndy partnor. Tho puncb table was pret tlly decoratod wlth red and whilo carna tioos, and durlng tho intormlsslon u dalnty aupper was served ln tbo larpo Forester's hall adjolnlng. Cards tablea wero also pro vlded lu ouo of the auto room, for thoso who dld uot cnre to daucc Tho dance or der lncluded tlfteen nuinberf, for whlch muslo was fumlshed bv tho Montpelier or chestra. The wholo allalr waa planned and carrled out ln a manner that provod the young men to bo competunt und thorough liostn, aa ou u foru.or occajion they hud been deltgbtful guests. A Cauu. Wo, tho undersigned, do here by ugreo to refuud tho money ou u 00 cent bottlo of Greeuo's Warrauted 8yrui of Tar if lt falls tocuro your coughor c.d. Wo al so gunruuteo a 25 cent bottlo tJ i tovo satis- lactory or mouey reiunueu. w. is. Torrill fjo., uuy. Colllna Blakely, Clty. U. A. Sladc, Clty. Lesler II.Greene, Clty. COMINU TO .MOXH'ELIEIt. Admiral aewey's Vlsit to His Itirthplnuc, Tho Now York H'orW correspoudeut at Manlla telegraphed tbat paper Saturday afteruoou that ln au Interview with Ad miral Dewey Loforo ho salled for Uong Koug tbo Admiral aald to him: "When I reacb home I shall go flrst to my brotber's home at Montpelier, Vt., where I was born and ralsed and where I will bo ablo to thor- URhly rest up." Tho norld at once wireu uovernor amuu, Mayor Senter aud lta Montpelier correa pondent, asklug what arrungeinenta had been made or would he mado for a publlc emouatratlon wben tbe Admiral reachoa Montpelier. iu repiy Mayor senter wireu ine i.onu; Montpelier wlU give to Admiral Dewoy mnat beartv welcome. Wo are very proud of our nuval heroea, Admiral Dewey nd uaplain uiarK. we suau uo everj- thlng Iu our power to show our lovo and respect for Admiral Dewey as a man and our appreclation ot him as one of the great eat naval heroea tho world baa ever known. Iu sbort, Montpelier will do everything iu lts power to again welcomo Its inoat dis- tingulsbed son. xuo city loeis most uiguiy bouorod by having tho two groat dlstln- alshed naval oiucers oi tuis war, anu, a wo thiuk, of any war, sons of thla city The Admiral will be welcomed ln our hearta and to our hoinea most eutbuBiaatlc- Tbo statement liiat tuo Aumirai inieuua comlng dlrect to Montpelier on his arrival ls news to tiuarles anu jiuwaru uewey uuu Mra. Mary P. Greoley, brothers and aister of tbe Admiral. They had supposed that after bla New York receptlon, and after bp had reported to tho Preaideut and navy departmout at Washington ho would, later n tbo lall, come to aionipeuer ior a res.. and vislt of eoveral weeka. Thls seems moro reasonablo than that he would at ut onco come to Montpelier. Hon. Charlea Duwey, hia brother, aald thia mornlng, tuat he expected before loug to get a lotter from tho Admiral, iu wbich bla plana after be reaches hia bomo country will bo sat forth. Howover, it takea aeven weeks for a lettor to come from Manlla to Montpelier aud If tho Admlial wrolo ahortly beforo bo left, or writea from Uong Koug, the letter wouiu not reach Montpelier before tho middlo of July. Wo plana Ior tuo Auinirars recepuou at Montpelier have aa ot beeu formulated or discussed. Tho tlmo is umplo for prepara tiou for a celebratlon from whlch all future eveuts of a similar character shall date. It ls probablo that Mayor Senter and Gover- uor Smitu wui, oeiore long, db iu coqbuhh. tion, and that they wlU plau for a recep tlon whieh shall be a Stata affair, laating two or threo days, uud that will lnclude every town and villago lu tho State. Another Octogcnarian. Rev. II.IR. Bunnell, Saturday xeculved tbe congratulations of hia friends at hls home ou Sprlng aireet, on reacuing uis eigutioiu blrthday. , , ,.. Mr. Buunell was uoru iu Jiaremoui, II , May 20, 1810. Hia parenta wero Shel deu and Elizabetb Bunnell. They had a famlly Pf eigbt childreu, threo daughtera and Uve sons, of whlcb one slstar was older than Mr. Bunnell. Four brothora and one slater hava dled. jsir. uunnen uveu wuu hls fathor and worked on the farin unlil he was twenty yeara old. lie men uougut one vear a tlme oi uia lAtuer, anu went irom llOmO, Btlll IOIIUWIUK ioiiuiuk, oi cj- i'ci month, for slx mouthB. Mr. Bunnell waa converted in hia eiRbt oenth year, and haB been a loyal Methodist ever slnoe. uo was iust upiiuiuimi a usr loader, thcn Rlven an exhorter's liconse and tben a local pieacher'a llceuse. Ila was ordalned a local deacon by Blshop E. H. Ames at tho Ihow uampsuiro conieience held lu Portsmouth, N. II., May 8, 1859. Mr. Bunnell baa been marrled tbree ttines. Hls llrat wlfo wna Mlss Sophla O. Duucklee of Newpjrt. N. H.. to whom be was marrled October 18, 1843. Hia second marrlago waa to Miaa Betay Anu Klnuey of Montpelier, October 18, 1800, aud his tblrd marrlago was to Mra. Laura J. Mc Dermid of Montpelier, December 20. 18S3. Mr. Buunell baa been u member of Trlnlty Methodist chuich of Montpelier for tho past seveuteeu yeara, "Aud now lu llfo's lato afternoon, When cool aud louj thu shudowa grow," ho enjojs tho contldetico and affentlouate eBteem of all who know blm. West IJerlln. Mrs. Nuncy and Mlsa Auna Stewart of Moutpeller vlslted at GeorRO Chaso's last Frlduy. Tbo phouoRruph ealled out a full house last Frlday uvnuluR. The Epwortb League waB rlcher by S0 after pajlug expenses. Frauk Worceater and Mark Gllnea roport aawlUR forty-two and ouo-hulf cords of block wood lu thlrtj-nlue huurs for Frauk Audrewa. Tbe barbur sbop was opened Saturday ovhuIiir wlth clgars aud ginger ale. It was well glugered too, judglng by appfarances. Fur partieuiutB mquiiuui uu,n, Mra. liyous of Old Mexlco Ia vlsltlng Mrs. Albert Oulo and Mrs, I.01011 K iblnsou. Sho will be remembered as I.llla Oressey, who lu formur jears llvod lu West Berlin. Garduer Dustiu and several otbera were out. do buutlug buiiday, fortj-slx sbeep having beeu Ullled that mornlug by Wtst Beilln dcgs. Twenty of tbo aheep wero Mr. Diutlu'a. Euergy all nnm? Hoadacho7 Stomach out of onleiV Slmply a caae of torpld llver. Burdock Blood Bilters will uuke a new mau or womau of jou. breathtng when lu a flttlng posture. OSTEOPATHY ASK or write for booklet on Osteoputliy, wliicli gives you a full explanation and knowledge of the science nnd the lest liicthod of treatment known. Osteopatliy is peculiitrly successftil iu the treatment of nervotif dise.ises; and also iu the treatment of discases of wonien, of whlch Mlis. I'. K. Kozklle (1 makes a specialty. All exaiuiimtioiia and treatment by nppointinent. Ofllee hoiim: WILLIAM W. 'bROGK, D. 0. 14 Stuto Stieot, Montlielicr, Vt Teleplione,!33-'-'. 1 GLEASON & 00. Latest Novelties i In Furnitnre Airiving Daily, i Parlor Tabk s, J i Chiffoniers, Couches, Roclers, Chairs, ! Draperics, Side- J t boards, Bcok Cases, ! I Desks, Iron and j J Brass Beds, J I Also the Famous Electric ; Felt Matresses. ; Look through our Ware- ; I rooms and find what ', you want. t Cleason's Corner, Montpelier, Vormont. A. WHIT PIQUE Are the Leaders for Style this summer. e have them for 87 cents, $1.00 and $1.38 each Our Sale For Saturdav. One lot of Brass Exten sion Rods for Lace Draperies Regular price 25 cents, price for Saturday only 1G cents each. VEALE & KNIGHT, 185 North Maln Street, CURRIER BU1LDINC. BARRE, VT. FOR SALE. Tlio Manufacturing Phint of Smith, Whit comb it Cook, locatod in the City of Barre, Vt., eonsisting of tbo foundry, ruuchiuo shop, grist mill, saw mill, water pow er, patteru house, oilice huilding, store housos, nnd other build ings, nieaniiiK nll the rcal estute now owned aud occupied by them, together with nll tbo maeh'mery, toola, patterns and stock, Tho machiuery in foundry and machine shop aro all nearly new nnd of moderu design. Tho locntion isone of the best in New Eng land, nnd the plant is now running to its full cnpacity. 1 m Hegistered by the Uiiiversity of the State of Now York. ISORTHA 1 AND Best in Kverything. For CntaloKue addreu Uaunkl & lloiT. Albany, N. Y. Order your job printing Watchhan Comfany. ol the Vbkmont