Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & S CA.T14 JOUUNAL WEDNESDAl MAY 31 1899. 5 ORANGE COUNTY AGKNCIES OF THE UNION MUTUAL FIRE INSU RANCE CO 1 radford, Stcariis & Joneaj Brookfield, C II. 13igc lowj Chelsea, O. S. EniDry; Corinth, G. C. Hastings, Fairlee, G. L. Winsliip; Newbury, N. U. Tewksbtiryj Randolph, J. II, Eldrcilge; Stratton!, 1). C. Hyde; Thetford, J. E. Wntetninuj Topsham, Dr. II, L. Wnt soni Tunbridge, W. W. Swnu; Veishire, F. I). Itich nrdson; Washington, G, E. Huntington; West Fairlee; II. M. Miller; Williamstown, N. K. Inrnlmiu. F rcmli rr. ctcs, Sl, 319. 306 GO Barre, Vt.-KOMER FITTS --Barre, Vt. VVe are having a two weeks sale and are too busy to enumerate all the good values ve have to offer, but here are a few of them. Tlirco Good Nnvy Blue All Wool Scrgcs, 50-in. widc, G5ct. quality, SOcts Blnck All 'Wool Sergce, 45-in. widc, .... 49 cts 1 lot 50 ct. Funcios ntid Plaids, !i8 in.widc, ... 39 cts Lftdies' Fnst Black IIosc, Scnmless Foct, two pnirs for . . 25 cts Ladics' Vests, Low Neck, Slccvelcss, 3 for ... 25 cts " " " " Short Slcovus, 2 for . . .25 cts Cotton Crnsb, ..... 3 cts. pcr yd Dnrk Print, . . . . . i " " 40-in Uiiblcnchcd Cotton, cxtrn quality. . . 5 " " HOMER FITTS. People's Shoe Store. We have moved to owr new store in Hale's Block, and onv ecial Satur- 75 day Bavgain is Pairs of Ladies' Black Oxfords. JRegulav Price, $1 50. Our Opening Sale Price, 99 cents. W. H. FLINT & CO., 34 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont. I 1-4 and 1-2 Off I On Children's Clothing. $ We have selected about ioo Suits from our Boys' and Children's Department that we shall close out T without regard to cost. Good, strong, well-made all-wool Suits, to be sold at 25 and 50 per cent discount. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in Boys' Clothing. All sizes, frcm 4 to , 15 years. Frank McWhorter, S One Price Clothier. CRANITE BLOCK, BARRE, VT. 4 I OSTEOPATHY IN BARRE. X Oateopathy, while practlcally now, liim been suecessfnlly practicod for nearly 25 years by its founder, A. T. STILL. 08tcopatliy is n rational, scientifio nnd common-senso J method of treating dheasu by reinoving tlio CAUSE. Call and investigate our methods of work, Literature cheerfully furnislied on application. Dr. LEWIS D. MARTIN, Osteopath, Craduato of tho Amorlcan School of Ostoopathy, Klrksvlllo, Mo., and mcmbor a. A. A. O. IMnlnfloId. Manv chlldron havo boon fllck tlio naat ten diiys. U. 0. Shurtleff of Montpollor was in town Thursday. Mra. Wlll l'aeo of Barro, is vlsltlng at N. D. Pago'a. Mra. Oliaso of St. Johnabury ls vlaltlng at Dr. Galo'a. Mra. Itort Galo of Montpoller vlsltod at S. 11, Gnlo'a Frlday. W. W. Pltkln coes to markot Monday, wltli u carload of atock. Mr. and Mra. Kimball Morao of Barro called on frltmda ln town Frlday. Johu Parks baa moved from tlio Austln liouso to hia fathor-ln.lawV, S. Wlllta. Ilnlnn. daunhtor of Gtiorcn I). Peraona, who reoontly moved outo tho Woaloy Gray farm, la serloualy ill wlth braln troublo, Woslev 1. Martin haa cono to Wllliams- towu to Btay a fow daya wlth hla daughter. Mra. Loula Iiupino and Mra. Sarau Dowoy havo beeu vIhIUdk in Montpelier for a few daya. Mra. Ollu Ghaao and dauebter of St. Johnabury are at Dr. F. V. Gale's for a few daya. Mra. Mary Kiddor returna bome wlth her laushter. Mra. Allen Ferriu. of Dltinford. Maaa. Wlll Urown of Malden. Masa.. la apend- Ing a two weeka' vacation iu town wlth rcl-atlvea. U. J). Llttlo moved Fiiday to tho teno ment ovor hla barbur sliop ln tho (Jato buildinf. 0. M. Banorott, who haa been llvlns on tlio Iiomls fartn, has movod hla farally to Peacham, Hev. F. T. Olark wlll hold rolicious aer- vlce.H at the Perklnavlllo achoolhouae, Sun day aftornoon, Jacob and Murton Uutler of East Barro, father and brothor of U. B. Cutlor, viaitod hlm thia woek. Mra. J. O. Sherburne of 8t. Johnabury. who has boen vlsltiuc hor fathor, rotnrnou homo last week. Walter Martin haa boen 111 wlth mumpa, and It Is feared that he la now threatenea wlth typhold fever. Mra. John Worcealer of South Barre apent WedneBday and Thuraday wlth her mother, Mra. Gharles Lombard. Tho nupils of the Bchoola raiaed qulte a large aum of monoy for flowera for liarley Morae aud Paul Gutier. Misa Gertrude Keneraon, toachor In the KIdr dlstrict, went to her bome at Barro Frlday to apend a few days vacation. Mra. John Mooro of 8t. Johnabury who haa beeu vlsltlng .Mra. Mary Kldder, her mother, haa gone to Barro to vlalt a alater. The selectmen havo tho atone for the new Iron brldge out and ready for the abut menta. Tho bridgo la to be In place by Juiy 1. The cravea of the Boldiera buried in tho dlffereut cemeterlea In town were roinein- bered by comrades wlth ilowera. wreathea and flaga Frlday. Tho Montpelier and Wells Iliver railroad are repairing tuo tenemenc in 1110 acauon and brushing up the looka of the waltlng room by the application of a coat of palnt. Dr. II. L. Townaend of Bradford, waa In town a few daya last week to aee Ilorman Townaend hiB father, who la In feeble health. The doctor returned homo Mon day. Horace Batchelder waa at Poacham pond few daya thls week and wblle thero caught a good numbor of flsh. The largeBt trout meaaured elghteen inchea and weigh ed four pounda. A memorlal aermon wlll be nreached ln the Metbodiat church Sunday morning. At aeven r. M., there wlll be a vesper aervice wlth au address by the paBtor on "A Youug Woman'a Cholce." Tlin little dauchter of Mr. and Mra. Nel- son Morae dled on Sunday. Thia makes two children thoy have loat ln a week. They have the aympathy of the community lu tlielr groat atiucuon. Very Intereatlng Memorlal Day exerclsea by tho school children were beld In the village school building Frlday aftornoon. AU dld exceedingly well in thelr aeveral larts, wnicu were usteneu to uy a mucu arcer number of parents aud patronB than haa been cuatomary here. Tho funeral of Paul, tho eleven year old aon of Cllnton Cutler, waa held Saturday from the liouse, Itev. Ktlle K. Jones ol Barre, ofllclatlnB. Rev. F. T. Glark alao attended on Saturday the funeral of Ilarlle, the aix year old chtld nt Nelson Morae. The school children sent ilowera for the two fanerala. Brlef patriollc ezerciaea were woll ron- dered by the puplla of the village school Frlday aftornoon. Kecitatlona by Kaymona Parka, Walter McLeod and Allce Iludson. Hlatory of tho ilag, flag song, flag ezerclees, nuotaliona and moliona songs completed the nrozramme whlch waa well rendered. Mr. White coea to hia bome ln Walden and thero wlll bo no raore achool until Wednea- day. A Oaud We, the underaignod, do hero by agroe to refund the money on a CO-cent battle of Greeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falla to cure your cough or cold, Wo alao guarantee a M cent bottle to prove aat- iafactory or monoy reiunueu. F. T. Carr, East Montpelier, E. W. Gilman, Marshfield, E. F. Leavitt, Plainfield, A. Blias, Sodom. i 85 Miles' New Cranito Block, 0FF1CE IIOURS : At Williamstown, Wcdnesday and Saturday, 9 to 12 A. M - BARRE, VT. 1 !) to 12 A. M.. 1 Monday. Tuesday, Timrsday ( 1.30 to 1 P. M. j and Friday, a'. Barre. fSSTelephone Connection, PIERGE & FLETCHER, photographers. CURRIER BUILDING, BARRE, VT. 185 North Main Street, Successorsto F. E. Colburn. When desiring PHOTOGRAPHS call on us and we will use you well. VIEW, COMMERGIAL AND INTERIOR WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Parties wishing ViewF, Grouj s, Interior cr Commercial Work made drop us a caid and we will be pleased to call. Children's Photos a Soecialtv. Woodbury, ErneBt Doty haa the frame up for hia now uouae, as alao uaa muo uarr. Fhllo Warren la putting In the bank wall ln front of Mra. Uammel'a liouso. Ilenry McKlnatry hna demollahed hla old barn and ls rapldly puahlng the no'V one to completion. 0. A. Wataon la having a large sale of top bUL'cles and road wagona wlth hatneeaea thrown in at about half price. Hiram Smlth baa exchanged hia cottage at the Conter wlth G. A. Wataon for hia cottage and five acrea of ground near the top of Burnham lnll. Mra. Fred Iloar met with a painful acoi dent last weok whllo taklng a carrlage drivo. Bome part of the harneaa gave way and aho waa thrown out, breaklng sonio of the uones In ono loot. On account of continned 111 health and the illnesa of hla aon, G, W. Foster has placed his farm and peraonal property on tne inarKet lor aaio, or excuange ior nearuy village or city property. Tho efforta of a few publlo apirlted citi zeua to organize a brasa band are meetlng wlth well merltod Bucceas. W. 0. Danlela la at the head of the movement, and ho haa not yot learnod the meaning of tho word fail. M. E. Fostor, who haa beenln noor health slnce last JJecemuer, atarteu ior Mortu uar ollna laat Tnurauay. ue goea on tne au vfce of a notoil apeclallat ol Uoaton, Ur, Itice. whom ho conaulted two weeka aeo Hia addresa for theprosent will bo Ashboro, M. U. Moat ol tho granlte quarrlea ln town are runnlng on fnll time, and large qnantltlea are ueing Blilppeu ually to outsiae pointe riio d leiouer 1 ompany 18 uoing a conatant iv lnoreasiuc uueiuess undor wr, ifiotcuor able managnmont. The Woodbury Granlte uompany, uessra. lilckford es More uo iug practlcally uothlng. Tho Can't-Lay.Up.A.Cciit C'lub At lta laat meotlng voted not to admlt man who applled for momberablp becauso he waa a Llfe Inauranco Agont, and they thongbt ho mlght taik ehop ln the clnli room. You eoe a man who InaureB la aavlng mouey in apite oi uimauii, Natlonal Llto Innurauco Comnanv of Ver mont, S. S. Ballatd, General Agent, Mont peuer, vt. Marshfield. Mra. Hannah Iloud la qulto 111, Mra. S. K, Harrinaton ia vlnilincr in Dan ville Mra. 0!l,o Golo of Worcnaler. Is In town for a fow wtioltB' stuy atnoug frlonda. Mra, Imua Gould of Eaat Hardwick. Is vlaitlng hor daughtor, Mrs, E. h. Burnhain, Tho nostolllco wlll b cloaod on Memorlal Day from 12:30 to .') r. M, and atter aovon ln tho ovoniug. Somo of tho vouueer echolara of tho vil- laao aohool mado iulto a ro.ipoctablo parado upou Main atreet Monday aftornoon wlth drutns and accordlan for mualc. Flaga botli Amorlcan aud Oubati wero iu abuudauco, W. E. Lamberton had a valuablo hora takon Blok Sunday. Ho sont to Plainfield for Ezoklol Skinner, votorinary aurgeon, wiio camo up una lounu a aticK loiigeu croBswiao In the horao'B throat whlch ho auccoedod in romovlug aud tho aulmal la all right. A Cakd. I wlsh to thauk iny friends and patrona for thelr very llberal patronago ln tho past and announco that lti tho uoar futuro I wlll havo somo special offers to mako In connection with a lino of frult and coufectlonary whlch I purpoao to carry thia aummer. Look for amall handbllla an- nounciuc aamf. Truatlng that by fair iloal- tng I may merlt a conllnuance of your favora, I am vory reapoctfully youra, ALVI x. UAVIB. A thirtv.four Inch caBt lron nulley that runa the board Baw at Wood Brothera' mlll at Klnnoysvllle, burat Monday noon of laat woek and the saw, arbor and boxea flew out of tho frame. Plocea of caat lron, belta and wood went flying ln all dlrectlona about tho mlll. Fortunatolv no one waa liurt. Ghet saya that It Is rathor apecullar slght to seo a mty-lour incn aaw wniriing in apaco, nui that lt doea not glve a man a very comfort ablo foeling, especlally If thoy Btand aa noar to it as he did. Tho roport caused by the breaklng up of the machluery waa Ioud enough so that lt waa hoard by Mra. Wood at tho boardlng house. Fred Snencer waa takine Wlll Plke bome wlth hla corn plantor ono day last week and when noar D. II. Loveland'a thoy botli got out of the wagon to get a drlnk at a sprlng. Tho horae, a broncho, upon notlc- lns tuo wacon minus urivers ior an lnatant ovidently thought it a good opportuulty to seek lifo ln moro pleasant placea, at any rato. tlio ne cubora wlio tiearu tne uin anu saw hlm Bpeedlng by thought ho waa ln a hurry to get aomewhere. His capera were doomed to dlaapp'olntment, however, for he waa caplured neur u. h,. unuuon'8, mmua wacon and nlanter. whlch wero acattered along the road ln a sorry condltlou. Moral, don't drlnk. Mra. H. F. Wooda of Bethel, la tho guest of Mr. aud Mra. A. T. Davia. Mra. 8. Swerdferger la at Greensboro, caring for erBlater Mra. i' u oaimon, wuo is quue 111. Mrs. Mark Bllss la alowly recov- erlng from a sevore attack of acute catarrh- al fever. d . a. uiayton anu u. uamp bell of Barre, were in town lasUweek look lng for horaea. D. K. Tibbetts haa engaged to do tlm atone work on the base ment of the Adams' block. J. Ward Garvor, buaineas manager for tho Goddard Record. and all the other atudenta at that somlnary from thls place, caine bome to atay over 8nnday and Memorlal Day. Mr. anu JNirs. w. 11. 11. raears woro in Plainfield Sunday, to attend the funeral of Paul, the eleven year old Bon of Cllnton Cutlor. Mra. Meara was also thero previous to bis death to help care for hlm . The underplnnlng.for tuo iiurary uumilng wui be of Woodbury granlte. P. G. Bemls hai takon the contract to draw lt. Chelsea. Annle E. Goss vlslted ln Barre laU week. Mrs Emeline Waterson has returned bome. E. N Bacon and wife are vlsltlng in Han- over, N. H. Hale K. Darling haa been qulto Blck, but ia now lmprovlng. F. L. Beckwlth la In Danville for three weeka dolng dental work. Oren A. Burbank and aon of Somervtlle, Maaa., are at h. A. Burbank'a for a few daya. Uov. A. J. Eaatman and J. M. Comatock attonded the couuty conference of Congre gatlonal churchea at Newbury last week. We noto another honor for Charlea K. Darling in hia election as colouel of tho Sixth reglmeut. Masaachusetts Volunteor mllltla. The Christian Endoavor aociety of the Gongregatlonal church wlll glve a inlssion ary exorclso on Alaska in the church next Sunday evenlng. Mary E. Earle haa been at M. 0. Cuburn's for a low daya. Sbo haa finiahed working at Hanover, N. H., and la now to work ln a famlly at Kaat uarnarci, It ia renorted that Ii G. Aldrich and Mra. Ittchard Smith, who have returned to town alter an abaence of neveral weeka, were married last week in New Hampshire. Samuel Crafta haa recently put up a fine monumentof Waahington granlte ln Higb land cemetery. Tho Btone was nnt un by the Warren Graulte company and la aald to have coBt S7C0. Susau E. (Jackson), wife of John 0. Lou- zee. (1 eu on uaturuay, aceu lorty-aeven. An autopsy waa held on Monday morning to uetermino tne cauae oi iioatu, wnicn was found to be catarru ot tne bowels. Congreaaman Grout haa procured for the Grand Ariny post a thirty-pound Parrott gnn, of the condemned caunon dlatributed bv the covernment, wlth twelve aliellc. and money ia ueing raiaea uy auuacripiion 10 pay lor lta tranaporcauon irom noatou. The aelectmen have decided to ronlaco the wooden brldge near the court houae, now much ln neod of repalra, by an lron bridge. The contract has been glven to the Groton Brldge Manufacturlng compauy of Urotoo, JN. x., tne uriuge to ue in piace in about two montna. The annual memorlal aermon was nreach ed in tho Congrogational church on Sunday mornlncr nv uev. Mr. eaatman. itev. Mr. Allen finda that his health will not allow him to dellver tho addreaa on Memorlal Day and hla vacation baa been extended for two weekB. Rev. Mr. Eastman la to take hla placo on Memorlal Day. South Cabot. Jamea Iloughton of Peacham waa at W. A. Hanacome'a ovor Sunday. Georcre uariey anu wuo oi uaiais aro stonoinc at l. IS. wooawaru'a. : i.ouaaoutuwlck waa at home from l'lalutlold over Sundav Bome forty frleuda anu nolghbora of Mra. Levl Atmna met at nor nome laat Frl dav evenlng to help her enloy her birthdav xne jauiea' aiu wim noiu a soc able in the hall next Frlday evenlnc. Everv body la tnvited. The ladiea are renuested to bring caue. mrs. f ranic raimer ol North Danville waa at II. N. Glark'a laat Sundav. Ira Ileed and wife and George Morao and wife vUited In Randolph tne lasioi mo wook. A Gaiid. We the underalgued. do herebv agree to refund tho money on a CO cent bot tfii of Greene'a Warranted Syrup of Tar lf it falla to cure your couch or cold. Wo alao guarantee a 26 cent bottle to provo Batlafac- tory or monoy reiunueu. Wella, Boylea & Rogers, Cabot. Morae Brothors, Cabot. S. 0. Voodry, Cabot. Groton. 0. E. Bhepard of Marshfield waa in town one day last week , W. B. Ladd waa In St. Johnabury xliursuay. Mls Dolla Hatch la working ln Ryegate. : W. A. Whltehlll ia lmprovlng from hla re oent alckneas, Mr. and Mra. G. II ICnox were vlsltlng iu Peaoham ono day laat woeK, : uurtia uarponter waa l Waahington over Saturday and Sundav N. C. Wrlght of North Havorhill was ln town one day latt week, , Mrs Frank Klttrldgo is auite low and not ex pected to recover. Sbo ia Buffertng wlth cancer. Burt Ilooper of Hardwick waa vlBtting ln town laat week, The (Irm of Hood & Leet haa been dlasolved Mr. Leet wlll contlnue tho bualnoaa. Ilrndlord. Capt. E. II. Nyu la vMtlug in Gluvor. Mra. J. G. Norcrosa la visltlncr relatlvea ln Iloston. Hon. E. D, Rodlnctnn of Clilcnco Bnont Sunday wlth Col, and Mra. J. U. Stearns. Tho ladiea unlou nraver moetlng wlll bo hold Frlday aftornoon wltli Mis. Frank Lamb. Mra, Blanche M. Ronfrew from Llttleton. N. II., la vlsltlng wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Waidon. E, J, Baglov ia aasiated iu tlio uxnroas butlness durlug tho absence of Captaln E, II. Nyu. Dr. E. A. Stauley of Waterbury waa Iu towu ovor Sunday aud called upou a few of hla many friends. About twonty from here attonded tho coucort glven by SoUBa'a band Wodneaday eveulng at St. Johusbury. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Chaeo roturned Sat urday from Uoaton where they have been apeudlng several daya. Mrs. G. A. Dlckoy went to St. Johnabury on the tarly truln Sunday morning for n Bhort vlalt wlth Mr. aud Mra. II. J. Belfast. Mrs. T. G. Bronsou returned to her homo at Greensboro Frlday aftor a short vlslt wlth her paronta, Mr. and Mra. W. B. D, Avery. Georso Kenyon who haa boen omployed at St. Johnabury for the paat few months nas nnisuou tuere, roturning uomo uunuay morning. Mra. H. B. Ohamberlln and little daugh tor returned to Bradford last Monday. and aro occupylng thelr rooma ln Mra. O. A. Baldwln'a realdence. Tho weekly outmit of cream from our local croamory la 17,000 gallona por week. Tho patrona rocelved nlnoteen centa a pound for Aprll butter. Davld S. Conant and H. C. McDuffeo wero at North Thetford threo days of laat week attendlng a auit between II. Waro and a Mr. Blood. Mr. Conant waa an at- torney on thecaao. Tho aoclable at W. E. Young'a Wednea- day evening waa the event of tho Beason. It waa attended by over two hundrod of our townapeople who aro lond in pralsea of the receptlon tendered them by Mr. and Mrs. xoung. Mlas Georgia L. Erwln who has been suf- feriug for the past two weeks wlth a aevere attack of tonsllitis haa recovered sufllclent ly toasaume hor place at the teiephone ex change oQlco, much to the gratltlcation of lta many patronB Unlou Memorlal aervlcea were held at the Congregatlonal church Sunday wlth an ap propriate aermon by the pastor, Rev. H. T. Barnard The aervlcea wero attended by the Grand Army, tho Sona ot Veterana, tho Woman'a Itelief Corps and twenty-flve who wore inembers of Company G, Flrat Ver mont regtment. They were iu full uniform, nu undor command ol tuelr lormer cap taln, U. T. Johnson. Buslneas was practlcally suspended on Tuesday, each one feeling it a duty and an bonor to romember tne uerolo dead. At uluo o'clock the veterana and Rellef Corpa met at Grand Army hall where coininit teos choaen for tbe purpoae went to the cemetery to decorate the reatlng placea of tne uouored deau. ln tne alternoon ap pronriate exerclsea were held at village hall lncluding an addross by Hon. J. H. Gould- mg oi Wilmington. Wuitsllold Frank Green ls at home. John Joalln ia at hia fathor'a. Dr. Bldwell was ln town Monday. Plan to attend Children's Day exerciaea. Gharles Clay ls about to vlslt friends ln southern Vermont. P. B. Gavlord and lamllv wlll anend a week iu Brookfield. J. L. Baird aud 1. H. Chipman cach auld good horse laat week. C. A. Reed of Medford. Masa.. Is ln town on busiueaB for a few daya. A few couple of our young people took a tilp to Granville on Sunday. Several attended the Odd Fellows dance at Warren Monday evenlng. A numbor ot aummer vlsitors are oxpect- ed to arrive ln Waitsfield soon. A fine programme was presented in the Waitsfield school Monday alternoon, Rev. William Ganley having accented a call from the Congregatlonal aociety begins bli work .-uno4, Mr, and Mra. Lote Sarage ot Proctor aro vUlllng at Mra. Savage'a parentB, Mr. and airs. u. xti caion. Stenhon Nelson and Mrs. Lizzle Wake- fleld ot Fayaton wero married Tuesday even lng by Rev. Mr. Miller. Mrs. Miller of Boaton will soon come with her children to apend the summer at the hoine of her brothor, J. R. Brown. Mlas Lillian Porter will take ckarce ot the Epworth Leaguo aervice next Sunday evenlng. Subject: "Whoat and Tares," Matthew 13 24-30. Albert Farr dled May 24. He had been 111 for more than a year. His romains were bome to the Waitsfield cemetery and were followed by a large company of mournlng relatlvea and irienua. The remalns of Davld Gleason of Water bury were broagtit uere on Sunday and in terred in hla famlly lot in the village ceme tery. Mr. Gleason waa a former well known and respected realdent of thia town Be sure to come to the ladiea' aupper ln tho Metbodiat church Tuesday evenlng. June 6. Strawberrlea and cream and cake wlll ho aerved. Mra, Mlller'a well tralned class wlll glve an entertalnment after aup per. The Memorlal aervlcea ln tbe Metbodiat church were well attended, Rev. Mr. Mil ler preached from II Tiiu 2-3. Rev. Pliney Flsk asaiated ln the exercises. Mr. MoAl- lister had charge of tbe mtislo. All aeemed to regard tho aervlcea aa pleaaantand protit-able. Roxbury. M. H. Dickluaon and wife were iu Mont peller on Wednesday. Mrs. Dr. I. H, Fisk of Montpelier drovo to town on xuursuay returning on ifriday, Itev. Walter Dole of Northfield wlll preach In the Unlversaliat church next Sun. day atturee o'ciock. N. D, Rlce waa ln Granville one day laat week. Whlle there Mr. Rice canght four- teen pounua oi trout. Pearl Flint and Mlsa Mattie Dunamoor wero married ln Northfield on Woduesdav by Rev. Walter Dole. Harry Dunamoor, a brotuer oi tne uriue, oiiss mauei uow, cousln ot tho groom, Goorge Edwarda and Mlaa Eliza Roberta acted as groomsmen and brldeamalds, The young couple have the best wlshes of a bost ot friends ln town East Roxbury. Rev. and Mrs. N. M. Shaw and daughter were guests at u. u. iiuck a recontiy. Somo ot tho farmera have finiahed thelr aprlng'a work, Tho grasa and graln are looking (Inely. Mrs. Steve Holdon and llttlo daughter vlsited her pareuta ln urooknoiu iast uat day and Sunday. Theforest caterplllar has made lta appear ance here and ls working on full time on inaple and applo treea. Whllo Emmona Howo waa drlvlng down near the cider mlll ln Brookfield recently tho pole to bla wagon broko whlch frlght ened tho borsea ao they ran maklng wreck of hla wagon, He escaped Injuries by jumping. anutrii, Sumurr &- $ Htuaui WORCESTER, MASS. CLOAK ROOMS Ladies' Govert, Venetian and Clotli Suits AHB NOW 15EINO OFFEKED AT CLEARANCE REDUCTIONS. $lo and $12 Suits, $15 to $20 Suits, .... And bigher grades at relative discount prices. Jackets, formerly $5, marked Jackets, formerly $8 50, now SUMMER HOSIERY. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. $6.98 $11 75 $298 H.98 Lidics' Ilermedorf black lielu threud ; Hose, pluin or drop stilch ribi, or Mbco yurn, faet black cotton lti prc-t v cIuhU r I ribs, 25 CTS I'Elt I'AIIt Lidioa iugraiu black thrcad Iloao with white Bolcs, P08itivuly CO ct. qiml ity, 'i PAIRS FOlt 81 00 Lidieb' ingrniu liilo thrcad IIoso in fustiionable ""th'idta of tnu and peurl grey, CO ct. grude, 39 CTS. PAIR Ij'idif.s' jiauze llsle threud, b!ack or ccru, ihtti as a cobweb 37 12 CTS PAIU Lnlies' dark ecru bnlbrigcun IIosc, will not blepch, 25 AND 37 1 2 CTS. PAIIt Lidies' II no aauzo imported last black cotton, with doublo solcs, special vnluo at 10 CTS. PEU PAIB Misses' lxl (lne ribbed faet black cot ton hose, doublti kneea nndsolea, splen did for wenr, 3 PAIRS FOR CO CTS White lisle thrcad nnd ailk Hosiery, plum openwork und embroidercd, suit ablo for groduution or wedding?, all grades, from 39 CTS. TO S3 7G PER PAIR Ladies' openwork lielu tbrcad Hose, blnck or tnna, all overa and boot s ylea itjh tndiomo lace etTects, best 75 cent grude?, 50 CTS. PER PAIR BARNARD, SUMNER & PUTNAM G0 - - WORCESTER, MASS. HOW IT LOOKS Tbe holdcr of a matured Endowment Policy in the Equitable Soclety eends the followini; grapbic illustration of his feelings: "Twenty years ago when I was induced bj u persistent agent to take out my Ethiowment IVlicy, Ihe prenvum Inoked very large aud nppeared to tne liko thi:-: $49.79 While the Etidowniont, looked at throueh the wrong end of.the teltscope of twen'y years, nppeared like this: Sl ,000.00 Now, my policy hns matured, and cotring just when I need money, the result of iuj po) cy lookslike thi?: IT DOES CURE. Dn, Gmddcn's RriKUMATia Cunu, the aliKAT remedy for RheumatUm, Constipatloii and Ileadache is ln liquid and pills. Prioe complete S1.00. opocial attentiou to mail orders. If unable to get it of your drugeut aeixl too. A. iloward, iNew llampton, K, 11 For sale by Harry A. olade, Montpelier. $1,568.02 While, looking hack at tl.e nnuual premiums I have paid, and realiz ing that they are amountB that would have heen saved in uo olher way, this is tbe uppearnuee they have: $49.79." IOO Church Street, BURLINGTON. VT. W. H. S. WHITCOMB, Manager. COOD HOUSEKEEPINC. THE HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, an authority on all topics connccted wlth homo-maklng and homo -kooplngartlclos ombodylng the bost mothods of proparing, cooklng and sorvihg food. Dopartmonts do votcd to Mothors and Chlldron, Education, Tho Flowor Cardon, Entortalnmonts, Etc. Note the reduction in price from f 2 to Sl per year. Sanip!e copy on roceipt of postal if you mention tho Vkhmont Watchjian. A FAMILY MAGAZINE Conclucted in the INTERESTS OF THE HIGHER LIFE OF THE HOUSEHOLD. Publlshod monthly by CEORCE D. CHAMBERLAIN, Sprlngflold, Mass. Supply of Copper Decreasing. We belleve tliat tlinra is a large amount of avatlable capltal lu Vermont for tuveat mnnta ln coDner atock". If th Inveatnr could feel ussured of fair treutmnnt and that they would bn dealt wlth HONESTLY. Iu taklng np the ONI TED VERDE JDNIOR COP PER MINING propoaltlon wo havo ondeavotod to aurround lt wlth every SAFEQUARD oBlble to INSUUE THIS aud to eatttblUh byond a rrasonablo -loubt that there Ia a ilEUIT ln the PROPERTY IT8ELK, ao that our ctiHtomera Bhould not be vlctlmlzed as Ia so otten the cace. The future of Oopper cannol be problematloal, uotwlthatandlng the enormous iucreaae of productlon In thls coiMtry, the vlslble aupply of Oopper ln London la con Btantly decreaBing. A promiuent leador in Copper aaysi "From all preaent indlcatious now nolther you or I wlll llvo to aee Copper ugaln aelling at 10 centa." The Inveator of ioday who uaea his judgement, and puta hla monoy Into atlll unde veloped but good propettlea, will dupllcate the attcceca of hla predeceaaora and MAKE MONBV. Full partlculara on application. KNOTT & CLOSSON, Btock, Dond and Commtealon Brokera, 13T St. Paul 8t., ntirllngton, Vt.