Newspaper Page Text
wimmt ooooooooooeo O TKKMB, I'AID IN.ADVANCH, Ono Year 81,60 O 2 Elnht Months 1.00 5 8lx Montlit 75 g S If not l'nld In Advnnce, o O W3.00 n Vonr. O ooooooaoooo r oooioioiooocr DCHDI C wam a lui o I LUI UL 2 " I'Al'KJl XUfc r o ruiiMSnHDFOiiJ-y,L2 o o o ooooooooooeoe VOL. 94-4864. MONTPELIER, VT. WEDNESDAT JULY 5, 1S99. NUMBER 26. L. P. & H 0. GLEASON Silk and fVluslin Tuckings, All Over Laces, Silk Braids and Cuimps, White Corded Silks, 8 Inch Ribbons, ! Roman Stripes, Soft Finish Taffeta Silks, Liberty Satins, Spun Class Linings, Mercerized Skirtings. THE LATEST, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Linen Collars, Neckwear, Belts and Buckles. Hair Ornaments, Cloves and Hosiery can always be found at CLEASON'S BUSY CORNER, Just take a look and you will be surprised to see how good a suit of Clothing you can buy for a small price at A. D. Famvell's Supply of Copper Decreasing. We belleve tbat there ln a large ftmomit of avallable cupltfil in Vermont (or lnvest mentB in copper stock", if the invpstor coulil feel asBUred of fair treatment and that tbey would b dealt witb HONESTLY. In taktng np tbe UNITED VERDE JtJNIOR COP PER MININQ proposltion we bave endeavotod to surround it wltb every SAFEQUARD Soaslble to INSURE THIS and to establish beyond a reasonabla Hoi'bt tbat tbere is a ERIT in tbe PROPERTY IT8ELF, so tbat onr customers sbould not be vlctimized as is so ofton tbe caso. Tbe future of Copper cannot be problematical, notwitbBtandiug tbe enorinous increase of production in tbls country, tbe viaiblo supply of Copper in London is oon stantly decreasing. A prouiinent leader in Copper says: " Froui all preseut indlcations now neltber you or I will ltve to see Copper agaiu selllng at 10 centa." Tbe Investor of ;oday wbo uses bia judgetnent, and puta bls money into stlll unde Teloped but gooil propertles, will ilupllcate tbe suocess of bis predecessora and MAKE MONEY. Full particulara on application. KNOTT & CLOSSON, Stock. Bond and Coramisaion Brnkera, 137 8t. Paul St Burlington, Vt. FOR SALE OR TO RENT, The Property known as the Stafford & Holden Manufacturing Company Plant, in Barre. Consisting of large brick shop 200x40 feet. A Grist Mill 1COX20, store room 100x30. Two water wheels, 130 horse power. Located on railroad track. Fitted more for a lumber business. ENQUIRE OF NATIONAL BANK OF BARRE. HOW IT LOOKS The holder of a matured Endowment Policy in the Equitablo Society Eends the following graphic illUBtration of his feelingd: "Twenty yearB ago when I was induced by a persistent agent to take out my Endowment Policy, the prcmium looked very large and appeared to me like tbia: $49.79 While the Endowment, looked at through the wrong end of the teleBcope of twenty yeara, appeared like this: S 1 ,000.00 Now, my policy haB matured, and coming just when I need money, the result of my policy lookslike tbie: $1,568,02 While, looking back at the annual premiums I have paid, and reallz ing that they are amounts that would have bcen Baved in uo other way, this is the appearance they have: $49.79. W. H. 100 Church Street, BURLINGTON, VT. HORSEBREEDERS ATTENTION, S. WHITCOMB, Manae:er. CAIUtlAOE Horses and Gentle- MEN 8 UOADSTEits are always in demaud By Abraham, by Danlel Lambert, with datn lirAAill nrr irint w a ilr tn 1 1 r ... t, 1 r. I .. .n Benodict Morrlll and Peck'g Black Hawk, baB slred more roadsters and market horses than any borae in Vermont. in ljve conaecullvo yeara, for one thouaand """"' nniilULB BIUUK 18 HOUgllt Oy borae buyor.s. Tbia NOTKD llnr.Mna. imi 1 all tbe prlme of llfe, will rnake tho soason of 1899 mi iua Buuiiu oi ms owner. JP. O. LITTLH, WIlliamitoAvn, Vermont, at the pbenomenal low aetvlce fee of - $7.00 TO WARRANT. rUBLIBHED BVXBT WDHHDAT BY The Vermont Watchman .Company, At MontDdlior, Vt. HuslncsB Moro Mentlon. Tho ancients believcd tbat rboumntism was tho work of n demon witb n a man Any ono wbo bas bad an attack of aciatio or inflamtnatory rbonmatlam will agroo tbat ine muiction is aomomao enougb to warrant tho bolief. Xt baa never boen clalmed that unamberiain'a raln Balin would east out demona, but It will curo rbeurnatlsm, and bundredB bear testtmonv to tbe trutb of tbia statement. One application rolleves tho pain, anu tbls qulok relief whicb lt aflorda is alono worth manv tlmes Itn ccint. Fnr salo by O. Blakelv and W. E. Terrlll. Drutr. glsts. Frefarb for BrniNa. Don't let tbia soason overtako vou beforn vnti hnvn nt. tended to tbe ltnportant duty of purlfylng your uioou wuu iioou'S Barsapauna. uy takincr tbls niedlcine now vnu nav nnvn aicknesa tbat will mean timo and money as well as sufforlne later on. Hood's Sarsapa rilla will glvo you rich, rod blood, good ap petlte, good dlgestion and a aound, hoalthy oouv. it, is tue greatest anu nest apring meuicino uocauso lt la tne unn xrue Hlonrl Purlfior. Its unequalled rocord of marvel- ous cures baa won for lt tbe confldence of tbo wbole peoplo. DOES COPVBE AORBK WlTH YoU? If not. drink Qrain-O madefrom nurn crainH. A lady writes: "The flrat time I made Graln-0 I did not llko lt but after ualng it for ono woek nothlng would lnduce me to go back to coffee." It nourishea and feeds tho syatem. The cbildren can drlnk it freelv witb creat benetlt. It k tlinRtrnnirth. ening aubstance of pure graina. Get a package to-day from your grocer, follow tho dlroctions ln making it and you will bavo a delicloua and bealtbful table bever age for old and young. Flfteen centB and twentyllve centa. Do you want anvtblnc ln tbo lino of drnga and medlcinea no matter what? If so call on Fred A. Ainaworth, proprietor of the new 'Wllliamatow drug-store, on Depot stroet, one door east of J. K. (Lyndo'a atore If, percbance, be may not have ezactly what you dealre. he will aim to sunnlv lt in tbe sborteat poaaiblo time. If good gooda and honeat pricea and aquare dealing will do it, he ls bound to aecuro a fair sharo of publio patronage. Sewing-machino suppllea and a popular line of Btationery are apecialtles. Glvo him a call. A CARD OF TuANKS. I wiflh to nav tbat T feel nnder laatinc oblicrationa for what Chamberlatn'a Cough Remedy baa done for our famlly. "Wo have used lt in so many cases of cougha, lung troublea and whoop ing cougb, and lt baa always given tbe most nerfect aatiafaction. we feel crreatlv indeht- ed to tbe manufacturera of this remedy and wisb tbom to please accept onr hearty thanka. Reapectfully, Mrs. S. Dott, Des Moinea, Towa. For salo by C. Blakloy. W. E. Terrlll, Druggiata. Anti-Snloon Leafrue, A laree concrrecratlon cathered ln Bethanv cbuich Sunday evenlng to listen to an ad dress by Hon. Frank Plumley of Northfield in the interests of tbe Antl-saloon leaguo. A flhort lntroductory praise aervice waa conducted by Secretary Morrlll and prayer waa offered by Rev. 0. 0. Jndkina. Hev. Ur. Norraan oeavor explalned tbe eatablishment and purpoaea of the State and national Antl-aaloon loaguo and pleas antly introduced Mr. Plumley. The latter poke lor forty minutea. Uis addresa was loauent and forcoful and was cloaelv fol- lowed. He diacusaed brieily tbe hlgb li conse and prohlbilion ideaB, tho attitude of members of the leaguo and of the total ab- tainer, anu closed wltb an earnest appoal o all to stand iby the lawa now on the atatute books. Followlnc the publlc aervice a buaineas meotlng of tbo league was beld in tbe chapel, at whlcb Uev. J. Edward Wrlgbt, preBident pro tem, preaided. Tbe commlt teo appointed at tbo meetlng beld last Mon day evenlng, to nomlnate tbree members irom eacu cburcu anu congregatiou to serve with the paators aa an oxecutivo council reported through Ii. K. Peck, cbalrmau of tbe committee. Tho following were nomi nated and elected: From the Church of the Messiab, Albert Jononnott, Josepb B. Morse, Nye L. Smith; from Bethany church, T. J. Deavitt, C. H. More, D. 8. Wheatley; from Triuity church, M. L. Beardsley. E. A. Nutt, Bruce McDonaldj from the Bap tist church, Dr. E. E. Beemau, F. A. Carr, Carl Walbridgej from the Evangelical church, H. 0. Hopklna, Mrs. H. C. Hop kina, Mra. 8. A. Dewey. It was voted tbat tbe nastors of tbe Enls- copal and Catbollc cburches, tbe Young Men'a Chrlatian Aasociation, and the Wom- an's unrlBtian Temperance Unlon be cor dially invlted to nomlnato repreaentatives in tbe executivo council, and join in tbe work. A large nnmber of additional names bave been placed upon tbe enrollmont blanks, and many new algnaturea were se- curea bunuay evenlng. To Stop Foolish Argiiment we will admlt that probably you will die at an opportune time, aa you mnst die some tlme. Nodoubtyour debta will all be paid by your billa receivable, that your partners ln banine8s will use tbe famlly all right, etc. But men have dled lnonnortunelv. Billa receivable bave been known to sbrlnk and be dlsputed wbere tbe party of tbe nrst part liad narted: creditora have been known to "hop on" to tbe qulck caah as- aetB; ouaineBa partnera nave been anspect ed of cleaving to a large sharo of the aasets. and bosldes, Llfe Inaurance does not do any barm any way. National LiUe inaurance Comnanv of Ver mont, S. 8. Ballard, General Agent, Mont pelier, VI. South Ryegate Mtsa Jeannlo Hall went to Boston last Monuay to apenu ber summer vacatlon. Mlsa Neaner McDonald la at home from Barton to spend her summer vacatlon. Tbe farmera will becln bavlni! in earnoBt tuia weeK mu tue prospecta are lor a abort crop. Kobert uoarser anu lamtly will aoon move to Dallou, N. II., wbero they havo purchaaed a larui, Tbe eranlte buainesa shut down laat Mon day noon in order to glvo the belp plenty of ume o prepare iiiemaeivea lor tue f ourtn WiUlo Darllng baa hlred for tbe prosent with Beattle & Nelson to asBlet Mr. Porter ln tno reed atore, beglnnlng next Thurauay Wlllle Farquebarsnn will close bia labors ror xerry ueorce tuia week. Kdwanl Wallonof Montpelier will take his place The Ladles Aid of tbo lleformed Freabv. terlan ohurcb will glvo an lce cream and oake feBtlval in tbe Ohrlatlan Endeavor room next Saturday evenlng from six to Ilomer Bartlett went to Warren, N. n laat Saturday to spend tho Fourtb. He la oxpeoted back wednesday. He left bls clotbing atore tn charge of W. D. Darllng, Hobrhii STAura made to order Vermont Watchman Company by the MONTPELIER AND VICINITY, LOOAIj uaitesisub. Mr. and Mrs. 3. M. Flsk and J. M. Flftke Jr., of Chicago are visitlng relatlvea ln tho city. Tbo lurloa in tbo llquor casea agalnst Al bert wllley and Frank Ilunt retarned e verdlct of not gullty. The chlldron of tho Sundav.nchool of tlin Church of tho Measlab enioyed a plcnio at jjBiijnuun's iiaiia on aaturuay. v. a. wneaton ni Nt. I'aiii. Aimn.. n lormor organiat at Bethany church, waa in town todav on tho wav tn bls old liomn In Barre. Sheriff Bancroft ls authorltv for tho state. ment tbat for the alx montha endlns .Tunn ou inere nave ueon sixty ueatng in tuo clty ui oiunipener. The mombors of tbe Sundav-achoola con- nected with the Bantlst cburches of nnrrn and thla clty aro to hold a plcnio at Chorry Ytiu grove nexi juriuay. Mra. Wilder Huntington and cbildren went to-day to Queen Clty Park for two weeka.afterwhlr.h t.lmv will nn tn Rt Al. bana to remaln several daya. A meotini' of tbe liinmbnrs nf tlin Vnnnir Meu's Christlan Aasociation waa hold Sun day aftornoou at tho aasociation rooma for a conferenco on rellgloua work. A movement ls on foot to orcanlzo n r-nlf club in tho clty. It Bhould be a aucceaatul venture, aa thoro are aoveral localities ln tuo ViClnitV wlllcll would makn ilHHlrnliln linkB. Tbe soclal alng at the Younc; Mon's Chrls. tlanAssoclatlon Frldav nieht wa an ontlmal. astlc ailalr. Tbeso atnga will bo beld eacb week on Wedneadav ovonlnea at nlt?''t o'clock. Mr. Moody of New York. huaband of the authoresa, Mrs. Helen Watteraon Moody, who la spending tbe aummer at tho Jewett residence, arrlved ln tho clty Saturday evenlng. Tho unlon nicnic of tho Barre. East Barre. Websterville and Montnelier liantlnt Rnn. day achools will bo held at Cherry Vale on Friday. July 7. Will leavo on tho electrlc car at nlne A. m, The annual meetlng for tho electlon of ofUcers of the Woman'a Home Mlaalonary Society connected wltb Trinitv cburch will be held Wednesday afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. M. L. Beardsley. H. K. Sherburne arrlved in tho cltv Sat. urday evenlng from Klrksvllle, Mo., wbero he receutly graduated from the Araerican School of Oateopatby. He la a gueat at tbe home of F. A. Sherburne, bls brother. Royal B. Wheeler. aeed fortv-nlne vears. died Saturday at bls home in Moretown after a few day's illness from typhold pneu monia. He 1b survlved by a wldow and tbree cbildren. Tbe fnneial was held from tbe house Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. h. Howard of New York are viaitora ln the cltv. Durlnp tbe Snan. l8h-American war, Mr. Howard was located in Cuba where he furnlshed tbe Argus of London, Eng., with wator color akotc'hes of the campalgn. Mr. Howard bas with him many of the sketches whlcb. are of a hlcrh order. A dotachment of the Bnuatter soverolsna of Berlin pond made tbeir annual entry upon tbeir reaervatlon on Saturday. A two weeka' sojourn by the placid waters will restore energies exhausted by the cares that pelse tbe soverelgns down tbrougb the remalnlng flfty of the year. Washington countv convention of tho Woman's Chriatian Unlon will be hold In Northfield, July C and 7. Thursday even lng will be Demonstration nlgbt. Friday Mrs. Mabel L. Conklln of Brooklyn, N. Y., lecturer and orgaulzer for the National Woman'a Chrlatian Temperance Unlon, al ao tbe general secretary of the White Cross societles, willbe preseut. Mrs. Jacob W. Pane. aced thlrtv.ono yeara, dled Saturday evoning from perito nltls at her home up Worcester brancb, Her illness was brlef, she not having taken uer oeu untu riuay. xue (leceasea ls sur vlved by a husband and two little cbildren. 8be waa a daughter of Beniamln Boan of Fayston. Funeral servicea were held this mornlng from St. Augustine's church. The remalna wero taken to Moretown for burlul. Tbls year tho city has taken no action re- trlctlng the sale or uae of flreworks. There Is a State law which prohiblts botb at any season thougb it baa never been ao tlvely onforced. Tbe city, ratber than be coine ln any way responslble for dainages wnicn mignt result Irom the ubo of flre works by llcen'sing tbeir use even by the indirect way of issulng ordera regarding tbeir Bale and use, prefora to allow tbe Indl- viuuai to taKo tuese chancea. A horse driven by two vounc men froui East Montpelier became frigbtened Satur day evenlng when opposlte tbe Pavllion by a uog rnshlng at tbe borso. Tho animal got beyond control, runnlng around tbe Ver mont Mutual bulldlng, tbrowing tbo young men out on the vacant lot adjoinlng the atoro of G. H. Wbitney and, across the walk between two electrlc llght poles through a snace that seemed lmnaBsnble. Tbe animal was aecured on upper Maln atreat after causing aomo wreckage to tbe carriage. School Superintendent Stone baa nrenar- ed for the Parls Exposltlon of 1900 an lnter estlng exhlblt of Vermont'a school atatiatlca andsystemot school admtnlatratlon. The exnioit consists oi nanuaomeiy bound vol umea contalning, eacb by itaelf, tbe Bcbool report for 1898, the acbool lawa, queatlons for tbe examlnatlon of teachera, the school regiater, atatisticai Dianna, teacner's certln cateB, and tho course of study. Photograpbs of ten of the best acbool bulldlnga in tbe state, givlng ono exterior and two lnterlor vlews, also form a part of the exhlblt. D. Q. Fleld and famlly BDent 8undav at Beniamin Falls. While thero the Jananeae poodle Mr. Fleld brought from Chattanooga, Tenu., had a fit, rnahed off Into the woods anu uenea au aitempis to secure him. Mr. Fleld went to tbe locallty Monday and found tho dog dead by tbe roadslde. Some thievlng fellow bad stolen the collar from the dog. On the collar was a plate boaring the name ot llttty Fleld. the little dauebter of Mr. Fleld. Tuo dog was a valuable one becauBe of the rarlty of the speoles. It was tuo oniy one oi mai ureeu in tne stato. Dcntli of Cltarlcs II. C'arter. Charlea II. Carter, a well known cltlzen of Montpelier, dled Sunday afternoon at hla home on Maln street, after an illness of aev- orai weeKS. Mr. Carter waa born ln Wilmington, Mass.. elchty-two years acro last Wednei'- day. He leavoa a wldow and ono daughter, Mra. E. W. Bailey ot Obloago, wbo was wltb blm durlng his last davs. In tboearller yoarsot bls llfe Mr. Carter was a travelling man, and BOld gooda of variouB Kimis lor many years. lle waa a wldo awake, atlrring and enercutio sales man, ne bad much of Yuukee slirowduoss and oleverneBB ln getting at people. and bluff, hearty way tbat mado blm popular anu succeasiui in wuiiover ue undertook, For tbe last few yeara of bia llfe be bad not beon aotlvelv engaged ln buslnesa, Part of tbe time be bad llved In Montpelier and bad apent Beveral wlnters wltb hla daughter in Cblcago, Funeral aervices will be beld on Tuesday aiternoon at two o'oiock irom the uonse. (JOLI)EN WEDDING. Hou.nud Mrs, J. It. Dnrllng Celcbrnto Tlils Hnppy Kvcnt. Wltb Iho passlng years goldon weddlng anulveraarlea aro becomtng more rare, and wuon a wortuy coupie in town or city reacli togetuer no lmiotn mneatone oi tneir wed ded llfe tbo event la not allowed to naaa un notlced. For tbls reason and becaueo of the promlnence and solid worth of Uon. and Mra. Jouathan R. Darllng of Groton, that town waa last Saturday in holldiy attlre in uonor oi tbeir tromen wouuinc unuiveiBarv tuat was tnero ueing ceieurateu. For many weoka tbo townspooplo ot Groton and tbe relatlvea of the venoiablo oouple, near and far, bave been preparlng for this event, and tbere ls not a porson in uus prosperons uaieuonia couniy town uut took an :tion st rrmo in waat waB irans pirlng ln tbeir mldst. a uriei sicetcii oi tne nvea oi JuuaoDur- line and bia wlfe is of neculiar lnterest at tnis time. J. it. Darllng waa bor.i ln Groton seventy-Qve yeats ago, and ln tbat town bis ontlre llfe ot nsefuineaa haa beon speut. Hla father was of Engllah and hla motber of Scotcb stock, and tbey were among the very flrat aettlers of tbe good old New Eng laud town of Groton. Judze Darllng waa educated at Peacham Academy, and Phll Upa Academy, Danville. In 1847 be be came a member ot tbe (Irin of Welcb, Dar llng & Clark. Tbls ilrtn dld buainesa for ten yeare, and on Its dlBsolution Mr. Dar lng went Into general trade. in I8U7 the llrm oi uicker 6C uarnng com- menced business. Thelr trado ln lumber for eighteen years waa very oxtenslve. In 1883 the llrm of J. R. Darllng & Sona was formed, Untll 1897 they dld an extensive lumber and mercantilo business. Thev owned large tracts of land ln Peacham, and tne producta of tnolr mllla went ail over Now Eneland and beyond its borders. Tbls flrm, at the preseut time, has a large lnterest in the granito busineBS that ia ln process of development at Groton. Juuge Darllng naa Doen nonoreu wuu many offlcea of trust and responslblllty. For thirty-elgbt years be was town clerk and treasurer ot Groton. He representod the town ln the legislature of 18S7 and 1858, was Benator irom uaieuoma couniy in lesu and 1881, and aaslstant udge of Caledonia county court from 18G9 to 1872. Although stlll active in business and lc tereBled in present eventa, aa Judge Dar llng lets the ligbtB of memory Btream back ward he can recall many ot the old-llme people and eventa that will aoon be forgot ten hlstory. The "old bogua," of Bristol Blll counterfeltine money fatne. la now used for a barn at tbe home where to-day Judge and Mrs. Darllng are entertainlng thelr friends and noighbora. In writlng or apeaking of Mra. Darling worda ilow easily. Her cbildren indeed have reason to "rise up and call her bleesed." She waa the thlrd cblld and eldeat daughter of John and Phcobe Taiaey , who camo to thla country from Scotland in 1791. Mra. Dar llng, too, has always llved in Groton. Her fatber made the ilrst and only brick house ever bullt ln Groton. It stlll stands, and is to-day practically furnlshed as It was when occupied by ber aged parents, who dled many years ago. Mra. Darllng has rellca of her glrlbood days in such artlcles aa the apinnlng wheel and carpet loom, once ar-, tlclea of utlllty but now uaed for ornament. She waa once an expert ln tbe uae of botb and Baya abe could use them agaln it necec sary, whlcb, bappily, lt is not. Mrs. Darling bas two brothera livlng Thomas Taiaey of Groton and Jesse of Winona, Minn. She also has tbree slsters Mrs. Wllliam Bicker of VVoodsville, N. H. , Mn. W. S. Darllng of Barnet, and Mrs. I. M. Rtcker of Groton. It ls a curlous co incidence tbat these four siBters marrled two Darllng brotbers and two Ricker broth era. Judge and Mra. Darling have six cbil dren namely, Oyrus T. Darllng, busluess managor of the Davenport, Iowa, Democrat, Walter B., also in buainesa in Davenport, Mra. Dr. S. N. Eastman of Groton, and John T., Nelson R., and Elmer E., all in buaiueaa wltb tbeir father. This famlly circlo was complete and all the cbildren were assiBtlng thelr parents in recelvmg the congratulatious and liouors that fall thlck aa BnoftfUkos on thelr silvered heads. Tbo invltation to tbo house was general, for tho afternoon and evenlng. Every trala brought a largu number of people and tbe towutpoople turned out eu mastse to pay tbeir reBpecta to the brlde and groom of filty yeara ago. Among the clergymen preaeut that afternoon wero Rev. J. A. Sherburne of Barre, a former pastor, Rev. W. I. Todd, Rev. Bauiuel Clough and Rev. John n. Evans of Groton, and Rev. Wil Uam Wlley of Ryegate, all of wbom made briof congratulatory remarkB. Under the dlroctlon of Mra. Alma Smlth of Montpelier, an expert caterer, every one preseut was served witb a bountiful re past. Tbe tables were pretllly decorated with wlld rhododendrons and other ltow era, and llfty people could easlly be Beated at one time. Tbese tables were several t mes 111 lod, Tbe lnterlor of Judge Darltng's spacioua houae had been tranaformed into a llbral paradise, witb fresh cut rlowers uoddlng a welcome on every band. From tbe upper Btory a handsome liag was rloating, and tbe grounds ln tbe evenlng were brilliantly Ugbted wltb Bcores ot cblnese lanterna. At tbe evenlng gatberlng Mra. J. B. Darling of Barre read an origlnal poem wrltten for the occasion, old-tlme songa were sung and intormal speecbea made. Letters and telegrams of congratulatlon as well aa letteraof regret bave boen pour lng ln upon Judge and Mrs. Darling for the nast two uays. un uaturuay tney rc celved a congratulatory cablegram irom Edlnburcb. Scotland, from J. J. Rlchard- son of Ricbardsou Brotbers. Davenport, Ia., wbo ls now traveung tnrougn nurope on a brldal trlp. Hev. Mr. uaie, tne ciergyman wno omci- ated at the flrat weddlng, Is not livlng. Thoroughly enloyablo lt ia to talk wltb Mra. Darllng oi tne struggles and trlumpha ot tholr earller llfe, and ot thecbangea that bave como aince tbat time. 8be exblblta witb eapocial prlde beamlfnl table clotha and towela woven by ber own bands, and erateful thonghtB oartlally choked ber ut- terance as sne spoae to tue reporter oi ner Eride ln her boys and glrls, all of whom are onorlng tbeir parents and making for tbemselves honorable records In tbe world. Mrs. Darlluc was one of a familv ot sev enteen cbildren. All her chlldron and all her erandchlldren but one. Ovrus Eaatman. now ln Denver. Col.. are under the old home roof todav. JutiQo uarllng was ln tue eariy yeara oi bls llfe an old-lino Wblg. In 1850 he joltv ed tbe Repabllcan party, and haa ever sluce been an urdent advocate of proteotlou to American labor and Amerlcan lndustry. On a s deboard In tbe illnlue room was ills played some of tbe many gllts that have como ai souvenirs oi tue occasion. xuey wt-rdot rare value and beauty, and among tuem waa noticeu goiu coin, goiu-uoaueu canea, beautlful gold candelabraa, Dreaden band-nalnted cbina. coattnn S50. a aolid all ver tea aervice, a sideboard. bookcase, eto 0. II. Talsey of Denver, Col., sent satnples of gold quarlz tbat ylelda $2 500 to the ton. Mr. and Mra. Darllng are botb bale and vigoroua, and tbe prayer aootten oxnreaaed. tbat they may have yet many more yeara ot wedded llfe together beforo tbe abadows sball como to stay, bids fair to beanswered. Mlss Etbel Webb left 'orlDetroit, Micl-,, thla afternoon, where abe will spond aboui two weeks, The clotbing stores wlllclone Wednesday Thurtday and Friday evenlngs at aeven o'clock untll furtber notlce. Northflold. New bay la Belllng at 810 per ton. Edmund Joslyn of Boston la vlaltlng In Frank Pbllllps of East Barre, waa ln town over ounuay. July 1 camo ln wltb qulto a hnavy frost un many oi ino iow lanua. Frank Plumloy and famlly will go tnto camp at North liero this week. Ford Maxwell waa employed at tho bo tei during Commencoment week. Anna Moad nf Wntllmrti. Mhbk . In clnli iug her aunt, Mra. Laura Boyntou. 8. E. Moore haa retnrnnd tn wnrk fnr K u. uowe ik uo., lettermg monuments. ltov Uunso nas lust nnmnlnlnii n nnw uoat wiilcli la a llno plece of workmanshlp. James L. Averill of Watorburv. Conn. waa a vlaltor In town during commencement. Tbe nrosnecta for a larcrn fresliman r.Waa ia very assuring at the unlveralty for next year. Amv M. Gokev ot LHHiitnn. N. II.. TP.rnnt. ly made a ahort vlslt to ber parents ln tbia piace. Mrs. A. G. Ilarlmr nf Yarmnnth. Mn.. ln vlslttng her paronts Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Lovell. Several from Northfield Attnnilerl thn fu neral of Mra. F. A. Joalln at Wnltsnnlil Sunday. Tho Bee blve whlcb waa recentlv dam- aged by flro ia belng repalred by Crosa Brothera. Levi Crosa is vlsitlnf hU hrntliern. Mr. Cross ls engaged ln the granito business in the West. Josenh Lamb has returned from Barrn. wbero he bas been attnndlncr flp.hnnl nt Goddard. Cornoral Olln F. Jackson of thn Unltnil Statos Marlne Corps is at home on a ahort furlough. Frank Houston baa comnlatnd a new bridge across Dog river below the electrio llght dam. Mlss Grace Batcbelder ia sDendlncf her Vacatlon from Wnllnnlnv (Inlinim ar. Imr home in this place. On account of tho drv weathor thn hav crop ls abont one-half ahort and cropg aoem at about a standstlll. Mlsa Gertrude Hassett Ia at hnmn frnm Haverbill, Mass., where ahe haa been em ployod in a mllllnery atore. The Hook and Ladder Comnanv waa nald on Saturday for aervices at the Mayo and Crosa flres. The members received about two dollars each. Mr. and Mra. Sherman Klmball arrlved last week from Klrksvllle, Mo., where Mr. Klmball has been a atudent of osteonatbv during the past year. The Seldom Slumbers and Northfield Juniors crossed bats on Riverslde Park laat Saturday, resulting in a victory for the Jun- lors oy a score oi u to a. Miss Louise Lee has comnleted her labors at F. A. Jones' store and has returned to her home ln Middlebury. Mlss Geneva Jones takes Mlss Lee's place. A new Blato walk haa been lald in front of the atoro of W. A. Blake and J. C. Dona bue. It ls boped that tbe slatlng may be continued to tbe Bacon block. The friends of W. E. Ellla are nleased to learn of his receivlng a posltlon of com mandant and inatructorof mathemetlcs in a preparatory school ln St. Louis, Mo. The convention of the Washington Coun ty Woman's Christlan Temperance Unlon will be held here July 8 and 9. Mrs. Mabel L. Conklln, organlzer and lecturer, will be preseut. As each State ls the receolent of one of the captured Spanlsh guns Governor Smith bas seloclod Northfield as tbe proper place for the Vermont gun, whlcb will be placed at Norwich Unlversity. Cadet-Capt. Jobn P. Mosley who haB pro- tlcieutly occupied tbe posltlon of comtnaud- ant at tbe Unlversity since tho removal of Oapt. A. W. Hovey, will bo recommended to tbe Senate for tbat olllce during the com ing year. Among the promotlons at Norwich Unl versity is that of Cadets Rich and Sibley to be captains. Botb tbe cadets left the Unl versity at the call of the President for vol unteera and enllsted, Rtch in Co. F, and Sibley In Co. G. Tbey were at Chlcha mauga during the service ot the Vermont reglmont. At about two o'clock on Sunday Harvey Cutler waa Bltting on bls nlazzi when be heard a noiae that resembled a cyclone, He went towards uis mlll wuen no uiscovoreu the pond fast dlsappearing through a bole wulcu tne presBure oi tne wator nau maue. It took only fltteeu mlnntea for tbe large pond to ruu out. As Bert Cobleich was drlvlng down Cen- tral street blll with a load of wlndows on Saturday, the barness broke and the horse rau across tue common, acattering tne win- dowB ln every direction. Mr. Coblelgh clung to bls eoat aud guided tbe horse around the park and up Maln street blll, where he stopped. It was a narrow escape for Mr. Coblelgh. Tbe handsome aword that waa presented to Cadet Sibley at commencement time at Norwich UnlverBlty waa tbe Shuttleworth prlze, given by flrat Lleut. E. A. Bbuttle- wortli oi tne isieventn unueu mates lnian try, now at San Juan, Cadet Sibley was at Cblckamauga wltb tbe First Vermont regl ment last year, and it seemed pecullarly fltttng that be ahould capture this coverted prlze. Blarahlleld. Anna Burnham started for Chicago last Saturday ln whlcb clty abe expects to vlelt ber brother Fred for a ew weeka. Harry Carleton returned to hla home ln Chicago laat Saturday after spending a few weekB witb his parents and friends ln town. Herbert Emerv bad his carrlace oulto badly broken last Saturday evenlng by a part of tbe harnesa ureamng anu lettlng the wagon on to the borse aa he was drlv lng down the meetlng house blll to tbe oom mon. A very pleasnnt occasion was tho vlslt at A. E. Lamberton'a laat Satnrday evenlng where qulte a company of the friends of the school teachera, Mlss Fisher and Mlss Moses, gathered upon the invltation ot Mrs. Lambertou to make them what mlgbt be called a farewell vlslt. It was not qulte Hunuay wuen tue pariy oroKo up leaving behlnd best wUlies for the young ladles and bopea tbat the nextsesslonot school would again unn tuem among ub. The newly organlzed Star base ball toam will cross bats wltb the Groton toam for tho tlrst of tbo aeason on tbe home ground next Saturday at aeven o'clock. Let thero be a large attendance and gtve tbo boys all tbe encouragement posslble. Do not forget to brlng your money wltb you and pay Ilb erally when the bat ia pansed. It coats somethlng to run tbe teatn, and if tho boys are wllllng to gtve tneir time tney sureiy are entltleJ tOBtroug tlnancial am. The vlllage achoola cloaed laat Friday. 1 There will bo a lawn party at the Metbodlst parsouage uext Saturday nvon ing. Proceeds for the organ. Rev. Al vlu M. Bmltb of WIlllamBtowu will pieacb at tho UnlvorsaHflt next iSuuday at h tll pj9t ono. . Charles Bullock has a curinl employment ln Hookor's machlno ahops at St. Johuabury, Ho waa at bomo to apend tho Fourtb. J. W, Caustlo and wlfe of Montpelier apent Sunday ln tiwn. Tbo Adams v. Mlles case In o mrt of cbaucery t Montpelier laat week o impelled a number ot our townsmen to be in that clty a part ot the week. OSTEOPATHY ASK or writo for booklet on Oateopatby, whlcb gives you a full explanation and knowledge of tlie acience and the best method of treatment known. Oateopatby is peculiarly successful in tlie treatment of nervous diseases; and also in tlie treatmentlof diseases of women, of which Mns. L. K. Kozellk makes a specinlty. All examinations and treatment by appointment. Ofllco houra: willwm w.'brock, d. o 1U4 Stnto Strcot, Montpelier, Vt Telepboiio.'.33-2. GLEASON & GO. Summer Furniture. Veranda Chairs and Rockers, Fine new lot of Baby Carriages and Go Carts (last full line this season.) GELEBRATED ELASTIC FELT MATTRESSES, Handsome, well made House Furnishings of all kinds. Cleason's Corner, Montpelier. Vermont. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Is lost when you wait until cold weatber coiupels you to repair or renew your honso warmiug outfit. Winter sureiy follows summer, and when that seaton comes many bave to be disappointed, all cunnot be atteuded to at once. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Time can be taken to suit your needs. Give us your orders that we may make it mutually profitable. Peck Brothers, 60 MAIN STREET. If you wisb to eniploy a book keeper, stenogra pheror office as- r vL-i'N !u,la"l wme or 'tSMS&S) ien&ia0teaT- AOi(e(7ey tention will be . . j u . gij uu u ruonts. For catalogue addresa Carnell & Hoit, oo reari ot., Aiuany, n. x. FOR SALE. The Manufacturing Hant of Smitli, Wbit- comb & Cook, located in tbo City of Barre, Vt., consisting of tbe fouudry, macbine shop, grist mill, saw mill, water power, pattern house. office bu'dding, store housoB, and other build ings, meaning all the real estate now owned and occupied by them, together witb all tho macbinery, tools, patterns and stock. Tho machinery in foundry and mncbine shop are all nearly new and of modern ilesign. Tbe location is one of the best in New Eng laud, and tho plant is now rumiing to its full capacity. tf VAGATION WORK Offered agenta in every town to secure eubecriptiouu to the maga zlno " Good IIouBokeeplng." for a:ud W il-liluj JdiJ lUll August. Write ub for information tbat will intorest you. Addresa COOD HOUSEKEEPINC, Sprlngflold, Mass. AuE3o