Newspaper Page Text
6 VERMONT WATOHMAN & 'JA TE JOURNAL VVEDNESTAY AUGUST 9,1891). AGRICULTURAL, i'rcscrvlng Eggs. Havlng reciilvotl nutneroua inquirics from fnrmoia during tho post iwo montliB reBpocting tho uiorils of "wator plnBs" ns a mediuin in wtiich to kcop cgge. wc aro locl to think that cortain conclusions drawu Irom an oxporitnout, lntcly brought to n cloao, wlth ihia and othcr prcBorvntlveB wlll bo of intereat to our rcadcrs. Tho inveBtiuatiou waa coramcncod lttst Septctnbcr, perfeotly frosh oggs from tho farrn poultry houso bolng used for tho lcst, which consistod in immorBing tho oggs for vnrylug longlhs of tlme, from a fow hours to slxmontha in (a) llmo wntor, and (b) tcn per ccnt eolution of "wator glnss.'' Thoso oggs which wero trentod for a fow hours, claya or wcoks, ns tho caao mlght bo, woro Bubacquoutly placed, togothor with tho untrented oggs to bo used as a chcck, in a rnck wlthin a drawor in tho lnboratory, till tho cloao of tho ex pcrimont, Murch 30th, 1809. AU tho eggs woro at a tempereturo from 05 to 72 F. throunhout tho trial. Tho tcsting consieted in brcaking tho eggs into a glasa and noting tho ap pearanco of tho white and yolk, whethcr tho yolk waa atuck to tho ehcll, sizo of nir spnce, odor, otc. Tho cggB wcro thon poachcd and again tho odor, appearanco otc, noted. Wlth out glving in dotail tho rcBults of tho varioUB triala, it mny buAIco for presont purpoacB to summarizc tho conclusions roached, as followe: 1. In no inBtance, either of trcatcd or untreated oggs, woro any "bad" egpa found. 2. In all caacs whero tho oggs woro not kopt covercd throughout tho por iod of tho tcBt with tho prcservative Bolution, ahrinkago of tho contonts had taken place, aa aliown by tho larger air spaco, tho less globular form of tho yolk, and in many iuatanccs by tho ad horoncc of tho yoko to thc ahell. Tho cl'L's treated for ecven tlavs and leaa with limo water showed aomowhat lcsa Bhrinkogo than thoae trcatod a similar loncth oi time witti sincaio ot eoun. 3. It would appoar that limo wator and "water glass" uaed continuouely aro cqually efllcaciouB in prcventing Bhrinkage. Thoy may also bo said to givo practically tho samo rcBUlts as ro garda both external and internal ap nearaucea, flavor, etc , of tho eggs pro aerved. Sinco "water glasB1' (ailicato. of Boda) ib moro coatly and inoro dia- Bcreenblc to uso than limo water. wo could not from the preaent rosultB rec ommend tho formor aa tho bettor pre- sorvative. 4. The albumen or "white" in all the preaerved eggs waa very faintly vellow (ibougli not to the Eame aegroe in all the egg), the tint becoming deeper on boiung. 5. jno ouensive odor waa to be por- ceived from any of tho eges when broken, but in all instances a faint but peculiar musty or stalo odor and flavor dcvcioped on poacning. 6. It is probablo that no preaerva tion will prevent the loas of flavor pos- BeBBed by tho freah ege, but thoae which whoily excludc the air (and thus, at tno same timo, prevent annnkage irom evaporation) wlll be tno most Buccesa ful. ContinuouB aubmergence is evi- dently better than treatment for a few dave. "Water elaBs" known chemically aa Bilicate of aoda, is a fluid quoted at C0 centa per gallon. It is higbly cauatic, due to exceaa ot soda, and conaequont ly ia moro disagreeable to uso than lime water. The limo water may bo made by put- ting two or thrco pounda or good, frcsh lime in fivo gallouB of water, stirring well at intervalo, for a few houra, and then ailowed to aettle. The clear su pernatant fluid can then bo pourcd over tue eggs, tviiich have been pre viously placed in a crock or water tight barrel. Sorno autboritiea rccdm mend tho addition of a pound or ao of Balt to the lime water, but the writera are of tho opiinon that thia ia unnecea sary, and probably leada to the impart ing of a limey llavor to the cgg8 by in- ducing an lntercnango ot the lluida within and without the egg. The all eBaential points to be remem bered are: 1. Thut tho oggB to be pre aerved shall bo perfectly frosh, and 2 That they Bhall bo covorod with tho preaervative fluid. Hoard's Dairy- man. Mllkliifr Stools aud Milking. When milking atools were flrat uaed is unknowu. I bave soon young men and women who regarded thoir uso as a aign of effominacy, and, diadaining ineir uae, equaucu wnne milking. toeais ior miiEing, ueo cnairB ana aoias are no doubt a luxury of civilization A writer in tho Wiaconsin AgricuUur ist Bays that thc one-leKged stool ia probably the primitive form, but that n io uy uu uuub uia luvuruu uiuku. ts advantage consiats in giving tho milkor tne power to quickly chango hia poai tion, when the cow movea, without having to movo hia atooh We uaed to keep a one-iegged Btool in our stable with an aaaorlmont of othor kinda, but nono ot tno milkera evor uBed it ex copt mysolf, and I soon threw it away, It is more comfortable than equattine but whero six or aovon cowa are to bo milkcd by ono milker, it tires his lcga to Bteady it. One lcg ia not enough for a atooi, and lour are loo many. throe-logged stool will atand steadily on an uneven floor, where a four-legged one will rock. A stool, liko all othor farm and dairv implementa, ahould be made light as poBBible, and at tho aame time bavo tho neceaaary atrcngth. Our stoola, which bavo been in ubo a long whilo, an givon good aatiafaction, aro made from piecea of white pino boarde, 12 inchea lonc, b inchea wido, 14 inchea tliick and cleated to provont aplittlng. Tbo proper longth of tho lega, dopenda on tno length or tno cow's icgs. ve hnv a stool for milking the abort-legged cowa with lega 10 inchoa long, and othora ior miuuntr tno long-loggod cowa witu loga about 18 inchea long. If tho stools aro not to bo uaed ior pounding tbo cowb, tho logs maybo of pine, which ia lichtcr than oak. It has boon aaid that "cloanlincaa ia next to godlinoaa." Sorno cows aro ao foolish, or wickcd, that thoy will not kecp themselves clean, no matter how well thoy may bo boddcd,or how much paltis aro taken with thera. Thoy wlll stop down into tho guttcr with thoir hind foct, and then bnck on to thc iloor of tho stallB with thoir foot smoar ed with cxcrement. Even whon in stauchiona thoy will hutup thcmsclvcs up, Bhorton thoir bodios enough 10 dung in tnotr Btaua, and tnon no cio-vii in it. I alwnyB bruah n cow's log, bhIo and bag bcforo milking, in ordor to n movo any dust, piecea of atraw or loo-e hatrs, which would bo HKciy 10 tiiup into tho pall. Thero should bo a bruali or hand-broom, but a cloth will do. II a cow haa bofoulod horaolf with uxcni- mont, sho must bo washid and wiptd. I think that moat milkera, knowing a thoy do, that thoy muat oat aud drink from tho product8 of their paila, uro caroful to kcop thoir tnilk clcan, but Irequont inatruction and ovoraight on tho part on tho head of tho catabliah mom may bo neceaaary. Milking ia hard work whou perform cd rapidly, aa it ahould bo, to obtaiti tho beat rcsults. When tho milking ib continued for &u uuusual lcngth of time, sorno cows bccomo impatlont or rcBtlesa and do not yiold their full me8B. A elow milkor will dry cowa up. Tho moat provoking thing a milkor ha to cnduro ia tho awitching of tho cow's tail, hitting him in tho face and oyca, when milking. Of courao, this Ib done moatly in (ly timo, in flghting (lica, but from forco of habit cowb coutinuo this annoyancc long aftor the ilics havc all diaappoared. It ia douo apparontly Irom norvouaueaB, or uncontciouaneas, and not to inault tho milker. When over an unusual motion iB mado, or oven chaugiug the hauda from ono teat to another. tho blow ia auro to como. Of courso, tying tho tail to tho cow's lcg will provcnt tho annoyauco, atiu not many cowa will rosent it by kick lug, but in fly timo eho will havo to Btamp to acare the flica from ber lega, and throw ber heau around to drivc them from her aidea. Ab it takea timo to tio and untio a cow's tail, my prac tice ia to place the ond of the tail uu- der my left leg at tho knoe jolnt, draw back tho log to torm a Kinu ot, iinu then to mako it moro 8ccure by putting tho tip botwecn the pail aud my kueu, tho pail being alwaya held betweeu my knees. Practical Dairyman. Cows. Cowb. at thia timo of vear are aub- jectod to two great triala, flies and beat. JSvery paature tieiu anouiu do ao planued that the cowa can flnd ample ahado when they wiah to. No cow can do hor bcBt and atand in tho hot suu all day, 8Witching the tliea off her back witb hor head anu lau. ii ib ono con- tinual worry from early morning till late evening. While tho heat is Bome thine we want for the development of cropa which are to bo used later on in the dairy barn, wo do not want to over look tho fact that cowa will pay their owner a nicer proflt if ho will protect them m sorno way trom tho heat ot the buu during the middle of tho day. Sorno mon have buiit large ahado houaea for stock, or at leaat that ia what thev uso them for in tbo aummer time. In winter thoy uso the building for a fccding place. One in mind is built only six feet high. FoBts aro sot in the grouud, poloB aro laid on them and then covercd with atraw or stalka. This not only serves as a shade for the stock in tho summer, and protection from atorma in the winter, but it makea ono of the beat protectiona for tho ma- nure. On sorno farms the waBto of manuro is ono of tho leaks which causcs peoplo tosay: "Dairying doea not pay." If a portion of alf the cropa from tho farm aro convcrtcd into manure, aud it ia ailowed to waate in the yards, it muat be cxpectcd that dairying will not pay. The purposo ot most men who are dairying ia to add platit food to tbo eoil. This can beat be done with tho dairy. Uran is one ol tho constituonta of tho cow'a daily rationa, or should be; and iuat coiiBidcr that after it has been con8umed by the cows, a ton ia worth over SG.00 for the rcbuilding of eoil that ia delicieut in plant food. We do not have to havo a vory large pilo of manuro in tho barnyard to have sover- al huudrcd dollars worth. Can wo let thia go to wbbu? AVould not this mako tho diffcrence betwecn success ful and unsucceaaful dairying? Prac tical Dairyman. A llaill lllt. A citizen whose home is up town has a great liking for workirig in his gar den, as ho calls his back yard. He gota up early in the morning, dons an old coat and starts out with rake and hoe. On hia head he usually wears a shock ing old cap that has been klcking about the premises for years. The other morning he wore this can to his place of business. Of course h dld lt by mistako and was greatly cha erined when he found lt on his head. He fancled everybody was looklng at hlm on the car and he felt quite aure tho conductor grlnned at his head cov ering as 30on aa ho came wlthin sicht of it. He didn't have tlme to go back for his derby, and eo he stuck lt out. Ho would have got through it pretty well. ne says, lr lt hadn t been for the ag gravating remark of a atreert urchin, who saw hlm alight from the car. Turnlng to a ragged companlon he polnted at the cap nd saJd: "Say, Petie, dere's anudder of dem dude golfersl" 1(100 Hewnrd ?100 Tho rcadcra of this paper will bo pleased to learn that thoro ia at leaat one drcaded diaeaso that eciencu haa boon ablo to curc in all ita atagea, and that is Catarrb. Hall'a Catarrh Curo ia tho only poaltivo curo known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional diseaac, requires a con Btitutional treatment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure ia taken intornally, acting dircctly upon tho blood and mucous surfaccs of tho syBtotn, thoroby destroylng the foundation of tho discaso, and giving tho patiout strongth by building up the conBtitution and assiating naturo in do ing its work. Tho propriotors havo ao much falth in ita curativo powora, that they offor Ono Ilundred Dollara for any caeo that it faila to curo. Soud for list of tcBtimoniala. AddrcsB, F. J. Ciieney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, Bevonty-flvo contB. Hall'a Family Pills aro tho bcet. A ltOLI) ASSEK1ION. Tlio AHScrtloii Jlndo In Tlic Iutroduc tion To Thia Moutpelirr Cltlzcn's Stntemcnt Is Litcrally Truc. Tliere U cnly one iroprietnry iirticlo on tlia innrkot which (,'ives local ovidenco (oucliinn ita murits; liomu roof tu back up it.s clnims; Montpolior ovidunco for Montpelier poople. Stntoinents from peoplo wo know in placo of stntonients from stnitiKcra. Tlmt preparution is tlio ono emlorsert liy Mr. .1. II. Voodry, of No. 40 Couit Streot, for twenty yoiirs jimitor nnd cnstudian of tlio Stnte cnpitol, wlio says: "Krom my own exporionco Ilmvo uvery roason to beliovo tlmt Uoan's Kidnoy Pills nren Kood mcdicme nud tlmt tlioy will do nll tiial is Ldainiod for tliem. I had Uidney troublo for sovou years nnd at times sovero piins ncrtss my back witli urinary diilicnlty. In tho inorniiiK wlien 1 awnkoned tliere wns sorno troublo witli tlio kidnoy secrotlons, wliieli, Benerally too frenuent, were tlien supprossed. I got Doan's Kidnoy Pills at Lester II. Groone's OruK Store nnd tliey lielpod me in every way. I felt a grent deal bettor aftor tlio treatiiient. I certuinly reooinniend tliem ns a reliabie kidney remedy. Sliould the opportuii' ity oceur, and I liope it will be ofton, I will nlwnys do so." Uoau's Kidney Pills for sale by nll denlors, priee Wl cents. Mniled on reeeipt of price by Foster-Milburn Co., HulTalo, N. Y.,soleai;cnta for tlie U. S. Kemi'iuber tbo naino Doan's nud tnlte no otber. k m hb m h VETERINARYSPEC1FICS A.jFEVEnS, LunsFeTcr, Mllk Fccr. Jiv'Jilsi'llAIXSi Lainrncm), IlhouuiatUin, gjREIMZOOTIC, Dlntcmner. jwonMS. IloU, (Srubo. gjjcOL'fSHS. Colds. iuUuenia. gjlcOLIC. ndlvnchc, lllnrrhca. CO. rrrrnt MIKCAnillAtJE. "iKin.VEV&IILAIIDEHUISOUUEIlS. jMAXfiE. Pkln IienBC. cubes1I,AH COXUITIOX. Stnrintt Coat. COc. cach: Stoblo Casc. Tcn Spoclflcs, Pook, c, 7. At arUKKlSlS or seni preiiam ou revriiit ui tirn-e. llumphreys' Mellclno Co., Cor. Wllllnm & John Sts., New York, Veterinart Manual Sent Free. tfERVOTJS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKXESS and Prostration from Over work or othcr causes. Humphreys' Homeopnthlo Spoolflo No. 28, In uso over40 yenrs, tho only euccessful remedy. $1 pcr vial,or 5 vlali and large vlal powder,for $5 8oM by UranglBtB, or icut uat-pftlj on recel.t of lrlc, ucuruuEis' aiKD. co., cr.ff uiiu a Joto su., lt iotk For Women. Dr. Tolinan's Montlil.vltcculator li.islirouRht liapplneas to humlreils of nnxious women. Tliere is positively no other remedy known to medlcalsciencc, that will m ipiickly nud safcly ilo tliu work. Have neverliad a sinRlo fallure. Tlieloii(;cstandniotoli8tlnatoca'e9 are relicveil in ;i days witliout fail. No other remedy uilldn this. No pain, no d.mpor, no interfcrenrc witli work, Tlio nioit dllllcult cases fliiecessfiilly treated through corres pondcnee.nnd tlio mot coinpletn satisfaction Ciiaranteed iu every instaiice. I relicvehun dreds nriailli's whoni I ncrcrec. Writnfor further liartieulars. All letteis tnithfully answered. I'ree cnnflilenttal advice in all niatters ot aprivateordelieatcnature. liear iu nilnd 1 1 1 i - ri'iuedy is aliiohitely ante uuder eery possililo conditlon and ill positively leavo im Dfter ill etrevts upon tliohcalth. tv in.ill seiuireiy scali'd, ,2.0(i. Dr. K. M. TOI,' JIAX CO., 170 Truinont Ht., lloston, Mass. iCavrats. and Trade-Marts obtaincd and all Pat-! !cntbusmciscondur"-ii Inr MODcnATC FCES. JOunOrricEiBOPPOsiTi; u, s. r ATLnTurfict Jand we cansc ure pau nt in lcsi time tnan thoie i Send model, drawing or plioto., with clescnp- ...... I- .l lt ..V.I.. r.- ... tri-n r1 1 i. tlr.,.. n nU-..n IVt.-iiH.' Wlfhl cost ot same in tlic U. S. and ioreign countnes! !tent frce. Addr' ss, 1 C.A.SNOW&COJ Opp. Patcnt OFrtcc, Waminston D. C. FREE! Car faro from jour home to Sl'KNUKK'S 1ID8I NKSB HCUOOL, KlnKton, N. T. 2.V) ttndenU tail Tear. lloard aud room ln clnbs, 02.50 per weelc EtablIhod 1889. Iteaatlful New BntldlnR. Beit ln eTerjrthlnc. Not a slnRle itenograpble Rr&daate of nr school has fatled to aecare a paytnRposltlon. WADLKIOll'S Rheumatic Cure Through the blood reachei all parta of the jtem at onee, therefore curet qulcklj. 81.00 at drngglaU, or prepald by K. It. WADLEIOII, Alton, N. II. M. W. Wheelock's Real Estate Aeencv INTELLIUENUE OPFICE,, AT MONTPELTEU BOOK BINDEUY. Havo tiargalnB in houseH, lota and otliei valaablo nronertv. Placea wantoil for tlrst claxs clerka, niale, liotel cook, glrls for lionse work, laumlry work, otc. Wo exponso Ior roRlsterluK. I HntCO Who llivaUisd Them LHUILO Itecommend as th DtST IK. KINii'M Star Crown Urand PENNYROYAL PILLS. Tmmfdltte rellef. nn ilknffr. nn n&ln. Uieil for yfin by Iruling prclallili. HimJcpili ol tou. moDlalf. AtrUl wlllconTltmyouoahcirlulrlniloTaluo in cie cl ur.n.ion. hend tm cinta for Mlnplt aud book. All UmitgUnorby inall llJOboi. KINB MtDICIHE CO., Box 1930, EOSTON, MASS. DeWltt'a Little Early Riscrs, The luniuua little pllli. ALL'S FAIR IN L0VE. Ethel Woodyet, tlic Diullng Down Bquatter's daugliti'i', wns allehtly co tiucttlab, as pretty aud uplrHod glrla Koueriilly are before tliey dlscover tliclr niuBtora. I Tbia waa untll slie liad rcached hr Boveuteentb year. Tbcn sho begon to Erow softer aad moie Byiupatlietlc to j thoso wliom sbe lmd formerly sont . away in sucli dejottion. Jack Lefoy, I her fnther's genUeinanly but recUleaa uuuiafccr, she apoke gently to lnstoad of wlth her former sconi of careless glrlhood. She know he woralilppcd tho ' Krouuu eho walkud over, unu wouia ict no one else groom, feed or Knddle her horsc. Sho honorcd his respect as she pltied hia hopoless titfectlon, but whlle otm cntll 'lnil tili.t.-t" IiIb uanubomu ugiue iinu aiiung, nuuiu iui-u j ahe slghed tlmt lic dld not come up to her ideal, ns her llrst fancy. Uy and by hor type of horo camo nloug. Ilon. John Krand was certuinly ti iioblo-looltliiK liian. Dui'k, pule chcuked, thoughtful, uxceedlugly well groomed, he was exactly tho kind of mun, only an lnch shorter than Juck Lefoy, who Btood ( feet 'Z ln his stock lngs. He had n liaudsome, wull-lllled out ligure, not yet too fat, white mid even teetli, with thiu, stralght nosc, and the most sllky of blaclc mustaches nnd bentds. Hon. .lohn 1 Ira nd borc tho rupututlon of n inifiht.v hunti'f. Ilo hnd broucht to EtiKlnnd trophles of hia sklll nnd prow ess from lndlu, Africa aud the Itocky Mountalus. Ilon. .lohn lirnnd rode easfly nnd gnicefully tts he dld overythlng, nud aa Kthcl watclii'd hiin furtlvely, she felt antislii'd, sufe, and happy. She was tnklug him to a sttiliigiiiltlc cave ln thc rangt'B, whlfh was one of tho few slghtH of the dlstrlcL "We aro almost at the gully whcre the cave is, Mr. Hraud, aud 15 uiiles from civilization." "They huvo not seeuiud llve, Mlss Rtliel. Do you oftc-n como ltere?" "No, nor would 1 now unlcss I wns wlth a brao iiinu. liecause the natlves nru still soinutlutfs troublosomo lu tlicse parts." "Intlui'dl" stiiiuiiR'rt'd Ilon. John, growiug a shadu palcr, whlle his lower llp trembled. "Is that why you told mo to bring my gun nnd rcvolver?" 'Yos," answerod Kthel, uotlclng his ngltntlon, and hii.stcuiug to ruas.sure hlm. 'Hut don't be at all uucusy about me. I a in perfectly safe with you." At this nionieiit tiic most suvnce and stnrtllng yells roso from every slde of them, while a slu. .er of Bpears spod from tinseen eneiules und rattled ngalnst thc rocks liehitid. "Jlerciful heaveii.-," shrleked Ilon. John ltimul, as he ilropped on his fuce, nnd rolled instnntly Into the cave, in an apparent piirox.vsin of mortal ttgony leavinv poor Ktliel outslde. AVhnt is that? Shots in the gully? Ayo somc one is coniing to the rcscue and shootlng as he speeds near. The gimpowder siuoke drives into tho cave and at Inst leaves her vislon clonr to what ls occurrlng outslde Hcre comcs poor Jaok Icfoy, t-uipt y. Ing his revolver to right and left, lu hcrotc style, with the rcliis ln lils glls- tenlntr teetli and his blue eyes lilazing. "Ah, safe, little glrlV" crled Jack loudly. "I am, but 1 fear Mr. Brand ls kllled." "'s Hnd out, the danger is past," sald .Tnck Iefoy shortly, as he strlkes a nintch on his riding pauts and holds It up. Ilon. John Urand wns discerned in nct of gettlng tip. Ile had heard the mnclcal words: "Tlie danger is past," nnd recovered his senses quickly. Ile was llkowlse unwoiiiuled. "Oh!" crled Ethel ln disgust "Take me home, Jaok I.efoy." The npxt day Ilon. John Urand went fortli wlth his valet, to pnsturos new. Three luontlis after this, ICthel changed her ntiine from Woodyett to I.efoy. Her Jack the real Jack, was iiMe to sntlsfy Sintatter Woodyett as to his futitre prosiiects, his father be lnt: tlie entl of Maylilossom nnd him- self the eldest son. He never told his Avlfc, however, even when she becaine Countess Mny blossom, and would thus have forgiv en her lord any trick for love's sweet sake, that he had lien at school wlth Hon John,15rand, and, therefore. knew his peeullarltles. Nor did ho tell hor thnt the natlves were a frloudly tribe whoni he had brilied to nct this little drama.'so that he liitght win his love. BufXalo News. A Platit Thut K.xplodcs. A curlous frult has been dlacovered growlng wlld In Batnvln, and a sani ple has been sent to a Frcnclf profes sor of bntany ln I'arls. It appeara to be a specle of bean, resembllng a ci gar both in form and color, though on ly nbnut an lnch in length. Ituf it has a peculiar charaeterlstlc. which repders it a nninue and interesting object, nnd this is tlie exceedingly energetlc inan ner ln which It scatters its seeds. If eno of tliese little fruits be thrown In to a baaln of water It wlll rcst quletly on thc surfact for from two to flvo mtnutos, thn It will explode wlth vio lence, hnrllng most of Its contente In to thc air with a nolse and splash for all the world llke that of a torpedo. It ls hnrdly necessnry to sny that this phenomenon is cnttKod by the pressuro of the olastic substance of its interior overcoming the resistanco of lts hard outer shell. The frult tiKually splits open length wle. If plucked before maturity nud nllowod to rlpen ln n warm spot it opens grndunlly from npex to base, raaklng, as It were. a palr of dlverging horns stnrtlng from the same polnt. If loft to ripen on the plant, sinco tho procms qulcker nnd the Intornnl molsture groatr, the openlng ia sudden nnd nceonipanled by a sllght nolse, thovmh tliln ls much less than that which takon place when it has been put into water, In this cnse the dry but porons tlssue of tlie surface of the frult MUickly absorbs the llquld, os peclally at the grnoveu cnused by tho jtinetlnn of the two hnlves or outer shells of the frult. The internal tlssue being very ebtst'e erts upon the lnt ter a teuslnu whh'ii soon results In the vlolent btirstlng iilready deserllied. Thc curious pro)ierty of exploslon Is kIvcii the little plant for the illNseininatlon of Its seeds. which would otherwlsi Miuid a poor chnuce of propasating ni specles. HuniiKii STAurs made to order by the Vermont Watchman Oompanj NVOAtN5 Ooitume of Cliuvanues Green. Ohavnnnes green (which ia the artlat's prcseut name for aoft laf green Ohlna crnpe) ls appllqUell wlth soft plnk passloii (lowers, wlth green leaves, touched up by black spangle. One border runs around elthor clrcul&r rufUo of a cnptlvatlng aklrt. Th wnlst ls laced together wlth green cord ovor black velvet. the volvet continu- lng spaiiKled around the yoko of plaltcd white chiffcn. There Ib a wlep of black velvet, loss than nn lnch deep, CllAVANN'KS GltEKN WITH Al'l'LlQUES. for a glrdle. lt takes a iiarasol all white and a but of the suine purity to make possilile this seaNlde costume of plnk aud green aud bpurklc. I'litlusopliy of tho Kycs. Blue eyes are said to be the weakest. Upturued eyes are typical of devo tiou. "Wide open eyes are indlcatlve of rushucss. Side-glauclng eyes are alwaya to be dlktiusted. Browu eyes are said by ocullats to be the strongest. Sm.'tll eyes are commouly supposod to iudicate cunnlng. The dowucaBt eyu has in all agsa been typleal of modesty. The proiier distaiRe betwecn the oys Is the widtli of one eye. I'eople of melniicholic temperaiuent rarely have clear blue eyes. Eyes with long, sharp corners indl cate great disceriiinent and penetra tion. The white of the eye showlng be nenth the lris is indlcatlve of noblllty of charactcr. Gray eyes turnlng green ln nnger or cxcitcment nre Indlcatlve of a choleric tciiiperaiiient. When the upper Ud covers half or more of the pupil the indicatlon ls of cool dellberatlon. Au eye the upper lid of which passes horlzoiitnlly across tlie pupil indicates uicntal nbillty. Uustcnd.v eyes, rapidly jerklng from slde to slde, are frequently indlcatlve of an unsettled mind. It Is said that tlie prevaillng colors of eyes amoug patlents of lunntlc nsy lunis are brown aud black. Eyes of any color wlth weak brows and long, concave lashes, are indlca tlve of ti weak constltution. Eyes thnt are wido apart aro said by jihysiciiins to indlcate great intelli gence nnd a tennelous niemory. Eyei of which the whole of the lris ls vlslblo belong to errntlc persons, of ton with a teudency toward insanlty. Wide open, starlng eyes in weak countenttuces Indlcate jealousy, blgotry Intoloranco nnd pertinnclty without llrmiiess. Eyes placed close together In the head are sald to Indlcate pettiness of dlspcdtlon, Jealousy and a turn for fnult lindlug. When tlie under arch of the upper ejelld is a perfeet semiclrcle It is indl catlve of g&oduess, but also of tlraidlty sonietlmes approachlng cowardice. All men of geulus nre said to have eyes clear, slow movlng and brlght This Is the eye which indicates mental nbillty of somo klnd, It does not matter what. Hlue eyes are generally considered eft'err.Inate, but this Is a mlstake, for blue eyes 'are found only amoug Oau catlau nntlons, nnd the white races rule the world. Pearson's Weekly. Tlie ITnlinportitnt Hrldegroom. The biidegiooiu is alwayB basbfui and ill at ease from a most unwarrant ed sense of hia own lmportnnce, for. as every one knows, no oue ever no tices hlm, unlcss lt ba the mlnliter or the bride herself. Even his mother lt scri-.tlnlzlng her new daughter's air and benring, nnd "the other woman" if she Is there, lias come only to sw lils last cliolce. Hut the effetc east ls tlntterlng in Its recognition of tho bridegrooni compared to the breeiy west, whero women most do rule. In Kansas, for lnstance, tlie bridegroom's uniiie is not even mentloued in the wtdding notlces. Llsten to tlils socle tr note from the Stoekton (Kan.) News: "Mlss Della III11 ls married. Iler hiisbaud Is a travclllng mau of eopsiderabl" nienns, nnd she does not hnve to lubor, not even to make her own bed, Her husband ls some years older than she is and weiglis 250 pounds." The l'ollti) Wny. "Yes, Alireriion, l wlll bo your wlfe!" slie sald slniply. The heart of the bronzed soldler bcnt high wlth jo.v. "Then you have not forgotten tno?" ho exiialiued. "I inny hnve forgotten you, but I hope 1 haven't forgotten my manners!" she ropllod, wlth Homctiiing of hau tour. ' Of course, It I alwaya the polito thlng to cotnply with requests.-Do-trolt lmirnnl One Mlnutc Cough Ctire, curca That Is what It waa mado Ior. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT, Vermont JlnrkelH. '1 rilOUDCB. onieofr Uuttor, lreb new, In Ib boiei.H 16 ; iicbu uow, iu iuui, id is Uheete, dalrr, W Ib kk, w not is PotRloei, W bmbel, new 70 lloua. llve. ai lt. llogi, lreed,'lH ft,,.. l.HlllllI, l lt Vunli. lle 4M 18 t Cblckens rowu TurUeri Barrt llullor, anlrj 16 m KgRa.ltdoi , Jp l'otatoea, ?t liuiliel, new 70 W UoK,dreMed, V Ib .rM Veult, llre 4jtt HprliiK lamba, V Ib Keef, lilndqnarteri.ft Ib 6UW lleet, foroquartert, )l lb 3ki KowU, fi rb 12 & SpriiiK chlckeni , , 19 ip lurketl lt & lichmond. Hutter, creamerr 17 llutter, dalrr.tub 13 & llutter, crates o Choeie, factorr., I'lioo.a il.fn fii) t:heeae, aRO KgRt l'otatoea, 31 buabel new 70 Itoita.llTe ltb IIoki, dreaaed, V Ib Veala, llve lleef, hludquarters lteef, forequarteri Hhecp, llTe , 1 HprtnK lamba Turkeja tiprliifc cblckeua II 31. Alltant llutter, creamerr 18 ti lluttor, diilrr, f air to Kood 13 b llutter, dairy, lelectlona IA llutter, dalrr, aeparator 19 Waterbury llutter, freab, Hb IS tt llutter. cratea, V boi 1 f EKK, Vl doi 1J W l'otatoea, t buahel new 75 Iloga, Iito, V R Ilona. dreaaed. V Ib H Lamba Veala. llve 4, Chlckena 18 & TurkeTi 12X4( UKTAIL DKALKU9 FUICKI. Ftour, Hprlng Wheat "K barret 4 759; Fluur, Winter WLeat, W barrel 4 2V5 Flour, Family lioller, V barrel 3 7S Feed, 3t cwt Wrj Meul.ftcvvt t.Vo MlddltiiKa.lcwt &S'?i Oata.W buahel 34 Corn.l buabel m llrau, per cwt 854; lleaua, buihel 1 'IU lloBtou Produco Mnrket.lE.'v' f"Tlici quotatlona gWen below revreaeut prlcea obtalned dt recelitra lorl uaoiaia Mt (nct oefrirj vricen ameaa otnerw indicateu, iua are lnteuded to repreaent artnal aalea. BDTTBB. Creamerr. Vt. ana N. H.,aaaorted aliea, Ureamery, North'n N. V., aaaorted ahtea, Creamerr. nortbern flrati Creamerr, eaatern Creamerr, weatern flrata Creamerr, aeconoa Dalrr. Vt.. eztra Dalrr. N. V., eztra Dalrr. N. Y. and Vt., flrata Dalrr, N. Y. and Vt aeconda Dalrr. N. Y. and Vt., low gradea lloxea, eztra creamerr lloxea, eztra dalrr llozea, com. to good Trunk. prlnta,ez. creamerr Trunk, prlnta, ez. dalrr Trunk, prlnta, com. to good pty CUBESB. New Vork, eztra , Vermont, eztra Vermont, laree eztra 18 P 19 18 & 19 n ",! 17 18 1) 16 IS 6 16 13 & ,14 12 113 19 S 19K 18 &j 19 13 & 19 19 H 20 17 18 14 0 16 8 m B Si Vermont, Onta 7 Vermont, aeconda h Sage Part aklma FLOUB. Commou eztras Chotce eztraa and aeconda Mlnuneaota clear and atraliEht Mlcbltran. clear and atralsht 2 New York. clear and atrautht 1 2 Ohlo and St. Loula clear 2 '.1 Oblo and St. Loula atralght 1 31 Ohlo and St. Lonla Datent 2 7 Wtaconaln aud Mlnn. patent 3 7! COKN MBAL. Uranulated, per bbl.. Common, perbbl Uag meal 2 KKB 2 15 1 8S 1 90 MILL FBBD. Mtddltnga. aacked, per ton., llran, aacked, winter I6((l00 , 6 25lbS0 I6 7&&1B00 uran, aacKea, apnDg, Uottouaeed meal 22 104 2 4 C0 KOOS. Kaattrn, cnolce frvvu 16 (7 Kaatern. fair to good II vz Vt. chotce freah 16 6 COBN. Steamer rellon 41 6 Steamer 41 6 No. 3 41 Uood, no grade 40 i FOTATOES. Arooatook Hebrona 8 New Hampahlre llehrona 0 (t Vermont llebrona 90 (ff OATB. No 1, cllpped white S2 f No. 2, clipped white 31 & No. 2, white 31 No. 3, white , 3 Itejected white 30 1IAY AND 8TBAW. Har, N. Y. and Canada, choleo to faner.. 15 0 llar. N. . ana uanaaa, fair to gooa 14 1 IIbt. eAatern. cholce 11 ( llar, eaatern, ordlnarr to fair 9 0 llar.eutern, common 8 0 Mrt. eaatern. cholce nne 11 C llar, eaatern, common flne 10 QVi rUOVIBIOMB. Pork- llacka V bbl 11 501 Hhnrt eut clear I 12 50 12 50 l!Ir 13 00 Leanenda ll 00 Cit j rendered, pnre ft Ib 5 6 Weatern compound 4 3, Pnre kettle rendered (if 7 Smtked Ilamt Koaton, amall V lb 8. lloaton medlum 8 Iloaton, large 7, FHHSH UKAT8. HAAf. rholrn lh - fl lleef, light cholce V lb 7Vf lleef, beaTT good lb 7 g lleef, good VTb 6W0 lleef, hlndquartera, cholce 10)iW lleef , hlndqnarters, common to good 8 lleef , forequartera, cholce 5)i Jieer, xorequairera, common to gooa t Mutton, eztra 7 Muttou, nommon to good 6 Lamba, ch.eaat.Vlb Lamba. com. to ffood Vt lb 6 Veala, cholce eaatern V) lb..,., 8 Veala, fair to good 7 Veala, common t lloston Lumber Mnrket.' !gf" LONO T.nMHKR.tT Hemlock boarda, rougb 10 OOJtlO 50 Hemlock boarda, planed 12 0OS13 00 Hemlock boarda, No. 2 00010 00 Spruce boarda, lat, clear floor 16 OXSIB Spruce boarda, 2da, clear floor 12 50I3 00 Spruce boarda, coarae 12M(S13 0p Bpruce, nor. do. cara 13 5001410 Spruce, matched 14 WwlJS1' Box boarda, 1 ln. Ilangor 10 toftll 00 llox boarda. ord XSSg'XS Koxboaraa.Mdo I'fflklTa llox boarda, 3-4 d j llox boarda, 11-16 do SSSS llox boarda, 5-8 do 7 0 8 1 8UOBT LUUBKIt. Khlnglea, Kaatern, aawed. cedar. ex 1 IM 3 25 hningiea, nociear Milnglea, rto 2da Nhluglea, do ez, No. 1 Shtnglea, do No. 1 Clapboarda, do 4ft. ex Clapboarda, do clear Clapboarda, 2da, clear.. Clapboaraa, eztra No. 1 Clapboarda, No. I Latli, apruce, by cara Lath, apruce, ut cargoea . nooJUuoi .. loouSiiiHi ,.. 235 250 ,.. 2 20S 225 Hoston Wool Mnrket. UlCllIOAN. X andabore No.l No. 3 irinA nnwaahed. 8 0 9 6 ju 8 2 2KB 2 tO 2 i0 2 (IV 2 75 3 60 300 3 6l fS 40 3 40 365 400 ) 4 10 34 25 31 tk ii Vi 29 19 Q 20 21 tl 23 Q 24 22 & 23 27 & 28 uninercnauutuiv No. 1. comblng, ,' and K blood No. J, coinblng, J blood..., ...... Dninerchautable, DeUOne. KRNTtlCKT AND INDUNA. Oornblntf, '( hlood Comblng, X blood , ,, S 24 19 it in " & " 21 tl 40 to M 44 S 47 ti 0 ii 2 W 29 45 & 48 17 N vinoing, oraia. ...... ilothlnn.Jf blood rULLBD AND BCOUKKD. A flne.. U auner., Ctirrout Cominciit. Oath. There ln a oulet local demmid noted, but the tone of pricos Is about tlio Hauie. New oatn aro tielng offored to Hhlp Irom tho weHt about i to lo holow old. For no. i ciippen wnito on tracK nates are ruilng at aij to 32c, with fancy clipped at. 32Jc. I.ower gradoH rungodown as to quallty. CORN. TllH Hnnt. tnurlfnt. lmn ImAn rwrv dtill wlth ofTeriima Htnall, most receipte bolng for export. 1'rlcoH aro nomlnal Iu tlio ausenco ot Imninoss, moit pttrchaBes for spot ubo being tuaile to arrive. ForNi, 2 yellpw on traok hllled through about 40 mD iniuo, wun niBauiBr youowr at 4ijc, Lower gradea range down as to iiuallty and color. llKANS. Thoro lina linnn a fnptl.or increaso In recelpta and under the ltbural ouerings anu continued uull trade tho tnar ket has weakoned constderalily nlnce our last report. For beBt marrow pea 81.35 has uecouQo an extretne nrlce and hroknrH r offering Htock to arrive at ci t prlcen, $1,30 ur JBBB. xenuw eyes in iuu snppiy, diiu and eany, PouLTitr, Kecelpts wore falrly llberal this week and trade generally dnll. Weat ern fowls have been selllng generally at lljo with occaalonal lots ot Bouthwosteru cleaning up at Ho. llrollera have been In llboral nupply and have had a bIow sale at H to 15c Ior cholce largo with ordlnary lots dull at 12 to 13c. Eaatern sprlne ducka ln uioderate Bupply and Bteady. Nortbern and eaBtern cbickena and fowla selling in Binall lots at quotatlone. Hay and Btraw. Tlio market for hay contluueB dnll, and prlcea favor tho buyer for all but tho beat gradea. For cholce hay tho range ot Halea Ib about S1S.0O to 16SO covering Binall and large bale?, wlth the lower gradoa eaay and ranglng down ln prlce aa to quallty, most biiBiuess doing at 810 to 10. ltye Btraw ig dnll bnt the prlce Ib about Bteady as buslneaa averages. About 89.00 to 10.00 covers the balk ot the Bales inade. Oat atraw Ib dull and nomlnal IlUTTKU. RecelptB are gradually falltng off and as most of the Btock coining is more or less defoctlVH the aupply of Btrlctly fino freah rooiIb suitable for the beat trade ta running a little Bhort of the detnand. Ex tra gradea cleaned up well lnBt week, and Tucaday'g arrival of fancy Vermont and New Harnpahire asnorted aizea eold quite generally at l'Jc. Strictly extra weatern creamery haa been in Bteady fair demaud at 18Jc for aaaorted aizea with now and then a fancy inark held at 18Jo. I'oTATOEa. The market haa been well Bupplied aince our laat weekly report with Brintol Ferry and native atock. Demand haa been only moderate and condned al most entirnly to city trade. Prices Ior best Hoae and Hebrona have varied from $1,00 to S1.75 per barrel, according to the bud ply offering from day to day. ThiB morn ing recelpta are quite heavy and beat marka hard to place at over S1.G2 with ordiuary Btock slow at S1.C0. WeBtern potatoeH are not wanted and laat aalea were at 81. 00 generally. Chbbbe. Kecelpta for export, 979 boxea. The market is Bttll in an unsatiafactory con ditlon. There has been a further advance in prices in aympathy with the higher rates rullng in the country, but bayera are gen erally holdlng off and moat of the freah ar rivals have to go into store. There have been very few aalea of nortbern twlna at over 9i to 9ic aa jet. Fair to good gradea are selling well at 7J to 8Jc. Western twins in light aupply but hard to sell at '4c. Ohlo flatB steady at 8 to 9c. Eoau. lteceipta Irom the West con tlnue very heavy and a large stock of hot weather eggs haa accumnlated here. There has been about the usual demand for thia season of the year but the aupply has been altogethor too large for the mldautn luer trade, eapecially with berrlea and otber amall fruits as plenty and cheap aa at prea ent. There have been few Balea of weatern thia week at over 14c and for the general run of stock 13 to 14c is a full quotatlon wlth prospect of atill lower prices unless recelpta fail off soon. Fancy nearby aud eaBtern in light Bupply. Lumbku. Clrcumatancea require another buoyant report. For all sorts of lumber the demand preeently paaalug would be conaidered good even for the buay tlme of year which means of course that it ia pho nomenally brisk for midaummer. Mauu facturera have all they can ilo, a little more than they can manage in fact, to comply with the calls now being mado upon them, and aa ia of courao but natural , under the circumatances the tone of the market ls very tirtn atrengthenine, notwItuBtandiDg advances already scoted, aome people think Flouh. The tone ol the market is easler, with aalea yet ruling very alow. IJuyers are operating aa forced by their presslng needs, but hTiow nodiapoaition to anticipate future uecesBitlfs. In winter wheata the prlcea aaked to hbip are more governed by the coat of new wheat, but most aalea of spring are yet ot old wheat gooils. No new winter wheat tloura have arrlved as yet, but ahipmenta aro ln tranalt. For spring pat ents the general range of Bales ia at 83.76 to 4.00, aome speclal branda hnld higher. Winter patenta are quotable at 83.75 to 3 90 aa covering about all of the business done. New winter wheata clear and Btralght are quotable at 83 20 to 3.S0, but the range is up to S3.C0 to 3 65 for choice branda of old wheat gooils. Low gradea nomlnal. Wool. The business continuea to ahow aome falling off, and the aggregate U sraall er than that for several weeks past. Still the demand continnes good, and it ia the absence of the huge indlvidual tranaactions of the precedlng weeka that makes the market appear quleter than tt really Ib. All in all the demand promlsea to be more general in tbo near luture as the smaller manufacturers are beglnning to secnre or dera for gooda, and their purcbasea are llke ly to make conaiderable of a sttr In the market, Their preaence haa been felt dur ing the past few daya and numbers of them wlll undoubtedly follow. The market ls exceedlngly flrm for all fiuo and medlum Btock and prices contlnue on the upward path. The top notch of valnea haa not yet been reached and it only needa heavler bnyiug to feud prices klttng upward. Livo Stock Market. Bkef Cattlb. The market at Water town was nelther higher nor lower than last week and the demand, nlthough not urgeut, proved pretty well equal to the absorptlon of supplles. Prlcea ot market beef: A few choice, S7,00to7.C0; extra, 86 to 6 50; nrst niml ity, 85.00 to 5.50; aecond quallty, 84.00 to 4.50; third quallty, 83 00 to 8 60. Prices ol atore cattle: Farrow cowa, 812 to25; fanoy cows, 860 to G0; milch cows and calves, 820 to 48; yearltngs, 810 to 20; 2-year-olds, 814 to 30: 3-year-olds, 322 to 40; Weatern fat awine, llve, 4J to 4Jo; Nortb ern dreaaed hoga, 5Jo per pouud, Siikbf and Laubs. Tlio supplieB were chletly from the weat aud ot deslrablu quul ity. For good spring lamba lald down here 7o la about the idea. Wo quote: Iu lotB, 82.50 to 3.00 each; ex tra, 83.50 to 6.60, or from 21 to 8Jo per lb., lambs, 5 to t)Jo; veal calvea, 3i to 5Jo. Swinb, Tho demaud waa fair and pricea wore Bteady. Weatern sold at4&to4ol. w. and couutry lota at 5Jo d. w. Vkal Calvkb Tlio feeilng waa easler, 6jo beiugseldom and 5g never exceeded. DeWltt's Little Early Risers, The lamuui llitlr ollla.