Newspaper Page Text
8 VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9, 1899. The Delicious m Fragrance from a hot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets the appetite. The taste of siucfo a biscuit sweet, creamy, delicate and crispy is a joy to the most fastidious. Williamstown, Mrs. Jatues M. fieckott 1s being vlalted by a lady frlend froin Malne. Miss Bullo Roblnson wlll teacb tbe fall term lu tbe George W. Savery district. CbatleB Clark of St. Jobnsbury 1 visltlnR bla brotberB, George W. and Dan Clark. TbomaB Poland bas a job ol carpentei'a work at Soutb Barre witb Luclus Scott. Mrs. Natban 0. Smltb of Washington, D. C, 1b the Ruest of ber Lynde couslns. Herbert J. Colby, now ol Burlington, waH with fatnily frlends here over Sanday. Three Pillsburys of Mlnneapolls, Mlnneso ta, regiatered at the Monninent houee last week. After an absence of a few years, Jarnos Blce haa retnrned as a brakeman on tho rallroad. Mrs. Etban George of Boston waa tbe cuest last week of bor cousiu, Mrs. Olney F. Seaver. Bert Sitnons, son of Luctus S. Simons now of Provideuoe, B. I., is viBiting tbe old botne here. Leon, son of 0. A. Blancbard, haa lately gouo to Molra, Franklin couuty, N. Y., to run a hotel. A son waa lately born to Mr. and Mra. OUver Stone, who came here not very long ago from tbe Qaarry diatrlct. Miaa Emma AdauiB and Katie Erskine attended the Orange county Sunday bcIiooI onve ntlon at Wells Rlver last week. There will be no preaehing Bervioes at tho Congregational churcb uexr. Sunday. 8er vices there will be resutned Auguat 20. I!ort Dobba haa moved liis fuuilly to Barre where he haa employmont in the yard of the Wells Kivor rallroad company. Lorena, daughter of onr foriner towns man, Thomas Spooner, now of Barre, wbb lately uiarried to Oscar E. Fltman of Iiaru atead, N. II. Norrnan G. Davis continuea in poor health. He baa been under Dr. E. B. Wat aon'a care uf late. Alden P. Martln galna very alowly. Mrs. F. A. Owen, a daughtor of the late Bingham and Aurelia Adams Seavor of Burlington, waa In town over Bunday. Iler Bon accompanied ber. Mra. Leavitt H. Hayward ia getting pleas ure and bodlly health out of her stay at Cottage Clty, Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Sbe will retnaln there till September. Qeorge W. Harrlngton, wife and only daughter, of Princeton, 111., are viBiting frlends here. Mr. Harrington is a member of the Illlnois State board of education. On Saturday next tbore will be a grand excursion to Westport, N. Y., round-trlp tlcketB, adults, 81; chlldren ilfty cents. Our band will accouipany the excursion. Eddte Staplea, tho youngeat son of Isaac Staplea, waa drowned in Bristol wbile bath Ing. It 1b Burmiaed be waa aelzed witb oramps. He waa some twentytwo years ot age. Tho drylng up ot streams and springa, in Bome placea here, 1b belng felt severely. One ot our farmers says tbat a atream in liis paature haa f ailed for the flrst time in forty yeara. The Congregational ladles aooiety will bold a froe aociahle at tbe bouae of Euoa F. Walker Wednosday afternoon and evening of thls week. All are cordially lnvited to attend, News up to June 10, baa Just been recoiv ed from Oeorge Lynde Ainsworth. II e reachod Fort Yukon in tbe Klondike couutry, June 12. As to healtb, he writea he never felt better in hia lifo. Road Coimnlsslouor O. A, Blancbard ia at work on the tnaln road to Barre and north of tbe vlllage cetnotery at preaent, uaing tbe fundB provided by the atate for tbe purpose of securing improved thorough fares. Mrs. Abbio Sitnons Waloo, daughter of the late Dana Slmona, now a resldent of Walnnt Ilill, Dedbarn, Maaa., 1b vialtlng thia her old bome. She ia accompanied by ber only living chlld, a daughter, who is u teaoher in tho townahip of Dedbam. Tbe Central Vermont Railway Company ofler our cltlzens exeurnlon ratea to Mon treal on Tbursday of thia woek. Itound trlp tlcketa 82.25. good for tbreu daya. Tlie great attractlon will bo the world's blcycle nieet, wbile varioua smullor onea are on the program. Elliott Brothers havu juat llniahed and sot up a monument ln our villago cemetery, to the memory of Will Edson whoae doatb last year waa causod by tbe well rernem ber'd accldent tbat butell bim. It goes without aaylng tbat thls monument ia a Sood one. Such ia the reputation of its ulldora. Onr acqueduct company held a meetlng ROYAL Baking Povvdcr improvcs thc flavor and adcls to the healthful ncss of all riscn flour-foods. It rcndcrs thc biscuit, bread and cakc more digestible and nutritious. Royal Baking Powder makcs hot breads wholesome. Food raised vvith Royal vvill not distrcss persons o f deli cate or enfceblcd digestion, though eaten vvarm and fresh. Imitation baking poutlers nlmost invariably con taiu alum. Alum makcs the food unwholesonie. ROYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW VORK. last Saturday evening to soe what proposi tlon thoy would make to our Ure district, relative to furmshing water for it. Wbile no declaion was reached, the cbairman of tbe prndential committee tells us be be lleves tbe company will yet make some propoaltion to the district. Jeweller Georgo B. Bosworth, our flne auiateur photographer, has jnst acored an other succeas. The Boston Journal last week wrote hlm concernlng some photo graphs he sent it as follows: "Though we have propably a thouaand children's plc turea on band, the onea you sent are so ex cellent that we Bhall be glad to roproduce thom." We hardly know of anotber woman in our town of ber advanced age who haa been such a mlracle of phyBical vigor, and clean grlt 8B Widow Harriet Averill who llvea on a farm in the north west cornor of the place. The accldent that befell her lately, in the overturn of a carrlage by a frlghtened horse in Northfield, for a time was feared to be a fatal one, but she may yet recover from it. Our esteemed ex-townsman, Rev. Carlos L. Adama, and wife were last week given a Bplendid roceptlon by bla cburch people in Adrlan, Mlch. An album, contalning pbo tographs of Botne G50 cburch niembera and friendsj an elegant gold watch, witb chain and charm, sultably lnscribed; and glfts for the chlldren were preaented Bev. Mr. Adama and (amily. Tbe cburch parlora were handaomely decorated for the ocea slon. Vocal and inatrumental lnuaic, an original poein, refreshuionta, and n aocial hour made lt, "one of the most enjoyable events in tho annals of the cburch," says an Adrian paper. Bev. A. Ii. Cooper and wife, Mra. Adams' pareuta, and well known here, were preseut ou thia happy occasion. Our ex-townaman, Judge Francls Clark, died July 29, at liis bome in Waukogtn, III. 11m waa born here about sovonty yearB ago, and was one of a brlght and very wortby fatnily of aona and daughtera, that wore left without a fatber early ln llfe, with tbeir own way to make in the world. Mr. Clark waa a graduate of Dartmouth college, and for a time was a teacher in Waukegan. Later he completed the study ot law and Iocated in Waukegan, where he bas lived for many yeara. His wife, a very superior woman, waa a natlvo of weatern MasaacbuBetta. Two or three daughtera were born to them. IIo bad a boautiful hoine in Waukegan and those who have bad the hoapitality ot it wlll ever recall it witb pleaBure. II e was tho laat of hia father'fl family, hia oldeat brotber, Benaa lear Clark, havlng dled ot an advanced agein New York state, some montba ago. Tbe namn ot tho late Mra. Dorcas Folsom Smith, a miBslonary who dled lu Calcutta, Indla, on February 11, 1b an unknown name to many of our citizena to-day, but we doubt not the day wlll come when it will appear as one ot tbe brighteat gema in the crown ot tbe place, Blnce it seems to bo ln tbe nature of thlnga human, that lives of superior worth shed the rlcbest luBtre on the towns in whicb thoy had birtb. Mrs. Smith's mother was a slster of our late townsman, Alanaon Green, a tamtliar name bere years ago. Her father was a brotber of Mrs. Ophlr S. Martin's fatber. Folsom by name, and a Free Baptlst mlnister. It is said that her father's prayors for tho slavo holder, and the slave. the mlsslonarles and the hoathen flrst awakoned ln ber a deaire to be a tuUslonary, At tbe age of twenty flve years the opportunity came to gratlly thls deslre, wben as tbe wife of Bev. Beu jamln Burlelgh Bmitb, an acceptod mls alonary of the Free Baptiat board, sue ar rlved ln Calcutta December 31, 1852. After ten years she returnod to thls country on account of tbe illnesa of her busband, and remained slx years. Her busband diod in India in 1872. Five yeara later Bbe was called back here by tho aickneas of her father, and stald hero throe yeara. In 1880, ahe roturned to her mlaslouary fleld, where she remained till 1891, wben she came back to thls couirtry for a stay of two yoars, and theu returnod to work till her last fatal slckneaa. Tbe account ot ber va rled and superb work ln all her years in Indla, 1b lnaplring reading, lndeed, "Her predominant traits of obaracter," aays one of ber frlends, "waa positiva convictlon, great executivo force, bold ou whlch never dreams of failure." 8ho leavea one son, ln tho far west. Fayston. Mrs. Maurice Shaw and daughter of St. Albana aro viaiting frienda In town. Cbarles B. Maxwell Ih engaged as book keeper for Hon, II. O, Ward of Moretoivu. G. O. Hoyco and daughter, Mrs. Frank Hayden of Montpelier, viaited A. D. Bragg and family last week. Mth. Ferd Ainsworth of Mlnneapolls, witb ber son and daughter, who lmva beuu apondlng a few woekB witb ber parentB, Mr. and Mra. A. D, Bragg, have gone to vlslt frlends ln Montpelier. Waitsfield Two claaaea in olocutlon are getting un uerway. Steve Joslin waa In Middlebury a few uaya laat week. Blchard Brown la flniahing tbe L. B. Jos nn store ou lnto tenementB. George Mlller of Boston pald a brlef vislt to wausneiu last uaturuay. Wlll Marahall and family retnrned last xuesuay irom a vlslt to lincoln. Lewia W. Farr of Earlsvllle, N. Y., is at his motber'a, Mrs. Joaepb Farr, for a few uays. The Highgate campera are coming bome witu great reiuctance. rnoy roport a spion uia time. Mr. Slocum who has been apendlng a few weeks in Irasville bas gone to his buainess In Massachusetts. Mra. Robort Loncr suffered on Mondav July 31 from s stroke of paralyaia. She bas aince been in a crltical condltlon. MltB Carrie Green will take cbarge ot tbe Epworth Leaguo meeting next Sunday evening. Suhject: "A Servlce of From isoB. John xiv: 1-11. Willlam Kolsey sot firo to a ten acre lot of felled tlrnber last Wedueaday and suc ceeded beyond his blghest expoctatlon in getting a clean aweep. Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey, Mra. Abble Eaton, Mrs. Mabel Carroll, Mlss Beth Klcbardson, Clarence Magoon and Mr. and Mrs. Mlller attonded the Epworth League cabinet meeting In Waterbury laat Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Nowcotnb ot Atcbi son. Kan., are visitlng thelr aged mother at tho hoine of J. S. Newcomb. Mr. New comb forrnorly reaided in thls county ia uow a wealthy mercbant of Atcblaon, The flnUl day aporta at the fair ground Auguat 22 under the auaplcos of Valley Lodge of Odd Bellows wlll conslst of ball gamo, tug of war, oat race, gent's drivers, runnlng, jumplng, putting ahot, etc. It you want a day of steady fun dou't fall to at tend. Rlckor Mllls, William Palmer who haa boen ln tbe west for the laat thlrteon years is visitlng old frienda. A. n. Rtcker baa bad from slx to twenty teama put up in hiB barn for the laat (en days. Fishing and blueberrying are popu lar bere. It Is estimated tbat over 400 bushels ot bluoberrlea bavo been picked. Harvey M. Gates aged about seventy tbree died at Concord, N. H., last Frlday. The funeral and burial were at Topsham on Monday. He camo to Groton vlllage some thirty-flve yeara ago and built a car rlage shop whicb he conducted for aeveral yeara. Hia health faillng be moved to East Orange but haa been living witb hia daughter at Concord for some ttme. He was a member of the Baptlst chnrcb at Groton. Artbur Tellier is in town. Henry E. Annls la spendlng a few daya bere. Lela and Carroll Blcker are the guests ot A. H. Blckor tbeir grandfatber thls week. ' E. D. Bicker and wife aro vialtlng in Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bohert Pat ten went to Barnet on buainess Monday, Anstln Alston went to East Crafts bury on bnslneas last Frlday. : J, (J. and Mrs. Harvey and W. B. Parmer were tbe guests ot Saiauel Goodwtn last Monday. Topsham. Mrs. Lola Eastmau ia serlously 111, A new teatlng machlne haa boen put lnto tho creamery. Mra. 1. N. Hall of Groton is vialtlng at Georgo Hall's. Warren Dowon haa great.y improved the appearance of the cemetery recently. Georgo G. Nelson and Willlam H. Thoinp bou wore In town buylug cows last week. W. H. Nelaon and wife of Ryegate vla lted two or three days at E. E. Lyine's laat week. Mrs. Cora Sweet ot Whltlngvllle, Mass., Is staylng at tbe bome ot her father, Put nam Hayward. 0. II . Motcalf of East Corinth bronght a hog tbrough the villago one day last week tbat welgbed 007 pounda. The remaina of Harvey Gatoa worn bronght here for intermeut on Monday. Tbe fuueral waa held in tho Methodlst cburch at two o'ulock. Ezeklol White, ono of the oldest citizena of TopHham, dled Monday, July 31. The funeral waa held Wednesday, Uev. E. W. Halcb of East Corinth, ofllclatlng. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Tlie lomuua little pllli. Norllifteld. U. 0. Cady Is III. Dr. W. B. Mavo was In Dnrllnpton on Monday, W. F. Cushman la at linmn tliln wnntc nn buainess. Mavo Blako is nninnlnir nt. Bnrlln nnnil lor a wook. Very fow went on tho ninnrslnn tn West port, N. Y. Edward Connell of tho Newi force Is away on a vacatlon, J. P. Brooks la to orect a linnsn an IiIh lot. near tho Walllug farm, Presldont A. D. Brown and fnmllv arn visitlng in Brattleboro. W. A. Ellla la nt tho Plumlnv raimi at North Horo for a wook. A. W. Barnard retnrned Frlilav frnm a buslnesa trlp In Connecticut. Wllmot Balno. who hns linmi vlHlt.lnrr boro, bas roturned to Waltham, Mass. Th VOStrv of Ht. MarT'H nnrlili mnt Wrl. day orenlng to consldor parlsh matters. Tho Emoraon Anunilunt (InTnnatiT rn. contly lald about S70O worth of new plpo. Jorry Donabue has nilrnlmHRil thn linnnn. ownod by Joaopb Donny, on Central street. Martln Hanlon is wlrlnc thn rnrn fAo.tnrv for ilfty ligbts. Ho has sovoral bouiea to wlre. A dlsgracoful flght betwoen two young boys in tbe park waa ono of tho attractlona Monday. F. N. Wbitnoy baa purcbasod tho News bulldlng ot Mlss M. P. Moore. Considera tlon, 81,760. Cbarles Avory. who went to New York clty last week, baa obtalnod employment on mu eiecirio cara. Work haa begun on the erectlon of tbrea new bouaos and three more are nearlng compieuon in tuo villago. Henry Boardman andl Mark Green both conoiuuou to pay tbeir flnes and not go tr Jall for twenty days eacb. F, Ii. Howe & Co., placed a Swodo gran- lte raonumont ln isimwood cemetery, Barre, on Monday. It la the flrst of that klnd ot granlto In that cemetery. B. 8. Dow and wife of Woodatock, N. H. are vislting ln town. Mr. Dow was former ly a cadet at the University, and Mra. Dow was a teacher ln our graded school. Tho dlrectors of the Dog Rlver Valloy Fair are maklng arrangements to bave the fair next montb a great succen. The coaching parade is to be one of the attrac tlona, W. S. l'rlor of Worcester, Maas., and his brother Willis of Underhill vlalted at E. E. Thompson's thls week. Willis wlll entsr the freabinan class at Norwich Unlvsraity thls fall. The members of Company F, First Ver mont Volunteers, have recelved lnvttationa to the reunlon of the Washington county veterans at Dewey park, Montpollor, AugUBt 10. Mra. M. Averill met with a seriouB accl dent thls week near Howe'a pond. The borso becamo frlghtened and backed over tho bank. Mrs. Averill was taken to Ralph Howe'a where she recelved medlcal ald. Georgo LaFranla wbile going down Bcbool-houae bill Friday evoning on his wheel collided with the team of Charles Fuller. Tho reult was a cut on lbo head thatnecessltated two or three stltches, and a badly cut llnger. Lteutenant Maion ot tho Twenty-sixtb regiment, Unlted States Army, waa In town Thurtday to recruit for the reglmant. George Mann of Roxbury enllstod. Two members of Company F, Jobn Loonery and W. T. Cnrtls, bave enlisted for thli regi ment. Charlea Loomls la ln the Sixtb Unlted States cavalry, Harry Brown and Fred Holden are with the Twenty-flrst reg iment at Manila. About seventy-flve Maaons, Odd Fellows and Grand Army mon met at tbe resldence of G. 0. Bates on Vine street Monday even ing, it belng tbe slxtieth birthday ot War ren S. Clark. Befreahmenta were aerved. W. W. Holdon preaented Mr. Clark, In be balf of tho members, a palr of solid gold bow glaaaes, a cane and a anm of money. Several other presenta wore left as a re mlnder ot tlie occasion. Gouldsvlllo. Will Cook has gone to Randolph to work. Dora Andrewa Ib visitlng ber brotber at Newbury. Herbort Croas of Springfleld, Mass., Is at hoino on a vlslt. George Balley purcbased a team in Bur lington, laat week. George Chandler has gono to Cavendish to work in a mlll. John Blloy haa returnod to work, mucb Improved in health. Lola Ingalls of Bandolpb, Is vialtlng her grandmother, Mrs, Marble. Rev. David O. Thatcher and family are visitlng at Willlam Lntber's. E. W. Cocbrano haa returnod from a vlslt to Marshfield and la now qulto slck. Charlea Hoath has returned from;hls work in Now York and ia to go west on a viait. Joaeph Poulin and wife havo begun honaekeeping ln Mrs. Yarrington'B teue uient. t Mra. F. P. Hlnds of HluBdale, N. H., la vialtlng with her sister, Mra. A. F. An drewa. Mr. and Mra. Danlel O'Neil have gone to Saxtons Rlver to work during the shut down bere. C. S. Kimball bas had a new platform and new butcher's scalea put lnto hia slaughter house, which ia nearly completed. Truman Chase haa returned from Heaton hospltal where be bas been for a nuinber of weeka. He seems to be (eeling qulto well for an old man. Mlss Annle Gaynor, wbo bas been at H. J. Eaton's for a number of weeks, returned to her homo ln Boston last Thursday very mucb improvod in health. Sbe has made many frlends bere who earnestly hope that she will be able to come agaln next year. Tbe mlll Ia Bbut down on account of low water and many are enjoylng vacatlons ont ot town, among wbom are Wlll Legler and family lu Canada, Ed. Legler and fam ily at Richford, Frank Kaylor and family at Granville, Mlss Llzzle Cook at Barre, and Mlss Dna Ilill at Berlin. Wbile E. L. OrosB and wife were rotnrn tng from Montpelier, one day last week, the horse becamo frlghtened and ran, tbrowing Mrs. Orosa out. Sbe recelved internal in lnriea whtcb have proved to be qulte aor lous but at preaent she is more coinfortable and ber recovery is expected. Koat Warren. Tbe Ladles Mite society wlll iueet Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Hosea Towne. All aro lnvited. Rev. E. Trowbridgo from Soutb Albany wlll hold quarterly meeting services here next Saturday and Sunday. Mra. Robort Lang bad a abock laat week. Mra. Carrie Qulmby and duughter from Briatol aro vialtlng in town, Laat Wednesday afternoon during the thuuder abowers llghtning struck a cow be Iouging to W. J. Somervillo. Mrs. Cbarles Ellla and four chlldren from West Dedbani, Mass , are speudlng a fow weeka witb her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Hosea Towne. Peacham, MrH. Leon Story of Bennington Ih visitlng in town. Tho youug people aro ln caiupat Green bav thio wtek. Goorgo Smart and wife havo roturned from Burlington. G. A. Kenersou was at Old Orchard lleach for liis healtb laat week. The Mouutaln Vlew house haa qulte a number of clty boarders whlch makes W. II. Bagley, the proprletor, smlle. 0. 0. Willlams and John Armatrong mado tliolr anuual trlp no thn bluubeny swamp last woek. Tbey pucu.ed four aud one-balf bushels in two days, Watorbury, W. P. Bntlor of Boston is tbe guest of Dr. aud Mra. Janoa. Dan 0. Iliubardson was rocolvod lnto memborshlp by tho Congregational oburcb last Sunday. Tho travollntr nubllcdo not take klndlv to tho recont ordor of tho rallroad ofllclals ln cloaing the depot nlghtH. Thny aro not so partlcular regardlng tbe closing of the telegraph odlcr, but with ull the walting- room uoors looKeil and no Uguts anywuore, lt ls not pleasant to walt for tralns, Mon day nlght Ihoro were ten paaaongors walt ing on tho platform ln pltch darknoss. Tho publlo llbrary bas been movod lnto tho roar room over tho bank whlch waa klndly provldod by Mr. DUUngbam. Tho room la bettor adapted for tho pnrposo than tho old ono but not ao eaay of access, bow ever the adding of a hand ratl on ono slde wlll make the atalrs safo. The thanka of the publlo aro due to tho managers who bave beou untlrlng ln tbeir oflorta to mako tho now room nleasant and convenlont Cards aro to bo dlaplayed ln varlous nlaces ln the vlllage, glving thftvnew locatlon of tuo llbrary anil when open to tho publlo. Watorbury Couter. Samnel Boan of Nowburyport, Maas., la a gucaiai r. r. amitn's. David Uatcb from the town farm bas boen ln tuo placo lor a short vlslt. H. J, Vaughn ia having a vlait from bla couaiu, v. u. (joio, oi uoncoru, jm. Ii. W. H. Shepberd left last Wednosday for u viait iu uia lormer uomo in uanaua. George Horrlck and son, of Middle sex, wero guosts at O. H. Btono's over Snn day. E. B. and Jeaae B. Pike wero in Mont pelier a part of last woek, dolng a job ot BIUUU wurK. Edwln Burnham and Miaa 0. M. LawBon of Cabot wero guests last woek of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. DUUngbam. Mr. and Mra. John Vinton of Granvlllo are vialtlng Mrs. Vlnton'a parenta and sia ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shopard and Mlsa v lora. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of Brattleboro bavo been vialtlng at O. H. Mlnott's tbe past week. Thoy are now visitlng in northern new xorK, Danlel Towne went to Jonesville last Wednesday to vlslt two daughtera, wbo reside there. He expocts to be away about two weens. Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Lyman of Now York cuy caiieu unon old irlenus last Hundav Mr. Lyman forrnorly attended school here and now has a good posttlon ln a New York ubuk. Messrs. Frank N. and Georgo D. Smith Misaes Mary E. and Lucia Smith, with thelr gueat, Samuel Bean of Newburyport Mass., took a trip to Mount Mansfield laat Saturday. Mr. and Mra. Levl A. Persons of Mont pellor, vistted sisters of Mra. Porsons ln thls piaco last weeK. Mlss Florence Warren thelr nleco, returned homo witb tbem for week's visit. Alonzo Hart went to Burlington last Wednosday to see his daughter, Mrs. Silas Stowell ot Wolcott, who waa taken to tho Mary Fletcher hospltal to havo two can cera removeu. Mrs. W. B.Bargboltz of New Bochelle, N x.. anu nei urotner. j. il. Fercnaon an attorney of New York Clty, called upon thelr aunt, Mra. Marshall, for a few hours last Wedneaday. The guests at Rev. Mr. Smith's are Mr and Mrs. William H. Newball and two chlldren, Mlss Eva M. Smith and Thomas G. Smltb. Mrs. Newball, Mlss Eva and Thomas G. are chlldren of Rev. and Mrs Smith, and all are from Lynn, Mass. Tbe gentlemen wbo are lnterested in tbe copper mme on ii. u. bmalley's farm, were in tho place last Thursday, talking ot ways and means for developing tbe property. There seems to be plenty ot ore, ricb enough to pay, au u lacKS is money to start lt. The Woman's Rellef Corps will observo tue anniversary oi tue liattlo ot iiennlng ton at tneir room in tue Heminary. on Wed nesday, August 10, where they wlll have an lce cream social from slx to nino p. m Come out and beip tbe ladles in thelr good worK. Mrs. Dr. T. D. 0. Mlller and daughter Mlss Clara Mlller, of New York Clty, are visitlng Mrs, is,. e. ii. ftilllpps. Mrs. riill ipps is a daughter of Mrs. Mlller. Lastweek TuoBday they took a drivo tbrough Mlddle box Notcb, roturning by way of the rlver road. Tbey wero dolighted with the aceu ery in and tbrough the Notch. Worcester. Ned Ilarria is Improving. Mlss Mary Abbott atarts for tbe west on Wedneaday. Mr. and Mrs. ErneBt Gray have a daugh ter born Angust 1. Mra. M. Hancock ia at bome after a viait ot two weeka lu Berlin. J. E. Hancock haa bought out Artbur iitnery b moat buaineaa. Rev. Clark Wedgeworth started Monday ror ituiei r iui, camp grounu, jounaon. There was a unlon temperance meeting at tue Aietuouist cuurcu ejunuay evening. Mrs. Mary Harris went to Montpelier and barre last weoK lor a vlslt ot several days Mra. Cheater Ladd who baa been spend Ing Bome time with her daughter, Mra Henry Holt, of Montpelier returned Satur uay. Among the arrivals and vlaltors in town tno past weeK aro i ranit uurtls and Mrs Carlos Dyke of Morrisville at John Bettis, Tuesday; Don Dodge and family of Mont pelior at Howard Dodge'a Wedneaday: Dr A. A. Mlnottot Morrisville and Mlsa Etta Hunt ot Montpelier at Channcey Hunt'a Sunday; Mrs. Loalie Cooper and two chll dren of SprlngQeld, Mass., at M. P. Keut'a. Mra. M. H. Brown and Miaa Mtldred Brown of East Northfield, Mass., and Mlss Blancho Brigham of Northfield, Vt., at Honry Ab bot's; Mr, and Mrs. II. B. Barrlngton of Montpelier and F. J. Vigeant at Al. Du gar's; Misses Leonard of Cleveland, Oblo, at Douglasa Vall's. Warren. B. F. Shaw and Curt Danlela wero In Lincoln Saturday. Willlam Hudson ot Middlesex mado ua a flylug vlait Saturday. Sherlff Graves of Waterbury was iu town last week on a buaineaa trlp, D. L. Saudors of Montpelier was iu town last Wednesday and Thursday. Vern Stone baa returned from an ex tended sojourn in Fitcbburg, Mass. J. F. Stoddard spent Sunday witb his parents Mr. and Mra. Frank Stoddard. O. G. Eaton ot Waitsfield called on old acqualutancea ln town laat week Thursday. Dr. E. 0. Bullard and wlfo vlalted In Bethel tbe past week, returnlng Saturday. Deputy Sherlff J. L. Gleason and E. M. Turner wero in Burlington on bUBlness last Thursday. Tho extended drouth la the worst ever known lu thia snctlon. The fall cropa, espe clally corn, will be mucb damaged. The Warren Base-ball club wlll moet the llocheaterri on Dlvoll Held next Saturday. A good gainu is expected. All tnrn out and help the bnya. We all llke to aeo good ball playlng. South Woodbury. Mlsa Kutb Lllley Ih at homo from tho Bumuior school aa ls Mlsa Luoy Sablu. Mrs. Ifattle Gray aud daughtor of Plain field vlsitedat Warren Goodoll'a laat week, Harvey Gnodell of Maokvlllo ls travel lug tbrough the month of August at Ilany Rurnhaui'H, Maaou Wheoler and wlfo of Worcester Mass., and Orln Wheuler ot Athol, Masa,, aro visitlng iu town, A Wheuler pluulo was held at CurtU pond laat Saturday About 300 attended among them many ot the Irleml s and rela tlvea from thls place. West Fairlee Mr. Kuox has roturned from Now York and Is at the Eagle hotel. Mra. Hariev Whltnov and daughtor. Lona, aro at Mra. llorbort Smith's. Mrs. Maud Nlles nnd hor slster. MIbb Madge Smith, wlll go to MasaachuaottB thls weoK. Misses Annle and I.hmu Hinilli of Lnwnll. Mass., camo back to thelr old bome last Friday. Tho two dauchters of florirrrn W. Com- stock, who reaido in Lynn, Mass., aro vis itlng tbeir latuer. Florence Kltuball baa flnlshnd wnrk nt. the hotel and is to help her fathor In hiB store at Vershire. Ulram Mataon has cone to Dr. Tllxhv'a tn board. His hoalth la ao noor that It Ih nnt aafe for hlm to bo loft alono ln bla bouae. Wo are all elad to soo Oliver f3nvn1mr.k In the Btoro aftor his short vacatlon. "OUy" ls always pleaaantand a very good boy. Mra. Allen Smith came bomo laat Mon day, after a two month'fl stay in Boston, wnero sue wenc to uavo nor oyes troatou. Walta Rlver. Mrs. Henry Rlchardson is galnlng. Mr. and Mra. J. Uoirors viaited at D. 8. Folsom's laat Tueaday. Mrs. E. 8. Cudworth baa beon 111 for sov eral daya with a sovoro cold. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dodee and Bon are viBiting at Barre and Waterbury , Mrs. Gale and Mrs. Fannlo Rlchardson ot Barre vlslted at J. P. BlcbardBon's last wook. Mra. B. G. Mllea haa returned from Montpelier where Bho was a few weeks with ber busband. Mrs. 0. E. WllllamB and daughtera wbo bave been visitlng at G. B. Niles loft for New York last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Locke and others at tended the funeral of Mrs. John Cbyno- wetu oi verBuiro last week. ICast Brookfield. Mr. Haasam of Gaysville was In town last week on a businoaa trip. S. B. Adams of Phlladelphla, Fa., and Miaa Blanche iiasoiton oi bomorvillo, Aiasa., were re cently guests at W. H. Sprazue'a Mrs. Clara Carver and Mrs. Ida Snracue of Montpelier returned to thtir home last week. Rev. L. H. Elllot of Water bury preacbed at thls place last Sunday, ln the abaence of Rev. F. P. Womer. Frank Wilcox And Mlsa Mabel Black re- turned laat week from a carrlage trlp to uranuon. Isbed work for George Durkee haa fin John Clark. He went to Barre last week. Edward Dean of Woodatock, aged twon ty-four yeara, was drowned Bunday after noon in Silver Lake, Barnard. Ho waa in batblng with two other young men when he stepped lnto a deep bole and Bank. His body arose throe tlmes but nelther of his companions could swlm and bo sank agaln and his body bas not yot been found. Tbe accidont occurred before the servicea cburch and tho wbole congregation rusbed to tbe spot but no ono was able to render any help. BUSINESS NOTICES. You assume no rlsk when you buy Cham tierlaln's uoilc. Cnolera and DlarrhcoaRem edy. C. Blakely and W. E. TerriU & Co wlll refnnd your money If you aro not satls fied after using lt. It la everywhere admit ted to be tbe most successful remedy In nse for bowel complalnts and the only one that never falls. It ls pleasant, safo and reli able. Dbink Gkain-0 after you bave conclnded tbat you ought not to drink coffeo. It Is not a medlcino but doctors order it, because lt Ib bealthful, Invlgorating and aypetizing. It is made from pure gralns and has tbat ricb aeal brown color and tastes like tho flnest gradea of coffeo and costs about as mucb. Chlldren llke it and thrivo on it be cause it is a genuine food drink contalning nothlng but nourisbment. Ask your gro cer for Grain-O, the new food drink. 15 and 25 cents. "77" AS A PttKVBNTIVB or Grip. In a factory employingover one bnndred hands, the management obllged each employeo to take "77" aa a preventlve during the epi demic, with the result, that not a single one was abaent on account of tbe grlp, wbile inauy establlshmeuts were crlppled by the absence ot employeea. If you will carry a vial of "77" ln your pocket and take fre quently, you will eacape the grip. "Soventy seven" preventa pneumonia and "breaks up" colds that "hang on." At drugglata or sent propald; 25 cta., 50 cts. and 81.00. Dr. Humpbroy'a Book eent free. Humphroy'a Mediclne Company, corner Willlam & Jobn atreeta, New York. HOLD YOUU BllEATII. DONT COUOU. There la nothlng more lrrltable to a cough than coughing. Constant cougbing is llke acratchlng a wonnd: so long as It ia done the wound wlll not heal. When tompted to cougu araw a long ureatu and noid lt untll lt warms and soothes every air cell, and some beneflt will soon be recelved from thls proceaa. The nltrogen whlch ls thua retlned acta on tbe mucous membrane, allaya the deaire to cough and givea the tbroat and lnnga a chance to heal. At the same time the uae of Dr. Humphreya' specl fio "77" will ald nature in her efforts to re cuperate. At drugglsts or sent post pald; price 25 and 50 cents; large pocket flask 81.00. Dr. Humphreya' manual at drugglsts or aent free. Humphreya' Med. Co., corner Willlam and John streots, New York. It has been domonatrated repeatedly ln every State in tbe Union and in many for eign aountrlea tbat Cliamberlaln's Cough Remedy is a certaln preventlve and care for croup. It has become the unlveraal remedy for that dlsease. M. V. Flaber of Llberty, W. Va,, only repeats what haa been sald around tbe globe when he writea: "I have uaed Chamberlaln's Cough Rem edy ln my family for several years and al ways with perfect succeas. We belleve that it is not only the best cough remedy, but tbat lt Is a sure cure for croup. It has saved the llves of our chlldren a number of tlmes." Thls remedy Ia for sale by 0. Blakley and W. E. TerriU & Co. KSTATK OF LUCKKTIA It. MOItSE. BTATB o Vbbmomt. Oistbiot or Washington, ss. In Probate Court, beld at Montpelier, ln and tor ald DlBtrict, on the Btli day ot Auguit, A.D, 18U9I James W. llroclc, Admlnlitrator ol tbe ei. Ute of I.ucrotla lt. Mone, late ol Montpelier, ln lald Ulitrlct, deceaaed, preienu bl admln lttratlon aeconnt for examinatlon and allowance. and maket appUcatlon for a decree of dlttrlbnuoa and partltlon ot tbe ettateof lald deceaaed. Where upon,lt U ordered by sald Court tbat lald aecoani aud lald appUcatlon oe reterred to a teaslon tbereof, to be beld at tbe 1'robate Offlce, ln aald Montpelier, on the 23tli day of AUK'uit, A. D. 1S39. for heanos anddecltlon ( ls further ordered, tbat notlca hereof be eWen to all nersona lnteruatBd bT pubUcatiou of the lame three weeka aucceaairely 1d pobllabed at Montpelier, In thia State. prerloua to aald tlmt aDDoluted for hearlnir. that they may ao pear at aald time and place. and abow cause, If auy tbey mai ha?e, wby aald account abould not be allowed and auch decree made. Iiythe Court. Atteat. 69-71 IIIHAM CAULKTO.N. Ju Ik KSTATK OV UICI.KSUA LANK. STATK Or VHBMONT. DIBTllIOT or WABIUNOTON, g. In I'robato Court, held at Montpelier, tn aud foi ald Diatrlct, on the 3d dayot AuKUit, A.I), 18JSi a ti Iti.trmtinnt itml rnillnlla tbereto niirnnrtliw tti hn Ibe laat wlll and teatament of Oltl.KsUA LANK, late of Aionipener. iu lam inci, ueceaieu. uoinit Ereiented to the Court for I'robato, lt it ordered y aald Court, tbat all peraoua coucerned. tberelu be uotlfled to appear at a aetslou ot aald Court, to be beld at tbe 1'robate Offlce, ln aald tbe lat day of Soptember.A.I). ISM'i. aud ihow cauae. lt they may havo, aKaluit the 1'robate of aald Imtru meut and codlelta) for whlch purpoae itla further or dered, that notlce of tbla order beuubllahed three weeua aucceaalyely In tbe Vermont natchman .t- Slali Ntate, vrerioQi to aald time apnolnteu for heartng. lly tbe Court, Atteat. 69-71 IIIHAM CAltLKTO.N, .ludRe. H you wish to etnploy a look keeper, stflnogra pher or ofTiee a sistant, write or telegraph to ua and immediatent- A4? Sf'?MM Goilcge, tcntion will be pald to meeting or "Ui i n un i ur i t- t-t. um r i your requiro- mentfl. For catalogue nddress I'arnell Sl Hoit, 83 N. Penrl St Albany, N. Y. Kimball Union Academy, MERIDEN, N, H. New bulldinga, Increased fMCllltlev, dellght- fnl Burroiindlugs. Four years' cource of study. Youug men and women fltted for the best colleges, Elocutlon, Phjslcal traluing, muaic, StuilentH of limlteil iiifrtns recelved on tbe 8100"ajoar plan." Fall term beglna SeptHtnbor 13, 1899 Sond for catatogui-. W, H. CUMMINGS, A. M Prlnclpal. REV. FRANCIS E. CLARK, D. D., Prosldent Board of Truatoos. Sept. 13. Garriages aud Horses For Sale, LIVERY CONNECTED, Everything New nnd in Good Shape. Taylor Streot, opposito C. V. Station. Telephono 131-12. I. L. SPARROW. LIVERY, FEED AND BOARDING STABLE. Ilavini? leasi'dthe Comniercinl Houbo SlabUs, 1 iiin nnw prtpartcl to uccom iimdate the publtc wilh b UiatclnsB llvery,fcnl und biiurciliiii stablfj t prices riehi. Fiflpf u yiars t'xprrlence in one of the luadings'ablen in Bo' ton aud two years acrvice withE J. Gale atthe City Ilotil Stables are a eufilcicnt uaranteo that my ntble will hu conducted in n satiefactory manner. Translent and Boardlng llorses wlll recelro tlio best of care. GIV5Sii.r. NELSON DOWNING comierclal House Statiie. Nn. Mala St, BAE1E. TT. 6 Per Cent Interest We pay 0 per cent interest - i sutns of 525.00 or over. No expcnse to iTeator. Absolute securlty. Write for particula ATLAS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 7S8 N. Y. Hfo lllilu.. Knnaae Clty, SIo. Home Endorsement. Z We, the undersigned, tlruggists of Burlington, Vt., bave sold during our entiro business experience, tho well known remedy, Haxtcr's Mandruko Bitters, and invariably found it to givo entiro satisfaction to our cus tomers. We regard this medicine as among tho most reliable household remedies that we sell. R. B. Stearns & Co., W. II. Zottman & Co., Geo. A. Churchill, F. L. Taft & Co., J. G. Bellrose, W. J. Henderson, F. Henry Parker k Co., J. W. O'Sulli van, M. E. Collins, Gosselin Bros., W. P. Hail, Geo. Loveland & Co. Sold liquid in boltlesj tablets iu boxes. Price 25 cents for either. Died An Old Bachelor. He wouldn't buy her a nice house. I dou't bliimc her when houses aro as cheap as they have them at the PERRY REAL ESTATE AGENGY. They havo fanus, houses, build ing lots, tenenients to rent and rented. Wo will take care of your property whilo you are having your vacation ; satisfac tion guaranteed. If you are out of employment or need help we can assist you. Rooms 2 and 3, Cordon's Block, Barre. Vt. In tlie Mntter of JOIIN J. EAOA.V, Itnnkrupt. Totbe Honorable Hojt II. Wheeler. Judn nf thn uutrict court or tue unn Dnlted States for tbe Dlitrlct ot. Vermont: John J. Kagan, ot Montpelier, In the county of WaahlnKtou aud State ot Vermont. In aald dUtrlct, reipectfully repreieuta that on the 11th day of May, last past, be waa duly adjudfted bankrnpt un der tbe acta ot Congreaa relatlng tobankruptcyt tbat be baa duly aurrendered all hia property and rlgbu be baa duly aurrendered all hia property and rlgbu of property, and haa fully coinplled with all the re qulrementa of aald acta and of tbe ordcra of the coun loocniUK nn uauarupicy. Wherefore lie praya that he may be decreed by the court to hare a full dlscharge from all debt proreable agalnat hia eatate under aald bankrnpt acta, exrept auch debti aa are ezempted by law from auchdtacbarge. JOIIN J. KAOAJf. Uankrnpt. D.ited thia Jtu day o' Angaat, A. D. 1899, UNITKD STATKS I1ISTIIICT C)UHT r'Olt THE DISTH1CT OK VEHMO.NT. JOHN J. KAGAN, Uankrnpt, Dlacbarge. Notlce U bereby giveu that JOHN J. KAOAN, Ilaukrupt, haa tlled hia petltlon, dated Aueuit 9, 131, prailngfora diacbarge from all bla debtalnbank rupicy, and that all credltora and other peraona ob- Jectlng tn aucb dlacharge may attend before the un erahrned. rbfereu. at hia ottirA. N'n. &l Rtnta MiT..t. lu'Montpeller. on Aupuit 1, I8UU. at IV o'clockA.M. and then and there preaent thelr oblectloua, tt any, to auch dlacharge, witb thelr proofa ihereon. tUWAUO 11. 1IEAV1TT, lleferee In llanktuptcy. Montpelier, Vt., Auguat UW. C0UHle810NKBS' OTI0. KSTATK OT .NOItMAN W. niI.lliniT. The uitderalgned. having been aupolnted b the onorablu 1'robate Court for the lllatrlctof waah lntEtou recnn e. eiamlnu aud adluai all i-lalma aud demanda of all peraona agaluat the eat ite of Norman W. (lllberl late ot Montpelier, lat aald Diatrlct, dwceaaedj aud all clalma eihiblted lu ottaet thereto, bereby glve notlce that w wlll meet f oi the purpotea Hforeaald at theCom.tyClerk'a oOlce lu tbe clty of Montpelier, In aald Diatrlct, on her;ithdat ot Auguat and Iltn dayot Jauuary neit Irom teno'clock A. H.uutll four o'clock I'. M. eacb tf ar.ld daya aud that alx imititl.. from tht lat dayot Aueuat. A. I). 18. la the time llmlted bv aald lourttor aald credltora toliraent tbeir clalina to ua for examinatlon and allo auce. Katedat Moutpe ier, tnia lat dar ot Augnat, A. 1, ;'com. t