Newspaper Page Text
EHMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOUKNAL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1899. 5 ORANGE COUNTY AOENClES OF THE UNION MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Bradford, Stcntns & Joncs; Brookfield, 0 lt. Uigo low; Chelsea, 0. S. Eniery; Corinth, Q. C. Ilnstings, Fairlee, G. L. Winsliipj Newbury, N. B. Tewksbury; Randolph, J. U. Eldrcdge; Strafford, D. C. llydo, Thetford, J. E. Wnternian; Topsham, Dr. II. L. Wnt soiii Tunbridge W. W. Swnn; Versliiro, F. 1). Rieli nrdson; Washington, Q. K, Huntington; West Fairlee; II. lt. Miller; Williamstown. N. K. Farnlmm. Premium Notes, ' LADIES' JACKETS AT HEDUCED PRICES. From now on we sliall reduco otir stock of Jackcls as fat as possiblo and tho vfilues we oiYcr cannot fail to bring customors to ua. Thc fact has become wcll known that wo havothc bcst fitting, bcst finislied anil bcst linctl garmonts in this soction, at from S2 to 84 lcss than others. If you havo bccii waiting to gct a little bottcr Jacktt for thc sum you wishcd to pay, now is your opportunity. Wo advise you to call soon if you would sccuro onc of thcsc finc garmcnts at a good deal less than tbo sclling pricc. HOMER FITTS, Barre, Vt. In a slde cnllar whioh lmd pravloUBly re alated tlie cITortM of the ofllcers to locate it. One slde of ttie cellar was worked wlth a lover wlth an Ingenloua contrlvanco aud at the rear of this tho whlakoy was storod. Gobbl waa taken befora fuslice A. Q. Fay churgcd wlth keeping wlth intent to sell. Untl was flxed at 8203 anil a hearing in hls case waa set for next Frlduy. Mr. Gobbl hB8 JuHt sottled for one rlagrant infraction of tho prohlbitory law and ls uot likely to get ofl so easy thls tlme. Tho llquor se cured wbh the largest quantity ever taken at ono rald in Barre. Angelo Scaiupiui and G. T. Swasey are bondBtnen for Gobbl. At the regular meeting of the board of aldermen held last week a petltlon waa re cetved from a couimlttee from tlio ckurches of the clty asklug for the use of the opera houso Sunday oveniuga for unlon temper ance moetlnga. This request was signed hy Rev. A. E Atwater, The board adoptod a roaolution authorizlng the property com inltteo to rent the opera houso Sunday eveniugs for bucIi a purpose for S5 a meot lng. A rosolutlon was also adopted au'bor Izlng the comuilttteo ou streets to estab lisli tho bonndarlKS and detorniiiiH the ter ininals of Mill Htreet, anil to lay out aud es tHblUh Oamp Htreet. The proposed new street from lllackwoll Htreet to Milea' rlat waa referrod to the Htreet commlttee, thoy to report to the next raeotiug. The cl'y clerkroported that W. E. Barney, the oity attornoy, had been Bont to Boston to aff-ut aaottleinent wlth Aunie SteaniH reganlltg the land damagea at East Barre. The boanl The Larejest Department Store in Barre, Vt. I THE UNION CASH AZAAR New Store! New Goods! Iflotlerate Prices! And Modcrn Mcthods of Doing Busincss, From now until after ChriHtmas our grcnt aim will oo to group togcthor an array of Iloliday Sundrics such as has never bcen seen in Barre, and to offer tlicm at prices that appall compotitors. Our advico is to come early and sclect your Xtnas goods. Procrastination is the thief of time. And, largo and varied as is our stock, tho lnto comer will find tho inost desirable articles arc tho flrst to disappoar. "Wo havo a hugc stock of Dollsjoys, Xmas China, Dinner Sets, Gomiiiode Sets, 'Ictc-a-lGto bets, atcr, Wino and Toy Dishos, Ilcavy Plated Silvorwaro, largo assortmont of Jowolry, attrac tivo Lamps, handsomo ParlorKugs, afino lineof Stationory at beats-all-prices, A o.oinplcio stock of Crockery, Tinwaro, Utonsils. OUR FANGY 6R0GERY DEPARTMENT is ciean, iresli and attractivc. We apices, 1'iavonng Ji-xtracts, Uanncd Vegotablcs, Cannod Fruits, Canncd Meats, Baking Powdor, Currants, Raisins, Apricots, Pruncs, Plinis, Starch antl tioaps ot all lands. Wo havo an PARLOR CENTER Itockmg Uiairs, Couches and UCHKS, OUR FURNISHINC COODS Aro grcat sollors. Don't lhll to ask for soiuo flne Xmas Ilandkerchiofs uonts isecKtios, lino Undcrwoar, Towols and Towclling, Gont's Dressod ntiirts, otc. wo guarantco lo savo you nionoy on ovory purchaso. It will pay you to como mty miics to uuy iu wortli of Xmas goods at our storo. Why pay a dollar for tho satno aiticle we aro solling for G!)conts? uur gootis picaso uio peoplo Uur prices attract tho nublic. Our storo is tho Mecca of shrowd housekoopors. Wemombor our location, a fow stops norin oi uopoi oquaro, in tlio uiock $ l,4,866 00 thon went into oxecuttve sesslon. A reporter for thls papor attempted to work hls way through tliHcrowds of shop pera in the Niore of the Uulon Oash Bazar Company ou Main Htreet Saturday after iioou aud fouud locomotlon somowbat dllll cnlt. Proprletor and clerka wero buay In waiting on the cronda of customers who wnre already itiBpoctliig tlielr Ghriatmia preaeutB, Wlillu thiH Htore Is outnido of the high priced llmlts In Barre both aa to loca tion aud Rtock lt is ilaily luereasing in pat ronage. Siturday afternoon was the anuual "Doll Day" aud a very hanilsome llnu of dolla waa dlsplayed, rnnging in prlces from ton centa to oue dollar or more. This store is alno tuaklug especlally low flgures In Ii'as aud cofTeea fur wlilch the pricu is only about one-lialf what ia cbarged at Honie other Btorea for the amu quallty of gooda. Tlie proprletor of thia oatabllauuient has other ritorea iu New York Htate and ia n ableil to buy at rock bottom priceH, thua giving hla customors tho benetlf of nuch purchaseH. $ioo. l)r. E. Dctchon's Antl.Dlurctic. May be worth to you moro than S100 ifyou have n child who soils bedding from inconti nenco of water during sleep. Curea old and young aliko. It arrests the troublo nt once, Sl. Sold by Ilarry A. Slade, druggist, 10 btato itreet, Moutpolier, Vt. I The Larejest I Department $ Store in Barre, Vt. Lcinonado Sets, 150 Sots of Chiklron's Agatowaro and thousands of Kitchcn carry only tho bcst in Tca, Colfee, elegant Knc of TABLES Combination Book Cases and Writing tliat fllorso built, Barre, Vt. Northfield. Tho town Bcboola cotnmoncod on Mon- day. F. J. Houaton liail a valnablo horso dio last wotk. Mra. Malaticv Uadsur has boou repairliic her boiiso. Mlas ICatn Talbot ia toachluiz tho Harlow brldge Bohool. Father O'Neill waa at Waterbury Thanks- glvlng wlth hls people. Tnrm HXHiulnatlona wuro beld at tho graded achool IbsC wcuk. Leon ,T. and Olnrlea V. Parker Were at tholr hoini) Thankaglvlng. Waltor lliiiiilnv lmd hla laud on Slato avrniie ploughed, Sdturday, Willlaiu jHck8(in of Middlebury, viI'od ut Carl Ulchinoiid'H, lust wock. Mra. M. S. Glleliriat wa in Barre over 8uuday, the "t of Col. II K. StotiRliton. It ia oxnected that Dewitt Cliiilon loduo will work the tldrd degree on Wtdneiday bveniug. The A. S. I'. fratornlty now oconpy tho nlace they purchased of A. Ij. Cano as a cliaptnr liimso. II. G. Khldor, atenoaranher in tho ofllce ot Frank 1'lumley, will teach iu Brooktiuld during the wlnter. Miss Anna L. Janoa. aaalatant preceptrofa at tlie Illgh xcbool, waa at her homo in St. Albana ovor Thaiikaglvlug. Tho anuual electiou of ofllcers of Nnomi Uhapter, Order of tho Eustern Stnr, will takeplaco Tiiosilay ovoulug. Hon. Frank I'lniuley and wlfs, Frlnclpal Gharlos 1'lumley and MIsj Einily Siuvons spent Thaukattiving at St. Albaua, Llotlt. G. N. Tilden, W. J. Grady and George Evaim of Barre, wero amoug the viaitoraln town TuauKBglviug uay. filany of tho mumbera of Dewitt Cliuton Loilco of Masona wtll attenil the Maaouic diatrlct meetiug at Barro December 7. Panl Norton returnod from Woodatock Friday eveulng wlth hla wife. He haa rent ed tbo Cleury place, near the Elbow brldge. A flno monnment of Swedo granlto was ereoled in Roxbury coinetery on Monday bv F. L. Howo & Uo., for Lucliis Webb of East Granville. Prof. J. B. Johnson and Captalua Sibloy nnd Rlch of Norwich DnlverHity, were at Newport laat Friday and Satnrday on gov ernment snrveyiug. Major F. L. Howo and Oaptaln G. 0. Batea havo erected a llag HtaiT between tlielr hoUBua litty-llvo feut hlgb, from which fliea the Amertcau llag. A mtsslon mootlng has been appointed to bo held at St Mary's churcli Wednesday evening, wltli addrnaaea from the rectora of the Shelburno and St. Albana parishes. In tho vlewa in LesWt Wcckly of tho of flcerB of the Forty-Urat Uegimeut, Ouiled States Volunieers, the picture of Ijlout. Georgo II. liailey of this place can be seen. Hichard A. Hoar, 8tate's attorney, was in inwn laat Saturdav. looking un the facts regarding tho llquor aeized WodneHday at tne exnress oince oy uonsiauio vt . v.tioi- don. An auctlon of tbo household gooda of tbo lato Luciner Andrewa was held at her late homo on Elm street Saturday afternoon. Good prices prevalled. Many articles were of value as rollcj. Stata's Attorney Hoar of Barre was in town Saturday Investigating the cae of Olivcr Oiborne. The witnosses bave been summuned to appear at cnunty court Tuea day morulug, December C. Becauso of the deatb oi Mra. n. B. Rob orts the "Bod Lutter Day" of tho Ladies" Keading Olub that waa to bave been held Monday afternoon waa poatpont-d ono woek. Mrs. Koberta waa a member of thiH circle and her unlimely deuth has ciused slncere mourniug Bmong the surviviug mt mbers. Nowell Byam, who haa aomothlng of a rtputatlon as a weather prophot, predlcts tliat tho buow which fell Monday mornlug will not remain until spring, because it was blown inatead of meited from the treea. Mr. Byam backs this prodiotlon wlth twenty-llve yeara obaervation aud oxperi ence iu such mattura. A petitlon la being clrculaUd asking the ofllctals of tbo Central Vermont for afurther bearlug regarding tbo constructlon of the new depot, asking that tho entiro lower lloorof tlie tnaiii part of tlm depot bo used for waiting rooms, etc. If thia ia grnnted, tbo Northfield National bank would bave to Becuro now quartera. A Camp of Modern Woodman of Amerlca waa recently organizod at Foreator'a liall, wlth tho following ofllcerB! V. 0., Harry O. Moselvj W. A., Kalpb Howea; Olerk, H. U. D.le; Banker, Charlts Perrier; Ecort, F. Ii. Howea; board of managera, Meaara. lticbninnd, lCiton and Wurner. The camp haa 25 cbarter members. The opening night of tho Cathnllc Order of Foreaters in tholr liall iu the .Xcics block wqb obaerved laBt Friday idght. About. 125 peoplo were preaeut. Followlug waa tbo programme: Song, Henry Dolan; song, tHtliarlnH uoyle, "jacK anu ine uean 8talk": remarks by Uuv. Falher O'Moill on ForeHtrv: ROiig, Miaa Giluert, "Glrla of Savllie"; soug, T. Morrlfsy. Kefreahmenta f coffeo aud cake was Hervoil. A socliil hour was followed by dauciug, Mrs. U. R Roborta, wllo of Prof. Robertg f Norwich Uulverslty, who haa been 111 wlth typboid fevertho paat two weeka, diid at one o'clock Saturday morning. Her ro- maiua were taken to Molrore, Maas., ou the uoon train bitunlay. Mrs. Kooerts leavea a huabaud, a dauglitnr tivo yeara old, a mother anil a large clrclo ot irlflnila. alio was a member of the Eaatern Star, an narneat worker In tho church and a person beloved uy all wuo Knew tier. Snecial ordora from tho adiutnnt and In- apector general's nflice, dated December 1, appoint Major Frank L. Howo, Gaptain weston A. l'anoe oi uouipanv u, uaptam Harry R. Dolo of Compauy F, FirBt Reci- ment of Iufantry, Vermont National Guard, as a boanl ot inspectlon (or survey) to tneet at Alonlpeller jjeceumer u at iu A. M , to ex- amiuo and report upou tlie comllttou of clothlDg, camp aud garrlson eqnlpage nnd quartermastor stores for which Brevet Major uenerai wniiaiu ii. unmore, quar tennaster geueral ot Vermont Is redponsible to tbo Unlied Rtates govnrnment. Gertain studonts at Norwich Unlversity plauneil lo spuud Thankaglving Iu a man- uer not recommeniieii uy tne uovernor, and for motlve powor tlioy Bont to Iioston for a generoiiH quantity of liquld refresbment. Tlio slull arrlveu WeuneBilay afternoon und waa promptly solzod by Constablo W. W. lloiuon, wlio liail neeu notltled to loolc out for it. Whon tlio boys found tbeir game was np they spent a not very htlarious ThankBgivlug, nnd whon oalled on the car- pet by tne lacillly confeHtied everythlng. Evory ono conuected wlth tho affalr wiBhed to let the young men olT aa oasily as poasl blo, und wltbout unduo publiclty. The llniior waa cnndemued laat Saturduv aud ordered spilled, an order which the cousta- tilo laltlitully carrled out. Tlie partles to wboin lt wus Hblpped wero not carrled lnto court rfi tesilfy and tho mattor was droppod. Post Mllls. J. Worth ot Barnard, spent laat week wlth hls uncle, E. 0. Bmltti. Prof. Bowdiah of Thetford occupied tbo pulplt Suuday In avory ucceptable iuaimor, Mrs. Itoxy Preacott baB gone to Haver hlll, N. II., lospend the vilnter wlth her son. Georgo II. Beokwltli of Ijaucastor, N. II., spent Sunday wlth hls brotber, Wllllam 11. liecKwun, W. IC Smlth waa at home from Ilanovor. Thaukaglvlng, also Edward Dodgo from Lyndonville. Schools conunenced Monday wlth Mles Oluey of Baltimore In tlie upper rooiu aud MIbs Mluule Heath ot West Fairlee ln the prlmary department. The lUpld Teleplione Company have placeil an instrumout ln U, K. Flanders' sloro. Tliey oxpect to contlnuo tho llne to Ely Htatlon thiH weok, V ntci liiiry J. G. Grlgga Bpeut ThankBgtvirjg In Bur lington. John I'almor of Burlington, was at homo on TliurHilay. Mr. and Mra. John Atklns Bpeut Tliauka glvlng at Jonesville. TIim Phllomaiheana met wlth Mrs. G. E. Iidd Friday allornoon. II. O. Wurd ot Moretown was tho gueat ot U. E. Wymau on Thursdny. Tlie Bcboola wero oloaed Wednesday atter nnon for it vacalluu until Monday, Tlio ladlos unlon met Tueaday aftoruoon ut tlio homo of Mra, M. F. Stranahau. Mlas Mnud Gifllii of Burlington Ib u gtiost ot Mlsses Mabol und Luna Uarpouter. Drs. ,T.itiea anil Grotit wero called to Waltsflold ou Thurada.v for o maullatlon, Mra. Frauces Atlierton of Burlington la the gnost ot Mra. II. C. Whlteblll for u (uw days. Georgo Vlncent ot Fairfax v sltnd Mrs, 0. I). RobllUBou, hls cousin, a few days thls week. T. 0. O'Neil and I)r. W. F. Mlnard have reiurued home from tlielr vlsit to Nova Scotla. Wllllam Gurloy, Frank Morway and Frank Marlau visitod ln Montpelier on Friday. A aocial hop waa beld at tbo aayluui on TliurHilay evening for ihe edlllcatlon of tbo attendants. Herbert Marblo and family of Montpelier spent Tbaukaglving at tlie homo of 0. M. Marblo, hls fathor. Mlas ICva Muy aud Miaa Ellon McDuffeo of Montpelier wero gueats ot Miss Lona Wallaco thls woek. II. A. Babbltt and Miss Uelen, hls daugb ter, of Montpelier were guusts of Rev. Ij. II, Elliott Tuuriday. Mrs. Ralph James of Ilanovor, N. 11., is the guest ot Miss M. E. Jonea at the homo ot Mrs, Ilarry Holton. A meeting of tbe stowards ot the Metho dlst church was held Tuesday evening at the homo of W. R. Elliott. Frank Graves and family of South Royal ton aro guests at the homo of N. E. Wy iii an, fatber ot Mra. Graves. Miss Eva Falrbrotber spent Thunksglvlng In Barro aa did Mrs. U. S. Conant aud Mins Bertha, her daugbter, ln Burlington. Qulto a party from thls village attended tbe masquerade party held ln Stowe Wed neaday ovonlng, golng by special olectrio car. Mr. and Mra. 0. N. Arms, Henry Ricker, Henry Wallace, Otls Orane and Wllllam Btroug, all of Montpelier, spent Thanks givlng in tbe village. Rev. G. E. Ladd, paator of the Congre gattonal churcb, will take for tho snbjoct of lils Sunday morulng's dlscourBo, "A Man Whom Jesus Loved." Mth, Mlchael Mannlug, Mrs. Frod Gront and G. D. Joslin wero called to Lawrence, MasB., Thursday, to attond tho funeral of Monroo Baldwin, a relatlve. The servlces at the Uongregatlonal church Sunday evening will he In chargo of tho paalor. He will speak upon "Congrega tlonallsm its fundamental prlnclples. Tho Ladles' Uulou will hold a sale of both UBeful and ornamental articles next Friday afternoon and evening. An oystor Btipper will bo served from llve to elght o'clock. ItchineBS of tlio skln, horrible plaguo. Moat overybody aflllcted in one way or an other. Only one sale, nevor failiug curo. Doan's Ointment. At auy drag store, 50 cetits. Communion will bo obaerved at tho Meth odiat cburch Sunday morning after a short sermon by Rev. Ij. K. Wlllmun, the paator. G H. Wilder of Montpelier will preslde at the organ. Union servlces wero held lust Wednesday evening at tho Congregational church, Kev. G. E Ladil preaching, aud the Tuesday and Thursday evening servlces were omlt ted thls week. A liouBehold nocssHlty. Dr. Thomas' Electrio 011. Ileals burns, cuts, wouudx of any sort; cures Bore throat, croup, caturrh, nalliKiu MHVur filllu. v An offering will he mado ut tbe Congre gational church on Sunday tunrnlug for tho lienellt ot tiie Iioston boaman s irrlenil so- ciety, a soclety which looks nttor tho Bpir Ituul welfare of tbe sallors. Tbo following were awarded prlzes for tbe excellence of tholr work in the com merclal department of Green Mountaiu Seminary: First prize, Miss Etta Graves; Hocoml. Alexamler uuntey : .tlrat liononi blo niention, Thomas G. Smitb; second, Misb Decelle. I E R. Towne 1ms tbe foundallon for a two Htory building, CO feot by 37 feet ln dltnon- slons, on Winooski stroet nearly completed Itia uuderatood thtt u p-irt ot the building Ia to De lor reslilenliai purposeB wlille au other part will be equipped hy Mr. Towne lor a creamery or a cneese lactory. Tho Hypatia club met Friday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. W. V. Bryan. Tho aubjVct, "Tho Break with Englaud," wus sub-treatcdas follows: "GauseBof 111 feeling iietweeu England aud her colonies," "A ballad of the Iioston Toa Party," discussion "Wore tho colonies Jtistllled in destroviug the toa?" "Patriek Ileury," reading, "Reso lutions to the Congresa of 1774 and the responpe of CongreBS," "Graudmother'H Story of Buukor 11111" and "Yaukeo Doodlo." Tbe following ofllcers were elected at tho anuual meoting of tbo Splrltualist soclety beld Novembor 25: Preaident, Abbie W. Crossett; vlce preaident, Hannah Turner; Hecretary, Nettle Huntj assistant secretary, Don Buckloy; treasuror, .".lanus (Jroasott: board ot mauugera, B. A, Montgomery, By ron Tnrner, Amrl Bruco; entertainmont commlttee, D. D Grifllth, Fred nunt, B. B. Johnson. Siuce its purchaae of the Boldeu bomestead the soclety haa mude many lmprovemonts upou it and are to uiaKe liirtiier onesin me iuture. rno piace is now to be known as tbe Maples aud tho assembly room as Harmony liall. Waterbury Conter. D. B, Smalley spent Thankaglving In Johnson, returning home Saturday, Mr. aud Mra. D. Hopkina loft last Friday ufternoon for Oceau Sprlngs, Miss,, colng by way of Baltimore whero they intondoil to roiuaiu witu tneir grauuson, tiarry uop kins, over Sunday. Among thoae who visitod tlielr homo here ou Thanksglving were, Artbur A. Newcomb of Lisbon, N. II., Leo A. New- comb of Burlington and Ernest 8. New comb of White River Junction. Do not forget to attond the sale at the Methodlat church uoxt Friday olteruoon a ihI evening anil Saturday ovenlng. A good place to seoure your Ohrlstmas goods. oir, anu mrs. i. a. jounson oi ui. victor, P. Q., vlslted Mr, aud Mrs. W. E. Marshall last Saturday and Sunday, leavlng for Waitsfield on Monday. At the annual meeting of the Rellef Oorps Saturday afternoon tho followlug ofllcers were elected: rresldeut, Mrs. Harriet a. Marshall; seuior vice, Mrs. Mary T. Davlaj junior vlce, Mrs. Floru Frooman; secretary, AirH Jiiiou a. nowcomu; ireasurer, mrs, Addle Smalley; conductor, Mrs. Addlo Manxlleld; ussistaut conductor, Mrs. Mur garet Dllllngham; cbaplain, Mrs. Mary Oo nant; guard, Mrs. Grlllin: ansiNtaut guard, Mrs. Livluia Parclier; llag bearers, Mlaa Ivy Smalley, Mrs. May Greeue, Mrs. Jessle W. Hayea, and Mrs, Mary Huae; organlst, Mrs, Gertrude Qllmore. At the annual moetlng of Ezra Stetsou Post last Saturday tho followlug oflloera were elected: Coiumauder, J. O Freoman; seuior vice, O. II. Btone; Juulor vlce, M. u Dllllngham; quarteruiastor, A. K. Smalley; adjntant, H'iA. Mansfield; surgeou, 15. Oo nunt: oillcer of the duy, M, 0. Wllley; otll cer of the guard, O. J. Ayers; chaplaln, O. W. Davls; inslde guard, W. Woodward; outside guard, B. G. W Marshall; sergeant malur, A, D. Griflln: (iiiartermaster ser geant, II. J, Vaugbn; delegato, II, J, Vaughn, alternrte, A. D, Griflln, Murslillold. J. P, Newton and wlfe aro vlsltlng In Washington. Edgar Klddor la 111 wlth Bcarlot fever at tho homo of 0. 0. Lauiborton, Ilnlbiird E. Uadlook haa lust beon craut- cd an ot peusion from $10 to $12. Tho Ladlos' Ald Suctotv will hold a bo- clablo In MarHhaH'H liall next Friday oven lng. M. E. Bocklov hns a two.lmrsn nowor L'ns- oltni) onglue Iu placo ln hls blcyolo ropalr rhop, Tho ludlow mUalonnrv socletv will tneet at Mrs. W II. II Mears ou Saturday after iioou ut 2:15 o'clock. Town llnnor airont G. E. Slionard was last Monduy reappolnlou by County Com lnlssloner Danlel Worcester, The ladles' unlon soolotv will meot wlth Mrs. Georgo Wooator next Thuraday after noon, A Iarco attondance la deslrod. und everybody luvited, Geor.'o Hollister has been annolutod ad- mtnistrato ot S. D. liolllster's eatute. Judge Mark Moars has boou appointed ono ot the comtntsaionera. Tho aaloon of H. F. Morso was vlalted onicially by constablo E. 0. Merrlll Thurs day ovenlng but nothliig was taken oxcept lng samples of small beor. Mrs. Sadlo Rosebrook returnod to her son's home In this place last week, havlng unlBlied a summer's eneasemeut as cook ln the Mouumeut Houso at Williamstown. "Uuclo" John Sanborn. who makes hla home 'at E. N. Mears', Bpent Thauksgivlng wlth hls Bon. J. F. Sanborn, This is tho llrst tlme ho has boou In tbo village for over a yoar, Tho studenta at Goddard Somlnarv from thls nlace wore at home to snend Thanks- glving day. On aojount ot poor healtb Ailsa l'-teanor uole does not now oxpect to return to tbe school until tbo spring term. Tuesday attornoon. Novombor 28. the 11- brurian courtoously informed your corres- ponueut tuat ll'J uad tlion taken out bor- rowers cards and on tho precoedlng Satur day 04 voluines were taken out. Noed thero uea iloubt tliat tlie llbrary is and will bo approclated? Brooks Buxton recontly nurchasod of Al- fred A. Euuls of Danlelson, Conn., a regis tered Ayrshlre bull calt, Ho, in compauy with Frank Townsend, purcbased from tbe Newbury Htock farm a 22-month's-old regis tered Ayrshlre bull that welghed 1,000 pounds. Among tbo gueats In town on Thankseiv- Ing day were N. M. Olark of East Montpel ier, M A. Davls and John Colby of Mcln- does Falls, B. M. Shepard, wi'e and son ot Montpelier, Mr. and Mrs. l'. balmon of Greensboro, Lant Shepard of Montpelier, Will Oarpenter ot Barre and Mrs. B. O. Ab- bott and two Bons of Topsham. Among thoao of our townspeoplo who spent tbe day or uiore out of town were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. II Mears and Warren at St. Johusbury, Mr. und Mrs. E. 0. Pitkln and son at Peach am, Kev. and Mrs. U. U. Uorae at l'eacliam und Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wood at Worcester. Bomo of the schools In town bave already had two or tbree weeka' seaaion on the wln ter term. Thesearein diatrlcts whore the roada drift badly during the latter partof tbe winter, and it Is hoped that by commeuelng theui thUB early they may be tlutshed In Boaaon to avoid tho severest part of It. With tho exceptlon of tho school in the "New Discovery" district, the remaluder of the Bcboola commenced morn ing. Owing to a caso of scarlet fever in tho "New Discovery" district, lt waa thought best to postpone commenciug tliat school for a week or two. A few changes havo been made in teacbers in the village. Gratn mar departmont, Mra Mary McLean, who haa succesBfully taught soveral terms at Lanesboro, is the teacher. U. H. Oarpeu ter teaches the hlgher grade. Miaa Grnce Slocum Ib teaching in tho Bond diatrlct and Miss Isabellu Cordiner of Barre ln the Lanesboro district. Chere are also to be new teacbers at "Now Discovery" and lu tbe Flood district. Ssventy couples are a unlt in sounding pralses of tlio success of the opening ball anu aupper at Maishall's new hull Thankaglv lng evening. Thoy were ulso unnlversal in expresaing tholr iutention to be ln atiend- uuce at the New Years' ball ufter hiukiuiico mont was made during the evening that one would be conducted under tlio sauio management. This liall is nicely located, well tinlabHil lu No 1 apruce Bheathing wlth hard plne lloor. It was large enougli to amply accomuiodntu ull the daucors presont ou the lloor at oue tlme. On the second lloor uuderneath tho ball is a cotnmodloua dlning ball, a ladles' waiting room aud gont's smokiug room. Uuderneath tbe atage is u room used to storo outside gar monts, robea etc. Music for this danco wub inruialied by tho Marshfield orcliestra ot flvo plecea. The ball wus probably better lighted than uuy other ball of its slzo iu thls vicinity by tho use of two two-burner "Statidard Gas Lamps," each hurner giving a light of 100 catidle power. They are a marvel iu tho methoJ of lightlug. A. T. Davls is selllug ageut tor them iu thls place and Uabot. I'luinllolil. Only a (ew from bore attended tbe danco at Marshfield lust week. Charles Bulkley and wife spont Thnnks glvlug duy wlth Frod Pcrrin. D. E. Splcer of Groton has boou iu town the past wedk nuralng u soro bauil. L. L. Kuapp and children vlalted Mrs. Kuapp's pareuts ut Cabot ou Thuraday. Rev. Lydia Hart g exchanged lust Suu day wlth Rev. Abbio Billiugs of Marsb tleld. Oharles Lombard aud wlfe spent Thanka glving day with tbeir children ln South Barre. Mrs. Henry Dunbar and daughter ot St. Albana wero the guests ot Fred Perriu over Suuday. Mrs. R. G. Kellogg ot Randolph haa been apenillng tne past week wltli ner son, u. l Kellogg. Mr, and Mrs. W. II Ohupln ute tbeir Thaiiksgiving dinner wltli tbeir daugbter, Mra. Henry Wilsou of Barnet. Porrln Baucroft of Btrro was Iu town Saturday ou buslness aud visitod Georgo Townsend the IlrBt of tue woek. Mrs. EUa Reed of Roxbury, Maas., who for the pust weok has been vlsltlng ut JamoB Marttn's, returnod nomo xuesuay. Andres Pederson of Barre has purchased tbe JeruBha Batchelder farm ot A. N. Batchelder and Is to movo to tbe snmii. Two of tho largest Tbauksglviug day gatberlngs held lu towu tuis year wero proliably thoae at J. E, Batley's aud Jo- sepli llartlelt s, E. G. Oolbnrn and wife of Montpelier, visitod tbeir relatlves ou TliurHilay, and B. D. Marsb took hla tnrkoj' wlth trlends lu K,ist Montpelier. MIsb K. Allco Martin. who has taught Bovernl terms of scliool lu Woodbury, went on Baturday to her latiors for tbe winter ln that towu, commenclng on Monuily. S. A. Batchelder was ln Marshfield oti TliankHL'tviiicr dav aud placed iu Marsliall's liall lils new gasoieue iamp ineso lumpa aro glvlng complete satlsfactlou whero he haa put tne in In. J. lt. IClnney and F. P. Kinney have bought the llsh markot at Barre owned by I. Wood and took poasosalon on Mouilay ltotii aro vouiil' men wlth the bebt of bablta aud bave tbe wlahes ot tlielr lowUBpeople for success iu tlielr uew veuture. The law sult. Eltner G. Balley vb, Town of I'iaiutield, was tried before Judge Boyce ot Barre, and a Jtiry composeii aa iouowh: Milford Klser, Iteubeu Batchelder and F, T. Tnwnaend ot Marshnold aud 0. I'. IIol llstor, George Kelton and Olark Spauldlug ... ti '.. ,.. "..,..11.., W...l..u.l,. Ul bUBl. ULUU,OIDI Ull ll DimvailB; ,, sultlng In a verdlnt for the plalutifl to re cover 820.28 and costs, to which tbo tOA ii took an appeal to county court. Kodol Dyspcpsia Curc "Dlocsts what you cat." WORCESTER, JVJASS. EstabliHhocl 14 Incorporatcd OPAL WARE. Wo have the largest and niost varied assortment of this beautiful but low cost Avare yet shown, all hand decorated. In the Avay of stiggestion avc mention some of the Yarious things which you may have at surprisingly low prices lO Cts. Pintrays, Pontrays, Puff Boxos, Card Cases. 3 styles, Cts. Comb and Brusli Trays, Ink Stands, (2 stylos.) (with two wells.) Largo Toilot Bottles, Smoker's Set, Tobacco Jars. (4 pieces.) SO Cts. Crackor Jars, Largo Tray Ink Siands, Smoker's Set, (4 pieces.) (5 pieces.) MEDALLION PHOTOS. Beautiful Photographs, glass covered, mounted on fine gilt frames about 100 different subjects. 3 1-2x5 inch size, on '3-4 inch gilt frames, 25c. 6x8 inch size, mounted on 1 1-4 inch fancy gilt frames, 49c. 7x9 size, with narrow moulding frame, gilt wreath at top, 39c. 6x8 size, beautifully colored, fancy gilt frame, 59c. Thefinest Medallions, 10 1-2x13 1-2 inches, $1.75. BARNARD, SHMffER & PUTNAfVS Fayston Mr. and Mrs. George n. Pierce are viait lng lu Oanada. Qulte a number ot men from thls town are at work on tbe new skim station at Irasvillo, Guy Humpbrey and Thornas Reynolds have moved lnto tho KUv Mansfield house. Thoy are to lumber for H. O. Ward. John McCaughlin stuck a p'ck-ax lnto lils foot last Friday white dtgging ditch for the Valteld creamery company, maklng a aevere wouud, which was dressed by Dr. Howo. James M. Thompson of Montpelier and Mr. nd Mrs. S. D. Waterman and dauuh ter Vivlan of WaltHfleld spent Thanksgiv Ing at tho paronUl home of Mr. Thompson and Mrs. SVatorman. Tlinmas and Jjhn Kinoy who came here from Englaud a few years Hgo, aro vialtlug n town prevlous to an ex enueii viau 10 lielr old homo in lingland. Whlle here tlie hoys have made hosts of friends. Mr and Mrs. P. K. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oarroll aud son Palmer of Warren nd Mr. and Mrs. wllllam falmer oi Wultalield spent Thankaglving with Mr. aud Mrs. A. IJ. Bragg aud family. Dra. Iloury Janea and D. D. Grout of tUj,.pl.iirt, iinil l)r. ITfiwi, nf WaltatlHlll performed a successfnl operalion on Mrs. I Kred Va lils last Weilnesilay. Mra. wauis has been sufferliig from liernla for a long tlme whicli laat week aasumed tbe straugu- ated forin which caiuod tlie neersstty oi tbe operation. Altbongh not out of dauger sho la dolng aa well as can be expected. Her brotber Jason Uooperanil son iiarrison W'allis from Kelso, 1'. l., were caueii nero by her illuess. M.11BI. VjtlllllB. l.nrn tii Mr. and Mrs. D. U. Lamb ou Wednesday of bbk. GracB Blias haa returned from a pleasant vlsit of eight weeka in Toledo, Ohio. Tlie villago scliool began ou Monday with Mr. Noyes, a Uartmouth student, aud Mary Dwluell as teacuers. Mrs. Halnb Ijyford ot Ijowell, Mass,, has been anendlug a couplo of weeks with her mother, MtH John Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Gerry are prepar- lng to move to Stowe. Mr. Uerry lias reuted her farm to Oharles Kenaston. Georno Wilsou has coucluded her en- gagement as trlmmer for Mra. 0. II. Dwin oll aud goue to her home in Worcester. Slnrrnra from here are to furniah part ot tho inuaio at tho service ot urdination of lt. H. MacPherson at aoutu woouuury touay. Mrs. 0. 0. Bennett, who has been 111 sev- eral montbs at A. Dwinoll, has so far re- covered aa to rldo out aud ezpects soon to be ablo to return to her homo ln Plerre, S.D. Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Dwlnell and Mlas Allce Dwlnell of Tauntou, Mass., wero ln town a fow days last week, givluga TiianKs givlug dinner nt the home of the doctor's uiolher, Mra. 0 II. Dwlnell, at which twonty-elght sat at tbe table. Amonir tboso from out of town who spent Thuukagiving amoug friends were Mr. and Mrs, Aarou liaucroic ot Montpelier ai y . K. Bllas'; Mr. and Mrs. Israel woou oi Barro ut Horace Pike's; Mra. Barrou of WaHliiucton. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. nollister of North MontpeliBr aud Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wltliam oi worcester ai oira. u. n uwiu. ell's; Townsend MacLoud of Prince Ed wurd's islaud at ur. )r. J. uaie s. Woodbury, Mlas Kmma Watson ls at work in Mont pelier. Al. Thomas has mode extenslve repairs on hls buildlugs, Mrs. Will Heath Is very sioklwitb a com plicatloa ot dlseaaes, Myrnn Alnsworth has been sorlously 111 with blood polsouing. Kd Delino has boou sorlously 111 at Barre, tbo result ot an accldent, James AtkliiHou has not been at work tho past weok. Oauee a now boy at bls houso, The road lu front of Asbley Smltb's houee has been muoh luiproved by taklng out the ledgeB. J II. Holt Is bnslly ongagod on Edgar llank's uew house whioh, wheu o mpleted, will be a three tenemeut house, George Bellvllle is llvlug in the house on the Oudwortb place aud doing a lumber job for tbe Morse Mauufacturlug Company. Morrla McKlnstry lutends to go to Oam bildge to work lor tbe samo company. Match Stands, Ink Stands, Toilot Bottloa. GO., - - WORCESTER, MASS. Cnelsoa. Court opeus Tueaday, Judge Munson pre slding. Mra. Mary 0. Muuson has returned to Corinth. Nettle E. Georgo is worklng In a family at East Brookfield. Cora E. Morrlaon has begnu work In H. K. Darltng's family. William Dexter cut hls foot qulte badly last week white cbopping. Eunice A. Noyes returned from Boston In seaaon tor Thanksgiving. Dr. J. Euclid Flsh of Tauntou, Mass,, was at Dr. 8. N. Goss's for Thankaglving. A. II. Morey and hls mother take the ten oment in the BlUs house vacated by F. 0. Sleeper. A Bon was recently born to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas G. Dearboro, who are now llvlng at Valley Kalls, K. I. William S. Obapin and Ilarold D. Com stock have been at homo from Dartmouth Colloge for a few days. Joseph Abbott has moved into II. II. Birchmore's house lu tho upper village, and tbe Hull family bave Bucceeded him on the back bay. A contluuatlon of tbe case of E. O Tracy v. A. F. Tracy's estate was beard here ou Tueaday and Wednesday of last weok, but U was not flnished. Tbe long-expected gasolino ougine has arrlvod at tbe electrio llght works, aud um been installed by A. W. Heath of Buffalo, N. Y., who camo here for the purpose. We uow expect better and moro regular light. Stevena Avery died at the town farm on Monday of last week after a loug Illuess, at the age of eighty-two, Kev. Mr. Allen olU rlated at the funeral servlces on Tuesday. Mr. Avery Hved for tnany years near tho West Hlll meetlng-liouse, but atter the deatb of bis wlte aeveral years ogo, havlng no near relatlves, bo became a resident of the town farm. Randolph. Miss Jessio Uoberts of Bethel spent Tues day ln town. Mrs. Will Emerson ls vlsltlug in Camp tou, N. n. Wilfred La Rock was severely injured whlle logglug iu the woods, tjennard Hutcbinaon is at homo tor tbe ThankHglviug recras. Mr. and Mra. Avery Wheeler have re turned from u vlsit to Boston. Dr. W. S. Curtls and wife of Montpelier are the guests of D. 0. Woodard. About'o couples were in attend anot, at tho Fireman's ball Thursday even ing Miss Jessle IVarsona returned from Bos tou the flrst ot the woek utter uu absence ot two mouths. Dr. Smlrh of Hauover was in town on TnwdHy a oimnsHl wlth Dr. A. 0. Balley in 'Iir c ,ro ut Mrs Jaue Crocker Mra. J diu Abbo t came from WlncbesTer, Mii riinrsil.i.v evening. Her slster, Mlsi Saufoid, m lowly improvlng The hlgb -ebnol foot lull team played n "picked" it'arii riiaiiksjivlng day mornlDg anil rrj ilco.l la a fcoro ot 54 to 0 ln their favnr. Mra. Jam- Cr cker dled Wednesday night f ur au llli es of sneeral Weeka. Tlm funeral will Im beld trmu her la'o humsi Saturday mo ulng. 'Ph., (initirul ,tf tr.iTi. H',)rrwt. (V Mnnn.hua I ter will Iim held Friday from the home of i lils fatber. The body will bo taken to WlDChester, M -., lor lutermeut. Ityogitto. Tlio winter term of school opens on Mon day. Tlie Jaynes auctlon ls advertised for tbo 12 h. J. E. Ooxe ot Wells Ulvor was lu town on Tu-silay. IV e Uuufrew brothers were homu for Th nkrgiving, T. A. Mesder waa ln MulifdoeB last Frl da.t atinrnoou on buatueas. Ml-s I la Orozier ot West Barnet waa the guest of Mrs, II, A. Nelaon laat week. J. D. MoAlllster ot South llyeato was ln town Wedueaday ou iuaurauce buslness. H. N Wonnwood and famlty wero In nniion laat Thursday, and also Mrs, Mar g ,el Hamsey,