Newspaper Page Text
8 VERMONT , WATOHMAN & BTATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY FEB iUART 28, 1900. No other aid so great to the housewife, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised. ROYAL Woodbury, Mrs. W. 0. Peck Is qnlto ill. Mra. Wright Nelson of Albany la visltlng in town. Warner iTliomas expects to got all hla logs drawn thia week. J. B. Alnaworth has movoil from the Wat eon tenomont to Burt Whoeler'a farm. Mrs. Josoph Benjainln of South Wood bury la vlsiting relativos in thia part of tho town, Rov. G. L. Wolla has ao far rocovered from hia rocent illneaa to be ablo to resume hia pastoral labora in tho Mothodist church. Mra. Ollvor Clapp la Improvlng aa faat as could be expected for ono of her oge, but wlll be unablo to loave hor bed for two months at leaat. Roy Osgood who haa been spendlng the winter with hia brothor at Belchortowu, Maaa., has returnedand has gono to work for Aahloy Smlth. H. 8. Benjamiu took quite a party from hero laat Monday ovenlng to the concert at East Calaia fjivon by tho Boloro Concert Company. TUey report an oxceptionnlly flno porformance. Robert Tasaie is having a hard timo draw ing granlte from Ashloy Suiith'a quarry to Ilardwick. Friday and half tho day Satur day waa nsed in gettiug from the quarry to the main road oa tho Thomas flat. Load llghter Bobbio. In comiug over itho monntaina from tho lowor quarry laat Saturday a car loadud with granito jumped tho traok. Tho ouly damago howover waa tho loss of half a day. When oppoaito Fostor'a ono of tho drlving shafts broke, and had to bo removod. The night waa spent in ruunlng tho snow plow thoroughly cleauiug tho traok its ontlro length. West Berlin. Bort Gove willlive at hla father's until thelr houso ls ready to oocupy. The ladlea will serve a wann dinner at tho Mothodist churob, town meetlng day. Milton Qllno has coniraoncod work for Horaco Strong and haa moved into hls cot tago. Goorgo Ayers found ayoung horao oaat in tho stable Wednesday inorning. It diud soon aftor diBcovered Oaud of Thanks. We wiah to extend our sincore gratltudo to tho friouds and neighbors who so kindly asaistod us in our rocent boroavemont of our boloved husbaud and fathor by tholr expresalona of sympathy, Mra. Charles Androws, Burtau L. Androws, Mr. and Mrs. Horbert Wllley. FARRflS! Wo want moro farma at onco with pricca ranging from S100 to 10.000. We would liko to sell your fnrra and do not caro what tho prico ia if it ia worth what you ask for it. TlilPfWmWTi you,lll.I"t 8011 orliwlefor other proporty, lot na havo it. TlieroilirOSITm.LYhonocoStwithoutasaloiamaao. Isn't thia fair? If you do not caro to I.ave your placo ndvertbed we will sell it without advcrtising it. Or if you wfah to havo it odrertued and sold at onco wo will do thta for you. We havo a fow farma but wo want moro. A fow good cliancos to buv lmS'? SUHrnan Soavor Placp. ncrea of lnml will wT s . i7i Kno nas mo oiu atiliman Soavor P aco. Uontniiis 100 rp, SMALL PLACE eituated in Lowor Cabot villnge. Coiitaina 22 ncres ot oxpnllpnt ln',l eatod. Wo havo othor largor farnis fm 81.B& ioim LM Mly 'f yU "ro lnior betwYepSSl Sffi ICuLAbo?tFi!onaCoT& ..tT ' ?M MMpawjiiM,rW!TP liay, will keop 8 cows nud teain. Jluiltlinira nro iu iroml Rlmnn St,ir 1 u i , W.? "ty WlJo 'Uu, c01..0J nn.l talk wftl, i.a oither about biiying or aulli ,g R0 d Kstato any- I A. Pcvry OORDON'S BLOCK, BARRE, VT.! T. S.-Wo would call your attention to nn 8 DAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW WultBllolfl William Stroug of Waterbury was in town on Saturday. II. N. Buahnell ls sick and Dr. Ilaylott is treating hlm. The llbrary Is bolng well patronlzed by tho citizena of tho town. Mrs. Savago of Proctor In visltlng her parouts, Mr. and Mra. 0. M. Eaton. Tho new akim atatlon at Irasvillo is now runnlug and gottlng a good patronage. If you want your hens to lay oarly and of en, call at O. G. Eaum's mlll and get Page's or Pratt'a hon food. W. E. Jones and (wife aro vleiting Mrs. Jones' fathor at St. Johnabury lor a few days. Rev. Charlos A. Orane, D. D., of Boaton, la annouiiced to delivor one of is great lectures in tho Mothodiat church MHrch 7. Dr. Orano la a inan of mnrvelous powor aa n platform orator. Tickets are for salo at twenty-flve conta oach. Tho aubject of iub ifcuro ia "jhuu uouB," ana is bpokou of aa a masterpieco. For testlmonlals road ino poatera. Mrs. Comatock Prenties of Waitafleld diod ou Fobruary 20 and waB burled in tho vil lago cemetery on Friday, Fobruary 23. Mra. Prontisa was tho daughter of Rov. Ainarlah Chandlor, who, aa aeoond sottled piator of uiu v.uiiKregaiiouai cuurcu in waitsfield, proached between the vears 1810 aml 1KV) Mrs. Prentlaa haa been knnwn am n miimgn of beaullfnl Hfe and charactor. For about ono year Htie haa been very foeblo, couliuod to her room and suflurlni? HHViirnlv. Mra. Ladd was with her mother during her long iuuuno. iiov. jir. wuison ana wiio irom Greonfield, Maaa,, and Dr. Watson and wifo of WllUamatown. also a hnn nf nnn. Thomas Prontlaa of Boaton, attondod the funoral. Comatock Prontlaa atill livea at mo auvanceu ago ol olguty-nlno yoars. Worcostor. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boaely haveadaugh tor, born Februarv 15. Mrs. A. Dello Putnam was visltlng last wouk in luumpouer anu snauy Klll. Mra. Chester Ladd la spendlng a few davs with her daughter, Mra. Ilonry Holt in Montpelier. Rov. 0. Wedgewood ia attondlng tho St. Albana dlatrict preacher'a meoting at Mor risvlllo. Mrs. Noble and famlly havo moved from Arthur Emory'a farm into Mr. Vall'a tene ment lately oecupied by Sam Smlth. FARSV8S! rlirht nro ulvn.i Meal Estate Agency, por cont paying stock wo aro liandling. There arc imitntion baking powders, sold chcap, by many Rroccrs. Tlicy are made from alum, a poison ous drug, which rcndcrs thc food injurious to health. YORK. CnYnt. Mlas Sualo Atklns of East St. Johnabury w!t iu iowd over ounuay. Mlas Cleora Foator of Burlington vialted her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Farrlngton, laat week. Mr. Wado and conimoncod with Dr. War ren. Tho Old Maida' Auction Tuosday ovon- lui; ny nauiunu jjougo was a pronounced succoaa. Mra. nickio is to movo to Hardwick this weeK wjiero sue naa rontod a tenomont Her son Wendellia to board with hor. Tho Good Touiplara wlll pleaso meet at muir nnn ai aevon o ciock inursuay oven Ing and attond the lecturo ln a bodv. G. E. Spearo, tho popular teacher of the K'uuiuiar miuio oi ino viuage aciiooi, re turued to hla home ln Randolph on Tues day. Reinomber tho musical convontion noxt weok, March 8 and 9. The. laat singlng ouuuui ui iuu lorm wiii ue iieiu noxt rnuay VUIllUg. The Ullbfnr.t; nf Mm ftlnpntlron af flin fn. grogatlonai church noxt Sunday mornlng wlll be: "Whon and Why Should I Unite yiiu tiie ouurunr Ollitn n nnrntiAr nt nnp farma.. i tendlng to attond tho ngricultural mootlng ' vjhiuib mai wcok, uut wero provent ed by the storm. Rov. Mr. Hillard will preach at thc church ln Lowor Cabot oach altornato Sun day ovonlng until furthor nntlce, cointnonc lng next Sunday evoniucat 7:30 o'clock. It ia expocted the town reporta wlll bo ready for dlatributiou tho last of tho week. Lot overy voter procuro one, look it over thoroughly and come out to town meetlng. It is hopod tho ladlea that havo a grand llat vii nuuuu uuu nxerciae tueir rlgut to voto uu nuuuui maiiora. The school on Whlttlor II11I Ia closed af tor n fttrm nf tOTMlvn nanlr. 1., , , ..uuna. AJiUOU W11U t1..?0 "b9t warks during the year wero William, Warren aud Marlau Walker and Ruaaell Ilnrrntt.. Tliun ..1.,. l.n.i .,,.. . attendanco during the wlntor term wore """"""i uiuwau, Turren and wimam wulker, Ella and Rusaoll Barrett, Madce LllDoillt. Wlllinr M..l !.... waa absont only one-half day. Johu La- iiuiui, uuu ponoot aiienuanco anring ten erago attondance, thlrtoen. .TUllrrn T, 7T Thmnn.nn !I .1.. . ' . " . " -"""I'l'un ' i' . uuuvUl IUU last lecturo of the courso at villago hall at I1U1L I1UHL HHVflll 1 llllrUMHV Otton ni. in ttT ,n Stato and tho Enomy wlthln Its Bordora." Judco Thntnnpinn'M ia tfm nnrAtidi iAntn.n i tho courae that haa boon providod thia aea aon by J. P. Lauiaon, Esq., withont ox penBo to the town or the peoplo. Admia- BlOU haa htiOn fmA nnil Mr T.amunn l.oi. il - " - ' uuujovu UCH UD' frayed all oxpenaea. Such publlo spirited noiioiuniijr nua uoeu appreciatou uy tlio peo plo of Cabot, who havo turned out in large uumbera to oujoy oach lecture. A OabD. Wo thnnnilnrxl asfroe tn rnfnnil tlm innnai. nn a r.n , ' ' . . , ...... J 1. w LDIlt bottlo of Greono'a Warrautod Syrun o8Tar ii ii miin iu uuro your cougu or COUI, We alao Eruarantnn n "Si notit imtili. tn rn . lsfactory or money rofunded. wons, iioyiea nogors, Cabot, Morso Brothera, Cabot, S. O. Voodry. Cabot. Icoxburv. Horbnrt IIowo returned to Alstoad, N. II., on Monday. Bort Plko of Calais, who has boon visltlng at II. A. IIowo'b, went bonio Saturday. G. B. AndrowH reporta a mllllion feet ol lutuber at his mlll with four thousand loga in tho woods whlch ho oxpoots dollvorod wlthln ton daya, MrB. G. B. Androws of Northflold haa boen ln town ono or two davs recontly, car ng for hor nioco, Mra. Charlos Uowe, who la qulto ill. Mra. Mark Rico, formorly Carrio Lowla, and a roaldont hero during hor glrlhood, la roportod to havo snffored from a shock laat woek, and sttll to bo very low. Mr. Piorco la rcported to havo dollverod au oloquont sermon laat Sunday, Mr. Piorco, who la takiug a poat graduate courao at tho Mothodiat .Somlnary, wlll spoak noxt Suiiday. Tho town audttora report tho lndobtod neaa of tho town to have allghtly diminlBli ed during tho paat yenr. Tho collootor haa doneoxoollont work thls year, having pald in tho taxoB in full. Rov. Mr. ElllBon, a formor popular paa tor hero, and who has bIhco hls duparturo takou up tho study of medlolno, writoa of hls willlngneaa to roturu and 1111 tho poal tious botli aa mlnlstor and phyalcian. It Is commonly sata to bo "oaslerto preach than to practlco," but wo proaumo Mr, Elllaon may bo popular both us proaohor and prac tlclug phyalcian, Wllllniiiatown. Mra. Asa G. Wilbur Is 111. Mrs. .1. Frod Auatin was at hor old hoino last wook for a vlalt. Pntay H. Elllott has boon qulto IU in tho last wook with o cold. It Is sald thoro Is qulto n markcd call for oxen and stoora among tho farmors. Tho Unlvoraallst ladlea aro proparlng for a largo ontortalnmont to bo glvon in March. Roy. O. O. Baker of Ferrisburg suppllod tho Oongregatioual church horo last Sun day us a candldato. Mra. Ilonry F. Eraklno wlll llkoly como to tbo villago to roaldo If aho cau flnd, a placo to hor inlnd, Mrs. Flora Bonedict Colby ot Burlington visltlng hor paronta, Mr. and Mrs. Charloa R. Benodtct. Our old towuaman, Lmnan ,T. Uoraoy, now of Douvor, Ool., has boon with a.liunt lng party on n trlp to Toxas, Lyndo & Chonoy aro liavlng a good many loga brought lo tholr mlll. At preaont thoy aro sawlng out 10,000 foot a day. It la hopod tho patrona of onr croatnery will bogln to roullze nbout April 10 on tholr duos at tho timo of tho failuro of tho own ora. Horbnrt Colby waa ln town a fow dayB ngo. Ile comua hero occasionully ln hls travola aa & saloatnuu for a Boaton wholo salo houso. C. H. Ilaywanl will loavo tho farm that ho carriod on ln East Brookfield, laat year, nnd movo back to the Woat IIIU ln Oliolsea. Mra. Dr. E.B.Wntaon waacallod last wook to tho funoral of hor mother In Waitsfield, who had boen in a fooblo condltion for u long timo. Miss Lydla O. Dwlnoll, a siator of Mrs. Charlos O. Staples and woll known lo boiuo of our cltlzona, was rocontly mnrrlcd to u Mr. Bemla of Plainfield. F. Towno, an old hotol man of Water bury, haa, with hia wife, boen hlrod by tho pwnors of tho Monumout House, to run tho houso for a timo. Onr Grangors seera to bo having flne tlmea theaodaya ln thelr mootings, with dla cuaalons, papers, etc. Tholr noxt meetlng wlll bo on Wodnesday, March 7. Mlsa Maude Ilutchlnaon loat a pockot book at tho last baud promenado at tho town hall that bIio Is anxlous to flnd aa it was a gilt of spocial valuo to hor. A granlte uianufacturertolls us that boiuo hls cuBtomors aro arranglng to aoll forelgn granito flnlshed in Europn, aftor March 1, becauao of tho increasod coat of Barre gran ito monumonts. Mrs. Anna Bonodlct Frankum and Mias Boll M. Hlbbard decido they will not toach ln our villago school noxt term. Mra. Frankum wlll alao glve up tho town su perlntondoncy of the achools. Jaaon E. Martln, aon of Ervln II. Martln, wlll not movo to Dr. LowU D. Martin's farm, as ho had pnrposod to do, having bar" galned for tho farm of hla late unclo, Ilonry F. Erskiue, on tho Eaat Hill. Prlco 52,000 for farm, Btock aud toola. In tho February nmnber of the magazine publlshod by tho Outing Company, was n vory complimentary uotlceof a photographlc viow that Goorgo R. Bosworth took noar South Barro, that he calla "By Qulot Watera." J. M. Seavor rocently wont to Boston to sell a horao. Ho brought back anothor that he bought in Lowoll that promlaea to make a flne horao. Mr. Soavor Is buying potatoea here to shlp. no pays forty conts a bushel. Our warningfor tho March meoting does not call for anythlng out of tho ordinary exccpt for addltional school faclllties in tho quarry dlatrict, that now has tho largoat numberof scholarsof auy dlstrict ln town. James Seivrighr, a Scotchman from Aber deen, aud for montha paata foreman at the Grearsi n-Beckett Company's plaut is about to Btart In buniness horo for hlmself, owing to the granito workera' atrike. Ceaar Comittl may joln him aa a partner. Thoro soems to be no probability that the throatenod atrike of granlte cuttors, March 1, will bo avorted. How long It may con tinuo can not bo forotold, but it is feared it may be of long duration. Whllo lt does last, it inust matorially alToct buainoaa hore for tho worae. Rov. Carey n. Watson and wifo of Greon fleld, Muas., wore callod to Waitafleld laat woek by tho death of Mrs. Wataou'a moth er. They wlll bo in town hero till Thura day. If thoy are the greatost who are glad to bo sorvants of all, we thluk Mr. and Mrs. Watson will rank higb, auch Is thelr complote Holf-aacriflclng devotlon to tho peoplo and iuteresta of thelr pariah in Maasachuaetts. It ia Hntd tlmt t)m nl.l ll,. i south of our vlllage, coat, with Improve inents, 82,000 to Mossrs. Boan and Vlall and OnO Or tWO nthflrH. Vlin linnrrltf tr nnt yeara ago, for tho manufucturo of llme. Auu tcuouw ptuvou u lanure anu tue prop orty waa bought by n. H. Martln for 8100. TllO llOllHO nn tlin nlnn.. (a nnn. nun.l j..iii.u .u uu.. iiauu iui storlng ice. Perh&rm nn ntlinp man ln fnn.n i.nn nA i . . , " i ! !' " i ii ou inanv acres ni kml ln.m n tt tt tho nresont ownnr nf tlm .T m" ii,., farm. They number nearly 500 acroj. He uoi nuuiii mijr iiHuu oi uersey siock, ono ol tho largeat dalrlea in town. Ho averagea to nwke ovor throo hundred pounda of butter for oach of hla mllkers. He soparatos hla iiuuik, uui iukos it. io our croam erv to bn chiirnnil. Alr Mitin l.i.n., i - ' ..... .'.iiiiii. ugtiuiUD 111 oxon ln part for the farm, and flnda work for tWO VClkHH. Altlinncrli lili nl ...,. Is mado up of flne Joraeya, he alao haa a 1,1. uui, imiiiK IUI UUruUUI BtUCJS, HOME TESTIMONY. Ln Any bo Strongor, Carry Moro Wclglit or bo Moro Couvlncing; thnu aioiitpellor TestlinonyJ Mako a monlal noto of it. This man is well known in Mont- polior. Hia voracily is unqueationod. You aro reading local ovidonco. Iuvestigating homo toatimouy. Montpelier nowa for Montpelier peoplo. It's not from Maino or Montano. Susplcion can't lurk around it. Iloncaty is its best clmractcriatic. Homo ondorsoinent is its enlionl poiut. Mr. J. 13. Voodry of No. 40 Gourt Btrcet, for twenty years janitor and cuatodlau of tho Stato capital, says: "I had kidnoy troublo for sovon years and at times sovoro puins acroBS my back witli urinnry diflkulty. In tho nioin- ing whon I awakonud thoro was somo troublo with tho kidnoy secrotions which genorally too frequontly wero tlion suppresaed. I got Doan'a Kid uoy Pills at Lcstor II. Groeno'a drug storo aud thoy liolped mo in overy way, I folt a good dcal bottor aftor tho treat mont; I ccrtainly rccommond thcm aa n rollablo kidnoy rcmedy," For Balo by all doalora; prlco CO conts. Foater-Milburn Co., IJuitalo, N. Y., eolo ogonts for tho United Statoa, Iloruombor tho namo Donn'a and tako no othor. OVERWORK, WORRY AND FiRST EFFECT UPOf3 L. A. SVlartin, Ghillicothe, Wio , writes: " I have used Paine's Celery Oompound for indigestion and nervous debility, aud have found it a certain remedy. It reliabili tates the system worn by the i train of tedious litigation and of fice work, and any overworked person will fincl it a sure cure." Groton. Mrs. Jamea Adama Is 111. Ed Clark of Rochester Ia ln town. Frod Dawson was qulto ill a fow daya last weok. John Gambol was in Williamstown the flrst of the week. Mlas Bortha Goodwin haa gono to Brock- ton, aiass., on a vlalt. Mr. and Mrs Hofico Randall ot Topsham wore ln town last Saturday. Charllo Pillabury haa conimoncod work iug for O. O. Lord in tho Times offlce. John Pago haa moved from Mra. Wllaon'a tenomont into Mra. Harrlet nowanl's houso. Mrs. G. H. Plllsbury lntonds to add a good lino of ladies garuienta to hor stock for tho sprlng and aummer. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Caroy of St. Johne bury were in town laat Saturday to attond tho funoral of O. D. EAatman. , Dr. S. N. Eistman and son Bernie went to Bethlehom, N. II., Tuoflday to attend tho funoral of Charlos Eastman, brothor of tho doctor. Tho funoral ot Cy us D. Eaatman last Saturday afternoon in the Mothodiat church waa ono of tho largeat ln attendanco over held in tho placo, whlch showa ln a meaa uro tholr oatoom for him. About ono year and a half ago lt waa with aadnesa people notlced tho pale face of thia activo and en orgetio young frlond, for hia countonanco lme tho look of ono who could reuiain hero but a llttlo whlle. Whon convincod that ho nilght not got well by atayiug in thls local lty ho went to Colorado, accompanled by hla fathor, Dr. S. N. Kaatman, who roniain- ed with hlm several weeks, and thon left hlm to rogaln his health lf posalble, but all to no avall. Ho went, ouly a ahort timo ago to New Mexlco, hoplng thia chauge mlghtbo inore bonoflclal, but ho only grew worso, and gladly came homo whon hls fathor sent for hlm. He llvod only throo weeka aftor arrlvlng homo. It ls n great comfort to hla peoplo that ho could bo with thein at the laat. They have spared no of tort nor moaus iu his behalf, but hla time had como to co. nud oarthlv holn was of no avall. The funoral sorvlcea were couduct cd by Rov. J. A. Sherburne a formor naator nsalated by Rov. W. R. Mather of thhilplace. xuo uorui uiapiay waa ueautuui. Orange M. B. Curtis la alowlv recovnrlnr' frnm hia recont fall. Mr. and Mra. fJnnrco Emraon nf Wnnh- lngton wore culliug ou friouda laat Sttur day. Tho lnfant lunelitnr af .Tamni Lnrd ia ln. ing carod for by Mr. Lord'a uiothor, MrB. U. P. Lord. Mr. and MrH. Fnink Snnnlilliirr nf Wpnt Toiisham spont Saturday nlght aud Sunday Davld Bollea vlHltcd hla fathor at Mnnln IIIU on Saturdav. The lnttur Ia in vnrv nnnr health ond not expootod to rocovor. R. P. Oam n In vnrv 111 with nnniiiiinnla and hoart troublo. Hla phyalcian, Dr. 0. F. Oamp of Barro, haa vory little hopo of hiB rocovory. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur "Dlacsts what you cat. akes PJerve Fibre9 ferve Force. Fuyston. Poter LaRoae has left John Caroy's farm at the Couter and gone to a farm on Palmer hill iu Waitafleld. John Gotty of PlillHdelphla, who has re cently boen visltlng friouds iu Ireland, Is the guest of Mr. and Mra. Davld McKay. Mr. Getty oxpecta to buy a farm In this locali'y. Reynolda Brothors, who havo boen lum berlng for H. 0. Ward, havo qult thelr job ou account of tho great dopth of snow on tho mountalu aml are now drawing logs for the Grand fleld's In North Fayston. T. AT. Tlinlnnonn wlm a'nrlra fnr T. Davls of Montpelier, Ii spendlng a short va. catlon with hla paronta, Mr. and Mra. J. P. Thompson. Mr. Tnompson dld all tho plumblug on tho new Waahington county Jail and on the now Jall ln Woodatock. Wost lulrloo. Dr. Chaao ot Orford, N. II.. waa In town laat uaturduy maklug proleaalonal calla. Charles Whltcomb, who has been suffor- nig xor tlio laat ton wookb Irom a compound fracturo of hla leg, waa obllgod to havo a second operation laat irrlday uy Dr. Hmlth oi uanovor, in. u. W. 0. Gilman took a coachload from thia place to Lyme, N. II , last Fridav nleht to attend tho miiiatrel ahow given by the uan on rrouuauoura." a numutrattonueu a danco at Vershire the eame evenlug. Topsham. Llttlo Mlldred, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Georgo Hood ot thia place, diod February rj, agea turoo montua anu oigut uaya. Oaud ov Tiianks. We wiah to thank the klnd friouds aud neighbors who in any way assiaiou ua at tue iioatu anu ouriai ol our llttlo ilaughtor Mlldred. Mr. and Mra. Goorgo Hood. Qnlte a numbor of onr townapooplo wore called to Newbury aa wltuoaaoi iu a ault brought by Alex. Groen agalnat Dr. 0. N. Fox laat week. Putuaiu Hayward acted aa uatlc, and tho caao waa docldod favorably for Dr. Fox. BDSINESS NOTICES, An EniTOii'u LiFit Savkd nr Ckamder lain's Couqu Rkmkdy Durlug tho early part of Octobor, 181)0, I contractod a bad cold whlch Huttlod on my luiiga aud was ueglected until I fearod that conaumptlon had appoared in uu Inriplent stato. I w ai couataiitly coughing aud tryiug to oxpel some'hing whlch I could not. I bocamo alnnuod aud alter glviug tho local doctor a trial bought a bottlo of Chauiborlaln's Cough Romedy and tho reault was tmmo dlate lmprovumeut, aud aftor I had uaod throo bottlo my luuga wero restored to thelr healthy htato. B. S. Edwarda, Pub llahor of The Uovlow, Wyaut, 111. For sale by 0. Blakely and W. E. Torrill Ss Co. A suuk cuub foii onoup. Twonty-flve yeura' cotistaut uao without u falluru. The llrat Indlcatlon of croup ia houraeneBs, nnd in a chlld subjuct to that diaeaao it may bo takon as a Htire slgh of the approach of au attack. Followlng thia hoarBeneaa ls a po cullar rough cough. It Chamborlaln's Cough CARE HAVE ftJERVES. MPOUND Remedy ls given as soon aa the chlld be conies hoarse, or oven aftor tho croupy cough appoars, It wlll provent tho attack. It la used In many thouaanda of homea ln thls broad land and nevor diaappolnts tho anxioua mothera. We have yet to learn of a aingle inatance in which lt haa not proved effoctual. No othor preparation can show such a rocord twenty-iive years' constant uie without a fallure. For salo by C. Blakely and W. E. Terrill& Co., Drugglats. 'Tis Said, That "77" wlll cnro a cold ln one day. That "77" will "break up" a touch of tho grip in twenty-four honrs. That "77" will cheok inlluenza over nlght. That "77"iwlll reatore a speaker's volco on the way to meetlng. That "77" wlll stop coughing, the worat thing for a cough. xuat "77" wlll provent a cold runnlng into pneumonia, and a soro throat into diphtherla. That "77" reatores tho checked clrcula tiou (indlcated by a chill or ahlver), starts tho blood couraing through tho velns and thus "broaks up" the cold. Manual of all dlseases sent free. For sale by all drugglsts, or sent on rocelpt of price, 25 conta, or flve for S1.00. Humph rey's Homeo. Medlclno Co., Cor. William and John stroeta, N. Y. 0. F. Dudloy ls to have his third annual concert at Villago hall, Eaat Montpelier Thursday evonlng, Morch 1, given by hla singiug claaaea, aaslatod by Gray's orohea tra, Mrs. Hattlo P. Wlllard and Mr. Pot ter, dramatio roador, Barre, Vt. There will bo a promenado and danco from ten to twolve o'clock, with good music. Bill to concert, promenado and danco 23 conts. Children 10 conta. Try Grnln.O! Try Graln-O! Ask your crocer today to show vou a packageof GRAIN-O, tho now food drlnk that takes tho placo of colToo. The children may drluk lt withont lnlury as well as the adult. All who try lt, Ilko lt. GRAIN-O has that rlch aeal brown of Mocha or Java, but lt Is mado from nure gralna. and thn moat dolicAto stomach receivoa lt without dlatreaa. tho nrico of coffeo. lBo. and 2to. por package, Srld by nll grocera. As a cnro for rheumatism Ohambnrlnln'A Patu Balm Is galning a wldo roputatlon. D. B. Johnaou ot Richmond, lml.. iin.-i been troubled with that allment bIuco 18G2, In speaklng of lt he aays: "I nover found any thiug that would rolievo mo until I used Chamborlaln' Paln Balm. It acta llko maglo with me. My foot was swollen and painlng mo verv muob. bur ono trood annll- catlon of Paln Balm rellovod mo. For salo by 0. Blakely nud W. E. Torrill & Co., Drugglsta. , CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo