Newspaper Page Text
8 VERMONT WATCHMAN& STA'l'E JOOUNAL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 1900. The BAKJM& Made from pure, grape cream of tartan Cream of tartar is refined and powdcred acid of grapcs, the most healthful and pleasant of all fruit acids. Professor Prcscott, University of Michigan, says: " 1 believe that the acid salts of fruits are the most wholesome and important constituents of the food of man. Not all natural substances are wholesome articles of food, but cream of tarlar has a high rank. as such." Royal North Fuystou. Anulo Griffln of Morotown spont a week with Lor parents recontly. Tom Reynolda of Duxbury ia drawing 10R8 for Qoorgo Grandfleld. Thore is to be au oyater snpper and dauce at tho hall Friday nlght, MarcU 0. Ellsha Boyce, who has been somo tlino in Silver Lako, Kan., ia now with J. P. Boyce. Olara and Floronco Corae of Duxbury spont a few woeks with Mra. Gono Suilth. Hujh Ilenry has inoved off from John Stuart farm on to tho ono ho bought from W. B. McCoIvy. Tho Grandflold Brothora havo dlsaolvod partnerahip, GeorRe buying out all thu ln terest in the buslness from Levi, who now ia working for H. O. Ward of Morotown. Tho anow stotxn of the past wook was tho aovereBt hero for a numbor of yoara. Lum ber buslness was at a atandstlll, but not so with the anow. It camo right along to the depth of flve foot. The stage waa unable to get to tho post-ofllco Thursilay nlght, and waa flve hours lato Friday and Saturday nlghta. Sonie of the roada wero noi orieued until Monday. Watorbury;Ccn tor. E. B. Moody has inoved from tho O. W. May place to the ono ho purehased of C. C. Hayes recontly. John Paul has inoved frotn tho James Detnerrltt farm into tho houso he recently purehased of L. Iluntley. d Aither haB taken the farm vaeated by Paul and haa movod on to tho samo. Arthur Johnson and wifo of Barro vlsitod at O. O. MarBhall's last Sunday. On account of the heavy snow our roada are not good, althongh they have been broken out aa well as posslblo. About twonty-eight iuohea of snow fell laat week. WANTED! FARMS! FARR0S! Wo want moro farma nt oneo with priees rnnging from $100 to 10,000. Wo would ' liko to sell your farm nnd ilo not cnro what tho prico is if it is worth whnt you ask for it. If you havo n farm that you would liko to sell or trado for other propcrty, lot ns havo it. Thoro will rOSlTIVELY bo no cost without a salo is mado. Isn't this fair? If you do not caro to havo your placo advertised wo will sell it without advertising it. Or if you wleh to have it ndvortised nnd sold at ouco wo will do this for you. Wo havo a fow fnrms but wo want iiioro' A fow good clionccs to buy 1 1 1 , mii 'WAMblOWN knownas ncres ol Inwl, will keep oorlO cows and other Sugnr orchnrd of 400 trees. T)i i p p..i. locntod i 1-2 mileB from Washington nnd 3 12 m oasy. " w rn SI.AvIj PkACE situatcd jnLowDrCnbot villngo. Contains 22 acrcs of oxcollent land. i .in IS? are KOO(l ;cllalr ,10"so 3"st ijoo" rebuilt, nnd bam nearly now. Thoro nro nbout OOnpple Irees, 2u plum nnd cherry, nnd nn nbundanco of cultivated raspbbrry nnd gooseborry Imslics. Alsonlargo honnery tlmt will nccommodnte 7fi hens. The owner will tnulp tlus plnco for sinnll cottago in Barro C'ity. Prico only S'JSO. Call enrly if you aro intor csted. We havo other Inrgor f arms f rom Sl. f'00 to 40,000. WELL-KNOWN FARM IN PLAINFIELD. Contains 175 ncrosj nhout evcnly divided botween pasturago nnd tillngo. CnU nhout 100 tons of hny. Will keen r.0 cows nnd tonm. Land is all wnll fonced nnd wntcred nnd in n good stnte of cnltivatiou. liuildings nro in good 8lia)0, heiug nearly new. Houso lms hceii built hut n fow yoars nnd is convenicnt nnd lnrgo. Two bams, one (j0x4 f t., and ono 42.S2 f t. Wero built nix yenra ngo. liams nre lnrgo nnd nro nlso coiivemently nrranged. Dotwcen 20 nnd 30 ncres of woodlnnd. Snpar orclinrd of K00 obo. vuii iiuijr ui iruii. uyca. iiiis piaco is Known ns tlie Jlurray Clnrk Placo and is oceuiiiod by lum. Al stock and tools will ho sold with farin if desiied, chenp. Placo is Bituatod 2 1 2 miles from LastMontpoher, 3 1 2 mileg from Plainfield, nnd 4 1-2 imlos from Barro City. nnd oan ho hought for only 85,000, which is choap. Terina ensy. sAWUli UHAnui.lsil'a UHIJLIN oioiiijr uuiw.uii iiuiigu, pnsiurngo niul woouianil. L uts nliout 10 tons of good (inality liay, will kcop 8 cows and toam. Buildings nro in good slinpo. Story nnd hatf houso. Thoro n sprin of ihurotio wator on tho placo worth tho prico of plnco nlono. On account of Mr. unuuuiui oum uku uiiu luuiiiK iiviuui no oners ino Do not thoso inf orost you? Wo should be glad to give you moro informntion regardiug tUem nnd others you will iind on our long list of fnrms. renting property, cottngos, eto. Wo wnnt you to come jn nnd tnlk witlnis oither nhout buying or selling Henll'iitnto nny wliero. If it is not convenient for you to cnll, writo us. If you would liko to trndo. wo will be of lnterost to you. Do not f orget the place, JD. A. JPerry Iieal Mstate Agency, GOItDON'S BLOCK, BARRE, VT.1 P. S. Wo would call your nttention to nn 8 por cont paying stock wo aro handling, Ahsolutely POWDER This expensive fruit acid is cmployed in makihg Baking Powdcr because of wholcsomeness, and because of its'value as a food substance. Alum would cost but one-tenth as much. Alum, howcvcr, is a poison, which cannot be used in food without fiulaiiKcriiiK lifc. All cheap baking powders contam it. Tliink of feediiiK it daily, as the makers of the clicap, alum powders would, to delicatc womcn and cluldrenJ ROYAL QAKINO POWDER CO., 100 WILtlAM 0T.,'NEW YORK. Moretown. Tho heavieat snow Btorm of thu aoason vislted this seclion laat week. The little daughtor of Willlain O. Somor villo is ill with bronohitia. Levi Grand lleld of North Fayston is working for H. O. Ward, Albort Goss roturned to hla work in Alaika last week Tueaday. Sldney. tho little aon of Will Turnor has come to llvo with hia aunt, Mra. Rosa At kiua. Frank Beldlng and Lnttio Spoar wera marrled February 28 by Kov. Orlo Barnard of Stowe. Snin Little of Fayston and Mlsa Mamie Murray were marrled at thu Mulhodiat par aonago liiHt Saturday evonlng. Miss Margery Ilulbnrt returnod laat Sat nrday from a fow dnys viblt with Mias Rena Evana of Waterbury, Landlord H. G. Sherman has been lnld up wltb rheumatlsm for a few daya. Elmer Ilulbert haa beon assisting duriug his 111 ness. Putnamavlllo. Norris Edgorloy lost a valtinhlo horse Sunday. n. E. Brown's children are 111 with soarlet fover, as aro also tho chil dren of Allen Jonea. It ia repor'ted that Arthur Jonos will noxt week move to Barro to learu tho stonecutterH trode. D.tvid Beau is working soven teams, hanling logs to 0. 0, Putnain & Sou'b mill. Austin Kemmis has aold his horae to Dr. Lawronco of Worcester. The painters have finlshod the interlor of 0. 0. Putuam'H bouse. Fred Edgorley has been contined to tlie houso sevoral weoks with a badly soalded foot. Ualph W. Putnam waa In Elmore laat Wednesday and Thuraday. FARMS! rlght aro slvcii bolow: tho old Stillmnn Soavor riaeo. Contains 100 stock, with team, Ia nuito hoavily wooded. i. n v - . coiKtition. 11ns placo ia es to Graniteville. 1'rinn nnlv sstlft. T.,rm. FAHM, containing C0 ncres of land, nhout pince loroniy 5,uuu, Pure its absolutc Cholsou. Fred E. Goodwin has sold a half intoreat In his aaw mill to Vv. F. Davla. Mrs. II. O. Bryant was soveroly bruised laai wook oy tiio overturning ol a Blelgu. Ordway, Ilolrnea & Co, havo added ineal and foed dopartment to thoir atore. Mra. Nellie R. Sklnner of South Royalton ia spKuuing a lew weeus at tr. is. Blxby's Ono poraon was roceived into tho Concro' gatlonal church on confession lait Sunday, W. 11. Ilill la to tnovo into J. 0. Atwood'i housn, and F. F. DJood takoa tho houao wlilcu lio vacatea. Thero waa a ploasant Rathoring of yonng people at W. A. llood'a on Friday ovoning iu mu mvuuuun oi j.uura iioou auu Marlon bprague. Mrs. Luella M. Grlffith fell on tho ico wlieu on lier way to cliurch Sundav inorn iug, and was quite aevoroly brulsod and cut upon tno ueau. E. G. Thorno has boucht thn Stnnln Mn. Allister farm and Moses Monotte, who has ueen uving nero, nas rented tno IS. W Farnuam farm in Washington. Iho storm of Thuraday waa tho worst for sevoral years. Tho Barre and Thetford atagea did not got in that uight, and travel lor auy uisiuuco was linpossiule. B. F. Moulton moved last woek to E. D Adams and wife havo rouo npon tho towii inrm 10 compieio ino yoar ot Mr. and Mrs J10U110U. bome of our woll-known poota and writora will moet tholr frlenda ln tho ves iry oi wio uongrogatlonnl church noxt Monday ovoning. Tho social commlttoo of tho Chrlatiau Eudeavor society will bo glad iu iuirouuco any wno uo not rococnlzo tu faces of theso guesta. All will bo furniahed witn quotatlona, which will form an intor eaiing meuioy. Thu body of tho lato Porley Chandlor waa uroucnt on hero baturdav from nnrrn and a hrief Bervice was held in the Congre gutional church beforo tho burial in lHgh. land cemetory. A (ino tributo waa paid to mr. ouuuuieruy uis paator, nev. a. N. Jack' hoii of Barro. Mr. Ohaudler waa tho Bon of Oramol Chandlor, and was born iu Chelsea in 1835. Ilo learnud tho watchmaker's trado wiin tno late Foster Urow, and ostabliahed himselfin buslness ln Barro ln 18C9. Ho waa a frequent vlnltor iu hla natlvo town, nnd was highly reapected by all, so that wo are not Burprieod ot the oxprosslons of ro gard froaly rIvhii in hia odoptod city. Ilo waa especiaiiy intorested in tho causo of od ucatiou, and was sevoral yeara superin teudent of Bchoola before ho Ieft OhelBea Hls Blster, Mrs. Allce Gould of Paw I'aw. Mlch, accompanied tho immodlato famlly uaiu iruui xu;iu. Wells Klver. MIsh Ilattle CraiR spent Sunday at homo wiui ur pareuia iu urauioru. Mr. F. Osgood roturned Monday from a ahort viBlt at hla natlvo town. Mra. Doming entertalned tho Ovor Slxty olub ut Ilale'a Tavem, laat week Tuosday. Tho wliiat club mot Monday ovenlng with Miss Elia Munsoll. h Tho slelgh rido which haa boon poBtponod a uumber of tlmea on account of tho woatli or waa finally a succosa Monday ovenlng. Tho pariy went to Llabon, N. II. Goorga Dunlap, who has boon attendlng thodrug atoro of his, W. II. Ilnck, for two wooks, returnod to his work In Sprlngfleld, Friday. Mr. Buoknot being ablo to bo out yet a .young man from Bel lows FulU Is iu tho storo. Schools closed last Friday for a vacation of two weoka. Tho Itbrnry will not bo opon Wcdnosday evenlnga aftor tho ilrst ot Aprll, Itegulnr meotlng of Col.Prcaton Womon'a Itollef Corpa, Wedneadny ovoning, MemborB of tha Juulor Ohristian Endoav or Society nro preparlug an ontortaiumout to hu rIvou during vacation, Mrs. II. II. Lco Is vlulilng in St. Albans and Burlington. Miss Flora Brock has been aick with ton Bilitla for tho paat week. Mra. Julla Smith attoudod tho ro-dodlcu-tlou of tho church ln Batb, N. II, Williamstown. Johnnio Murnhv ln cuttlnc' stonn In Mich igan. Mr, nnd Mrs. Ilonrv A. Alnsworth aro ln Floiidu. Mlsaca Allco and Annotto Edson woro 111 last wook. J. M. Soavor went to Boston and vlcln- lty ou Monday. Will ICInnov of Northfield waa vIbIUuc ln town last wook. Granlto Cuttor Goorco Marr la worklnc for Uenry Nlxon. Ex-Conductor Frank W. Fllnt la atlll ln Washington, D, 0. Sanford Dutton'H oldost dnuchtor la at- tondlng Bchool iu Cholsoa. Luthor Bailov is vlsltlng hla brothor. Bort Balloy, In Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. atiu Mra. uninli Hponcor aro viauing at his old hotno In Plainfield juat now. Crowa woro soon horo ou Mondav. thonch tho morcury waa olght bulow zoro ln tho morniug. Honry Broknor. who la secrotaty of tho Granlto Outtota' unlon horo, is to movo to Plainfield. Mra. Anna Bonodlct Frankttm la ln WaHhliiRtou, assisting ln tho caro of Mra. U. A. White Ilonrv Downs hones to bo woll onough to get back to tho Lyudo atoro ln a wook or two. Miss Maud Ilutchlnaon Is aald to bo nalto a succoBsful canvasBor for goodH worn by lauica. James M. Bockett and wifo aro aboutSto co to Waahlngtou, D. 0., for tho rost of tho wintor. Granlto poliahor Joo Murrav is about to roturn with hia famlly to hla old humo in St. Goorgo, N. B. Horaco M. Faruham and wifo, now of East Montpelier, woro among tho snow bound horo last woek. Albort Itoed of East Brookfield tklnks his llttlo daughtor Ia being inuch bouefltod ny oaioopatmc treatment liero. Mra. Honry F. Eraklno has bargalned for Ed. IIouho'h placo ln onr vlllago and will taKu possoasion oi it tiua woek. John Anco, recontly bnmed out, has had tho mlsfortune to hnvo aovoral ribB brokon of lato by tho klck of an anitnal. Some farmera nro Buvlritr that tholr cows havo boon siillurlng from a aort of opidomio pernapa winter cuoiera, ima aeason. Mra. Joscph Snndora has boon staying witii Mrs. u, m. iaturop lor sevoral weoks on account of Mra. Luthrop's ill hoalth. Tho Univorsallat ladiua will havo thelr aale of useful aud fancy articloB, etc, attho town nau on x rtuay ovoning ot tuls woek. Orrin Slmons haa thia wintor cut aomo 350 coads of atxtoen-inch wo d on tho David Galo placo for E. P. Olda of South Barro. Frank O. Beckott of Washington, D. C has been very ill this winter, but la ngain nt ius post iu tho iiiatnct govurnment aur vico. Could anythlng apoak moro for our far mers than tho number of now barna to bo built, uuil the lmprovoinonta to bo mado in tuo oin ones nero tinn yoarv Morrlll Martin, aon of Goorgo and Mra Julla Beckott Martin, has been truusforrod from D jadwood, S. li., to tho mint in Sau Francisco, much to his delight. Our older towuafolk hero aud olsowhoro will doubtlcss be intoroated iu facta cou cerning tho rlrst Maaoulo lodgo horo, to bo found ou pago two of thia iasuo. Mrs. Flora Bonodlct Colby, now of Bur lingtou, waa anow bound hero laat week aud unable ovou to sond a telegrain to Bur lingtou for a tiruo, much to her dlsappoiut' mont. Noxt week Tueaday afternoon tho annual olectlon of ofllcors for the town library will bo held. The assoclatlon Is trylng to lnako tho library moro of u buccesa than it has beeu at timos ln yoara past. Arthur Davenport, ono of tho leadlng ciiaractora in tuo urama glven by th Grangera at the town hall laat woek, alip ped aud spratned hia anklo whllo on tho way to tho hall that evenlng. Ilo had to uo his part on crutchea. Tho Uuiveraallat socloty will hold Lonten sorvices at tueir church on Wedueaday inursday and Friday evenlugs of noxt week. Kov. Francoa A. Kimball will bo asslated by tho lady paator of tho Eaat Montpelier Univorsallat church. Itov. Caroy II. Watsou aud wifo and thol alater, Mrs. Ladd, attempted to stnrt from hero last Tburaday mornlng, tho Urat two for thi'ir lioino iu Greentleld, Mass,, and tho lattor for llanovor, N. II., but woro forced by tho atorm to return for u uay. A goodly numbor for Kov. O. M. Shel don'a oxperlmental papor thu Topeka CapL tal for a week.havo beon subscrlbed for hero 'IluilCpwortli Leaguu list uumberauighteen anu tuo uuriatlan eudeavor society has im. other 11st. Tho spoedy sottlemont of tho granlto mattor ln Barro and hero last week was the occnsion of groat satisfaction. It is aald that tho new arrangement of elght houra por day aud a mlnimumbasis of 35 centa pur uour, wiu last lor uyeur to como. Wo nro pained to hear of tho death of llt tlo Svbll Dobbs. daughtor of Mr. and Mrs Burt Dobbs, who died ln Barro, of diphthe rla last Friday, at tho ngo ot nearly sevon yoara. hiio waa a urignt, nrottv. llttlo clrl who had llvod in our village, and hor faco mid come to oe aiannuar ono hero among tno aciiooi cuuuron. Itov. Willlam Scofiold proachod at tho Congregatloual church last Sundny, It ia hopod by the commlttoo of tho church to havo uuother candldato for tho vacant pul plt noxt Sunday. Only thruo candldatoa havo been heanl thus far, and there aro, it is belluved, sevoral huudreds of uuomploy ed uinisturB in tiio country. Our train waa unable to reach Barro City at all laat Thuraday on account of tho great Bnow storm. xno locomotive went aa lar as Lewis Gatea' placo iu South Burro, hut was unauio to get uacic nero oniy aa it waa heip ed by auothor ono, sent from tho north with a anow plow. Tho roault was that thoro woro forty-olght hours betweeu our malls on Wedneaday and Friday. much to our dlscouifort. J. W. Fllnt, for yeara paat onr dopot agont, Ia takiug a rest ot boiuo woeks, being ln Impaired health and tlred out. For 13 yoara ho haa been ln the omploy ot tho Con tral Vermont, and in that tluio has taken hut two weoks' vacation. Ilo has been nard-worKing. lauuiui sorvaut oi tho com pany horo, and doserves thia mucli-neoded rost. Hia place la aupplled tomporarlly by a inun irom williston It ia not known whothor much granlto work will bo dono horo for aomo llttlo tlmo yot. In tho first placo it Is huUI it is not qulto suro tho agroemont of last woek be tweeu omployees aud tho unlon, hore abouta, will bo pormanent nnd lf it is, mauufacturora horo aro not cortain of any now ordera for aomo time. Thon stock is short ut Bome ahops here aud in liarru, so thal nltogelhor tho present ontlook la not very bright for work posslbly for aomo wieks. Word has Just been recoived of tho death of our ox-Towuaman Aaron Klnamau at the hoiuo of ono of his daughtura Iu Poorla, III. Mr. Kiusmun wus a aon ot tho late James IClusinun and a Bou-ln-law of tho lato Sanford Ilatch. Yeara ago ho went from here to tho viclnlty of Prlncoton, 111., whoro ho ongagod lu farmlmr. Later ho waa a reHldont ot Koaruoy, Nob. Jlo is aurvlvod by hla wlfu,Mra. Louisa llatoh KliiBinau, two soua and two daughtera, onu of whom la tho wifo of tho priucipal of tho Bchoola lu Peorlu, III,, aud tho other a touohor ln tho schools thoro. Ho was u worthy man aud was about oighty yoars of Uo Foolcri tho .Stirgcons, All doctora tohl Konlck Ilamllton, of West JeiTorBon, O., aftor aufferlng 18 moutha from Heutal Fistnla, ho would dle unleaa a costly operatlon was porformed; but ho curod hlmself with Bucklou's ArnlcaSalvo, thu beat ln tho world. Surest pllo curu on oarth, 25o a box, at 0. B'akely 's drug utoro. During tliese sjpving months cvcryone is threatenecl ivith many complaints and diseases, Thesc months allurc to exposure, ovev ivorh and ris7c of health, Pvudoit joope take advantaye of the marvelous invigovaling poivcr of lCust Calais. Tho Ladloa' Loague meets Thuraday af ternoon and oveulng with A. Dwiuell. Mr. and Mra. L. L. Prevoat ontortnined about thlrty of thelr Ifrienda last Uaturday ovoning with a drivo whist party. Thoodorn Morrlson movod last Thursday from tho George tunomeat into his new pur chaso tho Lance houso. In tho absonco ot tho regular soprano at Unlon cliurch laBt Snndny, Mra. Mary Colby supplled, fllling tho vacancy most accept ably. Mrs. Prudonco Lanco left hero lost Thurs day to occompany her younger son, ut, John Lanco, to hU hoiuo in Provldence, H. I., wliero sho expectB to llvo lu tho futuro. Our mail roachod us tho ovenlng ot the blg anow atorm only about two houra lato. Tho driver was howevur obligod to roturn horo later and put up for tho niRht, as tho ioad botween hero and North Calais was couiplotoly blocked by auowalidea. Tho alidea extended elght or ton rods, and tho snow lu mauy placea was aix feot in depth. A Caiid, We, tho undoraigned, do here by agroe to rofuud tho niouey on a 50 cent bottlo of Groeuo's Warranted Syrup of Tar lf it falls to curu your cough or cold. Wo also guarautuu a 25 cent bottlo to provo sat isfactory or lnoney refunded. W. L. Pierco, East Calais. C. U. Dwinell, East Calais, W. G. Nye, North Montpoller. G.L. Pray, North Montpelier. South Ryegate. A. T. Gay, tho barbor, ha9 moved into hla now room In J. B. W. Beattlea' new atoro. Itov. T. H. Mltoholl of Barro oxchauged with Itev. .Mr. Wullaco of thia placo laat Sunday. M. F. Sargont will finlsu hla hig job of thia week and will start up hla mill aa soon aa tho weather will permlt. Tho Young pooplo of tho Boformod Prea bytoriau church will ctvo a flrat claa9 onter tatnmont and supper at tho church next Friday uvonlng, Goorgo Crow la logglng for A. n. Itlcker of Groton whllo aleiglilug lasta. Tho ont look at present Is good for thu old-tliuo saylng, alx weoks aluddlng ln March. Tho grauito bualneaa Is moving nlong amoothly with uo hitch aa waa antlcipateU and es hoiuo ot thu other towna in New England aro experlonclug at tho preaent tlmo. , Mr. Morrlll, the harnojs makor, will movo. about tho flrat of Aprll from Beattlo's block to J. B Darllng's ln tho old drug storo or clothing storo vncated by II. Bart lett. Joseph Buchanan roturnod to his natlvo town last Monday alter an abseuco of twon-ty-two yoars. For tho past Hltoon yoars ho haa been llvlug ln Ilockford, Mo. Ilo will remulu horo with his brothors aud sUters for ten dnys or two weoks when ho will ro turn to his ,homu whoro ho has met with good Bucoess in llfo, Illclcor MUls. Kouhon Goodwlu Is vlsltlug horo, Thu snow in tho rallroad cut waa blockod ln tho worst It haa boon alnco tho roiul waa built. Georgo Crow la working with hla toam Lmullng logs for A II. Hlokor. Potor Brlckoy wao 111 laat Satnrday. Uov. Georgo W. Olough who was nttend Ing revlval meotlngs at West Topsham was blockod lu by auow so ho could not get to Groton Saturday, BUSINESS NOTICES. It is very hard to Btand idly by and see ourdoar ones suffer whllo awnltlng the nr rivol of tho doctor. An Albany, N. Y., dairyuian called at a drug atoro thoro for a doctor to como and seo his child, then very aick with croup. Not flndlng tho doctor ln, ho left word for hiin to como at onco ou his return. Ht also btught a bottle of Chaui berlaln'a Congli Uomedy, which ho hopcd would glvo somo rellef until tho doctor should ariive. In a few hours he roturned, aayiug the doctor noed not como, aa tho child wns much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, aays the family has alnco recommonded Chnmberlalu'a Cough Rem edy to thelr neighbora aud frieuds until ho haa a couataut deiuand for it from that part of tho country. For aalo by 0. Blakoly, W. E. Torrlll & Co., drugglata, A aoRK cokr for onoor. Twonty-flvo yoars' coustant uso without n falluro. Tho flrst Indlcatlon of croup is hoarseuess, nnd ln a chlld subject to that disease It may ho taken as a suru slgh of tho approach ot an attack. Following thia hoarseiiKss ls a po ouliar rough cough. If Ohamberhiln'sCoui'h Itomcdy la glven as booii as the chlld l o comes hoarse, nr uveu after the croupy cough appeara, lt will proveut the uttack. It Is used ln many thouHonda of houiea in this broad laud und nevor diaappoluta the anxloua mothers. We have yet to learn ol a Blngle lnstance ln which lt has not proved offoctual. No other preparatlon can ahow such a record twenty-flve years' conatant uho without a falluro. For sale by C. Blakely and W. E. Terrill& Co., Druggista. 'Tis Said. That "77" will curo a cold in one day. That "77" will "broak up" a touch of tho grip In twenty-four hours. That "77" will cheok lntluonza ovor nlght. Thut "77" will reatoro a apeuker'a volco on tLo way to moetlng. That "77" will atop coughlng, tho worst thlng for a cough. That "77" will proveut a cold running Into pnoumonla, aud a aore throat into dlphtherla. That "77" restorea tho checkod clrcnla tlou (indlcated by a chill or shlver), starts tho blood coursiug through tho velna and thus "broaks up" tho cold. ' Manuol of all illasnsea sent freu. For salo by all druggista, or sent ou recolpt of prlce, 25 cents, or flve for 51 00. numpb rey'a llomeo. Medlcluo Co., Cor. Wllllum and John streotB, N. Y. 0. F. Dudley is to have his thlrd annual concort at Vlllago hall, Eaat Montpelier Thursday evenlng, March 1, glven by hla alnglng clam'B, aHlstod by Grny'a orohea tra, Mra. Ilattle P. Wlllard and Mr. Pot ter, dramntlo readar, Barre, Vt. Thoro will bo a promenado and danco from ton to twolvo o'clock, with good muslo. Blll to concort, promonudo nnd dauca 25 couta, Ohildrou 10 conta. Try (Jrnlu-O! Try Gralii'O! Ask your grocer today to bIiow you n packagonl GRAIN-O, thu uow food drink that tukus tho placu of coffee. Tho ohlldreu may drlnk lt without Injury as well as thn adult. All who try it, liko it. GRAIN-0 has that rlch soal brown of Mochn or Java, but lt ia mado from puro grnlus, and tho most delloate atomaoh recoivos lt without dlstross. I tho prlce of cofteo. lfio. aud 24a. por packsgo. Srld by all grocors. POUND As a cnre for rheumatlsm Chnmberlalu'a Paln Balm is gaining a wido reputatlon. D. 11. Johnson of Richmond, Ind., has beon tronbled with that allmeut slnco 18G2. In speaklng of It he aaye: "I nover found any thlng that would rellevo me until I used Chamberlaln' Paln Balm. It acts liko maglo with me. My foot was swollen and palnlng mo very much, but ono good appll catlon of Pain Balm relleved mo. For aalo by 0. Blakely and W. E. Torrlll & Co., Druggista. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo Corinth. Mrs. Jano Wlnchester Is vlsiting at B B. Scrlbner's. John M. Wrlebt ls Btopplng for tho prea ent at G. M. Towers'. C. T. Sargent has been contined to tho liou-o for aeveral daya with a sovero cold and cough. L. M. Rdson has roceived his fino collec ttuii of 175 aamplea of wall papor for 1000, aud la uow taklng orders. Dr. M II. Corwln of Chelsea was called to T. H. Darling'a on Friday, hla daughtor, Mra, Arthur Blake, being 111. Fully two foot of snow has fallon wlthln tho last two or threo days, aud many roada aro reudered nearly lmpa9sable. Leandor Cooko dled very snddonly of ap oplexy at hla slstor's, Mrs. Wllson, Soutu orn Plnea, N. 0., Feb. 27. Whllo flxlng tho flro in his slck slster's room ho fell ovor backward, and ln a few moments expired. Mrs. WiUon is vory low and tho doctor has glven up all hopo of her recovery. Sheia tno oniy surviving memuer oi Aiueri. Cooke'a famlly. Nortlillold. Blshon Hall will vlslt 8t. Mary'a parlth March 18. Mabol Gokey went to Boatou Thuraday roornlug. New lnddora are being mado for the hook aud laddor company. Mrs. Gertrude Blxby Is slowly recoverlng from a sovero attack of pneurnonla. Tho soveral departmenta of tho gradcil hcIiooI closed Friday for a two week's vaca tion. CyruB and Robert Johnstou are In town, callod horo by tho sovero Ulneas of thelr fathor, Mosea Johuaton, Thu barquet nt tho hotel Saturday ovor. Ing of tho Alpha S'gma Pl fratornlty was at teiuled by about alxty meiubers. Aaron S. Iforner lato of Company F, Flrat Vermont Volnnteora ln the Spanlsh war, has re-unllated lu thu Unltod Statea nimy uuder da'o ot March 3, ln tho Nlnth infan try. Tho snow was of such a depth as to ro qulru a four-hnrNu toam to go ahead of tho rollor which had slx horses to mako tho roada hero lu thovlllagu, Tho local brancli of stono cuttors votod St nn r day to aecopt tho samo toruis as nt Barre, and will roturn to work as aoon as tho mnnufacturors havo stock and havo mado uccosaary repalis.