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T.ERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, 1000. 8 VKDNK3DAY, MAY 2, HIOO. A.EITHCTR ROPH3, Oanoral Edltor Conscnl of tho Uoverncd. Evory foot of torrltory tho Unltod StatoB has acquirod, sluco tho rccogni tion of thoir indopomioncc, oxcopling Alaska, Hawall aud tho islands takon from Spain undor tho tronty of Pnrla, was undor Doniocratlc ndmlnistra tious nnd Domocratic BtatosnianBhlp. This includea tho vaat domain from tho Ml8als3lppl to tho Pactflc, from tho Gulf of Moxlco to tho Brittelf poeses aions. All tbo prccodonts which tho ndminlstratton la followlng today In cs tabllahing tho status of tho torrltorica ncquircd under a Republican ndmlnla tration nnd ltopublican Btatoemcn and in organizing governraontB for thcm woro cstabliahcd by tho Doraocratlc party of that poriod, whoao Buccesaors tho Democrats of tho prcaont timoa, who aro opposing tho Republican poli cy iu tho mattcr of tho new posBos siona, claim to bo. Tho ground on which Deraocrata juB tify thoir oppoaitionis for tho moat part the principloonunciatod in tho Doclara tion of Indopondonco to tho eHcct that govornmenlB dorivo their just powors Irom tho conaont of tho govcmed; Jcfforaon, tho nuthor of tho Declarn tion and tho onunciator of thia princi plo, was tho original cxpnnaioniat. rrcsumably ho uudcratood tho Bpirit of tho Declaration and was its bost and moab compotont intcrprctcr. His con sietency as a political philosopher or as a practicnl statosman ia unimpoachablc. How did ho rcgard tho "conscnt of tho govorned" whon, os Proaidont, ho bought tho Louiaiana torritory and took in hand tho govornmcnt of its inhab itants? In a communicatlon to tho Washington Post Hon. E. W. WilBon, a formcr Dcmocratic Governor of West Virginia, diacoursing on tho principlea of Jcfferaon, eays of tho much-quotod phraao, "consent of tho govorned:" Another objectiou proaontod 1b that as an Amorloan prlnclplo, "tho just rlght ot rov ornmont rests upon tlio consent ot tho rov orned." Thts is an axiom, btit in what songo? Whon ourindependence was achiev od, woro tho Torlos conaulted as to what klnd of government they wanted? Did Jcf feraon mean that when terrttory belongs to tho Unlted States we must tako the sense of tho people of a new possesslon as to tho klnd ot Roverninont deslred? When he prepared the report from which the ordlnanco of 1787 was drawn for the Rovernment of the Nbrthwestern terrltory, (the model for all aubsequent terrltorlal Rovernment), did ho provlde for calling from tlielr wlgwams the Indlan chiefa or thoir peoplo to ascertalu what klnd of Roverninent they wanted? When wo be came posseBsed of East and West Florlda, did we ask the French and Spanlards what klnd of government they wanted? And bo on. Jefferson was imbued wlth tho ldon ot democratloropabllcan govomment. He knew that tho Constltntion roqulrod and Becarod snch government, and he meant by thla aphorlsm that a governmont formed under the Amorloan systom ia ono In which "tho Just rlght of govennent rests upon the consent of the governed." Any other con atructlon ls a slander upon bls Ufe, hls work, his name and hls fatno. Another proposltton: "Wo can acqulro terrltory, but only Buch as Is contlguoua wlth tho malnland." Thls, ln tho faco of tho fact that wo parchased Alaska from Rusalaln 18CG, wlthout political objection from any quarter, although lt 1b separated from the Unlted States by hundreds of mlles of Brltlsh terrltory, and tho great Hne of tho Aleutlan Islands, which passod wlth the purchase, extends wlthln a atone'a throw 'of Aala. Theae aro tho prlnclpal arguments nBod to havo the Demooratlo party chango lts pollcy a pollcy too .plainly wrltton ln the political history of our couutry for jnstlfla- ble mlstako and surrender possesslon ot tho Phlllppines, and the opportunlty of ac quirlng Onba honorably, juatly, and peaco ably. Ex-Gov. Wilson warnB his party, and CBpecially Democrats of tho South, not to mako tho mistako of opposing cx pansion; not to "east asido tho oppor tunlty for a peaceablo acquiaition of Cuba, not to surrendor and abdicato authority in tho PhilippincB." "What over ono's views on cxpanslon may bo," ho writoe, "tho conditionB aro such that tho safcty of our commcrco and tho protcction of our citizcna, whetber at homo or abroad, domand that wo should hold ovcry picco of land which camo to us through tho rccont confliot." Tho torritorial form of goV' crnmont doviBod by Jefforson, ho do claroa, "has beon found to moot evory nccessity for n hundred yoara. It will moet ovory nccoaeity for tho rhilipplnea, the snmo as it doos now for New Mexico and Arl zona," He remlnds Democrats that "tho repreaontallvea of thoir party in Congresa, backed by tho great body of tho Amorican peoplo, forcod, and rightoouely bo, tho Spanlah-American war, and it should bo entltled to tho lion's sharo of ita Icgitimato reaulta." Tho 8outh, and ospocially tho cotton raislng Gulf Statos, "undorstand moat thoroughly tho importanco of advanclng our trado with tho East, and partlcular ly soin conncction with tho buildlng of tho Nicnrogua canal, ond it would ht the hetght of folly for tho Doraocratlc nnrtv tn nnrlanrrnt frlin anl trl I Itt ff lht Southorn voto by changlng a pollcy so long and flrmly oatabliahod for tho ex The Asbestos Lining kccps thc Glcnwood Ilomc Grand ovcn at nn nbsolutcly cvcn hcat throughout, and with two ovcn shclvcs docs the baking in just onc-third thc tlmc. Peck Bros., Montpelier, Vt. panaion of Amorican trado and com morco." Ilero is a Southern man, ond a Democrat, who holda rational viowb on tho great qiicstlon in currcnt poli tica. Thero will bo many moro of hia way of thinking as tho campaign of od ucation goca on. Sympntliy by Ecsoliition. On varioua occoaiona in hiatory tho tTnited States, through ono branch or tho othor of ita logialativo departmont, has oxpreaaed syrapnthy for oppresaed pooplo contonding for thoir freedom nnd tho ameltoration of their conditlon. Grocco, Hungary, Italy, tho South Amorican countriea and Cuba havo been tho beneflciaries of this sort of nid and comfort, wnich hos beon gcnor. ally eBtimatod at Ub truo practical val uo. KoBSUth was tho rocipient of very fervid offlciol eympathy, and tho Amor ican pooplo welcomed tho patriotio Magyar to their country with demon Btrationa of intcreat in tho couso of Hungary that havo novor been sur paesed. Uis tour through tho country in tho oarly fiftics was ono long ova tion. And tho American people woro sincoro. They felt for Hungary, crush- od under the ucol of tho despotic Aua trlan, all tho fervid Bympathy they ox- prc8scd. They contributed their money freely to aid the Hungariaua. Gov crnmcut and people did all that it waa poasiblo to do to give frecdora to tho countrynifin of Koaauth, but the Hun garian leader, whose motchleaa olo quenco carried tho country by storm, sccmed always to cheriah somo rcaent ment becauao American Bympathy for Hungary did not materializo in armed intcrvention. Times havo changed. Roaolutions of Bympathy tho Amorican Congrcas could adopt with impunity holf a cen tury ago would bo conaidered with ex treme caution today, Armed interfer onco between any Europoan dospot and his oppreased and rebellious sub- ects waB novor a practical mattor. Such intorferonce could nover bo effcc- tivo. It cannot bo today. Tho day of idlo reBolutiona of sympathy has pass od. Tlioy Borvo no uaoful purpoae when it ia clearly not tho intontion of.! governmont to back thetn up by all us powers. Such has novor been tho caso except in two notablo instances in very rccent times Venczuela and Cuba. Unleaa tho government intenda and is prepared to givo practical effect to resolutions of sympathy it will hence forth forego this cheap and futilo choni pionship of tho cause of oppreased and struggling peoplea. It dooa not com port with the dignlty of govornmcnt and, furthormoro, tho United Statos, as a world power, has reachcd a atago in its oxiBtonce and dLvelopment whcro it must bo prepared to acccpt full respon sibility for its utterances, and whero, conBcquently, it muBt obscrvo diecro- tion in its nronouncements. Tho introdttction of tho rcaolution of sympathy with the Boors in Uongress is a matter of buncombo, an act of par tiaan politics. It is not needed as an index of tho Bcntimonta of tho Ameri can pooplo. Theao find an adcquato and moro BatiBfactory cxproaslon through other channols, nnd notably through tho prosa. Tho govornmont has tcndorcd its good ofllces in a sin coro ondeavor to bring tho doplorablo war in South Africa to on ond, and they havo beon dccllned. Armed in torvontlon is both imnraoticablo and impolitic. It would bo Quixotic. Tho United Statos ia powerless to arrost this tragedy, as poworlesa os it was to stay tho hand of tho butchoring Turk in Armonia. Agalnst oppression, cruolty ond injuatieo within its "sphero of in fluonco" this govornmont has intor posed, nnd offectivoly. It is an cstab liBhcd rulo of national policy that it will so interposo whon occaaion for in tervention Bholl ariec. Tho limitations of a nation, ns of an individuol, aro flxed. Tho American people feol decp ly for tho BoorB. Thoir Bympnthies far outrun thoir powor to aid. Tho iaola tion, tho remotoncBB, of tho burghora is their woakness. Placcd aa aro Holland and Bolgium or Swltzerland in Europo, or Moxlco and tho atates of Central and South Araorica with roforonco to tho TTnited Statos, England would novor havo yioldod to tho tomptation that has luvolved hor in an inglorious and dea tructlvo war for tho extinction ot tho South African republics. Tho proxlm ity of a strong hand would havo Bug goatod modoratlon and tho practlco of few Cooking I NWOODl 1 vlrtue. That American trado in the Oricnt is rapidly growiug ia shown by tho latest export figuroa of tho burcau of Btatie Hcb. Wlillo thero has bccna coutinufid growth in cxports during tho past fiscal yoar, by far tho lorgeat porccntago of gain has bocn in trado with tho Orlont. To Europo, tho cxports during tho cight months cndlng with Fobruary, iucrcas ed 5.4 pcr cent, as compared with tho corrcaponding montha of tho prcccding flacol year; to South Amcrica, 8 per cent; to North America, 13.3 per cunt; to Aala, 33 por cent; to Ocoauia, Gl por cent, or to Asia and Occania combincd, 41 por cent; whilo to Africa thero was a slight rcduction, owing to tho diaar rangomeut of commorcial conditiona thero by rcason of hoslilitics. Taking tho cxports aa a whole, lt i3 found that to other countries tho incrcasc during tho eighl months has been 9 por cout, whilo tho incroaac to Asia and Ocoania haB been 44 por cent. Tho Elcctornl Voto of tho Stntcs, Tho political propheta aro buay wi.h tho chaucos of tho national ele-lion in Novombor. Genoral Groavenor of Ohio goined fame ob n diviner by tho accuracy of his predictions in 189G Hia tablo for 1900 gives McKinloy 200 votos, Bryon 174, with Kansas (10) and Dolawaro (3) rnted as doubtful. Gen oral Grosvenor gives tho Democracy, os ubuoI, the Bolid south, includingthc border states of Maryland, Kentucl-y and Missouri, but excepting West Vir ginia. Ho allows that Colorado, Ida ho, Montana, Nobraska, Novada and Utah will east thoir clectoral voto for Bryan, who, it is assumed will again carry tho Domocrotic banner. Dowey is not considercd as an element in thia problem of votca. All tho remaindor of tho Paciflc andtrans-Missisaippi States, all tho weetcrn and tho eaelorn statos, aro ossigned to McKinloy. Amongtho tranapoaitiona of Statea aro Maryland and Kentucky which woro Republican in 1890, but which, it ia conceded, will returu to tho Demo cratic column. Washington and Wy oming, which choso Bryan electors four years ago, aro roaaouably creditcd to McKinloy in 1900, and it ia not im probablo that Kansas, which gavo tho Bryan-Populistic ticket ovor 12,000 majority at tho laat national election, will rcsumo hcr placo in tho Republi can ranks aud caat her 10 electoral votca for McKinley. In that event, tho'President's aggrogato voto in tho clectoral collego would bo 270. Tho number of electoral votcs neces aary for a choico is 224. Assuming that McKinley will havo tho 260 Gen eral Grosvenor positively nssigns to him, ho would havo 30 moro than a majority, aud tho curious thing notcd in this conncction ia tho circumstance that this number represonts Now York's electoral yote. Tho losson cn forced by this forecasl is thc nocos sity for carrying New York. A slip up oven in aStato having bo small an elec toral voto as WyomiDg (3), or tho chanco of disastcr in any other Stato, would ronder it nbaolutely neccssary to havo tho voto of tho Empiro Stato, which would afford a wido raargin for accidents olsewhoro. Thus Now York roturns to hor old rank as tho pivotal Stato in a national oloction. Possess ing hor voto tho Ropublicans could loso a 1ml f dozen of tho smaller Statea; or, retaining theao, they could part with Indiana, or Michigan, or Illinoia, or Wisconain a sacriQco thero is no likli hood they will havo to mako. Tho pivotal charactor of tho Stato of Now York dolormincs anothor thing tho selection of tho candidato for tho vice-preaidoncy. Governor Rooaevelt will bo asked to subordinato his porson al proforoncos and ombitions to tho success of tho party. Liko tho good soldior ho iB, ho will bood tho call of duty and again contributo to tho triumph of tho cauBO ho sorved when ho lod tho Rough Ridors up tho nscont ot San Juan hill. And in 1904 tho country may aignalizo thoir opprecia tlon of hls Bacriflco and his sorvlces by rovivlng tho precodcnt of tho oarly yoars of tho republic, when Adams succoodcd Washington and Jefforson followod Adams, from tho vico-proai doncy to tho presidoncy. "Little Oolds," Tuousands of llvoa nac- rlflceu every yoar. Dr. Woou a Norway I'lne Syrun oures little colds. cnres ble colds too, down to the very vergo of con- aumpuon. Piiir I'lny to lioor nnd llrltou. Tho BrltlBh huy horsc, provlsions and military storps in thls country, wlthout lot or hindranco, for tho arnty in South Afrlc. If tho ciso woro difforont, if tho war woro botwoon Franco ond England, nnd Franco woro supplying hcr military nceda by aimilar purchaEca in Aniorican raarkots, what courso would England puraue, ond what restrlctlon would tho United States placo on thc oporations of French purchasing ngentE? But tho caao js that of tho pctty land lockod rc publlciof South Africa, which havo no powor to cuforco h protest, nnd tho lawlcssncsa or England is unrestraincd. Howcver, if England aurmiaca that au Amorican hip off thc coaat of Africa 1b ladou with any articlo that might, in tho coursca of commcrc',) flnd its way to a Uoor's hungry stomach, or in any way contrlbu o to tho comfort or neces sitioB of a burgher's wifo nnd children, tho akippor ia held up by a Dritish un val pntrol, liia cargo selzcd and liis ship scnt to u Britieh port for dctontion aud ovcrhauling by n Brltlsh admiralty court. ArabaB8ador Choato is now nak ing Lord Sullabury why tho Amorican ahip Sea Wlich was bonrdcd recontly by tho Briliah wnrshlp Wnsp, within the thrce-milo limit of Portugeso torri tory in East Africa. Somo timo ago Boverol ships ladcn wita Amorican ilour ond innoccn'.proviaions of various kinda wero euizod becauao they woro saillng towards Delagoo bny, nnd it was aasumcd thnt their poaccful car gocs might flnd their way, in tho courao of tradc, to Pretoria and out into a Boor laagcr. Fair play to Boor ob well as Briton. ilra. Arthur Roy. lt is a well-establiBhcd fact that many women suffer from day to day in socrct from troublcs Uiat can casily be cured. They orc rcsrrained by thc nature of their disease from asking ndvicc, pre ferring to bcox thc pain in silence. To such women the worda of Mrs. Arthur Roy, of IS9 Coggeshall St., New Bcd ford, Mass., will show a rcady mcans of rclicf. Shc Bays : " suffered from female weakness, felt lisiless and wanted to lie down at all hours of the day. I had no appetiie and was much emaciated, "Four months ago, on tht advice of a friend, I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. When I was on the second box I began to notice an improvemenL They helped tny appetiie. I ate iriy meals with a relish andgained in weigit. The oppressive, tired feeling lefl tne and I was soon en tirely well and have been so ever since. I took six boxes Of the pills altopether. "I have recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People to vtanyof my fricnds for I know that they have been of great benefit to me." Mrs. Artiior Roy. Subscrlbed nnd eworn to bcforo mo thts 23d day of August, 16OT. J. C. Patenaude, Juitice o the 1'eace. At druRRlsts or dlrcct from pr. 'Williams' Medlclno Co., Schcncctndy, N. 60 ccnts per box, 8 boxcsltW. ' Chicago is warming ovor tho wol como the castern country gavo Admi ral Dowey laat fall. Politics is kopt in tho background, which ia politic, and will not mako enemios and may mako fricnds among wostorn Democrats. Horo is tho Chicago Tribune's welcomo to tho Admiral. Gcorgo Dewoy, Admiral, Salt of the Knrtli, aall rlght ln, Anddrop your unchorl Youneodn't Flro a Kun. Chicago mrrendert. llltcli up your Trouscrs and Uke posaesBlon. Tlie town i yours, from Norwood Fark To tlio Indiana Une. We tender you Tho freedom of tho clty and plum-duft Unllmlted. Uealdes all that wo'vo Rot A floot of Spanlili onrarela, already Bunk ln Jackaon l'ark, ln honor ot Your coinliiR. Look nbout you, Oeorge, today, You'll not havo tlme tomorrow. You nre Rolng to bo tho bualeat man Oneartli. You'll hnroleaatlmo To Btop for breakfaat than you had Two yeara ago. For when Chicago pnta Her beat foot forward, and tho Major Illa beat eyo, and tho people rlae To move To raove to make the thing unanlmoua, As lt were, 'Twlll mako the Dowey day Tho blggoat thlug on whecls That ejcr happened. Hon. Honry C. Payno of Mihvaukoo, tho Wisconain rncmbor of tho Repub lican national committoo, says: "Thia little ilurry about Porto Rico will soon bo ovor. It will not affect tho rosult of tho prcsidential dection. Tho Ad miniBtration atands woll with tho peo ple. It has fulfillod its thcm and moro, too. On tho monoy ques tion it has dono bottor thanitpromlscd, It has bulldod bottor than tho Repub lican platform. It has roatoroil conll- donco aud has rovivod buainoss to tho oxtent that wo havo moro prospority oven than wo had in 1892, which was hlgh tldo. I can not doubt that such an Adminlstration will bo Bustainod." Tho way of tho tranBgrossor is hard Bomotlmos, It duponds a great doal on who happons to tranBgreBB, But tho his Month Take And have new pure way of tho tran8groB3ors Shaw is hnrd, and tho clrcumBtancoa seom to deny to thom ovon tho porvcrted syinpathy that is Bomctimca folt for wrongdoors. Shooting a doer, in violotion of tho gamo law, wns not nn cxccedingly hcinoua offenao. Tho pity of it nll iB that bo much of poaitivo and nwful crlme, with its long trnin of dcspornto hardship and rcprienl, should proceod from nn act tho statutos havo mado a misdecd. Tho Domocratic party might call up on tho country to put it ngain in power in ordor to rcduce tho dangerous sur plu8 in tho United States treasurv. That ia ono of tho fow nromiaos mado by it that was faitbfully fulQllcd, nnd, in doing so, ituHo rcduccd tho surplus of almost overy citizon iu tho Union. As aflurplua rcducor ond a deOcit crc- otor that party has a record that cannot bo Buccessfully aseailcd. Reprcsonlativo Tawney and Dolivor, ot tho Houso ways and moana commit- tco hold that tho oleomargnrino nct cx preaaly provides that manufacturers ahall mako known tho ingredienta of olcomargarino in or'der that olTlcinla of tho govornmont may dotormino whoth or subBtnnces deletorious to public health aro uscd. A TcnneBseo Democrat has boon dc- fcatod for Congress becauao ho namcd his son aftor Grover Cleveland. Yot it is claimcd that tho Domocratic party is a harmonious institution. IN SUUTII AFRICA. London, May 2. Tho henviest flcrht- ing sinco the sicgo of Ladysmith ecems to bo imminont nenr Thaba Nchu. Tho dcspatchcB of Lord Roborts show tnat tlio iioor rear guard, stubbornly resisting his advance, forced tho Brit ish on Saturday -and Sunday to act chiefly on the defensivo. Genoral Froncn, wno is direr.tingtuo operations has at loaB 15,000 men. Somo csti mate3 givo him 30,000. Tho Boera aro cstimated to bo at lcast 0000 and pos sibly 10,000. According to a tlespatcu from Pre toria thoy'wero cxpecting to givo bat tlo ond havo numerous artillerv. So long as tho Bocrs engago tho attontion of half of Lord Roberts' forco at Thaba Nchu his advanco toward Protoria will bo dcloyed. No ono hcro, howover, considcrs that Gen. Botha will bo ablo to stand longer than a fow days. Tho feeling ia that ho muat bo beaten off by tho maBses of Lord Roberts. A nativo runner, with dlepatchcs for tho London nowspopera, has reachcd OotBl from Mofoking. Tlio despotcho to tho Morning Post says: "Wo can stick it out for two months of more. Nobody mindt." Col. Plumor, who oppears to navo been roinforced lately by moro Rhodcsians, secms to bo nd- vancing ngaln. Tno uerraon Btcamer Koonig, on April 22, landcd a quantity of war materiala for tho Boors ut Boira nnd embarkcd a quantity of Transvaal wool. Lord Lanedowno, replying in tho Houso of Lords to a question regording warm clothing for the troops, read this dispatch from Lord Roborts: "Thoro is no necosBlty to appoal for warm clothing. Somo corps havo rccoived moro tuau tney require, nnd all will bo omply provided tor as eoon os tho numerouB caacs of clothing and com forts of various dcecriptions can bo brought hero from tho baso." London, May 3. Tho war oQico posts tho following from Lord Roborts, dated Bloomfontnln, May 2: Genoral Hnmilton met with consider able success yestordny. Ho drovo tho onemy out of a strong position at Hout nek with coraparatively small loss to ub. Tho Boers dlspersed in sovoral dircctions mainly east and north, lenv ing twenty-six prisoners in our hands, lncluding n commondant nnd sixtcon wounded. Gonoral Hamllton 1b now oncnmped nt Jacoba Run. Aa his mcn noed rcst from flghting soven out of ton doys, I ordered halt for today. Broadwood's cavalry arrivod on tho sceno in timo to ronder valuablo assis tanco by throatoning tho onomy'a rcar. Tho onemy ndmlts twolvo kllleu in yos tordoy'a engagomont includinga Gor man Lioutenant Gunthor. Thoy had forty wounded lncluding tho Russian commandcr Maxmoff of tho foroign le gion. Twcnty-ono of tho flfty-throo casualtios on the Boor sido belongcd to tho foroign loglon. Two Fronchmon woro killcd. Gen. Hamllton pralsos tho cavalry and Gordon's Highlandors who gavo tho flnal stroko to tho ono ray's rout. Tho Shropahiroa got tvitli in 200 yords of tho onemy, chooring loudly Goncral Hamllton, nlso praleing Kitchonor's horso." London, May 4. Tho long waitod advnnco toward Protoria iB at laat un dor way. Lord Roborts has occupiod Brandfort, thlrty-sovon milca north of Bloomfontoin on tho railroad and an nouncod tho fact in tho following dis patch, dntod Brandfort, May 4: "Wo occupied Brandfort today with out much oppoBltion and wlthout I hopo, many casualtios. Tho flrst bri gado of mountcd infantry coverod tho lott flank, tho flftoonth brigado sup porting, Gon. Polo-Carow's division advancod dlroctly on Brandfort. Tho Boor army which is undor Dalaroy, ro tired in a northwestorly dlroction,'' Sarsagt&riila and bright blood. Then Lord Roberts has 00,000 men oper atlngcloar of tho railwny nlong n front of forty milcs. Ho is odvancing bIow ly wlth Borao succcaaea, but nothing dcclaivo. Yct, at all points of concen trotlon, tho Bocrs nppcar in forco suf flciont to compol tlio Brltiah to pro ceed with caution. Thoir wido ftont in a ruggcd country makes turning movoments ofMiand dlfllcult. Tho Boers still holding Thaba Nchu dis trlct nro cstimated at four ihouaand. Thoy havo among thoir guns a forty pounder. Tho correspondents at Kimborloy have been forbiddon to communicate for severol days, tho deduction being that a lorward movomont is undor way thero. The Boers in Nojal nro rcat Iobs. Two hundred crosaed Sundays River Wcdnesdoy nnd tricd to ongago tho Britieh outposts. IN CONGRESS. Washington. May 1. Aftor having beon undor coneideration for moro than two montliB tho Alnakan civil codo bill was posaed by tho Sonatc today. Tho amcndmcnt relating to tho nlien loca tion of mining claims haB delayed tho paaaago of tho measuro for sovoral weeks and at times has cngendercd a deal of fooling in debato. Mr. Carter, thcroforo, today withdrow tho amcnd mont nnd all other points in dispute, and a few mlnutes luter tho bill waa pasaed. It provides a full civil codo of proccduro for tho district of Alaska. Tho army appropriation bill was then taken up. Mr. Lodgoof Massachusctts offored the following amendment: "For tho purposo of oBtablishing mili tary telcgraph and cablo lines in Alas ka, 8450,050 is oppropriated; provided, furthor, that no tclegroph or cable lines, owned wholly or in part, or oper ated and controlled by peraons not citi zenB of tho United States or by any for eign corporation Bball bo establisbod in or pormitted tojonlor Alaska." Mr. Lodgo eaid his amendment did not bind tho governmont to any route, but left tho subject open to bo adjust ed in conforonco. Ho aaid it was im portant that tho United States should control tho telcgraph lines in Alaska, ond it was important, too, that cablo lines entering Alaska should bo under tho control of tho American govorn mcnt. Discussion of this amendmont was not comploted when tho Sonate ad journcd. For tho flrst timo during tho flfty years of agitation of tho project for the construction of an intcr-oceanic canal tho Houso of Represontatives today ontered upon tho considoration of a measuro to actually authorize the build ing of a canal. Tho dobato today was vfgorous becauso of tho unexpectedly powerful opposition it doveloped. Mr. Burton of Ohio, chairman of the rivers and harbor committeo nnd Mr. Hitt of Illinoia, chnirmau of the npproprintiona committeo threw tho weight of thoir influenco against it, not becauso they aro opposed to tho building of thc can al but becauBO they considercd that tho timo for outhorizing its construc tion was not ripo. Tho debato also devolopod other lines of opposition. Somo of the Democrats iusisted that tho amondments striking tho words "defond" and "fortiflcotions" from tho bill aro dcsigned to mako it harmonizo with tho Hay-Pauncofoto trenty and thnt it is, therefore, objec tionablo and Mr. Shackleford of Mis souri desircd tho bill nmeudcd so that if that treaty is rotifled the bill will not go into effect. Tho nnomalous Bitun tion is thoroforo presonted of prncti cally every member on tho tloor pro fessing his friendship for tho canal and yet of a powerful opposition arrayod against it on various grounds. Washington, May 2. Intho Houso Chairman Cannon, of tho appropria tions committeo, presonted a report on tho Bundry civil appropriation bill, tho last great appropriation measuro. It carries ncarly 802,000,000, 89,000,000 of which is for tho census. The Houso then rosolvod itsolf into a committeo of tho wholo for considoratson of tho isthmian canal bill. Indications nre that tho bill will pass this nftornoon by n coneidornblo majority, tbough it may bo amendcd in soveral particulars. Washington, May 2. Considora tion ol tho army npproprintion bill in tho Sonnto today devoloped a dobuto on tho treatmcnt of the volunteer soldiora sont to tho Philippinos, that nt times was very bltter. Mr. Turnor, demo crat, of Washington, mado a vicious at tack upon tho administration becauao of tho accommodations nfforded tho volunteors on tho transports from tho Phlllppines. no was followod by Mr. Pettigrow, who, in a long epecch, vio lontly arraigned tho govornmont for not diecharging tho South Dakota vol unteors whon thoir timo had oxpired. Just boforo adjournmont a aharp col loquy occurred ovor tho proposod con Bluoration of tho reBolution to unsoat Mr. Clark of Montana, which indicatcd that tho unanimous rocommendation of ;ffiir ! y 9utM Johnton'a ffjf Anotlipie Ltntmenl ln two xlzo bottlos.aictH. nnd 60 coiitH. The lnttor 1 moroccotiomlcul. contnlnluir3 nf thu lormcr. or w yoars JOH! AnocJvno Llnlmont r.:i hfta been the f ATorltn hounnhnld you will enjoy life. tho committoo on priviloces nnd olec tions will ho sharplv contcstcd. Aftor tho most atormy debntc of tho prescnt BosBlon tho Houso paBsed tho Nicnrncua canal bill by tho ovcrwhelm ing voe of 225 to 35 All nttompts to rotHin In tho bill tho languatro of tho original bill for tho fnrtificntion of tho cnnnl ond toBtill furtherBtrcngth en tho language on that lino wcro balked nnd the victory of Mr, Ilcpburn nnd tho committeo wns completo. A motion to rf.commit tho bill with in structigns to report back another bill loavingtho scction of tho route to tho Presideut wbb buried under nn ndvcrso mnjorilv of 52 to 171. Tho Sennto then pnssrd ono hundred and thirly-aoven privato ponBion bllls. Among thcm wero bills grnnting pen aions of 850 a month each to Gcn. Jamcs Lonuttreot, who was n mnjor in tho United Stntcs nrmy boforo he wont into tho Confedoracy; to Mrs. Julln Honry, widow of Gon. Guy V. Hcnry; to Mrs. Margaret Badger, widow ot Commodoro Badger; and to Mrs. Grid ov, widow of tho Into Captain Gridloy of tho Olympia. On motion of Mr. Proctor tho nraount in Mrs. Honry's bill was incrcaacd to 8100. Tho Houio, without diviaion, paseed tho, free home bill which has beon pending beforo Congreas for a numbor of yoars. Tho bill providos that tho government ahall issuo patonts to ac tual bona tldo settlers in ngriculturnl landB of Indian reBervations openod to sottlomont. Theso londs wero taken up by settlers who contracted to poy from 81.25 to 83 75 per acre. By tho terms of tho bill tho government aasumes tho paymont of tho purchase prico to tho Indiana and changcs tho existing law rclativo to agricultural colleges, so as to insure tho payment of tho endow ntents which horetofore havo como out of tho boIo of public lands. in caso of doflciencv. These payments involved Sl,200,000 nnnually. Of tho 29,000, 000 acres in Indian rcservations opened to settlomont for which the govern ment is to pay or haB paid 835,000,000 about 8,000,000 acres have been taken nnd about 2,000,000 aro suppoaed to bo still availablo for agricultural purposes. A spoech in favor of tho bill waa mado by Galuaha A. Grow of Pennsyl vania, tho vonerable ex-Spcaker of tho Houso, who, forty-eight years ago, fathered and paeeed the original home stead bill. He was then tho youngest and is now tho oldost member of tho House. "A Sinole Fact is worth a ship load of argument." What ehall bo eaid, then, of thousands of focts? Ev ery cure by Hood's Sareaparilla is n fact, presenting tho Btrongest possiblo ovidonco of the morit of this medicino. TbousandB and thousands of such facts provo that Hcod's Sarsaparilla will curo nll diseaaos caused or promoted by im pure blood. It is tho beat medicino money can buy. Indigestion and nauaea aro cured by Hood's Pilla. IN' THE PIIILIPPINES. Manila, May 3. Gencral Funston has discovered n robel warehouse near Cabanatuan, Province of New Egija, containing all tho archives oftho'Ma lolos government, Aguinaldo's cor respondence up to the timo of his fllght ond much valuablo historical matter. The beltef ia growing that Aguinaldo wbb killed by the Igorotoa. Thero is no proof thnt ho haa been alivo since Major Poyton C. Morch of tho Thirty third regiruont abandoncd tho chaso after tho leader iu tho Benquet mountains and nn insurgent olll cer who recently surrendcred to Gon. Young says that tho insurgent general Tinoholds this bcliof. Tino had regular communication with Aguinaldo until Decembor 28, since when ho has heard nothing from him ond Tino thinks Aguinaldo would flnd meanB to communicato with him if alivo. Major March's informotion wbb that thore wero only half a dozen aoldiers with Aguinaldo when ho fled beyond tho Bontoc wildorness whero tho Bavagos aro hostile to all strangers. Frieuda of Aguinaldo's wife nesort that sho has heard nothing from him Biuco they parted. "Murder will out." Irapurities ln the blood will alo bo sure to show thoraBolvoB unless expelled by Hood's Sarsaparilla. DOMESTIC NEWS. Boston, May 2. -Every brewory en gineer in Boaton, numbering about sevonty-fivo, quit work nt 1:30 this morning owing to tho inability of their committeo of tho Central Libor Union to obtain an agroomont from tho mas ter browors for eight hours and 83 us n mimimum woge. The union refueod tho browors' request nnd will Bubmit tho disputo to nrbitrntion. Should tho brewers nttompt to flll tho onglueers' plncea ovory brewory employoo, num bering 2,600 will go out. French HffKn nnd Splnnoh. Pooch oa many cggs aa yon mny re qulrp nnd ki thcm got oold, Then flouT ooch egjr, dlp into n rich battcr nnd fry a goldcn brown. Cook somo splnach, prceo it throngh a slove, rc turn lt to tho soucopnn, ndd to it but ter, peppcr, th and n Bqueezo o lemon Juico, nnd mako very hot, Plnco tho spinoch on n, long dish in a mouml, plnco tho cgga in o row on thia and porrr round n good brorm grayy St. Ixmrs G lobc-Dcmocro t.