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2 VERMONT WATCBMA1N & STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, MAT 23, 1900. MONTPELIER AND YIGINITY. looaz uAi'i'xnnsaa. Iluth l'rlmllo has beon ongaged as organ ist (lutinR tho Biuumor nt llio Methodlst churoh ln Waterbury. Gon. Wt n, Glltnoro shlppod Friday from tho state arsoual throo casoa of rllloa to Llont. Elmor E, Beau ol Kaudolph. A new teloptiono oable in placo ot tho old ono 1b boirnr run today from tho coruor of State and Elin Btreets to tho local ozchanga, Mlss Floreuco, daughtor of F. V, Ilemplo ot IiORan, Ohlo, fortnerly ot Montpollor, and Mlss Marlon Densinoro of Maltn, O. i aro gaoats ot Mr. and Mra. K. 0. Uowora. Tho D. N. Uunt place, ln Horlln, on btll road betwcun Montpelier and Berlin Pond, has been aold, througk tbe Ileal Estato ARency of M, W. WUeolock, to Wataon 0. Ferrlss of Jay, N, Y. At a bnalneaa meotlng of Company II Iiold Tbnraday ovonlng Oorporal J. 13. Doborty waa prouioted to tliltd aorgeant and Frivatu Ilarry Moulton to lourlii ser geant, to flll vaoanolua. M.;S.;8tone, State Hnperlntondent of od ucatlon, wentWednesday to Brandon wlioro ho la to attond a publlc raoetlng tbls oven lng. Tburaday and Friday bo la to attond tho teacbers' lnstituto nt Woodstock, J. 0. Davis, manapor of tbe ntock ex cbance in Walton block, ls to movo bls famlly from St. Albana to thts clty wbero thoy are to occupy tho O. N. Crosa houso on Kaat State stroet, formorly oocnplod by K. It. Batoa. Mary Howo Lavln, Wllllam Lavln and Lucien Howo ot Brattleboro, and Misa Bologna of New York, woro at tbo Pavll lon WsdneBday n'.gbt. They went to St. Albans Tbursday mornlng wnere tbey filvo a concort Tbursday ovening. 0. A. Smltb, tho marble man, white dig rIdr ln tbo rear ot bla shop today, got tbe lmpresaion tbat bo bad dlscovered a Klon dike. In hIiovoIIur up tbe eartb be brougbt to light a$5 blll wblcb apparontly bad lald burlod thoro for somo tlmo. E, I. Drury, general agent for the Con necticut Goneral Llfe Insarance Company, bas been to White lllvqr Junctlon to pay tbe wldow of the late Depujy Sheriff G, W. Hoffman, wbo was recently shot by Frank Sbaw, tbo 81,000 lnsuranco wbich Mr. Hoff man carrled ln tbat company. Brooks Post, G. A. It., Brooks Itellef Gorpa and Gon. Stophen Tbomaa Cainp, SonB of Voterans, wlll attend dlvino ser vlce ln a body at Betbany church Sunday mornlng, May 27, wbeu a serinon appro pnate to tbo day wlll be preacbed by Rev. Ir. Norman Seaver, tbe paator. Tbo fnnoral ot O. L. Ilarvey was beld Wednesday at two o'clock from his late home at Kinney's Mllls. Itov. J. Edward Wright was tbo offlclating clergyman. Tbe bearers were L. S. Wboeler, George Wbeol or, O. W. Ilarvey and Calvls Ilarvey. The bnrlal was in tho Gutlor burying ground. Ono of the leadors of a four-borso team owned by E. L. Putney was taken with bllnd stagRerB Wednesday ovening wbon ln front of Mlller's block on Maln strect. After plnnging wlldly abont tbe anlmal fell and for a tline reslsted all ollorts made to relieve it. Flnally it was gotton on to ita feet and taken to tbe Btable. Tho tunonal of Asbley Hubbard was beld on Tbnrsday from bls late home on CllfT Btreot, Eov. J. Edward Wrigbt offlciating. W. S. Hudson had charge and tbe bearers were Joel Foster, Jobn Mooney, Elkins Perklns, 0. W. Sellnas, A. H. Gutlor and S. W. Bonjamln. Tho floral offorlnga were profuso and beautitnl. Bnrlal ln Green Mount cemetery. Driscoll & Koakes bave, ln fltting up their nndertaklng rooma at 14 State Btreot, put in a novel Bystom for storlng and dlsplaylng tbelr caskets. Ten cablnet like compart ments bavo been arranged along ono slde of the wall. On the inslde of each door la to be fastenod a csket. Tho door la bo bal anced that it can bo tlpped down ondways into the room when lt h deslred to show a caskot. Wbon the compartments are closed tbat slde of the storo appears like panelled work. Senator S. L. Grlfflth of Danby, Gon. W. Y. W. Ripleyof Rutland and W. J. Blgelow of Burlington passed tbrough Montpelier Wednesday evenlng on tbelr way home from Groton, whore they tosted the flshlng in Darling pond, owned and controlled by Senator Grlfflth. In an honr Tuesday af ternoon and tbree boura Wednesday fore noon' tbe party caugbt sixty-elght pounds of trout. Gen. Rlpley alone took seventeen pounds with a fly. Mr. Grlfflth wlll not sell fisblng rlghts on tbat pond tbls season. The Seminary baao ball team lost a game to Middlebury college Tburaday afternoon at Middlebury in a closely played game on botb Bldes. I'arker's arm gavo out in the thlrd lnnlnc allowlng Middlebury to get qulte a load. In tbo lltth luning Drako was taken out of the boz and Stearns put ln, but be was called back in the eighth. Middle bury was Bbut out in the Iast two inninga and the Seminary brought in slz runs ln the Beventh, whlcb lndlcates the Seminary boys would bave redeemed themselves had not the game been cancelled in tbe elgbt ln nlng. owlngto lack of tlme. The score: Middlebury 20, Seminary 10. It ls not trne, as is stated in tbe Montpel ier correapondence of the Frce Presi thls mornlng, tbat "Joseph A. DeBoer, aotuary of tbe Natlonal Llfo Insurance Company, bas announcod blmself as a candldato for the offlce of Senator" from Washington county. Mr. DeBoer baa announced hlm- sell as a candldato for no offlce whatover, and ls an asplraut for no pnblto loffice. His name bas. bowever. been montloned with mucb tavor in connection with botb tbe offlce ot Senator and Kepresontatlvo of tbo uuy. uor euuer oi tnose ouices ne ls very handaomely equlpped, but lf bla servlces are wanted it ls qulte llkely ho will bave to be drafted. A teleeram waa recolvod Tnoadav nvnn. ing anuounclng tbat that Walter n. Balley of Peacham is under arrest at Havana. When Bailoy lled to New York two woeks ago he made no secret of bls plana to go to Cuba and it la now known that be Balled last Tbursday. Slnco bls denartnrn from Vermont more forged endorsements on bla notea bavo tnrned up and tho total amount isBald to bo nver 80,000. nis brotber-ln-law. Col. Goorcro B. M. Ilnrvnv. nt llin North Amcrtcan Jleview and llarper publlca tions baa his name forged on notea amount ing to S1.000 and Balley also forged the name of Oharles J. Bell of Walden, bosldea about half a dozen otber well-to-lo Peach am people. Tlieso notos are all beldin Peacham and it now turns out that Bailoy had mako a practico ln tbo past dozen years ot ralslnj monav ln tlitn iwnv nnil when found out had made BOmeBortofa Bomement. X VEKMONT UOY Tho news of tbo terrlblo battlo at Oatublg on Tuesday, wbeu a detachmeut of theFor-tr-tblrd lnfantry beld their ground for two daya wltb foarful loss, ls of local lnterest. Du8tin L. George ot Calais waa in; com mand of thla dotachment of thlrty-one inou nlnetoen ot whom were kllled, Mr. George also lost blB llfo in thla battle. IIo was tbe llrst man to enllst in Company II of thla clty for aervico ln the SpanUh-Amerlcau war, and was with tho Flrat Vormont Hog iment at Chlckamaugua. Last Octobor bo enllstod in tho Korty-thlrd regimont and went to the Phlllppines. Tho gallant band ot wblcb Mr. Georgo was ln command waa statloned at Oatublg. They were attackod, Aprtl 15, by Blx bun dred Flllptnoa, armed with rlfloa and oue cannon. Tbe inon entrenched themselves and held the ouemy at bay for forty-elght boura, kllllng ovor two liundrod ot the ou emy. It waa the beavlest losa ot llfe tbe Amorlcan arruy baa sastalnod ln auy one ougagement ln the Phlllppines. Mra. A. A. Northrup ot Barre la a alste otMr. George. Ho also had two brother ln Barro and one ln Dartmouth college. ABSOLOTE SEGURITY. Gcnuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Slgnaturo of Sce Pac-Slmllc Wrapper Iklcnv. Vcrr nmnll nnd as eesy to tnko ns BOgms. CARTER'S FOR HEADACHE. FOR DI7ZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATIOH. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIOH jPlTTLE IVER PILLS. i n . OCNVXN1I HUlTHAVt SIONATUMC. 25 Ccnts CURE SICK HEADACHE. A NEW COIirOttATION. The CltlzetiB' Drne and Sunnly Company is to incorporate with a pald up capital ot 85,000 and to increaso tho samo from tlme to tlmo. Tbe company wlll do a wbolsale and retall buslness in druga, modlclnos and spoclaltiea, and will occupy one of tbe large Btoros ln tbe now Langdon block aa soon aa completed. At proaent tbelr gooda are storod. Montpellerl la ono of the best wnoioaaie points in tuo tjtate. xuoro are ovor 50,000 pcoplo wlthln a radluB of thlrty milea of tho Capital. Thla company bad a small storo at 30 Maln stroet ln 1808 and to aecure more room movcd to 103 Maln Btreot ln 1809, Btlll needlng more room, it bas doclded on tho Langdon block for 1900. The buainesB contlnues to grow. Undor adverse clrcum stances last year the casb sales wore nearly 810,000, of whlch a fair Bhare camo from the country trade and connoctlona made tbrough agenta. A good buslness ls as surod from the start. No llquor wlll be sold and no Unlted Statea llcenao wlll be taken out. The company ls incorporated to make tho buBinoss and investment permanent. The stock la $25 a sbare and wlll pay good ln terest on tho money. There is little or none ot the stock for salo oxcept for niaklng its bnslness connectlons in adjolnlng towns. Stcokboldera are allowed a trade dlscnunt. E. E. Blakely, who is a member of State Fharmaceutlcal Asaoclation, wlll continno to act as manapor of tbe corapany ln lta new quartera. The buslness will be managed by a board of directors, wbo wlll bo known later. No need to fear sudden attacks of cholera lnfantum, dysentery, dlarrhm, or Bummer complalnta, lf you have Dr. Fowlor's Ex tract of Wild Strawberry ln tuo medlcino chest. PTOHIBITIOiMSTS. Exactly elght persons gathered ln Grand Army ball at eleven o'clock Friday mornlng, tho tlme set for boldlng the Stato masa con ventlon of the Prohlbltlon party. An or ganizatlon waa not olloctod untll atter dlnner. Bev. Jobn L. Fort ot Winooski was eloct ed temnorary cbalrman and Ilev. G. L. Story ot Milton, temporary secretary. 1'ray er was offored by Bev. 0. M. Stobblns of Sheldon. Commlttees on enrollment and pormanont orzanlzatlon were annolnted. M. L. Barton ot Vergennes was elected per manent cnairman anu uov. u. u, btory per manent secretary. The resolutlons as adopted arralgn Pros ldont McKinley for sanctionlne the oxton sion of the llquor trafflo in our now pos- seasiona anu relteratea iormer ueciaratlonB in tavor of unlvereal prohlbltlon throughout tho State. No dlrect roference waa made to State llquor ageucies. In his openlnc addrnRa Cbalrman Barton scored Presldent McKinley for the stand ho bas taken in regard to the antl-canteen law, and commended the Methodtst Gon eral Conference at Chlcago for Its actlon on the tomperance qnestlon. Tho followlng State tlckot was placed in nomlnatlon: For governor, II. O. Barnes ot Swanton; Houtonant-governor, G. B. Wil son of Bradford jeecretary of Stato, F. II. Shopard of Fair Ilavon; auditor, F. A. Col lins of St. Albana; treasurer, Itov. L. 0. Klmball of Dummerston. Presldentlal electors, llrst dlstrlct, W. A. Curamlnga ot East Berkshire: A. B. Blxby of Poultney; aecond dlstrlct, 0. W. Wyman of Brattleboro; J. A. U. Corwln of Chelsea Delegatea to the Natloual conventlon at ChlcaBO June 27, E. II. Field, Charlotte; O. W. Wyman, Brattleboro; H. S. Eldred, Sheldon; B. A. Boatty. Franklin; II. F. Cnmmlnga, East Berkahlro: Itev. G. L. Story, Milton; H. M. Beeley, Middlebury; ivuv. u. iu. oieuuins, oueinurne; uov. u. u, Lemmon, Shaftsbury. Scald head la an eczema ot tho scalp very severe Bomeiimes, duc it can ue cureu. Doan'a Olntment, qulck and permanest in itfl reaults. At auy; drug store, 50 centa. IIOMEOPATIIS MEET. Tho flftletb annual. or lllbllno vnnr. mnnt inc of tbo Vermont Ilomeonatbla Modical Soclety opened at tho Pavilion Wednesday and will continue tbrough Tburaday. Somo twentj-flvo mombera woro ln nttendance at the llrat sesslon wbich opened at ono o'clock thls afternoon and a niost iutorestlog and instructlvo program bas been propared. At the ineeting thla attoruoon, followlng tbo reports of commltteoB aud cousora, tho presldent, Edward Klrkland of BoIIowh ITalla delivered an ablo and carotully pro pared addreas, Followlng tbo addresa of tbe presldent, tbe followlng subjects wore lanen up: "rrevontion ol cousumptlon," uy u. su. liinuey; uiscussion uy u. o. iioaril man aud J. II. Darby. "Taklng tbo Oase,' by S. II. Sparbawk: diacusslon by C. a Gale and O. A. Gee. "Ohelldonlum Maius as an Organ Itemedy," by F. J. Galo; Uis cussion by G. C. Half and James Uuylett. "Eloctrlcal Therapeutlcs," by II, S. Board mati; dlscusslon by 8am Sparbawk and F. E. Steele. The followlng offlcera woro oleoted Wed nesday alternoon by tho soclety: Presldent, G. I, Forbos. Hurllnoton: vlnn- prealdent, E. E. Wblttaker, Newport; Beore tary, W. II. Weeks, East Hardwick ; treasu rer, j, is-. Huaiiucir, weiiB ltiver; censorB, E. B. Wblttaker, F. E. Stoole, Edward Klrkland; leglslatlvo commltteo, II. B Boardmau, F. E. Stoolo, W. B. Mayo, E. B. w muuKur uu j v . ii. weuitn: nuuitors, ir, J. Galo, E. A. Stanloy, G, 0. llall. Tbo annual sesslon of tho Vermont. Homeonathlo Modical Soclotv Wodnesriav and Tbursday, adtourned early Thursday attoruoon. Tho aeml.annual mooting oi ine society ia 10 ue uom at iiurnngton ln October next. One new member, Dr. H. F. Tillotson of Groton, was adinltted at thla time, The sesslon on Tbursday oponed with an nteresung expenence meeting oi tuo bu reatt of matorla medlca of wbich Dr, F, J, Galo was cbalrman. At a buslnona meot ltig of tbo soolety also held on Tbnrsday ronolulloiiB woro pasaeu lnstructmg tuo board ot consors of thls loclety to urgo upon tbe boards of consors of the Vermont Btato Medlcal and Vermont State Ecloctlo soclotlos to nso tholr best offorta toward es- tabllsblng unlform oxamlnatlons ot appll canta for cortlflcatos to practlce ln thls stato except ln matorla medlca and tboropontlcs. Also to use ItB efforts toward tho OBtabl.Bh- mout of Bystom ot unlcorm liconsos ln tho Now England statos bo tbat a pbysiclan wno passea tuo requireu oxammatlon anu ls crantod a cortlflcatos ln ono Btato wlll bo allowed to practlce undor tbo samocertl cato ln any othor Btato ln New England, It 1b sald thls last lnnovatlon ls on tbo evo ot onlmlnatlon. Wednesday ovenlne, Dr. E. F. Iloblnson. of Provldence, U. I., gavo an oxhlbltlon ln tbo tnaklng X-Ray oxamlnatlona ln tho ovonlng. Owlng totho non-arrlvat of Dr. RoblnBon's own apparatns tbo loctnro waa glvon in tbe ofllco of Dr. H, S, Boardmau ot tbls clty, uslng bls instrnmont. Tbe oxhl bltlon waa very lntorestlng and lnatrnctive. Thls mornlng Dr. Boardman gavo a most lntorestlng talk on his nersonal oxnerlenco wltb oloctrtclty as applied ln his troatment ot pattents. Thla sesslon ot the soclotv ls sald to have boen one ot tho most helpful lt bas ever hold. Hundreds of lives aavod 'everv vear bv baving Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo OU ln tho houso just whon lt ls needed. Ouros croup, beals cuts, wonnds of every sort. FIKST ANNUAL REUNION Comnanv E. Flrat Vormont Reztment. U. S. V., hold its llrat rounlon and banquet Wednesday ovonlng, at tbo Gulf House. Williamstown. Tho commlttee of arrange- monts was mado up bb lollowa: utialrman, Prlvato P. J. Rogers, Sergt. W. S. Hoblns, Sorgt. F. E. Gladding, Prlvate W. W. Rus sell, Sergt. H. P. Meaker. AUout slxtv memuers woro nreaeut. Tbe occaston wbb much onjoyed and pro nounced a great buccosb, a fact wbich la due to tuo untlrlng ollorts ot the commlttee of arrangenionts. The comnanv loit Barro at sevou o'clock ln threo largo party wagons oach drawn by rour norses irom tno staDies oi joun AUama and E. L. Putney of Montpelier and Nelson Downlng of Barre. Of the modo of con veyance sufflce lt to aay thls part of tho proeram waa unuer tno manacernent of the veteran Uveryman, Nelson Downlng, who ls amply qualified for thla llne of work botb uy naturai annity anu yoara ol exnerlence. xno company organizeu lor tno enaumz year aa aoon as thoy arrlved at the Gulf House asfollows: Presldent, Thomas Cars well; secretary and treasnror, Dr. J. W. Jackson: executivo commlttee. Wllllam Roblns, Frank Gladding and Wllllam Mur- ray. rsext iouoweu aerand concort bv mera- Dors oi tno comnanv. titinnor waa Rervnd at ten o'clock. Landlord Gale had prepared an appeuzing spreau to wmcli lull JUBtlce was uon. xue menu was neaueu bv tbe lol lowing toast, whlch was approclated by overy memuer oi tuo company: llackirard, turn backwarcl, O Tlme In toui lllglit; Foed ne on giub agaln, Juat (or a nlglit ; I Rin o weary ot eolivlo.ahcr iteak, l'otrilled hardtack a sledge could not break; Tomntoei and beani In a watery bath, 8ow-bellr as Btrong as OoUath ot Oath. Wearr ot starTliiK on whnt I can't oat, CIiokIdk np rubber and calllnR lt tneat. Ilackward, turn backwanl, lor wearr 1 am, (llve me n wliack at my erandroamina's Jam. I.ot me drlnk milk tbut bas nerer been sklmined, Lot me eatbntter wliose halr has been trlmmed, Iit uie liavo onco moro an old-tashloned ple, Tben l'll bo roatly to go south and dle. Capt. F. B. Mudgett acted as toastmaster at tho post prandlal exercises, and a botter selectlon conld not have been made. He kept tbings moving and lntroduced each speakor with an appropriate hlt. Tho Speakers tncluded Capt B. H. Wells, A. E Bruce, F. F. Cave. F. E. Laneley. Oant. T, G. Carswell, Capt. J. W. Jackson and H. O. Wblttaker. Time and Experience are severc tests; but both tests, and all other tests, have been met by Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. It has cured thousands of colds; it will cure thousands of others and yours. 25$, 50$, $1.00 per bottle; the largcst size chcwpest. At all drug' gists. Be sure and get Hale's. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in One Mlnute. FEDEiCAL GRAND JDKT Tbo Unlted Statos grand jury at Windsor lounu Beven true oius on weunesuay anu two not found. Of tho lndlctments brongbt late casbler of tho Mercbants' Natlonal Bank of Rntland for embezzlement, and tliroo acalnst Marvln A. McOlure o 'Rnt land for aldlng and abettlng Mussey in Buch omuezziement; one againat ioun u. jfar rar, late teller ot the Waterbury Natlonal Bank for embezzlement; and one agalnst uaviu unerman 01 untianu lor vloiatlon ot the UnlteU Btates nostal laws. A spoclal sesslon of tho dlstrlct court haa been ordored to convone at Rutland on Tuesday, May 23 ai2 f. M., at whlch tlmo it ls now expocteu tuo auove nameu resnon. dents wlll bo arralgned and enter their nleas to meet the indictmenta. Tho caso ot tho Sloux Natlonal Bank of Sloux Clty, Ia., agalnst Rosetta R. Ellls executrlx ot the estato ot J. W. Ellls ot Montpelier, an actlon ot asseBsmeut on 8tock,holderB ot the defunct bank, waa ar gued by T. J. Boyuton for the plalntlff, and H. A. Huso aud J. II. Sentor for tbe defen- dant. The defendant'a attorneys llled inotlon to suppress certaln doposltlons takon in tne piaiutnrs neiiau. Atter argnmenta uy tuo counaol tne court ovorruleu tho ino tlon and the caso proceeded to trlal by tbo court. No oral testlmony was lntroduced uy elluer party anu tuo Ueclslon is resorveu Thla la ono ot muny similar casea growing out 01 1110 coiiapso 01 tuo oioux uauic. Enorgy all gone? Hoadaobo? Stomach out ot order? Slmply a caae of tornld llver. Burdock Blood Bitters wlll mako a new man or womac ot you. ODD FELLOWS' E.NCAMPJIENT. At tho grand oncampment ot the OJd Fol lows beld on Tuesday at Burlington tbo re port of O. W. Farr of St, Jobnabury, grand ecriup, suoweu ino receipis irom tue snnor diuato lodces for tho nuat yearto bavo been 8782.15 aud tho total momborsblp to be 1,107. Tho followlng ofUcora wero elected for the year onsuing: Urund l'atrlarcu, li. U. Far rar, Ilutland; grand hlgh prlest, L, E, Mol len of Middlebury; grand senior warden, II R. Klmball ot St. Albans: crand scrlbe. G, W. Farr of St. Jobnsbury; graud Jnnlor warden, 0, W. Spauldlng of Woodstock, grand treasurer, I.. J, Brown of Bradford; grand eentlnel, E. A. Cook of Newport; grand outslde aentlnel, D. M. Damon ot Bellows Falla; grand roprosontatlvea, E, F. Bmlth ot Barre and Cbarlea H, Lockwood of HprlngnelU. Deforo f Afte I Uslng Uslnn ntitlnrn Roan 1 CuttcuraBoSD x Face Humors Pimples, blackhcads, simplc rashcs, red, rough hands, falling hair, and baby blemishcs prcvented by Cirrt cura Soap, a sure preventive of in flammation andclogging of the Pores. BoIdthrotnhontth.wnrM. J'orrs" I)aon ai. Cniiij. Coar.,l'rop..,Uxton. llowtol'rvcullwUumor.,frM. (HtANI) LUDHE OFFIOEKS At the annual bobbIoii of the grand lodco of Odd Fellowa held Wednesday at Burl ington, the followlng offlcers woro electnd for tho enBulng year: Grand Master, E. H. JackBon ot Windsor; deputy grand maeter, F. A. Sherburne of Montpelier: grand war den, 8. B. Walto of Hyde Park; grand soo- retary, u. m. rariter oi lirauioru; grand treasuror, E. H. Adams, of Swanton; grand represeutatlve, E. M. Bartlott of Island Pond, Thla was Mr. Parker'a fonrteonth conaecutlve electlon as grand socretary ot that body. BARRE Ol'KKA HOUSE W. W. Lapolnt. the preBent managor of Barro opera house, and W. F. Morae were tho Biiccoaslul blddera for tbe lease of the honso for flvo years from AugHBt 1 next. Thoy pay the clty ot Barre 81,000 a year for tho bulldlng, heated and llghted. Tho contract aUo calla for putting a hood on the atago uy tno lesaees, at tneir own ox Dense. Mr. Iiapolnt's management of thls opera house for the past year has been blghly sat- isfactory to tho theater golng people of Barro and Montpelier, and other adjacent towns and vlllages. Ho has presentod a llst of attractlona, taken as a whole, Buch as are Been ln tew clties the slzo of Barre, and no nas managed tue buBlnoaa wltn a goou pront to hlmaelf. With the ablo asBistance of Mr. Morse. still botter tbings in the theatrlcal llne may roasonably be oxpectod in the Granlte City ln tho years to come. SUPREME COURT. Two other Rutland county caaes wero beard late Tuesday afternoon. Margaret Sullivan agalnBt tho presldent and managors of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, negligence. Thls caso was trled at the September term of Rntland Coudty Conrt in 1809 and a verdict for plalntiff to recovor 8843.75 was awarded. Exceptions by defendant and cause paaaed to tho Supremo Court. W. H. Preston and F. S. Platt for plalntlff, Butler aud Maloney for defendant. Dora A. ICnapp agalnst Carollne J. Wing. Tbls caBe was also trled at the last Septem ber term ot Rutland County Court and the plalntlff waa awarded 83,041 damages. Butler & Maloney arguod the case for the plalntlff and Joel 0. Bakor for the defend ant. Jullus C. Grlfllth, admlnlstrator of Royal T. Sawyer, agalnst the New England Telo phone and Telegraph Company, negligence, trom Rutland county. Plalntlff claiins tbat the negligence ot the defendant company caused the death of Dr. Sawyer, during a thnnder atorm in August, 1893. A verdict for plalntlff to recovor 82,706 was rendered in tbe lower court. G. E. Lawrence for plalntlff; Lowell, Smith & Lowell, J. A. Morrllland W. B. 0. Stlckney for defend ant. Two Chittenden connty casoa wore argued TburBday forenoon. G. M. Dolany agalnst F. Howes & Co. J. E. CuBhman for plalntlff, Max L. Powell for defendant. Jobn J. Allen agalnBt Clarence D. Gates blll and injunction. Seneca Haselton for plalntlff, H. S. Peck for defendant. Bertha Werthelm, adininlBtratrix, agalnst tbe Fidellty and Casualty Company, also from Chittenden county, was argued thla afternoon. M. A. Bingham for plalntlff, Seneca Haselton for defendant. IN SOUTH AFRIUA. London, May 16. Lord Roberts ro ports as follows from KroonBtadt May 15: "Two ofllcors and aix men of tho Priuco Alfred Guards, whilo foragiug yeBtorday wore Qrod on by Boors hiding in a fartn houso with a tlag of truco fly ing. Two men wero killed and ono of flcer woundod. Tho othor otllcor and two men woro captured. Tho ownor of tho farm Btates tbat tho Boors throatonod to slioot him whon ho pro tcsted against the abuso of tho white flag." Col. Baden-Powell, Britiah com mandor at Mafoking, saya tho food thoro will last until Juno 10. The British roliof coluran is duo thero now. Ton days ago Gonoral Sayman was baving dilllculty kooping tho burghors togothor owing to tbo approach of tho British and whon tho last associatod prcBB dcspatch loft Mafoking on May 7 tho Boors had killed on tho provious day ono of tbo horso guards and had captured Boverol of Col. Badon-Pow-oll's fow remainlng horscs, Gon. Rundlo and Gon. Brabant arc taking poBBoesion of tho wido rogions around Ladybrand almost without op poBitiou. Thoy flnd tho country plon tifully aupplied with cattlo, horso food HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL CPlles or Homorrholda Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. II Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Bolls & Tumors, Eczema & Eruptlons. Salt Rhoum & Tottors. EChaijped Hands. Fovor Blistcrs. Soro Llps & Nostrlla O Corn & Bunions. Stings & Bltes of Insoota Threc Siics, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. BoU by dnitrglsts, or sont post-pold o rooeliit ot prloo IimrunETS', 111 uinuuui8i.,K.wTwt. and flour. Gon Rundlo ls roducing his traneport and leodlug bla mon and nnl mals largcly off thu conntry. xno lioora ln tbat quartor Burrcnuor dally and it is tho oxpcctation of tho corrcopondonts on tho spot that tbo castorn scction of thu Froo Stato will soon bo us tratiquil aa tho wostorn. Goneral Ruudlo's front is tbirty rnllos long but bls forccs aro dlsposod so tbat, if any point sliould bu attuckcd, tho troopa thcro could bo quickly roinforccd, A dispatch from Uloomfonioln eays: "Thoro will bo uo eorinus flghtlng thls Bido of Proloria, as Borceniging, on tho Vo'd, is indofonalble. Uenvy guns aro being mountcd at Protoria but Gons. Botha und Liinmor aro agrocd that ullimato succcss is impos siblo. Presidcnt Kruger Ib obstinato and a mnjority of the TranBvaals hold flrmly with him." It is cstimatcd that tho Transvaalors can Btill mustor 30,000 men on tho tlgntlng llno. London, May 17. Gen. Bullor is continuing to udvanco northward in Natal and has roached Danhausor, about twclvo milcB north of Glcncoe. Tho followlng is Bullcr's report via Lord RobertB at Dauhauson: "Tho sovonlh and second divieion has rcach cd Danhaueor. I hnpo my advanco patrols are at New Custlo. Tho flfth divisiou ia ccholoncd from Elandelangto to Glencoo, rcpairing tho railroad. Tho fourth division is at Sundaya rivor drift. Reports ngroo that aovon thous and of tho cnomy passed north hurried ly on May 14." Now Castlo, which Bullor hopea tho patrols havo rooched by advonco, ia twenty milos north of Danhausor. London, May 17. Lord Roborta ro port, from Kroonatadt undor dato of May 16, tbat Goneral Rundlo on Tucs day occupiod McQuatlings Nek and Modder Pooort north of Ladybrand, unopposoi'. Goneral liunter bas on torcd tbo Trnusvaal and advancod to within ten milea of Chriatiana, on tbo north bank of tho Vaal. Lord Mcthuon advanced twolve milea along Hoopatad road without acoing the enemy. Tho doapatch concludos: "Reports "conflrm tho diaorganization of tho Froe Statera." Desnatcbes from correspondents with Ilunter deacribe him ontering Chria- tiana noiating tbo Hrmsh tlag for tbo flrat time in Tranavaal territory. A aecond dpspatch from Lord Rob orts, dated Kroonatadt toriav (Thura day) is as followa: Gen. Ilunter oc cupid Cbristiana unonposed. Tbe en emy retired to Klerksdorp under tho impression that tho placo is threatoned. Many Fickaburg and Bothelhem Boors aro anplvin!; to the Basutoland com missionors for conditions of surronder,'- Strong Bones ln speaking about Scott's Emulsion for childrcn, you should not forget that it con tains little and soda, just what thc child must have to form strong bones and good teeth. It's this forming time you want to look after. Growing bodics must have an casily digcstcd fat Just think how much of it there is in milk, as crcam. Scott's Emulsion is evcn more easily digcsted than crcam. It's surprisintf, how chil drcn thrivc when givcn it Don't kccp the childrcn living on the cdge of sickncss all the time. Make thcm strong and ruggcd, plump and hcarty. Scott's Emul sion of Cod-livcr Oil and thc Hypo phosphitcs of Limc and Soda will do this for thcm. At all druffists ; 50c. and i.oo SCOrr & BOWNK, aiemista. New York. London, May 18 Gon. Bullor is puBhingatraight ahead without oppoai tion. He haa only lost flvo wounded during the movement. Apparontly ho is niming at Lainga Nok, which ia tho direct road to tho Tranavaal, altbough ho may divorgo to Both's Paes. Gen. Hunter'a movomonts in tho weBtorn Tranavaal are rather puzzling. Ho haa roturnod to Fourteen Streama with ono brigado leaving another Gon. Barton's at Cbristiana. Lord Mothuon is Baid to bo advanc ing along the south bank of tho Vaal. Col. Kekowich ia with him. Tho loop railway lino ocross tho Vaal is faBt ncaring complotion. Tho probability is that Gon, Huntor took back a brig ado to Founteon Stroams owing to tho Bcarclty of tratiBport. Englaud still walta with intenso in toroal for nowa of the roliof of Mafo king. A crowd romarkablo for tho number of mon in ovening drcss and includlng many ludios liugerod around tho war ofllco oven aftormidnight.hop ing for somo anuouucemunt. Only re luctantly did tho pooplo diaporao whon tho lobbies of tho war ofllco wore flnal ly cleared with the word that nothing hnd boon received. Ono tbing seeins clear. Tho town still holds out. Woro it otherwiso tho Boor wiros laid to tho camps of tbo boloagucra would havo flaahed tho nowa. Skeletou mcssages from Lorcnzo Marques, baBed upon information tbat leakcd out at tho Protoria war ofllco bIiow that tho Boor stormora fcll into a trap, Col, Badon Powoll permittcd thom to solzo ono fort and then ho sur rouuded aud ovorboro thom bcforo tho largo forccB noar at hand perceived tho atrategom. It was thua that Sarol Eloff, ProBidontKruger's grandson, and part of hia commaudo wero taken and tlfty Boors killed. At Johunnesburg the womon aro forming a polico corps, so aa to roloaao ovory man for flghtlng purpoeea at the front. Dr. Arcbor, who waa at Duudoo during tho Boor occupatlon, asBorta that thoro aro eovorul hundred EngliBh- men sorvlng in tho Boor forcos who would dosori if assurod of pardon from tho British. Advicca from Loronzo Marquoa eay that Ilazol's Amcrican scouts havo suf forod moro hcavily than any othor corpa during tho wur. In tho past aix wooka out of a forco 100 strong thoy havo loat. 37 killed, wounded or cnptur od. Whilo atorming tho Britiah positlon at Tobaborg Grand they slmply wiptd out tho dotachment nolding tho post and captured Captain Choyno and aix mon. IN CONGRESS. Wasuinoton, May 15. In tho Son ato Mr. Robs of Vermont called up bls blll "rogulnting appointmont to and re movals from civil oflicea In outlying dopondoncioa of tbo Unitcd States," and addroaBing tho Scnate in an oxtcnd od argumont, maintained that tho ap- nointmonts anouiu no non-nartisan anu no ofllco holdor Bhould bo romoved without baving an opportunity to mcot cuargos propony mauo anu uuiy osian lished. Mr. Ilalo of Maino Baid ho did not eharo in tho oxpectationB of Mr. Roaa aa to tbo carrying out ot tuo porfoct programmo marked out by him for our inaular posaeeBiona, Baid ho, "from tho daya of tho Romans to tho preaont tlmo ls a niatory 01 robbory, apecula tion, oxtrnvaganco, wrong doing in high quartcrs and corruption broad and largo. I do not tbink that tho examples of today aro going to show that tho Amorican peoplo aro to bo oxempt from tho monBtroua ovils which alwaya havo attondod a colonial policy." Mr. Rosb havins: called for a voto on his bill, Mr. Scott of West Virginia moved to poatpono tuo bill inuctlnito lv. Tbo motion was lost, 10 to 35. Final actlon on thc bill was not taken. Tbo Houso has aont to tho Senate the laat of tho genoral appropriation billa tho military academy bill and will bo roady to adjourn aa aoon as tbo Senate diaposos of thoac it has not passed and the two Houses adjuat tho difforences in conforence. Tomorrow the Houeo will tako up tho bill to catabllsh a civil governmont for Alnska. Tho trust qucstion led to an animat od discuaaion in tbo Houso committco on judiciary today, a constitutlonal amendmont bcing flnally adopted by a party voto, giving CongreBa power to doflno, rogulate, control, probiblt or dieaolvo truata, monopolies or combina tions whothor in tho form of a corpora- tion or otherwiso. This amendment and a bill rostricting trusts wero framed somo time aco by a apecial sub-com- mitteo on truBta. Aftor many delaya tho work of tho sub-committeo was brought before tho full committoo to day with a view to get the trust ques tion boforo tbo Houeo. Aftor aeveral attempta to nmend the resolution which were dofeated on party llnos, the com mitteo adoptod it, also by a party vote the Dumocrats votiug in the necative. WAsniNOTON. Mav 1G. Tho recent ly discoverod postal frauds in Cuba wero tliscusaed today in tno Senate for aeveral bours. Mr. Bacon of Georgia spoko at length on hia resolution direct ing tho committoo on relations with Cuba to mako an investigation of tho conduct of the flnancial affairs of the island. IIo maintained that it waa tho duty of CongrcsB to make tbe inveati cation called for by tbo resolution be cauao it waa duc to tbo peoplo of thla country to know just how affairs in the island wero being conductod, and aince tho disclosurea of tho paat few days had been mado with reapect to tbo alleged misappropriation of funds in the postal aection, tho obligation upon Congress to make an investigation wbb doubly heavy. ne urgod that the honor of tbe country deponded upon ita being ablo to clear away tho fraud and cor ruption which it was chargcd had been discovored. Senator Halo of Maino said, among otner tnings, in reternng to tno uniim ted power given Maior Rathbouo in Cuba: "Tho Senator and all of us ought to bave known that the giving of this unbridled power to ono man would bo abused by tbe men under him and in tho ond he would Buffer." Tho res olution was flnally made subject to tho call of any Senator, Mr. Platt of Con necticut exprossiug a desiro to addreea himaelf to aome of tho statements wbich Mr. Bicon had mado. Tho Houbo accompliahed little ex- copt to pasa tho Senato bill to increaso tbo Red Cross appropriation. No progress was made with tho Alaskan code bill owing to tbo inability of tbo two aiues to agroo as to the timo to bo allowed for genoral debato. Tho con ferenco roport on tho District of Col umbia appropriation bill was rojected after oxtended debato. Washington, May 17. During practically the ontiro sesaion of the Seuate today tho poatofllco appropria tion blll waa under conaideration. Tbo meaBuro was read and all of tho com mitteo amondmenta woro agreed to oxcopt that rolating to tho oxtenalou of the pnoumatic tubo aervico. This created somo debato and was boingdia THE CHANCES ii SEi DR. DftVID KEMiEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY WILL YOU COOD! All Drnsrg-tBta sell lt At tl 00 a JJpt'l. FOR MIDDLE-AGED WOMEH. Two Jttcrsfrom Womcn IlelpcdTh'roneh tlie "ClianRn of Llfe" by Lydla EIHnlt. bun'i VcKctnblo CompounJ. " DEAn Miis. Pinktiam : Whon I flrst wroto to you I waa in a very bad con dltlon. I was passlng tbrough tho clmngo of llfo, and tho doctors saldl had bladdcr and llver troublo. I had BUffercd for nlnc ycaro. Dootors f ailcd to do me any good. Slnco I havo takon Lytlla E. Pinkham's Vogotablc Com- pound, my licalth haa Improved very muoh. 1 wlll p-ladly recommend your mcdlclnc to others and am sure that it wlll provo as great a blessing to them as it has to mo." Mno. Geo. II. Jtras, 901 DoKalb Avo., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rellef Came Promptly " DsAn Mns. PrsnnAM : I had Decn undor troatment with tho dootors for fcrar years, and socmcd to get no botter, I t&ought 1 would try your mcdlclnc. My troublo waa chantro of llfe, and I must say that I ncvor had anything hoip mo bo much as Lydla fl. Pink ham's vcgetnblo Compound. Bcllcf came almost lmmcdlatly. I havo bettor hcalth now than I over had. I foel lllco a now woman, perfcctly strong. I givo Lydla E. Plnkhatn'a Compound all tho crodit, and would not do without her medicino for any thlng. I havo rcoommcndcd lt to eovoral of my friands. There ls no nood of womon sufforlng so much for Mra. Plnlcham'e romedies aro a sure cnro." Mahala BcrrLnn, Bridgo watcr, 111. Another Woman Hclped " Dkaii Miis. Piniuiam : I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablc Oompaund during ohangc of llfo and derived great bcncflt from its use." Maby E. Jajies, 130 Coydon St., Bradford, Pa, aussed whon tho moasuro was laid asido for tho day. Mr. Wolcott, chair man of tho committee on postofHcea and poat roads vigoroualy attacked tho commltteo propoBltion tb appropriato 8750,000 for the pnoumatic tubo servico ueclarlng tbo cxtenalon of tho servico waB unn?cessary and tho appropriation a waate of publlc monoy. Mr. Maaon of Illinois quito aa vigoroualy aupported tho appropriation. Mr. Butler of North Carolina offored an amendment to tho bill reducing tho amount appropriatod by tho bill for railway transportation of mail from 33,870,000 to 830,483,000 and directing the postmaater genoral to reduco tho compenaation to be paid railroads from and after July 1, 1000, for the transpor tation of maila by at least ten per cent per annum from tho preaent rate. The amendmont of Mr. Butler waa rejected 11 to 41. A voto on tbe bill waa not roached. Tho Houao paaaed a apecial river and harbor bill carrying 8400,000 for bit veys and emergency work and devoted tho remainder of tho day to the Alas kan codo bill. Preaident McKinloy today aigned the froe homes bill. Thero were preaent delegato Flynn of Oklahoma and Rep resontativo Gamblo of South Dakota, both of whom mado brief apeeches in aupport of the meaaure. A number of others intereated in the fate of the bill were also preaent bo that the function aasumed unusual proportiona for an oc casion of the sort. The President Baid hia beBt reply to tbo repreaentationa mado could bo put in writing at tbe foot of tho bill and ho tbon afflxed hia signature. "The better takt of valor is dia cretion," and tho better part of tho treatment of diaease ia prevention. Diseaae originates in impurities in the blood. Hood'B Saraaparilla puriflea tbe blood. Peoplo wbo take it at this sea son say they are kept healtby tbe year round. It is because this medicino ex pela Impuritiea and makes the blood rich and hcalth -giving. All livor ills aro cured by Hood's Pilla. 25 centa. METHODISTS. CniCAao, May 10. The election of bishops at the genoral conference of tho Mothodist church haa bo far result ed in no choice. Ono ballot was takon Tuesday but none of the forty odd can didates received the neceasary two thirda voto required under the rules. The number of votos east was 880 and it waa predictcd tbat a dozen ballots inight havo to be taken to securo tbe two bishops deairod. Tho board of tellers closely guarded tho result. Evon tho church leadors and candidates wero denied tho information thoy sought from tho toilera. During Tuesday afternoon'a Bession Dr. John Handloy of Now Jeraoy in troduced a roaolution which rcsultod in an uproar, providing "that tho Brit ish colors bo given a placo alongaido tho Stara aud Stripes in tho platform of tho conforence." A atorm of "noos" wont up from tho delegates when tho resolution was road, bnt Dr. Handley flnally secured ailonco and mado a pas sionato appeal for tho resolution. Ho said, "Tho Britiah flag all over tho world ia giving to misaionaricB the pro tection which oncourages ua in the great work of preachiDg tho gospel. lt etands for tho open Bib'e ln evory commuuity. Amorican aud Briton havo lockcd urms to cloao tho ccntury with ono united effort to deatroy tho croscent und lift tbe crosa in tbo East." Dr. Handiey's remarks lor tho mo mcnt appnreutly turned tho tldo in fa vor of tho roaolution, but nftor Bevoral delegates, including W. J. Welch of Wyomiug, had apoken agalnst it, tho motion to lay on the tablo made by Dr. S. P. Cadman of Now York couforenco provaiied. Ciiicaqo, May 10. At tho Motho dist Episcopal conforenco tho flrat bal lot for two now blahopa was announcod thls moming. Throe higheat woro Dr. J. F. Berrv, oditor of tho Epworth Her ald, 213; Dr. W. G. Bowen of the Gatn mon Thoological Seminary, 211; Dr. J. W. Hamilton of Boston, 183. Nocob sury to u cboico, 405. Kodol Dyspcpsia Cure "Dlncsts what you eat.