Newspaper Page Text
TKKMBi 1'AIM IN ADVANOI!, Ono Vcnr 81. CO Elulit Month 1.00 Blx Monthn 70 If not l'nld In Aflvnnco, W2.00 n Ycnr. PCRPICWANT A I.IV15 I UUI LU WEKKLIi NKWh- I'Al'KJt, THF. WAT0IIMANIS n,.nm - uiiLJSHJinroiiHH M h TIIK 1 hUI Lk VOL. 944:913. MONTPELIER VT. VVEDNESDA? JUNE 13, 1900. NUMBER 9 SPECIALTIES JUST NOW. LACES, COLLARS, RBBBONS, EBVBBRGIDERIES, FANS, BELTS, GLOVES, SHIRT WA6STS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, CORSET COVERS, WASH SKIRTS, PETTBCOATS, GORSETS, HAfoSBKERGHlEFS, SUMEVBER U&iDER GARRflENTS. L. $1.25 Per Gallon COES FURTHER, LASTS LONGER, COSTS LESS THAN'ANY OTHER. BARROWS & PECK Horsemen Take ftJotice, The Horse shown BELMONT Read Carefully his Peditjree. BELMONT ALOANDER is by Aloander, by Alcantnra, by Georgo Wilks. Aleantara's dam U Alnia Mater. Alcander's dam, Cloopatra, is by Abdallah Prinoo, dam, Lady Cabot. BELMONT ALCANDER'S datn, Lady Thomas, is by Forrest Bolmont, by Belmont, 2d dnm by Billy Grecno, 3d dam by Scott's Hiatoga, 4th dam by Ilandley'a Hiatoga, 5th dam by Consul. BELMONT ALOANDER will bo thrco years old July 20, lOOO.'iIIeiglit 15-3 weight 1,000 lbs., color a boautiful golden chcatnut. Is a square trotter, with spiendid knea and bawk action. This colt is pronouncod by tho best horsemen to ba tha Cnost specimBn of his race inthoState. Ile has all the eharaotoristies of his royal siro, and for beauty, style and aetion is unsurpassed. BELMONT ALOANDER will mako tho season of 1909 to a limited number of mares for n sorviee fco of 25 to insuro sonnd colta at nino days old, with roturn nrivileges AT DOWNING'S LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, Barre, Vt. ARGHYLE STILL ROCHYLE T,Mm F. C. LITTLE, Williamstown; Vt., at tho phenomonal low sorvico foo of $10.00 TO WARRAWT. & ';CO!VS!WIERCiAL STATBOERY,, J5oxxca. foi" Bamtlos ctxxca. Pricos M PAINT Actual Cost Less Than SOLE 9 ACENTS. in above cut is AT THE SAME OLD STAMD By Abraham, by Daniel Lambert, witli dam breeding directly back to Ilnmiltonian 10, Bencdiet Morrill and Peck's Blaek Ilawk, has sired moro roadstors and inarkot horses than any horso in Vermont. If you want horses that brced to Arcliyle. The firet (jueation asked by liorso Uuyers is, wliero ean we find Auchvle Uolts? Brecdera aro not slow to ontfili creasing paU-onaRu will tostify. Last season hisservices wero songht by breedera from a radius of 40 miles. Arcliyle will mako tho Benson f innnnf !, btablo of his owner, vermont Watchman Co. rCBLlBHKD BVKUr WIDKBSDAT TIT The Vermont Vatchman Company, At Montoollor. Vt. Itimlness Moro lloution A Good CoMrmxioN. Evory younR por 8on should be luipressod with the trutli that a Rond complexloii ilopends tipou puru blood nnd a hoalthy coniUtlon of tho ntoin aoh. It cannot bo nocareil by tho uso of outwnrd applicatlonH. Iiood'g Ssrsapa rllla Rives a good complf.xlou and o fair skln becauao lt makoa tho blood rloli and tones and roRiilatBS tho stomach. I'lmplos, blackhoads and all ulmllnr urnptloim whlch bo (llslltfiiro tho faoo aro proniptly removod by Itood'H Sirsaparllla whlch th To'ufbly oradlcatos all foul talnts from tho blood. Wlint Sliall Wo llavo for Dossort? This qnostlou arlsoa ln tho fatully evory dav. Let us auswer lt today. Try JolUO, a daliclous and hoalthful dossirt. I'repared in two lnlnutes. No bolllngl no bakluj?! add bollluR water anuViet to ceol. Flavors: Lomon, Orange, Raspberry and Straw berry. At your crocorc, 10 cants. UUAXI) EXCUItSION Tho Contral Vermont rallwav will ruti au excnrHlon on Prlday, Juni 15 from Wil liamstown, South Barro, Barre, Montpoller, Mlddlosox, Waterbury, North Duxbury, Bolton, Jonesville, Richmond and Willis ton to Voreounes vla Burlington and stoam- or Relndeer. Thla provldcs-for a dollRhtfal sall from liurlinaton of twenty-two mileato the inoutli of Otter Oreok, thonco satl of elght milos up tho beautifnl Ottor Oreek river, coverinR ono of tho Rrandest boat ildes ever eivou. The lakn trin Rnmmnniln an nleRant view on all sldes Queen Oity Park, Bholburne Bay (where DrAV. Soward Webb's summer liotno Is located), Oedar Beacb, Thompson's Polnt and Uhlmney Polnt, all places dottod with summer cot- taues. The sconery on this trip Is Rrand, tho Qroen and Adirondack mouutalns aro In full vlow the ontiro dlstance. The fare lor tho round trip, all statlons, Williams town to Waterbury incluslve, will be one dollar for adults and llfty cents for chll dren, with correspondln'gly low rates from all other statlons namod. A Bpocial train will leavo Williamstown at 7:30 a. m j Barre, 9:00; Montpelier, 9:15 j arriving at Bur- iiuriuu ui a. u., anu vergennes at z:w r. m. Beturning. tho Itelndeer will leavo Vergennes at3:15, arrlvlng at Burlington at 0:30. Befroshmouts will be Berved on tho boat. FLEASAJiT HECEPTION Mrs. J. 0. HoughA threw open her spaclous home on Baldwln street Monday evening for a receptlon tendered by her to the membersol Matquls de Lafayotto chap. tor, Donghtors of the Amerlcan Revolution, and invlted guests. Tho interlor of tho houao was prettlly decorated with hemloek and, the natlonal flower of Pranco, and us tho guests assembled oach was presented with a sprlg of hemloek. In the tront parlor the State flag was gracufully draped atnld banks of hemloek and cut Uowers. The guests wero receivod by Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. 0. II. More, regent of the local chapter. Muslc was furnlshod by G. H1 Wilder, planlst, and J. E. 8t. Clalr, cl'ar Inotlst. Addresses wore glven by Rev. Dr. Nor inan Soaver on "The Wouien of Vermont iu the Kovolution," and Hon. W. P. Dll llngham on "Vermont In the Revolution." At the conclcslon of the program refresh monts wore served by Mrs. 0. 0. Rancroft, and Mlsses Olara Adams, Anna Phinney, Nellie FlUeld and Mary Oarleton. Iloports show that cvor flfteen hundred llves have been saved through the use of Ono Minuto Cough Cure. Most of these wero ca8es of grippe, croup, asthma, whoop ing cough, bronchitls and pneuinonia. Its oarly uso prevents consumption. W. E. Terrlll & Co. OIUNGE COUNTV SENATOitSIIIl'. Editor Watchman and JournaliSlnoo tho orgaulzatlon of tho Itepublican party, lu 1855, it has been the invarlable custoiu of the Republicans of Orange county in thefr conventlons to nomiuate their senatorlal candidates according to residence, so that each of the two probate distrlcts into whlch that county Is dlvidwl should have a repre sentatlvo in the State Sonate. And, as the Republlcan party has always elected Its county tlcket, one Senator has always be longed to the east slde, or Bradford dutrlct, and the other to thu west sldo, or'Ran dolph distrlct. This ruakes an tqnltablo arrangement, so far as the two sldes of the county aro concerned, each dlstrlct havlng nearly the samo number of towns, and ubout the same population as tho other. The samo eqnltable prlnclplo accords to oach town In tho respectlve distrlcts tho rlght, once in awhile, to have ono of its own cltlzens nominated to this houorable politlcal office. I'endlng this arrangoment the town of Randolph hus been remarkably well ablu to take care of heraelf, havlng se cured nlne Senators within fortyflvo years, about one every flvo years, and even slnce 1870, when blennial electlons began and each incumbeut had but one term of two years, she has had fonr Senators, while tho towu of Washington has not been allowed any slnce Ilemau A. White was eleoted In 1870; and this, too, while every other town ln the dlstrlct hus boeu given the ofllco from ono to throo terras. Yot tho Jleralil and JVeto of Ilandolph claiuis that Raudolph Is now entltled to the seuatorshlp becauso she bas not been given tho ofllco slnce tho elec tion of 1892. But how much stronger ls thu clalm of Washington whlch has noc recolv ed lt slnce the electlon of 18701 In this sltuatlon lt is very gratlfylng to tho Itepublicans of Orange county that so good a inan as Hon. Chester Dlckfey allows the uso of his name as a candldate for tho nosition of county Sonator. Uo is well uud favorably known throughout the county as a worthy cltlzen and very capable man, Not only aro his lutegrity and ablllty be yond (luestlon, but tho flbor othlsltepub Hcanlsm Is as tough and unyleldlng as tho strength of his persoual cbarocter. His party foalty Is uo hot-honso growth, uurtur ed by tho lucuuibency of importaut oillces, whose Jolut tenure ls longer than u soant perlod of party nieuiborshlp. If, ttion, the Republlcan voters of Orange county but do their duty, and a froo, full and fair expros slon is glven through tho prlinarlcH, uu packed and uubought by morceuary meaus, thon the towu ul Wttshlugton will, at last, receivo lts long-delayed ineed of party Jus tlce, and Chester Diukny, an ab o, honest aud unquestionahle Jtepubtlcan, will be chosen the west slde Senator from Orange county. Oiianqb Connty Rki-uulioan. Try Grnlu-Oi Try Grnlu-0! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package of GRAIN-0, the new food drlnk that takes tho place of coffee. The chlldren may drlnk lt without lnjury as well as tho adult. All who try lt, Uke lt. GB.AIO-0 has that rlch seal brown of Mocha or Java, but lt ls rnado from puro gralns, and the mostdeltcate stomach receivos it without dlstress. J the prico of ooflea. 15o. and 25 cts, per package. Bold by all grocers. MONTPELIER AND YICINITY. LUCAL UAJ'VJENINaS. Protty now nndermusllns, vory soason. ably priced, at Homar Fitts', Barro, Frod h. Lnlrd waa appolnted today by Mayor Brown bb acting Judgn of tho clty uuurt in ino aosenco oi ai, tsmuio. Tho iroronanch and Solls llrothurn' nlrniiH. with nll lts comblnod attractlons, will ex- inuit m Aiontponer on Ktaturuay, JUiy 'M. Mlss Anna Ouorneoy ls at homo for tho summor from Itodbank, N. J., whoro shn uas ueen engagou as a toacuor ln olocutlon. Mrs. Ij. 1j. Dtirnnt of Wlsconsln and Mlss Ellza May Wlllard ol Plttsburg, Pa libra rian lu the Carneglo Uhrarythoro arovlsltlng Mra. R. II, Blaokall has roturnod from a two weok's vlBlt ln Rutland. KIIhr HikIIh Shorldan of that clty, ber ststor, Is her guest for a few days. Mrs. 0. T. Dodge, who kas boen ln the clty catlog for hor daughter, durlng her rc cont lllness, returned today to Brattleboro accompanled by Mlss Allco. Mrs. Efllo I. Wobster of Boston will ail- dress the ijptriturlistB at Grand Army hall Sunday, Jnno 17, at 2:30 nnd 7:30 r. m. She will give tests after tho lecturo. W. Harry WeBton. who has boen attend- lng the Unlvorsity ol Vermont, is tho guest of A. P. Weston, his brother, beforo joln. lng his paronts iu Boston for tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allon with their chihlren weut Monday to Brandon, whero they will loave the chlldren with .relatlves while they vlsit Now York clty, Troy and Saratoga. Mrs. J. C. Houchtou entertatned flfteen ladies at tea Saturdav aftornoon at hor home on Baldwln street ln honor of the elghtieth birthday of Madam Blackwoll, hor inother. A. L. Adams of Rutland, tlro concrete conttactor, has arrived ln town with his men and today set up his works on the clty iot preparatory to doing the clty concretlng tbia season. Judgo M. E. Smlllo went Mondav nlcht to GlouceBter, Masi,, to remalu a week or ten days. Judge Smlllo owns a cottago, boats. etc there. and lator will cro there for f a stay of sevoral weeks. The circus horse lnjured last Friday at , liuniHgton anu wnicli was purcuased by Bort Young of this clty for S10, dled Mon day nlght at the Bonnett stable where its lnjuries were belng treated. Mlss Annio Staples and Uelen Harlow have gone to Chester to remain durlng the summer. Thoy wore accompanled by the little aon and daughter of 0. 0, Ilolmes, who will vlslt rolativcs thero. About lilfty members of "Ovor tho Tea cups" club of Barre, catue to this clty Mon day evenlng bv speclal electric car and took tea at tha Pavillou. After tea a soclal hour wasp'ssed, the ladies returning home by mooulight. Iuvitattons aro out for a tea to be glven next Wednesday evoniug from tlve to soven o'clock at tho home of Mrs. W, M. Newton, by Mrs. Newton and MrB. 0. 0. Judklus, to the graduating class at Montpelier Sem inury and their parents. George M. Carpentor goos this week to 8aratoga with some of his railway devlces whlch ho will oxhlbit uext week at the au tnaster car bullders and master mechanics of the railway sys tems of the Unitod Stateo, Canuda aud Mexlco. S. W. Brtdgeinan, a railroad magnate of Now York clty, with his wlfo and party, ar rived in the city Friday evenlng on the Pullman car, "Courier." They aro maklng a tour through New England ou this car on their way to Bar Harbor, Me., whero they are to spond the summer. In the case of Dr. H. L. Watsou agalnst the town of Waterbury for inedlcal attend once on a pauper, heard Friday aftornoon before Judge M. E. Smilio, jndgment was roudered for the plalntlff to recover S25. E. F. Paliner, counsel for the defendant, ap pealed the caso to county court. The caso .n trover of bl. E. Smllie, ad mlnlstrator, against 0. W. Solinas, was hoard Monday mornlng ln clty court, before JuBtico F. Ii. Laird. J. H. Seuter appeared for the plalntlff and T. K. Gordon for de fendant. Tho defendant allowed Judgmen for plalntlff in the sum of S103 and appeal ed the caso to county court. E. B. Norton, speclal agent for rural freo dellvery, is In town to look ovor tho pro posed routes for such dellvery from the Montpelier postofllce, aud report to the department thereon. In company with Postmaster Shedd Mr. Norton will drivo ovor these routes this week.- The Woinen's Christlan Temporauca Uulou will meet Wedueeday afteruoou at half past two with Mrs. F. II. Traoy, whtf will havo a paper ou prison and Jall work. Mrs. Emory will also conduct readlngs ou llower tulsniou work, Quotations for each toplc. Me bors are requested to brlug llowers. George II. Wilder has recolved an Invl tation from Prof. 0. F. Dudley, who ls con duotlng a musical festlval at Northfield this week, for members of the ohorus ln the mlnstrel extravagauza of last week to Joln lu the Northfield chorus. Freo entertuiu ment will ba provlded for all who deslre to go. Wilder'a Orchestal Club will furnlsh muslc. Ou Wedneeday at two and sevon v. m Rev. Josbua Gill of Bo'jtou will preach at tho Evangellcal churoh. It ls hopod many will bo proseut. Oomo ln tho afteruoou and brlng your lunch and stay to tho even lng meetlug. Freo coffee will bo Berved. On ThurBilay evenlng also at 7:30 r. m , thero will b preachlng by Mr. GI1I at No. CO State Btroet, ovor Ferrln's storo, AU aro welcotne, Chlldren'sHDay was obaervod at the Bap tlst church Sundny. In tho morulug tho pastor, Rev. W. J. Oloues, preached au interesting and lnstructlve sermOn to thje parents aud ln tho evenlng the chlldren of tho Sunday school gave a concert uudor the dircctlon of Mrs. E. F. Leland aud Dr. E. K. Beomau, tho suporintendout. Tho ex erciBBS, both musical and Uterary, were of a mlsslonary charactor and wore very ln terostlng. Evorott B, Norton, luspoctor of tho freo rural dollvery servloe, accompanled by Postmaster L. W. Shedd, has made a tour of tho nroposed route In and around thla city. It ls thought tho sorviee will be tested here. Inspector Norton 1b maklng a vory thnrough oanvass of tbe routes. IIo was out flvo hours today and only covered pevon miles. Ue stops at orory houso aud fully oxplalns tho service, ho that the poo ple will know oxactly what to do when the postman commouces to mako his rounda. W. F. Savoy and A. B. Shute, aolor and Hleht tpsters for the Boston and Malno railroad, were In tho clty ou Suuday and mado tests ln card, colors in forty shades, and slgnals at 1800 feot, ou the slght of the onglnemon and trolnimm of the Monpelior and Wells Rlvor aud Barre ratlroads. Tho mou passed the tests ln u oredltable tuau uer. In t ho afturnoon an exourslou by speclal tralu was made to the ouarrlea ln Barre. D, B. Colloy ou Sunday captnrod a bear that welghed fally 600 pounds. Bruln waj takeu iu a bear trup contrlved for his de Btructlon. Today Mr. Oelloy took another, a youngster, whlch he now has allve. The animals wore taken ln Moretown, iust above the farm of Lyndon Ayers. Mr. Col ley made some notablo captures last sum- inor, whlch, with thoso ho has taken today, mako slx that ho has capturod, ln less than a year wlthln slx mllos of tho Stato IIouso. Mr. OHlloy Is suro thero was anothor young ono with thoso ho has Iust takon, andisaf tor hlm. Mr. Colloy haB falrly earnod tho titlo of tho mlghty hnntor. Oman Smlth was arrostod Monday by Sliorlif Bancroft for diimplng a load of gar bago at "Corry's dumn.'' Mra. Corry was nlso arrostod for allowlng tho refuso to bo left thero. Judgo Smilio continued Mrs. Corry's o:so untll Wednesday. Smlth was ilned, wtth costs, S8 57, whlch ha pald. Tho clty ls determlned tu prosocuto any nnd all violattous of the ordlnanccs regardlng tho dlspoaltlon cf garbago. Mary, widow of Donnis Mlnnohan, dled Frldav ovoulrig nt tho homo of E. L. Put noy after a yoar's Ulnofls from consumption. Decoasod was born lu Ireland but had lived iu this olty for rnauy years. Sho was pos soHsod of many amiablo tralts of character and was osteemod by all who knew her. Sho was slxty-olght years old. The funoral was hold at 8t. Augnstluo church Sunday mornlug. Burial waa ln tho Cathollo cemetory. RenrosentativH W. W. Orntit hn lmnn In tho clty from- Washington, D. C, to meet Inepector Norton in regard to tho ostab lishment of a free rurul dellvery service In this clty and vlclnltr. Genoral Grout snld ln his opiulon there waa no doubt tho sor vico wOulil ho installed. IIo sald thore had been many applicatlons made to the de partmeut for such a service nrovious tn that mado by Montpelier but ho had suc ceeded in having this nppllcatlon nushed ahead and had, beforo leaving Washington, been assured it should bo sottlod at once. General Grout left Tuosday aftornoon for Burlington. The above ls tho titlo of a lecturo to ho glven ln'tbo Barre opera houso Thursdoy evouing, JunoH, by Uarry O. Browue, late of Co. M, Second Massachnsetts, U. S. V. Mr. Browno was an actual participant in the battlos of El Canev. San Juan and the siege and Burrunder of Santlago. Themom bera of Company E havo signlfled a wll lingness to attond aftor their battaltou drill that nlght, and lt ls hopod a number of Company II boys will take tho opportunity of hoaring this ycung veteran 8peak. The lecture will bectn on the arrlval of tlin ml. litla company at tho theater. Judco L. II. Thomnson. flffl. judge of the Supremo court, is very low with typhoid pnoumonla at tho homo of Mrs. Ilonse, his daughter, in Newport. Heart failuro is also fearod. A Bpeciallst from Montreal was summoned Mondav nlght. He says the Judge, although danger ously 111, has stlll a tlghting chauce for lifo. Judgo Thompson was asslgucd to tho Juno term of Bonutngton county court at Man chester last week, but was unable to go, and Judge Watson went ln his place. Ilis Ulnus dld not assnmo a dangerons form until last Saturday. At tho Republlcan caucuB hold Friday evenlug in Barre, the following dolegates wero elected to the connty conventlon to bo hold at Montpelier on Friday, Juue 29: W. A. Boyce, S. D. Alleu, A. G. Fay, B. W. nookor, J. W. Dillon, F. P. Merchant, N. J. Roberts, W. II. Gladdlng, N. D. Pholps, A. A. Sareent, W. E. Barney, F. S. Wll llams, II. K. Bush, H. O. Worthen, Alex andor Gordon, 0. J. Towne and O. K. IIol lister. These dolegatos iwlll como to tho convontlon pledged to R. A. Uoar for Scate's ttttorney, and W. F. Morse for sen ator. Au alarm of riro was ruug in about eleven o'clock Friday oveulng from box 32. Tho entlro flre depirtmont responded. The causa was a panlc ln the household of P. J. Dinaen on Barre street hecauso ofxouoof the lnmates dropping a llghted lamp on tho floor and breaklng It. Tlie llames were ox tlngulstied however before the firemen reached the sceno. Mr. Dlneeu, who grasp ed the fiamlng lamp and thrw it out of doors, was serlously burned on tbe hands, face and body and was taken to tho Heaton hospital this mornlng for treatmeut. Tho interlor of the room was- also damaged by tho blazo, The offlcors of the hlgh school organiza tlons havo been elected for tho onsnlng year. Thoso who aro to havo charge of the Hlgh School TJecorcf are: Edltor-in-chief, Arthur S. W.ellsj associato editor, Frank Gisborne; manager, Ernest Clark; ussistant manager, Oharles Wlng; local editor, Mlss Sibyl Wrlghtj alnmni editor, Mlss Ruth Brooks; enchango editor, Mlss Jenuio Johnson; athletlo editor, Flovd Ilayford. Tho following commlssloned ofHcers for the Hlgh School battallon were elected: Cap taln, Ilenry Doucette; flrst llentonant, Car roll Pitktn; second lieutenant, Oharles Wlng. Tho non-commissloned ofllcors will bo appolnted next fall. The clvll ofllcers chosed by tho battallon are: Presldent, Ilenry Doucotte; treaaurer, Arthor Wells; asBlstant troasuror, Floyd Uayford. Daniel A. Perry of Barro and Miss E. Maude Orossett of this city wero married Tnesdayaf ternoou at tbehome of Mrs. Ellza Crossott, inother of the bride, at 83 Berlin street. Tho affalr was a qulot one only the lmmedlate relatlves of the pair bolng pres ont. Rev. W. J. Clouea porformbd tho cor emony. Many beautlful and ubeful prert ents were presented. Both Mr. and Mrs. Perry uro well and favorably known iu Barre and this clty whore they have a wUlo circle of friouds who will exteud their best wlshes for a prosperous aud happy future. Mr. Perry is the well known and eutorprls ing manager of the D. A. Perry, real estate agaucy at Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Perry leave on tho evening train for a bridal trip to Boston and victnity. J. W. Brock, 0. H. Ferrln aud 0.(0. Put- nam retnrnbd Tuesday rnorning from a ton day's llshlug trip at the St. Barnard Club'a camp ln the Provlucu of Qnobeo. This club has tho control of twonty lakes includ. ed lu au area of some one huudred squaro miles. Including the guldes, of whlch each poraon had onp, tho party was made up of iiiirty-six persons. Uno ol tliu rnles of tho club provldes that tront under twolvo inches lu langth shall bo thrown back. J. W. Brock caught four at oue Blttlug whlch welghed ulno aud ona-half poun 'B. Tho placo ls a verltablo llshoriuau's paradlsu. In lesa thau an hour's tlme 159 trout wero caught from oue little pool by ono of the party. All oxpress themselvos as having had a most oujoyablu time. They broughi homo with tliem somo haudBome Bpeci mens. TIUKTEEM'H VEItMONT. The members of tho Thlrteenth Vermont Regimunt Assoclatlou, . with their faiuilles und frlcuds, will convene ln concert hall at Northfield ou Mouduy, Juue 25, at two o'clock v, m. President Sumner A. An drews will call tho meotiug to order and Ooinrade W. W. Uolden will dellver an ad dresH of welcome. Iloaponae by the presl dent. The usual buslnes of the Assoclatlou will be transaoted, followed by a brlef memorial sorviee. At lts ooncluslon an adjournmont will be ordered uutll elght o'clock for tha annual oamp.llre. The camp-flre will be onnned with prayor by Itev. Dr, W. B. lfazen. Addresses will be made by Chap. laln E. II. Randull, Comrade Coruollus S. Paluor of New York clty aud Prostdent A. D, Brown of Norwich Uulverslty, followed liy short tulks and storles from comrades. Itecltatious will be glven by MIbs Mluutu E, Uolden and Mustur Edward Lyrnau Alleu. A malo nuartette will Intersporse the exor clses with muslo. Tho old druin corus uu der Drum-Major Whlpple will furnish mar tial muslo. Conveutlon rates havo bocngranted by tho Oentral Vermont railway, Old soldlora and cltlzens of Northfield and vlclulty are cordlally lnvited to attend all the exercises. THIIP.13 SCOHK AND TEN. Col. Frofl E. Smitli at tho Mortnl Tlmo Liiult. A Lifo rilled Wltli Mnuy Actlvitics. An Honorablo nnd Suc cossful Cnrcor, Ucliorcd hy tlio Aniou- uiofi oi jiiic. miii iu tno Ilnrncss nmi Jtcciuiit' tlio Tugs Tnut. Full of honors and posossnd of tho hlgh OBtoem of all who know blm, Col.. Fred E. Stnlth, prosldeut of the Mutual Flru Inaur anco Compmy, will. ou Monday, quletly colebrntn llin sovenllnfb ii'iniVMrnry of his blrth. A lirlef skatch of Ooi Sinlth'n variml nnd succossful buslresi careor is of Interost ut wis iime. Col. Smlth was born In Northfield, Juno 11, 1830. After servlnp au apprertlceship as clark in the store of Loomls & Camp of Montpelier he embarked In buslness for hlmsolf, nurchaslng tho 8. K. Collins drng storo In 1853. He coutinued ln this busineHs until the breaklng out of the clvll war. In Novombor 1801, he ww appolnted qnarter master of tho Elghth Vormont reglment,and served iu that organlzatlon as coninilssary of Bubslstenco on tbe staff of Geu. Godfrey Weltzol ln the Depanment of tho Gulf nntll 1803. He returned to Montpelier at tho close of his mlli'ary servioo and this city has slnce baon his home, with tho ex coption of two years's reHldeuce in Now York. Slnco the war Col. Smlth has ever boen actlve in mlliury orgaulzat.Ious. For many years he has been secro'ary of tho Vermont Ofllcers' Ittfunion Sjciaty, a member o( tho Grand Army of tho Repuhllc, und cf tho Loyal Legiou. Ha has been au offlcer and dlrector ln many orporations and bu9iness euternrlsos, where his sound Judgmeut and peculiar capaclty for varied allairs havo beei) ln domand. IIo wa one of the organ Izers of tho First Nalloual Bank of Mont pelier, in 1805 has b-eu a dlrector continu ouily from that time and for many years vico-president of the lnstltutlon. Iu that year, also, ho was chosen a dlrector ln tho Natlonal Llfe Inauranco Company, and ln 1891 was maile a meinhor of the flnance commlttee. He ls a trusteo ol tho Wash ington Connty Grainmar School and of Norwich Unlversit) Colouel Smlth was Senator from Washington county in fhe Leelslatnre of 1880. aud a delegate at large to tho Rupubllcau Natlonal Cunvuutlon in 1892. For many years he has been a war den aud acttve worker lu Ohrist Church of thla city. But lt is In connectlon with tho Vermont Mutmal Flre Insuruuuo Company that Col onel Smlth has been, in recent years, most widely known. In 1875 he was elected a directot of this company, to succed Daniel Baldwln, a former presldent. In 1870 ho was made vice presldent, and has served contlunonsly slnce, elther as vice.prosideut or presldent. Ha was flrst elected presl dent of this compauy In 1887, servlng as Buch four yeara. After a brief retlremont as tbe ofllcial head he was again in 1895 elected to the protldency of tha compauy, and has sluce beon succoBsivoly ro-alected. Under his adtnitiiatratlon tho buslness of the company has beon thoroughly systema tlzod, the relatlous Of pollcy hohlers and the company havo becomo mutually close aud satlsfactory, the truo priuclplea of flre insurance in all lts deputments havo bo come b-itter underatood, and tho "Old Mu tual" has beon advauced to a hlgh degree of prosperlty. It bas beon sald that Col. Smlth's sound Judgmout aud peculiar capaclty for divorse buslness affairs have made bim a leadlng agent lu miny outerprlses locally and else where. Men who havo been asaociated with him in bnsiuess management undar staud thfl full Import of this obiervatlon. Among Individuals ln council over a pro jicto 1 ente.priHo or au lmporunt matter of buslness thore might bo many men of many mlnde, much dlscussion of ways and meana, the wisdom ornnwisdom of thla proposltion or that. Col. Siulih Is a good .listeuer. Ile welghs carefully and decldea with delibera tion. When ho has made ap and declarod hlsjudgmeut lt has g -nerally beon recog nlzed as the wlse thing to accept aud hus reueivcd the Ubsent af his assoclutes, Col. Smlth U coudllatory, his opinlous aro ad vauced with becoming modosty, bla regard for tho Judgmeut of othera reconciling oppo sitloi if lt ls not always wholly convlnced. Outsldo ol buslness alTairs, Col. Smlth's unlform courtesy, a kludly natnro and geu ial good fttllowshtp, his unquastlonod rlght to that good old-fxHhioned titlo of gantle mau, have mado him friends whOBO name is leglon, whose habitatlon is the State and couutry at large, who will glve him hearty greetings on his arrival at the mortat time llmlt, and who will pray that iu his case the Scriptural statuto ut litnltatlons may bo long extunded, with uo dlmmlng of the oyo or abatoment of moutal force. Some Monoy Every Year. Iasnrance contracts rau bo so arrangod that a bonltlclary may bo pald a certalu sum of uioney every year, evory sls or every throo iuouths. This glven to a fumily pro tectlon olear intn tha foruvor. Natlonal Llfe lusurauco Company of Ver mont, S. 8, Ballard, Genoral Ageut, uew Laugdon block, Moutpoller, Vt. Kyegutc. Mrs. Charles Burt vltilted ln Concord last week, Mra. L. M. McOoll ls having troublo wtth her eyes. Mrs. P. M. Abbott ls lald up with rhou matlsm. H. A. Nelson was lu St. Johnsbury last Friday. Dr. E. M. Miller of Woodsvillo waa in town laat Friday. Mlss Mary Ooder of Oenter Jnnctlon, Ia., 1b vlslting lu town, Ilarry Bamsey went to work at tho Whlto Mountaiiis last Tuosday for the summor. W. J. Smlth has purchased Helen M. of W. S. Bailoy cf East Hardwick. Mrs, Oharlea Qons of Oabot vlsitod with ber mothor, Mrs. E. Abbott, last week. Tbe Blue Mountaln Grango moots Wed nesday evenlng. A program ia belng pro-pared. I HERE'S YOUR I We don't care what I they are worth or what I I they cost. They are I broken lots and odd 1 I sizes and we don't keep I 1 that sort of clothing a I I minute longer than is I necessary. A, D. Farwell Go, I 96 and 98 Main Street. 1 All goods sold for cash. I "H" im PROF, B. GEO. WILKINS, Clairvoyant and ftlagnetic Healer. Treats all classes of diseases without medicine. Prof. Wilkins will tell you all about your case without ask- ing tion ble. a question. Consulta free. Terms reasona Call and see him at his new office in Opera House Block. ' Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Rest Home, 25 Kent Street. Patients taken at home for care and treatment. PROF. B. GEO. WILKINS, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, MONTPELIER, VT. !h.S.B0ARDMAN,m.d I SPECIALIST IN I ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. j 1 Office at Kesldence, 107 Stato St. t Ofllco hours: 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. m. S WITH STATIG ELECTRICITY We treat all forma of Hhenmatism oxcapt Acnto.t Neuralgia, Neurasthenla, Sciatlca, General Nervons Diseases, tipinul Troubles, Paralyais, Braln Fag and Insomnla, Dlteafos of tho Chest, Diseases of the Cirunlatlon. Dlaeoses of Women not Surglcal, Ear, Noao and Throat. Galvnnio and Suinsocual Cur- g ronts in form of Electric X IJaths in Chronic Rhenma- & tism of tlio Joints. o X RAY EXAMINATIONS. $ SKIN DISKASKS y Troated hy Eloctrlo Baths. S 3 C MXM05 -V fr&Gb $ OOLDi Had you invested flfty or moro dollars ten years ago iu auy ono of ton gold mhius wo could montion, you would now bo wealthy, You havo let mnuy chaucos slip by; do not lot this ono go without invostigatiou. AVe liave a property iu closo proxiiuity to several of thoso mines, whlch glvcs every indicatiou of being better than tlio host of tliom, nnd wo otler a fow shares ol troasury stoclc at 25 conts per sliare. Our property shows a thirty-foot veui of free milling gold oro, half a mllo long. Thla is n sploudid opportunity for largo or small investors. Writo for prospoetua. Syndlcnto Cold Mlnlng Company Qoom G33, Tromout Building, Boston, Maaa