OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, July 11, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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LOOA, llAl'l'HNINaS.
Mrs. llarry Lowo haa rutuniod Itom Now
Yotk and has openod ber liomo on Maln
streot. Bho woa accompanloil by Mra.J.
Warren Balley, lior mother.
Mr. anil Mrs. Gllmnti B. Dodgo qnlotly
colobratod, un Weduoaday, the fltty-third
uuuiveraary ul thelr tnarrlago, at tholr
rooixis ln Lawronco bulldlng.
Savnuol Ghandler has docded hla (arm
ln Borlln to Uoward Ilaydon of Watorbury.
Pilce, S2.OO0. Tbo Bale waa mado through
tbo D. A. Perry real ostato agoncy of Barro.
T. J. Koegau after an bour's fiahlng at
tbe tnouth of Dog rlvor Woduesday aftor
noou capturod a prize in tbo forin of u tront
wblch tlppod the scalea at two and ouo
fourth poumls.
Mrs. T, S. Bropby und Mlss Corlune
hwo, lier niece, ure Bpondlng n fow weoka
nt Contcr Ilarbor, N. II.. before golng to
York Benc.li. Me. Mr. Brophy wont to Oon
tor Ilarbor Fillay to remalu ovor Bunday.
Mrs. Iloiner C. Hopklns foll TkursdBy
ovoniug at lier bomo 011 Spiini, .rool and
fractared lior blp. Bhe was altouiptlng to
riso from tbu tnble wlien lior (aot caught in
lior drosa und she fell benvlly to tbo lloor.
Warren E. Holinea of thls clty disting-
ulshod lilmBolf at Burlington on tbe Fourtb
Bs a ulcycio racer, oarrytng oll ttio litBt
irrizo. an S18 dlaniond. ln ouo race and
socond prlzes of a $G droaa ault caao and a
5JH watch in two otber rucos.
A nuuibor of tbo labaring uion tn tlio city
are unxlous that ibo Kell'jgg-IIubbard Ll
brary shall bo kopt opeu from two to llve
o'clock Suuday uftoruoou. They are cou
sidorlng ibe ndviaab'lUy of pe.itloniag tbe
truatoea lo grant tbla coucosaion.
A ratd for contrabaud iutoxicants waa
conducted eenorall.v in Barre Tuosday and
thorpHult was a ber famino tbere Tbe
telegrath wtres wore kopt bot tbat nigbt lt
1b said and on ihe rnorniug of tbe Fourtb lt
ib tcpoueu lliat a couslgument oi twocar
loads oi bbor wero recolved at Barre.
Tlio eloetric rallroad broko ull rocorda on
Wednesday, not excepting Dowoy Day last
Octobor. Otrer 14,000 farea woro colleotod
yoaterday, eura wore nioved pruetlcally on
tlme. and no serioua accldonts occurred.
Tbia 1b a rocord of whlcb Biiperiutendent
Andrua aud tbe men nuder bim are justly
Arcblbal Eblo, brotborof George lt. Ehle,
who haa visited in Montpelier auveral tlmea,
had one foot crushed uudor au olectrio car
wheel at Brookline, Mass., on Tueaday
Mr. Eble haa beeu at tbe Sclionl of Tecli
nology in Boaton for ih ) paat year, and was
lntenmug to go uiib weeK to tue nome ol
hls niotbor in Northfield, Miuu., for tbe
An Itallan atono cutter wbo reaides
on the Middlesex road, was the victim of
an accident Thurauay temug whlle UrlV'
Ing horne from hls work, in which lio frac
tured tbo bouo of bla left arm, IIo bad t
fow bunchoa of ahingles loadod on bis buck.
boatd wagon and the veblcle broko down
juat tbia aide of bla homo. IIo and tbe load
ed wagon were precipitated ovor au em-
Alired aon oi isawara u. Makor, waa
badly iuinred Wouaosda.v oveninc wbile
driving home from Eat Montpelier. Tbe
borae. bocominc reatlese. kicked over tbe
daab board, atriking the lad in tbe alde of
the bead.cutting a deep gaBh,and rlattenlng
n portion of tbe akull on tbe brain. Hls in
uries wore dresaod by threophyaiclaua, aud
no permauent mjary is fearod.
A goodly number of Odd Fellowa, witb
tbeir wivca or lady frienda ravb Mr. and
Mra. A. E. White a Biirpriae viait Tueaday
evenlug on tho aixth annlveraary of tbeir
marruice. in nenaii oi tuose nreaent u. I
Biug preaentod Mr. and Mra. White witli a
dinine table and bIx chalrs. Altboucb
Bomowbat ilaatrated Mr. White bapplly re-
sponaoii. uoireautnenta were Berveu aud
the evenlng waa pleaaautly paaxed.
Iloward Hayden, wbo haa bought tbe
Sauiuel Ghandler farm in Berlin, haa beon
ccudncting a garden farm ln Waterbury aud
will contiuuo tbia kind of farmiug at bla
now purchaae. The locality ls eome twenty
inlles nearer, on around trlp, to Montpelier,
Mr. Ilaydon'B market, and will thna hnvo a
uecmeu auvantago over tho om piace. Mr.
Ilaydon ia an enterprising inan and bia
chango of baso iuust add to hls buaiueaa und
B. 0 BowerB, manager of tbe lt, 0. Bow
era Qranite Company, haa fixod tbe dato
for boldlng the annual picnlo and clam
bako, which the company haa for hovorai
years givon to the granito po'iabera of
Barre, Montpelier and vlcinity, for Satur
day,"July 14, at Oaledonla Park. Joaoph
Wilaon of Providence, lt. I , tho vetoran
clam bakor, wbo haB for Bovoral yoars acled
aa caterer for the company, will eerve in
tbat capaclty on ttiio occaaion and the
Bowora-Wilaon comblnation haa inade bucIi
a record in tho paat aa entertalnora tbat
wordn of commendation at tbia tlmo wonld
Frank Qravolln waa arreated for intozica
tion Fridiy by Deputy Sheriff Tracy. This
nUair ia ratbor dlaconraglug to Itov. J. Kd
ward Wrlght and Aldorman Jaugraw, wbo
a few montliB aince, wbon Frank waa about
to be cominittod lo the honao of correctlou
aftur Koveral caaea bad uccamalated againBt
bim, bjcame aurety on a note for $200 ln
order lo clean up tho docket agaiuat Graio
lin and glve bim an opportunity for a new
atart. 'llio Fourtb waa oviaonily too much
for bim and today, when arreated, lio had
to bo virtually carried to the jall.
Tbe locturo by M!as Blalock, glveu Tuoa.
day evenlng ut the home of Mrp. 0. n.
Moro on Sta'.o street, waa a pleaaant sur
priae to many, but to thoao wlio know tbia
yonng lady her auccea in captlvatlng her
hearora waa not nnexpected. Youth, beauty
and a llnoly tiained volce, gave an addod
cbann to Miaa Blalock'a origlnal ldeaa bo
forcibly presented. MuBio was farniBhod
by Mr. Stockbridge and Miaa Naab, and at
the close of tbo lectnro an iuformal recep
tion waa beld, at wblch overy ouo preaeut
was introduced to the lectnrer of tho even
lng. In her addresa Misa Blalock touched
partioularly upon tbe edacational aapect of
phyBlcal culture. By her maaturful prea
entation of the Hubjecl, and by her wln
nlng poraonality aho at once Becured tho
attention and Bympalby of her audlence.
If MlBa Blalock agaln comoa to Montpelier
she will be greoted by an enthuaiaatic
audlence. By apeclal lequeot ahe reclted
tho boautlful pootu, "He aud Sho" wlth a
tenderneaB and alnuerlty that deeply inoved
her audienco. The ploasuro of the evenlng
waa eubanced by ihe geuerouB boapitality
of Mr. and Mra. Moro, wbo freely oflered
tbo uac of tholr home for tbe occaaion.
"After auileriug from pilea for fifteen
yoara I waa cured by uaiug two boxos of
DaWitt'a Witch Ifazel Balvo," writea W.
J, Baxtor, North Brook, N. U. It heala
fivorythlug. Beware of counterfelta. W.
E. Terrlll & Co.
Sluce tho blrtli of Maaoury ln Montpelier,'
soon aiter tuo comiug in oi tue year ihuu,
tbe growth in Btreugth and poriularlty of
the Masonic bodiea bas Btoadlly increaaed
nntil the proBont tlmo when thia city ia one
ot the most importaut Maaoulo centera !n
New Euglnud,
Upon the trusteoa of the Jjaugdon oatate
maklng known thelr lntoutlon, about a year
ago, of erecttng a bulldlng on Laugdon
Btroot ln tho rear of tbo Ilazou block tlieso
bodiea votod to foraako thelr old quartora
in the Unlon bkck on St.ato street, which
they bavo occupled for over a qnartor of a
centnry and wblch In trn'h have been the
cradle of maaonry ln thia vlcinity, aud tako
new quartora in tbla new bnlldlug.
Thoao new qnarterB are now completed
and tho flrst moetlng was beld ln tbem
Tuoaday evenlng by Anrora Lodge.
Neither tho lossors nor losaors bavo epared
"Look Before
If a dealer attempts to sell
you a substltute when you
ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla,
hts onty object is to make
more profit on ihe substituie, tohich ls
al'waysinferlor andunsatisfactory. Therc
forc be sure to get Hood's.
Scrofula "For ycars Ih&d scrofula.
sores on my ba.ch. I iook many mediclncs
iulthout avalt and thought I could not be
cured. Then 1 bsgan taking Hood" s Sar
sapsrUlA and lt cntircly cured me. My
hcAlth ts ncKU pcrfeci. I am a. tr&ined
nurse, And recommend Hood" s for atlblood
dlseAscs." J. D. Torrey, 46 W. Mdln
Street, Fredonta., N. Y.
HooT rtlls cnre llvor tlie non-lrrltatlng and
rpnly cnthnrttc tpTtke witriiropcl'; BnfRnpftrilln.
ptlna or oxponse ln tbe arrangement or
equipmnnt of thoao rooina and they stand
today wltbout doubt the peor of any home
ol any fratomal orgaulzatlon ln nortbern
Now Eualand in thelr convenieuce and
IJmler tlia Hbillful hand of E. W. Bucbeo
and bla aaalatanta tbo decoratlona of the
walla and ceihugB of the rooma are of arnro
artlattc oriler anu Jeavo nothlug to uo ae-
sired. Tho 8ix rooma and tboir couuec-
tloua nre rlnishod in rlch CJallfornian red
wood waliiscoitinc of pleaBlug deaigna aud
tbe lloors of live rooma aro of rod blrcb, the
Blxth. tho asaemUly liall of tbo IjoJU'b, bo-
lue oarnotod witb rlch bluo velvot royal
Wilton carpeting. Ample provision for
liHbtiuL' and beatiuc haa been mule by tho
placlug of oloctrlo and Btoam llxtnres of
taatv deaiizn about tbo rooma.
Aa ono Btepa from the landlng on the
tblrd iloor of tbe buildliiL' he eutera an am
ple anto-rootn, tbo walla of whlcb are deco-
rated witb bluu aud white deaigna on t
terra-cotta ileld. Here aro arranced in ner
fect order, hooka, otc, for the receptlou of
Ihe outer garmenta of the mombera to tho
number of 110. Leavlne tbia ante-room by
a door to the right one entera tbo rooui of
rooms tlio maln aaaomuly hall ln wmcn
tbe meetinga of tbe bodiea ure beld. Tbia
room, which ia 48 feet long by 32 foet wlde,
impreesea one wlth a senae of luxurlouBueaa
und couifort. Tue colliDg and walla ahow
tbe haudiwork of un urtlat in tbeir beautiful
bluo and white daooratloiiB on a lleld of aoft
torra-cotta coloriog. Tbere ?r pendiug
from around the luur aldea of the ceillng
forty-two oloctnc lampa aud uoin tho
boaiuuull v.dosigued ceuier plece above the
altar u tud light caata ita rlch radiance. A
ralaed daiaoccupioa the "east," "weat" and
"south representlng rospectively "Wla
dom, Sireugib and Boauty." Thpae are
equ.jiped wiib parapbernalia which ia ricb
ln compobition bnt myatifyiug aa to ita sig
nlrlcauce ro the nnboliever. Each dlaa is
lightod by au incandeacent lamp in tbo
form of a candle, roating npon a white pe
deatal witb gold decoratlona.
Juat overbcad aud behind the aeat of the
WotBhipful Maater in tbo "East" la a beau
tlfully dealgnud tranaparancy repreaenting
a large white "Q" on a blue fleld witb a
Bun burst ot purple Bclutlllating abont it,
all controilod oy an olrctric Bwitcb.
Tue furnlvure in tbia room, whlle not
new, ia of black walnut, which is now very
rare, and Is uiai aive aud aubatautlal in pat
teru, and havlng jaat beou re-upbolatered
in lioavy bluo ptuali, barmonizeB wlth tho
otber fittiugb most erceHontly.
Leaillng from tbe assembly hall is a door
on the right wblch openi iuto a pessagoway
connectiug it wlth tbe preoaration room.
Thia paasagewuy Is provided with tbree
large cloaets In whlcb are kept tbe para
pbaualU of tho Blue liodge, Cbapter aud
Uommandery bodiea. Tbe preparation
room aud tho parlor nr smoking room,
wblch adjoina it, are cornniodlous apart
meuia, wnh decorations alter tbo aamo
stle and co'.or aa tboso of tbe aaaembly
room. The tlral named room la provided
witb a large clooet in which la arranged a
aeriiiB of lockera con'aining the regalla of
tbocomniandery oibcers, which waa rocent
iy purcbaaed and ia of ihe richeat matorial
and haudsomtat paiteru now mado. Tho
RiuoWg rnpm ailmita of a view on Maln
Btreet and la provided witb un up-to-dute
Opening out of thia room is tbo banqnet
hall aud drlll room which ls nearly of, tho
Bame b'zo aa the ansombly hall glvlng am
ple rnom for tbe seating or drilllng of 2C0 or
more membera. Along ono a.de ol the wall
la auauged a'smiea of oabinet lockers wlth
glaaa doors buflk- li t fc .cceitingof the re
gnllaa of slxty-four knigh'H.
At ihe lower eud aud separated from the
banqnet hsll by Blidlng glaaa wiudowa of
gronud glaaa is u kitchen, wbich in size and
appoijimeutH would t.Aao tbo envy of a
practlcal houaewife. lt ia provided with a
s'nk, hot and oold wato- '.uceta, gfsollue
ranpo and a large cloact. Here ia every
convenience for atding rh- Ktewarda in pre
pariue u uauquet for tbeir fellowa and
gnesia wh eh in quality aud atyle would
vie with the table d' hote ol onr moderu bos
tblries. Tbe comml'tee wbieb bas had tbe matter
ofplauning for and Hrrnngmg thoae qnar
ters ia enlitled to great credic for tbe auc
ceaaful mannur in which it huj conaumatad
its work.
Unleas food ia digeaied quickly it will for
menc aud irriiato tue B.omacb; Aftor each
meal take a teaapoouful of Kodol DyBpep
aia Onre. It ilijests wbat yoa eal and will
uilow yoti to eat h11 yon ueed of what yoa
UUe. lt never faila to cure the worBtcaae
of dyapopala. It Ia pleaaant lo taku, W.
E. Terrlll & Co.
Tbe Qranlto city of Vermont never doea
anytbing on a small Bcale. When lt waa
declded carly ln June to colobrate tbo
Fourtb ot July in Barre, preparatlonB were
at once corameuced to provide attractiona
tbat Bbould be pleaaing und satlafactory to
a large crowd, und tbat Bbould prove draw
lug carda for the entirti populatlon withln a
.'adlus of forty mllos of Barre. Uow well
the commltteea having the celebratlon in
cbarge Bnoceoded iu thelr origlnal plaus la
best told ln tbe story of the day aa gatberod
by JounNAi, reportera,
Beforo the anuriae salute woko tho echoea
of tbo aurroundtng lillla Barre waa active,
and aoon after thocrowda began ponriug ln.
They camo by electrics, by regular and
Bpecial stoam tralua, lu all manner of vo
lilcloa, on boraeback and on foot. Granite
ville aorit a long special traln, und tho ln
dnstrlea of tbe quarry reglon were well
repreBonted ln tbo parade. The oxact
nnmber of people .carried by the eleotrlcB
and stoam cara la not obtalnable, but lt 1b
eatimated tbat tho oloctrlo road collected
about 14,000 faroa and tbe Montpelier &
Wells Hlver and Central Vermont rallroada
about one-tbird tbat number.
The flrst attraotion waa tbe parade of
borriblos which ntovod ahortly after ton
o'olock. Musio waa provided by the Mont
pelier Military Band, tho Williamstown,
Randolph and Trans-Atlantlc bands, aud a
drum corns. The parade waa not aa long
aa Bomo tbat bavo bueu soon tn Barre, but
the ldeaa were origlnal aud credltable.
Amontr the moat Btrlklnc wore tbe lloata on
which were represonted tho proceaa of drlll-
jng anu maating granite, the Woman'a
Cbrlstlan Temperance Unlon, the Anti-
1 r
Baloou LDBgne, tho clty councll and mnyo,
ln actual conlllct, tho clty llqtior neoucy
and tbo rel ostato bualneas of Lsvl ,1, Bol
Bter. Followlng the iinrado 1'rof. Bonnotto
mado u Bnccussful balloon aHConsiou, witu
parachuto drop.
A. crowd oatimaico ai jroni o,wj iu o,i,.j
waa at tbo trottlng park in tbo uftoruoou,
Tho baso ball game betweou tho 8t. Al
baua team and tho Tolegrams from Barro
wet won by tbo lormer, owing to looae
plnylng of thelr opp6uont ( at critical tlmoB.
Tlio gtoat Htiractiou ior uio nuornuuu
was tbe race botweon "E. E. Knott" owuod
bv J. Edward Balley and "(Jolbatb,"
owuod by Janics M. Boutwoll, for a
nurao of SCOO. ConBldorabio uiouoy chaugou
uandB aud tbo outcomo of tbo race waa a
great surprlso to vory many. Afler wln
nlng two Btralgbt heats at a 2:14 galt,
Knott wont to pioceB ln tbe thlrd hout and
was dlatnnced by Colbath wbo wpi doclor
od tbo wluuer.
At sevon o'olook In tho evonlng I'rof.
Bontiett mado aubther balloon riceualou,
reacbing tbe grouud witb a parachuto in
aafety, only a ubort, dlatauce frum tbe poiut
from wbich the balloon aroae
Tho ilroworka at the paik ln tbe ovening
Bgaln attraotrd an ImmenHo crowd Several
nf tlm Hrtt, nincps wore verv flne. but tho far-
Bimllie of the Butua monument, one of tbe
flneat. mat wlth a tulBfortuuo aud will be
ot oif toulgbt.
The dav naasod wltbont norlous nocldent.
The pollce Brrangewcnta under Cbluf Sbep-
ard wero aumiraoie. u n ai irom urau
itevillo In tho parade whlcb sliowed b Btoam
Btrlll aud blaaiiug mucbliin at work waa
nwarded flrst nrlzi". the Now EDcUud Oi
ilnr of l'rotoctl .n. socond. aud the Womau'a
Chriatian Temperance Unlou, thlrd. Tbe
flrat prlzo for horriblca was unanimously
uwurdedtotbe tp'te otl on thij Barre clty
0n't be perfect healtb withuut pure
blond. Bnrdoclt BIooil Blttern inaKo puro
blood. Tonea and iuvicorutea tbe wbolo
O. O. Barrett. G. B. W.dton end Gale
Bennett of thiB city and Eujtmuu Brothera
of Barre rotu. ned Friday l om Bwanton
wliHrn (nr tbo l.it two davs thov bave been
partlcipatlrig in a compehtlve sboot for tbo
Intornational prizo ol b sllvcr ctip olTored
by tbo 11 3b n Hood I'owder Company, Tbe
iHntlnmon named formed ihemaelvea into a
olub for tbla ovent and wero kuown aa tbe
Tlnion Glub.
They wou tho piize by a score of 87 lo 73
out of a poaalble 100 blrda. The pnze cup
will arrlve Iu tbo clty soon anu will be
placod on oxbibltion. Tbo gontlemen will
have to compsto from tlmo to tlme lu order
to bolil tlin pnzo aa lt is aiways opon to
!hat Ails You?
ls It
Your Kidneys? Try
Test and See.
Why ask a physician to ilnil ov
whetbcr your Kidneys aro diseasec
Tako a olans tuinbler and flll it wit
urine. Il thero is n sedimcnt nfte
Btanding twenty-four hours, your Kit
neys aro fiick. If you havo a desiro t
urinato often, a pain in tho back, or '
your urino Btains lincn, you ehould i
onco tako Dr. David Kcnnudy'e Favoi
ito Romedy, as delny is dangcrou
Thero is no question about its bein
tho best and surcst medicine in th
world for any and all diseases of tli
Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and of th
urinary passages, Kheuinatism, Dyi
popsia, constipation of tlio bowels, an
tho sicknesses peotiliar to vomen. 3
quickly rclieves inability to hold urim
and tho necessity of Kt'tting up ofte
dtiring tho night. It stops that scaldin
pain when passing urino and corred
thobad eirects of whiskey and beer.
It is sold by all4druggists at one do
lar a bottlo. You can liavo a trial bo
tlo nnd painphlct of valuablo medin
advico sent freo by mail postpaid, b
inentioningthis panor and pending yot
addrcss to tho Dr. I)avid Kenncdy "Co:
poration, Rondout, N. Y. The publisl
ors of this paper ounranteo tho gcnuiut
ness of this liboral offer.
Col. GeorgeT. Obilda of St. Albana waa
ohoaen cbalrman of the Franklin county
ltopnbllcan convention wbich mot Tbursday
tornoon at Enosburg Fal'a. II. 0. Koyce of
St. lbaua and Orrice Ballard of Georgia
were nomiualed by acclamatlon for Seua
tora. For thlrd Beuator 0. W. Gates of
Franklin and F. W. Parker weie nomln
ated. Mr, Qatn received CO votca and Mr.
Parker, "0, aud Mr. Gates waa declared tbo
E. A. Gblitenden ot Bt. Albana aud Ira
Anderaon of East Berkshire were nomin
ated for rssiataut judgca, aud Otia N. Kel
ton of Montgomery for judge ot probate.
Baruev Kelley w i rflnoiulnated for
shorilT. Tbe seaators were not l itructed
r - t ) Unltod Slntes Beuator.
Mo''tf3 lcsb beir dre?l for "ibat tuu.
b'e Hfcond Bummer,' when tbiy have Ur.
Kowler'HEtractof Wiid Stvawt ry lu ibe
hou8o. Natuie'a up i.lic fjr bo.vfl cm
p'alnta of eveiy sor.
Tho s'xteen-yp.ar: Dld hou of Uenrv
Backua of Waitsfield waa diahguved for Ufe
wbile bhat ng troea uear bla hotne Friday.
He had bored into a tree and rammed home
a beavy cbarge of powder but tbe ftiao waa
bo sbort that when he llgbted it lt exploded
before be could get to a place of s?tely. Aa
a restilt be received tbe cbarge In the face,
filllng it witb powder and j'herw'ao buru
ing aud lucerating tho ilesh.
At flrat it waa feared he would not only
loae hia oyoalght but hla lllo but he waa
brougbt to thia clty where hla lnjnries wore
reduced by Dr. M. F. McGnlro and it now
Is bellevoi that the yobng inan will r cover
although hia featurea will be dUflgured.
Youlh of Judges.
It having been statod tbat Jadge St?ITord
ls one of tbe youngeat lawyers ever apiiolu'
ed to the boucb, tbe followlng "vltal atat'v
tlca" of tbo men wbo bavo "woru tbe er
mlno" iu Vermont muy bo of Intorc -t. Mr,
Btafford'H uge is 39.
Moaea Itobinaou, born Maich " 1741, wsi
appointed chief juatice of thobupetlo: court,
aa the trlbunal was tbeu called, iu 1778, aud
in 1782 was tuade chief Judgo ot tbo aupreuio
court, aa it waa called f'ter ibatdate. Mr,
Itoblnson wrs thoa a Judre at tbe age of 37 j
Jobn Fasset, bom 1743, Judgo 1778, age ?';
Thomaa Ghandler, boru bopt. 23, 1740, jadee
1778, ago J8: Paul Bpooner, boru Maicb 10,
1743, ludgo 1778, age 32: Nathaulel Ghlp.
man, Dom Nov. 1B, 17C2, judgo 17F1, age 34;
Stoplion H. Bradley wi a 1ud';e ln 173, at
31j Noah Bmltb, in 1789, at IMj EliJ.ih I'alne,
in 1791, at 34; Isaao Tictienor. ln 1791, at 37;
Israol Sinlth, lu 1797, at S8; W. A. I'almor,
ln 1S10, at 33; Wllilam Brayton, ln 1817,
yonngur tban 39; 0, Peter Van Nosa, in
1821, at 39; Stenhen Boyce, in 1823, at ?S;
Bamuel B. Pheipa, In 1K.'I1, at ?3; Isaao F.
Hedlleld, In 1813, at3l; Luke P. Poland, lu
lf 18, 33; BeuJ. 11. Steeio, lu 18C5, at 23; Hoy t
II, Whoeler, In 18G9, at 3.0; II, 11. Powera,
In 1874, at 39
Ublpmau wpi chief Judge al 7, Israol
Bmltb, at38, Van Neaa, at 39, Tbree went
on the bencb at tbe saino ago n Judge
Btofford. Steolo, at 28, Ib tbe junlor of ibe
11st, aa be waa ono ot tbo tuoat brllliaut
men of hls tlmea.
Blck lTdftcUclio and rollovoall tho troublos lnd
ilcnt to n blllous stato of tho eystoin, nucU o
Dliilncna, Nauaoa, DrowBluoBO, Diatrofia aftor
tatlnK, l"alu ln tlio Sldo, ftc. Whllo tholr most
tomarkablo euccosa haa bocn showu lu curlng
IlotwUcho, yol Cortor'a Llttlo tlvor Mlj M
equally Talnablo ln Conetlratlon, curlnR and pro
vontingtlil8annoylni;cotui)laltit,wlillo they Man
llTcr aud rcgulalo tho bowels. Even if tht-y ouly
Acholhcy wonld boalmostrrlcelcsa to Ihoae whO
BnfferfromthlodlatrcsnltiBCOinplalnti butforto
natoly tholr goodnoss doos not oml horo.and tuoso
wliooticotry thora will flml theso llttlo plllsvalu
fttlelnBomany wayatUatthoy will not ba wit;
llng lo do without tlicm. Ilut after all elck hoa4
Isthelmnoof no many llvoa that hero la whei
we tnake our Rroat boast. Our pllU cure ltwhila
oUioradonot. .
Cartcr"B Llttlo LWcr Mlla aro vory ?mall ana
vory oay to tako. Ouo or two pllla mako a doeo,
TUoy aro ntrlctly vcRotaMo aud do not Brir
rurgn, but by tbolr geutlo artlou plcaBO all who
usethom. Ia vtalaat iiccota ; flvofor ?1. ColJ
by drngglaU ovorywbero, or eont by mail.
Orange Couuly Court.
Orange county court was flnp'ly adjoum
ed on B.idy morulug, the buiu a baviug
rpaliy l :en concltulel on Thutsday nnd
Judgo Slitt having leu town tbat after
noon. On le.nsambliug last Wi luesday,
but ouo witucaa cie waa fonud road for
trial by tbo court, tbat of Caulo x. D.
Dlckey vb. 1j. D. Til'otson, bi actiou of tn
.u for a boue whlcb had b.'en attacbfcd
nn tho dsbt of pla' ntiff ' huaband owed tbe
defeudant. Tbe cauit dc:idi l tbat tbe
horse t3longod to pla'ntlil und rendei 1
ju Igmout for her fo rt. over nomiu il d8tna
ges aud ros'" taxc 1 at 825.02. It. M. Ha
voy for plalu'lff, Darling & Uarling for de
fendant. Tbe i3tna,,iing tlme ot tbe court
wrtc inplod with divorca itlals and tbe
followiug i"vo taa wera fruuteil: Besaie S.
Ottnnin'rtiBm vs. Wlllora E Ganningbpm
for iuto.erable seveilty, cuatj.ly of m',iot
chlldreu named in patl'lon h&nn d 't d
petltiouer; Bhormau G. Dailoy vs. Marv G.
Dalley, for desortionj Frank D- 'ey va.
Bridget O. Dalley, for deaartion: Eva M.
Lyman vs. Edward M. Lyman ior dese
tion, custody ot minor childreu decreed to
potitioner; Ellza A. Tarlox vs. Will II.
Tsrboxfor intolerablo Bevorlty and refusp'
to suppor , custody of two minor children
deceed to petltiouer; Joseph Duclaw vb.
Ilattie Duclaw, for wilial desertion; Mar
tha E. Gjodwin vs. Joseph W. Gooilwin,
for deseriion; Goorgo A. Moshor vs. Luc n
da M. Moaher, for desertion; Ida W. O.cutt
vb. Glay' )n W, Orcult, for iutolorable a
verlty and mfusal to suppori; Allon Flint,
Jr., vs. Jnslc, Jj. Fllut, for adp'to. j; i"nnte
Ij. Iidd vb. Itoyal Ladd for desertion, cua
iody of minor cb"d decreed to potitioner;
Grari A. Feaia vs. Fr.uk J. Foui'b. fo. d
Bertion; Leasie M. Itaunoy vb. Thomra Kan
no for desertion, wub refnaed, the ycung
petitiouer belng a formerly divoiced wifo
aud uow an3iora to renew her uiP'don biisa.
lteports show that cver fifteon hundtcd
Hves have beon Bavcd f'lrougb tho uso of
Oue Minute (Jough Uure. Moat of theae
worocasea of ctippe, croup, asil run, whoop
ing cough, brou"hitia aud pueii'uonlB.
early xis-i ptoventa c "lanmpt'ou. W. E.
TarriU & Co.
M's Blaiche Brlghn is at home on her
. 'atlou lrom ner bchool at IiOwell.
M'sa Neabitt ot Plainfield b-a 1 n vHi'
log at Mrs. Jnba Durkeo's.
V"s. L. A. WPsou came home Monday,
n 'omriauieu oy a Misier, atter sevorp'
moutha' abaence. Mra. V laon ia Btill in
very poor bos'tl'
A very ad eveut o jurred Tuesday even.
lug -i tho dea h of Mrs. Jobn Sulhvan, r'-
ir au nn-'soionjy two days with pon-
in: ouo leavea n nrtuanti anu r'ue
cbil iren, be oldeat lifieeu and the young-
ta. oniy a tew niontns oiti. lier mother,
Mrs. MoMihon of NortbfljUl, ia wi'h tbe
fami'y for 'be priiseur. Tlio iuterment wps
on Thnrsday in .the Catlio' c i 'Uietdi at
North lleld.
The Good TpmpIaM ceieb.ated tbe Fot'tth
byaveiy plpasaut picuic. Enturtainmeut
w i furmf b"d mi tbefotm of mnslc by the
!ocl orcues' a, si."; ng by t io lodge cboir,
n.ci a'lotiB mw speecbea. Lemonado waa
fwnlshed to ull, swinga aud liP'r'nocks dt
li ;h ul iuo uuierotia cmUlren, pnd fl"i
worUs eu''vene-l tbe evemng.
Jbiel Wil 'un of Br.iiutiee, isitedl,:a
w 'e at Wubur Fitta' ou Wedneeday.
lue .I1prb Kohool cloaea tbla week with a
p cn o iu Tildeu's giove. Tho devotlon of
tbe juvtuilcs to tbeir lo".cber, 0. A. Boys,
lnl Ira' s t'ut the U'rm bnt ben a succesa
Iu! oue.
M.s. C. O. Turner of Waterbury ii sit-ir-
her lalher, H. G. Ellia.
Henry Ellia ol Barre, waa al the home of
b's fatbor, Oalvln EUIs, on Friday.
'Tisn't Ffe to h a day wltbout Dr.
Tboma' Ejltutiic 0.1 In the hou9, Never
can tell whal mouient au acoident Ia golng
to htppen.
Horn of tho Moon.
Mrs. Wi" Thajer ia lu Calala.
Mlas Oarrio Bilver from Moutalier ia vla
itlng Floreuce Baudera.
Alica Sanders haa rotntned after an'ne
weekB' te:m of teiioul iu East Calais,
Mra. G. W. Parmeuter aud daughter, Nel
lie, have buon vihitlng Mia. Parmenter'B
brothera duriog tbe pist week,
Kaat Ilrookllold
W. F. Cbapman of Lowell, Masa,, Jolned
hls wite hero lfat weak. They will bo
guoBlB at W. F. Mtdcalf'B and A. D. Peelo's
during the former'a vacntlou.
Mis, II. D. Wheatly wlth hr ohlldron
wont to Bradford lu a week to vibh her par
outa, Mr. aud Mra. A. B. Barnes.
Lutbor Irlah of Wostford vhited hla sou,
Flwood IriBb laat week.
"Jod" Adg'na of Cbicopoe Fi"s, Maea.,
U vlatling at G. 0. Dana'a.
Mra. A. N. Wheatley weut laat Monday
to Bellows Fulla to vialt her daugblei, Mrs,
F. E, Nowell.
Mlas Mabol Cardwel1, wbo haa beon tbe
cueat of Mlsa Nellle Dana, retnrued her
homo lu lioaioii laat Friday,
A. G. Hibbmd, J. M. Angell, W. W.
Spratae, V. H. Bpratue, F. E. Hoituea,
Georgo IC. Sprngue aurt J, 0. Holmea at
tended the county cauventlon )pst Batui
day, tbe lro latttr ui de'egat ib, V. U,
ltlchatddon, W. W. bpragm und J. O,
Holmcs atteudod tho dlatrlui couveution at
White Itlver Juuctlon, thi lattpr us adal.
Hou, It, M. Hmvay of Montpelier was In
t iwn laat woek, prtor to tbe Bbotiil'a sale at
E. J. Donnea, looktng of'ir hla tluanclal In
t Hcata and those of somo otber credltors.
TOUS. Kdttor Dailv Journal:In viow ol Geueral
Grottt'fl confasicu aa to tho facta Involved
ln hls cotiBUt burdona, lt eeema lit'Bt that I
shonld come to hls rialstanco, and, by way
of analyalB and quotatlon, bolp hlm to recull
tlio aanent pointa ln tholr loglcal order.
It Genoral Grout will refresh hls memory
by roforrlug to any data or othor sourcu of
informatlon avallablo to hlm I am stiro bo
will fiud tbe Bcquonce ot poHtlco cotieus
eveuta to bo about rt follows! Bovoral ar
plicalions were nont ln from Hartford.
From tbeso Suporvisor Gates selcctod two
enumoratorB, Mr. Darrah and myself. Wo
wero recommendod to Dlroctor Merrlam for
tbe tiurjioao of ratlllcatlou. Tbon camo u
augponBlon of actlvlty that Geueral Grout
mlght correapond witb the Landmark.
Then ot Geueral Groul's rpqnest appllcatlon
blauks were sent to Mr, Puck wuu, up tu
the titno ct aendlng such appllcatlon papera,
had noi applled for appointtuout. Tbeu tbe
genoral cr Mially meultoua tbe subjoct of
cbuhub appointmoni ln Hartford aud otber
Vermont towns to Benator Kosa. Beuator
Itoaa spoal's of having utltten a lettor of
recotrmendattou lu my behalf to Sjuperviaor
GateB. Genoral Grout then sald tbat I bnd
gnne to New York, Kiving Bonntor lloas tbo
Impreaalon that I had lett Hartford for
good. He then apeaks "of a Mr. Wheelor
as a propor man to bo appointed," and pre
vp'led upon Benator Itoaa, It bbouis, to Blgu
a recoinmenilation to Mr. Gates for the ap
oointtuout of Whoeler and Peck. "Ttw-
tben cleat" to h'm wbo would ba appointed
anu peruaps wno tnoxtta l j.
Aa to tbe nuoatiou ol tlinesa aud canabil
it.y, lt would not be bocotnlngin tno to make
pny coiuparlaon betweeti the Grout ap
noiuiee aud mysult. But Blnce tho irsuo
at" beon laiaed by ibe Bt. Jolinsbt'"y J'c
nublhan It Boenis propor tbat tho "pb't
Kugl 'h" Bhoultl be pnb"shed. I therefore
quote n fo''owe;
Bt'-linglon, May 12, 1M0.
Mr. Iloland E Btevens, Hp-tford, Vt.
DearBlr: 1 Bont your name io Wnblng
tiu n onn of tbo enutnprutors for tbe town
of Uartfoid, but it wri rojected, not on ac
r mnt of any detcct ln your applioation
blar'c or teat fcchedule, but for rriona cn
tiroly boyond my control. The rej.ctiou
cau in no way bo a refl -clion on your abl'
ity, aud " thero aliould be a vacancy any
whorB in your part of the State I Bbould be
glad to appolnt yon to flll lt, If you wonld
occopt lt. ' You'a truly,
W. B. Gatss,
Builltigton, May 17, 1"C0.
Iloland E. Stevens, Eso., Hartford, Vt.
Uear fair : " lout name wp on
my llst and 1 had uo Idea lt would be re-
Hutl. Thero w?a no repion why lt sboultl
have been reojcted, pt far "i 1 could 8 i,
Bince your papers were very satisfactary,
lt wpt Hent by rnn rt tbe onumera'Dr for dis
trict 273 Yours truly.
W. B. Ga'
Tbo above wore v.itton by Mr. Gates iu
aelf-detence, to cloar hltutelf from any bub
uicion of partiaau action iu the discbarge of
hia offloial dutlea. Genoral Grout's lnter
meddllug with M--. Ga" 3a' du'ieB of appoin
ment placed tlie lattsr ln an embarr- gf'
sl'uatlon ''otn wbich be wpa obli!,ed io ex
tricate bimae". Tbla be haa qr'eily aud e'
fociively done.
Every lntelllgent voter knows tbat it ia
no part ol a cougresaman's uuty to hla cou
Btituency or to hla conn.ry to eur ih tbe
Bf feguarda of tho civa service and seize ut
on Bppolntmen'i conferning whlcb Cou-
gresa Iipt mado eapecial pro iaiona, a meara
of natronace to cain bia own nolitlcp' enua,
Tbia Imprea'iC'i rae es wrong, f - I taliave It
docs the maiority of voteia. It, !i my rlght
and my duty ? a cltizan and a voter torp'se
my voit9 agaiust unfalr aud immoral poli-
ucs. l ueueve in a clean Ulguthed ca'n
patgu. For tbia repion, and tbla sloue, it
hri aeemed right that I sbould exposB tbat
which h; Impiessed me pi coriapt. I have
no persoual motive in the matter, lt ia
pr'uctplo I am coqtendlng for.
Very tiuly yonrs,
P.oland E. Stevens
Hartford, Vt Ju'y 3, 11C0.
rOMUN and especlally motlicrs aro
ni06t cotnpetuiit to aiiprcc-tato the
nurltv. flwootnortfl. nnd ilt.lli.nf-r tt
CUTlcuitA SoAf, aiid to dlt-eovcr ne uccs
forltdnlly. Ita rciiiarkabloeniollliiiit, cloans
lutr, aud purifyltig propcrtles dorivcil from
CuncoitA, tlio great akln curo and purestof
pmiilllcnta, warraut Its ur-o ln prcbcrvinir, pui 1
fyliiB, and beautirylngtliernmpUixlon, banda,
nnd halr, anil ln tlio form of wat.hc3 nnd boIu
tloiiB for ulccrntivo woakni'ssea, nnnovlng
lrrltitloiiR and phallngs, too free or olfoiipivo
pcrsiilrntlon, anil for many eanatlve purpoaea
whlcb rcadlly siiiigoet tliomsolvcs.
In tnany of tlio ubore (ondltlons, centlo
anolntliiL'H wlth Cuticl'Ua, will urovo ot
aetonlslilug; bonont.
SoMthrouzhnutlhe world t'OTTKn tlRrc, asd CllKM.
tOBf ,Sole t'roix ,Uo' a nit for Sklti heercti,"free.
A large partv of young paople from West
I.ibanon, N. Ii., hn been cainping at Lake
Moroy for a few days Tueaday p'tornoon
a yonng man of tho patty, Frank Ward,
waa drowned wbile batbiug. HN body wn
n ;ovored In b fow hours. Hla fatbor a
rived on tbo eveniug traln. Tbe young peo
ple aud tbe whole comtuuulty ara vety
much shocked by tbe event.
Mrs. H. A. Cobb ot Waterloo, Ia , is via
lting her conaln, Mtb. A. 8. Klbbey.
lue lato State supreme rourt judge, L
H. Tbomiiaou wbo died recen ly, waa a
much lovnd p.i'Mhlouer of Rev. Willinrn
Silinilnld, at ouh tinui, wbuu thehuter was
paator of tbe Uougrpgauouiil cburch iu Irra
burgb. Tbroiigb llev. Mr BcbollHld, au of
fort waa mado here to srcure the Judge for
the Memorlal Day addreBa tbts ye?r. Uut
itwB8 juat too late for lt, aa the day before
he got ihe luvitatior be Pt";'i"ed tt apnp'c
It haa beeu a caae ot Bzceediug aud palu.nl
interest, tbat ot Mra. Fremont 0. Little, for
weoka; a motber bo much needed by sev
erp' M'tls clilldrnn, otten appirently at tbo
polut of death, and yet ra'lyiug ao otten, in
apiie of syinptotus, ibal ber pbyaiclan
thought fa'al ou' , aud with more uopuot
recovery. Many here will rejoice Hithbei'
famlly if tbla bopo ahall ouly be rpfl'lzed.
"Tlthlng men," What a small few
amoug our cltizens could tell us anytbing
about tbpin, ouly by reading or henrimy.
And yet laat woek an old realdeut regaled
uh by icfonuta of tbem iu tbe Metbodlat
chutoli here years ago na be know tbem.
Uncle Jampa Ilatch waa oue of tbem, aud
bow easlly aome of ua can rocall hts ever
preaem siiuff.boil And can't we lmHgme
Uip eiTect as lio roao iu bia pow ps u titbing
iiicn, aud said "Tbe boys ln ihe mallery
mitst stop tbat uoise?" IIo had au Audrew
Jackhou look, bui ji'it bere comea to miud
tbe rotii'irk ot ouo wbo wn i at titnea cueat
iu bia famlly, tbnt tbe toara came oftou to
her eyea, pa she Hinued to hlm in b a .am
lly pruyera.
A Woalth of Uoauty.
Ib otten hldden by uualghtly Pimplea,
E '.ema, Tottr, Eryalpaipi, Silt Ulieum,
eti. Bucklen'a Arnlc-i Sjlve will gloilfy
tho f'lro by cuMig tll Sklu Kruptiona, u'ao
Cu' i, BtulEts, Ilurra, llolla, Feloua, Ulcera,
aud worat forma of 1'ilea, Ouly 23 cla a
i.ax. Oaro guaranteed. Sold by 0, Blako
ly, drogglst.
London, July C A disnaich from
Taku datcd yostordny says tho Brllieh
anu itusoiau uumiraia at a counuil of
war hold on Juno 80, declded that lt
wns Imposelblo to attempt to rollovo
rokin without Rroatly Incrcasod forcea.
a epeciBi uispaicu irom Bt. rotors
burg Bavs: "Vlco-Adrairal Aloxoiff's
ofllciol nnnouucoment of tho imposai-
miity ot nuvancing on rokin without
relnforconienis and tho nccoBaary pon
toous and sloros has caiibcd dospair ae
it is rogardcd ns tantamount to tibau-
uoning tuo iuropcans.
Tho commandera of tho allloa at Tion
Tsin Inforro tho corrospondents that lt
would bo suiclde to atteinpt to roach
rokin with the troops uow avallablo ln
tho faco of tho colloBsal force of irapo
rinl troops and lioxors occupyins; tho
countiy botweon Tion Tein and I'okiu.
So far from taking tho oflenslvo tho
12,000 Internatloual troopB at Tion
Tein and tho SCD othorB at Taku and
Intormodlato poiut'j cau hardly koep uo
commuuication, flghting incesBaD 'v
With overwheltning uumberB. using fu
moro uumerou8 artillery pieces thau
tho nlliee.
"Not a Bingla foreignor is now alivo
iu Pekin," is tho luteBt Chiuceo roport
which haa rcachod Shanghai. Earlior
roports from tbo samo sources dcBcribo
tho condition of tho Britiah legation aa
somothing awful. It ia roporled that
tho rooma of tho legation were fi' cd
with Bick andwounded, the killed lying
unburied in hoaps. Thrco Chineao
servants of foreigners huvo eBCRped
from Pekin. They rcport that iU tho
fort-iiiners, ono thouaand in number,
ncludinf; 400 soldiora, 1CJ membera of
tlio (jhlnese cuatotna BtRif and a num
ber of women and chil-en hold out
till thelr ammunilion waa eshauBlcd in
tho Britiah legation. Tho legation waa
llnally burnod and all tho oflicora woro
k'l'ed. It 13 reportud that Kwaug lisu
and tho Dowagor Emprcss havo been
Loneon, July C. No encourayiug
uews coraoB from (Jhiria, uuleas it bo
two disnalehes to tho effect that tho
Brif'h lesations wero beBiecedJuly
aud thoroioro apparently had not then
fallcn. On the otber hand, repor'i of
tho annibilation of pU foreignere in
Pekin coutinues to arrive. The proti
pect is remotc of a relief force start'ng
from Tien Isin anil Che Foo. A dia
patch today says that in vicw of the
lmmineuco of tho rainy aeason it is
feared that. no advanco on Pekin ca
be poasible beforo the autumn. A'l the
Loadon papers benioan the irapotence
of ttie powers ln tue present crtsis. lle
porta that tho emperor of Cbiua haa
commitled auicide and tho cmpreaa is
iusano wero received Bimultaueously
with tho account of the warhko edicte
ieaued by tho latter.
Siinohai, July 6. Intonso indic
nation is felthere against the Biippoaed
astiou of tho powera in roBlraining Ja
pan from Beudiug an utmy lo Pekin
immedialely. Tho powers are accused
of beinz r gudty of murder "i are
Prince Tuan's fanatics, and Sir Robert
Hart ia blamed for not haviUjj inform
ed the foreigners of tho immonao im
port8 of arroa, eapcciaily a few week
ago. The Chineao commandoiB aro
prepp'iug for a long, sovore crrjpBiin
and ore putting into operation plaua
drawu by Getmtna last year for rcMBt
ing invoaion from tho Beaboard of Rus
eia. Two nalives who have arrived here
cerlifv to the truth of tho statement
that rrince Tuan visited tho pehce
and offeired the Emperorand tho Dow
ager Empreas the alternativo of poison
or tho Bword. Tho Emperor, they say,
tc ok poison and died within an hour.
Tho Dowager EmproBa also choae pois
on, but crnftily Bwallowed only a por
tion of what wr" offered her and b- u
vlved. Ou the samo day the Chineso
customs bureau wui desi.'oyed, the in
spec1 ir nud fitaff eecapiug to the leg
tions. The stor" that all forcigner8 in Pekin
were muraered on June 30 or July 1
appears to be circi''ating aimultaneouBly
at Cio Foo, Shpnghai and Tion Taiu.
Yot ii ia not coufirmed by oflicial de-8pa,o-bes
aud ia not ttacsable to the
Bouthcru viceroya who are s'Ml in cer
tin rimmunicit'on with Pekin there ia
a basis for the hopo it ;s unirue.
'Nowspaper correBpondenta here have
gathcrrj nowa which pieced togotlier
relato that when the foreigners, ammu
nition wps eirhausled at Ppl'iu, the
Boxors and imperial trcopa ruihcd tho
BritiBh legation and pourcd into tho
court yrrd viith fanat'fl fury. Tho
forcign troops wero so liopelessly ou
numbered that tbi.ir fa owaa corftin.
Tho momeut that tho mob broko
through, the court yard waa converted
into Bhambles. Othe. s of tho invadera
BDroad into the iuterior of the building.
Ono correspoudeut adda: "It is only
left ) hopo that in the UnHl taah of the
mutderoua hordea tho men of the lega
tiona had time to alay with their own
hauda their womeu'.'ind nnd clvldron.
Tho Chincse aro whiapi-ring the tei.i
ble atory iindcr their brealh. Their
attitudc towarda foroignora in the
atreete bas undeigone aslrange change.
The dcmcauor of tho better claaa of
ChincBO is ono of pitj ra"ier tbiu of
Siianghm, July 0. Thero ia no
longcr auy doubt that disaalcr haa over
takon the Ituaaian army of threo thou
sand who lef Tein Tain for Pek'n un
der Gen. Stillon June 11, with ftnl Qeld
equipment and their own trauaports.
Nothing has boen hoard of tho column
iu twenty-tlve days and it is tiBsuined
they wore ovcrwholmed by tho thirty
thouBaud Kunhus aud Shensi troops
which aro now al Lofa mcnr"3ing Tein
Kansas Citv, July 5. Tho commit
tcu on reeolutlotia carly this morning
by a voto of 26 to 21 odopted tho plank
conlalning a specillc endor8emetit of
sixteon to'ono.
lt waa not till four thia mornitig, af
tor ton houra of uniuteriii)tod dohato,
that tho roaolutiona' comraitteo dccided
to liiBort tho silvor plank. Tho 8tuig
glo agaiuat it put up by tbo caatorn nnd
Bouthorn Statea, waa bo powerml as to
glvo tho silveritoB only two majori'y,
tho voto Btanding 20 to 21, Montana
and tho Dialrict of Cojumbla not
voling, Many of tho comralttoomon
claim tbat tho silvor plank was dofeat-
oi LSfe
Thia is a ot'itical poriod
ln tholifo of every woman
ana no mistakca shoulu
he matJc.
The one vecognizetl ana
reliahlo hoin for women
vlio are apuroachiny and
passmy through this
wonrSerfuI chango is
Lydla E. Pinkham'i VegttabU Compound
That the utmost reliancc
can be placed upon this
great medicino is tcsti
fied to by an army of
grateful woman who have
heen heSpedhy it.
Mrs. Pinhham, who has
the greatest and most
successful experiencQ in
the world to qualify her,
will advise you free of
chargce Her addrcss is
Lynn, Fflass. Writetoher.
ed overwholmWly until 2 A. m., when
Blackburn of Kontucky began an im
ppiaioned plea ihat Bryan'a wiahes be
rcapected aud he let out upon the
heads of the opponents such a storm cf
deiislon tbat enough were won over to
make un tbe Bmp'i'majority. The min
orily wnl take a teport into the con
vention, and it ia csoected the debate
on thia quo8lion will occupy neariy, if
not quilo, pU of today'a Bessiou.
The motlon put at tho clo3o of Black
burn'a apecch on Ihe adoption of a now
Bistceu lo one silver platform rrsi ' d
aa follows: Ayes, Alabama, A' "v
A'kans'"', Connecticut, Colorado, Ida
ho, Iowa, Kansaa. Kontucky, Maiue,
ilasBachuaetta, Miasouri, Nebraaka,
Nevatia, North Dako,r;, New Mosico,
Oregon, South Carolina, Tenneasee,
TJtah, Vormout, Waahington, Wyom
ing, Ilawaii, Oklahoma, Indian Terri
lorv. Nays: California, Delaware. Florida,
Georgia, Illinoia, Indiana, Louieano,
Marjiand, Michigan, Minuesota, Hias
issippi, New Hampahiro, New York,
New Jorsey, North Carolina, Ohio,
Pennaylvania, Rhode Ialand, South
Dakota, Toxr, Virginia, West Virint
ia, Wisconsin, Alabama,
Kansas City, July 0. William Jen
Diuga Brynn of NebraaH waa hat night
unanimouoly plaf.d ip nom'natinn tt
the Democratic cndidale for Preaident
of ihe Uniied States on a phtfoioi oi
po8ing impeiir'ism, milif,ri8m and
liasts, and speciflcauy declating for the
ftoe co'iageof 8'lver at the ratio ol 10
to 1. The nomination camo aa the
culmini,ioti of a frcozied demonstra
ilonl lUng tvveu.-aeven ro'nutea and
giviog ultei.co lo all the pent up
emoiions of tho vaat multitudo. lt
followed p'ao a sluiggle tbroughout
tb'rly ;ls hour3 conco'rning tho plat
form dflatation on silvrr and on the
relative position which the silver ques
tion is ' d n'ntain to ihe, other great
iaaucs of the day.
Kansas City, July 6. As early aa
tguo'clcsk tho galleriea were packed
and do'egjtea were fast auiving. Espe
c"i lu'srest is manifestcd in Dday's
seaaion by Mjo genei.1' public, because
il ia geieip'iy undera'',c 1 Byau
woulu b'niaelf bo nre3ent and addreBs
the convention. lt waa not untii lale
in tho moinlnglhat nowaapread amon;
the crowd that Bi.an wor'd not be
heia. It waa 10:47 when tho chair-ir-in's
j,.;vol foll but it w-. long before
the aemblpnco of order was secured. A
huah fe" n V -bbi Hcniy, mayor of
Kon8', City, opened the proceedinga
with piayer.
Chahain Richardaon announced tho
11 1 at buaiiesa aa nominationa for Vic
Preaideut. Alabama waa paased With
out ucming any oue. Arkanaas an
Bwored htt sho would jield to Illinoia
for the puipoae of nominatlng Gen.
Ac"ai Stevenson. Tho gp' eries yelled
loudly, "H'", Hill." The proceedings
wero interrupled by the noisy demon
blration. A struggie vas going on be
tween Now Jorsey and Now York for
poaaesaion of a bauner. Sergeant-at-A
'rub Marun was mixed up in tho f ra
caa. Kepreaontalive J. It. Williama of
Jllinoia took the stand to nominato
Stovenaon. At the coucluaion of hia
Bpeech Illinoia and Kontucky were
anouting wildly, trying to stampedo tho
couveution for Stevenaon. Tho effort
apoedily subaidod, howover.
HoBsings, (Minu.,) uomiuatedTowuo,
of the Populist ticket. At the mention
of Towno's name hisaympathizera yeu
ed themaelves hoarso. Tho most yell
ing for Towno camo from tho gallerios.
Nebraska aud Minneeota delegationa
wore ulao enthuaiaatic for Towno. A
combiuation picturo of Bryau and
Towno waa brougbt in and ronowed
the enthuaiasm juat aa tho chairmau
waa quiotiug the audionce.
Governor Thomaa of Colorado aec
ouded Towuo'a nomination. Grudy of
Now York nomiuateB David B. Hill.
When Ilill was named tbe delogates
wero all up yelling wildly. Lt oks aa if
Iltll will goi, it. Pronunout delogatcB
eay ho will cccopt.
Tho Biandarda of Montana, New
Joraoy, Tonneasco, Misaisaippi, Ala;
bnuia, Mutylnud, Louiaiann, Ohio)
West Virginia, District of .Columbia
Colorado were tlutered around Now
York. Tho yelling Btill contiuuod.
Hill aroso to addresa tbo convention do
chncd tho nomination. Sa'd hia name
waa prosented without hla approval.
For poraoual and othor reaaons ho
could not nccopt. "Yob you will" camo
from gallerioB, j

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