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TKUMS.l'AIIITN A1V. .015, Ono Your 81.50 Itljjllt Mnnth 1.00 8lx .ttsintlm 70 If not l'nlil In Advnnco. S3.0U n Vo ir ''ttTATOlIMAN-IS nnn p MONTPELIER VT. WEDNESDAt bEPTEMBEll 11), 300. NUMBER 9 sy xy v ibd y y t jr y I TJII! r VENETBAWS, URIFIftJSSMED WORSTEDS, PEBBLE CHEViOTS, BROADCLOTHS AMD PLAID BAGKS Are among the stylish new matcrial for Suits and Skirts just opened at BUSY NOTHIIG SUCCE LIKE SUCCESS So try to succeecl in securir ne of the bnrfains in Building Lots, or Business Chinces that we are offering and succcss in that will 'ead to futtire fortune LOTS.' TWO LOTS ON FULLER STREET, MONTPELIER.-Ahout 100 feet front and 10 roda deep. Verj' desirablo for building, as proparty renta well in this location. The price is right, only 235 each. A LARGE LOT ON TflE CAR LINE beUeen Barre nnd Montpelier. Near Wells & Laroson's stono sheds. Lot contains about ono-lialf nn ncre, making Iand enough for a liouso and garden. Will bo sold chsap for cash. A goo l chance, n3 property is increa3 ing in valtio in this scction. DO YOU WANr TO GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSKLF? I eo thoso will mterest you. A Millinery Business, located in a small town, ou tlio main street. It is the only business of its kind in tho place. Stock is all new anl will be sold at iavoice prices. Fixtures will be sold nt a bargain. There is a (;ood sliow window and roonis so nrranged th it one coidd do liglit housekeeping. Rent is voty low. This is a good uh mce for tho right party and wo are sure it will go quick. We nlso have Barber'a Business for sale. Tho fixtures include one good bavber's ohair wliich cost f50, ono good dresser worth S0, one sink with tank The rooni is large (12 feet x 20 feet) and on tho street, good location and tho only sbon in tho plnca. Profits will be about SlOa week the year round. Rent is only S2 per uiouth. Bt-side3 tho abovo thero re about 25 imigs which bolong to custointrs. Own r bas a good trade and is solling on accouut of poor healtli. We are oiTering some fli.e bargains in farras, and would be glad to have you ndvise us wliat you ar lookhig for in real estato, iiivestments, hoines, biiMinesi clianous, farms, eto. Call or writo tho D. A. PtRRY REAL ESTATE CY, Room 9, Gordon's Biock. Barro, Vt, TELEPHONE CONNECTION. HS,B0AR0MAN,k.d SPECIAI.IST IN I ELECTRiCAL TREATMENT. Ortlco it Rosiitnnce, 107 Statn 8t. 5 OffloM hourn: 1 tn B and 7 to 9 V. M. WITH STATIC ELEGTRICITV Wo 'rfat all (orina ot EiliHniuutlHiu Hicopt ou'. Ki'uralRlu, Nnuraathenla, Rolntica, Onneral Nervnnn DIhoijxhb, Sp'na' Troublna, Paralvla, Braln Fir and Inaomnia, Dlfeasf of tbe Ohnt, Diiinaaea of the Oirculation. Dlsmvaua of Women not SarRlcal, R, Nw and Throat. Galvanic and Suincocnal Cur- ; rents ia lorm of Elcctric Batha in Chronic Iheuma- i tism of tho Joints. X RAY EXAMIN ATIONS. i 8KIN D1SKASKS t ! Trpatnd by Eleotrio Baths. t UWIOM 8V1UTUAL FIR NISURANCE CO ANNUALMKKTINQ. Tbe anuual rne'liiK of the members of the Unlou Mutual Fire Itianranco Gompany for the elcotion of dlrtctora for the year en Bulug, Bnd for thft'tranaaction of any otln r le(al butduBHP, wlll be htdd at the offloi t f the coinpany ln Montpelier, ou WediifS'lai , Ootobor 17, 1000, at 1 o'clook, p. m. Per ordor of tlio Dlreotoia 1IAHLAN W. KBMP, Btoretary, Monti'bm uit, Vt , Sapt 11, 1DO0 ANNUAL MEETINC. Tlio annual mceting of the membera of tha Vermont Mutual Fire Insuranee Compnny, for tho cleetion of Uirectors nnd tho transaction of nny other legal business, will ba held nt ita oflice on Wednesday, October 17, 1900, at 2 o'clook i'. Jt. By order of the DiroctorS, Oo 17 JAMES T. SABIN, Seo. Montpolior, Vt., Sept. 4, 1900. QORSER STQRE. Resfore Vllallty. Lost Vieor and Alnnhood Cnro Impotoncy, Nlsht Emissions, Loss of Mom- u.j,f).A asnuK uiauubua, r nll otlects of solf-abnso or oxcoss ana lnaiscrotlon. blood bullder. Brincs tho pink clow to palo chooks and rostoros tho 1 or refuna tho money paid. Sond for clrculnp and oopy of our bankab guarantco bond. Nervita Tablets EXTRA STRENQTH r"U Immedlalc Resultg Posltively fruarantood curo for Loss of Powoa Varlcocolo, Undovolopod or Slirunkon Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Norvous Prostra Hon, HystBrla, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis nnd tho Kosults of Excosilvo Uso of Tobncco, Opinm or Llqnor, Bv maU ln plain pncknno, $1.00 a box, 0 for S5.00 wlth our bankable enar mteo bond to cure ln 30 days or refun4 money pald. Addross NERVITA MEDIRAI M Jlinton&Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IVU W. K T.rr-1, & (3- . I) iii.iR'i, M ii !)' t". V' receivos tho highest ondorsement nnd support by our progressivo business men. We nssist to positions without chargo. Ask for our new circular. Principal, E. G, EVANS. FOR SALE. Fine liver farm, conUins lfiO aeres. Keepa 25 eows nnd tenm. Near creamery. atore, post ollico, nnlls, oliurch and school. Ono rade to depot, six miles to City of Montpelier. fivo miles to City of Barre. For pnraiculara lnrpure ot 0 F. P. KELTON, Scpt 27 dw East Montpelier, Vt. Why try to stick fhings with some thing that doesn't stick? Ruy MAJOR'S CEMENT; you know it sticks. Nolhing breaks awny from it. Stick to MAJOR'S CEMENT. Buyoncc, you will buy for cver. There is tiothing as good; don't believe the substitutcr. MAJOR'S nUQRErt and MAinn'S I FATIirn. Two ni'iiaratc ceairnbi tho lirat. Inlst on liavnig Ihnm. ., , ESTAIlUSIIED ?6. 19 aa 1 SS eeaU Kr bottla at all dniirelata. MAJOR CEMENT C0., NEW Y0RK CITY. Dlacsts whai i'ou eat.' PILLS CTS. runLinnKD vuv wbdkrsdat ny Jhe Vermonl Watchman Company, At Montooller. Vt. JJusliiosa Jlero Moiitlun Block Wood on CiiONKS. Wnntod at oncu. Sultablo Blze for a furnaco. Taken ln excbaugo for subserlptlona. Apply at V ATU1IJIAN OIIIUO. Wantkd. A luodorn liouaokeennr in a nmnll fnmlly where Ihoro nro 110 chlldren. Refercnco requircd, AddreBS stnting ngo nua oxperieuce, llox TJ Boutli Unbot. TiiosB WonitYixa Pivrtsl One nppllca tiou of Dr. Agnew's Ointnient wlll glvo you comfort. Appliod overy nlght for three to bix niguta anu a curo is etiecteu ln tlie most Btubborii casea of Illlnil, Bleedlug or Itchlng i-ues. jjr. Agnew's uimnient curea iscze ina and all lthing aud all itchlng and burn Ing Hkln dlaeasea. It acts liko innnic. 35 conts. Sold by W. E. Torrill & Oo., nud uoinns isiaitoiy. Buciiaman, Miou., May 22. Qenesaeo Pnre Kood Co., Lo Koy, N. Y. Qentlemon: My mamnia has been a preat coffeo ilrlnkor and liaa found lt very iujurl oua. Havintf usod aovernl packagea of jour GUAIN-O, the drink that takos the placo of colleo, hIio iltiils it miicli liotter for horaelf and for tia chlldren to ihlnk. Slio haa gtveu up coffoe drinkiug entlrely. We usn a packago ovory week. I atn ton years old. YoursTeapeotfnllv. Fannib Williams. Wliat Slinll Vo Havo for Desscrt? This question nrisos in tho faraily overy day. Lot us nnswer it today. Try Jell-O, a delicions and healthful dcssert. Prepared in two minutos. No boilingl No bakingl ndd boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry. At your grocers, 10 cents. NEWCANMiNO FACJTOUY. The cannlnR plant of tho Demeritt & Pal mer Paoking iCompany at Waterbury pro aenta ono of tho moat bustllng Bcones of ac tlvlty theau dnya. Something liko a year ago B. It. Demeritt aud K. F. Palinur,. Jr., couceived tho ldea that Waterbury was the center of a oorn RrowluR region aud that an up-to-dato can nlng factory would Uo well there. Today this ldea ia ln aubstantlal forin in tho way of a factory 103 feet long by 30 feet wide to which ia annezed a hasking ahed of the aamo length and elghtcen feet in width. From forty to aixty bands, according to tho aupply of corn, are employedln the husklug abod and twonty-llve handa ln the factory. The corn ia broufiht to tha factory in the ear and aold by the hundred welght. Altnr welRhing lt 1b dumped in .ho huakingahed wbero lt ia huaked into basketa, the farmora C-irtiLf; away tho huska for feed. Tlio corn la theu carried to tbe aocond floor of U o fac tory, where lt la Btripped from the cob and tbe allk romoved by rttnuing it throtigb the power cutters and Bllkera. It ia then Gon veyed through a spout to tho cooker on the flratlloor. Tho oooker foeda tho corn Into tho cana whtcb, atter pasaing through the wlper, p?89 through the capplug and tip piug machinea which solder the opeuiugs and aeal tbe cana atr tigbt. Thtse aealed cana are tben placed In lare traya and the defective onea, which are few, notwithHtandlng tbe ruah with which tho work proceeda, aro torted out. Thee traja are placed ono abovo the other in the largo lion retorta of which there are (Ivo with a capacity of COO cana each. Here undor steam hout tho cana of corn aro koptfor an Uonr at n texnperaturo ot 250 degroea. Thoy ato afterward lakeu to tho cooling yard and proyed with a hoae uutil cooled. The Beaaon ia ahort, openlng about the flrat of Septembor and closlug about tbo llrst of October, ao it Ia rush work from atart to nnish. Thia llrm does not expect to oau auy fruita thia aeation, but expect to put up 200,000 cana of corn, nioat of which ia al ready aold. Aa aoon aa tho aeason cloaea the work of labellug, packlug and shipplug tbe iiooda will be taken np. The ateam and power for operating the plant ia fumiahed oy au engttieand two lnrge uollera. Both membera of the ilrm are wldeawako and euterpriaing young men aLd deaerve tbe succesa which hiu ttended their ven ture and which la a credit aud valuabln hc- quialtlon to Waterbury. A PtEASANT Dutt. "When I know anv. thlng worthy of recommondation, I conaid or lt my duty to o1! it " aaya Kav. Jamea Muidopk of 11,,'i.bu z "Ot. Aguew'a Uatarrhol Po- 1 . . ' ed nie of catarrh of five yeara atandiii,'' h " certalnly magl cal ln ltrt effeot. The 1 . . t-1, appllcatiou buue- uieu me m uve miuutea. ou cta." o. Bolu by W. E. Tenlll & Oo.and Golllna Blakely. YOUNG ALUMNI BANQUET The Becond annual banquet of tbe Young Alumnl of the Montpelier Semlnary, held Mouday evenlng ln the dinlug ball, wua attended by 130 people, and was a delight ful affalr. The diniug ball was prottlly trlramed with ferna, autumn leavea and cut flowera, and tho aupper waa what might have been expected under the dlrectioua ot Mra. M. 8. Davla, the matron. Hlnkley, '94, waa maater of ceremonlea, and John Ilarvey of tbeUnlverslty of Ver mont, acted aa toaatmaater. Thetoaata aud reapousea were aa followa: Middlebury College, Wrigbt '98. New Euglaud Con-ervatory of Mualc, Mina Wllliauia. Tufta Gollege, Mlaa Glll. Boston Gollege and thn Faculty of the Montpelier Semlnary, Profeaao. Skllllnga. The Ohurch and tho School, Uev. O. O, Judklna. Wealeyan TJnlverBlty. Otto Baahnell. Smlth Uolleue, Miaa Forreat. At tho openlng ot tbe oxerclaea Prtnclpal Newton extended a cordlal welcomo to all preaent. Arrangementa nre already ln progreFB for tho nex( annual affalr. MI(. SIJILEY'S C0NDITI0N. The condltlon of Representatlve-elect A. J. Slbley lemalnB unchaiiged except that today ho baa been in leaa piin than for kov eral daya pjsU Hla preaent lllneeg la but the contlnuation of hia old trouble of long Btandlug, which waa decided on Monday by a conncil phyalclana to be the preaence of gall atouea ln the bladdor. Tho phyBloiatiN advlae, aa the only per meut ineaua of rellef, that Mr. Slbley uu dergo a surglcal operation. But they alao ndvise thia operation to bo delayod until be Ia Btronirer phyMlcally. Although at iuter vala aufferlng from Intenae paln, Mr. 8lbley biara hla Whhsb with ereat fortltudo and ovtin chrerlului-BH aud keepa ln daily tonch with hla buainraa lutereatB. Hla many frlends are hoplng for hlsBpeedy reoovery. Certalnly no lan't afford to apare Jack now; wo need hlm In our bualness, Takb Omb ot Dr Agnew'a Liver Pllla af. tet dluner. It wlll pronioto digeatlon and overcome any ovil effeots of too hearty eat Ing, Safe, prompt, aotlve, palnleaa and pleasant. Tbls effeotlve little plll igBup ptautlug all the old achool nanaeoas parga tlves. 40 doses, 10 cents. 7. Bold oy w. E, Torrill Ss Oo. and Oolllns Blakely. MONTPELIER AUD VIC1NITY, TjOOAT, UAVVttNINliB. Roadllomer Fltts' loco curtaln ad. ln this laaue. W. A. Lord Ia atill q tlte 111 at hls homo on Slbley street, tbreatetied with pneti monla. Uenry Abbott of tho flrm of Abbott, & uaiioy ib conllni'U to ula liomo ln Worce&' ter with rheumatlo fovor. Frnuk E. Howe, cdltor of tho Barre limes, iius iteeu tti lur aeverai uuya. JLIo narrowly oscaped a run of typhold fover. O' i lea Dlllingham of Uouaton. Texaa. wl uia wlte and daltghter, ia the gueat of i'" w. i'. uiuingiiatii, nia iirotiior, Ut. and Mra. O. L, Wataon returned Sat urday evoulng from Brldgeport, Goun., wuere iiiey navn ueeii viaiting reiatlveB. The White Mountaln expreaa runnlng betwoen Burlington and Fabyaua mado its iaat trtp lor tlio Heaaon today. Mlaa Sadie Shetidau, who bas for Bovernl weeks been tho Buf-st of Mra. J. B. Blackall, hor oiator, returned Saturday to Rutland. Mra. G. H. Tyler and little son, who have been Berlously 111 nt tbe homo of I. II. P. Ronell, are reportod aa in un improved condltlon. The Woman'a Ohrlatlan Temperanco Union will meet Wedueaday atternoon at half paat two witli M.aa Ellza Kubleo on School atreet. Tho annual excutalou through tbe great White Mountaln notch vla tho Montpelier & Wolla Itlver rnllroad wlll bo run Satur day, Octobor 0, 1900. Robert Burna Nolsou, who la charged with Bhootlng Gharlea Boatock at Wolla Rlver, ten daya ago, haa been held for the grand jury ln $5,000 bail. Georgo Whelan la takiug a two weeka' vacatlon from hia dutloa at tho ncatofllco. Ho aud hls father, Itobert Whelan, are to go Saturday to Now York olty. Rov. W. R. Davonport, prealdlng eldor of tbo Montpelier diatrict of tbe Vermont Conference, Ia danseroualy 111 with tsnhoid fever at hla home in Ludlow. E. de Luco of New York haa lolned the Arrui reportorlal force. Mr. do Luce caino to Montpelier irom Uaruuer, Mapa., he haa been omployod on a dally paper. II. D. Collina of Saratoga, who haa been 111 at Heaton hoepltal for aeverai weeks with appeudlcitla, baa bo far recoverod aa to be able to reaurne hla dutiea aa traveliug aaleaman. Mra. Effiel. Webater ot Lynn, Mass.. will addresa the Spiritnaliata In Grand Artnv ball noxt Sunday at balf past two and at aeven p. n. The lecture will befollowed by tests. Itobert Whelan and George. hla son. loft for New York olty on Tueaday. Mr. Whe lan'a place aa engineer on the brauch lino in the mean time ia being taken by Uenry Ilomer of St. Albans. C. K. Wrlsht.l renresontatlvo elect from Hinesburg, la at tho Montpelier Ilouse. Ula atory uf tbo tweuty-lght ballota taken ln that that town for reprfsontatlvo la decldedly lutereatlng. G. W. Luco and A. J. Allard have flnlah- od work iu the barber abop of E, J. Enuia aud are to open a abon the Iaat of thia week In the rooma formerly occupled by F. W. I'nuK in tunopera nouso uloclt. Barre ofllcera wore ou a atill hunt Sunday near the Dodge farm for tramps who havo ooeu comuutling uepretiatloua 01 ono aoit and auotber in that viciulty. The trauij s, however, elnded iho auarching oilloera. Mr. aud "Mra. J. F. Workum. who have been gueuta for aeverai weoltn of Uou. B. F. Fiflold, father of Mra. Workum. left Saturday for their homnin Now York. They wore accumpiuieu uy Aiisa iellle Ifinelu. A woman and two chlldren whlle black- borrying Saturday juat below tho three inlle bridgo, rau upou two fnll growu beara and three cuba browsing lu the paatarea. The bear huntera aro now on the trail for bear ateak. The aociety of St. John tho Bantlat haa goueroualy Uouated the cash prize of 850 for tho Gathollo fair to be held iu Octobor. There will be a raeeting of tho St. Viuceut de Paul aociety Tueaday evenlng ln the ln tereat ot tho fair. E. E. Knott, J, Edward Bailey'a racor. ia booked ter four inore races tbla aeaaon. Northtleld, Brattleboro, Claremont, N. U., aud Barre. E. E. Knott and Florence 11. wero taken to Northfield Tueaday inorniug where he la euterodlnthe free-for allThnru- day atternoon. Tbe ladlea of St. Auguatlne'a church held a meellng Sunday oveuing and organized to aasist iu preparing lor nolillng tlio comlng Gathollo fulr by eleattng Mra. J. S. Haley, prraideut: Mte. J. J. Goodwln. vice-nreal- deut; Mra. J. E. Fiannagau, secrutury, and siiba uarau Mcavoy, treaaurer. Relatlvea in thia cltv havo recelved tho nowa of the aerioua illneaa ot Mra. E. B. Dwinell ot Marsblleld from pneumonla. Mra. Dwlnoll la well knowu aa one ot the promlnent workera of the Woman'a Ohrla tlan Temperanco Unlou ln Washington county. In addttiou to tho list of aneakers nub- llahed last week who will addreaa the an nual meeting ot the Vermont brauch of woman'a tsoaru ol Mlaatous, to be tield ln Bethauy ohurch on Wedneaday. Beutember 20, ahould be ndded the namea ot Mra. W u. uanantine ot lnuia ana Miaa Jonnie Ghapln uf Ghlna. Alderman Wbeolock has been told on aeverai occaalona that he would never Uve to ride over a new bridge at Moore'a. Ue with Mayor Brown aud Superlntendeut ot Streeta Itoberta wero the flrat to drive over tbo bridge, maklng tbe trlp Frlday. Alderman wueelock oaya ue never ou- joyed u rlde more. Tbe Butt of Gharlea R. Smlth and Samnel Smlth, general asaumpalt, to recover a bal ance olulmed dua for carryiug on the farm of the defendaut, la on tcial ln the oulce ot tr. li, lialru. belore a court'a commlnalon. compoaed ot F. L. Lilrd, Wlllard Walker and David R, Gulver. F. P. Garleton ap- peara for tho glalntlff and E. M. Goddard for defeudant. George, yonng aon of John Emmoua, ehot hlmaelf accldeutally Suuday whlle haud llug a 22 calibre revolver. The ball eu tered tbe left haud between the thuuib and ludex tlugor, comlug out about midway ot tbe baok uf the hand. Tho wouud la paln ful and wlll prevent the ueo of the hand for aome tlino. The cholr ot Bethany church haa been reorgauized tor the fall aud winter, Its members are Miaa Stella Graudall aoprauo, Mrs. George E. Milla, coutrulto, U. 8. Ghapinau, tenor, II. D, Uopklns baaao, and W. A. Brigga urguulat. The new cholr aang together (or the flrat time Suuday, wltli tho exception ot Mra. Mills, who was neoesBarlly abaent. Tho Nattonal Typographlcal Unlon haa started a fuud for tbe rellef ot Galvestou suiTorors aud aaked all looul unlons to con trtbute. Atelegram to that (ffect was re oeived Sunday ufteruoon by the olllcers of Montpelier unlou. Goutrlbutlons left at the JouUHAL or Argut oflloo wlll bo grate fully recelved, aokuowledged aud promptly forwarded. A new tlmo tablo on tbe Montpelier and Wolla Ulvor rallroad goea Into effeot on Monday, September 17. Tbe White Moun taln espresa la taken off and tbe mall tratn ln tbe atternoon wlll arrlve at 6:11 iastead of 5:35, The mlxed traln ln the morulug will arrive at 9.33 and tlio sccommodatton atll.DU Thore la no chango ln the time of leavlnc Montnellnr nf trnlnn nn t.lin tnnln llne, and no chango in tbe suburban sor- vtce. Edward D. Baker, tho wnll known rnpre- nenraiivo oi j. ji. uotrroil aoua uompany, priuuiig pruH nnuuiaouirei'H, waa in tuta cuy aaiuruay. jir. iiakr la alwnya very wop como iu nny prlntlug ofllco in tbo conntrv. A geniai, courtenua gi-ntleiuaii, always ooiiging anu un expert ln tlio busliieaa, ho very flttingly ropreaents a flrm of the beat, prlntlng presa mnke's In the country, llber- ui in tiitur tieotmg8 and of unqueatlon d truatwortblneaa In all their buslueas uffaira. R. P. Ben,tmtn met with a palnful accl- iiHutiare oaiuruay aitiirnoon, wlilte walk IngbealdHtbe eloctrlo oar tracka on lipper Barre atrent Uo waa htiuck by the run nlng board of a pasedng car, hlch waa sinpp (i auu mr. lienjatuln plck'dupnnd uouveyeu ro nia nome on ltrtaf Htate atreet. Dr. P. Ij, Templeton attended hlm aud fonud that white no bonea wnro broknn Mr. liiin itnln bad Btietatned a bid Bhaklng up nu a oau Bcaip wounu acroai tlio uead. He wlll probably bo conflued to tho houao ior some uays. Get. a copy of the Saturday Kveninn I'oit, publlahed by the Gurtls Publlhlug Gom Piiy, Phliadolphtu, aud aee what a nice billoffaralt weokly preaenta Ita readerB. The paper waa founded by Benjamin Frank- un. li your uewa (lotlnr lini nnr. IIih nnnnr. aoud llve centa to tbe publlnhera for a o ipy. Thu company wanta a brlght boy ln every town to act aa a tellltiB aeent and off.ira tn aond ten coplea free for ono week'a aupply iur buuii a uu.v. nere'a a cnauoe lor you, boys. Phllllp Makor ia agaut ln Montpelier. If the renutatinu nf Mi nnmnnnv. onl. leotlvely and lndlvldunllv. ia anv crltnrinn. aud if any part of tho gotd worda of tho presa aro deaerved, tbou "Other People'a Money" at tho Ooera Houso noxt Thuradav evenlng wlll be at loaat ono of the mont morltorloua entertalomenta that is llkely to be eeon horo this aeaaon. Thia Is Baylng mucb, aa some good ones aro comlng. The pricea are witntn tuo reacu ot tlie most Unanclallv denrosaed aud thn honsn Hhonlil be packed. Tlcketa now on sale, but golng rapldly at Buawell'a. Jamea P. Cleveland dlnd at hla hnmn at Randolph Frlday. He waa the oldest membor of Mount Zlon Command ery and tbe oldeat Kniirtit, 1'mnnlnr tn Nw Englnnd, bavlng joinod Mount Zion Com mandery on demlt. Ho recelved the orders of kulghtbood In Vermont Encampmout at Windsor, November 28, 182G. Hia fn neral wlll be held at hia late homo at Ran dolph ou Monday atternoon noxt. The aervicea wlll bo lield nnder the auaplcea of Pfjooulx Lodee. Mount Zlon Gommandorv actlng as eacort. The twenty-elchth annual mfifitlnc of thn Vermont Branch of the Vermont Board of Miaaloua will be held in Bethany church on Wednesday. September 20. Sarvlcea at A M 2 and 7:30 p. M. Addresaea will bo givon by mlaaionarlea and by Miaa Stan wood of the Woman'a Board. Each auxil lary ia entltled totendtwo delegatea nud coutrlbutlng Bocletlca may be repreaonted If dealrod. A meeting for delegatea wlll bo held ln the vestrv of Bathauv nhnreli nn Tueaday afternoou, September 25. Appll catlon for entertaiument ahould be mado at oncetoMra. Mary D. B. Rlilnehart, Mont pelier. Lunchwillbe aerved on Wednes day by tbo ladles of Bethany church to nll delegatea and vlaltors attending tho meet ing. Rov. Alotizo Uitchcock of Northfield, the oldest inetnber of the Vermont Conference, dled on Wedneaday. He bad gradually oeen iatitng in nealtn lor a long time paat but waa coutlned to hls bed onlv a counle of days, a ahock of apoploxy or paralytla haatoned the end. He leavea a wifo and one danuhter. Mr. Hi chcock was born in Waitsfield in 1814 Ile entered the rnlnla. try ln 1843 and oined tbe Vermont Confer ence lu 1844 Durlug hia conneo ion with Vermont Alethodtnn he waa piator at Al bany, Enat St. Johnabury, Walden, Weat fleld, Lowell, Bethel, Gayaville, ItHiidolph, Goriotb, Plainfleld, Bradford, Falrloa aud Proctoravllle. 81nco 1801 be bad been on the auperaunuated llat. Tho burial viai at Waitsfield Saturday. TIIE SWEET SIMPLICITY of tbe Engliah three per cents (Consulfi) oouHiata of tbe fact that they are perpetnal. Just thlnk of lt; everlaatlng, unendlng, nn ceaalng, contlnual, ahvaja juat the same. So wltb with an annuity co-exlstent with youraelf ; uo care, no tax, and no expense. ijuu inauranco paymiiuts may De dlstrlbut ed lu Annultlea. Natlonal Life Inauranco Comnauv of Ver mont. S. 8. Ballard. General Acrent. new Laugdon block, Montpelier, Vt. KIM1IALL HERE. John n. Kimball of Randolnh. who was arreated iu Boaton tbo iatter part of July on tbe charge of blgamy and adnltery and wiio naa oeen conilued ln tbe Orango coun ty lall at Cbelaea aince Ausuat 7. waa brought to this olty Frlday evenlng nnder habeas corpua proceedlnya by Sberlff F. I. Wbltnoy of Chelaea and F, 13. Traoy of tliia city and lodged in jall. H. K. Darllng, State's attoruey for Orange county, accom- panted tne party. As the reapoudent was deslroua of bavlnir ball fixed iu hla caae and tbere belns no sesslon of court ln the county ln which he was couflned, the habeas corpua proceed inga were brought ln order that he mlcbt come beforo the Washington county court ior uitit purpuse. Thia mornlnc Juilco Rowell fixnd Kim. ball'a ball at 810,000 which wlll undoubted. ly ue iurui8ueu eitlier today or the flrBt ot next week, es Kimball is said to bn of ooualderablo property, Stato'a Attorney Darling ln spoaklng of the caae today sald hia attentton waa called to lt laat Aoril by1 beluc called tn Itanilnlnh and notlfled tbat a Mra. Kimball. nee Lll- liau Btoddard bad filed a petltlon for di vorce from tho reapondent ln Chittenden couuty a short time before. 8he clalmed to havo married Kimball iu 1893 Kimball ad mlta hls marrlage with tho Stoddard wom an and clalms the two chlldren aa bis own. His trouble arlseafromhaving llved ln Ran dolph with Allco Reed, whoin lt has been nnilerstood he married ln 1805 and bv he has bad two chlldren. Ue now alleges that he and tho Read woman were never married bnt ndmlt tlm chlldren to bo hla, and, according to Mr. Darllng la wllllug to marry the Read wum an as ooon ns dlvorce la granted the Stod dard womau. When Mr. Darlinor arrlved lu Randolph In April Kimball left by the Batne traiu. Kimball kept hls residenoe ln Randolph but dld bualueas ln Boston aud poaaeBBee tboae externnl evldeuces ot wealth such as matntaluiug a yacht on Lako Champlain, After bouio correapou dence Kimball was arreated ln July ln Boaton aud hla caae was carried aloug un til lt eutered tho Buprutne court there aud by reqtilBltlon proceedluga be waa convev ed to Vermont jurladlctlon In AuguU. Ile ohafea nnder captlvlty and Ia not un ainla 1)1 a prUoner Iu any sense, fludlng fault wltb al.uoat evorythlng wbloh ls done for hia by hla Jnllors. Dn. Aonbw's Cuuk rou tbb IIeakt aots dlrectly aud qulokly, atluuiktoa tha hoart'a aotion, stopa moat aoute paln, dtapela all algua of weakneas, lluttering, sluklnamotb enng or palpltatlon. This wondorful oure ls the aturdy shtp whloh oarrles tha beart Blok patlent loto tbe havou of radlant and perfeot healtb. Qlvea rellhf ln most aoute forma ot heart dlsease ln thlrty mlnutes. 0. H0I4 by W. K. Terrlll & Go. and Oolllns Blakely. Washington County Court. Tlio oloaltiR argument in the caae of Mc Kinatry ngalnat Collina nnd Lovoll waa mado Frlday inorntng by II. O. Shtirtleff for tlio plalntlff, Jtidgo Rowell's charge to tho Jury occnpiod nbout n hour. It wns ex hnuailvp, Impartlal aud clenrly cxplalund every polnt of luw oppllcabie to tho caae. The Jury retlrd ahortly beforo noon. Amie Blalr of Waterbury and W. B. Oasey of North Duxbury, who wero on Thursday flued for intoxlcatioti ln cotinty court wero ogaln brought in Frlday inornlng by State's Attorney Hoar for their dlsolos ures. Blalr illacloscd on a gallon of rye whlckey puicliaa. il ln Boaton, and Cuiey sworo that ho purcbased n plnt of whlakoy of B atranger on tho Watorburv fair urnnnd. Chorles Georce waa brotinht In irrtdnv at. ternoon, charced wlt'i ateallng chlckeua in ftiaraiill"ta. u pleaued gullty and waa flued 820 and ooats Tbe Jury ln the case of McKlnatry agalnat vuuiua auu ijoveii came 111 urlday attor noon disagreed. Judge Rowell told them they had not been together long ohourIi to get ntqitainted, and aent them back for furthbr conalderatlon of tbo caso. Thnv ciiue 111 iuih raorning and anuounced bronch Daniel WorceMor. their forBman. that. thoy wore atill unablo to agreo and saw no hope ot renchlng a vordict. The court rtferred to tbe importanco of tho case to all tlio rartlea concorned, aud tho deslrabllity o( roacblng a verdlct if anch n thlng were poaalble, aaklLg them ouco more to mtlre and try to get together. An hour later thoy returned into court and naked to have the teHMmpny of O. R. Collina ln dlrect and croaa e"xanilnatlon read. This wbh dnnn hv Mra. Nutt, the reporter, and they ngaln re tlred. Shortly baforo noou tho Jury again came ln, reported tbat they could not ogree and were disobarged. Tho falao wnrranty case of Oriando Mar. tln Bgnli st Blxby & Cutler, begun Frlday Bfternoon, occupled tbo tlmo of tho court thia morning. At the tlmo of adjourument tho defetice was pntting in testluiony. At noon today court took a recesa until Mon. day atternoon at two o'olock. Oriando Mnrtln agalnat Bixbv & Cutler in now on trlol. Plalntlff realdea ln Plainfield and the reapondouta In East Barre. Suit ia brought to recovor damagea for false war ranty ln the exchango nnd Paln of a horse. J. P. Lamhon for plalntlff; R. M. aud E. M. Ilarvey for defendanta. John Fratua and Joaeph Shaw, tbo lada who wero charged with the larceny of S85 from A. B. Dngar of Worcestor, wero brought Into court Monday evenlng. They both pladod gullty to tho informatlon agalnat them and were Bentonced by Judgo liowell to tue tjtate lnuustrlnl achool at Vergennes for tbe remalnder of their mlnor- lty. They aro flttonu and slxteen years old reapectlvely. F. P. Carleton, their counaol, atatod to tho court that he bad correapondod wltb tho parentsof both bovs. They are industrinus, reapectable people In Lowell, Mass., but havo beon uuable to control their wayward sona. Mr. Carle'on atated that aentence to a reformltoy Inatitute would be aatiafactory to both tho parenta. The lada wero taken to Vergennes Tuesday by Shorifl Grsvea. John H. Kimball, tbe alleced blEamiat. who waa brought here last week from Chel- xna jtll, haa Becurod ball lu the Btim of 81, 500 und has gono to Randolph. George W, Wlug entered as suroty for appearance when wanted. Tho fulso warranty caae of Martln azainst Bixbv and Outler occupled tbe time of court. Tuesday. It will probably go to tbe arv weunesuay lorenoon. Cbarlea Clark, whc was laat week son- tenced to the Houbo of Correotlon for sell Ing, and keeping lntoxlcatlng llqaor, waa taken there Tuesday by SherifE Gravea. Iiitcrestiug (Jamo Statlstlcs. Edilor ofJournal; It will bo Intereatlnc to buntnraand aome otliern to know of aome of the animala kllloil In Vermont durlug the tlnw from 1885 to 1898, both years inolu- slve. Durlnc 1E97 and 1898, tbere woro no b un- tiea on noxtoua animala, but although tbero wero cnnaiderablo many boumioa pald dur lug 1897 and a very few ln 1898 they wiro for tboae animala kllloil in the year of 1890, nfter tho auditor'a report had beon mado and the law repealed, and beforo it wetit into cltect in Feoruary, 1BU7. Tbe audltor'B report ahowa for the time abovo mentloned that there were bonntles pald ou 491 beara. 1G3 lynx, 40,313 foxes, 215 rattlo anakes, one nantbor, ono wolf, costlng tbe State 535,353. Tbe olllcial report ot Jobn W. Tltcomb. State flah and game comuiiasloner for Ver mont in 1899 la on deer, 89 killed in tho Iaat ten daya ot Uconer. The announcement that four largo cray tlmbor wolvea havo latnly been taken In Fayston ia Btartling. In Malne. in 1898. 260 roooae wero sbippod from the wooda; in 18U9, 21H wero slilppad. la 18U1I, 7570 deer were killed, avoraglng about 100 ner dav for tha opeu aeaaon. Tbla waa the ofllcial count. It waa eatlmated that the full uum- ber waa 20.000 deer. The total number of beara reported killed In 1898 was 55. Tota number of pounds ot flsh reported taken for 1899, 141,412. UARLOS Ij, BMIT1I. OLD RESIDENT GOXE. HoraceW. Kempton dled suddenlv Mondav mornlng at tbo realilence of F. W. Morse, hls son-ln-law, on State Btreet. Some two montha agn Mr. Kempton went to Malne to attend "Old Uome Woek" leetlvltieB, and had been 111 elnoo hia return, altbough he had been conflned to the hoo.Be but three weeks. Brlghl's dlsease waa the cauae of hia death. Mr. Kempton waa born in Winteraport. Me., Fabrinry 4, 1835. Ue came to Mont pelier iu 1858 aud worked at hls trade as a carpenter lu the conatructlon of the Btate Ilouse. Later, with his wlfe, for many yeara ho coiidiicted Uo'el Kempton, nnw the Vermont Honse. For many years ho waa a niember of tbe Montpelier Mllitary Baud. Ho was well informed on current eventa and wns always an outortalnlng con veraatlonaliat. In 18G0 he married Hattle, daughter ot Lewis Buruhatn, who aurvivea hlm, with two daughtera, Mra. F, W. Morso and Mlss Kate Kemptou, both vt Montpelier. Funoral aorvlces will bo conduoted from the bouse Wednesday afteruoon by Rav. A. N. Lewis, and the burial wlll bo ln the fam Uy lot iu Greeu Mount oometery. Knst Uroolillold. Edwln I Hibbard bas declded to dtfer enterlng college until next year nud has eu gaged to work for A. L, Sprague of Chelaea uuring tue term. Eucene L. Marahnll has secured a (lno poaittou ln the grocery dupartmeut ot the J. K. Lynde atore ln Willlamatown and en tered upou hla dutiea laat week. Eugeue la a brlght, and reliablo young man aud a suc oesBtul buHiness cureer tor hlm ls prodicted. Fred E Newell ot Bellows Falla. with hia wlfe and hia dnughters, are gueata at Alaon wiioaiioy o. Mr, xseweti ia one of tue Kaat Brooktleld boya that hls natlve town doea and may well feel proud nt. Gnlng out from home as ho dld a bare-hanJed boy by hls determtuallon, dovotlou to duty, 11 at tiral abillty and gentlemanly uiannera, ho ina won ior mmaeu an ouviabie ana lucra tlvo poaltlon among the beat mecbaulcs lrf tuootate. lrer nearly aeven years he bas beon lu the employ ot the Vermont Farm Machine Gompany and today holda ono of the hlgbest poaitlons among their employ eos, Mra. Newell wlll be ploasantly re membered a Mlss Eftle Wbeatley, and liko her husbaud, ls always popular whorever known. IM'ORI'OllrEI) IN 1850. National Life Insuranee Gompany HOME OFFICE MONTPELIER, VT. INSURANCE IN FORCE: POLICIES, 4G.45I. AMOUNT, $94, 25 1,5 10,82. RKAS0NS FOR IXSURA.VCE. Why is tlie Life pollcy of to-dnv bntler than tha: of tvu ntj jears ng' 7 Becauao yotl may nnw have a polioy of prlvileges. of caab, loan, pill.up aud extotmtnn values, ono whloh you ontitrol from tho ttartand the piyinmit, of whloh you vau tllnct at any CORifESPOJiDE.VCE SOLtLlTEI). GENERAL ACENTS, VERMONT. S. S. BALLA.RD, Montpelier. R. W. HULBURO, Hyde Park, T. S. PECK, Butlington, W. W. SPRAGUE, St. Johnsbury, E S. KlNSLEY, Rutland, II. E. TAYLOR & SON, Brattleboro. iEN'S WORKING PANT We have just received a hne of Mixed Cassi mere Pants, goodweight made strong and good dirt color for evcry-day wear, ivhich tue consider very good values. Price $1.50 and $2.00, irwell Co, 96 and 98 Main Street. All goods sokl for cash. There is Health, Comfort and Econoniy In baving your liouso placed in goocl sanitary condition, with bath room, watcr cloots ancl propor drainagc ; in baving j-our bouse warmed with Steait, Hot Water or Hot Air, and properly venti ated. Wc furnish every thing in the lino of PLUMBING, HEATING AND TINNING with skillotl workmen under our personal supervision. You can not afford to havo this work dono until you obtain eslimates from us. PECK BR0S 60 Main Street. fMTES. 3 MINUTES' CONVERSATIOW Approxlmatoly as follows: For a dlstanco of 5 Mllos or loss, . 10 centa 5 Miles to 15 mllos, I 5 conta 15 Mllos to 25 Mllos, 20 conts 25 Mllos to 35 Mllos, 25 conts 35 Mllos to 45 Mllos, 30 conts ltntes for Krontor dUtnnces In prnportlon, Apply fur tchodule of rntea to NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPrl COMPANY. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo "Dlacsts what you eat-"'