Newspaper Page Text
W ttMBttt TKHMg, l'ATl IN AWVANOH, Ono Yenr 81.00 Klnlit Montlis 1.00 BlxMonllm 70 If not l'nlil ln Aclvanco, .0 a Vonr PCflPI C WANT A IjTVK I UUI LL AVKKKIVT NKWN l'Al'Klt. TIIK "WATOIIAtAN" IS i'i;itr.iHiii:i) ron TJII2 PEOPLE VOL. 91 492. MONTPELIER n WEDJNESDAl OCTOBER 3, J 000. NUMBER 9 SU1TS, SK1RTS, or GARMENTS macle to meaBurc froin our matcrial. NEW FASHION 300KS, Showing Styles for Fall and Winter, have been reccivecl. L. F. & H. C. nrrangcd and eontnins cight rooms. will soll this property for only S'-O0O, on reasonablo tcrms Would trado for n liouso in Mont pelier if same waa desirnblo. Lot. us tell you moro nbout it. DUK Sl.OUU wo will soll a good tarni ot 81 Placo will keep l(i cow va nnd teani. Uuildnigs nro Boven rooms. A nuantitv of hard wood. ierras will be sold with tlio placo if desired, nt reasonablo pricea. VAUM WITIT KTnC.K' TOflT.S A VT1 KODDEU. from Williamstown and fivo from Barre. Haco will keep 20 cows nnd team. A very deairnble purchase. Call on ua or inquire for full partienlara. Terma reasonablo.. Cnll nnd talk with us. We are alwnys at liomo to intere8t partios. Ifyouwish to buy or soll or trade real estato, wo would liko to bcar from you. Correspondenco clieerfully and promptly unswereil. D, A, PERRY Room 9, Cordon's Block. Barre, Vt. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. ! H.SJ30ARDMAN, r,i d. I I SPEClALIST IN $ i ELECTRICAL TREATMEIIT. t OfDce ot Reaidonce, 107 Stato St. Oftlco bonra: 1 to 0 and 7 to 9 p. m, WITH STATIG ELEGTRIGITY We treat all forms of Bhenmatlsm exoapt ivcnte. KonrnlRla, Neurastbenla, Rciatlca, General Nervous DisuBeas. Splnal Tronblea, Paralysla, Braln Y&g and Insoranla, Dieeasea of tbe Gbest. Dlaeaaes ot the Clrcnlatlou, Diseaaea of Women not SarRlcal, Ear, Nose and Throat S Galeanic and Suinsocual Cur- 2 ronts in form of Electric Baths in Chronic Eheuma- j tism of tbe Jointa. X RAY EXAMINATION8. X SKIN DI1KASKS 2 Treated by Electrlo Batha. 2 LOIJATES. 3 MI1MUTES' CONVERSATION Approxlmatoly as follows: For a dlstanco of 5 Mllos or loss, . lOconts 5 Mlles to 15 mllos. l5conta I 5 Mllos to 25 Mllos, 20 conts Itatos (or ereator illstanccs In proportlon. TELEPHONE SERVICE AT YOUR RESIDENCE Is usoful always, Holpful often, Nocossary somotlmes, and Choap alltho yoarround. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. receivea tbe liighest endorsomont nnd support by our proBres3ive busineaa men. . We assist to positiona without cbarge. Ask for our new circular. Prinoipal, E. G, EVANS. Wanted. Will pay casli for any quantity "DRIEO GINSEKG ROOT." We pay expresa on lots between 5 and 10 pounda. Over 10 pounda we pay freight. I3e Bure that it'a dry, W. J. HENDERSON, Burlington, Vt! Kodoi byspepsia Gure "Dlaests what you cafc' GLEASON. "Soo tlio Town " from a busineaa point of viow nnd get n good iden of nbout where you would liko to liro or mnko nn inveatnient, Tlien como nnd soo U9. Most likely wo linvo 011 our list juat what you wnut. If wo havcn't wo cau get it. In nuy caso you will havo our bost clTorta. Pcopertiea sold on rcasonnblo toinis. Iients collected. Whoro will you find a better plnco to invest in roal estnte tlian iu ilnrro? Henting property is ahvays in dcmand. Lots for snlo both in Montpelier and JJarro, andall tha way hotween. liolow we niay nuvortiso sonio thing in fnrms tlmt will interest you. Look the list over carofnlly. A COZY PLACE OF 05 ACRES only two and n half miles from Montpelier, on tlio Northfield road. Will keep nino cowsnndteam. Goodapplo orchard of 100 troes. Sugnr bush of nbout 500 inaples. Good lunning water, novcr fails. Build ings are in good condltiou. IIouso ia conveniently Onml li.nrna. Tlio buildincra aro insured for 81.500. We acrcs, omy iwo anu a mui mues iroiu lumuoinu. in lair comiiuon; goou uarns. nouso contnma tor tlio larm one-naii uoivn. otocn unu tooia REAL ESTATE AGENGY Tliere is Healtli, Gomfort and Economy In having j'onr house placctl in good sanitary condition, with bath room, water closots and propcr drninagc ; in having your houso warnied with Steara, Hot Water or Hot Air, and properly ventilated. Wc furnish cvery thing in the lino of PLUMBING, HEATING AND TINNING with skilled workrnen undor our personal suporvision. You can not aflbrd to havo tbis work dono until you obtain estimates from us. PEDK BROS., 60 Maln Slreel. FOR SALE, Farm known as tho Truman FoBter farm. Ono mile south of Berlin Pond on Judge Palne turnpiko. If not Bold at private salo to bo sold at auction about Noverabor lst, 1000, with Stock, Hay, Grain and Tools. T. R. FOSTER. w33 DOMINION LINE. Fat Twln Screw Servlce, PALATIAli STKAMKRS. Modorn, 8afe,, Averai?e Voyage Uniler 7 Day. NEW HNGIiAND I Coniiiioiuvonltli. 11.C00 Tous. 13.000 Tons. Oct.10thandNov.7tb. J Oct. nthandNov. 14th Saloou passage 8G0.OO and upwards; 2nd cabin S37.50; 3rd class at low rate8. For paa aage, plans and informntion, apply to tho Uom pany'a office, No, 77 Stato Street, iloaton, or H. IiALL-MtD, Agent, New Liingdon Ulock, Montpelier, Vt. "THE CRAWFORD" An elcgant sboo for gentlemon. Uppers aro mado from tho now "VolourCaU" wbieh is tannod and flnisbed by now proeess, giving it a flno, smooth surfaco and an elegant glossnearly cqual to patont leather. We aro boIo agents for tho-ao shooa and nleo for tho ELITE" and TERHUNE" (Union mado). All at $3.50 & H. SHIPMAN, 100 Maln Slreel, - Monlweller, Vt rcnUBUiiD Kvmiv wnonicsDxr nr The Vermont Watcliman Gompany, At MontDolior, Vt. Jtuslncss 31oro Moiitlon Ulock Wood oa Ohunks. .Wantod nt onco. Stiitubie slze for u (iiruaoo. Takon ln oxclmnKO for eubscrlptlona. Apply at WATCUMAN Ollleo, Tho uoxt tnrm of the Snrlnzflelu Iiuslness Sohoo), the larRCBt Bcnoot ln Woatern Now Encluml. beclna Munduv. Octobor 1. with snvoral studotits froin tliin vlclulty alroady roglstureu. Aqbnw Wanted, Wo want a llvo, no- tlvo repreaontattve ln your torritory nt onco to ouroro ina vory profitnblo bualuef s. Guneral aml local ageuta wantod. Froin S5 to S10 a dav Advnncomont rapld. Good referenoos rcquired. Thono ont of employ ment or wishlinK to better thomaolves nd droaa, Dopartment K. Comor I'orklna and Uulon stroeta, Akrou, Ohlo. Salt Kiieum. Tkttbk, Kczbma These, (llstrtaslDK skln dlaeaaua reheved by ono applicauon. ur. ariibw'b uintuieuc ia n potent curo for all uruptlons of tlio Bkln. Jns. GaBton, Wllkenburre, aaya: "For nlno years I was diatlgured with Tettor on iny handa. I)r. Acnew'a Olntmont curpil it.' 35 centa -1G. Sold by W. E. Terrlll & Oo. and Colltna Blakuly. InroRTANT to MOTHKR3. Tho niannfac turuia of Caatorla Imvo beon coinnello i to apend huudroda of thousanda of dollara to fauilliarlze the pulillo wltu tho alcnature of Ohaa. H. Fletcher. Tbis has been ne ceBsltuted by reuaou of plrates oountorfolt- mtr tuo uaatoria traaemarK. mis counto--felting ta a crltne not only agalnat tbe pro nronriutora ot Oaalorla. Imt acatnat the Krowing gonoratlon. All peraotiH should be carefnl to see that Gastorln bears tbe b!e- uaturo of Uhaa. II. Fletcher. If thev would giiard tho health of thelr chlldron. l'ar onta, and tnothera ln partlcular, otipht to carefnlly oxumlno the Caatorla ndvortiso- mentH wlilcn hae been oppearlnR ln tlila paner, and to remember that tho wrnnper of ovory bottle of Renuitio Castoria baars tlio lac-simlle Btc.iature ol unna. u. i' ituii- or, under whoae suporvision it has been mauutacturcd contlnnoualy for ovor tblrty yeara. Fhlladelpbln Builetin. BcciiAKAir, Micii., May 22. Gonesseo Pnro Food Co., Lo Boy, N. Y. Gentlemon: Mv mamma has been a croat coffeo drinker and haa fonnd it very lujurl oua. Ilavlne uged sovoral packagea of your GBAIN-O, the drlnk that takoa the placo ot couee, BUe lliula it mucli better lor heraelf and for ua chlldron to drink. She haa glven up coffee drinklng entlrely. Wo nse a package every woek. I am ten yoars old. Yours roapectfully, Fannie Williams. What Slinll Wo Havo for Desscrt? This nuestton ariaos in tho familv everv day. Lot ua answer it today. Try Joll-6, a deHciooa and healthful dessert. Frepared in two minutoa. No bollingl No bakingl ndd boiling water and sot to cool. Flavora: Lemou. Orance. Iiasnborry and Strawberry. At your grocers, 10 centa. GUAND EXCURSION Through tho Famotis Wlilto Mountalti Notch. On Saturday, October G, tbo Montpelier and Wells Ktver rallroad will rnn a grand oxcursion from Barro, Montpelior and all polnta on lts lino through the famous White Mountaln Notcli. A Bpecial train will loave Barre at 7:45 A. M., Montpelier at 8'10, ar rivlng at Woodavllle at 10:10 a. m., conuect ing with speclal traln from Woodavllle throngh the Great White Mountaln Notob, arriving at TJpper Bartlett about 1 r. m. Rotnming traln will leave TJpper Bartlott about 1:30 r. M., arriving at Barre about 7 r. M. The faro for the round trip from all stntlona will bo only S1.50, These annnal excurslons, when tho follago ia at lts beat, are featurea ot the early autumn eoasoD, and are always largely patronlzed. Be suro and take your lunch baaket. REUNION AND CAMPFIRE. The twenty-aeventb reunlon of the Elghtb Vermont Begimental Aaaociatlon will be beld at G. A. B. hall, in thia city, October 24, accordlng to the followlng programme: At 1:30 p. ii., comradea will avemble for roll-call with f ratornal greetlngfi' and liand ahakinga.1 At 2:30 bualneaa meetlBg. Reportaofof flcors, committeeB and election ot ofUcera. At 3:00 ahort apeecbes by Ma, Barstow, Lleut. Holton, Oapl. McFarland, Llout. Selleck, Ool. Franklin and others ot the faltbful and truo. 7:00. Banquet fnrntahed by tho good la dlea ot tho W. B. 0., followod b; a rouslng camp-flre. CampQre a veritable love feaat at wbicb the (low of wlt, telllng of atorlea and remln laconoos will be very enjoyable. TIRE AT WILLIAMSTOWN. Williamstown, Oct. 2. A large and dis. aatroua ilre occurred bore on Monday nlght. Two barnB sltuated on what is known aa the old David Galo farm and belonglng to Leslle D. Galo, were entlrely deatroyed, to gether with twenty tona of hay. Tbe loss 1b eattinated at telvo thousand dollara and was not covered by insurance. The caoBO of the flre Ia unknown but itla anpposed to be the work of au incendiarlea. Mr. Gale, who owned the property, la at tbe Fabynu Houae, White Mountalna. Waelilngton County t'ourt. A ahort eeaalon ot county court waa beld on Monday by tho aaalatants judges. The jury lu the caso of Llllian Bprajuo agaluat tho town of Calais waa diamlaaed untll Wedneaday tnornlng. 0. W. Sollnas waa brought before the aa alatant Judgea Friday afternoon. He ia ln dioted tor nmll lons removal of realty and mallcioua lnjary to property. Ball ln the llrst cano waa flxed at 81,000 and ln the soo ondatflOO. T. Ji Deavitt recognlzod for hla appeitrano . Sherlff Gravca went to Randolph Friday afternoon and brouRht back Harley Bruoe of that town, who Is indlcted on two counta for breach ot tho poaco. Ball ln the aum of 8200 on eacb count was flxed and furniahed, aud Hruco retarned to Randolph Friday evenlng. IlKIl IlKAUT LlKK A POLLUTKD SPllIHa. MrB. Jumes Splgley, l'oleo Islaod, Oat.' saya: "I waa for fivo yeara afHtoted with dyflpepsla, conatipatlon, heart t'lsease and nervous proatratlon. I cured tbe beart trouble with Dr, Agnew'a Ouro for tbe Heart, and the other allmenta vanlahed llke mlat. Had rellef in half an bour after the flrat doae." 14'. For aale by W. E. lorriu cs uo,, ana uouins uiaiceiy. MONTPELIER AND VICINITY. TjOOA Tt HAVl'ENIXaa. Oaroy Brown ot Iloaton, a travellng Bttloa" mrn, Is aorlously ill nt tho Montpelior houeo, Mra. EllzabHtb Olark ot Boston Is thn Rttost ot MrB. J. V. Babcock, her alstcr-ln-law, for a woek, It la now cxpectod Goorgo II. Wilder will aucceod Mra. J. F. Wnterman aa orgaulst at Trtuity ckurch. Beveral ol tho local Hobrewa wont to Burlington TueBday lo obsorvo tho Ilebrew Day of Atonement. Tho niRh sclioal battnlion Ib to hold wookly drllla. The new unlforma nro ex pocted to arrive thla week. Mrs. D. K. Stovena and Misa Ruth, her daughtor, of Fitohburg; Mass., aro guestB of James T. Sabiu for a low wtoks. Bert Doarborn, nsxlated by J. P. Dono van, haa overhauled and mado general ru patra on the ptpe organ at Uhrlst church. Mra. Booj.tmln Uoburn, who has boon aorlously 111 from pneumonla for aeveral weekfl, Ib now ublo to slt up evory day. Rev. SamuHl IjbwIb, Reproentatlve-olcct from Danville, 1 to havo rooma durlng aes bIoh with 11. M. Shepard at 20 I'oarl atruet. TheLadlea' Unlou of tho Splrltuallat As Boclatlnn will hold a salo on Thuradny, Oct. 4, at Mra. Kllzaboth Turuur'a on Barro Btreet. At tho yard of Swoency Bros.' granlto worka on Saturday tho heavy arm ot thelr largest dorrlck fell wl'h a crash and was ahattorod in eeveral pleces. George Gauthler and MIsb Dalay Lam phere wero unltod in tuarrlago on Thuraday evening by Rev. A N. Lowia. They have tnketi roouiH In the Uazitn block. Oeorgo Little, whllo at work at Ularlhew & Gray'a clioil Haturday, had ono of hla lega badly Injurod between two atonea and will bo nnable to work for aevoral woeks. W. E. Barney, as erecutor of the OBtato ot Nathauiol Ohamberlin, sold tho bousu nnd lot at threo South Maln atroBt to Mra. Joannette Martlu Monday for 2,200. The Now Eugland dlnnor Rlvon by tho ladiea of tho Baptlat church Friday oven iug at thelr vestry waa an enjoyablo affair and well patronlzed. Tho ladiea netted a snuR Biim. ITenry U. Bmttb and fanilly drovo on Sun day to Morrisville, callodthoro by the dea h of Mra. Smlth's grandmother, who la alao the inothor of Ilon. Frauk Kenflold of that place. A meetlnR of tho exeoutlvo committee of the comlng Oatholic fair waa hold Monday ovenlnR when Montpelier Councll, K. of 0. oontrihutod a four pieco pirlor set aud Bult of clothea for tho filr. Offlcer Lavlolotto of Barre was ln town on Monday to take Steveu Gleary, who huB beon ln jnll alnce July 7 becauNH uf maklng an unsalisfactory dlsclosure, before the Barre city court and glve him anoth er chanco. Tho elghty-elRhth annlveraary of tho Vermont Ulble Bociety will be held in Both any church bunday ev.inlng, October 21. Rev. Dr. G. W. Brown of Butlaud, presld lng elder ct the Burlington dlstrlct, will glve the address. Judge J. W. Itowell ialll with pneumonla at the Pavillon and hla wlte is carlng for him. Aa hla lllnesa will probably be a mat ter of some weoka Judge II. B. Start will come here to preelde over Washington county court at nlne o'clock Wedneaday morning. The annual inoetlnz of the Montnelior Educatlonat aud Bonevolent Aaaociatlon due October 5, will be ndjonrned wtthout tho tranaactlou of bu8lneas to Oct, 9, when It will bo beld in the conferenco room of tho Church ot the Meaaiah at half paat aev en o'clock lu the evenlng. The marrlage of E. B. Gllbert of New York to Misa Mamie Jangraw ia announced to occur about the middle of November at the homeof the brlde'a mother, Mra. Kato Jangraw at 114 Maln atreet. Mr. Gllbert will be remembered as having been ln the employ of the Argus some time alnce. Mr. Hall, toacher of language at Goddard oeminary, gave a most enjoyatjle lin promptn piano recital at the pariah house on Friday evening at tbe close ot tbe Obrlat church cboir rehearaal. Mr. Hall ia a pian lst ot unuaual abillty and hla rendltlona were moat thoronghly onioyed by thoae who were presout. The educatlonal committee of the Young Men'a Ohriatlfln Aaaociatlon la plannlng for a bualneaa courae of atudy to be glven in evening classea thla winter. The cour-o will comprlse penmansblp, bookkeeping, commerclal law and bualneaa forma. It la expected that Profeasor Nichola of the Semlnary, will conduct the courae. A claas will be formed it ten apply. The Woman'a Relief Corps gavo a recep tlon Tueaday afternoon and evenlng ln Grand Ajmy hall to Mra. J. R. Soaver, the preatdent, and Mrs. W. E. Lawaon, a co worker, the occaslon belog tho blrthday ot tbe two ladlos. A -upper will be served at alx o'clock and a general good time indulg ed ln. Membera of Brooka Post, G. A. B., bave been Invlted to attend. The legislatlve "Solona" began to arrive ln conalderable numbera tbis noon and in creaaed on the afternoon tralna, Upon ar rlvlne ln the city they were greeted by boardlng houso "hawkers" galore, wbo, ln lnatancea where the ccnaervattve legla lator was alow to make up hla mind where he would feed and aleep for the uoxt two montha, mado tbe declaton for him and to the advantngo ot botb, we hope. M. S. Stone, Stato saporlntendent ot edu. catlon, roturned Friday afternoon from Saratoga, N, Y where bo went to confer with the bualneBa men of that city relatlve to boldlng the annual meeting ot the Amer lcan Inatitute of Inatructlon there. Mr. Stone la preaident ot that inatitute. Tbo Eeople ot Saratoga are enthusiastlo over avlng thla great body ot inatruotora inoet withthem. Wllder'a orohestral olub is engaged this year ln place of the Germanla orchestra, whlch haa for yeara furnhibod mualo at the Llttleton, N. II., mualo teatlval. The club's engagemeuts are as follows; October 1, Cabot; 2, Marshfield; 3, Groton: 4, Iilttleton, N. H:j B, Plalnfleldi 0, Morriavlllei 9, 10. 11, Burlington; 10, East Montpelier, Vlllago Hall; 11, Barre; 12, Grand Symphony Oon cert at Montpelier; 15, Cambridge; 10, Bur lington. The veteran eorgoant-at-arms, Mr. T. 0. Fhlnney. among the inany other lmprove menta wblch have come from hla good Judg meut and aenae of the fltneaa ot thlngs, has removed tho "baskots" from tbe old lamp poata along tbo approaoh to. the Capltof, whlch UBed to hold the ahielda for the old gaa lampa. Uo haa aubatituted an orna ineulal "gooao.ueck," at the nether end of whloh ia an altoruatlng lncloaed aro lamp whlch will, o' ulglits, make the way to the State House aa llgbt as day, W. A. Brlggs recetved aerlooa lnjurlos white rldlng houie to dluner on hla bloycle Tueaday noon. Dpou roaclilng the head of State atreet, hla wheel colllded with Wll llam Mlller'a dog. Mr. Orlgga was thrown to tbe ground, breaklug bolh boneB in bta left forearm and oatttng a gaah over hla left templo, He was carrled luto tbe Blakoly pliarmacy lu an unoonsctoua oon ditlou, Reatoratlvea were admlnlatered, and (ter regalulng conaclouBnesa Mr. Brlgga could not remeraber any ot tbe par tloulara of bta acoldent. He was conveyed to hla home and tbe fraoture roduoed. He cnrrlea a llboral tnsurnnco. It wus nuiiounced Saturday evonlng that Reprosentatlvo Ketobum'a eult agalnst Mr. Lotnnv ot Montreal for tho allonatlon of tho afTectlona of tho fonnor'H wlfo had beon "aatlsfactorlly adluatod" nnd tho wholo matter dropped. Nobody wanta nnythlng aald about it, overybndy la sorry It lmp. pened, Mr. and Mra. Kotchum are happy, Mr. Lemay la aormio nnd tho fatted calf haa ronderod up hls btl.-f yotitig llfo to ndd tn tho gonoral hllarlty und onoymnt. In jitstlco to Mra, Kotohum tho Jouunal la glad to Bay that ihorn haa not been any chargo ngalnat her of downriglit wrong dolng, only that aho wa vorv Ind'acreet !u nccHpting certalu n Mnilona froin Mr. Leuiiiy. Mr. nnd Mrs. KBtobum are houor able people, and nro nudoubrely deaorvlDg of tho cs'eotn and good opluion ot all. Aud bo, lot ua havo peaco. For aome time pa t 0. DeF. Bancroft bf s boen engaged In liouso to houso lnapuc tlon of tho nmount of Itnrliu waicr tised In the city nnd recontly mado hlt report to the city councll. On nccount of tho llltieiM of Jool Foiter, BuperlntondBUtof wnter works, tho wntor comtnl'teH haa proceeded with tho miklng ont of 'ho wnnr bllla, whloh havo juat boen rondered. Thoso bllla as rodered nro oaualtu tbo comtnlttoo to con aumo conalderable tlmn In explanations ns In many Inatnncea thern li nu ndvauce In the chargea for water In former bllla. In explanatton of tbo notlon that an advanno has beeu mado in tho water ratoa, the com mittee say that there haa been no advance, and that the dlfference in the bllla la due to the facc that formerly no cbarge baa beeu made for wash bowlc, aud that the comtnlr teo maklng out the btlls from the report of tho inapoctor havo charged one dollar for oach wuah bowl. Sluco lu many liistaiiccs tker of tho wjtor havo Boveral bowla tholr bllla have beon Incroased accordlngly. THE UAY'S REVIEW. ThoBrro Times recontly promotod thla atatement: "The Vorgannea Enterprlse ossays to glve n fow flgures on tho Sonatorial (jnoatlon, 'without prejudlce,' and then sots down 35 for Prouty, saylng that Prouty himself 'modeatly' clalms that ntuuber. Now 'without prejudlco' will the osteemed JJn (ernrse Bay where Prouty la golng to get 35 vot a or lml t that uumber?" To tho abovo the Entcrprtse replles: "No, rospected coutemporary,we will not Bay. We bive Been the tables and know exactly where they are. They aro not guosaes or perhapsoa, but pe sonal pledgea. The troublo ia, thoy are, In tho great major lty of caaoa, mon who are couildontly claimed by Goneral Grout or Mr. Dllllngbam. It would not do to tell where they are it this stage of tho game. Furtbermore, Iet us ae sure tho reapected Timet alao without prejudlce, tlmt Mr. Prouty haa naarly twlce 35 votea pledged to him on second cholcea. There are thinga, Brother Howe, that don't get Into tablea." Corruct. Aa a rule, tablea only servo to show tbe ignoran o ot thelr constructor, and to give the othor fellows valuable polnta. I no longer wonder at cilmo ln Bennlng ton. The Banntr ol that town aays: "A former rosldent ot Bennington county recontly attonded church nt Iiwrence, Knn., and had a louR-cherished bellef rudely shattered. 'I never know untll I went to church last nlght,' he said next morning. 'that Sodom and Qomorrah were towns. I alwaya thought they were huaband and wlfe. Funny how a man can get thinga wrong once In awblle.' " Flrat among the many approprlatlona for whloh tho Leglslatnro will bo dunnod for Ib the aum of 810,000 to pay the expenaes of the hlatorlcal "Dewev day" celo. bratlon bore last October. Of courae lt will come, but It would have come much easler one year ago. Have you heard of the terrlble f amlly, "They," And tbe dreadtul venomou thlngs tlier say? Why, halt the gosslp under the sun, If jou trace lt back, ynu will 11 d boRun In that wretched house ot "Tboy." Oosslpmonfrersandsp oaderi oflles, Horrlu people whomall desplsol And yet tho boit of us now and then Hepeat queer tales about women and men And qnote the house ot "Ibey." A fewot the oldor lnhabitanta tell amua lng atories of Uncle Roger Hubbard, father of Eraatua, who, in hla day and generatlon waa a character whoae fame waa not con flned to local clrclea. It appeara that the old gentloman nelghbored alongaide a party of i he naruo of Stone, wbo kept bena. At leaat he bad tons but dld not always keep theru, to the frequent aorrow ot tJncle Hub bard'a garden. 'lhe bavoo at laat reached a polnt when tho latter served nottce on brother Stone that any Stone bena seen In tbe garden would be shot. Tbo next morn ing a etray ben waa seen busily employed ln hls gardon- and was promptly Bhot aud thrown over the fence for the uae of Mr. Stone. The latter ploked the hen up, alno the featbers off, and devoured it. Thia waa kept up for aeveral morning, and meanwblle Stone feaated on bena. Atteraweek'a maa sacre young Eraa na called tbe attentlon ot hls father to the fact that be tbe boy had tnrned loose hla own huns several days prevlous, and that nelghbor Stone had been tattenlng on Hubbard beus, kllled and thrown over the fence aa u glftl The ba rometer fell two Inchea ln aa many aoconda and beavy weatber at once prevalled. At another time Uncle Hubbard waa llv lng ln mortal fear of a young bear, the pet and property of a ueighbor named Truax. The Truax bear bad been ralaed from a oub and belng thoronghly domestlcated roamed at will durlng the day around the nelgb borhood, to the dlre apprehonsion of Uncle Roger. He reglstered a threat to ahoot lt If it catno on bls premiaeB, and for that pur poso bad bls old Belglan musket loaded to the muzzlo slght. Incldentally he ownod a large black hog. Late one evenlng Eraatus Intoimed hla father that be could see a big black anlmal prowllng around the foot of tbe garden, and swearlng a long-delayed veugeance ou the bear, Boger annexed tbo old musket, took tbe beat poaalble alm ln thedarkneaa, and turned loose. "Therel" said Uncle Roger, "let Truax come and get hla beat!" The next morning dlacloaed the Hubbard hog deceaaed and stiff ln tbe bu8bea, .plcklod wltb aeveral pounda ot lead. More heavy weatber. I thank thee, Lord, for cloudy woatber, We aoon would tlre of blue; I tbank, tbee, Lord, for Paln, our brother Whoao rude care holds ua truo. I thank thee for tbe wnary morrow That makes tbe past more aweet; I thank thee tor our BUter, Sorrow, Who loads ua to tby feet. Rev. Mr. Judklna' Uluatratlon of "Belng va. Exlating," ln hla sermou laat evenlng, waa glven a llvly local turn, He aald an ox turned out to pasture ln the aptlug would eat and Bleep nearly all the time, acamper a little and frighton a few people, but the end and alm of hla llfe ls to eat, aleep and ao oumulate fat. Just so, Mr. Judklna said, with many men ln thla olty. They exlst to eat and Bleep, varylng the monotony only by acamperlng a little and ocoaatonally try lng to aoare eomebody. The hlgheat ambl tiou ot both the ox aud tbo man la to eat, aleep and put on fleab, Any hlgher llfo for thelr own lmprovoment and elevatlon or that ot tbe world around thetn, ls never thought of . The Domooratlo membera ot the House beld a cauous at a comtnKtee room at tbe Oapltol this evenlng at 7:30 to formula'o a program ot aotlon aa to a oandidate for apeaker and alao for the candldatea for tho Bupreme Oonrt bencti and for mtnorltv re- preaontatlon on tbe oommlsalona. A he- rolo effort will bo mado to round np all the tuombera nnd determlno a plati of campalgn whlch will blnd tho DRmocrntlo mombors. The party will havo n oandidate for Bpoak or. for whlch RopreBontatlvo Porter of Wll tnlngton, Goorgo of St. Albans nnd ono or two others aro undor conaldoratlon. Tbo Barton Monitor aayn: "Heforo bavlng a rofornndum lot us walt nnd sio lt tho p oplo wnut ono." Beforo allowing thom to expteaa tbolr opltilou wo Bbould wult aud o wbether they want to exprean thelr opluion, should we? It Ia a lone day alnco I havo oncoun torod u romark ermal to thn nlmvn In rt atupetidoua nnd tuUnlto profundlty. Con- iHiuinaio it, turn u ovor in your mluu, glve lt your most carofnl tbouglit. (if A fltnrv lmtfn liann in1.11ultf,1 tn tho t-ffect that n trado Ia bolug ueROtlated by whlch a cortaln prominontDemocrnt has been offe od n placa on tho rallroad com mh'don in retnrn for votes from hla party iur onua'ur. xuis ia uitt-r nonBenflo, trom iiih mvi iiiat it iniia to tnKe into consmera- tinn fintf Hffnlrn..t. lla M..t,l,1 l.o.,. n 1... - ' u.iuij, Ml ...... ... uVO l W UO a party to the traiiHactlon, whlch ho ta not. ouuu nu upoiuuou ia lnconceivaoio. Governor Stlcknov nnuounces that bls law partnor, ;John G. Sargent of Ludlow, will nos ua SBOrotary of clvll and milltnrv alfalra. Gdv. Smltb'H recoptlon nt tbo oxecutlve rooms at tho Cnnltol will bnirlvnn Wnilnpml. dayeveuing. Gov. Stlcknoy aaya that an inaugurai uau ia noc yet "aunounceu." Speaklng of chaplains, Senator Stnnton saya be requlrea of all candldatea that they shall Include ln thelr potltlons everytblng they cau thlnk ot that rtqulres attentlon. Durlng prayera tho 8enato will bo necessar lly kept out of mlschlef nnd from what ho kuows of the Senate praylng "agalnst tlmo" lnav aave the Stato much t.rnnliln Hnt 7ml ls a hopeleaa jokor. Reprosentatlvo llundy of S'. JohnBbnry ls maklng mnuy acqualntancea who will bo more and moro proud of that acqnnlntance aa thoy know him better. Fred la one of tbo brfghteat young busineaa men in Ver mont. Washington. Mtss Lucla Douae of Groton ls vlsltlng at Henry Klchurdson'j. Clarenco Woods of Barre was ln town over Sunday. F. 0. Huntington, Frank and Arthur Hntchinaon havo gone to Fairlee lako to complete thelr cottage. Marcellua Emory and wlfo of Manchester, N. II.. aro vlaltlng ln town, Mrs. Dantel Emery of Barre was at L. D. TUIotaon'a a portlonof laat week. Tho condition of Mra. A. E. Curtls re malna about tho same. J. M. Foaa and son gavo an exhlbltlon of llvlug piotures at the Unlon church laat Friday evonlng whlch inclnded tho scenes of the "Panalon Play." HMra. F. A. Warner goea next Monday to West Thoinpaon where bUo has a brancb mtlllnery Btore. J. F, Calet and wlfo havo gone to Hamp stead, N. H., to vlalt. Elva Welton ot Topsham ls staying at W. G. Eaatman'a. W. W. Wilaon haa sold bls farm to 0. E. Carponter and will glve poaaeaslon of aame about January 1, 1U01. D. T. and Mra 0. E. Stanloy have retarn ed from Chlcago where they havo beeu via iting for a few weeka. Mlaa Edlth Hanaon has gone to Plain field wbere ahe haa purchaaed a mlllinery store. Hlr slater Sadie accompanled her. Recently, whlle hla wlfe waa absent from bome Uarry Ricbarbaon canned twenty four quarts of pluma. HuBbanda will pleaae take notlce. The Good Tom'plarB will hold a "Ohest nut acclal" at school bcuae hall next Mon day eAenlng to whlch all aro Invlted. Re freahmenta will be aerved. The followlng la a list of letters whlch are advertlsed at the ofllce: MIsb March 0, Stebblua, Mra. E. H. Robblng, Mlaa Emlly Gemveatery, Mrs Ed Snow, John Beaga, Gen G. W. Ballock, W. F. Kennedy, Lan alngD.Lyon, W. D. Lane. Collimer Abbott. Moretown. V. Hulbert went to Massachusetts last Monday. Cbnrlea Green and George Afihley were in town laat Sunday. Mrs. Frank Sawyer went to Stowe iaat Snnday to vlalt Mr. and Mra, C. F. Eddy. Mrs. B. Sawyer was ln Waterbury last week vlaltlng her daughter, Mra. George Dale. H. O. Ward Ib repalrlng the Page bulld lng. Frank Evana of Waterbury, was ln town last week. The Moretown Houae haa ten regnlar boardete beatdea more or lesa tranalenta. H. O. Ward's new houae ls up and all boarded. Tho Oathollca held a fair ln tbe town ball three ulgbta laat week. A good time waa reported. Mts. T. J. Ferrls went to Montpelior laat Friday for a few days' vlalt. Rnst Elmore, MrB. O. E. Dodge Ia on thegaln and went to meetiug Sunday for tbe flrat time. Mra. Bert Ward is better. Mra. Esther Foater of East Johnson was ln town laat Friday, returnlng aa far aa Morrisville Saturday. Mr. Marahall, who baa been boldlng meetlngs here, was ln town moat of laat laat'week. 0. V Balley came home laat Friday nlght from Monipeller to stay over Sunday. Ho retnrned Monday morning, Rev. M. H. Byan of Mlddlesor, a former paatur here, waa ln town laat week boldlng meetlngs evenlngs and calllng daya. Hls prayer was that one soul u ight be saved, whlch was answered aa aeveral declded to llvo a Ohrlatlan llfe. 0, E. Rlndge ot Worcester, wbo came with Brother Ryan, waa a great help in the meet lngs. Mahlon Slayton of Calala was ln town Monday. B. F. Morse Is bullding a corn-barn. Berlin. Rev. Mr. McDonald, to whom a call bas been exteuded, preached here Snnday morning, Mr. and Mrs.E, H. House roturned Sat urday from thelr weatern trlp. Mr. nanaon ot Lobanon, N. H., is vlaltlng at O. H. Stewart's. Mra. J. L. Rlcb retnrned Saturday from a vlalt at her old home in Iowa. Mra. L. B, Johnaon of Randolph la vlalt lng at the home of her father, George Wll ley. A Vbtkuam's Stouy, George Lewis of Shamokln. Pa., wrltes: "I am etghty yeara at age. I havo been troubled with Oatarrh for flfty yeara, and in my time have nsed a great many catarrh curea, but never bad any rellot untll Iuaed Dr. Agnew'a Oatar rhal Powdor. One box oared me com. pletely." CO centa, 13. Sold by W. E. Terrlll & Oo., and Oolllns Blakely. INCORl'ORATEI) IN 1850. Nafional Life Insurance Gompany HOME OFFICE MONTPELIER, VT. INSURANCE IN FORCE: POLICIES, 40,451. AMOUNT, $94,25 1 ,0 I 6,82. REASONS FOR INSURANCE. Why la tho Llfo polloy of to-day better than tbut of twenty yeara ago? Becauae Tnf1 ,n,. n.n l.a,,. n nf . j ..i... ii i.utiuj. ill .Liiirra, UJL caab, loan, pnld-up and extenslon valnea. tho piyment of whlch you cnn dlrect nt any tlmo. CORllESl'ONOENCE SOLIUITEI). GENERAL ACENTS, VERMONT. S. S. BALLARD, Montpelier, R. W. IIULBURD, Ilydo Pnrk, T. S. PECK, Burlington, W. W. SPiiAGUE, St. Jolinsbury, , E. S. KINSLEY, Rutland, II. E. TAYLOR & SON, Brattleboro. IS THERE ANYTHING More uncomfortable than an illjittingShirtf The science ojready-to-wear Shirt Tailoring has achieved such pro gress that we can offer such a variety of sizes in neck bands and sleeve fengths, that we can Jit every man with ready-to-wear Shirts. Fancy Bosom Shirts, 50c to $1.40. White Shirts, 50c. to $1.25 A, D. Farwell Co. 96 and 98 Main Street. All goods sold for cash. RELIABLE FURS. Genuine P, l, 1st Eleetric Seal Jackets, Lined Skinor Satin (warranted) $35 Stoles, Collaretts, and Muffs In all Fashionablo Iligh Grado Fure. Fur Riding Coats for Gents and Ladies In Coon, Wambat and Natural Lamb Pur Skins in stock for your own selection. Ke-modoling, Ro-dying and Repairlng a Specialty. EEASONABLE PEICES. SATISFAGTION GDARANTEED. A, C, SPIBO, FURRIER, Montpelier, Vt. Why try to stick things with some thing that doesn't stick? Buy MAJOR'S CEMENT; you know it sticks. Nothing breaks away from it. Stick to MAJOR'S CEMENT. Buy once, you will ouy lor sver. There is nothing as good; l don't belicve the substituter. MAJOR'S RUBBER and MAJOR'S LEATHER. TwoBeparatoconwnt tbebfwt. Jniist on h&rlxu; them. ESTABL1SIIED IS and 5 oenta pcr bottle at all druirglsta, MAJOR CEMENT CO.. NEW YORK CITY. AGENTS WANTED. Livc, aotivo men and women can oarn from $5 to 810 a day bycanvass ing for Frank G. Carpenter's book, "South Amerlca; Soclal, Industrial and Polliical.'' Tho book is just out and is having au enorraous salo. Evorybody wanta it. As it is sold by subscrlptlon only, wo desiro roprosentativos who aro hustlers at onco to introdnco the work ln your torritory. Most liberal torms. Writo today for torritory and full parrioulars to THE SAALFIELt) PUB. O,, Aokron, Ohlo.