Newspaper Page Text
2 VERMONT WATCBMA1N & STATE JOUKNAL, WJiDWESDAl , OCTOBEK 31, 1900. Catarrh Cured The best authorities say catarrh is a discase of the blood. Thcrcforc local npplications cannot curc. Being: a constitutional discase it requircs a constitu tional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla. By thoroughly purifying the blood, this great medicine reduces the inflammation of the mucous membrane and stops all catarrhal discharges of the nosc, throat, stomach, bowels, bladder and gcnerative organs. Catarrh is especially dangerous in pcrsons who inherit or have acquired a predisposition to consumption. In these and all other catarrhal cases, Hood's Sarsaparilla so thoroughly renovatcs the blood and restores strength and vigor that it permanently cures. In fact, because of the character of the disease, and the peculiar merit of the remedy, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only common sense treatment for catarrh. "A scvcre cold settlcil In my hcad, prodticlng dlzzlncss, loss of hcarlng, sncczlng, ntul thln, watcry dlschnrgc f roni my nose, and paln In my hend. These symptonis contlnued untll my gcnoral health wns badly nffected, causIiiK loss of nppetlto and slccp nnd ncrvous dlsordcrs. " I told my drugglst and Iio suggcstcd the uso of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Iio be llevcd I was suflerlng from catarrh. " After tnklng 4 bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla I nm In good licaltli, feellng llke a new man. I nm slnccrely grate ful for thls medicine." Kkv. T. M. Croom, Pinson, Tcnn. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho best remedy for catarrh, because lt Is the best blood purifier that Sold by all drugglsts. I'rcpared only by C. I. HOOI) it CO MONTPELIER AND YICINITY. LOCAL llAl'l'ENIiiaH. Mrs. G. W. Luco aud Mrs. Siinuel Jud son hnvo returned from a few weoks vlslt in Boston. City Shorifl Bancroft took James Burke to tho houso of currectloa iu Rutland ou WeJnesday. Mr. and Mra. 0. M. Gillette of Washing ton, D. 0., are guests of thelr daughter, Mrs. .1. EJward Balluy. Tho annual meottug of the Vermont press BSBOclation will be held in thls city on Thursday af .ernoon, Novetnber 1, at the Pavillon. Paul Torrlo is deprlved of the us of hls loft hand for a tluie. It was badly crushed by bcln, caught be' ween two heavy boxes whlch he was handllug. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Uoburn have return ed from a vislt of several weoks in Sharon, Mass. They will retualn here about a woek and thon return to Sharon for the winter. 0. 8. Whittler took Joseph Landry of Barre, who was Bentenced ln county oaurt on Wednesday to elghteen months confine ment iu the State prison, to Windsor today. The jury ln the case of Aleo Carrow v. the Barre rallroad Wednesday afternoon broaght ln a verdlet for the plalutifl to ro cover 5,000 damages for injuries received; Josaph Landy, who was convlcted of lar ceny a few weeks ago, was seutenced by Judjie Start today to a term of not less than elghteen months at hard labor ut the State's prison at Windsor. Hls counsals motton for anew trlal was overrnled. Itobert MacKenzIe la now first tenor of the Harvard Btreet Baptlst chnrch quartette in Boston and one of flfteen aelected from the Tucker-Chidwlck society to asslst the Worcester Festlval ChoruB at tts flrst con cert of the approachtng Buason. Tb.9 Jolnt commlttee on tbe insans re iuses to dlsclose the date of lts tour of ln vesligalion. If the commlttee sacceeda In keeplng lt secrat, its acllon will ba tnost eatlsfactory. This is exactly the prlnciple that tho Daily Joubnal has been contend ing for for years. Arraneements are being made for form- ing a class ln orchestral muslo ut the Yoang Men's Chrlstian Absoclation, to be taught by Artbur F. Stockbridge of the Boston Festlval Orchestra. Any yoang tneu who wlBh to jaiu are requested to confer at once with Mr. Morrill. This olass will meet on Monday eveuings Over a hundred torches were sent from thls clty today to Waterpury to be used at the celebration in honor of Hon. W. I. Dil llughani on Frlday eveuing. A cauuon was also to be shlpped from here to be used ln fir ing salutes,. From present iudications It is evldeut tbat a large delegatiou will attend the celebration Iruin Montpelier. i avid Bowles of Berlin, aged about sev-enty-five years, while deliverlng potatoes at the residonce of A. W. Ferrlu ou Friday suCferod a palnfal aecldent. In du acendlug the cellar stairs he sllpped aud fell breaklng both bones of hls right arrn. The fracture was reducod and he was made as comfortable as possible for hls journey home. The four clergymen ln the proseut L"gla lature, Chaplaln Long of the Souate, Chap latn Warner of the Houje, Uepresentatlves B. J. Smllh of Halifax and S. G. Lewis of Danville, oujojed au iujp omptu diuner party at the Montpelier Houso Tuesday uf ternoou. The afiatr was iuost enjjyable and especially so, as ItepreHentatlvo Bmllh and Chaplaln Loug are of the same alma uintor Clty Attoruey Oarleton is busy preparlng the revlslon of the preseut clty chartur, its new form, will be projontod to the Legislaturo for coiiHiilortion the Urst of next week. Iu lts revlslon, tho cburtor will be brlefer in text and more comprohenslve. Nono of the exlsttng powers lt gives 111 be lost but, on the other hand, new ones will be added wblch from past experlence, have been fouud wauting. The ball glvun Iu Aruiory hall Wednes day eveuing uuder the patrouago of Mes datnes Stlekney and Alien was atteuded by Blxty-Uvo couples aud was u most ODjoy able alTjir, ddiicing being contlnued into the early huurs of the morntug. Wllder's orchestral club furulshed muslo, J, 1'. Adains, O F. Lowo aud F. II. I'uller of thls clty, aud Max L. l'owoll of Burllugton acted us lloor managers. Tho dedlcatluu of tho uuw (iiarters of the local Masoulo bodles occurred thls after neou. Somo 150 of the faithful were pres ent, lucludlug the followlng grand ofllcers; G. M., Qeott Nay, Uiiderlull; aotlug D, G. M., Colllns Illakel, Montpelier; acting G, S. W,, C. II. Ileatou, MoutpeilHr; uctiug J. B. W., 0. O. Mllier, Hurllag.on; G. 8 W. G. Keynolds, Biulliigton; G. T 0. W. Whltcomb, I'rootorsvillej acting G. S. I) , H. F. Hoot, Newport: Q. J. L)., Geuo K, Srallli, Post MIIIh; G. H. H., Danlul Barbur, Burllugton; G. J. 8 Albert Klllam, Ilur lingioui G. T 11. 8. Bryaut, Morrisville; uo mg u. w. v. uones, winunor. xne oxerclsus coutuenced a little after oue o'olock by the escortlng of the grand oill cers to tho couneil chambur and unnouuo ing them. Muslo was furnlshed by a quar tette aud Benator Mlller of Uummerston rendered "Iteinember Ihy Croator" iu hls usual pleaslug mauuer. The feature of the exercisus was the masterly address by I. G. M. Klttrldgo UaskluH of Brattleboro. "I had a sevcro caso of catarrh. It was vcry offenslvc. I felt mlscrable and began taklng Hood's Sarsaparilla. " In a short tlmo I felt rellevcd, my np pctlte improvcd and I could slecp well, and the catarrh dlsappearcd." Mns. M. Lane, 237 Champlain St., Detrolt, Mlch. "I began taklng Hood's Sarsaparilla nbout slx months ago nnd lt has done mo moro good than any other medicine. " It has cured mo of cntnrrh and made me feel bctter than for r years. I liave galncd 15 ponnds slnco I began taklng lt." Ku Zf.if, 4 Snxton Court, East lioston, Mnss. THE LEGISLATUIIE. TucfKlny, Octuber 23. SttNATK.AFTEnNOON. BillsIlQtroiluci'd. S. 48, by Senator Bal lard, oxemptlug the islands ln Lko Cham plain oxcept South Ilero, North lliro and Isle La Motte, from assesHtnent and nny mcnt of htghway and school taxes. Luil tr-xes. 8. 49, by Bnnator Smith. Excess of do posits over 81000 Iu savings bauks to be set in the list to the owner llke other personal estato. Banks. 8 01, BubHtltuto for S. G. Nnmlnatlons for Stato, distrlct and couuty ofllcers, jus tlce of the peuce, olectors and town Hnpro seutatlves shall be placed on Beparate bal lots ln tao caso of ojcIi offlco. Nomlna tions for all the ofllcers for a local olectlon shall be placed on the same ballot. Ordor ed to Iio and be prlnted. 8. 52, by Senator Ballard. Any perBOUs havlng received one flrst grade cerllrlotte or three second grade certltlC'ttes, aud hav lng taught Buccessfully in this Btate for 160 weeks, upon appllcation, may be granted a certiflcate from coanty examiner for flvo years. Education, Adjourned. MOUBB ArTRNOON. H. 160, by Mr. Slllowoy ot Elmore, for blds fishltig In Elmore pond between Nov. 1 and June 16. Game and fisberles. H. 161, by Mr. Mclntyre of Randolph, (hy reqaet), annexlng a partof Hu olph. Town Llnei. H. 162. by Mr. Northrnp of Fairfield, to enable towns to know thelr indebtedneis. Town ofllcerB sbsll have a book In whtch all orders drawn shall be entered. Book shall be deltvered to selectmen at tlme of audltor's meeting who Bhull compare the entrles wtth treasurer'a orders pald. Any orders outstanding shall be ao marked aud lucluded in town report. Ofllcers Bnbject to llue if they fall to comply. General com mlttee. H. 118, by Ut. Gtlmoro of Swanton, to lncorporato the Franklin Couuty Telophoue Company. Corporattons. H. 149. by Mr. DavU of Pomfret. Who ever Bells or exposes for sale any artlcle ln imitatlon of butter, aud not made wh lly from mllk and cream Hhall have tho name ot the cotnpound platnly stamped on the Dackaee. Frovldiuc also for a slmilar mark- ing on imitatlon cheese and flxlng a penalty ot S100 for flrst offouco and 200 for eacli subsequcnt offenco, for falltng to label,de faclng or chauglug label with lutent to de celve. Agriculture. H. 163, by Mr. Lnmphero ot Calais. School dlrectors shall on or before April 1, appolnt a town snperinteudent of scnools and fli hls compensation. Education. Ii. 155 by Mr. Fleetwood of Morristown, changing minlnmnm senteuce for tnin slauehter from seven years to one year. Judiclary, Adlourned. Weduesdnr, October 24. 8ENATK MOHNINO. PetltlonB, by Senator Dunnett, from South Ryegate, for maintenance of present prohlbltory law. By Benntor Pike from Morristown, asklng for muutclpal suffrage. By Senator DeBoer, ln favor of prohlbltory law. Bllls Introduced. S. 61, by Senator Al drlch, olieck 11st of local election. Select men shall prepare a check list at least thir ty days before aunual towu meeting. Eleo- tiOUB. 8. C5, by Senator Walker, repeallug acts giving gradnates of normal and hlgh Hohools, eto., certlllcates to teach. lteconsidored. S. 25, to incorpornte the Essex and Mount Mansfield Itallway, on motiou of Senator Stauton. l'etition, by Senator Alken from Ueuson, favoring the present prohlbltory law, 8. 61, uubstlluta for 8 0, relatlng to cau cuses, was oppo-.ed by 8euators ltoyce Stauton and UuBoer, aint favored by Sena tors Baldwin aud Walkur. Speuial order Thutsday, ten o'olock. Bllls PdHsed S. 12, salarles of State'H at torno.H. 8.18, insurauce ot buildlngs,ou mortgagnd lauds iu whlch funds ot a char. itabld iusiltution are luvested. 8. 32, as. sistauce in Stute library. 8. 38, bonds is Hiied by the Bennington and Rutland HM. way Co. II. 43, to pay 15. F. Kelly. II. G2, All About You pcQple are suiTering from colds io the hcad, with fevcr deprcssion and weakness. It's the Grip I 13e readj whcn it fitst attacks you 1 Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar should be takcn at tlic first sign of Grip. It cures. 25, 50, $i.oo per bottle; the largcst size cheapest. At all druggists. Takc none but Hale's. Pike's Toolhache Drops Cure in One Mlnute. "My lmsbnnd had one of the worst cases of catarrh, nnd could gct no rellcf untll he took Hood's Sarsaparilla. " After taklng a few bottles he was cntlrely cured." Mns. Anhie E. Deattv, Dlckerson Itun, I'a. "I had catarrh In my hcad. My mother saw Hood's Sarsaparilla ndver tlscd, and I concluded I would try It. Before one bottlc was gone I felt better. "I have taken slx bottles and have not been troublcd with cntnrrh slncc. Hood's Sarsaparilla has hclpcd mo In other respccts." Ada Little, Vigo, Ind. Tako Hood's. Kcfusc substltutcs. tnoncy can buy. Lowell, Mass. to pay U. S. Willsou. 8p"Clal Orders. S. 8, to lncorporato the CltizHns Tulophono and Telegraph Ex change. Adjourned. IIODSK 110IININO. Mr. Uuck of Reading requested pormls- hIou for the commlttee on oorporatlons to sit duriug the mornlng ni sslou, and tho per iuIhsIou was granted. Juint resolntlon. By Mr. Galo o Guil ford, authorlzng the Governor top-ocuro coples of the first uino volnmos of the sur veyor general's recordi ln posxoBslon of the Stato of New York. Adoptod. Prohlbltiou. Potitlotis praying for tho mnlutenanco of the pr sent prohlbltory law were proxented by Farr of Hancock, Ste vens of Charleston, Warren of Cabot, Moody ot Waterbury, Taplln of Barton, Bean ot Lincoln, Fleetwood of Morristown, Mouohan ot U derhlll, Brown of Goshen, McLaui of Kyegnto, Klddor of Jamaica, Sheldon of Stockbrldgo, Lizelle of Plain field, and Hill of Starksboro. Referred to the com on temperance. H. 25, (dli hatchory.) Vote refuslug pas sage reconsldered on motlon of Mr. North rnp of Fairfield. On motiou of Mr. Gll more of Swanton tho blll was made a spe clal order for Thursday mornlng at 10:30. Bllls lntrodnced. H. 158, by Mr. McLam of Ryegate, bounty of 35o. on bedgehogs. H. 162, by Mr. Wllley of Topsham, relat lng to tlme for paylngdog ltcences. Cbang es lutent date for licenslug to May 1. Gen eral com. H. 1G4, by Mr. Fleetwood of Morristown, to regulate party caucuses. Notlces for caucaseB, signed by reipectlve town com mlttees, shall be posted between seven and twolve days prevlous to caucuses. Ballot shall bo reqnired to nominate on requeit ot llve votorB. A persou attemptlng to vote, not being a voter In town, or not be ing lucluded ln the terms under whlch caucus is called, or votes under any name nothlsownjor votes more than once be shall be Unod not more than 860, lmpris oned not more than three months, or both. Jnstlces ahall have concurreut Jurlsdlotion lu such cases. Judiclary. Ellled. H II, to refuud fees pald nnder protest by Waubtnakne Golt club. H. 6t, amendlng Sec. SiS2 V. 8. regarding road commlssloner'a compeniatlon. H. 92, pro vldlng fo two road commliiionera. Adlourned. SKHATH AFinilNOON. Third Reading Refused. 3. 23, to pay Jmes W. Comstock. P tttloiis, by Souator Dunnett, for mu niclpal suffrage for women. IIOUSK AFTEllNOON. Bllls Intro luced. H. 105, by Mr. Mayo of Northfield, glvlng rauk of second lleuven ant to asslstant professnrs at Norwich Mll ltary school. Education. H. 107, by Mr. Sheldon of Falrhaven, oue llstor shall he eleoted for one year, one for two years, one for three years, and annual ly thereafter oue for three years. Judiclary. Petltions for maintenance of prohlbltory law by Lnno of Newport and Colllns of Derby. Kllled. H 31, to prevent miBleadlng ot voters. II. 41, relatlng to committment of de liuqueut tax payers. H. 118, to regulato practice of voterinary, medlcIneB and surgery. Bllls Introduced. 3. 68, by Senatir B.own to incorporaue Chitieudon County Tractlon Company. S. 69, by Senator Varney, to malntaln a least 135 days sclnol iu the school year, S.C2, by Senator Varney, legal aga of pu pils to lnclude all between five and elgh teou years, but none over elghteon shall be deprlved of publlo school udvautage. Ed ucation. Adjourned. Thursdur. Octobor 23. BENATB MOItNIMO, Bllls Introduced. 8, 03, by Seuetor Royce, to preserve purlty in canvasses for Stato and other canvasses. Erery candidate for Unlted Statos Senator, meuiber of Con uross, for any Stato or county ofllco or town Heprestntatlve, wlthlu tliirty days shall filo an ltemtzid account of all nioney expeuded iu suppurt of hls caudldacy. Acojuut to bo sworn to. Caudldates fnr Souator, ineinber of Cougresa nnd S'.ate ouleers shall flla ao counts with Secrotary of 8:ite, oounty with couuty clerk aud town RepreBentatlve with town olerk. A failnre to do so will causo vlectluu to be uull aud voltl aud n floe of $1,000. Eleutlous. Senator Pollard morvd that II. G be taken froui tlio table aud thn Snnats resolve Itself In'.o acouunlttce of the vthjln for tts coukld eratlou, Souator Pollard in the chair. Seuatori Dnuuett aud Uoyca interrogated tho commlttee ou publlo health. Mr. Bal lard salil the mouey prevloasly nppropria ted had been judlciously expended for p pantus and equlptueut. The Uburatory vu ot great bouoill to the State, eipeclully to the poor, who were unablu to py for such work, Dr. Llusley, thedlroo.or of th Uboratory, appeared by invltatlon aud answered ques tlous by t'jo ojiuuilttee regarding tliu ex peiiKo of equlpment ten yoars u; i, and what is rniulred by thu presuut blll. AdJ jurued, 1IOU3K MOUNINO, Thlrd Reading, II. 24, probitte of foreign wllls. II, 42, ameudiug charter of vllluge ot Wost Derby, and puesed. II. 65, to pro tIJo incoiuy (or Chelsea Academy, aud passed. II 101, to uuable villagu of Ludlow to couBtruot electrlo plant aud pauaed II. 13, bouudary betwoen Veruiout aud Maisa. chuaotts, H. 47, ponnlty for lutoxlcatlon. PetltloDs pra lug for tho uialutAlnanco of the present prohltilrory law wer presented by MuFeu'ers of Enusbnrgti, Ilundy of 0'. Johbsbury, Brown of Berlin, Mi-Intyre of llaudolpu unil U .na 01 new iiaveu. Bllls Iutroduced II 108, by Mr. Uale of Lunenburg, croatlng mchmery b wlilch tuembdrs of LegUUture aud empluyes, Judcrsof 8upremu Culttt and lawyers iu nt tendanoe at court, may, if they so deslre, vote for presldeutial electors nt tho Stato llouse next month, ins ead of at thelr overal homeM. General com. II 1G9, by Mr. Huntington of Rochester, o pay nxpetiBes uf slckuoss of poldlorB In Hpaulsh war. E t'lids compensation al lowell undor No 80 of Acts of 1898 beyond he lloilt of $100 thoroln flxed, Mllltary itfairs. II. 170, by Mr. O'Nelll ol Hartford (hy re ques') iinendlng Sec. 339 V. 8., relatlng to Hoconnts of munlclpal jndgos and juitlcds. Incroasos compeusatlon for maklng roturns bud kenplng nccouuts. Judiclary, U 171, by aauie, amonuing Oeo. bwt v. 8., relatlng to jiistlco fees. Iucreases da ly compeusatlon of jiiMtlces fur holding trluls. Com, on Stato and conrt oxponses, H. 172, by Mr. Gale of Guilford, to py Wllllam S. Newton the sum uamed. Com, on claluiB. H. 170, by Mr. Fleotwood of Morristown to commuto the sontonce of Charles Djher ty from death to llfo Imprlsoument. G-u uTalcoin. U 177, by Mr. Hooker of Biadford, to lu- corporato Uraiuord cemetery asssoclatlou. Oorporatlons. H. 25, au act for tbo tuuluti'nance ot tho llrth hatchery was brought up On motlon of Mr Gllmoro of Swanton, Hineudod bo as to prohlbU the CJutraotlng of dehts ln ex cess 01 tue appropriation Mr. Averill ot VTarren moved that tho ap nronrlatlou be made St.COO auuuallT. Hintiue that thnre wns aliuady an annual appropriation of 82,000 for tho support of tue uatcuery. Mr. Uale of Lunenburg favored the blll. Mr. Gllmoro ol Swanton stuted that tno 82,000 allowed by sta ute was not for the hiipport of the llsh hatchery, but for the work of the flshaud game comtuiHsioners. Mr. Foot ot Cornwall demanded a yea and nay vote on tho umendaieut, resultiug as follows: Yeas, 71, nays 151, aud the nmnudment was lost. Thu uuestlon being on tho passage of the blll. Mr. Cuirler of Troy lntetrogated tho chalrman of the tUh aud game cotnmlttue regarrllug tho expenses uf runniug thu hatcuery. far. uurrior tavoreti uie cuntin nance of the hatchery and the uppoln. . ont of a superlntendeut whose whole busluess shall be to care for the hatchery, but thought thu appropriation too lurge. Mr. Currler Btated that fieures Bhowed that tieli culture and dlstrlbutiou had cost the S:ato slnce 1880, about $58,000 Ou motlon of Mr. llarber 01 Uarre Town, the blll was amemled so aH to tnake the ap propriation 53,000 for luoi, and S2.0U0 an nually thereafter. The umendmeut was adupted aud tho blll was pasied. An ameudmeut proposed by Mr. Gllmoro and adopt d provldes that one of tho llsh aid game commlssiouers shall be superln- teuuenc 01 tue uutciiory. Adjourned. SKKATE AFTKUNOON. ConBldoratlnn of S. G was iosumid ln commlttee on the whole. Senator Royco moveil that the commlttee roport that the blll ought to pass. Bllls Pdnsed. 8. 39, Rutland Translt com- pany. o. 45, to pay M.12. ChaBe Called to order hy tho presldent. 8. 61, relatlng to form of ballot, a speclal order, was taken up. On motlon of Senator Baldwin the blll was recommltted. Sonator Pollard reported progress on II G relatlng to State laborMory whlch was con Bidored ln commlttee of the whole, and on motlon of Senator Pollard the blll was thon taken up in commlttee of the whole. Senator Royct moved that tbe commlttee movo that they recommend that the blll ought to pass. Seuator Cudworth opposed the blll on ac count of the propoaed employment ot a san ltary lnspector andhopedtbe motlon would not prevall. Senator Baldwin opposed the motlon also on account ot the employment of sanltary lnspector. Senator DeBoer favored the blll and discuBsed tbe work of State board of hoalth lu counectton with the laboratory, also tha dutlea of tha health ofllco-. Senator Dunnett belleved there was a feature of the blll it would bo best to drop of, and moved to amend thu blll by strlk lng ont Sectlou 3 ln rgard to sanltary ln spector, also bo much of Section 4 that re lated to salary of sanltary inapector. Se a tor Royce dld not wlih to rwduoa tha num ber of asBlstants as propoaed by Senator Dnnnett. Thu amendmvnt wa adopted by a vote of 11 to 12 Tho motlon aa amend od was adopted and the commlttse arose upon motlon of Ssnator Royce. Senator Poll -rd reported II. G for oominlt teo as amended. Tha yeaa and nays ware demanded upon thu amendment. Senator Gleinvnt aald that tha appropria tion should ba cut down, also raduca tbe work reqnired, and movad tha blll ba ia commllted to tha cominlltaa on publlo health. Ssnator Ballard aald tka blll had baen ra commllted sereral timaa and that it had been thoroughly conatdtrul. aad objrtcUMl to its being racuaiuiltud, and callad for th yeaa and naja. Tlis notlon was lost by a voto of 25 to 3 Tha yea and nay upon tha amandment wero as follows: Taaa 14; naya 14. The presldent cnst iha decldlnj; roia in the at tlrmative. Third reading waa ordarad for naxt Tues day afiernoon. Senator Stanton lntrodnced a petitlon in favor of munlclpal suSraKO for women, Snnator Gatea lutrodncttd a petitlon pasn ed by the Slata Sanday-sehool conveutlon in favor of the pn-Hont prohlbltory law. Seuators Smlth aad Hill introduced petl tions in favor of munlclpal Buffrage. Seuator Varnuy Introduced a Jolnt roso lutlon asklng tha library oommlsdiouefB to Becure coples of historical address dellver- ANEMIA Pale, thin, weak, run-down, low spirits, no appetite. Rosy and plump, fair, strength, with pleasure in work; get hungry three times a day, and like good food. Which of these two pictures is yours ? There are ways to either condition. Skip the first, for nobody wants to be in it, If in it, the way to the second is Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil, with proper altention to course of life. you a little to try If you llke. SCOTT & UOWNK, 409 l'carl trcet, New York, CARTER'S BlcV IIoAdaclio and roliovo &U tho IrouuHi lnd dent to a blllous sUto of tlio nyntem, nucU a Dlizlnem, Nauson, Urowalncas, DUtrem after catlnif, I'aln in tho Sldo, kc. Whlle tholr moat remirkablo auccees hus bccn ahowu iu curlug SIOK IlcivtUclio, yot Carlor'fl Llttlo Llver Tllla ar eaually valuablo ln Conotlpatlon, curln ana pro. venting tUIsnnnojrlnReomiiUlnt.'wlillo thoyalso corrDCl all dUordora of tlio s tom&ch.atlmulato tno llvor and rcgulato tho bowela. Even U they only HEAD Acho tlioy would bo almost prlcoles a to thoo who BufferfromtliidIatreilUlcompiaiiit; butfortu jiately Uielrgoodnonailoes notoud here.and thosa Wlio once try thora will nnd thcso Utllo pills valu dtlo In o niany wavs that tlioy will not bo vrlt. ling to do wilbout them. But attor allelck hoKl AOHE Isthobansof soraanyllvci that horo la whetfc wemalioour great boaat. Ourplllacureitwhlla otbors do not. Carlor's Mttlo Ltvcr Tllla oro vory imall and vory ony to talio. Ono or two pllls makoa doao. Thoy aroatrlctlyvogotaliloanddo not grlpa ot purRo,butby tliolr Kantlaortlon plcaaoall who usetbra. ln vlilant 25cpnts i nvo for $1. ColJ by druggliU ovory whcro, or sent by roalL CARTER MEDlCINt C0., Nc York, Small R Uk SmallPrice, ed at. tbtMledlcitioii of hotitark niunument. Crill. Bll s lntrodnced. S. G4, by Senator Walker, relattve to tho maintennuce of hltzh hchools The school dlrector of every town wliorn there Is not bigh school, acad- einr nr semiuarr shall nruvlile for tho in atruction of its advanced puplls Iti other schools ln the Statn und ahall not pay more tliMi utty cents per weeK lor tuittou. Any town ot 2C00 in' abltntits shall provlde a school for tbe tuicblng of ailvtuceu puplls Education. Hills Introiluced. S. G5. by Snator Lfl land, to provldn for pajmnnt, of ofllcers and meu wbo liave volunteered or may uere- rfter voluntoer from thls Stato in the army of the Uulted S.ntes ln tbe Phlllpplnos, Bhull recelvo in Bddltlnn to the regulnr pay of tbe Unlted Statea thn sum of 87 per month Hhall be pnld hy the State npou writ- ten order f I tue soldlur. Mllltary. Adjourned. 1IOU8K AFXEHNOON. P.issed. H. 13, estahllshing boundry llue bitween Vermout aud Massachusetts. II. 24, ( is amendod) prubate of foreign bllls. II. 47, as amendod, penalty for being found intoxicated H 10G, paying Charley W. Ylng 885.00, IL 113, refuuding to Fruuk P. Bliss 8100. Ordorod to lle. H. 109, divldlng towns Into two hlghway dlstrlcts, and for two biebwav commlsstoners. was alversely To portep. Mr. Warren of Weathersfield fav ored the blll, and on hls motlon lt was ordored to lle. Kllled, H. 110, cuttlng brush from hlgh- ways. Adjourned. 1'rldar. October SO, S8NATH MORNINC1. Frldar. Oatobar 20. Adjournmont. On motlon of Senator Vlall tbe Sdnate voted when It adjourns this mornlng that it be untll Monday at 2 r. m. State laboratory. On motlon of Senator Pollard the vote ordering U, thlrd read lng was reconsldered, Yeaa were 19, nays 9, Tue blll was oruereu to 110 auu muue a apec lal order for Wedneaday, Nov. 7, at 2:30, on a yea anu nay vote 01 14 to iu Blll Introduced. 8. GG, by Senator Pol Urd, to promote good rlihlng makes aeaBon lor catctunc tana lociceu aaimon, aaimon tront or longe from May 1 to Sept. 1 and two opsn seasons for tront from May 1 to June 15 and from Aug. 1 to ttept. 1 eacn year, Game and ftsberies. S. 67, by Senator Brown, salary of Jadge of probate for d strlot ot Chittenden to be 81500 per year Instead $1100. S. G8, by Senator Graves. Town clerks shall not ltcense dogs known to be vlclous or asainst which complalut has been made Adjournment. Ou motlon of Ssnator Baldwin the vote to adlourn till Monday wu4 reconsldered and upon tho queBtlon to adjourn untll aionday tne motiou was lost Adjdurneu, yeas m, naya y. HOOSK MORMINQ. Bllls lntrodnced. H. 178, by Mr. Beane of Lincoln, provldlng for the protectlon of trout or a term of three years, and flxlng nenalty of 85 lor eaob nsu taken, one half ot flrm to go to complainant. Game and fisberles. Petltions. For malntMnlng the prohlbl toTy law, by Nay of Jericho, Morrill of Pittsfield, Etstman of Hartland. Bllls Introduced. H. 160, by Mr. Slbley ot Montpelier, (bj rrquet) In uddltion to Clmp. 187, V. S., to regulate purchaae and sale ol llnuor by cltles anu towns. Uovurn or. secretary of tate and Sute audltor shall appolnt commlssloner to furnlsh pure llquors 10 munlclpal oiucers lor agrtucies; commlssiouer suall liave piacc 01 uuslues wlthin State, as approved by appolutlug body; shall hold ofllco for two years and be pald S2000 a year salary aud expeuseB by Htate. also lnterest on lnvestmeut ln llu uorsj shall koep euough Uquur on hand to sunn v Wu aseucles lor two montlisaliead aud they shall procuro thelr stocks eutlrely from liliu: unbottlea uuuors snau uo an' ilvzeit bv comnetout asayer natued bv thu appolnt ug board, aud other llquors shall Do purcliaseii auujaci 10 sucu tunt, 10 00 re-turuL-d at sellers expense if found Impuro copy of annlysls shall be found uflixod to cncli luvolco sent from commlssiuner to ageucies; luvolco shall state prico pald by ootnmlsHlouer lor llq lor anu price pald uy himthe shall cunrue ten per cent prollt wulch shall go to State treasury; he shall glve a boud of not lesi tlnu tl0,000; ageu ries may be closed by Jmlge ot supreme court, it comiuctea lllegauy. joiut comiuit toe ou tomperauco. II. 181, by Mr. Strong of Hyde Park, lay lug a tax ot one and one-nall per cent ou tho grand list of Limoille county. II. 182, bv Mr. Gale of Guilford. Mar riuges may bj solemniz (1 by mluldters ro hiding outslde the Stato upon receivlug uu thority from the Uoveruor. II. 183, hy Mr. Nay of Jericho, prescrlb- Inc system ol reglstratlou 01 ulrtlitf, mir rlases. dlvorces aud deaths. II. 184, by Mr. Currler of Troy, to provlde forcusludyof records ot Grand Army of Republiu. Departmuut of Vermont rec orda collectod by departiuniit comuiander shall bo dellvered to adjutaut guuerul for safe deeplu. II 185, by Mr. Georgo of Bt. Albaus clty, rupeuliug laws relatiug to li-ihlllty of rall road eiuployoi's whluli presurlbu poualty (or caruless ruuulug of trnius, Jolnt roMolution Iutroduced by Mr. Daua ot New Iiaveu, adopted on p.irt ot thu Uouse: Resolvod, by the Sbuato nnd Houso ot Heprosoutullvus, that wo read with pro fouud Borrow the nnnounoument of tha deuth of the Hon. Johu Shermuu of Olilo, thu first secretary of Stato of thu preseut admlulstratlou, at the rlpe old ugn of noarly four scoro yuurs, over llfty of whlch wero spent ln und about the aumlnlstratlon of publlo afftilra. That wo nppreclato the great valtio hls llfo was to tho natlon, and reoognlzo moro espocially hls groat Borvlccs to tho country in the tlme of lts pcrll In tho malntalnlng and Btrongthenltig of tho publlo crodlt ol the natlon, nnd in thu samo directlon at a lator tlmo as secrotary of the troasury of thn Untiod S atos. Tbat wo oxtond our slncoro sympathy to tho beroaved rolatlvos of tho tloccasod, and ihat the secrotary of Stato forward ; to sald rt'iatlvps a copy or thls resolutlon. inat tno cierK of tbo llouse anu secrotary t tho Senate shall Bnread a conv of thenn usoliitlons upon tho 1 jurnalB of thelr re- spec'lvo brancbos of tho Genoral Assembly, Mr. Miller of Burlington. Iutroduced a resolutlon provldlng that when the Houso Hiljourus thls afternoon it be untll 2:30 Mon day afternoon. Adopted. Mr, Smlth of Bridport, lntrodnced bv ro- qnost a Jolnt resolutlon dlrectlng the Statn uutii'or to pay upmlon publlslilng uo. 51UU fur 1600 coples of rep jrt of Soldlers' home. Adoptod. Mr. Towls of Norwich and Mr. Warren of Wethersfleld. Iutroduced netltlons favorincr matntenanco of prohlbltory law, and samo were referred to tomperauco commltteo. HKNATK ASTBnNOOK. Adon'.od. Jolnt resolutlon rolatlns to John bherman. Bllls Introduced 8. 70. bv Senator Brown, repoallng law that piyment ot Unlted Btatos spsclal tax as a llnuor seller shall bo lield prlma facie ovldencn that the ptr8on is a common seller and tho pretn- ses so kept by ulm as acommmon nulsanco, Aujjtirned. liOUSK AFTKKNOOM, Bills iNTRODuCitD II. 192. bv Mr. WockI of Georgia provldlng that selectmen be elected one for three years, one for two joars, one for ono year, and ono for three years at eacn olec ton tbereatter. H. 193, by Mr Wood of Georgia, reqnlr ing owners of real estate to keep roadaides aujoiuing property iree irotn brUBU anu woeus. II. 1G7. rela'Ineto olectlon of HstorB. On motlon of Mr. Hale of Lnnenburgh, voto refnslng third roading was rconiidered and blll made a speclal order for Tuesday at 11 a. m. Approved. Jolnt resolutlon rolatlng to portralt of Capt. Clark. H. 02, to pay Hen- ry vviiinontno snm named. u. 12, doclar- ng women ellstble to ofllco of notary public. II. 186, bv Mr. Taylor of Hardwick, to iu- corporate Newport, Hardwick and Mont pelier llMlroatl cjo. U. 187. by Mr. Mv" of Northfisld, provld lng for support of Normal schools. Appro- priatos 80.000 annually lor uach school and 81,000 for each school for additlonal equip tneuts. H. 189. bv Mr: White of Ratland. nrovld- lug for collatlou and publlca'lon ot roster, ratiBter rolls and other colonial and revo lutlonary recorJs. Approprlates 82,000 for the purposo to be expeuded under tbe dl- rection 01 uovernor aud iseciotary ol State. II. 190, reported by commltteo on mllltary afTairs as a substitute blll for II. 52. Com blnes ofllces of aditsnt and quartermister general aud fixes salary at 81,200; ralses number ot meu ln eacn company to uO, pro videH for payment on a slldlng scale based on tbat of Unt'ed States army, and pro vides for subsistence. Ordered to lle and be prlnted. Petltions, favorlng prohlbltlon, presented Mr. MoWhorter of Barre city and Mr. O'Nelll of Hartford. Kllled. H. 95, amsndlng statntes, relat lng to check llsts; II 138, to pay II T. and D. 8. Ballard; H. 140, relatlng to compell. lng ofllcers tomake arrests for drnnkenness; n. 1G7, relatlog to election of llsters. Thlrd reading ordored. H. 112, dlgest of Vermont Reports; H. 134, salary of jndge of probate for distrlct of Orleans; H. 168, vot Ing at State Honse for presidentlal electors; H. 76, removlne names from check list, (is amended); H. 92, to pay D. W. Kelley; II. 155, penalty for manslaughter. Rutland Rallroad. 8, 15, to consoltdata Rutland rallroad system, was reported with amendments, one requlrleg the guarantee of debts due from the company. Adjpt d and the blll read third tlme and passed. H. 109, election of road commlralonerB, was called np by Mr. Warren of Weathers field, who offered an amendment provldlng tbat towns may elect two commlssloners. Mr. Uale of Lunenburgh moved to amend to read "one or more" commlssloners Agreed to. Tbe provlslons relatlng to dl vlalon ot towna Into dlatrlcta were amend ed to couform. Bill was made a speclal order for Tuesday at 3 r u. Kllled. H. 100, an act amendlng S;ca 22G5 V. 3., reltiug to chattel mortgages. Adjourned. 1NDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. The opening of the Industrlal school is deferred, owlng to tho Inability of tbe of flcera who have lt ln cbarge to socure snlt able rooms. Tho necesstty ot teachlng the girls rernalns, but the calls on the benevo lent aasoolatlons for help have not been so frequent nor bo much aid been asked for dnrlng the past two or three years, When thls work was begun ten years ajo there were many famllies ln groat need,and moro than one hundred children of school age out cf school aml most of them for want of comfortable clothlng. At that tlme, among many others, there were seven famllies with seven or eight members, ln great destltu tlon; the wlfe aud motbnrs, all but one, iio Ing washings to support the little onea, and tho fathers spendlug thelr tlme and the little they earned ln the many drinking sa lnnnH. Tinw It. buu li,,Mn TimilA tiKr.lMr fnr them to do wroug and easier to do right. By the disappearauce of the saloon the chil dren can attend school with very little help in (ew exceptlons. APULLO CLUB. The Oerman Empress, In Novenioer, 189C, commanded thata speclal muslcal and dra ma lo entertaiument be gtveu at the Royal Opera House in Berlin, with the most eml nent taleut iu Germany partlcipatlng. Great preparatlons wero made, and on the even lug In question a vast aud brllllaut audl once nssembled. Tho royal fauiily and court were present, together with proml ueut gov. rntneut ofllclals, diplomats, meu of science aud letters and tho most notable psrsonages ot the capital. They noted ou the programmo, placed betweeu two of Germany's most teuowued slngers, an uu known name, annouuced for a vlolln solo. "Who is this?" they qneried. "By what right here? ' Great was the surprlse of all wheu the "uuknown" proved 10 be a young glrl ln hor teeus, who camu forward clad lu white; modest, tituorous, yot uf raro aweotuess aud oharm ut mauner. Tho hush ot expectaucy settled over the great Opera Houso Tho little milden in white gra-peil her vlolin, and soon the stralus of beantiful muslo poured (orth, touchiug the hearts of the immense tlirong with the maglo power of guulus, The solo eudxd, thers followed such n nceuo of outhuslasm, such n storm of applauso us ull prusent will loug rememher. The young viollulst with one atap ticciini fauious, Americaus prtsent tbat eveuing will nover forget tle tilumph, for tho little maldeu In whlie was uu Auiorloau whose snbsequeut triumpha lu ma'ty landa have mada tier renowned. Hur uamn Is Lsouora Jacksou. Miss JdLCkson, nupported b her famous compiiny of tnltmted artists, will appear in u grand concurt at lllauchard Opera House ou Thursday evunlug, Novemhar 1, uiuler the ausplcea ot tho Apollo Club. The progressive ualious of tho world aro thu groat food oousnmliig natlnus. Good food well digested gives btrength. If you cannot dlgost all you eat, you uued Kodol Dyspupsia (Juro. It digests what you uat, You nood not dlot yoursolf. It will oveu dlgost ull ulasses of food lu a bottle. No other preparation will do thls, It Instautly rolievcs and qulckly curos all stomach troubles. W. E Terrlll & Co. Questions for Women If you were oilercd sure aid ln tlmo ot troublo would you put lt asldo and accept EOtnething of doubtful efflclency ? If you saw beforo you a strong and af e brldgo leading' to your goal, would you lgnore lt to try some lnsccuro and lotterlng- Btruoture ? Tbe nnswer to these questions is plaln. You would, of course, choose Trlthout hosltatlon what all evidenco ihowed to bo tho safo thtng, and you would rlak nothlnjr ln useltss cxporl Bionts. Why, Uien, do iom women rlslc ono Ct thelr most preclous possesslons thelr health in trying- ruadlclnca of unknown value, whlch tnay even provo hurtful to them.? Lydla B. IMnkham's Vegetable Com pound has stood the test of years. It has the largcsl sale of any remedy for fomalc ills in tlie world, and nothlnjf could haro givcn lt this sale except its cwn merlt. Do not try nny experlments, but buy what is known to be reliable. Mrs. Finkham's Compound can do all that is clnlined for lt, and all statemcnts in recard to it can bo easily verlfied. Wrltc to Mrs. IMnkham at Lj nn, lass., for a little book shehas just published containing1 letters from the mayor of Lynn, tho postmaster and others. Mrs. rinkhum's adviceis olleredfreo of churge to all women who write to her for aid. This invltation is con stantly renewed. A mlllion women have been cured of serlous feinale illsby Mrs. l'inkham's advice and medicine. Three Letters from Ono Woman, Showing How Lydia E, Pinkham's Vcge- tahlo Compound Cured Fall ing of the Womhs " Dkak Mbb. Piskham I sce your advertisemcnt in the papers in regnrd to trenting woman's diseabos, and would be grateful to you for your nd Yicc in my caso. I am sufl'i ring1 from falling' of womb, have paiiis in my sides and legs, in fnet I ache all ovc-r I am getting- so weak I cannot stand on my feet much. I have the hcnd aehe soraetimcs, and a choking', tiht feellng' ln my brenst and throat. Have a baby seven months old. I hope to hear from you soon, as I am in so much distress." Mrs. J. K. Comptojt, EggbornsTille, Va., May 10, 1898. "Deaii Mjrs. Pikkiiam I followed your advice and I am now on the sec ond bottle of your Vegetable Com pound and I thlnk it is going to euro tne. If it does I will ever praise it, for I am, and have been, a great suf f erer ; but now I llve ln hopes of petting- well." Mm. J. It. Comitos, Eggbornsville, Va., July 12, 1898. " DcAJt Mks. Pinkham Again I Trrite to you. When I first wroto to you for adrloe in regard to my troublea I thought I could nercr get well again. Af Ur roceiving your letter I followed your advice exactly, and thanks to Jou, I am cured of that dreadful lseae. I eannot find words to ex preaa the good your medicine will do. It is raally more thaa waa recom tnendad to me." Mb. J. R. Comptox, Xggbornaville, Va., April 13, 1699. Two Women Gurod of lr rogulartty, Falling of tha Utorus and Ovarlan Trouhle "DrAB Mns. Pnnrjtxu I have female weakness. Menstruation ir regular, and I a-uffer bearing-down palns in left slde and hip. My doctor aid I had womb trouble and enlarge went of the ovaries. I have doctored two months, but see no iinprovemcnt," Misa Mxrt . Reed, Swan Creek, IU. "Dear Mns. PrarKnAJi Your good advice haa been worth more than all I ever received from a doctor. Worda cannot express my gratitude to you for Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. After twelve years aufferlngl amstout and healthy." Misa Majit E. JIeed, Swan Creek, IU., April 28, 1899. "Dea.b Mrs. Pinbuu.m I suffer female troubles. My doctor wishes my ovaries taken out, but I shaU never consent. Menstruation is irreg tilar and my head has a tired feeling. Bospltal treatment does me no good. I have flvo children and am forty-four years old. Please advise what medi cine to take." Mns. E. H.Sondehs, 437 N. 40th St, Philadelphia, Pa., Septem ber 27, 1898. "Dear Mns. Piskham I followed the advice you gave me and your medi cine has cured me. 1 felt better when I had taken the Vegetable Compound but a week." Mns. Ii. H. So.ndeks, riiiladelphia, Pa., February 6, 1899. Anothor Caso of Ncrvous Prostrsttlon and Inflam mation of the Bladder Cured by Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound. "DeauMrs. Pinkitam I have used your Vcgetablo Compound for female weakness and it has done wondors for me. I also had nervous proslration was not ablo to look after my house work. After tuking ono bottle I bepnn to improve, and am now better in every wav und feel liko a dlfTercnt iH'rson."" Mits. Dki,i,a Keisep., Mnrionville, Pa., February 22, 1899. "DEAit Mns. Pikkiiam I cannot praise your Vegetublo Compound enough for tho good lt has done me. , I surlered from inflnuiinution of tho I tladder. I tried doctors, but obtained no relief.t At lnst I deeided to writo 1 to you, nnd now, thanks to your rcme- l dies, I am outirelv cured." Mns. K. S. Giiadv, 131 Uniou St., Hlrh Bridgo, Kew York City, April 11, 1SU9. dis s ruou.s FIUK. Falls Villaoe, Conti., Oct. 20 Fire wipet! out tlio N tlonal bank, poalofllco, Mothodtat oliurch nnd other buildiuga oitrly thio mnrulner, loaa $30,-000.