Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCUMAN & STATE JODBNAL, WFDINESDAY, NOVEMBEU 21, 1!)00. 3 w KDNKSDAY, NOVKMBKU 7. lyOO. 4.flTHUn ROPBB. Gonoml Edltor. Ulory llnllclujnli 1 TholtcotiBo, local oplion, roferoudum erormity, wia buried this morniug by tho Senato untlor tho ndvero voto of 17 to 12, and by tho Ilouso, 110 to 02. Munlcliml Stifrrngo for Women. Tho o!d straw, throahod ovor In tho world at lurgo for a hundrod yeara and moro, aB Souator Dimnott roniarkod, nnd ovor wlilch tho llall of public dta cuaalou, ln prcaa and forum, has boou swuug Iu thia Stato for a gonoratlon, waa rothrcshod in tho Sonnto yoator day, witli tho usual rosult. . If it ia propoaed to conccdo tnunlci pnl Buffrago to womon why lay tho claim and niakoJItho Jnrgumcut on a proporty, or tax poyiugl bnslB? Tho logic of thls cluSm ia ns strong for othcr cIubbob of property Jownore, to whom tho prlvilcgo Ib donicd, ns for proporty owning womon. gjTho poBBoseion of proporty is o sordid, nn irrational, qunliflcation for;thoiouHrago in a gov ornmcnt by the pooplo. It ia bottor Buitod to an oligarchy or,an aristocracy. ItB abaurdity, its unfitnoas, ae a basis for votlng, in tho kind of gorornnient framod for tba Unitod IStates of Amcr. ica, waa pertincntly Billustrated by Franklin in thooarly discueoiona on tho subjoct. Suppoao,suggestod Franklin, a proporty quE.lificntion.jie mado. A man today owna ajjackaaajand for thia reason can voto.g,Tomorrow tho jack ass dioa and theJman'B.'privilego ia gono. Who wn8 tho roalvotor,tho Jjackass or tho man? That onded tho dobato on that point. In a govornmont such aa thia, manhood ia tho .propor baBia of tho Buffrago; 'Or, if itia proposod to ox tond tho lircits of tho privilogo and confor it upon women, ;womanhood ought to bo tho broadfground on which tho cxtcnaion ahoulctj bo aBkcd and justified. Tho claim of municlpal 8uffrago for Womon is madoon a wrongj basis. It cannot bo juBtiflodlonJtho ground that they havo propcrty,pay tnxos, and thercforo shouldhavotho right to vote ln municipal elcctions. ..Ab haa boon eaid, and as a momeut'Bjreflcction will show, in ovory community proporty ownera and taxpayers Jwho aro not women aro diBfranchised.tmlf any class of womon canput up a claim to the privilogo of voting injtown, villago and city mooting, andonforco tho domand with roasona that shouldJlconimand rc epectful nttontion not;to;8ay,tho con- coBaion of tho privilego aakcd it ia thc womon who aro raiaing families of childron, whothcr;or;;not thoy havo a grand list. TheyJEaro entitled to a grand liat aa largo aa; thoJheaviest tax payor of tho community in, which thoy oroflegal TOsidentB. ThoBO womonhave Bjvitaljintereat in tho highest wolfarcof ajcommuniiy, in good Bchoola, good;order,"good morala, Bupproasion of viceand drunkennoaa, and all tbing8clBOof.good reputo. Thoy could be countadon to voto Ym on a propositionJtto; incrcaao tho cfll ciency of tho publicJ'Schoola, or No on tho question of settingl.trapsfor thcir childrea, in tho shapojof saloona for tho legalicod ealo of Jliquor to.crcate, nurso and supply an appotitojfor drink. Their voto cottld bo rockoned ontho aido of all similar propoaitionsjfor tho welfaro of a community,;(and;iagainstjany llko measure for itsjjnjuryj ordemoraliza tion. It ia not genernllyj underatood that tho property paying woman is morolib3rai;inihor ideas or inclinationa intho)matterof public ox pondituroa for 8choolsBor(other wiao public inatiUitions orlJpurpoaes than is a man ln tho BamoslaBB.(JZt is Bonie tima chargodthatjnolther,lin somo in etanees, ia aa public spirlted ae a wiao re gard for tho public wolfarojdeminda. Ab betwcon tholtaxpayingandtho,.non-tax-paying woman tho caao may ibo thia: Hero is a womanJhavingBproperty and paying taxo8.;Shoa;withoutchildren, or the lattor havo grown up, or aro marriod or havo movcdjjaway. iior diroct in toroat in schoois Ls non-exiatent, or ia a tbing of tho paet JAn increaso in tho tax rato fora new;achool houao or for bottor publiciinatruction doca not p poal to hor approval" eo poworfully ta dooa low taxation. Her neighbor ic rearing a promlaingjamlly of boys and girls. Sho ha8jno grand list, but aho haa jowola offmoro value than gold or silver. Sho naturally wants good echoolB, and aBchoolhoueo of bocoin ing oxcolloncc. ;Thotbill that waa prop- erly doniodathirdlroading on Wodnoa day in tho Sonato,;bccomo.a law, would mako it posaiblo for tho taxpaying woman to doprivo, or to asalst in de- priving, hor non-taxpajing noighbor of that which ia in tho highoBt degrco ca eontial for tho wolfaro of hor childron, for tho wolfaro, alao, of that immodlato community, and of tho Stato and Na- tlon at largo. , If municipal Buffrago is glven to any woraan,;extond it flrst to hor who is rearing childron. Kodol Dyspcpsia Cur "Dlflests what you cat.' THE WOMAN. WHO WORRIES1 Gcts little sympathy, becauso her worriea Beom unfoundcd to pcoplo who nro in perfcct hcalth. A Roally Sound Woman ncver worrics without good cause. Women who havo fcmnle troublo are invariably victims of frettlujj and worrying, and livo in constant drcad of somc serious troublo, which thcy aro unable to dcflno. i Tancin wlll curo you and stop 1 tho worrylng d 4 Try it G ARDIWER, ME., Jnly 17, 100O. GENTLEUEKI I bavesuflercd for ycarnwtth ' clirontc mlsplaccmcnt, nnd want to tcll you whnt Tnnnln has dono for me. I linvo Just flnlshed ray sccond bottle, nnd it hns bcncfltcd mo wonderfully. I thlnk U such nn cxtra pood medlclno evoryone clinttld know nbout , it. I gavo Tnneln to n frlond who was wdly in nced of somethlnK, nnd just two doses eavo her rellef, nnd now sho fs takinff the medicinc. Inmlmprovlng evcry day, nnd tell evcrybody of tho worth ot Tancln, nnd , also of its eoodness. i Yourstruly, Mrs. A. F. KENNEY 50c 5r $ 100 Pcr bottle Gct a Samplo Froo Wo want evcry wonr.n, both younff nnd old, to flnd out for themselves nbout Oilamcdlclne's merlt. Mcntion thls paper lAddrcss Taafiin, New YorK Tho Tavation Ilills. Tho bill introducod by Ohairman Hale, of tho waya and meana com mitteo, "which waa roportod yeBtorday, ia now tho only romaining moaauro bo foro the Lcgislaiuro bcaring on tho queBtion of re-adjuating tho rovonuo laws of tho State. All othor achemea for roadjuBtinf or roforming tho taxa tion 'laws aro deod or relegated to obacarity. Tho law of H890 taxed thc appraieed valuc of the proporty of all railway corporationa sovon-tontha of ono per conU In liuu of thia tax tho railwaya wero permittcd to pay two and ono half per cont on their groBB carnings, on Hnes or narts of lines, in thia Stato. Thoy havo 'invariably paid on thcir grcas earniuga. The Ilalo bill propoBed todoublo thia rato. Ab amendcd in committco and reporUd to tho Houeo tho rato is threo and ouc-halt per cent. Aa to'teltphono companlea, scction 20 of tho Act of 1890 reada: "Every corporation, joint slock company, per bou or porsonB doing tclepbone busiuoea ln thia StataBhall pay a tnx to tho State, which ia hcroby.aaBessed, at tho rato of threo por cont annually on thc cross rcccipts of all thcir hueincsB carnod wholly withiu thia State, iucluding sums rocoived for tho ruutal of inBtru mentBj" olc. The new bill providea a rate of rfour and ono-half per:cnt. Aa to tolegraph companies, scction 21 roada in part: "Evory corporatioD, compaay peraon or porfiona owning or oporating a telegraph line, or doing tel- egraph'businesslin tbis.Stato, ehall pay a tax to tho Stato trrnst'rer, which ia horoby aaaeeBed, at tho rato of tuu pcr cent annually of tho grosB rcceipta of all their 'buainees," otc. The law of 189S madc the tax Bixty ccnte por mile of poles and on lino of wiro, and forty cents per niile for cach additional wire. In lieU'Of 'this tax tho companies were permittod to pay threo por cent of the entiro groBB carningB. Mr. Hale's bill as amondod makos tho rato four per cent. The soctiou applying to aleeping car companies providea that an annual tax of fivo jaer cont of tho grosa carnings of auch companica for all busincs3 dono within thia State, iucluding ali sums paid for tho use of such cara by tho railroads in thia Stato. Tho netr bill providoa a Bevon per cent. Sectioa54, laws of 1890, applying to expresBOompaniaa, providea that theBO Bhall pay a tax of -four por contumannu- ally on thorosa .recoipta; of thoir busi ness transacted whclly within thia State. The new bttl providea a rate of six per cent. Steamboat and 'kanaportation com panies wero requtred to pay a tax of soven-tonthB of ono per cent of the appraieed valra, beeidea a liceneo feo of $10 for tho flrst 500JX)of capital atock, and 85 for cach. additional 850,000 or fraction tbereof. Tho now bill pro posoa a rato of two and ight-tenths per cont. Scction 31, applying to inauranco and guaranty companioa., homo and foroign, providoa that they Bhall pay a tax of two pcr cent pcr annum on tho grosa amount of premiuma and aaaess monts colloctcd on their buaineaa in thia Stato. Thia rato is not changcd in tho pending moaaure. Tho tax on savings banks and truat companies waa fixed at aoven-tontha of ono por cent on the averago amount of thoir dcposita and accumulations. Tho now bill provides a rato of ono and four tontha per cont. If tho carnings and appraUals of tho corporationa aversgo tho eamo aa last year, Mr. Halo's bill, it is eatimated, would provldo an iucrenBo in rcceipta of about 800,000. Both makors and ctrculatoia o( conntor felta commlt Irautl. Ilonest mon wlll not dooelvu vou lnto unylnK wortlilosa conntor' lolta of DeWltt'a Wltoli Ilaznl Salvo. Tho oriRlnallH lnialllule lor curlni; pllea, norea, eczntna and all nkin rdleoasoa. W. E. Tor Tho Voto on Ltcoiise. Tho bnro proposillon hitherto pro-ocnU-d to lcgalir.o and ByBtematizo tho Balo of intoxicatit!g liquora of nil kinda for drinklng purpoaon waa at thlp pcb alon of tho Lcglaloturo dlefjulacd both by Bpccious provieions for local oplion and for a rr fcrorco of tho wholo mattor to tho pcoplo when tho bill had boon nialured and had paaacd both Iioubob of tho Genoral Aaaembly. With theao al luromonts tho roal parlica in lntcroet, tho makcrp, tho sollora and tho drink ora, hnd expcctod to attract to tho bill aufllcicut support from couaorvativo lcrupcranco mon to ineuro tho paasngo of tho bill framcd with bo inuch in gouulty and labor. Tho advocatoa and supportors of tho oxistlng Byetom havo novor for n mo ment bollovod that tho cxpcclationa of tho licouao mcn, if thoy havo rcolly had any cxpcclationa at all of bucccbb, would bo roalizcd, or that thero was anything moro alarmiug than buur combo in thoir boaata of their atrongth in tho Seuato or tho Houao. Tho Ilg uroa of Thureday'B voto conatituto n splondid vindication of their faith. Tho cffcct of tho onterprlso and ag greB8ivoui!88 of tho party scoking tho frco salo of liquors for pandoring to an appotito for drink hus bcen to scnd tho diacueaion of tho aubject far bolow tho aurfaco of the orgumont. Tho efTect has bcon wholcBomo. It has boon mado to appcar that tho subjoct ol tho rcgulution of tho liquor trofflc is not ono to be scttlod off hnnd. Tho buai- no88, in ita relation to povernment and Bocioty, is radically different from trado in tbo ueceBoltios of llfo, or stocka and bonds. Tho aubject has hadja thorough ehaking up. Its conaidoralion, under tho circumatanccB, by this Legislaturo has boon in tho naturo of a rcfcrendum and tho reeult ought to bo conclusivo. If it ia not, tho reaaona, Stato and bo- cial, why Vormont should adhero to tho exlsting Bystom of rogulating tho liquor trafflc and conflning itito pur po8oa gcnorolly recognized as legiti- mate, havo hardly beon touchcd upon, and in another trial of concluslona tbe frionda and supportors. of good ordcr and good morala, tho bclievcrs in wholcaomo rcstrainta and wiso'rcgula tions ih dealing in an articlo of inflnito poasibilitiea for crimo and ovil conac- quonces, will go deepor into tho merits of the qucstion and will omergo with a more docisivo victory. Now, aB HepreBontativo Halo said in tho dobato on Thuraday, if tho mcn of influonoo and standing in any commu nity in which "prohibition docB not prohibit," will insist ihat tho prohibi tory law bo onforced with tho samo fldelity as othor laws for tho protection of persons and property, for tho proa orvation of ordor and tho goodjruorals of tho community, thcro will bc no rea sonablo ground for criticiam on tho ecoro of ita clllcioncy. Ono troublo with tho law in tho communities in which it ie not cnforced is theencour- agement law brcakers rcceivo from this vory claaa of pooplo who aro con8tant ly declarin that prohibition; dooa not prohibit. Thoy don't want it to prohib it and thoy omploy thoir influence agaiuat ita onforcomont, and by voioo and oxamplo oncourago disobodlence. The Jlailwoy L'omniissioB. Tho railway commiBBion will bo re talned. Govornor fiticknoy has op pointod a commieaion that is regardod aa an exceptionally atrong ono. Many bolvsvo this commisaion, or any other that could bo appoiuted, is stronger than tho law that clothca them witb au thority. It is tho commou criticiam upon tho law tbatdtgives a commieaion no ad-oquato power to cnforce its or dora. A &ill was introduced, H. 373, by Dr. ilayo of Northfield, doalgnod to givo thc commiiBion tho authority nec casary to mako ita orders or recommcn dationa offcctivo. This bill ia pending. It ia a mattor for the aorious and delib orato couelderatiott of tho LogiBlature A good commiasion requirco a good adequate iaw to rendor it sorviceable for protceting public intercata. A com misaion cottBtituted ac is tho cxisting board can eafoly and proporly be truat od with adequato powor to carcy out tho object of ita creation. Othcrwiao it might aa woll bo discontlnucd. HUMPHREYS' 'VETERINARYSPECiFICS A.A.!l'i:vr.US, ConBcnllnin, Inllamma CCBEsSlluiia, Luiir l'ever, Alllh Fevcr. II. U.)MIMIAIK. l.omenem, Iiilurles, cukes ) ltlieuiualiaiii. ). C. (fiOltH TMUOAT. Uulniv. Uplzoolie, cubes ) llUlt'iuiier. 13 13 CUKES H'Ol'CIH, Colila. Inlliirnza, Inllaracil 5 Liiuu'a. lMpnro.l'nt'iiiiiuiiln. P. 1MCOMU. lli-llvnrlm. Wliid-Illown. CUHJ3 j IMurrhi'ii, llj-riilcrv. ;.!. l'retenu .tllKOAItlllACi:. cnuEsl KIIIXKY tfs lir.Altl)i;il niBOltllKUS. I. I. 1SKI.V I)ISI;API:K, Atmist;, Kniullons. cuuia i lilcrm, Jrran, l'lircy. .1. K.lIIAIt COMI1I Ht, Klnrlns Cont. cures) ludlji'atioii, htoiiiarh hlnuKcm. C0o. cachi Btablo Caso. Tcn Bpecliloa, Ilook, &c, $7. At druvKlsts or fipnt prepald ou rccplpt of iirlco. Uumphroys' Aloillcluo Co., Cnr, Wltlmm & Jotm Bts., tivw York. Vhtkkinaiiy Makual Brjfr t'liKE. NTEKVOUS demility, VITAIj weaicxkss nnd Prostrntion from Ovei work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopnthio Spoolfio No. 28, ln usoovor40 yenrs, tho only succuisful rumody, $1 per vlal.or speclal packago with powdor,for $3 BoM If Druf Klitl, or icnt lost pt.14 ou rlt o( rlc IRSl'UUBVS'HKD. CO.,Cor.HllUn i, Joho DCj.,5mTock RnMMUMMKUtWMW1M Smash YourMirror You fcel like it somctirncs, don't you ? It cay, "My, but you nra rjMr'.": ol 1 fast." You know why: ii's tliosc trray hairs. Don't you know that Aycf'3 Hatr Vigor wouli rcstorc color to thctn, all thc dark, rich color thcy uscd to havc ? It stops falling of thc Iiair also, and makcs thc hair grow long and hcavy. If you ilo not obtnln flio hpnrflt vou ripatrn fmm ol tlio Vu-oi. rU1 tlip I)oplor nhiiut It. lln wlll tcll vou ln at tho rlulit tlilliR todo. Acldtcsa. Dr. J. C.ATl;u,lX)woll, xcznsn Oldaliaiiiii. Tho vaat raajority of tho pooplo of tho oaet havo vory littlo idca of tho arca, population and wcalth of tho new cat tcrritory of Oklahoma. Tho namo conveya only a vaguo thought of 0 wild and wooly scction out boyond tho In dian torritorv somewhore, mostly a bar ron prairio dotted horo and thero with cowboys, Indiana and prcdatory out lawa. On tho contrary, tho peoplo of Oklahoma havo convcrtcd a prairio long wastcd into a productivo and woalthy country. Tho land that was profltloBB to anybody clevon yeara ago provided in 1899 taxablos valucd at 42,982,414, and that was n gain in tax valuations of S2,000,000 in a yoar. Thero woro 77,000 childron iu 1,062 Bchools. This olovon-yoar-old torritory had aixty-oight torritorinl and sovon national banks, with a paid-up capital of 054,000. Tho Bouthorn States were looking in amazomont at tho output of U0,000 balcB of cotton mado in 1898, worth 5,000,000, and, li8toning aomo what incroduloualy to tho promiBO of vaatly groator crops to como. Today Oklahoma is aaking for admieaion as a Btato, and is apparontly in ovory way Qtted to bccomo ono. Tho Legislaturo ahould glvo hccd to tho suggcstion of tho gcntlcman from West llutland and roplaco tho flguroa and Bcouory of tho Stato coat of nrma with a flah hatchery, a pan-Amorican exhibition, a Stato Laboratory, otc, in viow of tho tondency to voto monoy for ovorything undor tho aun oxcept tho farming interoat. Tho Houao killa tho bill to promoto fruit growing; it rocon siders and may bo invoigled into votlng 2000 for another flah hatchery at Swanton. It has cut down tho board of agriculturo to tbrco mombers and no farmer daros to aak to havo the mcm berahip incroaaod to mako its labors efHcicnt. Millions for hatcheries or anything clae; not ono cont for farm ing. Tho death of Charloy Hoyt, tho ex cellont journaliat and suporlativo play wrlght, is particularly aad. This ia largoly from tho fact that it waa unnec oaaary and ought not to havo been. His death ia practically suicido, tho ro sult of hia inability to atand up boforo proBperity. Abright man of oxtraor dinary abillty, juat forty yoars of age, his throwing away of lifo when poa soasod of evory requiaite for making it hoppy and succeaaful ia inoxproBaibly sad. Thero is a moral in it, plain to all. The Republican legialativo program during tho coming ahort seBaion of Congress includcs tho paasago of the ahip subsidy and the Fanama canal bille. Tho reatoration of our ahip ma rine to its formor and propor eminenco and tho connection of tho two great oceana by a ahip canal construcled, owncd and governed by this govorn meat, are Buroly ambitions worthy of a great party. Mark Twain gavo an interosting and oxhaustivo addroas on "Tho Disappeor anco of Litoraturo" at tho Ninotoonth Oontury club in New York Tuoaday night, but for wonder mado no allu sioutotho party whoatoala tho morning papor off tho front ateps. Thus waa a tremendous opportunity lost An oight page papor called The Farm Enttrpriee and isauod by tho En torpriso publiahing company of Ver gennes, is tho latcat addltioa to Ver mont journaliam. Thia adds ono moro to tho sovoral papora ownod and opor ated by Repreeentative Kotchum. Tho grcatost ratio of political chango ia found in a precinct in Choyonno county, Nobraaka. Four yoars ago it pollod forty votea, all but ono for Bry an. Thia year forty-two ballota wero caat, every ono for McKinloy, This would certaiuly indicato a awooping chango of political hcart. Tho St. Johnabury Republican makos n decldedly noat and swoot appearanco iu ita now dreas, and if auch a thiug woro possiblo Booma to bo improving as a nowapapor ovcry wook. Tho Bilver Republicana whon thoy can flnd thomaolvcB havo olllcially do cided to consolidato with tho Domoc racy when thcycan iltid tt.irThai'd al'H tOUNI UY L1PI3 ANI TUMI'UltANHK. JCditor of Vt. Watchman: -Afttrrfi-covirlng Irom my racrrlment ovcr tho ntuttBliiff apcctnclo of iho ndvocuny of higb liconao nnd local r.p.ion ub a Irm tiornnco rnnnpnrp, I tbought of ponin fnctft of biBtnry and ccvernl atntr motils of compntoni judges concerning the great problenia of city nnd country llfo. I ticliovo thty npply to llie Blrutgle bo tweoD iho advocates of higb llcenpo nnd locul optlon nnd thosu who fnvor prohibition locsl optlon bcing only tho camol'u hend poklng lnto tho pro hibitiou camp. Alinost to n tnnn thoy who, with lilnh-souiHlintr and frantic nppeala to thu voico of tho peoplc, spo clouely daro tho pooplo to try n rofor ondum, aro flrst, mlildle, and last for high liccnso. If locai 'Option can bo Becurcd, tho lnrgor towns and citieB will, without doubt, havc liconao law, opon Baloone logal dcnth-traps which will not only supply tho poison to tho local luhablt anta, but wlll in largo mcaauro supply tho Burroumling prohibition towns. This is tho confoeBtd program of tho great liquor dealers, who, If tho que8 tion woro rnforrod to tho pooplo, would bring to bcar thc combined liquor powcr of tbo Unitod States to corrupt tho Buffragca of our own conipnrntively puro Stato. Tho domand for liconao comc8 from these great syndicnles, in tronched iu and supportod by our largo ciliCB. They want au opon mnrkct for thcir "wot goodB." Tho domand for liconao ln our owu Stato conics chiilly from tho larger towns. What doea thiB argue? II tcachea what all hiatory proves; tho atroama of humanity bccouio moro nnd moro pol lutvd aa they flow to tho ccntora of pop ulation. JuBt as tho puro wators from tho mountain sidca and thc aparkling brooklots ln tho racadow grassca bo como lcsa vitul and moro fetid as they noar somo dcad eca. Emoraon aays, "Tho city ia rccruited from tho coun try. Tho city would havo diod out, rot lod and cxplodcd, long ago, but that it wa8 roinforccd from tho fields. It is only country which came to town day boforo ycsterday that is city and court tomorrow." It is a ecientitlc fact, ac knowlcdged by nll Bociologiats, "that only tho agricultural claaa posaeaacB permanent vitality; from ita ovorilow tho city population is formed, dis placcd, ronowod." "Any city popula tion, if lcft to itsolf, would dio out in four genoration8." "Tho city iB an in land lako, fed by constant strcnms, but without au outlot." Tho "hayseoda" aro tho anlvatiou of tho nation. Tho liquor problom is a political prob 1cm. Politics in our citics is tbo most corrupt. In many inatancea, municipal government ia a lailuro. Govornor Rooaevolt, vico preaidcnt olect, said in nn addroas on "Tho Menaces of Civiliz ation": "In an attempt to reform the citiea by law, nine-tenths of tho city membors would bo hostilo to it. Tho only hopo of roform lies in tho action of tho country membera. Tho averago grado of our city politiclana ia a aorious menace to;good governmont. Four flfths of the reproBontativca at Albany from Grcater Now York can bo do ponded upon to vote on tho wrong sldo of ovory quostlon." Who that knowe tho facts doubt tho statomont? What aavea New York from the curso of Tammany rulo but the country popula tion with its puror civilization and ita higher stateamanahip? Haa tho day como of which Wondell Phillipa pro phecied when ho aaid that "our greater municipalities would yet strain our in Btitutious aa Blavory novor did?" Wo havo no great citics, but havo them largo onough to indicato whoro the cry of the opon aaloon comes from. They have in no uncertain way, if with leas cortaln voico, said in aubatance: "Give ua legalizod hell, such aa other largo places onjoy." And to securo this, thero aro not only nrgumonta uttorly dovoid of Btatesmanship, but methinks thero ia a apeciouaargument in thiB: Ropreaenta tion ought to bo changed and put upon a baaia of population. That aoema plauaiblc. If tho hill towns, aparaely settled, will 8urronder thoir priviloge8 nnd givo tho citios and larger towns more ropresentativea, aurely high li cenao will be aecured. But it would bo bottor to yield up our mountain roa ervoirs for tho brackieh cisterns of tho city than to lot city population rulo tho rural communltica. A voto from a littlo town God'B organization for keoping tho city from rottlng ln less than four genorations that may ropro sont no moro than flfty votos, 1b a mighty safoguard against tho natural corruptions of municipal governmont. Heaven forbid that tho sowerago of tho citica ahould flow backwards and ovcr flow tho country diatricta, whore aa yet a man may livo with his sons and daugbtera unondangered by the mur dor and inceat that followa in tho wako of tba saloon, and whoro Vermont etill grows mon who would bo aehamed to engago ln a buBinoss, though legal ized, which plundora and doatroya tho indlvidual and the Stato moro than tho combined diaaators ot war, poatilenco and famino. Queeiicubs. KIDNEY DISEASE KILLS. Its Victims Are Numbered by the Hua dreds of Thousands. If you nro auffering from Kidney 01 Bladdcr diseaso, the doctor asks: "Do you desiro to urinato oftcn, and are you compelled to get up frequontly durintt tho night? Does your back paln you? Does your urino stain llnen? Is thero a ecalding pnin in posaing it, and is it diffl cult to liold tho urino back? If bo, your Kidneys or Bladder aro diaeased." Try putting some of your urino in a elass tumblor, lot it stand twenty-four nours. If thero is a scdiment, or a cloudy, milky nppoaranoo,yourKidnoys aro sicfc. Dr. David Kennedy 'a Fnvorito Romedy will suroly rellovo and curoo ven tho moBt diatrcsaing casca of theso dread discnfies, and no physician can proscribo a medl cino that cquals it for diseasps of the Kid neys, Livcr, Bladder and Blood, Rheu-matism.DyspopslaandChronicConstipa-tion. It wlll promptly correct tho bad ofTects of boer and whiBkoy. All drug Btorcs scll it for ono dollnr a bottlo. ,yi By sonding your address to tho Dr. David Kennody's Corporation, Rondout N. Y., and rnontioning thls paper, a trial bottlo, togother with pamphlet of valua blo medicnl ad vico, will bo sent you free 1 postpaid by mall. Our readers can de pond upon tho genuincncBS of thls offer. MIIMiIM! Awful Itcliing of Eczema Dreadful Scaling of Pson'asis CURED BY CUTICURA CtiTlctinA BoAf, to olnntiso tho olcin of crusts aml sciUm, CirrifiaiA Oltitineiit, to nllay ItchliiB, nnd soothn nml nnd CuTiruitA Hm.oi.VENT, to cool nnd rl. nnro tho Wooil, mako tho most romplpto nnd BpniMly curo trcntmont for torturinir, lis llKiiriiifr Immprs, raslips, and Irrltntlons, wlthlossoflialr, wiiirli liavptlpflcit UioHklll ol tho lmht physlcians nnd nll othor remo dios.n niiiKlo sot bihiff ofton mitllclunt to curo tbo tuoat obstinato caso. CUTICURATHESETS1.25 RED ROUGH HANDS "ISMJgS!!? Scnntor Clinndlcr's Chnnccs. Tho Scnator atatca tho eon irial Bituntlon InNowIIampabiro ns followa: "Tho aituation Ia aimply this: Thoro nro flvo othor avowcd candidutoa for tho Senate, Mcaara. Burnhnm, Sullo way, Bakcr, Quinby and Clarko, bo Bidca othors who aro waiting, Me88rs. Blair, Strccler, Burns and Rollins. Thoro nro 325 Republican mombora of tho Logi8lature and lcsa than ono hun drod Democratic mcrubors. ThoLogia inturo mccta on Janunry 2, nnd tho Ropublican caucua will bo on Janunry 10. All tho Ropublican mombcra havo beon askcd in my bohalf to withhold committals and tobo froo to nct ns thoy think boat when tho nominating caucua meots. It ie difllcult to mnko n poaitivo statemont about their predictlons. I can 8eo tho namea of about ono bun dred who, I am suro, Intond to voto for mo. Thc onlypoBltlvo workera ngainBt mo aro cortain omployos within tho Stato of our only railroad, which haa bocomo nll-powerful in Now Hamp shiro politics. Whother tho railroad ownors and mnnagors outsido tho Stato nuthorizo and approvo tho action of thoir subordinatea I am not Buro. Thoro nro somo Indicationa both waya. Public aontlmont haB not indicated any ono of tho candidateB against mo aa tbo most popular candldato. I will not asBcrt that I am euro of tho nomination, but I boliovo I aholl rocelvo a majority of tho votoa in tho caucua when it meeta. If dofoated, the causo will bo almoat wholly tho railroad opposltion." Tho beet that monoy can buy should beyouraim in choosing a mcdicine, nnd this ls Hood'a Saraaparilla. It curca when othera fail. Solllng (Jlgnrottos, A Stato law ia conatitutlonal which forbida tho aalo or giving away of cigarotteB. The Suprcmo Court of tho United Statea haa so decided. The law in quoation waa that of Tou ncaaoe, which mado it a miadomeanor puniahablo by a fino of not leas than 50, "for any poraon, flrm or corpora. tion to aell, offor to soll, or to bring in the Stato for tho purpoao of selling, giving away or othorwiao diapoaing of any cigarettcB, cigarotto paper or aub Btituto for tho samo." Tho Tenneaaeo Supromo Court thought that cigarottos wero not legiti mate articlca of commerco, "on ac count of their noxioua and hurtful character." ThiB was declarod bad law by tho United States court. Jua tico Brown, who wrote tho opinion of tho majority givo ear, now, yo uaers of tobaccoi Baid that probably no other vegotablo haB contributed so much to the comfort and boIbcg of the human raco. Of courao, thon, tobacco wbb an articlo of commorco. But tbo rigbt of tho Stnto to prohibit tho salo of tobacco in tho form of cigorettes was afilrmed. It waa not an infringomont of tho cxcluaivo powor of Congroas to regulato commorco botwoon tbo States. The States cannot proventthe bringing of any legitlmalo articlo of commorco into thoir precincta in "original pack ages." But it ia now hold that aa aoon as an orlginal packago of cigar ottes ia opened and tho amaller pack agee aro taken out, they, not being original packagca, aro amonablo to tho Stato lawa. Tho Supromo Court judgoa who con curred in thia deciaion wero Justices Brown, Harlan, Gray, White and Mc Kenna 6. Tho dlssonting onoa woro Chief Juatice Fullerand Justices Shiras, Brower and Peckham 4. Daily Nowb. A Cortaln Kcmedyi Tho Waahington Star oditorially aays: "Tho puro food and tho dairy iuter oatB are agreed now that tho Grout bill and no other legialativo propoaition now ponding beforo Congroa8 will reoch tho oleo ovil, and they aro ap parontly dotermlned to bring every possiblo influenco to boar this wlntor to securo its paseagc and aubacquently to securo its strict onforcomont. Tho National Orange in aession horo has ondoraod tho bill. This moanB much in the fight for tho aupprcesion of tho food frauda, for tho Grango ia a wldo spreadlng organization covoring nll of tho northern and sovoral of tho south orn states. It cxorcisca a weighty Influenco upon stato logialation in all agricultural nffairs and ita rocommon dationa havo beon roapoctfully conaid ored by Congreaa in tho post. Tho aproad of tho foellng in favor of tho Grout bill ia illuetratod by tho fact that tho Iowa nsaociatlon ot dairymen nt thoir rocont convontion, as noted ln today's iasuo, heartlly endoraed this moaauro and condomncd all tho sub stituto propoaltiona which havo been ndvnnccd, clenrly in tho olco intorost. Tho Iowa dalryraon took occasion, it will bo noted, to expresa thcir thanka spoclflcally to Sccretnry Wilaon and to ifiis pnpor. Tho Star hns lnbored cnrn catly for tho Bupproaeiou of tho oleo frouila and haa repentedly urgod tho paBango of tho Grout bill. It ia ploae nnt to flnd that ita cfforta ln thia diroc tion nro approclatedso far Jaway as lowaHHfZ. TIIE ET1IAJJ ALIiUN MYSTEIIY Twn ynnrH beo InHtlfallowiion tlio Rtntno of Etlmn Alliiii ut llin StHto llouan wan illn. flenri-il by tilacklK " b.mtH nml n'oallng Iho woodf-n Hworil f 1 h nldo. Tho work of vnri)Hllm omiHcil n ,n dnys' acnsatlon utid lintll ror.nti ly no Clu ' . iho pnrpotra torn of tlm pod rotild tin nb.nlnHd. At that tltno It WRi KUfppctcil that MnilnntN from iho dllTorctit PohoolH In tlm vlolnltv lid tho work whilo ont for 11 lark nnd tho rnturn of tho Bword a fow ilnvs nflcr tho dnnd was commlttrd only addod to tho tuystflry gur ronndliiK it, Blato's Attorncy Hoar lmi noilHpil Sor-ROant-at-ArmB I'hinnny that MirotiRh tho oiTortB c f Cliy Shnrlft Ilancroft, hn ln ln poa Hoaslon of ovldcnon TndlnK to nhow who porpatratod tho (Isiiihko to tho ststno antl theroby hatiRH a aetiHatlonal ftory. A yoiitiR wotnnn callltiK horHfllf Maud VanUykn, whowasHHntenueil from Wash ington Oounty Count to Itnprlnoninont In Stato prlnon nnd who haa yt nbout a yoar 10 Borvo, fiirnlHhod tho koy to tho mystery. Sho haa beon employod nn a domestloin Iho famlly ot Snpntlniondont OtkxH and In t'io conmo of tluio nnrratcd to tho famlly thn iletalla of aevornl of bor oxplolta. Onoofthesrt narratlvcs waa to tho pfloot that on tho Ilnllowoen nliht ln (jtieation sho and n 1 arty of yonnR w plo vporo on thoBteps of th-j (Jpl.ol tmilillnc nnd bw tho dHHocratlon of tho hImiih of Kthan AI ln. 8he nllpRes that tho docd was dono by Frank Mlllor, who 18 now In Jall hpro antl who ls atiout to bo trled for lunrder Sho allrjres that Millor whh alnfed in his work by his allpBod vlctitn, Mnjnr S. Johnson, who wns found doad on tho bauk of tho Winooski rlver near tho Taylor street hrldgo. City Shetlff Bancroft camo lnto posscs slon of thia Rirl's story and mado an lnves tlcAtloti, diulnc which it ls olnimcd hn hns Rbcnred ovldeuce whloh substantlat h tho nnrrauve. Under tho atatate, It fnlls tinon tho Ber- RPBnt-at.aruis to proccuto ln a caso of thls naturo w on tho datnnite dono tloes not ex ceod S23 antl upon iho Stato's attornoy whon tho (lmage Ib In oxcpss of that amount. Mr. Phluney seta tho dmape bo low 825. Ab ono of tho alleged oilendora Ia doad and tho othor ia to be triod for hla llfo probably no prosecntlon wlll be lnatltuted. I tl Hoiis UIvou Away. It 1b certalnly cratlfvltic to tho nubllc to know of ono concern which Is not afrald to bejenerouB. The proprletora of Dr. Klng'a inow uiBcovery ior consnrapiion, couKha and colds, havo glven nway over ten mll lton ttial bottlea and have tho aalBfactlon of knowlng it has cured thonsanda ot hope lens casea. ABthran, bronchltts, la grlppe and nll throat. choat and lune dlseasea aro Btirely cured by it. Call on C. Blakley, drniTRist, and get a freo trial bottle. Kegn lar aize COc and 81. Every bottle gnaran teed. BEItLIJi MOSTI'ELIEIt. A hearlne was helil In tho Sunremo Court room Tuesilay evonlng beforo the legiala tivo commlttee upon the bill Introduced by wiiour xirown, iioriin's ropresentative, aaking the State to return to Berlin a pro portlon of the Stato achool and hlghway taxes in tho proportion tho grand list of Berlin for the year 1899 bonrs to the grand list of Berlin for tho year 1898. Hon. Frank Flumley repreaented Berlin before the committco, City Attorney Carleton and Al derman Lalrd appeared for Montpelier. Tho reason for this request as advanced by lierlln ls thnt, wuuo tno warrant ia lssueu by the Bfcretary of S'ate lt was issned against the town treasurer of Berlin in De cember, 1898, and mado payable on or be fore June. 1899, lt was not, ln fact, paid by Berlin untUJune, 1899, and therefore waa collected on the cianu list of 1899, which grand 11st bad been reduced, aa claimed by the advocatea of tho bill by reason of the annexation of a portlon ot Berlin to the city of Montpelier. The city ot Montpelier wonm not 00 mter- ested in thia bill at all wero it not for tbe fact that the State has not receivrd any moro than the law calls for from the dif farent towns, and If thia sum la paid by the Stato treasnrer to Berlin, the audltor re- commends that thls amonnt ol about EG0O be recovered from Montpelier. The city olHcials o'- Montpelier arel od- posed to thls bill forseveral reasons. Flrst, becanBO the lngislatlve commltteo annexa tion in 1898 claimed to have adjustedall the equltles between tbe two municipalities, and it compelled Montpelier to pay to Ber lin tiulte a aum ln the adjnstment of these eqnitlea. Becond, because Berlin has asked ol the Legislature tho recovery ot tho amonnt relerreu to witnout giving creuu ior any proportion of tho Stato hlghway money for which Berlin had crcdlt for the f ull mlleage, Includlng that in the annexed portlon, for the yoar 1898. And, further, Berlin dld not glvo any crodit for any portlon ot the amount of the Btate achool fund paid back from tbe State treaBury and bad iull cretllt, for the scliools in the annexed portlon for- the year 1898. Thlrd, becauan the law governing me payment of the State achool and hlghway tax levled a tax upon all the towna in thls State of tlve per cent for tchool tax and ttve per cent for hlghway tax, on the grand list ot 1898. And tbo State treaBurer lssued his warrant tor the payment of thls tax on the December 30, 1893, before the bill au nexlng any portlon ot Berlin to Montpelier took edo3t. And whlle Berlin had the full amount of tho grand list of 1893 and at tho time the warrant was lssued by the Btate treasurer, it became a legal obllgatlon upon Berlin; and tho offlclals of Berlin knew that' a portlon of the town would be annexed ta Montpelier (under an act already pasaed) aome months later and they would lose a poriion of their grand list. But they falled. to levy any tax upon thls grand list nntll after the annexationhad taknn eifect. Antl the offlciala of Montpelier claimed that the Berlin cfllclalB were nfgligent ln not pro vldlng for thia llabllity, which they knew axlsted and by reason ot their negllgenco were compelled to ralse tho amount ot the tax, wblch was nssessed upon tho grand list of 1898 on the grand llnt of 1899 In other words, they ak tho State to mako thetr treasury good for a anm which they were obllged to pay the State from the grand list of 1899, by reason of the neglect inc ot thls mattor by their own ofllclals. Fourth, because In December, 1898, a apeclal town meedng In Berlin wati called for the purposeof ralslng money to pay any llabill'lfs of th. town and at thls meetlng a taxof20ceni on th tlollar was voted, which, tho ofBciala ot Montpelier claim, left the treasury ot Berlin wltb a anrplus after the amount to be paid that town by Mont pelier, nnder tho act of annexation, was paid. 30000000000 oooc The Whole Story in one letter about Pa'm-KitteV (rsrniT davjs'.) From Capt. F. Loje, ToIIco Statlon No. 1 ! 6, Slontrcal : "W freqnently uso TinBT , Davis' rAiN-KiLLin for jxifiu tn the $tom- i 1 ach, Thtumatitm, ttiffnett, rott bitti, ch(l. ( , blaint, cramyt, and all affllcUons which 1 befatl men ln our poaltlon. I havo no heai- ' taUon ln a;lng that PAiN-Iuu.rn U the 1 lett rtmeiy to har ncar at hand." UMl Intoraully nntl ExtcrniUly, Two SlzOd, 250. and 60c. botUeg. 50OOOO00O0OO0OOOOOOOOOO0C