Newspaper Page Text
0 VEKMOINT WATllHMAIS & BTATE JOURNAL, WEDNESJDAV, DEOJSMBER 5, 1900. IKIMI'mil' TVPIVV! I 1 ( I ! ' St. Paul, Minu., Nov. 28. Unltod StDtca Scuator CusbtnauKclloggDnvlB, cbahniun of tlic comnjittcu on fnrnlrrn rolatious 01 tho Scnuto, dled at bls ! hotau in tbis city ut 8:48 o'clock last j nigUt utier au HlDtBB of two montliB. For sovcrnl wceks it baa buou kuown that hia couditlon waa hopclca& and ttiat dcuth wub but a qucatlou of liino and yot lia ainouucciucut carau us n profuuml Bhock to tho nation at lariie. Sonntor Duvis' llfc iucludca tuany ycara of dlBtluguislHil public eurvico. IIo waa born in lloudoreon, Now York, Juno 10, 1838, but wenl In oarly youth to "WlBconain. After pruduating from tho Univoral ty of Michigau bo otitorcd tho law of Xlco of Alex W. ltandall, wur govornor of Vi i&conain. IIo dovoted coualdor ablo atteution lo politics and took nn nctivo part in Lincolu's cutnpaign. Aa au authority on coustitutionnl nnd In tornationnl law Sonntor Davis hos oc cupled a consplcuoua poBitiou for tho paBt 25 ycara. Duriug tho paet four ycnrs Scnator Davis' posltiou aa chair tnan of tho forcign rolationa committco of tho Senato and lator as ono of tho Parie peaco comtnlsaioncts havo kcpt him promincntly boforo tho public of nll nation8. IIo was rc-olocted without oppoBition in 1800 for dIb third torni. AMESUUitY, MafB.. Nov. 28. Mrs. Amos Wccd, agcd 102 ycara and nino months, dicd tliis morning. Washington, Nov. 28. Thorough npproval at evcry poiut of tbe pollcy of Secrotary Ilay and cspccially of tho last inBtructionB to Mr. Congcr for wardod a week ago waa exprcaBcd at yoaterday'a cabinet mooting. Regard lcaa of Mr. Conger'a dispoBition toward tho agreeruent rcachcd by tho rninister torial council, tho govcrnmont of tho United Statca etill atands uncommittcd nnd in a posiliou to oudcavor to bring nbout auch changcs in tho arrangomonta nB are deemed iudispoiiBablo, Mr. White, our ambassador at Ber lin, haa not yot indicatcd tho recoption accorded by tho Gorman govnrnmcnt to tho cop. of tho inBtructionB Hupplicd by our Btato dcpartraent to Minister Congcr. It is atatod that theso inBtruc tionB, not bcinir in tho form of u diroct nddrcBa, would not neccBsarily call for n formal reaponso and it is oven proba blo that tbo ouly rctsult will bo such cx change of viewa aa havo takon placo verbally at Berlin between our anibas aador and tho Gorman minister for for cign affairt. It is cxpected that sev oral daya will bo conBumed in thia kind of nepoiiation with tho various powcrs boforo tho laat phaso of tho Chincflo qucation initinted by Secretary Hay'a inatruction to Minister Congcr as to tho agroenient can bo paBBcd. Lynn, Nov. 28. Tho polico, in drDfiging Floating Bridgo Pond for ovifknco m tho Bailey murdcr case, pullcd u p another body this morning. It waa ideutlfifcd aa that of Eobort Burut, au old colorcd mau, who had bccu miBsing four weoks.- IIo was weak mindtd, and probably committed Buicide. NeavYohk, Nov. 28. Among tbo pasBenfcerB who arrivod yesterday por steamer Statendam from Ilotterdam were five refugcea from tbo South Af ricau tcpublic. They ato S. Pearaoc, commiasary general of tho Tranavaal aimy; Omnindant W. Snyiuan of tho Orange Free State; II. Snjman Jr.. A. Liebenberg and II. D. Viljoon of Suy nuin'a commando. Gen. Peareon fcayB that Lia party waa chaeed over the border into Portugueae territory. They mado thoir wav to tho coaat and Ihence by ateamer to Europe. Pearson eays he haB never been out of S. Africa before and docs not know a single peraon in tho world outaido of South Africa. In an iutorview ho aaid, "Prea. Kru ger will leavo PariB vory Boon, I be ieve, and come to America, where, with hia wifo, ho will mnko a homo un til Buch timo na our arma havo tri umphed and bo can roturn to tho South African republic totako up hia oflico ns chief extcutive of tho Boera." Lyndonville, Nov. 29. Tho third fatal cbbo of poisoning, caused probably by wood alcohol, was called to tho at tcntion of tbo authorities yesterday. Spencer Giroux, a French-Canadian who rpcently camo horo from Lenox- villo,Que., waafound dcad in tho paint shop where bo waa employed. Symp toms indicatcd that he had been drink- ing wood alcobol. Washington, Nov. 30. A flro acaro occurred in tho treasury departmont this noon. A blaze was discovered in tho old atorc room on third iloor. Tho dopartmentB ilro hoeo leaked badly wben water waa turnedon aa it waa ap parently ancient and mothcaten, but tho flro wasextinguishcd with an $800 Iobb. Tho Btorcroom was diauacd. A carelcaa clerk, throwing a lighted cigar- otto ovor tno transom ib tuo aupposeu cause. WASHiNaTON, Nov. 30. Quarter maater General Ludingtou 1b informed that tho tranaporta Bawliua and Crook havo amveu atban Juau for tno pur postfof brint;ing back certain troopa to tne Uniteu statca. Tho Kawitna will carrv three companies and tho band of the 11th mfantry. Tho Crook will car- ry a battalion of tho 6th cavalry, deE tined to Fort Ethan Allen, Vt. New Yoiik, Nov. 30. Tho jury awarded Geu. Charlea T. Uollia 825,' 000 libcl dnroocia against tho publinh era of tho World. Collia aought 250,. 000. Ilow's This 1 Wo offer ono huudrcd dollars roward for any caso of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Curo. F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Propriotors, Toledo, O. We, the unuersignuu, liavo known i, J. Clicnoy lor tho laat liueou years, nnd behovo him pcrfcctly honorablo in nll bUritno8B tranaacliona anu llimn cially ablo to carry out any obligationfc maue bv thoir llrm. West & Tmjax, Wholosalo Drug- ciata, Tolcilo. Uluo. WALUINO, KNNAN & MAltVIN, Wholtsn o DruggiBie, Tolcdo, Olno. ilall'a Catarrh Curo 18 takon intor nally, acting directly upon tho blood anu mucoua auriacos oi ino nysiea Prico. Bovontv-ilvo couts por bottle Sold by nll druggiBta, TcBtimonials froo, Ilall'a Family Pilla nro tho boat. Tho Kind You IIuvo Ahvays Bonglit, tviid Avlilch hns foccn. in usc rtf ovor 30 ycars, Ims liorno tlio sI;iialnro of and luts bccn marto iiiulcr lifs pcr ls jCfFjL,Af soiml supcrvlHlon Hinco its infancy. taSyy, J-cUcsuK AnoW no ouo t acoctvo you iu this. AU Coitiiicii'cit.s, Iiuitation and " Just-aH-good" aro Imfc Exporinicnls tliufc triilo avIUi and cndaiifrcr tlio licaltli oC Iiil'ant.s and ClilltU'cn Kxycrlcnco agalnst Uxnoriuicnt What is CASTORIA Castorta is a liarmlcss substituto for Castor OI1, Paro gorlc, Drops and Sootlilug Syrups. It is Plcasant. It contains ncithcr Opium, Mornhino nor otlicr Narcotlc sitbstancu. Its ago is its guarantcc. It dostroys "Worms and allays Foverisliiicss. It curcs Diarrluua and Wind Colic. It rcliovcs Tcothing- Troublcs, curcs Constipatiou and riatuloncy. It assiniilatos tlio Food, rogulatcs tho SlomacU and Bowcls, giving licaltliy and natnral slccp. Tlio Cliildrcn's I'auacca Tho Blothcr's rriond. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tlie Tlie Kind You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 .Years. TMC CENTAUR OOMPANV, TT MURRAV OTHECT. NtW VOnK CITV. ! Mf I 2 mm o- ! U flaKcs 'ij Hns Lay. j II Reatl whatissaid aboutif by your neighbors. From H. B. NICH0LS, Middlesex, Vt. I am fully convmccd that PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD is tho only thing to uso when peoplo fowls. It not only PKEVJSNTS TI11CM 111UM JUATIMj TliIK liUliS, but gives a dccided incroaso in tbo numbor rocoivcd. From C. C. PUTNAM & S0N, Putnamsville, Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD is a good eeller and is giv- ingjcntiro satisfaction to our customors. From C. O. PERLIN, Cabot, Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD is all that is claimcd for it. I have given it a thorough trial and my experienco is that whon I feod it as directed I get good retums in oggs, nnd whcn I stop feeding it and givo them only corn I don't get an cgg, which convinces mo that it pays to uso it. I consider it just what iis name implies From HENRY LEET, Topsham, Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED PODLTRY FOOD is tho best poultry food wo have over tricd. Our hens have LAID EVEH BEFORE. Enclosed find chock From F. H, KETCHUM, Randolph, Vt. I haveuaedciuitelargo quantities of PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD and TIIINK VERY HIGHLY From H. G- CHURCH, Vershire, Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD has givon perfect satisfac tion. 1 havo sold it on tho road from tho station, and now I HAVE CALLS EVERY FEW DAYS TO BRING THEM MORE. From N. K. GOODWIN, Tunbridge, Vt. I have ufied PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD and am con- vincod that 1 GET MORE EGGS than Agents wantcd to soll this Poultry Food in ovory villago whero it is not new on salo. For terms to agents, nddrcsa tho manufacturcr, Oyspepsia ure Digests what you eat. Itarttllclally dlgests tho food and aidf. Naturo ln strcngthcnlng aud recon structlng the exhausted dlgcstlve or gans. I L ls tho latcst discovered dlgest antandtonlo Noothor preparatlon can approarh lt in edlcicncy. It in Btantly rclievcsanrt pennanently curcs DyBpopsla, Indlgestlon, neartburn, Ffatulonco, Sour Stomacli, Natisea, BIckIIcadache,Ga8tralgla,Cramps,ana allothcrrcflultaof iinperfectdigestiou. Prcpared by E. C. P'Wltt & Co., Clj lcago. Signaturo of wish to derivc ti benont from tlieir "a Porfccted Poultry Food." BETTER for tho past ycar TIIAN for another barrcl. OF IT. Shall continuo to uae it. I should without it. GARROLL S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vt, (CHiLasr) D,.J.GRIfPIriPRM;. Tho .Scliool tlial sccurcs rosultH.; Shorthand, Typowrlthnr uylTouch, Jlookkcciiiutr, otc. Seml for cataloguo. Manila, Nov. 28. A dotachmont of tho Third Unltod Statca iufantry was ambuahod Saturday near Maloloa. Tho Ladrone8 ilrcd a volloy at tho Amorl cana, killlng two prlvatcs of Compauy F and woundlng tliroo. Tho insur genta oecapod into a awamp. Numor oub insurgont banda havo bccn diapcra od and couaidorablo quantities of atoroa dostroycd in tho Provinco of Bulacan by Uon. urant'B mountod acouta. Gon. Batcs roporls tbo capturo of thlrtv- thrco iuaurgont8, alx of whom murdor od Bovcn poraona loat spring. Havana, Nov. 28. Intonao inlorost ia arouBod in tho caac of llathbono and othorB, conncctcd with poatal frauda of which Nooly is tho most conapic uous flguro. liy uirection ot secrotary lloot, Horatiua S. lloubcna ia nppointcd to auccood tho attornoys thorotoforo rop reaonting tho govornmont in thoao caaoa. Tlio improaaion provalla that llathbono will not fare badly ln tho trial, and ho recently csproBSod boliof that ho would be fully cxonoratcd and oven rolnatated aa director of poBts. Koubona insiBta that Ncoly will bo brought back for trial. San FkanciSco. Nov. 30. Nino poraona woro killod and fully flfty badly injurod by tho collapao of a roof of tho Paciflo classworkB on Fiftconth atroet ycBtordoy, whilo it waa crowded with mon anu ooya waicmng a tootoau gamo on tho fleld adjoining. About soveuty- uvo pooplo foll through tbo roof upon tho rod hot furnacca and glasa valao blowors. . Somo wero horribly burncd, and it ia foarcd that in addition to tbo nino doatha alrcady roportod thoro will bo aeveral moro. JSW- Nkw Youk, Nov. 30. ItoportB havo rcachcd horo that a torriflc typhoon on Novcmbor 13 visitcd tho island of Guain and wreckcd thouBands of houaoa, among them being tho houd- nuartors of Govornor Schroedor. Tho town8 of Indraianond Torraforo woro swopt away and it is estimntcd that huudrcda of the nativo population in varioua parta of tho ialand mot thoir donth. Tho cocoanut cropa woro rcn dcred abaolutoly worthless and tho vog otution of tho iBland waa killed by enlt wator. Tho storm camo up in tho forcnoon and awcpt acroBa tho ialand with amazing rapidity. Tho United Statca Buxiliary cruiacr Yoscmite, which waa anchored adjacout to tho collicr Justin, dragged her anchor and wns driven aground a hundred and flfty yarda from tho reof, hor bowa bt ing cruahcd in. Tho typhoon waa of unprcccdcutcd vlolcnco and latcr tho Yoaemito wbb awept to aea and aank aovcnty milea from tho coast. Tho collior Juatin reudercd horoic assiat auco and attcmptod to tow tho cruieor to aafety but cablca partcd and furthor eifort8 wero unovailing. Finally ono undrod and thirty-oight of tho Yoson, ito'a crow, tweuty-aix marinca and nino ofllcora, wero trauaforred to tho JuBtiu togother with $08,000 in Mexican money.vr.a (ss-waasaf j.; New Yokk, Nov. 30. Cablo advicea aay that the Vienna Tageblatt publishea a dlBpatch from Constantinoplo to tho effcct that tho Turkish Council of Min ialcrs haa hold a confcrenco to dcter mino whcthcr or not tho aouding of tho United Statea battleBhip Kentucky to Smyrna ahould bo regardcd aa an act of hostility. According to tho 'Tage blatt's diapatch tho Homo Miniatora urge tho Bovcrnnce of diplomatic rcla tion8 with tho Unitdd States, and oven wcnt ao far aa to tbrcaton war unlcas tho Kontucky ahould bo withdrawn from TurkiBh watera. Tho Miniatora cxprosa tho bclicf that tho Europcau Powera would not permit tho United States to attack Turkcy and that that country, therofore, would bo eafo in taking a detlantaititudo. Washington, Nov. 30. It is un uoratood tbat tho Yiceroya of tho south orn provincea of Cbina have appoalcd to tho Btato department through Min ister Wu to atop tho advanco of tho Fronch into Shon Si provinco. Wu rofuaod to conflrm tho fact but oxclaimcd: "Why do they go to atir up atrifo and diecontont? Govornor Yu ia dcad and though tho Uoxor movement ia contered in thia prov inco, there is no troublo thoro now." Tbo appcal of tbo viccroys is in effcct that tho presenco of Fronch troopu will cause robollion nnd tho powera ahould atop tho movemont. They ap pcal to this govornmont, likowiBO to England, ItusBia and Japan. London, Nov. 30. Whilo tho ro porls of tho condition of Capo Colony are rcgarded aa somowhat unueceesu earily alarming, thoro is littlo dlapoai tion to tako a too rosoato view of tho goneral Bituation. Tho coiiatnnt dia patch lo South Africa of reinforcing drafts and tho daily flghta at points wido apart show tho wnr is not ovor, and whilo tho Btatement that Lord llob orts haa demandcd 20,000 freah troopa ia incorrect, it ia a fact tbat ho haa aaked for 8000 men to replaco tho bat taliona whoso waatago incapacitatoa them from duty at tho front. Theso reliefs will bo diBpatchod, but thoy will aorioualy atteuuate tho gnrrisouB of tho United Kingdom, inasmuch as Lord Roborta iualatB the troopa ahall bo pickcd mon, and havo soasoucd cff cora. London, Nov. 30. Tho dieastor at DoWots-Dorn Ib cauaing very angry fooling horo." Tho Evening Sun rolerB to Kitchouor aucccoding Hoberla today and BayB: "Moat pooplo aro glad that tho endiug of tho cutnpaign has beou cntrustod to u mau who knows no qualma aud is no respictor of pcraoua. ltoberla aftor all ia too nnich of a humitariun for tlio work." Tho Even imj Stur saya tho roverso will cat hko vitriol into the bcart of tho uittinn, which Chaniborlainitca deluded into tho boliof that tho war wub ovor." Tho public ia bocoining Bkcptiual over presa diepmchca, ua tho papeta laat wock gavu out tbo ltuprosBloii that DoWot wua worated by tho Uriilah. Cai'k Town, Nov. 30. Sir Alfrod Milncr puthcly ndmittod Tuoaduy that pcaco wun far (-11, owiuu to guerilla nporntioiia ot Boorc, which Imvo iu llicted maxiinuui ii juries upou tho Britiah, though victonoua. London, Nov. 30. Tho Dally Ex Xres8 ycBtcrdav puhllBhcd a rutuor that u giganliu gold inino trubt hus beou forinod, including John D. Ilockfoller, Cecil Jlhodus, Alfrod liolt, aud Joscph Doujauiiu ItoblnBou. EMPIRE ECC MAKER mninm CAH'TDOWITHOUTIT EMPIRE C iRt -1 WflNT ANOTH Eft 002 1 H ROXF S of thE EGGMAKER-1 can't do without it.1 MtRCHANT-YES.flNO I'LLTflKE AU THE EGGS YOU HAVE T0 SELL - MY CUSTOMERS smthat LMPIRE E.GG MAKER produces T nt UE S T tuuj IW Tnu MflRKt'. AffCENTS ' EVERY B0X fl BO- W1RRANTE0. EMPIRt EGG MAKER CaVtRCENNES ,Vt. WASHINGTON GltANITK. A ropreserjtatlve of tlie Watcuman and Jouknal attendcd tlie bocoi d lecturo of ttio Itov. Oooree Ii Slory of Milton on WhhIi- lDEton crnnlto clveu iit wiialilnctoii. NO' venilior 22 to u largn nmllnici). Tlio npi'iik- ern ltnowieueo 01 neoioey nu wmo ouser vatloua ot tbo marblo 11ml cranlte i n- ua trles ot tbo State, couplud vrltb tbo fact tbat Blnco IiIh tlrat locturo 110 luul mado u tuor oiirIi lnvestlRation of bis aubjccr, and bad DorHonnllv visited tbo (HinrrlfH nnd workn of tbo Wurnoi Oranlto comimny and know wbereof bo apoko, not only mado ttiln lec turo ot Hpeolnl. IntoroBt but gavo it tbo woiRlit of convictlon, Ho Btatod tbat a test ot tlio Aro proof qualltlos ot Waitlilngtou (jrunlto, tnado uu der lila porsonal obaerratlon, provttd to hlu satisfaction.tbut tbo Htouo poasessed Rrontor morlt for butldine purpoaoa than any Btono over plaowd on tbo uiarkot. A lettor from Prof C. H. Itichardson of Hanover, N. II , waa tead wlilcli stated tbat a rtctmt toat provod conclUHlvoly tbat tbta Btono offered a inucli groator roBlatance to tbo cublc lucb than any Americnn marblo. A Hoction ot tho Stuto KoologiBt'B report to tbo IieglBla ture, beitilng upon tho Washington (loposlt, waa read and considered a glowlng testl inonlal to tbu virtued ot tho Btono. Lettera wero alao road from aeveral of the largest granlte dealora ln Auierlca Htut liiR tbat HampleB received from tho Warner Qiaulto Co, wero ln every wav Hatisfaotory aud tbat they wero ilo.fltoiiH of haudllng the Htone. It waa clearly abown tbat trom au artlBtlo utandpolnt tbla atone waa supftrior for monnmental worlf to any atono now on tho inarktit, b cbubb ot Iib auBcepttblllty to a hard poliah and the markuil coutrast be twoen tbo poliBhed and bammerod Burfaca. AlthouKb tho auperlorlty of Vermont mar blo and Rranlte ilcpoaltM are recognlzed throughout tbe Dnlted States, and a inar ket for tbo produot fully tBtabllshod, yel there la a growlngdomand among dealers and consumerB for u now and novol miito rlal for monumental work and bailding purpoBes. Washington pooplo have been waltlug for a torm of years, quletly watch lug the marvelous growth ot tho "Grunlio Clty" of Barre, ono of the larges granlto centera ln tho United States, and the steady growth of tho "Marblo Clty" at Rutland and hor chief Industry, whoro Is fonnd tho largest marblo compauiea ln tho world, It would seem tlmt. a golden opportunity has come to them at last; that just at the dawn lng ot a new century, whilo the Amerlcan peoplo aro oager to grap aometblng new in u ma orlal for monumeutal work aud bulld iug purposes, Washington comea to tho front not with an ordlnary marblo or gran lto but with a atone pecullar to ltself, which for the parpose named, is pronouuced by goologista and ezperts auperior to any Htone over butore unearthed. As prevlously stated in thoso columus, capltol Is tho ouly thing necesiary to de velop tbeno quarries; aud now tho Htone is so thorougbly advei tlsed aud ltH merlts ho fully undorntood it is belloved that capltul will be forthcomiug aud tho nearfuturo boo Washington aud her granlto ludustry among tbe foremost of tbe State. No need to four suddon attaokH ot cholera infantum, dysontery, diarrlicon, summer complalnt of any nort It you have Dr. Fowl er's Extract ot Wlld Strawborry in the medtclne cbest. VEItMONT NEWS. Buulinoton, Nov. 80 Cbarles H. Clarke, llio local agout of the Itutland rallroad, at Burlington, was Htrlcken with apoplexy yenterday afteinoon uud died Hoon atter waid. IIo haa been ln poor bealth tor houio ftiw montbH past. Mr. Olarke formerly ro Blded ln Boston, and Isaurvived by u wldow. Ono ot natnre's remedlea; cannot liarin the weakest constitution ; never fuils to curo summer complaluts of youngor old. Dr. I'owler's Extract of Wlld Strawberry. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT, Itoston I'roduco Market. CjfThe quotatloni Klien below repreient prlcei obtalued dt recetreri lor tcnMiaie Mi (not lobbintj prieet) auien otnerwlte limicaieu, oud are lnteuded to repruseut aotaal lalei, BCTTBB. Creamery, Vt. and N. lL.anorted iliei, 24 $p 2.) Ureamery, North'iiN, Y.,anortediliei, 24 & 23 Creamery, northeru Unti 23 & 24 Creamery, eaitern 4 w 24 Creamery, weitern flnta 23 24 Oreamery, aeconaa 20 M 'ti Dalry, Vt., extra v 22 24 Dalry, N. Y extra 22 & 11 Ualry, N. V. and Vt., nriti 2') 2t Dalry, N. Y.aud Vt..iecondi 17 (( 19 Dalry, N. Y. and Vt., low gracle ti 2 Hozei, extra creamery 'it (q 23 lloxea, extra dalry , 23 W 24 lloxei. com. Kood Q & 2i Truuk, nrlnti, ex. creamery 23 & 2rt Trunk, prtuta, ex. dalry 2 A 24 Truulc, iirlnti, com. to Kood 10 v 2J CHKKSa. New York, extra 11 & 12 Vermont, extra , U jp 13 Vermont, larKe extra 9 & 10 Vermont. Uriti 10 11 Vermont, leoondi 9 10 Baite a 10 1'art ikiun 6 ip t FI.OUU. Uimmoneitraa 230if2;.S Cholce extraii and leconda 2 3 10 Mlunnoiota elear and itralgb'j 3 lOff 3 "S Mlohlgaii, clear and ttrahtht 380 New York, clear and itralxnt I 05 1 80 Ohlo and ht. Iiuti otear 3 M0 3 1 Ohlo aud Kt. Louii malKht 3 700 3 bO Ohlo aud Ht. Lonli patent 3 000 4 19 WIicou.lii umt MI1111, iatent 4 24 4 43 COHN 11KAL. (Iranulated, cer bbl 1 JV'rf 3 60 (lomiuon, uerlibl 2 fi3 1 lo llaumeal 'Sf 10 M1I.L VKGD. MlddllnKi, tacked. ver ton 17 'fl9 2 llrau,iacked, wluter , 17 23M8 00 llran.iacked, iprlng IBiOSl? W Uottomeed ineal n bOaii 00 li . Kaon. Kmtorn, cnolce rrti.i , , j n Kaitetn.fnlrto rooi! ji JI Vt.nndN. Il.clmlrn frenh sj COIIN. Htenmcr jellon ii Htcdiner 41 No.3 41 Oood, no nrarte , 43 ( POTATOKS. Aroofttook llGbronn Now Hmntuihlre llebronfl., Vormout JlBbroniie 48 $ 60 H tti m 4(1 li U No I.cllpred white No.3, cllpped wlilte No.J, whlto No. 3, wtilto Hcjectod white..,. JIAT AND STUAW. Itnr. V. and Cantds, cholce to f.ney, IUr. N. V. and C'anada, fair to good , llaf, OHtern, cliolce Ilay, eaitern, ordlnary to fair Ilar.caitern, cotnmon llaj-, eaitern, cholce flne,.,,,, Ilay, eaitern, commen flne ,, 10 0017 00 14(X3l5(W 10 O012 (III 9 00U 00 19 003 11 60 rnovisioNB. llacks V bb , , 15 S01S 50 Hhort cnt clear m Cloar l Loanondl gi Laril Clty rendered, pnre ?) Ib 8 P Weitern comronnd.,,., 6 Pnre kettle rendered , Snioted Jlam lloiton, imall V lb CC lloiton medlnrn ,. (fS lloiton, Urge (f, FKK81I MKATS. Ileef, cholce llb )V?t Heef , llght chotco il lb 8ffS Ueef, heary Kood 4) lb 7ua Heef, Kood lb 7 0 H0 190 iiS 9 7 10 iieei, ninaqnarten, cnolce lOM rt i)coi,iiiiiaqunneri, common 10 KOOa... Hyi Ileef, forequarters, cholce , 6J Ileef, forcquartera, common to good 6;t uiuiLuii) ciim , ,... , Mutton, common to good 6 L.amu8, cn. eait. f t in Lambs. com. to tfnod lh Vcali, cholcu eaitern TH lb 9 vuai., iKiriUKOUU.... 7 Veali. common ( Iloston Lumbor Markct. LONCl LUMDKlt. Ilemlock boardi, ronfth 12 WHU C0 Itemlock boardi, plaued 13 50ft II 00 Ilemlock boardi, No. 2 11 WAu 00 Hprnco boardi, lit, clear fioor , Il6"val"50 Hprnce boardi, 2di, clear lloor 16 0O17 ll Nprnce boardi, coane 12 .VtftlJ 00 Bpruce, nor. do. cara 13 .VKfill ('.' Kpruce. tnatched 20 0021 IM llox boarda, 1 ln. Ilangor 10 90U 00 llox boarda, ord 9&o3io&0 Rox boardi, 7-8 do t (( 9 2J llox boarda, 3-4 Aj 8 tnfii 8 73 llox boardi, 11-16 do 8 Ww 8 21 llox boardi, 5-8 do , 7 008t0 B1IOKT LUlinKU, ShlnKlea, Kaitem, aawed, codar, ex 2 HMInnlei, doclear 2 2di , 1 hhlnglea, do ex. No. 1 1 BhlnKlei, do No. 1 1 Clanboarda. do 4ft. ox 51 6.VM 2 73 )(!& 2 30 Wrb 2 00 5Cft 1 63 1( 123 OiffJ0 00 Clapboardi, do clear 21 00(328 00 wig'.6 m uiapooarai, ai, ciear 24 Clapboardi, extra No. 1 17 Claoboardi. No. 1 lo S2 S0 0012 00 Latn,aprnce, bycari 2 Lath.iprnce, bTCarxoei 2 70B 2 85 133 2 50 Iloston Wool Markct. MICBIQAN. Xandabote 28 W No.i n Yi No. 2 27 (ft Klne nnwaibed 18 Unmerchautable 20 No. l.comblng, and y. blood 23 No. 2, combiUK, Si blood 23 W Delalne 27 KKNTCCKT JkHD INDIAMA. Comblnfi, J; blood 14 Comblng, yi blood 23 ComblUK, brald 20 Gb Olothlnfr.'i blood 23 OlothlnK, coane 21 0 FDLLED AND SCOURBD. A Qne , 52 fft A inper 47 & U inper 39 O inper 30 tl Comblnn, flne 50 Oombintr, common 40 & Tcniiont aiarkets. rnoDCCK, Montpelier bntter. freih new, ln 5 lb tt.... 20 liutter. freah new, ln tnba, ti lt 21 Cheeae, dalry, ?t S 11 cERKa, doi 22 Potatoei, bmhel, new 35 Hokb, llre, & IB 4 IIoks. drened, ti ft 6 Lainbi.X lb 4 i Veala, Uve 4 Cblckena 10 Fowla 9 Turker 14 Barre liutter, dalry 22 KKfta, -jl dot 26 i l'otatoea, buahel, new 35 Iloga.drened, lb 6 Veala, llve 4 Bprlng lamba, W Ib Ileef, hlndquartera,3fl lb 7 Ileef, torequartera, V Ib 4 i Fowla, fb 10 ( KprluKChlckoua 10 Turkeva 15 IlichmonJi liutter, creamery 16 liutter, dalry, tub 10 liutter, cratea 11 Cheeie, factory Cheene, dalry Cheeae, aage Kgita 16 l'otatoea, V buihel new 40 IIok. llroV lb lloga, dreaaed, VTt Veala, llre Ileef, hlndquartera Beef. forequartera hheep. llre 3 rtppnK mmoe .. vt 3 Turkeyi 11 16 Spring cblckena 13 16 31. Albam lluttor, creamery 20 (9 21 liutter, dalry. fair to irood 14 4? 15 liutter, dalry, aelectloua , 16 $P 17 liutter, dalry, aeparator 15 UP 18 Waterbury liutter, freah. V Ib 17 13 liutter, cratea, V box 14 (p 15 1Ckk, H do 17 ti 13 l'otatoea, V buahol new 40 0 50 1Iok',1Ho, V lb t) liona, dreaaed, V B ? 5S Lamba 3 4 Veala. Uve 3 4 Chlckeua 15 4 16 Torkeia 14 (p 16 HKTAIL DEALERB rniOBI. Flour, BprlnK Wheat W barrel 5 0095 25 Flenr, w'lnter Wheat.W barrel 4 iOS 4 75 Klour, Family Kollcr, ! barrel 4 33ft 4 M Feed.Wcwt 9! 100 Meal.flcwt .'X9 95 Mlddllugi.ftcwt lOOgliS Oata,?H buahel I3A 35 Coru, W buihel , "W 2 llran.percwt ' kO&IOO lleana' buahel 210 HV. "A doso ln tlmo savas llves." Dr. Wood's Norway I'iue Syrupj uatare's remedy for cougbs, culds, puhuouary dlsoasea ot everj aort. Ciirrcnt Coniniont, Sollera aro as harrassed and buyers ure aa uuxlons and urgent us they were last week. Snpplles horo ar uo duubt very limlted, and ho greut Is tho sbortsge ot cars tbat luimedlate rellef Is Imposslble. This, of course, is of ltself suflluient to ac copntfor a general uneasluess, but wheu to this la added a grave apprehension that tho quautlty of apruco lumbor all told will be insi.tllcteut tor tho wltiter's demand, pur obasera' dlsiutet ls fully ucuouuted for. Tbe gruut tubjnrlty ot tbo mllls, of coursx, huvu nuw ueusHd runnlng. It need banlly be addud that, under all the clrouuiBiancts, tbe advaucea recently uotod aro retained. Tbe lnok ot Hpruoo boards ls a very n ouii uent teature ot tho market, and S15 by rall for 5 inoh and upnard la not duetned ul reaaouahle. Uuder tho iLlluouoeof a very fair demand uud pru-puottvi) II not uoiual prosout sburt ngo tbo markot for clapboards rules llrm. We maku uo aoiual chauge in quotattons but noto au iu.-rea.lug iuollnatlou to htnt at the posslnlllty of au advauco. Ijnilis aro ln good deui and aud steady; there U aopar imtly no prospeot ot alteratlou Just now. Laths hold tho advauce. l'OTATOKM. BecelptB havo been beavy agalu thia week, aud although thero bua been a steady fair domand, a lurgo supply 12 ST II :i w so 30 a 11 2 Si 19 ti W 29 m 10 f 7 (0 H & 7 8 12 K tttt U a 10 has Rccnmnlated at the roada, and t tho close tho fflellng ls not qulto ho Btong hh lt has been. Tbero haa boon no (inotnhlo chango In prlcos for cholco atock, howover. Ucst Aroostook Groen MonntiiinB aro hMU brlngitig COo and oxtra HebronH hold falrly niruujf ni. uon. xum OIUIU BIOCK 1181 lieon coiniiig quuo iroeiy anu averago lots nro bavlng a slow milo at 48 to COc. Wooi,. Snles for tho woek. 4.7Rn nru poumis. Tbo fallurnH of las week havt no hnen follownd by fartlier simllur troatiles ln the dry gooilH or wool trade. Tho wnol market ls stoady, notwlthstaudlng tbo bard knocka lt has rucelved, aud among the prliiclpal mRmhora of tbo trado thoro was a cheerful (eellng last Thnrsday. Not tbat it wuuiu navo lieon bettor liad tbo Uartloy failure not nr.p.nrrml. lult lt hna hnnn n nnaal- billty for Hevoral months past, and ovory do cline ln prtcoslnco Jnnuary 1 has but pro voked tbo crlsis. Tho affalrs of tbo con cet n and tho desperatostralta It was In havo boon publlo property for somo tlme, and to many lt has been a surprlse that It held out so long. Now tbat tho worat has happened ib ib uDiiuveu uiau wnat waa a nionaoo uaa been romoved, and with tbo long agony ovor the sltuatlou is lust so mncli rMr,aA. Thero has bcon no efteotnpnn prlces by tho imiuio nuu uu uiacuut ourtaument oi tho demand. In fact tho salea of domestlc grades are sllghtly largor than last week and tho aggregato buslnesa of the woek la of good slze. Tho Hnrtloy wools will not bo Baorlflced by tho crodltors. Arrangemeotg uave oeon maao wuoreoy tno wool will bo marketed ln the cuBtomary manner, and 'bo bost prlces obtainublo ln tho near futuro will bo sought. With tho oplnlon prevall Ing that tho markct ls to do botter next tnontn or eariy in tlio coming year, no ono is dlsposed to hold olearance Bales. To tho contrary thero ls a nurslng of suppllea in the bellef that prlces havo touobed thelr lowest polnt, whlle somo of tho most contl dent tradera thluk thoy can soe the llght DreaKing on ino prospect oi niglier prlces. Flour and Guainb. A dull inarket haa ruled all through tbo week and about tbo only sales mado wero wbero buyers were in need of somo speclal brands to keep nn as Hortmeuts. Prlces aro tlrmer for spring wheat patontB, with not much chango in otber gradeH. Spring wheat patents aro iiuoted ot, 88.33 to 4 25 por bbl. for Mlnneso t aud Wlsconsin hrtinds, with somo speclal patents hold at 83.40 to 4 45 and even hlgh or. Cholce patents uro offered a' 4.20 to 84.30. Few salHa wero inade during tho week above S5 3G per bbl. Winter wheat Hours aro tnaterlally changed ln prlces, about 83.00 to 4 15 belng a full rango for Michigan, Ohlo aud Iudiana patenlB. Win ter wbeat nlear and stralght flours are quoted at 83 CO to 3.80, New York clears and stratgbts aro dull at S3.C0 to 3.70 per bbl. Eaas. Uecelpts havo been moderato for the paat week and havo included a very Boiall portion of cholce fros . Tbero haa been a steady demand for beBt fresh Btock and prlceB at tho closo are rnling full two cents blgher, fancy freah Mlch , etc, selllng well at21 to22a. Average marks of freah western have a rather slow salo at 19 to 20c. Refrigerators remalu qalet and without ma terlal chango. Ciikksk Keceipta for oxport, 1,477 box es. Wo have hd another very quiet week ln tho cheese trade. Demand has been very llght and at tho close the fluest northern fall twius are bard to place at anything over UJc, and some vety good matks offer ing at 11c. Ohlo tlats dull and eay. 14IIAY and Stuaw. A qulot but very steady market for hay ls reported with no materlal changa to noto ln prlces. Re celpts aro incrtaslng but the domand ls sutllclently actlvo to provent any accumu latlon of Btock. Cholce hay ls stlll quoted at $18 to 18.S0 per ton, with the demand moderato and not much offerlng. The market Ib well Bupplled with Iower grades wbicb sell slowly at S17 per ton down, ac cording to quallty. Itye straw ls unchang ed ln prlco, with the demand fair at S15.50 to 18 50 per ton for cholco cut, some fancy cars brlnging even more. ConN. The deinaud ls slow for new corn with old corn in good demand and scarce. New No.2 yellow corn tor shlpment is quot ed at460 bushols. Old No. 2 yellow on track ls quo'ed at 47 to 47Jo per bushels, wun now at n lo iijc. Liower graues rango down as to quallty. Itecelpta continue largely for export. Oatb. Tbe market ls steady, with a fair demand for nearby lots. About 32 to 331o per bushel ls tbe range for fancy beavy cltpped white oata on track bllled through. No. 2 cllpped through are quoted at 29'i to 30c per bushel, with lower grades down as to quallty. Beans. Uecelpts of marrow pea beans are steadily increasing, and prlces are grad nally working lower. General sale Binca Monday has been at $2 00 to 2 50, but at the closo the market la hardly quotable at over 82. Yellow eyes and red kldneys stlll in abort Hupply and brlnging full prlces. Buxtek. There has been a little moro doing tbls week, aud since Monday a balf cent advanco has been established on freah table grades. But demand ls not at all ac tlvo and tbe supply of fresh creamery is full enough for tho wants ot tbe trade. Late sales of rlne freah nortbern creamery havo been at 22Ja for assorted stzes and 22o for large tubs. Western extra creamery haa had a moderate aale at 22 and 22Jc, the out slde for strlctly fancy in assorted slzes. First and second coutinue in llgh' demand. Imitationa aud ladles movlng slowly. Fiue box butter steady. I'oiuts quiet. Juno ex tras in moderate demand at 21o genorally. DnKssicD I'odlt. y. There has been no marked chango ln the condition of the mar ket duriug the past week. The weather continues waini and nnfavorable and moro or less stock arrlves a little out of condition. Western iced towla have ruled steady at 8J to 9jc for tbe general rnn, with a few strlct ly cuolce largo at IOj. Western Iced chlck ens have been doiug a little better, cbolce large roastiug Bollli.g well at 10 to 11c, and strlctly cholce broilers runglng np to 15 to 13o. Western young turkeys have had a steady sale at 10 to 11c for gocd averaga lots, with a few sulected large at 42c. Some Bmall lots of dry packed western poultry coming but havo to be uxceptionally cholco and iu prlme nrdor to brlng any more than lce packed, Northern and eastern receipts have been qulto llberal and cholce lots havo had a moderato aale ut foriner prlces. Scald head ls an cczsma of the scalp very severe sometimen, but It cuu be cured. Doan's Olntment, qntck and permanent in Its resulta. At uuy drug stare, 50 cents. Llvo Stoek Markct. There were on tho market at Brighton last Tuesdav 2G30 cattle, 1179 aheop aud lambi, 11,122 Htvlne, 458 veal calves, 35 borses auiHUO Ibi. of poultry. For Northern and Kristern cattla tbo market opened well butclosed pooriy. Be fore the end ot tho day HUpplles bucamo excusslve aud drovers were obliged to ao cent low prios, S.ilool 4 catile, averxgo 1C35 Ibs, 54c; 2 cattle, uverage 1855 lbs, fijo; 2 oattle, average 1TOO lbsj 4ioj 4 cattle, at erage 1287 lbs, 5c; 2 cat P, average 1110 lh, 4ji'j 2 cattle. avorace 1710 lbs, 5-; 8 be f cowa average 777 Ib, 2Jo; ;i beef cows, iiv. erae 1150 lbs, 3Je; 8 beet oows, average 875 lb4,3o. Ot milch cows sales wero reported at $50 to 55. Oeveral good Hpeclmens wero he.d at an advauce ot about 810 over these rlgi.res. The deuiand was good Wheu prlces wi-ro reHHunable. For veal calvua prlces woro hlglmr, tlio supply beliii: inoderute uud the deiuan l good. BaltB: 29 oalves, avorage KW lb 54 C! 37 ouIvhh, uvnrnge 135 lbs, (icj 42 cali , avaiage 120 lbs, 01c: 37 oal vhi, av. ri.g, ISS lbH, Dfu; 17 ualves, uverage 112 lbs, 5 Sueep and Umbs were ln llght urmitnl only. Oboioe Uiuhs fetched in a few lu Hlances Si), but IJo was tho usual tlgure. There was a fair demand for hwIiio and sales ltioluded 50 bogs, averogo 149 ibs, 5p, 4 hogs, averngo 273 lbs, 4Joi 0 hors, averMge 2C5 lbs, 4jo. The receipts of Western beef gattie at tbese yarda were ot about tho averago quantlty.