Newspaper Page Text
6 EKMONT WATCHMAN & STATEt JOUHNAL, WEDNESDA1, JANUAKY 23, li01 lilncltleg ln C'ntUo. lllnckleg iu cattlo also goca uuder tho natuoa of syraptonjuUc anthrox uud Wnck quurtor. Tho diaeaao was for many yeurs coufoundcil with uuthrux, aiid it wns ouly found aftor caroful ro Bcarch Ihat it dlfCerod iu a grcftt tunny wajs fiom that dlBcaeo. Eapcclally iu ita coutaglous ualuro ia tho dlatinctiou markcd.for of onltunla othor thau cattlo ouly Bhcop ond gonts oro Buacentlhlo, nnd thoao allghtly. Tho syuiptotua of ho diBtBEo uio iumilinr to nll Btcckmcu Thcso nro lamcncaa iu a front or hlnd log, nccompanied by tho dovelopuiout of a tumor on tho limb. Thia tumor ia fllled with gns; and upon preaauro n pc culiar crackliug Boutid ia produccd. Tho incat which thia tumor ailects ia blaok, nud tho tumor ilaelf contaiua a dark iluid. Blacklcg iB cauBod by tho introduc tion into tho syBtom of a gorm known ns tho blncklcg bncillus. Tho uaual mannor of iufuction ia through a wound of tho akin or mucoua mem brane. Tho germs do not pa88 out with the oxcrctionB, benco tho diecaao ia not comiuunicablo from nnitual to nnimal. 13ut if a blacklcg carcass bo ekinncd aud tho blood and juicca be allowcd to entcr tho soil, or if such a carcasa bo nllowcd to dccompoBo with out boing buried, tho germa form aporc8, or "go to Bced," and in thia foim may livo in tho ariil for niany yeara, ready to bcgin lifo anow as aoon aB coudi tiona are favorable. Thua tho paBturo may bc a conBtant eourco of infcction. To provent thia tho carcasa niust be buinod imrucdintcly, or buricd at leaBt eix feet under tho ground. FrofetBor A. T. Peteie, NtbraBka Experiruent Statiou. Sprcndiug Mannro Upon tho Suow. An eurly and hcavy Bnowfoll, whilo tending to aiuiiniah uatural loascs of plant food, is apt to favor artiflcial Iobbcb. It is apt to dcter tho furmer from hauling out hi'B uiai-ure aupply. Too many farmera hold totho miatakcn no tiou that apreading inanuro upon tho snow is a wasteful practico,lhatmuch of ita value ia loat by leaching and by ruu ning off of tho surfacc in tho epring. Thcy point to darkoned anows, to dit colorcd watera and to greener mcadowa at tho biiBO of tho hillsidcs na proof of thcso Iobscs. It iB probably truo that somo losa occure in thia way, but it is leas tban ia UBually auppoaed. Thoac who aro frightencd by this, howover, should atudy tho barn lossee, should know that, aa ordinarily kcpt, manure dotcrioratcB more in the barn ccllar or in the manuro heap thau it doca iu tho fleld; that it is bottor for manuro to leach on tho Boil it ia mcant to fortilize than in proximily to tho barn and tho family well; that it will fermcnt less outdoora thau it will indoors; that, in short, cxporimcnt and experionco aliko snow that tho housing of manuro in tho winler ior apring hauling ia soldom bottor and geuorally worae than spread ing it upon tho snow aa faat as it ia made. Somo will bo loat if Bpread; moro, howevor, will bo lost if kept at tho barn; aud tbo Bpring's work will bo juat bo much tho further bohind. Exporiment atation bulletina preach this doctrine, inatituto speakera pro pound it, and farmera aro yearly prac ticihg it moro extensively. It is the moderu notion, aud tho right ono. Tho wintor mauuring of a ateop hill- aido may not be advisnblo; but modcr- ato BlopcB or lovcl plncea of not too leachy laud may bo safely fcrtilizod any day in tho ycar except Sundaya. Ver mont Exporiment Station. For tho Low Stable, Firat Thoroughly clean tho stablo ovory day and aprinklo tho gutters and all wet apots on tho floor with laud plaster (gypaum) or road duat. Second Give each cow a liboral aup ply of dry beddiug at all timoa. Third TJae the card and brush daily on each animal. Such attention is aa important for tbo cow as for the horae. Fourth Feod, wator and milk with logularity, ulwaya at tho aame houra and in the uume ordor. Fifth (a)Bofore commoncing to miiK nruBU tno uuaer ana UankB caro ful ly and wasti tho teats if nccessary. (b) Nover milk with wot hands, but uso a few drops of cloan sweet oil if tcatB aro dry and rough. (c) Draw the milk aa rnpidly as poaaiblo, but al wayB gently. (d)Get all tho milk each timo nud then atop. Do not "atrlp" with thumb and flnger. Sixth Woigh oach mess of milk uc curatoly aud record it. Soventh Keop tho propriotor or au porintendont fully and promptly ad viaod of tvorything particularly if any cow rofuaes her fecdor faila to givo hor accuatomed llow of milk, or otuerwiso departa from hor UBual routino. Eighth Nover loave cowa out of doors in n Btorm, or whon it ia ao cold that a nnin out with thom would bo un comfortablo. Ninth Loud or angry worda cannot bo toloratod, nnd blows nro strictly for biddon. Nover forgot that n cow is n mothor; ovorything which approachos unklndnoBB not to aay brutality muat be acrupuloualy nvoidod. Tonth Koep theao commnndmonta not only to tho lettor, but in tholr aplrit aho. (Hoard'a Dairyman, ifSSQ jj Forlnfants and Childron. f ASTORlA lThe Kind You Have irV . "l Always Bought ANtectablel'rcpnralionrorAs- II - similatmgilicFoodfliulRcgula- 1 ., linglUcSlomaclisandDowcisor II JjQarS tlie M 1 Signature X4u Proniolcs Digcslion.Checrlur- 1 M i ncssandncst.Conta'msneitlicr llf nf Jv f P Oirium.Morphinc norMmcral. II1 Ul MxJ ; iS" O X Al l C O T I c . 1, Jltctpe ofoUJlr&V-mELVlTCllER j 1 1 jtlx.Srnnn. 1 Jf B llothtltt Mts- 1(1' JU M n MvStrd f ll A W & B II Jlifrmv'tl - ) ! ; I a 1 Ib W I II lhCntimalrSoda ( II Rjl rrmn'rd SiiMr I 11 aT HR llSilnynmt Ftatvr. ) W r& Wi nfl f fl ApcrfcclHcmedy forConslipn- I f W J W U Tlon.SourStomach.DiarrJioca I I fft Worms.Conviilsions.Fcvcrish- I I Wr rnu a8trs ncss mulLossOFSLEEP. I J fl 1J V U I FqcSuwIc Signnture or Thirty Years THC CCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW VORK CITY. !TlC'Bst .a , Food Madc i - $np WkMwM i I I i I , p j UMakes 'l Hens t. rrcpnrntlon for Fnrniliig. A man wlahing to qunllfy hlmBolf for Ir.wyor, a doctor or an onginoor fctls tho noccBslty of caroful proparntlon. IIo cducatca nnd trnins hlmsolf for hls choBon profeaaiou. Wlthout thia prop- nrntiou ho hna no oxpcctntlon or hopo of buccobb. Yot mou thlnk thoy can aucccBBfully prnctlco tho groat art of ngrlculturo without ovon loarniug tho alpliabot of tho calling. A writor iu tho Natlonal StocKmnn saya: "To thoao of tho youngor gonoration who nro lookiug to farinlng aa tho vocation to which thoir futuro yoara aro to bo giv- on nnd tho moauaby which tholr llvlng ia to bo galucd I would cnrnoatly couu- sel cnroful propnraliou. Do not bo in too grent n hurry to nsaumo responBl bllltios. First flt yourBolf to moot thom. If withln your powor, tnko n courao iu Bomo good ngrlculturnl col- leeo. Tho oducalion nnd trnlning you will thoro ncquiro nrn juat ns hclpful in fltting you ior your choson lifo work as tbo oducatiou aud training of a modi- cal collogo ia to the practico of modi- cino, or that of n collogo of onginoor- ing for nn onginoor. To thoao who nro unable to tnko ovon a Bhort courso in an ugriculturnl collogo, I would sny hiro out to tho vory boat farmcrs who will givo you anything liko tho worth of your labor. Work away for doar lifo, and niako thoao fnrmors toll you nll thoy know nbout tho work in hand. It will do no harm to lancy that tbo fnrm is youra or tbnl you aro u partner in the onterpriao nnd thnt it is your monoy inatond of tho owner's thnt ia pnying for tho labo and othor curront oxponseB. Koop your eyos wido opon, nnd mako n min- uto record of whnt is dono oach dny on tho fnrm, togother with notca of tho weathor, and tho dato8 whon tho dif- feront cropB woro plautod, cultivatcd, harvoBtcd, ctc. As far ns poaaiblo flnd out whnt unch crop, including farm an- imnls nnd thcir productB havo cost, so that you can tell nt tho ond of tho Ben son vrhich crops havo boon raieed and what Btock haa bccn kept at a proQt, and which at a loes. Buy n fow of tho boat modorn books trcating of bucIi phaaea of farmlug aa you nro apecinlly intercatcd in nnd givo them tho cloae nl- tontion of your loiauro hours. The long wintor ovonings on tho farm, ono of tho most vnluablo provieions of nature, can bo occupicd in thia way. Abovo all procuro and atudy a few booka trcat ing in a popular wny of ontomology, botnny, chomiBtry nnd goology,nnd tho npplication of thoir trutha and princl ples to tho art of agriculturo. I valuo highly Bciontiflc attainments. Yot tho uverngo mnn ns a ruio will uorivo moro bcnellt from such books aB trcat of tho application of tho principlos and facts of Bcicnco than from thoeo which troat of tho scionco iteelf." Preachers Praise Dr. Wlliams, Pink Pills for Pale People. Onnnion eitfas 2 70 ?J J CO Uliolco oitm and leconda,., 30 J25 MlnnneioU clear and itrlbi 1 bOrb 4 UO Mlchlgan, cloar and itralKlit 1 603 sao New York, cloar and tmlnht I (09 3 84 Ohlo and Ht, I.ouln cloar.,. .... JlwS 37 Ohloand Ht. I.oali itralKht,,,, 3 70 S 80 Ohlo aLd Ht. Loul patcnt 9 Dl 4 16 f Wlaconaln and Illnn, patent 4 SOW 4 79 COUN MUAL. 1 (Itanulated, ser bbl i KB 1 60 I Oommon, pot bbl 20t21u llagineal tlli? to HILL VBBO. ' MlddlltiK. lacked.perton , 17 (i019 2 llran.sackod, wluter , 17 25tfi8 0i) Uran, tacked, aptlnR 1GS0S11OO Uottonaeed meal ib WctK 0U Koas. Ksitorn. cnolce trii..... 28 t 21 Kaatntn. fair to Kood 'il ia 25 Vt.andN.ll. cholce freih 28 0 30 COI1N. Hteatner jellow 41 Cf 43 Kteamer 41 flO No.3 41 4t Uood, no Krade , 41 QH rOTATOKa, ArooHook Ilebrona , tS SJ 60 New Harapahlre llebrona " & M Vermont llebronae 40 49 No hlehcr pralRo onn be glven Dr. Wllllams' I'lnlt I'lllafor I'ale People tban tlio many voluutnry tcstlmonl ala from mlnlitorn of tho Koapel. Ilere Ib ono from Ilev. Euoch Illll, arnndJuuctlon, Iowa: "Inma flrm bellevor ln tlio etn. onoy of Dr. Wllllnnis' Plnk Pllls for Pnls Pooplo. Kor tlirce or four ycari I wbb a aufrorer from coneral cleblllty. Ineoniod to be laelilui; ln vltnllty, wns tlrod out mostof tlio tltne untl slecp gnvo ma no rcst or refresli ment. I wiib troublcil with Ueuilncho much of tho tlmo andalthoiiKh 1 wbs notconllncd to my bcd, tny lllnoss lncapncltnted mo for encrgotlo work ln my pustorato. ''Aslntor-lii-lftwllvlnf! tnNebraskB. who Imd Buircrcd vcry much and who linn used Dr. VfillnmB, Plnk 1'lllB with eOod resulu, rocommended tbemtomoandldcclded totrytbcm. I had tnkon but two or throeaosea of tho pllls when I foundtbat they wcre helplnif me, and further tise of tho rcmcdy brought such rellef thnt I am Klad to olfer thia publlo recom inenda tlonof Dr. VIlllamB Plnk JMU for Pale People ln lliolntercst oXiufXer lng humanlty." Rbv. Enoch nrxi, Tattor it. J?.CIiurch,Qrand Junctlon, 7ua. At all rirugclsta, ordlrcct from Dr.wiinnms aimicine lompnnjr, btxy I'erry'a Bccdi aro known tlio country ovcr na tlie iiinnt rcllulilo Hcciln tliat cnn be bouglit. Doti't nnvo Dlckel on chcap BcodB atnt loac a uoiiur ou tlio linrvi st. 1!)01 Heod Annual froc. D. M. FERRY & CO., Dctrolt, Mlch, OAT8. No 1. cllpped white., Bchcnnctady, N.V. Ix boiea (Z.C0. 60c, per box ; HO Read whatis said about it by your neighbors. From H. B. NICHOLS. Middlesex.Vt. I nm fully convinccd thnt PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD is tho only thing to nso when pcoplo wish to dorivo n bcnofit from' their fowle. It not only PREYENTS TIIEM FROM EATING THEIR EGGS, but givcs a uccideu mcreaso m tho numbor recoived. Frorn C. C. PUTNANI & S0N, Putnamsville, Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD'is a good scllcr and is giv ing cntiro satisfaction to our customera. From C. O. PERLIN.ECabot, Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD is all thnt is clnimcd for it, I have given it a thorough trinl and my oxpenenco is that whon I feod it at dirccted I get good rettuns in oggs, and when I stop feeding it and givo inom omy corn i aon t get an egg, whicu convinces mo that it pays to uso ib. I consiuer it just what ns nnme imphes 'u rorfected Poixltry Food. From HENRY LEET, Topsham, Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD is tho best poultry food wo have ovcr tricd. Our hens have LAID BETTER for tho past ycar THAN t!i VJUt UfjV um'j. J!.ncloscd lind check for anotlier barrel. From F. H, KETCHUM.'.Randolph, Vt. I have used quito lnrgo quantitios of PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD and TIIINK VEIIY HIGHLY OF IT. Shall continuo to use it. From H. C- CHURCH. Vershire. Vt. PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD hns given perfoct sntisfnc tion. I havo sold it, on tho road from the stntion, and now I HAVE CALLS EVERY FEW DAYS TO ERI8Q TIIEM MORE. From N. K. COODWIN, Tunbridge, Vt. I havo uaod PAGE'S PERFECTED POULTRY FOOD and nm con vinced that I GET MORE EGGS than I should without it Agonts wantcd to sell this Poultry Food in ovory villngo where it is not now on salo. For terins to agents, address tho manufacturcr, CARROLL S. PAGE, Hyde Park, VI. A Itoiucdy for tlio Grippc. A rnmedy rocommended for patlontB nf- llloted with the Qrlppe is KEMP'8 HAIj SASI, which ia eBpecially adapted for tho tlinmt and lunga. Don't wait for the llrst Bymptoms of tho dlBoaae, pet a bottle today anu Keup it ior use tiiu moment H 18 needed. It neglected tho Rrlppo haa a tenduncy to bringon pneumonla, KEMP'S HAL8AM prevents thiH by keoplup tlie cougb Ioobh aud tbo Iuurs Iree from liillmnnmtlon, All drupelBta sol hEMP'S BAL8AM at 25c. and 500. timo. Tho aahcs uoeu romoving occa- sionally aud wo found tho oasiest way to bo to tako up tho hcator, which ia hold iu plnco by rods which acrow into n nlatform on which tho hcatora aro aot, and ompty tho aaho8 out. Thi8 ncoda to be dono only once a weck. It ia my opinion that it took leaB timo to caro for tho heatcrs than H would havo takcn to kecp tho ico out of tho tanks. We put the hcatora ln the tanka Fobruary 10 ami usod thom till April 28, a poriod of aixiy-eight dnys. In thia timo wo burn?d 2545 pouuds of coal iu tho two hontera, or abont nine teon poundB u day in each hcntcr. At S4 por ton thia coal coat S5 09, or about four centa per hcator por dny. During this timo tho tanka woro not frozen over. On a fow occaalona n little ico formed on tho tanks, but thia wa8 due to tho wator beinp; drunk out ao low that tho heatorB did little good.-Prof. J. G. Hauley in Brocder'a Gazette. If You Wou't I'rlnt my narae, wrltes lady well known in New York, "any lettera you may recelve from what I liere aay, may ho sent to mo ptivately. Your new medlciue, Calcnra Solvent, wbolly c red me ot chronic dya pepaia, and also an ailmont pecuilar to my nt)X tliat haa troubled we ever niuco I wtin eiRhteen." Kor free trial bottle write to Ut. Uavld lleunedy, liennedy ttow, ton, N. Y. No. 2. cllDped white, No. 2, white 30 W II No. 9, white , 29 30 Helected white 29 29 IIAY AND BTBAW. Hay, N. V. and Canada, cliolee to fancr.. HSOJf 18 00 Hay. N. Y. and Canada, fair to KOOd 16 0ff 17 00 Ilar. eaatern, cliolco 14 OOSl.t 00 llay, eaatern, ordlnarr to fair 10 0ml2 00 Ilaj, eaatern, common U0(tll 00 Haj, eaatern, cliolco flne 11 WjilJ 00 Ilar, eaatern, common fine 1OW011SO FUOVI8IOHB. l-ork- llacka V bb 1J SOffHS M Hhortcut clear 10SO Ulear , I7 10 Leanenda 18 7S Lartt Ultjr rendered, pnre TH Ib 8 m Weatern coraponnd 6 & l'nro kettle rendered Smottii llani lloaton, amall X Ib dt Hoaton medlara lloaton, larKe & F11R81I MEATS. Ileet, cliolco ?Ub ?X! Ileef. lluhtcholceMlb 8WC lloef . hearr eood V Ib Thi lleet.irood Wlb 7 A lleef, lilndqaartera, cholce lOK neei, ninaqaartera, common to good K lleef, foreqaartera.cbolce 6)2 noei, iurequariera, common 10 gooa vyt aiuiiun, exira I Mntton, common to good 6 Lamba, ch. eaat. lb 8 Lamba, com, to Rood Ib 8 Veala. cholce eaatern w lb 9 Veala, talrtogood 7 Veala, common 7 9X 1 1 11 9 i 8" W JO w o & 12 10 8 it f VEltMONT L1FE UNDEItWUITKHS. Tbo Stato AHHoclation of Llfe Under writera beld ita oleventli annual meutiuK aud Imnquet at Ilurlington on Tuusduy. At tlio ImsluoHN meHTiiiR hold in tho ttfter noon tbu ( illowliiK olUueri uero eluutod: Prenldent, W II, 8. Whltoomh ol BurllnR. ton; vlce prealdentH, A, 1'. Olillds of lien nltiKtou, Erl b. Klnsley o( itutland, E. I, Drury of Moutpeller, F. W. I'ntnum o( Urattluboro, F. J. Hubbard of Hatland; Hocrotary, V. 11. Ilrown of llur liiKton; troaaure-, Tboman MngnHr of llurllNRton; ejcecutlvo cominlttee, VV. O. itahlwin ot llurlluL'tini, li U, Illauoharil of Nuwpnrl, II, II. Kohs of Itutland, V O. IIill of Itut land aud 8. S. Ilallard of Montpelier. Amung tbo aflor diuuer apeakerd waa V. A, Uowland, who apokn for the luaurauon coiiimlnwlonara. Orrlu Ddley, E I, Drury and H. B. Ilallard ulao uttuuded tbo bau-(juel. b cJv and poor, old aud youun terrlble tbo tor- turo thoy HufTer, Ouly ono auru curo, Doan's Uintment. Abaolutuly uufe: cun'l full. FIKK AT MOHTIl MONTI'ELIEH. The old Rrist and Baw-mtll bnllt in 1851 or 1855, and known an the Uolllater iuill, waa buruml on Tburdday at about one o'clock. Tbo oiIrIii ot the llro 1h uncertain. Tbo p roperty was ownnd by J. W. lJut tertlold ot North Montpelier, who recently bouglit it, and was valued at abont 83,000. ItiBUrnncB, 51,000. W, E. (Jarues carrled a llne of foed iu tho nilll. Two CiirH of feed had Juat been ro cuired and tbree more were ezpectod iu two or lliroe days, Two daya orii Mr, UitrnHn bad takeu out iu-urancu for S1000, and hla loaa in estiuiuted at from 8800 to 81000. Tho alr wbh qnlet. Tbo Btoro of W. G. Nyo was tba neuroHt property on ono side ot the mlll atid tbu old Moororott mlll ou tho other, but no tlmnuRo waa dono to nolRlibutliiK ImtldlURH. 40Qkmh, 10 Obnts. Dr, ARiiew'a Iilver IMlla curo all ttoubtuH urialnj; fromtornor ot llver, 15ay uud qitlok, baulab 8lck lload aobe, purify tbe blood aud eradioate all im Gurllleii from the ayatem. Tbo demand ia Ir. Tbe I'llla aro little, eaay lo takh, ploua mit reaults, no paln. 40 iu u vlal, 10 oenta, 71 W. K. Terrill Ss Oo. nnd O. IHakely. Wnrmiiig M'ater for Cattlo. Tank heatora woro UBed to warm tho wator for tho Bteora fcd on tho collcgo farm last winter. Tho watcr aupply ia from tho city watcr Byatcm and was let into tho tanks ns ofton aa was nccessary to keop tho cattlo suppliod. Tho tanka aro ordlnary wood ones, aevon loet in diamoter, two foot, thrco inchoB dcop and atand in tho opon without protec tion or covcra, Eighty Bteora woro fed in four lota of twonty oach and two lot8 woro watered at each tank. Tho heatora used last wintor rcBomblo a deep casl-iron kottlo providod with a romovablo grnto four inches from tbo bottom. Tho lid ia providod with opon mga for ndmitting fuel, controlling drnft nnd tho nttnchment of pipo to cnrry nway smoko. Tbo draft is tho samo aa tho nh-light hcator, tbo opcn ing bcing tbo samo at tho top and carrled bulow tho grato by u ahoet-Iron pipo nt tho aldo of tho body of tho hontor. "Wo usod coal aB fuol oxclusivoly and had no troublo in any way with tho operatton. Tho flrea aoldom wont out and only rcquircd a little poklng and ndditional coal twico n day at focding $100 ltownrd $100 Tho rcadors of thia pnpor will bo plonacd to loarn that thoro is at lcnsl ono drcndcd dlscuso that scienco haa boon ablo to curo in nll ita stnges, nnd thnt is Cntnrrh. Ilall's Catarrh Curo ia tho only posltlvo curo known to tho medical fratornity. Cntnrrh, beiiig n couatltutionnl diacnao, rcquirca n con atitutionnl trontmout. Ilnll'a Cntnrrh Curo ia tnkon iutornally, ncting directly upon tho blood nnd mucoua Burfacea of tho Byatem, thoro by destroylng tho foundation of tho disensu, and glvlug tho paticnt atrougth by bulldiug up tho conatitutiou uud aaaisting naturo in do lug its work. Tho propnotors havo ao much faith in ita curativo powors, that thoy offor Ono Hundrod Dollars for any caso that it faila to curo. Sond for liat of toatimoniala. Addroaa, F. J. Chenky & Co., Tolcdo, O. ("Sold by Druggi8t8, aovouty-llvo coula. Ilnll'a Family PIIIb nro tho boat. Hcln for tlio Fnruier's Wifo. Tho fnrmer's reading courso of Cor- noll Uniuoraity, Ithnca, N. Y., waa ot ganizcd threo yeara ago, nud has grown atoadily since, but ia being pushed with renewod vigor thia winter. It is free to Now York farmers. Tho Stnto pays tho coat of carrying it on, and it now haa n memborahip of twenty thou Bnnd fnrmera and is r;rowing rapidly. The work ia not to atop uore. A read ing courao ia being apecially prepared for farmera' wivea. Thoao leesons aro desigued to help the houaowifo in hjr daily round, to leaaon tho numbor of steps and ndd variety whoro monotony nrevnile. Thov will BUL'geat usoful houaohold helpB uud point out impor tant priucipleB in houBchold economy This movoment onght to meot with a hoartv reBDouao from farmera' wives. The auccess of tho plan lies with thom Tho leasons may not prove equally valuable to all, but tho information comos freo for tho naking, and ia thert- foro within tho ronch of ovory one Writo to tho Fnrmer'a Rending Courao, Cornell Uuivoraity, Ithacn, N. Y. Fiust and Fouemost ln tho Qold of medicine in Houd'a Sarsannrilln. It poasosaea actual and uuequallod merit by which it curos all diaoaaos cauaod or promoted by impuro or impovoriahetl blood. If you havo rhoumatism, dys popsia, acrofula or catarrh you may tako Ilood'a Sarauparilla and bo cured. If you aro run down and feol weak and may bo suro it will do you good. Tho favorito family catharttc ia Hood'a Pille. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. IIoHton rrodiice Markot. f-Ilia quotatlona Klreu below recreaeut prlcea obtalned or recelyera ior uieuiaie lctt (nol iMina prieen anieaa otnerwUe tndlcatea, o are lntended to repreaent actual aaiea. BUTTKU. UreamorT, Vt.ana N. llaaaorted alaea, Ureamerj, Nortli'u N. Y aaaorted alaea, OTeamery, nortliem flrata Oreamery, eaatern Ureamerr, weateru Orata Oreamerj, aecouaa Dalrr, Vt., extra IUlry.N. V., extra Dalrr, N. V. and Vt,, flrata Dalrr, N.Y.Hiid Vt., aeconda Dalrr. N. Y, aud Vt., low gradei ItnTni. nxtru nraiMHrv ............ lloiea,extradalrr.. 23 lloxea, com, to good 0 Trunk, prluta.ex, creamerr 24 'i ruiia, pniua, dki uairr Truuk,urluta, com. to uood...... New York, extra Vermont, eitra Vermont, large extra.... Vermont. Orata ,,,, Vermont, aeoouda,,,,,, Haxe , f art aklma 24 S 24 a 21 Q 24 24 W 24 23 21 20 t i! 22 24 '"' S " 17 ej h V ti 24 il W 2 21 & 24 2 23 24 W 26 21 & 24 20 a -tt 11 ff 12 II Q 12 10 10 0 II 9 & 10 9 g 10 6 W 8 Iloston Luinbcr Mnrket. LONO LOUBEH. Itemlock boarda, rongh 12 WH13 00 Hemlock boarda, planed 13 5SUC0 Homlock boarda. No. 2 11 OkSi2 (io Hprncu boarda, lat, clear Hoor It.VXrtltSO nprnce Doaraa, 2aa,ciear noor mwnu w Nprnco boarda, coarae 12 M 11 00 Huruce. nor. do. cara.. 115ml4H Nnrnr.n. mnrcnna vuwKtrii u Ilox boarda, 1 ln, llangor 10 50311 00 Itox boarda, ord 9 5ttTflu50 Hox boarda, 7-8 do 9 9 2J Hor boarda. 3-4 aa 8 nm 8 73 lln-r hnnrili. 11. 1R rtn. R fHVHi ft M Ilox boarda, 5-3 do 7 fip 8 (0 BIIOUT LDHDKR. Hhtnclea. Kaatern. aawed. cedar. bt 2 tAHi 2 IS Sblngloa, do clear 2 4D$2S0 2d 190S2 00 niunKiea, ao ex. ao. i ikviiu Hhtnglea.doNo. 1 11I2) Clanboarda, do 4ft. ex 29 U)?fJ0 Oo iiiapooaraa, ao ciear , uwiiNW Ulauboarda. 2da. clear 24 0O&26 on UlapDoarda, extra No. 1 , 17 JOjo 50 uiaDiioaraa. ro. i in uurrxi-j uu Latn,aprnce,b7cara 270g285 Latb,, by cargoea 215&2 5IJ llostou 'ffool Markot. MIOHIOAN. Xandabore 28 Q No. 1 24 Irt No. 2 27 ff Flne unwaahed 18 Unmerchantable 20 w No. 1, comblng, U and blood 23 No. 2, comblng, H blood 23 Delalne 27 & KENXCCKT AND INDIANA. Gomblng, H blood it UombliiK, X blood 23 ComblnK, brald 20 Olothlng,',' blood 23 Olotblng, coarae... 21 $ rtJLLBD AND BCOUBKD. A flne 92 n A anper 47 II anper 39 i'p O anper 30 W OombliiK, flne 60 ip Oombtng, common 40 il Vermont Jlnrkots. ritoDncB, Montpther llntter, fresh new, ln 3 Ib boxei.X A.,.. 22 i Hutter, freab new.lntnba,?) tb 21 i Choeee, dalrr, V 8 " 1 Ekbb, V doi 27 i Potatoea, buahel, new 3) Iloga, llvo. W tt 4 IIokb, dreaaed, W lb 6 i Lamba, t n 4 I Veala. llve 4 Uhickena 10 Kowla 9 Turkora 14 llatter, dalry 2 i Egga.Wdoz 28 i l'otatooa.W bnabel, new 40 I HoKa, dreaaed, H lb 6 i Veala, llve 4 i KprlUK lamba, 0 1 lleef, nlndqnartera.M Ib 7 lleet, torequartera, V tb 4 I Kowla, ?i h 10 ( HprtUKchlckona 10 i Turkora 14 Richmond. llatter, creamerr 22 Hutter, dalrr, tnb 18 Hutter. cratea 13 Uheeae, factorr Clieeae, dalrr Cheeae, aage EKKf 24 1'otatoea, "tt buahel new 40 I!ok.1Ito ilt IIokb, dreaaed, V Ib Veala, llve lleet, hlndquartera lleef. torequartera Mieep, llvo 3 KprlUK lamba lurkeya 14 HprUiK cblckena 13 31. Albant Hutter, creamerr 24 Hutter, dalrr. fair to Rood 16 Hutter, dalrr, aelectlona 21 Hutter, dalrr, aeparator 21 Waterturv Hutter, freab, V lb 28 I Hutter, cratea, V box 20 Krca, & rtoi -'6 I'otatoea, W buabel new 33 I lloKa.llve, W Ib Iloua, dreaaed, Ib Lamba 3 Veala, llve 3 I Uhickena 18 I Turkeva 14 I BBTAlb DKALKI18 rUIOKB. Flour, Bprluc Wheat W barre t ooas Flour. Wintor Whoat, l barrel 4 80S 4 71 Flour, Fanillr Koller, W barrel 4 2J 4 M Feed.Wcwt J,SMJS! Meal.Mcwt .'S95 anil on Tucsdiiy tlie bnat Irosh croamory in BHaortoil hoUI at 22 Jc aud large tulis nt 22c. Blncu tlion buyora liavo beon taklnc hold a little moro Iteoly, aud tlio market cloao9 (alrly urin at quotatlon. Demand ia conllned prutty closoly to boHt gradoa, liow over, medtnm and low gradea atlll movini; Blowly. Flno boxes aro havlne a ateair aalo. Juni) coods nniet. Dhksbki) Pooltiiy Recelnts have falln.i otTcoUMldorably ilurliiR the past week, bu t tuero ib Hiiu a iun auppiy ot everytnlnt; ex. cept cliolco amall lien turkeys and choio Bolt cblckena. Blnce Monday best weatern hen turkoya bavo been in steady demand at 12 to 12J0 Ior drawn and ll to 12o for nn dtawu. Moat of tbe turkeys ollurlnir are mixed welelits and cholce marks bave only a moderate sa o at 10J to llo. Toms plenty and ponerally too larcu and coarae to brlng over u io ujc. weaiern cniCKens plonty but most lotH too bard and ataggy to bring over 0 to 10c. Good to cholce westorn (owls Btoady nt 0 to 10c, Cholce weatern ducks ln steauy uemana at ll to 12o. Eoos. Itecelnts for tbe woW bapn been llberal ior thia sotMon ot tbe year, Tlie supply of fresli weatern bus been con Blderably in excess of the demand, and prices have bnen steadily ileclinlug, lato sales of fancy Ind., etc, at 20o, and other oou ireau weatern at iu to lujc. liut tnls uioruluK nnder advices of cold, stormy weatber weat, and luillcatlons of lishtnr recelnts there is a stoadler foellug, aud at tbe closo some are holdlnK best marks at 20Jc. Fanoy noarby and eaatern more plonty. lteirigerators lower, but ln mod erate supply. Ciibksk. Itecelnts for oxnort 7.272 boxea. Demand contlnues ra'ber llght and tbe gen eral condltion of the tnarket remalns about as last reported. Fine nortbern full twlns aro in moderate supply and generally flrm at llj 12o wHh fair to Eood lota ranglng from 10i to Uo. Weatern twlns in llKbt supply, but selllng slowly. Potatoes. Itecelpts bave been largor thia week, but there has been no improve inent in demand and the market closes lower and rather dull, especlally on Uebrons. Best Aroostook Green Monn tains aro alow at 70c. Uebrons selllng gen erally at 05o. York State and western alow at quotatlons. Wool. The repreaentatives of the Amer ican Woolen Companv and tbe Arlington Mills and of other leaders of the trade have been in the market and have been here to buy. Their attention has been conllned al inost excluslvely to flne medlum territory wool and to uuwashed medlum lleeces. Fine washed fleeces contlnue a drug iu the market. Anxtrallan wool it atlll a most unpleasant competilor. Anstralia, indeed, has added tbis week very mnterlally to the volume ot business done. We are unable to advance a single quotation from the low level of lant weak. As a matter of fact, prices have been cut on ancient wools and wools owned by bankrupts, There is at last, howover, a demand for woola at a prlce. and in certaln directions, at least, dealers aro snlllug wool who last month were holdlng it. Oats. The market has been moro liber nlly supplled, and nnder a quiet demand. the close shows easier prices. For cboice barley clipp"d white oats on track tho prlce ii about 31J to 35c. whlle No. 2 cllpped white are slow at 35Jc. Lower grades are dull with tho prlce rangiug down as to quallty. Corn. The market has been more tban llberally supplied, and under a dnll demand snot ollerings will not command as mnch aa the corn coats to sbip from the west. For steamer yellow and No. 2 yellow on track tbe close is about iCjo, with lower grades ranglng down as to iiuallty and color. Bbans. Receipts have been lighter for the past week but there has been a full sup ply offering and only a moderate demand. No materlal chango ln price. Strictly cholce marrow pea are generally hold at $2.30 but there are still some saloa reported at $2.25. Yellow eyes in light supply and flrm. Ued kldneys more plenty. Flock Tbe past week has shown a very dull trade in llour, and onlv meager sales have been made, The mlll price holds up well aa a rnle, but no bnslness can be done at tbe li,;ure asked, and about all of trans uctlouo reported have been second hand lots that can be sold below prices that agents aro aHking. Spring patents aro gen erally held at $4 35 to 1.50 and even higher but cholce brauds can be bought at the close at 84.20 and abont 4 15 to 4.25 would lover about any sales made. Winter pat ents are also beld high by many agents, bnt about $4 to 4 15 will cover any sales made, and good llours can be bought at these flg nres. Olear and stralght winter llours are slow, with mout salea at 3 G0 to 3 80, al though many mills are asklug higher. Hay and Stbaw. The receipts of hay contlnue large, thoy liicludlng 388 cars for local use and 09 cars for export. The de mand has ruled quiet, and there is moro pressure to sell, values being rather in buy ora' favor The best hay 1h quotable at S18 and 19, but it is more ditlicuU to secure the latter price, aud it takes gllt edge hay to btlng that flgure. Lower graden move nlowly and values are easier. Kye straw is qnlet but.cMolcoatraw lsilrm and commands 16.40 and 17 50, tbe latter Ior fancy. Oata,( buahel 3C lli Coru.W buahel wM Hrau. per cwt o01 J Ueana; buahel 2 00 6X1 Ask for AUcii's Foot-Easo, n I'owdcr To shake iuto your Bhoes. It rests tbe feet, Oures Oorus, Uunlons, Ingrowing Naila Swollen and Swealiug feet. At all drug tiats and sboe slorea, 25o. Bample FKEB. Address Alleu S. Olmatead, Le Boy, N. Y. Currcut Cominout. LuMiiBii. For sprnco tho demnnd since our lant report has been seasouably qulet Imt stocks ln th yards are known to be so llght that a rovival cauuot, It is thought, be far dlstaut. flbould it materlallze wiihln tho uext tbree or four weoks or at any tuue beforo the mills hwo had tlme to acouuiu late a seasonable amount of stock, prices piy be exnectod to show further materlal ihanges. This, a Itast, may falrly ht as suiuxd from the posltlon at the inouiont, whloh is suoh that liouses hore sometimes healtate aud somolimos absolutely deollue to Kuarantee to dellver withln any speoitled tliue. Should the demand exohange IsbsI tudo for vlgor values would ueoessarlly bo effeoted. At tho moment tbe tone is strong. nuTTitii. Wo had a dnll and decllnlnq market followlug our laBt weekly repor'j Livo Stock Market. The llve stock ou the market at Brighton last Tueaday aggrcgtited 2095 cattle, 910 abeep aud lnuiba, 371 swiue aud 239 calves. Beuause of tbe scarclty of good Nortbern aud Eastern beef cattlo on oller exportora bought little or nothlog In beef cows, howover, there was a falrly brlsk tra'io withbntchers at higher prices than have been customary for some tluie past. Sales: 2 cattle, avnrage 1155 Ibs, 4o; 2 beef cows, average 1070 Ibs, 3$a;2 beef cows, average 1075 lh9,31i';0betl cows. average 1070 lhs, 3.20 cwt; 1 bull, welgblng 1080 Ibs, 3io; 1 bull welgblng 1180 Ibs, 3Jcj 2 beef cows, average 885 lbs, 3.60; 7 bebf cows, average 958 Ibt, 3$o; 19 beef oowa, average 770 lbs, 2Joj 14 oxeu, average lfiOO lbs, 5c; 8 beef oows, average 755 lbc.Sl.CO cwt ;4 beef cows, average 700 Ibs, 2lc; 2 beef cows, average 920 lbs, 81 80 cwt; 2 oxeu, average 1550 lbs, 4.35 cwt; 2 cattle. average 1175 lbs, 4jo; 2 cattle, average 1100 lbs, 5o. Foi iu lch cows tbe demand was slow and prices, iherefore, were unsatlsfactory, not wlthstanding the moderate character of snpplles, .... Veal calves were in llght supply and brlsk domand, and the tone of tho market in coustquence rnled strong. Sales: 12 calves average 127 lbs, 6ic; 5 calvea, aver age 13ti lb-, 5Jo; lli olvee, av rage 148 lbs, Ccj 5calve, avorngo 122 lbs, Oic; 8 calvea, average 101 lbs, Olj 43 calves, uverage 112 lb, Uio- The ilemand for sheep and lambs was un equal to the ubsorptlou of tho oiTerlugs nnd buBiness dragged throughout the day. Transaotlons were generally on prlvato torn'S, but It was pretty well undorstood that 4Jo per pouud for laiubs aud 3o per lb for sheep weie the rullog prices. Swlue sold readlly at 0 to 6o per lb. Hboelpts of Western beet cattlo at tbese yards ero llberal. Tho quallty was good. Oures croup, Bore throat, pulmonary troubles Monatoh over paln of every aorU Dr. Thomas' Eolectrlo 011.