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8 VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATEi JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 13, 1J)01 WONDE RFUL GURES BY PAIKE'S GELERY This Grealest by the No remedy ln the world meaus o inuch, to the Blck aud BUilerlng aa Paino Celery Compoiiucl No reinady in the world haB been in doraed and recommended by raen and woman, whoae only motive 1b thelr lovo for tlieir fllowmen, and the hope that what Palno'H Celery Cotnpjund has douo for thom, it may do (or the readora ot thelr tea timonlals. Falne'a Celery Compound ia not a patent mediclne and must ba diatingnlabed from piteut tnedlclnea. It ia a prescription whlch ia pa within the reach of overy nian and woman iu tho civitlzed world the pieaciipMon ot the groatest ot Amorlcan physlcians the crowulng reaul'.ot hla yeara of atudy and exparlence. It lu the won derful prescription n( Frol. E lward E, Pholps, M. D., LL. D of Dartmouth Ool Iege. Tho followlng letter from Illahop Ml chaud, oneof tlie ablest prisata in the Hu. tnan Catholle Ohuroh in this country, tella Williamstown. Tho traveling derrick for tho Grearson Btckett Companny'a new granite plant haa artived. It waa made by tuo Lano Manu fao urlng Oompuy ot Montpelier. The creamory company haa a man they wlll Bend to take tho pUce of Bort A. Haw-lt-y. who ia soon to go fr:mi here. Mra. Mary Grace Lynde Davenport dled in Fltzwilliam, N. II., on Monday of last weok at the age of aeventy-two yoars She waa the daughter ot our early towuaman, the late Comeliua Lynde, Sr., aud hur gir. hnod was liveil in Johnaon, Lutai ahe weur, to Rock Island, III., whoro her ouly broth er, 0. Lyndi-, jr., waa for yeara eugaged iu the metcamile am! banklng buaineaa. She waa a gittod woman and wo ntcall her aa, yearB agr, a woman of atrlklngly fiue ap peararice. For yoars paat, however, nhe haa liad a groat dual ot poor health and loil a qulet, aecluded life at her hoino in Niw Uampahiro. She wtn a nltce ot our late towuaman, John Lynde. Ed J, I'oor h ta jnar. told ua the laating impriB9lou made upou him, aome thirty llve yeara ugu, by an addruaa hu heaid lu Berlin on farming mattera. The apeakur waa nrglng farmora to glvo moro attentlon to raiBiug corn, sajing, "the more corn, the more cowa; the moro cowa, tbe more ma nure; tlio more manuro, the moro corn," aud then repoatiug the formula. Mr. Poor growB more uud more aure ,of the wiadom Bf thla advice, and ia followlng It. Laat jear ho put In twenty-four acrea ot corn, uud thla year wlll lucreaae the acreuge aud milk forty cawa. In recent converaation with one of oar yuunger and worthleat townamon, who haa already aerved tho town otllcially for aoiue yeara, he told ua that if ho woro to couault sluiply hla own peraonal feelinga, hu wouid accept no town oflloea, Ic waa u aenae ot dnty alone that led hlm to tako thom, when gtven to htm. Suoh a fooliu , taken wiih hla ablllty to aervo hia towu ought, aud we predlct will, aeldom aee hlm out of olQclal work ot Bome Birt, in yeara to come. Ooo of our worthy ladloa tella ua ot the coinpoaure of her late graudfather in a cer taln tryleg poiition, that to oue in theao dajB of uuatcady uervea mtiat be unvlable, He waa a' ohmch, and duilng tho fclnglug of u hvmn ii p, but leaued a little too hard ag dnat tho door of hla pew. Saddon ly Itoponi'd aud let hlm out Into tle aiale moat uuitin inniii msly. Quite naturally, a uiembMr of bia f.imlly tn ihe aame pew unu ed hor bi'n l that aho mlght not ahow lier amuai'd ( eling. But preai-ntly turnlug ugatu to him, he wiih utaudiug ereot and compo.-ied, with lila open hymn bouk hefore hun, and with 110 algi' of havlug been rat t'i 1 by the pplando oiimr thau tliaf howaa lv l g ho bouk bot'om aidn up, Aitur un ahaenco of aomo yeara, M' 'id Mra, Charloa G. Moore, formerly ot New Jlranawlck, nrrlved here laat FriJay, from of All Remedies Endorsed Bishop of Burlington, on Its fttco of hla kiud-heartod dosiro to bo ot Borvlco to tho people, ahd breatha a ain cerlty that can loave no doubt in anyone'a mlnd of the great anperiority of l'alne'a Celery Compound over all the bo called reinedloa that have recontly been clatnoring for attentlon by adrolt und showy adver tlaementa: Wolls & Biohardaon Oo. Qontletnon: I have been a9kod why I reco 'imended l'alne'a Celery Compound, aud I dealro to put on record franlcly my renaona for thla endoraomont, hoplng that my worda may lnapire those readors who need health aud streugth with falth to try Paine's Colery Compouud aud provo to themselvea Its worth. At the Fanuy Allen Hoapfatl, an lustl. titlonln whlch I atn doeply int'irested, Paine's Celery Compound hua been uaed snooeasfully. Tae 8lat.era of Meroy at Monot 8t. Mary's Aovlernv on Mansfield Ave , relv upon Atlanta, Ooorgla, and wlll llkely remalu for tho prnaciit. They arn Mtopping with the family of thelr brotliMr-in-law, Williaiu Grar8ou. Mr. Mnore Uaa ben engaged iu granite work at Atlanta and probahly will take it np agaln uerH. They are heartily welcomed on thelr roturn. Barnet 3. Goodrlch hm fatled faat of late, and may hardly vcrv loni aurvivo. He In herlted a conauniptive teuilHnoy, on tho -tdu of hla mothar, who was of 'he Ilarring ton family. Highly eateemed for hia geuial, worthy quulltio-, much aympithy la folt for him and Ma family in thli IIIiihhh. J.Dan Thompion of Favaton wna in town over Snnday with tlm faml'y of hia brothei-in-law, Honry E, Wood. G-iorgH M. 8-taver, who has been lll here for aome two mumha paat at the home of hia brothor iu-law, Orville D. BiMWJrth, la gainlng faat now and ia able to bt out. Ilia wlfo, who haH bopnBtajiag here alBO, hua been vry 111 aome part of the wiuter, tmt la again beitor. They hope to re urn to thetr farm In Waahington in the aprlng. We Unow of but few famlli a who have ad aiich a a id Hxpnrlonca of invalldlsm In tho Bama numbor of yeara aa Mr Saaver'a Waltor Grearaon, a atudent the paat wln ter at tho Moody achool in North lleld.Maas., waa vlslting here laat week. Mra. Ntthan Ilall la ataying wltb the fam ily ot hor nephow, Fromont 0. Little. F. E. Prltchard, couuty ezamlner, will hold an exnmination of teachera here, at the vlllxge achool bullding ou March 29 and 30 Granite Cntter Jobu Auce haa movod tu one of Lxater D. Gale'a teuementa, uear the grauito Blieda, Melvlu K. Bnruham'a two daughtera re turtifd laa' week from a few woeka' vlalt at thelr Uncle Honry Burnhum'a home in the uorthern pan of the atatu. Granite work baa been rcaumad on a Hinall acaleat the Klllott Krothora' aheda. Our March tneetlng occupieil Tueaday and Thnraday ot thla weuk, owiug a g od iIhh! to the dumaud for balloting tor town olllo era: Frank Martln waa the uindurator ot the meeting. The followlug olllcora wero choaeu: Georga Bem dlct, town olork and treaaurnr; Frauk Martln, VV. Irvlng Govill and Thomaa 0. Waldo, soleo lnnij; Frank II. Manin, II 8. Drury and Uharlea A. Itrlgga, llatera; VValter K.Grauger, Fremont C Llitle and Sidney I. Martin, audltora; Huaaell W Jeilordc, nchool dlreotor; George W. NlcholH, overaeer ot the poor; Azro A. Keed, couatable; O. A. Blancbard, road commlaalouer. Tlio artlolo In tho waruiug, rela lug to provlillng for a library, waa paaaod ovur. Tho towu tax votod la 81 70; aohool tax, not ovor llfty ceuia, aud hlghway tax, tnuu'y ceuta, maklng a total ot not ovor 82.40. Au appropriatlou was made for a Memoifa lDay addroaa. GOMPOUND. Paine's Colury Cumpound aa a tonic and Btrengm-givor. In my own houaehold. one of mv dnmfin tica has taken Palne's Celery Compound for llver trouble of long standing, and aaya: "It hae douo moro good than any other mouicine." Several nrlesta havo anokon to ma in praise of this lomedy, aud I bellevo it haa iuh coutidonco of my aaaoclatea. Even dld I not know from poraonal ob Bnrvatlon of the worth of Paiue'a Celery Compound, I ahould foel like pralaing it for the almple roasou thtit it ia prepared by the Wolla & Ricbardaon On., a flria whoao meiuberB I have known for nearly a quarter of a century, and iu whom I have perfect conuuenco. verytruiy, JOHN S. MIOHAUD, Coadjutor Blahop of Burlington, There ia no houaehold in the laud that can houeatly ailord to be wtthout thla rom edy. It ia a almple mattor to test Its ustou lsning emcacy. Oarl M. Seaver haa come near tradinc with Uhaclea It, Beuodict for tho village prnperty. O. W. Allen, who marriod Frod A. Jack aou'a ouly aia er, haa bought a place ot bIx acrt-a near LHXtngton, Maaa., und Ia ano- oi'HSliilly eugageu ln marKet ganlenlng. Elmor O. Faruham docldea to raove to the farm ol George uuerbrook in Shor burne. Our GrauEe held an oyBter aupper at the town unu laat wodneHdny evenlng, wuen uioro woru aitvnrai auumonn to tlie or for. A few mombera of the Waahington Orange were proaent. A plcaaant evenlng it proved to thoao concerned. Lenten aervlcfis will be hold at the Unl voraalNt. church next week, with proaching rjy miuts'ora trom auroad on Momlay Wednoaday and Frlday ov'mlnga. Mualo will bo a apeclal foatnro at theae aorvicea. Llberty Jff)rds la havmg an attack of liinoas iniiowing a ooui anu lnulgeatlon, but ia gaiuing. In the nnin thoao who havo boon 111 in town in late weeKa aro gainlug. Aga Q Wllbur hoa clnand a trado for 310 acrua ot lila lanil lu Loulalana. On acconnt of a caau ot acarlet fever. tli Klmball Uulon Academy iu Merlden, N u., waa cioaou laat woeic oy tnu bealtu au thortty, and Btuduuts Iloman Smlth and Milton litiiHti came bome. Un to laat week 1G0 shnrea ln tho Connnn ttcut Buildlug aud L mii asaoclatiou bad baen takeu uero unu ttie end waa not yet Chrtatopher 0. Hood haa bargalned hla Place ln llronlctleld, and wlll como here to uve on tlie piaca Deionging to Mra, Ilood mother, Mra, Sllaa Stouo, Mlke 8omalul one ot tho boat cranlt workera in the place, haa hlrnd the Euoch Uowt- liouaeot L J. Iloltter of Rarro. Tlie trado bognii bet.vei'ii Gnoruu Patter aon of our village, aud Will Spragua of Baat Uro klleld for au exchauge of placea aueti iu iaar, to materiauzo. A rather choap iuality ofliayfor whloli iu a ton waa pald, waa taku tlirongU lier iruin 1'aat nrooicneid to lwrro laat week Our late vonerablo towtiHiiian. Ltialua Ed aon, who waa conalderably upwarda of ninoty yeara ot age when he dlod, waa moat devout inau and lot lio bad ho koeu boueo of the rldloulous that he carrled throngh llte memorlea of ocourrencos that would tirov ku smlleH or lauirhtor aa thov oame to mlnd, Auioug them waa one of inauy yoara ago, when the cungregatloii witn winoii lie woralilniiBa waa occimyln txmiiorarlly a room ontaldo of a ohurcli bullding. luplacoo'a pnlnlt waa a deak, aouiewhat utter the uni'mer of au old-time achool teacher'a doak. Iu frout of it waa chair that a wldow, who waa partlally d' af waa allowed to uae when lu attei dauce at church Bervtces. ohe would tip the cha agalnat the doak and turn hor hoad bo as to catoli tho bost advantago ot the proaober'a worda as tuoy foll. Now it chancod ono Sunday that tho good woman fell aaloop ln thla poaltlon during tho aonu'in, when all of a gtldden Bomothing Btartlod hor, perhapa tlie poundlng of tho doak by the preachor, and she pltched forward strlklng tho floor on hor handa and knooa, thochalr falllng on uer. jLIio ovont waa too atiddon tor Mr. lCtl aon to got tho brako qpon hla riBibles and ho dld wliat probably ht may nover havo done agaln ln hla long llte, latighed out In meotlng. To tuo day of lila iloatli thongti tlio memory of it all brought a amllo to hla btjnlgnant faco Slnrshfloia. Mr. and Mrs. W. H..H. Moars anont Sun day with tholr daughtor, Mrs. L, V, Slack in ut. uounBbury, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Nowton wero tho guoBta of trlonds lu Barre for a few days laat weok. Oeorco Worcester of Thetford Is ln town ln the luterost ot tho Dndorwrltor's flro ox- tiugulshers. Mr. and Mra. E. V. Snoncor wero tbo guests of W. 0. Pock and othora ln Wood bury ovor Sunday, Aldon Winoh waa taken BUddonlv 111 with the grlp Thuraday aftorooon but ls a little better. Mra. Lvdla l'ltkln. who has boen llvlne thla winter with hor daughter, Mrs. S. H. Packor, has returned to her home ln this Village. H. 0. Swordfecor of Hardwick, recontly vlaltod lils brothor, a. Hwordloger, lor afew days. The ilrst ofQclal act of tho now board of BOloctmen waa to conslder tho mattor of cnintliic a rlght ot way across land bolong lng to Ilarlow Folsom to partles dealrlug to croaa it wltu lumljor. Pottv larceny seems to bo gottlng nulto faahlonablo in town. S. Swordfocer ia tho ono upon wliom tho lateat dopredatlon waa practlcod, his loss belng a Bttiall plg whlch waa takon fronf the pen ln uik barn at the mlll ono nlght laat weok. A reward ot S25 wlll bo clven bv Mr. Swordfogor for evldence whlch wlll lead to tho arroat and convictlon of tho guilty party. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Roaobrook and two children aro gueata of hla brothor, E. A. Itoaebrook. Mr. ltoaebrook and family are on routo from Berlin to Now Hampnhlro whero Mr. Hoaobrook ia to take a poaltlon in a papor mlll. Thelr vlalt horo haa been nrolonced bv tho lllnoas ot ono of the clill dren who is now better and they hope to be ablo to resume thelr journoy the latter part of tuo woen. Mlss Bertha Swordfngor Ia at home from hor school at Eaat Northfield, Maas , un account of poor health. G. F. Blisa and wito anont Sunday In Montpelier. Bort Tncker rocently apent a fow daya at hla home ln thla placo. Ho haa iinlshed hia oneaeoment with Abbott & Balley of Mont peller, and Is now with Johounott & Hall ot that clty. Tho Concregatlonal nrayormeotlng wlll bo held tuts week at tuo bome , ol A. u. Davls. Tho Congregatlonal Ladloa1 Aid aoclety will meet on Wedneaday afternoon wltb Mra. Freoman Sanborn. E. A. Thomaa haa recontly addod to the attractlveness of hls store and to hla own convenionco by the placlngtherotn of a new roll top doaK. Thomaa R.lBarton, who la titting up hardware atoro in Marshall's block. has rocelvod bls firat inatallujont of gooda, and wlll Boon be ready to open to tuo puoiic Thero wlll be an "Indlgo soclal" at the home of Mrs. Freeman Sanborn Wedneaday evenlng. A cordlal invltation ia extended to all. Mark A. Davia waa at homo from Barre for a few dava lant woek. Whilo here he ho iiclted and received ordors for thlrty-five pairs of a spoclal Bhoe for wnlcu ue uas tlie agency lor lour coumios. E. A. Koaebrnok pnrcliased a horso laat week of II. M. Farnnm of East Montneller Mr. Farnum ha3 sold qutto a number of horsos to nartlea in thla vlcinity, all ot whlch havo proven very Batiatactory. A paper ialn circulation for Bubscrlptlons for the lnatallatiou and malntonance of, tt la hoped at leaat, teu eloctric Btreet lights Blmuar to tue ono oppoaito ai. a. isocmoy t atore. Saurrday nlght tho subacrlptlons al roady roceivod amountou to noariy shj. Dorman B. E. Kent ot Montpelier and Herbent Kout ot Calais were iu town the firat of tho week on horso buaineaa. Mr. Hood of Lowell, Maas., waa nlao iu town laat week on tbe samo bualnoaa. Mr. and Mra. Georgo Martln and chlld of Peacham aro the gueata ot Mr. Martln'a Bla ter, Mra. E. C. Pltkin. Mr. Martln waa laat week Buccea8tully cperatod upon by Dr, H S. Oarver for tho removal ot a amall but troublesome wen whlch haa been on hla left cheek for a number of yoars and had latoly commenced to enlarge a little. Tho remnant of tho "rheaplau" society in conjunctlon with other ot our young ptoplo are maklng preparations tor preaont ing a popular drama soiuotima in the early apring, tha proceoda to ba uaed in tho malu tainance of elnclrio Btreet llghta. Thla so clety has already contributed tor thla pur poae a Biuall balanco that waa in tho treaa urer'a handa. Thla la but. another demon atratlon that our young piople aro never licklng iu auppjrt ot any publlc beuetlt. The annnaltown meeting waa vold of any unuaal intereat and all the articlea were taken up and expjdltloualy dlaposod ot ao that an early aujournment waa had. A vote trled near the cloae ot the mootlpe, to aee If the uext towu meeting ahould bn held at the vlilage, cauaed a little ilurry hut waa tlnallr diapoaed of by lnstructlng the aelect meu to inaert au artlcle ln the warnlug for tlie next anuual town meeting that the feellng of the votera on thla qneatlon mlghl be legally trled. There waa not a diaaeut lng vote when 'he artlcle to aee it he town would exempt trom taxatlon for tlve yeara the M. E lti-ckley eloctrla lleht plant. The lecommendatlon ot tue library truateea that an apprtp-ta lm ot $200 be made for tho malutouauce of iho Jacmith froo publlc li brary for the year enaulug, whloh they eor atdered would be BUtllcleut to complete uec eaaary rrpira ud p ly runnlng expanaea, waa alao unanlmoiiHly granted. The aohool dlrectora reported thar, the total amount to celved from all aourora fnr the aupport of Hchoola laai year waa S'J.871, total enp naea S'2,eG7 Some cbatirfoa weie made lu town ollicora but a large pur ceu were reelected, Tlie completo llat for the yoar enaulng ia aa followa: Moderator, E. A, Thomaa; olerk, W. U, U. Moara; treasurer, E. W. Gilman; solec'mon, J. A. Knuia, A N. Flood, E A, Thomt-; Hatera. O. H. Smltb, A. It. CoIh, J, II Ejton; Bohool dlreotori", A. N. Flood, S. C. I'lke, G. A, Kelley; road couimiiaion er, 0. .7. llnxton; library truatoo fcr Uve yeara, J. II Eaton; overaeer, S. W. C le; ugent, F J. Murahall: couatable, S B-vord-fpger. Tax, hlghwnya and bridgea 40 Cuuta. Town, 75 oeuts. Schoola, BO centa. Mr. 8wordfeger waa not preaent whuu eleoted and it la unduratood he doea not dealre tho offloa and will not aerve. A CAltu; Wo. the undoreigned, do hereby agroe to reiuud the nionoy ou a oO cent bottle ot Ureene'a Warnuited Syrup of Tar if it faila to curo your cough or cold. Wo nlso (ruarau teo a 25 cent bottle to prove salUfaotory or mouoy rofiiudad. E. W. Gilman, Marshfield, i'i V. Loavitt, riaintlold F. T. Carr, East iloiitpolier. A. A, liliaa, Sodcmi. Oiilala. Mra. 0. V. Kniit ot Nortblleld ta spondlng a lew daya lu towu. Arclile Lamphnre h b goue to Boatou, whero ho haa u poaltlon ou a farm u little outaldo the clty. T T. Lamphere rode out laHt &unilay, the 11 rat tlme he haa boon out for alx weeka. Mra. If. E. Burnap, Mlaa Franklo ICeut and Mlsa Nervle Foafer atfendod tho oau tata, "Tho Merry Mllkmalda " at Cabot laat Wounoaday aud Thuraday oveuingH. West Nowbury. Tho bodv of Bert Suilth of lirailfnnl wnn brought horo laat Frldaj for burlal. Mr. Sinlth had beon alck for aeveral weeka with dropay. Ho waa n brothor of J. J, Suiltli of South Newbury, Dudley Carleton's famllv la hottor.- Thla family haa been serloualy alllioted for tho PaBt threo weeks. alx of tho number liavlnu beon alck, flve of them vory slck at ono tlmo. Uov. G. A. FurneBB received word laat Frlday that hla brothor In Ban Franclaco waa vory Blok. Mlas Fu ton ot Bradford waa the cneat lnst. woek of hor cotialn, J. B. 0. Tylor. Mrs. Fred Sawver Ia atlll oulto alck. Tho little daughter now throo woeka old ia do lng nlcely. It ls nxpnctod Uov. Arthur Smlth ot Plor- mont, N. U,, wlll proach horo noxt Sunday mornlng. L. W. McAlllater of Newburv Onntnr hna been helnlng E. E. Putnam draw loaa. Mr. Putnam ia gottlng hls logs nearly drawn, but hopes the Bloddtng wlll laat a little longor. Orange 0. L, Wood to a vlcttm of tho grlp, A son was born March 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Orvillo Curtls. Forroat Bolles commenced hls aummor's work with S. D. Allon on Monday. Mlaa Fannlo Oarr. formorlv of this nlaco now oi iiytno, jn. u ia viBiting ln town. Mr. and MrB. Wllllam Chaver cavo a Dar lor danco to a solect company Frlday ovon Idk. A numbor from horo attondod the fnneral ot Mra. Bertha Nvo Wllaon, wlfo of Dr. Hobert Wllaon, at Eaat Barro on Monday. Charlea Emoraon and famllv anont Sun day In town. Mrs. J. B. Cavo ia alck with annendtcltls. lur. uavo is aiao in poor uoaitu. A number of tho young noonlo from here apent a vory ploaaant Mmo Frlday evenlng witu air. anu Aira. a. j uava ln barro clty. Walts Ulvor. Mra. T. D. Fellowa la atlll aulte 111 wi'h tno grip. Aira. uonry a. uuaso ls Im proving 13. G. Mllna was ln Cooka vllle on Thuraday. Elwln A. Ohaae U in E ist Barre W. C, Rlchardaou waa ln Peacham on Thuraday Georgo H. Itlohardaon waa at homo from Peacham the tlrat ot tho weok to bld relativea and frienda good-byo, as ho waa to start Frlday for Snokane, Washington. He ia a very brll llant aud onergetlo young man, aud aince ula grauuatlon trom tuo echool at Peacham baa taught aeveral torma of school and ia well llked aa a teachor. Mr. Walto of Peacham goos with hlm. No more promla lng young man than Mr Hlchardaon llvea here and hla many frienda wlah hlm auc ceaB lu hls career. On hla arrlval ln Wash ington bo will viatt relativea. Town meotlng paasod off ratber quletly this yoar. Corinth. Itav. F. I. Sargent aud family left town on Wodnoaday laat on route for thelr new new home ln Whoelock. Mra. Georgo II. Wllaon Ia very low. 0. S. Jewell of Ghamborlin, N. D., made hla parenta, Mr. and Mra. George Jewell, a short vlalt recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. W Thurber havo gono on a vlslt to Peuacook, N. H. E. R. D-trllng of New York clty came to hls homo on Tueaday for a vacatiou on ac count ot ill health. At the town meeting the followlng ofllcers were electod: J. P. Sargent, moderator; B. B. Scribner, clerk and treasurer; Frank Taplln, C. L. Spoare, Charlea Waahburn, aolectmen; 0. J. Slack, L. Portor, M. J. Balley, Hatera; J. N. Hodge, overaeer; G, 0. Haatlnga, couatable .and collector; Jool Avory, F, J. Eaton, II B. Martln, audltora; Oyrua Hastlng", W. W. Keunlaton, S T. Divoll, Bcbool dlrectors; G. W. Worthley, road commlBaloner, Tho attendance at the meeting waa very good. G. W. Worthloy sncceeded ln gettlnghls horse bome from 0. L. Wllaon'a whero it haa beou alnco gettlng into tho snow and belng badly cnt about two weeka siuco. Kuat Urookllold. Mlaa Carrle Parker of Eaat Montpelier la at W. W. Sprague'a for tho preaent. Her mother, Mra. L. T. Mallory Is critically ill and Mra. W. W. Spraguo ia caring for her. Fred Hall of Barro Ia working for George K, spragno. O. W. Olark and wlfo, 0. V. Blce and wlfo, W. H. Rlchardaou and wite attended tho drama at Eaat Randolph Saturday even lng. Tho Union Religiona society hold its an nual moeting Monday afternoon .and elect od tho followlng otllcors: Moderator, M. S. Wheatloy; clerk, F. H. Wilcox; troasurer, W. E. Modcalf; truateea, W. II. Sprague, A. D, Reed, G, IC. Sprague, It waa voted to have the powa free and ralae tho mouoy for proaching by aubacription. H. D. Wheatley of Barre cltv apent Sun day with hia family at A. N. Whoatley'e. I'utnamsvillo. Albert Wheolock and wlfe vlaited in Calais on Sunday. Mra. Burt Stearna entertained hor frienda al an afternoon tea laat Thuraday. George Audrewa drove to Worcoater laat week aud ln tnrnlng arouud the Mlelgh tlp ped over. Tho horae immedlately cleared lilinaelf from the aloigh except a part of one ahatt. With thla and the llnea dragglng It made ltvely tlme for home. Whon found it Btood In the b-iru perfoctly qulet. Tho laat whiat party waa at A. 0. Hall'a. The beat prizo waa w .n by Ltllian Vail and George Andrewa. Tho booby went to Mra. F. T. Hutohinaon and Qoorge Putnam. Whlle Burt 8tearna and wlfe woro at A. C. Hall'a whiat party thelr houae waa bur glarlzed. The Mitea ot Worceater are to meet with Mra. Amoa Oh 'se and Mra. Downa on Wed neaday evenlng, March 13, A sociablo, and all are cordlally invlted. Mra. Wrlght spent Sunday with her daughter, Mra. C. C. Putnam. Wutorbury Couter. A !' ' ; o' 3ood Templara waa organlzed MocJiv oifDing at thla place by Dr. 8. N. C mi ' t ' R iudolph, with u good number of uieiii', j ,'rum whlch la hope lainl cxpeoted g; ; 1 itiiilt-. It would aeem that houi--tiibi; 1 ; iH"ded to Btnp the drinklng that has l -,'u done here thla wNter, and with the uvia of delirium tremuua laat week, lt would aeem that a halt ahould be called. Mra, N. L. Ojmerltt, who haa beeu vlalt lng her mother lu Danbury, Conti , aud hor Bon aud otliera lu Lowell, Maaa,, for aovoral weoka, haa returue , havlug eujoyed hor vlalt very much. The Grange wlll give a geographlcal soclal at ita hall Tueaday evenlng, March 10, to whlch all are Invlted. Ejcbouoia reqneaced to woar or brlug aomethlng to repreaent aomo titate, clty, towu, mouutatu or rlver. Llght refreahmetits wlll be aerved for whlch llvo ceuta eaoh wlll be charged. It la hoped tue tiau wlll be well tllied Mlaa Bartha 0 Plke, who ls 'Helloglrr' ln the telephouo olllco In Barre, apent Suu day with hor parents. Mra. Jeaae W, Hayea and aon, Loslli1, aro In MoutpHllor apending a few daya with her pateuta, Dr, aud Mra. O. L Wataou. ThotforU. Dled lu Wlndaor, March 3, .Charlea Slaf ter. lio waa a uativo of riiettonl and bou of Lyman Slatter. Hla wlfo dlod a few weeka aluce. Mra. E. C Nawcomb la vUItiug; her daughter at Thetford, Towu meotlng the llrat ot thla motith about tlie aamo old board of ulllcera, F, O. Newcouib takei tbe plaoa of 8, IC. Berry, deceaaed. Carloa Slatter waa oalled to Wlndaor laat week to uare (or hU brother Uharlea, A daughter waa boru recently to Mr, and Mra. Lymau Cook. Sherburne Oampboll and Uattlo Kootwore marriod, Maroh 0. South Woodbury. Flro broko out ln Alllo Ballov's houae Saturday nlght by the overttirnlng of a atnp. Tlio llamoa aproad bo qulckly by the lme aid ar-lved there waa notlilns thnt could be done to save tho houae. The Good Tomplaia' lodge waa ln aeaatou when tho aotind ot flroi roached tholr oara, and all ruahod to tho roscuo. As the flro caugbt up Btalrs everythlng waa saved below. Tholr goods woro movod to John Morao'a bonso, wuero tuey wlll bave rooma and go to koopiug houao. The bulldlnga wero lu aured. Lnoy Sabln returned to Burlington laat Wodnoaday. Tho fr.onds and nelgtibors ot Mr. and Mri. Frauk Anaoll uavo them a Biimrlso laat Wedneadav nlght to romlnd thom they n au uoon marrieu twonty eara. A auui ol money with a fow preaonta waa left aa a tokon of frlendahlp and lovo. Rotresh mentB woro Borved, atler whlch tho tlme waa taken up witu Blnglng. Speclal men don should bo made of tlio flno soloctlon ronderod by Frod Wolls of Montpelier. The company broke up about mldnlght. All had a lino tlmo and left thoir boat wishes with Mr. and Mrs. Angoll. Fred Wells of Montneller haa beon vislt- Ing through tho placo tho paat woek. He was a lormer resiuont uero. Bir. wells alao occupled tho pulplt last Sunday mornlng. Morton McICinatrr. cantaln o' thn do foatod party ln the ll'.erary program at tho last quartor of Good Templars, gavo tho othor alde a troat last Saturday nlght of popcorn, candy and peanuts, Sarah HaskellGof Hardwick, vlaltod hor aunr, oira. j. u, uauey laat oaturuay. Middlosox. Mr. and Mib. 0. F, Newhall of Montpelier wero in town on tjunuay. Mr. and Mra. E. E, Oampboll woro ln town ovor aunuay. W. G. Boott has boon asalBtlng at tho Con tral Vermont sutton for the paat fow daya E. E. Hiickina returned from hla trlp to unosuurg last xuursuay. In the caae of G. W. White v. Fred Buah oy laat Tlnusdav the lury dlaagreed and the Becond trlal of the caae ia callod for next Thuraday. T. R. Gordon of Montpelier renreaented Mr. wuito and aieaars, Slior man & White lookod atter tho lutorosta ot Mr. Bnshev The trlal ot the treapaaa caao of G. W. White v, G. W. Oleveland occura Monday, March 11. Gordon for White and Balloy & Whlto for Clevelaud. Clarence Kellogg ot Bolton vlaited at hls bomo ln town over otinday. Mra. C. B. Holden roturned from Mont' polier on Saturday. Mlss Marian Leland met with a vory paln fnl accldent laat week Tueaday, falllng down cellar and breaking ber auoulder Bhe la attended by Dr. D. D. Grout ot Waterbury and la aa comtortablo aa can be expected. Mlaa Flora Shepherd returned trom her vlalt in uoaton laat uaturday. Our town meeting thla year probably voicea tue sonutnunt oi tne peopio uetter than any prevloua meotlng. Wo ralaed a hlgh tax, but It mlght be hlghor. bo with our very competent ofllcers electod wo ought to make a very good suowlng a year uecco West Topsham. Tho ofilcors electod at town meotlng are as followa: Moderator, O. P. Dlckey; clerk and treaaurer, uverett Foraytu; aeloctmen J. R. Caldwell. L. F. Sanborn. J. H. Felch Hatera, L. A. Hood, II race White, Putnam uayward; overaeer, j.a. juius; constaoie G. W. Bagloy: audltora, N. P. Phlltirlck, O P. Dlckey, J. P. Ickerman; road commls Bloner, S. F. Locko; Bchool dlrector, G. W Bagley. Dr. J. B. Darllng of South Ryegate waa called to aee Mra. Allon Wood laat Frlday Mra. H. M. JackBon Is qulte 111 with pnoumonla. Mr. and Mra. E. C. Poolo are 111. The little son of Rev. and Mra. John Vance 1b recoverlng from his recent illneaa Mrs. Henry McCrillia of Killlnzly. Conn la vlaltlng her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. H. M Jackaon. Walter Sanborn ia at home from Klmball TJnton academy for a throo weeka' vacatiou Mra. Eiondua Hood is vlaltlng relativea ln Barro. A son waa born March 5 to Mr. and Mra Percy Balley. Horace White ls vlaltlng hia daughter Mra. A. Ij. rarks at Hyde rark, Maaa, Bradley Smlth haa gono to Boaton where ho hopes to get a poaltlon ai motorman. ICust Burro. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coughlln of Barre were lu towu tne nrat oi tue woeii. Georgo II. Hutchlna recently dresaed hog that tipped the beam at 592 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. George Gauthler were at home ver Sunday. W. A. Cntlor hus been conflned to tho house for the past four days with tho grlp and a general break up. Mra. W. B Patterson waa lu Barre Clty laat wedneaday, vlaltlng relativea. Senator 0. F. Bmlth of West Topsham waa ln town laat wednoauay on Duainesa A. C. Coleman waa confinod to the houao a few days laat woek with a aevere cold. Horace Woodward ia conflned to th houae nitha stomach trouble. Dr. R, M Mlnard ia attendlng him. Lawer E. R Davla waa ln Plainfield laat Saturday on legai buaineaa. E. 0. Cnrtla ot Weat Topsham was in town the flrat of tb week. Fayston Mra, R. A. Maxwell la atlll very low with little uopea ot rcoovery. Patrlok McCarthy, who haa been 111 all wiuter from rheumttiam, ia how sufferiug Irom lntnmraation ol tue boweia. Mr, and Mrs. Johu Maxwell have baen on the alck liat but aro now lmprnvlng. J. Dan Thompaon Is spondlng a fow days in Montpelier anu williamstown. Uerbert Eaatman, a son-ln-law of George n, Plerce, haa purchaaed the Huwh Mc Ktuney farm in Waitsfield for S1C30 and will move to it very aoou. Davld McICay ia now at Montpelier potlt Juror. Town meotlng passed off quletly and few cuaugea were maue in tue town omcers The nuestlou of conaolidatlng the fou aohools iu the south part of the town was agltated but no detlulte action was taken Tha iifflcra electod are: Moderator, J. B Thompaon; olerk and treaaurer, S. J. Dana solectiuen, T. 0. McCarty, Uugh Balrd, U II. Mehuron: couatable. E. J. Long: over aoor. J, B, Thompion; llstors, Stenhon Johnson. J. B. Thomnaon. Davld McICav audltora, J. II. McLaugtilln, Ouarles R Maxwell, F. A, Bragg; gruid Juror, J, U Johnson: road commlaaiuner, o.Jonuson sohool dlreotor, S. Johnson. Total tax 205 centa. ICust Roxbury. Mra. Emtua Poake ia at L. W, IHanoh aid'a. A. J. Liddwas lu Montpalier onSitur day. W. 0. I'rido hiiH received a new mllk hoator to bo usad at the oreatuery. Mra. Holsii Abbott of lirookfleld vlaited Mra L. A. Edatmau laat week. Mr. aud Mra. F. O Alleu wero gueata ot thelr aon, Dr. D. B. Allon In Randolph on Saturday, Mra. I. O Thaver. who weut to Mout peller on Wedneaday to aee her daughter iiorinn, reiuriieu ou oicuruay. Mr. aud Mra. D. B. llowe and son ot Roxbury were gueata at E. E. Howe's ou Sunday. E'dor B .yoe went Saturday to New' bury where hn had an appolnttueut to preaou ou aumiay. Gleu Oady of Northlleld vlaited at N. W Oady'a Saturday aud Sunday. Cabot. Prof. 0. W. Flaher. V. 8.. of OornHll Unl. verslty, la at homo from hla profosslonal du tlea at Ithaca, N. Y. Dr, Fiaher flnila plen ty of demandB for hla aervlces wheu at homo and hla many frlonds aro glad to noto hls succeaa and popularlty, B. L. Lanca Ss Sons havo aold thelr mlll proporty to Georg Dow. Meaara. Linco havo done bualnesa iu a mannor qulte B-itls-faotory to tholr trado and all regret thelr gomg out oi tno buslness. Town meotlncr tmnHnd ntT mnch aa UBUal. Town ofllcers are aa followa: Modorator, n j. ijanco; clerk, M, D. Wells; troasurer, Orvls Fltts; nelectmon, B. J. Lance, G, W. Hoyt, F. G. Lamberton; llsters, R. B, Bruce, H. F. Morso, Georgo Gonld; audl tora, B. G. Rogers, T. U. Lanco, J. M. ifiauor. T. II Lance. wbn imn anrvnd nn trnnnnrer for sovontoon yeara, realgned on account of 111 hoalth. Mr. Lanco haa servod tho town In this capacity ln a hlnhlv emclout mannor. relltctlna much crodtt on tho aervica olven. Superlntendent of Schoola J. P. Lamaon gavo a uno report ot hla achool work whlcu received highly commendablo approval. W. Q. Abbott was olected tho now achool dlrector. A dauchter waa born laat Thuradav to Mr. and Mra. Ernest U. Smltb. Dr. 8. L. Wlawell aooma to be calnlne and Btroug liopos aro ontertalnod that he will again bo out. It ls understood that the town farm ls to cbange hands. W. II Fiflold, tho presont occupant, wlll soll hls stock, farmlng tools, and somo f urnlturo at publlc auctlon Tuea day, March 10. It Isoems that tho plan auopted by New uampahiro of "connty farma" ia a mothod we may w'ell look Into for caring for the town's poor and adopt by conn'lea as belng moro oconomlcal with better aorvlcj than can poaslbly ba the caae witn towna. J.T. Drew. ttnsmlth. haa a new aunron- tlco ln Bort W. Lyford. A. A. Wheeler haa nurchased the Mrs. Hicklo placo at Lower Cabot. THE 0FRURTTA T1IK SIF.KIVY 1IILICSIAID3." Tbo productlcin of the operetta "The Mer ry Mllkmalda" at Cabot on tho evenings ot Marcti (i and 7 under tue dlrectlon of Prof. II. U May of St. Johnsbury, was a ilne suc ceaa ln ovory way. Tho chorua, conalatlng of about forty voicea, waa well balanced and all those who took part tlioreln dld thelr utmoat, crowning thelr eilorta with tuo plaualta ol all wno attended. rue at tendance each evenlng was all that could be wlsbed or expected, a good many at tendlng both evenings, so well pleaaed were they. It was pronounced to be much tbe beat entertaiument ovor had ln town and waa sald by crltica proaent to be fully equa), lf not aurpaaaing, thoao ot much larger towns, The solos, etc, wero rlnely rendered ln each tnstance reilecting mnch credlt on thoao havlng such parts, lt belng dlfilcult to partlcularlzo In this respect. The mllk malda were all in gay costumes as were the farmor boys, tho stage belng well fltted and each sceno posaeaaing new features with pleasing effect to the audlence. Speclal mentlon should be made of tbe performance of Mra. E, P. Walbrldge at tbe piano throughout tbe rehearsals and publlo per formance, she laborlng with much zeal and ablllty. Altbough much care and labor has been given, thekmanagement feel woll pald for lts elTorts in the reception lt had. Cab ot people do not get up anytbing by halves but put such life and enthuaiaain into thelr effortB aa to iuaure succeaa from the very beginning. Neither wlll they throw away their money in cheap ahowa, skirt dances, etc, but Hberally patronlze a really good thing and ospecially when home talent tlg nrea ln it. Many were ln attendance from anrroundlng towna, At tho requeat of many tho operetta will probably be reproduced aa aoou aa lt ls aettled going. Rcquesta havo alao been made by other towns to produce the Bame ln thelr respectivo town8, whlch poaslbly will be done. Pliny Pike, who accldentally bad the ond of one of hls flngors nearly sovered, has beeu aucceaaful in havlng tho samo grown back on tho Btub. Ho ls ablo to ubb tho samo as woll as before. J. M. Southwlck waa ro-elected road com mlaeloner, whlch poaltlon he has held very credltably for aome yeara. Mr. Southwlck ia a atudent in road maklng. He seeks to improve hla methods and the roads each year. The town is to be congratulated in aecurlng hla aervlces. Meaales havo brokon out ln town. S. F. Davia has entered upon hls dntles In the cuatoma aervice, rannlns twice a day from Newport to SKerbrooke. Elaewhero will be found a report of tho productlon of the operetta "The Merry Mllkmalda," by tho Cabot Mustcal Asaocla tiou. Morse Brothers have had a new carload of tlour arrlve of cholce branda. Prlcea range from S4.25 to S5 per barrel. Every barreloraack guarantoed, They alao have alineo aamplea ln carpetlngs whlch they wonld be pleaaed to ahow you, as they can quote pricea that wlll suit any purse. This Wlll Intcrcst Mothers. Mother Qray'a Sweet Powders for Ohll dreu. Curo Fevorishneas, Bad Stomach, Teethlng Disordera, Broak up Colds, move and regulate tho Boweia and Deatroy Worma. They never all. Over 10,000 tea timonlala. At the drngglata, 25c. Somple mailed FKEE. Addreaa Allen 8. Olmatead, Le Hoy, N. Y. BUSINESS NOTICES, OX A TAR. A Tlckot ovor tlio X. Y. Contrnl and I)r. Huuiiiliroys' Spoclflcs. Georgo H. Danlels, Esq , General PasBon ger Agont of the N. Y. 0. R. R , at a publlo dinuer at the Waldorf, sald: ''For yeara I have taken no mediclne but Humphreys' 8peoltlca. My parenta fed tho whole fam ily on theae little pllla; never had auv other remedy In tho houae, and I am the amall. eat ot eleven chlldron, So mnch for Hnm phroya' Bpei'llloa. I ahould adviae all thoao who are ralrtng children tq get packagea ot it and carry it around with them. It ia the nwa' rellable thing you can get except a iloket over the New York Cen'ral." "77r bieaka up Colda that barg ou. Dr. Hum phreys' book mailed lree. UumphreyB' Mediclne Co., Cor. William aud Jihn Btrenta , New York. CASORiA For Infants aud Children. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Slgnaturo of L. BD ADAiVlS Winhcs to call tbo attention ol tho publio to tho fact thnt ufter March 1. 1001, ivll thoso trading with him to tho nmuuut of is entitlcd to n voto for tho hfmtlsomost bnby in town nnilor two ycnrs of ago. Tho baby rocoiving tho moBt votcs from March 1 to July 1. 1H01, will rocoivo a hamlsomo $10 Baby Carriago Froo. Call aml seo tho presont nt hia storo nt Marshfield, Vt.