Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & BTATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1901. 2 MONTPURR AND YiClHlTY. LUCAJj HAl'l'JUfJJfOH, Mrs. Jullotto O. Bancrolt and hor dauRh tor, Ml98 Jauo, wont to New York on Wodnesdayfor a alioit atay. Tho anuaal lnspoctlon ol Ooinpsny II wlll bo tnado by Maj.Frankllowoof North field, noxt Ttiuta.luy evening. MIbs Annlo Btaples, who for soino yoars has beon actlng as jjovornoaa forMlas lieloa Harlow, has gono to hor hoino in Uhostor. Snporlntendont ol S'.roets Roberts haB placod tbo largo snow rollor ln Btoraso but tiasJroBorved tbo Hinall one lot oinorBencles. Oapt. and Mrs. Henry V. Drew wltb Mlm nnrtrmlR. Minlr danahter. loft Thurs- day for a ten days' vlslt wltb relatlves in New York. A lottor wrltten at Meinphls has boon rooelved irom Abrabam Lodr, lu wbioh bo Bayo that be 1b oujoylng bis southern trip lmmensely. F. W. Bancrolt, who 1s ln Floronco, Italy, has, because of a throat dlllleulty, boon lorced to tako a toinporary vacatlon, wblob bo 18 sponding m iiomo. DavldB Marsh dbd at Waltham, Mass., Maroh 11. Mr. MarBh was an unolo of Mrs. Aaron Iiancroft of thts olty and forrnsrly a resldont of East Calais. Fortnnately tbore woro only four chick ens ln tbo brooder whloh cansed tbo flro on Sabln atreot Tbnrsday afternoon. Tboro aro donbts wbotber thelr dernlso was cauaed by flro or wator. r.lilnnt in connection wlth tba lurv on tbo Bernacco oaso ia tbat lt is tbe flrat jury lnten years ln Wasblng' ton oonuty in whloh not a bIurIo mem ber cbows tobacco. P. M. Uorry has placod ln tbo clty olork's ofuoo today a flno Bpecimeu oi uis uatun work. It is a franied aketcb of bia topo- graphical survoy of (Jasplan iiako anu vi cinity, at ureunsuuru. 1 Ilarry Bryant of Boston, a woll known veutrlloqulst, ia to appear at tho Young Men'a Onristlan Aiaociatlon Byinnaslatn Tuesday ovenluR, Marob 20, under tho auapicoa ol tbo Aaaoclatlon boya. Tbe annnal BeBsIon of tbe Vermont Oon forouco wlll be held at Lyndonville, o m xnencing Wodneadjy, April 17. Blahop Oranston of Oolorado wlll proaldo. IIo wlll couiu to Vermont direct froui tbe New Eng land Conference. Cornpany II baB inovod Its quartormjB ter'a ruoui aud lockera lo the secund lljor of tbe arniory. Tbo back-rooni ia now to be uaed as a Btore-room in whiob tbecbalrB can bo placod lnstead of passlng them back and fortb from tba gallery. Tbo soventh and next to tbe last entor taluuient lu the Younc Men'a Ghrlstlan As Boclatlon Star courae wlll ocour on Frlday ovenlnR, March 20. On thia occaaion Hon. A. J. l'almor wlll dellvor hls celobrated locturo on "Tho Dle No Moroa." Georgo A, Lewis of Middlesex, ono of tbe jurors ln tho Bernacco case was aolzed wlth a andden illnesa Tueaday nlght about ten o'cluck. Dr. V. L Goodalo waa callod and aduilniBtored a renndy whlch left Mr. Low ia lu a uormal condltton thia rnornluK. Tho llrst of the series of games in tho KuiijhiB of Coluinbus Cribbago tournamont was played Thuraday evening. Oapt. Kel lebur'a team ;scored 1,120 pointa to Oapt. Therianlt's 3,990, wlnulng by 121 pointa. Tbe next garne wlll ocour next Thuraday ovening. Tho fnneral of Italph, tho little bou of Mr. and Mrs. Italph Aluen ol .rutnanisvlllo, occurred on Thuraday llov. V. J. O'Sulll- van offlciatinc. Tbe bearera were Louis Badord. Itobert Fisuer, Thomas McMabon and Oharle Turrlo. Burlal waa ln tbe Oatholic cemetery. Tho houBo on Sabln Htroet occapled by O. O. Barrett, in whlch tbe iire, occarrod Tbursday afternoon, ia ownod by bibloy & Kernp and ia insured for 51,G00 ln tbo Union Mutual. Tho dainaee done by the flre and water ia leaa than auppoaod as it ia eatlis- ateu ltwiu not oxcoea sdu, Lioatonant Frod T. Auatin of tho Forty Bixth Voluntoer Infantry, now in Bervice at the rmllpplnes, nas been appointeu super vlaor of the Tayabas Provluce, Southern Lnzon. Lieatonant Auatin ia well and fav- orably known bere and hla many frienda are gratiuea overms promotion. Tueaday ovening was obaerved by the Gentloman'a Whiat Club as ladiea night and tbe club, with invitod ladies, was very pleaaantly entertained at tho home of Mr. and Mra. A. D. Farwell. Progresalvo wbUt waB tbe orderior tbj ovoning, Mr, anu Mra E. D. Hyde secarlng the flrat prlze. I. W. Smitb of Boaton, collector for an inatilluient concern and a long wanted wlt neBa by the defenae in the Frank Miller murder caae, was at laat aeen in county conrt Thuraday and waa iininedlatoly Berved wlth a subpaa ia by Deputy Shorlfr Templeton. Mr. brulth was very mucb Bur prised aa it was bis flrat intimation tbat be was wantea aa a witnesa. Throucb the death of tbeir parents, S. A. Mosa and a brother and siBter inberlt a con Biderablo proparty. It 1b sald Mr. Moaa 1b llkely to obtain a leavo of absence for a time from bia duties at tbo National Life Inaurance Oompany'a oflico. Ho and, bis brother, who baB Muat returned from Ea- rops, are now in New York looking after the intereBta of their eatate, Mr. Moaa, dur ing hls realdence in thia clty, has made a wiue circie ol irienas wno wouid regret his removai buouiu nie Dusinoas lnterests rc qulro lt. There ls Bome commont on the matter of the approprlation of $2,000 for the flre uo nartment madetbls vear bv tbo cltv conncil Tboae in a poaltlon toknowfjay that if there ia iub aimo porcouiutu oi nrea ima year aa last, and otber expensea remaln the samo. there will remaln a balance of only about S4UO lor oxtraorulnary expenaea, It ia also sugRostod tbat ln tbe past ten or fiftoen yeara theappropriatlons made annually to other departments bave been doubled or trebled, but that for the flro dopartmentbaa remalned about tbe same. A moat itnpor tant department, it is feared, wlll be crip pled, owlng to the insufflcioncy of the ap proprlation. Blnce bis ongagement wlth tbe Vormont WATCUMAN uompany, Mr. u. a. uoward's former omployera of tho Brookton Timct iiave maue repeatea eilorts to aeonro bia returu to thelr servlce, and Mr. Howard nas at Jengtu, by reason of buainess inducfi' ments and family aaBoolatlons, deemed it for his lntereat to aak a rolease from bia contract wltb the pnbliahers of tbe Dailt JonuNAi. Thls baa reluctantly been eranted, and ho closoa hla engaRoment bere tnis week. Mr. uowara ls extremely offl oient in tbo business department of a news' paper, as bis work bere ahows, abundantly conflrmed by the eilorts of hls former om ployera, wlth wbom be bad been a long time onsased. to aecure hla retnrn. Mr. Howard baB made many frlonda ln Mont pelier wno wlll pleaaantly remember tbeir acqaaintanco, and tbo Joubnal and its lorce Iwlsh blm proaperlty and abldlng xoiuDuuy. Snrlng Sickncss. Spting woathor is vory trying if your Byatom ls not woll fortlQod ngainBt dlsoaBO. Baxtor's Mandrako Bittors, takon onco or twico oach day, will protect you ftom tbo attacks of tboBo dleoaBcs rosultlng from grip nnd othor polsions sccrotod durlng tbo past cold and eovoro wintor. Koop youreolf woll and vigorons and avold tbo provorbial epring slcknoBe. Baxtor's Mandrako Bittors aro sold ovorywhore at 25 cts in oltbor llquld or tablots, and your monoy back if it uocs not curo. Cleanse Your Blood Tho ciuso of all spring humora, pimplea imd ei'uptiona, ns well ns of that tlrcd fccling nncl poor nppc tito, ia found in impure, dcplcted blood. Tho perfect blood puriiler ia Hood's Saraaparilla, aa multitudca kiiow by oxporienco. lt curca all blood diseasca, from tho Bmallcst pimplo to tho stubborn Bcrofula aoro from morning tired ness to oxtromc nervous prostration. 13egin taking it TODAY. HOOD'S Sarsaparilta Ia America's Greatest Spring Mcdi cine. Bo Biiro to gct Ilood'a. FIUK ONSVIIIN STItEBr. At 2i45 on Thuraday an alirm waa turned in from box 3G, cornor of Slbley avo uun and Sabln atreot. The department waa quickly at tho aoone of tbo flre, whloh wbh Jound to bo in tbe house of 0. O. Barrett on ftnliln Htrnnt. The attio was ablaze, tho smoke pourlnR from tho wlndows. Tho houae ia a new one of two atories and modorn bnlld. Oon in.f.tlnii waa anaedilv made wltb tbe hy ilrAiita. whllo tho volunteora were etiRacod ln tho work of clearlnit tbo bousa. The flro orUtna'ed from an iucubator and bad boen Bnmn timn ln nroireaa wuen uisuovorou. It, waB apeedlly ROt under coutrol and by three o clock was out. A Slnn Scldom Klscs Illfrlio.' ilmn liU Htnmac.h and llvor lot hlm. Mr, Alfrnfl .T. Liadur. of Providence. aaya tbat hls food uaed to Htlck ln hla throatj and bia Bkin waa yellow bb a marlcoln and dry aa an antumn leai. lle nearu oi uaicura ooi- fni tlin riMn mfilicino anu uaeu lt two montha, tbon be workod agaln, and whls tled aa bo worked. For a free trlal bottlo addresB Dr. Divid Kendoily, Kennedy How, KingBtou, N. Y. VEUflON'l SI'OUKIlOLDEnS Tbe Vermont atockholdora of the detnnct Northweatorn Guaranteo Loan Company rnay be able to i-ffect a flnal aettlement lu tbe matter anu De ui'C iarROU irom luriuor obllgatlona ln that direction. It will bo re merabared that, last ummor, Uecelvor Ilale brought suit in tbe Vormont clrcuit court to recover tho addltlonal 100 pur cent from Vermont Btockboluers. vermont Btockholders very senslbly roslstod any sucli action and a combinatlon of a tnajority of them was ellecteu to llglit tuo caae to tne bltter end. Tho matter waB lett in tho banda ol a committoe conslBtlnR of L. Bart Cross of Montpollor, B. E. lloyce of St. Albans, Henry Ballard of Burlington, Walter P. Smith of 8t. Johnsbury and Charlea A. Prouty of Newport. Thls commlttee em- ployeu yonng & xoune oi newport to ue- fend tbe sult. Notlces bave juat been la sued to Btockboldora tbat a corapromlso has been ouectod wltb tuo recelvor wuereoy a f all settlemont can be effdcted by tho Btock holders paylnR twelve per cont per aharn. This aettlement will b3 completed April 1. THOSE GNAWING RATS. A Common and Curlous Iilusion. "I felt as thongb rata were gnawlng at tho coata ot my stomach." Three famona mon have all lef( thia expreaslon on record ia tbeir writinga. They wore all aufTsrera from chronlc lndlgeatlon or dyspepala, of whlch the borrlble Bensatlon they thua de Borlbe 1b ,a aymptom. Other Bigna aro a heavinoaa and distresa aftor eating, bad taate in tbe mouth, drynessof skln, varla blo appetlte, flatuloncy, broken aleep, bad droamH and nlghtmarea, blliousneaa, fatigue and wearineaa without labor, etc, etc. We work wlth ourhoad and nervea, and thia makea tho dyapepala of tbe atndent, the buBlnoBB and profeaalonal man, tbe wor rled man and the majjrity of women. We throw food, often unaorted and lu excasB, into thia weak and unwarmed Btomacb, and brlngonacute lnflimmatory dyapepala or gaatrio catarrb, wlth Bymptomi and reaulta whlch make Uto a terror, Ask anybody who bas it. Tbe best ot medlclnea la tbe now mod lclne, Oalcura Solvent, prepared by Dr. Davld Kennedy of Kennedy Row, Klnga. ton, N. X". It haa proved brilliantly -no-cesaful in maladiea of the digeatlve and nervous Bystema and ln dlaordera of the livor, bladder and kidneys. All drug Btoroj, 81,00 abottle. Wrlto tor free sam ple. UAUGIITERS OF THE IIEVOLUTION The membera ot Marqula de Latayette cbapter, Daughtera of the Amorlcau llevo lntlon, with Invited gueats, wore pleaaantly ontertained Tueaday evening in the Pavil lon parlora by Mrs. F. A, Adama, Past Re gent. Desplte tho inclemont woather the at tendance waa large. Tho parlora wero prettlly decorated ln red, white and blue, glving them a very attraotlve appearance, Tho programme lncluded songs by H. D. Hopklna and readlngs from tho worka of Rowland Itoblnaon by Mra. A. O. Oummlna and Mra. W. A, Brigga. Mra. J. K. Lynde ot Williamstown, delezate from Marqnia de Latayette cbapter to tbe National Oongreaa recently held at Washington, gave a hlghly intereBting report of the proceedlnga aa aeen by a brlgbt and obaervant Vermont woman. At the cloae ot tbe programme refroah inonta were eerved by Mra. Adama, aaalated by Mlases May Demlng and Jnlla Adams. For Indigostion, Constipntion, Impuro Blood, nncl troublos of tho Llvor, Kidnoys and Bladder. Boinnrkably Hiicccssful in coniplaints of Womon nnd Children, Plcaaant to tho tnsto and vory gontlo iu its action. It ia A New Mcdicine-Abreast with the Times, tho outcomo of tho long oxporionco of Dr. David Konncdy, ns a pliysician. It will not disappoint. If druggist is out of it Bond $1 for largo bottlo, oxproBB propaid. FREE samplo bottlo wlll bo mnilod if you write to nddrcBS bolow. Dr. David Konnody, Kennedy How, Klngeton, N. IT. IN COUNTY COUKT. Tbo caao of Btato ORatnst Arturo Bor nacco draRRed along for two bours Wod nnmlAv. At olovun o'clock bocauae of tbo abaonce of a Btato wltnoea an adjournmunt waB takon to two o'clock. Mont nf tho Dvldenco introducod by tho Btato Wednosady was ln tho nature of nnrrnboratlvo toatlmonv to tbat alroady ln- Willlam Ittohardaou, tho wltnoas for wlirrni tbo Btato has beon waltlne. drovo ln frnm Wolcott Wndnoadav. IIo formorlybad chargo of a mllk ronto ln Barro and was do UvorlnR mllk tbo morntnR of tbo shootlnR ln that vlclnlty. This practlcally closod tbe caso for tbo Stato, altbongh some furtbor nvlilnnca m iv Im niit in ln robuttal. IntnreBt tn thia trlal doea not lag and tho aeata tor sneotatora aro crowdod durlng tho houra court la ln bbbsIou, A dozen or moro lmllon wero nroaont this afternoon. Tho ro- spondent llBtons to tbe tostimony wltboat tlin loast sliow ol lntereat or omouon. ab ho undoratonds but little Bngllab. moat of thn toatlmonv is unintellislblo to hlm. IIo rarely conanlta wlth hla connaol tn roRard to anytmng tnat ia tranapiring aa tno triai procoeua, Tbo Stato flnallv roated at throo o'clock. Tbo deferce put in no teatlmony and tho openlng arRnmont for the Stato waa made by w. w. Lapoint. PiLL-osopns. There are nllls and pIHb but Dr. Acnow'a Llvor l'ills at 10 centa a vlal load ln demand. The aale bordors on tbe nhenomonal. Slugslah llvor, constlpa- tion, or irreRUlar bowela aro the preouraorB of many ptiynlcal disordera. Thoao little wondera removo tuo cauae. 4'J iu a viai lor 10 centa. 23. Sold by W. B. Torrlll, Ool Uob lllakoiy. DEATH OF MK. K1DE0UT. B. Frank Hldeout. asod aixtytbreo years dled from cancor at hla botue at 3S St. Pau straet about ono o clock Wudnoaday. Mr Itliloout waa barn in Plymouth, N. H.. in 1837, aud moved to Vermont with hla par onta at an earlv aae. His ltfe was praotl callv annnt in Calais, Oabot and Mont peller. Uo waa twico marrled, Mrs Ellen NorrU, bli aecoml wlfo, wbom bo marrled ln 1877, aurvwlug iilai For many yoarn Mr. Uldeoat was omplov od at thu Montpollor Somlnary in varlous cipacities, and un'il obllgod to Rlve up work because of 111 heal'li, waa aaalatant laultor of tbe ApoIIo (Jlub Mr. Kiueout, tbou;b aqulet, unobtrualve unn, has made hla lalluenco for good wldely felt. Hia character had bjen tbat ol tho idoal Ohrla tlau, ovi r ready to aacriflise hlmaelf to do cood to others. HlalllneaB waabrlef. Fully coiiBclius that hocoutd not recuver, be bore hla BUilerluea wlth fortltude aml lmiouca Aaido from tbo wldow be leavoa a daugh ter, Mra. John Oartwrlgbt of Boaton, a Btup dauzbtor. Mlas Janotto Norria, of tho Boa ton clty noapuai, a urotuor, wiiuam, aiao oi Boaton. xuu itmorai was ueui irom the houae at ono o'clocc on Thuraday after noon, ltev. 0. O. Judkius oiuclatlng. Burial waa ln ureon Mount cemetery. Motlicrs! Motlicrst Mothcrsl How many children are at thls seaaon feverish and couBtipated, with had stoiu ach ai d headacbe. Mother Qray'a Sweet Powdera for children wlll always cure. If worma aro proaent they wlll oortainly re move them, At all drngglata, 25 ctn. Sam ple malled free. Addreaa Allon S. Olm atead, Le Boy, N. Y. viiitaioNr news. Slx of tbe old03t aud moat unruly of tho boya at tbe S:ato Iuduatrial achool at Vur genuea eacaped from that lrntltution Mon day ovening. Thoy were captured Tueaday evening ln a barn at Weybridge and taken back to Vergennes. Tbo caae of Fred W. Putnam of Brattle boro againat Kuott & Olosjon, tho defunct Burlington brokers, waatrlod this week in Windham county conrt bofore Judgo Start. The defendanta, wbo had rotained a for nildablu array of cduusoI, mde uo appear ance. It waa an action to recover tho bal ance bolonging to plalntlff ln tbe hands of defendantB at the tlmo of thelr fallure. It appeared from plalntlfl'a teatlmony that bo purchaaed cotton in tho aeaaon ot 1899 through tho defendantB as brokers. Ho unally decided to cloae bia tranaactlona and ordered all the cotton aold and the procooda remltted to blm. The deteudanta aold tba cotton aa dlrocted, adviaed plalntlff of tbe amonnt of the proceeda, but neglected to pay hlm the aame, although payment waa sevoral tlmoa demanded, Tbo fallure of tbo defendanta soon followed. Tbo court rendered judgment for the plaln tlff to recover S11Q3.31, tbe amonnt ot bia funda ln defendaut's banda, and adjudged that auch amonnt was beld in a flduclary capactlty, that tho cause ot aotlon arose from the wlllul and inallclous aota of tbo defendanta and that they ought to be con flned ln cloao Jall. Ilepreaentatlvo Klttrodgo Haaklns of Brattleboro 1b promlnently montloned as a candldate for department commander of tbe Vermont dlvislon. It waB at flrat thought tbat Col. Ilaskln's dutlea at Waah- lngton mlgnt compel lilm to uocllue tbe honor, but it ia aaid the fact tbat there ia to be no oxtra Besaion ot Oongreaa may in i. ,,t.., .1.. . Ila Foaburgb, acod tbirty, a deapondont commltted autcide by drlnking polson on Wedneaday, at the home ot Miner Jones. her emnlover. Tbe woman had boen at Mr. Jonea' for about two yeara and no reaaon for her act 1b known to the lnmatea. Tbere la aa yet mucu myatery about tho cauae. VEBUICT OF (JUIIjTY Sherifl Qravea and hla deputles had two jurles on thelr handa Thuraday nlght. Oon trary to general expeotation tho jury ln tbe Bernacco caso falled to report Thuraday af ternoon and were locked np for the nlght. Tho twelve men who were ln the box in tbe caae ot Stato againat Cebarldo Gnlaep polnl iwhen court adjonrued at flve o'clock were provlded for at tbo Montpelier IIoubo, and wero ln charge of deputy sherlff W. F. Sbepard, After belng out twenty-three houra tbe jury ln tbe Bernacco caae flled ln at nlne o'clock on Frlday. Tbe panel ln the companlon caae now on trial was kept down Btalrs and all other Jurors were excluded from tho court room. Iu rosponao to the usual queatlon by tho clerk the foreman re plled that they had agreed on tho followlng verdlct: "Beiug armed wlth a dangerous weapon, gullty of an assault wltb intent to murder.'' Tbo Jury was polled at the request of F L. Lalrd, connsel for tbe responuent. The SOLVENT TMEfBUTCMER y SROTLESS Thls U tlus nutchcr of Epotlcss Town, llls topls nre brlght ns hls rcnown. To lenvc them stnlncd wcrc Indlscrect, For folks woulri then nbstaln from mcnt, And 30 he brlghtcns hls traiie you know, liy pollshlng wlth SAP0LI0. Thcro is no nppctizcr 'liko clc.inly surroundiiiRS. That ls wny tno ut chcr kccns bis toois ana cvcry pan o, his shop spick nnd span. It's ns truc t Tiin iinnin: sninimr uuumuh uiwi a antl table f urnituro givc a rclish to tho plaincst mcal, and a cake ot SAPOLIO in plain sight guarantccs that cvcry tliing al)out tho kitchcti will bo ckan as a now penny. verdlct waa iiitorpreted to the roBpondeut h Ar.onln Sf.jmn nl. ttia conrt lnternreior. Tlla faKO ollirlitl . (liwllll.l llllt O horwlBO hO liail tlin Hntnn I'mnaMiive countenance that Im hni narriHil tbrouBhou tho trlal. S m tonce wan defnrrod and the reipoudont was rouiatidi-d to J Ul. The mnximnm penauy for thls crlmo ls imprisonment for llfa. t thn lnrnrH ntl tllin natiol WOre OX niiDu.l tnr tl.n tortil .itnl thn fltllOrH U'ltll thV nrw niiinmnnnil to rf turn OV tno ciotk. iiio n 1 nlormHnt, nn tho verdict, v i wnric oi timuaneiunE a jury lu C8B3 of Stato ogalUBt Ooharldo GulPHppolu wuh tlinti mHuniad Tim nnmnpRn hirv had no dlfflenlty ln flniliuc tho rop)udHnt Rullty of ahooting Ulllel Urown, onr. ou wm qurnuuu na ii, whother it was wlth intont to kill o intant to murder they wore not at flrB'. ngreod. Iii dot-irmlnlng tho dagreo ot gullt many bal lotH ware taken. The evldenco lu tbo caao and the charge of tho court were oxhaust lvoly dbcuBsed beforn a nuanlmons declalon was reacbodi Ask Yonr Dcalcr for Allcn's Foot Easc. A nowder for the feat. It curt'B Swollen, Sore, Ilot, Callotn, Achlng, Swaatlng Feot, Oorni and Buuiou. At all drugglata anu Bhoo H'oroa, 25 j Samplu malled froe. Ad dreaa Allon S. Olmatead, L ) lloy, N. Y. IN MAMLA. Makila. Marcb 14. Mora tbau 20,000 iuaurgeuU havo recently tokoa tho oatu of nlleimiuco to tno Unitcd Statos. Lieui. Jobu L. Hinoa, with Company K, Socond United S.atoa in fantry, encountered a botly ot insur eeuts 8JUth of Bucnnvistu, Marinduquo Island, one Amuriciu boiiiu' killod and tbreo wouuded. The- insurgonta loet hix killud uud thirtcon wounded. A combined cflirt is beiug mado to cruah tbo insurgcnts in Marinduquc Island and tcn oxpeditions aro ont. washington, Marcu 14. rrlvate Gsorgo Cupploi jf Company D, Nine teonth infantry, owoa bia llfo to Pros idont McKiuloy. Ho was tried by court martial at Cebo, P. I., found guilty of doBortion and a violation of tho orty-ieventb articlo ot war, and ssntoucod to bo shot As tbis caso in volved tbo doath ponalty, it waa aub- mittod to tbo Prosident for action. IIo isaued an ordor commuting tho son- tonco to disbonorablo dischargo from tbo servico of tho United Statos with tbo forroituro of all pay aad allowances duo aud conQnomont ut labor for a poriod of floveu years. Bilibid mililary prison at Manila will be dosignatod as tbo place of conQnoment. Burdock Blood Bittors clves atnan a cloar head, an active braln, a strong, vlgorous bouy makos blm ut lor tbe battle of Ufe. HEIGHT OF EDWARD VII. Th Kow IClnit f BnRland Is Itnther n. Short Jliin, Siij ii an Gog llshuian. "It seems to be iht gpeneral impree. slon over here tbat tho new king of Enffland is a large, heavily bullt eortof person," said an under-sised Engllsh man in one of th hotels reoantly to a Chlcago Iater Ocoan reporter. "Th impresRion is gaincd from hla photo frraphs and from tli piotures in the illuEtratd papers, whlch. certainly would lead anj one to believe tiat Ed wsrd VII. waa at sny rate above the medlum hoight. ButheUn't. "I don't know of any olllclaj record of hl majeaty's holght, but he muEtbe a shade under flve feet flve withouti hia sboes. I know thli, becaus I stocd be side hlm for a few mlnutti at a state funral. Now, my hlg-ht. i xaotly E fett 4 lnches, and I notlced that he taemd oxaotly as tall, but ac he was bro&der anA much heavieT than I, he Memed a. larger man. "Th fAotEurprisodmA, becausIhad nerer naen blm at ihort range before. I wouldn't be so oertoln about lt had not a frind who stood behind me, and wa as muoh turprlsed nt the dUcovery m I was, tnentlonad to tno thathe had notloed that I mo at big a man o my futur king. "So, jriving hlm the beneflt of tbe doubt, for a quarter of nn lnch, ihut' Uu elre 6 feet t, and the illustratlons tlmt dpiot hlm a stnnding- nearly to the height of men of 6 feet 10 or tliere abouU are elther flxed up wlth a deslre to pleasehim 4houghit has never been sald tihat he wa sensltlve on the point or wiUi tho idea of MUng the world at large- believe that our royol person oges were just aa big aa those of any other country," l'ouillillltlei at CnlUoriiln, With over 75,000,000 of populntion ln thle country Californin to-dny stands lsolated, wltb only l,C0O,000 of popula tion, but prod'Uctionlnmany llncssufll oient for 100,000,000 of consumeru. EX-PRESIDENT DEAI). Indianapolis, Marcb 14. Qonoral Boujamlu Ilurrison dlcd nt4:45Wod nosday uftornoon without rogalnlng consclouBnoss. Hls dcath was quiot and painlcss tboro bolug a gradual eink ing until tbo ond camc, whlch was mnrkcd by a slnglo gasp for brcath as llfo dcpartod from tbe body. Tbo rola tlvos, wlth a fow oxcoptlons, and bov orol of his old and trlod friouds, woro at tbo formor Prosidont'a bodsldo whon ho passod away. Tbo gradual faillng of tbo romarkablo Btrongtb ahown by tho pationt bocamo moro notlcoablo ln tno attornoou anu a low momonts De foro tbo ond thoro was an apparont brcak dowu on tbo part of tho eufforor. Tbe rolatives and friends who bad ro- tirod from tho elck room to tho library bolow woro quickly eummonod and rcachcd tho bcdside of tho gonoral bc- foro ho paBBod awav. jNowb of tno doatu Bproau quicKiy throucb tho clty and sevoral of tho moro inlimato frionds at onco hurricd to tho Harrison roBldonco, Tho word wus fliBhcd from tho bullotinsof all tbo newapapors nnd thus communicatod to tbo ncoplo on tboir way nomo in tuo ovening, Tho announcomont produc od tbo groateat Borrow. Withln n fow momcnts tbo ilags on all tho public buildiug and most of tbo down town busiucss blocks woro boistod at balf maat aud other outward mauifeatations ot mourniuc woro made. From ono who was proaont at hls dcath bod it is lcarnod that tho allcga tions of cruclty uud iujuBtico doalt out bv Ensland to tho iJours in thelr struc. gln for liborty bad beon a subject for thought in tho miuu of Ucnoral Ilarri Bon. To bia frlondBbo bad oftonapoko of tbe pity nnd ahamo, as ho viowcd it, tbat tho bruvo nnd sturdy farmors of South Afrlcu Bhould bo robbcd of tbeir couutry, of all thoy havo iu tho world and torcod to eubmit to terriblo misor ica in rcBisttug tho opprcasion of a world powor. General Ilarriaon, it is etatod would havo likcd nothing bottor than to como out frankly and strongly aud eay to ovory ono who would hcur what ho thought of Etiglnnd's cruolty; u was in bia mind constantly, but ho boliovod tbut an ox-l'rosidont Bhould obacrvc tho samo proprioties of speech whtch aro obaerved by a Prosidont of tbo Unitod Stntes. Iu hia BOtni-conscious condition, whon tho sontinels of diacrotion and proprioty had gono from their posts and tho mlnd of tho man was wandering, bo began to spcuk ot tbo Bocra ana theirliopeless 8truglc for national life. Elis voico wfla weflk and trcmbling, bia thoughts woro not counectcd; but the liatenors.bouding ovor him could hear words.of pity for tho dying farmor re public3. The funoral will tako placo next Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Tho sorvicos will be bold in tbe First Pres bytorian;church of which Gon. Harri son wob a tnember for uoarly flfty yoara. Rev. Dr. M. L. Haince, pastor of tho church, will bave chargo of tho services. Tbe body of Gon. Harrison will lio in stato in tho rotunda of the Stato Capitol all day Saturday. Tbo hii:bc8t honor which it ia iu tho powor of tho Stato of Indiana lo pay will bo rendered to the remains. Onoof tho most pathetic incidonts of tho illnesa of tbe general occurrod Tueaday bofore bo becamc unconscious. Tho gonornl's little daughterElizabotb, was brought into tho sickroom for a few momonts to seo bor fathor, and offerod him a emall applc pio which sbo horsclf bad mado. Gon Harrison amilcd his recognition of tho child and hor gift, but tho effort to spcak was too much and ho could do nothing moro to oxpress his apprcciation. Gon. Harrison's woalth is variously CBtimated, public opiaion rating it as high as balf a million dollars. Thoso who aro bost informod about tho cx Prosident's affairs, howovor, say ho was worth about two hundrod and flfty or threo bundrcd thousand dollars. At tbo timo he was olectcd Prceidcnt he waB roputed to havo accumulatod a for tuno of 125,000 from his law practico, and thls had been doubled atloastsinco tbat timo. Of lato bis practico, owlng to hia groat reputation as a conBtitu tional lawyor, waa vory lucrativo. His foo in tbo Venezuela boundary disputo, in which ho roprosontod tho South Amorican ropublic was $100,000. Washington, March 14 ProBidont McKinley will attend tbo funoral of Goncral Harrison. Tbo preBidontial party will stop at Canton for a day or moro and Mrs. McKinley will rcmain there whilo tho Prosident and Mr. Cor tolyou proceod to Indianapolis. Tbo itinerary will bo bo arranged as to on ablo tho Prosident to loavo Canton Sat urday night for Indianapolis and roturn immodiatoly after tho funoral. Aftor a briof Btop at Canton bo will roturn to Washington. It is not oxpectod any mombors or tho cabinotwill go. Washington, Marcb 14. Tbo Pres dont with Mrs. McKinloy, Socrotary Cortollyou and Dr. Itixoy will loavo for IndlanapollB at 7:30 tonight ovor tbe Ponnsylvania railroad to attond the funoral of ox-Prosident Harrison. Thoy may stop ovor at Canton on their re turn, but this is not docided. Washington, March 14. Prosident McKinloy iBsued a proclamation this morning etating tbat in tbo doath of Bonjamln Harrison tho country is do privod of ono of its greatest citizons, A brilllant soldior in his young man- oooc The Whole Story in one letter about (pinnv Divis'.) From Cpt. F. Loye, I'ollce Ststlon No. ( 5, Montrcal: "Wo frequently uee Finnr j ; DAVis'I'AiK-KiiusnforpaJin inthtttom- i ach, rheumatirm,4t(ffntu,r(ntbttt,ehU-( blaiiu, cramyt, and cU aDUctlon wbich j bef all men la our poeltlon. I bave no heal- j i tatlon In ajlDg that pAiM-KiLutn U the ( bctt rtmedy to bave near at band." Uied Internally aud Kxternalty. TwoBlze, 23c and 60c. botUes. You Get the Profits i Undor our plan of Bolllnff Ud nnd hnrnnia. ttna fnt thn uer ana rewnicr uru cui uuu witti thn mfintiiacturor. vou lAKO your cnoicc irom No. 3COt- X I anftrter tOD. X X X SollingCarrlagos Diroct ImnrM RAtlttfrLrtlnnvnnr mnnCT hACk If TOD ftfO dlsut- iriMt ritir wimnii - mAnr Mvirti of bood, ho gainod famo and rapid ud vancoment by onorgy and valor. Ab a lawyor ho roso to bo a loador of tbo bar. In tbo Sonato ho at onco took and rotainod hlgb rank as orator and leglBlator. In tho hlgh ofllco of Proei dont ho displaycd oxtraordlnary glftB as an administrator and statosman. In public and prlvato lifo ho sot a shinlng oxamplo to his countrymen. As a tee timony of roBpoct I diroct that the flaga on tho oxocutivo mansion anu tuo eovor al dopartmcntal bulldings bo at balf Btaff for thirty days nnd that suitablo mil i tary and naval honors bo rendered on tbo day of tho funoral. iNDiANAroLis, Ind., March 14. Tbo noighbors of Gon. Harrison watchod, accordinc to custom, last night in tb doath cbambor. This morning tbo cn tlro clty, public houBes and many bus iness houscs are boaring signa of grief. Tbo imraediate friondi of the Harrison family throngod the rosidonce last night wlth proffors of sympatby for the widow, many bringing flowera. RuBaell B. Harrison arrlved last night from Washington at 10:45. His grief was boyond control. Uo had hoped to roach his fatherboforo his death. It is oxpectcd otber rolatives will arrivo tc day or tomorrow. Tho funoral, wbich will bo held on , Sunday, will bo a notuble one. The rrosldent will attenu, anu urover Cloveland may alao. :tev. M. L. Haiaes, wbo has been the Goneral'a pa9tor for years, will conduct the ecr vicea. Tho Govornor asked that thu body lio'in Slato in tho S.ate House and his rcquoat was granted. Intor ment will be in tbo famtly lotouCrjwr Hill. INDUNAI-OI.IS, Ind., Marcb 13, Boniamin HatrisOn Waa Ihe IwenLy tbird Piosident of tho United States. He was born at North Bend, Ohio, August 20, 1833. IIo was a grandson of Willium Henry Harrison, nintb Pref- idcnt of tbo Unitod States, nnd a groat grandBOU of Benjiiniin Harneon, aigner of tbo Daclaration of Indcpondence. HiB father was a farmer. At tbe age of flfteon young Harflsou vvent to Farmors' colluge, Coliego Hill, Ojio and two years luter to Miami Uuivei sity at ' Oxford, Ohio. Thoro bo met Caroline Scott, wbom do married when ho was twenty-jno. He latv with Storer & Gwynno ut Cinciuuati, and was admitted to tbo bar ia 1851 Uo moved lo Indiunnpolis in 1851 and was elected reporter of tho Supreme Cuurt in 1800. ln 1802 he enliated iu the Saventioth Indluua Regiment, uud Unally becunio itscolonel. At Pdach Troe Creek, Hirriaod saw the contederatea tUtues Hooker in an unlookcd for placo. His own command was at tho foot ot a hill and without waitiug ordors ho rushod his men to tho top of tne hill and met tbo Conted eratea so gallantiy tbat thoy retrcated. Hooker Baw tbe chargo and buid tu Harrison: "By God, Sir, Pll make you a brigadiur gonoral for thia." He kept his word. In 1804 Harrison was ro-elected re porter ot kho Supromo Court. From 1868, whon bo declined a ronomiuation, to 1870, his career was non political and was devotcd to tbo practico of law in Indianapolis. In 1870 ho was nominated by the Ite publicaus for Governoraud was defeat ed by James D. Williams, tho Ught of factions in tho llepublican party caus ing his dofeat. In 1870 Gon. Harrison wus appointed a memborot tho MisBis Bippi llivor commission. Two yoars la tor ho was olcctod Unitcd States Sona tor from Indiana. In 1887 he was do foated for a sccond term, u Djmocratic logislaturu oloctiug Turpie. In 1888 Gon. Harrison waB olectod Prosident, dofeating Grover Cloveland. Uo was renominatod at Minneapolis in 1892 and waB defoated by Cloveland. Ho roturned to Iudlanapolia after tho inauguration of bis succossor and dc votod himsclf to litorary and legal work. His most important work siuce leaving the presidency was done in the Yenozuolon arbitrution caso in wbich ho roprosontod Vonezuola at Paris. In 1803 aud 1804, tho ex-Prosident do livorod a courso of locturos on consti tutional law at Loland Stanford Uni verBity and wrote: "This Country of Oura.'' Gon. Harrison's flrat wifo died short ly boforo tho olection of 1892. Four yoars lator ho married Mrs. Mary Scott Lord Dimick, wbo with an intant daugbter Burv.vos bim. His cbildron by his flrst wifo aro Col. Ruesell B. Harrison and Mre. Mary H&rrlson Mc Kco of Saratoga, N. Y. SruEcuLEsa and I'abaltzed. "I had valvnlar dlseaai ot the heart," wrltea Mra. J. S. Goode, ol Trnro, N. B. "I auilered torrlbly and was often speechless and par tlally paralyzed, One doae of Dr. Agnew's Curo for tbe Heart gave me rellef. and be fore I Uulshed one bottlo I was able to ro about. Today I am a well woman." 22. Bold by W. B, Terrill, Colllns Blakely, i urieil Siiot on Knrrn, Payta, Peru, nbout flve deffrees south ot tho equator, hns the reputation of belng the driest spoton the globe. On an nvcrnge a shower of ruin occurs nt Payta only once in two year. But the Interval botween sbowers li often mucb longer. Yet in that arid climate seven epecies of annunl plnnt mnnage to exist, nnd tbe nntlves earn a livelihood by growing n species of cotton, who&e long- rooU ilnd moisturo in the bed of a dried up river. Thls cotton is readlly maTketed. Cbicago lnter Ocenn, A Hnril Lot. There isn't nnjthlng any harder thnn tho lot of the man wbo is to sit uated that he has to put up wlth a fool. Atchison Globe, III IM I X cArrlftRes, bap- nrofltfl. TllO 10t- uinum nnr oniv ine cvbi oi ac oikkobv bw. ti liitintrftLMi rftt&locue. Bbowlntr hiffh prftdo venicirfl. hkrnftui, roDun. BlnKlnStfip Vricmt m r X X x m LAnKcui ana nonse eouipmenw, wua utwu uro"'r tiono of cach, malled free. THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE AND HARNESS C0., Dox 772, Columbut, Ohlo. J WIVES OF LONG AGO. ISxtrnatx from Hulen for Tlielr Oov crninent rulillnheil ln 1M10. Tbe followlng are Bome extracta from a Hot of "ilules to lle Observed bjc Wlves," printed in n number oi tho London Ladies' Mngazine of 1819. They nre comprehensive nnd (loal wlth almost every emergency posslble in mnrried life: "When a younp gentleman mnkee you nn oiTer to hold yourself flattcred by his proterence nnd proportlonate ly grntoful. "I you nccept him (whlch we will GUppoee, of course), study his tempei and incltnntlons that you mny bottei acoommodnte your own to them. "After mnrringo obcy hlm cheer- fully, evon though you thlnk him in crror; lt is bctter that he should do wrong In whnt be commnnds than that you should do wrong in objeet Ing to it. "If he flatters you do not forget that it ls but flnttery; think lowly ol yourself nnd highly of him, or at lenst make bim belliive so. "Bear in mlnd continunlly that you are wcnlc nnd dupendent, nnd cven if you nre benutiful that it ndds to your weakness nnd dependence "If you displease blm be tbe flrst to concllinte nnd to nmend! tbero ls no dcgrndntion in seekinff pencs or in sbowing that you love your hus band botter thn,n your trimumph. "Wlicn you rise ln tbo morning ro BOlva to be cbeerful for the day; let your smiles dispel lils frowns, "Endeavor to' save rathcr than to spfcnd your busbana s monoy: if his fortune be large, strive to preerve it; if smnll, to incrcnsc it. "Ile not importunatc or obtrusiro in your fondness nnd chooso propei occnslons for your carusses, lest thoy "Your sex is most exposed to suf ferinfr, bt'cause lt is nhvnys in de pendencu; be ncitlier nnpry nor 2shninca of tbis tlepentlence 6n n hus band JiOt of any of those which nre in the propt'i' order of Providence. "Finally, recolleet nhvnys that God hns made you subject to him nnd that be is your naturnl gunrdian nnd pro tector; tbat you owe your husbnnd not less honor than love and not lesi .love than obi'dience." In harmonj' with these "Bules to Be Observed by Wives" nre the terms of disapprobntion in which n New York mngazine of a few yenrs lnter com ments upon n scheme afoot ln Bos ton for the establishment of a "La dies' Bcading Boom." "It is contempluted to establish a ladies' re(ling room in Boston. Wo shnll not wish our brethren of 'Ath ens' joy or tbe success of the scheme. It hns to us n most unfcminine and untoward nspect. Wliat! remove our wlves, mothers nnd sisters, even ln tbe hours they devote to intelleetual recreation, from their proper sphere nnd circlo at home? Wnnt bocomes, then, of the domestio duties and tho endearing ties which bind our rough er sex to tho fireside, llghted up moro by the nniraated smiles of the boings which welcome us there thnn cven tbe Intense flames of the most brll liant Lchigh? Away with tha thoughtl It is cnough to dye tbo whole iiopulation blue?" Croup Instaotly relleved. Dr. Tbomas' Ectectrlo Oll Perfectly safe. Never falls. At any drug store. SUcpllcnl. Backbite Digby is a fool! Bilklns Ile said the same of you. "What? Ue's a liarl" "Kxnctly what he called you when I told hlm you said he was'afool. Dear me! but you fellows are skeptical." OhloState Journnl. Ulsnpiioliitcd, He Of course, you took ln the dog show. How did you llke it? She I was disappolntcd. I was par tioularly anxious to see one of thois oeean greyhounds, but there wnsn't a single one there. PhiladelphiaFress. THE PEOPLE KNEW HIM, (Benson's Plasler Is Paln't Master.) Ooorge Washington made and sold flour. and every barrel of flour in the ruarktl branded "G. Washington, Mount Yernon," sold without delav. No quostion was ever raiiad asto quallty orwsight. Benson's Poroua Plaster stlls on Its repu tation everywbere. All the buyer wants to bo certain of is that the plastar oSered him ually ii Benson's, and not a worthles imi tation of it or substitute for it. A plastcr ls the best form of external rem edy, and Benson's is the beat plastsr; 5,000 physlolans and drugglsts, and a multltude of pooplo no man oan numbcr, have sottled that. "You can trust it," they say. Cougbs, colds, laine back, lurabago, mus. oular stiffncsi and rheuuiatiam, troubUs ot the llver aud kidneys, influenia or grlp, pnournonia, ond all other diseases open t external treatincnt, are at once relleved and ourod by Benson's Flasttr. Do not ftiwumn that Bolladonna, Capsi. cum or Strengthening plastera aro "juttas aood os" Benson's. They aro vastly in forior. No othor plastr ls as good as Bomou'B. In competltion with the bcst-known Elatters of Europe nnd Aincrica, Benson'! avo rocolved JWy.fite higkeit auards. For sale by all druggists or we will pre nay )ostag" ou any number ordored in the Unitod Btatos, on receint ot 25o. eacb. Seabury & Johnson, Mfa. Ohemlsta, N.Y.