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8 VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE, JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, MAKOH 20, 1)01 Akohtelf Pure Hot-breads, hot biscuitSj cakes, muffins, puddings and crusts made with Royal liaking Powder are wholesome, delicious, quickly made, always light, ncver sour, and most economical. Royal Baking Powder is specially refined, and cqually valuable for the preparation of the finest, most delicate cookery, and substantial, everyday food. In the easy, expeditious and economical preparation of wholesome and appetizing food it is indispensable. The " n.ikcr and Paslry Cook " coutalninK over 800 most practicnl aiul valuable cooklnjr rc ccipts free to cvcry pntrou. beml Kstal caid wltli jour full addrcss. ROYAL DAKINO POWDER CO., 100 Williamstown. Rev. Francea A. Klmball oxchanged laat Sunday with Rev. Anna Bollo Aldrldgo ot East Montpelier. Tlio programmo for tho lenten Bervlces at tho Unlversaliat clniroh tbig weok 1b (or proachlng sorvlcea at 7:30 r. li. ou Monday, Thursday and Frlday evonlnga. Rev. Frank It. Gale wlll preach on Monday; Rev. Obas. Petty on Thursday, and Revs. A. M. Suiltli and Gharles Petty on Frlday. Muslc wlll bo a speclal featuro on theee occasIonB, Rov. John Klmball, a brother of Rev. Frances A. Klmball, Irocently located in Titngville, Fenn., wrtten hls slBters hero tbat tbe natural gas tbat furnlshes fuol an 1 Hghts for hls liouso thorocosts blm flfty-four centa for ten days. A rallroad employeo Ib to alilp four-foot wood from hero to St. Albana for bla own iiBo presumably. The Grearson-Beckett company'a new abed wlll not bo ready for use for aevoral weeks. Meanwhlle tboy wlll not put on a large number of new men. Henry V. Stewart, wbo seeina to bavo had more tban au average of accldonts to flch and lirub, had a tbumb badly crushed laBt week in connectlon with a sawlng ma cblne. It is ezpected ho wlll not loso tbo tbumb. .Henry J. Martln aold hia borae last woek. Hop. M. J. Fanninjj, stato snperlntend- . the New Hampsblre Antl-8aloon ent u. unal League, 'wlll apeak at ttio Congregai. churcb hero next Sanday inornlng, at a unlon aerviee. All tbo cltlzens are wanted at tbla tnoeting, aa tho cause to be present ed ia ono that concerna thom all. Mr. Fau nlug la a widc-awako spoaker, of inuch ox perlence, wbo cannot fall to intereat. Ho Ib a inan of eanctified common aenae, and najs only wbat ia wortb hoarlng. No one sbould fall to attond. Dra. B. B. Watson and W. B. Mayo of Northfield wcro ln counael last week with Dr. W. J. Tlndal), in tho caso of Barn 1 8. Ooodricb. It Is aald tbey do not regard it absolately bopeloss. L. Ilayward, boardlng with W. S. Had ileld, has oeon V6ry ill of late. Our two doctors were in consultation ovor bla case one daylast week, O. R. Wood is a cbampion sollcitor for life inauranco ln tbls town. Since he came here last Augnat bo baB inanred bt tweon filty and aixty persons, tho niajority of tliHin Uvlng ln thls place. He works for tbe NaUonal Ltfo of Montpelier. J. W. Flint has flnished work In Mont pelier and ia at home. IIu wanta to sell bls flne boufle in our vlllage. Mrs. A. Adelia Vincont, who livcs wltb Jrtaoii Jnbnaon, recently wont to Swanton fo a vialt. Llsle, aon ot Melvln E. Burnham, will work ngaln tbls year for flrst Bolectmau, Frauk Martln. WIlllo M. Duffns Is at bome from scbool in Waterbury for a two weeks' vacation. The proprletors of tbe oreamery are to ewploy Fred McL'hoo uf Lyndonville, in thn place of Bort W. Hawley, wuo Boon KotHtohls farm ln Now Y"o'li da:o. Mr. McPbee who came hero last week has beon at work in a prlvate creatuery in Lyndon ville) tbe last four yoars. He is woll ac quaintod with HOino of tho ownors of our creainery, and bellevoa them to be roliablo men. Ho will spara no palns to make it an object for our farmerB to brlng tbolr milk and cream to onr creamory, A pleasant yonng men, of Scotcb descent, it is hoped be may have a fair trlal ot hia skill and purpose to eervo well onr people. He tbinka our creamery unusually well iqulp peil, for a place of tbls alze. Mts. Hiram Davonport went to Manches ter, N. H., last week for a visit of a few weeks with a nlece. Her cousln, Mrs. Car rle Daveuport Banborn also resIdeB tbere. Obarlea Q. Moore latoly returned from Atlaula, Qa., is to be foreman for the Qrear- BOc-uecKott granlte company. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will !have rooma In tbo Beckett block and board at the botel, Maynard F, Spencer, secretary of tho Qranlte Outters' Unlon wrltes to tbo Qran ite Outters' Jonrnal tbat "bnslnoss is very qulet bere thla month, bnt I am in bopes of belng able to report sometbing better next month." The flrat large call on our n-w board of selectmen for monoy, was made hy Jerry M. IIutcbltiBOii for balance due on the new BcboolbouBo ln Quarry dlstrlot. Tbe monoy had to bo borrowed ata bank in Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Nat King of Northfield, wero puests of tbo Mlsaes Allce J, and An nette E, Edson one day last week. Dr. 0. 0. Ellls, son-ln-law of tho lato J. M. Palmer, now ot Somorvllle, Maia., ia 011 a vlait to Uallfornla, Ho Is tbo Hoston dl rector of au oll company opsratlng In Oall ifornla, and is poBtlug hlmsclt thoroughly on oll matters In the Kern rlver valley. Mre. Ellls accompanled blm and wrltns of tbe dellghta of tbat land ot llowera. It ls all Itke tbe lovlleat days of Junc, wltb roses and all other aorts ot blosHoiiis ln profuston, It Ib not her flrst visit to that Btato. MIib Suslo M. Benodlot wlll como baok from Burlington tbis wcok, 'or tbo flrst tluie slnco tbe deatb of bor motber. Sbo may not romuin loncr. Iler fatber ln stlll bere, looklng aftor bia vlllago homo that be wantB to boII. MUb Katberlne Baas la staying in Florlda at preBeut. Orrin SimonB had an auctlon salo of Bome of hls bouBuhoId gooda hore on Tuoaday of tbla week. Wlll Lougeo wlll Boon movo to a tono rnent in tho boaso of tbe motber of Walter E. Granger, Walter Groarson and motber are about to return here to llvo. Tbe famlly of hls cou aln, Alder Qrearson, wlll alao movo hero, Powder Thcrc arc Imitallon baklnc pow tlers, made froni alum and sold clieap, whlch It is prudent to mokl. Alum In food ispolsonous. WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK. tbus maklng :lirej fauiilles of the Grearnon name to be represented here, and ln granlte work. xney aro iromBt.uoorge,newjurunB wick. Vernon Edson bopes to recover to somo oxtent at least tbo slght ot bla injnred eyo. MIbb Jennie Hatcb, a former parlabioner of Rev. F. E. Currler ln Danvlllo, has latoly mauo a vlslt wltu the larnuy 01 i;ov. Mr, Currlor. Fresidtng Elder Walter R. Davenport and famtly will be bere next week for a vlslt witn lamuy irlonus anu ln .uarro. Mrs. Henry F. Eraklne wlll return ero long to 11 or vlllage uome atter a wlc ter'a au sonco. Tbe Mrs. Mohttable StebblnB place bas boon sold to tbo Mr. Stockwoll whose wlfe is a slstor of Bert Robinson. Mra J. W. Flint went to New York on Tuesday for mllllnory gooda. Thoao whoao churcb aflUIation would uaturally bo with tbo CongregationallstB are mlsslng most oxcollent Bormona by Rev. D. A. Slrong, lf tbey are belng koptaway Irom the Bunuay sorvlces lor any reason Our band will glvo a benetlt concert. vc ral and Ir.BtruDiental. and a Bupnir on Wednesday, Matcb 27. The stipper will be from flvo to eight o'clock, und tlie concert frorn elgbt to ten. The oulect ot tbe enter tainment is to cot uniforms for the band. and of cou sa a good attondanco Bbould bo looireu lor. Glosuo Sirtorelln'n oldpHt enn wlll lwivn bls homo in Italy for work hero tho ilrst of Apm. .-ll;"0n2'J but about seventcen or eighteon years of aga, he baa heen work intr ntnnn and attondlne a Bcbool of (lea'.zn in Italy for somo years. If be iuherits bis lather B genius ior tue wuik 110 wiu uuuui le?s inaUe a grand succoesln Arner cb, Last joar thorO wero fourieen additlonB to our Orange. Thua far thls year .hore havo bonn ten more. It is said that tbo man wbo purchased a spau of horspa last fall of Jou H. and Rnasell M. Jeffords for aomo gOOO has beon ollored $1,000 for them. Some ot onr older cltizens will recall Mrs. Klljah Wllliams, wbo llvud hero years ago. Atter tbe deatb of Mr. Wllliams, by whoin she bad four chlldron, she marrlud A. W, Ijyniau, aud has llvod ln Haverill, N. II,, mostly, 1872. A yoar ago last fall Bhe met wltb an accldont that gave her such a Bhock of tho nervous systom that sbe was never well aftorwards, and was a great suf forer tlll her deatb, on February 27 last. Sbo was a natlve of Melb mmo, P. Q., aud waa seventy-throe yoata of age Of h;r 'our chlldren by bor llrat marrlage, only one Biirvives. He ls a realdenr of tlaverhill, N H. Bhe was a hlghly resr ec ed womau. MUb Etnma, daughter ot the late Jobn Adams, bas just boon grantod an unllmited certlflcatoas a scbool teacber by our Sute snperlntondent andcounty examlner, It looks as lf there would bo a better do mand huro for housea and tenemeuta ln the near futaro thau for aomu tlme past. Contrary to tho informatlon glven us last woek, M'V oiualni aud L J. Bolster had not uoui' to an agreument for the reuting pf t'if Enocb Hcwe place by tbo former. Tho Methodlst churcb soclable was bold last Wednesday with J. B. Brockwav'a famlly for tho flrst tlme tlnco tnovlug to thelr new bomo. Walter Grout has roturned from Burling ton, as has Fred Poor from Berlin. Deacon Edwln 0. Smitb ls tbe new cbalr man ot tbe scbool board, und George E Wilbor, clerk. There will be tbree terms Of scbool ot ten weeks each, tlie coinlng year. A repreauutative of the Americau Book Oompany recently met the board, and there will be uJdod to text booka to be usod bere one or more new kiuds. A Oaiid. Wo, tho undersigned, do horoby agrco to rofund tbo money on a CO cent bottle of Grccne'a Warranted favrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cotigh or cold Wo nlso guarau teo a 2C cent bottlo to provo salisfactory or monoy refunded. W. L. Pierco, East Calais. (J. U. Dwinell, East Calais. W. G. Nyo, North Montpelier. G. L. Pray. North Montpelier. Kust Uoxbury. Creamery patsons recelved twenty-tbree centa for February butter. OluroncuTracy Is to work for W. O, Prlde tbis Bummer. Wlnlfred Foss retnrnod to Wells Rlver on Saturday to tuuch the sprtng term whlch begins Marcb 23. Hattte Kldder is at work at Mr. Sulham's in Gouldsville. Mr. and Mrs. Obarles Iloldnn and daugh ter were guesta at Soeley Fuss' one day last week. Jumes Parmonter was ln town ono day last week. 0, W. Webstor and R. E. Oady attendod tue concert at Northfield Baturday oveulng. Mr. ane Mra. E. E. Howe aud son wero In Randolph on Wednesday. Mrs. Emiua Poako wont Satnrday to Brownsvillo whoro she has u sltuatiou. Eldor Orza Boyce returned from New- liury on ximtsday anu p.oactiod at tho Bcbool houso hore on Snnday from ExoduB xlx:8. Aa Olarence Mudgett's throe daughtera wero coming to Bunday-school tho horso beoauie trloky and when near the sobool houbo left them heslde tho road und ran to South Northfield wbera lt was tound about an hour later, hltohod und blanketed aud nothlng damaged. No one hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Wardner, George Foaa and Mlsa Winnlfred Foss were ln Ran. dolph on Frlday. Marshfield. Donnls Dunham moved bla ollcots t o El- moro last wook. Grant Ilrown lms eono to Cabot whoro ho haa engagod to work for Goorgo Gould. Nathan Pago of I'lalnflold was ln town Saturday aud purchaaod a horso of J. P. Nowton. A. W. Colo rotnrnod bomo from Hnstnn on Baturday. Thoro Ib to bo a band mootlne Saturd av ovenlng. Evory mombor of tbo band ia urgod to bo presont. H. E. Hadlock was ln Wllllamatown on Saturday to vlslt Mra. Uadlock'a pooplo. Tbe ladlos' unlon wlll moot with Mrs. Hmnnb R. Edaon on Thnraday aftornoon. Tho Congrogattonal nravor.mootlncF wlll bo bold tbla woek Tbursday ovonlng at tbo homo of Mra. Carollno Robinson. B, B. Nownea haa purcbasod of J. A. Woodward tbe paaturo land sltuated Just In tbo resr ot bla dwolllne. known aa tbe Holcomb paaturo, Among tho panol ot Jurora socurod to try the caso of Stato ogalnat Ceharaldo Gulsep pelni, lndicted for an asaault with intont to murdor Chlef ot Pollce Brown of Barre, appeara the namo ot W. C. Moara of thls placo. A report ln thoso itoma in laat woek's Isbuo was orronooua ln two respocts, vlz: It waa George Darling lustoad of Martln wbo was snccoaafnlly treated for tho ro raoval of a wen at tho bomo of E. 0, Pltkin and Dr, M. D. Warren of Cabot, tho phys lcian in attondauoo Inatoad of Dr. II. 8. Carvor. Althongh J. Ward Carver baa boen known to pnbllcly avow tbat bo would not adopt tbo profeaalon of hia fatbor, Dr. H. 8. Carvor, yet lt la nnderstood that he inado a profeBBlonal call npon Mlaa Allco Sbep ard ThurBday mornlng, rendorlng hor prompt and efflclont treatmont for a case of taklng tbree teaspnonfuls of salt peter, mla taklnc lt for ensttn salts. Better rocon- afder yonr doclslon, Ward, and lot tbo suingie reau "ur. 11. a. uarver aon." Tho Barre Tetcgram Baya edltorlally, "No one would accept the oosltion of constablo ln Sharon thls year, bo that ofllco muat rc main vacant. What ls bo raro bb a man who wont accept ofilcel Wo wonld ro spoctlully snggest to tho poople of Bharon that tboy sond np to Barre for a f e w satnplos ot chronio candldatea." Tbo Telepram need not bavo looked bo far from homo' for auch a raro caao for tho outlook Blnco town meot ing bas boen such tbat perbaps Barro can llnd in Marshfield anotber opportunlty for unloading ono ot tholr "aamnioa of chronio candldatos" to flll a vacancy ln tho samo ouico. About twenty took tbo teacbora' oxatnl nation at tblB placo on Frlday and Satur day. Fartlea from Groton wore acain ln town Tnesday to look over the rlstmill, but went away witnout ciosing any trado. Marshfield Co-operativo Creamerv nald patronB twentyflve cente por pouud for ifeumary Dutter, 011 test, or twonty-one and eigut-teniuB ouurn jtesti por cent eur plus. Tno selectmen mot at the vlllago on Frl day to recolve tbe bonda of all town ofilcers required by law to glvo them. Tbe new board of scbool dtrectors alao bold a ment, lng at the school houae on Frlday for tbe purpoee ot organlzlng and tormulatlng pianB ior tno bciiooi year. xney eiected tbe tollowlng ofllcerB: Chalrman, A. N. Floodj clerk, G. A. Kelley; Buperlntendeut oiacuooiB, uev. u. w. Aiauning. Fred Ellls waa a vlsltor in town last Wod nesday. S. A. Carleton recently purchased a borao of S. W. Cole ss Hon. Llzzio PreBton was at homo from Enst Montpelier Ior a uay'a vlslt recently. Mlas Llllian St, Jcha went to Montnelter on Salurday wbero sbe Ib to work in tho liome 01 JJr. 11. Li. Uloaves. Mr. and Mra. Danforth Martln of Mont peller wero guesta at O. H. Smith'a a few uays recently.. Wi C. Hears and J. Berton Plko went to Mouinelier on Thursday, tbey haviug heen Hummoned by SberilT Gravea aa jurotB for wasuington connty court. Walter II. Martln aud Viola D. Buxton were marrled Marob 13, at Uarie. by Rev. EfUe IC, M. Jones, J. Brooks Buxton, a brother of tbe bride, acted as best man, aud Mlss Besale Spencor of MontpBlIer.asbrldes mald. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer O. Ilolmes of Barro wer also wltuesses of tbo ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Martln left Barre on tho af- ternoon ti aln for a sbort wtddlug tour and before tbolr return will vlslt ln Burlington, Montpelier aud other placos. Mr. and Mrs. Martln wlll make tlieir home for the pres eut with Mr, Mnrtln'a paronta, Mr. and Mra. H. I. Mrttn, Rumors bavo reacbod E. E. Tannertbat there aro certain parties ln town who have aaserted thelr bellef tbey can defeat blm ln a wrestllng matcb. Mr. Tanner wlsbos to say to auclj parties tbey can bavo satlsfac tion at any time by postiug a forfolt of $10 or more as a guarantee ot good faith. Bellevlug that all Jouknal readers wlll be interested in the report ot the Ubrary truateea aud libranan regardlng tbe man agemout and care of tbat instltuttou duritig tlie past year, wo have obtained parmisalon to give lt in full ln tbeso ltonia. Treasu rer'a rtporl: jBqtiitb Ubrary trust fund, balauce ln treasury Marcb 0, 10C0, S1.018 G8; lutereMr on money lnaned the town for tbo year, S1G0; total, 1,178.08 Total expenaes for thn purohasu of hooks aud magazines, $531 70, loavlug a balance in tho bands of the treasnrer Marcb 1 of $013 92. Treasu rer's report of town approprlatlon. Maroh 0, 19C0, balanco ln treaaury, $15.12. Octo bor 3 recelved town approprlatlon, $3'0j from lihrarian as flnes, etc, to Fobruury 27, 1901, $9.40; total recelpts, 8374.5d. Total oxpenses lncludlng debt, blll for screen doors, eave spouts, lnsurance, Btreotlamp, llbratlan'a salary ol 890, paiullng bnildlng, kerosi-ne atd wood, $409.38 leavlng a debt of $31 83 Marcb 1, 1901. The lihrarian sub mlts the followlug report to the trustees: On Marcb 1, 1901, there were 1,500 books ln tbo Ubrary. Stnce that tlmo there bas boon addod 521, maklng in all 2,021. Of these one was damaged and aold aud one takou ont. and aold, leaving on March 1, 1901, 2,019 books in the llbary. On Marcb 1, 1900, thero wero 344 borrowors' cards out. Durlng tbo yoar there has beon 149 addl tloual taken out, maklng ln all 493. On tbise have been loanod 9,000 books, making an average ot 80 booka loanod oach day tbo Ubrary bas heen opened; collected ln flnes, $8.14; $1 20 for booka sold, ton cents for books loanod outof town, and two cents for cards, maklng ln all 8040, There has been ou the reading table seveuteen magaziues aud paperp, Threo ot tbeso bavu been glven tn the Ubrary. I thlnk tli people are bb much Interested lu the library aa tboy wete when lt was opened and the reading rootn baa buon well patroulzed, especially by tbe yonng pooplo. West Corinth. Rev, Mr, Dodgo from Vershire supplled tbo pu'plt hero last Sunday in oxcbango with Hbv W. H, Traftou, Mrs. llessle Cunlnghsm and little daugh ter vislted relatlvea ut Walta River a few days last week, C. F. Blake und wlfe vislted rolatlvoa lu East Barro last Thursday and Frlday. Mlss I.ena Wllliams ls worklng at Lyman Wood'a in Bradford, Fay Hlake bas employment in a llvory stablo lu Bradford. E. R, Darling from New York Is at hls bomo ou Maplowood farm, und Ib lu a so rloua stato of beallb. llo ls not ln bla right mlnd only a small abaro of the tlme, Mr. Frapploa and famlly, wbo bavo been Uvlng on Goorgo Magulrn's place tbls wlntor and boardlng George, bavo moved away aud George haa gono back to li. E. Dodge's to board. Mrs, lt. II. Wllliams la stlll conflned to the house, Arthur Illako and famlly are movlng to Washington, He wlll work for Mr. East, man ln tho ineat markot. I'lulnllold. MIbs Ella Galo vislted In Mnntnnlfnr Innt. wook. Mrs. Carollno llowen ond daugbtor Votn io ot Barto are bucsih of Jamen Mntlln nml wlfo. Mrs, J. H. Gllmoro of Ilnrrn U vlnltltirr bor slstor, Mra. G. U. Rayinond. Fred Bancroft. R. II. Mnrtln. W. VV. Plt. ktn, D. W. Mosob and Mrs. Q. D. Kldder wore ln Montpelier on 8atnrday. Tbo vlllacto nollco annolntnd hv thn lmll. Iffa and trustoon aro as follows: S. A. Ilatcholdot. E. V. Dukn. Bnrt TnwtiHnnil. H. 8. Parka. MrB. E. P. Whitcomb ls ln Burlineton to undergo an oporatlon at tho Mary Flotcbor hospltal. , S. A. Batoboldor and A. N. Groolov wero appolntod by tho vlllago balllCfa and trua- loos a Bpeciai committeo to tnvestigato anu roport In regard to flro extinguishora at tbe noxt rogular mootlng of tho board. Thomaa Kyan, a formor resident ot the town, now of Llsbon, N, 11,, was in town last week. Dr. O. E. Chandlor of Montpelier was called to town ln the caso of Mra. H. E. Cntler. John Ryan went to markot on Monday with stock. Spring Beems much opp. sod to partlng company with wlnter bnt notwlthstandlng tho taot tbat tho elements give but little on conragemont for lmmedlato sngar maklng, some of tho tbrlfty farmera of tbe town at tompted last woek to break ont tho roada ln thelr augarorchard so that when the flow of sap comea tbey wonld be ablo to handlo lt. Tboy report tbe snow of an unusual dopth ln the woods at thls Boason of the year. Owlng to a sllght clorical error ln the no tlces for a vlllago mootlng to conalder tbo Mlvlaablllty of pnrchaslng flro extlnguiah ors the mootlng wlll not bo beld untll aftor a new potltlon Is presonted. Alexandor Splcor went last woek to Marshfield to commence a job cuttlng logs for Smlth and Foaa. Mrs. W. F. Lazello and Mlss Allce. her daugbtor, vlsltod last week in Barre and Montpelier. Arch Batchelder went to Barre laat Frl day to attond a meetlng of the Mount Slnai Temple, returnlng homo Saturday. Jerry Jackson of Burlington was in town on Saturday. J. F. L mson ot Cabot was ln town tbe laat part of tbo woek on legal businosa. MrB. C. A. Bartlott waa taken to tbe Mary Fletcher boapltal last weok wbere sbo un dorwont a succosstul oporatlon Frlday. Dr. W. E. Lazell of Barre was in town last Wednesday. George Duke and wlfe werein Montpelier Baturday. N. M. Palmer apent last week ln Wood stock vlBlting bls motber, returnlng home on Frlday. Mrs. D. I. Page entertalned the whlst club at Mrs. R. D. Klchard's hall on Satur day ovenlng. Mre. G. D Kldder entertalned a few of hor friends at her homo last Thursday oven lng, Whlst was partlclpated in for a tlme after which llgbt refreshments wero served by tbo hostesa. Mrs, Obarles Lombard apent a few days last week wltb her daughter, Mra. John Worceater of South Barre, returnlng home Saturday. S. A. Batchelder, John Hlll, Cllnton Cutler ind F. H. Bruflle have purcaased flro extitiguisherB to placo ln tbelr placos of baslness. Will ManKfleld has flnlsbed work for G. U. Raymond us clerk in tho botel. Aa yet he haa not decided what he will do ln tbe Jutnre. J. H. Hood of Lowell, Maaa., waB ln town last week and purchased four borseB to take back wltb blm. The parties who sold wero U. E. Cutler, H. H Martln, A. L. Martln and N. D. Page. Tho borsea aro to be carred at Sf. Jouusbury. Murray Martyn sold on Saturday td Thotnas Smlth of Tunbridge a 11 no palr of two-year-old steers. Consideration, $100. Mrs. Lewis Farrington and aon ot Cabot vlaltod at F. G. Huyl's last Wednesday and Thursday. The Piulnlleld creamery pald lts patrons for Fobruarj butter tweuty-tbroa and oue half cents por pouud, with a aurplua of twelve per cent. G. H, Leavltt purchased of Mr. Farnbam of East Montpelier last week a llno palr of brown work borsea. Tho Bcbool board mot at Dr. F. i Gale's last Thursday and organized by tbe oleo tlon of E J. Colby chalrman, and Dr, F. P. Galo olork aud purchaslng agont. H. E. Cutler was ln Montpelier on Satur day. Frauk Uardy, Uvlng on Maplo Hlll, start ed Saturday to corae to the vlllago with a load of logs. All went well tlll he reached tbe John Ilill hlll, wtere ln tho. Btee post part bls runnor cbain gavo way ond lot tho load on to tbo horses whlch wero uuablo to bold lt. Tho result was a general mlx up of toam, logs and sled lu the ditch. No one fortunately was hurt but lt waa a closo call. Erma Leavltt, tbo elght years' old cblld of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Leavltt, dled last Thursday from an attack of pnenmonia. Tho fuuoral was held from the resldence on Sunday, Rev. F. T. Olark offlciating. The interment was ln the vlllage cenieteiy. Wultor Mar ln and Mlss Vlola Buxton wero marrled at Barro by Itev. Efllo K M. Jones last Thursday. Only a few of tho near relallves wero preseut. Tho young peoplt- went to Burlington for a few days and on tbelr return wlll make their bomo at H. P. Martln's. A Cardj Wo, the undorsigned, do bereby agree to rotnud tho monoy on a 60 cent bottlo ot Greeno's Warranted Synip of Tar if it fail3 to curo your cough or colu. Wo also guarau too a 25 cont bottle to provo satisfactory or money refumled. E. W. Gilman, Marslifield. E. F. Leavltt, Plahillold. F. T. Carr, East Moutpolier. A. At Jiliss, iSodora. KycKuto. Mra. Ida Symes la in Nashuu rocoivtng modlcal treatment at tho hospltal. J. A. Douglas, tho blackauiltb, la Bllll conflned to hls hod with the grlp but is galuing somo, The toiru fathera met at the town clerk's ofllcn Maroh 15 for tho purpose of approvlng of the I10111I8 by town otllcerB. G, G Nelson was lu Topsham ono day last week on husiuess. O. M. Wallaco waa ablo to ride to the do pot last weok and attond to hls dutlea there a partot the tlme. Tho farmera are busy now haultng tbelr Bprlng supply of feed trom the Btatlon. Catlylo MoLatn Ib very slok wltb typhold fever at Geueva college, Penn., followlng tbo grlp Wb aunt, Mls4 Agnos Shlolds, Ib thero carlng for blm. Wllllam J. Taylor and wlfo of Boston ar rlved ln town last weok to vlslt for a short tlme. A. K. Mooro ls dangoronsly 111 from a carbuncle sltuated at tho base of tho braln. It ls bopod he can be relloved. Davld Bncbanah vltltod bls alator. Mrs. Cowdry, In Bradford ono day last weok. Jamos Vauce and Ed. Ilansou of Bolton vlllo wero ln town last Frfday. F. W. Whltehill lms beeu flttlng up a matchod apau ot drlvors thls wlnter, for whlch ho oxp 'cta ho cau soo a long prlco later. Charles Burt lnteuda to movo hls famlly from town tbla Bprlng Fred Allard has moved hls famlly from Underhill farm, A. M, Qlhsou had an auctlon Wodnosday to oloso out hia real oatato and bousobold goods and wlll remove wltb bls famlly to tho Oscar Warden faitn ln Hanover, Ora Blsbop waa tho auotlonoor. MARCH, Paine's Celery Gompound the Best Medicine in All the World. Purifles the Blood as Nothing Else Can Can Do Makes Stron Nerves, Cures Disease. Tbero la but ono spring medicine tbat never falls. Palnea's Colery Compound Is a physl clan's romedy, and all schoola of pbyslclans prnscrlbe lt. It ls guaranteed by tbonaands of men and women wbom lt bas beneilted. It baB aaved the health and Uvos of hundrods of BUflorers ln overy communtty. It is the only spoclflo known for dlsoases arlslng from a debllltated nervona systom and lmpnre blood. Agaln and agaln lt cures when evory other meana falls. It ls as far ln advance ot the ordinary well meaning but uselesB sarsaparlllas, nervlnes ond tonica, aa a flnely adjusled cbronom eter la superlor to the dninmy clock on a jewoior-s aign post, une ls tno linlaned protiuct 01 oraina anu eclontlllo skill, whlle tbo otber la a bnngllng tmitatlon. Sluidy R1U. Sbady Rtll creamery pald Ita patrons twentyono and ono-balf ceuts for February butter. Davld Wllkey of Boston la vlsltlng at C. C. Putnam's. Amoa Obaso drovo np to John WIlbur'B in Worcester on Saturday and got tipped over, and tho horso ran collldlng with tho sled of Frauk King,and cleariug ItBelf from the sleigb then boaded for Elmore ata llvo ly rato belng caught In tbo vlclnlty of Plum Rlchardson'a. Lucklly no ono was hurt. Wlllard Walker was In thls locallty on Thursday looklng for cowb. Leon Stowart and wlfo vlaltod at A. 0. Hall's on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Stmoro was ln Montpelier on Frlday. Deatb came very snddonly to tho nlne months old son of Ralpb Aldln. He was ln porfoct health on Monday and dledon Tues day. Much sympatby is felt for the be reaved parents. Tbo whlst party ot Friday nlght was at Arthur Emery's. Two small glrls dressed ln white recelved. RefresbmentB wore sorved mldway ln tbe game. The best card was won hy Mrs. George Putnain and Ell Hancock, and the booby by Mlsa Frankle Hatcb and BurpIeTracy. Brookfield. . Mrs. Wallaco Stone ot Greensboro ls spendlng a few days wltb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edson. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Peck were ln Bur lintltoS the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam S. Graves are slck wltb tba prevalling dlstemper. Mra. Henry Fullam and young chlldron have moved baek to her village homo. It is rumored Georgo aud wlfe will carry on the farm tbis yoar. MrB. M. Peck haa gono to Rutland to spend a few weoka with relotlves. Mrs. E. 0. Jonnoss vlsited Mra. Cynthla Klbbee laat week. Misses Lilllan Tracy and Clara Hawes of Berlin, recently vlsited theia unclo, Frank L. Tracy. Thirty-flve attonded tho soclablo at J. W Parmenter's, last Wednesday. Solomon Smlth and Marshall Carnenter of the Center, havo been qnlte slck ot late wltb tbo grlp, botb are couvalesclng. Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Parmenter and JAzro Dntton attendod the concert at Northfield last Saturday ovenlng. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Ellls attended tbo Durno-Emmettontertalnmeut at Randolph, last Frfday ovenlng. Tbe scbool dltectors met laat Friday aud appoleled George Spragne superlntendent. Falo Batcheldorls movlng Into bla new homo acroHs the lake. Al Cratn was arrested last week Tuesday for lntoxicatlor.,and the second offeuso for boatlng and maltrestlng hls 1 wlfe. Tho hearlng was on Wednesday. Tbe court put blm uudor 500 bonds. llo not belng ablo to procuro bonda, was comraltted to Chel sea jall to await the term ot Oraugo county court, next. June. Crescont ChapterNo. 37, Order of Eastern Star, will bold a soclablo in Masonic hall Tbursday ovenlng, Marcb 21. Every 0110 ls lnvitod. Refreshments of cako and coffee will bo servod. Thero wlll bo lntiBlc, recitations. etc. Nowbury. March ls called a spring month but wln tor Hoeuis to have a mortgage on lt aud hokling on wltb a flrm grlp. One hnudred anu sbveu dajB of slelghlug to date, wltb ont a broak. Twonty-elx attended tho party at Edson Doe'a at South Nowbury last Wednesday ovenln and report a llno tlmo. F. H. Lang was marrled otSt. Johusbury last Tuesday to Mrs, Emuia I'lerce. M. A. Galo bas purchased the Wlnona hotol property ut Fairlee and wlll soon take possesalou, Mr. Galo has llvod in town quito a good many years. Ho has won tbe ro apoot ot tho entire community as a man of tquare dealing and uprlgbtness ot cbaracter aud wlll bo gro tly rnlssod lu our village; moro especlally ln tbe cbolr of the Congre gatlonal churcb, wbere ho bas been chor later for ten or flfteen yoars. All wish blm proaperlty. Tho debate betwoen tho Woodsvlllo hlgh scbool and Nowbury Semiuury ocourred Frlday eventng at Somlnary hall. The questlon discussed was: "Itesolved, that Uultod States Sonators ahould bo elcctcd by dlroot voto ot the people." Dlsputauts, alll mtlvo, Wlllla D. Howe, John S Clough, Harley E. Mauu, Woodsvlllo hlgh tchool; negatlve, Fred W. Board way, George W. Ha'ob, Roy L. Rnrroughs, Now bury Semluary. Judges, Rev. George Credofortb, Wells Klver, llov. Mr. Ktl. bournc, Bradford, D. S Conaur, Bradford. The dlscusslou was quito ahly austalned ou botb aldea und was listeuod to by a large aud interested anillouco, as the subjot la one whioh bbhui to bo growlng in the mliuls of tho pooplo. A recltatlou "Tho Benodtotlou" by Mlss Pray ot Woodavlllo, was ttnoly rondered. Mlsa Ford, Mlas Halo, Mlas Maroy, gavo llno aeltctlons ou tho plauo durlug tho dollbtratloua of the Judgea. Tho Judges dlsagrued, ouo for tbo afllrmatlve, ouo lor tbe negatlve, ono un declilod. Tho deoislou was dlsappolutlug all round as thla was tbo tbird joiut dehato ot tho two Bcbools and tho "rubber," and a poaltlvo dectsion was doslrod. About flfty representatlves of Woods vlllo scbool woro lontertatnod with a sup per at the Sawyor Houso by tho Nowbury Btudouta, after whlob promenadlng was lu order untll tho arrlval of tho 2:30 north bound traln, F. E. Klmball recently recelved a car load ot horBes from tbo west. APRIL AND MAY! Thls ia why thodemand forPalne'a Celery Compound aa a spring medicine so far ex coeds today tho demand for all othor rem edlea put togothor. Palno's Celery Compound, taken dnrlnR tho early spring days, has evon moro tban lts nsual remarkablo efllcacy ln maklng people well. Ii makes short work of all dlseases of deblllty aud nervous oxbanstion, It rapldly drives out neuralgls, sleoplesa neas, dyapepsla, and rheumailsm trom tho Bystem. It removi'B that laasltnde, or "tlred feellng," whlch batokons wo kened nerves and poor blood. Overworked and tlred women are but one class of persons wbo are ln urgent need of tbe wouderful romedy to mako and keep them well. Business men wbo aro notsloop ing soundly, sbop girla made palo and slckly by long bous of lndoor work, and tho count less sufferers from dyapepsla, kldnoy and Woodbury, Wallaco Lamberton and wlfe of North field vlsltod C. H. Dana and wlfe on Sun day. Mrs. R. W. Brnca dled last Satuiday of pnenmonia. The fuueral was bold at the houso on Monday at one P. m., Rev. N. A. Robs offlciating. Oscar Thomas, who haa been dangerouBly ill for some time, la well onough to got ont agaln on pleasant days. Ed. Dellne of Montpelier was ln town on Sunday, looklng up hls interesta ln tho granlte buslnpsa here. He lntenda to open a quarry near tbo Woodbury Granito Com pany'a ptoporty aa Boon as tho snow settles sufflcteutly. Tho slnglng class conducted by Prof. 0 F. Dudloy wlll bold an all day sesslon next Thursday in tbe Methodlst churcb, closlng wltb a concert ln tbe evenlng. Illa claBses ln Calais, East Calais and East Montpelier are expected to be presont and assist. Hardwick and Woodbury rallroad recent ly purchased a 1 ew Ufty-ton locomotlvo, whlch Is built on the samo plan as tbe old one thoy have nsed since openlng the road. Mr. and Mra. E. N. Alnsworth celebrated tbe flftleth annlversary of their marrled life last Saturday. Suveral of tholr near rola tlvoa and friends called to extend con gratulations, among them belng Mts. Alna worth's mother, Mrs. Fuller, who recently celebrated her nlnety-Becond blrthday. Kust Calais. Fred Bnrnham got oxcused from servlDg on the jary aud Ia at homo agaln. Satnuel Meador haa moved trom East Craftsbury back to hls farm. About twenty-flvo membors of Mr. Diid loy'a slnglng class attonded the drlll and took part ln tho concert at North Calais last Tbursday. It la neodless to aay all thoroughly eBjoyed the occaalon. Davld S. MarBb, a resident ot Waltham, Mass., dled March 11, aged Beventy-four years, He was an unclo of Mrs. W. E. Bllss and Frank E. Marsb, and was the laat ot a largo famlly, formor residents ot Calais. Mrs, Lavlna McFarland ls back agaln ln ber rooms at lloraco Pike'a, after spendlng several months with relatlvea. Townsend MiLeod roturned last week to hls bome in Priuco Edward's IilamL Ella Mnl.ond ls Hnondlncr a counlo of weekB wltb her slster. Mrs. F. J. Gale. coni-' ing here last weok from Lakewood, N. J. Middlesex. Rev. J. Edward Wrlght of Montpelier, 's expectod to proach to tbe UnlverBallsta Sunday afteruoon, March 31, at tho nsual bour. F. B. Miles flnlsbed work at the Ceutral Vermont Btatlon last Sa'urday and wlll soek employment olsewhero. H. J. Egan, who haa beon employed at Lanoaboru the ptst wlnter, returned last Saturday. Wallace G. Goodwln vls'.' dM.s Go. d win ln to,wn a portlon of last week. Mrs. 0 F. Darling has returned frcm 1;". visit at Barton aud vluiulty. Mrs. 0. B. Holdeu vlsltod Mra. J. E. Goodenongh in Montpelier a portlon of nst week. Freil L. Wlnn rotnrned from a month's servlco at the Montpelier postofllca last week. 8. E. Johnson of Richmond was a vlsltor in the place last week. Mrs. Jano Daniela haa roturned from ber vifit at Mrs. 0. 0. Graves' at Waterbury. Luclan White ls 111. He ls attended by Dr. D D. Grout of Waterbury. Goorgo Lewis has retnrned from Montpe lier whero he served as juror in tho Ber nacco caso. Mlss Carrle Swlft ls vlsiting in Cabot for a week. W. 0. Whlto Is the looal agont for the Equltable Llfo Assuratce Company of New York aud oan sbow somo very profltablo Investments ln tbat Une. The'company has tho largest surplus ot any ln tho Unlted Statea. Most ot our farmerB aro pr parlng for atigaring wltb tbo assurance of a very poor season. Wo bavo not bsen blossed with two good seasons for the past few yearB, and a return to old tlmea would be hlghly appreclated, Tho law sult of White va. Olevelaud waa contlnued untll Monday, March 18, since whioh a new aotiou has beon brouglit by Mr. Gordou nlth J, II. Lucla as jnstlce, whioh wlll bo trled on tho abovo date. F. A. Balley and W. 0. Wbito appeared for the plalntlff South Woodbury. Tho Ladiea' Ald wlll bold an antlqnarlan suppor lu ihe churcb vestry Frlday oveu Ing, March 22. The flrst of tho evenlng will bo devoted to musio aud a literary pro grammo, aftor whlch an old-fashloned sup per w 111 be served. All ahould como lu on clout coHtmno. Mrs. HoBwoll Btuco, wbo dled last Satur day of pnenmonia, was bnried ou Monday, Fuueral services woro held at tho houso. Mrs. Laaher, wbo bas beeu stopplng wltb Mra. A. M. Beiijamin tho past week, wont to East Calais last Monday fcr a few days. Emtna Lucele, Infaut daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllla Lalrd, la daugerously ill with puuiuionia. Thomas Bnrnham, aged nlnoty.two, wbo bas beou boardlng at Morton MoKlnstry'a through tho wlnter, haa gono to llvo wltb hls sou, Edwln Burnbam, ot Cabot, Tho noxt Ladlos' Ald wlll be glvon by Mrs, Lasher in the churcb vestry Wodnos day, Maroh 21 A largo attondanco la ro quested, All aro lnvitod. Spring llvor trouble, need tho invlgoratlng effoct of Paine's Celery Compound now that spring, wltb all lts dangor, Ib at hand. Its pre-em-lnonce bb a hoalth-maker comes from its ox traordlnary powors of supplylng approptl ate nutrlment to tho blood, nerves, und braln. There isn't a famlly so rlch or so poor as to afford to bo wltbont a bottlo of Paine's Celery Compound ln theBe oarly spring days, whon tho human Bystem needs evory aBBlstance to carry lt through tho depres Blng effrcts of tho season when nature makes lt easler to replentsh the blood with new, bealthfnl materlal, and feed tbo ner vous Byatom with strength or future work. What Palno's Celery Compound has done for thousanda of others lt wlll do for the reader, and once tbls great medicine Is glven a trlal, anotber person wlll be added to the multltnde who pralso lts wonderful vlrtnea. West Topsham. Dr. Georgo Darling of South Ryegate was ln town last ThurBday. Mrs. Cella Richardson has gono to Brad ford to work ln the famlly of Mr.8. Georgo. William Hight ls undor the doctor's care. Waldo Glover of Groton was ln town on Sunday. Rov. John Vauce, who has boen ln town for a couple of weeks, left .Saturday morn lng. Mlss Katlo Wllloy of East Topsham has boen visitlng bere. Mrs. Waltor Bergln ot Eaat Orange is ataylng at L. F. Sanborn'a for a short time, Mr. and Mra. Wallaco Obalmers of Groton vislted hls brother, William Chalmora, re cently. Mrs. Henry Glover, who haa beon with ber parents for the past week, bas returned to Groton. Wllmot Oampbell and wlfo vislted her mother, Mrs. Francls Bagley, recently. Cllnton Gale of Barro was In town on Saturday. Mrs. R. P. Churcb ls ill. Mrs. George Nowton, who was called hore on account of tho lllnesa of Mra. H. M. Jackson, returned to Barre on Thursday. Mlss Hattle E. White and John White of East Topaham vislted thelr slstor, Mrs. J. 0. Hood, laBt Wednesday. Mra. Davld Bagley is in very poor health. H. B. White waa in town last Thursday and Friday. Wells Klvor. Albert John and Mlsa Nellio Lee and Atuolia John spent Thursday slghtseeing and shopping In St. Johnsbury. W. H. Buck was ln Boston a few days last week. Mrs. H. T. Baldwin and Mlss Bernlco re turned from Hardwick last Wednesday and Mrs. Grovor and Mlss Katberlne from Montpelier on Tuesday. A daughter waa born March 9 to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Worthoa ot Bradford. Mrs. Deming went to Boston laat Tburs day and roturned Saturday. At tbe village meottng last Tuesday tbe old board of oflicora wero re-electod with one exception, H. T. Baldwin belng electe-: col iector ln placo of Jobn Bailey. Rev. Mr. Credeford went to Newbury Fri day evenlng to act aa one of tho judgea on tho debate betwoen Nowbury and Wooda vlllo boya. ' After April 1 tho Wella Rlver Ubrary will not bo open Wednesday evenlnga. Tbe Cbrlstlan Endeavor Bocial Frlday evenlng waa very woll attended conalder ing the bad condltlou of roads. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin and Murlel apent Sunday at Woodavlllo. 8chools commenced on Monday. Tbo surpriso allvor woddlug ot Mr. an.i Mrs. Albert Bailey Frlday ovenlng, March S, w.m cit sndod by about 150 people. Miss Adiuo Halo entertalned the Ar gunol club laat week Tuesday ovoning. Af ter the programmo and a aoclal vlslt ice cream aud cuko woro Berved. The members of tbo "Silver Star" epont last Wednosday ovenlng with tho presldent, MbiuI Davia. Ono new membor was re celved and a literary and musical pro grammo reudorod, aftor whlch refreshments wero servod. Mrs. Foss, who bas been slck most, of the time slnoii laat August la galnlug slowly. She went to St, Albans last week with her daugbtor, Mra. Davls, who has beon hore noarly all the tlmo hor mother has been slck. George Dunlap, who has been In tho drug storo of bis brother-ln-law, W. N. Buck, durlng the latter'a aicknoss, returned to hls beadquarters at Springfleld, Mass., last Sat urday. Cul Preston Camp, Bons of Voteraus wlll bold a box aoclal tn Odd Follows hall, Frlday tveuiug, March 22 BUSINESS N0T1CES, CASORIA For Infants and Childrcn. The Kind You Have Always Boughf Slgnaturo of lTb. adasvis "WiBlies to call tho attcntion of tho public to tbo fact that aftor March 1, 1901, all thoso trading with him to tho nmount of $1 Casb. is ontitlcil to n voto for tho haudsomcst baby in town undor two years of ngo. Tho baby rocolving tho mo at votos from March 1 to July 1, 1901, will rocoivo a bamlsomo $10 Baby Carriago Proo. Call and eco tho prosont at bis storo at Marshfield, Vf.