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VERMONT WATOHMAN & STATE JOURSAL. WEDWESDAY, APRIL 10, 1901 i H.S.BOARDMAN, md. I SPECIALIST IN ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. Omoo ot Rofllilonce, 107 Btato St. Offloe honrsi 1 to 8 and. 7 to 0 r. m, WITH STATIO ELECTRICITY Wo trcat nll formB o! j Uhenmatlsm. $ N&uralgla, Nonraathonla, 2 Solatloa, Gonoral Norvona Dleenoas, Splnal Troablos, Paralysls, Brnln Vag and Insomnla, Dleeasea ot tbe Ohost. DIsomob ot tho Olronlatlon. Dlscases ot Womon not Bargtcal, Esr, Nose end Throat Salvanio and Sninsocual Cur rents in form of Eleotrlc Bntbs in Chronic Rhonmn tism of tho Joints. ICAY EXAMINATIONS. KIN DIBKASES Xroatod by Eleotrlo Batha i Thetford, Qeorgo B. Woroeator baa jast pnrchaBod a flno lmportod Spanlab Jack. Frank Florco baa moved hla f amlly horo trom Fairloo. Tho Htnkson famlly haa gono back to Lebanon, N. H. Jobn Swoot ia moving hla famlly to Bean Ville. Tho Aoadomy baso ball clab has ordorod new nniforma. M S. Oolbnrn has been olected troaauror ot thn chnicb and socioty and Mr. Wo ces tordnk of tho chnrch in placo of Oarloa Slaf (er decoaaod. n. P. Sanborn haa beon appolntod an perlniendent of Bcbools. Tbo Fbllolothian socioty have votod 8G toward tho oxpenBoa of tbe baso ball club tbla BeaBon. Tbe trustooa of tbe Aoadomy aro pur obaalng new apparatns for chemlatry and phvnlcs. Mrs, Slado has retnrned for tbo snintner, Georgo 8. Worcester bas baen appolntod odmluistrator on Oarloa Slafter's estate. A Man to tbe Rescue I The Woraan in Poril Barely Finds Help From Hor Ovm Sox. It ia In no wise to a woman's discredit tbnt she Is not a professlonal Hfe-saver. We can only fancy her in the fireman's helmet, in the crow of the life-boat, or vdelding a policeman's club, nt the loss of Bome of that fjtieacss which is the dlstinguisblng qunlity of her sex. The Molly Pitchers and Grace Darlinga are only examples of the sublime self-for-getfulness of women in great emer gencies. It's much the same in other waya. Women turn to the strength, skill and judgment of men in the crises of life. One of the most common statements made in the letters grateful women wiite to Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., is thii : " I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." These women have found themselves in great danger. They have appealed without avail to local phyilcians. They have counseled in vain with -women adviierg. The best that had been done for them was just to keep them afloat in the sea of dlsease with strength vislbly failing, in the hopo that the man who had strength and skill to save them tnight be found. WOMAN'S APPEAI, ANSWKR.ED, Hundreds of thousands of women have appealed to Dr. Pierce, for relief from womanly ills and not one has ap pealed in vain. The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription supplemented by the medical advico of Dr. Piarce has been the tneans of cure to thisvast army of women suffering from dlseases pecul iar to the sex. "I wish to tell you tho benefit I re ceived from using your remedles," writes Mrs. Alice Soncrant, of 261 W. Harrison Street, Chicago, Ills. "Two vears ago I was taken with a severe pain in the left ovary and side. Tried several different remedies, but nothing helped me. I got so bad I could ecarcely vralk across Uie flooror do -work of any kind. One day an old neighbor lady camc in to see me, nnd told me to try Dr. Pierce's I'avoritc Prescription. She said she knew it would help me, as it had saved her life. When the doctors had given her up and said they could do nothing for her she said she began to take Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription and it cured her. So I got a bottle of the 'Pavorite Prescription' and one of Qolden Medical Discovery,' and began taking them. Before I had taken one bottle of cach I was so much better I could do nll my own work, and that is a good deal, as I otn the tnother of four small children. Three bottles of tbe 'Pavorite Prescription' and one of Golden Medical Discovery' cured me. Z have not been sick since then. I thlnk Goulilsvlllo. Mra. Luoy Orosa, wlio has linon vlsltlnp; bor bod, II. Ni Oroas, In SprlngfloUl, for tliu past tlnoo moutbs roturuod liotno lastwook. Claronco Oaso ot llarro spont Snntlay in tho placo. Mlaa Ilattlo aml Qoorgo Lojjlor epont lnst wook lu llarre. Mlsaos Nollle and Atny Oook ot IiSbnuon, N. II,, rocontly, vlsltod rolatlvos horo. Itay Throabor has boon vIsitlnR his tnotb or, Mra. Goodwin, at M, V. Lookllu'a. WlUtara llutloy ia at bomo trom DaUl moro, Md,, for a Bhort vlslt. Bpoclal Borvlcos nnd BtnRtng at tli i Metb odlst churcli 8miday. Mrs. Kltnball and Mra. Korr ot Northllold wlll usslnt In tho ninslc. Thoro wlll bo a soclablo at Wlll.nm Lutbor's Frlday attoruoon and ovoulng (or tbo Metbodlst Sundav scliool. Now nuijar wlll bo sorvod and tbo chlldron aro rcqneHl cd to bo prosont at four o'olock. Tlio oldor onea aro lnvlted ln tho evonlnj. Obriatopber Rlloy and motlior ot Gran. vlllo, aro vlaltlnc 8. F. Thompaou. Iloraco Burnbam wbo baa beon 111 fnr tho past tow wcoks is a ltttlo moro com. fortablo. Little BnAVBS, Old tlmo a qnartot-;.-box "Purgera" aro qiiltMng tho flnld ln wholo battallons. Dr. Agnew'n Llt'le Pllls at 10 conta a vlal aro ilrtvlng tbom out at nll points. Beoanno thoy not gently, more offeotlvoly, novor palo, and -ire ensy to take. Slck Hoadacho ancoumb to one dose, 35. . Sold by W. E. Torrlll & Oo. aud Golllus Blakoly. i m rialnUold. Arcb M. Batcheldor Ia ln Ma'sachuset taklngorders for lumber thta woek. Tho JnnlorLeagne wlll hold a lltorary en tortulnmont in tho acliool-honao hall in tbla Tillago on Taeaday ovening, Aprll 0. The ontortalnmont wlll conslst of hIurIur, reci tations, dlalognea and tahleaux. Albort St. Ayr Is movlng lntu tbe liouae ownod by Mra, Bridgoman Batobeldhr. There wlll b no Easter concort exerolsea at tbeMotbodiat churcli owlng to tho enter taintnont tho Jnnlor longue is planntng, bat an Eastor Borinon wlll be prmioli-d. The Goddnrd Sominary studonta roturned to acbool on Tuesday. Tanies Lyraau haa taknu n Job in Birre. Mlas IlanRon, tho mllllner, bas rotnrnod trom market. Tbroo porsona bavo roconMy taken tho ln ltlatory dugree ln tho local lodge of Odd Fellowa. Ilalf tho ills that man ia belr to lome trom lndUoHtlon. Burdock Blood Blttora RtrHagtbuiiB and tonnH the stomach, m ikes indlgostlon iiupofllblc. Sotlom. Qranlte lodge of Good Templars was ln Btitnted In Barney's ball Frlday eveulng, Saiurday nftornoon a juvenlle temple wbb insiltntod with tbe namo "Myrtln." A good niimbor havealready joined both IoJrob and gjod tluiea are anticlpatod. your Favorite Prescription ' is a won derful medlcinc for women." Such cures as that of Mrs. Soncrant are many, and they speak for the power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription better than the most eloquent words of praise. The test of a melicine is, what has it done for women J By that test "Favorite Prescription" invites wom an's verdict. On the testitnony of trustworthy women, "Favorite Pre scription" has saved life where physi cians had given up all hope. It has cured the most stubborn nnd obstinate forms of womanly disease. It has ban ished pain, restored the appetite, in duced rofreshing sleep, given color to the cheeks and roundness to the form. WOMBN WHO CANNOT BS CURED. There are few women for whom no perfect cure is possible. The number of such women has been reduced to a mini- mum by the practical ex perience of Dr. Pierce. Of the hundreds of thousands of women who have ap pealed to Dr. Pierce for counsel in connection with his " Favorite Prescrip tion," only two in every hundred have failed of a perfect and pennanent cure. But even this two per cent. of incurables have gratefully recorded a great Tmprovement in their condition; relief from pain nnd a restoration to family enjoyments. No sick woman should be discouracred bv her con- t- dition, no tnatter how long Buinuiug uer aument may be, or how utterly all other means and medicines have failed to cure. The greal er number of cures effect ed by "Favorite Prescrip tion" are cures of chronic and complicated diseases which have baffled the skill of local physlcians and proved Intractable to all other treatment. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It ettablishes regularity, dries disagreeable and weakening drains. heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It is the great est preparative for niaternity, giving womanly health and strength and mak ing baby's advent practically painless. X QRRAT KRH8 OFKUR. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All corres pondence is held in sacred coufidtnca. and womanly confidenccs are guardea by strict profcssional privacy. Addresa Dr. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. There is no similar offer of free con sultation by letter or free medical advica, which has behind it an iustitution such as thc Invalids' Ilotel and Surgjcal In stitute, Buffalo, N. Y., to which for over thirty years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician, assisted by a med ical staff of nearly n score of specialists in the treatment and cure of womanly diseases. "Pavorite Prescription" coutaina no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. It is purely a vegetable prcparatlon and cnnnot disagree with the weakest constitution. Some denlers for the sake of the little more profit pald by inferior prepajra tions, will try and sell the customar a substltute for "Favorite Prescription" as being "just as good." "Just as good" medicines do not have the cures to their credit which make women hall "Pavorite Prescription " as a "Godsend to women." Don't barter tho substance for the shadow. IT WIM, 9DRPRISB YOU to see the great medical work which Dr. Pierce gives free to women. This great work, the Feople'a Common Sense Med ical Adviser, containing 1008 large pages and 700 lllustratlons is sent free on re ccipt of stamps to pay expense of tnailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for tho book in paper-covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in durable cloth. Ad dresa Dr, a. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. HARKEN YE. To ilio Volco of Jlontpclior l'coplc. If you will but llatou to your frlonds and nolghbora thoy will tcll you how tho palos aud nchos of a bnd back, tbo nnuoyancos of urinary troublo, tho norvousnosB, tho rostlcBBDCBs which como from kidnoy ills cau bo ruliovod and curod. llcnd what 0110 Montpelier cltizon eays: Mr. J. B. Voodry of No. 40 Court strcet, for twonty yoars jauitor and custodian of tho Stato cnpltal, eays: "I had kidnoy troublo for sovon yoars and at timcs sovoro pains acrosa my back with urinary dlfllculty. In tho morn ing whon I nwnkoncd thoro was eomo troublo with tho kldney sccrctioiiB which though gonorally too frcqueutly wero Bometimos eupprossod. I got Doan's Kidnoy Pilla at Lestcr II. Qroona's drug storo and thoy holpod mo in ovory wuy. I folt a good deal better aftor tho treatment; I certainly rLcommond tliom as a roliablo kidnoy romedy." For salo by nll dealors. Price 50c a box. Fostor-Mllburno Co., Buffalo, N, Y., boIo ORonta for tho U. 8. Komembor tho namo Doan's nnd take no othor. ilOKUAN'S OPFKll. Wasiiingtox, April 3. Tho Times this morning saya: "Tho elory tlrot iho company organizid by J. P. Morgan has offored to coustruct tho Pannma canal and givo thh govornmont ovory conccsaiou dnsired if the Nicaraguan ropjcct ia given up, waa praoiically ad mltwd by tbo Stato depanmont ofllcials ycstordny. Tho propoaitlon waa mndo to tho Prosidont by Mr. Morgan during a recont visit. It ia aald tho Prosidont ia iticlincd to regnrd the mattor favor ably." JcllO, tho Now Dcssert, pleasea all tbe family. Fonr llavora: Lemon, Orange, Itaapberry and Btrawberry. At yonr grocera. 10 conta. Try it today. QUINCE ICED PUDDING. Dlrcctlonn for Jlnklnp u Desnert DUh Tlmt Ia Uxtrn Good. This pudding consists of a mold ol sponge cnke, very much llke that used for charlotte russe, fllled with ice cream after being spread with qulnce jell)- on the inslde, says the Xew York Tribune. It is served hcaped th whipped cream, with a wreath of whipped cream around lt. To make the pudding beat threo eggs Hght, and add a cup and ahalf of powdered sugar, and beat the whole until Hght and fluf fy. Sift two cups of pastry flour with n tenspoonful of cream tartar and half a teaspoonful of soda. Stir in half a cup of water in the beatcn eggs and sugar, add the flour, nnd beat in quick ly. Ilake tbe cake in a sheet. When lt Is done let it become cold, then split it, nnd line a two-quart clmrlotte russe mold carefully with the cnke. Spread the cake with a tumbler of quince jelly and flll the cavity with ice cream flavored with vnnilla or caramel. Set the cake in a very cold plnce ifitisto wnit at all, so that the cream will not melt. Do not, however, flll this pudding with ice crenm until you nre ready to serve lt; then beap whipped cream, sweetened and flavored with vanilla, over it, and shlft it ou a cold crystal plntter and wreath it with whipped cream. It is a very ornamental pud ding. Ask Your Dcaler for Allen's Foot Easo. A powder for the foot. It cures Swollon, Sore, Ilot, Callous, Achlng, Bweatlng Foet, Corna and Buiilonn, At all drnggUta and sboii storeH, 25s. Saraple malbul free. Ad dreas Allen S. Olmatead, Le Itoy, N. Y. MOTHERING B0YS. Neocaftity of the Gcntle Inflnence tn the Formutlon of tlie Slaa ciiline Charootar, The youth who nt 16 bows before a maiden much older than him&elf is supposed to have prematuroly chosen a sweetheart, when really he has recognized his opportunity to satisfy his longing to be mothsred, and his na ture springs to the blessedness of the experlence of being understood and of receiving the gentlo touch of com prehenslon and guldance, says Mary E. Baldwln, in Woman's Home Compan fon. Let the mother of to-dny look lov ingly upon the condition of the boy who has been given her, nnd be snre that in asking for bread he does not reeeive a stone. No one with a heart would willingly give a child a dark Eome boyhood; yet many do so because of short-fightednesi. Not being able to meet. the boy on his own ground he ts forced out of his indlviduality and kept in positlon by hnrsh methods or soothed by over-indulgence. Thc wise mothcr's purpose will be to help ln the natural unfolding of the boy's nnture, leaving his mnsculinc tendencles like pillars of strength around which the ilovvers of benuty and delleacy may be twined, She will never plnce herself beyond the reach of his need, nnd nevor in order to discover it will she siibjcet lilm to a course of cross-ques-tlonlng that irritotes and ullenates, tempting to cvnsioii6 of the truth, lead ing cren to hypocrlaies. A Onoil Trnll. Mrs.ICnowBit So you areengaged to Mlss Sweetlelgh? I do not wih to dis cpurage you, but I understand that she has suld she hud nbtolutely no wish to know how to cook. Mr. Wlse That's right. I proposed ns soon as Iheardit. Baltimore Amr-lcan. 0 (OOPYniOHT) MADE FltOM MBAD. By Mrs. Barbara Sadlcr. We should eat moro conrso food Is so oftcn declnrcd tbnt it is ncceptcd as a fnct. Whether true or othurwiso lt ia ccitnln tbnt com bread nnd other dishos mnde from com or Indlnn mcal nro both toothsoine and deslrnblo. I nppond n few recipes of tho char ncter uiontloncd tlint hnvo boen pro nounced just nbout rlght. TENNESSEI3 MUFFINS. Sift threo plnta of yellow Indlnn meal, nnd put oue-hnlf into n pnn and scnld it. Add a pood piece of buttcr. Bcnt slx eggs, wliites nnd yolks soparatcly. Tho yolltfl must bo beatcn tlll thoy bo como very thlck nnd smootli, aud tbo whltes till they nre a stlff froth that stnnd nlono. When tho sealded meal 1b cold, ml- it into a batter with the benton yolk of cgg, the remainder of tbo mcal, a snltBpoouful of snlt, and, if ne ccssnry, n llttlo wnter. Tho bntter must be qultc thlck. At tho Inst, stlr in, llghtly nnd slowly, tlio beaton white of ogg. Grenso your muflln rings, nnd set them in an oven of tho proper beat; put ln tbe battur immcdlntely, ns standing will injuro it. Send them to tablo hot; pull them opcn, and eat them with but ter. IIOE OAKE. Iioat the wliites of thrce eggs to a stlff froth, nnd sift into a pnn n quart of whent llour, addlng a sultspoouful of salt. Make u hole in the middlc, and mlx in tho white of egg so ns to form n thlck bntter, nnd then add two table spoonfuls of thc best fresh ycast. Covcr lt, nnd let it stiiud nll nlght. In tho morning tuke n lioc Irou (such ns nre made purposely for cakes) nnd prop lt before tbe lirc until it ia well hcated. Then llour a tca snucc nnd filllug it with bntter, shnke lt nbout, nnd clap it to tho hoe (which must bo prevlously grcased) nnd the batter will ndhere till it Is bnked. Itepeat this with cach cnke. Kccp thuni hot and eat them with butter. FLANNELi CAKES. lient six eggs very Hght, stir in thom two pounds of llour, one gill of yenst, smnll spoonful of salt, and sufficient mllk to make a thlck batter. Make them at nlght for brenkfust, and nt tcn iu thc morning for tea. Unvo your griddlc hot, grcnse it well, and bnke ns buckwhent. liuttcr und send thom hot to the tnblc, cumuicuciug nftcr tho fam ily are scatcd. IIOMINY OAKES. Tnko oae plnt of smull hominy that is cookcd BoCt. Mlx with it one plnt of whca't flour, teuspoonl'ul of salt, aud a little mllk with or without eggs. Fry them ou a griddlc and eat us buck whuats. BOILED INDIAN MEAL PUDDING. One quart mllk, one quart Indlnn meal, threu eggs, threo heaping table spoonfuls sugar, and one tcspoonful mlt, ono-quartcr pound bccf suet, chopped into powder. Scald the milk, and while bolling hot stir iu the meal aud suet with tho tsalt. Whon cold add the yolks, benteu Hght with the augar, then tho whltes. Dip your bag in hot wntor, llour lt, nnd lill half full with the mixture, ns it will awell very much. Boll 5 hours. Eat very hot with butter and sugnr. INDIAN SUET PUDDING. 'Take a pint of milk, stlr into it four cups of Indian nienl, two cups of suet, chopped line, ono cup of molasses, one tcuspoonful of salt, nnd a teaspoonful of NOda. Tlu ln a cloth, leaving room to swell, or put it iu a pudding-mould. lioll it 3 hours. POTTED MEATS FOK LUNCn. Take leaa mcat, proferably bcef or venl, cut In smull squarcs, put in a ves sel, cover with Wntor, add salt to taste and boil until tender. Itemovo the inent and placo it in an carthan or stone dish and season the stock, adding a small lump of butter, a stlck of cinnamon aud a dozen poppercorns. Dissolve half n box of gefatine In a little cold water, add that to the other iugredients and botl twenty or thirty inluutos. Straia and pour over the meut, mlx well, cover with a plate, put on a welght and set away. When cold cut in slices. ItnUBAItB CIIAItLOTTE. Stew tho requircd amount of rhubnrb with sugnr aud a llavoring of lemou peel. Line the bottom of a charlotte, mould with bread out to the exact shnpe and the sldes with lady's flngers, nll dipped In moltcd butter. Flll tho centro with tho stowed rhubnrb, which should not be very moist, cover nnd bnke for an Uour. Turu out and sorve with cus tnrd sauce. BUAISED OXTAIL. Thoronghly wash tho tail and dlvide Into four Inch pleces. Melt n piece ot buttcr in n stowpau, nnd when nearly brown, placo in it two cnrrots, peeled nnd dlvidcd, a turnip nnd a smnll onion. Add a slicc of tliln bacon nnd thc mcat, nnd over nll pour-a teacupful of stock. Itraise slowly till the mcat ia cookcd nll through, which' wlll take about four hours. Plnce the meat pleces on a hot dish, strain nnd thicken tho gravy, pour it over tho top, garnish with chopped parsloy or ghcrkins and serve. LENTIL SOUP. Sonk n plnt of lcntils over nlght, and iu tho morning put them ou to boll In two quarts of wnter. Add two carrots nnd a turnip, sllced, n teaspoonful of celery sood, herbs, pepper, Balt and water and boll until the vcgotablcs nro tender. Pass thom through a siovo, boll up oneo more nnd serve with fried crou tons. Stoek may b substitutcd for water with ndvantage. OYSTEU PIE. Llno a decp plo plate with plo crust; fill lt with dry pleces of bread, cover it over with pnff pasto; bako it to a Hght hrowu, either in a qulck oven or bako pan. nnve tho oysters stowed by tho tlrau the crust is done; tako off tho uppor crust; reiuore tho pleces of bread; put In the oysters; season them with salt, pepper and buttcr. A llttlo walnut entsup improves the plc, but ls not es lentlal; cover it with crust. nnv4w PIOKLHD OYSTEKS. Let them bo flne nnd Inrge, nnd put them over n gontle flre, with their Hqnor; udd n blt of butter; simmor, and stir, to preveiit burnltig. When plump nnd white, romovo tlie oysters; spread them on n thlcldy foldcd cloth, on n tnblc to cool. Tnko of their llquor half cnough to cover thom, nnd ns much good vlnognr; ninko lt hot; hnvo rcady n stone pot or tnrecn; put Into It n Inyer of oysters; over thom strcf a saltspoon ful of gtound mnee, nnd u dozen clovcs, nllsplco nnd whole pepper. Then nn otlier Inyer of oysters, nnd splce, nnd oysters nlternntely; then pour over tho vinegnr nnd julco. They will bo flt for use the next dny, nnd will romnln good for montliH, Iti 11 cold plnce. Thoy may bo put In glnss jnrs, or botjles; a little swcet oil put in the top of ench, and stopped nnd wnled tlglit, they wlll keep good for n .venr. A blt o. cotton np plied to tho top of n bottle, nfter draw iug thc cork, wlll nbsorb the oil. POTTED IH3EF. To n pound of common snlt, put a qunrter of nn oitnee of snltpetre, nnd two ounccs of conre sugnr. Ilnb three pounds of lenn beof with this, nnd let it reninln in the brlno flfty hours. Drnln nnd dry it; pepper It well with black pepper; put It Into a pan; cut linlf a pound of butter In sllcos, nnd lny around it, nnd bnke it very slowly four hours nnd n hnlf. Let It got cold, nnd then cut off the mcnt, being cnrcful to sepnrnte the stringy pleces from It; pound It ln n mortnr, worklng up with it four ounccs of fresh butter, nnd some of the grnvy from the meat when bakcd, sonsoncd with nllsplco, a little muco nnd pepper. When the meat has been combined with the butter and gravy, until it is worked Into nn even pnste, put It iuto jnrs, nnd covcr with clnrifioil hutter. POTATO AND MEAT PUFFS. Feel nnd boil four gnod-sized potn tocs, mash with n wire mnshor, salt them to taste nnd ndd two tnblespoon ftils of hot milk nnd u tnblospoonful of butter. Bent lightly with n fork until white and Hght, ndd n well-bentcn egg, and whon eold cnough to hnndlo, use ns little llour mlxed with n qunrter of n tonspoonftil of baking powder ns possible to keep from stioUing to tho fingers. Ilnve rondy uny niooly nilncod cold mcat, free from lfit.nnd put enoughof it in the contre of onoh potnto pnff to mnko n cro(iiette, but sprond nut iu pntty shnpe. Cook in bolling fnt or In n very hot pan with just cnough fnt to keep from sticUing. UAGOUT OF DUCK. Pnrtly cook n duek nnd cut it Into neat pleces, which must be tossed nbout for livo mlnutes in n stewpan In which one and a half outiccs of buttcr havo been melted. bhake in one ounce of flour nnd fry n pnle brown, then add three-quarters of a plnt of Btock and stir cently until it bolls. Put ln half a teaspoonful of lemon juico, two ten spoonfnls of currnnt jelly, thrce shal lote,,a sprls of thymo and a small pleco of glnzo. Let this Bimraer very gently for half an hour, season to taste and serve. BEEF OLIVES. Cut Into sllecs about half an inch in thickness, thc undordone part of cold bbilntl, or roast bcef, cut a small onion up flfltly, mlx it with some crumbs of broad, powdered with pepper and salt, (ttaa eovor thc slices of meat with them, then roll, and secure them with n skewer; put tfiem Into a stewpan, cover them with the gravy from tho bcef mlxed with water, stew gently; when tender thoy nre done enough; serve them with beef gravy. TAR.T BUELLS. Boll out thln a nlco puff pasto, cut out with n glass or blscult cutter. With a smnilar fjlnss or cutter tako out the cen tres of two or thrce of these, lny thn rings thus made on tho thlrd and bake lmmedlately. Shells may also be made by llnlng patty-pans with thc pnste. If tho paste ls Hght tho shells wlll be flne nnd may be used for tarts or oyster patties. Fllled with jolly and covered with ruerlngue (a tablespoonful of ui?ar to the white of one cgg) and browncd ln the oven, thoy nro very nice for tea. CHEESE FONDAO. Mix together a quarter of a plnt of fresh milk, a teacupful of fine brtad crumbs, half n pound of grnted cheese, a saltspoonful of dry mustard and cay enne. Melt in a dish a smnll plcce of butter nnd to It add the nbovo Ingred ients, stlrring constantly, and just be fore servlng, stir in two llghtly bentea eggs. This is ono of the most dellcious chbflng' dish compounda. PABSLEY CREAM FOB BOILED FISII. Melt a pltco of buttor thc size of n walnut und to it ndd a glll of good swcet cream. Season with salt nnd pepper, and just before sorvinj stir in n tea spoonful of fincly mlnced pnrsiey. If cream cannot be obtnlnod, use more buttor nnd a little flour. Garnish the flsh with sllcos of lemon nnd sprlgg of pnrsloy. VEGETABLE 1-113. Put Into n stewpan one-half ounce of tapioca, n teacupful df peas, one onion, one carrot, ono turnip, n stlck of celery, a few mushrooms, one ounce of hutter, pepper and salt, a good dredging of flour and a little water. Stew until 1 tenaer, men cnop nne, mix weu, pui 1 into a ple dish, covcr with a crust and bako. I APPLE SNOW. ' Put some Bponge cake ia a glass dish, cover with a good custard and let soak for some hours. Mconwhilo roast elght large npples and when thoy nro tender peel aud core them, add tho weight ot tho applo pulp in sugar, tho stralned julco of a lemon nnd tho whltes of two eggs nnd beat with a whlsk until white and Hght. Pilo it on the spcnge cakcs and serve. Fisn SOUP. Boll ono pound of fish, one onion, a rprlg of parsloy, half a hcad of celtry, a clove, a bay leaf, slx pcppercorns, a hlado of macu and salt to season ln one quart of water. When cookcd, removo the bones from tbo fish, which Is then cut Into neat pleces, rcturn to tho stock which has been stralned and thicken with flour. Rupture Wriln out over 100 pngos pneo 25 cts In postngo "u""i' jjwirn iiuw cnreo wiiiioiic opcrntton or loss of timp or tho dnngor of strnngulation, from wliioh thousnnds, old nnd young, yearly dio. Addresa J. A. SHERMAN, Hernla Spoclallst, 300 Brondwny, Now York. For Women- Dr. Tolman'a Montlily Itcgulator lmslirouRht liappinessto hundreds of anxloua women. Tbore ii posltlvely no other romedy known to medical sclenco, that wlll so quicklyaml Bafcly do tlio work. Havo novcr liad a singlo falluro. Tlio longast and most obatlnato cases nro rcliovcil ln 3 days without fall. No otlior romedy will do tlils. No pain, no dangor, no Intcrfercnco with work, Tlio most dlmcult cascs succcasfully treatod through corres pondonco,and tlio most completo aatlsf aetlon Snarantced ln ovory lnatance. I rcllovohun rcdi of ladlcs whom I nover sco. Wrlto for furthcr partlculara. All lcttcra truthfully nnswcred. Froo confldontlal advico ln all matters of aprlvato or dolicate naturo. Ilcar ln mlnd this rcmcdy Ia absolutely Bafo nndet ovory possiblo condition and wlll posltlvely learo no aftcr 111 clTecta upon thohoalth. I)y rnall securcly scaled, $2.00. Dr. K.M.TOL MAN CO 170 Trcmont St., liostou, Uoai EWNVROYAL P1LLS SKflAi!'r"l!'lln ""'T, "ennlno. for CIIICIIKSTKK'H EMOLMlI In Ki:i nd ;nhl molalllo hoin. it.1,1 vlthblntflbbon. Tiiko no othcr. Itefuis I lnn.tcron Hnl).!ltuUon und Imll. nd llclcr fbr l.niir'ln re- Minlloa tUl f.per. ilndUoa Bauiirc, l'llll., 1J3 LOWJATES. 3 MINUTES GOiMVERSATION Approxlmatoly as follows: For a dlstanco of 5 Mllos or loss, . IO conta S Mllos to 15 mllos, 15 conts 5 Mllcs to 9F Mllne. on onnto Itntcn for jrroator illstimcca ln proportlon. TtLtHHDNE SERVICE AT 10UR RESIDEHCE Isusoful always, Holpful ofton, Nocossary somotlmes, and Choap all tho yoar round. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHQNE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY I nniFO WhnHsvnllotThan LHUICO Rocommend as the BEST Stu Crown Drond PENNYROYAL PILLS. mmrauiKrtucl, pain. Vtei for ycr by lcadinu ipccUliiti. nnndrodiof lefO xnonlall. Atrtal vlllconrlnrayoaorthotrlntrinilenlao ln ihc 01 upprclon. Send tcn cent) for eample and book. All Drungiiuorby mall tlJOboi. KINB MEDICINE CO., Box 1930, BOSTON, MASS. PARKER'S HAIR EALSAM Cleftnees and bcautillcs the hatr. lromot csaluxurlant Rrowth. Nover Fails to HcBtoro Oray ,Uolr to lts YouthfUI Color. i'rcTf nti Oandrutf and halr faUiuir. fiOe. and $1 W at Uroggiata. Montpelier & Wells River R. R, '11 ette:t Oct. 8, liKW. Tralns leaYlni? Montpelier hs follows OoIok east; 8:00 A. M. 3I4IL. 0anvctii at Wells Klver with Accommodatlon l'rmtn Worth. ftnd with TrAln Honth nvAr Vaa. tanntla UlTlslon Hojton and Malno K. 1L Aisoeonnects wltb Aceommodatlon Traln North tu. vTuiio iuuuuiaio uiTiaion. ana wuu ai&u iTam onth which has ThrouRh Trala Serrlco from Wells tuTur ro uoiron, Tia l'lymomn, uoncora, Jiancnei 'er, Nashna and Lowell, nrrlTlng Uoston at 4 : 30 1:15 F. M. EXl'KESS. UonnectS at Wella Rlver with KTnrnRK anrt Malt fraln Isorth OTer PAiinmnaln Illrliiion 11. A M. H.ll. "oo Line Ezpreaa lo ni Paul and Mlnneapolls. Western Express for ChlcaRo and Nlght Kxpress for PaclBoOoast rolntsTla.C.P. K'y. ThrouKh Sleep Inn Uars, WeUs Itlver to st. Faul, Montreal to Chlo SO. dallr except tatunlays, Montreal to 1'aclUo Coaat and Tourlsts Uars to taclllo Uoast Wednes days. Connecta with Mall Traln for Llsbon, Lltt e- con. niteneia, lfauvans. uincaster, uroveton ana Berlin, Also conneots wl'h Kxpress Traln for Uo tonrla. Plymonth, Trlilng Boston at 8:09 r. x. rhrouKh Farlor Uar WeUs Ulrer to Uoston. 1UU 1'. 31. AUCUJl JlUDATlUiX, Oortneots at Wells Ulrer with traln north over Fassumnato DlYlalon 11. AM.Kaltroad forallstatlons betwoon Wells Hlrer and LyndonTllle with Aceom modatlon Soath for all statlons between WeUs lllver andWnlte Klrer Junctlon.and with Aceommodatlon Traln over Whlta Monntaln Dltiiiliin 11. & M. IL U. 'or Lls nn, LltUeton, Whltelle d and Lancaster. nuiina ttxsi. Cmts eUs BlTer-O.SO, 10.08 A. M.l 8.40 V M. SjitTS MontpeUer- 0.33, 11.35 A. ni. D.ll . iu. 9UBTJKUAN TIIAIN SEltVICK. Montpelier 0.30, 0.45, 11.40;A.M. 3.30 3.00, D.lOl". 01. irrlre Barre 0.60, 10.0S, ll.SS A. 01., 2.80,4.08, 0.30 P.M. Leare Ilarre-7.30, 10.20, A, III. 12.45, 3.10 a.iu, o.iio i. '. in. Arrlre Montpelter-7.4S , 10.30 A. AI. 1.0, o.ou W. A. 8T0WELL, Ueneral Manager, F, W. BTANYAN, Hnperlntendent, F. W. MOU8E. Uen'lVass. Agent. entral Vermont Railway, UommenctnK March luth, 1901. etru Ooxng South and Xaxt wili LtaveXIor.t' velier at folloxot : Bl 00 A. M. MA1L, for FltchbMK, Uoiton, Sprlnji 1511. and New York, l'arloi Uar to Uoston with al ohange. IDt 30 P. M. FAHT TRAIN, for Uoston Tla Lo ll. and New York Tla Hprluafleld or New Londo al Worcester la Nashna. Varlor Uar to Uosto 1I50 P. M. PAHHKNUK11, for Windsor. '1B1SR A.M. dallr EXFBKS8. for Bolton Tla Lo tall and all nolnta ln Naw Hnffland. New York an Hontli fnllniau Hleepors to Uoston and to HjrlnR. ceua. Traint Qoinq North and Wttt : 8:00 A. M. dally EXl'HEHS, for Montreal and the .a, and week days for Occdensbarit, ltlohford and JtUwa. BleeptnK cars Montpelier Juuotlon to irontreal, lOtlOA. M. l'AHHKNOEli. for UnrllnEton, llnt. land Bt. Albans, Montreal, and Hlohtord, maklng lonneotloni for Troy, Albany, and, New York. S: SO 1". M. PABHENOElt. for BnrltnRton, Bt Al. bana, Montreal, Ilouses l'otiit, OgdensbarR and ltloh ford. Farlor Jar to Montreal withont ohange. Bt 50 1'. BI. KXFHEHH for Unrllngton, Bt. Al lans and Montreal. l'nllinan sleeplcg car from Montpelier Junctlou to Ohtcago withont .changs. Thraogh tlekets to Obicago at d all points West tor It at the prmolpal statlons. HaUnrban Traln Herrlco. ..ciTe Montpelier' at 6 Sils, IOiM.IA. v.,'12iu, f-i. ei30 v, m, ArrlTe at Barre twenty mlnntci learlng Uaie. LtaTa Barre atSilO, 9:50 a. k Ul.Ol J:05, 610 11 :M. r. H. Arrlre at MontpeUer, twenty mlc Ki after learlng tlme. mins leare for Williamstown at 13i55r. M, anc H3 r, at. IU passengor tratni wlll stop atthePloneerWorhi laki or leara passengers when signalod, 0. A. LANO, Agovt. K, 8. LOOAN, Vlee Fres., Ooneral Manager, ;iT, 00MMIN08, Ueneral Fanonger Agent P 1 Caveat9. nnd Trade-Marln obtalncd nnd nll Pnt. entbunncstcondurted for Moderatc Fccs. ! oun OrricciBOpposiTf; u, o. PATcwTOFricc uuu wgiaim- uro pai'-ntia icsa umc inan inosc rcmote from Washington. Send modcl, drawing or plioto., with dcscrlp tlon. Wo ndvisc. If natentable or not. Itca ot cnargc, uur ico noi auo lill paient issacured. A PAMDUI r- u llow to Obtnln lt enl." tvlth cost of same in the U. S. nnd forclgn couDtrica seni ircc. jvuuress, UPP, f ATCNT UrriCE, WOHINQTON D. C. M. W. Wheelock's Real EsMeJteencv INTELLIGENXJE OFFICE, AT MONTPELIEU BOOK BINDBHY. llavo bargalns ln housea, lots and othor -muBuiD i;iu(juiij'i jr.uuus waawa ior urBt clasa clerks, male, hotel cook. frirla for LEGAL NOTICES. ESTAT1S OF KUTUVBN F. CUII.D. BTATB or VERMONT, DI8TRIOTOF WASntNOTOlf. tB. T. til..4. n . i. . . ... . ... . ! J ni ".J'r "uuv' "'.u raonipener, in anaror said Dlstrlct, on tho SUth day of March, A. D. imi. Leon A. Ohild, execntor of the last wlll and testament of UtjTUVEN F. OIIILD late of More- mlnlstratlon acconot for examlnatlon and al. Iowance, and makes appllcatlon for a deeree of dic trlbntlon and partl tlou of the estato of satd deceased. Wherenpon It Is ordered by said Conrt. that said acconnt and said appllcatlon bo referred to a sesslon thereof, to be held at the ITo ot Aprll, A. D. 1901, for heartng and declston thereon: And, It Is fnrther ordered, that notlcs "e??f K1"6" t0 a" porsons lnterested, br pnbllcatlon of the same threo weoks successlTelr In the Vermont Watchman atate Journal, a news- rafc. Mouoiioum jiiuutpeiior, in inis siace, tiro Tlous to said tlme appolnted for hearlng. that tneT canse, If any thoy may haTe, why said acconnt should not oe allowed. and such decroe made .... Uy the Court, Attest. 15-17 1IIHAM OAltLETON, Jndge. 00HMI8SI0HBBS' HOTIOZ. KSTATE OF OUAItLKS E. WEEKS. The undorslened, haylne been apnolntod by tho Honorable l'robato Conrt for tho lilstrlct of Wash inftton. commlssloners to recelre, examlne, and ad Just all clalmsand demandsof all persona agalaat theeatateof UUARLES E. WKEKS, lata ot East Montpelier, In said Dlstiict.deceasea, and all clalma exblblted ln oSset thereto, hereby eIto notlce that we wlll meet lor the purposes aforesald, at th dwelllnghouseof IIlramL. Sparrow ln theTownof East Montpelier, In said Dlstrlct, on the 25th day or Aprll and the 26th day of Soptembornext, from 2 orclockp. m., nntll 4 o'clock r. M., each of said dayt, and that slx months from the 30th day of Marob A. D. 1901, ls the tlme llmlted by said Court for said credltors to present their clalms to ns for ax amlnatlon and allowance. Dated at East Montpelier, this 1st day of April nillAM L. SPABBOW.J Cornmls HERBEUT KELTON, stonen. 15-17 ESTATE OF MAKQAKET LUSLIl!. BTATB OF VEOMOHT DISTBIOT 07 WABHINQTON, Bfl. In Frobate Court, held at Montnelier, ln and for said Dlstrlct, on the 33th day of March, A. D. 1901. An Instrument, purportlng to be the last wlll and testament ot MAKGAKET LESLIII late of Montpelier ln said dlstrlct, deceased, being presented to the Court for Frobate, lt Is order ed by said Court, that all persons concerned therela be notlQed to appear at a sesslon of said Court. to be held at the Frobate OQlce, ln said Montpe Uer, on the 19th day of Aprll, A. D. 1901. and show cause, lf any they may bare. agalnst theprobata of said Instrument, for which purpose lt ls fnrther ordered that notlce of this order be publlshed three weeks successlrely ln the Ver mont Watehman & State Journal, a newspaperprlnted at MontpeUer, In this State, prorlous to said tlme) appolntedfor hearlng. By the Court Attest. 15-17 UirtAM OALETON, Jndge. ESTATE OF NOK3IAN W. GILBEItT. State or Veumokt, DISTBIOT 07 WABBinOTOH, BS. In Frobate Court. held at MontpeUer, ln and for tald Dlstrlct, on the 27th day of Norember, A.D. lSWl Enos Dole, admlnlstrator, with the wlll annexed, of the estato of NOKMAN W. GILBEItT, late of Montpelier, ln said Dlstrlct, deceased, makea appUcatlon to said Conrt, with tbe consent and ap probatlon ln writlng of tho iegatees and de Tlsees of said deceased, residlng In the State of Vermont, for llcense to sell part ot tho real estata of said deceased, sltuated ln MontpeUer, ln said dls trlct, to wlt: Ilouse and lot on tho southerly side of Htate street, representlng that the sale thereof would be beneQclal tothe Iegatees and devlseesof said deceased, and tboso lnterested ln his estato, ia order to oonyert the said real estate Into money. Whereupon, it Is ordered by said Court, that said appUcatlon be referred to a sesston there of , to be held at the Frobate OBIco, ln said Mont peUer, on tbo 19th day ot April A. D. 1901, for hearing and decision thereon; and, lt ls fnrther or dered, that aU persons lnterested be notlflod hereof. by pubUcatlon of notlce of said appUcatlon ana order thereon. threo weeks successlrely ln ths vermont Watehman A State Journal, a newspaper publlshed at Montpelier, In this State, and which clrculates In the nelghborhood of those lnterested before aald tlme ot hearlng, that they may appear at said tlme and place, they see cause, object thereto. By the Court Attest. 15-17 HIItAM OAKLETON,!Judge. ESTATE OF MARTIIA T. JIALI.OKY. STATB 07 VBBMONT. DISTBIOT 07 WASHINGTON, BS. In Probato Court, held tn Montpelier, ln and for said Dlstrlct, on the JJth day of March, A.D. 1M1. George llowland adrainlstrator ot the estate ot MAKT11A T. MALLOKY, late ot East MontpeUer. In said dlstrlct, deceased makes appllcatlon to said conrt with the consent and approoatlon ln writlng ot the helrs of said deceased, resldinir ln the State of Vermont, for llcense to seu atl of the real estato of said deceased, sltuated ln East Montpelier, In said dlstrlct, to wlt: IIouso and about two and one-half acres of land, representlng' that the sale thereof would be beneflclal to tho helrs of said decoased, and those lnterested ln her estate, ln order to conrert said real estate Into money. Whereupon, lt ls ordered by said Court, that tald appUcatlon bo referred to a sesslon thereof, to be held at the l'robato Offlco. ln said MontpeUer. on the 12th day :of April, A. D. 1901, for hearlng and decision thereon; and, It ls f urther ordered, that all persons lnterested be notlUed hereof by fubllcatlon of notlce ot said applloatlon and order hereon three weeks successlrely ln tba Vermont Watehman tt State Journal, a newspaper pubUshedat Montpelier, ln this State, and whlet clrculates In tbe nelghborhood ot those lnterested, before said tlme of neartng, that they may appear at said tlme and place, and, lt they see cause, object theroto. Bythe Court.-Attest. 1M6 1IIRAM OAltLETON, Judge. OOU1II88IONEBS' NOTIOE. ESTATE OF JOIIN UAMERON. The nnderslgned, harlng been appolnted by tlie Honorable Frobate Conrt for the Dlstrlct ot Washing ton, commlssloners to recelre, exaintne and adjast all clalma aud demands of all persons agalust the ea ate of JOIIN CAMEltO.N, Ute of MontpeUer, ln satd dlstrlct. deceased; and all clalms exhlD Ited ln oflset thereto, hereby glre notlce that we wlll meet for the purposes atorosatd at the Coontr Olerk'a Ofllco In tli Cltr of Montpelier. In said Dlstrlct, nn the 30th day ot Aprll and 11th day ot Heptember next, from 10 o'clock A. M., until 1 o'clock v, M., oaoh ot said days, and that six montba trom tho 21. t dayof March A. o., 1901, ls the tlme llmltod by said Court for said credltors to present tholr.clalms to us for examlnatlon and allowance. Dated at Montpelier, this 2uh day ot March A. D.. JWl. 1116 MELVILLE E. SMILIE, I ltam, O. O. BOYCE. 'fUims. ESTATE OF BIAIW AVIIEKLKR. STATB 07 VEBMONT, DISTBIOT 07 WASUINQTOtf, BS. In Frobate Gourt. held at Montpelier, ln and for said Dlstlct, on tho 23th day of March, A. D. 1901. An Instrument iiurrortlng to be the last wlll and testament of MAHY WllEELElt, late ot Calais, ln said Dlstrlct, deceased, belne presonted to the Court !for .Frobate; It ls ordered bylsald Court. that aU persons concerned thereln be notlfled to appear at a sesslon of said Court, to be held at the Frobate Ofilce, In said Montpellor.on the lltli day ot Aprll, A. D. 1901, and show cause, If any they may nare, agalnst tbe probato ot said Instrument, for which purpose lt it further ordered. that no tlce of this order be publlshed three weeks succe. slrely ln the Vermont Watehman A State Journal, a newspaper prtnted at Montpelier, ln tnla State, prerlous to tald tlme appolnted for hearlng, By the Court Attest. U-ll UIliAM UABLETON, Judge,