Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATOHNAN & STATE JOURXiL, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24, 1901 7 lH.S,BOARDMAN,u SPEGIALIST IN ELEOTRICAL TREATHENT. Offloo ut Realdonoe, 107 Btato Gt. 0.11 oo honrsi 1 to S auil 7 to 0 r. u. WITH STATIC ELEOTRICITY Wo treot oll forma ol Rhonnintlam. N cralgla, Niitirtvitbeiilu, S 'ifttloa, Gnornl Nervoua Dlaeseao, Solual Tronbles, P.tralyala, Braln Fag and Inaomnln, Diouaves o( the Ohest. D'.isouscs o( tbe Olronlatlon, DIkhojiob pf Women not Bnrglcttl, E tr, Hose and Xliroat Gnlvanio and Sninsocual Cur ronts in fonn of Elootrlo Baths in Chronic Rhenma tism of tho Joints. X RAY EXAMINATION8. 8KIN DIBKA8K8 Tieated by Bleotrlo Baths t) WOM 9990 flaBftft am9 M CHICHESTCR'S ENCLISH Pennyrqyal pills iln HKI ani (Jnlil rnctalllo boxei, ittlfrl with tlo ribbon, Tnt.o no otlicr. Hcftiie Itatieeron 8nbtItutlons and Imlt tlonfw tivj ot your HraKjtitt, cr eod 4e. 14 ttkiDM ror lnrtlcu1nr TMtlmonUlft nd "Iteller for Little, n ltfr, bf r lurn M&1L 1 0.OOO TeitiraonUU. Holib ftli Drurrlitii. Chiht?Bti Chrtnlojtl Cil. U aUoa thli jirr, MadUon t$a"rc, 1MI1JLA.( lAj Rupture Write or call for A. J. Sherman'a book juat out over 100 pagea price 25 cts in poatago atampa. Lcambow cured without operation or losa of timo or tho danger of strangulation, from which thousanda, old and young, yearly dio. Addrcss J. A. SHERMAN, Hornla Speclallst, :309 Broadway, Now York. o Bad Entiing. That saying eeems to have been born of the supersUtion deep rooted in hu manity. lt is akin to that other saying He laughs best who laugha last." Per haps ln these nnd sltnllar sayings there is a survival of the old pngan belief that a dlsplay of happiness was likely to in cur the envy of the gods nnd to draw down the visitation of the inalice which is twin to envy. It would be a ridiculous proposition to affirm that bad is the necessary outcome of good. But just as many a day which begins with a cloudless sky ends in storm, so many an event in life which promiees only happiness enda in dlsap pointment and misery. This is very true of marriage. The young wife goes heart and soul into bome making and housekeeping. She loves to cook ond prepare the ualntles her husband enjoys. She is so robust and hearty that she can hardly find enough to do to exhaust her abundant energy. That'fl the way it begins. Af ter a while ahe finds that it takes all her strength to care for her home. Then household cares begin to overtax her, and she drops down Into a chair many n time and gives way to tears because of her weakness and misery. The sky so ' cloudless on the morning of tnarriage haa soon become overcast. TIII! CRITICAI, TIMB in many a woman's life comes just at this penod of discouragement and de apair. She finds indicationa of disease bf the delicate womanly organs. Her womea friends perhaps tell her that the bsaring down sensation, the pains in the back and loins indicate disease or dis placement. She consults phvsicians, takes prescribed treatments, all to no avall. And yet this woman's case is curable on the evidence of women who have been cured. "Four years ago my health began to fail," writes Mrs. Nellie M. Ueycraft, of Glenwood, Washington Co., Oregon. I had n heavy dragging and weight in the region of the uterus, pain in baclt and loins, could not 11ft nnything heavy, rest at night very poor ; , stomach de ranged. One physician said I was over worked, another said I had conges tlon and falling of uterus. He treated tne nine months and said I would not be well until I had passed the change of life. I was only twenty-6even years old then. I becaine discouragcd, and began using Dr. Pierce'o Pavorite Prescription. Took a teaspoonful three tinies a day; began feeling better right away. Atu usfng my third bottle now, and feel I am in good health. Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription has rcstored me to health. If suffering women would give it a fair trial they would give it praise." It can truthfully be said that there is hardly a form of womanly disease med ically curable which will not yield to the faithful use of "Favorite Prescription." More than this, it is a matter of record that many forms of womanly disease pro nounced incurable by local physlclans have been perfectly and permanently 1 P Wllliimatown, Rov. Willlain Sohoflold was oallod to Berlin on Tueadny to proaoh tho fuuoral sorraon of Mrs, Mary 1'earaona Solltm. Cbarloa II. Forry dlod oarly on Sunday morning iaai at tuo nomo or ma nrotnor, Iohu A, 1'orry, In our vlllnge. Although ho had boon ont of tiotilth for n long timo, lio waa able to bo about town tlll laat But urday, ao that hla doath omo na a tourprlao to all. Ho had had lu tie, kldney and heart troublo but lt was honod ho mteht bn bet tor aa warmnr weathor oame. llo whb b rn May 14. 1845. a son of tho late lloman O and Mrs. Ilotsoy Abbott l'orry. Illa oarlior Itfo had boou llved on tho farm. Altor tho War of tho Robolllon broke out ho eullm Gd aa a nlno inontha' inan in Oompatiy x oi tuo riiirieeniu vermont, regimon , ln which hls brothor Leandor also on llatud. Whon bla timo waa out lio re-enllated in Goinpany II of tho niutb Vermont and aorv od to tho ond of tho war. In May. 1870. ho niarrlod Mary Oarpontor of Orango, who died laat Decombor. Mr. I'orry waa a mun of many frlonda bero, bavlng not only tho good wlll and respeota of our citizena, but much aympathy went out to hlm beoauao of the yeara of groat invalldlam of hla wlfo, that (old upon bimsolf aa well aa upon her. Wo havo bad oooaalon to apoak provlonsly in our ltemlzlng of tbe heroio splrlt ho' haa ahown in tho illa and burdena ot life that havo borne ao heavily upon hlm. Woll can wo all Bay to hla tlred body. "now reat theo in tho oool oarth," aa wo truat bla wearied splrlt has enterod npon the reat ot that and to which hla at tontlon haa longboenturnod. A mombor for yeara of the Congregational church here, lt was bla wiah to be buried from hla cburoh bome, wbere bla funeral waa beld Tnea day aftornoon, Bov. D. H. BtronKofflclatlnK' Mr. Ferry waa a mombor ot the Knlgbta ot Honor of Barre, carrylne a Ufo lnsuranco ot $2000- He loftno famlly. Ue was a mem ber ot the Grand Army Post hore, and waa not only a voteran, but tbe aun of a yoteran aa hla fatber also Borvod lu the war of tho Bebellioo, with hla two aons. Hatb You A 8kim Dilkabe? Tottor. Balt Bheum, Scald Head. BlnKWorm, Eczoma, Itcb, Barber'a Itch, Ulcors, Blotchea, Ohronlo Eryslpeloa, Ltvor Spota, Prnrlgo, Paoriasla, or other oruptlons of tho akln wbat Dr. Asnew'a Olntment has done for others lt can do for you cnre you. One appllcation givea rellef. 35 cents. 44. 8old by W. E. Terrlll, Oolllna Blakely. norlln. Mra. J. A. Sellnaa died on Sunday, atter a btiet lllnesa. She leaves a husband and fonr amall chlldren, bealdes an aged mother and ono brotber. Mra. Sallnaa waa a moat eatimable young woman, a devoted wife and motber t nd an aotlvo worker ln tho cbnrch and Bociety. The communlty, whllo lt mourns the Iobs of ono of thetr moat worthy membera, aympathizea deeply wtth the boreaved famlly. Tho funeral waa from tho church Tueaday afternoon, Uov. Wllllam ScboQeld of Williamstown offl clatlng. Dlpbtberla, aore tbroat, croup. Inatant rellef, permanent cure. Dr. ThomLB' Ec lectrlo 011. At any drug atore. cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription. It is worth noting that these cures are lasting. Many medicines offered for wonien's use are mere palliatives. They numb tlie uerves and so dull the pain. But they do not re-establish the lost womanly health. "Favorite Prescrip tion " is a purely vegetable prcparation. It contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine or any other narcotic. It cannot disagree with the weakest constitutlon. It establishes regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflamma tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. IT IS WOMAN'S WAY to sacrifice herself for her faniily. She goes without the new dress that husband or child may have som ! coveted pleasure. And for economy's sake she often bears the ills which are undermining her health. It is a false economy. The health of the wife and mother is the most important fnctor in the home life, and every suffering woman who has been cured by "Favorite Prescription" is a witness to the real economy of this rueans of cure. "My health is the best now that it has been for four years," writes Mrs. Phebe Morris, of Ira, Cayuga Co., N.Y., Box 52. "I have taken but two bottles of your medicine, ' Favorite Prescription ' and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' These med icines have done mo more good than all that I have ever taken before. IcouldnU do my work only about half the time, and now I can work all the time jor a family of four, Before I took your medicines I was sick in bed nearly half the time. My advice to all who are troubled with female weakness is to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery 'the most wonderful medicines in the world." j3ick women are invited to consult Dr. Pief ce by letter, free. All letters are held in sacred confidence and womanly confl denccs are guarded by 6trict professional privacy. Addresa Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. In a little more than thirtv vears Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inatitute, Buffalo, N. Y., assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured hundreds of thousanda of sick and suffering women. If tne aealer oirers you n "Just aa good" medicine in place of "Favorite Prescription " it is because less meritori 0U8 medicines pay him a little more crofit. His profit is your loss. Insist Upon having " Favorite Prescription " the medicine which makes weak women strong and sick women well. Tiirt RIIASON wirv. Some medical works content them selves bv classifyinc adice under the head of "Do" or "Don't.1' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser gives the veason why, for all it enjoins. It is n plain guide to health written in plain Knplish and dealintr with the nreat prob- lems of physiology and hygiene from tho view ooint of common sense. This great work containiiig 1008 large pages is seiit free on receipt of stamps to pay expense ot mainng oniy. ftenu 31 one cent stauins for the work in cloth blnd- ing or only ai stamps for tha book ia paper-covers. Auarew ur. iv. v. rierce, Buffalo, N. Y. L'ASILY ItKCiniMK Tlils (Jiiostion Shunld Ho AusAVorcd Enslly Uy Moutiicllcr I'cuplc. Which ia wiBor to havo confltlonco in tho opinions of your follow citizens or dcpmid on BUlemonts mado by ultor strangorp. llond tbis: Mr, L. B But totfly of No. 41 Eim Btroot, omp'oyod by tho Coltou Monufuoturing Compnuy, suya: "Shorp pains in tho Btnnll of ray back oxtondod downward, and woro worso during tho night. I ofton aroso in tho morning fooling lamo nnd soro and utofeorts, on account of bcing doprlvod of noodod rcst. If I did nuy hard litting a Bharp pnlu caught mo in tho back. My wifo Baw Doan's Kidnoy Pillo ndvortiscd, and I got a box at Los tor H. Groono's arug store. Aftor tak ing tbom for a fow daya I could soo n chango for tho better, aud whon 1 had IlniBhcd tho troatmont my backacho waa gono. Doan'a Kidnoy Pilla cured tho pain and othor difllcultios cntlroly." For anlo by all doalere; prico 50c. FoBtor-Milburb Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Solo ogonts for tho Unitod Statoa. Bo mombor tho namo Doan'a and tako no othor. Brookfield. Bov. B. H. Aberoromble waa callod to Bandolph Oenter last Thuraday morning to take part ln the ezerclaea at Uor. Mr. May'a funeral. U. S. Spraguo haa movfld hla famlly to hls new home that Deacon Wllllam 8. Gravos rocently bought of Mrs. Nettlo Orain. The communlty waa shocked to hear of the auddon doath of Rav Blanchard Innt Tueaday ot heart failure. He waa the young eat aon ot Mr. and Mra. Frd Holt. He waa a pudII of the Hleh Bchool tlll three wooka ago he went to work for Mr. Harrlngton at East Brookfield, waa tnken sick and died tne.e ln loss tuan an hour. Hla funeral waa from hla parent'a home laat Frldav af tornoon. The teaoher and panila of the Hlgh Bchool attended lu a body. Fred Btono ta able to rtde out. It ln hoped he can roaume hls atudles at the Hlgh Bchool. Kews came laat week of tha doath of Mrs. Alan80n Allen at thelhome of her daughter, Mra. Julia Beaburv. ln Watorlmrv. Latnr her remalns will he brought here for burial oeaiuonor nnaoanu aml cuuuren. E. Ij. Wllla haa rent-d hls father'a farm and Henry Willa haa moved to Ira Carpen ter'a houae, rocently vacated by Norman Davenport. Tho noBtnoned Eaator ezerclaea at tho Second Oongregatlonal church laat Sunday were vory lntereatlng. Tho young peoplo and chlldren who asslstod ln the exerclses, did ezceedlngly well. Mlaa Caeslo Benham v'aitod ln Bovalton last Thuraday. The funeral ot Mlaa Minnle Olark was largely attended from ber lato bome laat Thuraday, Eev. B. H. Abercromble ofUciat lng. The floral decoratlona were many and beautlful. Olark Wilcoz of Milford, Maaa.. and Mlss Anna Olark of Framlngham, came to attend thelr couatn's, Mlnnio Olark's, funeral last week. Slnce the doath of Wallaca Btono of Greensboro, hla widow. Mrs. Boao Edson Btono haa come to make hor home with her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edson, Mlss Ethol Wardnor ia holnlnc ln the family of Mr. and Mra. Jullan Morao. Mr. Morso is thought to bo moro comfortablo. Mrs. Henry Edaon haa been carine for Mra. John Brown, ber siater, for tho paat few daya. Sho haa been very sick. Hon. Oaaalus Peck of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ladd of Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen ot Bandolph were ln town laat weok to attend Mlnnio Olark's funeral. What's the TnouBLE? Is it Sick Hcad- aclio? Ia it blllouanosa? Ia it Sluggtah Llvor? Is your akin sallow? Do you feel more dead than allve? Your syatein needs tonlng Your Llvor isn't doing ita work Don't resort to strong druga. Dr. Agnew'a Little PIUb, 10 centa for 40 dosoa, wlll work wonuars lor you. 4a. ooiu uy yv. ia. xor ill, Collins Blakely. Gouldavlllo. Mrs. Frank Sulham, who has been sick for the paat few months, died Tneaday ovenlng. The funeral was held on Thura day, Kov. I. P. Booth of Morrisville offlciat- Ing. Bosldea a husband and one son, Ar- thur, ano loaves a orother anu two aistera, a latnor anu motnor. Webator French was in Montpelier on Mouday. Tom Gllllaplo went to Boaton on ThurB day. George Maraden has finlshod work ln the inlll. Horbert DeBoala haa taken hla place aa loom fizer ln the woave room. Mr. and Moaoa George apont Sunday ln Lebanon, K. II. Mra. Ida Quimby and daughters, Dolla and Helon, havo been vUltlng relatlves hore. They ezpoct aoon to go to Ludlow, Mass., where thoy aro to reslde. Wlll Donavan and Tom Gllllaplo were in Barre Monday night. Mlss Mattle Heath who haa beon vlsltlng relatlves and frlonds hero the paat few days, has returned to Tllton, N. H. MoBsra. Goaloy and Brown of Montpelier, apent Sunday in thla place. HUAUT DlSItASE UELIEVED IN SO Ml NUTK9. Dr. Agnew'a Ouro for tho Heart glvoa per fect rollef in all caaea of Orgaulo or 8ympa thetlo Hoart Dlaeaao in 30 mlnutes, and speedily eftocta a ouro. It is a peorless rom- ouy ior i. aipuauuu, ouuriuusa ui jituuiu, Smotherlni; Snella. Pain ln Loft Sldo. and all aymptoma of a Dlaoasod Heart. Ono doae convlnces. 42. Sold by W. E. Terrlll, Oolllna Blakely. Loslng an Arm iu BattlOt Somo ono askcd Gapt. Luciua D. Croighton of Miasouri in tho Arlington lobbv laat night how it folt to havo an arm ehot off. Capt. Croichton Borvod during tho war botwocn tho StatOB in a Confcdornto rogimont, and hla loft bIoovo bancs cmpty at ms siuo. "lt doean't fool at all." tho Confodorato votoran anaworod. "It ia chiofly in tho lack of foellnc that you know you havo boon ult. I loat my arm at uotiya- burgli, and whon tuo ouiiot mt mo J couldn't iniacino at flrat what had han poned. Tnoro wasna tno siigntoai nain. only a Bliglit tickling sonsatlon, which aoon gavo way to numbnoaa. In a fow mlnutoa my arm Boomod to bo an onormouB woight nanglng to my ahouldor, but it was not until aftor tho amnutatlon had boon mado that I Buf- forod actual pain. Tho aftor offocts of lo8lne an arm aro not altogothor ploaa ant; you sort of como to miBa it in timo but bo far aa aufforlne; ia concornod would much losa rathor a boo would Btlng mo." Waahlngton Post. "Now good dlgoatlon and hoalth on both." Bnrdock Blood Blttera. waltB on appotlto It lt doosn't, tr: a05 (COPYRIQHT) STRAWBEItRIES. Mra. Darlmra Sndler. Qulck transportation has brought this dcliclous berry to us months carllor than formerly, o that ovcn In New England lt Is withln tho reacb of all In Aprll. Sotnc excellcnt rcclpea for the treat mcnt of Btrawberrles follow. STIlAWnElUtY PDFFS. Cut a plece of puff paste, rollod not too thln. into twlce as many rounds as you doslro to sorve, with your largcst cake cutter. Flattcn half of them with tho rolllng-pln, so thoy shall be a trlflo largor than the rest, amcar tho small ones with butter and put tho large oncs over them. Balte. two togathor, in a qulck oven. Whcn done, remove tho top crust, place on each under ono a spoon ful of ellced berries. Sprinklo with sugar, and cover with the other crust. Serve in Individual dishes with whlppad cream whllc warm. STBAWBEBnY SALAD. Creara onc-half a ncufchatol choasc, with the blada of a sllver fork, add a tablcspoonful of thlck cream, a salt spoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of lemon julce and half a cup of fresh strawbcrry Julco. Ar rango the crisp ianer leaves of lcttuca on a plattcr ln nosts, and pour over the cream. If llked, a saltspoonful of mus tard may bo workcd Into tho cream. Be Bure lt Is bcatcn until perfectly smooth. STBAWBEBBY TBIFLE. Llno a glass dlsh with sliccs of spongo cakc. Fill with frosh borrlos sllced or sllghtly mashed, nnd swcctcncd. Add about a plnt of cold, boilcd custard and heap with whipped croam or malcs tho custard with the yolUs of four eggs and whip tho whitcs to a stiff froth, aad drop from a tahlospoon onto bolllng wutor; whcn thoy have cooked a minuto heap upon tho trillo. Scrve lco cold. STBAWI1EBRY PIE. Llno a dcep ple plato with puff pastc, picrccd with n fork. Cut a narrow strip, and place around the cdgc, first wettlng in cold water. Brush over with white of an egg, and bakc ln a qulck oven. Whcn cool, cut in as many picces as you desiro to servo. Fill with cut, not mnshcd, bcrrles, swcotoned to tastc. Heap with whipped croam. Gnrnish with wholo strawberries, unless you wish tho contonts of your pio to bo surprlso. STBAWBEKBY OIIAItLOTTE. Llno individunl glassos with strips of Rponge cake. Soak until soft onc-fourth box of gelatinu, in as little water ns possiljle. Add one-half pint o fresh strawbcrry julco, and sweetca to taste. IJcnt in double boiler, not tin, until gtdntino is dissolved. When cold and ocinnlnc to jcll. stir lu oup-lialf pint ntiff, whipped cream. Stir on lco until thlck, and hu glasses. This will servo about six poople. Moasuro cream bo- foro whipplng. OANNED STItAWBEBUIES. Do only n fow berries at a timo. Hull, wosh nnd discnrd all under or over ripe borrlos. Weigh your fruit. aud to evory pound add a qtinrtcr of u pound of whlto sugar. Fill pint jarB with fruit and sugar, and place in a vossol of cold water. Put over the fire and let it come to boiling point. As the julce is ox hausted and tho frult scttles, fill with berries in othor jurs, until part of the jars nre full to the brim. Do not stir or iiwkIi, but pour one jar into another carefully. Seal bofore rcmovlng from tho fire. Take tho kettle off, and when tho water has cooled, romovo sealcd jars of fruit. If jars aro pcrfect, the fruit will keep perfectly. CALF'S HEAD. Let the hoad be thoroughly cleaned; tho brains and tongue be taken out; boll lt in a cloth to keep it white; (it is well to soak the head for two or three hours provlously to bolline, lt helps to Improve the color); wosh, soak and blancn tne crams; tnen noil tnem; scaiu somo sage, chop it fino, add poppor nnd salt and a little milk; mix lt with the brains; the tonguo, which should bo Ronked ln anlt aad water for twcnty four hours, should bo boiled, peelod, and sorvod ou n senarate dlsh. The liend should lioil until tcnder, and if intended to be sent to tho tablo plainly, should be served as taken up. with mclted but ter nnd parsloy; If othorwisc, when the head fs boiled HiilHciently teniler, talto it up, spivad over a coat of tho yolk of egg well beati'ii up; powder with bread crumbs, uud browu in an oven. KOAST LEG OF MUTTON, BONED AND STUFFED. The nrineinnl skill rcouired in accom- plishing tliis dlsh Is the bouing; this must bo done with 11 very sharp knifo; cominence on tlu under side of tho jolnt, passlng the knifo under tho akin until cxnctly over the boao; then cut down to lt; paas tho knifo round closo to tho boup, right up to the nockut; then re movo the largo liono of tho thickost cnd of tho leg, seolng the meat Is clear of tho botio; you may then draw out tuo remninitig bones easlly. Put in tho orl Dco a hlghly seaKoned forco meat; fasten tho knueklo eud tightly over; ro nluco tho bouo at tho baso of tho joint. aud t,ow It lu. It must be well bastcd, and Khould bo sent to tho tablc with a good gruvy. OHICKEN TOT I'lE. Itoll tho chickpiiH tendor, or nearly so; hnving them cut In plecos. Make n rich crust, adding n little Rnlpratus, and an egg or two to make it ligut and puff. Lny it around tho sldes of tho pan, aml then lny lu tho chickeus; between each layor sprinklo ln ilour, pcppcr, salt and butter, with n thiu sllco of pasto hore ond there. Then add tho wnter in which they woj-o boiled, aud covor them. Thoy should bo baked an hour or an hour and a half, accordlug to tha slzo ot the pio. FIUED MUTTON 01IOPS. Tho fat in wlilch tho chops aro to bo fried should be boiling wheu tho chops nre put into It. They should bo pared of fat, aud well trinuned, bcforo cook ing; they should bo turned frequeatly, nnd whcn nlcely browned, they will bo dono; of courso, If thoy aro very thlck, judgmeut must bo exorcisod respectlng tho iength of time they will occupy in cookiug. ASPEUGE A LA POIS. When nspai'iigus Is first ln scason, nnd too Hinnll tu make a handsomo ap pcarauce, this tuode of drcsslng is very good: take the nMparagus aad cut off only tho green heads; uono of tho white must bo rctnlned; put them Into clear, cold wnter; nnd when clenn, pop them into bolllng wnter, iu which salt has been tlirowu; in ten mlnutes they will be tendor; thoy may be then taken out and lald upon n white cloth, which must be used to wipo them dry; lay In a Btew pan a nllcu of buttur; whcn lt Is tncltad, put ln tho asparagus; stcw them over a qulck fire; keep them turning; whon ten mlnutes hnve clnpsed, dredgo a lit tle flour, nnd a Bmall qunntity of whlta sugar, In powder, over them; bcat up the yolks of n couplo of eggs; pour over the nsparagUH Just sufucient wnter to cover thfim; boll up rapldly; stir in tho yolks of tho eggs nnd, mnklng a pyra mid of tho osparagu.4 in the dlsh, servo very hot. CUBRANT AND GOOSEBEItltY PIE. Curranta and gooscberries nre tbo best for ples when of full growth, Just beforo thoy bcgln to turn; they aro tolcrably good when rlpc. Currants, mlxod with rlpo raspbcrrles or mulber rlcs, make very nlce ples. Green cur rants aud goosoborries for ples aro not sweet enough, without tho sugar is scnlded ln bofore they are bukcd, as the julce of the curranta is apt to run out whllo they aro baklng nnd lcavo tho frult dry. Stow them on a modcrate Dre, with a tcncup of water to a couple qtinrtn of currants; as soon as they be gin to hi'cak, add the sugur, and let lt scald ln a few mlnutes. Whon baked without nU'wiug, put to each layer of frult n thlck layer of sugar. There should bo as much ns a quartor of a pound of sugar to n pint of currants, to mako them sufllclently sweet. Green currnnt ples iire good, Bwootencd with molusses and sugar, mixed. EEL SOUP. Tnko nny tmmber of poundn of ccIh, nt'corditig to tho quantity required; add two-thlrds wuter; If nliotit threo or four pounds of cels, add one onion, 11 small qunntity of nincu, u little peppef wholo, sweet herbs, n erust of the top sldo of breud; cover down close; stow tlll tho lish sejinrates; strulu. Toust sliees of bread deep brown; liut not to burn; cut into triniigular pieees or K(imres, 11 pleeo of carrot two inehes long, cut into four slicu.s lengthwise; put Into a tureen with the toast; pour the soup ou; boil ing cream may be uilded, thlckeued with a little Ilour, but it should he rich enough without it. AIH'LE CHARLOTTE. Pnre and slieo a quantity of applcs. Take the crust from a loaf of bread; cut tho rost in sliees, aud butter them. Butter a pic dlsh, aud put all the sllcoM all around, then u layer of apples sprinkled witli lemon peel, chopped very fino, and brown sugar; a layer of bread and butter, ulternntely, until tho dish is full. Squcczc over the wholo the julco of two lemons; cover tho dish with tho crusts of bread and tho upple parlngs; to prevent its browning too much. Bakc an hour und a quarter; thon take off tho crust aud peels, and turn it out of tho dlsh. Serve with sugar and cream, or butter. WHITE SOUP. Take n knueklo of veal, soparated into three or four pieees, a sllco of hani as lean as possiblu, u fow onions, thymo, cloves aud muce; stow twelve or fourteeu hours uutil tho stock is as rich as the ingredlcuts cuu make it; an old fowl will make it much rkher, if added. This soup must be made The day before lt is rcquirod. When removed from the fire, nfter beiug sulllciently stowed, let it cool, nnd then removo the fat; add to it four ouuees of poundcd blanched al monds, let it boll slowly, thickon it with a half plnt of cream aud au egg; it should boil slowly for half au hour, aud then bo served. PEAS STEWED IN CREAM. Put iwo or threo piuts of young green peus inta u suucepuu of boiling wuter; when thoy aro nearly done und tender. draiu them lu a colauder qulte dry; uielt two ouuccs of butter iu u cluuu stewpuu, thickeu lt evculy with a little flour, shake it over the llrc, but ou no account let it browu, mix smoothly with it tho fourth of u pint of cream, add half u teaspoonful of white sugar, bring it to a boilr pour iu the pcas, uud keeplug thcui movlug until they aro well heated, which will hardly occupy two miuutcs, sond them to the tablu immediately. POTATOES IN UASTE. A very uiee little dish muy be made ot potutoes, in about lifteeu minuteu (or less if the wuter is boiliug); peel uud cut bome potutoes iu sliees, a quarter of au iuch ttiick; pour on them boiling water, ouough to cover tbom, aud lot them boil tlll teuder; skim them; then add butter with Hour workcd iu it iu proportiou to the quuutity of potatues, lot it boil up uuce, udd u liltlo chopped parsley, und serve, with tho udditlou of pepper to tusto. PASTE FOR BORDERS OF DlSnES. Slx or eiuut yolks of okks. u few drops of wuter, u little salt; keep mixlng in ilour until so stiff you can scarce work it, beat it und work qulte smooth, aud keep it moist until you requiro it; then roll it out qulte thln, and cut your put terns, placiug upon your dishus beforo lt gets too dry, dipplng them on the bot tom. Edgo lu white eggs. OAT.MEAL. PUDDING. Tako u piut of the best liuo oatmeal, pour a quurl of boiling milk over It, aad let it soak ull night; thu next day put it in a basin just large cuough to hold it, add two eggs, beuteu, und a little salt, cover lt tight with a tlourcd cloth, and boll it au hour und a hult. It may be euteu hot, with cold butter aud salt; or cold, slieed uud tuusted. CHIOKENS PULLED. Romovo tlie skiu carefully from a cold chlekeu, theu pull tho llosh from thu bones, presurviug. lt us wholo as you can. Flour them well; fry them a nico brown in fresh butter; draw them, and stow ln u good gruvy well Bcusoned; thickeu a shovt timo buforo scrving with flour aud butter, und add the julco of half a lemou. For Women. Dr. Tolman's Montlily Ttegulator liasbrought Impplncss to hundreds nf anxloua woman. Tlicre Ia pojltlvcly no otlicr rcmedy known to medical acicnco, that will so qulcklyand nifcly do tlio work. Havo novcrliad a alnglo failure. Tlio longost aml most olmtlnato caaca nre rcllovcd In 3 dayg wltliotit fail. No otlicr rcmedy wlll do this. No paln, no dangcr, no intcrforcnco with work. Tlio most dllllcult casea succcssrtilly treated tlirough corres pnndcnco, nnd tlio most coinplcto satlsfactlon guaraniccd In overy lnstance. 1 rellovohun urcds of ladlcs wliom I novcr aco. Wrlto for further tiartlcularB. All lcttcrs truthfully nnswcrcd. Freo confldcntlal advlcc ln all mattersof aprlvateordolleatonaturo. Hoar ln mlnd tlila rcmedy Ia absoUttoly safo undor cvcry posslbloconilltlon nnd wlll pojltlvcly lcavo 110 of ter 111 crTocts upon tho health. l)y mall securcly ficaled, J2.00. l)r. K.M.TOfi. MAN CU 170 Tremont Bt., Uoston, Masa IK'WALLPAPERS Sathfnciton guaranteod. Samples for Btamp, IMI.CADY CO., PKOVIDKNOB, K.I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CImiiki and bcanlinci tbt halr.t l'ntmrttoa Alnviirtanl ffmtrih. 1 Zfever Fatla to Bestoro Oray I PreTfuU IJandrafT and halr laUln2. LHUIkO necomnisnd at tht m BEST vn. Kirvc'8 Btw Crown Bruxl PENNYROYAL PILLS. Ud for yeart bj lfadlim fpwUUMa, nondredio! Uetu xnonlala. Atrlal wHlcoDTineeytmoftheir intrlnileTaloe ln caic upprriton. Bnd ten ctctt for iimpla aad lxck. AII Uiujrgiitiofby mallllJiOboT. WH6 MEDICIK CO., Box 1930, BOSTON, MASS, M. W. Wheelock's Real Estate Aecncv AND INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, AT MONTPSLIEU BOOK BINDERY. Have bargalns ln bousea, lota and other valuable property. Flacea wantod for flrat claaa clerka, male, hotel cook, girla for houao work, laundry work, eto. B3f No oxpenao for rogiaterlng. LOWJATES. 3 MINUTE S CONVERSATION Approxlmatoly as follows: For a dlstanco of 5 Mllos or loss, 5 Mllos to 1 5 mllos, I O cents 1 5 conts I 5 Mllos to 25 Mllos, 20 conts Kntes for greater illstances ln proportlon. TELEPHONE SERVICE AT 10UR RESIDENGE Is usoful always, Holpful ofton, Nocossary somotlmes, and Choap all tho yoar round. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Boston & Maino Hailroad. BUnlMKIi AltnANOUMKNT. IN EFFEOT OCT. 8, 1900. ritina Leavo Wells Itlvor North bonnd. & 4B A. Mu ila ly, prluclpal atatlona to Newport Rnd Moutrea. (MierbrunKe and Qaeboo,) 1.36 A. SI., d!ly. ezcept Mocdar, (or Bt. Johna barr, LyDdonTillb, Isewpoit, (Sberbrooke and Qaebec, eicept Sunday and llonday). U 03 A. M., tor atatloni to Newport and tiber. brooke and Qnebec. i S P. M., (or prlnclpal ttatlona to Newport, and Montreal. HO P. MH (orttatlons to Newport and Stautead 0 4S 1". OI., (or statlona to LyndoiiTllle. SOUTH HODNU. 40 A. SI., except Mondar, (or prlnclral atatlon to W. K. Jnnctlon, wcrceater, Uoston an HprtngOeM. l.OO A. SI., dallr, (or atatlona on W. M. Olv. to Ooncord, Mancbeater, Nasbaa, Worcester, LcweU and Boaton. B.30 A. SI., (rora Woodarille (or atatlona to Con cord and Boaton. O HB A. M., (or atatlona to W. It. Junctlon, uonoora, worceiter na uoatou. 4.05 A. BI., (or atatlona on W. M. D1t. to Concord, Worcester and Uoatou. 1.00 I. SI,., (or atatlona to W. R. JnncUon Bprin(?Celd, Concord, Worceater and Uoston. J.S P. M., (or Plymouth, Concord, Worceater and Boaton. S.40 P. AI., (rom Woodsvllte (or atatlona to Ply mouth. O.SO V. M., (or aU aUUona to White ltlrer Jnno tlon. Oolnc North on W AI. Dlv. at 7.00 A. AI.. (or atatlona to Wlng Boao. .US A. AI., (or atatlona to Fabyan, Berlin, Qor bam, UroTeton and Oolebrook. S 1 1', AI., (or atatlona to Fabyan, BerUn and UroTeton, 8.BB V. AI., (or atatlona to Lancaater. 10.1BA. M., Stmdaya only, (or Lancaater, - From WoodSTille. D. J, FLANDERS, Oen. Pass. and Tloltet ARent. ntral Vermont Railway, Commenclng March lutb, 1901. frtiiu Ooxnq South and Xatt uill Ltave Mont pelier at folloujt : Hl 80 A. AI. MAIL. (or Fltcbbnrg, Boaton, Sprl af Hlit. and New York. Parlot Car to Boaton wlti m onange. 11)30 1'. AI. FAHT THAIN, (or lloaton rla Lo II, and New York rla Hprlugneld or New Londo H Worcester fla Naabna. Parlot Car to Boato II 00 J?. AI. PAHBKNOKU, (or Windsor. 1)1:00 A.M. dallr KXPltKbri, (or Btiton TtaL eUand all polnts in New England, New York an Hoatli PuUman Uleepera to Uoston and to tiprlng. nld. IVaina Ooinq North and Wttt : 11:00 A. M. dallr KXPHKH8, (or Montreal and tbe f eat, and week dara (or Ofdenabnrg, lllchford and 'ttawa. HleeplnK cara Montpelier Junctlon to ontreai. 10HBA. AI. fAHHENUEB. (or Burlington, Knt land bt. Albana, Montreal, and Illcb 'ord, maklnx "onnecuona ior roy, Aiuanr, xora. 31 SO 1. AI. FASHKNOElt. (or llurltngton. Ht AI. bana, Montreal, Itoaaea I'olnt, OgdenabnrK and Rich ford, farloi Uar to Montreal wltbont CBange. d! BK 1. M. EXPUKHH (or BurllnKton. Ht. AI ana and Montreal. l'nllman sleeplcn car (rom montpelier Junctlon to unicaKO wunoui cnauge, Throaxb tloketa to Cbicaxo at d all potnta Woat to: !c at tbe prlnotpal atatlona. Hnburban Tratn Herrloe. rjn MontneUer at 6:55. BtlS. 10:50. A. If.. lli.v. i-.O, dsio P. n. Arrlie at Barre twentr mlnutsi uar leaTing ume. 'Jita Ilarra t 8:10. 9:50 A. M.. lll.Ol M.. ilOS.Slll UtOO, P. u. ArrlTe at Montpelier, twentr tnln Ml arter leaTing time. fralna lcare (or Williamstown at 12:55 r. m. anf wr, u. ( II paaaenger tralna wlll atop at thePloneerWora Uke or leare paaaengera when aljrnaled, O. A. LANO, ARCat, B, 8, LOOAN, Vlce frea., Ueneral Manager, ,W. UUMM1NUH, Ueneral PasseDger Agent 4rA. Cavcats. ond Tradc-Marks obtalnctl and all Pat-C jcnt bu.inesscondui teu ir MoDCRATt Fcts. j (and wo cann urc ruu nt in less timo tiian thoseS Cremotc irom wnihinjrt ,n. cntl mouel. tlrawintf of nhntn.. tclin dcftertfvi (tion. tvc auvisc, u patcntanie or not, ireo ot tcbarge. Our fco not duo tilt patcnt tsaccured. , f A PAMPHLCT, " How to Ofctaln I'atenta," with jcost of samo ln tha V. S. and lorcign counules tacnt irce. Addrcss, OPP. PATCNT OrriCf, VASMtNOTON D. C J LEGAL NOTICES, Mahoarkt QnAr Statb of VEitMONT, va. Wabhwoton Bodeiit V. Gbay.J County. In Uounty Court, Septomber Torm, 1901. Whereaa, Margaret Gray of Barre, in tbo County of Washington, haa thia day Clod in tho oflico of the Clerk of tho County Conrt for tho County of Washington, her libel for divorce againat Hobert W. Gray, aotting forth in subitance that ahe waa lawfully manlod to aaid Robert W. Gray on the lGtli day of July, A. D. 1890; that ahe on her part had falthftillyl Itept her marriago! covenant. but tbafctho said Itobort W. Gray on his part hadnotkept tho samo for that tho srid Itob ort W. Gray had treated the petitioner with intolorable Csovority; and being of ntiffieient pocuniarrand pbysical ability to provide maiu tenanco for her, has ever witbout cause, rtj' f uaed and ncglocted ao to doj ond praying that for the caneca aforcsaid the court grant her a divorce (rom the aaid Robert W. Gray; and also praying for alimony and cuatody of three) minor obildren. And, whereas it ia mado to appear that tha said Itobort W. Gray reaidea without tho Stato, whore tho procora of thia Court cannot be served upon him, it ia therefore, orderod that the coid Itoboit W. Grav 1m nntifir.1 nf thondency of atid libel and gWen oppor tuutty to make dofence therein, and summon ed to appear and make aoawer tborets before the Honorable Countv Conrt next tn hn linld nt Montpelier, wit'jin nnd for the County of ,r iiauiugiuu, ou tuu iirsi tyeunesaay ntt9rtue Crat Tueaday in Septomber, A. D. 1031, at9 o'clcsk a. m., by tho publicalion of the aub atance of said libel, together with th'a order, three weeka Bucccasively in the Vermont Watchman nnd State Jouanal, a weekly news paper publlshod at Montpelier, in riid County, the last of which publicationa shall be at least six weeka provioua to Baid first Wednesday af ter tho firat Tueaday in September, A. D. 1001, which shall be decmed sufficient notice to saio! Itobort W. Gray. Given under my hand at Montpelier, in aaid County, thia 13th day of April, A. D 1001. UKNJAMIN UATES, DAnnfv niolr. JOITN G. WlNO, 17-10 Attorney for the Petitioner. OOMUieglONEIlB' KOTIOB. KSTATK OP AL31IIIA O. I'EKKY. Tbe nnderalzned. harlntr befln Annolntnii hr h Honorable Probate Conrt. for tha Ihitrti-t nf Waih. liiKtou, Commlsaloners, to recelve. examlne andad Just all clalma and demanda o( ah peraona aira1fist the estatoof ALMIRA O. I'ERnY, late o( Llmerlck In tbe County of York and H ' to of Malne.deceaael and all clalms ezhlblted ln offset tbereto, berebr Rlve notice that wtwlll meet for tbe purposea aforesald. at the Town Clerk'a offlce ln the Town o( Cabot, ln aaid Dlatrlct, on tho 2il dar of May and 7th day of October next, (rom one o'clock. p. M. until (our o'clock v. M. each of aaid days, and that ali months from tbo 6th day of Aprll, A. D 1901,1a tho timo llmitert by aaid Court (or aaid cr((". ltora to present tbeir clalma to us for ezamlnatlon and Allnwnnce. Dated at Cabot thla 9th day of Aprll, A. D. 1901. OKVIS FITT8. lComml. 17-19 1m CLYDE LANCE, f alonera 00MHI8SI0NEUB' KOTIOB. KSTATK OF WILIJAM KELI,Kr. Honorable Probate Court for the Dlstrict of Waahlnir. ton. coinmlsslonera to recelve, examlne and adjuat all clalma and demanda of all peraona airatnat thaea ate of WILLIAM XELLUY late of Eaat Montpelier, In aaid dlstrlct. deceaaed; and all clalma eihlo lted ln offset tbereto, hereby frtvo notice that we wlll meet (or the purposea aforesald at the store of . ii.rye in mo xown oi jtast Montpelier, tn aaid Dlstrlct. on the 4th dar of Mit and 25th dar of Septomber noxt, (rom 1 o'clock r. m., nntll 4 o'clock r. M., eacli of said daya, and that atx montba (rom tho 28th day of March A. D.. 1901, Ia the time ltmited by said Conrt (or said credltora to preaent tbolr clalma to na (or examinatlon and allowance. Datod at East Montpelier, thla 9th day ot Aprll, A.D.,1901. IW IIIKAM Ii.lsrAltltOW, f com KSTATK OF KZItA 18. FULI.KK, Statb or Vkbmoht, UI8TIII0T OP WASUINQTOM, 88. In Probato Conrt. held at Montoeller. ln and for aall Dlstrlct. on tbe lbth dar ot Aprll, A. D. lbOl. Orrln 1L Mlnott, admlntatrator of the eatate ot EZRA 1). FDLLEIt. late of Waterburr !n aaid Dlatrlct, deceased, creaenta hla admlnla txatlon account for examinatlon and allowance, and makea appllcation for a decree of diatrlbntlon and parUtlon of tbo eatato of aaid deceased. Where npon, lt ls ordered by aaid Conrt, thit aaid accoont and aaid appllcation be ref erred to a aeaslon thereot , tobe held at the Probate Ofllce.ln ealdMontpeUer.on tho 3d day ot May, A. D. 1901, for liearlng and declalon Ibereon: And, It la further ordered, that notice noreor uo Kiren 10 au peraona lntereatea, oy f'nbllcatlon o( tbe aaine three weeka aucceaslrely ln he Vermont Watchman S: State Journal. a newspaper publlahed at Montpelier, ln thla Btate, prerloua to eaia ume appoiniea ior neaniiK, mai iney may ap. ,ear at saia umo ana piace, ana snow cauae, lt any .her inar baTe. whr aaid account ahonld not ba aUowed, and auch decroe made. uy tne i;ourt. Attest, 17-19 1I1RAM CARLETON, Jadgfls ooMMiaaionsBS' hoticb. KSTATK OF G. O. HATCII. The underalfrned, haTlnz been appolnted by the Honorable Probate Court (or the Dlatrlct o( Waab Ington. commlaalonera to recelre. examlne and ad. juat au clalma and demanda ot aU peraona airalnat tbe esute ot U. C. IIATCH, late of Cabot, ln aaid Dlatrlct, deceaaed, aud all clalma exhlblted ln otfaet thereto, hereby elre notice that we wiu meet zor tne purposea aroreaaia, at tne atora of C. P. Hatch ln tbe town of Cabot ln aaid dlstrlct, on the 35th day of June and 23th day ot Septomber next, (rom 1 o'clock r. M. nntll g o'clock P. H. each of aaid days, and that alx months from the 25th day ot March, A. D. 1901. la the time llmtted by aaid Court for aaid credltora to pre aent thelr clalina to na for examlnaUon and allow ance. Dated at Cabot thla 4th dar ot Aprll, A. D. 1991. W. n. n.MEARS, innm.. 17-19 J. P. LAMSON, fComa. KSTATK OF JOIIN W. SAIITH. Btatk or Vhbmont, Dibtbiot or WAauinoTON, aa, In Probate Court, beld at Montpelier, In and (or said Dlatrlct, on the 8th day ot Aprll, A. D. 1901: Charlea A. Sinlth. exocutor of tbe last wlll and tos. tament of JOIIN v. 8511X11, late ot Montpelier, ln said Dlatrlct, deceased, presenta hla admln lstratlon account (or examinatlon and al lowance, and makes appllcation (or a decroe of dlstrlbutlon and partltlon of tbe eatato ot aaid tleeeased. Whereupon lt la ordered br aaid Conrt, tbat aaid accouut and aaid appllcatlou be referred to a aeaalon thereof, to be hem at tbe Probate Offlco, ln aaid Montpelier, on tbe 27th day ot Aprll, A. D. l'Ol, for heartmrand declslon thoreon: la further ordered, that notice hereof be Klreuto all peraona lntereatedbj pnbllcatloti o( the saino throeeeka succeaalrely 1l the Vermont Watchman it State Jour nal, a newspapei publlshed at Montpelier, lnthla Btato, prerloua to aaid time appolnted (or nearlnft, that they may appear at salu ttine and place, and abow cauae, lt any they may have. why aaid ac count ahould not be aUowed. and auch decree mado, By tbo Court, Atteat, 16-1) IURAM OAULKTON, Jndge. KSTATK OF StAltlA 8. SSIIT1I. Statb or Vbbmont, DIBTHIOT Or WABIIINOTON, 88. In Probate Conrt, held at JloutpollerJ In and (or aatd Dlstrlct, ou the 6th day ot Aprll, A. D. 1S1. Charlea A. Smlth, executor ot tbo laat wlll and teatameut of MAIil A B. HMlTH.lato ot Berlin lnaatd Dlatrlct deceaaed, preaenta hla admlntstratton ao count for examinatlon and allowance, and inakea appUcatlon (or a decroe o( dlstrlbutlon and partl tlon ot the estate o( aaid deceased. Whereupon lt ls ordered by aaid Court, that aaid account be referred to a aeaalon thereot, to be beld at tbe Probate Offlce In aaid Montpelier ou the 27th day ot Aprll, A. 1). 1901, (or hearlng and declalon thereoni and It la further ordered, tbai notice beroof begirontoall peraona lnterested by f ubUcatton of tho samo three weoks auccoaalrely ln ho Vermont Watehman G State Journal, a newspap er publlshed at Montpelier, lnthla Btate, prerloua to aaid time appolnted tor hearlng, that they may appear ataaldtliuo and place, and aliow cause, lt any they may haro, why aaid acoouut ahould not be aUowed aud ancb decree mado, Dr the court. Atteat. 16-18 1IIAM OARLETON, JndgO. 5