Newspaper Page Text
G VERMONT WATOHMAN & STATE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1001 AGRIGULTURAL. Tho Jlyglcno or rioivlnfr. Fow o us probably grnsp tho irupor tnncc, frcm nu ccouoinlc point of vlow, of tho proccaa of putrofnction of orgau !c mattor constantly golng oa ln tho Boil. It is ono of tho groat fnctors lu maintaining tho clrculation of mattor, n law on whlch tho porpotuity of lifo do ponds. Thoro ia in thls univorso only a coitain atnount of mattor euttablo for tho formatiou of now animal and vog otablo lifo, honco to portnit of tho foi mation of uow forma of bucu lifo it ia ncccsaary that tho dead ruattor ahould bocomo brokcn up and rondorod avall nblo for thia purpoao. Woro thia law inopcrativo tho roBult would, of courao, bo that tho carth's aurfaco would bo como cncumborod with tho accumula iion or dcad orgnulc mattcr to ao groat nn extent that animal lifo would bo im poaalblc. Honco it ia that, iu thia roa pcct, bacteria porform sorvlcoa to hu manity, aa woll as to all othor forma of lifo, of incalcuablo valuc. In conncc tion with thoorios indicatod abovo thoro comoa tho Batiafactlon that whon ma Jtorial whieh may bo offonalvo to tho fnind and Bons6a ia brought iu contact with carth thoao aamo germs transform it into plant food, whlch ia oxompt from unplcasant conditiona and may bo ABBimilated by planta without partaklng of tho naturo of tho original mattor. Truly, tho mcthoda of naturo aro won dorful to contemplatc! An cssontial foaturo in plowing .a that tho broken conncction of tho invortcd furrow-dico with tho Bubsoil wlll soon bo ropalrod. It ia woll knowu ihat tho moisturo in tho soil comoa to tho Burfaco by moana of a natural law callod r.apillary attrac. tion. Tho same procoaa may bo ob sorvcd in a Bpongo whoro a part of it is In wator, or whero a bit of blotting pa por is usod to tako up apillod ink. Strawy manuro plowod undor will in a dry aoason binder tho rcuniting of top and bottom soil, and tho capillary at traction remaining broken moistureis denied to tho growing crop, and tho aoason, or tho manuro or providonce ia blamed. Farm, Stock and Home. A Mouster Dcvll 1'Uh. Dest.ojlng Its victinia, ia a typo ol con stipatlon. Tho powtr ol thls malady ia folt on organB,nnvep, muscloa and braiu. Bnt Dr. King's New Llfe Pills aro a safo and cettain cuie. Bist in tho world lor Stom ach.Liver, Kidnejs, and Bowela. Only 25 cents at 0.,Blakely's dragBtore. Mauurlu; tho (Jrnss fleld. No intelligent farmor neoda to bo told that atablo manuro is an cxcellent droaslng for promoting tho growth of grasa and thoroby iucroasing tho quan tity of tho hay crop. In thia paragraph wo ahall not consider whethcr thia ia tho bost way in which to accomplish these purpoaes. A groat many of our readera like to keop aome of thoir flelds pretty constantly in grass and maintaiu the ferti.ity of tho land by spreading plant food upon tho aurfaco. To somo of them we beliove a word of sugges tion will bo uaeful. Whon sprinc opena those mon aro, very proporly, in groat haBte to flt tho land for their sowed cropa and preparo othor flelda for plant" ing. They givo these thinga tholr llrat attention. Thero aro others, who de lay tho manuring of tho grass becauso thoy do not feel suro how much they want to sparo trom tho other cropB. So it is o'ton the caso that the grasa has made considerablo growth beforo tho manuro is apread. And unlesa great caro is takon to znake it very flno the manuro will in many Bpots aomewhat rotard tho growth of the grasB, and moro or leaa injury will bo dono by the tramping of mon and teama while tho work ia in progresa. By thia time, too, tho beat perlods for manuring tho grasa plants havo passed. A light application af tor growth haB coaBed in the fall, or just beforo it commencos in tho Bpring, will insuro a larger and moro uniform crop tban will a much hoavicr coat that ia given when tho grasa ia half grown. Beaides, undor the most favorable con ditiona, tho grasa crop haa only a Bhort titno in which to grow, and lf tho aoa eon provea to bo extromely dry thia period is still furthor llmited. Conso quently, if tho manuro has not beon used belorc tho grass has become prot ty woll started, wo would advise a con sideration of the question whother it will not be beBt to keep it in tho yard (properly protectod of course), unul fall, or clee plough uuothor fiold in which to use it now. In these days of sharp competition it ia not enough to merely put the manure whero it wlll do good. It ought to be appliod whore it will be liktly to make tho largeat and the longcat continuod rolurns that can be pbtained from its ubo. (Practlcal Farmcr. Shako Into Your Sliocs JV.lIo'i'8 Foot-Eaae, a powder. It oufoj paiufnl, ainartlug, nnrvous foet and lngrorf iiig imllp, aud lustantly t 'kH tlio Htlug (. Jt o( uatuh uud banimif. It's tho ertmioHt v infort ilUcovoiy o( tboage. Alleu'o Foot- jch uiHKrM nptit or now huom feel easy. lo 1h a ci r .iiln curn tor Bwpatlnr, omiona aud laot, tlred, ttching foot. Try It today. Holil by 8)1 drnzelkti Htid sboo n'oreH. jw mnll for 25 eenm lu Htaiiips, Trlal package rnnjc. AuuresH, Aiieu a. uimstead, Lio Koy, N. Y. Moisturo and Fleld Crops. Invcstigatlons at tho Minncsota otu. tion domonBtratcd that tho loss of moia- ANl'gdable I'rcpornlionrorAs similating ilicFoodnndllcguIa ling llic Stoinachs nnclBowcls of Promolcs Digcslion.CheerfuP ness andRcst.Conlalns neitlicr Opium.Morpliiiio iiorIiacrai Nor Kuicotic. Jmplan Seal' yttxJenna-t llochAUSUts hffiennvit lll CcrtxjtlalpSodar HorrttSettl' Clrmfird Suow IViattiyrmi rtanr. Apcriccl ttcmedy rorConslipo Tlorti Sour Stomach.Diatxltoca Worms,Convulsions .Fcvcrsli ness and Loss OF SliEEB," FacSinulo Signnlurc of new'ydhk. ture in a fleld of corn caused by a growth of 3510 pounds of woeda to tho acre- wa3 vory marked, eapocially at doptha varying from tbroo to aix in chea and tho corn crop waa roduced from 12,762 pounda whero thorough cultivation wob given, to 69S9 pounds, or moro than flfty por cout, whero tho woeds (mostly pigoon grass) wero al lowed to grow freoiy. It ia bolievcd that tho wced3 ovaporated moro mois turo per pound of dry matter than tho corn. Compacting tho lowcr portion of the furrow slicos with a subaurface packer hiul little or no effect in increa3ing the moisturo in tho lower portion of the slices, either when the ground was fall or spring plowed or when coarae ma nures were plowed under. Subsoiliog for corn apparemly reduccd tho yield of graln 10 per ceut aud of stover 15 por ceut. With wheat the grain yield was alightly reducod with tho woight of etraw alightly increasod on tho surf ace packod plata. Out of sevonteon com parisona with oats, potatoos, turnipe, fodder corn, wheat and sugar boota, fourtoeu ahow a decreaaed yield from 8ub3oiling. Tho concluaion reached ia that "aubsoiling is cxpenalvc and not ptofltabie undor moat conditiona in Minnesota." The moiaturo content of aoils surfato culttvated, mulched, plowed and plow ed and subaoilcd waa aludiod. At tho depth of threo to aix iuchea tho aurfaco culiivated soil had only about ono per cont moro moiaturo duriog moat of tho aoason than the soil which was com pact to its aurface, and late in tho sea son it had no moro. When tho Boil waa plowod aix lnchoa dceper, tho moiaturo in tho aubsoil was much botter conaorved by the looaened earth tban in baro compact soil. Plata mulched witn a layer of Btraw four inches deep containcd flvo per cont moro moisturo than baro soil, iluctuatod with weathor changes leaa aharply, and rotaincd their warmth longer. Soil moisturo Ib conBorved by plow ing, which looBona tho soil to a depth of aeveral inchoa; by cultivating be tween tho rowa, which keeps looso tho upper two inches of soil; by mulching, which allows tho rain to ponotrato the soil, but not loavo ,it; and by having tho plowed furrow alico cleanly fallow all or a part of tho year, thUB avoiding tho draft of growing planta on the soil moiaturo. Moiaturo ia diaaipatod by growing The torovsd U. S. Separaior HAS LED in the past, IS LEAD1NQ at prcsent, WILL, LEIAD In thi. future, JSgJ becauso of its Clean Skltnmlng Eaiy Runninjj One-piece Frms Cnctused Qeart Clmplictly Durabllily , Etc. Prlccs rango from $50.00 upwnru Wrlto for illustrfttuJ catulogiics CASTORIA For Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought I; Bears the JL ' Signature ff$ Aj Use Jr For Over 1 Thirty Years InmnTnniH flHolUIIIH THK CCNTAUR COMrANY. NCW YORK CITY. cropa which pump into tho air onor moua amounta of watcr; by woeds which are pernlciously activo pumps in proportion to tho useloaa growth they make, and by loaving tho soil compact, allowiug capillary wator to rieo to tho surfaco, thero to evaporate Prof. W. M. Hays, in New York Farmer. Jlr. Martin Mniif"nmnrv formorly of Itoxbary, N. Y., nowof Sllvara, Pa wrltOH to hli old friend. Dr. David rr 1 rr l ri . rr, . ikouui-u ui uDuunuy uun , ikincaion, r : "Tho new inedlolne, Caioura Solvont 1 - wu.uu v .IVD. nuu JV 11 1 - uey troubles, and rhouuiatiain, after a lot of IDUEl.d lltt. . .l.t .1.. .11.1 . '""'J wuoiun nuu iuiuq lUttd UIU UU R00I It is a rtooid-breaker and no mistake Send to Dr. Kenutdy for froe trlal bottle. .tloro Apple i'lgures. Somo weeka ago the Vermont Ex perimont Station was responaiblo for tho circulation of somo llgure3 ahowing proflts made in apple growing. Brielly, thtso flgurea ahowed that Mra. Laura E. AHen of South Horo, Vt., had cleat ed S100 an acre from fourtoen acre3 of orchard in 1899, and that tho crop of 1900 brought a not prout of S183 an acre. Theso flgurea aeem not to hsve been aatisfactory to an inquiring and cap tious public. Some poraons who.know nothing about the applo businoss thought it waa a flsh atory puro and simple, othora who aro growing appleB thom3elvca proteated that they had dono better, aud that tho caao thore fore had been unfairly presontod. Sev eral communicationa woro received on tho aubject by tho horticulturiat.of tho Exporimont Station, who is now happy to add tho following statitstics to-tho8o alrendy publiahed: Mr. Lucian Allen, also of South Hero, haa 300 applo bearing troos, cov oring betwoen flvo and aix acrea of land. From theao ho aold in Now York 257 barrela of the crop of 1000, for which he recoived a groaa roturn of 875.25, or an avorago prico of 83.40 a barrcl. Freight, cartago and commia aions ato up 8171.75 of thia aum, loav ing a not cash roturn of 8700.50. Theao flgurea aro taken diroctly from tho ro turna of tho commiaaion man, (and tho commiaaion man aoldom roturnB moro money than tho fruit brings.) In addi tion to the 8700.50 rocoivod for apploa Bold in Now York, Mr. Allon aold a conBldorablo quantity at home, from which ho realized an additional 8108.50. Thia makoa a total of 8899 for tho year's crop, or 8150 to 8160 an acre. Anothor Vermont applo grower, who objecta to having his namo uaed, but whoao accountB havo been oxamined and found corroct, has mado atill moro romarkablo Balee. Laat year his total aalea (not net) wero 83,543,25 from 10$ acrea. Ono Binglo block of treoa, cov oring 4 acrea, gavo a not roturn of 81,272, or ovor 8282 an ncro clear proflt on tho farmlng, Tho flguroa from thia orchard aro not now avallablo for pro vioua cropa; but to tho wrltor'a poi sonal and diaintoreated knowlodgo tho returna have been almoat equally good Bomotimea full better ovory yoar for Boverul years past. Duriog at loast t'on years thero has not boou a single crop falluro iu thia orchard. And thero aro plonty moro flgurcs llko these. Vermont Exporimont Sta tion. "It waa almoat a mlraolo. Bnrdtok Blood Ulttera onroJ me of n terrlble breaklUR oal all over my body. I am very Bratefnl." Misa Jalla inibrldgo.Went Cornwall, Oonn, Au Improrcd 1'otato Sprny. Having mado aomo oxporlments tho past two aoaeons in controlllng buga, bllght and rot of tho potato, I havo ob tainod aomo roaulta that wero a sur prlao to mo, and which I hopo wlll bo of valuo to tho potato-growora of Now York and el8owhoro, aa wcll aa to my- eelf. In thcbo exporimonts groat caro waa takon to havo tho condition of Boil aliko aa to tilth and fortillty, tho oim being to bco which of tho diff oront ways would givo tho bcat roaulta both in provonting blight and rot, and in froo Ing tho vinoa from buga aud lnBccts. Tho potatooB woro of ono varloty, planted on tho Batno day, May 23, and glvon tho eatuo caro in ovory ruspoct. llows 1 and 2 woro sprayod with Paria groon and Bordeaux mixture, threo aprayinga. Keault, a yield of 180 buahela por acre. llows 3 and 4, spraj od with Paris groon alouo, threo apray ings; yield, at rato of 155 buahela. Ilowa 5 and 0, sprayod with ilug Death nlouc, threo aprayinga; yloltl, 195 buah ela. Rowb 7 and 8, aprayed with I3ug Dealh and Bordeaux mixturo, throo aprayinga; yield, 275 buahok. Tho differonco in yield of thoao aprayed with Bug Doath and Bordeaux mixturo ovor thoao aprayed with Paria greon and Bordeaux mixturo Was 95 buahela per acre, whllo tho difforonco in yield of those sprayod with Bug Death and Bordeaux mixture over thoao aprayed with Paris green alono, was 120 buahela per acro. Ilowa 3 and 4, aprayed with Paria greon alonc, dlcd flrst. Ilowa 1 and 2, aprayed with Paria groon and Bordeaux mixturo, next, followed cloaoly by thoao aprayod with Bug Death alono, and about threo weoka later by thoao sprayod with Bug Death and Bordeaux mixture. Thia waa practically tho aamo aa it worked in tho aeason of 1809 for me, the potatoes being whlto with blossoms for aix weoka, and growing a largo number of potato balla. Others who used Bug Death and Bordeaux mix ture hcre the pastscaaon got nearly the same largo dlllorencos iu yield that I did. I have noverseen any account of an exporimont Btation using Bug Death and Bordeaux mixturo togethcr. 1 should be pleaaed to see othor growers give thia mixture a fair trial tbe com ing aoaaon, After uaing it for two yeara I atn eonvincod that it will iu crease tho yield of the average potato fleld at least 75 buahela per acre over Paria green and Bordoaux mixture, keeping tho vinea green from two to three weeka longer, lorgely incroaaing the aizejof tho tubera, and making tho quality all that can be desired. In mixing Bug Death and Bordeaux mixturo never add tho lime wator to Bug Death, aa it will groatly injuro its olllciency. Diaaolve tho copper aul pbate in onc-third of tho number of gallona to bo mixed, alake tho lime in one-third, and mix the Bug Death in tho othor third, uaing rainwater, and of Bug Death, uao at rato of 1 lb. for overy ten gallona of tho rainwater when roady for uae. Aftor tho copper buI phato ia diaeolved, mix that and the Bug Death water together, 8tir thor oughly, and then add tho Umewater. When mixed properly I havo found it to be far more effectlve in riddlng the vinea of tho potato beotlo than Paria green, and much moro ofllcient in pre vonting blight and rot than Bordoaux mixturo alono or Bordoaux mixturo and Pari8 green. E. A. Rogera in Country Gentleman. eadach; At til dma tom 35 Dom 236. Llcan L'oru Flelds. Farmera know that profltablo ccrn can only bo grown on ground that is kept aa froe of weoda aa poaaiblo, for tho weoda not only rob tho corn of plant food, but absorb largo quantitioa of moiaturo. Thon it it ia doaired to bow tho ground to cow pcaa whon tho corn ia being "lald by," or to wheat in tho fall aftor tho corn ia cut, cloan cul turo permlta a much bettor proparation of tho seod bed. Many succeed in keeping tho corn fleld, in a good aoa son, froe from woeds until tho corn gotB too largo to work with tho riding cultivatora. But if thoro aro lato raina soon aftor it has been lald by many harmful woeds grow and maturo aeedB that are a detrimont to tho corn crop, Savos Savos Horscs. Monoy. Kendall's Spavin Cure. USED FOR 20 YEARS. titw Tork, OU. Ui, X0O0L Ir. P. J. KtiJa Ccv, GDUemratwI hv twea okIdk your KtndAU'i PitLj Cut for th Ul0 yoan, aoJ br noornmtjn J4 it lo taf Ual lr Wnd 1 thliik It U Ut hmi tlnlmint lo lh mukal odj, My wtfa ha)riiaiDfttUin tn IhtjolaUc! ter hndj anJ knwi (or tbri yu$ ui4 yoar KwnUll'f SrTiD Can tot 4o Imfchi Lm cuUrtly cuitd Ut. adlAUO. Tboat&nili of otbers havo hail ub( prich ox rerienco. Curvn Hnuiln. lllnirbune.HplIut. (JurbauiiduU furma or Lumne. 1'tIoh ci ororeo. unumi lurmft or ittmcneBn. t riw rtf. Aflft llnimt'nt for faraltvuAolt caual, Allilrunirlitn. llookATrit thelloFtonmlted frvu. Aadrewi Ue on tho D8. B. J. KEKDALl C0.v CNOSBUBG FAUS, VT, ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bonr Slgnnturo of Sec Poc-Slmllo Wrnpptr Bclow. Very small otul an oosy , to tokc n3 BnRnr. FOR I1EADACHE. FOR DIZ2INESS. FOR BILI0USNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR C0NSTIPATI0N. FOR SALL0W SKIM. FOR THEC0MPLEXI0N CURE SICK HEADACHE. and will alao mako moro labor to pre paro tho land for tho enauiug crop. La8t sca3on wo notod the roport of a corn grower who uaed tho Plauot, Jr., horae hoo in hia corn liold aftor tho corn waa too largo to cultivato with tho ordiuary cultivator. Thia hoo is a ain gle horao cultivator, und ia compara tively choap. Fittod with tho long, knifollko. bladoa to run just bclow the aurfaco, overy weed in tho epaco cover od by its shoea iB destroyod. Tho culti vator is adjuBtable, and can bo mado wide or narrow. The work can bo rap idly Uouo, and thia ia deairable, for the timo for uaing thisimplemontia llmited to a few daya. A row can be cleanod between tho hilla of each paaaage. A number of theao hoea woro put in the fltld, and the moat favorablo reaults wero reportcd. The incroaaed yield iu the crop and the decreasod coat of la bor to cloar out tho weeda would soon pay for tho coat of the tooh. Colman's Rural World. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT, lloston I'roduco .Hnrkct, fafTlie (juotatloni Ktyen below repteicnt prlco obtalncd dt tecolreti tor icQtuait lcli (not lobbiiui vricti) auiosi oinerwlta lcdlcaioa, nua are tstended to retrusont uctnal s.oi. linTTKH. Oreamerr, Vt. anaN. II.,aiaorteiIiliei, JU fl 21 Oreamery, North'u N. y.,aiiorteditiei, 20 0 21 Creamerr, northern flriti H Sb 19 Oreamerj, eaitern 17 13 Creauiery, weatern Qrat 17 ij 14 Creamerr, tecocat 18 J lf Ualrr, Vt., eztra 18 19 Dalry, N. Y extra 17 14 Dalry, N. Y. and Vt., flrati 18 ( 17 Dalry, N, Y.and Vteconda 11 & is Dalry, N. Y. and Vt., low gradoi 12 Q 11 Uozea, extra crcamerj m 2U Koiea, extra dalry 18 tft 13 lioici, 00m. to ood 12 (rt is Trunk,prlnta,ex. creamery 19 tb M TrunK, prluta, ex. dalry 19 20 Tmnlc, prlnta, com. to Kood 11 a 18 CHHE8E, New York, extra , 11 fp 12 Vermont, extra 11 S u Vermont, largo extra 9 w 10 Vermont, Orata 10 11 Vermont, aeconda 9 10 Bage 9 8 10 Part aklmi 6 5f 8 FX.OU11. t'Jmmon extraa , 2 lika 2 73 Oholce extraa and aecouda 3(3iJ23 Mlunneaota clear and ttraliihi I Wrti 3 iq Mlchlgan, clear and etraliht...,- itod Mo New York, clear and atralgbt I b0& 3 80 Ohlo and Bt. Louli clear 157? 3 70 Ohlo aud Bt. Loula atralftht 3 65.3 3 90 Oblo aul St. Loula patent 8 S5.S 4 is Wlaconalu and Mlnn. patent i 25 COUN MEAL. Uranulated, per bbl 1 505 2 60 Oommon, per bbl 1 lyg 2 m liag meal nsa 1 00 MILL FEED. MlddUnKa, aacked, per ton 18 lUhcla A0 Uran.aacked, wluter 17MtS17 79 ltran, aacked, aprtng 16 101S 79 Oottonaeed meal :6 iiZtll uo EOQ8. Kaatern, cnolce ru 11 m 15 Eaitern, fair to good 12 m 1 Vt. andN. H.cbolco freah II 0 U COUH. Bteamer yellon 12 trM Bteamer jo Sn No, SO gM Uood, no Krade a gio POTATOES, Arooatook nebrona ts B 40 New llampabtre llobrona 41 so Vermont Hebrona 40 & 45 New l'otatoea,bbl 300 3375 OATB. No 1, cllpped wblte , 36 O 17 No. 2, cllpped wblte u in No. 2, wblte j 14 No. J, white , 12 13 Hejected white 29 29 UAY AND BTRAW. Ilay, N. Y. and Canada, cholco to rancy.. 1SC0W19 00 Hay. N. Y. and Oanada, (alr to good 17 off 18 00 Ilay, eaatorn, cbolce is CKXBIil 00 llay, eaatern, ordlnary to fair 12 Dimn 00 ilay, eaatorn, common 9001100 llay, eaatern, cholce flne 11 00013 09 Uay, eaatern, eommon flne 12U0I310 rilOYISIONH. tork- llacka tt bbl 15 50OT18 V) Bhort cut clear W1650 Clear ,.17 to Leanenda i18 75 nrtt Ulty rendered, pure ff lb 8 4J 9 Weatern componnd 8 7 Pnre kottle rendered X SniottJ llamt lloaton, amall ?t lb Q 11 lloaton medlnm ttd lloaton, largo 4? ,, FIIESU MBAT8. lleet, cholce ?1 lb suit 9 lleet, llKht cholce Wlb tViji u lleet, heaTir KoodVllb 7H5? 8 Ileef.Kood Wlb 7 0 7k lleef, blndqnartera, cbolce lOVrt) II lleef, blndquartera, commou to good..,,, HWA 10 lleef, forecjuartetl, cholco.. ew (u lleef, torequartera, coiuiuon to good 7 Mutton, oxtra j $ g Mutton, commou to good 8 b 7 A ) I.amba, 00111. to good W lb 8 47a ' Veala, cholce eaateru W lb , t A II Veala, fair to good 7 if Veala.coiamou , I O 8 Uostou Luinbor Markct. lono luuueu. Itemlock boarda, rongh 12 CVCTls 00 Ilemlook boarda, planed 14 OftSK 0 llemlook boarda, No. 2 11 0W11 09 Hpruce boarda, lat, clear floor !S5"B1)M Hproce boarda, 2de, clear floor 18 0OB1J 00 Nprnce boarda, coarae 13 0 Wl bO Hpruce, uor. do, cara II 604H4 K' Hpruce, inatched 19 OOgjo uo ltox lioarda, 1 lu, llangor , 112 00(3 10 00 llox boarda, ord 9 SWflO 50 Hoi boarda, IS do 9 Owp 9 2S llox boarda, 3-4 dj.., 8 SOjp 8 73 Hox boarda, 11-16 Uo 8 00$ 8 21 llox boarda, S-8do , 7000 tCV CARTER'S VPlttLE lVER J PILLS. 81I011T LDMDBlt. Bhlnglea, Eaatern, aawed, codar, ex.,..., 3 8 Hhlnglea, doclear , 2 6 oningiea,no zaa , , 2J Hhlnglea, do ex. No. 1 ., ,,, 1! Hhlnglea, do No, 1 , 1 1 Olapboarda, doltt. ex ,,,,, lll Olauboarda. do clear ib r Olapboarda, 2da, clear ,,,, 21 C Olapboarda, extra NO. 1,.,,,, 17 e Olapboarda, No. 1 , , 10 C Lath.ipruco, by cara,,,.. , 28 Latb.apruce, bycargoea 21 Uostou Wopl jlarkot MioinaAN. X andabore ,. 3 No. 1 , 19 No. 2 !m.....". 25 Flne unwaahed ,,,, 18 Unmerchantable 19 No. l.comblng, and Kbiood 21 No. 2, comblng, x blood.... 21 Delalrie 28 KBHIUORY AND INDIANA. Oomblng, H blood J0 Comblng, blood 20 Comblng, brald , 20 Olothing,; blood 21 Olotblng, coarae., ,. 21 rULLKD AND BOOUUKD. A flne , , 41 Aanper 38 II anper 31 O auper n Comblng, flne 40 Comblng, commou 3 4 Vermont MarketB. rnoDuoE, Uonlitlitr Butter, freah new, In t tt boxea.t lb..,. 15 llutter, freah new, ln tnba, V lb 15 Cheeae, dalry, W tt , 10 dot 11 Potatoea, ?i buahel new 43 lloga, llve, K) ro 4 lloga, dreaaed, V tt 8 Lamba.'Ji tt 4 Veala. llve 1 Chlckena liu 1 Kowla 9 1 Turkeia 14 1 Barr liutter, dalry ls f 12 W Potatoea, n buahel, new 40 lloga, dreaaed, ! lb 6 Veala, Ute 4 S Hprlng lamba. K Ib & lleef , hlndquartera. TSt ft 6U lleef, foreauartora, V tt k'3 Kowla, W tt 12 js Bpring chlckena 14 bp lurkeTI...... 13 Q llutter, creamery 15 llutter, dalry, tub , 15 llutter. cratea 15 Cheeae, factory Cheeae, dalry Cheeae, aage Eggi 11 1'otatoea, V buahel new 49 lloga. llreltt lloga, droaaed, V tt Veala, Ure lleef, hlndquartera lleef. forenuartera IS 18 12 45 5 0 6 3 5 3 II 14 18 17 Hbeep, Ure 3 Hprtng lamba Tnrkeya 12 Spring chlckena 12 31. Albant J. llutter, creamery 17 & llutter, dalry. fair to good 16 6j llutter, dalry, aelectlona 13 W llutter, dalry, aeparator 17 4f Waterbury 20 13 18 18 12 43 llutter, freah, V lb IS llutter. cratea, 9 box 15 BEgga, & doi 10 Potatoea, 31 buahel new, 40 lloga, Ure, $ tt lloga, dreaaed, V tt Lamba 3 Veala, llve 3 Chlckena 12 Turkeia 12 UETAIL DBALEBS MtlOBg. Klour. Bpring Wheat K barrel 4 7: Kleur. Wlnter Wheat. W barrel 110 Flour.rarallylloller. barrel 25-, Feed. Sl cwt 1 0 Ueal.&cwt UO Jfl 0. .MWdllnKS. Vcwt 103ft 1 10 uata,Duanei ia vi Corn, $1 buahel 55 S6 Bran, per cut 97X8 1.00 Ueana, $! buahel 2 :5c 2 50 A iTcalth ofBcatity Ia often blddoa by tmsli'litv Plmnlaj, Eczcirn. Tutter. ErvdlDolaj. 8alt Bhaain ets. Backlun'd Aralca Slvu will clorily the frtco by oatlnn all Sklu Ernptlon.s, alao Uuts, Hrulauci, uarDt. liulls, beloue, Ulcors and worst forin of I'ilea, Oal; 25 cents a box. Oure gaarantetd, Sold ! j O. Blake- ly, uruggiac. Curreut L'ommeut. Beans. Recelpta aro stlll rnnnlng light aua uiiuer otiung advlcea Itotn country sblpplng pointa tho matltKt han bacu rullug nigner anu nrm out traue uoutinaea qaiot aalea 01 cholco uoraestlo marrow uea are re portod at S2.10 and aumo aro held atlU hlgh er. Tuora aro a very law yellow eres coui' Ing and cbolce lots bring extreina prlces tieu Kldneys ateady uut quiat. Eoas, Rtoelpta have been much hlgher than last week aml tho matket haa boon gradually worklng Into botter shape. There naa oeen a mil Buppiy ollerlug but leaa preBsure to soil, aua since xaeeuay aome ro cklverg have refaaed to aell western at led than 13o that they had prevlouuly beon glad to uiaco at DiiQ. At tho cioho avoraze weat ern are falrly flrm at 12Jc. Commou to gooa quiet ti 11 to 1-0- uirtien pretty weu sold np. Faucy uuarby aud eaatom in llgbt euppiy. Luiiber. Tho altuatlon haa not inateri ally altered duiing the week elap?ed slnce our last repoct. Tho deraand ls nlm good tho lmmeillately avalUbla anpply contln uea llcht and nrlcos uuchauged. For sched ulea the tone of the marketla dlatlnotly iirm, qulte an much bo as a week ago, but on negotlatlona tor randoin tuere la a ulapO' tlou on tho part of bujora Hometimpato har caln. to lnslat ou concessaona of 25 toSOc, and we hear of at least one case in which the aeller has, so to epeak, yielded to tbe pressnre. From thls yleldlng, however, lt would not be weu to lnfer too much, aa tue ptesont condition of snppllea would hatdly seem to warranta wealtening. Potatoes. There haa been a large ln' crease in recelpta of new potatoea slnce our last weelky report, and prlces uavo neeu ruling lower. Monday and Taosday 3 was aboat top for best marks of Itose and He- brons, and some voiy good siock aold at H.ia. uinco xnesday tho marKet lias oeen dolng a little better, best BtooK selllnB yeS' terday at S3 60. White Bltss have been selling fnr the uost part at S2.25 to 2.50 and Red at $2.00 to 2.25. Old potatoes have been iu full anpply and since Monday havo had a slow salo at C0 to 8O0 per buahel as to quality and condition. BoTTKii. Ilecelpt8 have been liberal for the past week, and although thero has been a consuierauio taiiing ou irom tho previous slz days, thero haa been an abuudant aup oly for the wanta of the trade, Demand from regulantrade haa beon only moderate anu spenniaiivR unyiuB not very aotive. out prlcea havo been fally anatatned, recolvera generally storlng goods ratber than nell at any concession. Strlctly flno llnes of north- ern BHsurteu bizs iiave ruied gonorauy nrm at 2C3C, bnt there are a good many amall ampmenia tnat are nnru to piace over zuu. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil TII12 PILB OINTMJENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Filcs or Ilcmorrlioids Extcrnal or Intcrnal, Blind or Blccding, Itching or Burning, Fissurcs and Fistulas. Uclief im mcdiatc cure ccrtain. It curcs Burna and Scalds. The relief instant. It curcs Inflamcd or Cakcd Brcasts and Sorc Nipplcs. Invaluablc. It curcs Salt Uhcum, Tcttcrs, Scurfy Eruptions, Chappcd Ilands, Fcvcr Blistcrs, Sorc Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sorc and Chafcd Fcct, Stinga of insccts, Mosqulto Bilcs and Sunbunis. Throo Slaos, 2Bo BOo. and $1.00 Bold by Druggittii or icnt pro-pald on rocc'pt of prico. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO Cor. M llllam tlt Jolm Bla., M!V VOKIC. A Headi that throbs, paina and aches, or feelo hcavy, etuf fy, dull or dizzy, is a poor head to do buBiness with. It irritatca the tcmper, up 3ts the stomach, interfcrea with digestion and wcara out the brain and nerves. Make tho nerves stroag, the brain clear and your head will be right "Had headachcs from borhood, and linally got so nervous that I could not rcst Felt dlny, dull, confused and cotild scarcely thfnk connectedly. Dr. Mllcs Nervine atrengthened my Dtrvea ond made ray had clear aa a bcll." Rev. W. M. Van SrCKtE, Lcwlsburg, Obkt Dif. IVMes' Nefvine quiets the irritadon, sdmu latea digestion and builds up nervous hoalth and stxength. Try a bottle. Soldby dnggists on euarantea. Dr. Mlka Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Wool. The market continnes tolerably acilve and qnito ateady. Doalors seem to havo arrlved at a general agreement that prices pre not llkely to go lower, for aa noted last week, they have practically cleanod out those Statea where wool waa flrst cllpped. and they are now buylng qulte freely ln the others aa fast as tho new wool ls cffered. Thia confldenco for the future ia such aa haa not been exbiblted for a year and a half. It la not posslble thia week to advance quotaiiona. There haa been, however, much free selling of old wools at prices whlch for months have not tempted buyeis. The atock of old terri tory wools and of quartet-blocd wools have allke aaffered aerloua lnroads this week by the free salea of both. Aa far as grade ia concerned, buyera seem deairoua of tbe two extremes. Anythlug in tho shape of a reully flno wool Is partlcularly scaice and a quick and oasy seller at quotatlong. Wool of quarter-blood grado, though at very low prices stlll, haa rnlbd very uctive ihrongh the week. The gtadea betwoen X and quarter-blood aie lntensely dull. DuEjt-ED roULTHY Rocolpta havo been moderato and cholce weiiorn lcod fowla ln fair demand at 10?,, but at the close some of the best marks ato britjglng 10Jc South western havb to be better than the average to exceed Ojc. 8prlug chlckena have bt-en coming in 1. 111 all lota and selling at 20 to 25c. ls to quality. Freah turkoya generally too large and coarse to bring over 7J to 8c. Old cockain ateady demand at to 7. Nearby spring chlckena ln llmited supply and sicall lota of strlctly cholce steady at 30 to 32c. Spring chlckena ateady at 14 to 15c. Hay and Straw. The arrlvals have been ln excess of the demand and the tone ia weaker as a whole. Tho receinta of hay include CI csra for expbrt and 251 cara for local use, while 20 cars of atraw have come forwatd. For the best hay about S18 is ex tremo to qnote, while lower grades range at 814 to 17 as to quality, tho inaiket being ln favor of the bnjer. Re straw ls held about ateady, but will only sell in a sinall way, aa buyera look for lower prlcea when new ar rlvals begln to come along. Oat atraw ia dull, wKh prices norclnal. 0at3. Tho market haa been easler dur ing the the week, with prices lower, al though at the close the tone ls ateady and prices aomewhat recovered. Fanov olfpped white close with salea at abont 3C1 to 302c, while for Nn. 2 clipped white thu close ia about 341 t0 34c. Low grades range down as to quality. The export movement con tinues fair, but the apot demand ls quiet. Cohn. The market has ruied dull and prices worked lower dnring tho week, bnt the close shows ptices recovered aomewhat from the decline. The close shows the prico of steamer yellow and No. 2 yellow on track at about 5CJ to COJc, wblle lower grades aro dull, with the price ranglng aa to quality and color. Oonalderableaupplies yet golng for export. Flouii. Values aro yet weaker on spring pateuta, with trade quiet. At the lower prlcea being asked there la more flour sell ing, the trado being moro lucllned to bny on a break. The demand la yet confined to meetlng presslug needs, but even this buai ness ia much cnrialled on an advanclug markot. No one appeara to have any confl dence at an advauco and at those timea buyerB bold completely back. When the break coiuca they will buy a little and thls appeara to meet their wanta. At tbe close tbe rnngn of ealna on spring patents is about S3.90 to Si 10. Some special brands are held above $4.10, bnt aalea of very oholce have been made at S4. Wlnter flours are comparatively flrmer than apiinga, but tbnv move slow. For wlnter patenta about 83.90 to 84 wlll cover most aales mado. For wlntnr clear and Btralght floura about 83.15 to 83.80 wlll cover ibe range of salea, with fnw New York or Alichlgans above 83 65 to 3 70 for stralghta. Chbe3B. Receipts for export, 2,804 box- e). There haa been a steady, moderate de mand for the paat week, with little,change 1b prices. Strlctly tinn York State twina are atill ranglng np to 0c. Vnimont twins rarely flne enough ito exceed 0c. Western twlna continuB ln modern'n anpply aud beat marks sn falrlv at 9 to 9la. Ohlo ilat steady ai 8 to 81c Monatch over paln. Burne, outs. tpralns, atlngs. Instant relief. Dr. Tboinas Kleo trlc Oil. At any drug store. Llvo Stock Markot. There wero nn the market at Brighton last Tupsdav 2609 ca'tln. 200 swiup. 067 veal calves, 03 borsea and 200 pounds of poultry. There was n fairly activo market for Northorn and Eastern beet cattle and prices bxcept In the case ol a few hlgh grade anl mals, were steady At last week's range. Saltai 2 catlle, av 1430 pounda, SJoj 2 cat tle, av 1425 ponndf, 35 bO owt; 2 oattle, av 14U0 Donnds. 5.80 owt: 2 cattle. av 14G5 pounda, 4'io; 2 oattle, av 1395 pounda, 4Jc; 2 cattle, av 1440 pounds, 51 0; 2 cattle, av 1640 nonnda, 6k' : 2 cattle. av 1510 nnuuda. Sko: 1 or, wplgbtng 1770 pounds. 4Jo; 1 ox, weigh Ing 1560 noundri, 4Jo; 2 beef oowb, av 650 poundn, 2c; 3 b(-I cnws, av 855 pounds, 3o; 5 bcef c(iva, av 858 pounda, 31oj 2 cattle, av- utv pouncis, uy. Ibo deiuaml waa not vory brlsk. but tbeirt wvre, nevtrtbleas. about two car- loads dlHpoi.ed of ui $35 u65 each, 1'riciH of veal calvea ruied lower beoaure of a Blhukeulug ln the deinaud. Salea, 50 flvs, average 143 Ibs, Bcj 5 calvH, average 153 lbt), Sio: 11 calvi. average 127 Ibs. 5c: 50 calvea, avorago 130 lbs, 5 1 nero waa a good demand lor hoga at oi to CJo per lb. '1 ne receipts of Western beet oattle for export wero liberal, but not of aupu.lor quality,