Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAW & STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21, 1901! 5 HOMER Black Dress Goods. Black maintains its sway in tlio color of dress. Black and geutecl. That's why strenuously and ardcntly to our efforts is manifest in our advance showing of Fall fabrics. Tlio quotations that follow stand for great worth and valuo, but do not weaves on view. Nothing but a persoaal visit can do that. Come. 45 inch B.ack Cbovlot, por yard 69c 45-lnch Black Coevlot, spongcd and shrunk, pcr ynrd , 76c 50-inch Black Clievlot, opongod and ohruuk, tho kiiid you pay $1.25 for cloewhero, our prlco . . . . I 00 45-incb. Satiu Sollcl, a prcttv sntln flnisb fabrlc, por ynrd I.OO 40-lnch Molroae, pcr ynrd 1.25 to 1.75 48-luch Penu do Boio, por yard .... l.25to.75 45-inch Engllah Frunella, with a rlch aatlc flnisb, por yard 1.38 Thesearc only a 1pv of the many patterns we have to show you. HOMER 8 66 ftSorth Maln St. The Great Blood fCUBEi Purifier' H D3 you suf;r auy of thoae ncbos and pains 80 familar to tho rheumatic suf forer? You may hve that dull hoavy paiu in your shouldcr and muscles of the artn or in your back. Tou may havo that torriblo aohe in the eraall of tho buck and hipa, with ihoso ebooting pains which roach to your very feet. If you havo any Byraptotns of rheura atiBm aboutyou, youshould uso Sinitb's Colebratod Curo. for rheumatiam at once. It will purify your blood and drive tho rhoumatism out of your syB tom. Itead what Mrs. A. II. Sanborn of Thetford Centor, Vt. saya "Boforo I bejj in taking your modicino A. C. GILLEY &. Heck EibtKms. A new lot of Wash Ribbons in all colors, goods that have sold all the season at 25c. This Is a job lot and the price is only 1 5C Per J'ard. Yarns. All of our last season's Ger mantown Yarns ate dumped in to one lot. We will sell the same this season at 12c per skein. Your choice of this lot at four skeins for 25o. Chil&ren's Hose. This lot of Hose was bought at a sacrifke. We have been selling this same grade at 19c per pair. Your choice of sizes at two pairs for 25c- Now is a good time to buy Hose for school wear. CILLLY & 114-118 MAIN 8TRECT, FITTS. still controls as a leader is always dignified, elegant wc liave dcvoted ourselves thc sulvject. The result of do justice to thc variety of FITTS Barre, Vt. THE SPRINGFIELO .... BUSINESS SCHOOL IS - - The Best Known School in the East. Ii is ropri Honted at the I'an Aniorlcan Ex positton Ipv thothreo fastest opnratorH In tbo wnrld. B'jokknHpltig, Skortband, fyp. -wrlting, oto. Wrlte for nli'gnt catalog. Fall terui opmis 8 'titembnr 3rd. The SpringfUd Ba iaess Schoo', B, J Griffin, Prin. 368 MainSt. Springfield, Mass sThe Great iBlood "Purifier I waa in con tant pnin nnd unablo to sleop at nitht, and aftor laking two boltlua I feel liko a new persou, and can recommQiid it to othern." July 29, 1SI01. Mrs. A.. II. Sanborn. There oucht not to bo any dolay in troating your rhuumatism, aa it is suro to load to Bometbing 8enouB if allowod to run. Try Sraith'a Colebratod Curo for Itboumatistn. TLo Groat Blood Puri fiur. You will nocd no othor medicino Tnero ia nothing bottor. Always look for Traau lnrk. If your druggiet doeB not havo it, it will be eont prepaid ution recoipt of price, 1.00 por bottlo, 0 bottlcs for 5. us L V ITH, Barre, Vt. ABBOTT Silk Waists. We have just received the best value in a Ladies' Black Silk Waist that we have ever shown. They are made of Peau de Soie silk, in the latest fall style, and are warranted in every particular. The price is only $5 00 each. To Mothers. If you have never used the New Idea Patterns it is time we called your attention to them. We carry as complete a line of patterns as can be found in New York City. Now when you are getting the cY! dren ready lor school, would be a good time to test the merlts of these patterns and save money, as no pattern sells for more than 1 Qfj. ABBOTT B RRE ERMONT Uarro. Mayor and Mrs. N. D. I'holps and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Qllloy aro in oamp ln HIrIi Kto Sprlngs. Tbo machlnlsta tn tbo ornploy of Hmltb, Whltcomb & Oook atruok last Wodnosday uiornlng becauso tbe flrm by wliom tboy wcro omployod rotnaod to sljrn an agreetnont wblob bad boen Blgnod by otUer maoblne shopa ln tbe placo provldlng for ten bonrs pay for a nlno houra' day. The matter was adjaatod ln tbo ovening by tbo flrra ln questlon Blgn lng tbo ngrcomont and tbo mon went baok to work tbo noxt inornlng. K. N. Tayntor was oallod to Erlo, Pa.. laHt Wednosdny evonlng by tlio deatb ol Mrs. Tj. W. U1h' Mrs. Tayntor's mothor. Mr. and Mrs, Krfward E. lloblnBon of Hoa ton worn cuostH lant weok of Mr. aml Mrs, J. K. Smltu and Mr. and Mrn. Frunk Mc Wbortor. Dr. U. W. llraloy waa ln clty court last Tbnrsda" mornlne to answor to on lnfor- uiatlon lllou BRalust Iilui by tbo clty nttor noy, uniler a clty ordluanco, for not record liig a blrth at wbloli bo was tho attondlni; pbyslolau, Tbo ductor plpmlud Kntlty and was II n od, wltb costa, $12.25 wlilcli bo patd. O. J. Dodgo, troasurer of the Uarro Qolf Olnb, liaa ordored tliroo handHOtuo sllvor cups for trophlus for tbe annnal tournnuiont of tbe club to bo hold the last two weeks in Auguat. Mr. and Mrs. B, E, Fronoli of Ohlcago woro the gnosts of Mrs. Angolla FroncU dnrlng Old lloiiiu Wouk. Mrs. E, D. Uphamnnd cbtldrenof Clnoln natl are tbe gueats of Col. II. R. StouRhton. Rov. GoorRo Wlnch of Ilolyoke, Mass., Is HPoudliiK bls vacatlon at tbe liomo of 0. M. Winoli, bls brothor. lle proached at tho Uongregatlonal cbnrcb on Sauday. CoiiKrcBsmaii II, S. Smltli of Mlchlgan was ln Ilarre soveral daya last wook. II ls ono of tbe attornoys ln tbe caso of tho Ilur rlson Qranlte Co. BKainst II. K. Bush, ro celver. Tho body of tho nian who was fonnd drownod nnar Sorel, I'. Q., on Jnly 11 has beon ldontlflod as that of Fred Poland of Graniteville. Mr. I'oland loft Graniteville for Oanada a few days before bls body was fonnd at Sorol. A froak raro to medtcal science wan ln Rarro on Thursday calllnR on Bomo of tbe local pbyalcians. Ile Is a RuBsIan and of normal aize and appoarance exoept that ho has Nomepeoiillardlsoase of thobeart wblcb has oaused onlarcement of that organ. By puttltiR tho var to hls chost a mUBlcal rythni caiisod by the heart beats can plaluly be lieard, The tono iBeven and reRiilar, rlslng and falllnf; ciintly. Othor chhob aro sald to bo on reoord but they aro oxceediugly rare. The mau says tbe condltlon waa tho rosnlt uf a wound. He aaya bo waa formorly a rosldent of Ra.ssla and a Nlli list, but was oaptnred by the Czar'a ofilcors xnd flout to Slberla. Wblle eacaplng from there ho re ceived a fearf nl sword out dlrectly ovor the heart, and tbongh tbo wound hoaled tbe effect on tho heart was to glve it a uiuslcal tone. Judge Wataon has grantod an Injnuo. tion, deelarluK tho Uanton block in Barre forwerly tho Scampinl block, a nulsauce, and oriletlue Mr, Uanton to closo bla placo of busluoss. This place was ratdod recently by Barro ollicors and a quantlty of liijuor wat secured. Tbe block. cenorally. bas xnytblug but a good reputatlon, as the testi- mony or tuo Barre ollicors ueloro Juuge Wataon showod. A dospatcb received at Barro Wodnesday tells of tho doath at Old Orcburd Beacb of Lawronce, the ten yo .rs old son of Mr. and Mrs, J.B. Darllnrjof tho clty of Barro, Deatb reHultt'd from colllslon with a toain, and it ls suppoaod tha,t tho accldent happoned while tho lad was rldlnz bls wheol. Hls motherwasat Old Orchard condnclnc a boardlnr: house, and a brothor and two slstors were aleo there. Mr. Darlluz ls om ployod in tbo dry coods gtore of II: Z MIUb Barro, anu is a son ot Dr, J, B. Darllni: ot South Ryegate. The body of the lad was bo brought to South R egato tbat night and tbe fnnoral servlces will be beld toniorrow. Watorbnry. Last Thursday was obaorvod as Water bury day of Old Hoino Woek, Tho day was frangbt with interost and pleasnre, Tbo beadquartora of tbo Old Ilomo Week asso clatlon woro in tbe Parker block and ovor 2C0 vlsltora bad slgned tbe rogistor kep t tnero unring tuo woex lor tnat purpose. A reception was tondered the vlsitors at tho headquirterB at nlno o'clock ln tbe morn ing. Tbe wbolo vlllago tookona gala day appoarance as tbe busluoss places and pri vate rosidencea were prettily decoratod. At 11 A. m., a band concort was givon by tbo Biowo band on Dllltnghaui park, Abont 2,000 people were present at the aftornoon exerclses beld on Dopot Squaro. Tbe pro- gramme was openou wun prayer oy Kev. tr, B, Kellogg. O. 0. Graves, prealdent ot tbe asaociatlon, oxtended a mo3t cordlal wel come to the vlsitors to whlcb Secretary of State F, A. Howlaud responded. The ora tor of the day was Senator W. P. Dilling bam, wbo dellvered an ablo romlnlscent ad dress, recalling the numberB glven by Ver mont to otber States and spoko of tbose wbo bave boen resldents of Waterbury and wbose names havo boon onrolled ln bigh pl cob in tbo vnrloua wolks of llfe. At the plcnlo lunch, wbicb was sotved, L 0. Moody acted as toastmaster. Tho followlng toasts were respondod to: "Tho Old riluglng School." Rev. L. K Ylllmani "Our Vlllago In tho Presont," Itiv. h. II. Elliott; "Our MothBrs," Rov. Fr. Malllet; "Tbo Little Red School Ilouae," S. F Paliner: "Oar Vlllago In the Past,'' G. W. Randall. The morcbanta obHorved last Friday as a boliday by cloalng thoir stores aud colng to atteml tho Old Ilomo Week calobratlon tbero, Wllllam Gain was convicted lait weok of steallng a wutcb from MrH.Toseph Miner. The oise waa tried before Justice Fullertou, Grand Juror Dalu proNecutiiig and E. F. I'almer for tbo defeuae. Ualu was lluod with costs, $29.72 wbluh ho pald. Morria M mtgouierv, omployed by Dr. Hetiry Jaues, ls sulTurlug wltb a broken wrist, sustalued last woek while otteinpt Ing to cllng to a borse wblcb wrb trylug to break away, A largo numbor from tbls placo ntlendod tbo stroetfalr, beld at Montpelier last week. Artbur A. Nowcoinb and Miss Ida Park er of Ltabon, N. II., spont last woek wltb with tboir pareuts, John Russ, wbo bas beon omployed in Brandon for-tbe paa', two years, bas roturn od to Waterbury. Fred Uooley left last Thursday for Bris tol to locate, huvluR purchaaed a pboto graphlo stndio tbero. MiHBes Mamlo Ilarrlgan aud Mlldrod El dred have tlnlshed work at tbo bospltal. O. G. and W1U Towno aud L. 0. Morso onjoyed a few daya outlng on tho shorrs of Lake Champlain last week. Bort Blakely ot Hartford, Oonn,, wltb bls wlfo is Bpendlng bls vacatlon in town with bla parenta. Ilenry CoIIIub bas sold bla farm to E, A. Davls ot Waltalleld for 84,000. Harold Stranaban, wbo bas been ln town tho past inonth visltlng bls paron ta, baa returnod to Ublcogo. outli Woodbury Albert Burnbam left on Monday for a week's vlslt to tho I'an-Amerlcan Expoal tlon, Qulto a party from this placo took In Old Ilomo day at Cabot laat Wodneaday, Aaa B. Lyford ot Mllford, N. II., and bis daugbter, Mrs, Mary Oombs of Antratn, N. II,. are apendlng a woek with relatlvoa ln Cabot and this town. Elnora Qonyoau of Fort Etban Allen ls vialllng ner slator, Mra, Farnswortb. Len Goodell baa moved loto one of L. uenjamin'a tenemonts. Mrs, Ii. J. Bonmln la gradnally falllne, Get yonr Job prlntlng done at tbe Watcu oflloo. Woolbury, Woodbury dld horaolf proad last Satur day, At an early hour tbe people bogan to gatber, and by twolve o'clock tbo ootntnon was llterally packod with peoplo, Hard wick and Ualals woro largoly ropresonted. Old tlmo roaldonts of tho town were hero from aoveral of the wnstorn Btatos and also from bor slstor Now England states. Tbo Calais and Worcester cornot band of alx toen pleoes nnltod wltb tbe Woodbury band In furnlsblng mmlo for tho day, The rall road made thron trlps from Hardwick dur Ing tho day and the omb woro well flllnd, Dnrlng tho evoniug tho common was 111 u mlnated by Ghlneso lanterns aud a tnatn motb bonflro on thu blll west of tho vlllago addod mucb to tho boauty ot the scene, Ovor 300 peoplo woro sorved wltb meals a' the botel alone, aud many bousoslntbe vlllago bad tliolr full qnota ot guests. Ap. propriate remrks wnro made by G. W. Foatnr, Hev. 7. II. Wbooler, John Thonm and Poter Batoholder. Local mnslcal tal ont gavo Bomo very npproprlate eoloo'lona assiatod by Miss itlauile Halnton of Prov Idence, R. I., and Mra. A B, Cortli ell and daughtor of Doroboster, Mats. Durtng tho oxo'cIhbb Mra, Reed of Rutland, prosldont of tbe Womons 'Jhrlstlan Tem peranco Unlon, was lntroduoed nnd spoko hrlellv regardlng the work of her Hnolety, Tbo followlng woro some of tbe vlalto-s prosont from odlolnlngtowna, aud also from otber States: Maurlco Nelaon of Uhlaigo; Mrs. Harvoy McOlary of 8t. Lonis: Arthur and Uradley Town, aons of Orwell Town ot Saratogaj E. L. Foster and wlte of Or ongo, N. J.i Rev. Danlol Oooke and Maudi Halnton of Provldence, li. I j Mrs. A, B. Corthell, daugbter and two aons of New Dorchoater, Mris.; Mra. Ilarrlson Oonnor ot Burlington; Mrs, Wrlgbt Nolson and Drtr and Nelson and wlfo of Albany; Henry Town and wlfo and John Thome'j and wlfo of Calais: Ilarry Fostor, wlfo and son of Cabot, wltb tho wbolo town of Hardwick, oxcept n few pollcemen loft to caro for tbe town. In fact it was a day of good tblngs for all wbo particlpatod. Muou ptalae Is due tbo comtuittee for tbo very ablo man ner In wblcb tbe fostivltlos ot the day wre carriod out. And so wo aay "tbree obeors for old Woodbury." Oarl Dronan has taken unto bimself a botter balf ln tbo person of a young lady of Calais, Miss Myrtio Guernsiy, daughtor of Oscar Guornsey of that town. Rov. John Prlnce ls boardlng at Alton Park'a. Mrs, Rned of Rntlaud occnplod tbo pulplt of tho Motbodlst church on laat Suuday morulng. Mr, Hounigan bas movod Into tbe Oscar Tboraas bouae, and Mr. Haakins iato tbo Banka tonement. Tbe reBult of tbe ball game on Saturday betweon tho Hardwlcks and Woodburyiios was lu favor of Hardwick, Tbe promonad e on tbe common Saturday ovoning was onjoyod by a large audlenco. I'lalnriola. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Shorey, wbo havo beon vlslting bere for a week, returnod to tbelr bomo at Lomester, Mass , Monday. A party conBlstlng of Mr and Mra. Ilarry Shorey, Mr. and Mrs. James Shorey, Mr. RUdMrs. John Shorey, Mr. aud Mra.C auilo Balley, Josepb Balley, Miss Llzzie Shorey and Mrs. 8, Brookapassed Suuday at Wood bury pond. Wesloy P. Martln baa so far rocovered from bis recent illness as to bo ablo to rido to tho village. Tho pnbllc acales in front of the bardwaro atore aro bsing tborougbly repalrtd. Frank Nuttlng went to Iiurllugton on Friday. Mrs. Jennle L. Seaver bas returned from her vlslt at Washington. Mra. E, F. Loavitt and dauehter Lottle returnod on Monday from a week's vlslt at uurungton. Tho Plainfield Creamery Cotnpany paid patrons for Jaly hulter 19J cents, churn test, or 213 oll test. Tbe ournlus for tue inonth was ten per cent. Mra. Ralpb Sponcer of Williamstown re turnod hotne on Mondav after a week's vIh. it here. Tbe luulor Lnacne will hold a social at the church on Thursday ovoning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paee. Mrs. Iren Parra and Mrs. Hitcbcock wunt to Chelsea la-t Thursday, all except tbe latter returnlng Saturday, Tbe Methodist unlon Sundav school nlc- nlc will be beld at Owls Heid on Wodnes. day, AugnBt 28. Mr and Mrs. Roscoe Bartlett vislted in Randolph lest week. Tha Coneregatlonal Suuday acbool beld a plcnio at Woodbury pond on Tuesday, Parlev Plkfl of Whitnflnlil. Mn.. wlin Iibh been paaslng Old Home Week ln Vermont, ' visiteu. tus aister, Airs, Ij. l. linapp, on Sat urday and Snnday. Mra. MoFadden and Mra, Tratton of Dresden, Me., were at S, S, Smltb'a on Monday. Rev. L. F, and R. L. Fortney received a telegram last wok from hls native town of Sbinuston, W. V., aunouucing tho suddeu deatb of bis balt-btother, Albert Irving Sbinu. Deceased was the only own broth or ot Rov. Q. II. Bhtnn, well known to many readers of the Joounal, William Parks of Marshfield -vislted in town Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Dolo and little son. Kobert, ot Northfield, vislted at tbo bomo of Itev. L, F. Fortuoy on Monday. Mra, Alice (Iloucliton) Hutchinson and clilldron of Orange vislted bor couslu, Mrs. Marla Morse, last Thursday. A large numbor of the frleuds of Mr, aud Mra, D. A. Mosos called on tbein at tbelr home Monday oveulug, it belng tho twonty liftb auniverBary ot thoir marrlago. A graphophono was an lnterestlng foatnro of the evenlng'a outortalntnent, aud the occa iilon was ono ot mucb oiijoyuieut. Tbo famllles of G. A. aud Gooreo Wbltcber are In catnp at Groton pond UiIb week. B, II Townfleud la tendlue tho pos; ofllco during Mr. Foss' ubsonce. lCnst OrntiKo, Georiro Sllcer is coufinod to tho houso bv sicknoss. Tho camnors returnod la3t Wodnosdav. and report n line tinio. Iowa Fitta of Vershire ia vlskinir iu tho vieinity. M. R. Hamilton. who hns bon scrious'v ill for tho post weok or moro, is gaining hlowly nnd is ablo to sit up a sliort tiniu. Mr. and Mra. J. !! Brooks and ilaiiL'bttr spent suvoral days nt Bradford last woek, Mr. Jiroous lieing ono ot tuo speakers at the UU1 Ilomo Wook oxcrcbes, Mr nnd Mrs. S. C Ilntcliinson visltad in Waterbury last weok Mra. Ilutcbiuson going from tboro to Mucbanicsvillo Mrs Gilman 'Ilutcbiuson is entortlinimr n sUter aud two children from Manchester, N ii. Walts Itlvor. Mics Lois Hooil nnd Mrs Sarah E. I'ottit of Chicopeo Falla, Mass., nre visltiug thoir niece, Alrs, Daisio Chaao. Albort N. Itielinrdson, who hns beeu spcnd ing n few days at home, returned to Peacham Wediiesday. Sinoe tbe flre at West Topsliam, our mer clmnt, J A Dodgo, is drivbig o special deliv era toaiu twico a week of grocoriei, oto,, whioh tho po plo llnd Very convoniont. Work nt the I'ike Hill niine husbeonsus ponded for an indeiiuito timn booause of some troublo with tho boiler. Blossom It Cbaso is with us onco moro liav inir rocoutly returnod from Liibon, N. Ii., wboro sbo baa been maklng a sliort tlmo. Thoso wbo oelobratod Old Ilomo Woek re port a very plo sant timo, News bas been received liero of tbe recout mnrriageof Orange A, Dodgo. Congratula- uuiia Edacate Vour llowelt With Vutcrtf. Oandy Oatbartle, ouro constlpatlon forever, t0o,o. It 0,0.0. f&ll,druggitsTeIundmonej. Cholaoa Tbe celebration of Old Honie Week la now n matter t bistor , nnd its success hns boon unuunlifled. A Wook before It wh foareil tlut not nmny would return, b 't wo wer hnpplly dUnppninted. At the r cept'o'i on W dnescfay ovening, whioh wns tho open in ovent. nbout 7fi gti09ts woro presont to ro ceivo tlicir frientls, nd tho occasion was a dolightful ono, llnirsday ni cnl'ro'y givon up to thu Ornnge Co nty Voterans' Itetin on, nnd n largo crowd of vo prans nn I thoir friends woro proent, At their cmnpnro in tlie ovening, which tho rnin conipelled to bu in tbo lownliall, horoworo addresies from llnrry ,1, Kobert of Lowell, Mass Col ('liarles K, Darling of lloslon, Dennrtinent Coinnmndor Lucla of Montpelier, IIou. Kittridge Ilns kini and Gen W. W. Grout. At tho publio oxorcisos on Friday aftornoon tho nnexpected numbors conipelled nn n ndjournnio t from tbe ball to tbo north common Tlio nddress of wclcemo by Col. 0. S. Eniory nnd tlio rosponso by 0. K. Dar ling woro plensing nnd npproi iatoj tho poem by Rov. E E. fleniek ns gem of unu uiil boauty; tho hrie reniin'scent roniark- wbicb were mado by Rov. E J. Mooro, Mnrcellus Gould, Mnrtin S. Hiill, It, B Goodwin, Rov. V N. Roberts, W. II. Cummln s, Rov F. II. Roborh, E V Hotch, and J. S. Fifiold. co tnitied uiiieb vnrioty nnd entortainnicnt. In tbo evoniug tlio bnll was complstely lllled with lintoiiera to n conco t by tho Herbort Johnson Quintetts t'lub of Iloston, which was pro iiounced tho bestmiisical ontertainmont ever f:ivon in Chelsea. On S.itnrday tbo only pub io cvent wji n gamo ot baso ball botween the Cholaoa and Williamstown d'uios, nt wbicb we regret te siy the viiitoia woro auccet'ful by a scoro of 12 to 8. On Suuday large congroga. tions liston d to Hev. E. E. Ilerriok m iho Coiigregntional nnil to Rov. E J. Moore In tbe Methodiit clmrch Kunday evening n uiiion service in thu Co gregationl church was nddrersed by Rev. E. E Ilor ick, Itev. E J Mooro. and Miss Ai na I'. Moore. This was to have closud tho enercises of tho Old Ilomo celebrntlon, but Mr and Mrs. Ilerrick's many frienda devaod a recep tion fo tbem, whic wos hold on aiondny ovening in the Cougrogational votrios. Spnce "Nv ill hardly be nliowud ti spoak of minor feutures, Bucb as tho oxcollent m sio rendored by tbo Williamstown brnd, nnd the tastcful decorations of publio nnd pnvate buildings. A s uvonir patnpiilet in projeeted to cont in tbo pooiu iu full. aud an accouutof othor features of tbo celebrntiou. The following is nn imporfect list of vlsitors in tlio t iwn last weok, oxcludinrr thoso who have beeu person.illy meiitioned m tbcse col umiis: Rov. and -ra. Ednou J Moore nnd Miss Xjina I'. Moore of Norfolk, Mns3 , and Mrs. SliUio 0. Godfroy of t'oncord, N II., nt 0. tt, Corliss'; i lmrles L aud Julian C. Hood of Lowell, Jlati., at W, F. Ilood's; Charlos R, Corwin nnd fnmily of Somarville, Ob-s., Ilar ry J. orwiu of Lowell, Mass., and Vinton A, Corwin of oston at J. A. It Cor 'in's; Col. C. K. Dnrling nnd Knima L. DnrMng of Bos ton nt J. K. Darling's; Itev. and Mrs E E. Hcrrick of Milton nt J, . Comstock's; Mr. aud Mrs Hueh Clark of West rairlen nt ilen ry Clark's; Mr. nnd Mr.j. George A. Eniory of Somervillo, mss , S. Emoryof i ostoii.and A E. Emery of Quechee nt 0. S. Kmery's; Mrs C J tioodrioh uf Plainfield, and W S Gc3s of Montpelier, nt Dr S. N Goss'; Mnry J, George of !elrose, Mpss , nnd F orcnce .1. Moulton of Thetford Center nt -. W. Wliit ney's; Wurren G lmuu of Lowell, iUia , at Giiiuan's; Mt3 A R Brown of South Lynnfield Vnss, t Mrs Dav's'j Samuel vl. B rnes nnd ' rs E A. Chnney of Medford, Mass.,M:ircelbis Gould of l'cnacock, N ll.,Mr. and iMu 0 F lllancbard of L well. ns..l Stearns Filield of Chiungo, George II L throp , of Boston nt the liotel; Mia Mnry E. Itobinson ) oi umcngo aiul ueorge 11. llico ol West lops bam at G. L. Stow's; Rev. W. N. Roherte of Union Villnge, Rev F. II II borts of Hart land, is Isabel S ltoborts nnd Ned J, Rob erts of Barro, at G. 15 Roborts'; Mrs Churlus' Roade of Nasliun, N. II., and Elln N Jones of b( ringfield. Mnss , at Mts Mnrv Tracy's; M r aud Mrs. NcUon Carpontor of fortll R.m dolph at Mrs. E. A Lock V; Mr. nnd Mrs. George Uar y of Newbury nt F. II Keneson'sj Mrs. Mary E Sherburne nnd Emily L. Norris of Hyde l'ark. Mars , at E. D. Barncs'; H. A. Flatulors of Concord, N- II , nt V. A, Flen dors'; Edwnrd C Iliitch of Laconin, N, II.. nt isa L. C. Hntcb's; Lucius W. liryant cf Templeton, Mp?s., nnd J. M Carpenter of St Jobusbury at Mrs C I. Cnrpenter's; Mrs. Emma R Gould of Lowell. .Ma-j, nt C. W Bixby's; Wrs. Myra F D.nls of Orange, at tho Misses An drus'; Mis. Kato J. Allen of East Barnard nt II. U, Uryant's; Mr and Mu. Jason Dens moro of Lohanon, N. II , nt II. J. Bixt'y'sj C. II Emeuon of Lebanon.N li , nt Mrs. S. A. St-inton'sj Martin S, Hall of Fitcbburg, Mats.. at S G. HalPs; Mr. and Mrs. R. li. Goodwin of Noitb Craftsbury a' E. N. Bn coii'r; is S. H. Dow of Cambridgo Ma;s , at William Robbins; Mi3. Carrio U. Camn of Worcester nt L N. Lucas'; Mra Mnbel E. Siumions of Dorchester, Mnss , nt G, X, Hacon's; v'rs. May Spencer uf Clnifiuont, N. II , at J. .M. Fl iit's; r. and Mia. W. II Daveraux of Franklin, N. II., at N. S Bix by's; Ben. E. Sargont of Wintbrop, Mass., at 1'. L Satgent's; tlu A. M. George of Boston nt F L Ueckwitb's: Mi3. Lilliau P, Aldtlch of Post Mills nt b. D Park'mrst's; A. B. Car penter nnd fnmily of Souiorvillo, Mass , nt C. H" iVoulton's: Mrs. Leonora Stui.evaut of, Htid Fred E. Atwood of liostou nt i B Atwool'sj Fred E. Fuller of Lowell, Mass. at Ji li rullera: i'. i na ne3 of Barre nt F. W. Smit'i's; Maryelti Bur gess of M tliueii, Mn-s., Edward Pnge nnd Mrs. Ireno W- Page of Plainfield nt W S. Ilatcli'a; Mia Fann e L. Granies and Alico Ii. Giiimos of i nmbtidge. 'te-s., at Miss Gustin's: Jnmcs G Ilayward of Tilton, rs. ii , at u. L. llavwatd's; air. and Mis. o T. Farrington ot lbaintreo at Mrs J D. Clark's: Mra Luvia L Hitcb ock of rininfi-ld nt Mia .1. 1) Walkor's; Mrs Emiua I!. Wy- niau ot w mtlirjp, Mass, nnil vrs tvuaon ot Knnsas, nt R W. Laird's; Thomas Keefo and Aitelanle 1' . Alleu o' Aloiitclnir, iN.J .atiJ. E Godfrey'a; ln JwliaA Dickey of Lowell, iss , nt 1 A. Deinmoro's; Mri Jennie Per kin's aud son of Gloucostcr, Mass , nt F, M. l'erkins'. Mrs. Ainnnda L. Allen bas succeedod Ethel L. George in II, K. Darling's tamily. Adn Greeno has returned trom her work in St, Jolmsbiiry. Frank W Bixbv is ko 'i)iiir batchelor's ball in thu rear tfiienieht iu tlio Dr Bngloy houso. Cnmimnv 1). U welftb Vormont Vobintoors. which was rccruited cliiellv iu tliis vicinitv. hold its flrst louuiou here on Thursday of last woeK, tlurty-soven iiienibora ueiug p osontnnd fourtoon otlieiu board from Mr nnd Mrs E. II. Kennodv and son wont to Vnssacbusctts on .Mon uy to isit Mrs. Jvcnnedy a relativos Dr. nnd Mrs.S. N- Goss loft on Tuesday for n visit of severul weeks to their children. Fuston. Will Colton bas boiiL'ht Ed Dana's fnrm in WaiUfioldforSl.tKX). Mis Louisa Kilpatrick of Berlin isspending her vncntion witli her pareuts, Mr and Mrs, l'atrick Smith. Miss Mr'ta J. Kow of Oroonfiold, N. II., is visiting lier fnther, J, N- Kew, and othor fricuds Mrs L. M, Chaudler, who has beon serious ly ill tho past wook, is slowly ininroving Slio wns ntteiided by Drs. llowo of Waitsfiold and Grout of Waterbury. Walter S. Balrd of Barro is speuding n fow weeks in town Two chillrcn of Mr, nnd Mrs, Uarry of Hyde Park, Mass., aro sponding n fow weeks witit their grandparouts, Mr aud Mis, Jamos MoUaughin, Thomas nnd Andrew Wilaon of Now York nie Biieuding their vacatlon with Mr and Mrs. Ilugh Balrd nnd otliers ln town Mr nnd Mrs. V. C. Pierco aud son, Earle have boen Bpending n two weeks' vacatioti with Mrs Pierco'a mothor, Mrs Larub, of Milton. Mr aud Mrs. V. A, Bragp. wbo havo been sponding n few days in iMiddlobury and Rip ton have returned aocompaniod i by Missoi Addie aud Maud Dolber fi'om D I'ere, Wis,, and Mia Floyd Bargor of Bnffalo, N. Y,, cousinsof Mrs BrJgg, also Mr and Mrs Fred l'owers and son Merntt of Waterbury, all of whom bave beon tho gnoets of Mr. aud Mrs, Brngg. Mrs Itoso Fulton is visltiDg in town. Wolls Itlvor. Mra. Kllen Hlokock otMalono, N.Y., waa tbe gucst of Mrs. Gravoa Iest wook and insdo Hhort calla on old frienda, Tho famllltiB of 0. II. Hosford, Dr. Le nnd E 0, Graves aro at Moroy lako wltb beadquartora at tho Pavlllou, Tho annual picnlo ot tho Gongrogatlonal church will bo beld at Lako Moroy on Fri day, August 23. Mra, Sarab Ward waa in town laat wook tho RUoat of bor Bistor, Mra. Wbitcomb, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Albert Balloy and oblidren returnod tho flrat of tho week from Hanov or, N. H., wboro tboy spont aoyorol daya wltb Mr. Balioy'a Bistor, Mrs. Oscar Ward on. Mrs. Warron Mooro and Mr. and Mra. A. W. Mioro and Bon attendod Old Ilomo Week in Bradford. Mra. and Miss Bralnard and Mr. White ot Somorvillo, Mass,, woro gnests of Mr, and Mra, Munsoll ovor Sunday. Mrp. Dnnlap and Malcom Buoll havo ro turnfd from a few weoks' vlair. in Bedford. Poroy Smltbof Worcester, Maas,, spent a fow days of last wook boro wltb hls porentsl Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Smith. Mra, Graco Allison and slator, Mra. Morso, aro visiting thoir auut, Mra. Will Gago, in Sherbrooke, P. Q, Mrs. Jano Marahall pasaed Sunday in town wltb Mr. and Mra. 1C. Marshall. MisaLottlo Marahall is visiting Mlsa Mll drod Randall ln St. Jobnsbnry. A daughtor, Mary Ellzabetb, came to tho paraonage Augnat 0, and waa made very welcome by Rev. and Mrs. Credelord. Miss Nellto Rallns of New Brltain, Conn., wbo bas Bpent her vacatlon hero for aoveral years, ls with us now, tho gnost of Uale'a Tavorn, Her frienda, Mra, and MIbs Whatnplos, are with bor aa last yoar. Verna, youngeBt chihl of Mr. and Mrs. J, A, Goorgo, dlod Friday morning, August 1(1, baving been alck only one day and nlgbt, Funeral servlces woro held at tho house, Rev, Mr. Oredeford ofllclatlng. Burial was in our vlllago cemetery, Llttlo Vo na wos lald to rest beside two brothers and a slster, wbo pessed on aoveral yoara ago. Mr, Oeorgo and famlly havo tbe aympatby of tbelr many Irlends In tbelr great aorrow. West Berlin. Mr. Uean and famlly of North Hero aro visltlng Amos Cbaso, Albert Dewoy of North Dakota is visltlng bls old home after an ahsonce of IKtoon years. Hls slster, Mra. D. II. Celley, bad notaeen hlm for fonrteen yeara, and bia daugbter, Mrn, George Ayers, not for ten ears. it is a very pieasant tamily reunlon, Auy ono soelrjg hlm will certalnly notlce the resemblanco to tho Admiral. Thoir fathors wero twln brothers and born on tlm farm now owned by N, E, Oolby, wbo llves in tho aamo house their grandfatber built. Mra, Arzi Klng and granddaughtor, Liu ra, of Marshfield are visiting at U.B. Ayers. Mrs. Carrie Farrar nnd daugbter aro epending a few days wi'b her mothor, Mrs, 0. A. Sticknoy. Mra. Alice Patterson ls visltlng bor pa rnnts, Mr. and Mrg. G. L. Emeraon, also a grauddaughter, Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mra, Milton Glines are taklng a drlve through tbo nortborn part of tho State. Tho Ladies' Ald will hold a soclal o Thursdjy. Ioe croam and cake will bo sorved. Mlsa Mabel Chandler, ono of Barre'a school toacliora, is apendlng bor vacatlon at home. Leon Wolls will not go to Mr. Strong'a for a few days, as ho is 111. Rev. Edward Wells will spend a week in Worcester and Woodbury, Mrs. George WUIIams is visltiug bor Bis tor, Mra. Boaworth, ln Williamstown. J. L. Ayers bas commonced tho fonnda tion for a rosidenco opposlte tbat ot bis son, Goorgo. Miss Lora Jobnston goes to Boston In Soptember wboro sbo baa a positlonos nurs ery mald. Kast Uroohllol. All wbo attended tbe Bnffalo Exposition from this placo retnrned last weok. Mrs. Ann Angell and Miss Sadie Angell ot Gaysville vislted at J, M. Angell's last week, Mrs. Ida Newell of Bridgewator, Mass., vislted at U. L. Bixby's last week, A. li. Hovey and lady otnLyun, Mass., are gnests at Mra. Matllda Hovey'a. "Abe" IWortben of Hinesburg waB ln town last week bnylng cattle. Mrs, J. H. Sprague, W. H. Sprague, J. M. Angell and E. G. Harrington wltb their fam'lias attended tho annual Bacon reun lon at Goorgo H, Bacon'a in Chelsea last Saturday, Miss Pearl Slack spent Old Homo Week with famlly frionds iu Cholaoa and Wash ington. South Duxbury. F- U. Iloward of Montreal is visiting at nt Duano Bruce's. Charles Ilnrt and wifo nnd son Edward of Colbyville, visitod bis brothor on Tuesday. Itev L. K, Will man and Kred Somervilla were tbe gucsti of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Sonierville on Monday. Fred Huut nnd wife visitod in Williamstown. Washington nnd Barre tbe pat two weeks. Mr. Montgomery bas sold bis farm in Dowsvillo to Frank Hurna They aro niov ing to Waterbury. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miner woro in ftiontpolior last Wediiesday. Mrs. Carrio Vheoler and son Ilarry aro visiting in Norwich. 1 Mrs. J. Crossett is nt home from Queen City Pnrk nnd Ls viait ing Mrs. Omti Bruco . Glndys Barber of ntcrhurv is v'sitlnir Blauoho Bruoo William Johnson has gono to South Albany to spend a few weeks. Corella McKin ney isspending a few days with Mrs S Som ervilla . G II. Cr.mdall and wifo and two dauehtoij. Miss J sse nnd btelhi of Ber lin, and tho son C. T. Crandnll and wife of Pliiladelnbi.i, wero at oarauol M. Turnei3' last weok Krank Hart led the Suuday ovening prayer sorvico. Mlildlosox. Smith Peaso of Waterbury Conter is visit ing relntives iu town. Rov. J. Harry Ilolden of Attleboro, Mnss., is to preacli nt tlio Uuituriau cliurob next Sun day at tlio usunl hour. M's, II. 0. Goaron nnd daugliter Miss Maniie woro in Waterbury ou Thursday. Mrs. S. A, Davis of Pbiladelphia, Pa , is visiting Mra. M, J. Scott's. O, 0. Wnrd and P. L. Fu'lor wero in Mont pelier 8undny. Clnronco Kellogg of Montpelier visitod bis paronts ovor Sunday; II, Z. Kisb of Shelburno was iiere on busi ness two days last week. J. B. Noble nnd wifo of Barro woro in town ou Wodnosday, Anothf r sbipmcnt of cboeso was mado from tlio factory on Monday. Carl Knapp nud family liavo movod from thoir farm to tbe John Long tonement, Tbe new wrterwbeels of tbo Viles olectrio plant havo arrivod, Calais. Roy Rumrill and Earl Gerlsb vislted ln town rocently, Perclval Gallagbor ot Boaton la stopplug at T. T. Lamphero's. Dr. Gllletto bas beon on a vacatlon for tbe past week. Mlsa May Mnrdook ot Boston la at Frank Celley's, Tbo Ladlos' nnion havo tbelr next socl abie with Mra. N. L. Bauorott next Tbnra day atlarnoon, ' Charles Wellman will hold hls last ser vioo at tbo Old West cburob next Sunday at elovsn A. u, Fred Baoon ot Spencer, Mass,, ls at Her bert A, Kent'fl, Barnard, Sumner & Putnan Co. WORCESTER, - MASS, The bells will soon sound "SCHOOL SCHOOL Your children, young or older, MUST HAVE STOCKINGS. Buy Them By Mail OrcJer, 1 3 n d ' SAVE TIME AND' TROUBLE. Girls' ixi Rib, o Boys' 2x1 Rib, Fast Black "KNOCKhBOOT HOSE" With Double Knees the very best for 12 l-2c pair All sizes. Our special "SCHODl HOSE" For Bo3's or Girls, 2x1 ribbed, Spliced Knees, splendid wear ers, 19c pair, 3 pairs for 50c Our !AST RON HOSE" 2x1 Rib for Boys, 1x1 Rib for Girls. Made of Combed Egyptian Cotton; the best for the money 25c pair OUR WORLD FAY10US Never Surrender Hose For Boys and Girls, Men and Women. SEE ADVERTISEMENf BELOW Barnard, Sumner $ Putnam go WORCESTER, MASS. SOIE PKb, 'ORS OP 0 0 0 send these famou3 Slockings thraugh the mail to every state in the Union, Everybody Is dellghted, they wear so well. Never Surrender Hose TNVINCrBLE INWEAQ ALL SIZES, ALL VEICHTS, FOR AU PEOPLB IN Aa CUMATES. 3 pairs $1.00. (rostagc on 3 fain 12c. extra.) HCND TJS A TIIIAIj OnDEIl. NOTICE. To the Tai-pajers cf East Montoeller. The tax bill of 1901 having bci n placed in my hands lor collection as provided by law for the payment of taxes to the Town Treasurer, and due notice having been given, you are hereby notified that a dis count of lour per cent will be allowed on all taxes paid on or before Sept. 2, 1901, and all taxes remaining unpaid after that date will be placed in the Constable's hands for collec tion. CLARK SIBLEY, Treasurer.