Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOUItNAL. WEDNESDAT, SEPT.,4, 1901 4: WKDNKSDAX, SKl'TEMBKll 4, 1001. ARTHUR HOPD.B, Qeuornl Eilltor Lnbor Dny. A gonornl hollday wltliout 11 comivnl o( flro and noiso, liko tho Fourth of July, and which is uot n gront com momorativo occasion, liko Metnorial Day, ls Labor Day, in tho aoason whon nn ombargo on out of door hfo nnd on joymcnt ia not lald by tho Froat Kiug. Apart from its recognltlou of labor tho instltution primarily orubodics, it is a day wottby of remonibranco and cole bration. It is a good day for nll classos and couditions of tnon and womeu, for tho grcat mass of all who livo aro la borors and nll havo intoroat in tho ra tlonal colcbration of tho day. NovortholoBa, Labor Day is an occa sion whon tho laborors in tho varlous tradoB, tho artisans, havo au opportu nlty to show what niannor of mon thoy aro. Tho day Ib pccullarly thoir own. Thoy mako tho arraugomonts, thoy framo tho programmes. Tho arti- ean ia on exhlbitlon both individuaily nnd in an organizod capacity. And it was a creditablo cxhibition ho mado in Montpelier. That was ono of tho moat notablo proceaaions, tho parado on Monday foronoou, that ovor flled throueh tho streots of tho city. In numbora, in boaring, in phyaical de velopmont, in akill in thoir rcspec- tivo trades and occupations tho mon ropreaonted, thoy mado a aplondid dom- onatration of tho lator mduatrial dovol- opraeut of tho city. Montpelier induatry ia a matter of Icbs than ngeucration of incoption cnd growth. Prior to tho early sixtics tho town had beon moro celebratod for ita banking, inauranco, and morcantilo af' fairs than its induBtrial productions. VVithin this poriod tho two largo catab liahmonts, tho Lano Manufacturing Company, and tho Colton Manufactur ing Company, havo grown up from small beginnings, and tho liat of othcra of a similar charactor is along and in torosting ono. Tho granito businca, howevor, is of a lator origin, and from a singb aaed, omploying a belf dozen men, within tho past ton or flfteon years it bas bccomo much tho largoat induatry of tho city, and tho men roi -roaonting this induatry properly led tho proceaaion on Labor Day. It is con codod on all handa that thoy made an oxtromely gratifying appearanco and that in thcir incroasing ranka was tho promiao of such furthor advancomont in this dopartmont of aubatantial pro duction as shnll bo limitcd only by tho ontorpriso of tho mon who havo tho capital, or tho power to organizo capi tal, to provide for theBo hardy work mon tho "planta" in which to put their natural apitudo and inclination for this particular branch of busiuass into prac tical operation. Build "ahods" for theso mon to work in, and on sotno not fardistanl celobra tion of Labor Day Monday's long lino of granito workmon may bo doublod; and with it will como tho longthing of tho lino of tho Carpanters', tho MasonB' and tho Painters' Uniona, as tho men must havo houscs to livo in; with it will como an incroasing trado in all tho ncccBsitieB of life, and with it will como now lifo and vigor in evoiy department of buainesa or afTalrs. Tho Labor Day parado on Monday had its practical, as wcll as its sonti xnental, polnt of viow. It was all right in aeutimcnt and moralo. It was sug goativo and rcassuring ovory way, and prophctic of much greator things in practical dircctions, if Montpelier mon ao thoy cuBtomarily do know a good tbing whon thoy soo it and rcach out to aecuro it. Lynchor Conyicled. Georgo Howard, a well known zen of Elmoro county, Alabama, citi- who of a was implicatcd in tho lynching nogro, was convicted of murdor in tho flrst defjroe, on Wedneaday, by a jury of his ptors. Tho ponalty was a lifo Bontonco in tho ponitontiary. Howard was chargod with boing ono of a party of whito mon wbo recontly lynchod Itobort White, n nogro, for Bhooting and wounding a whito man. Howard mado a full confossion in court, tolllng how ho and twelve othors way laid tho offlcor, took the negro and hanged him toa trcolna swamp. Two moro, prominont farmors, accuBed of being mombors of tho samo mob, aro now on trlal, and sovoral aro nlso un dor indictmont. All tho othors allogcd to havo beon mombors of tho mob havo loft tho county. This is tho flrst timo in tho Stato's history that a mombor of lynching party haa boon convictod. Tho jury which brought in tho vordict was composod oxclnsivoly of whito mon. Tho trial, tho vordict, tho ponalty aro all right. If, now, tho oxemplary oCfoct of this convlctlon,and tho othors that aro likoly to follow, 1b not mado nugatory by "oxocutlvo clomonoy," thoro may bo tho beglnnlng of tho ond of thoso horriblo doods in tho South, or olBowhoro in tho country. If tho courta of tho South tako up in carnost tho mattor of trying and pun iehlng this class of offondors agalnst tho law, tho adminifltoriug of Huttleu would bo n continuous porformonco in Bomo localitios in that Bcction ot tho country. Vciy Extrnordlnary. Tho Btatotnont is publiahod, apropos of tho annouuceinont that tho old ro coiving ship, Vermont, ia to bo doa- troycd, that cx-Senator Blalr of Now Ilampahiro was coniraiaaionod "by a fow loading spiriU of Vermont" to soo tho navy dopartmont and uao hts in lluoiico to havo tho old Bbip rotalned in tho nav'Vi and so forth and ao on. Who woro tho "fow londing Bpirits of Vormoul?" And why dld thoy aeok out and commisslon tho suporannuatod nnd othorwiao docropit ox-Senator of Now Ilampahiro to "seo tho navy de partment," ctc? Hnvo Vermont 8cu .- tors in actual aervico 110 standing or in- lluonco with tho autocrat, or sub-autc-crats, of tho navy department? Why Bhould Vormonters havo any particular intercst in tho old water aoakod, dla- oaBe infeatod, pre-hlstoric hulk? Is it bocauao of any roal or fanclod rosom- blanco botwoon tho vonorablo ship and cortain pre-hlatoric iuatitutions, cua toms or condltions of tho Stato? Tho moro rational thlng for "tho lcading Bpirits of Vermont" to do would bo to commisaion hor own real livo Senatora nnd Roprcsontativca to "seo tho navy department" and sccuro tho propor rcprcfiontation of tho Stato in tho nam ing of a now vossel in tho now navy. Amerlcnn Tyrnnny Tho way tho Amoricans aro grind' ing their new colonios under tho hccls of a worso than Spanish dospotism, which but rccently wbb tho mild way in which tho nntis of all eorts nnd dc groes wcro talklng of tho govornmont's policy, particularly iu reforenco to Porto Itico, is illustratod by M. G. Brumbaugb, tho Porto Ilican commis sionor of cducation, in a roccnt lettor to a friond in this country: At preeont wo aro too busy building achool-hou8e8 to think. For illustra tion, wo planned a aummer normal school for this city for ton wooks, bo g:nning July 14, Wo thought wo might havo 200 studonts from among the teachcra of tho island. To our amaze mont whon tho school opened wo had ovor 800 pupils, and it took tho tolc graphic sorvice a wholo day and night to bring in horo a faculty to tako chargo of theso pupih tho noxt morn ing, but wo did it and tho 8chool ia a grcat auccess. It has boen tho largcst triumph for Amcrican cducational motbods that tho island haa yot wlt nesBed, and as an immcdiate out growth wo aro now laying tho founda tfon for a largo inaular normal school building in tho suburban city of llio Piedrat, aoven miles by railroad from this city. Tho forvor and unction with which Acting Secrotary Hackctt asauros hia "Dear Admiral Howiaon" that "tho dopartment has no purposc of rolieving you of this duty" as judgoof Admiral Schloy ia quito charactoristic of tho blind-eyed judicial quality of tho ad ministralion of the navy dopartmont in thia Schloy-Sampaon controveray. Tho department "has confldonce" in the admiral'a "scnBo of juatico and fairmindedncaB," and probably this confidenco and its ciluaivo oxprossion waa not lessencd by tho circumstanco that tho pcrson to whom it was nddress cd had indicated a diBtinct lcaning to tho viow tho department had takon of cortain things, and in which thia un- fortunate controveray waa mainly brcd. Tho admiral ia told by tho guahing sub stituto for tho secrotary that he "would liko to know if you havo any objoction to my giving to tho public your (rank and manly lettor," otc, and concludos with tho asBuranco that "tlio dopart mont has boon fortunato in Bccunng you as tho third mombor of tho court." Thia is all oxtromoly intorosting and Buggcstivo as well us calmly and irn partially judicial. It ls vory much liko a judgo with a bias ngainst an appii- cant for juBtico giving taffy to a jury- man in whom ho has oncouragomont to bollovo that he has found a confoder- ate. Intorost in tho ofUcial speed trials botwoon Columbia and Constitution is now Bocond only to tho races botwoon tho actual dofcndor and cballonger. Did tho HerrschoiT's skill culmlnato ln tho productlon of Columbia? Tho trials thue far, seom to indicato that at loaBt in ConBtitutlou thoy havo not produc od ao floet n boat as Columbia. On Monday, ln woather in which ConstltU' tion had hithorto shown her suporior ity, Columbia lod, though tho timo lim it olapBod long boforo tho boats reach od tho homo lino. On Saturday, in a fair broezo, Columbia wasawinnorby a good margin. But It is roported that on Saturday a bot of flvo to throo, of 8250,000 to 81G0.000, botwoon Constitu tion and Shamrock II, was arrangod ln Now York. Is Constitution boing hold back? Or ls Columbia roally tho faBtor boat? If tho Ihttor, is aho fastor than whon two years ago sho dofoated Sham rock I? If tho dofondor ls roally to bo Columbia ngain. apparontly tho laco will bo closor than in any provioua con toBt for tho rocovory of tho cup. Tho paper having tho largoat clrcu lation in the .world la sald to bo the PetU Journal of Paris, avorasjlng n mllliou copios. Tho Imperial Itevitw of Auatria, publishod for tho cxclusivo bonoQt of thu Emporor, haa tho small- oat clrculation. Tho paper Ia mado up of tranalationsof tho principal items of nows or intorcst in tho Europoan papors, and tho odltion is throo copios unlcBB tho clrculation liar ia rovorsing lila cuatomary courao and condousing tho trulh. Tho odltors nnd publishors, tho clrculation managor and tho ndver tlalng Bollcltor of tho Htvitio ought to havo nn easy job, but thoy loso a groat doal of fun. Tlicro Wcro No Woundod. Lord Kitchoner haa ovor two huu drcd thoueand Britiah troops in tho tluld. Tho Iloers, ho says, numbor ton thousaud. Yot tlicro is a somowhat liroBomo monotony ln hls complalnts that tho Britiah aro ao frcquontlv "eur roundod on unfavorablo grouna." In his latcst dospatcb wo flnd that, aftor tho usuol horoic roBlstanco, iu which "ono man was killod and four woundod," "throo Britiah oQlcors and sixty-Ovo mon aurrendorod." Lord Kitchonor alao complnlnB that in somo caaes tho Boors murdor tho woundod Bi'itisU aoldiors; butthoro ia Bomothing vcry Buspiclous in his own flguros, which put tho number of Boers killod far ahoad of tho numbor woundod. At tho battlo of Omdurman tho kllled amountcd to somo thousandB; thoro woro no woandod. Now York Sun. Schloy, Snmpson, Mnclny nnd "Mr Dooloy." "Mr. Dooloy" hnB nrrivod nt tho con cluBton that lna cntoi ciaim to ronown ia tho fact that he "nivcr took n haud in th' wnr in Cuba." Thoao who did lnko part in tho war, whcthor in Cuba or the PhilippincB,ho ilnda,havo miaacd famo bv a wiuo margtn. "1'irat tney was iiooson. iie KiBacu n girl an' ivrybody aays: 'Hang him. Klll th' coal.Bcuttlor.' "Thin thoy wna Dewey. Ho got mnr- ried nn' th' pooplo was f'r makin' ma- ttirimony npenai oiteuBo. "xo raymimDor uomcz. xa rocall, Hinnissy, how th' r-orryapondinta uaed to poko tlicir way to tn' jungio wnoro ho sct makin' his simplo mcal iv th' leg iv n scomyon an' n pieco iv sugar cano, nn' oller him th' frecdom iv th' city of Noo York whin th' war was ovor. well, no wint tD Noo lorK las' weeif, thia Georgo Waah'nton iv th' Anl Hilla. Ho wa? mot at th' forry- boat bo n rayportlicr luat twiantou hia hoad nrouna to tako n phottygrnft iv him cn' calleu him 'Manny,' an' snid ho lookod liko Mlke Peoly, th' aldhor man iv th' third ward, only darkor. A comity iv seogar makors waitod on him nn' ust him to iino thoir union, nn' thut waa all tn' iionors ne tiau. "Frcedom iv th' city, says yo? Oh, ho got that, an' all iv that. Ho waa freo to go nn' como without annybody payni nnny attlntion to him. no was as fieo as th' air, because th' polis dlun't Know nim. it tnoy'u Known, no migut' o uoen iockcu up. "An1 now it's Schloy's turn. I knew it uai comln' to Schloy an' hoor it comoa. Yo uacd to tblnk ho was a gran' man that whin ol'Cervoora come out iv th' narbor at Bantia"o calleu out 'Como on, boys,' an' plungod into th' Spanish fleet and rayjooccd it to Bcrap lron. "That's what yo thought an' that's what I thought, an' we woro wrong, Wo woro wrong, Hinniaay. I'vo boen r-roadin' a thruo hlatory iv th' cam paign bo wan iv th' gr-reateat history ians now omployed as a clork in th Buppiy stores iv th' lirooklyn navy yard. Liko mesilf, ho's a flreeido vethran iv th' war. Ho's a mimbor iv th' Martin Dooloy roal jno. i, ueunuora iv tn' noartn He's th' boy f'r yo. If ivor ho beats his augar scoop into a soord, yo'll think oi' i'arragut wa3 a lauy cook on a luni' bor bargo. "Says th' historyian: 'Th' conduck iv Schloy duiin' th' catnpa'gn was such aa to bring th' bright bluah iv shamo to ivry man on th' pay roll iv our bolovod countbijr. 'Tis well known that whin ordored bo th' gallant Jawn D. Long to lavo Ilampton Boada, ho thriod to jump ovorbooru :an' awira aahoro. Ho was culoryformod an' kop' undhor hatches till th' ship was off th' coaat iv Floridy, " 'Whin ho como to, ho falnted at th' sight iv a Spanish dltchnry, an' whin a midshipman wint by with a box iv Cac tllo soap, no iell on tuo deck writhin ln feor an' oxclalmod: "Th' war is over. I'm shot. " 'Off Cyonfoogooso ho soo a starvin rcconcentrado on th' shoro an' criod out: "Thoro's Corvoora. Toll him to como on bcord an' accopt mo soord." "Ho was knockod down bo a belayin pin iu th'lhunda iv tho gunnor's mato an' carriod to Sandago. Whin tho ca tiff wrotch an' cow'rd aoo bravo Cor voora comln' out iv th' harbor ho r-run up th' signal: "Coaso fliln'. I'm prlaonor." " 'Owln' to th' profanlty of daunt Iobb Bob lvins. which was arlsln' ln a dark purplo column at th' timo, Cor voora cud not boo this rocroont mcssago an' attimptod to r-run away. Th' American admiral followod him liko th' cow'rd that bo was, doscrlbin' a loop that I'd dhraw f'r yo if th' hoad bookkeopor'd lind mo a poncil, an' rammin' tho Iowny, th' Massachooaotts ah' th' Orogon. ' 'Hls faco waa r-rod with foar an' ho criod in a voico that cud bo hoard th' longth lv tho ship: "Ho don't soo th' Blgnal. I'vo surrindorod, Corveora. I'm dono. I qult. I'm all in. Como and tako mo Boord an cut off mo but tons. Boya, flro a fow iv thim olght hich Bholls an' attbract his attlntion. That was a good wan. Givo him somo moro. R-run alongaldo an' ram him if nlclsary. Itnko him foro an' aft. Thoro goos hls bilor. Now, porhaps ho'll tako notico. Groat hlvins, wo'ro loatl Ho's slnkin' boforo wo can sur rindorj Get out mo dlvin' shoot, boys, an' I'll go afthor him and capltulato. Ob, war 1b a turriblo thlng I " 'I havo attimptod to bo fair with Admiral Schloy. If I'm not, ll'a hia own fault an' mlno. I can on'y add that Hls th oplnylon lv all th' boya ln th' atore that bo ought to bo hanged, drawn, quarthorod, burnt at th' stake an' bllod in oll us a catiff , cow'rd an' turuitnr. ""Tis a good ihiiig f'r th' Unltod Statos that mo frlnd Snmpson como back at th' r-tlght inomtnt nn' with n fow woil-directod wurruds to u tillygraft oporator, aocurcd th'victhry. 01' Loop- in-loopB was round lylu' lieuu llrst ln a conl butikor au' whiu puded out bo th' lcgs, exclatmud : "Einntiuel, don't elioot me. I'm n Spanish Bpy in disgouso.'" So thoy'vo ntrlsbd Schloy. As soou as tli' book cofuu out tii' Bicriy iv tir navy lBaued n Wirruntag''n hfm,chark! ln' him with vicihry, an' hu'a goiu' to havo lo fttnml thrllo i'f it. 1 don't know whnt th' puniHhm'nt i, but 'tia aomeihiu' hnrd, t'r th'olUuao i ouuau'l. Thoy'ro sure o bounco him n' maybo thoy'Il ivo hls job ' i Corvoora. lAa far as I cnn buk, lliunlsay, an' 1 cud boo a far aa mu follow vithran Maclay un' smo nlno huudrcd mlloa farthor, Eaiauuol ia th' on'y wan that como out iv tliat battlo with honor. Whin Schloy wn t'uryiu' to givo up th' ahip, ho wus r'nnusidu it on a atagiu' mnkln' tlunts in th' armor plato witli a pick axo, Snmpson was off writln' lettors to hlniBelf, an' Bob Ivlna was locked iu a coiiuin' towor with a llft preaorver buckl.d aiound hlswal3t. "Woblo or Uorveorn uouo nowthin' to diagmca Iiib llig. IIo lo&' hls ships nu' hls rocn nn' hls bllor nn' ivrtutug oxcopt hiH ripytulion. IIo savcd thnt bo boin' n good swimmor an' not boiu' an ofllcer lv th' United Statos tiuvy." 'JL BijUd think bcnley'd thry na' provc nti nllyii, ' Mr. llcnncssy buc- goatod plcunantly. "ile can'l," eald Uooloy. "lilB irind SampBon'a eot that." "rho nbBt-nt vlctor," eays tho Hoston rilot, commonting on tho abovo con cluaion, "will horeaftor bo known not n.B Admiral, but aa Alibi 8amp3on." Itcforni nt Klindcstown. Thoro's fun nn' troublo iilcnty, nn' ol' Ithodcs- town s in a staw, Causo tli' clcvil's Rot perni'skui, an' tltoy don't know what t' do: Sol I'orkins is n diinlttu', Sister Siuitli Iioz laiiied t' ilnnco, An' th' ffoodncss o' tli' peop'u hoz coDiiflci 01' Dcaion Smitheis hcz bcaii causlit cutlo'm' baliful trout On Sunday. an' lio E-on's t' tli'nk lio knows what ho's aboiit: Th' tenornn' e'jpra"jer wai causlit flirt'113 in tli' choir. An' th' lmU blamed towu lioz bIuI fr'm sol'd rc2it into tli mirol Mia3 Simn Collinion liez gono an' ziyo a nlTair. An' lnlf th' tishtsoua folks in town wnicecu mdii lornr tboro: Th' till'y mi'lin' at th' chnrch vrat tm.ied nto a ball. An' thoy wa'n't n n'lii on lofiy f-raco ai dhln't tiko a fal'J AVliy, wlica th' jijtou riined out th' sita'iht nn' mrrow way, An' ovoiybcdy kncelcd down when lio ataitcd out t' pray, A sound jcit liko th' slapp'n' of a wad o' solid douijli, Awoko th' slurabeij'i' cchoea wlien 15ill Smith lti'sed Uynthia Snow! Tliey oin't 110 uso in talkin' Bome')!ii'a got t' up an' Bivo TliU lnul lc'J.dity fr'ra llro tbit bmni 0 3roi. tli Ktavo; Tlioy's Kt t' bo a hullsomo movo t' bilrj; th' lia3ts o' MU T' uiulerstau' th' naturo 0' th' pickle thoy aro iu Tlioy's tiot t' bo a meet'u', an' thoy'a got t' bo a pravor, An' tallt o' biimstono firo till wo i.iiso tli' Binful lmir; Au' whon th' song an' prajin' an' th' apcoch- yfjin'a dono, Wo'll havo th' dovil goinSi an' wo'll keop him 011 th' run! Denver Timea. Back Fruin Buffalo. Tlioy'ro oorains back from Duffnlo In trains 011 overy road, And oveiy niothor'1 son of them ilps stoucs tj unlop i. From oarly morn till Into at night Tliore comea aatoady ilow Of ta'ri about tho wondors Boen Up at tue Pan-Am. show. Words almoat faU thom whon thoy &p: ik About the acenea at night, Whcn statoly buildings, broad and high, Aro 0110 groat blazo of I'ght Hioy tP about tho gondolicra Who paddlo to and fro And fiiug tho songs of Itnly In accunH swect and low. Wo'ro told about tho Midway sightSj Where patroos who aro rash Discovcr, whcn thcy mako tho round, Ti oy'vo coughod up loti f cashj For thoro aro inany things to seo And souvcniia to get, And that is why tho chapi who plunga Thoir rccklcssness regrot. And tlicu wa'ro told about tha grub That comea so inighty b'gh, Of mealathatlook so wcll in pi'ut, Hut fad to satisfy. Wo'ro also told of feet mado sora lly triidgiug nll day long And of the oyes that necd black spcca J-ieeiuso the glaro's too Btrong. Yca, many iiro tho tales wo'ro told lly followB who'vo been tliere, And of wo hear them o'er again When Btories tlioy compate, But thouiand.4 morehivo mado thoir plnus To soo tho I'aii'Am. show, So montlis must pass beforo wo'll hoar Tho last of llutialo. Pittsburg Uhronlclo-Tolograph. Wells Rivor. Mt3v Fo-s and Da'i retcnod on Thu;day from ilaiuo whsta thoy spent the month of Augi'st. Frank MnrslinU of Lowull, Ma:a , spent the p?it wrok horo with hia paronta, with whom hia wifeand ioftnt son havo boon duiiii? tho summer. Mu Lco Hciford and Grant leluined from Morey lnko on Fiiday and Mu. Deming, Nol lio Loo nnd Camelia Jaliu from tho Voirs Mrs, Carl Moreo anA Misa Gu;o AIVon spent n wcek or 111 01a with thor auut, Mia, W. O. Gayo in Shorbrooko, 1'. Q Thoro woi a gocd attondance from tbia phco at llradford fair Mra. Dodgo tnd Mi-i Giavca v'titod in Pcst MUls laat week. Mi'i ltollins who hai beon apending a fow weckg in town, rotuiued )sit wrok ta her homo and school in New Uiiloti, Oouu. Mu. Sluait from W:scorlin ia tho guost of her sister, Mu S'aok. Mi'i Cair, the pilnnry t;achor, is boardins; with Mrs. S S. Peaoh. Frank Lee ia at liome from Cannda whoro ho hn beon enjojios moat of the summer willi his unclo. , Mica Julia Farwell reauniei her scliool dutirs ihia wcok at'l'nu-ytown.N Y. Mr. aiidMu Mehiaandtwo daughtnjof Dover, N. il , havo been cuesta of Mr. and Mts. A, T. Uavia About fifty pooplo atbndod tho Sunday school plooio at Lake Morey. Mrj. Itumlov rotmned frora Wells Beach mnch improved iu heoltli, Diatrlet meoling of tho Women's Iteliet Oorps will bo hold wltli Washburn Gorpa at Bradford September 18. LABOR DAY. fCONTlNUKD FKOM 1'AaK ONK J dioted othor liko auccesstul obsorvancos in luturo yoaiB. At thlB tiolnt Gon. Stonhon Thomai wri tscortcJ to tho plattorm nmld olioora from tho orowd and maalo by tlm bnnil, Itev. Fatlior w. j. O'Qulllvuu was tuon lutroducod. IIo Rave 1111 oloquont addroaa n half hotir in longth, thnt wai (rcquuntly lntorruptod by applausti. IIo sald iu pirt: "I doeui it an honor t? havo tho prlvlloRo ot addroDsluK you 011 thia ocaaslon. I atn prouu to Do u cltlzeu 01 11 country wulcu ho lilRhly approoiatoa nud recognlzos tho nc billty and dlttulty ot lubor aa to aot aaido a day on wliloli labor ia porsonlflod and glvon IiIkIi clvll honor, a Htrlklng proof of tho civ lllzitlon ot onr uation and nn objoct loiBon to tne woriu 01 tn uumuoraoy 01 onr poo plo, It uujurn well (or tho presocvatlon ot tho prlcolcaH horltago that Is ours as Amor Icn cltlzeua. Labor may bo rcgardod a ponalty und an accldontal hnrdahlp. llut whon wu oonaldor Us objoct nnd rosulta lt takea an oxalted charactor boyond ozproa alon. "Libiir appllea nnd utlllzea tho roaourcoa whloh nnturo'rt God haH nrovlded lor tho welfaro ot God'a chlldroD, tlma raaklng tho laboror co oporutivo with tho dlviuo plan ln IjringliiK comfort and hoIaco and oducatlon to tho lioniKH ot tho world. The Snvlor ot men workod at t o betich .wltli hatiimor aud 8aw, tlma ennoblltiK labor for all timo.'' Ttio apeakor thou consluorod tuo Auiorl- can latiorer. wiio ia 110. wnnt uaa uo uono. what ia he deatinud to do in tho future? On tho flelda o( Yorktown tho Amorlcau laboror co nuurod tho tyranny 01 Klnc Georgo. Lator hia victorlea aud trlnmpha woro ui groat ln peaooiul pnraulta i'a tliey hnd boon on tho llold of battlo. Stlll la'jr. whon inturnal wariare tureatoned to dea- troy tho luurlc the Amorlcau laboror had roared, in thia ctIbIh tho American laboror waa not found wantlug. At thehelmatood u laboror, a rall np'.ittor, tho immortal Abra- lium Lincoln. At the hoad of tho army s'.ood a tanuor, u. B. Graut, and bohlud them atood tbouaanda of American labor ers, who, aftor the Btrlfo had cleared prc- aented to the worbl a conutry ronnitod and grander than ovor, Tho American laboror Iiowh to uo kiu but the Klng of heavon and earth. ho rucelvoa dlctatlon .from no uian, ho la the uinkor ot the lawa he hlm- huK obovH. Iu cIobIuc, Fathor O'Sullivan apoko of tho dnngera that throaten thia country in the years to como, omol amone tuom tne con centratlou of great wealth la the handa of the fow. Itev. G 0. Judklna waa lntroducad ti apoak on "The aoclul alde of the day'a work." IIo aald the truly aoclal man la the man who has aympathy aud can uzproaa it fnr nnv tiiati ttnditr uiiv Hort of oircnm Btancea. Mr. Judklna followed in au lnior" esttug way such a man through a day'a work, ahowing what powor auoh a man u" lu hia hnuds. Such a muu knowa that nu durnoath every luxury llea dmdgery and hard work for Bomebody. Laboriug mon nre happlost who keep ln tonch wltli their day'a work untll lt la dono. llojaea ahould not forcot that thoy onco did the day'a work, und capltnllsts ahould reuieinbnr that their power ia due to the men wbo do thu div'a work. On thia labor day let ua all aay, all glory to Libor Day and to the UIossoU old eternai uuy'a worn. At thia nolnt Mavor Brown road n oom mnnlcatlon irotu Prof. J. W. Burgeaa, prt d dentottho truateos of the Wood Art Gai Iery, luvltlnz all memberB of the trades unious, with their fauilllea, to vhit the gul-li-rc that aiternoon. U. A. G. Jackaon was tho next speakor. Ile sald lt ia an evidence of a growlng ap preclatlon of the value and diguity of labor that we hold such lneutlugs et thia iu Mont pelier aud that wo aot aaldo a day devotcd apecially to tho laboror, Organlzed labor ln the paut fow yoara haa mado great prog rea , in developlng tho woltare of the lakjr ing man. Every udvauco and benefltthat haa beon made for the laborlng man haa been through labor organizjtlouB. Today lt la organizod labor that Btauda aa thu hopo ol the common people, thehopeof the coun try. Itistotbo everlating wedit of thoee at the head of labor organlzitlona that thoy havo uot beon tempted by tho dszzllug prospoctB held out to them, but they havo devoted thetr energleB to the betterment ot the luboring people. Organlzed wealth he-i been forced to ackuowledgo the powor aud dlgnlty of labor. Organlzed wealth la aot tiug itaelt aa u bar agalnBt tho progrcsa of tho common .pooplo, and the only hope of tho natlou today ia In the labor organlzx tlo'na of tho Unltod Statoa. Theso orgaulza tlons havo kept atrlctly to the Unoofat temptlug to lmprove the condltlona of the laboriug man They have loft polltics to politlclans, tho laboriuj men have nover or ganlzed aa a party, they have aought only the advanceinont of the ldeaa they aup ported and uot the men at the head of their organizittoua. Kx-Mnyor J.H. Senter waa the last speak er. IIo conntored on thoae who had preced ed him and sald thore are but two elementa of wealth lu all tho world, tho land and the laboror who dlga from that land what en richea mankind. In a atlrrlug flve minuto' apeech Mr. Bonter olaborated thia ldon nud took hia Boat amld lond choora and crlea of "Gjou." Kollowlng the addreaacs occurred one ot tho hotteat conteated gamea of ball plnycJ in thia city thia aoaaon. Tho teama con tcatlng were tho National Llfe and Olorka. Tue result waa a victory for the Clerka by a acoro of 0 to 8. Ilarlle lloath acted aa umplro. The Na tlonul Llfe lod ns the close of the aeventh lunlng by a Bcore of 7 to 2 bnt tho Olorka rnllled uud won out. A prizo of 815 wrs giveu thu wiunera and a box of cigarato the The tugof war betweon toams from Rylo & McfJormlck and the Capital Granito Gompany'a aheda cloaed thu day'a aporta. Thu formor team waa too hoavy for the lat tor nnd aftor two minutea of the hardeat klnd of tngglng and pulling the formor wr: dealared tne winner. Tha wlnnera were glven a ptize of $16 and the loBera 43. The committee ot flfteen of the local branch held an informal ineetlng in the ovening at which a hoarty vote of thanks waa tendored all who had bo generously and wlllingly nlded the commlttoo in mak ing thia flrat Labor day colebratlon bo auo coaBlul, Tha membera of the committee have fceon congratulated npon every Bldo and have alrendy rocelved aaanrancea from many ot the repreaentatlve bnBlnesa men that they would recelvo even a moro llboral support ln their arrangemonta for the cel obratlon of Labor doy ln 1C32. A nots worthy faot la that durlnf the day or oven ing not an arreat waa 111' nor waa thero any dlsturbance requlrlK it. CHHISr UHURCH. The adjonrned meetlnz of the parishlon era ot Ghrlst chnrch intereated ln the pur ohaae of a new plpe organ, held at tho chnrch on Frlday evening, wea laigely at tended, The nnanimona oplnlon nrevalled that a new organ waa neoded and soveral largo handsome contrlbntlone were mado toward the project. Among thoso are IIou. B. V. Fiflelcl, Ool. Fred E. Smlth, Hon. J, A. DoBoer, each 8169, condltloued for 82C0, it tho increase la needed; L. V. Qloason S1E0, B. II. Moaa 8100. Mrs. F. XI. Fnffer, Mra. Lucy B. Moultou, Mra. 0. n. Heaton and Mtsa Ollve B. Btout were appointed a oommlttoe to ralso th remalnuer ot tbe money reqnlred, It Is ox peotod the snm will be ralsed wlthln a week. Tho mootlng was adjonrned to Tuea day ovonlng at 7:30 o'olock. West ifulrloo, Mr. and Mra. Rblneberger of New York and Mra. Klmball of Nanboo, III., are Btop plng at II. G, JohnBOu's. n. 0. Johnson hai eold hia moatmarkot to M, Darllng. Bchool oommonoed on Tnesday with Mlss Garr of Orford, N. H., and Mrs. Ely of Vor ahlre aa teaohers. Mra. John Oook la aomewhat Improved ln hea th bnt la atlll oontlnod to her room. MRS. J. WESLEY 1IILL Marla 0.. wlfo of J. Wealev II1I1 of East Montnellor. dlod laat Batnrday aftornoon of dropay and bonrt tronble, auperlnducod by 1110 gtip, agoa aixty.two yoara. mr, and Mra, XXII I paisod laat wluter at Itedlands. Ual whoro ln tho early aprlng Mra. II1I1 wt'3 aertonaly ill with tho grlp. They ro turnod to Vermont in May, but dcseeied hai Btoadlly doollned ainco that tlme. Mra.l Ulira mnidon namo waa Marla U. Smlth, Bhe waa born ln Ilarro and waa a slater of the lato Jnmoa Suilth of Mont pelier. Thlrty-alx yoara ahe waa marrled to Mr, II1U who snrvlvoa her, wltli two daugh tere, Mra. John L. lluok ot East Mont- neller, and Mtaa Florenco XI 11 , Btonographer ln tho ofllco of Dllllngham, Huse aud Ilowland ot this city. Funcrat aervlcoa wero hold on Monday aftornoon from the houso, Hev. 0. O. Jud klna ofQolating, aud burlal was ln the fiun lly lot in Barre cometory, Mr. Ulll ia ln very fooblo health, and tho aympathy of a wido clrcle of frlonda goeB oatto him in hia groat afUlctlon, DESEUVEI) I'KOMOTION. Fred A, Garr, who lin boon for tho ncit four yoara local lnapector for tho Now Kng land Telophono Company, bri beon proinut nd to bo managor of tho Morrlavlllo diatrlet. Mr. Garr ontera npon hia new dutioa next Monday and la to move hls fatnlly '.to Mor rlavlllo soon. Mr. Garr takea Dan Ilmloy'a nlace and Mr. llealey ls to bc?omo manager of tho Bt. Johnabury diatrlet. Mr. Uarr'a promotlon ls nesorvou aa ne hai boen a falthfnl and efllclont omploye hovlng Borvod with Ool. A. G. IJrown oleveu years prior to tho New England Company'a pnrchDao of the Montpelier ex chango. The Morrlavlllo dtstrict la an lm portant ono und only capable men are put in !churgo thero. On Frlday evening tho membora of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. aro to glve Mr. Garr, who hdi beon secrotary for the order for the pait two years, a farewell re- caption at tue uranu Army uau. SUItl'IlISlSG CIIAKGE. The Bt. Albans Mesicnger prlnted tho fol lowlng ln lta Saturday evening odltion ln connection with the acoount ot tho St. Albana llquor agenoy scandal: "montpelier in it, too? F. M. Llvlngatsn of Sprlngfleld. Masa.. n trnvellng aalcamon for a wholeaalo llquor Crm. was much lnterested ln the ntnrv n( the rald on thoagency told in the Ifesienrer iuat uigui. &i mo 01. viuuuh noiei ne Ulu sorae lutreaung. uniig auaut the wy llnnor aconclea aro couduc'ed under Vor- mont'a prohlbitory law. 'In Montpelier, a very ahort timo Bgo, the cl'y waa to pur che ".e ubont 87,C0O worth of llquor for the ugoncy. I Bubmltted a prlce for furnlahlng tho reqalred quantlty aud was told I could have tho busluess by giving the purchaalng committao a bonns of S15C0, Thlsl refused to do and tho buainesa went to a Bc;ton concern which was wllllng to pay the cah.' 'That'a tho way it'a dono,' addod Mr. Llvingatone BignlQcantly," This waa rather startllng intelligonca to tho membera of tbe city council aud espc clally to the pnrchajlng committee, Alder men L-ird, Ilarlnw and Wheolock. Aldorman Laird, who waa a membar of the committao which Inveatlgated the llquor rnenov and la chalrman of tho nurchaHinr' committci, wei aeen today by a Jouunal reportjr in relation to tho charges made in the Mestcnger, IIo belleved, he sald, in act ing rather than talklng for publlcation at thia timo. Aaked if the report waa true that he waa to bring a anlt for libel agalnat tho Messcnrjer for 816,000 damages, aud had omployed ex-Mayor J. H. Bentar aa counael, he nllowed that he had rotalned Mr. Senter but wonld not say when tho Bult wonld be bronght or for what umount. Mr. Senter agreed with Mr. Llrd that thia ia the tlme to act rather than to talk. A frlend of Mr. Lalrd, howover, told the reporter that thero waa no donbt that a anlt would bo brought agalnat the ifostcnger at onco by Mr. Laud aud probably by tue other membsra of the pnrchcilng commlt tcn. He waa coan -ed, he aald, that the only objectlonable charge waa made out of whole cloth, None ot the membera of the com mlttco know any llquor saleaman named Llvingatone, nnd furihermore the commit t:o haa never reachod the 81000 marb in purchaaing any one bill of gcoda, to aay nothing of a 87,000 deal. There hao alwaya been at lcaot two mem bora ot the committee preaent when a blll 0 liquora was purchasod for tbe agoncy, aud no bonua money hea beon tsked for or re ceived by tho committee. Alderman Har low la out of town, Alderman Wheelock says that ho shonld tako the samo posltion aj Mr. Lalrd ln the mattor of brlnginganit against tbe ilessenycr. He aaya thoro ia nothing to the chargea made by Llvlngstono, If there la any auch man, and that a snit will bring the matter into court where witneaaeB can be sworn and tho faot obtalned, aa could not be done in nn ordinary inveatlgation. He atannch ly detonda hia follow membera on the pur chajing committao and lndignantly repn dlatco the lnalnnatlon that thoy have cskod or rcoeived any bonua money. Alderman Wheelock's poaitlon in tho muttor la eapecUlly atroug ln favor ot the other membeu aa ho and thoy have boen Bomotlmea aomewhat at crosa purpcjea on other city mattera Tho matter haa not yotbecome current on the atreeta to any extent ao tho public'a oplnlon cannot ba regiatored. HEAD (LN (JOLLISION A hoad on colllalon occurred a little after ten o'clock on Monday mornlnj on the Central Vermont trr.oka on the curvo juat this sido ot the Langdon farm houao. Engino 207, vhich la nsed on the branch ltne frelght traln, had laen taken off nnd put on a traln of thrco pa-isengor cara which picked np a load of oxcnralcnlsts from Wlllic-ustown, Barre and Montpelier, wbo were to cjunoct with the traln for MUalsquoi park at Montpelier Jnnction. Thia traln left Montpelier for the Junctton abont ton o'clock, ahead of tho regnlar 10:16 A, st. traln. Englne S03, drawlng a way frelght on tho main line left the Jnnction about tho samo tlme to come to.thh city for eome frelght cara. Aa the Montpelier yard llmlt extenda to the Jnnction and no ordera are reqnlred for runnlng, lt ls thought tho crew ot C3 ngnredon gettlng to thia city boforo the 10:15 traln left. But lt wai evident that the apeoial excuralon traln had not b:en takon ln account for both camo together on the cntvo with a creah. Where tho trains met was a bllnd placo aa the viow on the iustde of the conrae wra cnt off by a long atring of box frelght cars. On the other Blde one conld only soo tbe track for a ahort dlatanca. When tho traln nnd englne came ln viow ot each other, 303 waa reveraed and her crew jnmped. Enginoer Don. M. Mnzzey ot 207 atnck to hia poat, bnt hia Qreman, Dan Daley, Jump ed and injured ono leg allghtly on a rall ln Jumping, Ile wea tho only one tninred. EDglne 307 cllmbsd np on tho rilot of 393, breaking that and her hoadllght. Jnst after tho engtnea came together 303 began to re Bpond 10 tho reverso ahe had been glvon, pulled out from nnder 307 and Btarted back down the track, bnt waa boarded by her crew and atopped, attorward belng rnn to the Jnnotlon. Englne 307 wai dlsablod, her bollor front nnd oyltnder heada boing crnshed In and her pilot and forward trncka belug lammed ln nnder tho bollor. Tho forward truoka were also deralled, bnt tho wholo wrock waa cleared and the track pnt ln shapo ln forty mluntoa. The maln lluo 10:16 traln was brokod ln from the Jnnotlon and tbe oxcurslonlsd transferred whllo tbe Inoomlng passengera walked Into tho olty, Enginoer Mnxzoy of 307 had Juat rotnrnod from a aeveral weeka' vacatlon and tbla wea hia flrst rnn on the lino alnce retnrnlng. A large numbor of people were on Langdon meadow at tha tlme of the colllalon. It waa an awe lnsplrlng elght to wltneas the two lron horsea rushlng on to each other, not knowing what the resnlt to llfe wonld ba nnd belng powerlosa to uvert tho colllalon. Tho accldont waa a mont fcrtunato ono, for had englne 803 had a traln behlnd hor thero ia no donbt but tho pgsaenger cara wonld havo toloacoped and a great losa of llfe wonld havo rosultod, SAYED BY THE BELLS Gcrnld Wyklinni was n Rlrugglor In llternturp. IIo hnrt Rrown tlrod of hcaring tho postninu como down tho hnllwny with rcftisals of hls produp tlona nnd wns convlncod thnt lurk wan agalnst him. Mcu must hnvo u ncnpi goat, nnd whcn tholf eucrglos f nll of nccompllslilng bouio dosired cnd, po:. Blhly through thclr own bllndnoss or tnlsmanngoinont, thcy nttrlbuto thoir falluro to luck. So Gcrnld sat nnd thought of hls prospccts, and it dld not requlro much cffort to covcr them nll. IIo east up his nccounts mcntnlly nnd bnlanrpd his nssets ngnlnst hls linlillitics. Of tho lattcr, thnnk God, tlicrc wcro none to nniotint to niiythlng, nnd of tho formor wcll, tho nccount bnlnnccd nlccly. IIIs wntch wna sllver, nud old nt thnt. Hls Iawhooka wcro not numcrous, nnd old lnwbooks nro n drug on tho markct nt nny timo. IIIs furnlturo wns rlckety aud cliunp. Po thoro wns nothing to bo galned ln trying to eell thnt. IIo throw out hls hnuds in a Bort of deprecatlng nppeal to thu world ns ho nt thero in tho darkncss. What wns thoro to livo for? Tlicro wns nothing in Ilfo that ho could see. IIo had no lntlmnto friends ho had been too much wrappcd up Iu his buslncss to mnko them. Ho had innny ploasnnt ncqualntnuces, but thoy nre rnrely friends. A friend Is ono who ls wllllng to givo somethlng for nothing, nnd Gcrnld kuew that thero wns nono such nmong tho men who grceted him plcnsnntly day nfter day. He had 110 fnmlly snvc a dlstant cousln or two, who would rcgard it as a blesslng, perliaps, if ho wero out of tho way. "Out of tho wnyl" That phrasc woko n traln of thought In hls mlnd. He dropped hls head upon his hands and thought of gettlng rld of hls misorablo llfe. Ho sat there and heard nothing. The colored janitor shutllcd down tho hallwny nnd closcd tho stalr caso wlndow, Brumbllng tho whlle nbout tho welglits belng too hoavy nnd the wlndows boing llkely to open them Bolves "jes" when they's a showah an mebbo a bluzznrd n-ragln." Eut Gerald did not hoar him. TLo room was growing dnrkcx nnd colder fit tho timo, but the niau's hoart was bo much darkor nnd colder thnt ho felt nothing. IIo wns thoroughly dlscour nged, nnd whon a man gets thoroughly discouragod; when, liko this one, hia funds nnd hls prospccts nro nll gone; when tho streots, nnd the fnctorles, nnd tho nowspnpers, aro nll fllled with forms nnd nnmes begging for omploy ment, nnd tho dlscournged mnn knows no trndo or profession savo tho ono which hns fnlled, then comes tho deslro to sleep to dlo to cnd tho futilo strug glo for cxlstenco nnyhow, to stop think lng. It goos further than n dlscussion of the question, "Is lifo worth Hvlng?" nnd It becomes merely a bald state mont, "Death wero bottorl" Gerald renched for tho drnwor ln his dcsk, where hls rovolvor, loadcd with ball, lay closo to his hnnd. It would bo n quick way out of tho dlfflculty a momentary twingo of pain, then bless ed obllvlon. Tho 0 o'clock bells wero ringing, and the man roso with a blttor sinlle. Tho mockiiig bells rang on, nicrrlly, merrlly chaslng tho toues up nnd down tho Bcnlc. IIo lookod nt tho plstol, cocked it. Hark! Thero camo in through thnt ball wlndow, which must have opened itself ngnin, tho stralns of "Corona tlon." 'Tho bells had censed their mockcry and wero rlnglug out tho old hymn tunes tho tuncs his mother used to play on tho old mclodeou nnd smg to him. ne stopped, nud tho plstol slowly foll by hls Blde. Then tho n r changed, nnd tho ehlmes rolled tho grand strnins of "Adesto Fideles" Oh, come, all ye falttatul Wns ho faltliful to hlmself? Was he faithful to hls mnnhood? Jojful and trlumphant Wns thero nothing at nll ln llfe worth livlng for? Had he not ndvlsod a dls consolnto frlend to cheer up nnd mnke ono moro stop out to botter things? The plstol dropped from his hnnd 011 to tho tnblo, nud tho nlr playcd by tho bells was now ono of comfort to the rncrcy scat, Fenently kncel. Through tho snow Indon twlllght tha notes of tho hymn soundcd Hcrc Mds your woumlcd licirts, lUre tell your ani'uuh Tho moinory of tho little old churfh nt homo cnnie bnck to hlni t ' o tm-i j ory of hls mother's death nnd ho t.iu hymn conifortod hls chlldlsh henrt. Earth hath no torrow that hearen cannot lical. Thero cnnie n shuflle on the tloor of the h:ilhva.v. nnd the llght of u luUi n sbono ovor tlio trnnsoni. A Unock 011 tho door; but tho muu wlthiu stood With hls fneo huried Iu hls hunds und hceded It not. Then n lettor wns bllppeil through nnd fell with n soft tnp on tho bnro nnd dirty tloor. Tho bells woro sllent ns tho man Btepped forwnrd, picked up tho letter, aud with a bltter smllo rcad tho stamp on tho porncr. no kuow lt so well! Anothcr pollto rcfusal, or a request to Bond postagc. Ho toro It open. Whatl A thln pleco of paper "Wo ahould bo glad to seo moro of your work." Ahl Tho bells, tho bells rlng out nnd out FTalM Ood, from whom all blesaings flow Pralso Qodl Nothing elso would do. Pralso God and bless tho bells tho bells- Tralie him aboye, ye keavtnly host; Pralte Father, Son and Holr Ghojtl Tho man fell on his knocs as tho bella ecasod, and from that dlngy room thoro went up n prayrr ono of tho raro praycrs that aro poured forth from a Joyful hoart and go stralght to heavcn. 'And tho bells of St. Mark's had eavcd Dlphtherla, aore throat, cronp. Inataut rellof, permanent cnre. Dr. Thomaa' Ec lectrlo 011. At any drng atore.