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VERMONT WATCHMAN & BTATE JOUKNAL, WEDNESDAY, SEL T.. 11, 1901 8 Williamstown. Itwsa stirprlslnR and sorrowtul mes BBgs tlntcame by toleRtuph last woekTuos tlsy liom Denver, (Jol., HUDOunclDg tlio death ot oar (ormor bolovotl townsman, Bamoy D. Fllnt lntuatolty. Onthatilay Mr. Fllnt went (rom horo to Woodburn, Oregon, ln the f 11 ot 1808, on a suiall (rnlt iatui tuat he Iind purouased before golng tuoro, TbU Btep was takon on account of un lulitirlted teudoucy to cousnmptlon on tlie iai t ot hls wlfe, Not lont? bro bo flold hin O egon bomo to ruovo to Uolorado and pnrchaaed a pleoe Bome twulvo uillos (rom Uuuver. Wltb bls (amlly ho was vlsltlng a nhort tlmo at the bomo ot oar (ormor towna mu,Luuian J Uorsey ot Danvor. Wbllo on tha wav to Dunvor n Bwelltua annoared on bls uook whloh ho took to bo a bull, but tt devoloped lnto a (atal oarbuuole that was attoudod by delerlum tlll hia duath in tbo hosnltal to whiob ho was takon a few daya before. Uis brotbor, Iloraco Fllnt and wlto ol Qlbbon, Neb , wont at onoe to Donvor. Tbo boily, accouipauled by Mr. Fllnt'B ouly hoii Wlllie, was dent to thls placo, Iloraoo Fllut cointng as tar as Olilcago, and atiother brother, ez-conductor Frank W. Fllnt go luc to Moutreal to meet bls nophetv wlth the body. Thoy arrlved heru early Sundty niorulnR and the funeral was held at tho Congroriatlonal chnrcb at2 r. M., tho burlal belng ln our cetnetory. Mr. Fllnt would havo beeu rllty-two years old noxt Novotu ber. Uo lefc a wlle, ono son and a dug& ter. Uutll golng wuat three years aio, lt. Fllnt's llfo had boeu ilvod horo and prln clpilly on a (arm. Certaln charaotor istiua were strong ln blui, and he developed lnto a rnarked tuau atnongst ua. He poa sesaed nntnrally, ln a great degree, the Bplrlt ot fnn, and mlght bavo mada a fine comedian wlib bla dramatlo power and with tho propnr tialulug But hoiuo yearn agoa chaugo cui8 liuu UU lite wheu hu ! camo a Ohrlatlun, and lt went on lucruas Ingly and abaorblngly to the ond. Tho praotlca ot rellglon, as he vlewed lt, was the one thlng he dld. Hia Idei of fie chnrch and hls duty to lt, led hiin to iha nover talllng attundanco upon all lts aer vlces, (rom Sunday mornlng to the end of the weok. nreachlug services, tbo Sunday school, tbe Ulirlstlan endenvor Boclaty meet lngs, the cburch prayer meutlug, and other eztra servlcea. eueaeed hls love and co-U' bor to a degree hardly paralleled here, aud hls earnestness, auggestlve of Mr. Moouy's, always msured blm a wolcamo hearlug. But thls waB ouly one part of hia religlons life. The other was the contlnual outgoing ot hls heart to hls (ellows ln love and lielp fulness and a desire (or tholr very hlghest good. so tbat hls lntluence lor good was ruoognizad beyond tha Uongregatlonal chnrch which ho in various wayn, olllclally. and otherwlsa, served bo (atthtnlly. It is not Btranga tbat ho camo to De so greatly reanected aud beloved. and that snch a large oongregatlon was present at bls funeral on Sunday. He took to the Paclfio coaat the sarue Bplrlt he sbowed here. A letter in our possaasion, wrltlon by a yonng man ln Oregon, telling ot Mr. Fllnt's lnflu ence on bimaolf, Is oue of what we believe are tha many proofs ot thls. It ever llowers were a heartfelt tribate to the tnemory ot a departed one, the beautifnt collectlon on aud aboat the oasket ot Mr. Fllnt waB Buch. Oae of tbe prettlest pieceB waB that ot fifty oue white plnks, lndlcating bia ago, ln a bnautiful eetting of green, tbo gift of tbc CUrlstlan Endaavor Bociely ot tbe Gongre gational cburch In which Mr, Fltnt had been bo long Hiich a davoted membar. Rev. D.1I. Strong ofllciated at tbe f nneral, fltting lyclosing bls talk wlth the words, "Servant of Qod, well done," etc. Wlllie Fllnt wlll roturn soon to Colorado, where he is engaged ln the atudy ot dentisl ry. His motber tnay mako her home there. Mrs. EllBha B. Qale flnds the cllmate of Colorado bo helpful to her that abe niay not return thls (all. Rev. D. II. Strong exchanged last Sunday mornlng with Rev. J. J. McDonald of Ber lin, who gave his audlence a good Hermon. Rev. Mr. Strong has been ailing in tbe last (ew days, maklng his mlnisterial dutles very hard for blm. Mr. and Mrs. T. BlosBom of Bethel have been recent guests ot the (amlly of thelr brother-ln-law, Newell R. Farnbam. MissMary E. Waterman wentto Melroso, Masa., on Monday rnorning, to be tho guest of Mrs. M. J. White for a weuk. Mrs. Luclna Martin, wlfe of Harry Fogg, aince the late removal of more cancern, is ieellng mnch better, and hopes to bo quite well agaiu. AsHcond son was born last weok to Mr. aud Mr. Carl Saavor. Mr. and Mra, Ilarmau Iiurnhatn and non o( St. Johnsbnry, waro horo lait weuk to sce bls brotbor, Melvin E Burnhain, Robble DnffuB hasgoneto Waterbury to attond Hohoul and b lu tha (amlly o( his grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Davls. Oharles M. Erakino aud Irvlug RoblnBon are pnttlug in silos. George W. Roblnson wlll offer bls farm and personal property at auction on SAtur day, Sept. 21. A very pretty birtlulay party was giveu one day laat weuk, by Mrs. Maynard Kiaor, on h r la vn, (or her two youug danghtars. Twenty-tlz little missea were preaant and cako and ice-croaui were served. In addi son to tho otbur ploasuron ot tbe occaalon, tbe Mlases Klaer waro tbe reclplants of blrthday gifts. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ologston are tbo" bappy pArents ot a daughter lately born to tbom. Their other three chlidreu are boub, Mrs. Ologatou is a daughter of Denison Brown. Qenry Downs wrltes of his arrival at Klrksville, Mo., and of a very pleasant re ception thoro, as the resnlt of the klndness of Dr. Lewis D. Martin in openlng the way for blm. Rev. Washington Morse ot Mlnnesota, a( ter an abiance ot many years, was visltlng here last week. Mr. Mcrse was one ot the ilrst to mannlacture lime, at tbe llme klln, south ot our vlllage. He tells us that be drew l.GCO buabola ol it one year to Asa Low o( Bradford, lor bleachlng rags (or paper. He has been tbe owner ot a farm for years ln Mlnnesota, as well as a minlater in tbe Seventh Day Adventist donomlna tion. He has three boub who are rnlnlsterB ln that denominatlon. A native ot Brook field, and own consln of Azro D. Morso of Barre, be has thls year bnrled hls wlfe, a native ot JNortuneni. ue la elguty-uve years of age, and well-preBerved ln body. Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas Waldo have bad as recent gue9ta, In addltlon to Mrs. Waldo's parents, Mrs. Fred Uemenwav and slater of Masaacbusetts and Mrs, Mary Spencer o f uiaremont, n. ii. Atter very warm days at the close ot laat week, Monday rnorning came ln wlth a frost, Mrs. Henry Wood and Mrs. Hal Ohpney have jnBt been vlsiting the Fan-Amerlcan. Cornellus F. Hatcb, a grandson ot the late Asa Hatcb, and a mercbant in Bostou, lately viaitoti onr piace. Ratb, a daughter ot the late Clark Clough was ln town last weak accompanied by a uauguter. Our aged townsman, Uhester Fllnt. who ltves wlth his only daughter ln Washing ton, was at nis oiu nouio iiero last week, wtilcu ne stui retains. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Fllnt returned last week from Barlln pond where they bad ben lx weaks. Mrs, Fllnt wlll soon go to jnow yonuir mwnuory goous. Ernest, son ot Rev. J, O, Sberburn of St Johnsbnry, Is visltlng here. J, IC. Lynde la maklng cbanges In hl storo buildlngs, preparatory to tbe now or- uor of tblngs about to ba lnaugurated, Wben the lata Rarnay D. Flint was about to leave uregon for uoiorauo a tarewell re ceptlon was elvon hls (amlly ln the Preaby terian cburch of Woodburn. Two honrB were paased Hoclally and preaentatlona were maile Mr, aml Mra, Fllnt wlth approprlata aililreas atnl response. Roireshmants were served. Mr. Fllut had been tbe auparln tendent of tho Bnnday school in which bls wlfe had been a teachor, Later lt was pub- llcly Btatod tbat they had been able workera ln tbe oburou and the rellgtous crlcles ot the clty and coanty,and thelr abaenca leaves a very notlcoablo vold. A larga nnmber ot frlends woro presunt at tbe depot to bld tbom tarowoll as they loft for Colorado, Now fall and wlnter coats for ladlea aro ln evldonce ln the cloak departmout at Uomer Fitts'. Qeorgo 0. Earle has ostabllsbed a dally oxpress routo from horo to Barre. Gny 0. Bmlth of Boston was In '.own on Monday for tho llrst tlme ln twenty yeats Rovb. Wllllam Sohofleld and F. E. Ourrier asilsted Rev D. H. Stroug In tho Barney D. Fllnt (uneral sorvlceB at tho Congrcgallonal cburch last Suuday altornoon. Ex Oon ductor Frank W. Fllnt, Goorgo Beckott, Oharles Townsond and Wlll Towusond were the bearers A in&lo quartette sang. MarshUeld, Mrs. D. W. Bancroft and Mts. J. H. Broen are 111. James Encilab and slstnr Allco of Mont pelier, were ln town over Suuday. II. G Swordfoger Is at his bomo In Hard wick thls week. Rov. Joseph llamllton of Danville was In town laat weok. B. M. Shepard and George B. Walton of Montpolter were In town last weok on a buutlug oxpodltlon. Howard Oarpenter ls agaln a resldent of the town ot Cibot, bavlnn moved hts effectB to tbt place last week. Mlsses Josephine Nute and B irtba Swerdfeger expact to return on Wfdnesday to thelr school at East Northfield, MaeH. In order to get b: fllcient power for rnn niug tbe dynamo 1 hs become neceBsary for M. E. Bpckley to usi bls gaiolino en glue In cotinectlon witb tbe wator owor. George Folsom, Ed Pltkln and Herbert E idy aro preparlng b los to recaive thelr harvost ot corn. Joseph Wtlson, who has been a Buftarer from heart troublo for tomo tima, pasaed away early Monday mornlng. Funeral Betvices wlll be beld from hls lato home Tueady aftarnoon. W. D Smith axpectB to move to Golts- town, N. H., tbis weok, whore he has bo- cured a posltion ln an elactric llght and power plaut. Ellls 0. Proston expects thls woek to flniah work for Parker Yonng & Cj., o( Llabon, N. II., and wlll retnrn to thls placo where he wlll make his home for tbe pres ent. Frank Bomis, who has been filling the place ot Becond man at tbe creamary slcco Howard Carpanter flulshed hls dutlas thoro, belluvoa be bas noen enough of the busineBS to convinca blm lt is not what be deslres as a lifa protesaion and bas served notice unon tho directors to enaago Bome- one to take hls place as soon as may be. Here ls an openlng worth conalilerlng to aomeone havlng a desire to learn the bust- neas. Marshfield Orange wlll hold lts second annual lalr the first Thnrsday evenlng in Oc'ober in Marshall's hall. Members and everyona are lnvlted to attond and bring prodncts from the farm and compete for the various prizea ouered. Tbe laules are re- quested to bring fancy work. A harvest Bupper wlll oe servea Dy tne lauios oi tne Grango. Followlne is the program for the next Orange meeting, Saptember 18, which wlll be lectnrer's nightj muslo by grange; seltc- tion. Mrs. H. U l'ike: mnalc, selecteu; naali debate; mualc, vlollu, Harry Parker; Orange propbecles; eong by Orange. S. Swerdteger retnrned on Tbursday from hls vacatlou trlp west. "Slm" says he saw tne elepnant. Ward Carver went to Barre on Tbursday to make pn piratlons for resumlng hts school dutleB as teacherln theblgbest grade at ot the graded echool of South Barre. Mrs. W. J. Town of Boston ls in town for a weok's vacatlon and vlalt with rolallvea and frlends. " Waves" dutles are snch that it wlll probably not be posalble for blm to vitdt Vermont thls fall. Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Gage of Wobnrn, Masa., have rtcently been guesta of Mr, and Mrs O. D. Cole and other frlenusin thls vlcinity. Mlss Eleanor T.Cole is civing instructions in lnstramental mualc at Goddard Samlu- ary. The Orange wlll hold lts second annual fair the flrst Tbursday ln October Compe- tltion (or premlums on exhlbits opan to all. A. 0. Tucker returned (rom Greensboro on Saturday ot laat week, brineing with him as proo( ot his aklll with llahlng tackla, a trout welgbing slx and one-halt pounda and meaauring twenty-seveu lnches. It alwayB gives ns pleasure to note the prosparity ot our (ormer citizana and. we ex tend congratulattons to our foriner towns man, F. W. Ellla, npon bls appointmeut to the posltion of but'ermaker in the creamary at Corinth, which means qulto an advauce in salary over that which he bas been re- ceiving as second man in tbe craamery at naintleiu. Unlon aervlcea nnder tbe auiplces of tbe Anti-Saloon League, conductod by Rev. Mr. Chidley ot Burlington, wlll be beld at tbe Methodlat cburch Sunday ln place of the regular rnorning aervlce. Brooka Hudson has returned from Lanes. boro and engaged to clerk for E. W. Gil man, He commances hls dutles Monday, CASORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Slgnaturo of Kast Hrookllold. Our farmcrs aro verv busv nt tbo nrosent time mung tueir suos. Dr and Mis. L. O. Wnkefield of MnntiiH. Her spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W UJark. Mrs. W. P. Hubbard of South Rovalton via- U3U iier lait weeii. Mici Cecil Jorond and Miss Mabel Caldwell of Ho8ton are visiting at G. U. Dana's. Harrison Peako is ill with bilious forer nt E. J. Jackson s V II Sprague went to Isle la Motte last rrulay to atteud tbe annual b.mmint nftlin Fiah nnd Game League and incidentally to Bee V ice i resment jvoosvcii.; There will be a lnwn party at J. M. Angcll's next Friday ovening wlion tbo Williamstown Coinetband, tln Rrookfield malo quartette and the fomole quartette from Brookfield ten tor will be pr sentand reuder selections Cake nnd colTee will bo served. The invitation is genoral. Woodbury, M. E, Fnster and wifo went to Glover laBt uaturday to spend Suuday, Allie Balley baa vaoated tho boanllng iioubb ar, tue lower quarry, oiartlu Clark takes hls place. unarios watson and wesley I'ock are both ill, Rev. Mr. Sanborn of Elmore occupiod th puipitoitue Aietuouist ounrcu on bunilay, September 1, in exohange with the pastor, Our road cim-mlahioner ls dolng a flne piece ot work on tho rod at tho outlet ot Loug pond. A. B. Cortbell and fainlly rohirnad to tbeir home In New Dorchester, Mass., ou xuesuay oi last, weeK, G, W. Foster & Son are lmprovlng the appearance of their houso, barn und out- bulldlngs by a ooat of palut. School at tbo Center opened last week Tuesday wlth Mlss Blodgett of Cabot, ln tbe Grammar dopartmont and Mlss Ella Wataon ot thla town in tho prlmary. South Duxliury. Frsd Hunt and wife aro furnisliing an oat ing tent at.the fnlrs. Mlss Nell of Fayston is caring for thelr liomo Intorest. Mrs. E LoMzelle was in Waterbury laat week visiting hor nitjco, Mrs W E. Town. Mrs Oinrl Ilruco and daughter Bosoio nnd Mrs. F. Ilunt woro at Qucen City Park over Sunday. llarry Hruco has gono lo Montpelier Soral nary V iss Ida I'oydon is toacliing In district No. 3 nnd Lillian Sleoporin district o. 0, llort MoKinnoy has gano to work in Water bury in tho Btono shed. Mr nnd Mrs ( harlos Whooler have Just en- joyed a visit from his youngest sister Warcia and son of Burlington. Mrs. Paniuol Turner lad tho Sunday oven ing prnyor service. Asa Corliss nnd Mrs. Clmrles Wlieoler aro visit'mg in t abot and t'alnia. II. Fnlkins and son'of Westford woro guests of Wllllam L'orlisa liust week, Mrs Saimiel Somervilloi spont last week in Rochester nnd Hancock with her brotliers and sister nnd other friends. Mor nepliew Rinal do Whittier nnd wife, snn nnd daughter ac companied her bomo on Tuesday. Mi"s Corella McKinney is at work for Mrs. Loon Childs ln Moretown. Mrs E Louizello wns clven n surnriso Au- gust 31 to romind her sho had bceun to live on borrowed tiiue. The seventietli birtlidny broUL'ht to hcrnot onlr irienus but many toH oii3 of retucmbrnnco nnd S20 in n oney. Tho nartv was eorved to n dinner from n woll nro' vided tnblo which nll sliared with mucli pleas ure. Mr. nnd Mrs. William E. Wnrd of Waits field cnlled on tueir son Herbort on rrulay. Itoxbury. Carl RollliiB was ln Barre last woek to vislt bls motlior, who ls 111. Rob DickltiHou and wlfe are theownerB ol a uew little dauguter. Mrs. EmnrMOii of Lnbanon, N H., who bas bean vlaltlug Mrs J, M. Uana, returned uome aauirday Frauleln Meyser and Norman Wlloy of Waltham, Maas , who have been boanllng with Uharles wlloy, returned bome on Tursday, The Ladioa' Mlte Socioty will meec at the venry on weanaauay lti cuarga oi wrs. Dwlght Howe. The Good Templars expect a visit from tho members of warren longa on lueNua evenlng, and hone for a full attendanoa of their own members Mrs, M. H. Flynu, who rocently return ed (rom the Fauny Allen hoapital after a very dangerous opara'ton, has been quite 111 the naat week. and it was (eared that se rious constquences mlght follow from her havitig overiaxed her atretigih before hav' lng tully recovered. It Is hopad, howovor tuat wltu proper cara atio wiu siowiy ro cover. Tbe funeral of Mrs. A L. Spaldlng on Mmday of last week was rendered even more sad to the friends by the delay of the traln wblcn preveuted thelr reaclilng noro nntll nearly oUht in tbe evenlng, after which tha services were held at tbe cburch The burlal was postponed nntll the naxt mornlng Many boant'lnl (lowert) sbowed the reizard ot her (rtends in Worcester. Rev. Mr. Sharpo of Northfield conductad the services. Mrs. Lee Wlloy dled last Thnrsday morn lng. Servlos were held at tha houso on Smurday, Rev. H. C. Howard oftlclatlng, HBalateu by Knv. Uharles S Usgar, botb (or mer paatorB bere. filrc. Wlley leaves only a husband. htvlng uo children aud uo naar relativas. She aud her huabaud woro al wayB so near and daar to each other that her death seams to cause more grlot thau that of sonie who have many llves depend- lng upon them. She will ba greatly mtased, also, ln the cburch, where Bbe was always a falthful and active worker. Her large class ot children from the Sunday-achool attendeil tbe funeral la a body, each witb a bunch of flowers, an abuuiUnca of which were aho brought by other frlends. Merritt Wlley of Walrbam, Mlai Janelte wlloy of waahing- ton, Lewis Ellls ot Barre and othars from Nortbfiald, Warreu and Randolph, were present. Rev. Charlns S. Hagar of Unlon Seml- rary, New Yjrk, who preached here laBt summer, mido a brlat vislt hara aud prenchad on Sunday. Thora was a good congregatlon, bit lt would have baen larger lr averyone could have known ba was to preaoh, aa Mr. Hagar won the rc Hpect and liklng of Roxbury people ln an uuuaual degrae, aud a year's absence baa not cauaed them to forgat blm. New fall tnitnred and walklnc buIib now in, at Homer Flttn', Barre, Thotforcl. Died in Thetford, Au2U9t 30. Asa Pooro. aged oishty-tbreo years. School at the academy onenod last 'week witti n good number of scbolars Helen Emerson is nttending tlie academv. Sherniau Daily has moved to the Carlos Slaf ter fnrm. 1 Lyman Slaf ter is not ns well Rev Mr Hlias is at the Goodwin home Mrs Artluir t'oltou has so far recovered as to be nblo to come bomo. School in district No. 3 commenced last week with Anino IJodce ns teacher Geonro Garey has closed his labou at Pnttercson's mills and will ttend school nt tho ncadomy. Sadie Kinney will stay with her sister, Mrs. E C. liond, this fall and attend the academy. Kast Wurron. W. A. Averill and danuhtera and E W. Slayton attended the funeral of Mrs. Lsa Wlley last aitunlay at Roxbury. The Ladles' Mlte Soclaty wlll meet witb Mra. S. T. Van Deusen on Krlday after noon. All are lnvlted. A Bon waa born September 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Will ParaonB. A daughter was was born last Frlday to Mr. and Mra. P. B. Danlelu. South Ryegate. Thresa Dnrling went this weok to Lowell, Mass , where she i3 to atteud rchool two years. William Darling, Jr..goes to Northfield to at tend Echool and Eliza Wilson to Randolph. Thonias Longmoro has puicbnsed the farm bolongiiig to the estate of A. M, I'eacli lnto of Newbury. Piice $1,020. At tho auction salo l.ast Tbursday other property sold oqnal' ly as well. George t'row was nt. Enst Montpelier on business last Friday Reports from P. W. Ruclianan nt tlie hospi tal at Ilanover, N, II., aro very favorable. M. H. MoDonald returned bomo last Friday after a visit of three weeks in tho West. Tho Ladios' Aid of tlie Roformod Presby terian cliurch will meet with Mrs. Charles Grant on Friday of this weok. A son was born at VV illiam Iloar's last Saturday. Tho fnrmois nnd friends of P. W. Pucli aiian all turnod out nnd gnve him a lift iu tbo way of nuttinir his ciisibiiro corn into his silo. last onday, while ho is nt the hospital at ilanover lor trentiuoiit Vo lailed to notico auf of the Moderu Woodmen of America ptesenl, a new soeio y iu tho place. "I'liim" was one of the chartor members aud it would not be out of placo for the bro hers to leud a lielpmg hand in timo ol need Topslitiiu. Mrs. J O Albortot Phi'delpliin nnd Miss Agnesbbields of Wost Hnrnet visited lrs E D Taggai t last Wednesday nnd Tliuradny Mrs. Fred Wood nnd cbild nnd Allon Wocd ot liostoa nre here on n short visit. Mr nnd Irs. Goorgo "urnliam and fnniily visitod iinii's pona one uny last week. William Miller of Hrstou is visiting hls I rother, Frank ,lller. whuro their motlior, mrs i-iariinu is lying cntioaiiy iu. Mrs Jones, formorly Loima Eaatmnn, nnd her two dnuuhtrrs returned to her liomo in Mnnchoster on Saturday. A full report ot Corinth fair will be found on page 2, Wost Valrloo Contor, Miss Ilclcn Soutlmortli is tcaclitng in East Lymoi Miss Sarah Southworth in Fairlee at the liead of the lnke, nnd Miss Antiie South worth nt Post Mills Our school at bo Center is belng tanglit by M iss Elsio Poor of Berlin. Owiiur to scliool beglnnlng so niiicli enrlier than iisunl, thoro was a very amall nttendanco for tho first two weeks ot tho term. The school ln No. 3 is tauglit by Miss Nor cros ot Bradford Clinrles Morso leaves us for Ilanover tliis week Uarold also leaves for Dartnioutli. Nattin Morse. who is in tho Hnrvnrd Medi- cnl school nnd lins been doing Jioapitnl work in the city hospital this summer, is tnking a vn cat on for a rouplo of weeks. Miss Kato Wliito of Washincton. 1). 0 . is visiting Miss iMitinie Southworth. Horti ot tho Moon. Mrs. Will Tliayer is visiting in Plainfield Austin I'avtio has cono to Molndoes Fnlls to visit his son, George A Pnyno Frnnk .Tncobs was tlirown from n load of logs last Tbursday and ono of tho wngon wheels pnssed ovor his ody No bones were br ken out ne will bo lame lor some titne. Mrs. L E Sanders, who has been soriously ill, is .a little butter ilnnier. hou of Georcro Lano. is nurainrf a spr.iined nnklo, the reault of climbing n small . . iiti ai... 1!.... i i i... 1.:.. 1...1.1 ireo. vviieu um apuu utjin uu iul uui and dropped to tho ground. Groton. Claronco Hondry moved last weoV in'o tbo boiiso that he bought last sprmg of hd. Kit tridgo. Fred Wobbor has sold 1ns mterest in his quarry to Krank Jones. C. A. Rickerlostn valuablo cow last little dny from milk fover. II. Wnllnce ' hslmers of Corinth wns in town on Friday on business. Frank Kittridgo has moved from Claronce Hendry's houao to Ed Vincent's houso on Pine streot. Mrs. Lyman Blnncliard is very ill. Mrs. A J Carpenter baa been very sick but is now improving. Charles Pillsbury, who has beon liead com positor in the Timcs oilico for the last year and a lialf, has finished work there P. L Sargent left on Saturday for Cleve lnnd. O ' to nttond the Grand Armv cncnnin- ment where ho will spend a fow days. From t ero he will go to Cliicago where he will Bpend a few days vniting liis brother and other relatives. The Mothodist cliurch has a now piauo for tbeir vestry. dosepli Goodwin of White River Junction is visiting his parents nnd other rolallvea in town. M . Goodwin is workiug for the New England Tolephone and Telegraph Uorupany Kast Roxbury. Mrs. Waldo Royea and aon of Rndolph wero gueatB of her aunt, Mtb. Luoy Wet atsr, laBt week. George 8. Wbeatlay of East Brookfield was iu town recently while u hls way to Essex Junction where he baa entered tbe Higb school for a four years' course. Mlss Hattie R Klddor is at home from Old Orchard aud will teach ln tho Iiowmau district. Heracliool began on Monday. Friends from thls place attended the funeral of Mra. CaBsina Peck in Brookfield on Sunday. Mth, Peck's body was brought Irom ber bome ln Burlington on saturday. QuBtene Rutz la aulle ill at his home in East Biookfiald. Mrs. Leviab Steelo was at F. O. Allen'a laat Thursday. Ziil S. S'anton. Hupiirlntendent of Bchools, wua in town and visl ed this sobool on Fri day. He changed tha vertical writing Ijooks wiilcn tii vo bean uaed bere tue paat two years for Sbort writing booka. Emmenda Howe is driving a dandy team ot matched bnckakln boraes, which ho ro ceutly purchased. Annie Rutz has flnlsbod work for Mrs. Cliarlie Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wboatley aro visltlng thelr daughter, Mra. F. E. Allen. Mra. Clara Rozora aud son Allen of Ran- dtlpb have been vlaltlug Mrs. L P. Web atar tha past week. Mrs. F. E. AllBn and Mrs. Jeaae Wheat ley attended Mrs. Oassiua Peck's luneral iu Brookfield ou Sunday. Etbel Wardner haa goue to Brookfield where she will romaln at Warren Willlam'a while attendlng be blg'i school, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. McQlure of Boston aro apeudlng a faw daya at L. A. Eaatinan's. Dr. L. B. Allen and wlfe of Randolph Bpent Sundiy at F. O. Alleu's. J. T. Edsou and 0. J. Baker are bullding a bIIo. Mrs. Luclna Morfit is ablo to slt np in bed for a short tlmo. Mrs. J. J, Steele was in East Brookfield las'. weeK. Mr. and Mra. L. W. Blanchard visited Mrs. Blanchard's slater, Mra. Allen Fllnt, in Bralutree on Suuday. Elder and Mra. Oiz Boyoa went on Sat urday V) Map.H Hlll campmeating, expa'ct Iug to ba away a faw dayj. He will be here for services next Sunday. Mlss Hattie Kldder began her school in the Bowman district on Monday, Post aiiiis. Mr and Mrs, W. L KnigUt have returned from Lynn, Mass. They wero ncconipanied by tbeir daughter, Mrs George Lelaud. Wnlter Terhime has roturnad from his trip to lloosick Kalls, N. Y., where ho has been spending his vacation. Tho hor3o sliods at tho cliurch havo been robuilt by Robinson A Emerton. Goorge McMillan of New York is witli his cousin, Mrs Jimniie Tcrhuiio. Miss Annio A. Dodge is toacliing iu the Fletcher district. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Powell recently f;vo a vory miccessful lawn party at their lomo on Main Btreet Tho grounds were lighted with many Chineso lanterns and tho houso wm decoiated with forns nnd llowera. The cntertninment consisted of recitntions, niiiBio nnd whist. followod bv lirdit refresh nients. rs Powell wns assisted in receiving byMrs William H. t'hubb of Boston Mr. nnd Mrs. II F. Lawronca of Walpole, N. II., nre tho guests of their daughter, Mrs. E. W. Rayniond. Schools commenced on Tuesday with Misscs riaisdell and Southworth os teacliers. This place furnished tho usnnl nmuber of scbolars for Thetford Acadomy, Henry Patclieldor of Connecticut is visiting his father. Miss Jcnuie Comstock of Lynn, Macs., has opetied lier iiouse on i.aao street. Mrs A. L. Wilcox has cono to Ilvdo Pnrk. Mass. Wults Itlvor. Mr. and Mrs. D S. Folsom, who havo been yisiting their son l hnrlie nt Mou pelior, re turned liomo tbo first of the week, E. S Locka is visiting in Green, Mo. Ali'honso Ilcnth has returnod to Epworth Smith's at Bradford where he is to work dur ing the fall, Ella llutson of Topsham is to teaeh onr vil lngo school this term Alphonso lloath bought a horso of W. 0. Iticliiirdson laat '1 hursilay. Ernest Locko is to teach tho villnge school nt West Topsham Mr. l.ockohas taught tliero Boveral terms nnd is woll likud. Sdlum Dojoph nnd Joliniiio Merrill of Bos ton uro visiting nt Uornce Uoloph's Nearly evorybody from horo attended tho fair nt East oiinth, uud a vory pleasant timo was etijoyed by nll James I'owen, who hns been working nt Now Guinoa, returned liomo the flrst the week, norlln, Charles Kimball'a now storo is ln course of exection Mr. and Mrs Clmtfield have gone to tho PanAmericnn Expoaition. Rev. D. II Strong of Williamstown preach ed in tho Congregntionnl chnrch on Sunday. t Mr. nnd Mrs Milton Hniloy aro visiting rola tivos iu the Wost. Summer visitors nro roturning bome nnd tlie town is onco again assuming its quiot do mennor. Mrs. Doxter nf Hartford, Conn., who has been tho guest of Miss Hubbard, has returned liomo. a Tlio Lend n Hand socioty will hold a sne cial session ou Wodnesday ovoning with Mrs, Dustin Tho conditiou of the wnlks in town aro n dingrace nnd a inenace to the safety of pcoplo who are so daring ns to walk ou tliom. Lot us mako a movo for repnir. Alico, tlie four year-old chlld of J. J. Solina, died Soptomber 3 of whooplng coiigh nnd siimnior coniplaint. The funeral wns hold on Tbursday from the houso, Rov. J. J. McDon nld ofliciating. lOat Orange Mrs Clnrlc of North Montpelier wns in town ovor Sunday Roy Colcinan of East Uurre spent n day with Mrs. Annie Colemm. Mrs Carlton, who spent tho sumincr here, returned to East Barre witb lum. Miss Francis Downing has been iponding severai weexs nerc, Mablo llutchiiison and Vernio Grant went to Bradford last woek lo begm another year at tue academy. Mr and Mrs. 0. D. Burgm woro ca'led to attend the funeral of Mis. Burein s mothcr. Mrs Carpenter. who formerlv lived in this place but has mndo her bomo lately with her Uliarles. tho sultered a shock n lcw woelta ago. School becnn Inst week with Joltn Flandera of West Topsham as teacher Mrs Ingrara nnd son of Wellesloy, Mass visited at Mrs. Jnlia Ilutchinsou'g last week. Falrleo. Rev. Mr. Gnllck nnd hls amlly le(t on Friday for thelr home in Naw Joraey. James W Gitmore and family from Mel roae. Mai-a., are visiting hls brother, Oen, W. H. Gllmore. Tbe now Bchool-bonse la completod and ready for uae. It ls a aubstautial and com modloua buildlng, with two roorasand aeat Ing capacity of about slxty. The bell was obtatued by aubscrlptlon. Tbe schools in town nommeuced ou Monday, September 9. Mrs. Rosalena Ordway of thls town Is to have cbarge of tha prlmary department and Mlss Woodward ot Randolph tne older scbolars. Miss Nicbola of Orford, N. H., ls to teach in district No. 0. William Porter has moved his family into Mr. Rlce's tenement and will asalat Mra. Rlca for the present. Rev. W. S. Spencer pre&cbod ln the Unlon cburch Suuday a' ternoon. ANNUAL FALL EXCUKSION Yia Ceutral Vermont nnd Loiidon to New York. Now The annual fall excuralon to New York via tho Contral Vermjut ratlway, to Niw London, thence by tha the elegaut Bteamnr "Clty of Worcester," wlll be run ou Mon day, Sapt, 23. Tho lare for tbo round trlp, all Btatlnns, Barre to Hartland lucluslve, wlll he $5. A special traln wlll leavo liarro at 1:0j P M , Montpelier at 1:25, arrlvlng at New London at 10:35 p. m. and New York at 7:00 A. m. next mornlng. Tho special tralu wlll be mado tip of flrst class coachea whlcb wlll be run through to New London, and everyona wlll ba asaured a seat, aa tbe nutnber of excuralon tlckota to be sold is llmlted to CCO. Tickots will be on aalo Saturday, September 21. Secura yonr lickets early. The tbeatres are now open, and many new attractlons are on the program thls seaaon, also glving the lovers of base ball an opportuuity to wltneas soniu of tha Na tional league gatnea. Thla excuraiou en tara New York harbor via East River, tha liiioa', approach to tbe city, pasalng tbrough the excitlng hell-gate and under the great Brooklyn brldge and in alght of tbo Ba -tholdl atatuo of llberty. Paasengera ou thla excuralon arrlve ln New York by dayllght, avolding the long anJ tiresomo rida in sleeplng cara, thereby aavlug sleeplng cjt (are aud hotel expensea. Ilerth accommjilatlou ou Bteamer. There are 93 berthB lorward and 1C2 a(t, ou the lowor deck, and a largo numbur on the np per deck aro very dealrable, baing well ven tilated, llght, airy and a great deal moro comlortable than a berth lu a aleeping car; howovor, for those who desire a atate room ihey cnn ba bad on application to Mr. E. D. Naab, Aas't Suparlntendent, New London, Conn., on payment of Sl, Sl.EO or S2, ac cording to the kind of atate room deaired, Tho ateanier "Clty of Worceater" ls one ot the finest on tho sound, baving all the modern lmprovermenta. Tlcketa will be good golng only on apo cial traln SHptembar 23, good returning, to leave New York not later tban October 2, to arriva at atarting point October 3. No atop over prlvlleges allowed. South Uarre. Mr, and Mra. A. W. Lane spont Sunday at Joaeph Lane'a ln Plainfield. Mr. LaFayetta'a family havo moved from the Mears honse. James Lydlard baa been slck for a few days Charles Heath, who has been very slck, ia reported better. Alfred Joalyn and Mlas Ella Tilden were married on Saturday. Tho ceremony was performed at tho bomo of Goorgo McFar land by Rev. Efile K. M. Jones. Mr. and Mra. Joalyn are to vlHlt Montreal, Bnffalo and Florlda and on tbeir return wlll realda ln South Barre for a tlme, Will Nyo went to Middlesex on Saturday where hia wlfe haa been atopplng severai daya. Wutorbury Contor, One of tbo moat dlstreaaing accldents oc curred at James T. Thurston'a laBt week mesday. ruoy nad jusc llntahed a new stlo, and woro ready to cut tbe enailage to ttll it, when Henry Thuraton went to the top to aasiat In drawlng up the end of tbe elevator to tbo top ot the allo. Whan he was standlng on a very narrow staging, and pulllng on a atrap attached to the elevator, tho etrap broko, Henry fell backward into tho allo, a dlstance ot twonty-three feet atrlklng on hia liead, nnd one aide, breaking bia rlght arm at the wrlst. He had notre galned oonsclousnoas up to Sunday night, but aeema to be more comfortablo than when firat li Jured. Frank 'M. Bryan of tho Natlonal Llfe In snrauca Company of Montpelier, la havlng a two weeka' vacation. He expacte to vlalt the I'aii-Amerlciii Expoaition. Mra, E, A. Newcomb returned last Fri day from her vlalt to Llabon, N. II. Whtle thoro ahe cangbt the largeat black bass out of Pearl lake aver caught tbere. It welgh ed aeven and oue-fourth poundn. Tho funeral of MIsb Flora Hunley wob hoid from her home on Kueeland Fla' latt Buuday aftornoou. Services were conduot ed by Rev. J, W. Illrsley and Interment waa lu the Rnaaoll cemntery. Mlas Flora was uot a strong chlld uud (or the paat II vo years had beon lu a decllno. For the past year ahe had failed quite rapldly and duath camo to her rellet laat Friday nlght. She wbb a most lovablo yonng lady, who wlll ba greatly misaod lu her home, lu school and ln Suuday school, Tho houso was full of Hjmmithlzlng friends aud naightx rs whn at tested thelr lovo by beautliul floral ollor Inga. Mr. and Mrs. Bornhart nnd son of New York wero here to attend tbo funeral of Mlss Huntley. Mr. Beruhart is a brother ot Mrs, Huutley. Adolph Mercbant ls to tnove lnto tho O, H. Mlnott tenemont thla week. LIFE IS But we HAVE to LIVE and we under. Are you tired of Hving ln the dusty, noisy city or town ? Why not purchase a nice little FARM and live quietly for the remainder of your life ? These FARMS are only a few ol the long list, We would add that lt any one has a farm he is intending to sell, he should write at once as this is the best time of year for selling farms. - - - FARMS - - - 800 AORE FARM in Williams town, poativcly ono of tho boat hill frms anywhoro around. Wood c nough on it to pay for it, Buildings cost noarly twico wbat we aro asking lor tlio farm. Iho location favorailo, good nsighbors and noar scboo.. Land is well watcrod and fcncod. Cuta botweon 50 and GO tons of bay nnd will kcop moro than 20 cows. Prico cnly 2500.. 'JO AORhi FARM IN FAYSTON, located right in sight of Waitsfiold. 40 acros are wood-land, 30 pasturago, rnd 25 tillage. New barn 28xG0 ft., with basament under whole. Place will koep 10 cows nnd pair of hones. This farm is only 2 1-2 miles from , creamery, nbout 1 milo from school, and 2 1-2 miles Irom Tost Ofilco. Houso is ono and one half stories high, in good ropair nnd conveniently nrrnnged. Good fruit orchard np ples, pears, cherrios, plums, currants, strawberries, rasp-borrios, elc. "Wo make tbo tremendously low price on tbis farm of only $1000, to close out before snow comes. 11G ACRE FARM, only 3 1-2 miles to Barre City, located on a good road near school and neigbbors. Land all lays woll and can be mowed witb machino. Good sugar placo of 1UUU trees. House is in good shape and containB 10 or 11 rooms. Barns Write us AT ONCE or will showyou any of the above FaRMS and others equally as good, and give you better description of them. D. A. PERRY REAL Office in Gordon North Fayston Ingalls ot Barre ia Eugene visiting hia mother. Frank Maxwell of Waitafleld baa moved to to town. James Somorvlllo and Allco Durkeo are ill. Dr. Haylett attenda them. Levl OrandQeld visited hls brother, George C. Graudtleld, on Sunday, Mr, and Mra. John Btowart were made happy last week by the arrival ot a boy at thelr home. School commenced on Monday wlth the following teachers: Eva Freeman in No. 4; Miss Byle ln No. 2. Lnra Eiton, Wlllie and Nellie GrifUn and Olauche Smlth were at home on Sun day, Mr. and Mrn. Ooorge Granfield and aon visited in Duxbury laat week. LEGAL NOTICES. Notico of Flrst MeetlnK ot Ciadltors. In the District Court ot the Unlted States, tor tlio DUtrlct of Vermont, ln bankrurtcy. ln the matter of JASli.8 U. JIAZh.LTON, bank rupt: lo thn creilltors of JAMES II. IIAZELTON, of Nortlillelil. ln thoCountyof WaBhlugtoi., and Dis trict aforosald. a hankrupt. Notice ls hereby irtreu that on the 4th dar of Sep tember, A. D. tho ald JAUES II. IIAZELTON waa duly adjudtcated bankrupt: and that the flrat ineetluu of hlscrodltors wlll 1ms heldat the ofilce ot the undorslftned.ltoom No. 6, U. S.l'ost Ofllce imuamir, in juonipeuer, ou tne ibi uay oi sepiera. which 'tlme the ald credlton may A. D.1SU1, at ton o'ciock in tne lorenoon, at attend. nr tneirciaima, appoiut a iruaiee, examluo the bank- pt, and tranaact aucn other ouaiuees aa may prop. iTiJ coiuo ueiore aaia ineeuu;. EDWAItU II. DEAVITT, Iteferee lu llankraptcy. Montpoller, Vt., September 7, 1301. Notice of I'lnal Meotlnir of Creilltors. In tho District Court of the Unlted States, for the District ot Vermont, ln bankruptcr In tho matter of IIEUllEItr 1. UUItltlER, bank rupt. To the credltors of IIEItBEItT D. COnniEIl.of Montpelier, ln the Ooonty of Washlnston, and Dis trict aforesatd, a bankrupt: Notice la hereb; Rlven that llnrton E. Ilaller, trusteo of tho sald bankrupt, bas flled ln Court bls ilnul ao ount.urnl a meetngof the ciedliorsot the aald HEltuEKT D. Ul'UltlEH wlll be he.o at the ofllce ot the underalgned, room No. 6, U b. l'oat Olllce bulld Inir, In Jlontpeller, ou the 21t Oar of September, A. D. ltu , at ten o'clock ln the foreno iu, at whlcb timo the tlual account of tbo aald trusteo wlll bo exam oedand passed upon. EDWAKD II. DEAVITT. Iteteree ln Bankruptcr. Montpoller, Vt., September lu, IW1. Notice of I"lnul atcctlni; of Creilltors. In the District Court of tho Unlted States, for the District of VerinQiit. ln bankruptcr: In the matterof KltED A DO NINO. hankrnpt: To tho crodltora ot FKED A. DOWNINO, of Clty of llarre, In the Oounty of Washington, and DUtrlct aforesald, a bankrupt I Notice ls hereby Rlven that ThomaB II. Cavo, Jr., truitee of tbe sald bankrupt, haa Bled ln Court hls final accoui.t, aud a nioetlnp ot tho crodltora ot the sald KKEI) A. DOWNINO, wlll be held at the onico of tho underslgnod, room No. 6. U. S. Post OOlco buildliiK, ln Montpelier, on tho 21th day ol Sep tember, A. 1). liiUI, at ten o'clock lu the foreuoon, at which tlme tho tlnal account of the sald trusteo wlll be examlued and passed upon. ED .VAHD II. DEAVITT. Itelereo ln Uankruptcy. Moutpeller, Vt., September 7, lsHJl. u lli.), -Matterof JOHN II. OltlFI IN. Jliinhriuit In llaukr uiitcy To tho Hooorable Ilojt II, Wheoler, Judze ot the District Court ot the Unlted States for tbe District of Vermont. JOIIN II. (lltlKKIN of he Cltyot llarre, ln tho couuty of Washington aud State of Vermont, lu sald jJiamci, respociiuuy represencs iuui ou iue aay of Hei tfinber, A. 1)., I(i last pant, howas duly aa Judgeda bankrupt under tho acisof Congresa relatlng to baukrupicyi that he lma duly surreuderedall hls property at u riants or property, auu uas ruuy com- pltod wfth all the renulremeuts ot sald acts, aud of tho court touchtng hls uankruptcy. i court loucmng ms uauaruptcy. Whereforo ho nrtiTs that he tnav bo decreed br the Court to have a full dUcharge fromall debts provablo aitalnst hls eatatp uuder sald bankrupt acta, oxcoiit sucli dobta as aro excepted by law froui such dUcharite, JOIIN II. (lltlKl'IN binkrupt. Dstod thls Jdday of Septeiuber. A. D. 1SUI. Uhitku Htatks DlSTItlOT COUItT, 1'oiitiib DlBTiuoTor YnnMONT. JOIIN II. UKIPK1N. llaiikruiit.dlscharRo. Notice ls liereby Rlven that JOUN II. (lltlKl'IN, bankrupt, haa Uled hia petltlon dated heptomber 3, lHtil. pmylng for a dlachurRe from all hia debta, ln bnukruptcy, aud that all credlt n and other porsons obJectliiK to such dlscharRe may atteml before the uuderatRned, roferoo. at hl" olllce. ltoom No. 6, u, H. l'oit imlco llulldlnR, lu Moiitpeller ou September 51,1 1. at lUo'clock a, ., audthen andthero preseut thelr objectlona, If any, to such dlschargo, wlth thelr prgofa thoreon, EDWAItD II. DEAVITT, ltofereo ln Dankruptcy, Montpelier, Vt., September 7, 1W1. SHOHT MUST have a ROOF to live aro fairly good. Trice, inoluding BUgar tools 300 tin sap tubs, 500 woodon tubs, iron arches and cvapor aior which cost $130 , fiom 30 to 40 tons of hay all in tho barn, only $2200. 110 ACRES COMBINATION. About 50 ncrcs of clearcd land which is partially tillage, and about 25,000 feet of sprnco on part of tho wood land ; remainder is ard wood, low estimatc of 375 solid cords. Ono barn on tbo place, 21x21 ft. Land Inya only 2 miles from rnilway station and po.t ofllce. Prico only 8300; terms 75 per cent, cnsh. Would trado for n good bullding lot in Mont pelier or Barre. 230 ACRE FARM, located in Rox bury, 1 1-2 miles from Roxbury station. 45 acres ' aro tillago, 80 pasturage, and 105 woodland. Good sugar orchards. Placo will keep 20 cows. Barns aro in good condition ; houso in good shapc, contains 8 rooms conveniently arranged. Run. ning water at house and barn. Unly 1 1-2 miles to creamery, 34 miles to school, and 1 1-2 miles to post ofTlce. Buildings are inBurod for $1200. Property is asscssed for 81900. Prico only S1600, and terms will bo mado veiy casy. Thero is wood cnough on the placo to more tban pay for it CALL at our OFFICE. We ESTATE AGENCY1 Block, Barre, Vi, AT ONCE AND CHEAP . . . . . FOR CASH. Our entire outfit for sawing clapboards, consisting of a Sawing Machine, Turnine: Lathe, and Dra Saw. We also include the Counter Shaft with pulleys for running saws. The above machinery is in good condition and has been in use this spring. Parties de siring to buy, can see this ma chinery just as it is set up ln our mill, if they call at once. Our only reason for selling is that we are to put in a Grist Mill and need the room. Come and see us or write. Our price is $250, which is not one-third the cost of new. A, DWilLLl SON,, Calais, "Vt. FOR SALE. A dosirablo smallfarm isofiferodfor salo in East Montpelier located on wbat is known as "CummicgSquaro", a twenty min tos' drivo from tbe busi ness section of the city of Montpelier. Is in a good state of cultivation, baa an oscollont ayple orcbard in bearing condition. A good sugar placo all equipped, and plenty good hard wood. Tho buildings consist of a one-story houso and ell,painted and blindod and two barns, all in good condition. Run ning water in botb houso and barns. For a person wbo wants a small farm near tbo city ol Montpelier tbis is a raro chanco. Farm cut about ton tons of hay tbis season. For furthor information call on or address D. W. Cummings, Adm'r. UP-TO-DATE Job Printins: ATJTHH WATCHMAN OFFICE FOR SALE