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2 VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, SEPT., 25. 1901 MONTPELIER AND VICINITK LOOAJj IIAI'J'JCXJXOH. J. S. Viles is luaklng BOine uiechaulcal changes lu lils olectrio pluut at Middle sex. Mlsa Sadte Shorldan o( Rutland Is tlio enoHt o( Mcn. J. li. Blackall, hur slstor, ior two weoks. Tbomaa Mauoy, tlia veuerable fliginan at tho Wells Rlver statlon la off duty bc cauao of illiieaa. Mr. und Mrs. Bran Jorn, pareuts of MrB, II. J, M. Jouoa, aru lu luavu buoii (or an ux tonded vlalt tu tbulr furwer houie iu Ohlj. Misses Kd.tli und Allco Blanchard, Juila Peck uud Juau Cochran retumud Wedues day loSiulthGollecNorthamp.on, M.ibs. In tho caae ol Stato agaluat NhIIIo Bly, trlod lu clty court ou Wednesday ufteruoou, tho reapandeut wun acijjlttod by tbo j .ry and dlaoharged by the cjurt. Tboro wate sovonty tlcketa Bold from tbe local Geuiral Vermont atallon to exejrslon ists golug to Muntreal ou tlio tuorulug tralne ou ThurBday aud 123 from Barre, Two ii3w aud haudaome panel algnB from tbu artlatlc toucb o( D. A. Uuptll bave buun pluced butweuu tbu wludows ol J. M. Bjm well'8 granl.e ufllco lu tbu Ljugdon blucka. Tbo Clovet club gave a danco on Frl day evoulug iu Kiiigbts of Oolutnbua ball lu Lawrouce Imildlug, iu luuor ot Mlsa Slbyl Wrlght, wbo leuvea next week to ouier Bcbool. Mra. W.W. Standls'j aud Mca. Luvl King, wbo buvu been gueata of W. O. Standlsh, left toduy to viail rolatlyos lu Morriavllle bcloro returning to thelr home lu Bpriug fluld, Maas. Mlfisoa Uutb aud Graco Purk ua ol Color. ado Springa, wbo bave buun gtiesta o( M.'a. Joseph Polaud durlng the Buniiuer, luf i for tbulr hoine WedueBday, accompauled by thelr tuotbur. George Gokey, (oruiutly uu aaaiatant iu tbo duutal oflku of Dr. G. E liuut aud alao arnouiburot 'Jliriat cbnrcb cuo.r, butnjw ol Boatou, ia puudlng bia vacutiou iu thla clty aud Barre. Mlss Lucia Bailoy left Wedueaday to re auuiu ber studies at Suiltb college at Njrth atnpton, Maaa. Bbu was accouipanled by Mibs Auua Liocoln of Maluuu, N. Y., wbo bas beuu bjr gutst. Souator W. 1'. Dilllngbuui waa cbosen aa oue of tbu oougreaaiuual oscort wbicb ac couipaulud tbu renuus ot l'ruaiduut Mo Kluluy to (Jjir.on aud waa tbo ouly Sjuator from NowEngiaiid to po. Tbu Wbltu Alouutalu expru.-a uijdu lta laat trip lor tbia fleusou ou Saturday but tbu cjuueciioua for tbu Fabyaua and 1'ortlaud will b cuutmuud by tbu Moatpu lier aud Wella Iiivur road. Tbo Nurtbfluld Tulopbono Gumpany haa put a tulupbonu in tbu truaaurur'a (jlll-o at Wortbfljld fair grouud. An opurator will bd tbure uli day Iroiu Mouday to Krldjy iu cluslve ot tbiB wuek, wblcb ia fair wuek " A cpy of tbu Naw York Uc -ahl ot Ap.ll 15, 18(13, K'Vlne au accuuut of tUu aaajsalua tlou ot l'ruaiduut LIucjIu aud blJ duatb, 1b diaplaytd iu tbu wiudow of tbu Moutpul lor bjokatora and attracia cjnaidurablu iu tereet. Uurtia Gnlld, Sr of Bjjtou witb MUsos 8 L. and Mariauua Gnlld, Mra. K. J. ItoL iiiflou aud liiiid aru RneaiB at tbu Paviliun. Jlr. Gulld ia fatbur of tbu diaiiuKuiabod au tborlty ou rlnauce, Co. Gurlia Golld ot Boatou. Stono B.othera bavo at tbulr tuar'iol a uiamruotb Hubbard bquadb ralso.l by Wella Browu on tbu Litigdon farui. Tbe Bquanb welRba GG1 pouuda. Mr. Browu bad au ct jer tq-iaab. wbicb waa a tbird larer, but aoruo oue Htule it frotu tbe field. Mr. aud Mra. J. J. Goodwiu are in More town callud tburo by tbe duatb of Jauiua Goodwiu, fatber of Mr. Goodwiu, wbo dled froiu beart trouble ou Tuuaday. Tbe funor oral waB buld from St. Auerewa cbnrcb ln Waterbury on Tburaday luorniux. Brooka & Borry bavo on oxblbition at tbelr Btoru a diininuttvo curioalty ln tbo way of au bgg. I; la about au iucb in lengtb by a balf lncb lu diameter, wuifiba oue-foartb oaucu and waa laid by a full grown ben ownud by A. A. Miuott of Mid dlesex. Tbe little son of George Landurs waB bad ly bltton by loula Wood's doe ou Tbara day. Tbe boy waB pasainc Mr. Wood'a rea idunco wbun tbu dog rau al bim aud caugbt bim by tbu auat ol bia trouaara, lacdratiuj tbo flaab ao tbat it waa nucuaaary to druaa tbe wound. Goorce H. lioss, travelinc frelgbt agent for tbe Wtiat Slioro rallroad, waa a. tbe Pa villon Tuusday uijjbt. Mr. Uoaa apen. ojn sldtrubla tiiuu iu Montpullur wbou E. E. Uoaa, bia broibur, waa ouu of tbu propriu tora of tbo ExcbanRu butel, and bia tuauy frlouda were Rlad to aaiu grout bim. Mr, Wella of Barre, a barbur, 1b to opdn a Bbop lu tbij city in tbe rooui in tbu opura bouBu block now occupled by A. 0. Gilman and W. (3 Wbitu. A lccjl wag baa apruiifi upatjoke on tbia couiblnatlou. IIu aaya tbat onu can now fio to tbia rooiu, bave bia will uiade, got sbavod aud dyu tberu. Two fullowB, wboiu namea are uuknown, Ravo tbe resideuta near tbe jjuctiun of Malu and Franklin BtreetB a scare betweuu teu and eleveu o'clook on Tueadby DVbiiljR by prowlinR around aud tryiug tbe doora of tbe realdeucis. Tue poltce were sauimou ed but tbu fullowa ruadu cond tbuir cBoapo. Two of J. Edward Bailuy'a borsua took part in tbe racua at St. Jobuabnry ou Tburs day. Tbe Governeaa took flrat niouey ln tbe 2:20 paciiiR race and E. E. Knott aucond in tbe free-Ior-all, Terrlll S takluft 11 Bt monoy. Tbe boraua arrived from Platta burg, N. Y., at8A M, aud tbe Govurneas lace waa called at 10:30 a. m. At tbo reaidence of Aaron Banoroft Wed nesday, at 10:30 o'clock, bia nlece, Mra. Allco M. Towuu and Mr. Cbarlea Buttur fleld. ot Wblltlur, Gal., wero ruarried, Ruv. 0, O. Judklna perfocmluR tbe ceromony. Tbe couple will vislt a montb witb rulatWea at Mcladoua, Vt., and Djvur, N. II., and tben ro to tboir bomu ln Cliforulu. One car on tbe 10:15 A. m., train Tbaraday was tbe objict of iutureat aa lt drow iu from Barre. Tbe fljor waa carpoted witb rlce and a bIru proclalined lt to be brldal car. Mr. aud Mra. Wllllam Ward of South Barre, Just marrlod, wero atartlng on tbeir wod dlng trip and several of tbelr frlunda mide it lnteruatluR tor tbum aa far aa tbo Junc tlou. Preparatlons are lu proRroaa jr a dlatrl :t m;otluK ot Bubordinatu lodfioa of Odd Fol ljws, to bj bell at Mjutpellur eitber on Uuwiis' Elixlr. For more tban soventy years Downa' Ellxir baa beun tbu moat pupular cougb romody sold. It 1b marlt, not advirtlfllDR, tbat bas Rlvon lt tbiB wouderfal repatatlon. It curea ojURba, cold8, wboopljR cougb, cronp, and all tbroat and lung trouble, and ovon consumptlou. A full doae of Downa' Ellxir ou frolng to bed, and Bmall doaoB daring tbe day, will curo tbe moat sovere oougb. Any drugRlat will rofund tbe manoy lt lt.dooa no suro. An Ancient Foe To hcaltli and happincas is Scroftila as ugly as cvcr sinco timc imiminorial. It causos bnnchcB in tlio neck, tlis flgures thc sltiti, inllamcs the inucous mcinbrano, vask,s tlio iuusclcs, wenk cns flie bones, ruiluccs tlio powi-r of resistanco to disease and tlio capacity for rccovery, and dcvelops into con eumption. "A litincli nppcarcd on tbo left sldo of my neck. lt cnuseil great paln, wns lanccd, nnd becnmo a runiilng sore. I wcnt Into a Rcneral (lccllne. I wns persuaded lo try llood's Snr&nparllln, nnd wlicn I lmd tnken six bottIe3 my iK'Ck wns lienlcd, nnd I lmvo never bad any truublo of tlic klnd since." Mns. K. T. SNvnnt, Troy, Oblo. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills will rid you of it, radically and pcr niancntly, as tlicy havo rid thousauds. Tbursday nveniug, Octobpr21, or Tbursday eveulug, Nveinber 7. Tbo loilena In tbls diatrict aru tboso at Randolph, Nortbflnld, Watorbnry, Plalnrleld, Cabot, Barre. Eist Barro and Montpelier. Tbo Grand Maator will bo preaeut aud glvo a brlof addroaa. Montpelier Semlnary uevor baa been more proaperoua tban at tbe preaont titue aa ia attusted by tbe fact tbat tbero are uow 193 puplls iu attendancu. Prlnclpal Daven port baa j lat roceived app lcatlou from pu pila in New Ilatnpablru, Iowa and Porto Hico. Wbun Mr. Uavuuport pu'B bia banil to tbe plcw bu duoB not turn back and wbeutbuplow Btrlkes a stump tbo Htump baa to como. Siya tb.) Barre Tlmzr. "Moitpelior agaln demonatratrd lta provlncial and gulllble cbaracler tbia week. Buuday aftoruoon It waa aorioualy told dowu tbnre for a fact tbat tbere waa au outbruak of 'COO anarcbiata' in Barre aud tbat the tuilltla bad benn called otit to (iiull tbe dtaturbance." Aaauiuing tbat tbia, oias'Rratloa and all, la truu, Barre 1b tbe ouly placo ln tbu Statu ln wblcb Bucb a rumor could breed, witb tbo Nllnbt. cat cbauce of belng bullovod iu Montpelier or ulaewbure. It Hclpcd Win llaltlcs. Twonty-uinu ofllcjra and men wrotu from tbe trout to tay tbat for ScratcbfH, Brnlaea, Cuta, Wounda, Soro Feot aud SiifT JointH, Bucklen'a Arnica Silvo la tbo beat in tbu world. Sjui for Buruj, Skln Eruptlons and Viui. 25 Cduta a box. Sold by 0. Blukuly, dniggiat. MEMOKIAL SEKVICES Held ou Tucsdny iu Armory Ilall, Tbu Jouknal wuut to preaH on Tuesday beforu tlio mjinirial Bervicns buld lu Armory ball waa cjmplotud. Tbu ruport of tbu cloalng part of tbu Hervicu followa: In spuakine of "Willlam McICmluy tbu Cbrlatlaii," Itov. J. EJward Wribt aald peoplu a-4 to wuai cjuatitu es a (Jhria tiau, Tbu dictionariua Rivo varloiiB dullul tions of tbu word. Wbuu Abrabam L'.n ciln dld tbero waa couaiderablu dubatu aa to wbutbur bu waa a cbriatiau bucauau bu waa not a mjmber ol any cburcb, but tbo bearla ot tbu peoplu knuw tbat tbat loyal lolnz duvotud mau waa moat aaauredly ac- cupted by tbu Maatur. I. Iahppy for ua tbat today wo uny Hpuak of our martyred Prealdunt aa a clirUilan, njt tujrely iu lact butiu (orm Suinj wbo aru oluvated to blgb pjslti jub go tbrouRb forma and cere monlea lu a purfunctory way aa a duty of tbeir ofllji), but wu kuow tbat Willlam Mo Kluluy wbo went out witb tbe prayor "f uy will be douu" upon bia lipi waa a truu cbriailau, Thoaaho jteraud fljutatru ligiou aeo Bomulbiue wortb luTiug, eitber for tbu Pruaiddut of tbu Unitud Statua or tbu bumbleat iudlvidual. We aru ricb in tbu Inburituucu tbat coinaa lo ua tbrougb tbu ltfu ot Willlam McKiuluy. At tbia poiut Mayor Browu read a lotter of regret from Bov. Faiber W. J. O'Sulli vau, wbo waa annouuced aa oue of tbe Bpeakera but wbo waa uuavoidably abaent from tbe city. J. II. Sdiiter next spoko ot "McKlnley aud llia Family." Uu aaid all tbu splondl.l attrlbmea ot McK.nley catno from bia motb er aud bia devoted wife. 1. ia tbe iulluencu of our houiea tbat makua great inun, groat btateamuu, and baa made tbu Anelo Saxon raco wbat it la. Wltbout tbe Inflnuncu ot womau tbia couutry would bu like otber lauda wbere virtue ia not ruapec.ed, landa wblcb turn out auch vlpora aa bit tbia couutry aud all tbu world wbou Willlam MoKiuley waa Bbot. llov. 0. 0. JudklnB spoko of "McKlnley aa an advancud Americau Typu " IIu ro returred to wbat God baa done lu tbia world'n biatory in tbo uvolution of tbu buat typua of uitizuuabip. doiug tbia ovur huinan wiila, giving ub a riaiug tide of bopu uvuu tboub today wo aru ia tbe valluy atid tbe abadow. Mr. Judkina tbeu plctured a blgb type of tbe Americau ciiizuii, ao aplendully uxemplitled lu the llte of Willlam McKln ley, Tbomaa Jefleraon aud Abrabum Lin coln. "McKiuluy, tbe Advancud Amjricati S.ateiuaii," waa tbe aubject aaaUued to 6. A. G. Jackaou. II) aald lt ia not an easy tank to attumpt bo boou to llx tbe placo ot Willlam McKlnley aa a Btateamau. It nouda tbu duvdiopineut and tbe t-at of tlme to abow to ua tbe true Btaluru ot tbu mau Trieapa. kurreferred to tbu Higicity, diplo macy and tlrmneaa of Mr. McKiuluy during tbu Spauiab war. llia apuucb at BufTalo abowed tbu great ambitlju be bad for bia couutry, aud bia laat worda wore tbat our atrengtb llea not iu conqueat but lu peace. Wu are all in fullowsblp witb bim lu bia ambltlona.for tbia cjuutry. Goorgu W. Wlng waa tbo laat speaker. llia tbemu was "McKluley'a Greatnesa ln Daatb.'i It la too early vo to say wbat ef fuct tbe deatb of Mr. McKlnley will bave upon tbia couutry. Tbo unn of Judea met duatb at tbu bauda of bia oneiilea, but tbe prlnciplea of bia llfe dld not Btop witb blB deatb and aro allvo today. Ii may ba tbat Mr. McKlnloy'B duatb will placu bim witb Waaulngton and Lincoln. IIu met doatb bravely. Ile waa ono of tbe blgbeat type of American cltlzenablp, a Gbriitlan gentle man. IIU llfe will stand for all timo aa a beacjn llgbt for tbo young men of tbia country, an inspiration to bulld a cbaraoter sucb aa Mr. McKlnley oxemnllfled in bia llfo and In bia def tb. Tha tnfluenca of sucb a lifu will ba of great beueflc to tbia coun try, and ln no way waa bo greator tban In tbu mannor ot bia deatb. Tbe Borvlces oloaed witb tbe banedictlon by Kev. J. Elward Wrigbt. w so For Indigcstion, CoiiHiipation, Impuro P-lon.l, nnd troublcs of tbo Livcr, Kidnoys nnd L'.ud.lcr. Itrmtit'T: iMy t ( ft.l iu coiniiminta of Womon nud ChilcLi-a. 1 k' to t. ,o i .: o i:.i 1 voi y gontlo iu ita nctiou. It ia A New tlcdicisic-Abrcast with the Times, tho outcomo of tho long oxperionco of Dr. Dnvid Konncdy, ns a pliysician. Ifc -will not disaiipoint. If druggiHt ia out of it Hond 1 for lorgo bottlo, oxpreHS prt'2iaid. FREE Bamplo bottlo will bo mallod if you writo to nddrcna bolow. GRANITE REYIEW. Uy n Oranito Cuttor. Tbero will be a regular montblv mnetlug ot tbe Montpullur braucli, G. 0. N. U., Fri day uveulng at tbo uaual place. Jobn Oonnully baa llnlaliod cuttlng for Mllla St Mllla uud commoacad at tbu new plaut ot P. Uaiuo tbia week. George Ryan, wbo came from Hardwick to tbia place, baa commeuced work iu tbe cuttlua ilepartmout of tbu Golumblan Gran ttu Gompauy. EJward Tracoy la cuttlng for tbo Ainor lciu Granlto Gompany. Edward Browu, wbo baa beon lald up for ovor two weukB witb a larnu wrlatcauaod by a cat from a pleco ot etoel, reaumud work ou Mouday. Tbomaa Coulan, bo waa qalto aovurely sbakou npby an ugly cow tour weeks ao, will reauino work a.ou, Tbo claaa iu drawljg, wbicb baa boeu mentloned In tbia colnmu, will ln all prob abillty fltirt Ootober 1. Tbu actton of Bomu of our granlto manti facturura ln running yuaterday in oppoal tlon to tbo proclamatiou laauad by tbu muyor of our clty was to put it llgluly, a little solflib, a day glveu to sucb a purpjHu Ia wull apont, evuu If 07urtimu bad to bu worketl in ordor to maku up fjr tbe loaa of tlme. Aa to Amahciiy and Anaiicuists. Tbe ovents of fbe past two weeka bave giveu riso to mauy conjocturea aa to bow anarcbiam ia to bu gottuu rid of Inour coii'i try. Tbat lt will be done, and wull done at tbat, evoryonu ia aaaurod, Iu wbat way, ia tor the wiae men of tbo country tj detor mlne. Liwawillbo unactod to tbia uuil, and tbu uaual courae taken lu tbulr ouforcn mont, tbia goua wltbout sayiug. But ai a belplntbu puttiug doAUoftbia "troablo iucubator" oue or two BUgeBtlons mlgbt bu made to aervo to advantau rlgbt buru iu ourown viclulty, among tbu mun wbo um ploy and alao tboao wbo aro omployeil In tbu grani'e bu-.iuea8 Aa many aru awara, and witb good rua Bon, tburu la onougb of thebo "fauatlci" lu Montpelier and Barre to mako tbe locallty Important aa an outpoat of uuarcblam in tlila country. Eacb employor aud eacb workti an can In varlom waya do u little Many inatancaa aru kuowu wlieru tbeau puoplo havo opeuly declared tbumaelvua anarcbiata in tbu preaence of otbera. Eui ployera abould uot cjuutenanco any sucb doclaratlona, and Bbould dlscuarge any mau wbo opunly declared blmaelf a follower of sncb a cauae. IjBtead of lottlug aucb tbltiga paaa wurkmuu abould treat witb tbu con tempt it deaerves tbu olemont wblcb bu Iiuves iu and tries to toacb tbe ductilnea of Anarcby. Tbu mau wbo bolona to tbo thtny wbicb clla Itaelf anarcby iu Barro or Muutpullur, waa, and ia now, to all Inteuts aud pur poses, ua mucb reaponalblu for tbu Prutf dunt'a deatb aa tbu uuu wbo ilrud tbu Hbota wbicb put au uud to bia lifu As lota are east to aou wbo will do a daud of murdur, It waa juat aa llablu to fall to u Barru au arcblat aa one iu Ublcago or any otbur piace. iiuucu tue tq jui aliaru, practlcally, of evury uuo of thom In tbe crlmo wl'b Czolgoaz, cven if il was he wbo dld tbu dced. Tbesepoople bavo come bero and lu or ury way buttured tbeir condltlon. Tboy bavo overy prlvilogu Amuilcaus bavu, ex copt tbat of voting, from tbu timu tbuy sut foot on our Bbores. HlRber wagoa. batter living and opportunitlea for educAtioii, aud tbey requitu us by murdurlng our blgbeat public olllclal, onu of tbo buat uimi tbat uvur Itved, tbu workingman'a frloud always. Ic la euougb to make auyono wbo calls blmault a citizen of tbu Dnltud Statea bluah witb Bbamu to tblnk tbat bo haa stood idly by aud done notalug by wotd or dued wbllu tbo Boclety wblcb executud tbia duedgruw and fljuriabud rlgbt buru among ua. Soma bavo advlaud turuing tbe forcea of evolu tlon on ilila claaa to uducate tbum np to a puiut wuuru tuey wm aee tne loiiy ot thelr lduaa and ways. Tbat Is all rlgbt, but wbat are wo to do with tbo noxt batcb tbat ia Uriven out ot Italy and dumped upon our aiiorehr Auil t'ao next, and tbo noxt wnicii will keup coming to timu lmmemo rlal? No. Mako tbeae peoplu Ilve and do tbo aame aa wu bavu to do, obey tho law to tbu lotter in evury refrpect. If an Americau canuotaell rum lu Vermont do uot lut for- eignerfl uo It. If AiuurlcauH cannot taik anu cominlt troasou let not a foreiguor. ltlVKUSIKESOLI) Tbo auctlon salo of tholllvornldo Droiurtv ou State atroot buld ou Tbursday afternoon waa attenued uy q ute a uumbur. M. A Kunt acted bs auciioneur and after those wno ho duaireil, bad iuapeoted tbe propurty be aunounced tbat tbe vacaut lot lylng bo- tweeu tbe Itiveraide and tbu reaidence of Itouurt wnelan would not bu iucludad lo tbo aalo. but tbat tbe nurcbaaur of tbn Rlv- eralde would be glven an optlou on Ihla lot at a prlce of S2o00. By tbo condltlona of tue aale oue-Iourtb of tbo pnrcbaao uunoy waa to be paid down and tbo remalndur to be Becnred by a mortgage ou tbe property at Ilve pur cent. intereat piyable boluI aunually Tbo blddlug began at 2:30 o'clook and oontlnuud alowly S25 and S50 iucreaau at a timu until about tour o'clock. Willlam McGovern waa tbe flrat bldder, opeulug witb a bid of $5000 Tbo otber biddera were Tbomaa Dewuy, E. II. Deavltt, H. A. Mosa, 0. E. Porrin, T. J. Kallebor, h. P. Gleasou of tulB clty and U. J Bolstur of Barro. For a long lme tbo blddlnz waa kont about tbe $8000markby Meaara. Bolator nud Uloaaon but waa unally atruck ou to Mr. Doavitt for 88,250. Mr. Daavltt, it waa learned, pnrcbasad tbo property for S. A. Moaa, wboao bomu adjoina tbo Itiveraide, and it ia alao underatood tbat Mr. Moaa will alao purcbaao tbe vacant lot. Before tbe aalo, 15 waa propheBled tbat tbo Rlveraidn, includlng tbo lot. would brlug from $10,000 to 812,000, the latter prlce betug conaidored a fair ono for investment parpoaes. By tbe nale, bowevor, tbe property will oxcued tbu 810,000 tcark by only 8750. Mr. Mobb la to contlnuo tbe Rlveralde aa a prlvato botol aa fsriuerly. LVENT &Gl8p&u& WOMEN Havn tssiam raaictpod to hoalth by Lyit.'.z . Plr.khom's Vcgo tahlo Goniiittunsl TSioif lot' icrsnrc on li!c nitsl prova tlils statcmont to ho a fact, not a mcro hoasU Wfoon a ntodi cino has hocn succcssful in curing so many wonten, you cannot woll say without try ing it" I do not hcliovo it will hcln mo." PiWham's r j j J Vcgetable Compound Is a posltlvo curo for all thoso palnful Ailments of Women. It will ontlrcly curo tbo worst tornis of Fomalo ConiphiintH, oll Ovnrian troublcs. Inll.immation and Ulceration, Kalllug nnd Displacuinonts of tho AVoinb, nnd ooiiBcquent Spinal Wuakuoss, nud is pecullarly nduptod to tno unttnfie oj i.yr. Vour incillcliiu cureU mo of tcr- rlblotcnmlu lllne.M. Mlct. M. K. Jll'I.IXtt, IA Concnr.l Si llitnn. Miifd Backache. It bas curcd moro caca of Backacbo and Loucorrhua tban any otber romedy tbo world baa ovor kuown. Itisnlinoat Jnfalllblo in sucb cascs. lt dlvsolves and oxpels Tumora from tbo I'turtis in an carlystage of dovelopmcnt, and checks any tcudency ln pftnpArnnq liuinirrM. Vour NoL'etiiblo C'ompmmd re- moveil a I'lbrohl Tuinor from my wntnli aftcr ilaclnrrt fnlleil to (?lvu rellef. JUw. II. A. 1.imiiaiiu, Westilalo, Mass. Bearing-down Feeling Womb troublea, causing iain, wuigbt, and backacbo, instantly rulieveil and pcrma ncntly cured by Its uso. Undcr all circum Btances it acts iu lmrinony with tbo laws tbat govorn tbo fomalo bystcui, and is as tiarmlcas aa wator. llack.-iclio lclt mo nflcr tnkliiK tlui kpciincl buttlo. Vour meUlclno curcd lno when doetors falled. Mns. .saiiaii Holsteix, 3 D.ivls Block, Unrli.nn St., Irell. Maai. Irr-ecrularitv. Supprcscd or Painful Menstruations, Weak ness of tbo Stomacb, Indigebtion, Bioating, Floodlng, Xervous Prostratlon, licadacbo, ucnerai iuunuy. It is a crnml iiieillctne. 1 am tbnnkful tor tbo g"l lt bas done mo. .Mrs. ,i. . .J., 70 Ciirollna Avo., Jamaici 1'lain (iloston), Ma;s. Dizziness, Faintness, Extromo Lassitude, "don't caro" and "want to bo left alono" feeling, cxcitabil ity, irritability, nervousncss, sieeplcssncss. llatulency, molancholy, or tbo " blues," and backacbo. Theso aro suro indlcatious of Fomalo Weakncss, somo deraugcment of tbo Utorus. I waa troubled witb Dizziness. lrpartivchea. l'nlntness. SwelllDL' IJmbs. Vonr incdlclno curcd mo. JlltS. SAIIAII K. JSAKER, lluckfport, ile. The wholo Btory, liowevrr, la told In nn illustratcd book wiileh goca with cnch bot tlo, tho inost complt-to treatleo on leinalo couiplalnta ever publlnhi-d. l'or clcht voara I eullcrcd with womb trouble. and waa cntirely cured by Jlrs. I'lnklmm's medlcino. Jllta. I 1.. Towxc, I.lttlcton, X. II. Kidney Complaints and Backacbo of cithcr scz tbo Vcgetablo Compound alwavs curcs. Tlio Vcgetablo Com iiound is sold by all uruggiBts or eent by mall, ln form of l'ills or lxzcnccs, on ro ccipt of 81.00. lorresion!tncefrccly ansicenu. Vimi nn iiiMro Instrlctest confldenc. LYDIA E. l'l.NKII.VH 3IE1I. t'O., Lynn, JUss. I)K. C. X. IIUA 1' D..C. N. Ilunt died at bia bome at 12 rrk atrooi, ou Wedueaday oruulng, after au l liiuha ol alioilt tlireo years, Dr Cbauucay N. Uunt waa born lu Wor- cuator Aprll li. 1851. ilu waa oducited la tbu cjtuuiou acboula aud uctdnmleH, tirad- u-tiiugirum iiih muutcal uenartmuut ol tho UnlvuraUy of Varmout iu 1875. Ua had, iu 'hi muanUmo, practlcrd bia prufeBaion iu Worcaater and Moutpellur, coming to thla oity to locito about teu yeara ago. ile waa a tborougb and succcasful pujBician, moat oonacieuuluua lu thu treat uientof hla pa.luuta. Ouu of tho remirk ublo fea'urua ot bU careor ia tbatbuuuver loat a cao of lyphoid fuvor. IIib pracllce uutailed long ridua. No ruat; ior ui wuat timo ot tne nuut Uu waa called or buw uxliauated be waa, be always re Bpoudud. To tuia 1b duo bia brunklug dowu about thrao years ago, wbeu be bad tu givo up practiclug. III. duatb ia auppoaud to bu tue rusult ol goueral parnaia. Ile waa more carefulofbiB patlonta tban of blmsolf. Iu 1880 be repreaeuted Worcester lu tbe LorIb laturu. Dr, Ilunt waa oue o. a fauillv of elaht oblld.uu and bia Ia tbu Urat duatb ln tbo famiiy, bia paruuta bavlng beuu marrlod for tlf ly-tlvu yeara. Tbu mambem wbo aurvlvu are bia fatbur aud motbur, Ubauucay aud I.u ciuda llunt of Worcester. Hla brolhera aud Blatera lu tbu ordur of tbulr birtb aro: Charlea L ot UiIj o V. Mra. Gauru L. Niuhola of thla clty, Uuiiry R. of Onlahoma, Mra A. A. Miuott of Middlesex, Ur. Goorge E. of tula city, U. G. K. aud Mra. A. W. Puiuam Of Worceator. Tbu membura of Dr. Iluut'a ImunnlUtii family aru a wife and threo oblldruu, Karl, ruias uuruico anu nnsa uiarauul. Duaibdld uot como uuetnaoiud ua it waa not thought t iat be would llvu throughout tbu day ou Moudav aud bu bad aluuu rn mainod in uu uucouaciouB ojudlliou. Iho tuneral Wna held from the houae at twuo uiock tbia alteruoou, Rov. U. O. Jud kina jlliuiatlng. The boatnra wero Dr. Geo. K. liuut, Duiu G, K. Iluut, Uhailea h. llunt, aud Addlaon A. Miuott. llanal waa lu Green Mouut Oumutery. WASUIKOI'ON COUNIY LOUHT. Tllu'nrnml IttFrr vnann.u.l Itu otlna V. 1.1.,- uuu JMJ itouwuu ba Dittiu;a : i iutj fllnrtilmr uml nnniit irnt .,........,... I Tbe tbird wouk ot tbu trlal of tbu Mo Govoru caao la drawlug to a cloau aud tburo Ih Btlll mucb uviduiico to bu lntroduced. ino ueieuco ia Btlll puttiug n teatlmouy. uu.. .ilu uuiuiilu ll-oi. IV D UUMulDbUUU iUU plalntlff baa conaiderable rebuttal teatlmouy to oftor. Wbou doetors fall, try Burdock Blood UlttoiB. (lurea dyapupBla, oouatlpatiou; In vlgorates tbo wholo aystem. Ljdia E. Pinkham's Z Llier Pills cure Constlpatlon, H Slck Headache. 25c. j MUHOKIAL DAY Tbe day ot mournlug aut apart by Proal dout RooBovelt and Govarnor Qtlckuoy was very ganorally obaerved in Montpelier on Tbursday. Tbu banks, schools, sbopa ud stono sheds were oloaed throughout tho day, and noarly all tho Biores cloaed at noon. Sprolal servlcea wero buld at Hevoral ot tbe L'burcbua, whlcb were wull aiteud d. A mrmnrlal aurvice occurred at C iriat cburcb t3;30 r. m Tho bymni, ' L ad Kiudly Ltgbt" aud "Nuarer My God to Thou,"wero in part used. itev. A M. Liuwla gavo a brlof dli-c urse from Ao s XI, 21, "Ilu was a Good Mun." llo poiulud out somo of tbo 11'llent poluts In tbe charactor of tho mar yred Proaideut. 11a wts a mau whoai am nltlon bad no; tpoiiud nor pollilca corrupted. Mr. Ijiwla spoko of Mr. McKluley'a lovo and care for hla Invalid wife, of bia alncoro and gonulnii piety, beld up for Iinltutlou bls auccess as a cblul magiatralu uud drow pur lluent leaiona fiom hla deatb. No speclal aervlcea wero beld at tbo Gatb ollc, Dultariau or Uongrug&li-juul cburchea. AtTrlnlty cburcb Iu the uvuutug In cou nectlou witb tho general luid week prayer meetlng Ruv. G. O Judklna Bpoko on "The '.)po of Mr. McICi iley'n rullglon and Ua ex umple to youug peoplu." Mr. Judklna drow a vury cbeurful word plcturu of tbu rullg loua lifu of Prealdeut McKmloy und tbu ex umple bo baa left to tbu rlalug geuurutioua waa buppily aud forcibly brouht out. Meinorial servlcea were liold ou Tburs day afleruoou at tbe Baptiat cburcb, Ruv. W. J. GIouuh, tbu paator, ruvluwlng ln a brluf but luturuatlug muuuur tbe promlueut (eaturea of Prealdeut McKluley'a cbarac'.er ia a mau aud siateamau. At Northfield a uulon survice waa beld lu be Metbodist cburcb at 10:30 In tbo inorn 'ng. AddrubBea wuru uiadu by Proaideut Brown, Kev, Mr, Blmrp und llon. Fiuuk t'ltimley. Tho favo.lte bymua ot tbo Proai deut wero HUiig At S . Jobuabnry servlcea wero beld at two o'clock lu tbu afternoon In tbo cjtirt Uouse jard wblcb bad been trlmmod for tbe occaalon. 8ena ur Duuuutt prealdud aud iddreBBoa wuru luadu by llou. Jonathan Uoaa aud Quu. W. W. Grout. At tbo aame bour tbo racea Btoppud ut tbo fair g outid for a ineiuoilul i-urvlce. Tbe Prealdeni'a proclaiualluu u read at.d Judgo W. I. Sinlth gavo au addrcaa. Gongruaamau Fux of Mls-iaal,pl foilowed wlib au oloipieut trlbute. Prayer waa oflurod by Rav. Geo, W Ilunt. At Newport Judge J. M. Tyler, wbo was in the Nalloual Ilouse ol Rip.eaeutatlves with Proaideut McKiuluy, uud kuuw hlui lutimatul, waa tbu prluc pat epeukor. At Waterbury uuiou mumorial survlcus wi ro buld lu tbu Mutbodlat cbnrcb at two o'clock iu tbo afternoon. l'.jv. I. R Wull mau prealded and tbe attendancu. waa very large, Tbu goro nor'a proclamatiou wa read by L. 0. Moody aud addreaaua oulogis ticof Preaidunt McKiuluy wero made by M. II. Moodv, 0 . U. Gravea, Ujv. F. I). Kjllogi and R v. L K. Wlllman. At tbo opouiug of tbu servico "Nuurui my God to Tbee" naa hiiu uud at tbu cloao all j dued iu singins "Amerlca " At Barru at 11:30 Iu tho morniag u m ts meetlng wus buld lu tbu opura houae, wbljh had beuu drapiil for tbu occaalou. Addreaa-i-rt were made by Pruf, 0. K. Iio!iiiter, Dr. J. Ilenry Jackaou, E. W. llhbeo, Prof. 0 D Matbewaou, Vllllam Wlabart, Aldur mau Jamea McKay, Kev. Father P. M. Mc Keiina, E, L Bmitb, 0. S. Androwa, CbarluH Mnlvoaa, Rev. A. B Belloudl, and Ruv. B. 0. RobertB. MubIo waa furniahed by au orcbestra aud a malu q iartetto aud aoloa were rendered by MrH. r. W. Braley, Mra. M. D. hmb aud J, W Bcbelly. At two o'clock lu the ufteruoon a large cougregatlou gatbetsd at tbe CjU cli at Iler lin .Cornnr whero inemori.l Hervic a nere beld. Addreasaes were glven by Rev. J. J. McDouald, the ptstor, and Rav. (J. O. Jud kina. Appropriate mualo waa fnrulsb-jd. SAi) COIXLIDE.NCE Wlllard J M tre, jewclor for A, G. Stono and llrat linutetiaut of Compaay 11, and Mlss Bertha Lucia Olmsted were mariied ou Wodneaday at tbe hoiue of Mr. and Mra nrainerii uimated, tuo urldu a parenta, ai t-aii ranklin, uania wero recjlved tere todiy announciug tbe fact. A cnrlous aud sad calucldancu Ia con necttd wilb tbia uvent, Mr. Uuie lutt for E iat Franklin laat Mouday for a week's abaence but falled to follow bia uaual cua- tom of leavlng bia addreaa witb Mr. S;one. It waa suapected tbat Mr, Moro had goue to bo marrled, aa bo bad tbo day pruvloua to litu .l.n..ll..U t.lf.l l.lo lnn.ll...ln If ..I... would obj-ct to hla bavljg a room-malu , Wbun sbu askod bim if bu wa-t to bj i rlud, bo dlamiaaod tho aubjict by rumark- iug tbat wben be waa marrled no ono would know it until tbe corouiouy waa bolng par formed. On Wodnesday Mr. Stone waB notlfled by tolepbone of tbe audduu deatb of M;. . Moro's uiother at ber boma in Gbelaea taat morulnK. Notbing rogardiug Mr. Moro s whureabouts waa obtalnod until Tburaday ' oveuiug, wnon it waa learueu ho waa mar- ' rled on Wodneaday and left tbat aftoruoon j tor Buffalo, N. Y. I. ia uot yot oortaiu tbat Mr. Moro baa learned of hla uiother's deatb, but be bas rulatlvoa rualdiug iat outaldu BufTilo and tbey havo beuu notitied, boping Mr. Moro may call upon theiu and thus learu tbe sad newB. Tho luueral of tbo motbar la to be beld at Gbelaea ou Saturday. A VALUAI1LE I'UOPEUrY. Tbo readlneas witb wblcb real oatate In Montpelier is takou up pat on the market waa llluuiated iu tbe aalo ot tbu Itiveraide property yeaterday. The Perry Real Eitato Agency oflurs for salo a tlne piece of property on Ilarro street, desuribed In tbe adverdaem nt ou pago two ot tbo JoouttAt, Tbu property Is on weli kuowu blte, advautagoounly sltuated, und tbo buyor Ih bouud to reallza ou bia invest ment by tbe yoarly appruclatlon ln tbo prlce of real estato ln tbat locallty. Be a 1 dea, tbo rent ylelda a bandaomo return ou tbe preaont tnveatment. The attontlou of Investora Is oapecially called to tbia prop orty. WAsiiiNGios couxrv uouitr. Tbo grand jury resnmed Itaeeaalona Wed nesday, and iu couuty court tbu trlal ot tbu McGovern oaao waa reaumed. The tlme today baa been taken up witb tbe lu troductiou of addltlonal uvldenco for tbu defence. W. B. Vlall of Randolnh. a formor clalm agent for tbe Coutral Vermont r llroad, wno attempted to ollect a sottlement witb Mr. McGovern not loug after tbu uccldont, waa on tbe Htand noarly all tbe afternoon. Dr. Henry Janea of Waterbury waa alao a wltneaa for tbe defence WedneBday. XOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ; The Whole Story 8 in one letter about (rcnnv davu'.) From Capt. P. Loyc, l'ollco SiaUou No. ( 6, Jloutreal: "We frequently uto rinnv Davis l'ii.N-KlLLrnror joihu 1nthtttom- i orA, rhtumatitm, ttiffiuu, rost bittt, cMU ( , blaint, crami'i, and all atlllctlons wblcb befall uicn ln our poeltlon. I hav o no bcel- tatiou In injlng that 1' t the ( , bctt rtmcdy to bavo near at han J." Ified Interanlly and KxU'ninlty. ThoSIzos, S5cand8i)c. botUes. Soooooooooooooooooooooooc rainXiUev As Dr. Picrce's Fnvorite Pretcription for wotnanly disenses No one knows this better tlian the wouinu wbo bas tried local doetors and many luediciues and fonnd no cure until ehc bfjn the usc of " Favorite Prcscription." It cstablishes regnlarity, stopi wcakeuitiK Iniin, henls inflainmotiou and ulcera tion nnd cures fcinalc weaknesi. It makes wcnk wouicn strong aud sick women woll. "I was troubled for three yfnn with ulrcr llon and ftninle wiulcness and my doctor gve me but little rrllrr," wrltts Mr. I.ulu Jlunter, of Allentoii. St. Louls Co.. Mo. "I 6uw ndvertlenient In the paper of Doctor Nerct'a l'avoritc I'ri-scrlptlon. I began the ue of It nboul n ycnr ngo. I took five bottleii oflt, aad one boltle of "oolden Medlcal Dlscovery,' and inyhenlth l better now tlmti it waiforyera. I liarc ul.-x) rcconimended thete mtdicines to some of my frlrud, wbo juntred from fcmale wcnkne. nud gol reiults hnve foilowed." Dr. l'iercc's Conimon Seiue Mcdical Adviscr is scnt free on receijit of 21 one cent stamps to jiay cxpense of inailitiK only. Addrcss Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. jIKS. McKLNLUY Cantom, 0, Sipl. 2i.-D.-. Itixey eays, '"Mra. M:K oloy ia huttor phyBl cally today thau hIio has b;eu iu teu years. Sau la doiug n3 woll aa any WJtnuu cjuIi! ba expectud undcr auch tryin circuuutun:t:8. Tho trealincnt iu hur caflb wih ba to kcop hor uiiud off her loaa. Wo urc t;oiu lo convinco hor Blte uidat look after tho ostato nnd thus kcop her mind oecupled." Washinoton, Sopi. 18. Ncur f rijiidb of Mib. MoKiuley are ecrioualy alariucd about her. They epcak'with gravo upprehenaiou of the duye ttmt are boou to cuuie wluu ebe tvill be borno u4i no longer by hcr senEc of duty und auatuiiiin force ot her deeire lo pc: form lier tull part in the curumonics thut tlio naiional chuructcr aud trugic und of her dislmguiabed huihahd made uppropiiute. Thuydread tho upprouch in;; daja iu thc quiel of her hoine ul Uanton, when her "Delovcd major," will not be near lo corufort her iu tho re tictiou thut will follorr mevitably after tbe prosuoi sbock. It ia believed shejwill be aolo to w through the Bcrviccj at Uamon without too great difllcjlty, but eubscqueutl u uollnpso is greatly fear od. Ai pioietii ber cjndiliou juatt IIcb thc hope that thore will be no brcak duwa ut leaat uutil the tlnal of flcea havo been paid lo tho dead. Tuca day eveuiug M:a. McKinley was con eidorably weakur thau wbcn at liuffulo, but cjutiuued lo bcar up wiih great for tltude. Tueaduy ufteruoou 6ho gave veut to her gricf ruore freely thau ot atiy timo since the tragedy. She sob bcd and cried for a loug time aud thcao paroxyemaof griof aapped hor strougth to quiie a degrce. Dr. lttxey waa wtth his patieut sov orul lituca during the day aud apeut quite u htlio white with her lute iu tho afteruoou, rcmainiug uutd after six o'cIock. lie aaid he waa fairly conll denl of Mre. McKijloj's ubility to takc p.irt iu the acrvicc at Cauiou. She Iirs had u loug und SkVoru ahock, bow evor, uud iu order that uhe uiay be couio gruduully accuatomed to tho chuuge wroughi iu her hfo by the nud deatb of tho l'rcsident ii ia probublc thai Sec.etury Uorteljou and Dr. Hixoy will rouiuia iu Cautou for 6omo lituo timo to Buothc aud couifort the widuw tu Ihu rief and terro: imut como when iu her old houie ehe gradually reulizea in ili fud degree that fior inaiu tupport aud couifort iu life haa bccu taken away. C0UHTK1) AT LO.NU KANUK. Williamstown, Masa., Sept. 18. Lucy A. jjtockwell ot Pownal, vi., waa delaiiiud hcro b rhuumaiistu u uiouth ugo whilu ou hor way aeroas tho eou- tiueut to wed a aupposed rich (Jk'aho- ma lautl ownor whom eho had uover ! soou. .Now auu is returuiut; to Pownal, alili aiu:ic. Injtoad of bciui; mot at tho dopot of tho town of 0tlaboma by u digoitlod mau iu u trai) and tour. aho aaya that au evcry duy farm laboior grceted her uuu tutormed nor tuat no was hor ac- coptcd suitor. Sho beheld patchea ou hia trouaera inatoad of tho ospected broatulotn, aud ttiere was u aiuuuu uat whuru the ailk ouu ought to be. Mra. S.ockwell came to tbe couclusiou that what laud ho owued was ou tho clotbea ho woro. "I gucaa not," eho aaid. Sho wcnt away al ouce to writo a letter to her friondi hore, itiforuilug lliem that tho meotiug had not beou sutiafaciory aud that Bbe was roturuiug homo. It'a folly to BUflur from tbat bnrrlblo plagne ot tbe nlgbt, itcbiug plles. Doau'a Oiutmout curea, (lulnkly aud pormauuntly. At any drtig alore, CU cuuta. M1LLS STAHT1NU McKlSlitsPOHT. AT McKkesi'out, Sept. 18. Tbo ateol depurtmetil of tho Natiouul Tube Com pany reaumed work this moruiug aa did tho udditioua! dopartmenl ot tbo Natioual llolliug mllla. Doucca-tYood inill nud the Dotumler mills uro ready toatart when tho eniployocs lui.u ru turucd. lt ia oxpected by noxt Mou day thut ull tho miila will bo ruuniug. Ono of naturo'a romudiea; cannot barm tbe woakoat conatltuttou: never falla to otiro Hummor romplalnta of young or old. Dr. Fowlor'g Uitract ot Wlld Suawborry. TELEtAlI Ol'EKATOHS CnicAao, 8opt. 20,-Ono foaturo ab eolutely uniquo in hiBtory charactcr izcd tho McKlnley obEcquicB, lt waa tho Bilencing of tlio tclograph. Nover beforo einco electricity was llrat put to usc as a mcaua of commuuica'ion from ei y to city and troru country to coun try baa tbere tuken place, il ia aaid, auything paralUliug, lvcii iu a amall way, wbat waa done Tburaday after noon, ou a acalo tbat wai giganiic. Up on otdera from tho olllclals of tho dit -fcrcnt telcgraph compauiee or upon tho comuon impulao of tbe operatora wbcro dlrcct iualtuctioua were not rc ccived the culiro tclegraphiu ajaieru of tho United Sutoa waa suddcnly liuilied for flvo minute6, at 2:80 r. ai., the hour ectfor lowoting tho I'roBident'a body into tbo grave at Cuuton. At that momcnt on all tho huge uetwork of wireB, from tho Atlantic to tho Pa ciflc, not a "aoundor" iu tbo lund gavo a aiiiglo tick aud tho great ocean cublea were puleeltaa aB tbo corpee of tho lalo cbief magistratc bimaelf. It ia eatimated tbat fully 10,000 lel -graphera IhuB simultaneously paid ho niHgc to tho mcmory of McKlnley. Tho totul numbcr of mllea of wiro oSocted waa upwards of a million and u quar tcr. lu tho Wostorn Unlon Chicago ofllco, tho hundrcds of operatora all aroso ut tbeir deeks when tbo rroment cume, and joiniug tbeir voicea eang with dcep feeling tho l'reeidenl'a hymu, "Nearer, My God to Thee." Tho wiroa of tho Aesociuted l'reaa, tho l'ostal Tel egrapb Company, tho North Americau Company, tbo Chicago and Milwuukco Company aud all eimilar organizAtioua wero includcd iu tho general aioppagc. Probably tho moat remarkabl uieihod of produclni; completo ailcnco ou tbo wirea, free from any posBiblo intertup tion, waa cmployed by the i'oatal Tek graph Company. At a giveu eignal tbe dyuumoa were dieconuected at ende,lit irally draiuing tho circuita of electricity eo tbat everywhere ull tho wires were tcchuicully and lltcrally dtad. INTKlt KSTI NO 1 NC1DKNT HicuiiOND, Va., Sept. 20. 'l'reai dont McKinley'e life," Baid Gov. Tyler tocay, 1 was crowncd by bia tflort to abohsh aectioual Hnea aud bia dcalh ce mcnts tho completion of bu cheriahed work." 'At the Pcaco Jubilec at Pniladel phia," continued Gov. Tyler, "1 atood by bis aidc as the bluc-coated vetcrana ahook hiB band. Ile lurucd to me with teara iu bia cyea und aald: 'Now Gov cruor, if wo ouly had a gru)-coutcd Conffcderate by tho aide of each onw of theaethe duy would bjrouadud and my happiuesa completed.' "1 lookcd bim airaight in tho face," aaid Gov. Tyler, und aaid: 'Do you mcan tUal, Mr. l'rcsident?' " 'Indeed 1 do,' auawered Mr. Mc Kinley: To blo tho cutire nbjluiou of sectiouul liucs is the dearcst wisb I have.' " 'I will carry that messago to my pcoplc,' eaid I, uud Mr. McKiulty with cmpbasia bade me assure Virginia ibat the buniahment of all aectioual feeling was a labor to which ho would givo his bcst efl jrta, aud wbich, uccomplished, would briug bim a great pcrsonal hap pinoaa." AWi'UL llisASLEK. Londok, Sopt. 20 Tho torpedo boat dcatroyer, Cobra, bas fouudered in tbe North Sea as the rcsul. of an es plo8iou. The vesscl waa on route from tbe jard of her buildera, IhoArm atronga of Ncwcaatlo lo Portemouth. Correctcd Cgurea as to tbe Cobra ehow that sho had aeventy-niuo eouls on board. For aixty-acvon no hopo is hold out. But torpedo boats and crui Bera bave gono at full apeed to tho accno of tho diauster, wbicn ia tbe raoat acrious tho liriliah uav.v has aufTcrcd aitico tbo Biukin of thc Victoria. Licut Saiith, the Cabra'o comiuaudcr, atood upod tho bridge with his arma folded ua impBEaivo aa if on pande, aud went dowu with tbo vcesel. Tbo Brltieh admmlty has reccivcd infor matiou that the uxplosion occurred af ter tho Cobra Etruck a rock and tbat ehe sank immedialely. The Cobra, like hcr aiatcr boat, tho Viper, waa a turbino-cugined veeael. She bad juat left tho yard of tbe coutractota aud was undergtiins a hotlor teat. KliNU EDWAliU Lokuon, Sept. 20. Repljing lo Mrs. McKiuloy's acknowlecemeut of his telcgram of sympathy, King Ed ward on Tburaday tcloraphcd to Am- oaaeodor unoalo: "I'leaso convey to Mra. McKinley my best thauks for hor kind measace. Tto Qaeen and I feel moat deoply for hor iu tbo bour of bor great Htlliciion aud pray tbat God may givo her atrongth to bear her hcavy crosa. Oiir thougbta will today bo es pccially with tho American uation wben its diatiuguiahed Prealdeut ia laid to rcat. Edwaiid R," SIX JvlLLEl) Boston, Mass., Sopt. 19. Tho worat accldont ou tho Plymontb divlalou of tho Now York, Now Ilaven nud Hart ford railroad aiuco tbo inward-bound Capo expresB was wrccked at Qaiucy a fow yeara ago occurred near tho Avou alaliou ubout 1:30 Wodnesday ufter noou. Two crowdcd cars attachod to thc outward-bouud Capo Cod eX.resa collided with a locomoiivo attached to a froigbt traia nnd woro hurled dowu an embankuiont six feet bigb. Six nconlo were iuatantiy killod aud moro tban thlrty wero lujured. Avou, whoro tho accidenl occurred. ia euvontoou tnilea from Boatou, ou the maiu liuo, which ia double-ttacked ns far nB Buzzard's bay. Aboul 300 yarda north of tho Avou Blatiou tho trncks aro laid upon au ombaukmonl. At thia poiut thetu ia a cross-ovor awitch aud hcro tbo wreck occurred. Kendall's Snavln Cure 'ni0" ' w'111 rcll rromlnot IIUB.aril. l.atttlSrot t-H aii ami,i& univkira rcttimlly. llooklTrriUf oUillon"HtlfiM. AUnm