Newspaper Page Text
8 VERMONT WATCIIMAN & STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1901. Baking Powder Made of Purc Qrape Cream of Tartaty Safeguarcts the fooct against alum Avoid Alum Alum Icavcs in thc bread or cake Sulpliuric acid, nnd Hydrate of Alumina both injurious, and pronounced poisonous. The difference in cost between a pure baking powder and a chcap alum powder is about one-thlrd of a cent for a baking. Analysis Free. We will analyze, free of charge, any samples of baking powder sent to us, and rcport to you whether it contains alum or not. ROYAL, BAKING POWDER C0., NEW YORK. MARSHFIELD. Milton Stalpes of Williamstown was n visitor at tlio lioino of liis sister, Mrs. Ciirolino Itobinsoii, a part of tlio past week. Tlio rain of Monday night nnd Tues day brought a mnrked and nppreciut ed improvement in our eloctric lights. Martin Frccmun hns engnged to work for S. Swordfegor. It is uudorstood tliat Fred Lamber ton is negotiating for tlio purehnse of tlio lnrgo timber lot owned by Mrs. Sarah Roberts on "Now Discovory" and tliat ho will clcar tlio samo and tako tlio lumbor to liismill during tlio present scason. Somo party who had tlioir toam hitchod undor tlio slied at tlio Congre gational churcli Tliurnday nfornoon will flnd .somo music books thoroin which woro orroncously placod there. If thoy will loavo tlio samo at tlio post ofllco thoy will confer an nppro oiatod favor upon tlio owncr, Tlio cold drizzling slcot did not pro Tont a majority of tlio members of both riflo clubs boing in ovidonco ubout town Tucsday aftornoon, but tho closing half of tho socond contcst wns postponed until Thnrsday. Ira H. Edson returnod on Wedues day to his work at Lisbon, N. H. W. E. Lamborton is driving tho do- pot toam for Frooman Brothers during tho absonco of Arba, tho sonior mom- j bor, with his family in Bnrro. "You solcct a wifo for a lifetimo j and pick out tho bost tho ono bcst suited to your idoas of what a wifo should bo. " Is not tho protection of this valuablo solcction of far groater momont thau tliat of any othor pos sessiou you havo? Yet tho outward appearnnco in mauy casos would soem to bo tliat it was of less importanco than tho protection of housos, barns, Bhops, stook, furnituro, otc. It is "up to you" for considoration. If ro formation is dosired, an accunmlation and invostmont polioy in tho Now York Lifo Iusuranco Company will sot you right. Alvi T. Davis, spocial agont. Miss Lilla Dow, formorly of this placo, whoso honio for rocont years has bcon with Rov. and Mrs. 0. II. Farnsworth at Manchostor, N, H., was rocontly successfully oporatod upon for tho romoval of two largo tumors. For niany days sho was in an uneonsoions stato and but littlo bopo of hor recovory was hcld out by attonding physioians. Consoiousness has now roturncd and othor improvo inontfl in hor conditiou nro notod. Hor comploto rocovory is now antici pated. Tho closing round of tho second matoh botwcon tho two local riflo clubs was flrod at tho rango Thursday aftornoon with tho rosult tliat tlio club ca'ptainod by Milton Northrup again mot dofcat by twonty-oight points. Tho oystors' woro sorved at tho Commorcial houso on Thursday ovoning. First solootman J. A. Ennls and ovorsoor of tho poor S. W. Colo on Thursday accompanied Austin Sponcor to tho asylumfor tho insiuio at Water bury. Mr. Sponcor's mind has boon grndunlly failiug for somo timo and it last wook bocamo nocossary for Mrs. Sponcor to mako complaint to tho abovo town authorities tliat hor liubaud's coudition was at timos a nionaco to hor lifo. Mrs. E, A. Thomas on closing tho li brarv Tnosday ovoning complotod hor sorvices as librnrian of tho Jaqnith pnblio library and on Staurday tho li brary will bo iu chargo of hor sncces sor, Mrs. A, 12. Lamborton who has boon awnrded tho contraot for tho year onsuing. Contrnct prico, $80, ton dol lars loss than tliat paid Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Thomas has bcon a vory cour toons and accoinniodating librarian. Oaroful study of tho works containod in tho library and tho litorary tnstes of tlio patrous onabh'd hor to givo thoiu valuablo aid in making soieo tious, whioh aid was alwavs choor fully givon, Wo prediot for Mrs. Lamborton au ollloiont administration, jot it will nocossarily roquiro somo Powders. Alum baking powders Inducc Dyspepsia Liver complaint, and Kidncy troublc. Alum may not kill, but it under mines the health, and ill health niakes Hfc miserable. timo and considornblo study to enjoy hor prodocossor's familiarity with tho position. C. H I'iko lnio lcRseil his farm to Wnr0 ren Milton of Cabot, poisession to br given .Iniiimrv 1. Mr. Muiisaii a year o two Miice occupl d th' II. C. ?Lambertoii fai'in, now owned by V. 15. Wheelor. b. B. Adams and F. E. AVnlker aro maiuigers of ;i licn shoot to be condnctcd on O, D. Cole's meadow on Wednosday. A crew of ton to twelve nien is now cn- gaged in sutting tlie poles for the electric liirlit wires. Work wns coinnicncod at Plainfield on Monday morning. Tlio American Express Company has cstablisheu au oiticc in tho villago ior thc sale ot oxprcs? inouey ortiers. II. U McCrillis is ngent. Tlio ladies uid soeiety conneotcd with tho Mothodist cluircli is making arrangC' ments for holding a fair soinvtniie in tho ncar lntiiro. .1. Ward Carver is at liomo from liis scliool dnties ns principal of tho gradcd scliool at South Barre, to speiul tho lliatiksgmng vaeation. Tlio usual liolidav closing hoitrs will bo observcd at the post offiee Thanksglv- mg day ntiu the ollico will not be open aftor sevcn o'eloek in tlio evening. The niail routo between this placo and Cabot has been sublet to II. L. Gilman of Cabot. William Unwin, who for tho past fow montlis has oceupied S. Swenlforger's houso at the null, lias inovetl to (Jabot. Wo nre advised that if you wish to leain your pedigree, repair to a cortain counting rooni and keup wlust. There aro now seven men on Mears & Pitkiu's pay roll, Halph Ido having re cently eiitercd their einploy. An oiTering for tho work iu foreign laiuls wul be takcu nt the Uongregatioiial churoh next bitnuay morning. Thcro will be a sooial at tho home of Mrs. Jtmnie Hobart on "Now Discovory" ! l -1 : rnuaj uveiuuj. iv luviiaiiuu is exteiuled. "At tho Suiulay morning sorvico at uetliany churcli, JMiss i'Jizabutli M. I'ack er of Marshfield will sing as an oifertory John E. West's latest production Art 1 hou Wcary.' " Montpelier Iocals, bat uruay evening'a .lournal. Mears & Pitkiu aro agaiu for a short tmio operating their tactory by steain power' which was inado nccessary by tho uiuuitiu iiuwii uj. Buiiiu ul tuu inain guur ing councctitig with tho water whcel. Marshfield co-oporatire ereamery paid patrous for Octobcr butter twenty-thrco cents por pouml, oil test. The winter sossion of tho schools com ing directly uiuler tho supervision of scliool director, G. A. Kelley, will bo in eliargo ot tho same elucient corps ol teachors who tauglit tho past fall term Three grndcs will bo mamtained at the village scliool the highest to bo taught by C. F. Galo of Barre. Miss Goldie Smith is to teach the winter term in tho Ilollister district. Tho Knights of Pythias worked third rank on one caiidiuato Aiomiay evciung Mrs. Joscph Wilson was called to Willi matic, Conn., on , Tuesday by tho serious li Itioss at her sistor, Alrs. 15. li. iirown, HOHN OF THE MOON. "Will and Fred Thayer aro workiug for ijou aoogo ciuung logs ou ino oiowaru lot. Mrs. C. G. Scott, who wont to Heatou hospital throa weoks ago, is roportcd as aooiit the Haiuo. Miss Florence Sandors, who had tho mitifortuiie to broak a bouo in ono log a wcek ngoSaturdny, is ablo to sit up for a short timo, Sho is attomled by Dr. P. L, Toinploton. As W. II. Sandcrs was driving to Montpelier on Friday tho kiug bolt caino out ot his wagou hurriedly, laiidiug hiiu iu tlio road. Ho olung to tlio roins and be yonil a shaklug and a few bruiscs ca caped without injury. WATERBURY. Morton Pattcrson has finishcd work at tho grauito slicd. Coutraotor Moro of Burhugtou has bcen handicapped in cunipleting tho lua cadnmized road ho wasconstructing horo by tlio rccciit snowlall, wlucli covorcd tho uncoin)loted work to a depth of about ilftccn inches. F. C. Luco and Mark Moody aro in Portland, Mo., ou biisincss coniicctcd with tho new wrnppor company. Tho ladies of tho Hvpatia club gavo a red lcttcr ovoning to tho gcutlonioii at the liomo of Mrs. Drow on I'riday oveiiing. Tho promcuailo concert givcn nt scliool houso liall on Friday oveiiing by tho scu ior and junior classcs wns a most success f ul and oujoynblo alValr. Jolm Healoy lias moved f rom liis farm on Crossett hill to his houso on Main ( strcot. l Miss Kconnn has closcd hcr scliool iu tho McGrath district and has gono to hcr liomo iu St. Albans. Mrs. J. C. Fnrrar visitcd iu Rutland this weck. Mrs. Gloason of West Berlin is spond- ing tho winter with Mrs. Frank Barrett, hcr dnuirlitcr. Tho storo of O'Xoil Brothers is boing wircd for olectric lights by O. T. Briggs. Hou. C. F. Sinith of Bradford, who is intercstcd in tho Interiiatiounl .Miiiing company, was in town this wcek. Mrs. Carrio Lyon of Waterbury Con- tcr, who is visiting in Vergennes, is suf fering from a brokcn rib sustaiucd by fail iug down stnirs this wcek. Mrs. C. II. llathburuo of Montpelier is to opcn millinery rooms in the Calkins lionsc. C. C. Warren is contemplating tho orection of two largo granito sheds each with a capaeity of from flfty to one liuu drcd mcn. Mr. Warren has bcon in cou sultation with proniincnt granito manu- facturers in tho viciutty duruig tho weck and will probably como to a dccisiou iu tho mattor Uoforo long. If this schcinc of Mr. Warren's goos through it rfill meau a substaiitial industrial boom for this villago. O. T. Rriggs has moved his family to Barro, where he is cngagcd in tho olectri- cal busiucss. Several of the local young men aro to givo a dramatic cutertaiumeiit at thc opera houso within a fow weeks. Tho First Spiritualist soeiety of Dux bury, is to hold its nnnual mceting and clectiou of olliccrs this ovoning. Miss Bctsey Atkins, agcd cighty-five years, died last Wednesday from apo plexy at tho home of G. W. Atkins, hor brother. Xlie funeral was helu this at- ternoon. A co-oiicrativo ereamery nssociation was formod here this wcek and tho fol lowing oflicers woro elccted : prcsident, J. W. Moody; secretary, H. F. llill ; di roctors, J. W. Moody, D. T. Ilarvey, B. 11. Dcincritt, J. T. 'Ihurston, W. K. Tliompson, P. F. Marrs and H. P. Robin son. Tho farmers of tho vicinity are uiiicli iutcrested and united in tho schomc, and the outlook for the new nulustry is bright. The associatiou is to absorb thc ereamery and stntions of E. R. Towne and he is to scll thc product on a flvc pcr cent. coininission. J. G. Taylor is visiting iu Dcnver, Col., for n fow weoks. C. C. Warren and Erwin Cooley h avo rcturned from attonding thc aiitomobile exposition hcld iu .New iork city. Charlcs Kecno is ablo to be out again after a tedious illness. F. C. Turner and family left on Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter J. Sterlmg for Alaska. They expect to arrivo there thc urst ot noxt moiith. VERSHIRE. Miss lona Fitts is at honio from tho Randolph Normal scliool. Thoro was n party at Elins Lath' ron's last Friday ovcning. tho occa sion boinc tho closo of tho scliool in that district, which has boen taught by Miss iSottio Sargont ot Uorintli in n vory nccoptaulo manner. Miss Mabol Spcar spont last weeli nt Wilder, tho guest of her teachor, MISS IjOCKO. Scliool at Vershiro Contcr bcgan its wintor torm on Monday with tho samo teachor as last term. Health offlcor L. L. Robinson wns called to Copperfleld Saturday by a roporteu caso ot scarlot tover tlioro. Shorilf Adams of Chelsea was in town professionally last Saturday. Among tho nppointmonts for tho wnnk nt Hin Advont'. pbnrnh ir n. pnf. tago prayor meeting to bo hold nt tho nomo oi i roeman vjiiurcn. A sistor of Henry Bunco dicd last weok . Tho body was t.ikon to her oia liomo in JNow iork ior burial. Arthur Colton 1ms sold his storo nt Thotford and rumor says ho will ro turn to Vorshiro. Thoy will bo vory woicomo nero snonm tnoy accido to roturn. Vf. II. Ghamborlaiu and wifo of Strafford colobrated tho twonty-flftli nnnivorsary of thoir marriogo rocont ly. Thoy woro formorly residonts of vorsiuro. Tho Roswoll Mattoon fann has bcon sold to Russoll Boston. Tho ministor and congregntion of tno Auvont ciiurcii unitea m n union servico nt tho CoiiKroKational ohurcl nt tho closo of tho rovival mootings. Snow for sloighiug has fallon during tho past wook but whools aro again in uso. MORETOWN. Mrs. G. A. Emory is visiting rola ivos in Wolcott. Mrs. William Hill. a formor rosi. dont of this placo, dicd last weok at hcr liomo in Bondville. Tho body was brought horo for burial last Fri day. Bosides a husband, sho lenvos thrco sons, .Tnson S., of this placo, Ir win W. of Wnrron, and Rov. Wilbur F. of Bonrtvillo, all of whom woro prosont at tho burial. R. A. Grifllth of Montpolior is at honio for a wook's viiciition. Miss Lillian Sloopor has closod a suco' Jful torm of scliool in Dowsvillo as has Evn Frooman iu North Fay ston, Torry ICow of Waitsfield has pur olmsed Mrs. Phila Spoar's plnco und will liiovo horo.l WILLIAMSTOWN. Granito cuttcr Charlcs Nixon, has rcut ed his fnrm for a year to his ncar noigh bor, Lovi Carr, and is cutting granito for tho Greasou & Beckctt company. Vernon Cross, n brother of Mh. Wil liam Grcarson, visiting hore, will bo in Massachusctts tho couiiug winter. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos S. Hopkius go this wcek to visit iu castcru Mnssachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Lcslio D, Galo will occu py thoir houso lncantimo. Lutlicr Bailoy, aftor somo tcrnis of teachiiig will, it is said, cntor upon furth or study. Frank Benedict, will como liomo from Now Hampshiro noxt weok for Thanks giving. Ilarlcy L. Averill of Barro, has bought thrco car loads of cidor applos horo to ship. Georgo Brighain, iu tho family of Dea con Edwiu C. Sinith, has just had two brothers ucro to visit liim. Mrs. J. K. Lvudo is su ITcriiiir from a sovero cold nud cougli just now. Georgo C. Adams of Fairhavcn is to bo ono of tho home-coniers at Thauksgiving timo. It spcaks wcll for tho miarrv district that it was felt thoro that Sunday after noou rcligious scrvices ought to bo resum ed nt tho Solid Rock Chapel, nnd Rov. F. E. Currier was visited to that intent. Ho has again bcguii preaching thoro. Tlio chapel has just been paintcd. Herbert Colby was in town with family frieuds over Sunday. llaiiiiltou Wark will start with his fam ily for tho Northwcstcrn Torritory, Cau ada, Monday. Mrs. Jolm Dow's health cnablos hor to resumo drcss-niaking to somo oxtcnt and it would ho takcu ns an cviucnco ot pros porous times, that so mauy of hor trnd: iind so much work to do. Auothcr ovidenco of cood timcs is tbat it is so hard to liuu lielp. Uuo ot our tar mors tclls us that bo novcr k:io,v it so hard to get help for farm work as it has been tlus year. At J. B, Brockway's auctiou salo last Saturday nfternoon six cows brought from S7G to SlG.fiO per hoad. Hay sold for 80.70 to 31) per ton. Tho Congregational ladios' soeiety do- serves credit for tho exccllent oyster sup per served at tho town hall last Wednes day evening and for thc musical aud lit erary entertaiumeiit iu connection thero- witli. Iho ercditable work, as a reader, of Miss Mabol Stcwart of Berlin, a grand daughter of William Iluuson, as well as that ot tho .holia Musical Ulub, aud the rccitations of soveral littlo misses alto gcther made an enjoyablo evening. Tho Eolia Musical Club, under the di- rcctiou of "Alf" Houso, consists of Mrs. Ilouse, Mrs. William J. Ynuug, Miss Saida McKco and Beu Bailey. Tho in striiincnts used aro violin, maudoliu nnd guitar. Mrs. Jolm Dulfus and cliildrcu aro at her old liomo in Waterbury, whoro Mrs. Dullns aud daughter wul remam tul aftcr Thaiiksgiving. Iler two sons aro pupils n the schools there. Fremont C. Little has lately sold thirtv- fivo barrels of winter applos for shipniont from here. Mrs. Barnet Goodrich, who lately wcnt to a suburb of Dcnver, Col., finds cmploy ment in dressmuking rooms. Claytou Martin has bcen moro poorly in late weeks and undcr mcdical care somo of tho time. He is now Bomewhat better. Miss Katio Carlin is to bo n pupil at tho Montpelier Sominary the coming term. Miss Alico Walkor just now is with the family of her unelo, Rev. Wnlter R. Davenport of Montpelier. Next to tho largo uuinbcr of silos that our farmers have had built in lato years, wo may meution tho number of cream separators that aro iu uso hcro. Wo fuid there tire at least four dilfereut kinds of of them in town and thc satisfaction given bivon by them insures a still largor use of them. The sympathy of fricnds horo will ' go out to Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Winslow of Berlin iu tho rcceut death of their second boy wlin was bom whilo they lived here and is rcmcmbered ns a bright, active, aud strong littlo fcllow. Miss Myrtie Seavor, who is iu her sec ond year of instruction in kindorgarten work iu Springficld, Mass., has had a de innud for hcr svrvices ns an instructor thoro of lato a part of each day. Tho second ontcrtainment iu our courso was a lecturo by Rov. R. E. King, n Meth- odist clergymnu iu Watertown, X. Y., last wuek Monday ovoning. His subjeet was "llio Xsow Ago." lho pre-amiouuccmont that tho lecturo was "neither deop, dull, nor dry," dcscribes it very woll. Thero was an intorcsting arrny of many fncts, charactcrizmg "tlus now acc, with mnuv sharp hits at what tho speaker believes tlio toiiics ot tho same. Tho noxt entertainment in our courio will bo Dctember 5. Leonard Garvcr, dramatio lecturcr, is to entertain us with liis masterly iutorpretations of mastcr- pieces in litcraturo. It will bo enough if au that is said ot his work shnll material izo liero ou that occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Ophor S. Martin aro to leavo Wisconsin this weok for Ottawa Cannda, nnd will bo liomo horo bofore Christmas. On Monday last, tho distanco from op posito depot squaro, Barro city, was measured to tho north end of tho Poolo bridge, in our village, and found to bo just six milos. Elmer Farnham likes so well on George Lstorbrook s farm in Shorburno that he thinks ho will keepit another yoar. Mr. Esterbrook has been vory sick of lato with congestiou of tho liver, and is yet very feoblo. Tho Itallan grauito flrm of Fontaua Brothors is said to bo doing somo fiuo work in their lino, It would bo ahard matter to spccializo all tho bciicfits that havo corao to us from all our leuturo courses but ouo thing is noticenble that fewer ehenp travoling entert; iiimouts aro attcmpted horo, 0. A. lSlanohanl and Jolm A. Porry ro tumed last weok from tluir deer liuutiiig trip iu tho Adirondacks. They woro of n party of nine, and ono deer was killcd, l'ho sorvieus of a guido woro had at 81) n day. Mr. Porry 'h oyi's wero open whilo nway, aud ho has iutercstiug tliiugs to toll us. For ono thing, ho was where high li- ceiiso is in vogue, but of courso not long enough to leai n all tho pros and cons on this subjeet ; still ho saw but thrco cascs of druukcnncss, and two of thoso wero Vormonteia. Iiut he saw cuough of mo- dcrato driuking; nnd do not wo all know what is npt to como next. llow Now York gnme laws aro souiotimo ovadcd iu doer ImntuiL' also caino to Mr. 1 errv s knowlcdge. Next Suiulay is to bo rally Sunday at tho Uuiversalist churcli hero. Tho Univor.salist ladio? will havo thoir nnnual chickcu pio supper aud othor cu tortainment December 11. It is said tliat Jocl A. Bas s (Aldcu Bass), iu company with n Mr. Coolodgo of Brattleboro, has purchascd thc right to play bol bnntli Kusselrs plny "Ihe Pcaco ful Valloy," and tliat thc lnst of next month they will stnri out with it, Mr. Bass ns tho star actor and Mr. Coolcdgo as busiucss mnunger. Jorry M. Hiitchinson will build thrco housos on lots north of tho Joo Gregory's houso at tho north cud of tho villago and on tho old Asa S. Simonds plnco. Ho is putting iu tho first ccllar wnll aud whcn linishcd will build thc second ono. CABOT. Mrs. J. M. Fishor was called to Bethel last weok by tho illness of hcr duughtcr, Hnrriet, who is ono of tho teaehers m tho Whiteomb High Scliool. Tho whot stono intercst nppears to bo an unscttlcd mattor at prosont. Pnrties have beon in town and opened up tho qnarry to somo dcpths and taken souio of tho btock nway to lutvo It niannlaetureil. 1 ho only iptostion scenn to bo will tho grit bo soft and sharp enough to pay to work it. Cabot si'oms to bo wonderfully favorcd with district deputics. Lcu Short rciirc- scnU thc Masous, L. Myers tho Odd Fel lows and W. T. Morso tho Good Tom plars. Tho familiar sound of the old stago bells grcetcd tho ears for tho first iu tho twontieth century last Wednesday. If tho warm wcather contiuucs and tho presout body of snow goes tho much feared water famiuo will be nverted. The wntor in tho West. Hill pond has not bcen so low nt this scason of tho year for years, as at tho prcscnt time. S. E. McLean has just procurcd a largo portrait of his brother, tho late Jolm Mc Lean. It is a iine picturc aud an exact likcncss of him as ho is remembcred by tho older rcsidents of the town. Mr. Mc Lean dicd February 4, 1855, aged forty years. Although a young uian ho had acquircd quitc a rcputation as a politician and public spcakcr. Ho was largely in- terestcd m busiuess mtercsts ot tho town and aetively engaged in all entcrprizes such as promised to promotc tho general busiuess ot tho wholo commuiuty. His death camo juddcnly. The funeral sor- moii was delivered by tho late Dr. Lord of Montpelier, February 7. Mr. McLean, has a printcd copy of tho sermou which is very intoresting. Thc schools of tho villago will all closo on Friday afternoon of this wcek except tho high scliool which will closo next Wednesday atternoou. Bear in mind the lecturo to bo given by Mr. Hunt ou Friday evening. H. L. Gilman has purchascd tho stago proporty and routo and is to bo our futuro stago man and mail cnr- rier between tlus placo nud Marsh field. Thoro is to be a Thnnksgiving promenado nt tho town hall. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wado of Lowor Cabot. Tho ereamery paid its patrous 20V. conts for Octobor buttor and 23 2-S for fat. It), 700 pounds of buttor wns mnnufnctured from !!!5,400 pounds of milk nnd 3,700 of crenm. Highest test, 0, lowest, 3.30. Avorage, 4.1)0. Gain por cent 1GS nnd cost of making 2 1-10 cents por pound. Our ontorprising hnrdwaro dealor, J. T. Drow, has sold a lnrgo number of stoves thus far this scason. "Jim" is a hustlor aud gives your monoy's worth. N. B. Rogors rcturned from his fish ing trip wcll laden with flsh from Lako Chumphiiii, consisting of cisco's, pout, pickorol, pike, shad, mullct, bnss otc. Moro thau 200 pounds of fish woro tnkou liomo and mado ono of tho porttiost fish sights wo liavo ovor seon horo. "Polo" gonorously ro mcmbored his fricnds and says ho had a good timo. P. D. Boufill, our populnr harness maker and dealor, has moved into his liow, ntractivo nnd coiiimodious qnar tors in tho postoillco block. "Pres" will indecd now shino. Tho Roliof Corps socinl lnst Thnrs duy ovoning wns vory woll nttended and quito n success. Why uso that old meat tub another yoar wbon you cnn get n guarnnteed stono meat jnr of from tcn to thirty gnllous nt Morso Brothers that cnn uovor como back on you nnd nt n nomiual prico? Ask to seo them. Mrs. J. M. Fishor wns called to Bothol last weok by tho illnoss of hor dnughtor Hnrriot, who is tonching nt that plnco. Tho S. D. Whittior placo hns boon sold to n Mr. Bookloy of Barro, a stono cuttor. WAITSFIELD. Mrs. J. E. Bndgor hns roturnod to hor honio much improvcd in health. A quotntion sooial will bo hold by tho Epworth Lenguo at tho churcli parlor on Monday ovoning Nov. 25. All nro cordinlly invited to nttcnd. A lecturo on lifo in Andorsonvillo prisou will'bo givon nt tho Congroga tiounl ohuroh on Tuesday oveniiig Nov. 20, by Rov. Mr. Flonry of St. Albans. Tho lecturo is undor tho auspicos of Ainsworth Grand Army post nnd begins nt oight o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. F. Carroll nro vis iting iu Bollows Falls, Lobnnon nnd olsowhoro. Georgo A. Howo wns nt liomo lnst wook. Aftor n short vucation ho goos to Dorry, N. II., whoro ho has n position. Tho nnnual magnziuo club moetiug wns hold last Saturday ovoning nt tho honio of W. E. Jonos. Edith Howo is ill. You cnunnt get uni( priutiug from un olllco with nntupio eiiulpmonr, Tho Watchinau printlng plant is eipiinped with modorn muchiucs uiiil npplinncos oporuted by skillcd work nien. Thereforo its priutiug is unhiuo to tho lottor. Sond your job printing to tho Yormont Wntohmnn Compniiy. PROVIDE FUTURE PLENTY! Provide Future Plenty for Your Family and Yourself. In doinir this vnn will do wnll in insnpnt. flu l!f nf propcrty which the 1). A Porry below. These nro only stimnles nnd tcnns to suit all pocket books. FARIV1S. One Situated 5 Miles from Plainfield nnd 5 1-2 milea from Barto. Tbis plnco contains 280 ncros, 70 of which is tillage and thc balnnco pnsturago and woodlinul. Sugnr orchnrd of nbout 1200 trecs. Tho land is vory lcvol, it boing n rivcr fann, nnd is in a high stnto of cultiviition produc ing this year over 125 tons of hnj Tlioio is a finc htn'nm of water running through tlio land, also running wntor nt houso und bnrn. lho buildins iuc in grod conditiou ; houso is cspecially lino. Tho barns aro modorn structuros with shcds nnd baHtincnts. There is a 200 ton silo full. To n)prcciato this fnrm ono inust seo it und seo tlio products of this Benson. Tho prico of this placo including 1,800 tin snp tubs, iron nrch nnd ovapoiator, only 85,000. Willianistown Farm, 170 acros nbout eqnnlly dividnd between tillngo, pnsturngc nnd woodlund. Placo will keep 10 or 12 cows nnd tcnm. BuildingH nre in comfortablo conditinn ; running wator nt lionso nnd bnrn. Plnco is locntcd about 3 inilcs from Brookfield nnd .'$-4 miles from scliool. Prico of this fann, including stock nnd tools, S1,C00. Another Williamstown Farm, contiins 157 ncres, about 35 ncres nro tillage, nnd bnlanco is pasturage nnd woodland. The lnnd is in high htuto of oultivntion and free from stono. Placc will simimer nbout 25 hend of cnttlc nnd winter nbout -10. AV'ill cut 40 to 50 tons of hav. Buildings nro in good condition. Barns 34x50 nnd 30x00 ; good silo, cnpncity 150 tons. Running wntt r nt honso nnd bnrn . The house is also in good condition. l'luce is locatcd about 3 inilos from P. 0. and crenmory, which is in Williamstown. Prico of this plnco is 82,250, torins ono-half cnsh. LAND FOR. SALE. A Piece of Land For Sale Near Barre of 28 acres ; 4 or 5 ncres are tillage, nnd balnnco is pnstningc nnd woodland. Land is smooth and freo from stono. This would mako n nico littlo farm for someone, nnd is located only 3-1 miles from South Barre nnd 1 1-4 miles from Barre City. Prico of this land only 81,300. For further description of these piop erties nnd a largcr list of what wo hnve, cnll on or writc tho D, A. Perry Real CORDON BLOCK, MISS WILKINS NOT WEDDED? Randolph, Mass., Nov. 10. Miss Mnry E. Wilkins or Mrs. Frecman, whichover sho is, has nrrived home from Mctuchen, N. J., but nbsoluto ly refused to be interviowcd on tho subjeet of hor roportcd mnrriago to Dr. Froeman. On nll sides itjis said horo that sho is still single. At tho homo of tho writor tho reported mar ringo wns laughed at nnd chnracter ized as absurd. It was said that Miss Wilkins had been in Now York nnd Metuchou sinco Thursday, making propnrntions for her marrinfie, which will occur between Thnnksgiving nnd Christmns. C0MMIS8I0NEKS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF THOMAS J. JOHNSON. The undcrstuel. having been nppolntcd by tho Hon. I'robato C'ourt for thu District of Washington, Commtssloncrs, to rccelvc, cxaminc. and adjust all clnlms aml demawls of all nersons aalnst tho estate ofTHOMASJ. JOHNSON, lato of Cabot, In said I)ls trlct. dtceased; and all claiins cxlilbltcd In otrsct thereto, hereby glve notlce that wr will nicet for tho purposes aroresald. at the Olllco of Ir. M. I). War ren, ln the tnwn of Cabot. Iu said District, on the Hlli day of December and lst day of May next, trom ono o'rfock v. M. utilll four o'clock r. M., each of said days. aud that six montlis from tho lst dayofNo veinlier, A. I)., lflol, Is the time llmltcd by said Court for said credltors to prcseut their clalrus to us for exutntnatlou and allowance. Datcd at Cabot, this lbtli day of Novcmher, A. D 19 1. T. II. I.ANCi:, ! Commls- 49-50 HKKMON OSOOOI), sloners. ESTATE OP JAMES lt. I.ANGDON. State of Veiimont, DlSTItlCT OP WAfelllNOTOH, S.S. In I'robate Court, held at Jlontpeller, In and for said District, on the 15th day of Norembcr, A. D. 1901. AlbertTuttle, survivlnir executor of the last will and testamcnt of JAMES lt, I.ANODON, lato of llerlln, ln said District, deceased, makcs appllcatton to said Court. for llcense to deed to blnion Allen of Fair Haven, Vermont, one undirlded tllth ofthefol lowlnR lands, situated In Poultney. In the County of Itutlaud aud Stato of Vermont: The UrekaOuorry Propcrty; the Mrs. HtiKhes lot, so-called; the Ell Karm and the Hooker Farm. represcntluK that the said Janies H. Langdon at his dcceaso held ln trust for tho said Sliuon Allcn said undlvldcd Ofthofsatd lands. Whereupon It Is ordered by said Court, that said appllcatlon be referrcd to a sesslon thercof. to be held at tho Probate Offlce ln said Montpelier, on tho 7th day of December, A. D. 1!M1, for hearlng and declston tbercon; And, 11 ls further ordered, that all pcrsons Interested be notlfled liereof, by pub llcatlon of notlco of said appllcatlon and order there on three weeks successtvcly ln the VERMONT WATCIISIAN AND Statk JoUitNAL. a ncwspapor publlshed at Montpelier, Iu this State, and whlcli clrculates In' the nelghborhood of those lnterestcd, bcforo said tliue of hearlng, they may appear at said time and placc, aud, If they sce causc, object thereto. , Uy the Court. Attost, 43-50 HlltAU CAIILETOX, Judge. ESTATE OF JAMES 11. LANODON. State or Vkhmont. DlSTlllOT OP WASII1NQTON, S. 8. In r-robate Court, held ln Jlontpeller, in and for said District, on tlio 19th day of NoTember, A. V. 1901: Albert Tuttle. Survlvlng Executor of the last will and testamcnt ofjames lt. Langdon, late of Berlin. In said District, deceased, makcs appllcatlon to said Court, with tho consent and apprnbatlon ln wrltlng ol tho legatees anddevlsees ofsald deceased, resldlng In tho State of Vermont, for Ilcenso to sell part of the real estate of said deceased, situated ln Montpelier, Insald District. to wlt: So much of tko McOorry palnt shop land, Elni Strect, as Is oceupied by the new passagcway or new street between Main and Elm streets called and known,as.I.angdou strcet and as Is coverid by aud In closed In said Langdon street Including the new brldgu; and so much of tlie comer, Jlaln aml State Street lllock and Palnt or Ilaku shop and one acre land, and so much ofthc llatlcy Flour Storu and shed jand as ls covered by and lncluded iu said I.angdon Street, Including said brlilge, and also so much nfthe Lcstcr 11. Oreeuo Co., the Urahame and the Hazen purchases as Is covered by and lncluded In said Lang don Street Including said bridge, representlng that the sale tliereof would bo bencnclal to the legatees and devlsecs ofsald deceased, and thoso Iutcrested In his estate, ln order to cunvert said real estate Into money. Whereupon, It Is ordered by said Court. that said appllcatlon bo referrcd to a session thereof, to be held ni the I'robate tltllcc, ln said Montpelier, on the "th day of December, A. D. 1901, for hearlng and dcclslon thereou: aud lt Is further ordered, that all persons lnterestcd be notlfled liereof, by publlcatlon ot notlce of said appllcatlon and order thereon three weeks successlvely ln tlio Vkkmont WATCIIMAN AND State Jouiinai.. a uewspapcr publlshed at Mont pelier, In this State, and which clrculates In tho nelghborhood of thoso lnterestcd, before said time of hearlng. that they may appear at said time aud plaee, aud, If they see cause, objeo' Ihereto. Ily tho rnurt.-.Attest, 48-40 IIIUAM CAltf.ETON, Judge, COMMISSIONEIIS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF I.EVI O. DWINELI.. The underslgncd, having been appolnled by tlie IIon, Probato Court for tho District of ashliigton.commls sloners to recelve, examlue. and adjust all clalms und demauds of all tiersons agalntt the estate of I.EVI Q. l)VINi:i, lale or Calais, In said District, de ceased) and all clalms exhlblied In olfsct thereto, hereby givo notlco that no will meet for the pui posea ufnresald, at the sloreofC. It. Dnlnell, Iu tho town of Calais, Iu said District, nu tlie 7lh day of December and JMh day of Aprll next, Irom 1 o'clock 1'. M. untll 4 o'clock i t. each of said ilays and that six tnoulhs from the lst duyof November A. I)., luni, ls tho time llmlleil by said Courtfor said eredlt' i s tn present their clalms to us for cxamlna tlon aml allowance. Dated at Calais, this 18th dar of INovenilior A. I)., 1901, WAltllES E. llt.lSS, I Coimuls-48-W) II. W. 1IUI.I.OCK. i sloners. Jicnl Est.ite Agcncy oirera of our manv farms. Priecs Estate Agency, BARRE, VERMONT, COMMISSIONEIiS' NOTICE. ESTATE OP .MAItlA D. JENNISON, OTHEUWISE KNOWN AS JIAISIA D. IIItOWN. The underslgncd havlnR been appolnted by tho Hon. I'robate Court for the District of Washington, Commlssloncrs. to recelro examlnn and adjust all clalms and demands of all pcrsons' against the estate of MA1UA I). JENNISON. late or Cabot, in said Dis trict, deceased i and all clalms exhlblied in ofi"ct thereto, hereby glve notlco thatwe will meet for tho purposes aforesald at the Town Clerk's oBlce, ln tho town of Cabot, ln tald District, on the Mh day of De cember nnd lst day ofMayncxt. from one o'clock r. M. untll four o'clock 1'. M., each of said days, and that six montlis tVom the lst day of Noveniber, A, D. 1IW1, is the time llmltcd by said Court for said cred ltors to prcscnt their clalms to us for cxaiiilnatlon aud allowance. Dated at Cabot, this 13tli day of Novembcr, A. n. O. ItOOERS, ( Commis W.S. FOIID, J sloners. 43-50 IN TI1E MATTER OF FP.ANK SAItTELLE. Bankrupt. In llankruptcy. To the Ilonorablc Iloyt II. Wheeler, Judge of tlio District Court of tho United Statesfor the District a Vermont. f FltANK SA1ITELLE, of City of Ilarre, In tlio County of Washington and State of Vermont, In said District, rcspectlully represents that on tho Slli day of January last nast lie was duly ailjudicated a bankrupt under the ncts of Coi.gress rclatlng tr baukruptcy; that he has dulv surrendered all his property and rlglits of propcrty, and hus fully com plled with all thc requirenients of said ucts, and of the orders of thc court touchlng his baukruptcy Whereforehe nrays that he may be decreed by tho Coui t to have a full dlscharge Iroin all debts provablo against his estate undcr said acts. except such dcbts as are excepted by law from such dlscharge. FltANK SAItTEI.I.E, bankrupt. Datcd this 9th day of Novembcr, A. D., 1901. UNITED STATES DISTniCT COUKT FOUTHE DIST1HCTOF VEnJIONT. FltANK SAltTEI.LE, Ilankrupt, Dlscharge. Notlce ls hereby glvcn that FltANIv SAUTELLE , bankrupt, has llled his petltlon, dated Novembcr 9, 1901, praylng for a dlscharge from all his debts, In bankruptcy, and that all credltors and other persons objectlug to such dlscharge, may attend betoro the underslgncd, referee, at his oHlcc, Uoom No. 6, V. S. Post Olllee llulldlng, ln Montpelier, on November 30, 1901, at in;o'clock A. M., and then and there prc scnt.thclr objcctlons, If any, to such dlscharge, witl thclr proofs thcreon. EDWAHD II. DEAVITT, Itcfereo ln llankruptcy. Montpelier, Vt., Noveniber 18, 1901. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. HANNAH A. BEAOH, vs. FRANK A. BEAOH, State of Vermont, Washington. uounty. In County Court, Mnrch term, 1902. Wherens, Hannali A. Bench, of tho city of Barre, in tho county of Wash ington, hns this dny flled in the ofllco of tho clerk of tho county court for tho county of Wnshington, hor iibol for divorco ngninst Frank A. Beach, sotting forth in substanco that sho was lawfully married to said Frnnk A . Beach on tho 2Sth day of Deceni bor, A. D. 1878 ; thnt sho on hor pnrt hnd fnithfully kept her marriago covo nnnt, but that tho said Frnnk A. Bench, on his pnrt, hnd not kept tho samo, for tho said Frnnk A. Bench hnd wilfully desorted tho petitionor; nnd praying thnt for tho cause afore snid tho court would grant hor n di vorco from tho said Frnnk A. Bench. And, whoreas, it is mado to nppenr thnt tho said Frnnk A. Bench resides without tho Stato, whoro tho proo ess of this court cannot bo served upon him; it is thoroforo ordored that tho snid Frnnk A. Bench bo notifled of tho pendnncy of said libol, nnd given opportnnity to mako dcfcnco thoroin, and smumoned to nppear aud mnko nnswor thoreto boforo tho honornblo county court noxt to bo held at Mont pelier within nnd for tho county of Washington, on tho first Wednesday aftor tho Urst Tuesday in Mnrch, A. D., 1002, at nino o'clock, n. m., by tho publication of tho substanco of snid libol, togethor with this order, throo weoks successivoly in thoVor iiiont Wntchmah nnd Stnto Journnl, a weokly nowspnpor pnblished in Montpolior, in snid county, tho last of which publicntions shall bo nt least. six weoks provious to said llrst Wed nesday nfter tho llrst Tuesday in Mnrch, A. D., 1002, whioh shall bo deoincd sulllciont notico to tho said Frnnk A. Bench. Given undcr my hiind nt Montpe lier, in snid county, this 10th dny of Novembor, A. D., 1001. Stnnloy O. Wilson, Doputv Clerk. John G. Wing, nttorney for the petitionor.