Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATOHMAN & STATE JOUftNAL, WJjDNESDAY FEB. 12 1002. 5 isaruf. HOMER M a i Fur Ooats, Capes, and Scarfs. As we do not wish to carry ovor nny of our Furs and in order to hclp makc room for Iho arrival of S'jring Gar ments, wo are compelled to makc thc followmg extremoly low priecs in order to move thcin quickly. 3 Coon Driving Coats, former prlces $50.00 to close at $30.00 Brown Wombnt Drlvinjr Coat, at Near Seal Conts lined with $50.00 to close at 1 Elcctric Seal Coat lined prlce $30.00 to close at FUR CAPES, $45.00 $25.00 Wool Seal Astrachan Capc Scarfs and $25.00 $25.00 $32.50 $15.00 Sablc Fox Scarf Stonc Marten " Marten Collarette Racoon " New Walking M 166 North flain St, We Have a Few Investrnents Which We Will Exchange for Farm Property and Are Especially Desirable. Coltage house and barn which is would rent readilv l'or rlO pcr month. Price only ?1,000; would bke a Thrce cottage housos containing G rootns each; have been built but a short time and are in good repair. Tliis property is located just out of the busincss part of the city but in good locality. Owner would like a good farm. Thc price 011 tliis property is low. Two family house with store in bascment, located in South Barre Good sized lot and small barn. Tliis property ordinarily renis for $18 per month, is in the best part ol" the town, and, with some few repairs, is worth $2,(00. AVill sell or excnange loi farm n same is We have other renting would exchaii'rc homes which could bc exchanjred ior BUSINESS 0PP0RTUN1TIES. Good general store in small town, carries a stock worth about $1,500. Grist mill with water-power, and buildine: condit'on. Good paying busincss and an exccptionally good opportuuity for the right party. Con-espond with us in .t is not convenient for you to LOW PRICE5 AND EASY TERHS Is Our Motto for 1902. D. A. Perry Real Estate Apncy, 8 GORDON BLOCK BARRE VT. FOIt PROTEOTION. Wasliington, Fob. ll.-A bill for tho lirotectioti of tlio Presidont nnd Vjco. Presideiit of tho United Stntcs nnd for tho punishmoiit of conspiracy to lcill oithor of thcm or of nny soveroign or rulor of a foroign country was fuvora bly ronortcd to tho Sonato on Monday by tho committeo of tho judioiary. Tho bill providos tho denth i)onaHy for killing or attomptiug to kill tho Presideiit or Vico.Prosirteut or. tho rulor of a foroiRii oountrv, U tho oiTonco is committed in tho Unitcd Stntos, and iiunishcs hy not oxcoeding twonty yearn imprisonmont thoso who instigato, counsel or conspiro to that cnd. Two imnortant ninoiidnients woro added by tlio coniinittee, Thoy woro: That any porson wno biuvii mhh i" limits of tho Unitcd Stntes or any placo Biibjoct to tho jurisdiction thoro of, by spokcn words or by wHttcn or printod words, uttfred or pnbliHhcrt, thrcaton to kill, or adviso or instigato nnothor to kill tho Prcsidont or Vico Prcsidont of tho Uni,tcd Statcs, orany oillcor thoroof upon whom tho pnwors and dutics of tho dfllco of Prpsidont of tlio Unitcd Statcs imay ovoivo un ,i. n, nnuHfnHniil nnd laws. Bhall bo nnnishod by iniprjsonnicnt not ox- j on board tho tugs working to pull off coediiiK ten ycars. , I tho .Tcnnio O. Mnys strandcd last Tho Sccrotnry of Wnr is nuthorizod , weok nnd boforo n wnniing could bo nnd dircoted to solect qwl dotnil from 1 givon ho ran on tho bars. Tho Henry tho rcKulur nriny a sufUcioiit numbor is in u bad position nnd tho crow has of olllcorB nnd nioii to (gunrd and pro- i)0oii tnkon nshoro. Thoro is no nia toct tho porpon of tho lircsidont of tho torial chango in tho positiou of tho United States withou unnecopsary Jonnio 0. Muys. ( FITTS"sarr Goliarettes, former price $35.00 to close $25.00 Skinner's Satin that were $35.00. witji Skinner's Satin former $18.(X). now $27.50 $17.50 Goliarettes. now ( $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $7.50 kirts Just Received. arre, woll localcd and Good sized lot. cheap farm; desirable. Price only 2200. propert' which the owncrs for farms: also a rood list of desirable good- arms. in good l'cffard to the above proijerty ii call and talk with us. display, nnd to mako spccial rulos nnd rcgulntions ns to dross, nrnis, nnd cipaipmont nnd dutios of said gunrds nnd to publish only Huch parts of thoso rules and rogulations as ho may dccm propcr. Tho additionnl oxpcnsos of tho guard so dctniled aro to bo paid upon tho cortiflcation of tho Sccrotnry of Wur. BITTER ACOUSATION Wnshington, Fob. 11. Sixto Lopoz, ono of tho lcadcrs of tho Filipino jnnta nt Hong Kong, has writtcn Dr. W. A. Oroffutt, this city, bittorly nc ousing Anioricnn ofllclals of opposi tion aud uii'Amorican couduct towards tho islnndorH. Lopoz snys tho prcsont Btrui:t:lo in tho Philiniiinos can hnvo but ono onding, that of ultimato tri- nmph of tho pcoplo. Lopcz hopes that iuo uuiiiary Hjnrii iiuw ju uviimnn nvju givo laco to n spirit of mntual for bcnrunco. I ANOTHER SOIIOONER. Highlnnd Lights, Mass., Fpb. 11. Tho Kcboonor Ilcnry is Rtranded on Pcakod Ilill bars. Tho pilot of tho Honrv bccaino confuscd bv tho liirhts WATERBURY. II. r aiiuth is oniployed m siu vcymp iiim iinrnvohiitr u Inhd tnni'Io. I liuru is u controvorsy ovrr tho locnlion of tliu R. II. Watls' houso. Mr. Watts clnims it is not within ihi! villiifjo limlts and tlio vil lngo trustoes e I ii 1 1 n it is. Mis. II. X. Cnss has lcturncd from her visit in Barre. Hurt Atliciton is cuttiug liis sucond crop ol ico this sunson. Ccoil l'nlnior of Morrisville is viaitiny in town n fow days. ' Miss Mary Gtiptil is in Burlington vis iting Cnrl, licr brothcr. ' Frank L. Fish, national bank cxauiiiicr, cxnmincd tliu Waterbury National bank's nccuuiits last week. i Frank Giiirns lias returned frotn Maino, i whcro liu 1ms been cniploycd as nn insur j nnco ngent for tliu past ycar. Dr. W. 1). llerry of tliu ltospital mcdi cal staff, delivered a lccttiro last week bo fnro tliu students of tlio mcdieal dopart , niciit of thc Univerjity of Vermont. Ilis lectures wero so liiglily npprcciatcd by tlio ' faciilty last yoar tliat liu lias been ap pointed as ono of tliu regnlar lccturers at , tlio collego tliis yoar. j Lotiis Stcwart lias moved from tlio C. C. ; Warren liouso to Moody & Lueo block. l llobcrt A. Lyiui, a roprcscutative of tlio Catliolic lioino for destitutc cliildrcn of lioston, wns tlio gucst of Hov. Fr. Maillctt over .Suuday. llo had with liiin sevoral cliildren for whom he hopes to obtaiu per niaiiuiit hoines in tliis viciuity. ! Tlio officrrs olected for tlio Cliristian Endeavur Society for tlio ensiiing year are: Frank Kniglit, presideiit; Miss Etta Gravcs, vieo prositlent; Miss Wells, corre j sponding seuretary; Miss Stiaiiaban, ro ' cording sccretnry ; Miss Ilutchinsnn, treasnror. The yonng pcoplo of St. Androw's . cliurch are lo give an oiitertainincnt on the evening of St. I'.itrick's day. A couimittcc was appointcd at a mcot ing of tln oitizens liold last week to eonfer with a siinilur coniinittee at Montpelier and Barre in rcgaid to tlio cimstriictiuii of u railroad fiom Montpelier to Rutland. I C'liarlcs Mnllin of Worcester, Mass., was in town last week. IIo is to dispuso of thi- ori'aincry niopoity on Kandall strcot. liu will sell tliu biiilding and ro niovi' tliu niaeliinery elsewhere. Drow Daniels is contcinplating in'aking an nddition to tiie granilc shed so that fimr gangs of nien can bu aeeoniinodated, IIo is being erowded with orders for work. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans last week. ! W. J. llnrlbnrt is to ercet a sliou shop 18 by 21 feut in dimeiision, and two sto rics high on a iieeo of land near the ! O'Neil lionse, which ho lias leased from i Jnmi's Ilattie. Ile will coininunce work on the biiilding nt onco and ctpiip it with ; lnachiiicry for the niamifactiire -of boots and shoes. Alrcady the Trne Mannfactiiring Coni pany lias nAire orders for wrappeis thnn it can fill tliis liionth. An uxtra foreo of girls was added la-t week. Mrs. S. C. Bean of Kntlierford, N. J.. who lias been the gnest of Mrs. W. F. Minard, lias retnrued home. CABOT. I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Drow and danghtor, Marion, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hickie at West Burke last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fifield of Lower Cabot havo a now lady boarder. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler IJow a boy boarder. I Hemoiiibur tlio concert Thnrsday ovcn- . ing at the Congrcgational chnreli. Cako and coil'co will be served at the eoiielnsion I of the concert. W. J. I.ang and Miss Lncy Rolaml of Walden wero marricd Friday, 1'cbrnary 8 Frank l'helps and Miss Charlotte MeKin stry of Wolcott wero nlso joined in wed lock. Both gcntlemcn are well known and popnlar yonng men of the town, of excellent moral habits and principles. Snceess and happiness to you, boys. ' Lincoln's birthday is to bo celebrated on Wednesday ovening at tho town hall. Miss Mary Osgood retnrned to her home in Montpelier on Saturday after coninletinir a vcrv snccessfnl tcrm of school 011 ",lliuitr Hil1- plars prizo-speaking contest will bo hold by tlio lodgo hero, open to the pnblic, in the near futnre. , ! Mr. and Mrs. Nat. Bnrbank were gnests of thcir son, l)r. Bnrbank, last week. I Georgu Cram has bcun qnite ill from tho eiTccts of distemper, seriously affecting liis lungs. I At tlio 30'mt debato lycenm last Friday night between tliis school and Lower Cabot, tho deeision was annoiinccd in favor of tho nogativo or Cabot school. I Baek in rovolntionary times Cabot l'lains was somowhat of a historio gronnd and from the contagion thus given liostili- ties liavo uroken out occasionally ovor since. Last week witncsscd "tho distnrb. ing elemciit" in cxecntion of tlio cardinal piinciples of lifo and liberty in horoic ofTort. Thc rcsult is not known but' all aro glad to learn that tho town anthorities wonul not interforo, Tho militia may be eallcd into servico .'ater. It is rnmorcd that "tho ardcnt" is again bcing fnrnished to "partakcrs" thereof. Whon ono is trying to roform, for anothcr to givo such nn ono or soll to him is an in excnsablo and inlummn busincss and shunld bo carefnly watehcdand prosecnted. B. G. Webster is ill from rlieiimatic ell'ects. it sccms strnngo to soiuo that wheu usiiig tliu suow roiier more pams is not takcu by somu who roll that turning out 1 vncea aro not mado at intervals 0jllg ovor ti10 Bamo vcc0 f roa or when going ovor tlio saniu picco ol road two or tlirco times tliat tlio rollur is not so drivcu as to mako wider tho road. It would cost no moro aud bo iiiucli more convcment in I turning out. Call at Morsu Brothers nnd get a pouud , of bakiug powder for (Ifty cents and also reccivo (Ifty cents' worth of dccoratcd china crockery frco. 1 Ptnto UDurlntendent of Kdiicntlon W. K Hniieer will dullvur tlio last lucturo In tlio lil(.'li soliool coui-fio on Moiiduy ovcn lnir. Fchruary 17. HU siibjoot will bo "Iloodliuns aud Othei's." aud n laruo at j toudauco U coiilldi'ntlv uxpected. William J. Lnng of Cabot nnd Miss Luoy M. Borlnnd of Wnlduii woro , marricd in Wnldon, lnst Thursday by Uov. U. K. Nowton. KAST KOXBUItV. v Mr. and Mrs. Georgu Wardner wero in Randolph on Sunilay. II. W. Boyco went on Friday to Ran dolph to visit liis brothcr, A. .1. lloyee for a few days. Flder and Mrs. Orza Boyco startcd on Fiiilay for Lyme, N. II , to bo gono for ten days. C. F. Illanchnid's new harnr.'ses niake snch an iinprovunicnt in tho looks of liis laigo work horscs that ono would hardly know it was tlio saniu teain. A Card. We, tlio iittdt'i-fiiKiied, do liereby nri'u to rt'fiiiHl tlio inmicy ;m u r0 oont bottlo of (lioouo's Wiimmted Synip of Tnrlf lt fnlls to onro your (iongli or eold W'o nlso KUarnnteo u 'i eeiit. bottlo to provo satis fnotory or inonuy rorundod. V L I'leroo, Kast Ciiluls. 0. H Dwlnull. East CalaK'. . 0, Nyu, No. Jloutiiolier. O h. I'ray, No. 'ontpolier. Teaohout Orton. No. IMlnls. Goo. Kont, Kunt's Coruur. BROOKFIELD. Do not forgct the Ladius's Mite soeie ty's handkorcliief bazaar soeiable at tho tlio Sucond chnreli parlors on Friday oven ing, Feb. 14. .1. J. Nyo was in Montpelier last Thursday on bnsiness. l)ea. Marcns Fcck was sick several days last week. Mr. and Mrs T. S. Ilaycs visitcd in Northfield last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leet Blodgett were rc ccnt gnests at K. II. Allen's. Roy Blanchard is working for lleniy Hyde. Frank Dibbi'll of Waterbury was in town last Friday and took three cows from liis farm baek with him. Mrs. Horacc Kibhee is in very poor healtli. Mr. Ivibbue doesnot tueover very fast from liis rccent injiuy by being tlirown nnder a slcd load of logs (Jeorge Crane is laying tho foiiiidation for a now enjrino for moro power in liis grist mill. Mrs. Sophia Biirelow is honsokeeiier for U. A. Clark, diirmg Mrs. Clark's ab- sence. Brothcr D. D. IIowo of Randolph, past master of Brookduld iiranjiu, uave a very intciesting talk before our grange last rridav ovciiing on threo elasses ot farin- ing within lorty milcs ot iev 101k city, one elass furmd in such a manncr a.s to rccoivo only ono and one-half cents per ipiart for milk; auother class fif fariners received filteen cents pcr quart inr milk. llo told of tho leading crops raised and how thcy fed and carcd for thcir daiiy. Ilis lccturc was very mstriictive and m tcresting. FAYSTON. Tho schools in town with the exception of No. 1, closod last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Somerville are ill. Frank Kow has irone to work for C. M. Riehardson in Waitsfield for ten months. Tlicre was a dance at tlohn Livingston's last Friday night. All report agood time. C. F. Ramsay has moved liis ell'ects to M. S. Strong's, whcro ho is making his. home. The stonns dnring the past two wecks have blockaded the highways so badly that it has been very hard for the farmers 10 get thcir milk to the crcaniery J. M. Thompson of Montpelier spcnding his vacation with his parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson. When Clara Brown, one of tho bright daughters of Fayston, marricd and went to hcr new homo in Boston, slio little thonght that the time would come when slie could make hcr old homo place con spieuous in tlio rush of city life. But she has. Clara Brown's iiamo is Mrs. Georgc R. Miller, and Millcr is a Vcr monter, even thoiigh a Boston aldcrman ono of the thrce loucsomo rcpublican membcrs of tliis year's board. Ile lives out in tho Dorchcstcr district and when it came to namiug the new strccts of the city at a rccent mceting of tho board tho dcmocrats took pity on the three loucsomo rcpublicaus and gavo thcm something to do. "I'll lcavo tho jelecting of namcs for tho new strects in my district to Mi. Miller," said Aldcrman Georgo K. And tliis is how a Boston street takes tlio namo of Fayston from a quiet picturesipio Ver mont village. Burlington Clippur. A Card. We. tlio uiulursigued, do hureliy ngivo to refiuidtho monoy 011 n 50 wnt. bottlo of Gree no's Wnrrnnted Syrup ot Tar iflt fallsto curo your oougli or cold. Wo ulso Kiiaranteen 'S cont bottlo to provo sutis fuetory nr inonuy refuiuled. II. H. Nieliols, Mlddlosox. Clius. O Wuid. Middlesex. J. II. Dauiels, Middlesox. J. L. Spaiilding, Warren. 15. V. Sterling. Wan un. WASHINGTON. Miss Alico Wiuch of Northfield is vis- iting at II. G. Carpentor's. J. D. Bresotte is seriously ill. C. II. Johauueseeu's little son is ill, It is fuared tho illness will termiuato in pneuinouia. H. E. Clough has rentcd tho tcuemcnt owned by F. C. Huntington. C. H. Dickoy has been ill for a fow days past with a bilious attack. G. E. Metcalf has improved in hcalth so as to ho able to sit up a part of each day. Miss Olive Calef has cone to Boston, whcro she will remaiu for sevoral weeks 1'eter Gallaut has moved lus family to Grauitevillo. The Stato board of aiiriculturo will hold a inceting at schoolhouso hall on Wed nesday, f ehruary l'J, coinmcucing at ten o clock iu tho forcnoon, to whioli overyouo is invitcd. Work has commcuccd ou tho kitclicu at schoolhouso hall, uuder the siipervisiou of G. h. Huntington. Bcssie McDouald was at homo from hcr school iu Northfield over Suuday. Tho Ladics' Aid society will hold a so- cial at schoolhouso hall tliis ovening. Sup per will bo served at tliu usual timu. About fif tv fiiends of Mr. and Mrs. Rory MoDonald wero entertaiued by thcm at thcir homo last I'rulay ovening. Tho anuual nieottng of tho Washington villago Froo Bnptist society will bo hold at F. C. Huntington s on lebruaryUl at A SPANISH COUNT CURED OF LA GRIPI Count Sogundo de Ovles was a Cnrllst oxilo. Tho slgnatnro of his uncle, Louls Do Ovies, Is found with that of .lohn Qulncy Adams ceding Ploridn to tlio tJnlled States Iu a treaty with Spaln. Tho Count is forty-six years of age, an oxile from Orlotto,Bltuated In tho nortlicrn partof Spaln.and lias been oxiled sinee 1870; ho is wcalthy, and has travcled and studied the customs, habits and langttagcs of twonty-flvo dtffercnt natlons. In a recont lottor to The Poruna ledlcluo Co., of Columbus, Ohio, tho Count glves his ondorsoment to thoir great catarrh remedy, Poruna, in the followlng words : The Canfield, Atlantlc City, N. J. The Peruna Medlclne Co., Columbus, Ohio: Qentlcmen " Last wlnter my secretary had a sevcre attack of la grippc which was curcd effectually by the use of four bottles of Peruna, so when I contracted the same unpleasant slckness last fall I at once sent for a bottle. It truly worked wonders, and removed the slckening and sore feeling I had within a few days. I would not be wlthout lt now for any money, and when I go away I carry Peruna as a valuable perquislte to my traveling outfit."JULIAN SEOUNDO, CONDB DB OVIES. 7:30 v. m. All mombers are rc(picsted to attcnd. Thc yonng people's Cliristian union will give an ciitertainmcnt at schoolhouse hall ou Saturday ovening of this week, con sisting of a farco and other excrcises. SOUTH RYGATE. Rcv. Thonias McClary will give tho fourth lectiiroof tho rourse under tho' auspiccs of Clan Fanpiaharson nt Gib son's hall on Wednesday evening, Febru ary 19. At the prize contest of the Bohcinieu Glass Blowers, the prizcs wero awarded as follows atGibson's hall: Monday even ing, haudsomcst ladv. Rev. Mr. Wallaco's ...:r,.. 'p i i wiib, i uuaiiny tsvuiiuig, ncst lauy waitzer, Mrs. B, L. Terry; Wednesday oveiiinir. best gentleinan waltzi-r, Gcorge Crow; l Imrsilay ovoniutr, hoiuhcst niaii, A.-K. Kidder. Iu order to fiud some one that would accept it thoy were obliged to go out of town and out of tho county. Fri day evijning, the niaii with tho largest feet, H. A. West ; baturday ovening, close of tho baby contest, Mrs. P. W. Buck man's baby, chair. Tho Ladics Aid societv of tho Ruformed Prcsbytcrian cliurch will mect with Mrs. B. llolt on. Friday afternoon. Miss Auna Bcaton has rcturned from Boston. She is now attendincr the noit- offico, tho postmistress being ill and uiiable to tio ou uiity. School throughoiit tho town elosed last Friday. Tho three teachers in the villairo received a nico present fiom thcir scholars as a tokcn of remcmbrauce. THETFORD, llov, Mr. Loder occupied tlio nulnit last Suuday. Ho will niovo his family hero as soon as tlio naisonaco is mado rcady for him Wesley Clark siient Suuday with his sister, Mrs. William Coombs. Therc was a surprise party held at tho lioino of Frank Picrco and wifo last week, tho occasion being tho birthday of Mr. 1'iorco. Mrs. Chaso died last week of scarlet fever. Cliarles Garoy was at home from Bur liugton a few days last week. Tho sowing circle inet with Mrs. George Worcester last week iuesday. Mrs. Amos Portcr died nt lier lioino at tho Centcr recontly, Sho had been in poor hcalth Ior soino time. Mrs. .Tcdutliau Taylur died Jauuary 29 at hcr homo iu J'.ast llietiord ot iueu mouia, also Mrs. Christiana Tilden. Tliey lived in tliu samo house and both died of pneiimouia tho sauio week. Miss Kva Fieeman of Moretown lms ihiishcd a full school yoar in district No. 4 which has bcon very pleasant and satis factory to tcacher aud scholars. Miss Frccinan has taiiht about forty louns and as sho is thiiikiug retiriug from teach iug the pareuts furnislicd a diunor iu the hall for her aud hcr school, also a caudy pull, popcoru aud pcauuts in thcevp.ninir. which was vory mucli enjoyed by young aud old. Thoso of Miss I' roeiuau s schol ars, without any mark, w'ero May aud Graco Eaton anil Maudo Nolson. Harri- son Cotliss and Charlie Stewart were ab scnt one-half day. Grace Eaton had no ! mark whatevcr during the school year. NORTH FAYSTON. Mrs. Frank Maxwcll has been ill. Miss Anna Posnett was at home for a few days rcceutly. M. Malonoy spcnt a fow davs in town tliu past week. Ncllio Griffin irave a imrtv to a few young fricnds February 15, the occasion being lier eigliteenth birthday. On ac- couut of tho huavy storm only a few wero able to alteud. Thoso cniocd tho time very pleasantly in dancing,ctc. Refresh nients were served. Miss D. Ryle of Waitsfield has elosed her secoud tcrm of school iu district No. 3 which was satisfaetory to all. WOODBURY. Mrs. Geo.ce Barrett was buried on Suuday. She was ill but a short time with pucumoma. The Woodbury Granito Coinpany has a largo biiilding job on hand wlneh goes to Chicago. Bickford, Moro & Coinpany of Hardwick aio to cut tho same. A con servativo estimato gives 08,000 feet as the amouut of rough stock necessary to fill the orders, which inust be complcted in scvcn months from date. Rumor again has it that the Fletcher Granine Coinpany will rcsuiuc busincss again in tho spring. All hopo so at any rato. Tho town at this time is a loser of S1.000 taxes annually by reason of ex emption, without one particlo of benefit by reason of.this cxcmptiou. The local dramatic talent is preparing "Way Down East" to be pieseuted the last of this month for the benefit of tho band. On Friday, Jauuary 30, ono of our best bcloved and rcspeeted young men died after a painful illness of nearly three months, Elon Carr, only child of Milo and Ainelia Carr, iu his twenty-first year. Your correspondont knew him as a child when his fuarlessness aud trutlifuluess mado him especially noticeablo amoug other cliildren. As ho grow oldur Iie de veloped u characlor that showed a disposi tiou to lighten some ono's burdens in life and brighton tho way for each nnd overy ono with whom ho came incoutact. Klon had his faults, tho same as tho rust of us but tho impressiou ho has left is a pleasant spnt in tho moniory of all who evcr knew him. His pareuts feol deenly crateful for tlio kiuduess sliowu Elon through liis sickuess aud the sympathy shown thcm in thoir sorrow. A Card. Wo, tlio uiuk'i-signed, do liereby agn'o to rofiiud tho inoney ou u 5(1 cent bottlo of (Jrecno's Warruntod Syrup or Tnr If lt fnlls to ouro your nugh or cold. We nlso giiiiraiitco ii 23 cont hottlu to provo satis fnotory or monoy rufuudod, E, W. Gilman, Marshfield. E. F. Tienvttt.PlalnIlold. P. T. Curr, Enst Montpolior. A. A. llllss, Sodom. Dalluy & Jncobs, Sodom. lluniluuii & Benjnmlu ?'o. Woodbury VTKAltLY evorybody ls havlng la y Rrlppo agaln. It rcseinblcs soino what In tho bcglnnlng a sovcr cold. A cblll or cold spoll ls followed by achlng bonos, noro throat, hcauaehe, cough.andgonornl wes.knoss. Jtscourso may bo qulto sllgbl or sovcro, but la eltbor caso lt nearly always lcaves ona ln a mlHorablc condltlon. Unless Peruna ls takcn lt will be weoks or months boforo a pcrson re galns his usual hcalth. If tho victlm ii fortunnto onough to bcgln tho uso of Poruna at tho commoncomcnt of tho attack tho courso of tho grlp ls inuch sliortoncd, and tho system is loft ln uatural Rtnto. I'coplo who havo had la grippo, but aro stlll sufferlng from the after-effects, should not ncglect to tako Poruna, as lt will promptly rostoro thcm to hcalth. Henry Ulstln, tho lnvcntor and mnkor of all tho band instrumcnts of tho Ilcnry DlRtln Maniifncturlng Co., wrltcs tho following from, 1411 South Nlnth strcot, Phlladol- ! phla, Pa: "I had n badnt- ) tack of la grippo last Decembor which 1 a s t e d moro than threo months, nnd which loft mo , with catarrh, and sevoral of my ! f r 1 o n d 8 advlscd j mo to try Poruna. I began with a bottlo tho flrst week ln March and lt certalnly did mo n great dcal of good. I -was so well satiafled that I purchased another bottlo and fol lowed the dlrectlons, and can say that It has cured mo." Ilcnry Dlstln. A largo por ccnt of thoso who aro aflllcted with tliis opldomic, lnstnad of gottlng well ns thoy ought to, will havo chronic catarrh as tho rcsult. Tliis la almost lnvariably tho caso unlo-s Po ruiia is taken as soon ns pojJsIMe aftor tho grip begins. Evory ono who has observed tho uftect of Peruna durlng tho last tlirco opidi,'in ios of la grippo positively knows that thls remedy will curo it pormancntly. Tho fact is, howevor, that a grcat mul tltudo of peoplo will not tako Peruna, and a foundatlon for chronie catarrh will be laid. Even in cases where chronic catarrh has affectcd tho lungo, and tho early stages of catarrhal consumptlon hava been developed, Peruna can bo relled upon as a proinpt aud lasting cure. La grippo and catarrh aro at present tho two great enomies of lifo in tho land. Peruna is a cure for elther. If you do not derivo prompt and satia factory results from the uso of Peruna, write at onco to Dr. Hartman, glving a full statement of your caso and ho will bo plcased to glve you his valuablo nd vico gratis. Addross Dr. Hartman, Pr" Tho Ilartman Sunitarlum, Cci- VERSHIRE. Rev. C. II. Merrill of St. .Tolmsbury preaehcd at thc clufr:li lierc on Suuday. A caudy pull was held at Mr. Stanley's on Friday evening. Mrs. Wallace of Waterbury is visiting at L. L. Itobinson's. Miss Edith L. Parker closcd a very sue eessful tcrm of school in Strafford last I ridaj . The largest storm of tho wilder so far camu February 2. Roads wero impassable on Monday. The stage from Chelsea failed to get through. The snow of Saturday night drifted badly iu some places, nccessitating the breaking of roads Suuday morning to en able people to cet to cliurch. B. F. Fuller has retnrned from his trip to Cleveland, O. The villago school, taught by Mrs. E. P. Brown, elosed last Friday. The pupils of tho school, witli thuir parcnts, wero pleasantly entertaiued at the home of Mrs. Brown in tho ovening. The friends of Mrs. Maude Rowell Chaso of Thetford wero greatly shockcd and grieved to hear of her death which occurred Friday morning, February 7, at the home of her parents in Copperflcld. Mrs. Chase had been for many years a succcssful and popular teacher iu this aud other towns. Sho leaves a husband, father aud mjther and two sisters, to whom the sympathy of the whole com muuity is exteuded. Hcalth Officer L. L. Robiusou was eallcd to Copperfield on Saturday to in vestigato new cases of scarlet fever there. A. II. Philips has fnrnished the follow ing sketoh of his Grandfathcr Mieliael Philips, who was the contractor and build cr of the old ineetiug-hoiiso at Vershire Centor. Deacon Mieliael l'liilips was a nativo of Soincrs, Conii. When twenty one years old ho went to live with old Dr. Backus and continm'd with him three years. Whilu Qchero he experienced re ligi in. He eame to Vurshiru when a yoang uian, and spcnt tho rcmaiudcr of ins life iu Vcrshiie. Ile was deaeon of the Congrcgational cliurch in Vershire twenty-cight yrars, contiiiuing in that ot'lieo uutil his death which occurred Feb ruary 19, 1859. His age was seventy-four yo.irs. itev. iiosepn runer preacneu nis tunuial serinon trom theso wonis, "ror inu to live iu Clnist and to dio is gain " On tho marblo slab in tho old cenietery near tho cliurch which ho built are thcse words: "Tliuro is rcst in hcaven." BOOKLET FREE. O. A. Snow & OcT, of Washington, D. 0., will Bond froo n booklot con tniuiug nbstracts of dccisions iu load ing pntont cnsos, nnd othor informn tion of intorost to InvcntorB, Pnton toos nnd Mnuufncturors. Thoy will nlso sond n booklot on trndo-marks to any ono who may dusiro to havo u trndo mnrk rogistorod.