Newspaper Page Text
TKItiMS, HAI1) IN ADVANOH One Vonr S1.B0 Kinlit Montlis 1.00 Slx Motttli 7A If iifit I'lilil Iti Advniici', a.00 b yir DCflDI C5VANT A IiTV,, W'K U r ii MVATOIM' v" 8 '5PE0PU l'l'HMSII Tltl? . . VOL. 96 50 J 7. MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1902. NUMBER 25. TEMPLE-McCUEN CQ, IEontpoliov, DEEP OTTX" X1ST Ladies' and Misses Suits. 50 Suits. women. close. 13 Suits, G5 Rnn Coats in all colors with capcs to closc. Value 85. At $2.98 300 dozen Shirt Waists, "white and colors. Hnndsomely trimmcd, lace and Hamburg inscrtion 98c to 84.98. 5 dozcn White India Silk Waists with lace insertion at 82.98 Sizes 32 to 38 Temple-iVicCuen Co, mointpi:lier HEADQUARTERS FOR Car e t n d a WICLLS & 24 STATE ST It is Jvisst Lilie. whcn you leave accounts with the BAII .EY COLLECTION A.GHE3VOY. They have a way of getting after debtors which soon brings thcm to tirae Uivo tlu in n trial. Bailey Collection Agency, .vr io,e Building, Montpelier, Vt. I SEE OUR BOSTON BARGAIN STORE, C. N, Kenyon & Co., Prop'rs, 65 Main Street, Montpelier, Vermont. Veranda - Gleason REED REIvD SETTEES C1IAIRS L1GIIT DURABLE GO CARTS AND BABY CARRIAGES ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE Corner East SVlain State and Strects. "Vovmont sizes 32 to 11 ; 1eo odd sizcs for stout Hoid for 815 to 818.50. At 8G.98 to Block and Colors. sizes from 82 to 42 ; also a fow odd sizes. Soinc with Sllk Lincd Skirts. Blnck njid Colors, 820 to 835, at only 812.98. ' 28 suits in odd sizes and colors. Sold for 810 to 15. At 8-1.98. 100 "Walking Skirts in Oxford and Navy Bluo with dcep llounce of 20 rows of stitching. Valuo S5 ; now 82.98. 300 WnshfSkirts in linen crasli, duck, fancy P. K. and plain linens in oxblood, groy and blue, from 98c to 88.75 ; also sovcral styles in 2- pieco suits, from 81.98 to $7.50. Rugs atti n g BOYLES, MONTPELIER, VT Oliiiia ancl Glassware Is shown in such variety in our store tbat a search for goods any moro beautiful or worthy would be waste of tirae. Our assortmont of goods con tains,manypattorns in all classes of ware not found in any other stock. We iuvite your inspec tion of our two new stock pat terns of Dinner Ware. W1NDOW Furniture AT - & Co.'s. REED ROCEfeS REED TABLES COMFORTABLE GLEASON & GO. BuslnossMcro Montion. Frod A. Alnsworth, drugglst, Williams town. Vt , ooutlnuos (o sollelt and supply trndo nt his old stand on Donot street Do you wnnt anyitiiug In his llno, no mnltur what? He undortnlto to sun- ply it, and glvo you satlsfiiotlon m to (lunlity, (niantlty aud iirlco. T,et no ono olso Hntteryou tlutthu can, or wlll, ilo Dottor uy you in the nruj: niie, tiu 1 you lmvo proved it ly a visit at F A wortlrs storo WANTED. A cauablo wonian 'to rto housowork in tho country. Small family. Addross, O. D. Bosworth, williamstown, vt. WANTED. Hlook wood, body, 12 inoh tlioroughly scasoned. Inijiiit'o at Watch uiaii ofllco. WATOIIMANS WANTBI). A fow cop ies or the Wntehman of April 9 and 23. 1002, nro wanted ut thls ollluu. INSTUUMENTAL MUSIO. I'upila In instrumcutal miislo reeolvod Kridny and Suturdiiy at 141 Stato street. Mns. Eu,en NveOhay. WANTEl . Savlngs Bnnk Dopoaltors, whose rato of lntwest on tlii'ir savings about to lm redueed, to send for a booklet, "About Oursolvc's," giving our plan tliat renlizes. on lnvestinuliU 1'ucoiHiiiuiidcd by tis, not loaii than 8 to 'i wr oont nur au uiiin It Is alisolutely safo. with tliopiiu cipal stibsliiiitiuUy giuirantcL'cl agalusl losa. Douglii?, Lacoy & Co., Ili'i-tford, Coiiii, . OLEJIENT ARRIVES IN TOWN. Slowly but surely tho machinory bo pins to rovolve that will put in mo tion tho lonp talked about Hopublican Stato convontiou on Thursday. Without tlio blazo of torohos, or tlio blaro of trumpots, but liko liim of tho Soudan, wlio sileutly steals away, Hon. P. W. Clomont, tlio ilrst of tho commaudorin.chiofs to arrivo on tho battleground, reached Montpelier at 0 :U5 a. in., Tuesday. No wclcoming throng greeted tholr ohiof. Ho roclined in a luxurious seat aboard liis privato car" Grand Isle". Upon tho arrival of the train O. A. Smitb, lioutonant of the Mont pelier division of the Vormont local option league, W. H. Dunn of Rut land, in chargo of tho league liead quartors in thls city, and W. T. Dow ej , delogate of tliis eity, hoarded Mr. Olement's car and wero in consultatiou with him a half hour. Upon theso geutlomen leaving tho car Mr. Olenient very graciously and courteously recoived t)io Journal ropro seutativo in tho recoption room of liis privato car. Asked -as to his liealtb, Mr. Oloment said ho was foel ing well, bnt to thoso who saw Mr. Olemcnt at the opeuing of tho cam raign thero is a dccidcd chango in his appearanco. Tho man shows the straiuaud looks to have grown sevoral pounds lightor during tho strenuous days that ho has passcd through. Asked how mpuy votes ho oxpected to 'get on tho flrst bnllot ho loplied : "We foel suro of tlio same nuinber of votes as thero havo been olceted local option dolcgates on tho flrst ballot. I havo no reason to bolfovo we shnll rccoivo more. " Upon boing asked if ho expeoted to be tlio ohoico of tho convention ho said : "Yes, I do." Ho exnressed considerable coucern over tho washout bolow Mlddlesox aud said it is very doubtful if the lino can bo got mto sliapo lor travel lor anotlier day at least. To tho mnuiry, What arrpuKemoats had beon made toward getting his delegates to this city via Bollows Falls and White Rivor Juuction in case tho break at Middlesox could not bo ropaired in tinie ho said: "Thero has beon provislon made lor such by thoso having tlio matters oi trauspor tation in cliarge. " JNir. Ulemont liaci no statemcnt to moko at that timo conceruing tho closing svork of tho campaign in a ceneral way. At 11 o'clock Mr. Ulemont, escorted by J. A. Memll and H. O. Smith, who accomnauied liim from Rutland, appeared at tho headquartors at 2(1 btato stroot, and reglstored with the othors. In glanciug arouud tho room his oyo caught tlio reading room tablo and ho said: "That's right, I liko to seo nowspapors. Get plonty of-'thcm Boston and Now York papers. " m convorsatlon with Uharies 1J, Earlo of Middlebury, a prominent addison county local optionist who reached this city at 8 :30 today, com ing by team from Waterbury, ho said Thls is tho most marvelous com paign wo havo evor seen. " Mr. Ulemont lcnores tho Famma hat, so much in ovidouce, and wears a dust colored sombrero of largo di monsious, with a wido russot leathor band. Asked by tho Journnl man as to a car load of tho fluid that mado Milwaukeo famous boing lost, strpud- eu or sidetraciied wlulo in trpuslt to this city, as was reported yostorday and today, tlio samo boing allogod to be lor tno uso ot the taltlitul, ho said Such stonos wlll como back upon thoso who start them." Mauacer Dui'u said tlio story was of a fairy nature, anu nttony witnout lountui tion. Mr. Oloment spent an hour this morning in walking about tho city, and as ho passed people would say "Thoro's tno man. " McOULLOUGH HERE. Gen. J. G. McOuIIoukIi arrivod in tlio city Tuesday aftornoon, making a detour around tho railway wrocktf anu wasnouts. JAPAN'S PROSPEOTIVE FLEET, Japau proposos to add flvo flrst class lino of battlcships, two flrst olass crnisers, oight second class cruisors and ton torpedo boat dostroyors to her navy. This will givo hor by all odds tho strongost lloot in tho Paoiflo Ocoau. Such an armamont suggosts tlio Intonslty oi tho .lapanoso foollng acalust tho agcressivo dosiens or tn land hungry powors of Europo. Jap au lutonds to bo abio to hoid uor ow agaiust Russia, or agaiut Russia aud Gormany coiubinod. And with n hor lloot, prosont and prospcctivo ready in hor nomo wators, slio can do it. Montpelier and Vicinity. Local Moppenlngs. Tho intorruption of tlio mails through damago to tho roads by tho storm ot sunday oxpiainH the absenco of tho usual omount of ,towu corro- spondoncc. Goorso O. Boyles is ill at his liomo in Cabot. Oharlos W. Guornsov is conllned to his homo by nn attack of plourisy. J. II. Sontor is nttondiiig Orange County court at Chelsea for a fow days. William R. Granflold has roturnod from a fow months visit in Pasadona, Cal. No trains reachod this city from Burlington and points boyond Mon- day. The band u l'l ai o au oneu-uir coueurt attho Pavillou stanu on Wednesday ovon in:: Tho infant son of Mr. aud Mrs. W. Snow is critically ill with stomaoh troublo. Dr. II. II. Lewis, formerly of this ity but now of Brattleboro, is vistine in town. Tlio tlu roof of tho awnin to tho Mont- Pblier and Wolla ltlver railroad slallon Is ooing ropalutad. A dauchtor was bom to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Scguin at the lloatou hos pital on Monday. F. S. Caiy of Zanesville, O., is in town on business and is tho guost of John Cary, his brothor. Photographors from this city woro on tho sceuo oi tho washout at Mid dlesex in good soason. Huudrcds from this city and ueigh- boriug towns visited tho sceno of the washouts in Middlesox yestorday. Tho unsragemout is aiuioiniced of I'atil I)illhii;haui. son of Sonntor lJillliicliam. to Miaa rloi'unee IIuO' of IJrooklyn, N. Y. James W. Carberry, staff ropeson- tativo of the Boston Globo is to covor tho convention Thursday for that papor. The Seuior Hich school class had a vory enjoyablo hop at tho Pavilion on Monday oveniiiK, Wilder's orchestra furuishiug music. The C'U'iiient men have nrrauwd with tho ladies ot the baptiat chui't'h lo tervo liiniers to b' tnei'ii li 1 and t'OO visitors it tlieir vostry on Tliui-sday. Iiouis Barney, Sr. , and two sons, Frank and Louis, .Tr. , lef t Monday for a two weoks' carriago drivo aud a flshing trip in Canada. Tho Shriners admitted fourteen cau- didatcs at tlieir meotiug at.Burliugton ou Friday ovoning. This brings tho total membershii) ol the ahrino up to !)U7. F. .T. Libbey of Richmond, Mo. , who nraduated last week from Aurora Seminary is visiting liis formor class mate at Bowdoin, Rev. L. F. Roed of this city. J. M. Fitzcerald has sleeping ac- commodations for 100 people which can bo had by applyiug at the Ex change Hotel by lottor, in jierson or otherwise. Charles Wallen of Seminary Hill who recently roturnod from Califor- nia, whoro ho had been for somo months on account of his healtb, is daugerously ill. Butweeu tlftv tmdUixty of tlio delesatea to tlio He'iub.iean Sta' j convention to bo lield in this oitv thls nvok uie ageuts for tlio Vermont Aiutual liro liisurance Coiu- pauy of thls city. Threo nowlvmarried ooiinles left on the Montnellur aud Wells Klver Iriilu th's noou for bridnl (i!ns to Uoiton. Two woi'o Mr. and Mrs. Jumos T. Sabln aud Mr. ixid Mra Jainea Cnutillloti of thia city aud tho tbird was from Iinirt. AUlorman J. J. Burccu weut to Bos- toii on Monday ovoning to remain uti til Saturday. Ho will attend tho an nual convention of tho Amorican Foundrymon's Associatiou. Col. O. D. Ciark, tho local mom- ber of tho Ropublican Stato commit tee, has bad applications from ovor 1C-J peopio for tickots to the couvon- tion, aud his quota is only about 100. Tho 5:55 p. m., passongor train over tho Contral Vermont lino arrivod iu this city from tho South as usual on Monday ovening and returned w Whito lilvor Junctlon to connect with ijos ton trains. Mayor Boutwell, in spoaking of tho loss to tho city becauso of tho dotuigo dono by tho rocont cloudburst, said it was liis opinlon it would cost at loast S3C30 to put tho Wrightsvillo road back in good conditiou. It was feared by somo that no onouch rooms could bo sooured in tho city to accommodato tlio visitors aud dologatos to tho State convention but tho fears wero groundloss for moro thau onough aro uow in readiuess. Tho membors of Company II acqnit- ted themsolves most croditably in rillo practico at thoir rango on Satuj, day aftornoon. Sorgoaut Frank Jary lod his comrados by making 24 out of a possiblo 25 points. Sorgt. Jary lod in last yoar's snoot witn tno samo record. It is oxpocted that 0. M. Barber, tlio Stato auditor, will audit tho ac counts of Washington county court on Wednesday. If so, county o!ork Smilio and J. L. Tnttlo will lcavo on Thursday for a fow weoks outing at Gloucestor, Mass. Pross ronrosontativos from butsido of this city intendiuK to covor tho Stato convention should seo Goo. K Putnam, seorotary of tho Ropublican city committeo at tho Pavilion tomor row ovoning whoro thoy will rocoivo press credontials it oliglblo. oympatiiouu irionus oi jur. wlio lost his mill in Middlesox by tho oloudburst Sunday, fool that as ho is practicnlly ruined it would bo a gon orous act to a'ssist him flnanoially. It is qnito probablo that somothing will bo dono along this lino. Tho Consolidatod Lighting Com pan had its damugod lincs botween this city and its Bolton Falls plant ropaired in qulok ordor on Monday so that tho intorior lights wero on by sovon o'clock in tho ovoning and tho stroet lights a short timo afterward. Tlio Montpollor Seminary boys havo Sympathotio frionds r ,r T .. antiouuoed thoir lcadcrship ovor tho proparatory scbools of tlio Stato dur ing tho baso ball soason just closed, by llaunting a Stato ohainplonship strenmor to tho breozo from the llag staft' on tlio towor of tho sominary building. As an otfamplo of tlio fantastio and remarkablo variety of weather fur nishcd by Vermont, a comparisou of that oxporienced Monday and that of oighty-llvo yoars ago is intoresting. On .Tuno 10, 1817, this cityoxpcriono ed a scvoro cold snap, tho ground freozing to a dopth of sovoral lnohcs- Pomi' of tho visiting innyors wero niueli luterusted in the uuublo produot of Ver mont imd visited tcvfinl biiildiiiga In tlio elty whero It is tised as a iliiUn They prouoiiuced tho swanton inarblc useil at tho Natloiial Mfu Iiisiiraiiee Conipimy'a building as nuioiig tlie haiidsotnvst they had over seen. Montpolior's "busy days" begin Wednesday with tho district convention in tho morning and aftornoon and tho annual meoting of tlio Vermont .Press associatiou at tho Pavilion in the ovening. Ditring tlio nfternoon the mooting of tho Vormont local option league will bo held at tho local head quartors. A inan, who wn'ked iuto the eily from Wiightsvlile todav, said tliere were see tions of road winhed oul so tlioroiu:hly that tlioy nevor eould bo repliiced aiong tho samo llues tlioy formerly ocoupled. Ue also snld some of (lio fiinnei-a In that loealHy havo suffered givat loss by tlio tlood washlng away bevond redHinptlon largo traots of tlieir lano. It is suggested to tho writer tbat if tho ladios of tho dllforont churchei wish to increaso tho funds in tlieir treasurios they havo a golden oppor tunity to do so by getting up a chick en or turkey dinner on Wednesday and Thursday, as cn thoso days tho ca pacity of all hntols aud restaurants will bo taxod to tho utmost. A. C. Blancbard, managor of the Montpelier Beef company, is entor prising in supplying meat to his cus tomors despito washouts and railway wrecks. Ou Monday aftornoon ho mado arrangements to havo a car of meat set olf at Watorbury aud sent doublo teams thero to bring tho meat to this city during tho night. Tho noxt annual euoamptneut of tlio G. A. It., Dopiuiineiit of Vermont, wlll probably be lield iu Ittitlaud next iiit?r, as it. is lnirdly irobal)le that so largo a nuinben of peopicjoonld be aeeoinmoilir ed at Ludlow, tho liome of Depai tment Uiuimniniler Uatlioru, it boing tho rulo to hoid tho eneainpiiieut In the homo tou n of the department eoininander. Charles Lawrenco sustained a pan-i ful accident on Monday afternoon at Patch & Company'squarry, in Sodom, of which he is tho managor. He fell, striking his right wrist on a shaip pieco of stone, inflicting a sovere wound and sovoring two arteries. He was obligr rl to drivo eight miles be foro he cov'd havo his wound dressed. Supronie Court elork, M. E. Smilio of this eity, has been appoiuted by the court as a coinniissioiier in the ease of Huto vs. Jaa. H. Douoway, the defendant. pelng Addison ooiiuty's 'tata's attornoy. who is churged witli neglect of duty and peti tions having been siglied with tlio court, aslclng for liis disbui'iiient. Hon. .Tool V Biiker of Ituthiud 1ms been appolnlud prosecutor. Col. A. C. Brown asks that wo cor rect a paragraph in our roport of tho G. A. R. campflro roferring to Mr. Huso's romarks in which that gentle man told a "hatchet story" that the writer credited to Col. A. C. instead of Capt. S. F. Brown. Tho writer is a strauger iu a straugo land but trusts to learn tho faces pnd uamcs as fast as possiblo. Mra. E. R I'liiUted of tlila city was visit lutr at tho homo of A. A. Owen at W'riirlits- vinn ou Sunday ovening, when tlio honso was can led away About ten mlnutes be foro tlio lioiibv was lirokon unbv the tlood. John Dillon and nife, rs. Plnlsted and Mr Owon conduotail Mrs. Owen, who is b'liid, throii'jh tho iushiug wuters to a pluce of snfoiy just in seas'on to seo part of tlio houso iiiid lurnitiiro lloat dowu b.reaui, Mlss Ruby M'. II eaton lef t Tuesday for Brandon to atteud theinnriiO'jeon Tliurf day of Mlss Madgo Tliuyer of that plaee and Cliiion M. Heiiton. hor brother. Thoso from tbla city, who aro al o tiat teiid and u iu go 10 lirnniion on weuiieL day, aro: Clmrles W Adams. Hay W. IJuso, Fnuik A. Goss, t'liton M. Ileaton, r. and Mrs. M. V. Atkhis, Miss Nellio PiOold. Mr. and Mrs V. II. Heatn and Freil 1). Long. Tlio gauie of teiinls bas beeu of iiuiisiial interest to tlio sludents of Montpelier Remiuary this season. In tho tournameut for the school cliamiiioiishin juat elosed, sixteon studenia entered the lists Tho rulo govorning thls cont 'st was t ho best. two out. of threo gaines in the !)reUiniunr ies aud tbree out of live in tho lluiils, Up to thosomi-lltuils.the eliamiiiousliii) lay be tween Charles A. Wiug. l'rof Hamiitoo and Milo Tunier. but in tho liuals Mr. Wlns carried off tlio houors. Tho seuson for tho Montpelier Sem inary biiU team closed with Frldav's aauio althougli tlio team uiay plav the Nalioual IJfo team next Moiidny. iana:or Wing says tho t '.'iiui lins bseu suceesstul llnan oially. It highly appreeiatea thesuppoit it has recoived from tho townsnonplo. Tho seeond team is playhig tho It A. C. team ou the eampus tli's afteruoou. Thls team liaa mado an e.xoeplionally good re cord thlaseason, having won all (lio llvo games played. Among tho mon prominently oon nected with Hon. P. W. Clomont's managoment locally aro flvo Smiths. This may bo auothor iustanco of Poroy's flguring. Tho Smiths aro a uumorous body in tho Stato, and as liko begots liko, in tho usual courso of thiugs, tho local option caudidato may bo hoping to attract to his stand ard tlio entiro tribo and thus win tho day. But thero aro Smiths and Smiths. Lottor to Myrrav Kont. Montpelier, Vt. Doar-ir: A palnter wauts to know what his paiut is iiiado of. That's nllright; lio's weleoino, Dovon is whito lead and white zlno groiuid togother iu Ihiseed -oil. Thoro It nothlngol-o in It, but oolor aud turpeu tiuo ilryer. Our nu'ent In your townlms thoolllelal State Chemlst's certllleato of annlysls cortitying to hat offeet. It Is tho zlno ti'xl tho grliidlug that mako it woar twieo iis long as lend and oll mixed by luuid. Yours traly, 70 F. W. Urvoe & Co. Abbott & Hniluy sell our puint. TO dUUE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tuke Laxatlve Brouio Ouinluo Tablots. All drugglsts rofund tho mouoy It It falls to oure. E. W, Urovt-B' slguaturu ls on each box. 25o. FOR GOVERNOR. Saturday's Caucuses Give Proctor Six Delegates. TOTALS BY COUNTIES. McCullough Leads Clement by 104, Proctor by 146. Two oaueiises were held-on Suturdiiy, Brooklleld eleetiug 2 aud Rochester 4 delegates, both for Proctor, Accordlng tothe Joutnal's tally slieet the totala by eountlos uow are: v ' Mo l'l Pr Addison 45 13 1 Bennington -IS o Cnledonla ,20 5 18 Chittenden "l 2.) 8 Essex 8 8 Franklin :'" 0 .10 Grand Isle 2 - 1 5 Lamoille : L'l fi 4 Orange.... 21 1 18 Orleans , L'O 0 -2 Rutland 1 CO 02 Washington....--- 30 20 7 Windham 18 28 15 Windsor 17 51 8 Totals 325 221 1VJ Hero is an aggregateof 725 delegates. If the convention should cunsist of tlio mui -ber 303 would bo necossary for a cboice, MeCullough having 325, lacka 33 of tho le qulretl nuinber aejording to this sum mary of thereturns CANTILL10N-WOOD. Tho marriage of James Cantillion and Miss Cathorino Ida, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Marshall G. Wood, oc curred at St. Augustino's church at eight o'clock Tuesday morning in pres onco of relatives and friends. Thomas Cantillion of Worcostor, Mass., broth er of tho groom, acted as best man aud Miss Mary Cantillion, sister ot' the grobm, as bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Cantillion loft at onco for a few days visit in Boston and upon tlieir returu will roside at the homo ot tho bride's parents at 5 Mo chanic street. The coutracting par ties have many friends iu the city, who will wish them God speed and who remembered them "w'ith hand somo gifts on this occasion. Tho groom is a printer in tjie employ of tho Union Card company, while the bride has been a popular saleslady in the store of T. S. Brophy & Company. SABIN-JACOBS. Miss Mary L. Jacobs and Mr. James T. Sabin svore quietly married Tuesday moruiug at tho residence of Miss Lucy Loomis, the Rev. A. N. Lewis ofli ciatiug, only near relatives of the bride and groom being present. Mr. aud Mrs. Sabin loft on tho noou train for a short trip. CONCfcUtT AT THE SEMINARY. Tho nuuuul eoueeit was givun at tho Semluuiy on Monday nlght Iu spito of at tondlng dillieulties. Early in tho nfter noon it was thought thero would bo no lights und the uuiaombing weather luade It seem necessary to postpone the event till Thursdiiy .ulglit; accordhiKly, word was sent out to tliat offeet. Latei, the elouds broke away, tho llghtltig current canio on aud lnestengers wero agalu des patched to eall in those who could bo reaehed. All this did not teud to pomot-3 tho equmiiiuity of the partieipauts, but they nillied bravely and all thut was pos. siblo oi tho eveiilng'sprogrum win cairled out very creditably. Mlssos Cadger aud Smith were unable to bo present. Altho' there appeared to bo somo troublo with tho orgnu which, too, was possibly uffected by weather couditions, aud tho solo by Mr. Wllliains was on this accoont ouiilt .'d, it was fouud possiblo to uso it iu tho piauo and organ duett by Miss Sadio G. Eiistman and Mlss Itoberta M. Randj and onco moro during tho evenlng, when tho audieneo agaiu had the pleasuro of llst.'Uiug to the violinlst, Mir's Ftissett, ae eompanied by nlauo anu organ nlayed by Mlss Cross aud Mr Ilatliaway. This eom biuution is a very pleasing ono and the selectlon, 'Meditationj" by Meitski most oliai'iniiit' l'liiuu bolos eviuced S iss Spauldiug's brilliaiit oetavo work aud Miss Biirnhaiu's norfectlon of toueh in tho ditllciilt nuis aud trills. Mlss everanco sang "The Erl Kiug," Schiibei IV elrd nud beautiful eoinpo?! tiou uud Miss fpiildlug au exquisilo itnl iiiu t-oiig by L'Aldittl. A very awcet vootil duett was renden'il by Cilloy uud llllls aud a hulles' iiuiii letto uud a mixed imiiii (ette wt re tnrilier pleasant ad- (llllon to iiiceveuum s entei aiuineni. A liiano duet. 'spanisli Danees,' osz- kowski, liy Miftes Maigurite 1). dtoneaud Elva ai vort uuiir was very uiceiy piayed aud tlio iiiauo qiuil lelte, Isses liuruliuui t elley. wasiuuiu uud ueiey wns uiueii enjoyed. Tliochoruses wero e.xeellent, both the ladies' nlionif aud tho euiuniry eliorus, the latter elosiiiK tlie progriim with Ku- L'eiu- l-ield's wjiiken, tuyuKeii anu Nod" set to niu.-le by Nevlu, 'lliis selec- tlon Is indeed v.ell woith liennng, llio ue couipuiilinc,ut beiug not the loast of its eharuis. It is ono tlut should 1)0 suug moro thnn onco aud which llstoners must olways appreelate. CAPT. ALBION J. MOWER DEAD. Oapt. Albion J. Mowor of Calais died at tho Stato hospital at Water bnry on Monday, whoro ho had boon undor treatmont for tho jiast two yoars. Capt. Mowor was ono of tho leadiug citizons of Calais. Ho onllst od in Company I, Ninth Vormont, as Captain Juno 80, 1802 and was dis chargCd July 8, 18011. Tho funornl will bo hoid from his lato homo at Maplo Cornor on Thursday aftornoon. REASONS FOR INSURANSE. Expenses eat up wages and sal arics. Ycar aftor ycar tlio aver ugo man expcets to biulil up an cstato. Tlio usual, result is no provision or only a small ono for wifo and cliildren. I.ife Insur ance docs tlie work by casy pay mcnts. iC'.rrt , .ndccco ' iictted.JI S. S. BALLARD, General Agent, New Langdon Building, A10NTPEL1ER, - - VT. NEAT, NOT CAUDY Neat that's the word for our Negligee Shirts. A strong line of Plnin White Negligeo Shirts jrom 50c to $1.50. Colored Shirts, 50c to $2.00. If you want the best thing for a hat a Pauatna at 812. The next best is a Porto Rican Straw, $2.50 and 83.00. There are others from 50c to $2.00. A. D. FARWELL CO. All Goocls Sold for Cash. A STEADY STREAM OF WORKMEN Aro busy taking care, of the orders for PLUMBING, SPOUTING AND TINNING we aro receiving every day. We ninko such work a spec ialty, havo help that do lirst class work without loss of time und without wasto of raaterial. Your patronage solicited. PECK BROTHERS 60 MAIN STREET. MONTPELIER, - VT. BARRE SUPPLYCO, Doalors In - BELTING, HOSE, ENG1NES, ENGINE SUPPLIES, AIR GOMPRESSORS, WANTED A Cood Salosman for tho nbove lin of goods. Offico and Snlosrooms: 24 Park Block, N. Main St., Barre, Vt C. E, DICKERMAN, Veterinary Sureon Offico at DOWNING'S LIVERY STABLE, Opposlto Dopot Squaro Barre, Vt. Telephone 137-3