One ctir 81,50
Klitht Months 1.0
Six HlonUid , .70
If Iint I'nlil ln AilvniK'Oi
V2.00 n yi ur
b n
.isni.ti r MirtUrLL
VOL. 96 501S.
Special Bargains
155 pairs Muslin Curtains at 48c a pair.
15 pairs of Portieres in Green nnd Hrown ancl Red Shndcs, at
83.98 pair.
45 Wliito P. K. Skirts. Would bo cheap at 82.50. Now only Sl.49.
Plain nnd Fancy Linen and Crash Skirts at 98c, 81.39 nnd S1.98.
24 Tattcta Silk Petticoats with deep ilounco nnd rullles. Blnck and
Fancy Colors. Sold for S7.b0; now at $4.98.
100 BIa?k and Colorcd Petticoats mado from fino Italian Cloth as
pretty as Silk ; 4 grades 98c, 81.39, S1.09, 81.98.
25 dozcn Thompson's Straight Front Sumincr Corscts. Value 75c ;
at 50c.
5dozenTape Girdlo Corscts, Pink, Bluc'and White. Vnluo 81.00;
at G9c a pair.
8 dozcn two-pieco Dresscs, made from handsonic Chambrny in Plain
BUie and Ox Blood at $1.98.
10 dozcn Si'k and Lislc Laco Gloves in Blnck and Wliite. Tho
Newest Tiiiso at 50c a pair.
Wliito Parasols with 2 rntlles; also, plain liomstitchcd. 81.29, 81. G9
75 morc of thosc Silk Gloria Umbrcllas with natural handlcs and caseS'
Tho snmc pricc 98c.
25 dozcn Laco Stiipc Hose. Value 39c ; nt 25c n pnir.
50 dozen Fnst Blnck Hose, worth 25c pair. This week 2 pairs for 25c-
TempIe-IVIcCuen Co,
Carpets, Rugs
and Matting.
40,000 Users in
Prove the Merits of the
Not what competitors say.
QOLD MEDAL The highest award Pan-American Exposition.
11-15 Pemberton Squnre, Boston, Hass.
Illustrated Catalogue on Application.
1DBAL Eollcri and
1 1 iw Jnst LiUe.
when you leavo accounts with the
They havc a way of gotting after debtors
which soon brings them to timo
Give them a trial.
Bailev Collection Agency,
6 Lswronce Bullding, Montpolior, Vt.
Forty Months
Can only be truly so when
its occupants appreciate the
money value of sanitary
safety pure, freshly warmed
air at an even temperature
throughout the house. Made
possible only by Hot Water
and Steam Systems.
Business Moro Montlon.
Frod A. Alnaworth, druggist, Wllhams
(own. Vt , ooiillniies (o sollelt. nnd supply
trnde nt hls old stund on Mount street
Mo you wunt unytliing in hls linu, no
mntter whatf Ho wm utidertnko to aup
ply It, nnd glvo you snllafnotion ns to
qiiallty, qunntlty und priee. Lot no ono
elso llntturyou thntho can, or will, do
lwltor by you In tlio dmg linu, tlll you
liavo proved It by n vislt nt P A Alna
wortlrs storo
WANTED. A capablo woman to
do housowork in tlio country. Smnll
fnmily. Address, O. D. Bosworth,
Williamstown, Vt.
WANTKl). Block wood, liody,
tliorouglily scasoncd. Itnptiro at
12 inch
liian otlico.
iea of thu Wntclimaii of April 0 nnd 3,
1002, nro wnnled at thia ollk'e.
1'nplls in Instntmontnl musio ruuulvud
Frlday and Satui'dny nt 111 Stulo street.
Mns. NvkOhav.
WANTKl . Snvlnga Bnnk Doposltors,
whost" rnto of Intert'st on thi'ir aaviinis is
about to bf iediiL't'(l, lo si-nd for n booklot,
'Aboiit Uuiwlvu, glvlng our plan tlint
ri'iulzi'!". oli iiivcatliU'iita iui'oininendt'd by
us, not lcsa tlinii 8 to 1 pcr cent per an
iimi It ia nbsoliilelv snfe. with tlio nriii
olpal substnntinlly gunrnnt-L'd agninst
losa Dougln?, Laeey & Co., Hartford
bu good at lepiilrlng. -tendy cmploy
iiu'iit nnd pay overy week to right uinii.
Addrcfla or oall on A, C. Day, Uarre, Vt.
Tho conferenco of the Montpelier
delegates to the county convoiition
wlncli assomblos on Wednesday was
lield as proposed on Monday ovening
in the grand jury rooni at the court
louse. All tlio delegates woro presont
excent A. W. Ferrin. who had not beon
informod that. snch a rneoting was to
bo lield. lu tlio absouce ot Mayor
Boutwoll, Henry Holt, an altornato,
took liis place. G. V. Wing, the
chairman of the dolcgation, presidod
at tlio ineeting.
TJio candidaey ot 1 red ii. Thornas
of this city, by voto of tho delegates,
was eiidorsea Ior olnco ot Stato's at
toruey, beiug tho only candidato thus
sustamed by tlio delegation.
Tiiero is no coutest, it was understood,
over the seuatorship, N. U. Phelps
of Barro, A. D. Bragg of Fayston and
li. i . Drenuaii ot Woodstock, boing tho
only caudidates for tho county's threo
Sonators in tho fleld. It was assuuied
that they accopt tho platform adopted
by tho atato convention last week, and,
in that case, tlio delegation will bo a
unit for thoir noniination. Tlio offlco
of judgo of probate, in respect of its
presont inoumbent is novor a mattor of
conterence. Tho delegation was non-
coinniittal as to its clioico for slioriif
and county coiumissionor.
Lettcr to C. N. Phllllps.
Dear Sir: How much eold do you sell
in the course of a year? and how much
pewter? how many 18 karat watches?
how many hlled casesV
No matter. A man may wear a goid-
looking watch, or gold : it's nobody's
business. The money he didn't pay you
he may have in the bank. Some women
may wear pewter; and paste may be as
good as a dia.nond.
JNot so witn paint. 1'our paint lets
property go to waste. Lead and oil is
good for three years ; but that is the end
of its wholeness.
Zinc is as good for six years as lead for
Lead and oil wil! keep out water three
years ; Devoe leaa ana zinc six years
sixteen m lavorable conaitions.
Yonrs truly,
71 F. W. Df.voe & Co.
Abbott & Bailey sell our paint.
Montpelier, Vt.
Sold by Abbott & Bailey.
The State convention of the Prohibition
party was held in Barre Thursday, June
19, with about fifty delegates present. The
orcanization consisted of Dr. L W. Han-
son of Barre, president, and G. L. Story
of Essex Junction, secretary. Un motion
of E. H. Field of Chanotte, seeonded by
A. 0. Ferguson of Burlington, a commit
tee on resolutions was chosen, consisting
of Kev. H. D. Howard of Wilder, S. L.
Swasey of Newbury and E. H. Field of
Charlottee. The committee on nomina-
tions consisted of C. B. Wilson of Brad
ford, A. O. Ferguson of Burlington and
C. S. Wallace of Barre. They reported
as candidates: Governor, Joel 0. Sher
burne of St. Johnsbury; lieutenant gover
nor, Noble L. liait ot remsourg; secre
tary of State, C. B. Wilson of Bradford;
State treasurer, fti. Lampoen ot iyn'
donville; auditor, E. H. Field of Char
Iotte ; congressman in hrst distnct, H. ftl
Seeley of Middlebury; in second district,
S. L. Swasey of Newbury. The platform
affirmed confidence in the prohibition laws
of Vermont and opposed the referendum
proposition as to local optton.
Rov. Geo. V. Morrow suiiorlntend
ont of tlro Vormont Anti-Saloon
Loague, was in towu Friday. Ap
nroaohed bv tho Jonrual roprosonta
tivo ho had no statemont to niako as
to whother tho doincs of tho conven
tion fltted his stvlo of tliinkinc. Ho
soomed to bo pleasod that Mr. Olom-
ont lost and oitod rnany little inoi
donts touchinc unon Poroy's cam
paign. Whon asked as to what ho
thoueht of tho action of tho Addison
countr convoiition wdiioh norninated
Jas. B. Donoway for States Attomoy
ho said ho supposod that tho samo oio
mont wliioh norninated hlm would ln
suro his oleotion but ho seomed assur
ed that Mr. Douoway would bo dis
Mr. Morrow has boon vory nctivo in
prosoouting Donoway for negloot of
hiH otllcial dutios.
Paint Your Buggy or7BConts
o i.oo with Dhvoo'h Glosa Cnrriimo l'ainl
it, wilL'iia :i to 8 oz. moru tothu nint thau
ot liors, wenrs longor nnd kItos a glosa
qual to now work. Sold by Abbott &
Montpelier and Vicinity.
Local llnppenlngs.
Mr nnd Mr. .Tolni L. Stiirlluir nrn ri!-
joioltig over tho hlrtli of n dnuglit jr.
Mr. nnd Mrn. 0. L. Kuowlea ot Deatou
nro gueats nt tlio l'nvillou
I'rlncinnl W. U. Davennort li'ft Mon-
dny to uttend the eoinuiotieunient oxcr
elaes nt Wesluynn Unlvorsitv.
An ndverllsed leltur nt tho no.-t-ollleo
nddreased to Box 81, StutioniA., Hoaton.
is held for poatnge.
J U. Uovnolds nnd wlfo of Hilllitiri:.
Old., nro registered nt tho Montpelier
Mr nnd Mi-a. J. I1. Adatna hnvo ruturued
from their bridnl trin to Oiiolieo nnd un
the Saguenay, ,
Hnrold Somorvillo und Wllliiuii Cooloj',
r.. nre nt their homo In Wuterburv for
tlio suinmor.
Mr. nnd Mra Krod K iMneoinlier of
y im, Maaa., ato guest' of Mr. nnd Mrs
11. Trnoy tor two weeks
Look nt tho luleat in drea uood?. Foul
nrd nnd wuist silks from Old Uee llive; nt
1). S. Whentloy'a nll tlns weuk.
Mra. F. I filiurch rcluiiii'il Miiiiilnr
nlglit lrom llnndolph whure aho lins boon
enring for usiek friend.
Mrs. Arthur Bascoin coes to St. Al-
bans next week on a two weeks' vacation
with rclatives thcre.
J. Edward liailev's mare, "Susan,'
starts at Barton in Wednesday and Thurs-
day's races.
Montnellier Couiieil. Kniirlita of L'oluin-
)iis. hns l)eeii Invlted bv tho Coiiiil-11 nt
Uutland to be nresent nt the workiinr of
tho thlrd degreo on July 1.
I. Dnnlel Tuylor of llurtford, ICnnsns,
lna nnived lu (own for n fow wouka'
vislt. Mr. Tnvlor reoeutlv trrndunted
from tho Ann Arl)or,Mieh.. lnw soliool.
Ilurlio V. Crlteliutt nnd wifnnrn niov-
in u woek's oulinir in Craftsbury. Ilia
plaeo in tho Jnngraw Imrber ahop Is tnken
oy unariea juen (inriug ins mxerice.
Tho moths or worins tlint nro dovnatlnir
follnue, hnve mado their unneurnnee nint
nro fnst stritmilnr tho treea of tliolr li'iivea.
Tho mnplcs seem to bo their llrat mnrk.
CharlesII Hoakesisemployt'd ns trnvol-
ic anleamnii tlirotlL'h New Eiuilnnd bv
tho Egyptiau C'iiemienl Compuuy of Bos-
Miss Louiao I'owers haselosed her lnbora
aa n wuitress nt the Moiitnellnr Houso
uud goes to urliugtou Monday wliero
sho lius similnr employment.
JessieM. Chnreli hm oloaed her acliooHn
tlio Short diatriet, Calais on ueconnt nltlie ,
prevnlenet- of senrlct fever, nnd ruturued !
to this eity.
Ooverness" nnd thoKnotl, hmm nwnml
by J. Kdward Bnllev. will atnit in Thiira-
day's eventa at Barton. "Susan" will not ;
oo stnrteu tlua week. I
Six VOUni: hldlt'S of tliH scninr nln nf
tho lilgh aehool, necompnnied by six
friends, nro pnasing n vneatlon of n week
ut iierun poud.
Cllief of DOlici) Rt'IlLMlll Iiim n alimni'nnV
plnnt nt headiiunrtefa wlileli has begun
to nioasom. Tlio elHef sava its tlio "real
Mrs E. A. Nutt is emnloved tom.
porarily as stenographer at tlio Na-
nonai ijito oiiico.
Olnudo Martin. nortor at tho Mont.
lelier Houso is tho night clcrk nt that
losteiry, takiiic the nlaco mado vaeant
by tho resignation of J. A. McDulf.
Tho ilitorior Ol thu lrillitloliir nml
Wulls Itiver ntation la holtnr troahoinid bv
nn npiiliention of vnrnisli nnd atain. Tho
storehouse of E. V. Bulloy & Co., nonr tho
stnlion, ia receiving n eont of pnmt.
Martin McCormick. who sueennflR
Wililam McCormick as regular patrol
man, began his duties on Friday oven
Irvinc A. Wilforo. formorlv a olorlc
in tho Montpelier book storo, is now
employed by tho Now York Granito
uompany, wiiich has a brauch offlco
in tho Morso block in Barre.
Tho law rogardinc tho salo of oioar.
ettos to minors is violatod daily in
this city if ono is to judgo from tho
numbor of youngsters who aro seon
toying with tho wliito cigars.
Oharlos H. Gutcholl. son of H. O.
Gutcholl, graduated from the high
school at Burlington on Friday and
is to ontor tho Univorsitv of Vermont
noxt fall.
The bnnd coneert will not bo hnld mitllt
Saturdny ovening this week becnuso ot
tlio enforeed nbsuneo of sovernl membei'S
of tho band. It Is pinnned to give tho
coneert from tho School street atnnd if it
ls repnlred iu neason.
Sovernl of tho youim lndies. who took
part in tho musicnl militnrv bnr bull drill
nt tho eommencement exereiaes of St.
Mlehners soliool held lnst week, had their
pliotogrn)lis tnuon on Mondny ufternoou
arrnyed iu their sallor eostumes.
Misa Lnura 8. Clark. Ilrst na-latniit. in
tlio high aehool, has tendered her rosignn
tlon to the school bonrd. Miss Clark hns
been n teneher iu Montpelier echools for
flvo years nnd reslgns uow to tnko a year
of speeial study.
Tho polieo departmont liavo reeeived n
requeat from tlio cliiof of polieo at Wood
stock to look out for one Will Hnssnm,
nlins S. F. Ainbuah, who ia wnuted on n
ehurgo of horao atenling In Windsor
GeorKO Ijealio. toleirranli nnnrntnr nt.
Montpelier Junotion, went to Williams
town Tuosdny to tnko tlio plaeo of I,, o.
Morgan, stntion ngent, for u fow dnya
durhig tho latter's abaeneo to nttend tho
mnrringo or liis siater.
Tho biovelo Ibualnoaa in thin olt
erenaing in volunio nud denlei-s i Hport a
iuiKcr iiimuijui ui aiuos inuu n venr ugo at
this timo It is estinnited tlint nhmit.
sovonty-llvo wheels liavo nlready been
Miaa Joaonhluo Fisk. aunerliitaiiritnt nt
tho Deaconnoss Homo. Hnat on. irnvn nti
uddreaa upon the work ot that iuslltutlon
nt inniiy eiiureti Sunilny mornlugaud
spoko nt iJnrro iu tho eveiiing. A eolieo
tion of 828 wns tnkon up for tlio homo.
wbilo no neouratoesthnntoimitbo mnde
of thooxpensos ineurred iu this city last
wuhk uv iiou i-. w. uiemeui, it is unuer
sioou tnnt w. II. uunn, liis mnnnnger,
drew on Fridnv nnd Snturdnv to tlio
nmountof Sl,800for tho purposoof soU
lllllg UIIJH,
Tho eleetries dld u rushlng business
diiring tho day of tho eoiivuntion but only
ino reguiar eomtiieuieiit or lnon wero ro
(litlred to haudlo tho trnllla. Tho onr
iiiatio seueiiuio timo on neariy overy trlp
and tho lnto onea oarrlod liouvy loads lu
uiuit, nnya uinii ouo.
A gauio botwoon tlio National Lifo
nnd Montpolior Indopondont Olub or
"M. I. O. " toams has boon soliodulod
tor this wook and probably will oo
our on tho campus ou noxt Saturday
Martin V. Pcok, son of Mr. and
Mrs. uoswoll K. Pcok, grnduatos
irom Lanmontn uouogo this wook.
His paronts with Miss .Tulia, thoir
daughtor, went Monday to Hanovor to
attond tho grnduating oxorcises.
FriinU II. Uonedlet, supurlntondoiit of
aohools in rittalluld uud J'emhroke, New
Hmupshlro, who la vlsiting relutivea ln tho
eity lor u fow dnys, will lenvo on Friday
for u euinp on Lake Wlnnepesnukeo
wliero ho will bo tho gueat, for tho atini
mer, of I'rof. I). L. viuulstiy of Tufts Col
lege. A speclul meeting of Montpelier Couu
oil, Knlglita of Columhus. will bo lield on
Wednesday ovening to aeo whnt netlon
tlio membera will tnko in regnrd to the tic
eepting tlio lnvitntion of the Uutland
couiieil to lio pre?ent ou .Inly 1 ut tho
working o. tlio thlrd degree upun u tlass
of unudidates.
W. T. Uowey ia iu reei-ipt of muny preas
reports of tlio lnto eonveutlon und nrtl
elea pertulnitig to tho battlo beforo and
durhig tho llniah. AiiKJiitr them is n
signi'd urtielo from .lultnti itulpli, ot wnr
eorres)ondeneo fumo, dnteil .ut llruudou
nnd pulillalied ln tho Now York Tunea, ln
wlileh, tho wrlter doiiouneed.the prolnbi
tiou law.
Tho .1. A. Goodwm L'otnpany hna Ita new
store iieurly reudy for oecupuney. Tho
etore hna been ihorouglily ro-urriinged
und lepuiuted in white ennniel uud tinla
Newgoods will urrlvo by tho tuiddle of
tho week when the gooda from tho Barre
street storo will bo moved to tho new
qunrters. The fonnnl oponing will oeciir
next Snturdny.
W. C. Wulkor hns begun hnylng by out
tltig tho erop growiug on tho stop etn
Imnkmeiit on tlio East Stato slde of his
realdeneo. It mny luive boen neeeasury to
do thia ul oueu us the btmk is so ateep it Is
probnblo tho gruas would hnvo brolu'ii off
und fullen over the wull lnto tlio ttrect lf
left to uttnin n gri'iiter holglit.
The Capital City Gas company is to
begin the work of laying its mains this
week. It has the brick work of a part of
its plant completed to the second rloor
The work has been delayed by tho non
arrival of material on account of the wash
out at Middlesex and Waterbury.
U. Daloy has at his stnbles ono of tlio
linndaomest littors of ptipa ever seen ln
this eity. They nro aix in niimber being
full blooded Kngliali eoneh doga. Tho
niother ia the i)roj)erty of Sllns Beebe of
Wnddhigton, N Y., who is ahowing tho
horae, Linus II. in thla eity tliis senaou,
nnd tbo fatlier n full blooded unlmal for
wbleli Dr. V. Sowurd Webb paid S1C00.
Mrs Jano Lyncli died in this city
Monday after a loiig illuess. Her ogo
was sixty-flvo years. She had been in
fiMling health sinco Octobor. Tho end
was poacoful and after her long suffor
ing death came as a welcomo relief.
Slio is survived by six children. Tho
funoral will takoplaco Wednesday at
nino o'clock.
The new timo tablo of tlio Centrul Ver
mont rullrond, eorreeted to Jinu '!, hns
but two chunges, from thu old runuing
timo of truius so fnr ua tliia oity ia eou
eerned. Tlio soutli bound midnicbt ex
press, which formurly left this eity IU
12:10 u. m , no lenves ntlL'i.lOu. m. An ex
trn train, tho White Moiintain express.
has been ndded. As formerly, it orrives
in this eity ut 12:15 p. m . nnd lenves for
Burlington at 3:05 p. iu The llrat trip wns
made toduy.
Tho loenl order of St. Jean do Baptlato
culebrated tho nuniversnry of its pntrou
saint, which oeeurird Tiiesdiiy, by ubout
Mxtv of tho members iitteuding inuas ut
eight o'eloek this morning ut St. Augtis
tine's ohtireh, in n liody, und nrrnyed in
the regiiliu of tbo order. At the e'loso of
tlie performnneo of their ruligious duties,
tlio members with their friends repnired
to Dowey purk whero thoy held an enjoy
nble pienie durhig the remninderof tho
"Aeross tho Islanda nnd IJoyond." is tho
titlo of ono of tho mostelnborate publlcu
tions over issued bv the passuuger deimrt
tnunt of tliu Itutlund rullrond. It eonsists
of elsiiity pnges of deseiiptivu mntter eon
ceriimg tho mnnv siimmer resorts reuehed
by tho Rutland routo ombelilied with
soino tliirty-Iivu hnlf lono scenea ulong tho
eompnuy's lines, showlug tho muny points
of interest nlong Lnko Chnmplnin and the
beautlful Otter Creek. The eover is dono
in blnck on n henvy hrown pnper, being n
moonlight seene nlong tho lnke front.
H. L. E. Smith wont today to tako
his old positiou as cashior at tho Mt.
Plensant Houso in the Whito Moun
tains. This is Mr. Smith's sixteonth
seasou with this hotel. It has a cap
aoity for 300 gnosts, and the now Mt.
Pleasant for 500. This hotol is situa
ted opposito and about a half milo
distant from tho old building. It will
bo opeued July 28, Mr. Smith boing
casnior ior notn.
A eonaervntlvo estlmnto of tho uumber
from out of town wlthln the elty's gate
durhig the liolditig of tho reeent Stnto
convention is from 1,500 to 2,000. It has
beed imposaible to obtulu tlio nuinber cnr
ried over the Centrnl Vermont rond or tlio
eleetrlo llne but on Friday over 300 wero
earried over tho Montpelier und Wells
llne. At tho Contral stntion Bnggngo
Muater Iluvdeu hns had u huatling timo
for u few dnys. Ou Friday ho eheoked
out '!! pieees of baggaso nnd forty-threo
Saturday morning.
Miaa Sara A. Wheeler. a former ellleient
nurse of llenton hoapltul.hiH nccopted the
posiiiou oi nigni, suiiennieuuout ui n new
boapitnl ut Wmsted, Conn, Mnco lenvlng
Montpelier Inat Ootolier, Miss Wheeler
hns been doing privnto uuraiug nt her
liomo iu Torrlngton, Conn. Her frioiida,
nnd especiully thoso pntients who hnd
eneh dny mndo brlghtor by her happy,
eheorful preseuco, will wish her suecesa
Alwuys patiently nnd eouseieutiously do-
mg ior euuii nuu uu oi ner cuurges nuie,
sho neverseemed to tiro of tho profeasion
sho has ehoaeu and for whieh sho la iu
every way so woll lltted.
Lieut. O.E . Whoatloy. who is sta-
tionod at Fort Banks, Mass. , arrivod
in town Monday for a fow davs'
visit with his pnrcnts, Mr. and Mrs.
D, S. Whoatloy. Ho will attond tho
commoncemont oxorcisos at Norwich
Unlvorsity from which ho graduated
with highliouors a year ago. "Ned"
has many frionds in this oity.andthoy
aro licartily glad to soo him. Tho
hrown oheok and sprightly stop indi
cato good hoalth. Ho oxprossos him
solf as vory muoh ploased with army
Hollister Jackson, one of the Barre
Ctement delegates to the Kcpublican
State Conventton.wasin the city Monday,
and when guyed about bolting the con
vention declared that he did not consider
himself a bolter. When Jonos led the
othcrs from the convention hall he kept
his seat, at first bolieving the movement a
mistake, as he believed the non-recog-nitlon
of Peck and Jones, Clement dele
gates, was rather the result of the incom
petency of Chairman Raymond than any
scheme of the other sfde to gag the
Clement faction. When he did finally
leave the hall, Mr. Jackson avowcd it w?s
with the purpose of inducing Jones and
his followers to return, which he was un
able to aocomplish. Regarding the re
consideratlou of his election to the State
committee,' if Mr. Plumley desired to
noiu tne onice ne couitl, but bclore the
bolt he defeated I'timley before the
County delegates by a votc of 32 to 30.
Savod from An Awful Fato.
"Evcrybody said I hnd consump
tion," writos Mrs. A. M. Shiolds of
Chnmborsburg, Pa, "I was so low
aftor six months of soveto sickness
cansed by hay fover and asthni'v, that
fow thought I could get woll, but I
loamod of tho marvolous morit of Dr.
Kinxg's Now Discovery for consutnp
tion, used it and was complotely cur
ed. " For despernto Throat nnd Lung
discases it is tho safost curo in tlio
world, and is infallible for Coughs,
Colds nnd Bronehial Affections.
Guarantoed bottlcs, COc, nnd $1.
Trial bottlos freo at O. Blakely's.
Tlio Second Congressional district
convention oponetl Wednesday iu
Armory hull.
Amory Davison of Oraftsbury, chair
man of tho district. committee, called
tho convention to order. Neariy all
tho chairs roserved for tho delegates
woro fllled nnd a largo number of
spectators in tho gallories.
E. B. Flynn of Springfleld was
olected chairman and L. B. Johnson
of Randolph and 0. P. Sawyor of
Hardwick secretaries.
Tho chairman mado a briof speecli,
which was reeeived witli applauso.
At the close of the chairman's remarks,
no other business being presented, Col.
H. E. Taylor of Brattleboro norninated
Hon. Kittridge Haskins as representative
from the second district. His remarks
were reeeived with great applause. The
noniination was numerously seeonded.
Col Haskins was norninated by accla
mation. In the closing proceedings of the sec
ond district convention Mr. Gibson of
Brattleboro ofFered a resolution endorsing
Col. Haskins' work in Congress and
pledging him support in the coming elec
tion. The district committee appointed
was the following: Caledonia county, F.
W. Mason. Barnet ; Essex, Robert Chase,
Guildhall; Orange, J. F. .Mead, Ran
dolph ; Orleans, Amory Davison, Crafts
bury; Washington, J. H. Lucia, Mont
pelier; Windham, George Gorham, Rock
ingham: Windsor, F. A. Walker, Lud
low. Tho committee organized by mak
ing Amory Davison, chairman, and J. F.
Mead, secretary.
On Tuesdny eveuing, nt the Seminnry,
Rov. Fruuk h. Goodapeed nddressed tho
Aestlietie souiety. Mr Goodaueed is u
nativo of Vermont, born in tVnrren, n
gruduatoof tho Seminnry und nt present
pustor of one of the leadlng eliurehes at
Spriuglleld. Muss , huneo the oveut wns
specially interesting to Seminnry people.
.Vr. Goodapeed pleasantly nlluded to his
early life in the Stnte und to events in liis
student life nud spoke enrnestly of his de-
siro tuat vermont ationlil uever plaeo
iilioii her stntutea u lnw lepillzhiK tho salo
ot iiitoxicnting drinks. llo snid ho hud
noted the progreas of tho State for tlio
paat twenty years nnd it hnd nll been
mndo under prohibition luws. Hls sub
jeet for the oveninp wns "A 'ymmetricnl
Life" nud ho mndo plnln by nnecdoto
und foreeful illustrutioii what factors
must enter iuto sueh ulife. Strength ls Im
portaut l)iit grueo und benuty nro needful
for syniinitry; nnd tlio ability to idenlizo
fiirnislies a powerful element in tlie pro
Kress of tho world, toward the highest
Tho Centrnl Vermont rnilwny is uow
pluuning un exeellent excursiou for thu
meuibers of tho Grand Army nnd their
friends to the untiounl enenmpment nt
Wnshington in Oetober next. The nr
rnugements nro being mnde in conuec
tion with tlie Bostou & Muiuo systom. thu
Wells IUver und the Now York nud New
Hnven rnilways vla White Itiver Juno
tion, Bellows Folla, Springfleld and New
Iluven. Cuptniu B F Bowmnn of Bethel,
a veternn of tho Elghth Vermont, repre
seutiug thu Centrnl Vermont, is iu this
oity on business pertnlning to thia exeur
sion und will visit tho terntory eovered by
this nrrnugenieut Veternna nnd othera.
on tho lookout for ono of tho llnest exeur
sious to tlio uatinuul cupitol, uuder tho
ohnrgo of one of tho best exeursion mniia
geraiii tho country, will wntch the papers
tor further aiiuouiioements,
Ohildren's Day was obsorved at the
Uiiitarian church ou Sunday.
Tho decoratious consisted of largo
and beautiful bouquets of svhito peon
ies and roses.
Tho Bubject of tho morning sermon
by tho pastor, Rov. J. Edward Wright,
was "Tho Roligious Nurturo of Chil
dren," in which paronts were urgod
not to rologato tho roligious trainiug
of thoir children to tho Snnday-schools
ontiroly for tho toachings of theso
schools could bo only supplemontary or
f ragmontary, as it was daily living and
teachlug that was tlio most invportant
olemont iu roligious growtli.
'l?ho musio f urnished by tho church
choir was of tho usunl high ordor and
adapted to tlio occasion. At tho closo
of this servico iive infants woro
broaght forwnrd by thoir paronts for
tho solomn and beautiful dodicatory
sorvice. Each child was giveu a
(lowor "from tho oldost tothoyouug
ost. " Tho childrou's oxorcises in tho
ohuroli vostry f ollowcd. It was' ' Bird's
Day ."ovidently as well as" Ohildren's
Day" for on tho walls hung colored
oharts of birds and in each part was
somotliing pertaiuiiig to bird lifo.
Daisios and forns with bouquets of
poonios and otlior llowors decorated
tho platform. Thoro wero sevoral
rcoitatious, siugiugby tho soliool, and
Miss Graoo Clark, wdio had propared
tho program and had chargo of tho
children, read a papor on tho coming of
tho birds iu which sho told somotliing
of tho linbits of each class and tho
timo of arrivnl. Fivo tiny tots from
tho infaut a reoitation, "Tho
Bird's Nost," told in sweet lisping
voicos what tho birds sang. A read
ing by ono of tho young lndios of tlio
school and siuglug by tlio soliool clos
od tho program.
Tako Laxatlve Bromo Qululno Tablots.
All druggUts rofuud tho money lf It faila
to oure. E. W, Groves' slgnaturo Is on
onch box. 25o
Expcnses eat up wnges and sal
niies. Year aiter year the aver
ngu inaii expects to build up an
estate. Tho tiatial result is no
provision or only a smnll ono for
wifc nud children. Life Insur
nneu docs the work by easy pay
uieuts. iC'irrespondence lolicited.p
General Agent,
New Langdon Bullding,
Ncat that's the word for our
Negligco Shirts. A Btrong line
of Plain White Negligeo Shirts
from 50c to S1.50. Colored
Shirts, 50c to S2.00. If you
want tho best thing for a hat
a Panama at S12. Thc next
best is a Porto Rican Strnw,
S2.50 nnd S3.00. There are
others from 50c to 82.00.
All Coods Sold fbr Cash.
The through car line between New
York, Boston and all New England
points, and the Adirondacks, Thousand
Islands, Montreal and Quebec..
Across the Islands of Lake Champlain
Reaching the best locations for camping
and fishing, touching at the following
stations : South Hero, Grand Isle, North
Hero, Isle LaMotte and Alburgh.
For timo tablesand full information ad
dress Geo. T. Jarvis, C. B. Hibbard,
Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass" Agt.,
Rutland, Vt
Veterinary Surgeon,
Opposito Dopot Squaro
Barre, Vt. Telephone 137-3
To ropresent tho Connecticut General
Life Insuranco Co. Apply to E. 1,
DRUIIY, General Agent, Rooni 3.
Walton Block, State Street. Mont
pelier, Vt.
M. W. Wheelock's
Real Estate agency
At Montpelier Hook Bindory, havo bar
calnsln houtes, lots nud other voluablo
property. I'laces wanted for lli-st-olass
olerks, mnlo, hotel cook, girls for houso
work, lnundry work, eto
CSrNouxpenso lo: reelsterlng
Union Block,
Montpelier, Vt