Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATOIIMAN & STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1902. 5 HOMER V RRE Haskell Dress Silks Wu find our business ineivasing on this linc of War ranted Silks. The chiof reason for this is thnt they wcarand look wcll. Wg alwaya hnve in stock the followiny numbers. Peau do Soic - at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1 75 Tafl'etta at 85c, $1.00 1.25 Peau de C'ygnc at 1.00, 1.25 Gros Grain at $1.00 Rhadamc ' at $1.00, 1 25 Sntin Duchesse at $1.25, 1.50, 1.75 Bodicc Lining at 85c The last number is esneeiallv skirts, or for any wanted for service. purpose Commencement Means Ribbons, Fans, Gloves, Belts, Bucklcs, Belt-pins, Ties and many little thiugs. Examinc our stock for the newest and best. JSTo. 164 xxica. 166 Blue Serge Suits For the Hot Weatehr, $7.50, $10.00 $12.00 and $15.00.. Flannel andWool Craah Suits, $5.00 to $12.00, Skeleton Coats, Flannel and Crash Trousers, Belts, Straw Hats, itfegligee Shirts, Bicycle and Golf Ciothing. Frank McWhorter, One Price Clothier and Hatter, Barre, vt. ESTABLISH ED IN 1865. R. J. KIMBALL & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS And Doalors in INVESTMENT SECURITIES, 71 BROADWAY, .... NEW YORK. STOCKS AND BONDS. We buythe 13ETTEH elass of Stocks nnd Bonds, niul ndvnnco money tocarry tht satne when requested. Wo do not eolluit thu ordinnry tiuull ppeeiilnllvo ai'counta on u margiu. More than (hirty yeara membeishlp in tho New York Stock Exchnnge ROBERT J. KIMBALL. CORINTH. Mrs. Julia A. Tapliu died of pnou- I rnonin .Tune 19 in her eighty-third year. She was born in Fairfield this State and at about ninetoen yenrs of ago was rnarried to Josoph H. Taplin of this placo. Sho was left a widow about niuoteen years ago. Sho was a dovotod wif e aud motlier aud a nersou of an humble clieerful Cliristian oharaotor, loved and rcspectod by all who know lior aud in hor wholo lif o merited the blessing prouonnccd upou the peacomaker. Unliko niauy people of her artvanced ago sho maiutaiued to the last tliat interost in tho affairs of tho world and in the welfare of thoso arouiid her that uiakes a happy and boautiful old ago. She is survived by four ohildren, Georgo W. Taplin of Chelsea and J.E. Tanlin, Mrs. Minnie Lintou and Mrs. Sarah Littlo of this place. Tlie faniily havo been sadly afilicted. Mrs. little Jias lost her husband and mothor in three weeks tiino and Mrs. Linton was taken ill with pnenmonia beforo her lEothcr and lias not yot fully recovered. Mrs. Taplin's death is tho fourth in a radins of one fourth of a miles since this year canio in. Mrs. Bello Burroughs and daughter Edith f roni Woburn, Mass. , havo boen visiting friends hore. Tlioy aro to go to Uliamstown to remnin for a tiino. Arthur Sargcnt is at homo from BurlingtonUniversity for a sliort visit. Ho goos this week to attond tho stu dents' conferonco at Northfield, Mass Leon Londry lias been visiting iu Washington county. Mrs. O. W. Brown Iie - been soriously ill with bilious troublo, Her daugh ter, Mrs. Ora Philbriok, of Barro has been caring for hor. WEST NEWBURY. Addio Jowell elosed lierscliool at North Hnverh'U nnd returned lioino Thursday. W'o aro glad to welcomo Mrs. Towcr to West Newbuiy ngaiu. Mrs, Roberts lias takon caru of Mrs- Fislicr tlio past weok. About sevcnty attended Mr. Tuggnrt's entertaiumont hist Wedncsday cvciiing. Miss Jowell ontortaincd a frioud from Lymo, N. H., ovor Sunday. Rev. Mr. Risscll was uuablo to bo with U3 last Suinliiy, Imt ho is expected nuxt Sunday. Mrs. S. S. Tnckur's sister and husband aro visiting at lior homo. Scliool elosos noxt Wodnesday, Juno 25. A picnio is hoing plamiod for .Iiily 1, in tho grovo noar Mr. Silafc I'ago's. CUrico Tylcr li:is roturntd from Boston, Mrs. Morso is visiting lior sister, Mrs. J. 1'. Spear. FITTS BARRE jrood for lining iackets, for where an iuexpensive silk is 3Vltixx St., 33axi"o W. EUCENE KIMBALL. EAST ORANGE. Mrs. Clark Qtiinby is caring for Mrs. Jnlia Hutchins, who has been very ill with the measles. C. 11. Richardson of Hanover has vis itcd is town receutly. The listers of the town have been work ing iu this part for a few days appraising the real estate. William Hutchinson and Miss Ethel Hamiltou attended tho graduating exer cises at Bradford last week. Orrin Eastmau, who has been very fce- blo for some time, is gaining slowly and his daughter, Mrs. Gilman, who has been helping to care for hiin, has returned to her home in Barre. A. L. Grant has sold his farm ti John Sanborn of West Topsham aud it is re ported that he is to livo at his father's. Mrs. Arthur Burroughs nnd daughter, who have been stopping nt N. Borrough's for somo time, nro visiting relatives in Corinth. Vyiiaries i,arpenter, road comnussiouer, has been iu this vicinity giving our ronds a thorough repairing. L. L. Sanuorn snd wife returned from Hanover Thursday. MORETOWN. Mrs. William Whoolor of Northfield visited Mrs. Milo Griffith. hor aunt. Wednosday and Thursday of last wook. Mrs. William Ward of Waitsfield visited lior son, W. N. Ward, aud fam ily, a part of last week. Leon Pnlmor and wifo aro rojoicing ovor uio oirtn oi a son, on Juno lii, Tho Ladies Biblo closs mot with Mrs. Addio Phillips last Thursday nuoruoou. Our villago schoolscloso this wook. O. L. yman roturned homo last wook, aftor a wcok's visit with his iiaughtor in South Royalton. Quito u numbor of our townspeoplo visited tho scono pf tho wreck last wook. Oliarlio Alcor has fintshea work for II. O. Ward nnd is now working for .lunus jsorry m Wultsllold. Twonty-two lndies accontod tho in vitation givon by Miss Thompson and visiieti nor scnooi f.'ruiay aitornoon Tho Tuosday aftornoon cottagi prayor-meoting was held at the homo ol Mrs. Frooman Parker. Mrs. I E. Jolinson and Mrs. Atkins visited in ntorbury Friday, F. O. Atkins, wifo and child of Waitsfiold, visitod 13. G. Atkins, his latnor, on bunuay. Tlio Cold Spring creamory shippcd 4,40'.) pounds of buttor to markot li last wook. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Austin of Worcester woro iu towti Suuday. WEST TOPSHAM. Mrs. lloraco Whito and 11. C. White visitcd at Jolin Morrisou's and II. 13, Wlilto's Satnrday. Tho jioles aro sct for tlio peoplo' tclc pliono lmo to Waits Rivor and ovcntunlly will bo oxteudcd ovcr a largo portion of tho town. N, B. Cnrtis's liousokcoper, Mrs. Lu cinda Ciiniiiiigliatii, left liotno Sunday, Jiiiio 15, Thoy trnccd hor to Groton wlioro sho took tlio train Momlay nnd went to Manchester, N. II. Wedncsday sho rctiirncd to Bradford nnd wcnt to Pioimont looking for n plnco to work. Hnrohl, son of l)r. Horaco L. Wntson, of Montpelier is visiting in town for a few days. Ficcman Cimniiiglmm wns called to Chelsea Friday to attond tho trial of his snit ngainst tlio town of Orange nnd School District No. 2 in Oratigo. Bcforc tho Stato adopted the town system of suliools this district inndo cxtensive rc pnivs on tlieir school honso nnd hircd of Mr. Ciiuningliani S2S0 to pay tlio bills. Tlio new law provides tliat all dchts eon traeted b- school districts for bnilding or repniring school liouses shonld ho iissnin ed hy tlio town. Tlio district clniined tliat this moiioy was nll used for tliat pur pose nnd rcfused to pay tho order. Tho town clninied that a part of it was uscd for otlior pnrposcs and wonld not pay tho bill. It is reported that tho coiirt order eel tho disttict to pay tho ordor. Esthor Sanboin is takiug her vacation at homo from tho Normal school at Ran dolph. A friend eamo with her for n visit. Menill V. Wihls has hccn in towu for a few days. Ilis hentth is (piite poor nnd ho is nuiking his homo with his daughter, Mrs. Edward Cook of Orange. Mrs. Brown, n daughter of tho lnto Foster Riclnrdson was at tho Rico hotel for a few days last week. Her lni9haiid nnd son wero with hor. They run a largo hotel iu Central New York. Mts. Cnrric Loeke closcd n very suc cessful term of school last Friday. The closing Bxercises were held in the after noon, nnd many lndies were prcsent. Jolin B. Sanborn lias putchnsed tlio Ar thur Ginnt farm nt East Orange. Hc has nll of tho crops nnd is to hnve possession ,nt onco. Miss Augusta Ilnrrimnu is at O. E. Sauhoin's. EAST BARRE.' Tho niemorial service held in Odd Fellows lmll last Snnday wns very well attended. Tho address was given Tby Rev. Mr. Eastman of Clielsea. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nyo went to Berlin iiond last Thursday to celobrato tho eightieth birthday of Amos Plnst ridgo of Northfield. Dr. Hnyes of Grnnitevillo wcnt to Montreal last Tuesday. A. B.Hutchinson was in tho city on business Satnrday. Mr. Stanynu of Montpelier was iu town on bcsinoss last Wednosday. Mrs. G. S. Nye is slowly recovoring from her sovere illnoss. B.F. Davis has niovcd into tho F. B. Hutehiiis houso. A Montpolior Woman Asks havo yod a t'oor paint tliat will last two week.i?" Yes. wo have Devoo's; it has a beaafiil closs and will wear two yenvs. if pioperly npplied. Abbott ts Ba''ey EAST BROOKFIELD. Mrs. Clarence Chim visited her daugh ter, Mrs, Dr Mnushehl af Montpelier nst week. Miss Lima Price who is attending school at Montpelier is spi'inling hor va cation at homo ns is George Whcntley who is attending .scliool at Essex Juuc tion. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Perkins ctncr- uniucd friends from Gaysville last week. Ceorgo K. and W. A. Spracuo from this place "took in" tho State conveti tiou at Montpelier last Thursday. A few from hcro attended tho promo- nado at the Gulf House last Friday even- ing. Ihe people s telenhone lme is niectiiig with sutticieut encnurageuient to assuro its heing built as far ns Williamstown iu tlio ncar future aud it will doubtless bo cxtended to Biure city bufor.i fall. That Boautiful Closs comes trom tlio vnrnisli in Dovoo's Varnish Floor Paint; costs 5 conts moro a qunrt though. Sold by Abbott cc Bailoy. WATERBURY. Miss Pearl Raudall is visiting iu Bos ton. Guy Scott injured ono leg last week by stcppmg into a sower chimney iu front of -lownos baruer shop trom wlncli tlie grate hacl been rcmoved Fred Smith of Miiincapolis was tho guest of Dr. W. F. Miuard last week The listers havo bccn engaged iu mak ing a (piadrenuinl appraisal of the prop crty in town. An alumm nssociatlon of the Wnter burv H'gh school was formcd last week with about twenty-flvo mcmhors. Fol lowing aro tho ofncers : President, Mrs W. V. Hryan, vice-iiresutcnt, Miss IScrtua Joslvn, sectotary nnd treasuror, Miss Wcnlthy Barker. Dr. W. D. Berry was in Eden last week iuspccting tho asbestos property tlicro. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glover of Bos ton are gucsts of Mrs. M. A. Iloadley. Ueorge W. Hamlall, .Jr., is rccovoring from liis rcccut illuess. A Qiiceu Esther Ciicle has been form ed in town. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Kuowles of Bar ton visited iu town last weok, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilenry l'ixloy and Mr and Mrs. C. L. Morso spent a fow days at Miellmriie pouil last week Tlio Citizctis' baud gavo a pleasing opeu air coucert ou tlio coiumon ou last 1'riday ovriung. E. F. Moru, tho Buihugton coucrcter has a torco ot mcu repairing tho walks l town. Thla elgnature is on cvory box ot tho gonuln Laxativc uromo'Uuininc Tabiets the remcdy that curcn n cold In ono lny PLAINFIELD. Tho Plainflold Orcamory company pald pntrons 22' ccnts por pound, ohurn tcst, or 21 oil test, for May buttor. Tlio fortioth annivorsary of tho innr riago of Mr. nnd Mrs. Solomon Bart lott wns oolobrated nt thoir homo Snt urdny ovoning. An ico crcam sooial was hold nt tho Motliodist church on Friday ovoning. Ilonry Havolon of Burlington was iu town on Friday. W. II. Pitkin shippcd a carlond of livo stock to tho Boston mnrkots Mon day, .Tuno 2ii. Commoncing Monday, Juno 23, Miss E. M. Hanson wilL soll trinimod and untrimiucd hats, flowors nnd otlior nia erinl for trimming, at oxtromoly low nrices. Also a liboral discount on lndlos wrappors and fanoy goods. Tho salo will continuo thirty days. The delegates to tho Washington county convontion hold nt Montpelier Thursday, Juno 2(5, aro II. G. Mooro, Dr. F. P. Galo, E. Skinnor, Roscoo Bartlott and E. J. Bartlott. Moses Hnmell rocoived a tolegrnm last weok announcing tho denth of his mothor at Nowmarkot, Mass. Mr. afld Mrs. J. A. Foss wont to Walden Tuosday to bo prcsent nt tho nmrriago on Wednosday of thoir son Carl to Miss Lillinn Rogors. The chlldron of Josoph Colo mot with him last Satnrday to colcbrato his sovontioth birthday. A largo numbor of rolaWvos and frionds gnthorcd nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Josoph Bartlott on Saturday ovoning, Suuday boing tho fortioth wedding annivorsary. Rofrcshmonts woro sorvod and valuablo momontoes of tho occnsiou woro left by tho gucsts. Georgo Coh1, wifo nnd son of East Barnot, Mr and Mrs Shorman Oluim berlin of East Barro and David Corson of Waldon woro atnong tho out of town visitors at the birthday gathor ing of Mr.Colo A largo party from hcro aro plan ning to attond tho Stato Epworth Leaguo convention at Montpelier on Thursday. Miss Lucillo Shoroy has a position as book-keopor in tho storo of Frank McWhorter at Barre. Miss Lonh Ilnmoll returned from Barre Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Martyn have been visiting Mrs. Mnrtyn's mothor the past weok. A. J. Lawrcnco of Philadolphia cnme for his nnnunl visitlMondny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Whitchor aro to occupy tho Leavitt tonomont. WAITS RIVER. Mr. Ilannah Ourrior is in vory foeble hcalth and her dauglitor is is helping cnro for hor. Mrs. Addio Clark of Randolph lsiting Mrs. .1. A. Uodgo. Mrs. Floyd of Barro has been visit ing in town. B. G. Miles was at homo Thursday from Montpolior whero ho is working at liis trado. Frank Carter arrived hcro Friday from Lowell, and is to remain for tho summor. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORK OFF THE COLD, Laxativo Bromo-Quinino Tablets curea coia in ono day. sso uure, uo Pay. Prico 25c. CHELSEA. Mrs. M. E. Hutchinson went to Rutland last weok to bo present at the graduatiou of her sister, Susio M. Sawyor.from tho Rutland High school. lier sistor roturnca witli nor. M. Blanoho Townsend attouded com- nienceuicnt at Moriden, N. H., last week. Georgo M. LVtVls' and E. Rnlnh Walkor graduated last weok from Montpelier Seminary, winnlng abuu dnnt honors for themsolves aud thoir town. Thoy divided botweon them tho second prizo for debato, and Ralph took tho first prizo for decln- mation. Sadio M, Eastman took a promineut part in tho musical ro citals. Jolin M. Atwood is nt homo for a fow wcoks from St. Louis, Mo. Hnrold D. Coomstock roturned ou Friday from Dartmouth Colloge. Mrs. Ellen M. Scnles roturnod home on Friday. Much pleasuro is antioipatod from an cntortniument to bo givon at tho town hall on Friday ovoning, in which M. Blnncho Townsond is to tako tho lcndiug part ns whistlor and reoitor, assistod by F. H. Whittior of Mont pelier, violinist, Susio M. Sawyer of Rutland, vocnlist, nnd Mrs. M. E. Hutchinson, pinnist. Emmn W. Hntch and Mnrcarot Comtsock wcnt 0" Mondny to Mcdford, Mnss.,ior a weok's visit. Mrs. Gnil Holmor nrrivcd on Sat urday from Now York, to spond tho summor witn lier parents, , ncconipnu iod by Mrs. Ohnrlcs Heliner. I. M. Comstook and ltov. Unrl II. Corwin aro nttonding commoncomont at Dnrtmouth collego this wook. Mary E, Scnlos and Claronco O. Barnos hnvo roturnod from Kimball Uuiou Acadomy, Moridon, N. H., wlioro the! formor graduatod with honors. Molinda (Clough), wife of Warron Stearns, recoivod a pnralytio shock on Friday, nd died Saturday ovoning. Tho fnnoral sorvices woro Jiold on Monday, Rov. Mr. Allon olllcinting. Rov. E. E. Ilorriok, who was ox iiocted to iirench at tho Congrogation- al church last Sunday, was, not ablo to como, unu Hev. U. II. Uorwin preaon ed. Mr. Corwin will probably proach noxt buiiday also Miss Mario Roitincor, teaohor nnd Biblo roador among tho Bohominns of Olovelnnd, Ohio, will spoak in tho Congrogntioual churoh on Thursday ovoning. Sho is horsolf n Bohumian, nnd wul desoribo nnd illustrnto vory ontortniningly tho langungo and cub. touis of tho Boliomians and Polos Thoso who havo hoard hor couunoiid hor unrosorvedly, Mrs. B.W. Smith of Lowell, Mass, and lior dauglitor Mablo J. Sxjith, a-o nt tlio David Smith plnco ior tlio sum mor. Goorco F. Morris nnd wifo of Lis bou, N. H., woro nt Josoph Fronoh's ovor Suiuay. DEFERRED TOWN Town Corrospoudonco of last wook, which was lnto iu arriviug ns a rcsult of tho wreck nt Watorbury, will bo found on pago sovon of this issuo. WAITSFIELD Door aro (juito often i?eon this sum mor aud it Ih not an uiicommou thing to seo ono or moro browsing with tlio cattlo, in tho hillsido pasturos. Nnthan Boyco wns in Morotown on business Friday, II. M . Carpcntor has tho pninting of of his houso nnd barns complotod, W. M. Tabor did tho work. Tho ball gnmo at Morotown, Satur day, botweon tho Waitsfiold High school and tho Moretown Juniors, ro sultcd in dofoat for tho Waitsllolds j scorc, 15 to 18. Waltor Richardson and wifo of Bur lington aro visiting in town this wflfck. Tho DoWolf . Comedy Company, which gave an outortniumout nightly in Grand Army hall last weok had n crowded houso ovory night. Tho bIiow is undor tho mauagoment of old Dr. Groy, nnd consistcd ohiefly of farco comedy, buckund wing dancing, blnck faco comedians, and moving picturcs. Charles Joncs is niaking altorntious on his residonco. Georgo F. Millor.who hns boen in Burlington for a fow dnys, returned tho last of tho wook. 0. J. Tabor and son Hurvoy uro vis iting in Addison county this weok. Georgo W. Wallaco is rosliingling his big barn. J. J. Kelty mado throo trips with tlio stago to Montpelier last wook, owing to tho washouts on tho railroad causod by tho recont cloudburst. A largo attondanco woro nt tho prom onade in the Ooiifjregational vostry Saturday ovening in spito of the in clemont woathor. J. B. Norton has sold tho Van Dou hoii placo In tho villngo to Miss Saiah Thompson. Roy Kimball has linished work nt Julo Borty's. Georgo U. Annns, tho Journal's rcpresentatlvo, is in town on business connected with that publicntion. Charloy Algor of Moretown is work ing for Julo Berry. All tho schools in town closo noxt Friday. Miss Bessio Mooro. who is teaching school in Fayston, speut Sunday with hor mothor. Ro. J. E. Badger is in South Royal ton caring for his wifo, who is ill at that placo. Mrs. Badger is quito low. Tho Waitsfiold cornot bnnd will give a promonndo at Morotown hall Thursday ovoning, Juno 20. Ico-croam and cnko will bo sorved. Tho mombers of tho Waitsfield cornot bnnd wish to extend their thanks to tho townspeoplo, who ' so gonerously lent thoir aid and other wiso assistod them at tho promenade Saturday ov oning. J. J. Kelty took a pleasuro party to Waterbury Sunday. A numbor from town went to Mid dlesex Sunday to witucss tho raising of tho wreckcd locomotivo. Tho band boys aro doing thomselves proud this summor considoring tho limited practico thoy havo had thus far. Attond tho concort at Moretown Thursday night aud givo tho boys a lift. Owiug to business olsowhoro A. L. Miller lias abandoned the hotol barbet shop. MIDDLESEX. Quiot rolgns onco towu af tor a weok's heavy oxcitement over tho property dostroying freshet, and now work is going on repairing tho various washouts, otc. Trnlns woro moving through about 8:30 Thursday night nnd it did seem good to seo traftic in tho nsual way again, nnd a good sizod crowd gathored at tho dopot "to &eo tho cars"as if theso had been the first trains that ovor camo to town. Many fnrms thnt did not seem to bo much damaged at first aro reported to bo in bad conditioii aud tho stato of tho roads aud bridges is scrious in- doed. Tweuty-two bridges are known to bo gono. The town is plnced in such circumstances it soems as if a call for holp from tho Stato would bo noc- ossary, as the town is aireaay neavi ly in dobt. G.A. Lowisaud wifo of Montpolior woro at Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Taplin's ovor Suuday. Harry Hodgkins of Whito Rivor Junction was ih town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Norton of Fair Havon aro visiting rolatives in town. E. II. Dunn has begun repairing his nowly purchasod buildiugs, uud b soon to clapboard aud paint tho houso. Miss Elvn Thompson olosed n vory successful torm of school in district No. 2. last Friday. Georco Wholan, tho nost-ofllco clork of Montpolior wns in town Sunday. Ford Maxwoll was in Montpolior nud Barro Sunday. W. G. Goodwin was at homo a fow days of last weok. Eighty-nino peoplo took thoir mcals at U. H. Ilnmniond's ono dny last wook. Tho hotel nnd othor boarding houses woro filled to thoir utmost ca- paoity. Frod Miles wns in town from Mont pelier ono day last weok. F. A. Ward bolievos that two head of cattlo thnt woro in his pnsturo woro drowned in tho recont freshet. O. A. Hunkor and B. A. Atkins of Bristol mado a short stop in town whilo on tho way to Montpolior, Thursday. G. II. Bruco and O.O. Ward woro in Waterbury Friday. A good si.ed crowd was down to tho wreck Sunday to witnoss tho huuling up of engiuo 3!U. O. Stowart of Montpolior was in town Sunday. Ask forpricos onnails, barbwiroand grass sood at Ward's. Tho Ladlos Homo Circlo will hold a sooinl Thursday ovoning, Juno 211, undor tho direotiou of Mrs. Ira John son. Strawborrlos and croam will bo sorvod. All nro cordially invifod. J. W. Engnn is nt work with n f oreo of mon gottiilg uu logs, bonrds and othor lumbor thnt was swopt down tho rivor by Sunday night's freshet. Josejih Kuapp hns sold liis farm to G. E. Moody of Waterbury. Consid orntion $5,000. W. II. Ilorriok of Montpolior was in town Sunday. F. L. Winn wcnt to Windsor Friday whero ho will romain with rolatives for a wook. J.Eli Goodonough nnd wifoof Mont polior woro at Mrs. 0. B. Holdon's Sunday. Chester TSomors nnd family nro to go to Barnot July 4. Romoiubor that O. O. Ward is to hnvo a variety of llroworks on salo tho Fourth. At "Sawyor's Park" Wednosday, Juno 25 a ball gamo botweon Mont polior Rnshcrs nnd Middlosox Bumblo Bees. Miss Nnncy Rlohnrdson is to go Sat urday for n short visit with rolatives in Boston. CALAIS. Mrs. A. I. Convorso has returned from a weok's visit with hor sistors in Barro. Prof. Oscar Gallaghor has como to his summor homo for tho seHsoii. Mrs. T. T. Lnmphero hns returned from a short visit in Boston and Wought n young bov who will board with thom for awhilo. A daughter rocontly camo to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Doau Holt, nlso a girl to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Morso. Tho Ladies' Uniuiwill hold its noxt meeting with Mrs. A . I. Converso, Thursday, July 3. Miss Blanchb Burnap is sponding a week with a party on Lake Cham plain. Tho oponing sorvico of tlie senson at tho Old West church with Waltor J. Coates as pastor, will bo hold Sun day, Juno 20, at two p. m. Tho schools at Maple Cornor will closo Thursday afternoon. But few, if any, of tho parents' nomes are found in tho list of visitors. It is to bo regretted thnt moro interost cannot bo showii in this linc. Will you not, parents, and friends, at the beginning of tho now term visit scliool and visit ngaiu lator, that the scholars may seo that you are intorcsted in thoir work, and tho teachor, thnt youaronot alto gother wanting in appreciation of her efforts. SOUTH WOODBURY. Mrs. Harry Buruham, Mrs. Willis Laird nnd L. J. Boniamiu attended tho gradu ating exercises at liarre this week. .Mrs. Carues, who lias bccn working for L. J, Jjoniaiuin. wcnt to her lioiuc m Washington last Tuosday to remain until Scptember 13, Tlie Ladies' Aid will mcot with Mrs. Waltor Sawyer July 2. A cordial iinita tion is cxtended to all, Mr. nnd Mrs Harry Lniid of Plainfield visited at Willis Laird's last week. Mrs, Dr. G. G. Hall, who has been in a criticnl state, is reported out of danger but but quito low. Miss Glee Lilley, who is teaching nt West Berlin, wns at home one day lest week to see lier sister, Mrs. Ruth Hall, who is very sick. Mr. Ncd Wells of Montpelier accompnnied her. Dilburu Whceler is reported on tho gain. Loonard Wells has moved his family into his new house about one-half mi!e north of tho village. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ball and Mr, and Mrs. Mark Goodell visited friends in Barre last Week, A very successful term of scliool closed hcro last Saturday with Miss Florence Dreuan as teacher. Tho childreu. held a picnic at the school-houso bccause of the rainy weather. Tho parents, as well as the pupils, hope Miss Drcnan's services can be secured again this fall. This was her fourth term in this district. CABOT. Mrs. E. A. Colilns has returned to Portland, Mo., and will not reopen hor millinory shop till Scptember 1. O. R. Collins aud wife aro iu Mont pelier this weok. Mrs. Emily Haines went to Bur lington Tuesday for surgical treat ment. W. T. Morso is in Burlington this. weok on business. MARSHFIELD. Ira Rlcker of Groton shipped a carload of stock from this statiou Monday morn g. W. A. Eunis of Boston has been visiting his brothor J. A. Eunis for a few days. Mrs. II. A. Muuson visited her mother in Montpolior for a few days the first of tho week. E. W. McWaiu of Rochester visited his daughter Mrs. A. T. Davis, the latter part of the weok, retuniing homo Monday. Mr.'and Mrs. P. G. Bemis and child visited iu Montpelier for a few days re ceutly. Mrs. Jnlia Wincr of Rochester aud Mrs. J ? n.ivio nf Mrtntnnlinr wnrn visitors at tho homo of L. D. Nuto over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Seth Adanis of North Danvillo were in town over Suuday to visit thoir urotner u. o. Aiiams. Ex-Mavor ,T. G. Brown nud F. L. Laird of Montpelier wero quartered at the Com morcial Houso Saturday night aud Suu day. Will Smith of Indinna, a formor resi (lcnt of this place is iu town for n few duys' visit with his sister, Mrs. J. F. San born. Mrs. A. N. Bliss nnd two oliildren nro visiting iu Barnard. Miss Emurov Benton i nursing a sprained anklo. Tho injury was sus tained hy tho hurried nlighting from tho dopot teani on lier return from Boston one weoWgo Monday. S. W. Colo aud son sold to Ira Rioker Monday lnorniug, ten, eiglit inonths-old hogs which aggregated 3,150 pounds and brought tho handsomo suni of 822o.o0. Saniuol Bemis aud J. P. Newton aio nuderstood to bo endoavoring to agreo upou torms for tho oxcliango of the for mor's farm upou whieh his son, P. G. Bomis, now lives, for tho lnttor's villngo proporty on Danvillo strcot. Oiiportunity somotinies knocks at a nian s door to bo tohl to call ngaiu. lloro's an opportunity to mako tho futuro FOR FREE ADVICE Every Woman Should Write Di S, B. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium. Mrs. C. Ii. Byron. Mrs. 0. L. Byron, of 540 Lincoln ava nuo, Chloago, 111., is Prcsldont of tho Ohlcago Oorman Woman's Club. Sho has tho following to say of Peruno, tho great catarrh romcdy, which rolioved hor of n sorloua easo of cntarrh of tho bladder : Pcruna Medlclno Co., Columbus, O.: Qentlemcn"! was curcd of a very sovere caso ot bladder troublo which tho doctors did not knowhow to rench. I had sovoro headacho and dragglng palns with it, but boforo tho second bottlo was uscd I folt much relleved, and aftor havlng usod tho flfth bottlo llfo lookcd difforcnt to mo. This was ncarly a yoar ago, nnd I havo had no recurrenco of tho troublo. I oannot pralso Poruna too highly.'' MRS. C. L. BYRON. I'rco llorao Advtcc. In vlow of tho great multltudo of womon sufterlng from somo form of femalo dlsoaso and yet unablo to flnd any curo, Dr. Hartman, tho renowned speclallst on femalo catarrhal dls cases, has announoed his wllllngness to dlrect the treatment of as many cascs as make appllcatlon to hlm durlng the summcr months wlthout charge. Thoso wishing to become patlents should address Tho Pcruna Medlcine Co., Columbus, Ohio. welfare of your family secure nnd inerense tlie value of your est-ite by a fltst deposit of only about ene-thirtieth or tlie fnce value of tho bond you will receive. Op portunity knocks. Are you in? Are you in ? A. T. Davis, apccial agent New York Life Insurauce Company. Mrs. Etta Sliep.ud has cns;aged to kecp houso for D. B. Adams of (louhlsville. She expccts to nssuuie the cutics of this position in about a week or ten duys. Her danghter, Alice, will go with her, G. S. Carver, or "Gramp" as he is familiarly known, retmned on Friday from ii two weeks' visit iu Hardwick. The Miu-shnVld Gun Club will hold their first compptitive shoot on the range Thursday afternoon. Tlie officers of tlio club are very desirous tliat every member as well as everv one intending to becomo a meniber of tliis organiz.ition, be in nt tondanco aud help to mako tlio meeting a success. It is expected that Byron Wiber and othcrs from Calais will bo present. Ira II, Edson was home from Mont pelier to celebiate 1ns birthday which oc curred Sunday. He was iu rcceipt Satur day night by niail from his daughter Mrs. E.'E. Hauuilett of Butt'alo, X. Y., a nice littlo piece of bric-a-bric with the inscrip tion "Cave of the Winds, Niagara.' The peculiar shape of the nrticle makes it all the niore attraetive. The Holy City Company gave a very satisfactory entertaiument at Lamberteu's hall Satnrday evcning aud the audience which greeted them was above tho aver age considering tho short advertising and tho inclemency of the weather. Although it did not prove to bo a very paying ven ture for the Good Templars under whose auspices this company came here, the or der is uevertheless to be congratulated npou tho high-class of the entertaimuent they secured, The advance ftgeut for tlie Itoly City Company being, by reasou of tlie recent floods, uuable to get ahead sufiiciently to make a date for tlie company ou Monday eveuing, they decided to remain over Sun dny aud Monday in this place and rcpeat their euteitainment Monday eveuing with somo changes in the first part of tlio pro gram. Pait of the niembers of the com pany nssisted the cheir nt the Methodist church in the Sunday morning service nnd in tho ovening gnw a few serections at a union serviee in the Congregational church. Tho Molly's Falls Electrie Light & Power Company has purchascd auother watcr motor and the arbor carrviug the ono now iu use is to bo extended sufii ciently to run both wheels on tho same arbor aud the powor of tho plaut is there by expected to be nearly donbled. Tho present business taxes ncarly the full capacity of the wheel now in use nnd new business is coniing every year. Mrs. Lovina Packor is ill. Mrs. 0. I. Preston wout to Burling ton Monday for treatmcut at tho Mary Fletcher Hospitnl. Sheriff F. H. Trncy of Montpelier was in town Saturday on business. Tlia board of school direotors met on Monday to considor tho location nud bmlding of tho now school houso ou dt-pot hill. Mrs. S. H. Pncker is visiting trlends ux sovernl ot tho clties iu Massnclinsotts, nnd will bo nbseut from huino ton dnys or two weeks. Locnl pupors cou'iuond tlio piano soleotions givon by Miss Edith Smith at tho graduating oxoroisos nt Mont pelior Soininary. A. T. Woodcock has linished work in tho blacksmith shon of J. S. Whito hill nnd Mr. Wliitehill is to conduot tho businoss alono, ns formorly. ' Mark A. Davis wns at homo from Barro Thursday, Ho hns an ongnge mont for tlio summor iu ono of tho largo hotols in tho Whito Mouutains. Miss Anua Buruham is nt homo from Burlington for tho summor. 0. S. Adams suft'orcd nnothor slight shock Mondny nftornoon.