Newspaper Page Text
Vermont THKMHi l'AIIl IN AHVANOK Ono Yenr Sl.SO KlKht Mutithf 1.0 Slx Month ,Jfl If tiotl'nld In Ailvnnci), 3.00 n ycnr PEOPLE W'ANT A MV IVBFKM VAT( I't'llt ,ishi ii Kf.nrtUrLt TII1! VOL. 9G 5019. MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNHSDAY, .JULY 2, 1902. NUMBJ3R 27. nmrott TEnPLE-ricCUEN CO. iMONTPELIER, - - VERHONT. Mid:"Summer, Mark Down In all Departments. GLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT. July 1st fiiulH ns with 175 Tailored Suits for Ln dies und Misses on hand. Wo shnll makc a prico on tbein tliat cnnnot liclp but mnko you buy if intoi'estcd 42 Misses Suits in nll Colors nnd Black. Every. Suit bought tliis se.ason to close nt 5.98. Vnlue 812 to 815. 50 Suits, 32 to 1G size, Colors nnd Black. Drop Silk nnd Percnlino Skii ls. Vnlue S15 to $22.50, nt 89.98. 15 Cloth and Silk Cnpes, good lcugths, at 82.98, 83.98, 85.98 SILK ETON COATS, 32, 34, 3G, 38 sizo3, with Lncc Collnrs Vnlue, S10.00 to S12.50. Now 84.98. SILK RAGLANS of bnndsomo 815.00, 825.00. JACKETS mnde froin Chcviot, Brondcloth, .and Venetinn Blnck nnd Colors. Vnlue 810.00. Etou nnd Blouse styles nt 83,98 50 Blnck Chcviot Flouncc Skirts at 83.98. WALKING SKIRTS made from ford, Blnck nnd Blue. Vnlue 85.98. RAGLANS, mnde from Priestlevs Crnvenettes, Oxford nnd Tnn nt 87.98. 89.98. 3G Handsomo White Wash Silk 5.00. Now S2.98. 100 Fancy Silk AVaists. Value S5.00 to 87.50. Xow 83.9S 30 Blnck Taffettn Silk Waists to close nt 83.98. 20 Dozen Wrnppers in pretty pnttcrns, handsoinely trimmed, at 98c. Value S1.25. 1 case Marsalles Spreads, value 81.75, at 98c 100 mire Silk Gloria Umbrellas Value S1.75. 98c 40,000 Users in Prove the Merits of the OLIVER TYPEWRITEH Not what competitors say. QOLD MEDAL -The highest award Pan-American Exposition. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 11-15 Pemberton Square, Boston, Hass. Illustrated Catalogue on Application. ESTABLISHED IN I86S. R. J. KIMBALL & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS And Doalors in INVESTMENT SECURITIES, 71 BROADWAY, .... new YORK. STOCKS AND BONDS. We buythe UKTTEK classof Stocks the name when requested.. We do not solielt uu a wuigiii. jiuiu wuu iiiiny yeurs memuemup m tne iNew loric otocK iixeuange ROBERT J. KIMBALL. I FOURTH Wc Carry a Full Linc of TORPEDOES, PISTjOLS, FLACS, BLANK CARTRIDCES, BLANK CARTRIDCE PISTOLS, PAPER CAPS, Etc. , SEE OUR BOSTON t. N. 65 MA1N BT Moirc Silk nt 89.98, 81-1.98. Vnluo with Tnlletn Bands Percaliue Lined, fine Meltons, Tucked Flouncc, Ox Xow 83.98. AVaists with Insertion. Cheap nt with cases, Silver Trimmed Handles. Forty Months nnd Bouds, and advauce money to eaiTy tho ordlnary small speoulative aocounta W. EUCENE KIMBALL. OF JULY BARGAIN STORE, Kenyon & Co., Prop'rs, MONTPELIER, VT. Businoss Mere Montion. Fred A. Alnswoitli. OriWKlst. Williams town. Vt , eontinues to sollell und mipply traik- ut bls old otand on Dopot street Doyouwnnt nnytlilng -m lils llit, no mnttor wliul? Ho wii, undcrtukc to enp Dlv It. nnd irlvo vou satlflfai'tlon ns to iiuallty, iiinnllty and prlco. Lot no ono olse llntteryou tliutbo ean, or wlll, do iietior ty you in iik urug nno, iui you liavo provod It ly a vlslt at F. A, Aln. wortlrs store HAKNEdS MAKEil WANTED. Must bo good at lopiililng. teudy oinploy inoiit nnd pny every week to rlglit mnii. Address or cnll on A, C. Dny, Unrro, Vt. IIAUNESS MAKKlt WANTED Must bo good at ropalring Stendy employinont nnd pny every week to rlglit mnit. Ad dress r call on A. C Dav, Barre, Vt. WANTED. A capablo woman t6 do liousowork in the country. Smnll faniily. Address, O. D. Bosworth, Williamstown, vt. WANTED. Block wood, body, 12 inch tlioroiighly seasoned. Iuipiho at Wntch- ninn oihce. WATCHMANS WANTKI) A few cop- iwofthe Wntolimiin of Aprll'J nnd SKJ. 1002, nro wuiited ul tliis oillee. INSTIIUMENTAIj M VSC. I'upllJ ln !:i9tnmiontal muslo reeelvt'O FHday and daturday at IU Stato stiL'et. Miia. Kijxn NvcGiiav. COUNTRY OLUB'S BUILDING. Tho work of fltting up tho proporty of tho Montpelier Country Club is woll undor way. Tho pnrtitlons ' in tho lower part of tho lionso havo bcon ronioved nnd that lloor is boing mado into a largo assembly room. Leadiug trom this room to tho upper roorns, whioh will bo rehtted for diireront purposes, will be a broad stnirsvay. A snaoious niazza is boitnr construotod around tho houso from wliich ono of' tho fiiiest mountaiu views in this section can bo obtnined ospecially of Cainol's Hump. Tlio barn bns boon detachod and moved-away from tho residonce buildiug and will bo iitted up in modom stylc. A portablo bridgo six feet in width will be constructed from tho ontranco of tho grouuds aoross the Winooski to a point near the car barn so that members using tho electric oars for transnortation will be afforded a con veniont mcans of reaohing tho olub houso. LettertoJ. A.Coodwln Co. Muntpulier, Vt. Dear Sirs: Mr. Knox, an undertaker for fifty years at Ilrewster, N. Y., painted Devoo nine years ago. The paint ia said to be in about as good coudition as when it was first put on. Lead and oil don't last nine years. Yonrs truly, 7-J. V. W. Df.voe & Co. Sold by Abbott & Batley. CARPENTERS' STRIKE SETTLED. The carpenters' strike in Barre after a duration of.a month and ahalf has been adjnsted by committees from the Carpenters' Union and tho Mastor Builders' Association which camo to an agreoment after a protracted ses sion Monyay eveniug and lasted until ono o'clook in tlio morning. Tlio demands ot tne carpenters woro acceded to and a now scale of wages mado whioh wero aceoptable to both sidos. Master builders agreo that no discrimination shnll bo mado against nny xnan who has been ongaged iu tho rccont strike. Tne men will return to work at once, many startiug this morning. Tlio master builders duriiiK tlie con- forence last evening objected strenn ously to contractiug caponters boing allowed to becomo mombors of tho union but the carpenters' union com mitteo explained that they had no law govorning them in tho matter, but that tlio domnnu oi tne iuastcr uuiidors' Asooiation that contractors bo not al lowed to identify tliemselves with tho union snouid bo roierred to neadquar- ters of the intornational body. The acreement entorod into last evening is to be nnai as botn ot tlio committees were empowered to settlo tho strike. ENGLISII SWEHDFEIIGEK. Miss Nellie Swerdfeirerof Mnrsblleld and James M. Kuglish of Montlielier wero mnrnedTuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Slmeon SwerdferKer, the brido'a pnreuts, Tho weddlng was a faui' ilv one. onlv tho iinmediato rolatives be lug present. Mr. and Mrs English nre to lake u ten days drivo throiiKli Vermont and upon their return will resido iu this city at 81 East State street. v Both Mr. and Mrs. Euglish have niauy friends iu tho eitv who leoiiirratulato them beartilv on their union. Mr. Engllsh is a ponular elerk in tho dry goods store of V. B. Tnp- iui. OLEMENT MEETING Rutland, Juno 30. A citizon's mass meeting in tho intorost of P. W. Clom ont as a caudidato for Govornor was hold in this city Saturday evening. A processiou of C00 poople was f ormed in ' tho oarly ovoniug and lnarched to tho hall. It was oxpected that Dr. O. W. Pook of Brandon would bo present nnd dolivor an address to tlio crowd but bo did not appear and tboro was no speooh-making. A potition asking P, w. Olomont to sorvc as an indopendout caudidato for tho govornorship and pledging tho-support of tho siguors was read aiid tlion circulnted lor sign- atures. About -100 neonlo regardloss of political faitli signod tho pupor and it will bo furthor oiroulatod throughont tho city for nanics to bo prosontod to Mr. Ulomont at somo luturo dato. Tliis mooting was outiroly local iu its na turo and was called by omo of Mr, Olomont's supportors but not by his liouteuants. Mr, Clcmoiit himself was not pres ent, boing at Newport, R. I., onjoylng a yachting trip. Tho fact that ouly two-tliirds of tlioso presont signed the potition, tuat no (icunito notiou was takou and that tlio mooting was ouly local in charactor, throws but little light ou tho possiblo courso Mr, Olomont may take in tho mattor. MONTPELIER AND VICINITY. LOCAL HAPPnNINOS. l. A. Hrohan of tlila elty !. vlsltlng reln tivu iu ltutlaud. Ropalrs aro belngmado in thointer ior of tho Parish houso. Tlierou F. Coltou ls tho gllest of Mr, and Mr. A. V. Colton, hlsparents. Fred (llea.on Is lioino from Ynlo Col lugo for the suiuuier vaentton. llonry Jounott of Orauvlllo has R0- ourod employmont in tliis oity. Misa. Florence Hussoll of Ilurlluulou Is tho guest ot ilrs. 15 M. Shepard, her aunt Tlio baud will glvo an open nlr eo ncert at tho l'avlllon staiul on Wodnesday even ing Jamcs F. rJewey nnd Miirllii W. l'eck nro spending a few dnys ut Green sboro poud. Miss Allee Giirnseylms been the gueat of her mother, 3lrs. Goorge Uunisoy, for u few days. C. H. loro's faniily leavoon Tliurs day to spond tho summor near Old Or cbard bcaoh. MIjs Mattie Hurulinm ls pasjing tlie week with her sister, Mrs. O. I) Bosworth, of Williamstown- Mlss Qeneva liiirnliaiu 1ms elosed her sehool nt Jliddlese.x anil retumi'd to her Iioine in this elty. Dr. Georgo Cato and wifo aro guosts of his brothor, J. A. Cnte, iu East Hardwick for a wook. Mrs. Frank Adams of this city is visiting her paronts . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Vinton iu Granville Propriotor A. S. Sparrow of the Montpelier Honse, who has been ill for soveral days is improving. Lady Laugdou Nicholas iias offorod to write gomo music for City Clerk Morrill for tho uso of the band. For tlie llrst tlmo this Benson the White Mountaiu express on Sntuidny mnde eon ueetlons with tho boatat Iliirlinglou. Miss Luna Skinnor isemploj'ed as book keeper in rtobinsou'.s markut whilo Mlss Dewing is taking her unnuiil vaeatlon. Hev. W. 11. Daveliport went to Iioston Tuesday nnd will vistt New Hedfoid nnd Spi'ingneld beforeretiirningtheliiBtof the week. Charles Rogcrs of the New Englaud Tolephone company's division hoad quarters squad is in town for a few days. All barber shops will keep open Thursday night until 11 o'clock, nnd will remain closed all day Friday, July -1. Tho Misses Dodge, tcachers in tho public school at Plainfield, woro in tnis city touay en routo to thoir nomo in Urattloboro. F. M. Corry is kept busy these days receiving congratulations upou 1ns becoming a candidate lor city Ropresontativo. C E..ilver bns moved his uroeerv from the D. D. Nelson btdlding to tlio store in Colby's bloek reeently vncated by theJ." a. uooiiwiii uompany. The year bookof tlie l'hiloiiiuthian Club of Barre has just been issued irom the Watehman pjvse. The club ntimbers twonty-lhree iiiembers. Arthur Oruiobee nnd his sioter. whlle ridingto Wnterbnry on Sunday. saw three fnwns nt ouo tlme feeding in "Mr. Hatha way's eornlleld nenr Middlesex. I'rof. Hnin went to Ihirliimlon Tues- day to uttend the sessions of tho Amer- lean insiuute ot liihtruction. utner loeai instrniitors attended Wednesday. J. W. Caustic, foremau of tho Watchmau press room, nnd wife left Saturday for a weok's visit with rolativos in Shorbrooke, P..Q. The Hylo i; MeCormiek Granlte Com- pany is uow rusheu with busiuess and hnve sixty-two men at work, the lnrgest uumber they have ever employed. Miss lElizabeth I'neker has returned from her vislt to South Framinghain, Mass., nnd resumed her duties as coutral to in Bethuny ehureh cholr ou Sunday Georgo K. I'utnam has resigned as loeal coiTesiiondent for tho Burlington Freo Press and is to be suceeeded by E. A. Nutt, who begins his duties on Tnesday. Rov. Ralph Lowe of Barro is ono ortho speakers at the Now Englaud meeting of Stato Epworth Leagues to be held at Worcester, Mass., July 10-18. (Jhief Ue an is notlf f.vitur nronertv own ers to elean their bao ek yards of Ignltiblo material by July !i as a safeguanl against nre on tne gionous tourth and ;tne nignt befere. "E. K. Knott" won the 2:Vi pnelng raco and "Tho Govenless-' the Ii:lQ raco at Barton on Snturdnv. J. Edwnrd Baiioy's string ofjboises will raee at Concord, N. II., on tho Fourtli: Tbreo of J , Edward Baiioy's horses par tieipato ln the raees ut Concord, N. II., this week, The "Governoss" starts Wed nesday, "Susan" on Thursday and tho 'Kuott horse" on Friday. S. B. Colby and family went into oamp at Groton poud Tuesday for a week Mr Colby's plaeo as eonduetor on tho Central Vermont braneh lino is taken by Conduc tor .Tni'kson of St. Albans. E. F. Raud went to Boston on Friday evening for a few days' stay. His placo as eonduetor of tho Montpolior and Wells Rivor passenger train is takou by Bart Fitzgorald. Oultoaiiumburof Moutnelier neoplo nro gouigto tno isies ot siioaisnoxtsntuniny, tnkiiiL' ndvuutm:eof tbelowrates of travel and board afforded by the Unltarian Suuiuier Meotlngs Assoelation, William Hooper was tho possessor of a nractically now black iou liat on baturday eveniag but somo narty, evi dontly color blind, took it. und left him a weathor beaton brown hat in its stoad. The Joiirnnl is plensed to noto that the nrosneot of atteinlnnee ut tho Montpelier Sominary for tho comliig fall term Is ahead ot last vear. The iiuinber of stu- denta reglstered ls now larger than a yenr ngo ut iiiis tiine. ComineueliiK.Iulv 1 the Boston Bursniu store und the itucduct s oro will elose over.v ovenlnir oxeont Vondnv and fak urday. Tho former will bo open this week Thursdny evening, Both stores will elose July Fourtli at noon, W. I'hlllip Siulth, who grudunted last week from Willlnms College, is at home for the sunimer vncatlou Hev. and Mrs Edward L, Smith of Chlengo nirivod on Tuesdny for u two weoks' vlslt with Mr, and Mrs. C T. Smith, hispari'iits. Alleu Baleh of Iludson, Mass,. wii9 Iu the elty Moudny nceoinpauled bv bls mother. Mrs Amos r astrldce of North llold. Mr Bnleh was formerlv well kunwn ln this vloluity, IIo 1ms passed a very pieasant vaeatiou : ten uays wuu .reliitlvcs'aud friends hero and iu adjoiu- Ing towns. Ho left for M, Albaus SV'ed ni'sday and will return hoine this week. The work of replacing tho trestlo supports undor tlio Contrnl Vormont railroad bridgo at tho month of tho North Braneh streaui bns been com ploted nnd trains rosumod runuiug ovor tlio bridgo on Friday ovoning. JudgoT Il.Lauce of Cabot lsdauger ously 111 at his home ln that plueo suffer liiglroin a kiduey troublo aud his jihysl elaus fear that ho eaiinot reoover. Mr. Ijunee Is well kndwn In Wiishington eoun ty havlng oeeupied tho iosltiou ef tmis tnntjiidge. roveralof the friends of vr. and. Mrs. W. N. Tht-iiauli, who undersiood their marriage was to oeeur ut eiglit o eloek this inoriilng, went to St Augustiuo's enurciiiit tiuit iiour nuil nfter waitlng for a tlme learned tlie event hnd takeu plnce au hoiiruuda half Hvvlously, Thero was n fair attendanco nt Dowoy park on Moudny evening. Only thrco of tho Rialto couipany had ar rived, howevor, so no aduiission wns chnrged. Tho trio entortained tlie andionco for about an bour- Tlie rest of the company arrivo today. J, A.Calkius, of tho elerleul fon-e at tlio lueid express I'diiipnnj's olliee, has been trunsle red to Coneord, N. II. Ills plaee is taken by C. II. Goodwln, who has bef n express messenger betweeii this elty and Wflllanistown, aud Mr Goodwin's plaee is taken by h. A Slbley of Burlington. This is an exceedingly busy season with contractors and builders and thero aro a larger numbor of struc tures in tho courso of buildiug than for some yenrs past. It is said that thero is not an idlo carponter in tho city and a few more could flnd eni ployiaent. Tho Central Vermont railroad has elenned up tho wreckege ut Middlesex enust.-d by tho wasliont, the last belng burned Snlurday. Work wlll be eom meneed at oueu Iu lilling the ugly hole that eiiuses noendof iiiipruheusioirnmong the passengers aseueli irniii ereeps slowly aerosi tlie teuipornry trestly. Mrs. A. J. Stone, aged ninety- tliree yoars and who has ior somo yenrs resided in this city with Mrs. I. H, P. Rowell, her daugliter, has gono to New Britain, Conn.,where sho has entered the sanitnrium of hof son, Dr, E. L. Styles. Dr. M. F. Styles, an other son, accompanied Mrs. Stone. It is said that tho battlo of Manlln Bay pales into luslguitleauoe aloiigside tlie ipore rueent batile of Berlin poud. Un rortunately the war eoirespoinlents ure uiinble to give the dttulls us the Klng's foreesof lU'O strong Insist that Muinm's the word, o luture generatioiis will ttiuinb the pngus of luslory in u vnin senreh for a reeord of event. The Middlebury Register speaking of tho conimencement exercises at the collego there says : " Tho music fur uishcd by Wilder's orchestra of Mont pelier during tho exercises of nlumni dny nnd nnd tlie prizo spenking was especially fino and greatly appreciated by the lovers of good music. This is onil of tho very best orchestras in New Eugland. Nou-Uuiou mado tobacco sold in this city stauds iu line for being "scabbed."Tlie local uuions havo re ceived from tho Central iabor Union headquarters a list of union made to baccoes and if this list is approvod by the local uuions, ns it probably will be, other tobaccoes, liko tlio Con tiiiontal company's products will be proscribed. Those who tremblo each time they indulge in a glass of water lest they drink a few million bncilli or shndder at tho thought of some stray microbo finding lodgings within .their houses sliould tnko varticular pains to tbor oughly wash all fruit before eating ns fruit denlers keep tho same exposed on stauds ulong the streets regardless ot tlio clouds ot dnst tliat prevail. Tho foundry of tho Lane Mauufac- turing company registered ono of tho largest iron meltings on Friday in its lustory, Tlio averago aaiiy meiting is from 4,000 to 5,000 pounds but on Fridav it was 9.500, or about doublo tho usual quantity. Tho occnsion was the casting or somo or tne neavy nx tures for tho great dorrick being con structed for Mayor Boutwell to bo used on the Laugdon qnarrios. Tho handsomo picture won by the Knights of Columbus cribhago team in its tonruameut wltii that oi uom patly H last winter is on exhibition in tlie wmuow ot J. n. ieianu's storo, It is au excellent steol ongraving and tho subject ls tbe"Landiug of Colum bus. " It is enclosed in a massive gilt framo aud tho wholo is valued a !j2o. Tho picture will belbung iii tho as sembly hall of tlio Montpelier Council. Tlio weather clork was iuduliront to tho band on Saturday ovoning and tho result was a largo crowd in attendanco at tlie open nir concort given at the school street stnua. xno stand nas been repaired and the gas lamps re placed bv electric lamps with ro ilectors. Tho fino program rondered by the band was thoroughly apprecia ted, Karl iorseii boing obiigea to re peat his cornet solo in order to silence tno pinuuits oi tnose present. The residents in tho noighborhood of tlie crnuito Kliecls on carro stroet aro soon to onter a protost to tne oity council against tlio ncts of tho itniiaus, wno are omployeu by tne new gas company and who aro now quartorcd in the old shcd ot Jjyucii lirotliers. Tho residents will insist that thoso laborors bo camped in a moro out of tho way locality so tliat tho freedom tlioy indulge in may bo loss of a nui sauce. A uovel curo for balkiness in a horse was (lemonstrateu successiuuy on Main stroet ou Friday aftornoon. One of a pair of driving horses balked nnd refused to budgo. An onlookor tied a twiue string on tho tip of the aniinal's ear aftor whioh tho horso startod off as' readily as ono could wish. Tho theory is that tlie string so uttrncted tlio unimnf s attontiou that it t'orcot all about balkiug. Tho sohonio is not patontod so politicians may apply it without cbargo. Tho rocontaeitationovor tho allecod boycott of "Uno" boor in this city it Bocms was caused by tho iuadvortouco. ot a local union nian wno uiu not in toud that tho cards calliug attoution to tho boycott in Boston, sliould bo diatributed, until somo aotion could bo takou by local labor nion in this oitv. Throuch an ovorgicht th cards woro nlaced in cironlatiou in somo way and rosulted in no ond of talk, both upon the part of dealers in tlio proscribed lluid, union mon nnd sympatnizors. Tlie best of tho soason's nltraetlons up pearat tlio Granlte City Trottinir I'ark on July 1 nnd 5 when tho fiiliious "Iioston Blooiners," tho ehninploii feiiiiilehnse ball teiun ef the worlrl, uiiilur tho nianage nifiit of the woll knowu Mieatrleul jiro uioler, W. I. Ni'i'dlmm, wlll play a foeal team from Barre. Tnls ls only one ot the dozuns of attractlons that you wlll get on these day.8 In additlon to the raees I'u eors hnndled by dog drlvers. The ladles band, and a blg list of raet-s 'nre bllled for eaeh ol tho two davs with a eomplele clinuge of program daily As usual pop ular iirlces will prevnll, Mrs. Alvln l'leree, a resident of Kns Montpelier for many yenrs, passed away at her home In that plaee Siuiday morn ing after nn illness of many moutfis. The deeeu?ed wns a wonian of stcrllng qual itles aud her d-ath wlll bi uioiirned bv u wldo cirele of friends nnd ri'Iatives. Ilnr imo wns slxty-six yenrs. nnd ten months. Finieral serviees were held at Moretown nt one o'clock Tiictriny where lntermeut wns mnde, A lirayer wns rend nt the resldence Iu Eat Mntitpeller at!):00 n in. that nioriilng. The ileeensed left n huslminl. two son. E. A. nnd I,. a I'icree aud n daugliler. Mrs H J. btewnrt of East Montpuler Kon. ,T. A. DeBoer, president of tlio Nutional Llfe Insurauce Company, lias reeently returned ;from a four weoks' businoss trip through the wes torn nnd middle States. President De Boer has travoled during lils absonoo somo six tliousand niiles, inspecting propcrties in which tho company has an interest, visiting general and sub ngonts of tho company, making ac quaintances and familiarizlng himself in many ways with tho company's affairs boyond the prccincts of ofllcial headquarters. Mr. DeBoer is greatly inipressed with the great riches of the west, particularly in ngriculture, ns oxhibited at this time in the crops on tho ground, and the mighty pro gress that section of tho nation is making. In respect of the busiuess of the National Life, it is an interest- lug circumstanco tliat it Iias writton ovor a million and a half of insurauce, since .lanuary l, more than was.writ ten in tlio same period last year. NEW. SHOE STORE. Tho openiug of the new shoe store of the J. A. Good win Company at 14 State street occurred on Saturday The company opened a shoe store in Colby's block at tlio cornor of Barro and Hubbard streets a. year ago and las met with such success it has for somo time been waiting for an oppor- tunity to movo to moro commodious and centrnlly located quartors. Tlie store tormerly occumed by Roakes & Driscoll was at last secured and' has been ' thoroughly renovated and repaired. Shelving aud drnwers havo been conveniently arrangcd nnd the counters aro covered with green felting which with the brightor colors of the rugs aud furniture niako a pleasing contrast to the white enamel of the walls and tho tints of tho bor- der. Mr. Goodwiu, the manacer, neods no introduction to tho pnbhc of Mont polier. Ever courteous and thorough ly acquainted with the shoe business he has won an enviable repntatioii for fair dcaling and the honesty of his goods. The "Pntricinn" nnd the"Dor- is" shoes for lndies and tho "Walk- over" ior men are 1ns leaders al- though he carries other first-class makes. The store was visited by a large number of people during the nfteruoon nnd all wero charmed with the neat- ness and convenience of its arrange ment. Tho company will undoubted ly securo the proportion of trade it deserves. BARRE OLEMENT CLUB Tho local option club of Barre met in that city last week aiid debated tho ad visability of Hon.P. W. Cleinent bolt ing tho action of the Republicau Stato convention and runuiug upon an in dopeudent ticket. They were about ovenly divided iu opinious on the mat tor but it was decided that they recom- mend that Mr. Clement abide by tho decisioii of the State convention but sliould ho decido to becomo a candi dato they agreed to support him. POSTMASTER BANOROFT. The uaincAOt' O. 0. Bancroft has boeu sent to the Seuate, to succeed L. W. Shedd as postmaster at Mont pelier. Without question tho Senate will connrm tno Jrresiuent's nomina tion, and iu dne courso of time his successor will qualify and enter upon tho administration ol tlio anairs ot tho oiHco. Mr, Shedd's commission is dated July G, 189S, but ie took tho offico in Soptombor of that year. He will continuo in oilice till Mr. Bau croft is ready to reliovo him. Mr, Shedd has not determined upon his fu- turo courso. 0. O. Bancroft is n young man of high standing iu this city, a nativo of Montpelier, whose busiuess ability has boon tosted iu situatious tliat givo tho highest assurauco that he will elll ciently mnnnge the affairs of tho post olllce. Ho is at present on the clerical forco of tho National Life Iusurauco Co., that iustitntiou from tho First National Bank. His friends who iucludo tho wholo community, con gratulato him ou his success, THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. Chief Reagan trusts that thoso who cobrato Inepeu will doncodlo Daybo caroful in tho handling of flroworks, crnokors and torpedoes. Ho requests that no crackors bo thrown beiioath tlio feot of horses or podestrians, or on to awnings. All of those things aro contrary to law and aro punishablo as misdeamoanors. All who may partioipato in tho "night boforo tho Fourtli" fostivities sliould remombor that thero is a dis tiuotion botwen fuu and orimo and govorn thomsolves accordingly. Tho broakiug of n glass iu a firo nlarm box and pnlling in an nlarm is punishablo by a fino. It costs tho city inonoy to turu ont tho ilro dopnrtraent aud tbis sort of fun is of n malicious naturo. REASONS FOR INSURANCE. Expcnses eat up wages anil sal aries. Year after year tlio aver ago iimti expeets to bnild up an cstate. The usunl result is uo provision or only a siun.ll ono for wife and cliildrcn. Life Insur ituce does tlie work by easy pay tnciits. l.arrtiji ndenCj oncilcdj l S. S. BALLARD, General Agent, New Laugdon Buildiug, MONTPELIER, - - VT. NEAT, NOT CAUDY Neat that's the word for our Negligco Shirts. A strong line of Plain White Negligeo Shirts from 50c to $1.50. Colored Shirts, 50c to 82.00. If you wnnt the best thing for n hnt a Pananm nt 812. Tho next best is n Porto Rican Strn.w, S2.50 nnd 83.00. There nre others from 50c to 82.00. A. D. FARWL-L--&0. All Coods Sold for Cash. PERFECT PLUMBING The clnim we our nlumbinff is rnako for a strong one. Wo 'see tliat the work is perfectly done, nnd that perfe'ct materials nre used. AVe will prove it by giving yon work that will stand testing nnd inspection. All New Work Cuaranteed for One Year PECK BROTHERS, 60 Main Street, Montpelier, Vt Bear in Mind The J. A. GOODWIN GO. Are at their New Quarters 1 4 State St., Where they will be pleasjd to show their friends THE FArVOUS U i. SHOE FOR LADIES and many other lincs of , . , Progressive Footwear...