Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCIIMAN & STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1902. b rre HOMER 44 JL JL JL f A Fresh Assortment Received New Stvles in CORSET COVERS; 5KIRTS, CHEMI5ES, DRAWERS, AND ROBES. See our Special Skirt. A regulnr $1.25 value. Special price, 98c any day as long as they last. Other values cqually as good. See our $10 sets. JSTo. 164 X3lcL 166 Blue Serge Suits For the Hot Weatehr, S7.50, $10.00 $12.00 and $15.00. Flannel andWool Crash Suits, $5.00 to $12.00, Skoleton Coats, Flannel and Crash Trousers, Belts, Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts, Bicycle and GolfCiothing. Frank McWhorter, One Price Clothier and Hatter, We Will Hond You The U. S, Fidelity & Gsuranty Go. Home Olliei', Baltimore, Md. Pnirl LTi Cnpital. 51..100,000.(iil. Suivtv ItomU FIDELITY CONTRACT JUDICIAL Judk'lal Bonds Exeeuted Williom Delav BURGLARY INSURANCE Banks, Stort". Ui1i1ihpp Tnsnired Ajrainst Uurnlary nrTlieft T.J. DEAVITT, Local Agont, CorrespnuiIenctSolicltefl. Montpelier. Vt. BARRE SUPPLY CO, Dcalers in BELTING, HOSE, ENGINES, ENBINE SUPPLIES, AIR GOMPRESSORS, WANTED A Cood Salesman for tho above line of goods. Office and Salosrooms: 24 Park Block, N.MalnSt., Barre, Vt COME QUICK Or You Miss Those Nice $10 and $12 HARNESSES A Nice Hand Hade Harness for $18 i A. C.tDAY, 54 Main Slreet, Barre, Vt. ! M. W. Wheelock's Dcai Rctatc Ar.PMrv KEAL tiSIAIh AQblNCY ANI) INTELL1QENCE OFFICE, At Montpelier Book Bludory, havo bnr galns in ho. i's, lots and other valunblo property. I'laces wnnted for llrst-elass olerks, mnlu, liotel cook, girls for liouso work, laundry work, ete tSTNoox'M'iifO ncUU'rint: RUTLAND RAILROAD. The through car line betweon New York, Boston and all New England points, and the Adirondacks, Thousand Islands, Montreal and Quebec. Aoross the Islands of Lake Champlain Reaching the best locations for canipltig and fishing, touching at the following stations : South Hero, Grand Isle, North Hero, Isle LaMotte and Alburgh. For timu tablesand full information'.id dress Geo. T. Jurvis, C. B. Hibbard, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass Agt., Ru n V 0" FITTS barre Finest Mnslin Underwear Best in Style and Finish Today from tlie Factory. DLzxlxx. St 33 txxo Barre. Vt. C. E. DIGKERMAN, Veterinary Suieon, Office at OCMING'S LIVERY STABLE, Opposito Dcpot Square Barre, Vt. Telephone 137-3 THE TAXPAYERS City and Montpelier Union District of moutpalier, The Kate Bill of Taxes of the City ot Montpelier, on the list of 1002, including State and County Taxes, and Tax for school purposes, is in my hands for collection, and in or der to save cost of collection you are hereby notiiied to pay the same to rae within thirty days from date of this notice. Timothy R. Merrill Treasurer. Montpelier, Vt., July 1, 1902, AQENTS WANTED To represont tho Connecticut General I lAiu iiisurunco v.o. Appiy to i T - f - T t T DRURY, General Agent, Room 3. , Walton Block, State Strect. Mont- pelier, Vt.- F. D. MARTER, IYL. D. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office, Suito 4 and 5 Union Block, Thone 107-2. Hours in Offico : 8.30 to 9.30 A. m., 1.30 to 3 and 0.30 to 8 r. m. Residenco Tho "Rivorsido", 128 State St., 'Plione 107-11. MONTPELIER, VERMONT MILEACE , BOOKS RENTED. WALTER G, WASHBURN, Lawrence Bld'g 'Phone 27-12. Montpelier, Vt. BROOKFIELD. Mrs. Cynthia Kibbco is buildings nowly shingled. having lior At this writing Suryl Sumiicr, wlio has hccn very sick thc past 'two wucks, is moro coinfurtnblu. Miss Cassie Henhani closed hcr school in Post Mills last Friday and returned homc tho flrst of tho wcek. Several froui.hcrc attomled the county convcntion at Chelsea, last Wedncsday. Mrs. F, II. Locko of Concord, N. H., who siicnt last wcek with hor brothor, A. L. Ftillansbee, returned to lior Iiomo Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Blaisdcll of East Randolph visitcd his sister, Mrs. Warren Williams, tho last of tho wcok. Mrs. Marcus 1'euk is quito sick with n luug trouble. Miss Louiso Cliaso is tak ing caro of hor. Warren Williams was in Northfield on business Saturday. Mrs. R. A. Pnrks of Uayileld, Wis., is sponding two weeks with hor brothor, A. L. Follansbco. MAPLE 1IILL. David Iluntingtoii has niovcd from tho Floyd placo to tlio Outlor liouso. Rov. Mr, Sullivan Is to prench noxt Wedncsday ovoniug. Georgo, Dolla nnd Earl Morrill v!b Ited rclafives in Glaremont, N. H. , last wcok. Miss Bollo Lnno is visiting at W. O. Morrison's iu East Topsham. EAST WARREN. There was a pleasant gathoring of fricnds and noiglibors on Juno 28 at E. O. Heath's, it being tho liftccnth aunivcrsary of thoir marriage. About se'venty-llvo were presont, only flve of whom attcnded tho wedding flftecn years ago. Thoy received nice pres ents bcsido a good sum of money. O. M. Jones prescnted tho gifts, Mr. Heatli rospondod in a fcolinp manner, showing ho was truly surprised. Cako and ice cream woro scrved. Tho company dispersed leaving thoir best wishos. . Mrs. J. L, Gleason and cliildren from Bellows Falls aro sponding a few weoks,at E. O. Heath's. Tho La dies' Mito'Society will meet on Tliurs day, July 3, with Mrs. P. B. Dauiels. All aro invited. NORTH MONTPELIER. Prof. O. Ii. Hollister and wife havo returned home for tlieir summer va cation from Goddard Seminary. Miss Bess Butterfleld and Miss .Ten nie MoKnight were in Barre lnst weok to attend commencement. Rev. Anna B. Aldridse has flnished lr third year with us and we regret very much that her health will not permit her to stay with us longor. Miss Ethol Walston of Talcott is vis iting Mrs. O. K. Hollistei-. Miss Ruth Snow has returned" iiomo from Canton. N. Y., for lior summor acation. Tlie strawherry festival civen bv the Laaies Oircle June 28 was a suc cess., tlie ladies clearing over S20. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hollister of South Manchester, Conn., are visit ing relatives hero. Mr. and Mrs. Johu Barton aro visit ing thoir daugliter, Mrs. Irwin Jack- man. Mr. aud Mrs. Epli Pray and son, George, with Mrs. Lawlessand daugh- ter, juiniuo, spent buudav at bliarty Rill. EAST CALAIS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henrv Oliaso of Waits River havo been snendinc a fow davs at Dr. F. J. Gale's. Rev. O. H. Coolidce was ill last preacli. His very accopt- Sunday and unable to son Dwicht conducted a ablo servico iu his stead. Fred Keniston of Waltham, Mass., arrived at tho hoiuo of his brothor Leon, Saturday, bringing his bride with liijn to spend thoir honeymoon amoulg tho green hills of Vormont. Taylor Harwood celebrated his nineticth birthday Thursdav, Juno 20. at the houio of his dauchtor, Mrs. Riley Goodall. About fiftv of his friends and neichbors assombled. bringing food for a picuic dinner, do inc what thoy could to niake the day ono to bo pleasantly rememberod. With tho excoption of beiiiK very deaf , Jir. tiarwoou is a wondertully well presorved man for his years. Ho en joys reading and is deeply interested in tne atiairs ot tlie outsido world. RIOKER MILLS. Wm. Stowart has purohased a ono horso power to saw wood tor J. U. Harvoy, . H. Rioker is uow havinc about an no can do to tako caro ot nis bees. Hay in this vicinity is lookinc vory well. Corn is standing still aud if wo don't havo soino warm weathor it will bo a failure. Potatoes aro look- ing fairly well. Mrs. H. P. Ricker is gaining. Georco W. Oarnoiiter. in falliiic from a staging had his hand caught on a chain hook which Ravo him a bad wound. It is doing well. CORINTH. Moody Corliss died at tho town farm Juno 10. Mrs Georgo Barrott died June 22 nnd was buried at tho Centor, Juno 24. Miss Eloiso Eaton of Nashua, N. H., is visiting in town. L. M. Edson is painting Oorydon Follows' huildings at Corinth Cornor. School closod at tho Acadomy Juno 27 with a social in tho hall. In tho ovoning tho scholars liad a promonado whioh was onjoyed by mauy. Rov. George Rowoll preached at tho Acad oiuyhall last Sunday ovoning. Ohildren's Day will bo obsorved at tho Meadow cliurcli noxt Sunday. SOUTH I3ARRE. Mrs. Jiilia Ilubhard is at Mrs. Rosina Clafllin's. Liborty Hall is (jnite sick. Ihe faiuilios of Mr. Hill and Mr. Hlu iu liave moved iuto H. C. Hancroft's houso." Amy nnd Rernico Sanders wero iu Sliady Rill on Sunday. C. h. Klakluy of Montpelier was at A, W. LaueV on bunday. Mrs. Webster spoko in Unityliall on baturday ovoning, Mrs. Will Nyo is visiting in Middlcsox. ROXBURY. Olair Oady of Rocliostcr and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cady of Northfield woro in town ovor Sqnday. Mrs. Ila Orcutt of Randolph visitod friends hero last weok, Androw Stanton and son of Mnssa ssaohusotts aro visiting his father, S. G. Stanton. Tho Sunday-sohool hold a vory suo cossful sooial last Wcdnosdy. Thcre was a largo attcndanco and tho not prollts woro nbout 14. Miss Lou Worcostor gavo a party to about twenty-flvo of hcr frionds, Sat urday ovoning, it boing hcr twcnty flrst birthday. Sho recolved a number of pretty gifts, as well as tho best wislics of hcr Y,ory numerous frionds, botli presont nnd absent, Olark Flint had his fnot caught and badly bruised whllo holrping pross liay at Lce Wiloy's last weok. If tholiorses had not bcon under porfcct control nnd stopped at tho instnut thoy did, ho would havo probably lost tho foot, bnt now liopes to get out in a short tlmo. His neighbors aro showing thoir sympathy for him today by lioo ing his corn. WORCESTER. Quarterly lueetiug will be held at the Mcthodist church on Sunday, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fisko of Barre, wero guests at Goorgo Fisko's ovor Sunday. Albert Iiumll has jnoved into tho Sel den Willoy liouso. Iloniur Wheelock recently lost two work horses. Chester Wood aud fnmily of Marshfield havo been 'stopping at Roger Hovoy's a few days. Dr. George I'ariucuter was at II. I). Vail's ovor Sunday. Miss Francis E. Abbott was in Barre a part of last wcek thc guest of Frances Hatch. Scliools havo closed except that on Hampshire IIill,tnught by Flora Clogston, which will closo on Thursday. HORN OF THE MOON. J. W. Dillou from Barre was iu tlie placo lnst Thiir.sday. . Mis9 Florence Sanders has koiio to Montpelier to work for a shoct time. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Taylor, foriuer residonts of tho Moon, callod on tlieir old neighbors last Thursday. Miss Sadie Cross closod her school last Friday, Juno 27. Leon Harwood, Myrtio Clark, Harold Clark and Robert Sanders had no absent marks. There wero no tardy marks, and with foitrteon scholars registered, the average atteuddnce per day was 13. Miss Hlanche Graudfield was a recent guest at W. II. Sanders'. FAYSTON. Julius Ilickory, who has been suifering from intlauiuiation of thc lungs wliich dc veloped into quick consiunptiou, died June 27. Funeral servicos wero held at his lato residence on Sunday, Rov. Will iaiu Ganley being the oi'liciating clergy inau. Mrs. Gilette aud Wnltor Ilickory of Waterbury were in town Sunday to attend the funeral of fheir father, Julius Hickory. The scliools in town, with the oxception of No. 1, closed last weok. The roads over town are iu very bad condition on accouut of recent lieavy rains. Tho Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. J. IL. McLaughlin last Wednesday. About seventy were presont aud all report a good time. James Maxwell and sister, Jeunie, who work at the State Hospital at Waterbury, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Maxwell. Mi-s tlelen Kidd oi I'lattsburg, N. Y., teacher iu scliool No. 1, was taken seri ously ill with lieart trouble last Friday morning. Dr. Howo was callod, and iu two hours she recovered consciousuess. She is slowly iinproviug nt this writing. Miss Ilattio Mchuron is uow teaching for her. MORETOWN. Mrs. T. J. Ferris visited in Montpelier over Sunday, Mrs. Russcll Sawyer is spouding a week in Barre. F. R. Carpenter and wife of Mont pelier were iu totfn last week. as was also their uiother, Mrs. Ruth Carpenter. The parents of Mrs. 0. B. Wells have beon visiting at tho par.sonage. Villago schools closed last week. Miss Rita Morse of Springfiehl, Mass., is visiting relatives in town, A fw of the fanners liave begun hay- mg. Walter Wilcox spent last week iu Stowe. Quarterly tueeting services are to be held held noxt Sunday, C. V. Ilulbeit of North Adnuis, Mass., is iu town. Miss Thoinpsou took hcr pupils out for a rido Friday afternoon and Miss Wood ward jircsonted each of hor scholars with a glass tuuibler. Vett E. Grifflth and wife of Barre vis ited his parents Saturday and Sunday.' Mrs. II. O. Ward and son, Cliutom woro m miriiiigtoii last weiiK. uiair Ward, who has beon attending school there, returned honio with them . V. Hulbui't is visiting nt tho home of Melviu Freeinaii. A goodly number attoudcd tlio hand coucoit and promcuade givou by tho Waitsfield Cornet Band at the town hall last Thursday ovoning. All report a good timo. Julius Davis nnd lady of Waitsfield visited his parents Sunday. C.'F. Eddy of Stowe was in town Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Melviu Freeman went to Brattleboro on Tuesday for a week's visit witli tlieir cluulreu. EAST BARRE. Thoro was an ieo orenm party nt C. N. Scott's last Friday ovoning nnd u vory pleasant timo wns enjoycd by all. W. E. Bixby and G. II. Hutchiiis woro iu Bradford last weok aftor horaes. C. F. Stnith of Bradford wns iu town lnst week lookiug nfter his insurauco busi- IH'SS. Robert Wilber spent Sunday iu towu. C. Nyo aud wifo woro in North field last wcek, BARRE. PFof. and Mrs. O. D. Mnthewfon loft last wook for Wheolock, whoro thoy will spend the greater part of tho timo until tho ojicning of tho oity schools. Mr. Mathowson will go to Burlington this weok to attond tho Aiuorican Institnto of Instruction. Earl R. Davis has purchascd of G. A. Drow a cottago liouso on Allon strcct whoro ho will rcsido. Tlie ongagement of Miss -Edith Kinne, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. G. IC. Kinne, a gradunto of Goddard Seminary and Tufts College, to Ernest Hnpgood has been nuuounced. Mr. Hapgood is a graduato of Tufts Col lege. Dr. F. M. Lyndo was in Northfield last weok to act as ono of tho judgcs of tho Norwich Univorsity priV.o speaking contost. Two alumnl trustoes of Goddard Seminary liavo beon elccted to suc ceed Dr. H. E. Packer, '73, and H. H. Dtinham, '82. Thoy aro Duano White, '!I2, of Boston nnd Miss Blanchc Til dcn, '71), of Barre. 0. N. Kenyon of tiiis oity has been elected to tlie ex ecutivo board to succocd Charles Templeton, deceased. Tho olllcers of tho school for tho ensuingyear aro: President, tho Rev. W. R. Shipman, Tufts College, Mass. ; vico-prosident, A. W. Pierce, Franklin, Mass. j trcas uror, Homnr Fitts; seoretary, O. K. Hollister. Tho ofllcors of St. Aldmar Command orv wero installed Thursdav ovoning. Riglit Emiiicnt Grand Prelato of tho Grand Encampmont D. 0. Roberts of Concord, N. H., was presont. E. B. Whitaker was installed ns command er by Past Oomniandor G. T. Connor, following wliicli. theso ofllcors wero installed: Gen. J. E. Smitli ; Capt. Gen. George Lamson ; S. W. Wm. Marr ; J. W. , J. W. Jackson ; pro late, 0. D. Mathowson; Treas., E. W. Bisbeo: recorder, T. R. Mills; Stan. B., Nathaniel Bond ; Sword B., N. S. Lovo; wardor, S. Wilson ; Soiit, O. 0. Thwing. Perloy Pope, head clerk at tho storo of Homer Fitts. is taking a vacation which lie is sponding at his formor liomo in St. Johnsbury. Ro.v. Dftniel C. Roborts, D.D., of Concord, N. H. , father of Brian 0. Roberts, canie to this city Thursday to visitSt. Aldemar Coinuiandery. Dr. Roberts is Grand Prelato of tho order and his visit was of olllcial nat'ure. He left this lnorning to return to his liomo. Henry T. Bray of Hartford, Conn., brother of Mrs. J E. McSweeney, of this city, lins received the degreo of doctor of luedicine from the Univor sity of Vormont. He was ono of tlio flvo honor men of tho class. The Barr Golf Olub is recoiving bids for tho new club house which is to be built for the present sumiuer. Tho membors of tho committee nro C. M. LWilley, Dr. F. M. Lynde aud C. A. Dodge. A social committee of tho club has been appoiuted as follows : Rov. Efllo K. M. Jones, Mrs. C. H. ' Kent, Rov. T. H. Mitchell, Miss Edith Allen and N. B. Ballard. j Miss Nollio Corskie, clerk at Homor 1 Fitts is taking a two weeks' vaca tion, a part of whioh will be spent at Wells R iver aiid St. Johnsbury j Dr. Lewis perfonned au opeiation on Henry I'helps' valuablo niare recently for inflaininatiou of tlie tissues of the brain and the mare was driven this morning for the flrst time, being appareutly ail riglit. ( She had beeu crazy previously aud the j local horseinen consider the operation as a ' niarvel of skill. Dr. Lewis is an oxpert 1 and niakes his headtpiarters at Nelson Downing's stable. WAITSFIELD. Allon Mahureu is repainting liis bnildings. Oharlie Stewart of Water bury is doing tlie work. D. R. Bisbee aud Riohard Brown wero in Montpelier Wednesday, as delegates to the convcntion. Abraham L. Miller and v. M. Taber have goue 011 a few days' visit to Worcester, Mass. At the next meetiiig of the Mad River Grance Wednesday oveuiug, July 2, tho following program will be rendered: Song by walter uriintn, declamation by Fred McCarty, flve minutes' talk 011 high licenso, by O. M Eaton, Mrs. W. 0. kelsoy. O. A. Prentiss, W. 0. Daua, W. 0. Bragg, W. H. Marsliall, aud volunteers, song by Roy Boyco. At the last regular meeting of the Mad River Valloy Grauge, three caudidates were iu structed iu the inysteries of the third and fonrth degrees, aftor whicli a bountiful supply of ice cream was served by tlie ladies of tlio Grauge. Mrs. Georee Pape. who has been the guest of frieuds iu Duxbury, has re turned home. Mat Carpenter of Middlesex wns tho guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Carpenter, Sunday. Dr. Bisbeo was tlio guest of his brothor, Daniol R. Bisbee, Sunday. H. M. Carponter of Moretown lino was in tho villago on busiuoss Moiiday morning. D. R. Bisbeo has improved the in terior of his houso with paint aud pa per. Walter Taber did tlio work. Souuds from what seemed very much liko a flstic encouutor, in tho villago streot was wafted over tho air in tho wee small hours of Sunday morning, nnd tho peoplo that heard it say that a man's cry of "don't hit mo again, Georgo," was plaiuly heard. Theii all was quiet, aud peaco roignod su promo throughout tho remaindor of tho night. Bnt tho strnngest of all tlio principal 0110 that heard it and who should know tho details, whou intorviowod concerning tho affair, disclaimod all knowledgo of it what soover. Strango, isn't it? J. J Kelty is having an unusual supply of passongerS of Into, tho stago boiug orowdod to its fullost capaolty nenrly ovory night up from Middlesex. Moro talk of that rural freo doliv ory. Tho concort uiven by the Waitsfield Cornet Band at Morotown hall Thurs dav evoninc was woll attended, a number from this towu being presont. Mrs. Georco Pnpo, who has bcon tho cuost of frionds in Duxbury, has returned. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. bavago woro tho guests of fricnds in Waterbury last weok. A nor bridce is to bo orootod noar P. Ohaso's. F. MoCarty of Lawrouco, Mass., is visitiiic in town ; also Mrs. Oarolino SUMMER COLDS Produco Chronic' Catarrh. Mrs, Hcnrlotto 0. Olborg, Buporlnton dont rias and Ilemp Exhlbltlon at tho Omaha Exhlbltlon, wrltos from Albert Lca, Mlnn., as follows : "This aprlag I contractcd an aggrn vatlngcold, having bceii cxposed to (ho damp wcatbor. Catarrh ot my throat aad head followcd, which pcrslsted In nmalnlng, notwlthutandlng I applled tho ubuoI rcmedlos. " Reading of the merlta of Pcruna In the papers, I dcolded to try lt and eoon found that all that has boon sald of yoar modlclne ln euch cases la truo. " I am very plcasod with tho Batlsfac tory resnlts obtalncd from uslng Peruna, m ertlroly well, and oonslder ltamost ralnablo famlly medlolne." HENRIETTE 0. OLBERG. ' Summer colds rcqulro prompt treat' ment. Thoy aro alwnys grave, and sometlmea dangcrous. Tho prompt ncss and surcty with which Pcruna ecta In theso cases has saved many Uvos. A largo doso of Peruna ehould bo taken at tho flrst appearanco of a cold ln Bummcr, followcd by small and oft rcpoatcd doses. Thcre la no othcr rcm edy that modlcal sclsnce can farnlth, go rollablo and qalch in its actlon as Poruna. Address The Peruna Modlctno Com pany, Columbns, Ohlo, for a frco book entltlcd "Summor Catarrh," whioh trcats of tho catarrhal discascs pecaliar to summor. Riclmrdson apolis. and graudson of Minne Roy Boyce and in Pennsylvania. sister, Maude, are Mrs. E. Drew of Barro is stopping a iew weeus witn ner aaugnter, Mrs, Dr. Bisbee. Tho list of unclaiuied mnil lyiug in tlio post-ollice liere is as tollows: W. E. Corse, Walter E. Baker, Roy Grif flth, J. E. Gillott and Chas. Freeman. The guests registering at tho Waits field house last week wero: O. M Kinsey, Burlington; C. C. Parch, Burlington ; Charles aud G. B. Allen, Burliiigtou ; H. Hodkius, White River Junctiou; Frank Monroe aud John Pecor, Penuacook, N, H. : F. W, Newcomb and E. N. Prescott and wife of Barre ; A. Armsey, Bethel ; A. C. Coley of Providence, R. I. Miss Daisey McCullough is working at tlieaitsneid nouse. Newton Mnrray visited in Montpe lier last week. Owing to your correspondeut's ab sence trom town tor n iew days, 110 Waitsfield items will appear in this pa per next week. C. J. Taber aud son Hurvey, who liave ueeii tne cnests ot trieucis 111 Ad dison county for a few days, returned tlie last ot tne week. J. A. Carpenter has sold one of his horses. C. J. Taber aud M. M. Watermau havt: each purchased a horse. J. A. Carpenter coes to Burlington on a business trlp tlns week. Albert Mehnrou is erectiug a new horse barn for bi btnitn. R. D. ellinBton ot Uarre was in towu on business on Saturday. Richard Brown has given the ex- terior of his bic barn a coat of paint. Si Bonuette was tlie artist. Charles Jones has built a piazza on tne ell part 01 lus residence H. M. Carpenter was in Montpelier 011 business tlns week. Abrahnm Miller and wife are the guests of friends in Middlebury aud uutiaud tnis week. W. M. Taber is in Worcester, Mass., for tlie Fonrth. THETFORD. Died in Thetford on June 20. Mrs. El eauor Worcester, rnnerai at ner late home ; bnrial at Nortli Thetford. Williani Porter and fainily nre in town Mariorio Garey is home for the sumuier vacation. Kittic, Jeunie and Hirry Worcester wero calleu nome uv thc sickucss nnd death of their uiother. George Garoy has gone to Quiucy, iunss., tor tne stumner Mrs. Ena Swan has been visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs L. b. 1 arlington Rov, M, Lodensou U home from Datt- 111011th college for the summer vacation Jnno Colburn iscarryiug for Mrs. Maiy lloward. NORTH FAYSTON. Henrv 1'ease has cone to tho Mary Fletcher hospital at Burlington for treat- mcut. Mr. aud Mra. Tom MoCarty of Wntor burv visited hor uiother aud brothcrs the past week. Euceuo Incalls anil wifo of Williams towu visited fricnds in town recently Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Battlos of Water bury visited her parents last week. Harvoy Henry of Waterbury and Mrs Reoves of Schonectndy wero iu towu, recently. Chnrles Grandfather has put a now Lano inachino into his clnpboard mill nnd n planor iuto lus board ltiUL STOPS THE COUGII AND WORK OFF THE COLD, Laxativo Bromo-Quinino Tablets ouro a cold iu ono day. No Ouro, no Pay. Prico 25o. Mra. Ilonrletto 0. Olberg, Albert Leo, Mlnn. GROTON. A daiiL'htor was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch last Sunday. Mrs. Ebon Dodiro of Plaiuflold visited her father, 0. R. Rcmincton. over Sun- h.y. Mrs. Josciiliino Gordon of Ilillsboro Bridgo, N. II., is visiting her parents, Mr nnd Mrs. L. F. Ulanchard. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Millis left Tues day for Plainfield for an huloflnito 11b scnco. Miss Eva Jones of liostou iu nt homc for n two weoks vacation. Alox Hnrt has moved from the Moscs Plummer houso to his fathor's house 011 Pino stroet. An ice cream uartv will bo held in tho school houso yatd July 4 for tho benefit of tho public librnry. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Cnrbeo of Hard wick visited flt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Coll'rin over Sunday. Georcc Webbcr has sold the C'hff House to pnrtics from ISnrro. Photoirrniihor N. S. Hawkes left last Monday for a several weoks visit m Mnine; he will visit his only daughter. WATERBURY CENTER . Rev. Lewis Moody aud wife of Ran dolph Center aro sponding a few days with his parents heio. Dr. E, J. Fostor and J. O. Freeman visited in Hardwick last week and the doctor stopped nt Elmore pond for a day or two of fishing. Mrs. Henry Stone of Bnrre has been visiting friends hero tho past weok. Mrs. Jnlia Robinson is visiting in Stowe. Mrs. Jessie Piko spent last week 111 Montpelier. ' Mrs. Yotuig expects to bcirin house- keoping in her new hoiifee this week. Mrs. Ohvo Dillinghain is home for a few days. CABOT. Several of tho frionds of Mrs. Marv Atkins callefl 011 her Friday afternoon to remind her of hor sixtieth birth day. Ten, was enjoyed by all. Tlie occasion was a happy one, the guests leaving as a memento of their regards a nice willow chair. Mr. and Mrs. . A. W. Baker have ar rived at their home for tho summer. H. L. Lyford, Esn., J. B. McLean nnd others were in Montpelier 011 Moiiday 011 business. Tho sermon as proached by Rev. D. L. Hillnrd last Sunday at tho Congre gational church was listened to by a arge coiicreKatioii with inuch euthu- siasm, his subject being "Politics. " The subject was handled in an able, fearless and well informed way. Ev ory person who would see politics purineu siiouid neartiiy support and commeiid the discourso so truthfully mndo aud if tho coat fits put it 011. We heartily wish that pulpit utter- ances miglit liave moro backboiie 111 denounciug real ovils aud rotten is sues rather tlian beatiiig about tlie bush. Wlien the truo couditions nro so trankly and abiy given it siiouid be called "the doctrine" wanted, demanded and supported by every professing Oliristian. tVU wlio would be politioal '-bosses' and "leaders" should road tlie edi torial articlo iii the Outlook of last week 011 our last campaigu. If you mven't ono procnro ono ot tlie Out look Co., New York. See ourselves as others see us. Miss Alice Fislier is quito ill witli peritonitis. fahe is under tho oare ot a traiiied uurse. Mrs. O. E. Aiken and little daugh ter aro absent visiting friends aud relatives. Meotings were held at Lower Cabot ou bunday, juonciay ana xuesciay oveniugs. Mr. aud Mrs. Alvnh Wiswell aud son ot tiaverniii, Mass., aro visitiuc at Dr. Wiswell's, the foriuer' s uncle. Promenade, strawberry, ice cream aud cako supper by the Good Templars Friday niglit, tlie 4tn. The coucert of last Tuesday eveu- iiig at the Methodist church was very well attended and very acceptably given. Over $20 was cleared above the expenses oy tne ijeague. Branch Sunday scliools have been started for the summer ou tliePlains aud South Walden road. Let the good work go 011. Haymakers begau work Monday Mr. aud Mrs. Adolbert McAuslau of Providence, R.I ., were the guests of J. A. Farriugton last week. People liere will bette'r remember Mrs. Mc- uslan as - Miss Colie Foster, a nieco of Mrs. J. A. Farriugton. G. O. Boyles has so far recovered as to return to his busiuoss at .Mont pelier. M. W. Batchelder is about again, although not fully recovered. The ball game Saturday afternoon between the local team and the Dan villes resulted iu a score of 0 to 17 in favor of the local team. It should be sald that iu poiut of experience, etc. , the visiting team did very well. Tlu Cabots are challeiiged to meet them at Danville the Fonrth. HON. T. H. LANOE DEAD. Hon. T. H. Lauce of . Cabot died nt his liomo 011 Monday aftornoon at the ago of sixty-six yoars. A wife and tkree ohildren, Mrs. Siduoy Davis o Island Pond, Josoph Lance of Northfield and Olydo Lance of Cabot, survive. The funeral was held from the huusi' 011 Wednesday afternoon, Rev. O. E. Aiken, pastorof Methodist church iu Caoot oflloiuting. Tho dceased had been one of tlie promiuent publio men in his towu aud tho county. For many years he was n largo wool buyor and at 0110 time was vico-president of the Caledonia Natiounl bauk at Danville. He was a life long Ropublicau and had houl many publio ollloes, chief among whioh was assistant judge of Washington county court, his term of olllce oxtending practically over threo terins, embraoing the years from 1S'.)Q to 1890, Judge Lanco was u man whose private and publio oharacter was abovo roproach and made flrm friends of those with whom ho cauio in contact. Ho was woll knovn in this oity, whoro ho had a wide circlo of friends who will doploro his death. TO VUllK A;COIj IN ONE DAY. Tako Laxntlve Hiomo Quiniue Tablets. All drugglftti rufnud tlie mouey If it Inlls to euiv. E. V. (irovts' slgimture la 011 ench box 25e