Newspaper Page Text
TKII3I8, 1'AII) IN ADVANOE Ono Yi-nr .. N1.S0 KlKht MoiiIIim 1,1,0 81x Montlm 7fi irniitl'uld 1 11 AilvulKc, 8.(iO n yonr 1 ik it riit WATfntM vn" isnrnDI L rciiMHiiKi) i"inrCUrLt tiiii VOL. 9G 5020. MONTPELIER, VT., WKDNESDAY, .JULY 9, 1902. NUMBER 28. flifir T r hmir nr TEMPLE MONTPELIER, - - VERHONT. Second Week Mid""Sum mer Mark Down In all Departments. GLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT. July 1st fmdH us with 17i) .Tnllored Suits for Ln ilics and Misscs on lintul. Wo sluill tnuke iv prico on tliein thnt cnnnut holp but nmkc you buy if interestcd 12 Misscs Suits in !l Colors nnd Blnck. Kvery Snit bought this scnson to close nt 85.98. Vnluo S12 to $15. 50 Huits, 32 to 1G size, Colors and Blnck. Drop Silk nnd Pcrcalino Skirts. Vnlue S15 to SD.98. 15 Clotli nnd Silk Cnpcs, ood longths, nt S2.98, 83.98, 85.98 SILK KTON COATS, 32, 31, 3G, 38 sizes, with Lncc Collnrs. Vnlue, S10.00 to 812.50. Now 4.98. SILK HAGLANS of lmudsoine Mohe Silk nt 89.98, 814.98. Vnlno 15.00, 825.00. JACKKTS mnde from Cheviot, Broudcloth, nnd Venetinn Blnck nnd Colors. Vnluo 10.00. Kton nnd Blouso styles nt 83,98. 50 Blnck Cheviot Flounce Skirts with Tnlfelu B.tnds Perealino Lined, nt 83.98. WALKING SKIHi'S inndo from finc Meltous, Tucked Flounce, Ox ford, Blnck nnd Blue. Vnlue 5.9S. Now S3.9S. HAGLANS, inndo from Priostlovs Crnvcnettcs, Oxford nnd Tnn nt 87.98. S9.98. 3G Ilnndsoine White Wush Silk AVnists with Insertion. Chcnp nt 85.00. Now S2.98. 100 Fnuey Silk AVnists. Vnlue 85.00 to S7.50. Now S3.9S. 30 Blnck Tnflettn Silk Wnists to close nt 83.98. 20 Dozen Wrnppers in pretty pattcrns, hnndsoniolv trinimed, nt 98c. Vnluo S1.25. 1 cnstj Mnrsnlle.'s Sprends, vnlue 81.75, nt 9Sc. 100 nme Silk Glorin Uinbrellns with cases, Silvcr Trimmed Hnndlcs. Vnluo S1.75. 98c I We are headquarters foi the cele brated "HOLLY" line of Pocket Knives and Shears. Every one fully wairanted. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S 3EJ 353 O XX DEt BOSTON BARQAIN STORJE, C. N. Kenyon & Co., Prop'rs, 65 MAIN ST., MONTPELIER, VT. ESTABLISHED EANKERS AND BROKERS And Doalors in INVESTMEIMT SECURITIES, 71 BROADWAY, .... NEW YORK. STOCKS AND BOIMDS. ihU ... . Vy th" UK? r,KIl,.i,,"f8 of StookH nnd Honds, nnd ndvnncu monuy to uurry the Biuni. when ii.qiicstud. Wo do not solidt tlio ordlnnry nnmll gpcoulatlvo nocouuts on a niurf;in. Moru tlmn thlrty yenrs nn'mboi slil in tlio Now York Stock ExoIiiuiko ROBERT J. KIMBALL. BARRE SUPPLY CO, Doalors In BELTING, HOSE, ENGINES, ENGINE SUPPLIES, AIR GOMPRESSORS, WAIMTED A Cood Salosman for tho above line of goocls. Offlco nndsalosrooms: 24 Park Block, NiMalnSI., Barre, VI McCUEN CO I mm Af. rv'1 822.50, nt Is IN 1865. W. EUCENE KIMBALL. RUTLAND RA1LR0AD. The through car line hetween New orK, isosion ana au wew lingland poinis, anu ine Aauoiuiacks, i tiousand isianus, Aioutrcni anu yuebec. Across the Islands of Lake Champlain Reaching the best locations for camplng and fishlnf. tnnrhincr nl tlio fnllr....lrwr stations : South Hero, Grand hle, North Hero, isle LaMotte nnd Alburgh. For timu tablcsand full information ad dress Geo. T. Jnrvis, C. B. Hlbbard, Gon. Manager. Gen. Pass Agt., Rutland, Vt. Busincss Mcrc Montion. Fred A. Alnsworth, drugglst, Willinms town. Vt , oontlnuos lo sollelt nnd supply tnnk' nt his old stnnd ou Dupot street )o you wimt imythliin in lila llne, no inuttL'r wlint? IIo w'n tiiult'i'tiiUu to sup ply It, nnd plvo you a'ltlitfnotlon ns to (ltmllty, (iiinntlty nnd prieu. Iot no onu olse llitttfryoii tlintlhs cnii, or will, do liottur ly you In thu (lnlg llnu, llll you Imvo iirovcd It by n vlslt nt F A, Aitif wot tli s 8toro WANTKn. SuvliiKS Bnnk Dopositorn, whoisH rnto oC intorest ou tlielr siivIiiks Is itliout. to l)t- rediiccd, to si'iid for n liooklut, "Al)out. Ourw'Ivus," glvlug our plnn tlmt ri'iillzes, on iuvi-Atitiunto ruuoiiiiiiflidcd by ll?, not loss tlmn 8 to Vi pcr tuMit nor nn niiiii It ls nbsoluti'ly snfc. willi liio prln cipul Hiibstiinllully inmnintei'd nulnal loss K, Hiildwln llmniuit, Hartford, Conn, Koit Sau: Ono of tlu- bi-st piijini: Hus liinrinits In tliu 8tntp, locntlon beet in tlio clty of Uiirrc; doi-s Sl.O'JO n yenr biisiiness. Kor ronsons for pt'lliiifi nnd full pjir Licn lnrs cnii nt L1P5 Nortli Mnin struut, Unrro, Vt. G. ,1. Hnwcs, Propi ictor BUTTEUFLY HAHVEY. A quict weddiiiK occurrcd nt St. Aunustino's pnrish liouso nt 8 o'clock on Momlny evoniiiR wlion Jliss Glndys Klvn Hnrvoy nnd Loronzo Frceman Butterlly wcre unitcd in uinrringo in tlio pri'.senco of n fow friends, Kev. W. ,T. O'Sulliviiii porforminf; the cere mony. The contracting pnrties nro Mont pelior young people, tho brirlp boing tho dnughter of Mr. nnd Jlrs. W. Fred Hnrvey wlio resido nt 80 Loomis street, nnd formorly omploycd ' nt tlio tolephone exchnngo. Tlio groom lins been for sovonil j-enrs n jiopulnr clerk nt the storo of Williuiu Millor. Both hnve a lnrge nuniber of frionds who will wish thom evory good thing lifo has to oll'or. Jlv. and Mrs. Buttorlly aro at onoe nt honio to their frionds nt tlio roonis thoy havo engaged at 75 Barre street. WILL REOEIVEr)7A. R. TOKEN. The National Sooiety, Dnughtcrs of the Amorican Itevolution.nt tho aniuial cdnvention recently hold nt Wnshing-ton,-D. O. , adopted n rosolution to jirescnt n gold spoon suitnbly inserib ed to every membor of tlio soeioty who is n "gonuino" daughtor, that is, wliose fatlier saw s-erviee' in the Kovolutionary War. Thero aro only two of theso real "Daughters of tho Rovolution" in Vermont. Ono of theso is Jlrs. Betsoy Blanchard Kemp of tliis city, mothpr of Hnrlnn W. Kemp, seoretnry nnd trensuror of tho Union Mutual Firo Insuranco Com pany. ilrs. Kemp recently becamo n nicm ber of Mnrquis do Lafnyette Cliaptor, D. A. It., of this city, is eighty-two years of ago and retains her facultios to n remarknble degreo. Sho ' wns a dnughter of Lomuol Blanchard, who wns born in Shutes bury, Mnss., .Tuno 23, 1703. On July 2o, 177!), whon only sixteen years of nge, 3Ir. Blanchard enlisted in Capt. Elihu Portor's company of Col. Ly man's Hnmpshiro Kegiment. IIo sorv ed n nionth and sixteen days at Now Londoii, Conn., and wns mustered out Auugst 31, 177D. Ho died at Worces ter, Vt., October 2, 181)1), aged niuety two years. The only other "Daughtor" in Ve rmont is Jliss Lucy Skinner of Brook field, now ninety-two years of age. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Harrv II. Bnxter, n well known young man of Barre, nttempted sui cide early Sunday morning by shooting innisoit in tlio lett breast witn n thirty-two calibro rovolver. lt is supposed no eommitteu tlio rash nct sometimo about threo o'clock n. m., nlthougli lt was not discovered until soven o'clock in tho morning wnen Baxter cnlled N. r Hill, n boardor nt the samo houso on Snmmor streot. Baxtor did not wisli a phys- ician to bo called but Dr. F. O. Ligou ri wns sunmioued and found tho wounded ninn lying pnrtinlly dressed on tho bod still conscious but suil'ering greatly from tho wound. Ho wns re- movod to tho hospital nnd Dr. Nowton cnlled. They worked over him n long timo trying to nnd tho bnllet, but gavo up tho attenipt, ns the pn tieut wrts in a weak condition. Whon questioned he said ho was tired of lito. "1 mado n mistnko: i aimcu for tho hoart, and only penotrated tho lung. " It ls said ho atempteu suicluo threo weoks ngo in a despondent fit-by tuking poison. lt is snlu tlmt Bnxter had boon lu dulging heavily in liquor during tho past weok nnd Snturuay nlght was in formed by his employers, B. W. Hook or uo., tlmt ho must monu msways or leavo thoir emnloy. Baxter's homo 1b at liarton wnoro his sistor, Mrs. Grow, nnd his fnthor livo. Ho camo to Barre from bt. Johnsbury threo yenrs ago nnd opened n carpot cleaning ostablishment. Ho wns bought out by B. V. Ilooker, by whom ho had boen omployeu since, Ho was a quiot, unassuming follow, nnd populnr with his assooiatos. IIo was twonty-slx years old, was in good ueaitn and nau a good ositioa. tho act was a surpriso to his irionds, al though he was known to havo moody flts. No nttompt wns mado during tho day to proho lor tho bau as tlio pnyst oians fcnred intornnl bleoding. AT DEWEY PARK. Tho Mnnhattnn Stnrs, who nro nt Dowoy Pnrk this wook gavo n good norfornuuico on Monday ovoninc. Supt. Andrus has wrought surprising changos nt tho Pnrk nnd has his own mou ns nttondnnts, so thnt not only cloaiilinoss but tho hest of ordor is maiiitained. Tho company this wook cousists of Winifrod Stowart, con- tralto, Ilart & Bossio, imporsonators nnd ulusionslsts, hddlo Ulnrk, como dian. and Woston & Bosloy, in com edv and ballads. All nro nrtists in thoir pnrticulnr rolos nnd givo n good liour ol iun nnd musio wnicii is uo void of any objeotionnl fonturos. TO CUUE A'COIiD IN ONK DAY. Take Laxatlve Ilromo Qululuu Tablots, All dniL'L'lats rofund tho mouev If lt fallt to oure. K. W. GrovoB' slgnnturo ls on oaeh box. 25o, Montpelier and Vicinity. LOCAL HAPPENINCS. Hnrold lluwgon of Newport ls tlie mieflt of K. I. Drury. Henrv Heott of C'liieano la a iruesl of Mra. .1. V. Kllls. A daiiL'lilcr was born .lulv 1 to Mr. and Jli s. F. I. Reeor. Miss Lucile Merron of Ilurlineton is visiting in the city. Senator W l. Dlllinnlmiii lms nrrlw.-d boine from Waslilngtou. D. T. Donnolly spont tho Fourth nt ds home in Vorgounos. Fred Oleason ls employed teuiDornrilv in tlio First National lmiik. J. Gutclioll of his city is hPondinc two W'loks in tlio Queou city. Mrs. Etlen Piescott of Shefficd is tho guosi of W. Fred Hnrvoy. Mr and Mrs. M. W. Judson of Burling ton aro in th's clty for a fow dayn. Mrs. .laincs Itolt of llils cltv lnw rentcd tlio Hemi fotlnge nt (Jiiueii City I'nrk O. T. Dodge of Brattleboro is visii - ing Mrs. T. H. Dodge, his motlicr. fi. O. Stratlon iniil Willlnni. hh son. nro vlsltiii'z ili Doston nnd Chelsea, Mass., for a week. Mrs. W. H. rlirirs U t'lilcjrtiiiiiiiitr alx nf her younj; ul('C"S from Hoston for a fow wueks. Mrs Ilnrry Lowo nnd son iirrived for tlie suinnier from Now York on Monday t'vening. Miss Mnnd H'.ssoll of Shorolmm Is vislt- Imi lier sistcr, Mts. llenry Stouglitoii, in lins cily. S, S Hnllnrd and M. A. lliint siient Sunday at Mr. Ilallard's eiiini) at St Al baus linv. Miss Lou Hall of Watorbury is em ployed at the Montpelier Houso as a waitress. Miss .L.ona nnd Arthur Sheouiu of Burlington aro passing two weoks in this clty. Willinm Seovlll. fonnwlv of this c'rtv but now nn nttorni'y in Bostou, is visiting m lown. Mr. J. Stt'rlim; and diuuditur.Tciuilit of this eitv piissod bundny with Mrs E. K. rilHT 111 KllUUUU V. K. MeDonald, who iu.iuivd one lua somo timo i-lnc-f, is ablo to atteiid lo liis irucklii!; busiuess. r. nnd Mrs. Orrln Daloy left today f(.r ten davs earriinio drive throuch tho Wliito M-iiiiitiiiti Mr. and Mrs. V A I,awson. reeentlv mat rled, aro guests of Mr. and Mrs James Wcli'her for n fewduys.- Mrs. Hnrry Lowo nnd son nrrived lin tho city for the summer from Now York on Monday ovening. Mrs. Viola Billings is moving from Hubbard stroet to Mrs. Josoph Stor ling's liouso on St. Paul street. Mr. nnd Mrs C. J. blniuer of Hoston aro guesls of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Blnueliard, pareius oi .Mrs. stiriner. Mrs. J. O. tioriinlor of New York is tlio uest of Mr and Mrs. W. O. paronts. for a few weoks. Miss Roso M. .Toromo returned this morning from a weok's visit in Bur lington and Vergennes. G. O. Boyles, who has been ill at this homo in Cabot has returned to us business in this citv. Mrs. William Hoopor nnd son havo returned after soyoral weoks' stay witn roiatives in r'hiladelphia. M. W. Whet'lock. real estutp nuent. re- .ently !.old two aores of ihoStillmau Lnw- eneolarm to (ieorgo Nuyior of tayston. A part v of yountr iK'onlo eliiiDoroned bv Miss Florence Corry onjnyed a strnw ride to Berlin wltli n pionle nt the pond Sntur day. Iluward V. Batllson of oston. n sneeial repre.-entutive of the Hoston Trnveler is in this city uallinu upon somo of tho stoek holdurs who resido here. Tho City Mission has movod from Delter bloek to rooms in tho Y. M. 0. A. build Ing. Meetlugs will beholdns usiial until further uotiee M. V. Wlieulook. real estate uircnt. Ims mnde the deeds eonvevins: ten neres of land in Middlesex from .Joliu W (Jetehel to fetor Ulllndo. A. V. Forrln and Dr. II. t Brijilmm entertained a parly of ahnut twenty friends at r. FerrinV eamp nt. Berlin pouu ou ine L'ourtu. Charles Plavlusuud wlfo of Washington. I). C, ure resistered at tho Montpelier Houso. Mr. Slavins is conni'cted with tho penslon department. I'ostnmster Sliedd will rotaiu the otlico until Soptember lirst, as Mr. Haneroft. the new postmaster. does not wish to nssuino eimrge uutu tneu The loeul optlou nien in this futv elaiin that unnlieutious aro buliu: reeolved from small ton'iis for Clemeiit petitlon blanks. t nysiou is tuo nilesl upplleniit. Tho Montpelier aiid Wolls Rivor rallroad company is orecting n coal shed bcsido its tracks noar Granito stroot, whicli is to bo 1C01 feot in lengtli. Tho dauglitor of John Tabor of South Barre died suddonly of lieart lallnro on buudny. Hor ugo was thir- teen. I' unoral on Tlmrsday trom Cath- olio chnrch. The funeral of C'arleton MeMillau. tliu boy who was drowned In tho Winooski ou Sunday ovenliiL'. was held Tuesdiiv nt St Aiigustino's ehureh, Iiuriul was in tho (. atholiu cmeiery. Mrs. J. Fdwurd Wiijiht aud daimhter Qtl.trl l t AU.... U'ln .1 r 1 fc, .... Albert Johouuott of this clty aro in utteu daneo nt tho LTnllai iiui siiinmur meetiiig nt tho Isloof Shonls N. II Rivors Brothors hnve nu intorosting Dotuuicni ourioslty ln tho- wny ot a growing cocoanut troo on oxhibition nt thoir storo. It is said to bo tho only speoimon in tho Stnto. Wo havo boon roquestod to say that tno rocont nro at tho rosidonco ot isd wnrd Bnkor on Summor stroot wns causod by tho oxplosiou of a korosono, not n gnsoitno, stove, Mrs. Sophia Hobart, nged ninoty four years, diod at hor homo in Wor oestoronTliursday night. Tho funor- ai wiu uo noid on aunuay. Ooueral orders havo been riieolved by t'oniiiiiy II from (!en, W. 11. (iilmnre, relativo to the uiinual mustor of tho First vorinont regiineut, wmuu will bo held at ori Kiiiun Aiion, Migusi 7.1,1, inuiusivo The Jouriial Is asked to say that this stateineut is false, tlmt tho postmaster at Calais has not seut for a Cloiuent petitlon, ls not a Oloinont man, and, further, that wiu uuiHiuiiumii ui uuuiin uiu lioilll lliu ciase. J. Edward llalley's liorses nt tho raees nt Coueord. N II.. lnst week llnlshed us followa: "K, R, Kuott" won tho 2:12 pneo, "Tho Governess" caiuo in thlrd lu tho 2:11) paeo event nnd "Susnn" wns fourth lu the 2:2.1 pneo. M. F,. Smlllo nnd .!. I.Tuttlo havo re turned from n fow woeks' oiitlng ut uiou eester. Mass. Thoy aro busy oxplalnliig to thoir friends how they wuro not bam boozled for a inlnute by II W. Komps bogus telcgram. Tho following Montpelier neoplo woio Saturdny aud Siindny vlsitors ut (jiievn City I'nrk: isses Giuee and Jossio .lu eobs; Mr nnd Mrs. D. V. Templo wero guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Van A. Nye; F, N llnyford was a Sntiirday vlsltor. The Vermont Stnto Dentnl Kxainlnlng Itoahl meets at the I'avllion Wednesdav l'. 51,. July !), for thoex uiiiimf !n of oaiidi-dat'-s. A eertuill nuuiber of imtielltsoau have work done freo of elmrgo by apply ing to Or. K. L. Cleaves provious to that timu. '.Took"Uoveii Iun tinishod as tralner of J M. IloutwoH's string ot liorses iukI went to Dover, N. II , todaj. Frod Slnyton of Barre ls to have elmrgo ot tho liorses un til Mr. Houtwoll seeures a new tralner Mr. Houtwell oxpeets tostiul tho "Maid" tliis season. A woll-attended inoetiug was held ut tliu Y. M. (j. A. roonis Siimluv ovening uudur tho lenderslilp of .lohu Doherty of tliis clty. Mr. Dolierty is outhusiastie ui his work along tlio mission lliu; mid be lievis ho will nnlme Ihe assoeiatioli willi new lltc. Tho two months' old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Snow died on Tlmrsdny night nftor n six weoks' illuess. The funeral was hold from tho liouso this nftorjioon, Rov. J. Edwnrd Wright oflleinting. Burinl was iu Green Mount cemotery. William II. Goodno, who isoniployj od at tho now St. Auirustino 's church, met with n painful accident on Friday morning. His liand was badly lacer ntod by boing jauimed botweon two heavy stones and ho nnrrowly escnped losing a linger. lt was statod at the meellng of tho Montpelier loeul oplion league tno other evuuing, and so ropoi lod, tuat "Ihe post maslur at ICent's louior iu Calais, who was it I'roctor maii Ims sent here for n petitlon wliich ho wislies to placeintho stoie lor obtaiuiug slgiialurus." Tlio hearing on tho npulication for dischnrgo in tho bnnkrupt estnto of T. Redflold Phillips of this city was held in Bennington Thursday boforo Referee Gcorgo W. Deborvillo. J. P. Lamson of Cabot nnd T. J. Deavitt of this city woro tho counsel presont. Fred Clurk of this citv was nlaced u .der nrrest ly Chief Keiigiui .-uuday uiorniu iuxi ims nioriiiug pieao guuiy to tnu elmri-'o of intoxiuutioii heforo Juduo Sinihe iu eity oouil. A llne of Sj nnd eosts ot Sf.U'J was liuposed and L'lark took tho ulteriiulive suntenee for ten davs iu jail. Tlio Harre boy who exolodud n llre- erueUer iu u bottlo Friday with siieh so rious results was not tho only youth to eoinbiiie glasswith dj nainlto lu eolebrat iug. Teddy Koosevelt, Jr-. nttempted e.xaetly tho samo scheme and reeolved a deeo irah lu his foreheud Thev ean sympathizo with eneh other. ltev. .1. A. Wurd. uiistor of tliu Rvuiiml- ieal ehiiroh of tliis eity, is iu llostuu iu tlio interest of tlmt ehureh. He will visit inuny elmrelHs of this (lononiiiiarion throiighout New Kimlund. A new ehureh will bo bullt ln Uns eitv. ou Northlleld etreot.The eontraet ?or luying the rouuda tiou of Ihe samo Ims lieen uwurded to James Eiving. Frunk Kingsluy narrowly oseanod serious injury on tho night boforo tho F ourtli. One of tho militia men was iiring blank cartridges in his rillo. Kingsloy stood near-by and had ho not turned his faco just as tho iifle-1 was discharged lus eyos would havo beon ruined by tlie burning powdor As it was his face was pepnored with little liosh wounds. Gov. W. W. Sticknoy of Ludlow was in tho city over Monday night to givo a hearing in tho matter of a petition for the pardoning of Henry .Uinotot. Linnctot, who was ropre- sonted by J. P. Lamson, was convict od in Coledonia county eourt of bur tho btoro of Solomon Stenius of Lyndon and has already sorved six years in Stato prisou. Hov 1). t'ross. ced soventv vears. was the vlctiin of a pai tial stroko ot paralysls whiiu wulkilig ou Muiu street ou .viouday ovonlng. IIu was tuken to his homo ut 1)7 Mnin street uud u physleiuu summoned. Mr. Cross ls u son ot tho luto Luther Cross of this eity but reslded iu (Jhieugo unt'il ahout two years ago whon ho oame to re sido with Mrs. M. A. Farwell, his sistei'. louay nis eumutlou wns prououtieed not whohy unfuvorable. Tliu Sundiiv Herald of Uoston. in its ae- eount of tho raees hold at Concord, N. H., on Saturday, paysa iribiitu to J. Kdward Bulloy's horse, H. K. Kuott nnd his truin er, K. A. Siiuilerliu. It stutes thnt iu the raeo Kuott paeed tho tnstest milo, whieh has been imccd on a half milo traek iu New F.ugland this suasou, paeing two neais in ':m ximi tnero was uoiiuugm tho ruco to foreo Kuott but lt was ovidont that under tho steadv hand of Mr. Suu derllu ho could easfly havo beateu lus trnok reeord of 2:11 1-t. A disastrous blazo was nnrrowly avorted toduy nt tho homo of W. E. Hnytord nt llii) iierlin stroot by tho prompt aotion of Mrs. Huyford. Somo boys woro throwing firo crackors on tho air uud ono of thcm set liro to burlnps usod to pateh n brokeu pano in tho window of tho barn. Mrs. Hayford's timely discovory of tho flro nnd prosonco of miud in oxtiuguishiiig it provonted a sorious conllagration as tiioro was n quantity of korosono nnd gasolino stored in tho barn J. K. Loluiid hus u niotor bicyelo of Col uiulila uiake. whieh is tho llrst of tlie klnd evorowued in tliis olly lt woii,'ht ls 11ft pouuds nnd it is cquippod with a gaso lino inotor of two aud a half borso power uud uuder luvorulile eonuulous ean lUtaiii a sneed of 10 niiles por liour. The spark- Ing dry baltery is good for l.OuO miles and tho gasolinu tank eoiituius eiiough to ruu 1CI) mlles wlthout rolllllug. Tho maehiuo is coiunaet uud tlio uiiiiliuueos for oooru ting it nro urruiigeil ou tlio liuudlo linrs wlthin easy reaeh of tho operator. With this iiiaebiuo hills a'o not obstaules to tho ridor, for Mr. I.elnud umkes tho trip to his homo ut tlio upper end ot rsortlilluld suvet wun euse. l,Inrold, tho young son of Pntriok (ilynn, wns tho vletlru or n ohoap ro volvor on Thursday aftornoou. Tho rovolvor carriod n twenty-two calibro cartridgo. Tho lad is omployod us messongor boy in tho storo of U i. & H. O. Gloason nnd on his way to tho bauk ho in somo way sot olf tho rovolvor. Tlio wnddlng of tho cur tridgo penotrated through hisolothing aud through tho skiu to tho liuing of his bowels . Tho Ind wns plucky. Ho went to a tiliyslolau and had tlio wad ding out out nnd is now ou duty agaln. Mrs. Laura Locklin of this oity, or claiming this oity ns hor rosidonco, iu company with Mrs. Willinm Ewing of Bnrro were gnthored in lnst ovon ing by tho polico of that city on dif foront charges. Mrs. Ewing was book cd ns keoping n liouso ot ill rcpnto nnd hor nssistnnt, Mrs.. Locklin, was charged with ojion and gross lowdnoss. His Honor nlso ndded to tho chnrges ngainst Mrs. Ewing tho soizuro of in toxicnnts upon her prcmisos. Both woro hold in $200 for thoir npponrnnco Wednesday noxt and Mrs. Ewing ask od to rccognizo in tlio additional sum of 850 on tho liquor soizuro. Both woro unablo to nioot tho financinl ob ligntions imposod by the judgo aud will sojourn in jail. Sidnoy P. Pnge. who has been book keepor and ollleo iimn for the Vennont Uiiteliman Cinnpany lor tlie vear past, retiirns to his liomo in St. Jolnisbury ti tuke u posltion in the olllee of theSwift Beef Company. "riid" has been faitbfiil and industiuius ln the dlsclmrgo of dutj He has tho eonlldeneo of lils (mplivei's and tho "boys" or tho olllee llk - him iloth regret his depiirture uud wish him good fortiiue. Mr. I'ane's plaee will be tnken by .!. W. I'arker, ut one timu with tlio Swltteompany iu this eity. About two weoks ago Cliief Rengun wu notllled by Collstuble Willlmils of l.uko I'laeid, N. Y. to be on the lookout for Sl mon oweu. fonuerlv r this citv, as he was wanted there for'buiglurv. un Mon day ovening ' lilof IteuL'iiu reeeived u sim llar rotlee from fheriif -xlkiusor Ksh"c eounty, N.Y . Ilowen nrrived in the eity on Moudav 'evening and was soon urtcr plueod u in ler nrrest. liowen ill bokeiitin jailawniiig the netiou of Ihe New Yi.rlt sherilT. Uowon resided in (ho eitv a few vears uu'o with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Uowon, nis parents Tlie fatiiilv neeiipiod tlie tenuinenl over the Cliine.-'e lutiudry on Flm street uutil they beciiiue involveil in elmrges coneerning eontr:il)and liquor SOOIETY OF THE OINCINNATI. Rov. A. N. Lowis wns re-eleeted chnplnin and historian of tho Connec ticut State Society of the Cincinnati nt tho nnniinl meeting held in Hnrt ford, July J, 1002. Tho soeioty of Oincinnati wns in stituted by the ofllcers of tho Amori cnn army at their cantonments ou the Hudsoti, May 13, 17S3. Momber ship doscends from "oldest son to oldost son." There aro thirteen Stnto societica, Now Hnmpshire, Massachu setts, Ilbodo Island, Connecticut, Now York, Now .Torsoy, Pennsylvania, Dolawnro, Marylaud, Virginia, North Carolinn, South Cnrolinn, nnd Georg ia. LaFayotte, Marquis de Rocham beau, Count D'Estaing, Count de Grasse, and other French olllcers were niembers. Washington was tlio flrst President Genoral, and held tho oilico till his death. Tho society has about GOD membors. Each of tlio societies has a large charity tund, whicli is dovotod to tho rehef of uidigont niembers and their families. Tlio motto of tho so ciety is "Omma Roliquit Servare Rempublicam" ; ("He loft all toservo the Ropublic. ") The badge, or"jew ol," isa gold eagle tiecked with white onamol, bearing a shield on its brenst nnd back, with appropriate emblems. susponded from a bluo ribbon edged with white, typifying theallianco be- twoon the United States and France during tho Rovolution. A SAD ACCIDENT. sad drownini; accidont occnrred in this city on Sunday evening when the Winooski gatheren its second vic tim within the year, tho loealities where tho tragedies occurred boing only a sbort distnnco apart. I Unrloton U., tlio twelve years old i son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex McMillan of Prospect street, got into n bont owned by Owen Murther, whicli wns moored on tho Borlin street side of tho strenm nbont opposito tho resi- denco of Anron Bancroft. As tho boy dnftcd out into tho strenm, he wns observed by n womnn, who called out to him to como back. Thero wero no oars in tho bont nnd tho boy began to pull on tho ropo, whieh was trailing in the wntor, ovidently expecting to pull himself in shoro. Tho lnd lins sinco his birth boen subject to opilopsy and it is bolioved thnt"becoming fright- oned he sntlered an opiloptio lit and fell into tho wator. Tho accident occurred about six o'tlocK. Tho ulnrm wns sounded nnd two searching parties in boats dragged tho rlvor. Chiol ltoagan and Aldor- man Rylo wero presont and gave all the aid thoy could wlulo n large crowd gathored on Rcd Arch bridgo aud along tho banks of tho stream. Tho boat was soon recovorod, but uothing wns found in it snvo tho lnd's llttlo cap, whicli tho lather later ldon tilled. Mrs. McMillan and Miss Fountain, hor sistor, woro on their way over town when thoy hoard of tho ncci dont, nnd not thon knowing how nenr homo the trngedy wns to como, thoy returned to tho houso nnd nsked Mr. McMillan, who was lying on tho sofa reading, whoro tho boy was. He re- pllod that tho lad wns nll rlght ns ho hnd just left him sitting outsido tho door picking somo dnisios only n fow minutos boforo nnd ho laughod at tho fears for tho boy's safoty oxpressod by tho womon bu llnnlly consonted to go nown to tno rivor nniiK. upou ar riving at tho slioro Mr. McMillan learned that thoir snspicions woro only too truo and after nbont an ltour's search tho lad's body was brought to tho surfaco by Nolsou Galo at n point whoro tho boy wns lnst seen in tho boat. The funornl will bo hold from St. Augustino's chnrch on Tuesday morn ing. Tho fnthor is a grnnito cuttor nnd tho mombors of tho locnl lirnnoh of Mio Granito Outtor's Union nro showing their sympatliy for tho striok on fainily in n substantial wuy by n gonorous suboriptiou. Mr. MoMillnn's family cousisted of himsolf, wifo nnd four ohildron, tho drowned boy boing tho oldost. ADMIRAL OLARK. Adinirnl Olnrk, Mrs. Olark, thoir daughtor, Mrs. Hughos, with lior child, oxpoct to como to this city about tho 21st of this nionth for nstay of somo threo or four weoks, Thoy will stop nt tho Pnvilion, nnd will bo joincd lntor by Mrs. Robison, nuother daughtor, aud by Miss Davis, n sistor of Mrs. Olnrk. It is hopod thnt Liuuts. llughes nnd Robison may later joiu thoir wives ltero. REASONS FOR INSURANGE. Expenses eat up wages aud sal atius. Year after year tlio aver age man exjiects to huild up au estate. Tlio usual result is no provisiou or only n sinnll one for wife and cliililrvn. Life Iiisur aneo does tlie work by easy pay nicnts. l.vne i ideDtj Diicited. S. S. BALLARD, Qeneral Agent, New Lnngdon Buildlng, MONTPELIER, - - VT. BROKEN LOT SALE OF SUMtVIER SUITS Snits thnt represent two sea son's styles of whieh there nre only n few sizes left. It takes less dollnrs to buy one of these Suits thnri it did n month ngo. If you ure naiTOW-chestetl, 85 to 810 will buy one. If you throw n 42 chest mensure, then S7.50 to SHJ. All sizes from 34 to 48. Suits that sold for 810, 815, 18 nnd 20. For tho men who do not want n Markcd Down Stiit, 10 to 23. A, D, FARWELL GO, All Coocls Sold for Cash. PERFECT PLUMBIIMC The clnim , we mnke for our plumbing is a strong one. Wo see thnt thc work is perfcctly done, nnd thnt 4 perfcct mnterinls nre used. AVo will provc it by giving you work thnt will stnnd testing nnd insncctiou. All Now Work. Guaranteed for One Year PECK BROTHERS, 60 Maln Street, Montpelier, M. W. Wheelock's Real Estate agency ANU Intelligence Office, At Montpelier Book Illudery, hnvo bnr galns ln houtes, lots and othor vahiablo property. I'laees wunted for th'st-elnss elerks, malo, hotel eook, girls for houso woi'K, lauudry woik, ote tKTNooxpouse 1j- Kclsteiing AGENT5 WANTED To represent tho Connecticut Gonornl Life Insuranco Co. Apply to E. I, DRURY, Genernl Agent, Hoom 3. Walton Block, Stntc Street, Mont pelier, Vt. c. e, digkermanT Veterinary Surgeon, Offlco at DOWNING'S LIVERY STABLE, Opposito Oopot Squnro Barre, Vt. Telephone 137-3