OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, July 16, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071719/1902-07-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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One Ycnr Sl.flO
MBlit Slotith 1.10
Hlx JUmth 7A
If notl'nlri In Ailvnncp.
W3.00 n rrnr
KI.V " W
-i-iiMN"iHnrnDI C
,isiiki i"HruUrLL
VOL. 96-5021.
Values in
Kxt'n vnkes in ull the New Shap s iv 10, l'.i, 2 5. ES). 48, GO f8c
1 25 and 2.00. ,
Fino Cotton Gowns Trnntnetl with Ins-or" i'jn m d Lrtre. nt :lflo. value
Alade from Fino Muslin niul nicely trimmed with Hambnrg, -18c
Mnde from Cambric and Nainsook, bundsomely trimnied with Fino
Ilamlmrg and Lnce, Ribbon Insertion, extra values 79, 9Se, 81.39
l Sl.flO.
Kine Muslin, tucked and hemstitched, at 19c
Mude from Cainbric. umbrella ruflles and lieni-titched, with
tucks, 39 and 49c
Short Skirts mado from Fino Cotton, Laco and Hambnrg
Trimmed, 39, 59 and 75c
with dcop flouneo of Ilamburg, extra wide, at 98c
with deep ruflles. Hnmburg Trimmed, extta values, at 81.'00, 1.39,
S1.G9 and up.
Plain, also with Hamburg Insertion, at 81.49 nnd 1.98
White with Colored Rurder, pink, blue aud lavender. at C9c
White Heni'-titched Parasols, White Rullled Parasols. cxtia values at $1.29
Extra -values in Chemiso and Marguerite Gowns at G9, 89, and 98c
Pure, FresKly
Warmed Air
TURE is essential to man's
greatest co'mfort and vigor.
405000 Users in
Prove the Merits of the
Not what competitors say.
OOLD MEDAL The higliest award Pan-Amerlcan Exposition.
11-15 Pemberton Squnre, Boston, Hass.
Illustrated Cntalogue on Application.
And Doalors in
Wb tiuy tlio HKTT15K olnss of Sloelts nnd Iionds, and advnneo inonoy tocarry
the eame whun requested. Wo do not solleit tho ordlnnry Binnll siK'culnllvu noeouuts
on a margin. Moro than tblrty yenra membeiBhlp In ttio New York Stoek Rxohange
"Chic" and Royal
Nothing Better.
The namo is a guar
antoo for iro.nl goods.
and Stcam Systems
warm and change the air as often
as is necessary to suit the needs
of the several occupants of the
home or office.
Montpelier, Vermont
IDEAX. Dollera and
AMERICAN Radlrtotf
Forty Months
Businoss Moro Mcntlon.
Fred A. Alnsworth, druggisl, Williams
town. Vt , contliiues lo eollelt nnd supply
tnuU' nt hls old stuud on IJopot street
Do you wunt nnytbliig In hls line, no
mnttor whiit? He w .. undertnke to sup
ply It, and glvo you sutlsfnctlon us to
tiinlity, (imnlily aud priee. Let no ono
oise llntU'ryou ilmtlie can, or wlll, do
bottor by you In the drug line, till you
havo proved It ly a vislt at F A, Alii?
woitlrs Moro
WANTKD. Iilock wood, body, 12 bioh
tliorouglily seasoiied. Inquiro nt Wntch
mnn ol'flce.
ies of the Wntehmnn of Aprit 0 nnd 23,
1002, nri- wnnted ut thls olllee.
Puplls iu iustruiucntnl miislo reeeiveo
Frlday and Saturdny nt 141 Stnto street.
Mns. Ku.es Nvb Ghat.
Underhill., July 14. It is probable
that the govornment will purcliase
sovoral nores of lnud on the Cahill
farm near the foot of Mt. Mansfield,
to bo used as a temporary camp ground
for troops stationod at Fort Ethan
.Tott-lih Keed and Fnuik llnniii of Kust
Dotxit, driving In a bnslness wngou, wero
struek by IJr. .-I'win d Webb's prlvnto lo
roinotivu tl rawinji lils i-nr, Klsini'ri", nt a
urofeiiifr neur tlii'i'o Friduy night. N'eitlitT
wnsi'suriousli In.liirt'd. Iitit the Miiiminviu
sinnshed, nnd Dr. Wobb gavo tliu uiuuVn
eni'i'K wiuon covemi im vaiue ot ine ve
hlcle surernl times ovcr.
Eben S. Willnrd, a well known
citizcn of East Montpolior, died tliis
moming at bis home in that placo
from tho result of a fall from a stnging
last Thursday. His nge was aliout
seventy years.
Lovi Sargent, of East Barre, a vet
eran of the civil war, nged soventy
one years.died at fonr o'clock on Sun.
day afternoon. He leaves three sons.
Oharles B. Minard of Barre, a prom
inent bHcksmith of that eity, died Sat
nrday night.
Secretary and Mrs. Leslie M. Shaw,
their two danghters, and two sor
vants arrived in Burlington Friday
afternoon at 4 :30 o'clock and left at
once for Thompson's Point on 'the
Ohatenngay. Secretary Shaw will
como to Burlington Jlonday and in
the afternoon at 2 o'clock will go
over tho ground with a view of so
lecting a site for the old post-oujce
building dnring the orection of tho
new federal building secured by Con
gressman Foster.
C'linrles Honiaehl, uu Itnllan !toiiecut
ter, aged tbii t v-.sovt'ii, niiii rk'd, who cnnio
from New York to Mont)flier laft Oiri;-t-nins,
lins shown sigus of msauity for n fmv
days pust nnd Saturdny nigl'it bcenuie
violi'in . His fiunlly ealk'd Cliief of Police
Itecgnn Sundny morniuK; nnd Hi'i naelii
wns taken to the couuty jail. IIo imng
ines liiniself an ofllcvr in the Spiuii.Mi wnv
and is constiintly thronteuiug to kill
somt'bfidy. J)n. Lindsay nnd McGuiu"
examliifd hiinSunday afternoon nnd both
consider liim insnne but deslro to walt a
few dny lieforo recomuR'Uding liis eom
tnitiuuiit to tlio Stnte liospitnl at Wnter
Vermont summer schools for teacb
ers, in thoir eightb senson, will bo
held from July 21 to Augnst 2, at St.
Albans, Bonniugton nnd Rutland ; and
from July 28 to August !) at St. .Tohns
bury and Island Pond.
Teachers in educational thouglit
and work from VormOut and other
states havo beon engnged as lecturers
and instructors, among wbom nre tho
following: Dr. W. P. Beckwith,
Salem, Mnss. ; the Hon. G. T. Fletch
er, JNorthampton ; Mrn. A. D. Pol
lard, Plantsvillo, Oonn. ; Miss Alice
E. Neal. Brooklvn. N. Y : Miss Della
I. GriiHn, Newtou, Mass. ; Miss Eliza
U. Allon, Iiynu, Mass. ; Mariou L.
Webstor, ,Onmbridge, Jlass. ; Supt. F.
A. Baguall, Adams, Mass. ; "Dr.
Charles S. Caverly, Rutland; the
Hon. H. D. Holton. Brattleboro:
Prof. J. H. Ilumphrey, Burlington ;
Prin. O. H. Morrill, Bakersfield ; Supt.
F. W. Freeman, St. Albans ; Supt.
Oharlos L. Simmons, Bennington ; W.
11. Taylor, Hardwick; Friii. H. K.
Whittaker, Barttloboro; Prin. J. L.
Alger, Johnson ; Supt. C. H. Demp
esy, St. Johnsbury ; Jiss Edith G.
Algor, Johnson; Jliss Evelyn Darhng,
Hartland; Supt. F. A. Davison, Mou
taguo, Mass. ; Prin. E. G. Baldwin,
Bradford ; Miss Ella K. Herriok. Bur
lington ; Prof. L. L. Jones, Burling
Theso scliools are under the cen-
eral direction of tho State departmont
of cducatiou, aud havo won a recog
nized placo among our peoplo as im-
portnnt lnstltutions lor tlio lmprovo
umeut of teaching in our public
scliools. Last year C50 teachers at
tonded tbem and tliis year iiromises a
liko largo atteudaiice.
Marshfield.July 1C The storo own-
edby Judgo Mark Mears was brokon
lnto Monuay niglit. isntranco was
offoctod by romoving a pauo of glass
from a door in the rear of tho storo
aud reaching in aud sliding tho bolt
with wluch tho door was iastoueu.
Tho casb drawer was torn from its
fisturos, but thero was only about
twenty-fi'vo ceuts in pennios in tliis
and they woro not removed. The
supposition is that tho thief was dis
turbod in his work by somo causo and
took a basty fiight as tho door through
wbioh bo ontored was loft wido opon
aud nono of tho jowolry, of which
thero wasquiteanuantity in tho storo,
or nuy other goods is thought to bo
missing. Wosloy Lamborton, who slopt
in a room ln tho hall block, was sud
denly awnkoned by somo noiso iu tho
night aud jumping ont of bod lookod
out ot tho winuow and saw quito a
heavy built man passing botwoon tho
storo nnd hall building aud out around
tho hall. With tho t houcbt that nor-
haps somo ono was trying to brcnk lnto
their building, ho arousod bis fath
or, but as notliing moro was soon or
licard ot lilm tlioy dismissod tho mat
tor aud roturned to bod,
An unsuccossful attompt was also
mado tho samo night to break into S.
Swordfeger's mill. A considorablo
qnautity of bnrnt matohos and a heavy
pieco of tlmbor with which it was
trioti to rorco tno couar door was
found on tiio stairs leading to tlio
whool pit. An attompt was also
mado to forco tho front door.
Montpelier and Vicinity.
Tho mercury fell to 45 degrces Fri
dav night.
Knrl liill lins ontored the oiuploj of 1!.
0. Alexniider.
Ml?s IMItli Millhaiu Ims ruturued to
Essex Juuctlou.
II. L Fnrwoll nnd fninlly poiit "Sundny
nt Woodbury pond.
Mrs. Dr. Millor of Virginia is visit
iug relntives in the city.
Asnph Fouutain of Burlington is
visiMug relatives in thls city.
K. I'nul Duernsy of Stamford, Conn., is
visitingivlntivos iu town fora wuuk.
Mr. nnd Mrs W. A. Uaudnll of Proctor
are visitlng Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Suuiner.
Miss Minnie Hallock of tliis city is
visiting mss M. O'Brien i'h Burling-'
Mrs. Luko Weloh nnd son from I.ebanon
N. II., are visiting Wllllum Mllo nt C'llfT
Henry L. E. Smith was at homo on
Sunday from tho Mount Pleasant
Edwnrd D. Fteld of tliis eity is visitlng
hls linronts, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Field Iu
Mr. and Mrs. Clmrles Alexundur of Ina
son, Minn , nre guests of A J. Aloxnndor,
n eousln.
Mooiilight oxi'inviun on Lnko Chain
plnln Thursday uiglitv Seo iidvertisi'ineut
oli imgc II ve.
Mtas Arloa,M olClroy, ngi'd 70 years, died
nt her resldenee nt Middlesex on July 8,
of henrt disense.
A I). (Jllley of Uoston. fonnerly of tlio
llrm of Gllley Alibott of Uarre, passed
Suiuluy In the eity.
Louis D. Neveanx has entered the
employ of the Montpelier Houso as
assistant day clerk.
Miss Mary V. Murphy of Concord, N.
H., is a guest at the home of Mrs. Mich
ael Kelleher. her aunt.
The Capital Oity Gas Company has
begun tlio work of laying its gas
mains ou lower State street.
Tlio illustrnted leeture given ou Frldny
uveuing nt St. Aiigustine's cliureh wns
well nttunded nnd very liiturestinir.
C. Fred Wnrd, rormeily n clerk iu the
store ot Mnrvin vc Sherburne but now of
Littleton, N". II., is visiting iu town.
Misses Cathorine and Conio Meservo
of Keeseville., N. Y., are guests of
Misses Rose and Camille Jorome.
Mr.-. F. A. Hobnrt and eliildren of West
Suinerville, Mis., nre gues of Mrs. Ilo
bart's niother, Mrs. K. A. Urdway of tliis
Jnmes Sinltli, forenian of the foundry
of the C'olton Mtr.iulnctiirhig Compnny, is
111 and hls pliiee is tnken by .lohu onu
born. Mnrried in Montpelier, Julv 15. by Rev.
J. Edward Wriglit, Ilenr Toiirigney nnd
Minnle MeQueen, both of Woodsville,
Is. II.
Chmies Kennedy is enjoying u M-eok's
vnentiou trom his duties in the olliee of
C. G, Willison. Ile will vUit relntives in
Groton. ,
Mooiilight exeurfion on Lake ('hamplain
Thuixliiy nii-'ht. fee ndvertisenieut on
pnge 11 ve.
The homestead of E. C. Holmes at
8 Elm street was sold nt auction on
Saturday afternoon to E. H. Deavitt
for 4,850.
J M. Uoutwell and E. M. Ilnrvey ioiued
the rnilroad ('ouiiniss-louers of Wilmington
nturdiiy. This week they are to inspeet
tlie Hoosio Tunnel, Uelawnre nnd lludsoii
nnd Heuningtou rnllroads.
Walter L. Main's next advertising
car will reach tliis city ou Wednesday
the ltith, anu nnother one week lator.
The third comes ou the 27th, threo
days ahead of tho show.
Thebandiiino nnother exeellent eou-
eert nt tlie Sehool street stand on Friduy
uveuing nnd it wus listened to ly a lurgo
nnd npnreeintlve audleuce. v r Wilder
wns oungeu to repeai ins pieeoio soio.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sumuer aro ro-
OOictng ovor tlie arrival ot a niuo
pound son. Mr. Sumnor's frionds aro
wondering how large a policy of in
surance ho will writo on this strang-
er's lifo.
Mooiilight exeursiou ou Lake Chumnlnin
Thursday night. See advertlsement on
page nve.
V A. Smlth nerformed tho dillleult feat
on Monday of luoving tho largo granito
stntue on the Hublinrd lot in Greeu Mount
eemetery, to nnother pnrt of tho lot, to
uuiKe room tor ine niomiuieui oi uie inie
E. Hubbard.
Tho Barton Horald's report ot' tho
races Thursday at Nashna, N. H.,
says that "E. E. Knott" owned by J.
Edward Bailoy of this city was"pick
ed as a strong favorito" in the freo-for-all
trot or pace oveiit.
Mrs. Ferrin's class, in thoSuuday-sehool
of the Chureli of theMessiub,(tho 'lnfunt
elnss") iiro invlted to tlio pustor's resi
deneo, 10 IJaldwin street, next Thursday
afternoon. instend of Wednesday us llrst
anuouuced, from 2:30 to 0:00 o'olook
That thero is uu lncreased intorest iu tho
summorbchool of suulpture wus shnwu
Sundny when soven youug men.stono eut-
ters, speut uio emiro uny uiia puri oi me
evening nt tho sehool where they woro on
rolled us puplls of Mr Lopez, tlio instrue
tor. Mooiilight exeursiou on LukoChumplaiu
Thursdny night. .-eo advertlsement on
pugo llve.
Tlie young gentlt'inau meutioued iu tho
Journnl Friday, as beiug iudebted to
tho oity for tho amouui of ovorduo llues
in tho old'bloyolo euses huvo eonferred
with Cliiof of 1'oliee, Heuguu uuil liuvo
inudo urrangemeuts to settlo duriug tho
eoimug week.
This eity was vislted on Monday ovon
ing liy a serles of thuuder storins, whieli
in eleotrienl displny wero tho most torri
tlo of tho senson Tho raiu, too, foll Iu
sheets but outslde of tho oecusionul elnng
iug of tho Uro alarm uo serious damugo
was reportod iu tho oity.
Tlio lightulng ruised havoo ou Mouday
ovonlng with a largo balm-of-giload tno
lu tho yard of Mrs. Louis ltodnoyou unpor
Muin street. It struek lu tho top of tlio
treo nnd shot down tearing olT tho burk
but not demoltshiug tho treo nnd llually
toro a great hole at tho foot.
Mrs. Alden Spenro, of Nowton Contre,
Mass,, has gouorously soula eheuk for tho
nuroliuso of u now niniio for tlio musloa
depnrtmeut of Montpelier Sominnry, Tho
growtn oi inia uopnriuient unuer rrot.
Hntliuwav rondors netiessurv udditlounl
eqiupuiout for tlio fneroaslug niunber ot
Sovoral of tho trusteos of thq Wood
Art Gallory visitod tho summer
sehool of Boulpturo oh Monday ovonlng
aud watclied tho work of tho puplls of
Mr. Lonoz, tho instruotor. Beforo
leaving thoy oxprossed thomsolvos as
being plensed with tho work of tho
Sineo tho Consolidated Company
havo adopted a rnetor systom instead
of charging n flxed rato por month for
it eloctrlo lighting sorvlco., many of
its patrons flnd that tho cost of their
lights has increased ovor 100 por ccnt
nnd are wonderinc if the now raeters
aro working ovortinio.
Georgo Hlll, a Middiestx fariner. whilo
under the inlluonee of tlio "oh-be-oyful"
on Sunday, was ejeoted from nn eleetrlo
eur lu tlie town of Uorlin nnd later lodged
iu jull hero by t'onstnblo Shepnrd. IIo
was iinablo to get u hearing lu hls o iso
this murulug nnd his iniud hns been dis
truilghtns to who would feed liis eows
uud do the mllklng,
The couimittee on nominations of
the Vermont Commandory, Military
Ordor of Foreign Wars, has submittod
tho names of tho following gontlemen
from this city in thoir list to bo acted
upon ln August: Arthur G. Eaton,
for vice-commander ; O. D. Olark,
dologate to national commandory, A.
G. Eaton, nltornate.
Willlain Hooper does not like electiieal
'llspliiys eveu in the rnrm of lkditnlng. Ho
was ou nu eleetrlo eur on liis way from
Hnrre to thls eity Monday evening when
thostorui wus nt its lieight. He pulled
the trollov from the miiiti wiro uuil in hls
expluuntlou to tlio eonduolor he suid.
' you oan put me iu jnii if you wunt to but
I don't wnnt to be struek by lllit iiii).'
Elders Fnirlmnks nnd L'lurk, Evimgcllsts
ot the Iuteiiiationtil Advont Christinu
Confereliee, uro eonduellng rovivnl ser
viees at tho ehiireh in Lower Cabot. .er
viee eneh evouing nt 7:15 p. in. j Sundnys,
2:.,50 nnd :r,u . in Let ull the I'hristiun
forees rally to the work. Everybody Is
invlted to theso sorvlcesj oonio and brint;
your friends. Outdoor servieo of song
eaeli eveniug by tho gospel singer, F. W.
J. G. Wing, as attorney tor Mrs. Isnbebo
M. Ilriggs of Knst Montpelier, lms brouglit
suit uguinsl Fred Fuller of Northfield, on
tho ehurge of oriuiinal assatilt. Tho dnin
ages st't nre .",000 nnd buil of the sumo n
mount is furnished ly V V. Keut of
Nortlillold Mr Wmg us nttornoy for
Henry Wnrloy of Bnrro hns nlso lirought
suit ngainst Oseur Johnson of tliis oity on
tho churg" of ulienating tlio affeetiohs ot
Mrs. Warley. Tho sultis for t3,000 dam
nges and E. II. Ellis is surety for bnil in
tho suine auiount. Uoth eases are set for
trinlnttlio Septenibei term of Couuty
The Barre Granito and 1'nving Couipuuv
was ineorporated today and nriieles llleil
with the secretary of state. The enpltul
stoek will bo tuO.UiKI The ineorporntors
are II. Iv. Kusli, H. W. Seott, Uarre; Arte-
inus I'enuock. Braintree. Mnss.j Jnmes
Grnnt, Miinuel D. Graves, Boston. Tho
new eoinpuny haveleased otliees iu Wood's
bloek iu urre. Tho ollioials state that it
is the inteutioti of the oompany to utilize
nll the wimto gramte in and aoout Barre
by traiisformlng it into pnving bloeks.
They will employ (uito a niunber of inen
nnd expeet to sturt operations at oneo.
The Locul Oiition Leaguo meeting on
Friday evening miide an attempt to raiso
funds tor defruving of the exnensos of its
delegationtotho mnssC'lemeiit.meotiug in
Burlington next week but tlie selieme fell
through with a dull and siekening tliud
and not a sliiner was dropped in tlio Ijiis,
ket. After tlie fashioit of "throwlng out
the lile line" it wus deeided to pnss a sub
scription pnper among tlie laitbful for
tliis pui'liore. Tlio ehnrelies inuy bo
eulled upou nt the eloventh hour to tnko
tip a nonulur oontributlon for this eause.
There is u wido dilTerenee between or
guuizution nnd demoruhzutiou.
A sttilibing nffruy oeeurred on tlio hbrli
wnv neiir ilie vllliiL'i! of Plnlnflitlil nn snl-
urduy evening nnd as'u result i)uvidCliur
bonenu, a Freiieli Canudian, is now con-
uned lu jnll liere.
C'hnrboueau wus seen nt the Jail Monday
by a JomtNAi, leporter and his story of
tlio alTnir follows: Ho has been emnloved
us n farm hund, by Thoinus Taylor, who?e
farm Is about a mllo from Plainfield vil
Inge, witli Arthur Murrny and an elderly
man. whoso unmo ho could not reinember.
Clmrboiienu suid ihnt last week Murniv
mnde liimself so obuoxious that ho wns
obliged to chustiso liim. On Suturduy
eveniug, as Charboneau was getting his
bioyelo leady to mako tho trip to tho vll
iuge, ho notieed u strnnger in the yurd iu
eonvorfiitioii witii his fellow workmen
uud henrd them tell tho strnnger, "ho's m
the corn barn." Tho inen theh disnpjieur
ed nnd lie thought nothing moro of tho
oceurreueo ut the tiino.
N heu eonstiug down a hlll about a hnlt
mile from tho villuge, ho saw a nmn stop
out into the rond from behlud a treo. Ho
turued out but tho man kept getting iu
front of liim nnd as a result Charboneau
went Into tho dlteli. Tho man was tho
strauger lio had seen at tho house, aud
later proved to bo Chnrles Murray, an
older brother ot tho man ho had ehns
tized. Churhouenu sa d the man threatoned
him with violeneo und us the other two
nppenred ou tho soeno ho rnn away but
was overtaKou. a seuuio onsuoti in wnien
Charboneau snvsho wus no mntoh for
Mnrray but ho tlnally sueeeedod in getting
out his poekot kuifo. In tho seufllo tho
uuito oiosed lu Uharnonenu'd Iiand cuttlug
ono of hislingers badly but after getting
tho kuifo ojien ho gavo Murray foureuts
iu tlio bnek nnd ono ou tho uriu.
Murrny eulled to tlio others for nid but
Churboneuu threatoned them with the
kuifo und both held bnek, tiio younger
Murray saying to his brothor, "I told you
you would get into trouble if you pitched
onto him." Charlioueau theu nroko away
from his oppouent, went to tho vlllago
and gavo uhuself up,
Tho wouuded mitii wns nblo to walk
to tho nearest house and from thero
ho wns tnken to Plainfield. Dr. Galo at
teuded tlio wouuded uinn aud dld not
tliink his iujuries serlunsnlthough ono out
iu tlie bnek wus nn ineli und n hulf deep
aud the cut ou tho anu wns sovero.
Charboneau olaims those outs wero tho
result of tho soutlio iu which Murray trlod
to get tho knlfo away. Doputy SherllT
IJalloy and Constablo PltKiu plaeod Char
boneau under urrest aud brought lilm to
this oity oarly on Suiuluy monilng. Tho
henrlug will be ut Plainfield so soon ns tho
wouuded innu is nblo to uttoiul.
Mrs. 0. H. Ilenton reeoived Satur
day afternoon, iutroducing to Mont
pelier socioty Mrs. Olifton M. Henton.
Tho recoiving party was Mrs. O. H.
Hoaton aud Mrs. 0. M. Henton. Tho
assistants in tho funotlons woro Miss
Mary Dowoy, Mrs, O. P. Pitkin and
Mrs. F. W. Morso, iutroducing tho
guests; Miss Oarrio Oross, Miss
Olara Adaius, Mrs. M. F. Atkins uud
Miss Luoy Jacobs, ushcrs to diniug
room, and mombors of tho "Olovor
Olub," Misses Julia Adams, May
Doming, Uuth Brooks and Ruby Hoa
ton sorved rofrcshmouts. Tlio rooms
woro decoratod svlth rosos, Oantorbury
bolls aud rhododondrons, nnd woro in
linrmouy with a delightfully festive
occasion, to which woro added tho
oharms of musio, by Wilder' s orches
tra bohiud a scroen of UBparngUB
Barre was troated to no ond of ox
citomont Monday iu addition to tho
Pawueo Blll show.
Tho show bronght hundreds of vis
iotrs to tho city nnd many took tho
opportunity to tako treatmont for
tho parched condition of thoir throats
with tho result that a bunch was
gathorcd in by tho police.
William and James Rogcrs of tho
Granito Oity and F. E. and T. J. Si
mons of Orange wero arrosted dnring
tho afternoon by Ohiof Patriek Brown.
Thoy woro ongaged in a free-for-all
figlit in tho yard of Mrs. RoMnson on
South Main street. Two of them, tho
Simons from Orange, werc getting
tho worst of tho oncountor when
Ohiof Brown arrived. William Rogers
had just roturned from Windsor, where
ho served a sontenco for as.sault on
ono McPhee. The Simons family,
when interviowed in tlio police sta
tiou by a Journal roporter Monday
aftomoon, secmed quito a bit conct rn
ed ovor seventeon cows which awaitcd
milking at home.
Shortly aftor ono o'clock tliis
morning tho police departmont were
called upon for assistance again.
Michaol Grannels, about thirty-two
years of ago, omployod somo two years
ago in Cutler's stablo, Barre, recently
roturned to the city and agaili secured
employment with Outler but Monday
changing his mlnd ho ontered into a
contract with tho Pawneo Bill people.
A fow minutcs aftor ono o'clock
this morning, having finishcd loading
its cars, tho show started its train and
Grannels nttempted to board it but
foll boneath the wheels which passed
ovor his loft leg abovo tho kneo and
bis loft arm was torn off at the shonl
der. Ho wns couvcyed to the emer
goncy hospital whero ho died in a
few moments. Tho dead man has a
brother William, iu Manchester, N.
H., and his mother, Mrs. Maggie
Grannels, resides in Vergennes.
That the fair sex should not bo
slighted during tho day's festivities
Mrs. Emelino Ewing, who was con
victed last week of keeping a houso of
assignation, was taken to Rutland to
servo a sontenco of sixty days at the
house of correctiou.
Edward Raymo, in jumping from
a team near the Ceutral Vermont
statiou, accidentally dropped a 32-cal-ibre
revolver from his hip pocket
which was discharged, the ball entor
ing ono of his legs just above tho
knee. Dr. Deziol made the man com
fortable. This morning the Granito City
Court was ruu undor a forced draf t aud
at two p. m. had disposed of twelvo
cases.the largest number over handled
in the samo spaco of time.
Tho Rogers "boys" were dealt out
justice by His Honor in no uncertain
quantity. William, charged with
breakiug the peace, was taxed $20 and
costs of "-9.47; his brother James was
drunk in addition to breakiug tho
peaco and will havo to anto 625 and
costs of .$10. 70.
Tho Simons family of Orange faced
His Honor who hauded Mr. Simons,
senior, an invitation to pay 5 and
costs of 8U.47 for breakiug tho peace,
and his son was taxed a liko flgure as
a drunk.
Charles Mitchell, transportation
mauager of tho Pawneo Bill outfit, in
a discussiou with one of his em
ployes, tnpped tho workman upon tho
head with a cudgol aud fractured tho
roof of that gonflemnn's braiu. Mr.
Mitcholl aftor sleeping in a cell ovor
night deeided to pay .$10 and costs of
$7.20 but said it was oxorbitant.
Frank L. Cochrrane and E. F. Bor
gen as common drunks paid fines of 5
and costs of 38;42.
E. B. Jones of Essex Junction,
drunk, was flned $5 and costs of $8.50
for an over-indulgenco in tho ardent .
On Lako Champlain, Thursday, July
Citizeus of Barre, Montpelier, Wa
terbury and all intermediato stations
between theso points and Burlington
will bo givou an opportunity on
Thursday, July 17, to onjoy a mooii
light and searchlight exeursiou ou
Lako Champlain. The Contral Ver
mont railroad has completed arrange
ments for a first class time and tho
Montpelier Military band will accom
pany the party. Round trip tickets
from Barre and Montpelier $1.25.
Special train leaves Barro at 5 :30 and
Montpelier 5 :55 p. m. Special train
leaves Burlington after tho ride on the
lako at ton o'clock.
Ohicago.July 15. Whilo tho wholo
6alo businoss of this oity is almost
completoly paralyzed and whilo bnsi
ness mon aro snifering a loss of $1,
000,000 por day the striking freight
handlors aud tho railroads aro in a
deadlock and auuouuco thoir dotor
mination to flght to tho flnish over tho
question of ono-hnlf a cent per hour
or a total of about $500 for ovory
twonty-fonr hours; this sum being
dlvided ou ono sido botweon twcnty
four railroads and on tho othor be
tween 10,000 mon. Tho situation is
more sorious than at any timo sinco
the commoncement of tho tronblo, and
at no timo sinco tho walk out havo tho
points at issno beon so obstinatoly
maintained. Throo timos today tho
froight handlors sont committoos to
moot tho gonoral managors, aud each
timo thoy camo baok without result.
Tho ollioials of tho roads havo do
olarod that no doputation will bo re
coivod from employoos who havo gono
on striko and that thoy will maintain
this position. When this was reported
at tho hoad quartors of tho strikors,
Presidont Ouran announced that tho
flght was on to a flnish, and that horo
after wbon tho railroads bad any ovor
turos to mako, or wlshod to do any
businoss with their omployees they
would bo compellod to transact suoh
businoss through tho olllcors of tho
Froight Handlors' Union.
Kxpenses eat up wnges nnd sal
nrics. Yenr nfter yenr the aver
ago niau cxpcets to build up an
cstate. Tho usunl result is no
provisiou or only a siuull ono for
wifo and cliildreu. Lifo Insur
nnce does the .work by easy pay
nients. (Corresp ndencc soiicited.J
Qeneral Agent,
New Langdon Building,
Suits that represent two sea
son's styles of which there aro
only a few sizes left. It takes
less dollars to bny one of these
Suits than it did a month ago.
If yon are narrow-chested, S5 to
810 will bny one. If you throw
n 42 chest mtasure, then S7.50
to 810. All sizes from 34 to 48.
Snits thnt sold for S10, 815, $18
and 820. For the meriwho do
not want a Murked Down Suit,
610 to 23.
All Coods Sold for Cash.
e hnve a lot of Lap Dnsters
that we wul close out at tho
following prices.
25, 30, 40, 50 cts, each. These
aro all new goods and good style
bnt aro in brokcn lots, a few of
eac h kind that we wish to close
this season.
The Flanders & Pierce Go,
Montpelier, Vt,
Fw $1.2510 $3.50
Both Ladies and Gcnts
At The New Store
14 State St.,

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