Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOUIiNx-jL, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1G, 1902. Montpelier and Vicinity. LOCAL HAPPENINCS. Now eonioa the elrous wltli ils pltik loin oniulc mitl pop oorn. Arthur Colbv is visiting rolntlvos ln Plainfield for n few dnys. Mrs. Kllon Hurrell ot Uoekliutd, Mnss., is thoguestof Jlw. Clnyton higelow. llnrold Ilusc uf thls eity is visiting his unolo, 0. V. M inslleld ut St. Ueorge. Edwnrd D. Fiold wont to hin liomo lu Rutland 011 Thursday cvoniiig. Miss Adah Edwards of Hichmoiiil was in this oity cnlling upon friends Thursday S D. Cusliinau 1ms brokeli up liouse keoplng mid will go to Barre to llve wltli his daugliter ) MissBertha llowman of thls eity isn guest of Mrs II.. J. Gutehell nt Stnrr Fnrtn Boach, Burlington. Mrs. M. H. Smlllo wns cnllocl to Wntor bury Tuesdiry ttiurnitir Ity tho serious 111 ness of her inother. J. Edwnrd Unlloy's "E. E. Kuott took peeond lnonoy in tno ssai pnciiig cinss ui Nnshuii 011 Tfnirsiliiy. It is suggesled by Northtleld people thnt n public iiutomobile, opernted botween thnt town und thls eit,y, would pay. Gen. W. P. Buokley of Lancnstor, N. H., was tho guest of P. A. How land over Tuesday nfglit. Mr, and Mrs. Eli Moss and Miss Marie Louise Jobbott of Montrcal are guests of Mrs. Olivo Moss. H. E. Morso has gone to Bethel to reiuain whilo settling tlie estato of liis fatlior who died last week. Andrew A. Oross, formorly of this city, is in town on a month's fur lough from tho soldiors' homc. .Josslo May Hunt nnd Lenndor Sliaun telle. botb of Montpelier, were irmrrk'd July 1, in Middlesex, by Uev. L. V. Poum' Ii. .T. Doiiglns Is to npi'ii n pool aud bil liard roiim in tho Dlutur blook in tho room formorly oeciipled by tliu oity nils slou. Mrs. Frod N'oIj-oii gnve a ploasant lawn nnrtv to aboiit u dozen of bor friends nt lior fioint) on Ilnrrlson aveiiuo on Wednes day aflornooii E. II. Knapp of Rutland is euiploy od as car accountant in tho general o (Ilco of tho Montpelier and Wells Kiver railroad. Tho mercnry foll froni 8S to 81 degrees Wednesdiiy utlonioon in ono hournnd continuod to drop, nntil two degrees low or, in tho noxt lionr. IJornee Ilall, the speciul represeiitutlvo of Collier's Wookly who has been in t liis oity and Barre for a niontli past hastaUen sonio :J0O siibscription?. l)r. Arthur Luuce, fonnerly ln praotioo in Worcester, wns in town on his way to his liomo in Portsniouth, N. II.,after vislt inf: liis parents in Cabot. Sotli Wallaee, fonnerly a olerk for A. D. Farwoll, bnt now lioad elerk for the Besso-Baker I'lothin Coinpany in Hroek ton, Mass,. is rlsithiji in Hnrre and thls eily The lire de)nrtineiit was out on Wed nosday eveniiif: lor praotiee work witb ladder and hose. The work was dono nt the Berlin street entrnnee to Ked Areli liridfie. Arloa MoElroy, uaed seventv-six years, diod at Middlesex Tuesdny. The fiuieral was lield from the lionso at ono e'eloek on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Oliarles Page and daughtor acconipauied by her inothor, Mrs. Nellio A. Pago, have gouo to Wor. eester, Mass. , to visit f riends. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hurd of I3os ton aro visiting in tne city. Mrs. Hurd will bo rouiembored as Mrs. S. S. Towner formerly of this oity. Soine twenty of the yoimg people of tlie Ejiwortli I.enfrue of tho Methodist ehurch of tliis oity enjoyed a pionie and outing at Ben.lainin's Fnlls on Tuesday afternoon. C'oal is Miinted at S8.50 per ton today with tlie visiblo supply ot sueli measer proportious as to )reo.ludo loeal dealers lnakins-coutracts lor futuro dolivery. Miss Bullard of Burlington is visUiiijr in the city for a few weeks and is oceiipyln Mrs. Mary I'eek's apartinents on Sohool street, the lntter bemg aliseut at the sea shore William II. Wheeler of Des Moiues, la., is in town enllitiir upon friends ot twenty years ago. Mr. Vheoler formerly reslded m Montpelier but has beeu iu the West for many years. Martiu SV. Wheelock, real estato ngent, niado the deeds Monday conveying the IJoineiiico Maroui farin iu Middlesex, to Nathiin L. Bnneroft, of Calais; consider atiou i'-V-'OO. It is about tline for tho innd dog toget ln liis work. Wuen you see a eanuie net ing strangelv bo sure to stop aud foudle hiiii. Thureis always au empty eot at the I'asteur instltute. Ira C. Calef aud MUs L. A Calef, his Mster, wore at tho I'avilion on Thursdty uight. They aro on their way to thefr home in Washington after spending the wintor on tliu l'acille coast Tlie suininer school of sculpture at tlie Y. M. 0. A. building, under tho direction of C. A. Lopez, is gaining iutho nuiiiber of puplls and Mr. Lopez feels eontldeut that during tliu coiiiing month tliero will bo further additious to tho several classes. G. B. Walton lost ono of his valua blo dogs on Thursday but in tho oven iug it was retumed to Mr. Walton by a mau from Middlesex Centor, who had found tho dog liunting ou his farin. T. J Kellelier, a dyed in the wool Dem oorat, nunotnieed today that as tho loeal option fad was beeomiUK so coininon and everybody taking it up that he should bo coino a eandldatu for city repre&entntlvu on a prohibitory platform. Five English cnaeli dog jailis aro on ox liiliition in'the window of .1. E. Lolund's storo. Tlioy are of arlstooratlo llneage, their fatlier bolng a full bred SHWO coaeli dog owned by I)r. W. fieward W'elil) and tlie mother owned liy Mr Uolieo, uianager of Liuus II. Thu National Lifo nnd Montpelier liall toauis erossed liats on tlie Seminary eam- '53?; i5W I)I8C'(iVi:U-I) BV ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Gcnuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Muot Donr Slgnaturo of Sce Foc-Slmlle Wrapptr Below. Vcry smnll and as oasy to takc as iracnr. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DI7ZINESS. FOR DILIOUSHESS. FOR TORPID LIYER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIH. FOR THECOMPLEXION CURE SICK HEADACHE. lius on Wednosdav nfternoon before a i?rid.iizod erowd. The uame was snlrited. one ot seven innlngs and resulted iu n victory for tlie Nntioual fiife teum by n seore of l-l to 7. Tho Hathbotiu Sisters of the I'vthian or dor served a lunoheon to nearly 100 peo ple in tlie Kuights ot I'ytinris nau last evening. Tlie afl'air was n suecess lu noint ot atteiidauce aud lliiauciallv. and the refreslinients eertainly ovidenced the abllity ot the luilles as cooks Tlie eondition of Harry Baxter of Barre, who attempted suloido by shooting earlv Simdav iiioiniiiL'. ooutinues favorablo, The ihysioians, howevor, do not dare to probo for tho hall wincn tueyi)enovo ues ni the inusolos of tho baek, as the nian is j ot vory woiiK. Tlioy Donevo no wiu ro- oovor. Miss M. D. White cavo a most eu joyable recoption at tho Langdon home on Wcdnesday afternoon in honor of Mrs Olara P. alton ot Uolumbus, Oliio, who is spending tho summor hcro. There was a largo attenaanco and niusic was furnished by Wilder's orchestra. ' tlow manv neonle have asked Clerk Smilie wlien'lie intended to begin liaying is uol known, but ilurin,( liis recent ab sonee in Massacliusetts, on au average of a dozen n day callod in to iiuiuire of Oop utv Clerk Wilson. l'erhaps Mr. Smilie is going tolet Kemp swlng the tcytho over tne ooun uouse ir.wu. Mrs. I. A. Belknap of Niagara Falls, K. Y. , is visiting in town tora week Slio is a sistor iu-law of H. N. Law rcnco and M-s. S. E. Pattoo and a former rcsident of Vermont but this is her flrst visit here iu thirty years. Slio is accompanied by Miss Pearl Uandee, lier grauddaugnter. Mioliael Kelley of Winooski, who was ex pected to arrivo iu town ou Friday to nrefer a larceny cliarge against Siniou Bowen telephoned to Chief of Police Hea gan that he would eoine if the chief thought best but that iudividual advised liiin to drop the nintter and let the York Stnte autnonties prosecute uowen tor tue more sei ious offence aud Kelley deeided to ao o. Tlie Stato board of dentnl cxamiuers. coninnsed of Dr. George F. Cheuey of st. Johnsbury, Dr. Tliomas Mound of flut laud, Dr. F. P. Matlier of Chester. Dr. M.ellen ot .s.iuuieiniry aiiu ur k. l, Cleaves of MoutDelier. met at the I'avil iou iu this eity on Wednesday to examiue a clnss of candidates desiring to practlce (ieutistry ln tne Btate. rnere were uiteen appucnius. Capt. C. A. Bond has returned from his vlslt in Gloversville. X. Y. He just uiissed beiug one of tlie victims of tlie wreok on the ouutalu Lake railroau ou July 4 when twelve nersons were kllled out right aud scores were lnnlmed for life. He had a peioual neiimlnluneu wlththose killecl and had he not aceepted another ongagemeut he would have beeu ou the fatal car wltli thein. Tho Snrim-'fleld Buslness Sehool has had so ltirge a demand for young inen with sonio kuowledce of ndvertisement writing that it has deeided to put iu a course of advertising next inu. wineii wm De luider tho supervlslon of E. St. Ehno Lewis of i'liuacieipnia, tne wen kuowii aovertisis iniiii. Out of a Kraduating elass of eiuhtV' tlve, from this school, !!eventy-tlve have aireaur ueen piaceu iu pnsiuons. George W. Colby, who reside at 58 Barre etreet, niet with a serious fall Weduesday evenlng whlle descending a Hlslit of steps near his residence One of tho steps near the top suddeuly gavo awny and preeipitated Mr. Colby onto n pue or rocus some leet oeiow, irnciuriug oue o his ribs.nnd bndlv bruisiini and ehaking hilil up. Dr Chandler wn cnlied auu maiie tue paiieut coiuiorinoie.. Tho State board of dental examinors elosed the two davs1 examlnatioiis on Friday, at three o'clock, and the follow- nig out oi tnirteeu wno iook examniations were glven lleeiues: A. U. l'atterson, I'ut nev: W. G. Gllmore. Salem. X. Y.: V. C Mason. Gaysville. Vt . i. hnrles II Cole. Uradiord; C II. McGoff, Moutpeliei; C. A. Averill, Richmond; D. F. Sheldon, East Highgnte; L S. Edwards, Brattleboro; H. T. Ilarpiu Windsor. A Middlesex "Subseriber," ln tho Water bury Rtcord, can see as far luto n inlll stono as any ono, nnd so seelug avers that "Cliarllo Smlth's excuse" he of Montpel ier aud Clement famo and tho gravostouo bitsiness is "prlvate' galu." "He sees," avers tho "Subseriber" "that liothlug would givo the lombstone buslness suoh a boom as freo riun. a. d Cliarllo will be al ready to handle the sprhig trade. Place H ITTLE 1IVER PILLS. DUboIvcs and kly rcBiuvcs Ftonc nml rid and wblto Bravclfrom tlioKld. ijbh.uI liliiildtT.btopfl HwintvnM! iuin(Kldneyt'ollc)duoto theBO for. Ijiiilu n uud oiti n ftvoiilf t Uti uto ot thu turgeon'sknltc. Culcura NilM'nt pruTuiitu tliu forniatton ot Hti-no nud gravel by dls miliint; tlu urlcacid aud ca rjm(t It off throuli Ihonatural channcla, tlum purif; id tho ISIoud, and currectiiiKtluw urlc ucld coudUloni "f tliest.miarli H Ulrji )iruducu urlc acid jiolioulnK, (iont, Hhcumatltm, Noiira'(;la, and jienodical litaduchcs of womuu. Calcara Solvcnt 2S A UEYif KflEDBCIME. It cll 8tnnm,(!lviiiK a hcalthy action to tho Llvet, rellcvca tho pnin uf Itlllous Collc and curi'8 t'onrtipatiiiii of the llowcla. Jjr. Pnwd Konneily has eaid ot lt,"C'alcura Snlvint U tbo outcomo of my imiv! exprrlcnca as a 1'hvslclan and I conBliltr th'H i Tnicrj tho urcateet achiovomt'iit of my life." rniiucstton- niaiu eciii on rcquiBU (i.uu uouio at all drucglets. OSTON, N. Y. yotir ordcrs early boya." Fair liolicelo uiemont "iioys." Shuon Boweu ehanued his inliid. Wed uesday afternoon.about returuing to York State wlthout extraditloiipnjior? slucoliU arresl on xuesuay, uowen litiii iroiessod his wllllnguess to go wlthout wnltlng for Govornor Odell to s'ond liim mi Invllntlon, but when Chlof Iteagan callod atthojnll 8lmon sald lmy and the oliiet procoodod to Burlinutou nloue to mcot ShorlfTAd- kliis of L,llzabothtown. N .. who wns to not as a guard ot honor to Mr owon ncross Lake Chaiuplaiu aud see thnthe 'oncned tne utnpirc stnte satoiy. The Donioerntlo votors of the oity of ontneller aro rediiosted to nttoud u oau- ous to bo held ut the Knlghts of Columbiis hnll, Thursday evenlng, Jnlv 17 at 7:.'l0 p. in to eleet la'dolegalos and 'i altornates to ntteud the Stato oonventlou. nlso Yi delegates and 12 alleruates to attoud the seeond distrlot eonventlon to be held nt Burlington, Thursday,'' the pur tioso of nomiuathig State olllcers. nlso, to eleet u oity committoo and to trnnsnot any other buslness that niay oome befoietho cnucus. l'er order Democrntlo City ( oni tnittee. The Xorthlleld Xows nrints tho follow- lUif I'oir.'irdliit; a Montnellor vouni: inau: The Morrisville Citizen says: "Tho dlsap- it'arnnee ot ono riiomus i rnpo, a pi uiter lero for tho nast throe or four inonths. causes anxlety on the part ot Mlno Ilost Crane to whoni he indebtod for n few weeks board " tidiitv' Grimes is also ai- prehensive as to his whoreabouts not so much as to Crupo iiersonally. liut whoru some 530 of mlleages may be, whleh ho has no nccounted for. Crnpo hnlls irom Montpelier nnd worked here Inst suinnior ns n uinsou on tue new vnyo moen. iio had trouble n fow weeks sltieo over n nillenge book whleh he forgot to return to Dr. .1. II. .ludklus. J. B. MoLano of Cabot must now bellove that tho tariff on liquors at Montpelier is at tho top notoh. Ho was convicted of intoxication in Cabot the otlior day aud discloscd on a pint of alcohol procured at tho ngency here. In making his disclosure, ho asserted ho could get all tho liquor lie wanteu at tne agcncy. s non Liiquor Agent Wedco heard of this his iro bo- camo red hot and as a result Deputy Shoriif Tracy arrested McLane' on the chargo of procuring liquor undor falso pretenses. McLiane's caso camo up ln city court Friday and ho pleadod guil ty to tho chargo. He paid $10 llno and costs of $10.01) in consequenco of his criticism of tho agency. Barro Domocrats iu caucus Wed uesday ovening elected delegates to tho State and district conventions at Burlington July 24. The attendanco at the caucus was sniall about flf cy boing present Au attempt to mstruct the delecates to snnnort 1J. W . Ulem out for Govornor provoked nuito a bit of discussion thero boing a deeided division of opinion. Tho motion to adjouru was carried and no action was recordeu in the nintter. Tlie uol egates elected to the State convention are as tollows ; M. J. Jlcuowan, 0 H. Pape, Dr. .1. W. .Tackson, .1. W. McDonald, H. A. Dully. L. H. Frem ier, S. H. Forsyth, 0. W. Melolior; to the district convention : tjcorge t Tiiuen, d. Jt. sattuer, u. . Averill, W. U. Smith, M. D, lvoefe, U. H. Sawyer, W. A. Leverveau. Some of the loeal optiom&ts, who took in the excursion to Fort St. Frederic, are extolling the virtue of license over pro- luuition. iney ciatm that in the license town of Crown Point, N. Y., they were unable to get anytinng to dnnk but upou their renirn to uurlincton they tound all the bars rnnning "wide open" as in Bos- ton. ihese o nloson hers on loca hvo notisiu lose sight of two importint feat- uies in makint: their compansons One is that the Crown Point bar-keepers knew that tlie Vernionters were coming there and closed their places in order to preventa "booze" famine for their own people. I he other is that the srreat cry of the loeal optionist has been that under his system one could jret a dnnk when ever he pleased, but in the excursion mat- ter he argues just the opposite in order to score an nnaginary point. MEETING OFSCHOOL BOARD. A meeting of the school board was held on Wednecday evening. There was con sidetable routine businessto be transaeted and the session was a long one. In the absence of G. O. Stratton, secretary o the board, E. M. Goddard acted in that capacity. The calendar for tlie ensuing year was hxed. The fall term for the grades will open on September S, and for the litgh school on the lollowing day. 1 he fall term will close on December VJ. Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week will be observed as holidays, and two weeks vacation will be taken between the fall and winter and winter and spring terms. Miss Bessie Bowers was elected to suc- ceed Miss Clarke, resigned, as teacher o the branches in the lugh schoo her sal ary to be SoOO a year. A requisition of SoOO was made upon tne citv eouncii. The bourd feels that it has a nroblem before it in the proper administration of the kindergarten department. It is ex- pected that there will be over 80 nupils in this department this fall, and in order that they may be civen the best lnstruc tion an extra teacher and room may have to be provided. To determine what is necessary the board is to send out cards to the families in the eity, whleh are to be filled out with tlie number, names and ages of the children intending to attend ttus department this tall and at once re turned to the board. Some of the parents ot the children, who attended the kinder garten the past year, had hoped that their children might remain there for another year uut the board will adhere to the es tablished age limit of four to five years. A household necossity, Dr. Thoiuns' Ee leotrie Oil. lleals burns, cuts, wounds of any sort; cures soro tliront, oroup, on tnrrh, nsthmn; never fnils. LIGHT SL'MMER TRAA'EL. Hnlh'oad nnd ouinniureliil inen, cover iug tlie White Mouiitnlu roglon of Xew Hutmhlie, roport tlio lightest siimuu'r tnivol for uinny years All of tho largo hotols iu thtit sectiou olaiui thnt ovou should u wnriii wnvo drlvo oltv peoploto tho inountiiius now tho bualnoss to bo dono for tho reinnludor of the senson would lenvo thom tho smnlloet innrglii of prollt. for initny sensous. Don't Fall to Try Thls. Wlienover un honyst trlal is uivon to Elootrio Bitters for itny troublo it U roooiu mendod for u iiermiineiit ouru will suroly bo olToctcd. It novor falls to tone tho Htoiunch, regiilatotlioUidiioys uud bowels, stimulato tho livor, luvigorato tho nervos uud purify tho blood. It's u woiidertul tonio for rim dowu systoms. Klootrio Ulttoin positlvuly ouros Kiduoy und Llver Troublos, Stoinneh Dlsordors, Nunous uess, bleuplossuess, Rheumiitisiu, Noui'iil gln nnd oxpols Mnlnrin. Sntisfiiotlon gunranteod by C, BlnKely, Only CO couts. CENTUAL VERMONT ELEVATOR The proiect of the Ccntral Vermont Railway Compniiy to cstablish at New Lontlon an elcvator, whleh would have capacity of l.oOO.OOO bushels and whleh would involve the expenditure of nearly 8o00,000, has been indcfinlte- ly delayed. E. II. I-itzhugh, vice-prcsi-dent and general uianager of the rail road corporation, says in a personal let- ter to a corrcspondent of The Boston Transcript that "the matter of cstablish- int; graln elcvators at New London is bc- ing held in abcyance, and I atn unable to say at prcent when we will givc it furth er conslderation. In its preliminary nccotiations for the elevator projett eonsiderable unexpected opposition was cncountercd. The re quest of tlie company that the city of fs'ew London .violish two dangetous grade crossings on eondition that the ele vator enterprise be executed was suc cessfully opposed by interested holders of real estate. The petition of the company to the war department to erect a trestle in place of the drawbridge spanning Win- throp Love in New London was clial lengcd by the Consolidated railroad at?U by people who contendcd that the aboli tion of the draw would injure the marine interests of the city. In view of these various obstacles the project which the Central Vermont system in connectlon with the Grand Trunk railroad was ma- turing has been postponed. Savcs a Woman's Life. To hnvo civen un would lmvo inoant doath tor Mrs. Lois Crugg of Doroltor, Muss. bor yonrs sho had cndured iiiuold uiisory from u sovoro luiig troulii".' aud ol stiuuto eoiigh. Oflon," sho wrilos, "I could sonrcelv bioatho uud somotiinos could not spoak. All dootors nnd rom- edtostuiled tlll 1 usod Dr. Klng New l)ls oovory for Cousumptioii niui was uom- nl.iti.i,' fiiituil M n ITiii'.it.j f.itii IV,it(rlia Colds. Throat nnil Liiin: Troulilo nooii liis gnitid remody, tor it novor disnp- oiius. t uro is g. arautoed iy c. iiiauoiy. 'rieo.')Oo mi( ,1. Trial bottlos froo. THE LAD1ES OF THE W. 0. T. U. The ladies of tho W. C. T. U. niet with Mrs. Dnniel Emory on Wednes day nfternoon. Tho prograni, Flower Mihsions, " consisted of readings from this work that embraced much besidos the giving of Howers, though that ldeu is central, carrying noy and clad uess to tlio recipient. Threo young misses ndded much to tho occasion by their nssistanco. Beatrico Cnllalmu sweetly saiiK"Sweet Roso of Sharon." with pinno accompaniment by Florence Emory; a rocitation by Eunico Sher burne, "Bring Flowers", wns civen in nn ell'ectivo maniier; a song by i'lorenco r-itnory, wiiO'pinycu her own nccompanimont wns listened to witb pleasure. "Flowor Mission Dav" came into existenco tlirongh tlio olforts of Mrs .Tennio Cassidv of Louisville, Kentucky, .luno 9. 18S2. Thc" dopartmGiit is now organized in sixty-ono of tho sixty-four divisions of the national W. C. T. TJ.,nnd thcro is an increascd intorost and more systematic work thnn over before. Tliero is more catarrli iu thls sectiou of tho country than nll other di-onsos put togetlier, und until tholast fow jeurs wns suppoM'd to be ineiirablo For u gront innuy yenrs dnctors jiroiiouneod it n locnl disense, nnd preronbed loeal roinodios, aud by eoiistuutly tailing to oure with lo eal treatmont, pronouiieed it inouniblo. Seieiico has provon ontnrrh to bo u consti tiitlonal difeaso. nnd tliereforo reijuiros eoiistitutioniil trentmoiit Hnll's CatuiTli Cure. inaiiufnotiired bo F. .1. Chonoy ic Co., Toledo, O. is the only coustitiilioiml cure on tlio iinukot. It ls tnken internnl. ly iu doses from 10 dropsto a tonspoonful. It nots dlivctly on tho blood und inucoiis htirfaces of the system. They oiler one hnndred dollnrs for nny en-o it fails to cure. Send for clrciilnrs nnd tostiino nials. Address. F. .1. CIIEN'KY ic CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv DniL'gists, 75e. Hnll's FumUV Pills nre tlio best. CROOKED DEALING Wnshington, July 11. Marion Er win, United States attorney for the nortliern district of Georgia, who has recently been invostigating tho ex tradition cases of Benjamin D. Grecno aud John F. Gaynor, returned to Wnshington today witli a report of crooked dealing on the part of the Canadinn judiciary. The roport when brought to tho attention of Attornoy General Knox by tologrnph was char ncterized by liim as reprehenting a stato of affairs that ho had not sup posed could oxist "in any country dominatod by British sontimont and laws." Mr. Kuox is now in Atlantic City, but a letter authori'zed by him and bearing his namo was laid beforo tlie secretary of Stato lato this after noon, asking that this reinarkable case of Canadian offioial duplioity bo brought to the nttontion of tho British foreign oftlco. Quebec.July 11. Judgo Lafontnjno, extradition connnissionor of Montrenl, in obedience to order of tho court, tninsforred all records in tho Grceno Gaynor caso this morning to Quobec. A sensation wns caused in court by the statement of tho counsel for Greon nnd Gaynor, whioli ho said would bo htipported by nllidavits, that District Attornoy Erwin, who mado tho roport to Wnshington on tho caso, had olfered to settlo proeedings for 500,000. If a Man Lic to You, And tay sonio other salvo, olutmont, lotion. oil or uilegod bealer is ns good as best and cheapost. aoo at C Blitkoly's. FIRE AT BARRE. Tho rosidenco of Harvoy Hersoy, ox-umyor of Barro, on East Hill fn thnt city, wns totally destroyed by llro last ovoning nnd only a small por tion of tho furnituro was savcd. Tho libniry of Mr. Horsoy was val ued by him at $12,000 nnd was ti total loss. A portion of tho houso was oo cupied by John Hall who had $r,Q0 iu suraueo. Tho loss on tho house is plnced at 1,500. Tho furnituro of Mr. Hersoy wns insured for 87,000 in tho Vermont Mutual, and thoro was a policy of f500 .on furnituro bolong ing to Mrs. Hai'y L. Ford. Tho flro originatcd from a stovo iu whieh childron had built u flro using koro. seno for kindling. The houso was not coiuplotod. "I owoiny wholo llfo to Burdook Blood Blttors. Scrofiilous sores ooverod my body. I seemod bejoud ouro. B. B, B. lms iiindo mo n p'i'footly wull woiuau." Mrs. Chnrloa Iluttcn, Borvllle, Mleli iHicuiiu s (iriueu sitivo, iou niui thirty yenrs of mnrvoloiis eiiros of l'llos, Burns, liolls, Corns. Felous, Uloers, Cuts, Soalds, Bruisosnud Skin Eriintions nrovo it's th M1LLI0NS OF wosvaE Pressrve, Purify, and Beautlfy thc Skln, Scalp, Hair, and tiands with Millions or Womek uso CtJTicnnA Soap, assistcd by Cuticuiia Ointmkmt, for boautif ying tho skln, for cleausing tho scalp, aud thostopplugof fnlllnc hair, for softenluR, wliitouliig, aud soothlng rcd, rougli, nnd sore liunds, for baby rashes, itchings, and irritatlons, and for all tho purposes of tlie toilot, bath, aud nursery. Mlllious of woinen uso Cuticuiia Soap ln baths for annoyhig irritatlons, iuilamma tions, andoxcoriatioiis, ortoo freooroffon slvo prcspiratlon, iu washos for ulcerativo wcaltnesoa, nnd for many sauatlve, ntitl septio purposes, which roadily suggest thomsolves to wotu'eti, especlally mothors. Complctc Trcatmcnt Tor Ilumours, 81. C'ouMtliiifori'uriCfKAboAl'CJBo.Jociennxo tho (-Kln of rru.-ts and scales, and boftcn tlio thli'koiiediHitti'k'.Ccuci-KA oimtmknt(5(ic.). to liiEtnntlv allav ltchint!, lnllaintnatlon, nnu trrltatlon, nnd untliu nnd lieal, nnd CUTILL'llA ltLsol.VKNT l'lLLS (2Sc.), to cuol and cloauso the lilood. CrxicvnA Kesolvent Pili.s (Chocolato Coated) aro n now, tastlr-ea, odorlesH, econoinlcal Bubstltute for tho coUhrated llquld CUTICDIIA Hesolvent, an wull as for all other blood purl flcr and hnmour cures. 60 doscs, 25c. Sr.ld throufthout th world Hrltlih Depol' Chirtirhnute sq., Ixradon. I'.iitkr UscoAau CnxM. Cu.i .. sole l'rop.., IJottOD, U. A. MRS. O. L. SMITH RECEIVEs Mrs. Carlos L. Sniith gave a recop tion on Tuesday nftornoon to meet her daugliter, Mrs. E. L. Sniith, of Se attlo. Tho receiving pnrtv was Mrs. Carlos L. Sniith, Mrs. Edward L. Smith, aud Mis Knthorine Sniith. Mrs. H J.M. Jones, Mrs. E.D. Hyde, Mrs. F. H. Dwinoll, Mrs. W. O. Lowe and Mrs. Honry Farwell assist ed. In tho dining room Miss Anna Guernsoy.Miss Julia Pock.Miss Edith Blnuclmrd and Miss Lnura Bakor ser vod. Tho ioouis were mndo beautiful with daihies, fonih and rhodendrons tnstofully nrranged. It was n vory deilghtful social atTair. For forty yenrs Dr Fowlor's Extrnct of wii.i i...., i lll, .-ll .1 lr-l l J llll". IICUII Ulll 111 &iiluilOr f.ntiti.lnlii .!-.!.........,. .ltn....t. 1.1 1.. .wiiii!iii.i, vi rvmvi J t II IUI 1 UUl-,1, IJIIIUII flux, paiu in the stomnoli, nnd it hnsnevor rul fnll.wl t,x .ln ........... 1.1. ..T..1 1 .. t. i,iii.i. i j nu tii:j j iiiui Lllllllictl IUI II. IIEADQLTARTEItS ES TABLISHED -...u . , . II1UU1 Ui;iUiUllj llj IIIC lilli." tlan Endoavor convoution iu Boston will hnvo their headnuarters at Berklev Tem- Tliu Vui'himiiI .1.i1..r(n.i ii...:. ple from Octobor li to 17, wliere it is ex- pocted that all delegates will present iiji-iii?ui ui'uii iu j w 1115 in ino oiij-. A Montpollor Woman Asks 'have you a floor paint that will last two weoks?" Yes. we have Devoe's: it has a beautiful gloss nnd will wear two years u properly npplled. Abbott & Bailev GULLIBLE ADVERTISERS. A closo observer of business wnys aud methods reports tho following: Au incidont occurrod ou Monday siiuwiiig mo guuiDiiiuy oi somo oi tno lnrco advertisers, who trnst thoir advertising to the distribution of circulars by boys, who aro evidont ly unroliablo, instead of to renntablo newspapers of largo and established circuintion, dellvered by Unolo Sam's bonded omployees. Threo boys woro distributing pamphlots ndvertising n Iiaiii Kiiior. uno party nau oiovon lett at tho house, anothor seven, nnd an othor ninotoen. Tho party having sov cn kopt ono and left the othor six spread out so that the boys couldn't help seeing thom whon thoy returned. Tlioy took tho six and tuokod them undor the pianzn of tho houso whoro thoy had delivered tho niuetoen. Investigation showed that tliero woro flfty undor that samo piazza, making n total of oighty-ono books left at threo houses, an nvorngo of twcnv sovon to a i'amily. Comuiont is uii nocessary. tr itooic iia i t.iiii i'iti:i:. A. A, 1 VK UIIS, ('oiiui'Hlloiiii, liillaiiimu ci'iiusSiliin., l.iina FmT. .Mllk Koter. II. ll.IH'ltAIXK. I.niiitno.ii, Injurii-.. cuiiEsf ltlii'iiiualliiiii. ct'UEs ( lllnlfiniu'r. CUi'ihvOlt.MH. Ilul.. (j.b.. 15. Iv. jrorilllt;. ColiN. Inniii'iiia, lullamod ( l.uiiua, iMi-iirii-Piicuiiiiiiiln. i '!"'"' U'llviichc Wlnii-lllouu, ctrnraj lllnrrlii'a, l)(oniirv. (i.C. I'ri M iil. .1IS( AltltlACi:. cl'iiK8 1 WH.M3Y .V lll,AIlli:il IM()UI1I!I18. I. I. IWKI.V 1IIK1:S1:k. Mnniie, I'.ruulloiui, cuiiEa tl lii rn, (JroH.o, l'nroy. .1. II. (II VII fll.MII'I l(l. hliirlna t'ont, CUHK8S Inilliic.lliiii, l-loinnrli hliiKucra. 00c. caclu Btablo Caso. Tcu Bpocinas, Book, &c.,7. At ilruKKlita, or wut prepald n recrlpt of iirlco. Ilumphroy' Modlclno Co., Cor. Wllllam & John Btrcets, Now York. (fiticura FOUL I'LAY SU.I'i:CTEI) Tho loiiinlnt of Thoiuns .1. Orllllii. who wns loiitid iutho ilvor nt. Hniin WniliiiK. (hi. wi 1 1- tnKoii to St. Joliiishury thls III I I tj ottite'n Atloiney Iloar boliovos that thoro wnsfoul plny cotnieeted wllh (Jrlf lln's denth nnd iu n fow duys will iimhI ,i itivestlgiitlon beforo n Justlco nt which tlino tho physloinns, who performed tho iuitopy, will bo cnllod tijion to tostlfyns to their llndliigs, notwithstniidlng that tlioy reportod on Weduesday that tlrinin's denth wns duo to drownlng und sald thnt tlioro was wntor iu tho mnn's lungs. Tho Stnto'8 nttoriioy bolioves tho man wns u visuor ut sonio itivor stroet resort n phort tlmo prlor to his denth. Mothor Always Koopslt Handy. "Jlv inothor sufforod u loinr tlnm frrmi dlstrossing iinlns nnd geiiend 111 henlth duo pnmnrily to liidlgostlon," says L W Spnldliig, Verona, Mo. "Two yenrs ngo I gothorto try Kodol. Shogrow botter nt onco uud, ntlho ngo of sovuuty-slx, eats iiiiyuiiugsue wnnts, rcmurKing tnuteho fonrs no bud offeets ns she lins her bottlo of Kodol handy." Don't wnsto tlmo doo tonng syinptoms. Oo nfter tho causo. If your stouiaoh is sound your heullh will bo good. Kodol resls tlio stomnch nnd strongthoiis tho body by digosting your iooo. ii is uaiure s own tonio. u, iuaKioy s BWEN'S BUNCH OF KEYS. . Simon alins "Sausago" Bowcn, who was taken into custody Tuesday mor ning, by Chief Reagan on complnint of Sheriff Adklns of Elizabethtown. N. Y., who charges him with liaving commited a burglary at Lako Placid, N. Y., will probably lmvo moro than ono chargo to Answor to ns it is lenrn ed that boyond doubt Bowen was con nected with two other brcaks at dif- f crcnt camps. hen Chief Renijan es corted him from polico headqurtors to jail ho took from his pockot a bunch of peouliar keys nnd said. "Tako those. I don't wnnt them on mo if thoy search mo." Lnter lie told the cliiof that they bolongcd to a party in Winooski near the Fanny Allen hosnital althouch ho did not know thc name. Ho said whon asked how ho came in possossion of tho koys thnt he had been at work for tlie party and that tho koys bo longcd to tho barns and out houses about tno premiscs. Tho koys, somo nino in number. cvidently flt hcavy locks such as would nnturnlly bo found on boat houses. Acts Immocllatcly. Colds are poinetlmes more troitblesoino iu suniiuer tlum iu winter. it's so hurd to koep lroui ndding to them whllo cooling off nftor oxoroifo. Ono .Vltiuto Cougli Curo cures at. onco. Ahsolutely snfo. Aota iininedliitely. Suro ouro for coiiglis, oolds, oroup, throat aud luiig troublos 0. Blnk loy's. WINDHAM COUNTY. Brattleboro, July i).-The Republi can county convention noiuinated yes terday for Senators, C. D. Spencer of Wilmington nnd M. R. Lawrenco of Bellows Falls; sheriif, E. P. Will iauis of Putney; assistant judges, F. F. Pier of'Jamaica and Frank Wor deu of Halifax ; judges of probate, north district, Zina H. Albeo of Bel lows Falls ; south district, E. L. Wa terman of Brattleboro. Tho liquor issue was not tho only ono before tlie convention. There was a livoly dis cussion over the removal of the county seat from Newfane to Brattleboro and the nomination of C. D. Sponcer is n victory for tho project. On tho teiuperance question Mr. Spencer is a prohibitiouist, although ho has de olared liimself in favor of tho present Stato platform. Mr. Lawrence was a Clement man. The temporanco plank of tho plat form was ondorsed and a resolution in favor of W. P. Dilliugham for United States Senator was unauimous ly passed. A special feature of the convention was tho speeches of Hou. Kittridgo Haskius and Hon. Jnmes L. Martiu. Both spoko in opposition to any bolt ing from tho regular Republicnn nom ineo, aud impressed upon those pres ent tho importnneo of harmony in the party rauks for the coming fall clection. Necd More Help. Ofteu tlio ovor-taxod organs of aiges tion cry out for help by Dysnepsia's paius, Nausen, Dlzzlness, lloadaehes. liver com plaints, bowel dljordej's. Suoh troubles call for pronipt uso of Dr. Klng's Xew Life I'ills. They aro gontle, thorough aud guarauteed to cure. !i5e nt C. Blnkely's. BREACII OF PROMISE SUIT. Ercma Mnrie Massucco, wlio resides in this city with S. Massucco, her brother.has brought suitagainst Dom euico Tomasi for n breach of promiso, flxing tlio damages at $25,000. A writ of attachment has beon sorved upon Tomasi and his property bound up. Tho plaintiff is nlso a sister of To masi's flrst wife, who died about four years ago. Tlio plaintilf oluims To masi marricd hor in Italy about threo years ago. Iu that country, both a civil and rcligious ceremony aro requir ed to mako a marriago logal nnd sho claims Tomasi and sho woro marricd in a Catliolio ehurch, but tho civil coremony was doforred until they should reach thls countiw as Tomasi clnimcd it would bo oheapor. Upon reaohing this country Tomasi still deforred having the coremony per formed upon ono protoxt and another. Sho clnims ho left her here and wont back to Italy whoro ho took unto himsolf a fairor aud moro youthful brido. Tomasi, who has been a fruit mor- ohant on Lowor Main streot, returned from Italy with wifo No. 3, only ro- cently, aftor n two years' nbsonco. This was tho sigiial for tho axo of No. 2 to fall and it is also said No. fi is wrought up over tho atl'nir nnd thus ioniiisi s lot is not u happy ono. To masi clnims No. 2 loft him and ho settled with hor for ?000 but sho says no sottlemont has been made ns sho refused to accopt tho inonoy olforod hor. POST OFFICK DISCONTINCF.D. I'ho Dost-ollloo ut Onklniid will t.c dis- ooiiliniiod July ill, nccordliig to unotioo ocolvod by l'ostiiinstor (Jeorgo T. Childs Tuosdny EX-l'REST. JIMJNEZ AltRI VES. Nnw York, July 11. Among the pass- engers arriving this morning on the bteamcn Uty ot washington Irom West Indian ports is ,Iuan Ju.iincz, deposed l'rcsulent ol ban iJouunco. Ue retuscd to talk about his aflairs wli hen approached bynew spaper mon. QUEER WFATHKR. Wealher's tnlghty quecr For (his timc of year. Seenis to ct d! mixed So It can't get fixed. Then it lops about, Fillhig us with douLl Till wc'rc thinking it Never will be fit. Summer now is on June Is fairly gotie, Thcrefoie rlghtalong Hcat should come up strong. But it's not the way ; Maybe for a day 'Twill be warm, and then Come the chills agaln. Makes a fcllow feel It's his timc to squeal When his heavy coat He around must tote, And the girlsare sad, Saying it s too bad Thnt a chilly clime Comes in shirt waist timo. Iccmcn too, are sore, YVorse thnn e'er before, For when days are colcl They've big stocks unsold. Soda fountain clerks Work by starts and jerks; One day there's a rush, Then a lengthy hush. Must be somcthing wrong When it's so blamed long E'er we gct the clime Suited to the time. INDEPENDENCE AND CONSENT Tlie enthusinsm in Manila on ac count of President Roosevelt's procla mntion of peaco and amnesty shows how casily people reconcile theuiselves to Amoricau "tyranny" It must be saddening to the anti-iiuperialists to see what craven catift's these Filipino friends are. Is it not a terribh fnte for a peoplo to submit to law nnd sottled governmont ; to receivo a wider freedom aud larger rights than it ever knew before, aud to prefer peace and civilization to misccllaneous tbroat-cutting, perjietunl rovolution aud snvagery'' So many seas of tenrs and ink liave been shed over theso re creant Hampdens nnd Washiiigtons. Yet all is not lost, evon if there are unworthy Filipinos. The high pur poso of the anti-imperialists is not to bo changed. In behalf of govcrumont by the consent of tho govfrned, thc-y will not cease to try to forco upon the Filipinos indopendeiice without and ngainst thoir conseut. The Filipiims must be indepeiideut wliether they want to be or not. Coufound thc scoundrels! What do thoy mean by rebolling against tlie anti-i'mperialists, throwing over their rescuers aud bendinp basely to satraps and despots New York Snn. TWO DEATHS. Lonis Seuor, a farmer of Warren, nged about seventy years, died this morning from the effects of accidental shooting on Tuesday evening. He had a shot gun nud was about to shoot at a skunk when the gun was accidental ly discharged by getting taugled iu a clotheslino aud the charge tore liis right arm iu shreds to the shoulder. His daugliter, Mrs. G. W. Bouuette of this city, aud her husbaud went to Warren on Tuesday uight. Dr. Chand ler was summoned to Warren ou Weduesday to amputate the arm but be fore learing received a telegram au nonucing Mr. Seymour's death. The deceased i snrvived by a wife and several children. Thomas J. Griflin, a paiuter, resid iug in Barre, was found iu tlie river near the Central Vermont bridge in that city at about niue o'clock Wed nesday, being discovered by Kendall Ohenowyth, a flremau ou the Will iamstown traiu. When found the body was caught by one of the feet iu some roots aud was lying face dowuward. The au thorities were notifled aud the body was taken to the undertakiiig rooms of Hooker & Co. , wliere au autopsy was held which showed that the mau died from drowniug aud presnmably through accident, altliongh at flrst" wounds on the head led to tho beliet that there had beeu foul play. The physicians performing the autopsy de eided thnt the wounds ou the head were caused by the fall into the water. Griflin was well knowu about this city being employed by J. C.Crowlev Crowley had not seeu'him siuce July 4 as the man had been indulgiug heav ily in liquor aud had kept away from the shop. Chief of Police Browu saw him at one timo Sunday. Griflin was forty-two years of age aud unmarried. He came from St. Johnsbury nud had lived in Barre twelve years. He leaves n brother John, who resides nt East Barre. "Cure the coughaud savethe life." Dr. Wood's Norway Piue Symp cures cougli and colds, dowu to the very vergo of cousumptiou. THREE PERSONS DR OWNED. Long Beaoh, Loug Island, July 11. Threo persons were ' drowue'd off Point Lookout today by the capsizing of n launch. Ouo bodv was recovered. THREE EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS. St. Thomas, D. W. I., July U. Advlces recoived from St. Vincent sur three earthquako shocks woro felt there on Tuesday, within four hours, DyspepSia Cure Dincsts what vou cat. " 1-K-l'utUI.IWU .KU 1.(11113 (lil Ui CUtJ dlgestants and djgests nll kimls of rnnrl 1. ..i.... . I. ......... . l uyu. itmi;aiii5iii,iij ronei auu never. fnllS tO Pl'ri' Tt. nllnU'B Will t.. nn nll tno food you want. The most sensltiv, stomriclis can takc It. Bv its uso in.iny cured after every thiiifi else falled. It iuuveiiis Kiriniiiionoigason tnoston. ach, relievitig nll (11. tress after entintt, Dlctlng UHucfcsspry. Tleasant totake. 12 can't help Dut oo you good paredonlyby DeWitt.MCo. Ciiicajre. Ttiof 1. bottlo contaVnaan tliacsthuOOc&li&