Newspaper Page Text
TBI1MS, I'AIP IN APVANCK One Yciir 81.80 KlRlit Mnntlm 1.(0 Hlx niuntlm TS If nnl I'nlil In Aitvnnre. h yi lir PEOPLEkV IiTVf N I W riin. I'AI'K It. WATfiiM w iHnrnni r i'tJiiM8tii:t Kiirl.UrLC TIIH VOL. 965022. MONTPELIER, VT., AVEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1902. NUMBER 30. TEMPLE-McGUEN If interestod don't fail to rcsponcl and tuke advantage of tho low prices oilered on Seasonable Merchandise WE MENTION A Few of tlie Many Bargains Offered, 51-inch all wool Cheviot, black nnd blue, valuc $1.25 nt 98c 15 pieces fancy striped Tnffetn nnd Silks (washable) value $1.00, per yard, 09c 5 pieces blnck Tniletn Silk, guarantced, vnlue 87 l-2c, nt 09c 50 handsome black Neck Rufls, niade from Libcrty Silks, at 98c, $1.49 nnd $1.98 5 dozen Boston Bags, 39, 59 nnd 98c 4 dozcn Chatelaine Bags, real alligntor, 25 nnd 50c 6 dozcn Corscts, black, Avhite nnd drnb, Thompson's, Glovo Fittinir. P. N. nnd Kobo, value $1.25 to $2.00, to close, per pair, at 4 dozen Musltn Dressimr Sueciues with sizes. nt 40c 25 C'nshuicrc Clunks fov Infnnts, long iiud shoit, 08c und 31.-10 CO "Wnlking Suils chosen from our regulnr stock. 37 to 12 lcngths vnlue Sfi.OO to SG.00, at 2.08 10 dozen Mercorized Kkirts, new snmplcs wc Ixuujht nt n disconnt, 98c, S1.40, 1.98 25 "White Ch n:i nnd Tnftetn Silk l'arasols, ruflles nnd huinslitchcd, vuluc 81.50 to S.300, now 98c nnd 1.49 100 Children's l'arasols, nll colors, 19.and 25c 50 Mackintoshes with military cnpe, nll colors, value S5.00, at 1.98 25 Pticstley's Cravenettc Rnglnns, full length Oxford, tan and black, value S12.50, at 8.98 10 dozen Lnwn Waists witli handsomo lnsevtion, value $2.00, at 98c Lnnu nnd sliort sleevep. ESTABL1SHED BANKERS AND BROKERS And Dealors In INVESTWiENT SECUR8TIES, BROADWAY, .... NEW YORK. 71 STOCKS AND BONDS. Wo buy tho BETTER class of Stoeks and Bonda, und udvunee niont'y to enrry the snuie whon requested We do not soliuit the ordinnry smull speculiitivt' nccountP on n niurgin Moro tlinn thlrty yeara meiubei shl) in the New York Stock Exehaiige ROBERT J. KHSQBALL. nillinery Business AYell established in a hustling raihvay town, will be sold at a low price. Enquire of the D. A. Perry Real Estate Agency, Rooms S and 9 Gordon's Block, Barre, Art. 40,000 Users in Prove the Merits of the OLIVER TYPEWRITER, Not what competitors say. QOLD MEDAL The highest award Pan-American Exposition. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 11-15 Pemberton Square, Boston, flass. Illustrated Catalogue on Application. B. J. GRIFF1N, Prin., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Griffm's students get the best payiag positions. Kvery stutlont from Vermont who attended the school last year is in a position. Send for eatalogae. RUTLAND RAILROAD. The rhrbugh car liue between New Vork, Roston and aft New England points, and the Adirondacks, Thousand Islands, Montreal and Quebec. Across the Islands of Lake Champlain Reaching the best locations for camplng and fishing, touching at the following Btations : South Hero, Grand Isle, North Hero, Isle LaMotte nnd Alburg!). For time tablesand full lnformation ad dress Geo. T. Jnrvis, C. I). Hibbard, Gon. Manager. Gcn. Pass Agt., Rutland, Vt. C0 IWontpelier-vt- 59c Faney Bordcrs, 3'2 to IN 1865. 9 W. EUCENE KIMBALL. Forty Monfhs PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Pablio Examinntious of Teneliers for Wnsliiiicton County will be held as fol- lows : CABOT .... MONTPELIER NORTHFIELD WAITSFIELD WATERBURY July 30-31 Aug. 1-2 , Anc:. 4.-5 Auj . Au G-7 8-9 BARRE Ang 28-29 jxainluations will be held as lnr as uostible in the school buildintrs. All cnudidates for examinatiou, personnlly uu known to the County Examiuer, shall fur- nish a tostimonial of good uioral charae tor and satisfactory evidenco of ability to govern. Exaininations may be taken for admiS' sion to any Verinout Normal School, O. D. MATHEWSON, County Exaininor. linrro, Vt, July 9, IOQ'2 TO ClUItB A COLU IN ONE I)AY. Tako Laxatlve liromo Outnluo Tablets. All dniKgists refuud tho nionoy If It fuils to ouro. E. V. Uroves sipiaturu la on euen uox. hu. Businoss Moro Montion. Fred A. Alnsworth. druuiilst. Wllliuma- town. Vt , contlnncs to solielt nnd supply tradu at 1 1 i s old atund on Dopot street Do you watit tinything in his Jlne, no niutter what? Ho wi,. undertuko to sup ply it, nnd glvu you sutlsfuetion us to (lunllty, quuutlty nnd price. Ixit no ono olso Hatturyou thnthe unn, or will, do bottor by you In tlio drug line, till you liuvo proved It by a visll nt P A. worth s atoro WANTED. Ulook wood, body, 12 inoli thorouplily scasoncd. Inquiro nt Watcli mnn oillco. WATCIIMANS WANTKI1 A fow eon- lea ot the Watehinan of April 0 and 23. 11KK, nro wnnted atthls olllee. INSTUUMHNTAIi MUSIC. Pimlla in iustruiuentnl miislo reeoived FHday nnd Siiturdny at 14 1 Stnto streot. MUS. fAA.KS WVEU1IAY. A FFiATUHlC OF T11I3 MAIN S1IOW Ono of tho fentuiva of tho Wnllur L. Miiln Fnshlon I'latn sliows. wlileh coiuea tathls eity Julyn, will bo the one liour eoueerl by I'rol. I'nrl Neal nnd hissuperb band, at uneb i)erioniiuuee, beforo tho nmiu iierfonnanci- bt'H'uia. Mueh enjoy niuut mav be expected from the finitid coui'erts by I'rofessor Neal and hia noted lntisicinna. 'lUU fmnoiia orgaulzatiou. whieb eominaiided s niueli ciilieal ann popuhir approvnl by ita lo and atir- r.ui: )erforuianeea at the E.xposition at BulTalo, lms gained new laureU by thu iui- luirnoie inayner in wuioii u. nna eniHr- tniued thoiisaudsof liiusle-lovers throuuli outtho counlry dtiring its pre.-enl tour wiiu me wnuer Ij, mimii l.mnuiir Shows. It is moro of a eoneert tnan n mllltnry Imtici, and for this reasou is nblo to preaent more vnried and int Mi'atlug progrnuis tlian ov'r seen with a elreus. lu pieaentint; tlils pxeat iunovntion, liowuvur, one lliiiicr should lio dlj'tiuetly under stood it is n rnnd extrn fenture, pratnit ously offered to tlio uatrons of tho tre- ineiidous wauer Ji. Mnm areatest unu bet shows on earth. nnd iu no sense (Mii'tnilius or coiillietitig w itli thu cireu.s peiTonnniiLe, iiui lUHiiiiL' nninensuraiii v to ine Ki'nncieur and effeetiveness of thia already gijiautie merpriae. I'UIMLS IN T11K AHT FCHOOI-, The auinmur .ehool of urt. aua eon- (luctud nt the V. M. C A. yimmsiiuii, is nceomplisliin that whieh few of the eoui- iiiiuuty suspeet nnil cnnuot nppreeiato until a vieit patd to the studio and the work of the slxteeu .students, uow enrolled uuiler tue muuauce ot -einptor Lojiez, is inapeeted. .icepli and .lohn A.ja, Emilo ! nanez, 1'nirioK ralty and .James uoyie, iranue woi kera. nnve. m (iiiiereii siaiiea of eotupletion, elay niodelliiii; whieb Is fnr beyoml the ordinary, nnd Mr. Loi'Z says ine uisu'uction oi tnese aini sucii meii is n sonree of lmiuh enjoyinent to hlm as tliev iiiatnieet n Keen nDnreeiaiiou oi tuewoii; beforo tliem. Mr l.opez now bas ntuoui; his nupil.s Miss Geoi'fiiu Onnoud of Toledo, O., who has 110 pupils iiuder her ehni'Ke iu the inodeuiiit: nnii inauuai ai t uepai tuietii oi tbu Toledo polyteehnio sehooi. Sliss Ur- nioiid is to rtiKiy iuodeini!! in eiay nero until she is obligej to returii to her work iu Toledo. WAITS RIVFJt. Miss Kdith Marcv has been visitinc at 1). S. Folsom's. Tliere was a soeinl dance at the school house Friday night. .laines Iticliardson lost a hoi-be tliis week nnd Williani Ricliaidson lost a three-ycar-old colt last week. Geort;u U. Aiinas of Montpelier was in town tlns week looking after the welfare of tlio Watchman. IIORX OF THE MOON. Walter Davis is sick. Ira Carr isat work for G. V. Samlers. Jlrs. H. W. Keiiip was iu town last Friday. L. E. Sanderr is helpiiig W. A. San- ders in his liaying. Miss Etliel Cooley hiis been snendiiiK a few ilars at W. A. Cooloy's. SOUTH RYEGATE. Mrs. Jouathau Raudall fell from her chair lnst Friday eveniug at 9 :U0 and bo- iore her hushand could get assistance she was dead. Two doctors wero thcro with iu fivo miuutes, pronouucing the canse of hcrdeath neuralcia of the heart. She was buried in the old cemeteryat South Rye gate Sunday, Rev. Mr. MnoArthur oftici atinc, and W. T. Geurt;u funeral director Mrs. Raudall was sixty-nine yars old and leaves a husband two sisters and a daugh ter-in-law to nioiirn her loss, who have tho sympathy of the comminiity. Hev. Mr. Wallnco of tlus place ex- changed pulpits with Rev. Mr, Morrison of Graniteville last Sunday. H. L. Taney and wife returned from their trip thiou ltIi Connecticut nnil New Yo:k last Saturday. Mrs, iJohu Hall and sun of 1'rovidcnce, R. 1., aro speiidiiitr a few weeks horo among foriner acqiiaintances. Mr. Hall will be hero soon to nccoiupany thom lioiuo. He was pastor of the Presbyter ian chureh hero for eight years. Forest Mills nnd wife of liuston, Mass., nre spondini; a short vacatiou hcre with thoir relatives nnd friends. Mrs. William Hnlley of Hrooklyu, N, Y., is speuding a fow weeks with her sis- ter, fllrs. J. H. Nelson. Rev. Mr. Wnllace, wife and soa wil tako the montli of Aui?ust for their vaca' tioa. They will spond inost of itin Massa- cliussctts nnil New lork. His pulpit will be supphed n part ot tlio time, WEST CORINTH. lolmson Orr's peoiile attended chureh iu Chelsea Sunday, Juiie 13, to hear Rev Carl Corwin preach, Thoy thoiiL'lit his scrmon well wortli guing so far to hcnr. Rov. Almon Slieperd was iu flvo dilfer' eut towns ono dny last week and anether day in tour. He sceius (juite as aetivo as i no were not past niiiety years ot age A Kontleinaii lroin bt. lolmslmry was in town lust week tuuiiiK piauos nnd or gnns, Myrtio Chamberlain and a friund from East Hairo attended chureh hero last Sunday and stonncd a short time at Ellis Rohonon's. Williani Ilnirloy of West Topsham was here ou business last week and callcd on n few friends. Edna Wnrd goes this week to Cholse to work in tho Fnmily of Mr. Atwood, A tolophono was put into W KenniS' tou's liouso last wcok Montpelier and Vicinity. LOCAL HAPPENINCS. Dr. nnil Mi tho I'nvlllon. Ilonier C. Drlghatu aro nt Foss (inlulae of Ilroektou, Mnaa., la vlslt lug relatives iu thu eity. Wlllurd O. Colton of Sprlnnlleld, Mass., is vlaitliif; his pnrenta in tlio eity. Mlsa Liiuru A. Unpg has returned from lier viall to her homo m Stnnstead, IV Q. fieorge FlanniiKan nnd Willlnni JIul ipieen apent Sunday vlsltlng iu Moretown. Miss Floreneo llarber of Burlington la tho gueat of George l'.llai lier, her brother. MissMainlu Kelley of Burlington nill pass tho uuiiner with friends lu thia eity. Joseph Uraiio hus gono to Woodbury to play on tho bnll teain thero for n l'ew weeks. Miss Kntlo tloldbniy or Hartford, Conii,, la thu gnestof .1. O. Fnt-well, her eoiiain, Tho Miaea Leury of lilchuioiid wero Kiiest.anf ,1. J. (Joodwin, their oouain, on Sunduy. Oniu finluisu lelt ou Monduy ovuning for n ft-w woeka vlsit with relutlvorf in Montreul. Finnk Sliorey ia to enler tho employ of Snilth. Wblteoinl), and C'ook of Uarro as u uioiijder. Itov. iiud Mrs. A. N. Iewis huvo return ed from vialting thoir ilnughter iu Now Ilaveii, Conn. Misa Miua Ilulloek returned Friday freni u two weeks islt uith fi'ieuda iu tho (Jueen City. Mrs. W. .1. Doylo and ehildreu havo Cono to Iveesvllle, N. Y., to visit relatives lor a tew weeks. Frank Sliorey haa lluislied work nt fireeulleld, Musa., nnd has rotunied to his hoine in this eity. The euso of Stato nainst Musaueeo hua been eontluued for trial until July 00 by ugreement of eounsel. Ot tho StO.OOO of tuxea Uue tho city uboul Si'I.UUU Ima alteady been pusaed up to City Trunsurer ..errill, Mlsa Be:-sio Handal of Proctor is visit itijr her aistr Mrs. i . Ai Sumiier, on Ulill streetln this eity. Lity vttornoy F P. Carloton, uifeund diuiHhter havo gone to Old Orehurd Beueli for n sluy of ten dnya. Buit Fitzgorald ia tukiti;; a two weeks vaeatlon troin his duties ou tho .montpel ier nnd Wells lliver rnilroad, Perey D'Aithenay haa llnialied work as bell tho 1'avillon uud lils pluee is tnken by.Johii Doheny of Northlleld. (Jeonro T. Deuvitt of Boston 'nnd Kosn G. llaiTiiigtou of lirldguport, Conn., aro punuiiig uieir vneaiion at ino noino ot r. ueavitt. The Deruocratic city connuitteo or- 'nind nn Fridnr nvfintnif hr olontinn' 0 J w . wk..wa.Q H. .lulius Volholm, chairmafi, and E. A. Sweeney, secrotnry. Capitol Teinple. No. 5. Uathbouo Sist?is. will liold their remilnr meetinir in Kniirhts of Pythlaa liall Weduesdav ovening. All ineiiiDi'ra aro requealed lo oe pixent. Tho liouso on Wheelock atreet. owneil by Neil V. Coolej-, has been sold through tlio Iteul Kstato AKOlioy of M. . Whoel ool', to Joseiih F. Maroiii of Middlesex. The polieo denurtnienl haa been ask- ed to bo on tho lookont lor a lnau by tho naino of Pliilo G. eparrovv, who has beon missini; from Portland, Me., somo days, The ba .d will j;lvo un onen nir eone it at the Sehool atreet stanil on Friday oven ing nnd on S-itunluv eveniug tlio orehe tra will givo u aoeiiti hop nt Armory liall A beuutlfiil orimson luuibler. owned bv John MeOonnld und whlch is now n iiiaas of Ijlosaoms on tlie Sliiiiinnu ledgo on hlm street, is nttraeting conaidorablo uttention. v. rs. W. A. BrinKa uuvo u tallv-ho ride to Berlin pond ou baturduveveniiii: in honor of her niecea, who m e iiting her. Tho party eonalsted of about twenty young peopio. umea Sinith bus roslxucd his position as foroman at tlio fouudry of thu Colton MuiiufueturiiiK Comimnv beeau.e of eon- tiuued ill health aud his pluee Is tukeu by George Sunboru. Arthur II. Snow uud Currio C'avhuu. both of Montpelier, wero tuarried Satur day aftuiuoou by Justicu of the l'eaeo Miirtin W. Wheoloek, Mr and Mrs biiow will muko thulr homo iu Harclwlek. Bearman & Y orria nro to onen u oloth- hi'' uud ireut's furutshiiiL' storu tho niiddlu ot August iu tho ijiinrters foriueiiy oeeu- pieu uy j. w. i eianu m ino rreuen uiock. uavid iMorns, oue oi ino nrni. is well known hero as elerk for Yett . rothors. Norinuu Sawver had u narrow escai;o from a moat aovero in.iury Monduy wlnlo enguged iu hia duties at thfc Star Trado Couipuny's fnetory. IIo was iiierutiug n imuli eireular suw whenn sticK llew stnk- iug him lu thu moutti nnd badly laeoratlug his faeo. Mrs. M. 1. Bruco of Caluis todav vorv kiudly roinombered tho employees of tho iiiismess oiiieo oi ine wuienmuu eompuuy withnbrauuh of a rose bush coiilaudiig thlrty-slx rosus of tho "Sevon Slaters" vn riety. It is esliuiated tlmt thero aro fU0 llowers ou the inuin bush. Ituv. J. A. Wnrd has returned from Boston und vieiullv wheru ho haa been in tlio luterests of tho Evnuolleul elinreh of this eity. He reporta u proaperoua jonr nov. ork hua been bouun on tlio toun- dutiou of tho Kvuni-'elleul chureh whieh is to be built ou Northlleld street. Tho Hoekwell Theuter Conipnny jilnyed to a koo(1 heuao nt tho opoiiini: of ita eu- pigumeut In tliis eity on Monduy ovoning. Tho thenter lmproves with age, tho eom puuy iieing Kood and lneuuios mv. inul Mrs. Britiga tno popular aueeially artista who mndo suelt u hlt here last year uuder tho puiuo uinnagoiuuiit. Tho nttentiou of tho uuthorities should bo turned to tho liumcrous uud clearcaaes of eruelty U) unlmula whieh nro to be seon dnily ou our streets. Iloraea iu tho moat pitinble eondltion nro uneu to druw loada wliun it would be u merey to aend tliem to noir ioii reai. i iiero ia uiw onougii 10 uover suoli easos if proporly npplled, An uxeentlouallv well Krown toro drow u good slzod erowd to tho yanla of tho juoiupeuer ntui wous uivor ruiiroaii, wuero ,i, v, lirooK was eurriug somo stook for tho Boatou uiurkot on Sunduy ovonlnir. Tho antnial la but nfouryenr old Durlinm but welghs between i(K) aud .'UHI pniiuds. Admlrul Clnrk waa u cnllur nt thu Joun NAi.ollieoTuesduy and tho priuters Inul tlio opiiortuiiity to taifo u reai uvo Aduuraliiv tho band. Their surnriau at lliiclliiir him oxtremoly mortul, oue uuiong thom, aa he wuikou uiio ineir woik room euatiing merruyuud aiuiKiiiK iiieiu ny ino nnild, wna souiethlng oxtromoly luterestlng to ouserve, Moiulay wna the buuuor day thus far for tho recolpt of taxes nt the oity elerk's oflleo, fil.TlO.fil beinp tnken iu on that dav, Tho olllee will be open at soven o'cioek on eauh ovenlng diirfng this week nnd noxt week will bo kept open durlng thodlnnerniid supiior liours iu nddltlon durlng tho remainder of .luly. This is dono so that all mny bo aecominodated. Tho II. 0. Howers Ornuite Company Is tnaklug arrungemelits lor glvltig Its un iiuul ciam bako to tho pollshers und their bosses iu thia vleiulty somo tituediiriug the lutter part of Aupust. I'rof. Joseph Wllson of Provldonoo, H. I., who hus pluved no snmll pnrt in tlie populurity nnti enjoyublllty of theso oeenslons ftom yenrtoyear, has been eturiured for this seasou. A ldast, tniido lu a ledgo near tho new St. Atifiustllio's I'hureh ou Monduy, did eonslderable daimmo lu tlie neighbornood. Wlndows in tlie houses of C. U. Downing nnd E. R. Clnrk were smnshed by tho lly ing roek und ono pleco broko throitph the wlndow of tho bodrooni of Celeatin Aujier, who oeeuples u teneinent with Mr Clark, lalidln iigaint tlie crlb lu whieh his baby was asleep. Fortunalely thu ehild wus uuhnrmed. Tlio Centrnl Labor Union Friday eveniug at its regtilnr inceting decided to observo Lubor day in this city by u colobrntiou bf somo sort und n com mitteo consisting of J. ,T. Eagan, L. N. Jorue, J. A. Oantilliou, Auglitnoy Slinmbo, W. D. .Tones, Fred Connors nnd E. A. Catio was appointcd to havo full chargo of proparing n pro graniino for tho day, to make nrrangc ments for a paradc and sports. Heplying to un imiuiry respoeliug tho dlfltilled wuter, "absoiiite.y puie," whieh wna meutloiurd iu tlie Issuo ot Moiuluv, tho .lourual would say tlmt the waler n put u)i lu catboysof Itvogallona euiiaeily, und lu puekilgea of sl.x two.quurt bottlea, of the riglit sizo for refrifrerntors. It is tent in erntes, on privni orders to plaees whero It la not on sale, und un ullowuueo mado on return'of paekngea. Addreaa Mount Mimalleld Distllled Wnter Com pany, Burlington, Vt. Forest L. Duke, who is emuloyed as a earpenter on thu Country Clul) IIoue, was stimtuoued to bis home in Mnrslitleld ou Friday niu'lit by tho neclileiitnl uud fatul shoolhif; of hia nine-yeai-s-old son, llomer. Mr. Duke'a fuinily re.-ide on a farin and on Friday aftornoon two boya lroin the villago came to the fariu to vlait his son, bringliif: a rille. In some way tho weapou waa pieinaturely disehaiged and he boy instuntly killed. . I'rof. und Mrs. G. IJ. Kliuoie were given u very pieasant siirpriae paity at their rooms In the Lawrenee bullduig on Fri day eveniug by the meinbers of their duueinj: class in"Barre. The eve ilng waa puased niot enjoyalily und Mr uud Mrs. Elmore wero preaented witli a beuntiful flvo enudlo triple plnto cniidelubrum ns n token of the esteem iu whlch they are held iiud whon Piof. Elmore leeovered from his surpriae he expressed tbepleas ure thu evenl fiavo hlni iu n ehurneteristio speeeh of thaiika, Deputy SlierilTs Cuiup, 1 inpletoii nnd Traoy vioited tho atore of S. Musaueeo on Saturdny eveniug nnd niade n aenrch for llcpior. lilllcers Cump nnd Templetnn found u few dozen bottlea of beer whieh they selzed und took uwny ns they were uneertaiii whether or nnt it wus two per eent. The iroprietor's bail wna llxed in eity eourt nt tL'j uud tho cnae et for heur lng on Wedne.-dny. Mr. Mnafiieeo behovea the mld wns eaiL-ed by the spite of I). ' o niasi beeuuse of the breneli of promifo Milt pendiiig und thnt iiiforinutiou wns flled to hurruaa him. Noniinntiou papors aro to bo flled by Uloment men tor caudidatos tor two of tlio tlireo Stato senatorships from Washington county on n fusion ticket with Democrats. Tlio Ulement men in the county convention at that time appcnred satisfled with all the nomin ations but now aro coutented with only one, N. D. Plielps ot Barre. It is probablo that one Itopubncan and one Doniocrat will bo decided upon. Local optionists from dilferent parts of tho county will nicot in this city on Weancsday tlio auth, and will discuss plans for a fusion cauipaign. The erown of tho mavor of this uuiuiei- palitv ia no easv thing to wear On sntur- day eveniug while Mayor Houtwell was talking with u friend ou tlie street be was approaehed by a loeal eharacter, Tho man's faeo wiia ns long ua tlie mornl luw und he walked with a' cnne nnd u limp. iie iniorniud tne mavor tuat ne was sick aud ueeded aleohol, but that hia appeal at tlio agency failed to toucb the inarble heart of Uuelo Iliram and usknd tho ninyor to "llx it" for him. The tiinyor In formed his elient that Iie had uothiug to do wltli running tho agency aud that bo would haveto tell bis taloof woe to County Cominiaaionor Worcester The ninn enst ono look tn tho dlreetion of Roxbury nnd thon paased on with a slgh. Todav Mrs. Eniily E. Rocd of this city nttains to tho advanced age of fourscoro years. Thoso who know Mrs. Reod woll neod not bo told that it is n good old ago into whieh she has lived. With her nieutnl facultios still clear and briglit.and still able to meot her uoicliborliood friends and go among thom, lifo yet hns its enjoy inonts and an aotive, sympathotio in- terost iu liumau nttiurs continues to abido with tho vonorablo lady. Tlio ovont is tlio occHsion of congratula tions.whoso warnith and sincority aro of tho heart as woll as tlio lips. Hor danchto-. Miss Maria G. Reod, aud Miss Alico Urown and Miss tintnoryn Evarts camo from Boston on Mon day to honor a natal day of so much sigiiificnuco. A special moeting of Marquis do Lafayotto Chaptor, Daugliters of tho Amorican Rovolntion, wns hold Fri day ovoning with Mrs. 0. S. Doming. Miss Alico Sniith of Barro was by ballot rocoived into tlio ohaptor. On motion tho duos of Mrs. Phlnens A. Komp, tlio only real daughter of tho ohnptor, woro romittcd. A connuitteo was appointed iii compliauce with tho rcnuost of Mrs. .1. J. Estoy of Brattle boro, Stato rogent, to locato tho grnvo of ovory Rovolutionary soldior in Ver mont with iiiuno, placu of birth and death. Also in complianco with tho requost of Mrs. Estoy, a box is to bo sont to eaoh mombor of tlio ohnptor, into whioh a ponny n day until tho ilrst of Jnnuary is to bo contributed for tho oroction of n Oontinontal hnll in Washington, in whioh to liold tho nn nunl convoutious aud otlior mootings of tho nntional socioty. Ihla elgnaturo is on every box ol tho gonnln I Laxative BromoQuinine Taweta the remedy that curea n cold In one doy ADMIRAL OIjARK IN TOWN. Mayor Bontwoll and Dr. Brigham, with their wivos, went to tlie Juno tion to meot Admiral Clnrk nnd party on Monday aftornoon. It was a cur ious circuiiistanco that Admiral Clnrk misscd tho ninil train at White River .luiiction, nnd had not Conductor Cliainborlain, of tho Whito Mountain oxprcss, stoppcd his train, Mayor Boutwell would liavo been loft in his attempt to get to tho .Tunotion. Mrs. Clark nnd Mrs. Robison arrived on the four o'cioek train and the Ad miral, with Mrs. Hughesand ehild, ar rived on tho ovoning trnin. Tho tl miral and tho mayor nre not men who nro in tho liuhit of getting loft, so the iucideut is tlie suhject of some morrimont at tho oxpensc of "tho loft." Tho conductor of tho nfternoon mail did not announco in tho lunch room at the .lunctlon tho departuro of his train honco tho iucideut on the part of tlio Admiral, and lienco the eon ductor misscd the opportnnity of a life time an honor greater than c.ime to tho aucient boatmnn whtn lio had Ciesar for a passenger. Manv peopio called upon tlio Admirul and his fam ily at the Pavilion durlng tho evon ing and gavo tliem tho glad imud. Admiral Clark lias still tho modest Cnptain's liearty liand elasp and merry smile, and it is noticenble that tho niajority cannot dissoeiote him from liis old titlo and the Oregon, as thoy intuitivoly address liim as Captain. A VISIT TO THE SCULPTORS. When first I knew that thoro was to be a school of sculpturo in Mont polier I promised nyself tlio pleasuro of a visit, whon the class should bo fairly at work, that I might watcli tho "modus operandi" and seo tho work of n "really truly" urtist, ns thechil dren say. I wanted to know just how the bcautiful stntues are mado to i take form and shape and how thoy aro 1 fluished. , Ilaving learued that castings wero to be niade last night, I wended my I way thither, to bo welcomed with a j cordial invitatiou to make myself at homo and pormission to look on ns j much as I wished. Several young men were at work on thoir models, ono 1 on a head, another n foot, and otliers, dilferent forms of ornament. Here thon was the work going on that ap pears so easy and is yet so liard, winch . requires the artist's eye to soo and the trained hnnd to exeoute. Fascinnt ing work it is, tliongh requiring much paticnce thnt overy line and curve ; may npproach porfection, and it must j bo gone over and over, carefuliy measured, patted and pincho.l, j smootliod hero and thore, u little added or a shaving taken off, till, bit by ' bit, tho model is complete. 1 Threo of tho students had fluished ' their models ready for tho casting. 1 Thisisnvory interesting process to 1 tho ordinary observer though it ro- 1 quirs no particular talcnt aud is part j of tlio artist's drudgery. I will try 1 to tell how it is done. First a hugo mixing bowl half or two-thiids full I of sliglitly blued water ( wasli blueingi lias the pulverized plaster carefuliy ! sprinkled in, sometliing ns "liasty j pudding" was mado in olden times i aud isstirred with a spoon till it is of , about the consistency of tliin paste. Now tlie liands nre dipped in sounds I inviting doesn't it? But you would j want an apron nnd with deft movo- ments tho mixture is dasheu all over tlio model, being blown upon occasion- ally to moro ellectually spread it. When it is sliglitly hardened, anothor thicker mixture is mndo of the pnro whito plaster nnd the entire ntfnir is thickly covered till it resembles a hugo frosted cnke, only the frostingis rather unoven. Tomorrow, I was told, the clay would be chopped out and tlio perfect mould would bo pre pareil aud fllled, for all the world iiko a jelly mould, but out of whieh would como the form that pleases tlie oyo rnthor than tho palato. Tliis is, in short. tlie way tho work is fluished and is only n binall part of tho effort 1 required to produce it. It must bo a period of some auxioty, to tho anin teur at least, lest thore bo a failure or llaw somowliere and his work havo to be dono nll over ngain. As in every other importaut work, ono must . be content to work patiently up, stop by stop, from tlio simplest forms to tho most complex ; and hero again, it is proven that steady work nnd constant study aro what to'lls, and as Mr. Lopez assures his students, "Gonius is mado up of about ono-fourth talent and thrco-fourths hnrd work." I wns surprisod to seo tho progess that liad been mado in tho short timo sinco tho class was organized. Somo of tho students aro carvers and doubt loss nro enablod, thoroby, to undertako nt onco tho moro diillcult work, while otliers nro bcginners and struggling witli the drawing. Watching tliem at thoir work my mind "soarod", as did Saiunutha Allen's so often, aud I boheld tho beauty nnd dignity of work, tlie powor that creates forms of beauty nnd usofulness, I know bettor thnn to begiu "eppisodin" and I doubt if I 'should havo been listenel to I if did, so nbsorbed woro tho workers.but I remembered whaf'Dick Heldar" told "Muisio" about work: "A great doal doponds on being mas ter ot' the bricks and mortar of tho trade. But tho iustaut wu begin to think about success nud the oil'oot of our work to plny with ono eyo on tho gallory wo lose power and touoh and ovorything olso. If wo mnko light of our work for our own onds, our work will mako light of us. Success isn't obtuiuod by tho saoriflco of othor peo pio you must sacriflco yoursolf and livo undor ordora nnd novor think of yoursolf, nnd novor liavo real satis- laction in your sork oxoopt just at tho bogiuniug whon you nro roachiug out attor a notion. ''Four-llfths of cvorybody's work is bad but tho romnnnt is worth tho troublo for its own snko, " And so I camo nwnv, glad that I had beon ablo to sixmd this brief timo iu watohing tho work iu a school of Boulpturo. Vermont Wiitcliniau Compauv Job Priuters. Also iiinuufncturcr of Rnbbo. Stauips. REASONS FOR INSURANGE. Expenses eat up wnges and sal aries. Year after year tlio aver nge maii expects to build up au estate. Tlie usual result is no provision or only n sinall ono for wife and childien. Lifo Insur anco does tlie work by easy pay nients. (L orrc p ndeoce MHtd.) S. S. BALLARD, Qeneral Agent, New Langdon Uulldlng, A10NTPHLIER, VT. WHAT TICKLES One tnnn's pnlate gives another dyspepsiu. Hero nre n few Suits at a price thnt u ill tickle every man's poc'tetbook. S5 for the very chenpest, S10 for tho vcry best. Tako n few momcnts just to see what you havo, nnd flnd out what you necd in clothes, then come to us. Suits that s ld from UO to 18 now S5 to 10. A, D, FARWELL GO, All Coods Sold for Cash. THE WORK AND THE BILL. Send a hurry-up order nnd sco how quicklythc work is dono. Exnmino it cnrcfully nnd scc how well the work is done. Exaniino tho bill and see how rea sonnbly tho work is done. Our Plumblng and Heating Department. We know nnd do thc best work. Peck Brothers, 60 Main Street, Montpelier, Vermont MIDSHIPMAN VAOANOY. Sonator Dillinglinm hns reeoived notico from tlie Navy Dopartment that ho is authorized to nominato n candi dato for mldshipiuan to till a vacanoy now existing in tho United States Nnvul Acndemy from Vormont, at large. Ho is nrranging for a com potitivo oxnminutioii of thoso dosiring tho appoiutiuont, whioh will he held probably about tho 12th or 13th of August. Notico of tho oxaot timo and )laco of such oxamitintiou will bo giv ou us soon as nrraugoments for tho saino can bo porfooted. In tho moan timo thoso wishiug to compoto for tho uppointmont will do woll to notify tho Senator of thoir purposo that ho may givo thom all nocessary inforiiintion. Applicants will bo osaminod in read ing, writiug, spolliifg, punotuationand oapitals, graiumnr, geography, United States History.World's History, nrith motio, nlgobra and geomotry. UUSSIA, TOO. St. Potorsburg, July 21. A oyclono swept over Kiow today killiug twenty porsons.