VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNiJL,, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1902. " 4: Vermont tlnfdumm. Wednesday, July 23, 190a. ARTI1UU ROPES, acncrnl Udltor. THE OLEMENT OANDIDAOY. O110 of tho best roviews of tho polit icnl situation proRonted by Mr. 'Olcm eut's caudidaoy for tho ofllco of Gov ornor wns by tho Windham county Rofotmor, indopondont in its politicp1 comiections und thoroforo boctorquali fled to rondor impartlnl judRmont. Of Olomont'fl accoptanco of tho noinina tion of his conventlon, tho Reformor says : Ho doolares that ho aocopts the nomination in responso to a great pop ular dcmand. Tho troublo witli this "draft" of Cleinent's is tho saine as was withProctor's "draft," it is on tiroly forced. Thoro wero somo 'ioO dolegates from about tho Stato in at tendanco at tho Burlington convontion Woduesday. It is charged that a largo nunibor, ,if not all of those, had their oxponses paid by Olomcut or his ruan agors. Wo don't know how far this is true, but it is ovident thatr tho cau cusos whicli clioso dclegatos aud the so callud niass rueetings which Jhave undertaken to push tho movouient havo all bcen inspirod from Rutland. It looks too much as though it woro a perso'ial ambition of Mr. Cloment rathor than tho strength of tho prin ciplo ho ropresents, which 1ms brought all this about. Respectiug tho situation in Wind ham county and Clenient's chargo of Republican repudiation of tho plat foim this viow is taken: Herc in Windham county tho origin al leadors of tho higli lioense move mont, thoso whoso courso at tho Re publican Stato conventiou recoived tho plaudits of all factions, aro not followinir tho bolt. and it would seom nro boinc forciblv mit asido from tho liulp.rshin .0 civo wav to tho most rad ical elemont in tho ranks. How tloes Mr. Olemcnt think ho is holpiug tho causo by all this? Ho declares that ho has 110 faith in tho Republican promises, but ho has been a Republi can all tlieso years, and declares that ho is 0110 now. Hopartieipatedactive ly in tho pre-convention Ho dirocted liis forces to participato in tho convention until it becamo ovidout ho could not secure the 110111 ination. Ho secured a platform that suited him, so ho said then. It is truo that two or thrce Republican county conventions sinco have declar ed squarely for prohibition, aud against the referendum plank, and it is truo also that almostthe firstattaik upon that plank came in the Rotland county convention, when Mr. Clem ont himself and his leadqr, Jones, un dertook to defcat its endorsenient thero and to substitute a straight high liconso plank'in placo of it. This was within a week after the Republican State convention. What is saoco for the goose is sauce for tho gauder. Orange county prohibitiouisi 1 had as much right to do what ihey d'd as had Olemeiit and Jones to make that attompt in Rutland county. Mr. Olemont's "joker," in tho game of bluff he is putting up, tho Reform or discredits : Mr. Olemont declares that McCul lough's nominatiou was secured by bribery. This is serious if it be true. Tho trouble is that his ovidence is not couvincing. Ho has produced in his newspapor a numbor of aflldavits from voters in the northwe.stern part of tho State, who say they sold their caucus vote to McCullough. They have never yet been backed up by such corrobora tivo ovidence and circumstances as would bo required to establish tho charge in any court. From the kiud of inen theso seem to be, as appears in their aflldavits, they are just tho sort that would sell their aftldavit. A man who will sell his vote for $2 will sell his affidavit for 1. Too much mouey has been spent in this campaign by all the candidates. It is something that tho voters should cen sure, and something that should be stopped. Mr. Olement himself is said to havo spent 12,000 or .$15,000. We don't believe anv votes wero pur- chased, cortainly not with Mr. Oleui ent's knowledge, witli any of this inouoy, but it all helps to bring about a cojdition of affairs which wo regret. With pertinent roferenco to his courso in tho Legislaturo tho Reform or disqualifies Mr. Olement as a com potent critic of the administration of Stato affairs particularly in tho mattor of the inoreased Stato exnenses. His attitude in the Genoral Assembly "was such as to continue tho extrava ganco of whicli he now complains, " as tho Journal has already shown. "Then, too, he has relentlessly fought all efforts to increase the rovenue from corporation taxos. " Beiug a railroad tnan, affected by suoh tases, he was opposed to tho corporato taxation law, and tho Ref ormer reasonably concludes "ono would hardly think of electing Mr. Olement Governor to urgo or put through such a measuro. " In fact tho Roformer finds that, ex copt in tho mooted liquor questiou which, ratioually, is tho first couut in tho indictment Mr, Clomont has been opposed to what the best iutorestsof tho Stato ro quiro. Ho can't oxpect the voters to ovorlook all that. Ho has been any thing but tho friend of orgauized la bor. Whenever it has beon in his powor to do' so, ho has cut tho wages and increasod tho work of his em ployos. His administration of tho Butlaud railroad was not at all for tho publio good, but wholly for private gain. All of whioli constitntos a pai tioular ly strong and an ontiroly tuo indiot mont of a domagoguo roasquerading in tho livory of roform. Tho contomporary, truo to its Dem ocratio principles, "cannot beliovo tho Domooraoio leadors will bo so foolish as to abandou tho orgaui.ation and tho prinoiplos aud tho work they havo so long chorlshod to gratify tho am bition of Mr. Olomont." It is still of tho opinion tlmt "what wo need Is a gonuino houso cloanliiK in Vormont, aml It's comliiK. " THE PHILIPPINE FRIARS. In tho courso of an ongrossiug local canvass for tho govornorship or any othor mattor of largo iniportance in tho Stato, it is oasy to ovorlook tho fact that ovonts of great moment or qucstions of livoly interest aro tratis piring or aro bolng'considerod in oth or parts of tlns woriu. AiiiQiig uioso mattors is tho offort of tho United Statcs to bny tho land's in tho posses- sion of tho church ordors in tho Phil- ippincs, and to have the owners, tho friars, dopart from tho islands. The facts of tho mattor aro concisoly statcri in an editorial articlo in tho Now York Sun, which is horo ropublishod: In cortain nuartors, both political and relinious. an attompt is mado to stir un miscliicf by misropresontiug the negotiations now golng on at Roino for tho purclmso of tho proporty of tho Philippino friars and to bring about their withdrawal from those islands. In tho flrst nlace. Judco Taft's con feronces with tho Vatican authorities witli a view to securine theso ends nro ronrosontod as a formal dinlomatic recognition of tho Vatican, which in troducos into our policy a now and dangerous precedont contradictory of the constitutional separation between church and state in this republic. Tho truth is, however, that a business transaction puroly, entirely apart from strictly diplomatic intercoarso, has been nroceedine at Romo. Our government is precluded by tho oxpress torms of troaty of poace with Spain, to say nothing of tho Constitu tion and tho wholo pnnoiplo upon which this republic is based, trom any forciblo oxpulsiou of tho Spanish friars from tho Philippines, on its owu motion. If they aro to withdraw they must go voluntarily utuier tno operation of occlosiastical authority A lettor wo published a few days ago from a Roman Catholic priest ot this conntry explainod the situation verv clearly and vqi-v fairlv. No 111 terforonco witli rolicion in tho Phil ippines is ovon remotoly suggosted by the United States. Tlie Vatican is simnly iuvited to oxercise its author ity to withdraw the Spanish friars voluntarily, not because of thoir ro lgious amliations or becauso ot any religious opinions they holdand prop agato, or of any accusations aginst thcm of immoral conduct, but simply because, as this distinguished Amori can priest explained, "they aro op posed to us and are pcfstpouiug indeii nitely the consummation of ourpeace fnl pnrposes. " That boing the situation, it seems to this government that it is obvious ly for tlio interest of tho Roman Cath olic Church that the vexatious ob staclo should bo removed. Or, as Sec retary Root explains in his last letter of instructions to Judge Taft, "tho reasons making tho withdrawal desir ablo are not religious or racial, but ariso from the political and social re lations which existetl undortho former government and havo created pcrson al antipathies monacing to the peace and order of the communi cy. " The suggestion of withdrawal is 'made to the Vatican, also, 011 the gronnd that the existing conditions "aro provent ing these particular agents from serv ing tho church in the stations to which they woro assigned. " Tlioy aro now congregated at Manila, in great part, and so bitter is the Filipiuo autipathy to thom that they could not bo restor ed to their parishes oxcept by force, whicli, under tho Constitution, the government could not use. Accord ingly, in the interests of the Catholic Church itself, other religious instru ments sliould be substituted, "who," as Mr. Root says, without passing judgment 011 tho merits of tho Filipi uo accusations against tho friars, "might be able to accomplish for their religion what they themselves liad so signally failed to accomplish." No conflscation of cliorch property in the islands is proposed or is possi ble. The proposal of Mr. Root is to buy tho lands of the friars at a liberal valuation, 011 the condition that the friars retiro frois tho islands to give place to othor religious agents of ihe cliurch. No restraint is put on the church, moral or physical, to compel acquiescence 111 our terms ; and, nnancially.tJieso terms aro obviouslv 01 advantage to the church especially, ior tlio lands are unproduetive and are hold in adverse possession by tho natives, who refuse to pay rent for theni and to receive back the objeotion ablo friars in the parishes. in order tliat botli Uatnolics and Protestants may understand exactly our purposo of absolute religious im partiality, Judge Taft, uder instruc tions trom becretarv Root, lias stated the case very frankly to tho authorita tive Vatican, without diplomatio ova sion, but with business directness. ABSOLUTELY PURE WATKR. Mr. Wheelock's articlo 011 Mont- pelier's wator supply ought to havo tho careful reading of all the peoplo of this city. Ho strongly reinforces the admonitions of Superintendent Foster and his recommendations look- ing to tho purchaso or control of tlio lands arouud Berlin poud and the res orvoir, At this season of tho year whon tho waters of tho pond and resorvoir aro ospocially oxposed to contamiiiation, from without and from vegotablo im puritios within, it is n'nttor of sur priso that tho grocors of tho city with whoso trado it is most naturally connected do not havo for salo an ab solutoly puro drinking wator. Tho Mount Mansfield Distilled Wator Com pany of Burlington providos suoh a wator. Largo quantitios of it aro sold in Burlington and counccting citlosor villagos in Vormont and Now York, This wator is as palatablo as tho best mountain spring wator and w.ill keep indoflnitoly. On his trip to California and Moxico, in Fobruary, Maroli aud April, Dv. Wobb took onough of this , wator for tho round trip of 10,000 milos. Tho party usod it on tho train aud at tho hotels. On roaohing homo tho last bottlo was as clear and spark- ling as whon flrst put up. Tlio wator is inoxponisvo, two peii- nios furnishing all ovon any strictly cold wator porson would naturally con- suuio in twcnty-four hours. So thorb is 110 roason why any porson may not havo this wator, if locnl tradosnion will havo it in stook. For tho siek or invallds it is almost criniinal not to provido a watcr of this sort. Somo tradesman of this oity ought to make a trial, at least, of introduo- ing this wator hore. Tho known facts about Borlin wator ought to insuro a largo sale. "SINOE WHEN"? In his Olemont convention haranguo Mr. decWrcd that "Jf towns wliero dolegates woro elcctod by means of bribory had had caucuses f reo from corruption tho licenso-loci'1-option party would havo gono into tho Mont pelier convo.itloii' with onough votoi to its credit to rondor tho nomluation of Gen. McOnllough impossible. " Mr. Olemont would not misstate any thing, or ovorstato auythiug, or seok to croato a fplso impression, for Olom ent, liko Brutus, "is an honoi'ablo man." This story of "sixty delegates from towns whoro votors had bocn bribod fn caucus to nomihato McCul lough" is in tho samo class wilh tho allegatiou by Mr. Olement that"many countios havo ropudiated tho Mont polior platform," which is a conspic ouous and brazen untrutli. "Sinco whon,"touse Mr. Olomont's favorito phraso, did ho who, in tho Rutland county convontion, was fore- most in repudiating the Montpelier platform, acquire tho right to chavgo innocont bodios with ropudiation? "Sinco when" did ho whoso 221 delo gates to tho Montpelier convontion wore choson in somo largo and decisivo part by tho fraudulent participatiou of Democrats in Ropnblican caucuses, acquire tho right to denounce fraud and corrription? His own standing in tho Montpelier convontion, in re- spect of tho numbor of his delegates, was iho rosult of unblushing fraud and corruption at tho nrimarios. Tho livory of virtuo and honesty ho strut tod in 011 tho stago at Burlington ho stole to sorvo tho dovil of his own anibition to bo Governor. Thau s about tho full staturo and charactor of this pretendor or "renegado," as Gov. Dale puts it. Tlio Hon. P. W. Cloment is repodi ated by so mmy men liko Judgo Mor riU of Rutland and Oharles Orosby of Br.-uiloboro men who fought undoi' his standird so lcng as'civilized mo(?es of political warfaro pro-ailed tliat he must speedily awaken to tho fact ihat ho has lost the polo and the chauces aro decidedly in favor of his boing ruled out of tho race for tho governorship. Tlio amatour slouth got in his work in Ne ,v Y'ork 011 Sunday. Tho aoro montioned slouth hearing a gentleman addressed in a cafe as Strong fell at onSe to tlio belief thit it was tho much-wanted Putnam Bradleo Sircig and tho resu't was that anothor go.i tleman got a writo-up aud a repot-ter a call down. Beforo cliristening one of the now battleships Vermont would it not bo wiso to wait until tho govornorship questiou is settled? In caso Mr. Olem ent should win ho might bo averse to bestowing the namo Vermont utxm anything having.any connectioii wiAi water. Joseph Quirk of Ryo, N. Y., a flf teen year old youth with considerablo moro nerve than common senso in his make up, not willing to be dared by a companion, dovo flfteen feet into water two feet deop. His spino was broken. Traoy will bo givon tho froedom of the mountains of Oregon and Wasli ington, and tho authoritios in thoso States are trusting that in tho futuro he will tako up his abode in tho foi ests and remain thoro. Oharlos Crosby of Brattleboro was not a dolegate to the local optiou convention and was not in Burlington 011 Wednesday. Tho papor which cjuoted him as speaking in thoconvou tion has a Sabbath day's journey to travol to becomo a nowspapor. Rut land Herald. Quito right. Who is this ongagod in nowspapor work in Vormont so thoughtless of a man's porsoual feol ings ns to accuso a gontlomau having tho integrity and good sonso of Mr. Orosby of boing a dolegato to what tho Horald is pleasod to rofor to as a "convontion". No, Mr. Orosby has 110 f urthor uso for tho Olemontizod aggro gatiou of Rutland county and it is ox tremoly unfair to associivto his namo in connootion witli thoir ohaotio capers. Harry F. Dean diod Sunday at his homo in Cornwall Jrom tho offects of an ovordoso of mnrphino. Mr. Dean recontly mado chargos against Middle bury liquor sollors and croatod 11 son sation by uatuing a nunibor of promi nont Vormontors as witnosses against thom. A bright and popular man at ono timo but ho foll, a viotim to tlio intoxicating oup. Who is rosponsiblo? Bristol Horald. Judgiug from somo of tho roports comin.g from "tho opon door of Vor mont," Addison county, it lspossiblo that somo of tho vilo poison sold thero nndor the gulso of whiskoy may havo found its way into Mr. Dean's sys tom. But Mr. Doan is doad. Tho Iferald can flnd plonty of living ox ruiples nearor homo than Cornwall "Bill" Sewall of Island Falls, Maino, an old trapper and guido, will ho ono of thoso to wolcomo tho Prosi dont to Bangor in August. Ho was tho guido tliat oscortod Mr. Roosovolt 011 his suminor jaunts and liolpod him to grow from a sickly lioy to a strong man. Burlington Nows. ".Too" .Tonos of Rutland istravoling with Hon. P. W. Oloniontandasslsting that gentlen'an in his gubornatorial canvass. Ui'Hko Mr. Sowall who helped Mr. Hoosovolt to grow into a strong nian, ".Too" is fast dwarilng Mr. Olemont politically and holping him down to "ohill oblivion." The complotion of tho ti.ins-Sibor ian railroad has reduced tho flrst-class faro from London to Shanghai from S-175 to $100. Londonderry Sifter. All aboard for Shanghai. Round trip tickets to tho Ohineso Local Op tion convention s?3C 1. LightniiiK recontly struok tho houso of E. L. Noyes, aspirant for county Sonator 011 tho tusion tlcket, and stirred things up gonorally. This sliould bo a presentimont to tho othor fuslouists of what will happen boforo thoy got through. Cambridgo Tran script. Lightning will fuso rocks. Why shouldn't it do its work in politics? EAST CALAIS. L. L. Provost movcd his faniily to North Montpolior tho flrst of the wcok. Tho Ladies' League nioets Thusday ptternoon witli Mrs. U. and Mrs. O. .T. Lamb. Tho nows in Union church havo boen cnshioned tho past wok, adding much to tho comtort ot tno cliurc goors. Mrs. Ai'nira Plerco came from Waitsfield last Thursday to snend tho remaiudor of tho suT'nor with he daughtor, Mrs. D. B. DwineU. Dr. J. F. Gale and wifo nnd Georgo Saudors and wife drove to Greensboro Sunday to spond a week or ten days in camp. Miss Blossom Ohase. our milHner, goes to bor homo in Waits Rivor tho last of the week, intending to bo away till the- last of Soptembor. Joromo N. Bliss died 011 Thursday, July 17, at tlio home of his daughter, Mrs. W. D Peck, aged soventy years. The causo of his death was chrouic Brights' diseaso, from which ho had sufTci.'ed for several years. Tho f vuoral ways held at tho houso 011 Saturday aftornoou, Waltor J. Coates ofllciat ing. The deceased was a native of this town and his wholo lif c, with tho oxception of a short timo in oarly manhood, has been spent here. Ho was a man of moro than ordinary meiitT1 ability and was deoply inter ested in educational mattors aud in tho world's progress. Respected by a" his fellow townsmen he had, at difforent timos, held various offlces of t.'ust. WEST FAIRLEE CEXTER. Arthur Millur rctimied to I'rovideaco ou Saturday. His son is improving though not yet able to sit up. E. Gilman 1ms returncd from his fish iug trip iu Maiuu nnd reports good sport. Mr. and' Mrs. Gcorge Titus aud son vlsited O. S. Titus recently. Johu Ordway recontly made his flrst visit to his farm and ueighborkood sinco movhig to Post Mills. Mrs. Johu Follausbee has so far re coveied from her ilhiess as to be ablo to ride out. Miss Lizzie Wise is at home for a few days. The weather has beeu unpropitious for hayiug so far. A rainy Sunday kept most of the people from church, only eight iiicludiiig the minister, beiug preseut. E. G. Soiithwortli lost his best horse by lockjaw last week. The horso was takcu laiue in the foot, but they could flnd 110 wound or appareut causo for the lame uess. PRESIDENT MITOHELL'S ESTIMATE. Iudianapolis, July 21. PreVdct Mitchell has mado an estimate o? tho numbor of strikers and dopendo 3 in each district and weokly rove'iues to be dorived Irom eacli district under tho decisiou oJ tho reco it couvontion, togethor with ihe amoji'ts oi! weeMy assessments. Total strikers iu authracite fields (ostimated) lo0,000. Total lKimber ciopendeut3 (esoimated) 750,000. Estimated weekly oxpoiiso in an thracito iiold $500,000. Estimated rovenuo from weokly assessmeut3 244,000; estimated contri butiou (weokly) 250,000. Grand total weokly rovenuo 194,00. Tho striko headqaartors of tho Unitod Mine Workors in Wilkesbarro, whicli havo been clojed bii'co Piesident Mitchell woiit west will bo reopened 011 Tuesday, when Mr. Mitcholl ai'd tho district pres'douts will rotarn to Wilkesbarro. Mr. Mkchell is ox pectod to romain thoro iuitil tho striko comos to an ond. It is said, now that tho minors bnvo dofined thoir positiou, tho Oivio Foderation will mako an othor apponl to tho coal oporators to arbitrate. I'ASSENGER TUAINS COLLIDE. Rochestur, N. Y., July iil. A fatal collision occuried between two passengur trains on tho Lchigh Valley railroad noa IIopo hospital this city on .Sunday evening in whicli ono person was instantly killed and ninetecn injured. Both trains were running at a high rate of speed when they came togcther. One of the engines and a coach were thrown down an umbank ment and completely wrecked. The other engine was completely deuiolished but did not leavo the tiack. JAMES MONEIL 1LL. Tlio Haguo.July 21. Jamos MoNoil, whistlor, and a famous artist, is sor iotisly ill horo. Ho is an Ainorican Imt has mado his homo iu Paris for many years. WIND AND FLOOD. Keol uk, la., July 21. Exnloration of tho floodcd districts of tho Missis- flipjii rivor from Keokuk south, fIiowb conditions boyond tlio approoiation or realiz.ation of any but those with long oxperionco witli tlio "Fathor of Wa tors" in its most dostructivo mood. Tho situation is growing worso hour ly, Thero is absolutoly not tho slight ost chanoii ot htfiiiping this tho most costly flot d ln the liistn v of tho great rivor iiiKiN e bt J-ouls. Jn ihe worst damuged area tho grcatest crops evor Known aro uiidor wator dcoponougli to float a steairiboit. Tho hoight of tho flood is lndicatod by 1111 incidont at Lagrango. Tho steaniboat warehouso was woll back from tho rivor' bank , and stands high. A strong curront and a galo causud tho pilot to mako an lmporfect landing and tho cornico of tho roof of tho waroliouso was torn ofT by tlio for ward guards of tho steambnat. Tho rivor is rising all the timo and tho worst is to come l y the oxtcnsion ot tho floodcd arta by tlio water passing lovoes which it is now stopping. Tho breaking of thrce of these lovees would flood a large exuanso in Illinois and dostroy $2,000,000 to 83,000,000 worth of corn. Tho chief flood thus far has been on the Mis30uri sido from Keokuk to Louisiana. with Canton nii( West Quincy as centors of tho country most hurt. Opposito Quiucy in Missouri the sceno of dovastation is appalling. Hundrcds of farmers rich tou days ago aro ponniless and homeless. Careful cstimates gathored from tho statonients ot best intormed poopio in dicate tho los3, un toyesterday, as0, 000,000, with ovory nrospect of two or three mil'ions by tho rise abovo not yot l'caching. tlie lowor stretches of tho riv r. To this story of flood and hcavy loss is added that of tho work of wind nnd waer in othor States, which is, also, 0110 of destruction nnd death. Binghamton, N. V., July 21. Tho heavy rains which havo nrevailed iu this section for the past fow days, reached a cliivax Saturday iiiglit,when three soparato cloudbursts occurred within tho limits of Bioouio coonty alono and several 111 surroundinc tor ritory to tho northward, brecking mill dams, wnshiug o't railroad tracks and highway bridges and doing much minor daniage as woll as delaying trains. As a result of the wator's niad woru, four nro killed, two soriously l'ljured, and 300,000 monetary dam jxio has been done. BaUitroie, Md., July 21. A florce tornado characiorized by a windstorm 01 extraordinary veiocity, tiiuimer, vivid lightninc and a heavy rain sud- denlv burst unnn Raltiinore at 1 :30 11 m. Sunday, coming from tho south- west. Eleveu por&ous lost their lives, hundretls o'' hoases wero unroofed. trees in parks and streets were torn un by tho roots. manv buildints dam ased and several neonle injured. Tho Siorm exhausced ith fury in less than flfteen minutes. The damage done in the busmes3 part 0 the city was com paratively sliglit. It was 111 the resi- dence portion of the city along tho river frout and 111 the harbor whore the wind siient its violence. Of thoso who porished, nine wore drowned in tlie harbo." from onen boat3, one was killed by a falling treo alid 0110 by livo wire. Buffalo, July 21. Raiu descended in torreuti in wescern New York yes terday and as a result rivers wero much swollen, cacsing great loss of property aud delaying railway traflic, Tho hay ci-op is practical'y ruined The water is two feet deep 111 somo sui-eots near Silvei ci-eek. Thacher Brook dam at Gowanda, burst and streets ac that nlaco are impassable Nine uiiles souch o? Duiiir a iorty-flve foot embankmont 011 the Dunkirk, Al legheny Valley and Pittsburg railroad was washed out for flfty feet. Passen- cera aro beinc transferi.,ed around tho ehajiii. The Ponnsylvania roadbod botween Mavville and Brockton was under water for twenty hours. Two nickel plato culverts east of Ripley were destroyed. JOHN W. MAOKAY. Loodon, July 21. John W. Mackay of San Francisco.who had been suffer ig frou hcp.i, prostrntion sinco Tues day laa;. died at his renmence 011 Carltou House Terrace at 0:80 last e ea'')c. Mv. John W. Mackay was the last simiving mej'bei o" the famous group O'' boimuz.i kings O'T (Jal'iornla. Mv. Mackay came to California iu 1851. Ho ac oco o.itered a mine work ing wii'i pick and sbovel. In 1803 Mackay foaied a partuership witli Flood. O'Brien and Fair. In 1871 thi famods miuing quartetto purchased tlio sito of tho boiianza temtory Tho onterprise was a frmltul soarco of lidicule in miuing circles, nothiog but flnancial disaster being treelypi-e dictod. Tlio ledco was struck and ovor 110,000,000 wore added to tho world's stock o2 nrecious motals. No accurato escimate of Mr. Maokay's holdincs in this State and Novada can bo made. but it will run up into tho millions. g London, July 21. Tho autopsy 011 tho body of Johu W. Mnckay, ordered by the Westrainister coronor this morniug, revealed tho fact that a sud den attack of syncope was tho lmme diato causo of his death. Tho coronor decided that tho inquest was unueces sarv. Mrs. Maokav has roceived a laro number of telegrams of syuipathy from Amorica, tingiand ana tno coiitiiient, Tho funoral arrangomeuts aro not yet deoidod upon. London. Julv 21. Tho British cov normont is likely to provo that John W. Mackav was domicilcd in London England. Should it provo this, it will coiieot 1,000,000 death cluty. 1NHALED GAS. I'hiladelnhia. lulv 2i. Victor Rouillot stock broker, killed himself inhaling gas at his home this morniug. rinama troubles are supposed to be the cause. 110DIES RECOVERED. l'ortsmouth, N. 11., July '21 Not- wlthstandingthefaclthat a northeast storm nrevailed on baturdav, wiver nuriey tie cldcd to co down and make a flnal searu for the remainim: three victims of the Isles of Sho-als disaster last Thursday when fourteen pcrsons lost tiioir uves He was successful and by '1:30 had rc covered the remaining bcdies. Banl Si Worcester, Hass. ORDER BY MAIL. Suit Deoartment. Special Sale of Sea Tlieao nro "BATHING SUITS" iu FASIION'S FJNISHING TOUCI1ES. You can't know how very pretty nnd gracoful theynrc till you sce theni. Black Mohair Braidecl Blue or hlack, Bailor BhiG nud white or black, in doviccs, Sea nnd Surf Dresses for Misscs nnd purchased 150 DRESSKb of n too confident nianufactur- er, whoso MAKING WAS TOO KA 'ID for tbis bnck- wnrd season, nt a very considerablo price reduction. They are sizes for gitls, G to 14 3'enrs, mostly in -eil nnd Blue Mohair witli very picturebqne trimmings, COLLARS, TRAPPINGS nud SAILORI3H ORNAMEKTIXG. These benutiful Suits will be SOLD OFF dnring the week at much less than tlio nsunl prices, St.ZiTZ ond up BATHING COSTUMES, nll in GIRLS, 2 to 8 years, Sea Proof Bathing Kecp the wind hlown hnir out ol the eyes ing nnivcrsnlly ndopted by buthers, ir5 MIDDLESEX. O. E. Rusiell has just completed n paper hanging job at O. O. Hodges. H. L. Fish was at homo Mouday from a business trip in tho wostein part 01 the State. Best goods and lowest prices can ol ways bo found at O. C. Ward's. James Ripley of Burlington was in town 011 Monday. Owing to tho veiy bad weathor the farmers aro feeling blue, a-! their corn looks homesick and the hay that is mowed down cannot be dried. Oharles Ainsworth, proprietor of tho hotel., has just placed an order witli Charles O. Ward for Monarch paint to bo used in paiuting the hotel. Oo B. Hill is to do tho work. J. L. Davidsou., D. S. C. R., of the Iudependent Order of Foresters of To ronto, Canada, made the members of Court Mt. Hunger a visit 011 Monday. Frauk E. Miles of Detroit, Mich., arrived 011 Saturday night and ii vis iting relatives aid fiends. U. II. Hnmmoud was in Montpelier Wednesday. Messrs. Palmer and Eniecy of Bur lirgton were in town two days of lat week 011 miuing business- F. L. Winn.aud F. B. Miles of Montpelier were iu town ou Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Goodwiu aud brother, Frank Vaughu were in Montpelier Wednesday. Charles Scott has finished work for G. B. Denny of Montpelier and is at homo. Dr. F. C. .Angel of Raudolph who has been vlsiiing his brother, Rev. J. Q. Angol, recarned 011 Tuesday. H. B Nichols, I. J. Johnson ai'd D. P. Sawyor attended the Olement meeting in Burlington last week. C. W. Long was in Waterbury Sai urday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dainols 011 Tue?.day. The Perry Real JEstato Agency of Barre offer a splendid opportunity in another coluran, to engage iu the millinery business. FAIRLEE. We aro glad to know that Mrs. F. W. Piorce has boen ablo to rido to ihe lake and hopo tho improvement iu her health may continue. Leon Kendall is at homo from Provi deuce for his vacation. We are sor'y to see that he has to ue crutches to assist, the knee which was injured sev eral months ago and which is still iu a bad couditiou. H. P. Warren's family are at their conago at Lako Morey for the otim mor. Tlie friends of George Bond aro glad to wolcome him home after au ab sence of tweuty-five years in Cali 'or nia and hopo he may flnd Vermoji. so nttraotive that ho will remain bere permanently. Thore was a fine social aud musicale at Galo's Inn Tuesday evening. Mein bors of Newbury, Bradford, Orford and Fairlee ohoirs, undor tho leader ship of Rov, H. J. Kilbonrn spent tho ovoning vory pleasantly practicing somo special selections from tho old masters. On Wednesday ovoning Oharles Tag gart gavo 0110 of his entertainments at the ohuroh. NORTH MONTPELIER. Miss Hattio Keith of Winona, Minn. , is visiting at J. W. Buttorfleld's. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Holiistor, Mrs. Julia Holiistor, Mrs. J. V. Butior field, and Mr, and Mrs. " Georgo Kel tou wont to Marshflold Sunday to at tondtho funoral of littlo Homor Duke, tho oldost son of Mr. and Mrs. For rost Duko. Tho MiHses Alioo, Laura and Bessie Gray spent a fow days in Calais last weok with thoir cousin, Miss Susie Meador, Miss Julia Holiistor and L. D. Co burn wont to Barro Saturday to caro for thoir unclo, Dr. G. B. Nichols. Oharles Gidnoy spent Sunday in this city as usual. sr k Pi 1C0 and Surf Dresses onlinary parlance, with Black and white, snilor slyle, style, 3,9S many new and elegant 4.CO to 15.00 Young Ladies. Wo havo one piece, for LITTLE 1. , Caps. and nre bc 3J5, C5)c nnd 1 OO C. E, DICKERMAN, Veterinary Sut eon, Office at DOWNING'S LIVERY STABLE, Opposite Depot Squaro Barre, Vt. Telephone 137-3 The Hot Weather Has arrived. You will need Fly Nets, Light Blankets and Wool Coolers. The place to get theni cheap is at DAY'S. Those $10 and S12 Har nesses are going fast. A. C. DAY, 54 Main Street, Barre. Vt. WIRE PHONE OR W R I T E . .. US If you want to save money on OILS, sold subject to approval. BARRE SUPPLY CO. Telephone 51-3, Barre, - Vermont. We Will Bond You. TheU.S. Fidelity & Gauranty Co. Home Ollice, Baltimore, Md. Paid Up Capital, 81,000,000.00. Surety Bonds FIDELITY CONTRACT JUDICIAL JuiUelnl Bontls Executed Without Delny BURGLARY INSURANCE Banks, Stoie.-., ResUlence!' Iusured Against Burglary or Theft. T.' J. DEAVITT, Local Agent, CorrrspiiuileneeSollclted. Montpelier, Vt. AGENTS WANTED To renresent the Connecticut Goneral Lil'e ii)9iiranco Co. Apply to E. I, DI1URY, Genexnl Agent, Room 3. Walton Block, State Strcet. Mont pelier, Vt. M. W. Wheelock's Real Estate agency AND Inteli iqence Office, At Montpelier Book Blnuery, liavo bar gnins iu Uoiues, lots und othor valtmble property. Plaees wanted for first-elass cleiiis, nialo, hotel eook, girls for home work, laundry work, eto C3"Xo expense fpi it ulsterliu:. HEADACHE STOPS THE OOUGH AND WORK OFF THE COLD, Laxativo Br6mo-Quinino Tablets curo a cold in ono day No Cure, 110 Pay. Prico 25o.i At alJ dtug itorit " ?5 Pcki 25c. - . r. - fc- i