Newspaper Page Text
HOMER FITTS iFnr niifiWp.fikl ONLY Reulizing the fuct that tlns wcek in the holidays is as dull as the preceding weeks were busy ve havc inaugnrnted a dull wcek salc. V e havo taken from our stock mariy regular goodsa td marked theiu atunusually low pricos. Pricosthat if you take advantage of them moan a real saving. Prices calculated to make shopping at our store lively the comming week and do our customers some good. The sale begius and ends as indicated in the npper right hand cornor of this ad. Dress Coods One piece Grey Camel's Hair, 50 inch, all wool. For mer price $125. DULL WEEK PRICE, ;$c TEN PIECES DRESS GOODS Including Black, Brown and - Bluc, that sold for 50c, 50 and 75c. DULL WEEK PRICE 29c Dress Coods Remnants Therc is many short lcngths, good for skirts, children's c'resses, elc. Its marked at very low prices. Linings A few odd pieces in Greys and Black Figured. Reg ular price 25c. DULL WEEK PRICE, 15c A few pieces of Silesia in browns, blues and reds, our regular 15c quality. DULL WEEK PRICE, 10c Linens From this stock we offer the best bargains we have offered for a long timc. The chief reason for so - doing is to reduce our stock. If you need linen buy this week and save money. HOMER FITTS BROOKFIELD. Mrs. E. E. Ellis 1ms beou quito sick, but is uow soinewhat bottor, A son was welconied to the liome of Mr. aud Mrs. Georgo Adams lnst weok. Mr. Prestou of Williamstown is working for Honry Hydo this winter. Mrs. Eugene Marsh is nssisting in the housohold of Dr. aud Mrs. E. E. Ellis. Thoir little son, Eltou, does not progress very fast toward recov ery. Mrs. Fannie Fullam and Will Blako brough were sumnioried last weok Saturday to Bridgoport, Coun., on ac count of the sorious illness of thoir rnother with pneumonia. Sho died 011 Tuesday and the fuuoral was on Fri day. Mrs. Oynthia Kibbeo is in quite . poor hcalth aud Miss Hanuah Calhgau is staying with hor a few days. The installation of the Grauge ofll cors will occur Friday oveuiug, Jau uary 2, 1903. Au oystor snpper will be served to tho Graugers aud thoir families. The election of oflicers of tho Second Congregatioual chnrch wero : Super iuteudeut, Arthur Bigolow ; assistant suporiutondout, tVrthur Lyman ; treas urer, Louiso Parmoutor, socretary, Nollio Orauo. Louis Bigolow and Floyd Lymau of Rutland spont Ohristmas with thoir family relatives lioro aud at East Brookfield. TOPSHAM. O. D. Willoy was called to Montpo lior last wook 011 accouut of the sick uoss of his brothor. Linwood Taplin aud Arthur Willoy roturnod to thoir school in Montpo lior last Mouday aftor a wcok's va catiou. ' Ohristmas oxorcii-es woro held 111 the town hall last Thursday ovening Tho hall was well illlod with poople, and ovorybody soomod to oujoy tiiom solvos. Miss Ethel Ourrior is vory ill at this writing. Mrs. A. H. Walkor is not improving vorv laBt. Warren Boweu wub in Bradford last wook. R. B. Oilloy claims tlio ilnest pnir of calves in this vieinity. Thoy aro loss than a year old and woigh 1,200 poauds. Thoy aro boauties. GROTON. Miss Eva Joues is at hoino from Bostou. Thoresa Joau Cochran 1b atj. liomo from Smith collogo for tlio holiday va cation. Ohristmas oxoroihos at tlio Mothodist aud'Baptist churehos woro hold Wod nesdny ovening. " Oharlos Pillsbnry spont OhristmaB at hiB hoiuo. Ho is cmployod in tho Wntohman and Journal ofllco in Mont polior. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rowo of Wild wood, N. II., aro visiting Mrs. llowo's parenis. Mr. and Mrs A. II. Riukor. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Riokor aro in Shannook, H. I., with thoir dnngh tor, Mrs. Waltor Groen, who is ill. A, J. Millis is at work in thu voneor ing raill at Wolls Rivor. VERMONT LL WEEK Bleached and Uhbleached Damask all linen,6o inch wide, good patterns, the undone rolls for 60 and 65c. DULL WEEK PRICE, 48c One lot of 2 yds, 24 yds and 3 yard lengths, a dollar value. DULL WEEK PRICE, 79c Three" pieces of Bleached and Unbleached Damask, 66 inch wide, all linen, the kinds we sell for 75c and ' 87c. "DULL WEEK PRICE, 69c Three pieces fine Scotch Da mask, 12 inch, all linen, our regular $1.25 linen. DULL WEEK PRICE only 98c Unbleached Cotton 1000 yards of our 6jA c Cotton in 8, 10 and 12 yard lengths. DULL WEEK PRICE, Peical s 500 yards 36 inch Parcale in dark colors including Navys, Reds and Blacks. DULL WEEK PRICE, Shelf Oilcloth Our entire stock for Dull Week Stair Oilcloth 5c 7c 4c Entire stock for Dull Week, 64 c NORTH DUXBURY. A Christmiis treo aud oxorcises ivero hold at tho school houso iii district No. 2, Tuesday oveuiug, aud ouo in district No. 9, Wodnesday oveuiug. All roport a vory ploasaut timo. Maud GleaBou. teachor iu district No.2, spont Ohristmas with hor par ents iu Richmond. Petor O'Noil beirau work for V. R. Elliott last Mouday. Miss Sadie Shorlock, teaclier in dis trict No. 9, spout Ohristmas witli her parouts iu East Dorset. Will Smitli has liirod out to W. R. Elliott for tho winter. Thero was a dauco at H. E. Bnld repoit a win's Christnias ove. All very good timo. Jounio Morso is at h 01110 for HlI holidays. Bort Gabauo has movod iuto ouo of Fred Fuuke's "houses uud is goiug to work for G. P. Morso. Timothy O'Briou aud Georgo Papo aro sick. CABOT. Pausy Smith is at homo for a few dayB. Cary Smith is at homo from Dart mouth for Cliristmas vacation. f Rev. O. E. Aikou is.iu Covoutry on busiuosd. Cliristmas was obsorvod nttho 011 grogatioual church with litorary oxor cises followod by a chiokou pio suppor. D. I. Jacobs, who haB boon ill for some timo, suifored a shock of paral ysis last Friday night. A party of sixtoou young poopl took a rido to Hardwick and rotur Docombor 0. Tho Bnbjoct for moruiug Borvico Jan uary 4 at tho Mothodist church, will bo "Thoughts for tlio Now Yoar. " O. E. AUou, pastor. Tho Ohristmas cuutata, "King Win ter," givon by tho young peoploof tho Mothodist churoh in tho town hall was a comploto sucooss, all of tho parts boiug well snstainod. Tho com niitfcn who did" tlio work ought to ft-ol well jjaid. Tho rogular annual dinnor will bo hold at both churchos as usuul, Jauu ary 1. J0I111 Piko has movod to his now homo in Lowor Cabot and A. M. Hodgdon will tako possession of tho Piko fann this wook. Horbort Hoath has llnisliod work for Wolls & Rogors aud is ongagod to work for E. II. Wheolor in tho woods. At tho annual moeting of Cabot LoiIro, No. 4'J, I. O. O. 1. tho fol lowing ollleors woro oloctod : Alon.o Whoolor, N. G. ; Waltor Porry, V. G. j O. E. Ailton, sooretarv; L Moyors, troasuror; Mosos Whitnoy, wardon; Georgo iloughton, cnnduo tor; Emory Oliilord, outBido guard ian ; Charlos Iiowland, insido guard lan ; Charlos Buxton, R. S. N. G. j Wallaco Lamborton. L. S. N. G. j 15d York. R. S. S. ; Lawronco Faraing. ton, L, 8. S. j P. K. Garnoy, chap-lain. WATOHMAN & STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEll, 31 1902 tBegins Tues. Dec.30t Entls Tues. Jan. 6t Dolls Our regular prices, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,00, 1.25. Dull Week Prices, 17c, 37c, 50c and, 75c Children's Bath Rpbes Made of Pink and Blue Eid crdown and sold for $2.25 DULL WEEK PRICE.S1.50 Dressine: Sacques Made of Eiderdown, trimmed with ribbon and braid. Dull Week ONE-HALF PRICE Baby Bonnets A lot of otld Bonnets, made Silk and Eiderdown. DULL WEEK PRICE only 25c Dress Skirts One-half dozen Black Serge Dress Skirts. made to sell for $2. 50. Dull Week Price to close, 98c Capes One-half dozen odd Capes, made of heavy cloth, trimmed with fur, were $2.98. DULL WEEK PRICE, 98c IVJisses' Odd Jackets These'are not new styles but are made of good cloths and will look well on any one who can get a fit. DULL WEEK PRICE, $1.98 WILLIAMSTOWN. Tho Congregationulist Oliristmas festival last Wednesday ovening was a vorv lileasaut affair. Soldom if evr, porhaps, was tho audiouco room of tho church moro prottily prepared for an occasion liko this, and tho childron norformed thoir part woll. An attrac- tivo foaturo was work by Miss Myrtio Seavor's kindorgartou. Thoro was a good attondance. The Univorsalists having "worked" thoir childron protty hard, iu rocout outertaiumouts. disponsed with chil dren's oxorcises largoly, at thoir ChriBtmas gathering, coutentiug thom solves with tho distributipu of gifts. Tho Mothodists had a good atteu dauco at thoir church, for Ohristmas festivities, childreu's exoroises aud tho giving of cifts ttllod out tho evo jiing. I Stato's Attornoy D. S. Conant, of Bradford, was horo last weok to look aftor linuor casos. Thoro wero con victious and a soizuro, with an aggro- gato of nnes aud costs of betweon ouo huudred aud two hundrod dollars, aud iu connoctiou with tho Gnlf Spriugs Houso. Au appoal was takon to tho county court. The proprietors of lots in the vil- lago cemotory aro requestod to moot at tho ofllco of Georgo Bockott, uoxt Mondav aftoruoou. Jauuary C. to oloct ofllcors for tho associatiou for tho comiug year.. Tho Ladios' Reading Olub will meot with Mrs. B. F. Sibloy, uoxt Saturday aftornoon. January !J. Subjoct of study, tho Madouuas. Tho votors of our llro district aro warnod to mcet at the town hall uoxt Mondav ovening, January 5, to eloct ofllcors for tho year onsuiug. Tho Weok of Prayor, tho first weok in Jauuary, will bo obsorvod horo. Edward, son of Sauford F. Duttou, and Miss Hattio Wobstor, daughtor of Mrs. Frod Whitnoy. woro marriod on Ohristmas, Rev. Fraucos A. Kimball olllciating. Thoy will livo attho Sau ford 1 . Duttou homo. ROXBURY. Moaslos aro still claimiug new vic- tiuis. W. II. Oady and wifo of Rochester aro sponding a fow days in town Richard Nichols has flniBhod work in Rochostor and will soon movo back horo. iuto tho houso rocontly vacatod by Georgo Frouch. Thoro was 110 proaching sorvico Sundav. tlio niinistor who has boon called not having yot arrivod. Tho OhriBtnias oxorcises passod oll casantlv. tho childrou roeoiving tho usunl amount of ploasuro from tho wellladon troos. Mrs. Kd. York was takon to tho hos mtal last Mouday. bho suuorod au attack of niousles boforo haviug fullv rocovored from tho fevor with whioh rIio was vory ill last fall, aud bocaino nroBtratod both physically and nion tally. Sho has already iniprovod Bomowhat undor tho liospital caro, and it is honoa niay bo ontiroly rocovorod iu a low nionths. Honry EIUb of Barro, MrB. Iloniau Averill of Gonldsvillo and Miss Etta Suow of Northfield mado short visits iu town last wook. WAITSFIELD. Mrs. .lohuny Foly was tho guost last wook of Mrs. J. A. Smith, OyruB Livingston and Will Boau woro in Montpolior ono day last wook. W. G. MoLatlln of Warron aud Jacob S. Bovco of North Fayston woro visitors lioro liist weok Tnosday. Ouo of tho nion wnployod iu T. A. Eagau's stoam mill niot with quito u sorious mishap last wook Monday. Whilo w irking around tho big saw ho mado a misstop falling sidoways, striking his olbow auainst tho saw. I whioh was iii motlon, and inllicting an iujury which will causo his arm to bo still for tho rost of his llfo. Dr. H. T. J. Howo was summouod and drossod tho injuiod mombor and tho unl'ortunato man is iib comfortablo as cau bo oxpocted undor tho circum stauccs. Millio Farr, who has boou attoudiug school iu Northfield, Mass.,is at homo during tho holidayH. Tho papuring and fluishiug work in F. A. Boyco's rosidonco is com plotod. W. M. Tabor did tho work. Cliristmas oxorcises woro hold horo last Wedupdsay ovoniiig at tho Cou grogatioual chnrch aud tho followiug ovoning at tho Mothodist church. Tho young pooplo did well in thoir various parts. All soomod to thoroughiy 011 joy thomsolvos and tho presonts thoy rocoivod from Sauta Olaus. Tho Homo Oirclo hold its auuual moeting for tho eloction of oflicers for tho onsuiug yoar at tho Cougregation al vestry last Thursday at ton a. m. O. J. Tabor, who has beon among thoso who woro ill of late. is bottor. Edmuud Laduo assistod in F. A. Boyco's storo during Oliristmas wook. Josophino Boyco, who has boou ill at hor homo, is bottor. Mr. Edward Dumos of South Fays ton wns tho gnost at Oliristmas of hor daughtor, Mrs. William Somorvillo. Don't fail to attond tho Now Year's ball at Odd Follows' hall Weduosday ovoning, Docombor 81. Music, War ren's orchcstra. All cordially iuvit ed. Doric and Abol Kuoeland aro 110 bottor. A number from Warren, Fayston aud a fow from Morotown raitron. isod tho morchants horo quite liboral ly during Ohristmas weok. Evon if wo do have auother barbor iu towu both soom to bo doing a good business. Dr. H. T. J. Howo is having au uu- usually largo praotico at presout. Nearly all who could aiford it havo had tolophouos placod iu thoir resi doncos iu the vilhigo. A largo doloaatiou from Warron. Fayston and Morotowu attendod the (Jhnstmas oxorcises at tho churchos last weok. Sam Smeedlohim, tho Burlington juuk doalor, apoars to bo doing a good bnsiucss in old irou, rubbors, rags, any old tlung, otc. Tho thoruiomoter recistered sixteeu degrecs bolow zero iu tho villago last Wednesday morning. Thoro aro mdicatious that weddinc Dons wm uo ringing iu tno villago, shortly. Rev. Albort H. Bakor will civo his lllustrated storeopticon loctnro at tho JHetnouist ciiurcli ou Tuesday ovouing, January 13. Admissiou flfteeu and twonty-nvo ceuts. Jacob S. Boyco of South Favstou was a visitor iu town baturrtay. Lon Berry is nuite ill with hoart failuro. j. fj. iiuon, wno naa nis 10c iu- jurou quito Dauiy somo timo ago, is so far recovored as to bo ablo to walk about the houso with the aid of crutches. Mrs. Jessie Fostor of Waterbury was tno guost ou sunaay 01 w. 11. Mar- Rhall and family. J. B. Norton was the guest of his mother in Richmond last Friday and saturaay. M-. aud Mrs. Harry Trask of Wor cester, Mass., aro tho guests for r number of days of Mrs. Trask 's par outs, Mr. aud Mrs. Charley New coinb, Mr. Trask is soon to attoud tho Burlington medical collogo. w. ii. iuarsnaii was iu ijincoln on business Mouday aud Tuesday. Tho suow rollor was out in this vil lage for tho first timo this seasou last Friday. A quito woll-to do, but closo flstod son of tho soil of this towu. ononod nis noart to -tno uurstiug poiut ou Ohristmas by prosouting his hirod girl with a fivo cont bag of peppor- miiic canuy. it mnst nave 'broko him. A. W. Bigolow is mootimr with wholo lot of compotition with his suow plow. Mr. Bigolow attonds strictly to his businoss aud says uotli iug but keops kuitting. Josophino Boyco has roturuod to in J. D. Davis' hor dntios as clork storo. J. A Carpoutor starts for California uoxt .Mouday. WATERBURY. E. II. Motcalf, formorlv of tho Barro Evouiug Tologram, but now of tho Burlington Daily Nows, was in town Friday 011 businoss. M. F. Stranahan, who was coiiflnod to tho houso two days laRt woek with plourisy, is uow ablo to bo out again. Harry Caso mot with a painful ac- cident ou Christnias day whilo slidiug. 110 run iuto aionco breaklng lds wrist and recoivingothorinjurios. Dr. Bid- wolj attoudod luni and tho boy is do ing yoll Miss Lona Carpentor wont to Mont polior last Tliursday to ontor uiion hor now dutics as uookkoopor tor tho Now England Tolophouo Odni)any. JainoH Hayos of Colorado is visiting his paronts, Mr. and Mrs. William Haycs, of Orossott Hill ; ho will als visit his sistor. Mrs. Miohaol Burke, of Franklin, N. H., boforo his roturn to Colorado, VA McGinty, who 1ms boon nurso at tlioi aBylnm for somo timo. has ro- signod his positlon lind is to ontor tho Uuivorslty ot YoruMjjt at Burlington E. 13. Campboll Wd fnmily Bpont uurisimas 111 iuiiuikmdx. Tho night oporator, G. A. AdaniH. closed his labors with tho Contral Vormout Railroad Oo.on Saturday and will aocopt i position ou tho Now York Uoutral. Miss AHco Stownrt flniBhod working Saturday uight in tho storo of Mr. Ly ford. D. O. Turnor and wifo spont ChriBt mas at U. P". Ohild's, Watorbury Oon tor. Fnrusworth Tico of tho Uulvorsity of Vormouf is sponding a fow days at his homo iu town. Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Moody, who havo boon visiting in town for a fow days, roturnod to Providonco, R. I., last Friday. Gou. William W. Honry, U. S. Con snl at Quoboo, and wifo visitod in town hiBt Friday, Thoy woro accompauied back to (uuboo by Mrs. Houry's moth er, Mrs. Ileaton, who oxpocts to opoiid tho.wintor thoro. Edward Cota of Morrisville is vis iting iu towu for1 u fow days. Dr. Grout has retumed from Bostou whoro ho was prqsout at tho cliuics givon by Dr. Loronz. Mrs T. T. Farr has boou assistiug in tho storo of F. O. Luco through tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Eli ABhloy of Royal ton aro visiting in town for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Knowles tpont Ohristmas in Burlington at his homo. Rov. F. P. Kcllogg dolivorod tho fourth sormou of a sories of flve, on Suuday oveuiug, for tho bonoflt of tho yonug pooplo. Tho Cliristmas oxorcisos wero woll attonded at tho churohes Weduosday evouiug. Tlio trces woro woll ladeu witli prosents. All wout nomo pioasod with what thoy had seon and tho pres qnts receivcd. Miss Josio May and Miss Davis nro sponding a fow days iu North Dux bury. Johu Keuuody, who is employod at tho Watorbury Houso, is away for a foy days' vacatiou. Timothy O'Briou is vory poorly. It is now thouglit that ho canuot possibly rceovor. Tom Konufidy, who has beon om- ployed'as shippiug clork at tho wrap por factory, has closed his labors thoro aud will tako a positiou iu liarro. W. J. Bovco had a largo family gath- oriug at his homo Cliristmas ovening. j P. D. Ladd of Montpolior spout I Christnias at his homo iu town. Honry Elliot. who is attoudiug Yalo collogo, iB at homo visiting his par outs Wallace Greoii has rncontly received from Edward Colby of Califoruia a mouuted tarautnla measnriug about three iuches across; and also a buuch of roses pickod from his garden. Miss Irono Honry, who is attonding school iu Middlebury, is spoudiug the holidays at hor homo 111 towu. Cliristmas was obsorvod at North Duxbury by oxercises aud a treo. Richard Burke of Richmond was in towu Saturday ou busiuess. Miss Sirsio Janes begau work ou Thursday at the tolephono oflice.taking Leua Carpoutor's place. FAIRLEh'. Ohristmas oxorcisos woro hold in tho ' church Wednesday ovoniug. A very nico outertaiumout cousisting of eongs j and dialogs was givon by the childrou I with somo assistauco Irom tho oldor singors. Tho last exorciso was a'Can- ( tata, in which shopherds, fairies, aud brownios all woro activoly ongaged. Whilo thoy woro having a jolly timo Old Sauta himself suddenly appearod in' tho midst. Af tor anuounciug him solf aud his orraud in a rollicking soug, he began takiug bricks, uot brick bats but a softor kind, filled with sweots, from tho chi.muoy and distributed them among the fairies aud browuies, whou thoy all disap peared. Tho treo was thon stripped of its load, of fruit aud disponsed to tho waitiug'company, who went homo with smihng facos and pockots and liauds full of Cliristmas gifts. Mrs. W: H. Child had sevoral frionds from out of towu to diuuor on Ohristmas day. Tho studonts from K. U. A., aro at homo for tho holidays. Horbert Prico was quito ill with a cold when ho camo homo; thoy feared it might do volop into pneumonia but ho soems bottor uow. Mrs. N. Rogors has beon quito ill but is gainiug. Thero havo boon sevoral cases of slight sickuess but all are couvalescing. Harry Kondall is homo from Mount Hermou for the holiday vacation. WEST CORINTH. Rev. Almon Shophord came horo from Tunbridge last Saturday aud proached horo ou Suuday. Fay Blako has closod his labors at tho Oity Hotel iu Barro nud ho and his family aro stopping with his par outs, Mr. and Mrs. U. s Blako. A daughtor was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fay E. Blako, pecombor 22. Miss Loua Williams was at homo from hor school at Thetford last wook aud roturnod Mouday of this wook. Mr. aud Mrs. B, H. Wiggins aud childrou spont Cliristmas with hor paronts in Vorshiro. Our.uearost physician. W. E. Looko. oxpeots to movo to Bradford this wook but mtouds to bo m towu throo days each week for a whilo. Sovoral from horo attoudod tho dauco at Cookvillo last Friday night. Mrs. Kuiiyou has roturuod from East Barro aud is working atO. F. Blako' s. Mr. and Mrs. Loreuzo Heath wont to Bradford last wook to soo his nioth er aud brothor. Charlos Dickoy, who was iujurod in Now York sovoral wooks ago, is still at tho hospital. Miss Bortha Oross of Vorshiro visit od hor sistor, Mrs. Wiuiiio Wiggins, last weok. Mr. Litoh spont Christnias at East Barro. MORETOWN COMMON. Mr. Emoisou and son from Mont polior havo beon working for Mr. W. P, Wado, chopping, this last weok. Olarenco W. Loug drossod two bcovoR that drossod fivo hundrod and flfty a pioco for W. P. Wado ou Fri day. Elnior Fostor is at homo from his work in Borlln for a wook or two. Georgo Bruco and wifo aud ohild of Middlosox visitod at O. E. Russoll's tho last part of tho wook. E. R. Loug of Warrou visitod at J, S- Loug'B TueBday night. PLAINFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Loo Soavor aud Mrs. Jounio Soaxor of Washington woro in towu Monday night roturuing Tues day. Ira Stono waB roportod bottor on Saturday. Mrs. L. 0. Bcedo is gaiulng. Moses Hammol is very sick at this writing. Thoro woro thrco inombors initiatod iuto tho ordcr of Good Templars last Thursday night. At tho Mothodist church Christnias ovo tho ontertalnmont coiiBistcd of recitat ons, music and a uantata "Tho Jack Frost Band, " tho chorus of boys was vory good. Tho treo was woll ladon with presontB thoro was a good crowd in attondanco. Miss Marjory Cato sovou ycars old sang a solo. Tho oxorcises at tho Gongrogational I church Monday night tho 23rd woro also woll attondod, tho cautata waB woll roudorod and ovoryono passod a vory ploasaut ovoning. Tlioy woro all romomlftsrod by Santa Claus. LaBt Friday night tho Robokah (1q groo was conforred ou ouo caudidato. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Piko went to Lanosboro on Tnosday to work for Mr. Sploor for tho wintor. Mrs. D. J. Norcross of Watorbury is stopping in town a fow days. Mrs. E. M. Woods went to Barro ou Mouday to koep houso for D. Field uutil March. A. H. Grogory, clork in Frod Por rin's storo is soon to movo his family into Eugono llathaway's tonomout. Tho pooplo of this town havo bcen romonibored as usual by a haiid.omo Ohristmas oard from Adolph Buok of Hamburg, Germany. Mrs. William Chapiii is visitiug fnonds iu JSortli Jiontpoiier lor a wcek. Thoro will bo a watch night sorvico at tho Mothodist church Wednesday night boginning at 8 :30 o'clock. Tho Bpworth Loaguo will tako tho first liour and thou thoy will havo a social lionr followod by a sernion. All aro iuvitod to attend. Harris Colby of West Burke, Vt., was tho guest of lluv. G. 11. Wright, rbturning to his homo Tuesday. 'Pltn Plninflnlil nrnnrnnrr llnifl ifR I luitrnns for Novomber buttor tweutv- oight aud ouo-fourth conts por pouud. C. E. Woodard aud family of Mont pelier spout Christnias at Dr. Lazell's. It is roportod that S. D. Cate has sold his meat market to Waltor Ma?tiu who will tako possossiou Jauuary 1. Mrs. Lovoll Spauldiug is vory sick at this'writing with a complicatiou of diseasos. Mrs. Mansfield is failing. Mrs. Thomas Taylor of St. Johus bury, Mrs, Outting's mother, speut Oliristmas witli Mr. aud Mrs. Cuttiug. Mr. Outting's son accompauied hor horo. ' Ira Batcholdor colobrated his uitrhti- l oth birthday last Saturday, sovouty of his relativos aud triouds visiting him. Wo hopo Mr. Batchelder may celobrato many moro tho same way. Will Carlotou gavo his lecture Tues day oveuiug, Decembor 80. Georgo Loavitt is vory sick with puoumouia. Ho was reported somo what moro comfortablo on Mouday night. A lot of lumboriug is nbont to be douo ou Spruco Mouutain this wiutor. W. R. Dauforth has about torty tneu at work uow; Foss aud Bartlott have about twenty; F. H. Wright aud Compauy about thirty, aud W. R. Dauforth has auother gaug of nbout the sauio number. Thoy oxpect to get out sovoral inilliou feet of lumbor. Archio Nyo has sold his work horses to F. H. Wright for lumboriug pur poses. Ed Smith, tho butter maker, has sont 111 his resignatiou to tako oneet on or boforo March 1. C. A. Martin lost a vnluablo horse Mouday night. This is tho secoud liorso he has lost in a short timo. D. H. Hollister has douo a large business this fall, haudliug 800 fox skiuB 800 skuuks, 1000 muskrats, 100 miuK, aud 100 coou skins. This week will about closo his fur busiuess for tliis seasou. Wo uuderstaud Frank Jacksou iB soou to start a siugiug school iu towu, for bogiuuors only. Chestor Sauboru has rocoutly re tumed from Littleton, N. H., whoro ho has beou workiug for a year or moro aud is uow talkiug of goiug to Califoruia, tho first of Jauuary, where ho has a sistor liviug. F. L. Duko of Marshfield was iu towu Saturday visitiug his parouts, Mr. I and Mrs. E. V. Duko. Tho uow chapel which is being bnilt 011 Maplo Hill near Plainfield isuoarly comploted and will bo dotlicatod by a Holiuess convention, comnioucing Sat urday, Jauuary 3, aud holding ovortwo Sundays. Sorvicos each day at 10:30 a. m. a :au aud :uu p. m. Mr. aud Mrs. E. V. Duko aud daugh tor took a sloigh rido Suuday to North Montpolior. Johu Rvnu rocoivod word Mouday that his brothor iu Now York wns just alivo. Mr. Ryau wU visit him at onco. Leo Townsond is soahng lumber at Ohostor Wood'B mill iu Marshllold aud Alox St. Oyo iB scaling at Ed Martm's mill ou Maplo Hill. EAST BARRE. Mr. aud Mrs. Anios Plastridgo ot Northfield was tho guest of hor broth or, W. U, JSyo ovor Uiirlstmas. J. L. Dix aud wifo wout to' Barro oity, Thursday. J. E. Outlor of Orango was in town, Saturday. Mr. E. M. Tayntor and his sou, Lowis spout dnnday with Mr. and Mrs G. S. Nyo. A vory largo nunibor of frionds and rolative.s gatliorod at tlio homo of Mr. aud Mrs. Scutt to spoud Ohristmas. Roljort Rayoraft and wifo wont to tho eity on Saturday. J. B. Soavor of Washington was in town ono day last weok. RYEGATE. Miss May Rolfo has not boon so woll during tho past wook and hor frieuds fear that sho is failing. Mrs. Margarot Park visitod with hor son Hoiiry J., aud family at thoir uow homo iu Passumpsio Docombor 24, ro turuiug homo Docombor 20. M. II. Abbott aud N. E. MorriBOU aro doing tho carpoutor work ou tho uow shed at tho oroaniory. Thoy nl roatly havo tho framo np, and partly covorod and thoy oxpect to comploto thoir work boforo loug, as it is noedod vory much. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sargont gavo a Cliristmas diuuor aud treo to thoir families and a fow othor iuvitod frionds. A good timo was roportod by all who woro thoro. D. Buchauau wont to South Peacham tho 23d, to visit his iriond, Dugal Stownrt, who is vory sick with dropsy aud hoart troublc. O. N. Wallaco at East Ryogato has sold a largo portion of hisfarm which lies on tho east sldo of B. & M. rail road for $4,000. Tho Ryegato Papor Co., aro tho' purchasors, and this will includo tho I'arm buildings occupiod by Mr. Wallaco who intouds to build ou auother pieco of land that ho owus near tho croamory. G. G. Nolsou is to bnild his uow dwolliug houso thore nlso iu tho spring whou tho boom opons. Mrs. Lillian Thompson is oxpected homo Irom Bostou this wook where sho has beou visiting hor brothor nud family togcthor with othor frieuds during tho past fow wccks. I. H. Gilfillan tho past mastor of Bluo Mouutain Graugo accopted an iu vitatiou to mstall tho oflicers of Wide-A-Wako Grango iu St. Johus bury Conter at thoir rogular mcotiug last Saturday ovoniug. Ho roturued homo Mouday well plcased with his visit aud tho hospitality giveu by the patrous of tho ordor. G. G. Nolsou was afc St. Johusbury Docombor 22 ou h businoss and a shop ping trip combiued. Bluo Mountaiu Graugo held its regu lar meotiug on tho oveuiug of tho 23d. A goodly uumbor of the patrous boiug iu attcudance. Tho followiug ofli cers woro olected for tho year : T. A. Meador, M. j N. G. Cochran, O. ; Mrs. Lililan Thompson, L. ; H. W. Hondorson, S. ; Claudo E. Nolsou, A. S. ; Georgo Cochran, chap. O. Frauk Smith, treas. ; L. .Teuuio Moader, sec. ; Mrs. II. W. Heudersou, P. ; Mrs. C. M. Libby, C. ; Mrs. H. S. Powers, F. ; Fred Broadway, G. K. ; Lottie A. Broadway, L. A. S. Tho oxecutive , fiiiancial aud social com mittoe together with tho orgauist, otc woro loft ou tho table to bo np pointed at the noxt regular meotiug which will bo ou Jauuary 14, 1903, at which time the annual reports of tho secrotary and tro.isurer will bo read aud full arrangemouts for tho installa tion of ofllcors aud tho auuual box sup por will bo made. Miss Margaret Huutor is quito ill iu a hospitnl in Massacliusotts whoro sho went somo time since for treatiuont. Claudo E. Nolsou goes to Bellows Falls to work tor tho Vormout Fnrni Machiuo Co., about the middlo of uoxt moiith. R. N. Wormwood killed nud dressed a niue nionths' old pig receutly that weighod four huudred aud fivo pounds. Dr. G. W. Darliug of South Ryegate was iu No. 2 neighborhood last Satur day afternoou calli g ou Mrs. Maggie Wormwood who does uot seem to im prove very fast. WAITS RIVER. Ohristmas exorciBes were held here 011 tho ovoniug of tho 24th, and were much eujoyed by all. A largo crowd was presout. Blossom Chaso was at homo from her school on tho east side to speud Cliristmas. The Rev. Mr. Morso's mothor and sister from Randolph were among the guests here Cliristmas aud wero eu tertaiued by Mr. aud Mrs. Augelo Beede. Mr. and Mr. James Richardsou have boeuspendiug tho past week in Williamstown. Mrs. Heury Clark of Randolph is visitiug her daughtor, Bessio Felch. Jeuncss Philbrick of Barro spent Ohristmas with frieuds here. THETFORD. OhristmaB exericses wero held at the church ou Thursday ove. A very pleasaut timo was hod. Jauo Colburn, who has been to Iowa to visit her frieuds, has roturnod to hor home at the Hill. Mr, Myers is pnttiug iu a fnruace for Johuio Huntington. Mamio Wolsh has beon visiting hor graudmother. Rov. Mr. Loder's sou nud daughter camo homo to spoud Cliristmas. Mrs. William Coonibs has gone to Cauaan to viBit to visit hor parouts. Harry Coombs is spcudiug his vaca tion with his brothors, Charles, and William Coombs. Mrs. L. S. Yarringtou is quite sick. Hor daughtor, Mrs. Swan is cariug for hor. Lettio Vaughu aud Sarah Souter are at homo for tho holidays. EAST WARREN. Tho Ladies' Mito Sooioty will meet at W. A. Averill's ou Thursday foro noon, Jauuary 1. All aro cordially invitod to attoud. G. P. Stoarns was called to Rich mond last weok, by tho illness of his mothor, Mrs. Jnno Nichols, who is uot oxpoctod to recovor. Her daugh tor, Mrs. Stearus, is cariug for hor. Dr. E.W Slaytou sooms vory liappy sinco tho nrrival of a ten pouud boy at his homo, Docomber 18. Miss Bortha Averill, who is attond ing tho high school iu Northfield, is at homo during tlio vacation. Uov. G. ii. - e from Montpelier Somiuary closed nis labors horo last ounday. Ho ioaves many warm frionds. '1 horo will bo uo meotiugs horo tor tho presout. Elmor WiUiaius and Miss Sadio fcjlieridan fioui Barro spout a part of last weok at E. A. Williams'. UORN OF THE MOON. Ilarloy Jacobs has goilo to Warren Ellis' 111 Worcester. Mrs. Uiaddiug from Barre is vihitingat . F. Gladdiug's. Miss Ha'nilton gavo hor pupils a va cation from Tuusday until Monday. Thoro was a gramophouo ontortaiu mont at tho Morso sohool houso Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Luco, from Stowe, aro sponding a fow days with thoir daughtor, Mrs. W. A. Cooluy. AS . uii riPREADS in dry grass, m uors .ui inilauuuation iu tho throat, grow aowu iuto tho luugs. Doal promptly with n cold as with a flre, and when you bogiu to cough uso Al lou's Luug Balsam.