m ' "ggf
pays roultrymen 200$ profit if. tlie hcns are propcrly
liouscd and cnrcd for. It mnkcs chickens grow nnd prcvcnts
Vou run no risk in ordering Page's Food. It is a gcnuine
egg producer. Used regularly by succcssful poultrymen
Specinl inducements offcred to agents in every town
and village. Write for our booklet of prices and testimonials.
Every Pound is Guarantccd.
lt Costs but Little.
Thc Frclght is Prepaid.
Fot yoor name rm 1
postal card and msll lt to-day.
Hyde Park, Vermont.
Wnshiugtoii, Dec. 20. Mnil ndviees
from Mnuihv stato tlmt tlio cnstoms
dopnrtmont of tlio nrchlpolngo has
nuoarthed n colossal B.VBtom of smng
gliug tlint hns cost tlio govorumout
thousnuds of dollars. Tlio roport was
mndo by Colonol McCoy, dopnty col
loctor of cnstoms, nud chargos ofllcors
and men of tlio army traiifiport sorvico
with carrying on n big coinmoroial
buBiuoss for tlioir own profit. Smng
gliug has beon going on, Col. McCoy
ssorts, in tlio Zuba nrchipclngo aud
a big coast wiso trado has beon cou
ducted by cortain chartorod trausports.
Washington, Dec. 27. An iuquiry
rogarding tlio oxponditure, of 'tlio Isth
mian canal coinniission is now afoot
nt tho instigatiou of Mr. flopburn,
' who offored a resolution to that oirect
in tlio Houso of Roprefieutntives. It
is claimed that. moro than half of tlio
conunission fund of 1, 000,000 1ms
boou exhausted nlroady. It is roportod
that the investigatiou will revoal tho
drawing of ouornions salaries by the
commissionors; and tho making of
plnces for boiis of prominont niou,
with salaries attached thoreto far bo
yond any possiblcj valno of tho Bor
vices rouderod.
"Mystio Cure" for Itheumntlsm anil
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 daya.
Its aetion npou the system li rernnrUablp
and inysterlous. It remnvee ut owo the
causo and thu dlsoase luimedlaN'iy dUap
peare. Tlio tlrst dnse greatly benellts. i5
cents and S1.00. Sold by Ilarry A. Slade
Dni-git, II) Stnto ntreet.
Polish residents who havo been at
work for eight years to securo tho
orection in a publio park of a statue
of tho Polish patriot, Kosciusko, aro
about to realizo tlioir hopes. A work
iug model of tho statue, a horoio
equostriau flgure, will bo east in
brouzo and orected in Humboldt
Aldormau Jolin F. Snnilski, who
was ninoiig tho llrst to tako up tlio
moinorial idoa eight years ago, says:
"Tho modol was desiguod by Chud
ziuski, a Polish sculptor, who for
sonio timo has been in Warsaw. Ho
brought tho modol to Ohicago nnd
will superiutond tho work of castiug
it in bronzo. "
Tho annual meeting of tho stock
holders of Wutprbnry Nntional Bank
for tho olcction of Directors for tho
yoar ensuing will bo liold at said bank
in Waterbury, on Tnesday, Jauunry
13, 1003, at 10 o'elock a. m.
W. B. Clark Cashior.
Waterbury, Vt., Dec. 13, 1!)02.
Vionua, Doo. 27 Princo Loopold
Ferdinand, who wont away with his
sistor, tho Orown Prinooss of Saxony,
whon sho eloped with hor Fronch in
struotor, has writton to a friond in
Salsburg that nll four of tho lovors in
tond to oniigrato to Amorica to cscapo
pursuit, nnuoyauoo and publio curios
ity. That is tho only couutry, tho
Princo declarod, whoro it was roally
posslble to start lifo afrcsh.
Philadolphia, Dec. 27. Tho Philn
dolphin aud Reading Itailroad Com
pany roports twouty colliories nnd
fonr washorios idlo today, aud ton
collierios and four o washeries inu
ning short hnnded bo.nnso of fniluro
of lriners to re ort fr duty. Too
nmch ChriBtmas choor iBOtho causo un
olllcially assigned for thi s ndditioual
complieatiou of tho coal striugency.
In additiou, livo colliories aro idlo
by roasou of high wator.
ttila Blpniitura Is on ciery Iiot nf ie gonulns
Laxative BromoQiiini:ie "t
the ri'iedy that cures rt :olu t.i om ln
Pittstou, Pa., Dec. 27. Johu Wacks
nou-uniou minor, was murdored, nnd
his boheadod romains placed besido
tho Lehigh Valloy railroad tracks
whoro they woro found tliis moruing.
Tho head was cleanly Bevored from
tho body as if ohopped with a cleavor
aud thore was no blood on tho rail
road track. Wacks was opposod to
tno niiuo striko aud it is thought that
had considorablo to do with his doath,
as his houso was dynanntod about
two months ago.
Barro, Dec. 27. Tho flfteoiith an
nual Masonio assembly of Oporativo
and Grnuito Lodges of tliis city was
hcld at Miles hall last ovonng. About
two huudred woro in ntteiidaueo and
tho first partof tho ovoning was dovot
ed to a bauqnet at which tho follow
iug toasts wero proposed : Tho Grand
Lodgo of Scotland; tho Grand Lodgo
of V orniont, aud Barro's Graud Old
Man in Masoury, Eli T. Rico. Lon
tini's striugod orchsetra furnished
musio for dnnciug which coutiuuod
uutil four a. m.
Tho Brooklyn Bridgo is carrying
30,000 passongors a day moro than at
tliis timo last year. It is ovideut that
tho flxed population of Kow York is
growing fastor than tho transportation
facilities. Great hopes havo boou
basud on tho oponing of tho now sub
way ; but it now lookB as tliough its
great facilitios will bo ovortaxod bo
foro mauy years. Utica Obsorver.
to any ono who infoinis 113 wlion a dcfcot
111 niatunal or cuiistriietiiin is iound 111 -
sohl by 11s. W'v clHim pcift'ction for j
tlicso goods. All tlmt our long coiiuce
tiun with tlio liiisinc'irt liiis tawght iih to do
111 ordfi' ti) attnin jierfi-cliim is doiui and
tlieso tliingB of lealliiT, steul, iron, rublicr
and otliur matcrial aiu tlio huight of good
valuo. ,
A. C. DAY,
54 Maln SUeet, Barre,
Al. W. Wlieelock's
Raal Eslate Agency
At M'ii'Iim'IUt IJ'iiilc Hui'lrrv. Iiuvo bar
gaui'iii lio-MM. Inli aud iiIIut viilualile
iimHTl v. I'lni'i i wantcd fnr IIihI-oImhi' ,
oliTkf. inuli'. li iti'l rooif, ism for iioiiho
work. lniiiiili'y wnrlc, clc,
&irXtt itxpf-uxo for ri.'Klnlering
"agents wanted
To loprcRont tlio Connoc.lic'iitr5onora
Lifo Iiisuianeo Co. Apply to H. ,
DHUUY, Gonoral Agont, U00111 3
Walton Dlock, Ktalo SStreet, Mon
pelior, Vt
It has bncomo kuown that Ferdi
nand Pcck of Ohicago, and his nsso
clates ttiuro.aro tho ohlof BtocklioldoiB
in -tlio Northcastorn Siborlan com
paiiy, which holds valuablo miuing,
trading nnd dovolopmont conccssiouB
for tho oporation of a largo Bcction
of Sihurin bordoring 011 Bering sca
and tlio Arctio occau. Tho company
htiH cstnblished sovoral iniportnnt
trading stations on tho Siboriau coast
nnd has begun tho dovolopmont of
miuing nnd flshories rofources.
Tliomns Tobin, who butcliorcd
Oaptaiu James B. Oraft of Glcn Cove,
L. I. , in n Now York rcsort, has beon
scntenccd to dio in tho olectrio chair
durlng tlio wcek Ijcginniug Fobrnnry
0, uext.
Whon Rov. Dr. Parlthnrst was uoti-
flcd of Gcnoral' Groen's appointmeut
ns polico cominissionor of Now York j
ho sncored conteniptuonsly aud said : '
"Anothor military nppoiutmout, moro
rcd tapo. Jloro Baluting, tho Banio
old gang of touglis to adviso liim, 1
sanio corruption in tlio precincts of
ofllcers that has beon growing for a
geueration and reached its full Hor- '
esccuco uiulor Dovory sanio old fnil- '
uro in tho cud,"
Tliomna Sharkoy, who killed Bank
er Nicliolas Fisli last Septcmber, has
been scnteuced to- tcn years in Siug
Siug prison.
Bloudin, tlio couvicted wifo niurd- 1
WlllcniBtcnd, Onracao, Dec, 2-1.
Tho Venozuolau junta lioro claims to
liavo adViccs from Caracas that tho
ruhels havo agnlu takon tho llold nnd
that Prcsident Cnstro has Btartcd for
La Victorin with govorumout troops
to clieck tho ndvauco. Soven thons
nnd robelB, it is statcd, began today
tho march on Cnracas, tho armistico
hnving eudcd. Gonernl Mntos, leador
of tho rovolution, says CiiHtro'sdown
fnll is cortain and that ho, as
Castro's succcssor, will nottlo tho do
luauds of tho powcrs. Tho rebols aro
well Bupplied with food nnd nmmuiii
tiou and aro gotting supplics throngh
tho port of Coro, which tlio blockad
ing forces left opcu. Coro is sur
rounded ou tho laud sido by robols and
it looks as if Matos had sccurcd tho
aid of tho allies in his nttompt to
ovcrthrow Cnstro.
Washington, Dec. 27. Notes ro
coived from Europcau govorumouts
iutorcstcd in tho Vouezuolau contro
vorsy and from Veueznoln, agrco to
snbmit tho qncstiou at issuo to tho
tribuual at Tlio Haguo. A noto is
now boiug proparcd by Secrotary Ilay
iu which tliis govornmeut aunounccs
its hearty approval of such a courso.
Thero appears to bo no qucstion that
it is tho gencrnl undorstauding that
tho Monroo Doctriuo shall not entor
into qucstion of nrbitratiou.
Washington, Dec. 27. Pcntling tho
couclusiou of tho prolimiuary protocol
tliis Govorumout decliues to mako
,. 1..,,, .,11 . ..;, 1,,. ,n;n,
. ' . . . . , 1 publio nny of tho conditions precedeut
for a now trial iu tho superior crinn- f . . 1
ual court and wns again romauded for
Under allcurableconditionsl
Mr. D. Kauble of Mrs.W. W. Lay- I
Nevada, O., was ler of HlUlard, I
oured by Kodol A Pa., was cured I
of stomaoh of Chronlo
trouble which ifflfSi Dyspepsla by g ,
h;d.dicd mm ih. u.. 01 1 !
1 JE&'mr: I
seutonco. Counsol for tho dctendant (
aud tho govoriimont auuouncod that
they had practically ngreod upon n
substituto bill of ncceptauco to go
beforo Snpremo Court. j
Bofore closiug t(io Glovor Bay Bta
tion for tho ChriBtmas holidays Marconi
ont messnges to prominont Italiaus in
tlioir nativo languago, and they woro
takon at tho Cornwall station by opor
ators who had 110 knowlodgo of tho
Itnliau languago. Christmas greotings
woro sont by Maccoui to his co-diroc-
tors in Loudou. j
By tv gnsolouo oxplosion Wetlnesday ,
aftoruoou in a club houso at Ilot
Springs. Ark., two porsons worofatal
ly, four Boriously, and moro than a
scoro of othorH moro or less soveroly
David W. Grover of Dartmouth,
Mass., nnd his dnughtor, Bossio aged
fonrtoou, woro killed, aud anothor
daughtor, Clara, agod oighteen, sori
ously iujured iu a collision of a paB
Beugor traiii aud a buggy in which
thoy woro ridiug uear North Dart
mouth Woduesday ovfning. Tho eldor
dnughtor lost both limbs.
Four persous woro burnod to doath
Thnrsday in tho houso of JuliuH King
of Piorcoflold, a prominont pulp and
paper manufacturiug town iu tho
A dispatch from Romo says that
Bishop Couaty, a rector of tho Oatho
lic University at Washington, nppoars
to havo tho best chauco of appoint
meut to tho bishopric of Los Angolos,
Forest Gnle, a thirteou-year-old
boy attached to tho Salvatiou Army,
was fatally bnrucd Christmns uight
whilo playing Sauta Olaus to .300
poor cliildrou'at Ilamiltou, Ohio.
Nato Salsbury, coutrolling partnor
in tho Buffnlo Bill Wild West show,
died Wednesday at his liomo in Loug
Brnuch, at tho ago of ilfty-sovou
years. BulTalo Bill is with tho Bhow
in Loudou.
Tho sheep barns of tho Union Stock
Yards company at South Omaha,
burued, Thursdny, togotlior with C00
sheop, eutailiug n loss of 30,000.
Tho cityShallSatS Marlboro, IrSMass.,
was burued Thursday moruing, tho
totnl loss boing about 300,000. Tho
city's pnblic library, with tweuty
flvo tliouFnnd volnmes, located 011 tlio
first lloor of tho building wns burned,
nlso tho armory of Co. F, 0th regt.
Tho city records woro savod.
to arbitration which havo beeu im-
posed by tho Europenn nllics.
Mauy communicntious aro passing
botweeu Secrotary Hay aud the diplo
matio roprebentatives of tho United
Stntes at Loudon, Berlin, Romo aud
Caracas. Tho fonnal nssent of tho
threo European Powors to tho refor
enco of tho questions nt issuo to tho
Permanont Conrt of Acbitrntiou hns
not beeu received, but ir is oxpected
withiu a vory short timo. Presideut
Cnstro, in respouso fo nn iuquiry
from Secretnry Hay, transmitted
throngh Miuistor Bowen, has agreed
in ndvanco to tho proposed arbitra
tion by Tho Haguo tribnnal.
Berlin, Dec. 27. Tho Gerraan
press oxpresses goucrnl satisfaction nt
tho prospcct of arbitration of tho
Venezuola nffair aud is curious to seo
how Tho Hnguo tribuual will avoid
any cousidoration of tho Monroo doc
Loudou, Dec. 27. Englnnd formnl
ly nccoptcd tliis aftoruoou Prcsident
Roosovolt's proposal to rofer tho Von-
ozuelan affair to Tho Haguo for
Washintgon, Dec. 27. Atthe Stnto
department it is positively deuied tlint
tliis couutry is partioipating in tho
formulating a prolimiury protocol pro
vidiug for arbitration botweon pow
ors nnd Venezuola. It is said that
tho Presideut in decliuing to nct as
arbitrator docliuod in spirit ns well
as iu lcttor, and to assist in arrang
ing preliminaries would bo inconsist
ent. Whethor tlio blockndo will con
tinno during tho negotintions is yet
to bo lcnrned lioro and ovidontly to bo
detormincd by tho allies.
A Costly Mistake.
Bluudors aro sometimo vory oxpou
sivo. Occasionally lifo itsolf is tho
pricoof 11 mistako, but you'll uover bo
wroug if you tako Dr. Kiug's Now
Lifo Pills for Dyspopsia, Dizziness,
Headacho, Liver or Bowol troubles.
Thoy aro goutle yot thorough. 25c, at
O. Blakoly's Drng Storo.
Albany, Now York, Doc. 21. Now
York Stato has ontored a protest npou
tho rnising of tho qunrautino in Con
necticut, aud maiutaius 11 Btriot; guard
011 tho Connecticut lino. Hay is in
oluded in tho restrieted nrticies of im
Kirtatiou iu tho Stato, a decision 011
that poiut relating to hay from Vor-
I niimt.
In respouso to 11 tolegrani from Gov.
Odoll Secrotary Wilson hns ropliod j
that thero is 110 disoaso in Conneoti
i cut "Fodernl quarautiuo romains in I
Vermont, MassaohusottB and Rhodo
Island, and tho Stato of Connecticut
has rigirt qnarantine agaiUFt Mnt-'Fa- 1
chiuotts nnd Rhodo Island. Tho work 1
of killing ufl'octod herdo is woll ad- I
Rntlaud, Dec. 24. Tho littlo
daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Preston of
North Clarendon, died on Monday of
Btrychniuo poiFoning. Whilo tho
fnmily woro proparing to niovo tho
cliild secured a bottlo of Btrychniuo'
tabletB. Thinking tho tnblots woro
caudy, tho littlo girl, scarcoly threo
years of nge, attenipted to ent tho
coutents of tho bottlo. Whon dis
covored by her paronts tho bottlo was
nearly empty. Tho frnutio fntlior
and motlior npplied all tho kuown
fnmily reinedies but to 110 avail. A
doctor was seut for but tlio child was
dead beforo ho nrrived.
Burliugtou, Dec.
$ I OO Rownrd, $100.
Tho readors of tliis papor will bo
pleased to learn that thoro is nt least 1 j t 3ov1o from Ellgt r)orgot. to Briiml.
011; tho Rov. J. A. Lynch from St
27. Tho
Rov. J. S. Miohnud has just
nonnced tho following chnngos in tho
diocoso of Yorniont : Tho Rov. W. E.
Ploniondon from Brundon to St. An
thony's chiirch, Burlington; tho Rov.
0110 dreaded diseaso tlmt scionco has
beon ablo to curo iu all its stages aud
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo
is tho only postivo curo now kiwwn to 1
tno medical iratonntj (Jatarrli boing
a eonstitutionnl diseaso, requires n
ronstitutional treatmont. Hall's Ca
tarrh Curo is tnken intornallv, acting
diroctly uiion tho blood nnd mucous
snrfat'es of tho systoni, thnreby des
troving tho foundatinu of tho dipoaBO,
and givlng tho pationt strength by
building up tliocoiiBtitntionand assist
ing uaturo in doing its work. Tho
proprletors havo bo iinu'h fnith in its
cnrntlvo iowors, that thoy oll'or 0110
Huudred Dollars for any caso that it
fails to curo. Sond for 11st of tosti.
iuoninls. '"'''
Address. F. J. OHENEY CO., To'.
ledo, O.
Sold bv DrungistH, 7Bc.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho bost.
Aloysius cliurch, St. Johusbury, to
East Dorset and Rov. ThomaH Loonard
recontly ordained to tho prioBthood nt
Montroal, to St. Aloysius cliurch.
Thcso chaugoB will go into oll'cct Jnn
uary 14.
Dec. 27.
last uight,
Rauko, tlio
Bo.eman, Moutana,
Robort FitzHiiunious,
kuockud out "Miko"
heavy woight flghtor of Eastorn Mon
tnun, in ilfteen Fcconds aftor tlio gong
fcounded for tho second iound. Rauko
woighed 1U0 pounds and wont dowu
boforo a heavy jab,
M. E. Wheelor, tho Rutland cdunty
mombor of "Tho Comniittoo of Fif
tecn, " who was in tliis city Tnesday,
is tho gentleninn who nppcared beforo
tho committco on FiHhorifs nnd Gamo
during tho recont scssiou of tho Leg-
isluturo nnd olfored to doposit 1,000
to cover damago dono to crops by deor,
if tho bill extending tho opou scasou
for thcso aninials was killed. That
ho was in carnest about tho offor is
proven by tho fact that ho has do
posited tlio fium mcutioned with Gou.
W. Y. W. Riploy of Rutland, for tho
purposo statcd. Mr, Wheolor is an
ardeut ndvocato of llsh and gamo pro-
tcction, aud as tho chicf argumout iu
fnvor of a longor opou Benson for dcer
wns that crops woro tlamaged by thom,
ho offored to pay such damagcs por
sonally rathor thau havo' tho bill pass.
Thoro is an opidemio of diphthorin
iu tho villago of East Barnard aud in
conseqnonco bcIiooIb nnd churchos aro
cloBod. Thoro aro olovon cases at pros
out and two havo died. Dr. Hnbbard,
who nttoudod most of tho pationts,
hns contractcd tho disenBe.
Mayor Hawloy has callod a publio
meoting of tho votors of Burliugtou
for Jauunry 5, to considor tho propo
sition of Dr. W. S. Webb, with refoi
onco to tho removal of tho Rutland
railroad hoadquartors aud olllces to
Burliugtou, and uonding tho city iu
tho suui of 50,000 for tho samo. Tho
proposition Booms fnvorablo to a ina
jority of tho citizens.
Tho first six gnmes of tho twouty
gnmes in tho checker inatcli for tlio
champiouship of tho Stnto, which is
boing plnyed nt tho Y. M. O. A. iu
Rutland botweeu Georgo C. Auder
son of tho Barro Checker club aud N.
A. Bailoy of Rutland, wltom tho
former defeated iu n champiouship
match at Barro last October, has ro
sultcd in two gnmes for tho Grnuito
City man, ono for Bailoy aud threo
S. L. Cooloy aged 55, of Mouktou,
foll throuh a pitchiug holo a distauco
of twolvo fect Thnralay aud broko
his back. Although ho may livo for
somo timo ultimntoly hisiujuries will
provo fntal.
After n legal soparation of about
threo months dnrntiou Johu F. Mc
Guirk n grocer,of Rutland, nud Mnrin
A. McGuirk woro united iu mairiago
for tho second timo Woduesday ovou
iug. Iu Soptember tho womau secured
a divorco from McGuirk ou tho
grouud of intolornblo sovority aud
provious to that timo ho had beon on
joiued to keop awny from hor. Tho
couplo novor agreed and tlioir troubles
aro well kuowu iu tho local courts.
Tho annual meoting of tho Ver
mont Stnto Agricultural society will
bo hold at Rutland January 8. At
that timo it will be decided if tho
Stato fair is'to bo hold with Rutlaud
couuty fair tho Bamo as last yoar.
A south-bouud freight trainjbroko
npart uear South Royalton, Wednesday
moruing, aud cnnio togotlior whon tho
forward part stopped at a wator tauk
at that statiou. Eloven cars woro iu
tho wreck and two woro badly do
molishcd. Tho annual meeting of tho wosteru
Vormont Mnsonio Assoointion will bo
hold iu Vergennes, January 14.
3 Tho old stono storo nt Keetor's Bay,
South Horo, kept by Keetor Bros. was
destroyed by firo Woduesday moruing.
Tho loss wns about 0,000, iusurauco
2,000. Tho causo of tho firo is at
tribnted to burglars.
ItKeens the Feet Warm arw
Ask today for Allon's Foot-Easo,
powder. It Oures Chilblaius, Swollou
Swoatiug, Sore, Aohing, Damp feet
At nll drnggists nnd shoe Ftores, 25e.
Thc healthy
womnn uced not
fenr the chnnce
which comcs as tlie
beginning of life'a
nutmiin. It Is the
womau who is worn
out, run dowu and
a sufferer from
womanly diseases
who n n t u r a 1 1 y
drcads the chnnge
oflifc. Thlsisthe
criticnl period of
woman's life, and
the prevalence of
womanly dlseases
niakes it the duty
of every wonian
who would avoid
unnccessary suffer
intr to take esnecinl
carc of hersclf at tliis time.
The ills which vex so many women at
the chatigc of life are cntirely avoided
or cured by the iisc of Dr. Pierce's Pa
vorite Prescription. It niakes weak
women strong, and cnables the weakest
to pass throngh this trying change with
the tranquility of perfect health.
"I hve been n vcry licalthy womau, and lliis
timc has been vcry liaril with me," wrltes Mrs.
Magglc Morris. or Mnuson Ststion. Clearfield
Co Pa., nox 16. " I nm come to the time of
change of life, niul I have been ick a Rrcnt ilest
off aud 011. Wlien Mrs. Hcmmis raoved lieslde
me I was slck in bed, nnd when f he canie to see
me and wc werc talkinf? over onr sickneM, Mrs.
llemmis told me to try Dr. rlerce's Favorlte
rrescriptlon and 'Golden Medical Dlicovery,'
also Pellets.' I ROt her to brinir me a bottle of
each from the drug store and I used thetn.
Tlicy did me a great deal of good, and I (rot two
more bottles of I'avorite I'rescription.' I never
saw such n womlerful cure. Before I com
menccd your remedles I was good for nothine;
was in such inlsery I hardly knew what to do
with myself. now I can do all my work ruyself
and feel well."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are ey
and pleasant to take.
;WeekIy Market Report
Boston Produco Morkot.
C0111111011 extri j 40 " a 60
C'liolcu extriiS aml scconds , 7 M " 3 00
Mlnnciotaclcaraiul ttralglit 3 20 "8 10
Mlchliran, clear aml stralaht 3 10 " 8 80
Newiork clear aii.1 (tralght 8(0 S 80
Olilo and St. Louls clenr 1 60 "3 70
Ohlo ml HU T.oula stralfcht....... 2 70 "lli
llhlo and 8t. Loiils pateiit , S 8S " 4 00
Vi lsconsln and Mlnn. palent 4 00 " I 3
Oramilatctl, barrcl s 05 to 8 34
Comiiioii, harro' .... j g,i j gj
Dag iiichI i 80 "III
MldillliiKt, sackvd, per tou 19 m to 33 00
llran.sackutl, wlnter so !i&
llran, nacki-d, sprlnK 19 2S 19 uo
Coltonsr'etl mcal 37 6g
Kastcrn, cliolce frvsli ,
Kastcrn, fair to kooiI, doi
Vt. and N. II., cliolce freili.doz..
Stcaiuer ycllow.buali
No. 8
Good, no jrrarie
Tho Govornmeut is having gorious
difliculty in securing tho right. sort of
meu for positions in tho Philippiuo
sorvico nud oxamiuntious hold iiorcto
foro havo not furnished tho required
number to flll tno wnut. Anothor
effort is to bo mndo uoxt month to
flnd suitnblo men by menns of a geu
ornl civil sorvico esnminntiou hold nt
tho usunl places throughout tho couu
try. Montpelier is on this list nud
thoro will bo nu opportunity for
youug meu with iuclinntious toward
lifo iu our Eastorn possessions, to get
iu lino for positions as bookkeopers,
flnnncial clorks, chomists, electrical
and civil ougiueers, ngriculturists,
etc , at salaries ranging from 1200 to
1400 a year. Tho examiuatious will
bo hold January 29 aud 30 nt tho Gov
orumeut buildiug, whero furthor iu
formatiou cnu bo secured.
28 to
sa " j4
Arootook Ilcbrons
New Ilampshlrc Ilebrons
vermont Ilebrons ,
to 74
" 70
No. l.cllppcd wluto
No. l.cllpped white,.
No 3 white I.
Itclectcil white
A luzy livor niakes a lazy man.
Burdock Blood Bittors is tho nntnral,'
uov,or failiug reinedy for a lnzy livor.
Sholburlnu, Dec. 27, Dr. and Mrs.
Wobb, outortniued hcads of dopart
montB nud priucipal employeos to tho
uumbcr of 125, nt n Christmns celobra
tiou at Sholburuo Fnrms ThurBtlay ov
oning. A Now York mngiciau outortaiu
ed thocompauy for nu hour, Ihen camo
tho Christnias treo nud rofreshmouts.
Tho chiof gift s'ns a Bilvor loving cup
to Georgo Barro, managor of tho Webb
privato car, from tho four Webb chil
dren. A Christmns houso party, com
posed of Boston nud Now York frieuds,
joiued iu tho festivitios.
It's tho little colds that grow iuto
big colds; tho big colds that oud in
coufiumption nnd denth. Wntch tho
littlo colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Piuo
Syrup. , rSS
SnnlJuan, PortoRico, Doc. 20. Ad
niiral Dowoy nrrived lioro on boardtho
Muyflowor ou Woduesday moruing.
Thousauds of pooplo thronged tho
wharf of tho city and publio and pri
vato buildings woro decornted with
flags aud forts firedn salute. ThoAd
niirul was escorted to thopalaco byar
tillory, infantry and nionnted polico,
whoro n reception was hold.
Middlobury, Deo. 2(i. On Wednes
day Dr. D. A. Bisbeo paid tho olaims
of his nttaching oreditors in full nnd
tho attachmonts woio roleasod Ou
TliurBday F. L. Flsh, Etq., becamo
bail in tho suni of 1,200 beforo Judgo
Collius, and Dr. Bsisbeo waf roleaFed,
Ho is found to bo porfoctly Bolvont,
nud will cuntiuno business at BriBtol.
Okmulgeo, I. T., Doo. 27. Formor
Chiof Isparahachor of tho Creok In
diaiiH, died Buddonl.v lioro on Tuosday
night at tho ano of ninoty yenrs. Ho
had beon proniinoiit in Creek atTairs
for tlueescoio yoars nnd hatl beon con
nected with ovory .tronty of iniport
nnco betweon tho United Stntes gov
orumout nud Indiaus during that
timo. Rccently ho was choseu to iop
resent tho tribo iu Washington on
jiuitte'rs of importauco concorned with
tho Creek nntion.
Makos Sovonty-ono Yoars That
Has beon mndo and t-old, During
this timo it hns cured moro rohta,
coughs, and nll kinds of puhnouary
ailmouts than any othor mediciuo now
mndo nnywhoro iu tho gront wido
round world.
Evou coiiBuinption has many timos
beon cured by it. If not nlready ln
your modicino ou)boanl niako a New
Yoar'H rosolutiou to got lt today Sold
Ohicago, Dec. 27. In nn nttompt to
roliovo tho pressuro ou tlie bruin and
restoro n dying miiu to consoiousness,
in order to securo nn anto-mortom
fitatement, physieians last uight
btrotched tho ncok of Willinm F. Hnck
ett, whoso throat had beou Blashod by
his stepson iu a qunrrol nt thoirhomo,
says a spooial to tho Tribuno from
Detroit, Mich. Tho lnst oiVort failed.
Haokott died. Tho most Btrenu
ous ollorts woro mndo to rally tho dy
lug man for a flnnl iutorvnl of cou
sciousnesH, whoroiu ho niight mako a
Btntemeut. Tho phyBieiniiB adjusted
a stroichiug npparatus to his head,
drawing it uwny from tho should
2s. This wne dono to roliovo tho
pressuro of tho blood clot on tho spin
nl cord nud lot, tho bruin rovivo tom
porarily. Tho woights woro pnt ou and for
honrs tho doctors watchod for sonio
indcatiou that rcason was returniug.
At times n flickor of life Beomed to
como to tho fnce, but it faded again
beforo anvthinc had beon Bpokou.
Turn by turn tho dootors watchod un
til thoro was no longor nny hopo that
tho pationt could bo rovived.
Ilay, N. Y. aud C'n., cbolco to fancy.
llay, N. Y. aiul C'anada, ralr to gcod.
Hay, cattcrn. ordlnary to fair
Ilay, castern, coiuuion
Vt. andN. II., amortcd sljcs
NorthernN. Y., Hisorted alzes....
Northern N. Y., lariie tub
Western.asst., epruce tubs
Ari Weatern, large asli tubs
Cnamcry, northern llrsts
4'reamery. eastern, best marks
Creaniery, eastern, fair to good
Creamcry, wcsteni llrsts,
Creaniery, seconds
Halry, Vt., extra ,.
Ilalry, N. Y extra ?
Ualry, N. Y. and Vt. flrats'
Sliortcntclear ,
Lean ends
City rcnilered, pnre, 1b
Westi'ni coiniHiuiul
Pure kettle, rendered
Smoked Hams
Uoston, large
40 " 40)2
17 00 lo 17 50
ia oo n no
12 00 " 18 0D
10 00 " 12 00
10 00 " 11 00
8 M " 15 00
28 to
274 JS
28 "
28 "
25 "
2 " 27
26 27
23 " VS
2fl " 27
2J " 24
25 M
24 " -22
20 74 to 21 14
20 73 " 21
21 24 "
20 74 " 21 2
Wi -12
Ileef, cliolce, lli
lleef, llght cliolce, lb
Ileef, heavy good, lb ,
Ileel, good, lli ,
Ileef, hlndqnarters, cliolce
Ileef, hlndfiuarters, comnion togood.,
Ileer. foreiuarlers, cliolce
IH'ef, Inreqnarters, comnion to good..
Mutton, cxtra ,.
.Mutton, counuon togood
ijNiiius. cii, easi. lo..
8 Jito 9
8 8K
61 :: j
ii "
l.anihs, comnion to good, lb
Veals, cliolce eastern, lb
Veals, lalr to good
Veals, coniuion ,
Ilogs, couutry dressed, lb
Boston Lumbor Market.
Hemlock boarcls, rougl 13 00 to
Ilemlockboanis, planed 14 00 14 40
Hemlock boards, No. 2 11 w " 11 09
Spruce lioards, Ist, clear floor 19 00 " 19 M
Spruce lioards, 2ds, clear floor 16 00 ' 17 0
Spruce boards. coarse, 14 00 "
Spruce, nor. do, cars 16 40 " 17 00
Spruce, matched 18 00 19 M
Uox boards, 1 ln. Ilangor 12 00 " 13 0
liox boards, ord o 60 10 4t
UoxboArils, 7-8do... 9 10 9 99
liox boards, 8-4 do 8 40 M 8 7t
lloxboanls, 11-10. ,do 8 O0 ' 8 2
Uox boards, 4-8 do 7 00 " 8 09
Shlugles, Eastern sawed, ccdar ex 3 45 to 130
Bhlngles, do clear 2 84 " 8 C0
Slilngles, do 2ds 2 35 " 2 4
Shlngles, do ex. No, 1 2 23 "
Slilngles, do No. I 1 60 " 1 7
Clapboards, do 4 n. ex 40 00 " 42 00
Clapboards, do clear , 88 00 " 40 00
Clapboanls,2ds, clear 86 (0 " 38 00
Clapboards, extra No. 1 29 00 " 30 00
Clapboards. No. 1 , "
I.atli, spruce, 3 24 "
I.ath, spruce, 8 43
Boston Wool Market.
X aud above
No. 1
No. 2
Flne unwashed
No. I, coniblng, H and K blood...
No. 2 coiublug, H blnoil
Couiblug, f blood 23 '
Comblng, Si blood 22
Coiublug, brald 20
Clothlng, )', blood
to 32
" 32
" JI
' 23
" 24
" 24
" 33
" 35
to 34
" 31
A flne
A super....
U super
O Biiner
Comblng, flne
Cumblng, coumion
Vermont Markets.
llutter, fri'sh iu 3 lb. lioxoe, lb...,
lliitter. Iti sli new, Iu tubs, lb.,, .
Clieese, dalry, lb ,
Egg, d(it.,treb
I'otittoes, biish,,
A)lcs, ouah,
Hngs, llve, lb
llngs. ilrt'SfcHl, lb....,,,,
I.unilis, per lb
Veals, Ilte. lli ,
Chickens, lb
1 rowls, lb
' llarre
llutter, dalry
1 Kggs, doz
I Pnt.'itiics, iitsh
I llogs, dressed, lb
Veals, lle, lb
Sprlnglaiulis, lb
Knwls. lli ,
, Bpriug chickens, lli
31 to 13
20 " 23
II " 18
" 28
60 " 64
74 -
4 3!
7 " 75
I "
14 " 15
10 13
30 " 21
21 -
60 "
7 " 7K
4 " 3
9 " 10
Look Out for Fovor.
BiliouMioss nnd livor disorderB at
this Beasn may boprovented by oloau.
sing tho BjBtem with PtWit's Little
Enrly Rlsors. Theso famoiis little
plllB do not gripo. Thoy movo the
bowols goutly but copiously, aud by
roasous of tho tonio proportios, glvo
tono nud strongth to tlio glands.Rlvorp
Ilrns. .
1 Flour, Sprlug Wheat. barrel
Hour, Wlnler Wheat, barrel
I Hour, Fainlly Itoller. barrel
I rtetl. cwt
Meal. cwu
I .Mld.lllngs. cwt
Ont,hllll ,,,,
Corn, liunli,,.,
Itraii, cwt
ni'ltlis. hnsllel
4 75 to 3 00
4 73 " 4 03
4 50 " 4 75
147l" 140
Cuinborland Md., Doo. 20. Abnor
MoKinloy, brotltor of tho Into Prcsi
dent is nt tho head of u conipany just
formed for tho purtihiiFO of 10,000
aeros of coal laud ni'ar Stoyestown,
SoniorBet county, Poiiimylvnnla, just
ovor tho Mnrylnnd lino nnd undorlnid
with n eontinuation of tho Maryland
big voin seani. EngineorB havo gono
ovor tho tract and "proparations havo
bccn begun for nctivotlovolopmonts iu
tho sprlug.
1 37S
1 13 "
51 "
74 "
1 10 "
3 00 "
1 4)
1 SO
1 13
3 29
Wo iromptly obtaln V. 8 nnd Forelgn
rtioiiU model, sketch or 1 1 oiocliuvmtlon for
rircorcport on pniemnuiuty. lorireo bOOK.t
HowtoSocuroTnAnC BIADtO wme(
I IIM1.'I.-Illrtlllu
; Pttienn nud
int Offlcei
LHU I LO Reoommend al tho BtST
in. nsya'n
SurCronn Jliand
Uh(J luretr I'y leiitlntctpecUi!i. IlundrediofUi
tuonUltt, Atrttl will couviitra yu ofthclrtntriiiilotiua
mraw oftt(iprelon. 8ntl irn rpnti tor umpl