Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATOHMAN & STATE JOURNAL V KDNESDiyY, DECEMBER, 31 1002 lircsenes niul pieltlcfl, spread II tlllll routlHK of umrn Wdlkoentli m fil 1d .ol. ! Itli illttcly nioli tnre nnd inid I'uruliii e i fso I ' III II .1- liei .. H hhl iha yjft liouie. 1 I . nt'Mlntifli i i ili pi.cku ktt r.TADDAaO Oll co. ih pi.ckugc. almiaBamtaLiftit BA11KE. Tlio billiard tovminiiiont of tho lneuibers of Vincitiii Olub will bogin Janunry 1 nnd nll tho outries must bo niudo on or bo'toro tlmt ilnto. It 1s ox pocted thnt about slxty plnyors will couipeto. S. Hollistor Jackson, of tlio firm of Gordou & JtickBon is to loavo Bnrro nbout tho middlo of Jtuiuitry for Mex ico. Ho hns bccomo iutoroptod in souio gold miuiug clniuis in both Moxico aud Alnska uud ontors into u contract with tlio parties hitorested in tlieso claims so lio will dovoto his tlmo to this lino of busluess. Tho Gariies stono shod plunts nt East Barro liavo boou sold to V. A. I.nuo through tho D. A. Perry ageucy. It cost 4,500 to bnild this plaut, but tho solling prico is not givoii, thongh it is ruuiorod it was in tho vioinity of $1,000. Tho following aro tho olllcors oloct od Mouday night at tho iiicetiiig of tho Miiiuelialia Eucmnpmout, No. 2, I. O. O. P. : .T. A. Long, O. V. ; O. E. Balch, II. P. ; Fruuk Odgrs. S. V. ; E. F. Siuith, treasurer, .Tnmes Camp boll, scribo ; Alox. Duucan. ,T. V. TIIB COLD WAVIC. Marquotto aud tho upper Michgau pouiusula for ovor twonty-four hours liavo boon in tho grip of a blizzard inore sovero than any oxperieuced in eevoral wintors, and tho stonn is growiug in intousity. A blinding snow, blown by a galo, is falling, aud tho woathor is vory cold, somo point's reporting flfteeu degiees bolow zoro. Tho traius aro from two to six hours lato dospito a liberal uso of donblo hoadors, aud cousiderablo hav oo is roported to wires. In this city tho wind is high aud tho toniporaturu is bolow zoro, but so far thero hns beou no delay in tlio outwarrt niove mont of trains or intorforenco with eloctric wiros. Tho cold wavo which etiuck Pitts burg early Christuias niorning and is 6till here has cost two hves. Tlio frozou body of Matthew Soinnort, a gardeuor, was fouud noar his cottago on tho couutry placo of his employor on Fiiday nioruiug. Soinnort was on his way homo from a Christmas ro nnion in Pittsburg. liiohard Mc Canu, agcd sixty-flvo years, was froz en to death. Ithaca, N. Y., is experiouciug a terriflc blizzard, which was precoded by a fall in temperaturo of fifteeu degrees. Tho snowfall has boou tho heaviest of tho year. Koports from snrrounding towus toll of ovou worgo conditions. Tho country roads aro nlready im)assablo. Tho White Star steamship Coltic, which arrivod at hor p'or Priday morniug, reports that all through tho voyago sho had wosterly wiuds aud high seas At Atlanta Fridaj; was coldest of the seasou in this vicinity. Tho thormonietor niarked oighteou degreis abovo zoro ns the miuimum last night. Jacksonville, Fla., reportod thirty-eight abovo aud Savannah thirty-foar. Freoziug temporaturo extends as far south as a lino ruuuing east and west through the coutral portiou of tho cottou belt. At Ashovillo, N. 0 ., tho tempora turo reachod twelvo ;logrees abovo zero Friday morniug, the coldest woathor Ashovilllo has had this sea sou. At Knoxvillo tho temperaturo Fri day niglit was sixtoeu degreos above zcro. Tho iudications wero that it will bo coldor. At Mempliis tlio thormomoter rog ieterod uiuoteon degreos at six o'clock and at TSashvillo it was thirteou abovo at sevou iu tho morniug aud ouly flf teeu at noon. At Birmingham, Ala., Christmas nieht was tho coldest of tho winter. V At Mobile tho mercury was bolow tho freoziug point. At New Orleans aud closo to tho coast tho temperaturo 1 dropped to tho frcezing point. A killing frost at Tampa, Fla., lnst , uight. It is fearod youug orange trees are killed or badly hurt. Relief After Two Doses. Wni, J. Schuyler, Utlca, N. Y., says; "I had pain in the small of my back and Kidney trouble for over a year, and Dyspapsia for f ully three years. I com menced to tako Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlte Remedy and experienced re lief after tho first two doses. It has slnce cured me coinpletely." For all dlseasat of tho Kidnoy, Lher, Blr-lder and Dlood, Rheumatlm and Dspepsla, no pbysl clan can prsscribo a rrediclne nal so tttectlvo ai Dr. Davld Kennedy's Favorlte Remedy. AU dructlstnell It ln tha NEW 00 CE.NT 8I2E and tho ratrular $1 .00 siz bottle. Sampli bottli ttwug h for trialyfrttby mail. Dr. Davld Kfnnedy Oorporatlon, Hondout, N. Y. Br. lisTld'Kennt djr'n" ('lliVrjr llalwiii best'for Ctlli, Csotbi, Cuiuraitlon, 25C, 60c, 1.00. 1 n 1 A UNIQUE RECORD. Not Anotlier Likc It In Our Broad Republlc. To givo positivo homo tostlinouy in ovory locality is of dtsolf unausworablo proof of niorit; but what wo add to this continuod oullorsoiiieiit froni poo plo who testiflod years ago noovidonco ciiu bo stronger. A Moutpoliorcitizou gratofully nekuowledges tho good ro coived front Doan's Kidnoy Pills, and wliou tiuio 1ms testod I ho ouro wo flnd tlio samo hcarty oudorsonioiit, with addod eutliusiusm and continuod nrniso. Casos of this kiud aro nlouti- j ful in tho work of Doan's Kidnoy x-nis, iiiiu suon a recoru is uniqno in tlio tuiiiuls of niodicino. W. II. Grcon, irou polishor in tho Ooltou Mfg. Co., rcsidiug .at 7 Pros Opoot streot, says: "Whon hvlug at 28 Prospoot strcot. in tho wintor of 1807 I had an attack of woakncss aoross tho baok, sliarp pains ovor tho hips and in tho joints particularly if I ovor oxortod mysolf. It grow so bad I could scarcoly stand it. Plastors and ordlnary houschold romodios werouso loss and I liually wont to W. 12. Poolo's drug Ktoro for Douu's Kidnoy .Pills. A courso of tho treatniout stoppod tho attiok. I Etatcd so publioly tlirough our nowspaporsat tlio tiinc and during tho ilvo yoars which linvo olapsod I liavo not had any roasou to altor my opiuioii about that romedy. You aro at liborty to eoutinuo iny endorsomeut of it." Sold by all doalorn. Prico 50 conts jior box Kostcr-Milburn Co., Bulr'a lo, K Y,, solo agonts for tho Uuitcd Stutos. rgRcnionibor tho uamo Doan's aud tako no othor. BADGES FOR BALLS. Oorseom Stylcn In Viikiic on (he Kant Blde Iu Nciv Yorlc. One of the ruost neccssary adjuncts la the equipmcnt of badgcs. For an uv crage ball about forty of these aro rc quircd, and they are made up on a scalc of magnLQcence that evldently appeala to the east slde commlttccman. The floor rnanagor and hla asslstant have tho tnost elaborato, rlvallng even that of thp prcsident of the assoclation un dcr whose ausplccs the fcstlvltlcs aro jflven, says the New York Mall and Bxpress. The secretarles, correspond ing and flnanclal; the trcasurer, the chalrman of the committee of arrange mcnts and his nfislstants are all pro vlded for, as well as the sergcant-at-arms and the marshal. These badges are from two to four lttchcs ln dlameter, of pink, white, blue and green sllk rlbbon, with tlnsel ga lore, and on the rosette In the centcr the inltlals of the assoclation and the rank of the wearer. The badges for thesergeants-at-armsand marshal have mlnlnture pollceman's clubs at an addl tlonal decoratlon. It is the custom to placc these badges ln a frame and exblblt them ln some favored wlndow, flanked on elthcr slde by the cards announclne the ball itself. Mauy a youthful chest swells wltb prlde as lts owner seen ln the wlndow beforc hlm the decoratlon that will indicate that for one evenlng at least he will be "ln de real push, see?" "Cofliu .Tolin" Fitchotte. tho last of tho jurors omimnuled to trv Jeft'ersou Duvis, has iust diod iu Alinueapolis. FadereTraki' Dlstlnctlom. There was a day when Paderewskl'i Engllsh was not fluent. One evenlng before a cholce company -ln his cle gant apartments in New York he was showing a few hlghly flattered callcrs how to do this, that and t'other on the keyt of his grand plano, explalnlng ln bad Engllsh as he went. Of course the man was present who ls ever ready to aupply a word when a speakcr hesl tatce. The famous artist, landlng with both handa as lf be had just dropped from the celllng, exclalmcd, "Harmo nyl" All applauded the perfect con cord. II e shot down agaln, Hke a trlp hammer, aud would have exclalmcd agaln, but the word refused to come. "What you callercr' "DIscord,"put ln the suppller of words. PaderewBkl's halr stood stralght out, and his face was white and red with anger. Jump lng up from the etool, he sputtered: "Deescort! No! With nie a deescort Ibs cemposslble!" He would nOt be per suadcd to touch the lnstrument agaln that night The unlntentional lnsult struck deep. Qnocr Golilflali. Beautiful and most lutcrestlng of all goldflsh ls a natlve of Japau, and it la noted for the Iwauty of lts tall and the abnormal length of lts flns. The tall resembles a dellcate vell, and tho flns are developed to euch an extcnt that lt ls lmposslblo for the flsh to make rapld progress ln tho wa ter. It ls tbeiefore solely on account of lts beauty that lt ls prlzed and because ln this respect lt dlffers wldely from oth er varletlea of goldflsh, such as tho "tclescopo Osh," the oyes of which bulgo out of the head ln mdst unslght ly fashlon; tho "colostlal eyod flsh," which ls also uncouiely because lts eyes nre bullet shapcd and aro ever turued skyward, and tho "egg flsh," which Is so callod because lts body Is somewhat amorphous, but resembles an egg moro than anythlng else. " I llave Not Kcpt Sllent all this timo but huvo coustantlv prnhod aud rocominondod Calcura bovlont to tho iifllictod. I liavo do rlvod tho groatost. bonollt from it. " Mrs. B. K. Gordou, 78 Broadway, HoniifHslaor, N. Y. Tho lndy rofors to tho now niodicino discovorod by Dr. David Konnodv, Konnody Row, liings. tion, N, Y. Try it for disoasos of tho digostivo organs and all provailiug complalnts. All druggists $1,00 CHINESE PRINTINQ. tb!t Compoiiltora Are Slnla nnd Dl nlfled nnd Nover Itimli. A font of type in the Chlnesc lan gungc requlres 11,01)0 spaccs, and In tho large and spaclous rack cach word, lnstcad of cach lcttcr, as ln Engllsh, has a place by Itself. Thero ls also a pccullar grouplng or classlflcatlon of symbols Into groups to further faclll tate tho mcnUil labors of the typcsot tcrs. Thus, ln tlie Itntncdlate vlclnlty of the symbol for flsh would be found tho symbols of scalcs, net, flns, tall, gllls. This slmpllflcs tho labor, which la any event must be bo strenuous that It ls cvldcnt that tho composltor's cnd of the Ohlucse ncwspaper should, If perfect Justlcc rulcd, be the hlghcst pald. The composltor ls a stald nnd dlgnl flcd lndlvldual, and as he slowly walka from symbol to symbol, plcking up thoso whlch ho requlres with provok Ing calmness, the Amerlcan composltor mlght wcll wonder when the work would be completed, and to set up the type requlred for n small four page dally paper the constant labors of 'Clght or nlue skllled Chlnamen are requlred for twclve or thlrteen hours, the entlro work ln every dcpartmcnt belng the antipodes of the rush aud whlrl and marvclous celerlty of the modern Amerlcan publlcatlon. When the pa per Is set up, lt is prlnted on an Amer lcan press, but the type, the symbols, aro all made In Chlna. Orcclc Story of the Flrat Woinan. Tho flrst woman created, accordlng to heathcn Grcck mythology, wus Pan dora. Sbe was made of clay by Vul can, at the request of Jupltcr, who wlshed to punlsh the lmplety of Pro mctlious by glvlng hlm a wlfe. When this woman of clay had recelvcd Ufe, all tho gods vied maklng her prcscnts. Venus gave her beauty, the Qraccs gave her the powcr of captlvatlug, Apollo taugbt her muslc, Mercury iu structed her ln eloquenco aud Mlnerva gave her tho most splendld oruamcnts. From these prcsents recelvcd from tho gods the' woman was callcd Pandora, which intlmates that she had recelvcd every uecessary glft. Promethcus was too nrtful to marry this woman and could not be captl vatcd by her clnirms, but his brothcr, Eplmethi who wus not so prudcnt, inarrled lnstcad, aud upon opeuing a box whlch she presented to hlm there lssued from lt a multltude of evlls, whlch dlsperscd themselves over the world and stlll coutluuc to aflllct the human race. Hope only rcmalued at the bottom to assuage the troubles and orrows of Ufe. A "lean Innliiuutloii. The commencement exerclses of the high school had passed otf with entlre uccess, and at the request of the prln- clpal tho dlplomas had becu dellvcred by Colonel Wye, prcsident of the school board, a worthy but somewhat pom pous cltlzcu, to whom uothlng had ever happened to shake his blgb oplnlon of hlmself. At the close of the proceedlugs the prlncipal, with the pralseworthy pur pose of saylng somethlng compllmen- tary to hla cmlnent colaborcr in the cause of educatlon, took occasion to observe: "You acqultted yourself flnely, colo nel. JTour remarks were well chosen." "Well chosen 1" echoed the colonel, turnlng red. "I want you to under Btand, slr, that tboee remarks were not 'chosen' at all. Every word I uttered was orlglnal, slr!" Snraala. Numcrous storles are told of the orl gln of thcwomeu's society called Soro sls. One of the bcst ls that on tho oc casion of a cortaln banquet here ln hon or of a forclgn dlgnltary women were rlgorously excluded. They banded to gether to form a club of thelr own. Each callyj herself a "sorry bIs," and by extcnu the namc of the organlza tlon beci( Sorosls. lt Is bellevod that the wori,gjnes from the I,atln "soror," a slster. ,pyhere Is a frult genus called sorosls, tffijjlt ls not much llke a wom an. "SorSeA'-sls" would be a bad guess. One 6mart chap bclleves the word Is a contractlon of "sorceress," and I nm With hlm. New York Press. The Irlahman nnd the Army Mnle. General Phll Sherldan was at one tlme nsked at what little Incldent dld he laugh the most. "Well." he sald, "I do uot know, but I dlways laugh when I thlnk of the Irlshman aud the army mulc. 1 was rldlug down the llne one day when I saw an Irlshman mountcd on a mule whlch was klcklng lts lcgs rather freo ly. The mule flnally got lts hoof caught ln tho stlrrup, when, In the excltement, tho Irlshman remarked, 'Wcll, begor ra, lf you're goin' toglt on I'll glt off.' " IIott Unenvlublel "There goos De Spcptlc, the great flnancler." Ile looks so extraordlnarily happy that I'll bet hu's cornered some stock that will nct hlm mllllons." "My, he's far happler than that! His doctor bas just lnformed hlm that be can eat the whole of ono egg for break fast tomorrow wlthout hurtlug his Btomach." Baltimore Uerald. I'll 111 u. "So Amblshlous has achleved fame. tias he?" asked the phllosopher. "Ile has," replled tho checrful chap. "IJrllllant thlngs sald by otlier men are now credlted to hlm." Cinclnnatl Com merclal Trlbunc. l"relt Dnlly. "Ad do you understand," asked tho Bundny school teacher, "why you pray for your 'dally bread?' " "Oli, ycs." replled little Elsle. "That's so we'll be sure to have It fresh." Phll adelphla Press Lose not the glory of tho sun by al ways Beeking to count tho spots upon li Tho Kind You liavo Alwnys Bought, nnd which 1ms bccu iu uso for over 30 ycnrs, lins borno lio slynatnro of -,0 r nml litis bccu mado undcr his pcr- C'X-XrrjZTtlfas so,ml supervislou slnco lts inraiicy. Tur7rt Allow no ono to ueccIvo you ,u thl8t All Oountcrfclts, Iinlt.atloiis and Just-ns-rood" aro Imli Expcriments that trlllo Avlth and cndaiircr tho hcalth oC Infauts aud ChUdrcu Expcricnco against Expcrliucut. What is CASTORIA Castorla ls a harinlcss suhstltuto i'or Castor Oll, Paro gorlc, Drops and Soothlng Syrups. It is Plcnsant. It contaius ncithcr Opiiini, Morphino nor othcr Narcotle suhstancc. Its ago is lts juarantcc. It dcstroys Worins nnd allays Fcvcrishncss. It curcs Diarrha and "NVind Collc. It rcliovcs Tccthliifr Trouhlcs, curcs Con.stipatioii and Flatulcncy. It assiuiilatcs the Food, rcgulatcs tho Stomach nml liowcls, giving' hcnllliy and natural slccp. Tlio Ghihlrcn's Paimcca Tho Mothor's Friend. SENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bcars the The Kind You Have Always Bought Bn Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUR COMPANV, TT MUnnftY STBfCT, KCW YOBR CITY. If, said tho autoorat of tho brcak fast tablo, you hnd a boht tnbo, ono arm of which was of tho sizo of a pipestem and tho .othor big cnongh to hold tho ocoan, wator would stand at tho samo height in ono as -iu tho othor; coutrovorsy cqualisos fools and wiso mon in tlio samoway. Whon You beo tho yollow color iii your pkin and oyeF, you aro bilious. Tho romody is'the now mediciuo, Calcura Solvont, dis covorod by Dr. David Konnody, of Kouuedy Row, Kiugston, N. Y. For livor, kidnoy, and stomach complaints aud impnro blood, it lcads all tho rest. It is not a moro mixturo, it is a modi cino It acts promptly ; it roliovos aud cnrcs. All druggists 1.00. MAKE A DEMAND. Somo weoks ago tho employcoR' of tho Montpelier aud Barro olectic road' mado a request that thoir pay bo iucrcased from fourteon aud three teuths conts to twonty conts an hour. A couforenco was held but up to dato tho request has uot boon grauted. At that tlme tho cmployees asked as iudividuals, but now thoy liavo takon it up as a uniou and liavo dommded tho iucroaso. Tho union is tho Amalgamated As sosiation of Stoel Railway Employees of Amorican, division No. ?42, und tho matter is iu tho hands of a spocial committeo consisting of Couductor V. D. Muiray aud Motorman Oharles Paramoro and E. M. Guiro. An auswer from tho Tractiou company is demauded on or boforo Docombor 81. Iu additiou to an iucroaso of pay tho union asks for a committoo of nr domand bitratiou consisting of threo disiutorost ed persous chosou iu tho regular way to whom all griovauccs may bo ro ferred. Tho men claim that with tho iu creasod cost of living thoir presout wages aro ontiroly iuadequato for tho oommou uocossities of lifo, and an in creaso of wages is an absoluto uecos sity. FOR NEW YEAR'S DINNER DESSERT try JELLO, pieparod according to tlio following recipe : WINEJELLY. Ono packago Lcmon Jull-o 1 jiiut of boil iug water, 1 cup of stigar, 1 ciip of slierry wiuo, juico of six oranges Ctit cach orango in two, beingcarefiil not to break tliu caso Wlieu jolly is partly congealed, fill cascs aud set in a cool placo. Servo with whipped creatn piled on top. May bo sorvcd in sherbet cups if dcsired. A dclicious wino jelly can also bn mado mado by adding ono glass of good sliorry or port wine to atiy of tho Jell-0 flavors. A nico desscrt for any meal, at any time. Four flavors Lemou, Orange, Itaspberry, Strawberry. At grocurs, 10 ccuts. CET A PACKACE TO-DAY. Tho Koah Wobstor Momorial Asso ciation 1ms boou formod nt West Hart ford, Couu.. with Gon. Josoph B. Hawloy at tho head of tho board of dirootors, its objoot boing to orcot a library buildiug in momory of Noah Wobstor, who livol thoro uud "whoso homo is still staudiug. iEND US 60W, Steer, Bull or Ilorse Uide, Calf skin, Dog t'kin, or any other kind of liidc or" skin, and let us tan it with the hair on, soft, light, odorless and motli-proof.for robe, rug-, coat or gloves, nnt first rr mir Calalnmi elWag prices, and ourshlpping tngsand lnstructlona, so as to avold mlstakea. We also buy tavr fuis. I TIIB CROSDY FRISIAN FUR COMPANY, 116 Mlll itreat. Rochester, N. Y. Signaturo of OHRISTMAS WEDDINGS Frank Gallahau of Waterbury aud Miss .Tossio Morse of North Duxbury woro marriod in Watoibury ou Thurs day, Decombor 25, by Rov. Fathor Paquot. Ira Pil.c, also of Waterbury, and Miss Fannio Davis of Duxbury woro marriod at tho homo of tho brido ou tho samo day, by Rov. Mr. Kellogg. Tho couplo left tlmt ovouiug for a ehort woddiug tonr.. PLEASANT THE NEXTMORMING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says It acta gentlr on the stomach, lljer and kldueys and is a pleasant laiatlTe. This drinlc is made from nerbs, and is prepared for use as easllr as tea. Itis called "l.nnc's Tca" or LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All draKnistsorbymall85cts. andSOcts. Buyitto day. I.niic'M 1'amlly illedlcinc movcn tlie hmrrlH each ilay. In order to be healthi thuis necessary. Address, Iloi 2'.),'i. Le Roy, M. Y. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM , Clenoios aud bcantlUci the hair. Promotet a lamrlant prowth. i WTcr FailB to Hestoro Oray llatr to its VoutUful Color. Citfti calp dlasri fe hfcJr taUing. Cc,inil 41.00 at PrugtriEti Dr. Emmons Monthly ltegulntor,lmi.biiiufhtliapplnoe8to numlrcdB of naxlom voiiu'n, Thero ls pobI. ilvoly no other remedy l.howntomeUlcal8Cl. enco that will eo qulckly niul enfcly do tho work. Ivongcst andin'ntolHtliintelrresulav. ltloa from any causu rclluvcil ut once. Kucceet guuiautecdat auy atago. No ualn, danger. or lnterfcrcnco with work. liavo rellevcd hupdreds of casea wlievo othcra have falled. Tlie mosttlifflVultcaisea succoesfullv trcated by mall, and, benoflctalresLlts guara'ntoed ln jvcry lnstanco. No rlsk whataoever. W't trcal nunclredsof ladlea r "om we never see. Wrlto lor vnlunblo auml freocouUdcutlal advlco. AlUftterBtrullifulIvauswored. Ho. jiembc'r,tlitsremedylBMbsolutelysafount!cr Jvery posfcllilo couuitlon nnd poolttvely leavcs no after IU eUcct upon the health, lly mall, sccurely aeuled, $2.00. Ailnionc iettcrs efiould ho leglstered. AddreB, Dll ' . W. EM M ON S CO.. 170 Tremout St.. llosto" Montpelier & Wells River R. R ln EtTecl Oct. 13, 1902. Trains leavlng MontpeUer as follows Uolng east: 8:00 A. M. Mall. 10. V. statlon 7:50 a. m No. 3 Mall, Cornects at Wells lllver with Aceonnnndatlou Truln North, and with mail Traln south over l'ussuni plo Dlvlslou lloston & Muluu It. lt. Also connects with Accoiniuodatlon Traln North 1u. Wldte Moiin talu Dlvlslou and with Mall Traln tiouth. whlch has throiiKb traln servlcu from Wtlls lloston, vla, Plymouth, Concord, Manchester, Nashua, aud Lowell, urrliluK at lloston 4:30 1". M. I : I O P. M. Expross. (0 V. statlon 1 :00 p. M.) No. 5, Express, (. ..!(.,( t wiu lilvr witb Kxpresa and Mall Tialu North over l'i.sbumplc Division II XM tioo linu Express tobt. l'aul aud Mlnueupulls. West eru Express to Chldgo uud Night Express to 1'acM de Coitkl polntb la. C. P. Ity, Throimh Bleepliig Cnrs, Wells Itlver to 61. 1'iiul, to ChlcaKo dall; except Salurilnjs. Moutreal to 1'aclllu Cuasl aud Tourist Cars to PaclHo Coast Wednesdays. Coniiectd with Mail Traln for I.lshon. Wldteneld, Fubjuus. l.uncnsler, Uroetun and llerlln, Also ccunects with Express Traln lor lloston vla. l'ly inuutli, nrrhlug ltustou ut 8:1-0 1', M, Through l'arlor Car Wells ltlver to lloston. 4:10 P.M. Accommodatlon. tLeaves from M. A W..1C. statlou only.) No. 7, Accommodatlon Connects nt Wells ltlver wllli Traln North over Pasbiiiuplc Dlvlbinn 11. .tf I. It. lt., lor all stattous betHcen Wells lllver uii1 Lyudouvllie, with Ac coiiiuioilutlon houtb lor fu btutolus betweeu Wells ltlver aud Whilu Itlver ifliictloii, and wltb Accoiu luoilatlou Traln uver Wtmo Mouutulu Dlvislun II. .t M. It lt., for l.lsbou, JRlltletou, Wldtelleld aud l.aneaster. M Trains VVoot. Uave Wells Itlver-7.u0, 10.0 1 A, M. aud 3.35 1". M ArrlvcMoutpeller-BulS, HJuA.M. aud 6.06 1". M From Boston. I,ao llnstou 10:0ii A. M. Arrlve Montpelier o:u0 1'. M, Suburban Traln Sorvlco. Lesve Mou:pt lk r-6.30, S.VilM, 11.84 A. M, 2.40,3.60 e.iop.M. Leave llarre 7.30, 10.20 A. M, 12.4S, 8.U, 4.10, 6.30 1'.M. ' W. A. STOWEI.L, Ueneral Manager. , K.W.STANYAN.Superluteiident, F.W.MOIteK.fleuU I'ass. Agent. legal Notices. KSTATK OK LUOVM. l,ANO. Statr op Vkhmont, dlstmct op wasiiinoton, s.s. In I'robnto C'ourt, licM at Montpelier, Iu and for siilil Iilstrlct, on tlio lCth ilay of l)i'ccinber, A. i), Wlllloin.t. I.niiK, AUinliiUtrator of tliu cslnto of l.UOV M. l.ANU, formcrly Lucy M. llor IiiiiiI, Into of VhXjoI, Iu tnlil dlHrlct, dc CpnH'il, prcscnts lils lulinlnlstrnllon iiccount for cxainliiAllon mui allowmirc, nml lnnki'S appllca llon for ft lUcrco of dUirllnitlon nml pnrtltlon of tlicicatateuftatinU'Cf'aacd. Wlicrcupon lt la ordcr cil liy sntil I'mirt, tliataaldncciuint nnd snld appllca llon ho rcfcrrcd to nn-slon llicreof, tn lio liold Htllio rroljnteomci' Iu siild . Montpelier, oii the utlidayol Jmi.A. 1). 11)0 1, lor licarhiK nnd dcclalon therconi And. II Is further nidi-rvd tlmt nollcu hcrcof lio nlven to nll tienons lnterosted, li) pulillcutlou of tlio samo llncowecksBiicccsslvelyliitha Vkiimont Watcii MAN AND STATK .Iouiinal, n liewspipcr piihllshed ut llils Sialc, prevlous to sald tlme ap polutcd fnr litnrlnd. thnt they inny nppear al sald tlme nnd plice, nnd show cniise, If any they may luire, whysnld nccount shotild not bo alloned, und uubri'u iiiitut;. W-l lly tlioOnurt. Attot, 1II11AM CAHI.CTON.Judnc. ESTATKOK ClIAItr.KS S. ADA.MS. btate of Vkiimont, dlstiiict of wasiiinoton, 88. ln I'rolnlo Court, lield al Montpelier. In nnd fot jalrt Dlstrlcl on the 2Vd day ol Decembcr, A. 1). Cella 8. Adann, ndmlnlstratrlx of tho otnto of CIIAIII.KS 8. A1IAMH, Into of Marshfield, In sald Dlstrlcl, dcccased, iinikes Hppllention to sald C'ourt, wllli the consent and npiirobnttoii Iu wrltlnx ortho wldow nnd lielrs of sald deccnsed, resldhuc Iu the btate of Vermont, for llcensc to sell n nart of tho ri'nl cstate of Bnld deccnscd.slttutted Iu Kdcn. In tho L'ounty of I.nniollle, nnd Stalo of Vciincnt to wltt Ahouttnuliundrcd acics of v.ooillaml, lnlng all of the rcn! estato of tnld dcceiiHed sllnnted ln feald Kdcn, icnrcsentliiK that tliu sale thcrcof would be benellclal to llic widow and lielrs of sald dcceused, aud thusc lnteiested ln his etntc, In order to convcrt sald real cstntc Into tuotiey. Wliereupoii, it ls onlered by sald Court, Hiat hiild Hpiillcutloti be referred to n sesbloii llicreof, to bo held nt tho I'robnto olllce, ln sald .Muutpi llci, on tliu 9(b day or .Innuury, A. 1).. liatf. for lienrlna nnd ilcclslon theU'on: nnd, it ls luitlier nideicd , tnnl nll persons lulerested be uolllleil bereor, by pub ' llcatlon of notlco or sald nppllciillou nnd order tln'i'coti three weo!.i succes&Uely Iu the VuiiMONl I Watciiman anii HTATf. .lofliNAI., n nuwspapcr ! publlshed ut Montpelier, Iu thlb State, aud whlclj eircuhites Iu tlie iielKhborhood of those lulcresttd, liefoio said lliue ol lieaiin, thnt they may nppear at ' iald lliue and pluce, und, if the) see cause, object . Ihereto. U tlio Court- Att st. 62-1 HlltAM CAltl.HTON. Judae. r.STATKOr' FI.OItKNCH EVKI.YN llltllWKU. bTATK OF Vl.ll.MUNT. DlSTUICT OF WASUINU10.V. 8M. ln l'robatu Court. lield Iu Moiitncller. Iu und for sald Dlstrlet, un tlie SJd duy of IKc, A. 1). , 19 21 ' James V. Iliock. AdiiiluUlrntor of tlit esluteof Kl.OItKNC'H HVKI.YN 1IKUWHK, late of Moutpcl. ler, Iu sald dUtitct tlecvned, pieseuts bts ad lulnlstiutlon accounl lor exaiuluution und ullow nuce, nnd inakes nppllciitiou lor u decieu of dlstrl- , bullou nnd paitltlou oflbi estuto ol'snld dcccased. I Wheieupou, lt Is ordcred by snld Court, that sald nccount and salil nppllcatlou bo lelerred to n sesston thereof, to bu held ut tlio l'robnte Otilce, In sald Montpelier, outlieHlhh day ot Jnu. A. 1). lUiJ .'. I'or lieurluL' uud declslnn lhereon; uud. lt ls further ordcred tbat notico hcreof be glveu to all persons lnteicsted, by publlchllon of tlie saiue three wctUs succcsslvely Iu the Y'EiitooNT Watcii siaxanii Statk Jouu.VAL, a uewspapcr puhlUhed ut Moiitpellcr. In tlds Slute, prevlous to sald tluie appolnled rr licurliiK, that they may nppear at sald tht'C aud place, and shuw cause, If any they may liave. why sald accounl should not bo aflocd and sueu decree made. Hy the Court Attest. HlltAM CAKI.ETON, Jlldue. ol-l ESTATK OF ADDISO.V .MEItHITT. Statk of Vkiimont. Distiuct, of Washington, s. s. ln l'robatc Court, lield at Montpelier, In and tor tall" Dlstrlet, un tlio 1 day of December, A. I). 1902: Mahlon S. Hatbaway. adndnlstrator of tho es tate of ADDISON MEllltlTT. late of Calais, ln said District, deccaied. prcscnts bls adniiulstrullou a count for exaniliiatlou and al lowance, uud uiakea nppllcatlou for a decree ofdls trlbutlou and partltlou of the estntu of Baid de ceasid. Wliereupoii It Is ordcred by sald Court, that sald account and sald nppllcatlou lie referred toaBesslou thereof, to bo held ut tlie l'robute Otilce, lu sald Montpelier, ou tho Stb day ot January A. D. 1W3 for hcarinx nnd declslon tliercon: And, lt ls further urdered, tnat notice bercol bo ulveu to uil persous ln lercstiH), by publlcatlon of tlie baine three weeks successlvely ln the Vkiimont Watciiman and Statk JOUienal, u r.owsnapcr publlshed at Mont pelier, Iu llits Mute.prcvfous to sild time nppolnt cd for liearliiK. that they may appear at said tlme and place, nnd bliow cause, lf any tliey may have. why sald account should uot bc allowcd, und 6ucli decree made. Dy tlie Court. Attest. 61-1 HIUAMCAItLETON, Judne. ESTATE OF CHAItLES II. IIEATH. STATE Or TB11MONT, DlSTUICT OF WASIHNOTON, bS. ln l'robatc Court, lield lu Montpelier, ln and lor sald Dlstrlet. on the 18th duy of Dec. A. D. 1902: Albert.lobonnott. Admlnlsirutor of tlie estate of I (JltAItbliS II. IIEATH, lan or .Montpelier, ln sald Dlstrlet, deceased, prcsents bls suppleiucutary I adnilnlstrutlou account for exauiluallou aud allow ' auce, and niakcs appllcatlon for a decree of dlstrl ' butlon nnd partltlou of the cstule ol sald dcccosed. W liereupoii, uisorucreu oy saiu i;ouri tuai saia nccount aud sald appllcatlon be referred toasesslou thereof to be lield at tho l'robate Olllce. ln sald Mont pelier, on the ldth day ol January, A. D. 1903, for liearlutr nnd declslon tliercon; aud, lt Is further or dered that notlco hereof be given lo all persous inler ested, by publlcatlon of tlie satne threo wceks suo cesslvely ln the Vkiimont Watciiman and statk Iouunal, a uewspaper publfslicd at Montpelier, la this Stnte, prevlous to suid tlme appolnted lor hear lug, that they may nppear at sald time and place, aud bhow cause, lf any they may have, why sald account should not be allowed, aud buch decree made. lly the Court.-Attcst, 62-1 HlltAM CAKLETON, Judge, COMMISKIONEItS' N'OTICE. ESTATE OF CllAItLES W. LAINO. The uudcrslgucd liavlng been uppolnted by the Hon. l'robate Court for tho Dlstrlet of Washington Couiuitssloners, to recelve, exutnlne and adjust all ctalnis and deiuands of ull persous agalnst tho estute t f CIIAltl.ES W. LA1NG, late or the Towu of Uarre, sald Dlstrlcl. deceased; aud ull claims exblhtted lu utfset tbcretu, hcreby gho notlee that wo will meet for Ih purposes aforesald, at the Quarry Owners It. Kiiii. Mlles' Urnnltu Ulock. ln the Cllv of llarre. ln sald Distrlci, ou tho l'lli day ot .lauuary, itfio, uua tuo win uay oi uuiiu uexu fruni 1 o'clock A. M. until 4 o'clock 1'. M. each of sald ilays.iunl thatblx luoullis trom the 19tli day of Dcc. A. 1). 19U2. is tliu tlme lluilted by suld Court for sald credltors to present thelr claims to us for ox auiluutlou und allow auce. Datcd al llarre,, this 22d day of December, A. D. 1902. AI.EXANDElt J. STEl'HKNS.I CoinmU SM UEO. U. MII.NE, J slouers. COMSUSSlONtHS'NOTlCE. ESTATE OF HlltAM IILANCIIAIID. The uudcr6lgned, liavlng becu appolnted by the llon. l'robate Court lor the Dlstrlet of Washington, Coiuiulssloners, to tecelve, eiainliie and adjust aU claims und deiuands of ull perbons agullibt tbe estate of Hlraiu Ulaucliard, ato ot tho towu uf llarre, lu sald Dlstrlet, deceased; uud ull claims exhlblled lu ollset lliereto.liereby glve notlco ibat wo will meet lor lue liurpubes aforesald, at tlie otllco of O. U. lteed, lu tho Clty of llarre, lu tald Distrlct, ou the 10th day of January and 16th duy of Juuu uexl from 1 o'clock r. M. uutll 4 o'clock I'. M., eucli ot sald da)s,aud that six uiouths froiuthe lbth da) of Dcc. A. D. 1902, ls tlie lliue lluilted by suld Court lor sald credltors to present thelr clahnJ to us for ex uniluiiUuu aud ulluwunce. Dated at Clty of Uarre, this iJrd day ofDcccm- oer, a 1J., iwi, 62- OltAMEL II. ltEED, ( Commls HENltY Z.MILLS ! slouers. UUEU FOlt D1VOHG ELLEN GltEEN Statk of Vkiimont, v. Washington AUGUSTUS D. UltEEN. COU.NIV. Iu County t'ourt, Mnich teriu, 1903; Whereas, ELI.EN GltEEN, of Montpelier, ln the Couuty tf Washington, hus this du uled with the clcik ot tho Couuiy Court tor IIih couuty of Washington, her IHel lor ilhoiee aitainst ALiaUSTUS D. GREEN, of llerlln. lu sald Couuiy of Washington. bctltUK lurlh lu subsiance tbat she was luwfulty iuarrii.M to sald AUUUS'l Ubl). GltEEN uu tliu 12tli day ol Decem ber, A. D. 1693; llial shu, ou her purl, lud I'nltli fully krpt her iiiuulHKo coveuuul, but that llio sald AUtiUbTUo 1). GUEEN ou his part bad not kt-pt the baiiiet tor tbat the sald AUGUSTUS D. tlllEEN lud tiealed thu petl llouer with iutolirnble severlty, liud ueg lccted und lelused lo supportthe petltlouer; bad ile scrted the petltlouer; und piuylug llist lor thu cuuses utoiesald tlie court unuul uraiil her u dl vorcu from tlu sald AUGUSTUS D. GIIKES. And, wberi-us 11 ls uiiidu tu uppeur Ihut thu sald AUUUS'l US D. GltEEN lesldes wlthout tlie Stute,wlieru thu processoi tliU court ciiuuot buseiv eil upou hlm. lt is. heiefoio, ordeted tlist tliu sald AUGUSTUS D. GliEEN bo notinedofllio peudeiicj ot suld llliil.uud kIu ii uuopiHiiiuulty o iiiukedt-tciat' tlierelu, aud buiuuioiieil to uppear uud iuako auswer Ihereto heloru Ihe HonorableCouulv Court uextto iioheld ut Moutncllcr. wpblu uud tor thu counir ot Wubldunton, ou the Hrst Weilnesdu after the llrst Tuebduy lu March, A. D. 1903. al nluu o'clock A, M by tlie piiblleniluu ol tliu biibsluuce of suld llbel. toKether with this order, threo weeks uecesh ely lu tho Vkhmont Watciiman statk Jouknau a weekly nenspnH'r publlsheil al Montpelier, In suld couuty, tlio last of whlch puhllcatlons sball bo al least six weeks prevlous to sald llrst Wednesday at ter thu llrst Tuebduy In March, 1903, whlch shall bo deeuied biimcleut uotlco lo tlu) sald AUGUS1USD. UltEEN. Ulveu undermy bandat Montpelier, lu taldcoun ,y thl. tMayofD.ce,..befcoA.b. JW.iiiuEVi Deputy Clerk. John Q. Wlug Attorney for rctltloner. 1.62-1 CO.MMISSlONEItS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOIIN T. DUItANT. Tho undcrslgned, liavlng becu nppolnlcd by IhclIoB I robnto Court for tho Dlstrlctof Washington, coinmls sloncrs to n cclve, exnmlne, and adjust all clalmj and jteriiBiiilei ;,r nll petsons agnlnst tho estalo of JOIIN T, DUItANT, lato of Cabot, ln snld Dlstrlet, deceased j and all claims oxlilhlted In olTsct there lo hereliy givo notlco that wo will meet for tho put iioses aforesald, at tlio Town Clcrk's olllce, ln the lown of Cabot, ln snld Dlstrlet, on the 3.1 day of Janiisry and 52nd day or May ncxt, from ona u'clock uutll rour o'clock v. M. cach of tald ilays, and lltotslx luoullis from llio 22d day of Nov. A. D.i I9H2, Is tlie tlme llmltcd by sald Court for sald credltors to present thelr claims to usfor cxsmlua tion aml allowance. Datcd at Cabot.tbls iOtli day of Dcc. A. D. 1902. . II. O. HOOEItS, (Oommls- 'M II. OSGOOD, sloncrs. ESTATE OFJUDE TOWKK. Statk of Vkiimont, Distiuct of Wasiiinoton, ks. In l'robate Court, held In .Montpelier, In and for sald Dlstrlcl, nn tho Uthday of Dcc, A. 1). 1902. IIoratloN. Ilallcy, Adinlulstrutor ol tho cslato of JUDE TOWNE, latooftho Towu ofllane,ln sald Dlstrlet, deceased, prcscnts his admlnlstratlon uo count for cxauilnatlon nml allowance, and ranket nppllcntlon for a decree of dlatrlbutlon and partl tfou of tho estate of sald dcccased. Wlicrcupon It Is onlered by snld Court, lliat sald ac count and sald appllcatlon be referred to a sesslon thereof, to bc held at the l'robate Offlca In snld Montpelier, on Ibo 2nd dny of, January A. 1), 1903, for hearlng and declslon therconi And, It ls further onlered that notlco hereof be glvcistn all persona In luibllcatlon ortbe samo threo weeka suc ccsslvely ln the VKIIMONT WATCIIMAN AND STAT JouilNAL, a uewspaper publlshed at Montpelier, ln this Stnte, prevlous lo sald tlmo ap polnted for hearlng, that they may nppear at sald tlme and place, and show cause, If any they may liavc, why sald account should not lio allowed, uu'i biivii ucviuu iijauu. lly the Court. Attest, HlltAM CAKI.ETON. Judge. 61-63 ESTATE OF EDW1N lt. CAltHOI.T,. i Statk of Vkiimont, DlSTltlUT OF WAHII.NOTON, 88. Ili Probato Court, held at Montpelier, lu and lor said Dlstrlet, on the 16th dny of December, A. D. 1902. All Instrunient purpnrllng lo bo tho last will and testanient cfEDNVlN it. CAltltOI.E, lato of Cabot, ln sald dlstrlcl, deceased, belng present ed to the Court for l'robate, It ls ordcred by snld Court, tbat all persous eoticeriicd thereln be notllfed to nppear ut u si sslon of sald Court. to be lield at tlio rrobale Otllco ln snld .Montpelier, ou the 9th duy of Jau. A. 1). 1903, nnd show cause, if nny they may have. agalnst tho probato of sald lustruiiicut. lor wlilch Iiurpote It . further onlered, that notice ot this order bo publlshed threo weeks sueccssliely In tbe Vkiimont Watciiman ano staik Jouu NAL, a uewspaper prlnted ut Montpelier, In this Stale, prevlous to snld tliuu appolnted lor hcarlni!. lly the Court, Attest. tl'13 HlltAM CAItLETO.V.Judge. I.II1E1, FOlt DIVOliCE. JENNIE V. 1'IEItCE Stale of Vermont , Waslilngton LEWIS S. 1'IEItCE. County. ln County Court, March Term, A. D. 1903. Whcreus, .lennle V. 1'elrce of Moietown Iu tlie County of Y ashlngton, has thlsday llled in the ofllce ol tho Clerk ol the County C'ourt lor tlie Couuty of aelilngtoii, her llbel lor divorce agalnst LEWIS S. rlEKCE ol'partsunknown. but resldent bejond tbe Stale, niul when last heard Irom ofstratrordln tl.e State of New Hainpshtrc, settlng fortli ln siibstance that she was lawlully inarrled to the sald LEWIS S. PIEltOE on the 31st day or August, A. I). 18b2i thnt she on her part had falthlully kept her marrlaire cove nant, but th.ft tht snld LEWIS S. I'JEUCE had not kept tbe snme; lor that the sald LE A Is s. l'lEltCE liadon niany anddlvcrsoccaslons trcntedthepllltloii cr with iutolerable seerity, had wllfully di scrted the petltlouer; andhnd ueglecled nnd refused to pro vldo sultnblo aml proper malnteuaiico lor bls sald wlfe, tho sald petltlouer, nltbough belng of suinclent peciiularyand physlcal ahlllty boto do, and praying lor thccauses uforesald. Ihe (Viurt 'would grant her a dlvoicctroni the sald LEWIS S. I'lEItCE, and also praIug for the care and custody of her two mluor childreii, Carroll l'icrce.uged 11 jears.und I'luulesM. l'lerce aged 0 jcars; aud lor alluiony. Aud w ls made to uppear that the sald LEWIS S. 1'IEItCE, resldcs wlthout the State where the pro cess of thlsCourt cannot bc serveil upon hlm, itis tbertforeoidtiedthatlhe suld LEWIS S. lEHCEbe uollilcd of tlie pendeucy ofsald llbel, aiidglvenunop portunlty to luaku defence tlierein.aud suninionedlo nppear aud make unswer thereto before the Honora b e County Com t ncxt to bo held wlthlu and for tbe county of Washington, on tlie flrt Wedne6day after the llrst Tucsuay lu March, A. D. 1003, at nlneo'clock A. M., by publlcatlon of substunco ol sald llbel, to gatherwlth this order, three neeks successlvoly ln tlie Vermont Watciiman and State Junrusl, a weekly uewspapcr publlshed at Montpelier, lu sald county. tho lnst of whlch publlcatlons shall be at least six weeks prevlous to sald flrst Wednesday arter tbe llrst TuesdayinMarcb, 1903, whlch Bbull be deemed BUfllc'.eiit notice to thu sald Lewis S. l'lerce. Glven nnder my hand at Montpelier, lu tho Coun ty of Washington, this 23d day of lltccmbcr. A. D. 1992. MELV1LLE E.SMILIE, Clerk. JOIIN G. WINO, Attorney lor 1'etltloner. 52-1 Boston & Maine Kailroad. Wlntor Arrangemont. IN EFFECT OCT. 13, 1902. Trains Loavo Wells Rlvor North Bound. 2:28 A. M., dally, prlncipal statlons to Newport and Moutreal. 2:36 A. M. dally, except Monday for Si. Jobnsbury. Lyndonville, Newport (Sherbrooke and Quebec, except Suuday and Monday. 9:62 A.M.. for statlons to Newport and Sherbrooke 3:22 I', M., for prlncipal statlons to Newport and Moutreal. 3:16 P. M. for statlons to Newport and Sherbrooke and Quebec. 3:20 1'. M., for statlons to Lyndonville, South Bound. 1;3S A. M., except Monday, for prlncipal Jtatlons to W. li. Junctlou, Worcester, Boston andSprlng tleld. 1:56 A.M dally for statlons on W. Jt. D., to Con cord, Manchester, Nashua, Worcester, Lowell and Boston. 6:30 A.M., trom Woodsvllle for statlons to Concord and Boston. 9:5n A. M., for statlons to W. II. Junctlon, Concord, Worcester and Boston. 9.66 A. M lor Btatlona on W. M. Dlr. tu Concord, Worcester aud Bostou. 1:00 P, M., for statlons lo W. lt. Junctlon, Sprlng- fleld. Concord, Worcester and Bolton. 2:4 P.M., for Plymouth, Concord, Worcester and Boston. J;IS P. M., from Woodsvllle, for statlons to Ply mouth. 6:60 P M., for all statlons to White ltlver Junctlon. Colng North on W. M. Dlv. at 9:52 A. M., for all statlons. 3:37 P. M., for all statlons. 0 65 P, M.. to Btatlons to Wldteneld aud Lancaster. 10:16 A. M., Suudays only lor Lancaster. D. J. FLANDERS. Gen. I'ass. and Tlcket Agent. Central Vermont Railway. Commenclng December 14, 1902. Trains olntz South and East Will Loavo Montpolloras Followo: 9:00 A.M. MAIL, weekdays, for Boston, Sprlne lield and New York. 12:30 P.M. EXPltESS. week days, tor Boston tnd New York vla Sprlngtleld, or New Loudun and Wor cester vla Nashua. l'arlor car to Boctou and Sprlng- 6.-65P.M. PASSENGEB, week days, for White Itlver Jct. 12:80A.M., dally EXPltESS, for lloston vlalow. dll and all polnls In New Euglaud, New York and south. Pullinan Sleepers to Boston and Sprlng ield. Trains Colng North and West. 2:60 A.M., dally EXPltESS for Moutreal and tbe west and week days for Oirdensburg, Richford and Ottawa. Slceplng cars, Montpelier Junctlon to Montreal. KltMA.M. PASSENGEH, week days, for Burllnir lon, Itul and, St. Albaus, Moutreal. Ottawa aud Itlcluord. S:30P. M. PASSENGElt.wttl days, for i..llDg loo. M. Al aus, Moutreal, Ogdeusburg. aud lllc uonl. :'arloi car lo Montnal wtihont cbnn&, J:M P. M. EXPltESS for Hurllngtou, St. Aitians snd Moutreal. Pullman bleeplug car from Montpelier Juucllon to Chlcago w Hliuut clunge. Suburban Traln Sorvlco. v I.tEve Montpelier al 3:11), 0:20 a. m 12:66 6:20 p. m. Arrlve at Uaire tweiity mlnutes after leAMi'.g tliue. Ltare llarre al 12:ul a. m a. m.; 12:01 M.; :06.6:30 f. i, Arrlve at Montpelier, tweuij ndn wwb after leavlng tliui. . TTalnsleavelui Williamstown at 12:66 r. M. and !:toi m. All passeuget iralus will siop al tlie lloneer A orks to luke or leav u iasseners wheu slguallol, ('. A. LANG, Agent. KITZIIIK.Il, Vtee Pres., Genmal Mauager. W.CUMMINGs.t.i neral l'a-iuiur Ak-eut. WANTED! Fifty ttfjoiits'to work for promiums cousistiiitj of bioyolos, firapliopliouop, camoras, Morris 'chiitrs, tliuuor aml tea sots, Ilugby footballB, puuohinj; bags, bosiug glovos, bats, balls, mitts, cliairs, ilosks, bods, .oto. Eauy aud and iilensaut ouiployiuoiit. Call at tho followiiiR storos for partioulars. P. A. PIKE, Lowor Cabot, Vt. O. S ADAMS & CO Marahfleld, Vt.